#captain tritt opan
usually i don't post fics until they're finished, but...
fuck it we ball
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darthartplant · 4 years
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This is the image for chapter four of my entry for the Dopheld Mitaka Christmas In July 2020 event on AO3
This is my entry (Beware, it’s NSFW in nature (even if there isn’t that much skin visible))
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ellalba · 3 years
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Quick warmup drawing. Someone ( @fractured-spine ) made this post and I  was just like “why not”
It’s really fun, hope you enjoy it!
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Opan: Check it out losers, guess who assassinated another political rival.
Phasma: Nice. How’d it happen?
Hux: We cornered him in the barracks, chased him through the third level, Opan and I got engaged, and then we shot him and planted new republic contraband in his quarters so he looks like a traitor.
Phasma: Wait. What’d you say?
Opan: We planted contraband in his mattress. They always hide it in the mattress.
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I just found out Kylo/Hux/Mitaka/Opan/Phasma/etc. fans have a fandom name. We're apparently called the First Order Fandom.
(Thanks to an anti for suggesting the name, btw. I think it's great)
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permian-tropos · 5 years
For these make me choose things: Dopheld Mitaka or Kylo Ren? Captain Phasma or Admiral Rae Sloane? Admiral Baldy (sorry I forgot his name it was something containing B and two o's tho) or Captain Tritt Opan?
I would say Mitaka over Kylo just to be silly but really even though I have my ways of disliking Kylo (mostly for how it’s not clear what canon will do with him) I think he’s potentially a much more interesting character so yeah Kylo.
Rae Sloane above Phasma of course, Sloane is the best.
Admiral Boo over Captain Opan because Admiral Oob knows how to be a real piece of shit a proper stink bomb.
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venatohru · 5 years
When Mitaka is summoned to Hux's chambers following a series of errors, he assumes the worst - but the general has other plans for him.
Pt. 2: gasp
Mitaka’s first target was, unsurprisingly, Tritt Opan. He didn’t bother to ask why. He settled on slipping a kouhun into the captain’s trouser pocket, where the fabric was just thin enough for the wriggling little arthropod to sink its stingers into the flesh beneath. It wasn’t a particularly elegant assassination, but the poison worked quickly and the “culprit” was found to be a non-sentient creature. An unfortunate accident. Not that anyone really believed that - but all Mitaka required was that it could not be traced back to him.
A few hours after that fact, Hux nodded towards him as he passed Mitaka’s workstation on the bridge. Apparently his work was to the general’s liking, lazy and sloppy as he’d considered it - he was woefully out of practise. But, at least for a moment, Opan had been foolish enough to think that he was safe.
A moment was all he needed.
But when Opan collapsed in the mess hall and his breathing became laboured, Mitaka had frozen as he recalled gasping for breath as Kylo Ren’s fingers curled and closed around his neck. A concerned Chief Petty Officer Unamo gently patted his arm, said he looked pale and asked if he needed escorting to the medbay.
A moment was all he needed, he told her.
Since this wasn’t exactly official First Order business, he wasn’t required to compile an official report for the general. This came as a relief, as he’d prefer not to recount the details of the incident in the mess hall (though he felt sure that Hux must have heard about his reaction). Instead, he was simply summoned to Hux’s chambers under the pretense of going over datawork.
“Well done, Lieutenant,” Hux said, pouring himself another cup of tea before offering one to Mitaka. He noticed how the general’s hands trembled slightly.
“Thank you, Sir. I’m pleased to know that you find my work satisfactory.” He brought the teacup to his lips, the contents only slightly too hot. Hux nodded, distracted.
“Indeed. I- the kathbane oil did help.” His hand stopped short of touching his neck. “I was not aware of the plant’s medicinal qualities.”
“It’s a fascinating plant,” Mitaka’s eyes brightened. “It can be a soothing agent, a medicine, an aphrodisiac, a hallucinogen...or deadly, all depending on the dose and which parts of the plant you use.” Hux smiled slightly.
“You’re very knowledgeable. Was kathbane native to your homeworld?”
“I suppose it’s a hobby.” It was strange and unexpected to be speaking with Hux about his personal interests, but without being awkward. “My stepfather worked in hydroponics. He’s fanatical about plants, really. Some of it must have rubbed off.”
“I see.” Hux’s lips twitched, as if he wanted to say something more. Mitaka continued instead.
“To be honest, I don’t really remember my homeworld. I’ve lived in the fleet since I was three. Do you remember much of Arkanis?”
“No.” When his hands balled into fists, Mitaka could almost hear the scrape of nails against his palms, even through leather. He took Hux’s hands in his own, gently unfurling the fingers. He’d half expected to be reprimanded, but Hux said nothing.
“Well, you were young when you left, too,” Mitaka said, carrying on as if grasping your superior officer’s hands mid-conversation was a completely normal thing to do. Between his recent dealings with Hux and Kylo Ren (and one very odd radar technician during a brief visit to Starkiller Base) he wasn’t really sure what kind of behaviour was normal anymore.
Besides, Hux still hadn’t made any attempt to shake off Mitaka’s hands.
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cosleia · 6 years
Sentence - Really that sort of things should not be allowed on a Star Destroyer
Mitaka wasn’t questioning General Hux, far from it---he just thought perhaps, maybe, there’d been some sort of misunderstanding?
