#(it better not be the cyber effects. if it's the cyber effects im going to maul something)
antirepurp · 11 months
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yeah gonna be real here chief this ain't what i wanted to see
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detectivehole · 1 year
hi i have a goth fashion question
i can't really wear boots for accessibility reasons and i don't like the look of those wednesday-ass soft-goth ankle platforms - what do about shoes?
i usually wear like, black sneakers, but i would really like gothy shoes...
it really depends on what kinda sub-style youre going for, and your own aesthetic preferences, on top of the greater specifics of your accessibility limitations, but you almost certainly do have a lot of options
first, i wanna say there are a lot of fun and easy ways you can customize your own shoes: adding bits of metal and beads to the laces, chains to the body of the shoe, spikes, buttons, patches, etc. i decorate my sneakers and skate shoes like that (there is plenty goth is a classic pair of black canvas shoes or whatever imo plain or decorated)
if you dont wanna risk ruining a shoe i suggest practicing stuff like adding spikes, bars, studs and whatnot to scrap fabric or even canvas shoes from the thrift store, but a lot of other mods like beads and chains or whatever aint permanent mods and can be done and undone easy.
also on the note of thrift shops, just go often and keep an eye out on the shoes, and think outside the box too. goth fashion isnt the absence of any color or individual items style as a rule or anything, so if you see something you like and think you could work into a look go for it
now diy and thrift aside: it sounds like you wanna avoid softer, overly fem fashions? as in not a fan of gothic lolita, pastel, or maybe the poofier side or romatic gothic? regardless id pay attention to the low... rise (is that the right word for shoes?) footwear of the mens side of victorian, romantic, gothabilly, and ig maybe hippy (is that what they still call it?) sub goth fashions, as those aint nearly as boot heavy as things like traditional, cyber, etc.
emo, punk, and metal fashion is worth paying attention too here as well since all of these subcultures overlap in fashion heavily and, again, those guys aint always as boot heavy. well they have their own share of boots but you get the idea
if you wanna get into more specific shoes, im personally a fan of the look of platform sneakers which are unisex in presentation and funny as hell in a very cool way imo. i have some Yosuke brand ones, and i find them to be quality. platform sneakers own, who doesnt want 4 inch tall gym shoes? also a lot come in fun patterns, colors, or with shiny metal bits already added
demonia creeper-600s (as in ones in the 600 line) may also be more your speed than other sets in the same creeper style. i think mens dress shoes are also a good source, particularly Delray, Hancock, and San Marco styles- but theyre all pretty good and im just biased. throwing in a kinda fancy lookin shoe to an otherwise casual goth-y look is always fun, and in my experience you can work them in effectively to basically all of the sub styles with just a little effort
if you really want the sorta... leg-coverage look a boot gives you could also get into legwarmers and i mean that. they come in lots of cool styles and colors or you can make or customize your own. i have some, its fun
i wish i could give better advise or help more, but i hope this is at least a rant full of google prompts that will help you in some way
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heart-forge · 2 years
I’m that same anon about the Cyber game, and I promise this is my last question or hypothetical I guess? I watched Cyberpunk Edgerunners and I thought that would make a better RPG (and I might just be suggesting it’s a better story bc the MC has ties to the location and community. Im not sure if you’ve seen it-or if I would suggest it tbh there were some issues there) but also wouldn’t any game with an emphasis on the main character be an rpg then? At least as current games would define themselves.
I haven't seen edgerunners due to the poisoned well and all, and I mean that's kind of where things get tricky. If call of duty gives your special soldier boy and his murder friends personalities, does that count as an RPG since you'll be controlling and making decisions for him—is it more like an RPG if you can make mistakes that get your squad killed? Is Witcher not an RPG because I think like the strongest effect you have on canon is which sorceress, if any, you motorboat? are the TES games RPGs, since you have no real control over anything your character actually says and can only make minute decisions that barely affect worldstate? I started this by suggesting that Assassin's Creed was already a mess as you engaged in strategy mechanics to progress in a story that was entirely on rails.
I think my broader point is that games are better defined genre-wise by mechanics than actual like, literary category. It's more useful to say "I like RPG elements and puzzle mechanics" rather than "I like horror games" because within horror games you have walking sims, you have survival horror, you have psychological horror, you have creepypasta unity games, which is a more meaningful distinction than "horror". This can also be considered true for categorizing books and films: Twilight and Interview With the Vampire both contain vampires, but I wouldn't recommend one to a fan of the other, you know? Not that there's NO overlap, but the content is completely different.
Which of course, to my original point, is already kind of meaningless because games marketing will ruthlessly overlap things in order to appeal to the broadest possible audience and therefore like...we're gunna be in a loop of people without any special attachment to particular franchises, mechanics, and meaninglessly, genres, because they didn't know what to realistically expect going into an experience.
I guess the lesson we learned along the way is that it's hard to sort things into categories.
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husband · 4 years
Why the blog I followed that posts stickers putting pro-c*p shit on my dash
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howgalling · 2 years
worldbuilding p2
apologies in advanced i have a bad attention span: also please excuse the use of psycho, its what the game uses! im going to do posts that touch on different topics so i can elaborate without it being too much per post.
im also going to be involving cyberpsychosis into some of the characters (skywarp, sunstorm, GRIMLOCK, shockwave to a degree, WHIRL) 
development of cyber technologies introduced cyberpsychosis.  sufferers usually isolate until human interaction becomes emotionally aggravating. aggravation grows into contempt, then into violence. my favourite thing about cyberpsychosis within the game is that there are many side missions where you get told to go hunt down a cyberpsycho and take them down (the aim of the mission is to capture alive) so that they can see if any therapy/treatment will work on them. the corporations have hyped cyberpsychosis to be this random disease ‘that doesnt have source’ lol. when actually once you start finishing the missions you realise this isnt a random disease that seems to afflict users of cyberware out of the blue, this is just a culmination of events/mental illnesses/genuine and understandable rage that combines into this completely understandable psychosis of self, except it gets cyber slapped onto it because usually the people given this designation have devolved into a state of apathetic violence and happen to have lots of modifications, hyping up the danger level. a portion of the psychos you encounter are veterans that have not been provided with mental health treatment and abandoned. one of them is the father of a woman murdered by sex traffickers. another is a heavily modified woman who was getting even more cyberware and the new implants caused her to start killing everyone around her. another is a man driven by paranoia to surround himself with mechs and security systems to keep out threats. this back fires after it misidentifies his family and kills them. 
you have to take into consideration how massive body modifications has an effect on the sense of self and identity of the user, especially if these modifications were made due to injury, or to keep up with the massive demands of the job competition. losing what makes you human bit by bit. and keep in mind many of the cyberwares have active effects on your brain, i mean it’s literally implanted into your skull, of course its going to deeply effect people.  not only this but it is also HEAVILY implied that cyberware manufacturers DELIBERATELY trigger mental health decline in selected users. stay with me, i enjoyed taking apart this section of the game immensely. so, in order to make people buy more weapons/modifications there needs to be incentive. what better incentive to carve weapons into your body than random people going absolutely haywire at the drop of the hat! you Need to have built in protections or you are simply making yourself a potential victim! its so deeply ingrained into the culture that the corporations make it so that its almost stupid not to have massive modifications and keep heavy ammunition on you at all times!!! and its a never ending cycle, the psychos get more dangerous, so you need more gear. it’s incredibly well written, and i spent a lot of time reading through the journals/diaries of the people succumbing to the terror of losing themselves to the tech inside of them. i still think about many of them even now. 
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I am never been so close to anti-stan then I am right now. Dreams Twitter fanbase started the biggest hate train on him because they themselves:
1. Took his inital tweet with the drugs comment as a race issue, like it was obvious that was not the intent or even the focus.
2. Got mad at his completely rational reply to a toxic Stan that used both white and adhd as an isult - the toxic Stan was saying his fanbase will dogpile them, well if you didn’t phrase your concerns in a toxic way in a public place maybe you wouldn’t be concerned about it. Like he empasised he had no intent to relate it to rap - and they see him say rap and fucking ran with it.
3. Got mad at him for disagreeing with someone generalizing his 23 million fans as anti-black, like even his stance on stans is entirely anti-generalizing, he literally denounced any that are in the same comment.
4. Bullied him into unprivating his account because they can’t share screenshots apparently.
5. Got mad a him for tweeting a fucking heart.
Then they turn around and blame the entire thing on the antis, like no. You blew it out of proportion and reacted like shit to everything he did. You are the problem. All the responses to his last tweet are “educate yourself and reflect” and “come back with a better apology” like no. He apologized when he shouldn’t have and you cyber bullied him. They are bloody proud of theirselves for “holding him accountable“ for something they misconstrued.
He needs to delete that stan video because they aren’t worth it.
First thing i want to say is that this post is going to be joint answered as evangeline is white so this is going to be answered by her and me as im half african half american. Normally evanageline would be voicing her opinions and adding ours in if we had any but as its a racism issue she didnt feel comfortable to voice only her opinions. However shes the one writing the post apart from this bit to keep up the consistentcy of the blog page. -Trinity (Basically Trin gave her thoughts using a voice note and I slightly edited it so the sentences were a bit more coherent and added both mine and the other admins opinions as Trin doesn't really use twitter unless it's through my priv account - Evangeline)
I will say that a lot of the fan drama that you see are a smaller group that is known to attack and harass Dream and anyone who disagrees with anything. Eventhough they are a small group they mass reply to everything and make themselves look bigger than they are. Not only that but the only thing they end up doing is overshadowing the original issue at hand which is fans harassing and being racist to eachother. So a lot of what I'm about to say is mainly what this group is doing and isn't at all a reflection of a lot of fans but it is something that needs to be talked about especially since a bunch of this groups members are either white or white passing but get mad on black people's behalf and is basically setting them up.
I don't mean to be rude or dismissive but a lot of people used this as an opportunity to trauma dump. Like I know going into horrible details about what you have to deal with is the only way to get the point across sometimes however harassing Dream and spamming him with stuff like "I was harassed because I'm gay" "I was doxxed because I was Asian" is lowkey weird. Like why are you telling this random guy on the internet that you were doxxed? What is he going to be able to do about it? Also not to defend Dream but how are you going to sit there and break one of his few boundaries whilst trying to educate him.
On top of that the issue was originally how racist some of the fandom are to black people but then other minority groups started talking about how they were also being stereotyped and attacked but all this is doing is talking over other minorities. For example a large group of fans started off talking about how they were being attacked by other stans because of their skin colour but then immediately started to harass and threaten others. Like some were clearly not being serious but dming people and update accounts to retweet and spread awareness isn't the move you think it is. Obviously a lot of them were genuinely trying to spread awareness and were trying to get the respect and treatment they deserve but all of that was being overshadowed by the few that were attacking and harassing creators and fans. Then a lot of it turned into minorites fighting each other over who was more oppressed which just makes the whole thing seem like petty drama.
I will say a lot of them were lovely. I am pretty uneducated on race based issues and how certain things effect people and can be racist so I was asking a lot of questions and most of them were nice. However I also got a lot of snarky ones like "google it" to questions that weren't general like "Is it mocking to call white people crackers and token white boy if you are a white person" or "is ______ considered micro aggressions"
However as usual it went from trying to educate your creators to who is the most oppressed and who can bring up more past drama that has already been addressed multiple times. I'm not being funny but the fact that some well known Dream antis were defending Dream and shitting on stans should really tell you how non productive this is. It went from "Hey Dream this comment is a bit weird can you delete it please" to "Dream you should stop being friends with this person and you should follow this person otherwise your racist" Like that's not helping anyone. The only thing that it's doing is breaking Dreams boundaries, setting Dream up and making stans look bad.
Like people were @ing Sapnap and George telling them to "collect the racist friend" like how is that spreading awareness. The whole thing went from being a good chance to educate to a big fucking joke that just made a lot of people upset and anxious.
Honestly the whole thing was pretty fucking hypocritical like you can't talk about being harassed whilst harassing people into hearing you out. A lot of the issues seemed really gatekeepy to me as well. One that I saw constantly get brought up was that the only people allowed to say dy*e were black lesbians as they created the word. Like a big topic was a misuse of aave but not a single person actual explained what it was or gave examples all I saw was "mcyttwt needs to stop using aave language it's offensive" like you can't claim to be educating people if you don't explain. Not everyone can access websites and caards that get linked because of regions or web rescrictions so they're not helpful either.
HOWEVER I will agree that a lot of their points were completely valid like the whole thing of "Feral Feb" over shadowing BHM and whenever Dream listens to rap people complain and call it bad music are two really good examples. I listened to a few twitter spaces to learn a bit more and things that were said in there was all good info that would be genuinely helpful to know and it really did help edcuate me however not a single tweet said any of it and that's why people don't understand what they're doing is wrong because nobody explains it.
A lot of the issues that people had with Dream were so weird as well like a lot of them were self oppression and turning normal things into racism. A lot of the issues had the same energy as the 404twt fans who were genuinely mad at Dream for having a colour that George couldn't see and they were harassing him and claiming that he was purposely excluding diasbilities.
Usually we would add more but Trinity got a bit upset and stressed so she had to stop answering various asks and the other admins are all white or white passing and don't feel like it's our place to put our own opinions. We will try to answer other asks with similar thoughts later - Evangeline
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get to know me more 🐝
i was tagged by Truffles @trufflesmushroom here we go
🐝 what do you prefer to be called name wise?
