#(not including all of her feh alts)
childofaura · 2 years
Well... Banner thoughts
1. Black Knight/Zelgius is absolutely perfect. I laughed at his “accosted by children” line and also just love that he’s CHRISTMAS-themed.
2. Dorothea...
Ok look... I very very very VERY rarely use this word because it’s either misused as all hell, or people are making an exaggeration over it.
But... I genuinely think IS is being sexist with Dorothea. In a way that’s so hurtfully ironic to her character. I hate using the word “sexist” because she’s NOT REAL, I get that, but like I honestly don’t know how else to go about it. Dorothea hasn’t even been included as a base alt in this game; She’s so far had the most alts out of any character without actually being in the game. And that’s not a BAD thing. But... Look at all her alts: Summer swimsuit alt, Plegian alt with skimpy clothing, and now her Christmas alt with a SUPER low-cut top and fishnet stockings. Like wasn’t the whole point of Dorothea’s character that she was seen as a low-class nobody who only gained value for her voice and her body? And all IS keeps doing is giving her more sexy alts BEFORE EVEN GIVING HER A BASE UNIT IN THE GAME?
And ok, let me absolutely clarify: These are just lines at the end of the day. It’s just a drawing. In the long run, I don’t give a shit and it doesn’t affect me. But in the short run... Fuck, I wish they’d be a little more balanced and less blatant with who their fan-service is for. Oh, also STOP MAKING THE THREE HOUSES UNITS MANDATORY ADDITIONS TO THE CHRISTMAS BANNER.
3. Annette. Sweetie, darling, love of my life, honey, I love you. I really do. You are precious to me.
... But you are also a Three Houses character and the fact that both you AND Dorothea are on this banner means that you’re killing the banner diversity.
(I still love you though, puddin’ ;w; )
4. Cordelia and Selena.
HRGHHHHHH.... Really mixed on this one.
On the one hand, it’s... really weird that they’re going “Haha look, it’s a Harmonic Hero” when no. It’s not. Shuddup. Also hell, could they not have made Selena the main unit? This is her “first” alt in the game (but really no it isn’t, the Easter alt is), and they decided to make Cordelia ANOTHER alt primarily. Also right on the heels of her Fates alt being added? Really? So now we have Regular Cordelia, Bridal Cordelia, Summer Cordelia, Resplendent Cordelia, Caeldori, and finally this Christmas one. Yaaaay.
But on the other hand, it’s sweet that Cordelia and Severa are finally in a Duo Heroes together. So I’ll let it slide.
5. Bruno.
Augh... I haven’t seen the art yet but Bruno is slowly stepping into Dorothea’s territory, just in the male version of it. IS, please just give us Bruno as a Legendary Hero for the next banner. Please don’t make him like Dorothea where all we’re getting is man-tiddy. Like... Do as much fan-service as you want AFTER their base unit gets added, but consider adding him first. Also maybe do the cool thing you did with Conrad where his mask is off when you check his profile.
Actually, I kind of hope he has his mask off for this banner.
All in all, I honestly hate to say it but this Christmas banner is a pass for me. I might try to free Summon for Black Knight but that’s it.
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i can't beleive Lyn is purple now, my life is in shambles
Oh don't worry, Lyn is still Lyn. Purple Lyn is Goop Lyn! Who is also Lyn. No Lyns have been taken away, only more Lyns have been added to the veritable buffet lineup of Lyns for your entertainment.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
Regarding the last rb: I think most of us can recognize how patently ridiculous it is to just blanket accuse someone of misogyny or queerphobia for, idk, thinking that starting a war is bad. It's an annoying and unfounded accusation, but it's ultimately something most of us can shrug off.
But like... I really don't think the people making these accusations are aware of how badly that plays when the criticism you're trying to defend against is calling out bigotry.
Now, let me elaborate.
A few days ago I was on Twitter and happened to see that Edelgard was trending. So I figured I'd go see what that's about because it was probably a shitshow (since there hasn't really been anything official lately that would explain it, e.g. a FEH alt or a figma or something. So, obviously, drama was afoot).
Color me surprised to see there was a lot of criticism about Edelgard's treatment of Petra in canon (primarily, how she keeps Brigid a vassal state and holds that over Petra's head the entire war, instead of immediately granting Brigid independence when she obtained the power to do so). In sum, just discussing the racism inherent to the writing (for tiptoeing around that and definitely not condemning it like it should have) and often inherent to the fanbase (for justifying everything Edelgard does, including this)
And I was seeing two main "rebuttals" to this point.
It's not her fault because she was just a poor wittle girly who is just soooo powerless (nevermind the fact that she spends five years in a position of absolute power over the nation that is currently holding Brigid hostage. And, also, she's a grown ass woman for the entire time skip and events of the war phase), and even if she did it it's not her fault because society just raised her like that (nevermind the fact that people can grow and learn and you aren't stuck with the values your society forced on you when you were a child).