He would have to investigate, of course, and that was why he was now scouring all the files he could find on the creature, trying to pinpoint why and how it had gotten on board in the first place.
He had come across a heavily encrypted holo labeled encounter no. 3, with ren this time and was about to play it when suddenly his screen went dead; at the same time, the door to his chambers slid open and Captain Tritt Opan walked in, smiling a bit too widely. “Lieutenant,” he said in the pleasant voice he reserved for people he was about to kill, “you’re going to want to stop looking into this.”
Mitaka, confused and terrified, vowed to never again broach the subject of why the lower levels of the Finalizer now housed a tentacle monster.
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ao3feed--kylux · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CoHVXD
by rudbeckia
”I want you,” said General Hux, “to kill the traitor, Kylo Ren.”
It takes a lot more than a traitor wielding a riot control baton to kill Captain Phasma. She’s injured, pulled almost dead from the inferno that tried to claim her aboard The Supremacy and taken to The Finalizer for treatment on General Hux’s orders.
She is alive and on the warpath against traitors like FN2187 and, according to General Hux, the new Supreme Leader.
 (It might help to read my most recent previous fic first: Long Live the Supreme Leader but you don’t have to. Go on, it’s not very long.)
Words: 3281, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Phasma (Star Wars), Tritt Opan, Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren
Relationships: Phasma & Tritt Opan, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Tags will be updated as chapters are posted, Badass Phasma
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CoHVXD
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ao3feed-kyloren · 6 years
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CoHVXD
by rudbeckia
”I want you,” said General Hux, “to kill the traitor, Kylo Ren.”
It takes a lot more than a traitor wielding a riot control baton to kill Captain Phasma. She’s injured, pulled almost dead from the inferno that tried to claim her aboard The Supremacy and taken to The Finalizer for treatment on General Hux’s orders.
She is alive and on the warpath against traitors like FN2187 and, according to General Hux, the new Supreme Leader.
 (It might help to read my most recent previous fic first: Long Live the Supreme Leader but you don’t have to. Go on, it’s not very long.)
Words: 3281, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Phasma (Star Wars), Tritt Opan, Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren
Relationships: Phasma & Tritt Opan, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Tags will be updated as chapters are posted, Badass Phasma
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CoHVXD
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Phasma: wait, how do you know each other?
Opan: biblically.
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Hux: People underestimate me.
Phasma: People overestimate me.
Opan: That must be wild. Nobody estimates me at all. I'm not entirely convinced I'm even visible to the untrained eye.
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Some Miscellaneous Headcanons Of Various First Order Characters
Phasma is like...40-45 in TFA and TLJ. Substantially younger than the other characters with the rank of Captain generally seem to be, but she doesn’t get roasted for her age like Hux does because nobody besides her actually knows how old she is, and thanks to her always having her face covered, it’s not like anybody can tell by looking at her.
Mitaka is highly competent and can be utterly terrifying sometimes. That being said, his whole Very Nervous shtick in TFA is not a facade. He is both very shy and nervous and also very capable of killing you with his bare hands.
Also, Mitaka is actually the same age as Hux, but his baby face is second only to Thanisson, so people tend to assume he’s like, 21-23ish. (This one is because Sebastian Armesto and Domhnall Gleeson are the same age.)
Opan wasn’t involved with the Empire or any major faction before the First Order became a thing, beyond working for Brendol. Very much a “I’m on whichever side pays me the most” type. May or may not have a criminal background, but much like Phasma, he’ll kill anyone who knows for sure. He ended up in the First Order army because Brendol effectively drafted him.
Unamo is the First Order’s resident Gossip Girl. Nobody knows how, but she knows everything about everyone, and is always on top of whatever drama is going down between the other officers. She regularly uses these powers for evil (and to blackmail people).
I think this one is common-ish, but Peavey and Canady are friends. Peavey regularly has to talk Canady out of assassinating Hux. And other officers he doesn’t like. Even with people he actually likes, Peavey is forever doomed to be the Stressed Mom Friend of whatever group he is currently with. He resents this, but is resigned to his fate. It’s been that way since he was old enough to have friends.
People constantly assume Thanisson is way younger than he actually is. He used to absolutely snap at these people, but has since transitioned to making jokes about it. Will respond to “aren’t you, like, 15″ with “I’m 11, so shut the fuck up.” Unless he hasn’t had any caf yet that day, in which case he will just slap a bitch.
The bridge crew of the Finalizer regularly place bets on whether or not General Hux will collapse from exhaustion during his shift. Phasma runs the betting pool. Opan sometimes rigs the system by making Hux go the fuck to sleep before a shift where the majority bet in favor of him collapsing. Hux does not know about any of this.
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Kylo: Can you describe the person who stabbed you?
Yago: Well, they had a knife.
Kylo: ...
Yago: ...
Kylo: ...And?
Yago: That's all I got.
Opan, who definitely stabbed Yago: Tragic.
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on the teacup ride at an amusement park
peavey and canady: [spinning slowly and chatting about Boomer Things]
hux, opan, and phasma: [zoom by spinning ungodly fast, screaming]
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