Danny >;) 
🐝 when is your birthday?
🐝 where do you live?
Northeast Kansas in the middle of nowhere~
🐝 three things you are doing right now?
gotta finish tuning a vocaloid cover for a certain vocaloid who’s 10th anniversary is coming up :D! I’ve also been working on some drawings, including 1(one) last minute one for pride, and also crying because I broke one of my fav doll’s foot joints and haven’t tackled a repair yet :’(
🐝 four f*ndoms that have piqued your interest right now?
err I don’t really do fandom culture all too much LOL. As for communities I DO create content for and interact with: Vocaloid/vocal synth. I make covers, videos, and art and all that! I Also pop into the doll world once in a while, but i find it generally difficult to interact with people there, so most of the time i keep my doll Endeavours to myself (which isn't a bad thing!! I like having something i can relax and and have for just me 😏)
That's not 4, so here's some media I've been enjoying lately:
Animal Crossing! I honestly don't play video games often but im hooked! I've maxed out over half of my islander's friendship and got most of their picture frames. Kevin is my husband.
As usual, Silent Hill will always have its grip on me.
🐝 how is the pandemic treating you?
Lost my job because of it. Could be better
🐝 song you can’t stop listening right now?
I went back to "Do Vocaloids Dream of Doomsday Bird" by Sasakure.uk again. One of my fav albums of all time. Its 2010 baybee!! The track Wanderlast ft. Megurine Luka has always had an impact on me so I'll say that 💕
Also been listening to "John Frustrated" by ippo.tsk feat. Cyber Diva and Eleanor Forte on repeat. I'm not the biggest fan of Eleanor's unenthusiastic sounding voice in most uses of her, but the song itself is a bop. Go girl give us nothing (@ eleanor)! funny that she was one of the first vocal synths i used.
🐝 recommend a movie. The Descent 2005 dir. Neil Marshall. One of the few horror movies to actually scare me. Plus the practical effects are rlly good!
🐝 how old are you?
🐝 school, university, occupation, other?
🐝 do you prefer hot or cold?
I think my fashion sense works much better in fall and winter, otherwise im honestly pretty immune to the weather.
🐝 name one fact others may not know about you.
Because I was weaned in Bumfuck, Appalachia, I was conditioned to enjoy a regional delicacy: peanut butter sandwiches dipped in chili. Imagine my suprise when i moved to Bumfuck, Great Plains and realized their regional variant is Cinnamon rolls dipped in chili 🤢
🐝 are you shy?
Not entirely. I'm very bad with communicating with new people, not out of shyness, just cause I'm bad at it LOL
🐝 do you have any preferred pronouns?
🐝 any pet peeves?
Plenty haha
🐝 what’s your favorite “dere” type?
Not to be a weeb, but I've been drawn to kuudere personality types ever since i was little. I think it started with Kanade Tachibana. I rewatched Angel Beats bc it was put back on netflix and relived my youth, and I liked her character just as much as i did back then. Rei, Lain (although she's not technically kuudere since you need that hidden affection to qualify) etc. Ive always been interested in this character dynamic.
🐝 rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
Hm, i don wanna get into that 🤘
🐝 what’s your main blog?
this is she.
🐝 list your side blogs and what they are used for.
@static-oceans is my art blog. I dont post my art there often, but i do when i remember.
@static-dolls is my doll blog. Again, I'm mostly keeping my doll stuff to myself, but i may go back to it again soon!
🐝 is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
I don't... or really i just can't show much affection physically or verbally. Trust that i care about you a lot, even when I don't reciprocate, initiate, or repsond to those types of interactions. I'm working on it :')
Tagging (and ofc don't feel obligated. I don't Interact with too many people here) @modsachiko @vegetaljuce
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athenas or the new ign videos... hmmm
im gonna go for the ign videos (moze gameplay and sanctuary-iii, no guns yet, i have a reason for that) because athenas hasn’t gotten its sweet instagram video yet. once that’s released i’ll do a full post on it. by the time i got around to finishing this post, they had released the video. oh boy... gonna do the gun post then the athenas post, i think. alright, off we go.
tl;dr: we read the entire end user agreement DAHL thrusts upon us for using the ECHO device, talk about some stuff like how (spoilers) it seems like Lilith will be getting her powers back at the end of the game, and a voice line Lily says that sounds like “Tyreen took my powers. it’s like Tannis said: [inaudible] Siren” (altho im not 100% sure on the [inaudible] part because 1) it sounds weird and 2) there’s a drum beat and also the devs are talking over her, the Siren part seems fairly accurate because of the way her mouth moves). so you know. im gonna be agonizing over that until i can hear what she says. ive already spent an hour just repeating it over and over. i nearly fell asleep lol
we’re gonna start with the moze gameplay (the first 14 minutes of bl3) because chronologically it’s first in both timeline and release date
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i love the license plates on the right there
also it looks like they added in claptrap’s old welcome sign from windshear waste! time to stand in front of it for 30 minutes to see if any messages pop up like bl2
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fast travel station as well, definitely going to see if/where i can teleport and going there immediately. i imagine this is more for DLC stuff and grinding tho.
also! i do believe we saw Covenant Pass previously. good to know this is actually where it is!
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Marcus saying “And Welcome to Pandora!” in the beginning confirms that, yes, they’re going to be on a bus!! i wonder if there will be a fight scene before that though. it’s interesting Clappy mentions that “those jerks who tried to murder you are the children of the vault!” so i mean... there’s gotta be... right?
im also convinced this intro is going to be a mirror of Borderlands 1. i stg if it starts out with the first few notes of Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked and then swaps songs I’m going to lose my mind
also also, the order is totally going to mimic the bl1 one. Fl4k = Mordecai, Amara = Lilith, Moze = Roland, Zane = Brick. We even have Lilith taking Angel’s spot as the mysterious voice in our heads, and probably Marcus driving, AND being dropped off at a bus stop.
bet the reason they changed it from ‘Moze as the Bot Jock’ to ‘Moze as the Gunner’ is because it fits under ‘Roland as the Soldier’ better. Also, ‘Zane Flynt as Himselfs’ would be a play off ‘Brick as Himself’. Amara as the Siren is obvious, and ‘Mordecai as the Hunter’ vs ‘Fl4k as the Beastmaster’ is pretty similar as well, given Fl4k has all those Hunter skills.
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the 4 basic emotes im guessing. im so glad we have the option to boop our friends in the face with emotes.
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also moze’s little bunny skin is adorable
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the ECHOnet used to be called “Riftspace”, “the Spline”, and... “MercTel: A Cyber-Dahl Joint” lmfao
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specifically calls out Pandora. also, “artificial megastructures”??? THAT’S SO COOL
gearbox. please. i have never ever wanted anything more in my life. please. it’s probably my birthday. PLEASE GEARBOX
also interesting that the user agreement specifically notes ‘Respawns’. I assume this is a joke because New-U stations have been confirmed not canon
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“Core law”. Core law? Core... daddy? ... ????
core as in like a core government somewhere that’s not the border worlds? that’s interesting...
“The Legion”, okay, acknowledging TPS, that’s dope
“Project Blackrakk” ... im interested
“Thresher Company” lmao
im curious if Axton was apart of any of the mentioned ones. i don’t think it’s been stated, but i could be wrong
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“Chieftain Oort”. also ‘Recently Legless Gary’, lmfao poor dude.
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oh yeah im sure this is fine. also holy shit did they google the synonyms for ‘change’ and just start listing them? lmfao
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“implicit subscription to the Digby Vermouth ‘Dig’s Gigs’ secret concert subscription service” 
sorry, what?
if this doesn’t come up again in the future- if we don’t get a spam letter or 3 in our mailbox about this concert subscription thing i'm gonna be so disappointed
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Dahl hates you if you’re not a fan of hyper-jazz, “you snob” lmfao
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my brain hurts, they’re good at writing these 
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damn phones exist? i thought everything was ECHO. aight, that’s good to know. i guess there just aren’t any phone networks around the border worlds
also “shared dreamspaces” sound really cool
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hm. that’s no good lmfao. also i love that the buttons are ‘Agree’ and ‘OK’. there is no escape, once you agree, you can’t even leave because you’re agreeing that you’re trapped with these rules even if you cancel.
that’s fucked up, DAHL. can’t believe you treat your user base the same way you treat your employees. i guess i shouldn’t be surprised.
anyway, shoutout to literally the only TOA I’ve ever fully read in my life.
also, clicking through this TOA too fast WILL end claptrap’s voice line early. so be careful if you want to hear what he has to say!!
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oh shit lmao I gotta go edit that Fl4k post
ok im back ~time magic of being able to save things in drafts and post them at a later date~
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sliding preserves momentum, so you can actually slide (nearly) the entire way down! i love this.
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small, but claptrap bends his antennae when trying to be stealthy. i thought that was a pretty cool detail
“and some guns include an alternate shooting mode~! try it out!”
player: `immediately shoots claptrap in the face`
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i died lol
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a very nice look at this sign.
good to know that the twins really are tempting people to join with promises of food. i mean it makes sense, i imagine most of the cultists are desperate for stability and a reasonable life on pandora.
also, Shiv calls himself “holy influencer of the children of the vault” lol. i love that. gearbox really is going for the internet’s throat, isn’t it?
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i do like that hovering over an NPC will give you their name only and not name/healthbar.
a better look at one of the signs referencing the Mother!!! i was waiting for this, the only real look we got at one was in that one scene with Moze and IB
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“Behold the Mother strength surrender to the truth” 
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yeah that’s not ominous...
i assume the mother and father are intended to be tyreen and troy? but idk how i feel about that implication...
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i like the new little gear/spring effect for the magnet lol
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new lilith! i know a lot of people don’t like it, but i do. she looks better than the bl2 vers. altho i think it’s weird they swapped both bl1 and bl2′s ‘AI’ effect to those dots and then didn’t bring it to BL3. the dots effect felt cleaner. curious why they’re not applying it to bl3 when they went thru all that effort in 1 and 2.
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... back up please.
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i like that there is a changing icon for long pressing now
“time to check out our slay of the day!” sounds like Tyreen but tbh i legit thought this was moze’s reaction to opening the chest at first lol 
you can hear someone start screaming in agony while she’s walking up the stairs, so i know it’s not moze, but im so used to the VHs talking when they see a new piece of loot my brain just assumed.
also, claptrap when dropping health yells “this could save your life! then, you’ll owe me a life debt!” bullshit im pretty sure you already decided we owed you a life debt the moment we stepped off that bus
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“i see it... the great vault” - a line from a cultist you kill
i know i mentioned in this post that the Great Vault may be already opened, but it could also just be a Vault they’re planning on opening and using the propaganda to convince the cultists to help them find it. 
“if you help us get this vault open, you’ll be handsomely rewarded! you’ll get superpowers! you’ll get regular meals! you’ll get money and guns and dates!” you know, the usual stuff. 
either way, elevating the Vault to a higher state (god/heaven/whatever) makes sense if you’re running a cult.
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btw there is a hidden chest in the scaffolding to the left of the door, if you’re interested in grabbing some better guns before shiv. personally, i’ll be using the toy guns.
also the TVs are actually playing propaganda now!!
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this one is asking questions that i cant understand due to the sound effects of the chest and claptrap talking, but it says something about “... the dust? ... join the Children of the Vault!”
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“hey shiiiiiv all your dumb friends are dead!!”
shiv be like
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“all my friends are dead”
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some cool level-up art! I notice these are the same pictures as used on the japanese site. i wonder if they change depending on which VH you’ve picked (If you’re playing Amara/Fl4k, do you get pics of Amara and Fl4k? the player is playing moze, afterall).
also also “it’s a KIA on the knife wielding maniac. suuuper dead.” 
it’s cool that the VHs have specific lines for the deaths of bosses. i hope that continues and it’s not just a ‘15 min of intro gameplay’ thing. you know, where everything is super detailed in the beginning and then slowly gets less and less as the game progresses? anyway, moze’s little chuckle is fuckin adorable lol
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ah. the door closes now so you can’t even explore Shiv’s room before Lilith shows up. gearbox plS you know me too well, i was looking for a g l i m p s e
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claptrap’s voice line for getting released is SUPER off time, he hits the ground before going “you did it! i’m sa-ahhhhhhhh!” it’s weird, wondering if that’s just a glitch.
also also we get a nice listen to the revive ally sound. i could’ve sworn it wasn’t in the first look at this mission we got, because i heard it for the first time during the coop Zane/Amara gameplay on Promethea. i might be wrong, tho.
im very curious what these symbols are claptrap is beaming up
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i mean you know what im gonna say
they look eridian
and they do
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so wtf clappy why u beaming up eridian letters to Lilith
i assume maybe Tannis gave clappy some weird upgrade or something so he could communicate with the crimson raiders without the CoV listening in? it could be that Tannis or someone is decoding this message since Tannis does know how to translate Eridian (as shown in her bl1 ECHOs)
... or at the very least she gave Lilith a translator
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the darkening makes it so that you can see the crackening. also this COULD just be a beam that lilith can see from wherever she is, but i want to believe there’s more eridian stuff. bc eridian stuff is fun.