Accusing the people raising these points of misogyny and queerphobia
We could debate exactly how to approach this criticism (a mark against the character? The writers? Both? Was it intentionally written to be racist? Is it a product of social conditioning and unexamined biases on the part of the writers? Some combination?).
But you know what you probably should NOT do in, like, any circumstance? Deflect responsibility for the actions because "she was just a poor little girl who doesn't know better" and accuse the people raising these concerns of misogyny and queerphobia.
This is the kind of shit people are talking about when they say the FE fandom has a lot of unexamined racism. Your first response to someone bringing up racism is to basically say "Okay, but the reputation of the White Girl PNG I Like is more important than your feelings about racist writing/handling of PoC characters. So it's not her fault, and even if it was, you're just a bigot so you're wrong"
And just, like, there's this implicit elevation of the struggles of (white) women and (white) queer folk as more important, valid, or worthy of being defended than the struggles of people marginalized on the basis of race. Let's not even get into the fact that many of the people raising these criticisms were queer women themselves, and it's entirely possible to be a queer woman and also be prejudiced (it happens ALL THE TIME. The queer community and the feminist movements have a LONG history of explicitly excluding people who are not white. E.g. the whitewashing of Stonewall and white feminists excising black feminists from the movement to try and make feminism "more palatable" to racist white men).
Not to mention the double standard here. They'll be so quick to call out racism if it's a character they don't like, but the second it's their fave? Crickets.
Hate to break it to you, but if you only care about pointing out potential racism when it involves a character you don't like, then you're not an ally. You're an opportunist leech co-opting the struggles of real people to win petty internet arguments.
Inb4 someone accuses me of having a double standard for the Dimitri/Dedue relationship, as if Dedue following Dimitri completely of his own free will because he cares about him and believes he can help rebuild Duscur is in any way comparable to Petra being a literal hostage who risks the annihilation of her entire country if she steps out of line (and she knows it). There's definitely racist elements to Dedue's writing (I've even talked about some of them) but specifically his relationship with Dimitri/Faerghus is NOTHING like Petra's with Edelgard/Adrestia.
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rosecelebi · 8 months
Now that Fire Emblem Heroes has opened it's yearly Choose Your Legends voting period.... I am kindly asking you to consider sparing a vote (or two!) to two of my favorites in the series: F!Robin and Sigurd!
Well let's start with Robin,
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Robin fans won out last year when their Male counterpart won the male division of CYL 7 alongside Soren and I'm sure many F!Robin fans (myself included) helped him reach that victory by voting, just as we did in previous years with Chrom and A!Tiki. F!Robin has waited for her time to shine and has supported her competition for several years now. It's time for her to receive the Awakening vote love!
If that wasn't enough to sway you, let's look at F!Robin's legacy in FEH.
1. Her base version was a year 1 grail unit with a mediocre (affectionate) refine that takes max investment to work around
2. Her summer alt is a year one seasonal with a bad weapon and book 1 era stats (but she sure is cute!)
3. Her legendary alt isn't even her- it's Grima. Grima took away her chance at being a legendary unit
4. Her Halloween alt is another Grima alt. She didn't even get to participate in Halloween because Grima took the spot :(
5. Her Valentine's alt is adorable but still a seasonal locked unit
6. Her rearmed version is yet another Grima.
HALF of all F!Robin's in FEH are Grima alts. There is no F!Robin available to summon in the normal 4/5 star pool. Getting a brave alt would be a big deal for her and her fans.
Please, spare a vote to the best tactician around, F!Robin!
Now, let's talk about Sigurd
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Sigurd comes from FE4, Genealogy of the Holy War, a game I know many of you may not have played yet. That's okay though! I get it! It's a bit old and jank to play and you need to emulate it with a translation patch if you don't understand Japanese. So I'm gonna explain who this man is to you....
Sigurd is the heir to house Chalphy and a descent of the crusader Baldr in Judgral, which makes him kind of a big deal. Throughout his game, he makes allies with many people throughout Judgral in an attempt to unify and fight back against the rising corruption.
Along his journey, he meets Deirdre and the two fall in love and end up having a son together, Seliph. Sigurd is devoted to his family and loves Deirdre more than anything in the world. Sigurd is a family man. Look at this Cipher art if you need more explanation:
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(*SPOILERS ahead for FE4, but FEH and Engage already spoiled this so if you somehow don't know what happens to Sigurd, maybe stop reading here*)
Tragedy befalls the couple not long after their son is born... Deirdre is kidnapped and her memories are wiped clean as she is needed for a sinister plot... Her holy blood is needed to help the Loptous cult resurrect their dark God so they use Deirdre as a pawn and marry her off to Arvis.
Sigurd is distraught with his wife gone and searches and searches for her but ultimately must continue through on his plans. He returns to his home and is met by Arvis, the Duke of Velthomer, and the descendant of the imperial family. He welcomes them in as a deceitful trick and declares Sigurd a traitor and calls for his execution. Before he issues the order, Arvis lets Sigurd meet his new wife- Deirdre as a sick and twisted punishment. With that, Arvis calls down Valflame and kills Sigurd and many of his army members.