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this is so fu cking crisp im dying i love it
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lilith’s tattoos spreading down her fingers
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same symbol as her chest tattoo. maybe the symbol denotes new powers? like how lily has one on her chest for phasewalking, and a new one on her hand for teleportation
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i love how her wings look like actual fire. i fucking love this
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lilith is looking so fucking good in the new engine
im glad they got rid of her super red eyes, tbh it looked a bit weird
i think they are really pushing her fire affinity, im sure we’ll see Maya has an elemental affinity as well (im calling corrosive) and im sure Tyreen will too (slag). Amara looks to be Shock because that’s her ‘default’, but who knows until (if) bl4 comes out. but corrosive wings on maya would look SOOO fucking cool. please. please please please.
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god she looks so good compared to bl2. i love how the tattoos softly glow in the dark, too. i gotta play this mission late in the day...
“you’re... the voice in my head, right?” i love this so much, i really hope my shitpost comes true.
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lilith gives you a grenade mod for completing her mission! im really glad they are PUSHING through the tutorial/intro so you can get right into the game. bl2′s ‘intro’ of all these tutorials was brutal. especially waiting to unlock your action skill.
in 3 you get your action skill automatically at level 2!!! which is insane, i love it! they’re jumping right into it, it’s great. and they seem to be pushing for you to get all the stuff you need right away. 
it’s curious to note that in bl3 we get our class mods at the end of the Promethea demo (after Gigamind), since in bl2 you get your first (usually?) after the hunting the firehawk mission and both seem to take place immediately after we get to the ‘base of operations’ of the game (Sanctuary vs Sanctuary-III).
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yep that quest is 100% in line with the quest marker. 
i imagine From the Ground Up may be discovering where the Vault Map/Key actually is? maybe bringing people to the Recruitment Center (notably Tannis)
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for this scene. i hope this takes place after the HBC, because i seriously... can’t imagine the twins showing up, taking the Vault Map, bringing it to the HBC, and then NOT taking Lilith’s powers/trying to kill Lily and accidentally taking her powers. it just doesn’t make sense, Vault Hunters be damned, we are level 2 they could melt us easy peasy. 
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If anything, it feels like we COULD find the Vault Map in the Recruitment Center, Tannis tries to activate it/fix it, we find out it’s mega broke, and then the Sun Smashers show up and take it. but i seriously can’t imagine Lilith nor the new VHs allowing that to happen while they’re still there. maybe if Tannis sends us to do something while Lilith is gathering other CR members? then it could make sense if they attack while Tannis is alone with the Key...
we end up finding something in Shiv’s room that shows/helps us realize the Sun Smashers bringing the Vault Map to the Calypsos. tho this would mean the quest From the Ground Up is SUPER short and I imagine it’s not. Maybe we raid a camp of theirs like the one in front of Sanc-III with the bridge/ramp? We need to be about level 6 before we go and we start From the Ground Up at 2 so there’s obviously something DEEP we’re missing here. maybe this is a mission where we go gather the other Crimson Raiders? HMMMMMMMM...
.... oh.
nevermind lmfao
she opens her ECHO immediately after this LOL i feel kinda dumb now
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raiding their camp it is! the Droughts sounds like a fun location. Very much like the dust. you guys think there’s a Shade situation going on there? i’m excited to see it. Still think we’re going to use Shiv’s room to get that lead, though. i just really wanna watch tv lmfao. i hope this means the bandits run from the camp to the HBC, or we find info that the bandit warchief sent a party to the HBC with the Vault Map. either way, i just don’t want the twins showing up until after the HBC or i will have so many questions. “why didn’t you kill lilith?” being the first. “the god queen wants her head!” ur goddamn right she does, so why doesn’t she (try to) kill lilith???
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85% already?! hot damn
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that’s one badass description there, Moze
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also also
while having gun slots locked is pretty normal, im surprised they’re locking class mods and relics, too! i wonder when we’ll be able to equip relics. maybe when we first go to eden-6 or smth. or maybe after we meet up with Rhys. shit maybe he’s just handing us an artifact (im gonna interchange these a lot, sorry!) in that Promethea video lmfao
“ready to chuck some boom and frag some maniacs” lol moze i love you
if you’re playing Zane... `equips grenade mod for checkmark` `immediately equips second action skill and never actually uses grenade mod`
“it’s the firehawk! the god queen wants her head!” 
like i alluded to before, i would not be surprised if Tyreen doesn’t know she can absorb Siren powers... when she goes to succ lilith in front of Sanctuary-III, it’s totally possible she actually was trying to kill her. That could explain why she looks so intrigued at her hand like “oh shit okay lets see what this can do”
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might be why she was okay with sending her cultists after her instead of showing up herself.
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“alright, we got a foothold. maybe things are turning our way. come on killer, you’re with me” we are going to explore the SHIT out of shiv’s room.
alright alright alright
let’s move on to the Sanctuary-III stuff
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i love the quest objective thing, it looks like we will be able to swap through our quests with the push of a button! also im curious why exactly we’re going to promethea right away. i wonder if the twins say something about moving there after getting the vault map/lilith’s powers, or if we hear from rhys. im expecting something about the vault map, since our vh will admit they don’t know rhys at all when talking to lorelei. but for some reason we need to be within the city limits? since lily says ellie got us within the city limits. 
hmmmmmm. okay, okay, maybe the map was trying to lead us to promethea for vault reasons during that short amount of time that we had it and it was working. maybe promethea is what we see when tannis is activating the key during that one cutscene? ohhh shit how dope would it be if we got that fucking easter egg message? omg “Children of the Vault. Come to Promethea. We are not on Pandora anymore. Tannis is not what she seems. Do not open the Vaults.” and everyone is like ‘uh did that thing just mention Tannis by name??’ and now it’s REALLY important to get the map back just so we can figure out wtf it’s trying to tell us. 
i will question how ‘Tannis is not what she seems’ would affect character relationships, especially if it’s said so early in the game. so perhaps we only hear the first part of the message. maybe it’s corrupted because it was recently broken. iunno. just playing around with ideas. the canon of this game is like flarp putty until sept. 13th
anyway moving on because this is literally the first f r a m e of the video
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i like that you can see pandora’s eridian scar. if the destroyer is speaking through eridium to people, it’s gonna bust outta the side of this planet like you wouldn’t fucking believe lmao. eridium is a window to the soul and if you stare long enough into its glossy, shining sides, the destroyer stares back
that or it’s just like a beacon, slowly spreading its influence across the universe. but i like the idea that the destroyer can waltz out of a big enough hunk of eridium. so it will bust out of pandora’s eridium scar. F in chat for pandora but also lmfao the amount of tentacles and rage would be unparalleled.
reality is that the twins are probably farming this scar for eridium to turn into slag for multiple purposes. like brainwashing their cultists, giving them powers, and ensuring their guns have their manufacturer’s quirk (im getting to this in my next post bc im just gonna compile all the ign gun videos into one big post)
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the floor art is different from the actual sanc-iii demo. i mention this first in my behind closed doors panel analysis, but im gonna mention it again because this is ~official~. the floor list on the first walkthru of sanc-iii we got had the names of all the crimson raiders and lines leading to their shops. so we had the infirmary/tannis, marcus, moxxi, etc listed on the floor. i imagine this new sanc-iii will change as we get more people on board or if we do a sort of re-decoration of the ship.
also also, it’s cool to see that we have 4 rooms on the minimap, likely one for each of the VHs (and your coop buddies). ive seen speculation that the other, non-played VHs will hang out in their rooms when you’re not playing them, and tbh i really hope this is the case.
we also know this version of sanctuary-iii is after pandora, so there are no promethea citizens aboard yet. which makes me double certain the first sanc-iii video we got takes place either after endgame (explaining why Lily has her tattoos back) or right after Athenas (explaining why Maya is there). which... i mean... spoilers, guys. 
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that’s one good lookin fast travel station, holy shit
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im in tears over here because “Caution: no steppy”. this is so fucking funny to me
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no steppy on me
okay moving on because i will cry laugh over this for forever im allowed
moze’s room is so much different than amara’s
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also i notice she’s on the left of the two on the top, which makes me hope the other 4 are reserved for the other VHs (or your coop buddy).
compared to the official sanc-iii demo video
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and amara’s room
moze’s is so barren oh my god
someone get this girl like... a colorful throw pillow or something
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baaank. also doubles as the secret stash. kinda upsetting, because that is infinitely less loot i can store when i make a lot of characters. also if i upgrade the bank once, is it upgraded across all my other characters too? or are the guns i put in storage slot 11 locked up until i buy the upgrade?
either way, i am saddened because no more mule characters. and way less space the more characters you make and more gear you find, because all gear you put in here is there across all characters. i hope this means our backpacks will be a lot bigger this time around!
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supamax mfg shows up again
ppm/04-02 matches up with the number behind the fast travel station. i wonder if this will come into play. if the number changes later in-game im going to freak the fuck out bc that means wherever we are isn’t actually sanctuary-iii
ppm/04-02. remember that 👀
also, the wall behind the golden chest changed from red to steel/greenish. can’t tell the actual color. same as the floor
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you know. that color.
“golden keys are popular. you can get some in-game and also get them online”
in-game you say??? im interested! i wonder if there will be some sort of arena (like moxxi’s) where if you complete it you get a key as a reward. i saw people speculating about some sort of randomized boss rush, that could definitely be a way to get gold keys, as well.
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oooo engine room! im excited to explore here.
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original size is 16. so, we have 40 backpack slots! still... you know... only 1 above the max of bl2, but hey. at least that’s an upgrade. as small as it may be
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on the bright side: bank upgrades increase capacity by 5. with a base of 10, and 8 upgrades, we have 50 slots to fill. which is a big leap from the original 24. it is still a shame we have to share these across characters, tho
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offline cultist stream? makes me think the CoV really was trying to steal/take over sanc-iii from the crimson raiders and we went to go take it (back?) in Taking Flight. either the CoV found/ordered Sanc-III, or the crimson raiders were building it/fixing it up, their stronghold got taken over, and the CoV were prepping it for takeover.
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the shooting range. and if you notice that little CoV symbol in the bottom left there? yeah pretty much backs up my previous theory
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all those red bits are tied to ellie’s crew challenge. so we’ll be collecting things for her!
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an altar for scooter 😢
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“we’re gonna get those cultism sumbitches, believe you me”
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where you get yeeted out of Sanc-III. im definitely going to try jumping in it to see if it kills me. doesn’t look like the drop pods are available yet
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that’s not clappy, pretty sure he’s hanging out on the bridge right now
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schematics for veronica
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the thing i was most excited about in this video!
loooots of customizations! which excites me because i know eridium used to get useless late game when you’ve grinded all the raid bosses. it looks like eridum is going to be in ultra high demand. but u can bet ur ass im gonna be unlocking all those fucking customizations asap.
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veteran rewards is also super super interesting
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hgggggg i wanna know what the shields do!!! 
i like the vault symbol at the top of the item card as well, shows you its a special type of weapon/item. im honestly surprised we’re able to buy ‘veteran rewards’ so early in the game? i mean obvi we won’t have enough eridium (look at the costs!) but it’s wild it’s even accessible. im personally a fan of the first bonus ‘anointed: gain life steal on action skill end’
looks like these guns have been chosen
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to give them those special bonuses
i do see that just anointed is not class specific, but the ones that say anointed gunner or maybe anointed siren will be (confirmed by the devs in video).
you pay with eridium, so maybe the vending machine has some way to confer the power of eridium to the guns. or some shit. iunno. it’s possible this won’t be available until the end of the game, hence veteran rewards, and is only being shown to us right now since this is a showcasing video.
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pandoran civilian. no promethea civilians today folks! i am CONVINCED that the old sanc-iii demo takes place after the end of the game. at least after athenas.
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it’s weird seeing moxxi hanging outside her bar.
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is also cool to know that the 4 slot machines are actually available. seems like npcs can play them, but we can use all 4 if we want to. which is really nice
the one on the far left is called the ‘loot boxxer’ and it gives mostly guns lol. i see they are taking jabs. good for them
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better pic of the leftmost machines
Zer0 seems to have a bounty board? not sure if this is like a physical bounty board or if they will contact you when they want something dead, but it is cool to note. this isn’t shown in video, just the devs speaking about it.
similarly hammerlock has ‘big game hunts’ where you find “rare, challenging creatures” and kill them for him
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apparently we’ll be killing something known as a manvark
this book
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i fucking recognize this book
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in all seriousness tho
hammerlock probably isn’t in his room because we haven’t rescued him from eden-6 yet.
a cool thing about the crew challenges: as you progress through the game and do these challenges, sanc-iii will ‘grow and change to reflect the things you’ve accomplished’. altho another dev says “sometimes these are optional things, like challenges” 
so now im like oh shit we’re gonna change sanc-iii as we play the game. i wonder if that means we’ll be changing the hull, too. because you know. the blue paint job. we gotta go STEALTH. sneaky beaky into the calypsos fleety
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tannis doesn’t have the saurian on her table. also, interesting note, she DOES have the eridian log in the corner. meaning she must have had that before eden-6. interesting... maybe we’ll find more on Pandora.
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she is still covered in blood tho. idk i don’t have an explanation for that. don’t think i want to think of one, to be quite honest.
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oh no. (those are skulls next to all the gurneys)
“tannis plays a much bigger role in bl3 than she has in past games”. bigger than borderlands 1? that is... impressive. she’ll be running the health vending machines (which is weird bc i could’ve sworn in the promethea demo, zed was still running them... hm.)
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another angle of sanc-iii
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clappy? you good there?
the devs said they’re using him to plug a hole. i assume the calypsos shot at the ship as we’re leaving or smth.
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lily with no tattoos, who also looks significantly more pissed than her other sanc-iii demo counterpart
you know. because she got her tattoos.
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lilith says something right here. all i can make out is “Tyreen took my powers. it’s like tannis said. ..... [inaudible] Siren.” maybe some weird word i haven’t heard before? i swear she’s saying ‘like tannis said: a ‘m...’ Siren” but i am not 100% sure. if someone could help me out, that’d be rad.
so its sounding like lilith rushed in with explicit warning from tannis about tyreen stealing her powers, and tannis knew tyreen was some sort of Siren and warned lily, but lily didn’t listen. it could also be that lily is saying something like “im not a siren” but i can’t really hear it if she is. it sounds like she saying a word that starts with m to me. if someone could help me with this i’d owe you my life
whew. i am. fucking TIRED.
im gonna sleep for like 3 hours and then wake up and make food before the fl4k streams start.
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psycho-dances · 5 years
Experimentation (black-markets-of dance) psychic-processes  ‘it’s easier to kill the living then the un-dead’ Mark Fisher // Hauntological Dance
Why touch experimentation? or even try to enter into understanding what it is. and why now? So much of my thinking at the moment has been trying to consider how we relate to phenomenological experiences, or just the things that happen to us. is it the same old story of trying to think the past present and future of any given moment, that making sense of whats in front of us is becoming evermore so detrimentally important, however, I feel like Im in an elongated paranoid-schizoid position. 
 But somehow making-sense is so nonsensical and it’s probably the un-making (to eventual remaking) of sense that attracts me to the experimental. btw, ‘The experimental’ >> emphasis on THE >> sounds much nicer than experimentation, as the latter already denotes a kind of process of experimentation, where as ‘the experimental’ objectifies it a bit more as a topic apart from aestheticism or style. In this technological formation of cyber-space-time, a kind of communicative capitalism has highjacked us and created weird pathologies, compulsive needs of checking whether we are still entrepreneurs or not, we are surviving through competition and simultaneously being helpful toward each other. Mark Fisher calls this a kind of dyslexia, which is perhaps not so kind to those who suffer from dyslexia. I am incapable of concentrating on one thing, maybe it could be called a hyper-textual attention, deformed mental processing. Cafes, libraries, airports ect. have become vessels for wandering ghosts (myself included), where connecting is not about distance but rather technological-distance-(time). Fisher would call this ‘an end of the communal space, with an emergence of social collections’. we do not speak to know one another and we are not friends, but I (we) weirdly miss each others presence. we are all kind of present yet absent. 
  The sciences have long used experimenting in the light of hypothesis, predicting an outcome of an experiment in which two things are mixed, burnt, evaporated or blown to pieces, thus experimentations relation to the unknown or critical outcome is somewhat crucial. Experimenting for science means clear or unclear outcomes which can inform the next experiment, until experiments are not longer needed, like sifting out really lumpy things until the sieve is no longer needed. Experiments can allow for a new something to occur from an already known epistemological collection of objects things or materials, does ‘the experimental’ form new epistemologies?
This whole feeling or interest in ‘the experimental’ came from an experience of spectatorship whilst in Vienna during impulse-tanz (2019). I was watching a show by DD dorvillier called NO CHANGE, OR “FREEDOM IS A PSYCHO-KINETIC SKILL” (2005). First of all, things on stage were happening, a very flattened approach of attention between objects, bodies and sound. There was much more emphasis on what effect was being produced than the actions themselves, which placed everything slightly out-of-joint. It was the relation DD took, oscillating between some form of a psychic-telekinesis state and the moving of objects and dance. It felt experimental with out being unknown or improvisational or a trial ready for a visual failure. I did not feel as if anything happened out of randomness or intuition. It felt experimental because it was made in 2005 and we as audience were watching it now (then), there is a relevance here in watching what was, now (then). It reminds me of revivalism, however this was not appropriation, it was those who were, but now (then). it was a piece that was, but now (then). 
Its hard to speak about dance’s relationship to experimentation with out being thrown into the dominant single most life-threatening disease to dance, that being improvisation. This short essay is becoming more colloquial, which is not a bad thing, but I may stray into extreme stereotypes and expose myself as being ill-researched on the topic. Nevertheless, when dance artists consider experimenting with a material, an idea, another body, an object ect. They are bound with in the trap of improvisation. It could be described as a temporal experience in which one allows oneself ‘free of rules’ to engage with an ‘other’ in what-ever way intuition takes form. Experimentation becomes creative, which I would suggest should be re-thought. Of course improvisational practices are not so intuitionally based anymore, artists such as Salva Sanchis with the development of ‘perfect movement’ would be an example of improvisation taken into the realm of choreography. It works through the imaginary, one imagines what movement come next, but through a very precise lens. How the weight shifts, what foot comes first, where do the arms go next, and most importantly where does one finish. The (series of) movement(s) is (are) quite literally traced or pre-recorded in the mind. The final stage is to attempt to perform the action and begin training the mind to become faster and more astute in deciding where, when and how to dance. it is in many ways a training that looks into the boundary between psychic (improvised) dancing and physical (improvised) dancing. If this means that we are to become better improvisers then where has the attention gone into what we are producing. Is perfect movement not a perfectly depressive state where bodies attempt to gain total (anal) control.. is it not sincerely narcissistic? 
Improvisation is one way of dealing with experimentation for dance. However with the emergence of youtube and imagery as sources for appropriation, dancers and choreographers are never truly alone with dance. So the experimentation is taken out of improvisation and placed into the realm of mimesis. Learning through video has become a trend so as to queer improvisation or remove the dread of having the body produce material. If we are to speak for dance and dance only, what are other ways to work with the experimental, the body and movement? bypassing improvisation. or if improvisation were to never exist what would dance look like now?
The next part of this essay will try and delve into this a bit more clearly and less tiredly. If we connect movements of movement with time and the social, that being >> if improvisation was born in the 60′s / earlier / as a means to deal with the revolution of sexual freedom which was predominantly white  // why is 21st century dance still using improvisation as a tool for experimenting. What are the futures experimental tools? 
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ckret2 · 6 years
Prowl Interviews You About A Murder ASMR
the new discord im in had the worst idea in the history of transformers
Puff: "prowl arrests you asmr" Puff: prowl whispering 2 inches from your ear. "Hey... what's up... I'm here, because... we received a police report... about a body... in your backyard." luna-1 tour guide: the idea of prowl whispering "hey...w hat's up" while there's an entire forensics unit behind him is making me lose it Puff: god yes you can see them over his shoulder. Red Alert / Eject: The like ..lip smacking Red Alert / Eject: Between words Puff: chromedome and ironfist are just hanging out with their chemistry kits luna-1 tour guide: they;re already used to this. he's been doing this for days. they don't know why, but it's really effective Puff: "No, no, shhh, you're not in trouble... it's okay..." now he's gently stroking your head, "we have reason to believe... somebody else buried the body..." Puff: "can i ask you a few questions?" he's making deep, soulful eye contact. "is that okay? okay. great. thank you for your cooperation. now... where were you... three nights ago?" Sparkplug/Swerve/Rewind: it's 100% better when you think about him being monotone luna-1 tour guide: i like the idea of ironfist trying to go along with the whispering but cd's just... talking normally Red Alert / Eject: CD: hey prowl who you're talking to why are you so quiet Puff: suddenly prowl is at full volume "I'm interviewing a potential witness!" and then back to whispering "sorry about that" luna-1 tour guide: seokmbody told him he should be more gentle with witnesses Puff: that's exactly what happened. Puff: "try to be more soothing with the witnesses. you're interviewing them, not interrogating them." Puff: prowl went home and searched cyber-youtube for "soothing" and copied exactly what he saw Red Alert / Eject: Prowl listening to asmr and being like "I see." Is the funniest image luna-1 tour guide: he's doing the. the fingers laced elbows propped watching Intently thing at the videos luna-1 tour guide: its' videos of like... petting angry hydro weasels to get them to calm down, mixed with asmr, mixed with meditation techniques Puff: "should... should prowl be petting the witnesses" "idk it's working" Puff: "okay... now we're going to try... ventilating deeply... iiiiin.... hold it... and... ouuut..." "prowl what the frag" "he witnessed a MURDER, chromedome, i'm SOOTHING him" Sparkplug/Swerve/Rewind: witness isnt sure if soothed or alarmed Red Alert / Eject: I think the word is confused luna-1 tour guide: chromedome, after talking atthis poor guy after the investigation:
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Puff: prowl's like okay, no more breathing exercises. stick with the gentle head patting luna-1 tour guide: prowl pets your head and whispers gentle inquiries to you about a homicide
Puff: god no my prowl would never actually do that Puff: ... on the other hand, i WOULD write my getaway doing it Puff: *leans in real close to your ear* "hey there, scout"
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deadmomjokes · 6 years
Normal Anon Again 1: Your response was great, don't worry about a thing there. I just really feel stuck because Im still with my emotionally abusive family, and so I had to sneak to even see a doctor. I honestly felt like the doctor barely ever heard me at all, so even though she did prescribe an SSRI (not that she said what brand), I'm kind of scared to continue treatment with her. Because I made the notebook with a lot of care, she said I had OCD and did bring it up again later when I
had refuted it and tried to explain the notebook was just something I wanted to be well done for her. She didn't ever look at it either, so she based it off me buying little tabs and labeling them for ease of access and writing my name on the front I guess? I don't have a lot of money, as I don't have a job, and getting a job is the main reason I want to try medication... I basically have to move out by 2020 from my family, both by their desires and mine, so I'm on acrazy deadline to try to get my life together and I feel like I have no time to find someone new if I'm going to be looking to move away when all the apartments are renting. So it feels like if I want to try medication this is my one chance, but I don't feel like I can trust the doctor handling them. I don't know if I should just try to find a way to make my life work out for a couple months or give the medication a shot even though I don't trust the provider...I've got to worry about getting a job this month or being homeless too, which is why it feels so one or the other for my current situation. Thank you so much for all your feedback, sorry if this was a little messy being explained, I'm a bit frazzled yet, haha.
Oh man, I’m SO very sorry for everything you’re going through! You’re dealing with a ton, and this incident with Dr Garbage certainly didn’t help.
One thing that may be a possibility is going to a normal doctor, like a family medicine doc or general practitioner, and talking to them about your anxiety/depression problems. They can also prescribe psych medication, and it might be easier to pass off around your family and/or to find once you move, since a lot of offices partner or have networks that you can just transfer through. Anyone from a Nurse Practitioner to a PhD in general medicine can prescribe meds like an SSRI or even low-level mood stabilizers. (For my recently upped dosage, I went to a PA-C and they consulted with the folks at my obgyn, so I never even saw a psychiatrist. Tho I’m trying to get in with one anyway, but that’s way beside the point.)
I definitely understand you being unable to trust the current provider; she clearly didn’t hear you or take everything (anything?) into account. Anyone who comes to you from an emotionally abusive situation should warrant a ton of follow-up questions and in-depth probing. Even beyond that, just in general, taking stock of all the symptoms and reviewing any identified triggers is going to go a long way toward real diagnosis. Your notebook should have made her job a breeze, instead of her having to pick through your anecdotes of what happens when, she could just look at your notes! You were doing everything right; a therapist’s dream, honestly. I’ve been in therapy for years and I’m still not that good at keeping tabs on my own symptoms and patterns. I’m enraged on your behalf, because when someone comes to you for help you should reach back out to them, not be prescriptivist even if you’re dealing with prescriptions.
If medication is something you’ve been considering for a while, and feel like it might be a good fit for you, it may be worth trying the current prescription even though the current doctor is garbage, since SSRIs are usually the first try medications anyway. But that always comes with risks, because sometimes the first try doesn’t really work out for you or your specific situation. But SSRIs as a category are pretty safe, and are used for anxiety disorders (including panic disorder and generalized anxiety), ptsd, depression, and ocd as well. So chances are even if you found a psych who did their job well (aka not labeling you ocd for being prepared), they were going to land on an SSRI as a first try, too. That definitely doesn’t make it an easy decision, tho. That nagging fear may always be with you if you try it anyway despite not really trusting her diagnosis, and that could add a layer of complexity to deciding whether the medicine is right for you. Especially if you end up needing to switch medication or dosage, having a doctor you trust from the outset is going to be important.
I obviously cannot tell you what to do, nor do I want to, or even think I should if I could, because personal situations are just that--personal. I would only caution that if you’re already having difficulty getting or doing a job without medical assistance (ie medication), that trying it under serious stress for a few months may do more harm than good as far as worsening your difficulties, or causing new ones. However, sometimes we aren’t in the position to make the “best” decision for our health because living takes precedence; I’ve taken plenty of jobs that wrecked my mind and body and I kept them anyway because I absolutely had to. So I’m not going to get on a high horse because I know exactly how hard it is, and the difficult decisions you have to make in order to survive. I’m just so very sorry you are in that position to make such a decision.
If you do decide to try the medication anyway, some tips on kind of “going it alone” since you won’t be able to/won’t want to go back to the original doctor:
Start at a lower dose than the full final dosage. If she didn’t prescribe a “titration” schedule, starting at half dose for a week is a good place to begin.
Understand that things might get worse before they get better. You might have horrible mood swings, really bad depressive days, or bad anxiety spells before you start seeing the true effects. This isn’t indicative of whether the medicine is going to work eventually, but if it becomes too much for you to deal with, you should stop anyway.