Sigurd's legacy is carried by his son, Seliph, who will free Judgral from the horrors that the dark cult inflicted many years later.
So that was heavy. But do you understand why he's such a compelling character??? He has such an unfortunate heroes tale, but FEH let's us see him again and be able to reunite him with his love and his son.
Seliph got his own brave alt two years ago in CYL 6 and it feels right for it to be his father's time to step up and shine as a brave hero.
Let's look at Sigurd's legacy in FEH:
1. His base version is a year 1 sword cavalier who's a bit outdated but not unusable by any means with proper skill investment
2. His duo dancer alt is Deirdre is one of the best arts in the game and I won't let anyone convince me otherwise
3. His Legendary alt was a meta threat at one point in time and the art is gorgeous
4. Lastly, this year he got his second seasonal alt, a tea time Butler alt that just cute. He definitely is serving tea for Deirdre and making sure she's happy.
A brave alt just seems perfectly fitting for him at this point!
In conclusion, these are two characters who are ready for their moment to shine in FEH with a brave alt. They've waited for their friends or family members to get there first and now it's (potentially) their time for the brave win. Thank you for reading all this and may the CYL odds be in our favor!
TLDR: Vote for F!Robin and Sigurd in CYL 8!
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adelle-ein · 8 months
love all the love altina gets from feh (even if her more recent alts are too cowardly to include her abs) but we need more copies of her cringefail husband to go with her
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gascon-en-exil · 8 months
A bit late and a bit long, but to add to the Edelgard being sexualized post, it bothers this anon that nobody in the fandom is willing to acknowledge the issue with the developers making the ONLY female lord in 3h the one that no matter the route is unequivocally in love with/obsessed with the main character. A lot of people criticize the increasing avatar-worship in recent FEs, but Edelgard is almost never included in that discussion despite her being the biggest and most blatant (1/3)
example of that type of writing in 3h. Hell, compare how Edelgards obsession with the avatar is portrayed in fandom as a cute, awkward schoolgirl crush while other characters like Tharja and Camilla has their avatar-obsession near always be portrayed as creepy, unsettling and unhealthy. The FE fandom just does not view her like the other fanservice characters, and hilariously your original post actually contains a mistake that is an excellent example of this: when artwork for year four (2/3) of CYL was revealed, people were outraged at notorious sexy artist Cuboon for DARING to sexualize Edelgard by giving her boob armor - except thats exactly what her Emperor class outfit looks like in 3h. It was pretty funny to watch people near combust over this "blatant sexualization" when it was always there and they just failed to notice. I guess nobody who played CF actually used her Emperor class. (3/3)
Well, as multiple comments on my latest video are pointing out, dark mage/bishop being male-only doesn't matter all that much because those classes suck. You could say the same thing about emperor. *rolls eyes*
But seriously, I can somewhat excuse that reaction because the boob armor is a lot more prominent on her brave alt than on the in-game model.
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That's just FEH being FEH.
Edeleth is a fraught topic no matter which angle you look at it. If you like or don't like how Byleth is a flat silent protagonist, how you feel about blatant Avatar pandering, which gender it's acceptable to ship Edelgard with, and of course the antis who call all Studentleth pairings grooming.
It must be tough shipping Edeleth sometimes and coming across discourse from so many different corners of the fandom...but considering how some of the ship's fans have acted (and continue to act) to me over the years, I find it very hard to be sympathetic. I believe I was being charitable in my Dimidue video when I called Edeleth - either M/F or F/F, of course - the most comparable pairing in terms of canon material.
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opinionatedlobster · 21 days
‘Icy Invitation’ trailer has been posted to the Nintendo Mobile Youtube Channel!! From the silhouettes i think most people expected/knew that this would be an ice tribe banner with Felicia and Nils on it, but the trailer confirms it!!
First off character choice- honestly,,, a bit boring 😭😭😭 no hate to enjoyers of these characters, im just a bit bummed out. With nifl featuring on a summer banner, i think a few people (me included) were hoping for muspell to b on an ice tribe or winter banner. Instead we get,,, fjorm nifl duo!! I like their dynamic, theyre really cute, but another fjorm??😭😭😭 and no kilma, the leader of the ice tribe?? We get his daughters instead, in their first alts since the picnic banner ages ago. Hurray to maid twin fans!! For the final member of this banner we have another blue haired pegasus knight. A bit random imo but ik she is associated somewhat with ice?? Not too sure, ive never played her original game. I wouldve enjoyed characters who havent had an alt yet, or characters who are more strongly associated with fire for that culture shock sorta feel, but im not too mad about these choices (or mad at all tbh, but ik some people might feel different)
Real quick im gonna talk abt the skills on this banner- luna on a five star in the year 2024 is a bit weird, but no complaints here. Seeing IS give armours prfs and new b skills instead of changing the save skills is a bit weird. Idk how well save armours r performing in this new meta, if theyre performing at all, im no pheonixmaster1 guys lol. Nils is a grail unit (again) and the seals r nothing special, maybe ill put that finish seal on someone but no idea who yet.