Side effects may come and go. Just worth noting.
If possible, have someone close to you who knows that you’re starting this medicine. Obviously not a family member given your situation, but if you have a friend or anyone you do trust in your immediate vicinity, or even a friend you communicate with long-distance, make sure someone knows. That way you have someone to report in to and who can check up on you as you adjust.
Start by taking them with food, even if it doesn’t have a nausea warning. I’d suggest evening meal or soon thereafter, because SSRIs often cause drowsiness at first (great for helping with insomnia tho!).
You’re probably going to have a full month or two before it reaches its peak effect, since this is your first time trying them. You might see some relief right away, but full efficacy takes time as it builds up in your system. If you can tolerate the side effects (or don’t have any), and you’re able to deal with the mood swings or psychiatric effects, stick with it at least 6 weeks.
Listen to that “don’t drive or operate machinery” warning. First-time-medication drowsiness is a special breed that sneaks up on you and also makes you feel WEIRD.
You can also see about filling the prescription and then researching the name on the label before you decide whether or not to take it. Or, if you have an online account with the pharmacy, as with CVS, you can see the name of the drug there, or even call the pharmacy she sent it to and ask them what the name of it was (”for insurance purposes” or “because I forgot which one it was”) and then research it on sites like Mayo Clinic and rxlist.com (don’t do webmd). These websites include lists of what it’s approved to treat, so if you’re fairly certain you actually have anxiety/depression, look for that on the list. Just know that all websites are essentially required to remind you that an SSRI (really any antidepressant or mood stabilizer) could worsen any suicidal thoughts or behaviors, though this is mostly a risk for the 24 and under crowd with emphasis on teenagers. And it doesn’t happen to everyone.
Should you decide not to do the medicine right now because of the doctor who prescribed it, I applaud you for your bravery and strength in facing both your uncertain future and your mental/emotional difficulties without the assistance you feel you need. That’s a hard, hard thing to do, and I wish it wasn’t a choice you had to make.
I’ll be sending good vibes, thoughts, and prayers your way as you’re dealing with so many transitions and difficulties. I know cyber hugs are kind of a dated internetism, and may not mean much, but I give you all the cyber hugs my cyber arms can muster.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Okay I know that kingdom hearts has a bad reputation for sticking crucial plot information on obscure spinoff games but HOLY SHIT I just finally watched a lets play of the fuckin digimon tcg game and found out it ACTUALLY HAS A GODDAMN CONCLUSION TO ANALOGMAN FROM DIGIMON WORLD 1
like 90% of the damn game has no plot whatsoever let alone indicating its a digimon world sequel! and then suddenly in the last battle without being foreshadowed whatsoever analogman returns and gets possibly the best boss battle ever IN A GODDAMN TCG GAME
holy shit his whole fight is framed as ‘this is literally the same guy from digimon world 1, hacking another game’, the interface wigs out and a bunch of fake command windows pop up with rapidly scrolling code of the game supposedly falling apart. And then his boss battle flips the entire gameplay system on its head by giving him fourth wall breaking special moves that pull overpowered effects by “hacking the engine”, with cool animations to fit. Fuckin badasssss!!
digimon world’s conclusion was so rushed, you never even meet the villain until the final battle and it ends all weird with just “something” going wrong that causes him to get sucked into a portal or something while screaming dramatically in weirdly high resolution terror faces??? the tcg game confirms that this was him attempting to flee back to the human world after you defeated him, but one of the stray attacks from the battle damaged his machine and it caused him to essentially commit accidental suicide when he turned it on.
the game had some sequel bait hints that maybe analogman is somehow still around and that the portal explosion just turned him into “corrupted data” so he can never return to the human world. and i always thought it would be super ironic if he actually got turned into a digimon aka the thing he hates more than anything
he appears in this game as a malomyotismon who does a damn good vexen face during the fight, lol. And he’s all “gahh that stupid kid ruined my plans but this accursed body at least improved my hacking abilities!” Tho its implied that his corrupted state is more like a bodyless cloud of data that can possess/copy different digimon, which would be REALLY FUCKIN CRITICAL to explaining the goddamn plot of Digimon World Next Order!
Seriously wtf is up with this series? Digimon World 2 is not the sequel to Digimon World 1, all the numbered games are entirely separate individual stories with wildly different genres from pet sim to roguelike strategy. The real sequel is fucking DIGIMON THE CARD GAME THE GAME and then Digimon World Next Order a bazillion years later for the ps4. In which i am STILL REALLY SALTY that they have a FUCKIN RAD remix of analogman’s boss theme yet he doesn’t appear in the game. The added context of this damn tcg game confirms once and for all that the Ambiguous As Fuck Ending actually WAS him appearing in the game, this unexplained “oh wait the villain was good all along and he was just possessed by an evil virus” was supposed to be corrupted-digi-analogman and seriously WHY DONT THEY JUST FUCKIN EXPLAIN IT!!! this tcg game wasnt even released in europe!! and even american fans probably had no clue it was linked to this entirely separate subseries! You have to friggin piece it together with context clues like the battle music and the fact analogman’s signature mon was machinedramon. I mean vjesus christ Next Order is a litera; sequel with the grown up version of Digimon World’s protagonist as a badass home ec teacher who still defends the digital world in his free time yet you couldnt spare ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE mentioning the name of the villain?? and summarizing the fuckin tcg game everyone missed??? AND CONFIRMING THAT THE VILLAIN IS INDEED MAKING A REAPPEARANCE POSSESSING THIS GUY??? oh god everything makes SENSE, thank you terrible card game adaptation. ehh but i do still love Next Order for making Hiro/Mameo’s canon partner Mamemon, he’s even more badass as this big tough bishie version of himself with a tiny adorable pal that can shoot rocket fists through space and time. (its funny tho cos the DW1 intro movie showed metalmamemon and metalgreymon and the american boxart flipped a coin and decided metalgreymon must have been the one the protagonist was using in that scene. Whoops!)
anyway even with the added context that IT WAS INDEED GODDAMN ANALOGMAN, the final boss fight in Next Order was as terrible as the rest of the plot. So I’m glad trash gramps got a suitably badass boss fight after all, even if it was a CARD GAME VERSION! lets all celebrate the awesomeness of this obscure fuckin spinoff game’s obscure fuckin intercontinuity cameo with the boss fight music that other game wasted
seriously fuckin hell the biggest challenge in that final boss was that i was so distracted by SHEER OFFENDEDNESS at the cool music not matching it that it was hard to keep focused
its not just a great boss theme for a terrible boss, its a really fuckin EMOTIONAL song for anyone whose childhood was fuckin defined by the first game!!!
and look you had a PERFECT FUCKIN EXCUSE for a REALLY GOOD boss battle against MY MAN GRUMPY GRANDPA OF THE COOL DAMN NAME. Seriously guys analogman was THE FIRST digimon villain! digimon world came out before the anime, digimon world was the BETA FOR THE ANIME! this was the first place they had the ideas for file island, so much of the areas in the game are awkwardly mistranslated versions of stuff that would later appear in the anime in a different form. before this digimon had never been anything more than a fuckin 2-bit graphics tamagotchi and this was (after the manga) only the second goddamn time these monsters had an actual full colour character design! all of those charmingly janky 90s gross out show styled tcg illustrations? that was concept art that this game was working from! fuckin hell this game thought up the idea for metalgreymon’s changed design that ended up becoming the iconic partner of tai in the anime. (you can also see beta tai in the manga with a beta veemon as a partner instead! o_O)
I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT ANALOGMAN OKAY!!! he’s a badly written guy with only like five sentences across all the videogames but fuckin hell he was such an Iconique part of the development of this series that they named him fucking ANALOGMAN
like dude you could have SO EASILY made me scream at my tv in a more positive way by bringing him out as the surprise villain and showing us wtf his deisgn is even supposed to look like cos god all we have is a blurry faceless early ps1 model buried under the glow filters of Mt Infinity’s funky background effects.
slap a fuckin O on this man and LITERALLY LET ME BEAT HIM UP
like dont even give him a team or anything, just let me fight THE MAN HIMSELF
you canonically fuckin said he’s a digital ghost now and basically the same as a digimon
let me beat the shit out of a regular businessman in a suit and tie while he pulls his badass ‘i’m hacking the game i’m in’ bullshit from the GODDAMN TCG GAME THAT WAS MORE CLIMACTIC THAN YOUR SHITTY CASH GRAB FAKE SEQUEL
man god i didnt expect a fuckin TCG GAME to revive my righteous fury from back when i first played that piece of shit. i hate it cos Next order is so pretty and its gameplay is so good and i really loved my twin digis but there were SO MANY bugs and cut corners and missing content and really bad writing and GOD it made me so sad that the dub team really really tried, they tried so hard that they got fuckin renamon’s original voice actress back even though the renamon in this game has nothing to do with the anime one. THE DUB WAS REALLY GOOD BUT IT COULDNT SALVAGE THAT SCRIPT!! THE MUSIC WAS REALLY GOOD AND THE ART WAS REALLY GOOD AND THE DIGIMON THEMSELVES WERE MY BEST DAMN FRIENDS FOR THAT MONTH OF MY LIFE BUT THE GODDAMN FUCKIN SCRIPT!!! the postgame was MORE FUN because FINALLY everything opened up like the sandbox of the first game and you could just fuckin hug u digis without being distracted by constant cutscenes butchering your childhood nostalgia
man i wanted to write a fic/draw a comic about my headcanons on how to fix it but i never managed to do it cos holy shit it was basically “throw everything out and make a different game geez” I COULD RAMBLE FOR HOURS ABOUT THE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SEQUEL THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN!! and a fuckin!! tcg game!! was closer to that sequel!!!
fuck it im gonna do draw myself decking business gramps in the face
oh! and the female protagonist design! thats another rare good part of that thing! i loved the pixellization effect on her ponytal, way better than the male equivelant having a very ordinary costume design just with a pixel corner taken out of his jacket. also why did the plot never actually make a thing out of that? like you’d think that ‘unlike every other digimon tamer i’ve got this scar of my digitization’ would be a plot point. like they didnt give everyone else a cool pixel squares mark! they could have at least used it as an excuse why the protagonist is the Only Chosen One who can do all this plot shit. or if it was me i would have made it early foreshadowing for the Return Of Business Gramps, like you were partially infected by the Oooo Mysterious Unexplained Digi Virus (seriously why did they not just have ONE SENTENCE explaining its the fuckin original villain returning????) during the prologue and i dunno somehow that gives you powers to break analogman’s control on the digimon he possesses. or maybe the pixel thing is like a tracking device he put on you? or just give that cool design trait to the protagonist of digimon cyber sleuth instead, whose entire plot is that theyre a digimon human hybrid with literaly the power to pixellize themself into computers.
ALSO!!! actually do something!!! with mameo!!!
they really fuckin hyped up in all the prelease materials that the digimon world 1 protagonist was gonna be in this game and he’s all grown up now. and then he does NOTHING in the plot except babble exposition and stand around your home base. and has one line about how he’s a badass teacher now and his partner is mamemon but hey we made a bullshit excuse for why his digimon is sealed away and he never gets to fight :<
give me an actual cool teamup of new protag girl and her cool teacher dude beating the shit out of business trash with their bare fists and also their digimon’s bare fists while THE BEST DAMN MUSIC GOES UNWASTED
...fuck i sure do Feel Intensely about nostalgic games lol. i wonder if i’ll be so rambley when i play kh3? maybe itd be a really shitty lp, aaagh...
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU RP Thing: Chaos Akuma
An RP me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU where an Akuma (that’s basically Discord but his chaos powers are amped to an 11) distorts the city and the Armada into whatever he desires.
(An Akuma flies through the sky and finds someone to possess, a couple of seconds later, there was a mini-sonic boom and slowly, the city and everything in it, starts
to distort into strange and surreal things, even logic itself was being distorted.)
(Everyone starts to warp and change)
(Jordan suddenly feels a stinging pain inside of him and winces)
Eric: You okay...? (Eric feels a headache coming on and winces)
Jordan: *winces* N-No...not really...! *curls up from the pain and he notices claws were forming out of his fingers*
Eric: Jordan! What- (Eric falls to his knees, clutching his head)
Jordan: Will...!! *winces in pain as ears and a tail start growing on his body*
Eric: J...Jordan... (Eric can feel his concern melting away, even thought deep down he still feels it, and metal start to climb his skin)
(Fangs started to grow on Jordan's teeth and parts of his body had fur growing)
Jordan: *internally* What the fuck...?! I thought...Joe fixed this... *curls over in pain*
(Eventually, the pain stopped and Jordan looked at himself, he transformed into a half man half wolf. having the senses of a wolf but keeping his intelligence as a
Jordan: Wha...What the hell?!
(Jordan looks and sees that Eric is transforming into an android)
Jordan: Oh my god Will! *he holds him* Eric: J...Jordan...!!
(Eric slowly reaches out towards Jordan)
(His hand becomes metal and his eyes glow blue)
Jordan: Will...?
Eric: *voice becoming stiff* Jordan...
Jordan: *his wolf ears drooping* Uh...Will...?
Eric: *robot voice* Analyzing symptoms of Jordan Ellis, designated spouse or partner.
(Jordan looks at Eric, confused and a little bit scared)
Eric: Analysis complete. Energy readings signify an akuma.