The art- honestly the art on this banner just slaps no real bad pieces here. Thea is the worst of the batch but she is in no way bad, just doesnt really compare to the others. Flora is GORGEOUS, Fjorm and Nifl have great expressions and poses, and felicias art really does capture her personality. My question is for the designs- i dont really remember the ice tribe from fates, but didnt they have,,,, more clothes?? I dont mind skin at all but idk if they were figure skaters?? Is this a yuri on ice banner or am i missing something??😭😭😭 Now that i look closer yeah theyre all wearing tights but idk im just confused
Overall thoughts- im just amused lol not mad at all just have some ,,, thoughts. Will b talking to my brother about this later and probably overreacting but i just get excited talking about feh okay 😭😭😭 i give this post a cute meh out of 10.
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sotiredmostnights · 3 months
I am curious why and who you hate in the blue lions? I've only played half of GD white clouds
this guy.
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he's just a massive prick with no redeeming qualities. he isn't even an asshole in a charming way like most characters that share his archetype, he's just casually racist and misogynist and overall downright rude. his support chain with dedue nearly made me see red and even though i don't even care for ingrid and even dislike her on most days, the way he talks to her in their support was just so uncalled for.
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i cannot stress enough that these are the first lines of their C support. christ. and then the ingrid support...yeesh:
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good fucking lord.
and yeah, on some level i get it. the guy has trauma. that sucks. wouldn't wish it on anyone. but like..... he's not the only one. every single character in FE3H ALSO has trauma and none of them really get on my nerves like this guy. he's just so fucking insufferable to me and i can't really explain it. i don't even have much proof of his assholery beyond this because i benched him pretty fucking quick tbh. 🧍
other (completely personal) reasons that i hate him include:
he is constantly shipped with sylvain to the point where seeing sylvain art WITHOUT him is a rarity. since sylvain and dedue are the only blue lions i actually love profusely this is insult to injury. to me.
idk why i just really don't like his voice or hair lmao
ever since felix arrived on the scene everyone dumped the earlier myrmidons in the garbage for their shiny new toy despite him being a vastly inferior choice
actually that last point might be the biggest for me. by all accounts, i *should* enjoy felix. he's an edgy sword boy with dark hair and a brooding attitude with a dark past. i think he can even learn lethality if you don't bench him like i did. and yet. and yet...i just hate him so much. so fucking much. i hope he has an inheritable sword when his brave alt drops in FEH so i can feed him to lon'qu (the better sword boy 💖)
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
LMAOOO I’ve seen some butthurt e stans crying about “toxicity” and how everyone in the feh fandom is so mean to them dhhdhshshf idk maybe if you guys didn’t insist on putting that white-haired she-beast in the VG every damn year we wouldn’t be having this problem!! ever think about that !!!
Exactly, cuz like. I got pity-broke three times by F!Edelgard back when I was trying to get my +10 F!Dimitri during their release, and she pity broke me again on an entirely different banner months later. She has re-ran so many times by now, including literally right now. She is by no means rare or particularly valuable - hell, with the sheer amount of counters made for specifically her she's not nearly what she once was anymore. But because she has the reputation of breaking the game in half - which, mind, she very much did before, she's just way easier to deal with now - people keep trying to push her into shit she's got no business being in.
She will never win an AHR. Ever. Not once. She has no chance of ever doing that with her lacking fodder, easy accessibility, and watered-down utility. And because edelstans either don't know or don't care about that, they've effectively shot down any chance of any alt for Edelgard winning an AHR. Pretty much proven to be the case by S!Edelgard - seasonal, swimsuit, decent fodder, harmonic with another fan fave, has a neat niche no one else really has yet (triple Galeforce), and she still fuckin' lost. To pretty much literally anyone.
Like, I got Big Annoyed that Veronica had just beat out Embla (and, well, I am still kinda annoyed lmao), but in reality I am in fact way more annoyed that F!Edelgard snatched a spot from not just specifically Embla, but literally any other viable option. I remember a few people bein' genuinely shocked that Duo!Duma and Duo!Askr as well as Embla all failed to get a ranking, meanwhile here's this jingly-hat-wearin' JESTER of a unit at this point, getting in yet again despite everyone's clear disdain for her. There's a reason that Camilla, a character who has been shat on by the FEH community (as well as the general FE fandom honestly) for years, managed to tank a x12 multiplier and get the win, and it's cuz at this point people will take just about anything else over F!Edelgard.