Jordan: Well no shit, Peach, why else would we turn into this?! *gestures his body and Eric's body*
Eric: Analysis also confirms that others are having similar effects, some more drastic than others
(Jordan tenses up at the thought of Michael or others he cares about, going through similar or more drastic transformations)
(Jordan pulls out his phone to the group chat where the chat is already blowing up with reactions and screaming)
Jordan: Oh god...
(The chat is pure chaos)
Jeremy: *text* H E L P, S M A L L  A S  A  K I T T E N DX
Anton: *sends of photo of his scarred eye open but it has TV static, while the rest of body has wires in his body* I have NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL I TURNED INTO!!!
(Amongst the chaos, Jane sent a video in the chat, in the video, “Eric” was holding the camera in from of “him”)
Jordan: The fuck?!
(In the video, "Eric" explains that "he's" Jane, but the magic of the chaos akuma turned her into a shapeshifter, allowing her to turn into whatever she desires. Then,
near the end of the video, she shows what the chaos magic did to Joe, she turns the camera to the table, there a book lays on the table. And Jane says that the magic
made a magic book and now Joe is sealed within it, with his only way of communication is to write words on the blank pages.)
Jordan: Jesus, what a shit show...
Lin: *text* Everybody turned into some kind of freak show, thanks to that Akuma! XS
Kirsty: *text* You can say that again! (She sends a video of the trinity showing that she’s about three inches tall and the trinity have become living representations of ‘see no evil, hear no evil, and
speak no evil’. Philip has no eyes, Sebastian has no ears, and Max has no mouth)
Jane: *text* Holy shit! O_O
Kirsty: *text* I KNOW!! And do you know how hard it is to use a touch screen when you’re this tiny??? >:(
Jeremy: *text* I'm kinda having the same problem cause, ya know, I'M THE SIZE OF A KITTEN RIGHT NOW?!
Jane: *text* Dad says we should all meet up and asses the damage before going after the akuma
Jordan: *text* Alright, see you all there!
Jordan: C'mon Will!
Jordan: Let’s go! Eric: Affirmative.
(They transform and head out and meet with the others in less than graceful fashions due to their deformities) Dasher: *runs backwards to where they are and slams into the wall as a result* OW FUCK!!
Timber: Woah! You okay Speedy?!
Dasher: No! My running is completely fucked up!
(Dasher slowly backs up, wincing at the hard blow) Dasher: *softly* Ow ow ow ow ow...
Stag: At least you can fucking SEE!!! (Gestures to Cloudy who is literally a walking ball of wool)
Cloudy: Help :^(
Atlantic: *points to Stag* Mmmmph mmm mmm mmmph. (You're not much better off) (Stag's horns are huge, weighing down his head so much that he has to drag them along)
Stag: Oh Maxie, these *gestures the horns* may be bad, but trust me, "down below" i had it the worse. :/
Atlantic: Mmmph mmmph mm mmm mmmmm mmmmmph!!! >:((((( Scarlet: WHAT?! Jade: Please, you don't have to shout....although *puts hands where his eyes used to be* it gives me a better idea of where you are...but who am I kidding you're not
hearing any of this... Scarlet: WHAT?!
Inferno: Why even complain about this?! We all *suddenly his voice turns into a female's voice* have some kind of problem thanks to the *turns back into a male voice*
Akuma fucking us up! >:(
Leo: Whoa that's weird... Ace: Honestly I think he has it the best. (Ace is now part pigeon and the size of one too, carrying Swan in his feet who is now a plushie)
Leo: ...At least Post can be the one thing he loves. :/
(Hound whines as he's now a dog but with his human head) Hound: I want my apposable thumbs back! D'X
Volph: Same here! I think? (Volph is now an anthro fox, her fox tail sticking out with her nine tails of her costume)
Maiden: *who has a legit unicorn head but a human body* Let's just find this asshole and be done with this...
Draco: Let's just be careful of how we traverse this chaos driven terrain...especially me... *parts of Draco's body is covered in stained glass, not only that, he's a
bit fragile, a simple fall would shatter him into pieces*
Striker: I second that... *Striker has become part stone like a griffon statue*
Jane: *who's taken the form of Makoto from Danganronpa* Yeah, everybody got a little form change thanks to him... *she looks at the magic book that she's holding*
...At least you guys can move around, unlike Dad who's...probably gonna be immobile until this is over... :/
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane's shoulder* I can't even move without fear of being stepped on. Christine at least has wings. *points to Papillion who's now the size of a
Papillion: Well yeah, the world does seem a bit more dangerous if you're SUPER tiny. :/
Tiger: DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THAT I'M PERMANENTLY ON FIRE?!?!?!?!?! *his whole body is up in flames*
Jane: ...Oh yeah, forgot about that. :/
Pacific: *mouth is full of giant shark teeth expanding his mouth and his lips* My dentist is gonna KILL ME!!!
Ursa: *body was buffed up and generally he looked like a bear man* Now i know how it feels to be the strongest man in the whole armada... *glares at Timber*
Timber: Oh fuck you too, Matt >:(
(Ursa and Timber glare at each other)
Natura: Guys cmon not now! (Natura has turned into the deer god from Princess Mononoke)
Aqua: Yeah, you can do it later AFTER we’re back to normal! XS (Aqua’s hair is now multi-colored, SUPER long, and are thin like spaghetti)
Karma: Yeah... (Karma’s physical body is gone, but his costume and mask are still visible)
Timber: *huffs* Fine...
(They head off the best they can to look for the akuma)
(Jane taken the form of Wise Owl to catch up with the group. Seeing everyone struggling to look for the Akuma in their current state, Joe’s written words in the magic
book were filled with distress and worry for the Armada)
Jane: Awww don’t worry dad, they’ll be okay
Joe: *written down* Are you sure my dear?
(Jane looks up as Jade trips and falls due to blindness and Tiger sets a nearby object on fire) Jane: ...Yeah...they'll be fine O_O
Joe: *written down* I hope so...with these deformities this akuma has bestowed upon them...i just pray to god that they'll be okay by the end of this...
(After a good while of struggling, they hear laughing) Akuma: Oh this is just priceless XD
Timber: *ears twitch* I hear him!
Kirsty: Well duh, he's right above you. *points to the akuma laughing above them*
Akuma: *laughs* Oh god, you all look HILARIOUS!! XD
Atlantic: *muffled ranting* Akuma: What? I can't quite...you got something... *points to his mouth* Oh wait, you have NOTHING XD
(The akuma laughs at Atlantic, while Atlantic fumes with rage)
Timber: You're going down, I think is what he means to say >:(
Akuma: Oh really? You deformed weirdos are gonna take ME down? HA! You guys couldn't even crush a cockroach with these new forms of yours! XD *keeps laughing* Joe: *angrily writes* HEY!! Do NOT insult my children!! >:(
Jane: Sheesh Dad... O_O (Leo hisses and yowls quite pitifully, only fueling the akuma's laughter)
Dasher: You think THIS is FUCKING FUNNY?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative; analysis confirms that these transfigurations to our bodies are only intended for enterntainment
Draco: So he turned EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US into some kind of JOKE?! >:(
Cyber: Affirmative. Hound: Quit acting so calm about this!!!
Cyber: *looks at Hound, curiously* What do you mean? This is my default voice.
Kirsty: Hey! Are you guys gonna kick his ass or what?!
Akuma: *laughs* There's no WAY these fools are gonna beat me! There's NO way they can smack me around with those silly forms of theirs! XD
(Cyber wordlessly raises his hand and shoots a lightning blast and it hits) Cyber: Target acquired. Akuma object termination in progress
Akuma: GAH!! Why you...!! *his arm morphs into a giant arm made out of vines and he grabs Cyber with the large fist made out of vines*
Timber: WILL!!
(The Akuma lifts Cyber up and starts throwing him around, slamming him into nearby buildings)
(Cyber keeps a straight face almost throughout the whole thing) Tiger: My GOD man, you’re being pummeled!! DONT YOU CARE?!?!
(The Akuma keeps throwing him around until he stops, his vine arm detaching from his body, a new arm immediately grows in its place, and the vines tie around Cyber’s
body. The vines slowly tighten their grip on him and spikes start to pop out in some places)
Timber: LET GO OF MY PEACH!!! (Timber leaps up with his claws and slices through the vines and catches Cyber, landing safely)
Timber: *to Cyber* You Okay, Peach?
Cyber: *stares at Timber in slight shock* A...Affirmative...
Timber: Good... (The Akuma looks at the Armada in slight amusement) Akuma: So ya weaklings think you can stand up against me? >:3
Dasher: Hell yeah we can!!
Akuma: Well I hope you have a little plan to do so, cause I’m gonna make this world turn against ya! >:3 (The Akuma snaps his fingers and suddenly, the ground below them turned into thick chocolate sauce)
Leo: Oh COME ON!!
(They struggle through the chocolate to get out of it, but the fact that Tiger is on fire, causes the chocolate to get a bit hotter)
Pacific: Dude, get OUT of the chocolate!! Tiger: I'm TRYING! >:(((
(They keep struggling until they manage to get out.) (But then the Akuma made the ground below them turn into slippery soap)
(The holders all slip and slide) Jane: It's okay! Just pretend you're ice skating!
Dasher: But-AH! *he slips and falls on the ground* some of us CAN'T skate! XS
Kirsty: Then now's a good time to learn! (Meanwhile, any flying holders who are able, start fighting the akuma)
(However, the akuma had a wide grin on his face, fighting back with such great force. He even takes advantage of their new forms, by landing a hard hit on Draco and a
piece of his glass like body breaking off of him)
(Draco screams) Timber: NO!!! (Cyber stares as emotion tries to break through his eyes)
Akuma: Oh ho, why would a fragile one, such as yourself, would want to fight me? Especially if *grabs Draco's arm and with great force, he snaps it off of him* THIS
happens to ya? >:3
Jane and Kirsty: HOLY SHIT!!! (Cyber blasts the akuma as hard as he can with lightning)
(The akuma smirks and hides Draco behind him, then with his chaos magic, turns the arm into a copy of Draco and uses it as a shield, letting the lightning hit the
Draco clone)
Hound: HEY!!! Leo: No one hurts Dragon Dad on OUR watch!!! (The kids all attack, knocking the clone away)
(The Akuma smiles wickedly and pulls out a large cage, then he swoops all the kids up in it, and then he spins it around quickly)
Stag: KIDS!!!
(The kids scream as they are being spun around. Until the akuma throws the cage and it flies over the adult Holders and through the city) Akuma: Homerun!! >:3
Dasher: I'll get them! *starts running backwards after them as best he can* Atlantic: *muffled yelling and screaming* Scarlet: YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!
Akuma: I'm not going down, you are >;3 *he snaps his fingers and suddenly gravity pushes the Adult Holders down, making it a bit hard for them to move*
(A bird visor then appears on his face) Raven: Well done my akuma! You've done beautifully! >:3
Akuma: Thank you Master! >:3
Akuma: Shall I bring them to you? Raven: Oh please do. >:3
Akuma: I will, and trust me, you'll LAUGH once you seen what i've done to them! >:3
Raven: I look forward to it.
(The Raven Visor disappears and the Akuma looks at the Holders)
Akuma: Well, time to go! (He waves his hand and a giant sentient bag appears and scoops up all the adult holders; he then makes a separate bag) Akuma: Get those kids and that weasel, we want to please Master >:3 *the bag flies off*
(A couple of seconds later, the bag comes back with the kids Holders and Dasher in it)
(The akuma grins and flies towards Raven's tower, which has a kind of shield around it made by the akuma so the reality warping won't affect him; Raven comes out of
the tower, stopping right at the edge of the shield) Raven: I'm sorry to say all your hard work will be undone once they come in here, but please, show them to me, I must see this with my own eyes! >:3 *he gestures to a
spot right in front of the shield*
(The akuma empties the bags out while keeping gravity on them so Raven can see their conditions)
(Upon seeing their conditions, Raven bursts out into laughter)
Raven: Oh! This is incredible! XD
(Raven keeps laughing at them, while the Holders, Jane, and Kirsty, all glare at him)
(He laughs for a while until he finally calms down) Raven: Okay...well done...ten out of ten, darling; throw the bags into my tower and you can keep doing your thing... XD
Akuma: Okay! >:3
(He puts them all back into one bag and throws them into the tower and flies off; meanwhile, while the holders are still helpless, the moment they enter the field,
they return to normal) Raven: *enters the tower* Oh it was fun while it lasted...
(Raven takes the bags up the tower)
(Once he gets to the tower...) Raven: First, let's deal with the extra baggage... *he reaches in and grabs Jane and Kirsty out of the bag*
Jane: AHH! Kirsty: HEY!!
(He ties them up back to back and puts tape on their mouths and holds them up by a length of rope) Raven: Now I can guarantee a little more cooperation from the animal patrol >:3
Kirsty and Jane: MMMPH!!
(Raven unties the bag) Raven: Alright, c'mon out. Enjoy your normality *softly* for now...
(He empties out the bag, letting the Holders fall out)
(Everyone looks around and deflates in relief at seeing they're normal again)
Timber: Thank god...
Cyber: Jordan! *hugs him* I've been wanting to do that all day!!
Timber: *hugs back* Finally, my Peach is speaking normally! :)
Atlantic: I can talk!! Scarlet: I can hear!! Jade: I can see!!