Also not helped by them cryin' about how they're just so bullied by the FEH community, that Edelgard only ever loses because everyone just hates her and their fans for no reason. Nothing to do with their behavior, or their consistent inability to coordinate the VGs to save their lives - these nine losses were all because of unfair coin flips, or sabotage, or bullying, and all these other things that make them pitiable little darlings. Including when the "coin toss" is completely in their favor. And when they back a comparatively useless unit. And when they shit on people who dare to politely explain why this shit keeps happening. Yeah pretty sure that's uhhhh gonna turn some heads away lmao
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goddessalexissara · 2 years
Predicting What The DLC Emblems Will Do
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[Image Taken from https://twitter.com/FeEngage ]
Hey. so today I wanted to go over characters that were datamined to be the remaining DLC Emblems in Fire Emblem Engage. Talk about what they might bring to the table and what I think of them. Overall, I think this is a bit of a let down of a showing that both could have been bigger but also simply had more interesting roster choices. That said this is also by far not the most boring list, many many people speculating were like "it's obviously gonna be my favorite sword lord they didn't include" and obviously, they were wrong. I think overall, the DLC Emblems could be a lot better and I do hope there is at least some kind of surprise awaiting us to improve this showing like skins or something.
That said, I am still excited for the story expansion and these, well I don't think any of them would get me to play the game again, I do think I'd consider using all of them in a fun to play the DLC story, although we'll have to see what they bring to the table.
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Veronica is the hero who really brings the widest net of possibility to the table. Even in terms of looks she has 3 very possible looks that simply could happen to be the look they chose for her. I believe Veronica: Princess Rising is the most likely version we'll see given she was the app icon for quite a while, they marked the shit out of her, and it seems to be her new default form and it is her form when she joins the heroes.
Her main gimmick likely focuses on summoning heroes while her top end weapon is probably Enclosing Dark, the tome from her most recent weapon with her earlier weapon probably being Élivágar, and Ífingr. How these weapons translate into FEH I am not sure but I imagine them being very flashy and aggressive tomes, emulating dropping specials on foes in Fire Emblem Heroes. She will probably give proficiency for Staves and Tomes.
Summoning Heroes is such a wide pool of possibility though, it could work like the summoner class from Sacred Stones, like Tanith's signature ability on Path Of Radiance, like Duplicate in Fates. For this, I think we'll likely see it summon 2 heroes that are random, simulating a gacha. I think they work in 3 tiers. 3 Star - Embla/Asker Solider, generic weak units, probably die in one hit, scaled to the emblem wearers level. 4 Star - Asker Trio, fairly weak but more useful, able to take a hit. 5 Star - summons more popular OCs Leagjarn, Fjorn, Lief, and Thrasir who will all have little signature abilities. Perhaps her Emblem attack will lock in for sure generating a rare 5 star or maybe even multiple.
As much as there is to be critical of heroes about in terms of a DLC emblem ring Veronica is honestly loaded to the brim with potential on what she could bring to the table, a lot of emblems I'll be staining to find out what they do over already existing rings but Veronica I could pitch like, 12 different ways she works.
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With no flying characters at all being represented in the emblem rings, it's easy to bet that Camilla will be very focused on providing fliers what they need. Camilla was a power house in her own game and with a huge fan base behind her I am sure they will want her to stand out and feel like a power house in the game. I think she is likely to add splash damage to the game as well, with her Savage Blow Skill and her personal skill allowing her to be a support unit will likely be reflected.
Camilla could bring in the Fates exclusive magic to the game. While most of that is on t he Hosido side she could be based in post game Revelations or in her Brave Alts alternative universe. In her core class she can't reach a high weapon rank of any weapon I think liberties will be taken here. Perhaps she provides Sanngriðr as an aggressive staff, Bölverk her fathers Axe, and her most basic weapon being something like Dragon Spirit. She will likely give a proficiency in Tomes, Axes and Staves.
I think the design ethos for Camilla is going to end up being duel natured where she is both an offensive and support unit with no defensive offerings outside of what she provides for others. I think her passive will be twofold, buffs nearby allies and also when the person using Camilla attacks, enemies with in two spaces of attack target are dealt splash damage. I think her Engage attack with be a reference to her Musou attack from Fire Emblem Warriors much like Marth and Corrin both taking from Super Smash bros. It'll be big damage with huge splash damage, potentially even dealing damage to every non boss enemy on the map.
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Soren is a weird choice, a character I really like but not nearly as stand out as any Laguz or Elenica in terms of what mechanics he can bring to the table. We can assume the Adept skill he gets would be carried in allowing any attack, maybe locked with tomes or maybe after passing a skill or speed check like in his games would get brave hits. This would allow Soren to be a hyper aggressive emblem, perhaps that wanted the unit to be alone given Soren is a bit more of a loner then most of the other emblems.
Soren being a master of wind tomes could likely bring in powerful wind magic like Tornado and Rexcalibur. As a reference to Ashnard he could give Gurgurant. In that spirit he could also negate criticals like Ashnards abilities and weapon both do. There could be things to do with Soren being a tactician or being part of Griels mercs, calling on other characters or allowing for some tactical shifts. Perhaps Soren could have a radius that allows people to shove each other inside of as a reference to PoR and RDs mechanic. Soren could also provide "drive' effects that provide passive buffs for allies with in two spaces depending on what type of unit is engaged with Soren.