Owl: *looks at himself* I-I'm not in a book anymore...! Oh thank god...!! *hugs any nearby Holders as tightly as possible* Oh my dear children, you're all okay...!!
Hound: Oof! Missed you too, Owl Dad
(Raven rolls his eyes as he sees the Holders all relieved to have their normal bodies back)
Kirsty: MMMPH!! (Hey, don't ignore us!! >:((( )
Jane: MMPH!!! (Yeah, we matter too! >:((( )
Raven: *clears this throat and gets their attention* I get that you're happy but - *he holds his scythe up to Kirsty and Jane* Let's get back to business, shall we?
(The Holders' eyes widen upon seeing the scythe near Jane and Kirsty)
Raven: Your Miraculous, if you please. I would tie you all up and take them by force, but I'm not really feeling it today, soooo... (He pushes the scythe closer, making the two girls whimper)
(The Holders tense up)
Raven: What's it gonna be, holders? The easy way or the hard way?
(The Holders glare at Raven, not wanting to hand their Miraculous over, but they don't want Jane and Kirsty's lives to be taken by Raven Claw)
(After a while, Raven sighs) Raven: Alright, if you're going to be dramatic about it, you can at least be entertaining (He drops a portion of the shield so only he, Jane, and Kirsty are shielded from the warping)
Leo: Oh no, not again! XS (Everyone starts to transform)
Timber: No..! WILL!! (Cyber starts becoming metal again)
(Timber winces in pain as he starts transforming again)
(Cyber hugs him) Cyber: I...I love you...!
Timber: I...I love you...too...!!
Jane and Kirsty: *struggle* MMMMPH!! (The transformations finish)
Tiger: AHHH!!! I'M ON FIRE AGAIN!!!!!
(The holders descend into chaos once more and Raven laughs while Jane and Kirsty watch in horror)
Leo: Oh god, i'm tiny again!!! DX
Hound: *looks at his dog body* Nooooooooo! Atlantic: MMMMMMMPH!!!
Jade: I can't see!!! Scarlet: WHAT?!
Kirsty: *glares at Raven* MMMMMPH!! (YOU ASSHOLE!!)
Jane: *looks at Owl's distorted form, just laying on the ground* MMPH!! (DAD!!)
Raven: *to Owl* Not so tough now are you? XD
Owl: *written down* Shut your mouth! >:(
(Raven floats around them in his shield with Jane and Kirsty)
(Jane and Kirsty watch in horror as they see the Holders freaking out and panicking over their distorted forms)
(Kirsty growls at Raven and gives him a kick in the shins and Jane follows suit, both of them kicking at him)
Raven: Ow! Hey! >:(
Jane and Kirsty: >:(((((((( *keep kicking at him*
Raven: Ow Ow Ow Quit it!! >:((
(They keep kicking at him when Raven suddenly loses his balance; he flails and topples right out of his shield, leaving only Jane and Kirsty sitting inside it)
Raven: Ow... *glares at Jane and Kirsty* Why you- (Suddenly, Raven freezes and then he starts to transform, screaming in pain)
Jane: Mmph! (Whoa!) (Raven grows a bird head and his arms become wings but his body remains) Kirsty: Mmmph? (Did we do that? O_O )
Jane: Mmph! (Apparently! O_O)
(Raven’s transformation completes and he looks at  himself in horror)
(Raven screams in horror upon seeing his distorted form)
Arctic: *who has a similar appearance to Raven but as a Polar bear* HA!! Sucks to be you, asshole!! >:D
(Raven still screams in horror of his new form)
(Owl writes something down and Timber reads it and calls up to Jane and Kirsty) Timber: You two just stay put up there!! We’ll get ya down as soon as we get rid of this akuma!!
Jane: Mmph! (Okay!) *internally* Though I miss being a shapeshifter :/
Kirsty: Mmph! (Got it!) *internally* Man, if I was still small we could get out of these ropes... :/ (The holders get a hold of themselves and look out the window where they see the akuma in the distance)
(The Akuma looks at Raven’s tower, looking a kinda bored) Akuma: The whole city is distorted by me...except this. (He stares at it for a few seconds) Akuma: ...Fuck it, Master’s joining the fun! (He snaps his fingers and Raven’s tower starts to distort and the shield disappears)
(Kirsty instantly shrinks making the ropes fall away from Jane and they pull the tape off)
Jane: *shiftshapes into Sci-Twi* Yes! We're free! And i can shift shape again! :D
Kirsty: *climbs on Jane’s shoulder* Don’t get TOO attached to the crazy akuma magic...
Jane: *gets up* Hey, having the power to shiftshape is the one ability i wish i can have 24/7, so don't blame me for getting TOO attached to this new ability! X3
Kirsty: Just don’t drop me please...
Jane: I won't!
Jane: And besides, we’re already together, no need to FALL for me ;) Kirsty: ........why....? -_-
(Suddenly, everyone feels the tower shaking for a couple of seconds. When it stopped, the window transformed into a large eye and it looked at everyone)
Coral: Huh...at least we don’t have to walk
(Then they feel the lair shake again. Outside, the lair rises and four legs burst out from under it. Then it starts to move around the city mindlessly)
(Everyone topples around from the movement, Jane holding Kirsty in her hands for safety)
(Jane spots Owl's distorted form being thrown around from the movement, but her heart sank when he was getting a bit too close to Tiger)
(Timber quickly yanked Owl away from Tiger)
Hound: Now what?!
(At this point, Raven eventually calms down and glares at the Holders)
Raven: This- Dasher: If you say this our fault you’re fucking DEAD >:(
Jane: Really, it's actually OUR fault ya turned into a raven man! *she shiftshapes into Raven Claw* Then again, you underestimated what two girls can do to you! :P
(Raven lets out a screech of anger and charges towards Jane and Kirsty)
Jane: Oh shit O_O *spreads out her wings and flies off*
Kirsty: *clinging to Jane* FLY FLY FLY!!!!
(Jane flaps her wings as fast as she can)
(Raven chases them out of the tower) Leo: ...I guess we’ll just have to check on them once we take out that akuma
Cyber: Affirmative.
(The holders manage to safely get out of the tower and head towards the akuma)
(As soon as they were getting near the Akuma, a large boxing ring emerges out of the ground below them and rises above the city with them on it)
Atlantic: *muffled annoyed sounds*
(It stops when the boxing ring was way above the city, then the akuma shows up with a big smirk on his face)
Akuma: Ready for the REAL fight? >:3
Akuma: Cause the fight i'm gonna give you, is FINAL BOSS worthy! >:3 *he smiles wickedly then he swoops down. A few seconds later, the ground started to shake and a HUGE dark figure started to rise*
(The kids’ eyes all widen in recognition to the reference) Kids: O_O .......fuck
(Once the dark figure towers over the Armada, the dark figure was revealed to be the akuma transformed into a being of madness and chaos.The Akuma maniacally laughs at them with a wide smile)
Everyone: O_O Timber: .....Welp....let’s get him guys
Dasher: Let's bring our A-Game into this one...i hope... O~O
(They start fighting)
(The Armada do all that they can to fight the Akuma, but at some points during the fight, the Akuma sends out powerful attacks that almost knocked some of the members
of the Armada out of the boxing ring)
Akuma: That’s a few down!
(Draco holds onto the ropes as best as he can) Draco: Boys...Help me...!!
(Timber and Cyber run over and carefully helps him over)
Draco: Thank you...
Timber: We gotcha
(They keep fighting the Akuma)
(Leo and Swan, vein the smallest, sneak around the massive akuma and look for the object they need) (Papillion helps too)
(But then, three hands emerge out of the Akuma's body, grabbing Leo, Swan, and Papillion.)
Timber: KIDS!!
Akuma: Nuh uh uh! If you all want to beat me, then you'll have to do it without taking the easy way! Or else... *the hands' grip on Leo, Swan, and Papillion get
tighter, the three of them scream in pain*
Dasher: Okay okay! (They keep fighting)
(The Akuma keeps holding onto Leo, Papillion, and Swan during the fight)
(The fight goes on for a while until Cyber spots the akuma)
(Cyber was about to shoot at it, but the Akuma noticed that he was taking "the easy way", so another hand emerges out of his body and grabs Cyber tightly) Akuma: NO EASY WAY!!
Hound: You’re a sore loser! >:((((
Akuma: Oh am I? Well, i won’t let ANY of you taking the easy route of beating me, you gotta beat me like you would with a REGULAR final boss! >:) (The Akuma lifts Cyber up and tightens his hold on him, resulting in some sparks flying out of Cyber’s metal body)
(Timber quickly jumps up and latches onto the hand holding Cyber) Timber: Hang on Will!!
(His grip on Cyber gets tighter, more sparks are flying and his eyes start to flicker)
Timber: Silver Claws!! (Timber shoves his claws into the hand and slowly pries the giant fingers away from Cyber so he can grab him and hold him to his chest)
(Cyber had a lot of dents and cracks, even his robot arm was disconnected)
Timber: Jesus...! Timber: Come on Will, stay with me!
Cyber: Energy low. 99% functions are shut down or damaged. *looks at Timber* Jordan...
Timber: Will...!
Cyber: Able...to function...for 5 minutes maximum...after dead line...will shutdown...permanently... (He looks at Timber directly) Cyber: Jordan...beloved spouse... *a smile cracks on his face* I...love...you... :)
(Timber tears up) Timber: I...I love you too...
(Timber gives a quick peck on Cyber’s lips)
Akuma: *laughs* Some hero you are! Can’t even protect one of his friends! Timber: ...I wouldn’t say that... Akuma: Huh? Timber: I just had to keep you still for a few minutes >:3 (At that moment, Stag jumps off one of the poles of the ring and drops the full weight of his giant horns onto the akuma’s head)
Akuma: GAH!!
Stag: TAKE THAT SCUMBAG!!! Timber: GET HIM EVERYONE!! (The holders all charge and take advantage, attacking with everything they have all at once)
(As all the attacks hit the Akuma, he flails around and the city below them starts to twist and turn, becoming a chaotic version of the city)
(The holders keep going and keep attacking, pinning him down under all their attacks)
(They keep going until Timber gives the Akuma the final blow. Then, streams of light poke out from the Akuma’s body, he screams and he explodes into an explosion of
(The akuma object appears and Timber catches it) Timber: Time to end this...
(With all of his strength, he crushes the Akuma into pieces and a black bird flies out)
(he directs the bird to Cyber who is moments away from shutting down; with the last of his strength, Cyber puries the akuma and restores the damage, returning the
world and themselves to normal)
(They all return to the ground and everything and everyone turned back to normal)
Timber: WILL!! (He runs over to Cyber who's body is human and completely healed as he sits up)
Cyber: *looks up* Jordan...!
(Timber scoops him up and spins him around, peppering him with kisses) Timber: Thank god...!
(Cyber giggles and smiles as Timber peppers his face with kisses)
Cyber: It's good to see you too...! X3
(Then Timber kisses Cyber fully in the mouth and they hold that kiss for a few seconds. Then they break the kiss)
Timber: God I missed the real you...
Cyber: Same here...
(Cyber kisses Timber again, quite roughly) Cyber: I've been wanting to do that all day...
(Timber smiles and kisses him back)
(Dasher makes a joking gagging noise as all the other couples embrace and kiss when Scarlet blinks) Scarlet: Um...what happened to my baby sister and her girlfriend? O_O
Everyone: O_O
(Meanwhile, Raven, now back to normal, has just entered his tower with a squirming bag in his possession with a tied and taped Jane and Kirsty inside) Raven: *panting slightly* Well...that was an ordeal...but I finally got you little pests!
Jane and Kirsty: MMMMMPHHHHH!!!!!!!
Raven: *looks around* You know what? We're gonna switch this up a bit, since I'm now quite exhausted. (He takes the bag out of the tower and into another room in his lair)
(Once he got into the other room in his lair, he throws the bag onto the ground)
Jane and Kirsty: MMPH! (OW!!!) (Raven collapses onto a chair that's in the room) Raven: Let's see how long it takes them
(Raven sits there, waiting for the Armada to come)
(After a while he hears them burst into the tower above them) Raven: God, did they break my windows again? -_-
(The Armada race through the tower, looking for Raven, Jane, and Kirsty)
Leo: They're not here!! Atlantic: But that's impossible!!
Owl: Where the hell did he take my daughter and her girlfriend?!
Scarlet: Where's my baby sister?! >:((((
Timber: They have to be here somewhere!
Hound: STORM THE LAIR!! (Raven hears from a distance)
Raven: What?!
(Raven grabs the bag and moves from the room)
(The Armada storm through the lair, looking at every inch, every room, everything Raven's lair has)
(Owl eventually makes it to the front room just in time to see Raven exit the front door and fly away with the bag)
Raven: ...Shit. O_O
(The Armada charge towards Raven while he quickly tries to fly away)
Raven: Dammit...as if I didn't use up enough energy chasing these two before!!
(Raven tries all that he can to fly away from the Armada, but then Owl tackles Raven out of the sky)
(They fall onto a roof and tumble, the bag flying away from both of them)
(Owl pins Raven to the ground, glaring at him)
Owl: Give them back!! Raven: Oh, you want them? Better go get them! >:3 (He points to the bag just as its rolling off the edge of the building)
Owl: *eyes widen in horror* NO!!! *quickly flies towards the bag*
(He reaches out for it but just misses it; when suddenly, Jade appears and catches it as it falls with Nature Leap)
Jade: Got it!