Overall, I think that this gay tactician will be a great emblem ring for Mage units and a mostly aggressive ring with any support it might provide not being the focus. While there is potential for a more support oriented role and despite Soren being a tactician, Soren is more of a selfish character and I do think that will be reflected in his kit.
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I'm more then willing to bet that Hector brings in more support for Armors and Axes, alongside what became his Fire Emblem Heroes staple, Distant Counter. I believe the big selling point of Hector will be the ability to counter ranged attacks, I am not sure if it will be "any range" only one space away attacks, any range but has to pass some kind of check like Lyn's speed check for Vantage or just a roll with a perfect chance if on an armor unit. Regardless this passive alone if it happens would basically lock in Hector as one of the best emblems even in it's weakest form being able to simply counter attack mages and archers is a massive boon for so many units and lets them avoid using weaker 2 range physical weapons.
If any ring was going to be a purely selfish ring it be Hector. The armor lord is a brawler through and through and I think Hector will make any unit a mixed phase power house given you aggressive tools in both phases of combat. I wouldn't be shocked if at higher bound level Hector gave Unbreakable as well as "Reduces Effective Damage" abilities. Given that Hector is an armor unit It makes sense for Hector to give you all the tools to enemy phase wipe out with no worries about what tools your foe is packing, mage, archer, armor slayer, weapon triangle, fuck you, I'm Hector.
Hector will likely provide a Brave Axe for multi attacks even if your slow, Wolf Beil to be effective against Cav and Armor units and Armades to bolster your defense and provide you with effective damage against dragons [maybe corrupted instead]. I believe these weapons are the most likely since two are signature Hector only weapons and the other is a weapon he has in Binding Blade.
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Chrom and Robin
I had no idea what Chrom brings to do this duo given he is in fact, made totally redundant by his daughter, Ike and Marth all existing in the game already, yet he was here. That's when it hit me, this unit has the potential to be the ultimate support unit, representing the boyfriends love for one another that was so strong it defied fate.
Unlike Erika and Ephraim or Edelgard (With Dimitri and Claude) I belive Chrom and Robin will always be working together and not have a mechanic where you switch between them. I think they will provide a Support boost where units equipped with them gain support levels faster. I think in addition to that they are likely to provide the Liberation boost to nearby allies helping others engage faster but perhaps only when your actually engaged with this unit. Pairing well with that maybe boosting damage done with back up attacks which would have them pair well with Lucina could also be a factor. They could also give the ability to hit the weaker of defense or res as a passive ability letting them make any unit a threat to more or less every unit in the game given how rare it is to be good at Res and Def. That way this unit does offer something offensively outside of passive support.
I think we'll see Falchion [Sealed], Thoron, and Destiny's Bow. We'll see the weakest version of the Falchion in the game as a basic weapon, good against dragons, maybe heals you a bit after combat. Thorn is the spell most commonly associated with Robin being part of their kit in smash bros and in their appearance in Fates is their default weapon. Destiny's Bow comes from Fire Emblem Heroes on the Robin and Chrom V-day alt, I think it will be some kind of special bow so I figured, why not throw out that one. If it is Destiny's bow it probably boosts damage they deal by amount of allies near by and effective against armors in addition to fliers.
That's just what I think these units will do, what do you think? Do you have different ideas for these characters, do you think the Datamines are wrong, do you hope there is more secret Emblem Rings we don't know about or do you like the roster?
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randomnameless · 1 year
I feel like FEH's nature as a gacha game ocasionally causes IS to have to twist certain characters around so they can better sell them to FEH's audience, like the Fallen Corrins; they're taken from the end of Chapter 5 of Fates, a chapter where they're stuck in their dragon form, have practically devolved into a feral animal who attacks anyone they see, and whose maximum speech capacity is to grunt and roar in pain/exertion/anger.
Since a character that's completely incapable of speaking would be less desirable for the average player than someone with actual voice lines and confessions, they wrote themselves into a corner and had to invent a weird version of Chapter 5!Corrin where they've already gone on their rampage and returned to normal after Azura calmed them down, but for some reason are stuck being forced to unwittingly use their draconic powers in exchange for severe pain and an urge to give in to that side of themselves again; none of that tracks with what actually happens in chapter 5, where they show no signs of struggling to control themselves after regaining consciouness, especially not to the extent the Fallen ones do, and are very quickly given a dragonstone by Azura to make sure they can't go berserk again and can control their dragon powers properly.
The Fallen Corrins explicitly say that their friends and family helped them regain control of themselves and that they're ashamed for hurting Azura, so unless these Corrins both hail from a world where their dragon blood is inexplicably significantly more powerful and possessive than it ever was in Fates proper AND were summoned into Askr during the ridiculously short time-frame between being told that they went berserk and being given the dragonstone to stop that from happening again, the entire concept is broken from the start; all because IS couldn't just market a mute angry dragon to their playerbase in their gacha game.
It's the same reason they did what they did with Fallen Linus; sure, a mindless mute zombie isn't the most interesting of characters, but there was no need to include that version of the character into FEH if IS already knew they wouldn't sell well without heavy changes to the source material in order to make them more marketable.
I still note they made mute!Soren an unit lol
More seriously, as a rule of thumb, I'd prefer if FEH kept characterisations the character had in their original games even if, as you said, some alts definitely need to be... modified.
You mentionned the Fallen Corns, but in general, a lot of Fallen Heroes fall under that banner, Fallen Julia exists for the last half of the last chapter in FE4, Fallen Ike is an AU, Grima(sses) were created from scotch and glue, Fallen!Bilthis apparently cares about her kid (obviously an AU lol), etc etc...
I still am completely baffled at what they did with Fallen!Vigarde like sure, he was given lines from his zombie self in FE8, but the part where he goes "my power is to great for this vessel" or something is completely bonkers, Fomortiis only possesses one dude from that family, and that dude is Lyon. Remove Fomor-Lyon moving zombie!Vigarde's strings, and Vigarde is barely something more, uh, "sentient" than Monica (yes, the one from FE8 if you're wondering).
I ranted enough about how I fucking hated the FB between Lyon and his possessed self - maybe to sell Lyon as something more than a mere tool played and sacrificed by Fomortiis who preyed on his ambitions - and if that was supposed to sell me more on Lyon, then good job devs, FEH's Lyon is, imo, not FE8!Lyon thus not the character I care about.
Granted, I rant and rant and rant, but I'm also someone who's overjoyed when, saaay, FEH pisses on the source material when the source material sucks, like Julia has more characterisation in her base intro than in her entire game(s) because the devs see her as something else than a falchion with legs, and I've already ranted about Fodlan, but in general, IS seems to want to "correct" some stuff that came out wrong in earlier games (or piss on certain lolcalisations).
And it's always kind of difficult, with seasonal units, to come up with lines, like take Deghinsea for instance, all of his lines in the games are, hm, very serious and not light at all. And yet, he has a cute Halloween alt that would feel in-character, so to say, with the giant bald lizard we kill at the end of FE10.
But when it comes to creating a new unit from scratch (Altina? Ullr?) sometimes things work because the new thing created from scratch feels coherent with the world they're supposed to come from, and sometimes it's way more, uh, muddy (Elimine?). And you can bet I'll be overjoyed if mythic!Willy is released, or mythic!Indech/Macuil, even if it means the devs will have to invent a lot of things to make those characters feel like characters and not... pixels with new skills (but then they didn't care about that when they made Nerthuz...).
In the end, I think it's still the old discussion when talking about a fanwork, is something OOC or IC ?
And even if Heroes was developped by IS too, like the base games, sometimes the OOC comes out too clearly. Sometimes, everything works because the fanwork that is heroes works. It all depends on the twist IS uses to, as you said, sell characters.
I just hope that potential remakes won't use FEH as a base (with the twist they brought to characters) but use the... game being remade as a base, even if it clashes with the FEH characterisation.
Like, I'd hate it if a Sacred Stones remake characterises Eirika only as the naive princess depicted in the FE13 DLC or the "I want to be like my brother" brave alt, while removing the "Enough. Hold your tongue." part of her character.
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amitieos · 1 year
Is your muse concerned about being remembered after they die? If so, do they have anything specific notions about what they want to be remembered for?
I don't think Elincia is overly worried about whether she's personally remembered but she is very concerned about the legacy she leaves behind. Elincia's devotion to Crimea is so intense that it consumes her identity, superseding her own needs and desires. She's willing to sacrifice Lucia's life for the greater good of her people, despite, at times, lamenting how she's already lost so much. Her name isn't important, her unconditional dedication to Crimea and it's people is.
Whilst the canonicity of FEH might be contentious, her recent legendary alt has really scratched this itch for me. There's a few quotes I want to point out.
"Please, just call me Elincia. I've done nothing worthy of recognition." This is post Radiant Dawn. Elincia has freed her people from Ashnard's rule, handled a civil war, fought back against Ashera's judgement and proven herself to be a capable and compassionate ruler. It's never about her though. This is further compounded by this quote. "History is not shaped by monarchs, but by the multitudes."
She does question how she will be remembered, "I wonder how history will remember my deeds..." and "If I have nudged the scales even slightly toward prosperity...then I am gratified." This suggests to me that Elincia wants her rule to be remembered as even a small step towards prosperity, peace and progress. She speaks of actions though and in her level 40 conversation Elincia speaks not of herself as an individual but, "those of us involved in rebuilding" and "if we were at all successful, and if our people remember us". This is all very collective language, that could also include her successors and certainly involves her advisors and all her people's efforts.
She does not seek personal glory but she desperately wants her rule to be one remembered for it's commitment to peace, for the social progress and the improvement in the lives of all her citizens.