(Jade lands and Scarlet appears and opens the bag, he and Atlantic pulling out the tied up girls) Kirsty: Mmmmph! :D
(Owl quickly takes the tape off their mouths, unties them, and immediately hugs Jane tightly, relieved that she's okay) Owl: Oh my sweet daughter...! You're okay...! You're okay...!!
(The trinity do the same with Kirsty and Scarlet hugs her) Scarlet: Baby sis...! You're okay!! Jade: Thank god...!
Jane: Dad...! *hugs him back*
Kirsty: Guys...! *hugs the trinity*
(The Trinity and Owl keep hugging Kirsty and Jane, even Owl gives a little kiss on Jane's cheek)
(The other holders decide to leave them be and head on their own way) Timber: *takes Cyber's hand* Shall we? :3
Cyber: We shall! :3
(They head off together)
(As they head off, Raven gets up, rolls his eyes and growls, and leaves the Armada without saying a word)
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highsocietyhq · 6 years
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Equanimity’s troops had not advanced from Vyborg, the conquest of the city had been enough for now. It was time to reconsider their approach. When the ruckus in Karelia died down for a brief period of time, another one started in Finland. Some fights don’t require guns or bombs, sometimes the worst damage can be done with something as simple as zeros and ones. The cyber attack Russia launched against their western neighbour created chaos. It caused a complete blackout in the ICT network of the country. Communicating by normal means was impossible, which made it harder to contain the situation. Plane and car crashes, and jumbled electrical grids were just a fraction of the mayhem the attack had caused. The attack was much more extensive and malicious than the one that had occurred in Denmark months ago, but it wasn’t shrouded in mystery. Both Denmark and Germany had worked hard to catch the culprit. One lead after another, they were led to Iceland. Iceland’s officials denied every accusation but there was no doubt about who was to blame --- the country that had so well stayed away from the mainland’s conflicts had just become the center of one.
Egypt had been laying low. They had been unwilling to make haste decisions. The inertness came to an end when Turkey required their help. The Aegean dispute between Greece and Turkey had finally exploded, the current international climate having been too much for the situation. When the discussions halted, both countries made a move to prepare for a possible hostile attack. Turkey acquired Egypt’s aid, Greece made the decision to take care of the situation by themselves. Things weren’t much better north of Greece either. The pact Croatia had made with Italy wasn’t quite as strong as they had believed. When Brazil’s forces invaded the small country, the help Croatia received from their neighbour wasn’t quite enough to keep the invaders from clearing a path for their allies. With Brazil’s help, Hungary could move their troops to the Mediterranean as they had planned originally. Spain finally received some of the very needed help.
The Andorran situation was still a hot topic but it was peaceful. The UN had sent troops to oversee the situation, which helped to keep things from escalating. Switzerland on the other hand had made their view own the issue blatantly clear: they would never condone their ally’s actions. Switzerland, while a bigger country than Andorra, still had to consider what France could do to them. The tension between France and Switzerland led to two things. First, thousands of French people living in Switzerland had their visas taken away. In a matter of days, the French became undocumented immigrants. The other thing was that to make sure their military could hold off any hostile forces, Switzerland acquired China’s help. China send three-hundred-thousand men to the alpine country. France however did not have much time to pay attention to their eastern neighbour. France had been holding against Spain successfully and it as no wonder since the southern border was of utmost importance. The whole country was shaken when it came to their attention that Saudi Arabia was considering an attack. The news caused an uproar among the French. Such threats were exactly the reason why France had come to help their ally, Andorra, in the first place. South Arabia had no right to get involved in France’s and Andorra’s business in the first place. Weeks passed but nothing seemed to happen --- aside from Saudi Arabia moving troops form one place to another. The tension in France urged other countries to reconsider their relationship with the country. Monaco was one these countries: the two things that separated them from Andorra was the access to the sea and money.
While Spain struggled to keep order in their duchy, they knew it would take a lot of more than just force to keep the duchy under their control. The Spanish royal family started campaigning for an unified Spain. They promised asylum for every person living in Catalonia who wasn’t a separatist, Catalonian or just simply did not care enough for the cause to stay in a place that might end up being ravaged by war. It was such a small gesture but in some people’s eyes, the royal family seemed like a benevolent and caring family --- and every citizen was part of it. The Spanish family wasn’t the only family trying to redeem themselves: the English government was now convinced that it was in their bet interest to make up for the former king’s transgressions against the Netherlands. The English government decided to forgive the debt owed to them by the Netherlands. The sum was trivial, its effect on the countries’ economies was nonexistent but it was a gesture, one the English wished the other country would accept politely. 
Do not beat anyone to the ground unless you are sure they are going to stay down. South Korea was to learn that the hard way. North Korea could be barely called a nation: the damage South Korea had done to it was extensive and terrible. Yet, North Korea took a chance and set up bombs at the Incheon International Airport and the Kunsan Air Base. The attacks took many lives but it was a small number compared to the North Koreans who had died at the hands of Confluence.
ooc information under the read more
this is the may plot drop !
if you have a particular plot in mind, or something you really do not want to happen, please don’t hesitate to tell us because nothing is etched in stone and your wishes will be taken into account ! we’d also really appreciate it if you could tell give us some direction in regards to what you’d like to see happen next (regarding your charas / their countries / involvement in the war). we love receiving feedback, so please shoot us an im, inbox, or message us on our chara accounts if you have any suggestions in regards to anything. and don’t forget to take advantage of the ooc groups !
click here for an in-depth look at our previous plot drops and here for a quick summary.
in case you need to freshen up on which countries are allied with which, click here.
finally, MEMBERS, please like this post once you’ve seen it !
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twentysixdegrees · 7 years
maaaaan, this girl is non-stop!
*pushes my index fingers together* i wrote all the starters i owe, though i have replies that i still owe (i didn’t forget)! i’ll get to those either later today after i meet some deadlines or tomorrow!! that being said, welcome to the new members of werelit, and i still have a lot of brain babies and random ass ideas...so uh, if you want to do something you can take a look down below!
if we’re mutuals, if you find this in the tags and it piques your interest, or we already got something going on but something in this catches your eye....like, call dibs, message me first, or breathe in my general direction--anything works!
tumblr im is the best way to reach me! pls don’t leave me hanging!!! (also please excuse the typos that are sure to pop up, i’m running out of steam omg)
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random ideas
some kind of superhero au: im gonna be real i typed all the shit under this and lost my steam BUT i saw black panther the other day and was endlessly inspired. obviously it doesn’t have to be in that setting but maybe in the mcu with more poc heroes? 
mythology/percy jackson-esque au: i loved the percy jackson books! camp half blood or not, we could have them living in the outside world trying to integrate successfully, or recognizing each other as half-bloods and being all !!!.  ANYTHING!
existing muses that i have that i would love to make a plot for!
hacker (affiliated with some sort of underground organization): some typa mob au, park kyungri fc though it’s flexible! she was part of a closed rp at some point and i loved her even after i left the rp so i kept her bio close...intellectually gifted as a youth, while en route to a job in cyber security, in uni an event forced her to change careers drastically. w/ technology and her own set of learned skills, she’s off the grid, new identity, and working for the enemy of her enemy (so they’re now her friend). if you’re interested, lmk!!! i’ll give you her full bio or summarize it for you!
clairaudient psychic: kim taehyung fc, though it’s flexible! a psychic who has particularly clear hearing, aka he is especially sensitive to voices from beyond the grave. he usually uses his gift to help souls pass on by reaching out to relatives or vice versa, his brother’s death was a heightening event that only made him more sensitive. he has some spirit guides that *spoiler* guide him and assist him in distinguishing lost souls from malicious ones. makes a living as a psychic with a dedicated client base, though he does get the rando skeptic every now and then (that usually ends up leaving a little shaken). has the potential to lean slice of life or supernatural, depending on what kind of character plays opposite him!
nighttime radio dj w/ supernatural elements: more of a brain child than anything, i don’t have a fc for him yet! but kind of inspired by that whole ‘welcome to nightvale’-ish vibe? i’ll admit i never fully got into the podcasts, but i like the idea of them being completely human but unknowingly or uncaringly kind of blending into other dimensions because of a mix of location (perhaps near a bridge in the city that they’re in, since bridges have been known to have connotations of ‘leading to other realms’) and time (probably from 3am to 4am since it’s commonly associated with the ‘witching hour’). maybe their broadcast reaches out further than simply their plane of existence and kind of interferes into other dimensions? idk! it would be interesting and i am so up for discussion/tossing ideas back and forth!
time travelling cyborg: was a jb from got7 fc, but i want to change his fc...he’s from the future, was in a fire so the majority of his left side is enhanced prosthetic ergo cyborg. i have a lot of hcs though i lost his bio but i can tell you many many things about him. basically he’s studying the past in order to better the future (his present), etc etc etc, and for his thesis he gets to time travel back to observe...told not to make too many important relationships etc because butterfly effect but...inevitability!
a polyamorous dynamic: obviously this requires 2 other beautiful writers that kind of know each other (or don’t mind getting to know each other)! but i think it be really interesting to explore a dynamic that so often misrepresented? the r/s isn’t perfect ofc, and there’s still jealousy and misunderstandings involved but the three of them, at the center of it all, make each other better. it’s a balancing act but it’s worth it? so many potential dynamics between the three of them!
muses inspired by fcs/photos (very basic ideas!)
rena from pristin in a modern royal au: a princess. she is a princess. i fell in love on my timeline when i saw this photoset. something to do with this photoset? idk!!! if u have an idea lay it on me!!!
yongguk from bap looking like a snack: i just want to write for a yongguk. that’s all. hit me with any ideas if you want. let’s do it.
nayoung from gugudan in a pirate au: pirates! just PIRATES! there are so many ways to go about this? but all i know is that i want nayoung to be a pirate. whether you want to play a fellow pirate or a crew members or a naval officer captured or or or...there’s a lot of options............
jinyoung (got7) as a kind of kiki’s delivery service au: look how sweet and unassuming he looks! maybe a magical being who moves out of their little community to try and make it in the city...doing odd jobs and trying to make friends!!!
a plot where i can use liu yifei as a fc: yes, i know she is the casting for hua mulan but it doesn’t have to be mulan-esque (unless you’re down with that!)...i see this as a potential historical-esque, wushu inspired, fantastical plot?
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emmaavaseo · 4 years
Best 5 Parental Control Software for Android
When you give the first android mobile phone to your kids, then you have some insecure feeling. Being a parent, you have to pay attention to the online activities of kids and to whom they talk to. Parents should check on the kids, whether they are on the right track or not.
Teens need guidance, and parents can guide them better than any other source. They do not feel comfortable if they are being watched, then how can parents monitor their devices secretly?
Well, you can use non-intrusive parental control software. Such apps are compatible with all android devices and enable you to watch every running online activity on your kid’s phone or tablet.
Are you looking for reliable yet efficient big brands for effective parental controls?
Well, you are in the right place because we are going to share the best 5 android parental control apps that can help you to track kids gps location.
· Android Compatible
· Advanced features
· TheWiSpy $29.99/month
· Stealth Mode
An android compatible parental control software provides advanced features and lets the parents keep track of every movement of the kid. Its geofencing feature enables the end-user to set the unsafe zones, and this app sends alerts if the kid enters the unsafe zone or leaves the safe zone.
TheWiSpy allows to gather all the data from target device stealthily, including VOIP calls, text monitoring, IMs, hack the contacts, web browser history, etc. This parental control software helps the parents to keep the kids away from the cyber danger.
Norton Family
· Android compatible
· Norton Family $49.99/year
We can say that Norton Family is the parental control app that can meet all the requirements that a parent can expect. It provides features that can provide you an in-depth detail of your kids device, including schedule, location tracking, content filters, etc. But it does not support the Geofencing. Parents can monitor online activities through its user-friendly dashboard.
· Android compatible
· Qustodio $49.99/year
It offers a golden chance to parents for not only monitoring the kid’s phone but letting the parents set the limits and restrictions on the target device. It enables the end-user to track the location in seconds and also provides a geofencing feature to set the unsafe zones. Qustodio is a powerful call monitoring software with wide feature package plans.
Kaspersky Safe Kids
· Android compatible
· Kaspersky Safe Kids $14.99/ license
It is one of the parental control software which provides many features for free, including web content filters, set the time, manage installed apps, location tracking, etc. Device scheduling is also its feature that can help parents to set the limited usage time for kids. You can consider Kaspersky Safe Kids if you want to check on YouTube history. Its only drawback is that its control panel is not user-friendly.
· Android Compatible
· Spyzie $59.99/month
· Non-intrusive app
While talking about the best parental control, we can’t forget the Spyzie as it provides efficient monitoring services. It does not require the rooting process and allows the parents to track the kid’s phone secretly by installing this app. Its user-friendly control panel displays all the features and lets the end-user to track the location and set the limits. The most interesting fact is that it offers an activity graph which lets you understand internet usage.
Final Thoughts
We always take care of our audience and understand what services they want. This is the reason we have listed the best 5 parental control software for android based on its installation method, management, pricing, free features, advanced features, efficient services, etc. All the above top parental control apps help you to monitor your kids and let you provide them a secure cyber environment so that they can also enjoy internet freedom.
Originally Published by: https://reallyopen.com/best-5-parental-control-software-for-android/
 Republish by: Wix, Blogger, Livejournal
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