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the feh subreddits tendency to do historical revisionism on the “bride sanaki controversy” is the most telling thing ffs
A game seires that has used the “she may look like an 11 year old but she’s technically centuries old so it’s OK to marry her” multiple times to pander to certain unsavory demographics released a gatcha alt of a 12 year old dressed as a bride during the era of the game where more than half of all alts included a line where the character is embarrassed or explains that they have been coerced into wearing the alternate outfit WHILE one of the foremost irl news stories at the time was a bust of a child bride/trafficking ring. Many players were, understandably, very apprehensive about this at the time
But the way the sub explains nowadays is it’s “a bunch of puritans being hysterical and unreasonable and calling everyone a pedo”
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FEH Murder Games
Realized I haven't played around with Murder Games Simulator in a while.
How it differs from Hunger Games simulator:
-Teams matter. So if all the the characters still alive are the same team then that team wins. But it possible for teammates to betray each other. The opinion to make a free-for-all is there too.
-You can choose the whether or not the participants start out with weapons. They can find weapons and outfits in the area to use and simulator keeps track of what everyone has.
-You can assign 2 traits to each participants. What traits you give them have an impact on how they behave in the arena. Like for example (and as a warning) if you a character the suicidal trait they will have moments of suicidal ideation and might possibly kill themselves at some point game.
For the this I decided to make teams of 3 based off locations in FEH.
Team Askr: Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna.
Team Embla: Veronica, Bruno, and Letizia
Team Nifl: Hrid, Gunnthra, and Fjorm
Team Muspell: Sutr, Laegjarn, and Laevatin
Team Hel: Hel, Lif, and Thrasir
Team Ljósálfheimr: Freyr, Peony, and Mirabilis
Team Dökkálfheimr: Freyja, Triandra, and Plumeria
Team  Niðavellir: Fafnir, Otr, and Reginn
There's no team for Jötunheimr since we only two characters for that place and I wanted to keep the number of characters the same for each team.
For weapons all the sword units get a sword. All the axe units get an axe. Though in Sutr's case, he gets the flamethrower. Since there are no lances in this, all the lance units get is a big stick. The magic user all get either the magic wand or ancient scepter. For Freyr and Freyja I just gave them both ancient scepters.
Here's the link to it to anyone who wants to give this simulator a try. [link]
The games begin under the cut.
Warning: Some of the possible deaths you can get in the simulator are a little gruesome and sometimes it includes mentions the dead competitors decomposing
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It's Book 2 all over again.
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RIP to Fjorm
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I forgot how evil this simulator can be sometimes.
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Freyja found her summer alt. RIP Alfonse, that can't be a peasant way to go.
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Um, Laegjarn this your Dad we're talking about here. RIP to Anna, Freyja, and Letizia.
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How do die from food poisoning when you don't even have a stomach? Triandra and Peony killing each other is kind of sad. RIP Laegjarn. If only you had the weapons triangle advantage.
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*Points and laughs like Nelson Muntz at Sutr*
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So it's down now to Hel and Fanir. I'm just gonna skip ahead to the winner. After this point Hel just fucks around, while Fanir does sheep things.
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And the winner is Team Hel with Hel as the sole survivor.
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stringcheese777 · 2 years
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Feh’s CYL 7 interim top 20 in order of average rank in past CYL events.
*I accidentally put that Yuri is a backpack, meant M!Robin MY B*
I am using OVERALL rank, not split between male and female (example: Leo was 10th among males in CYL 10, but 21st overall his rank for that year is counted as 21).
For units who’s votes were split in year 1 & 2, I used the highest of their rankings. This skews them lower than they would be if votes had been combined since the start, but I ain’t doing the math to add their votes and rerank them. Anna is more complicated since IS did not combine her votes after CYL 2. I used her Awakening version as it has been the best performing of all of her alts. Of course if her votes were combined she would have won already but IS hates us.
Resplendents and backpacks (ie in duo or harmonic but not lead unit) are NOT counted as alts, however are noted.
Lif does not count as Alfonse, Zelgius does not count as BK. Grima DOES count as Robin.
I am including release date of last alt because I’m biased and it’s been 4 and a half years since we got a Takumi alt. There are 5 units in the interim results that we haven’t received an alt of in this decade, being Sharena, Petra, Takumi, Leo, and Reinhardt. There are 5 units without their base version in the game, being Felix, Sylvain, Ashe, Dorothea, and Touma/Cain (I'm not counting Gullveig, y’all are just thirsty).
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tsukai22 · 1 year
Something I'll do...
...when/if Soleil gets an alt in FEH - I'll delete all my posts here about begging for a Soleil alt. I basically make those posts to get my thoughts out of my head and they do rile me up a bit when I notice them, and my blog will be noticeably more positive without them. They'll also be pointless of course.
To add more to this post... Well, my SMT4-themed run of FE Engage is going well so far. I worked out ways to not have to use Fell Xenologue characters. I also found an excuse to include Rosado (claim that he represents Burroughs). EDIT: Oh yeah. I still find it hilarious when you're having meals, the characters say "This is the best meal I've ever had in my life!" and then the meal gets a D-rank.
Also, Resplendent Sheena looks awesome! If I didn't have to pay to get her I'd be tempted to make her a merge project based on her art alone.
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