#(not talking about henry alone with that btw it’s the fact that they fucked over all the characters that were the most traumatized)
thelostsisters · 2 years
no he did deserve better and i truly mean that
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I've been a huge fan of LoTS for a while now, and one thing that I really admire about it is how you've built a world steeped in history both inspired by our world and unique to LoTS' world. How did you go about balancing both history and magick throughout the story alongside the characterisations from Six? As well as that, with Skyrim and FFXIV being noted influences on LoTS, in what ways, in your view, are concepts such as Light and Dark different in LoTS compared to said influences?
Tudor History helped to form the relationships between each of the characters, what type of magicks and abilities they had, and how they fit into the story.
I’ll make this a Read More since there’s a lot to cover here!
The Queens, History, and Afigmia
Catherine of Aragon was the most religious and led the country through war, so it made sense for her to be the one closest to (a) god and one of the strongest people in the Realm, let alone Afigmia (the name of the world btw; the Realm is a country in the world of Afigmia). She was also the one that survived the longest marriage with Henry, which only served to bolster her strength and have her naturally lead the party, as she was the one that was the most in tune with Henry’s tricks (even if she is shocked and horrified by the information she’s constantly getting).
Anne Boleyn was seem as a sneaky temptress and while she did have her charms, her knowledge and beliefs are what seemed to drive her in history, so she was more based on that. Plus her extremely tense relationship with Catherine (at first) made her being a shadowmancer a really nice foil to Catherine’s light-based Blessed abilities.
Jane Seymour was always in either a good or a “plain jane” sort of vibe and I really didn’t want her to be boring. At the time of first writing the story, Jane was always seen as a good person (through my own fault as well) when I knew she had just as much bite and coldness to her as a “Heart of Stone” would suggest. I also still see her as bound to obey and serve her husband regardless of what she truly thinks about him; I don’t think she really understands just how manipulated she was. Her necrotic magicks were a direct reflection of how she’s not a angel by any means, though I think people can hopefully have some sympathy for her; if this was another life, she could have been an incredible cleric and healer, if only she hadn’t been so manipulated.
Anna of Cleves was one of the toughest for me to write, but at the end of the day the musical and research taught me how badass she was, so I figured she should have the most badass powers of being wielder of a dragon’s literal soul. She was highly underestimated despite being more than capable to take on the duties required of her. She also is a really quick thinker and knows when to engage and when not to (see: historically, Anna of Cleves knowing when to leave when she’s fucked over by Henry), so she made a really good second in command of the Six outside of Catherine. I’ve got more plans for her, but she is, I would argue, the one that got away with more than she parted with when she left Henry’s side (historically speaking as well!).
Katherine Howard was a child but also seen as a temptress like her cousin historically. In LotS, she’s simply really good at illusion and charm magicks because she needed them to survive. She had a coming of age arc in LotS (kind of, it’s still ongoing) because she was just a kid. She’s not fully grown into her powers yet. She was at first a Druid because I think she’d want to just chill and watch everything and enjoy the time she had if she hadn’t been roped into what she was forced into. 
Catherine Parr is one of if not the most brilliant of mages in Afigmia, and a lot of her background is based in the fact that she literally talked her way out of being executed historically. I, like a lot of the fandom, would consider her to be the most progressive of the Six, though her historical and LotS parallels haven’t completely finished yet.
The Ladies are moreso reflections of their main queens - Maria is extremely close to Catherine, Maggie would follow Anne to the edge of the earth (and to another realm heh), Joan is very much in Jane’s corner (more than Henry realizes) and Bessie is being trusted with, essentially, the fate of the Holbein troops in the area. They all compliment their queens in ways we haven’t fully seen yet.
It should be noted that the only actual OC of the entire piece, Avril, also compliments her “assigned” queen and current partner, Anna. Avril originally started as a OC from another story I did, where she played the major villain. The idea to include her was because I wanted to bridge universes in my own stories. I also think her relationship with Anna allows for some depth that would help with making the queens a bit more human, while also avoiding any queen/LiW shipping of any kind. I was hoping that it would help to flesh out the world, too, as Avril could be anything I wanted, and could lend some feeling of “other stuff is happening too you know” in the world.
The Light, the Dark, and the Inspirations
The Light and the Dark being not so black and white was always a concept that appealed to me for a majority of reasons. I really dislike how “light means good” and “dark means bad” in traditional stories, so I wanted to turn it on its head.
You see that through the majority of our “bad” characters being somehow associated with the Light - Mary used to be a Blessed, Malus Vir (the guy that tried to take over Hidden Gem - was a Light priest. Necromancy is a corruption of LIGHT, not of Dark.
That’s not to say that the Dark can’t be bad either - obviously it can - but we’re currently in a period of history in Afigmia where the mask is being torn off of the “light is good” norm, and we’re seeing the cracks starting to shine through. Henry claims to be doing this for the good of the realm, and many believe that he is Light incarnate. They’re blinded by their own faith and the stereotypical norms; they cannot see the truth.
Final Fantasy’s Lifestream and the lore around that also helped with creating Katherine’s return as a Blessed in particular, as well as helped to bolster what necromancy could do.
I have only written two chapters since starting and finishing up Shadowbringers (well, up to 5.3) and while I’m happy to be validated in the “turn it all upside down” sort of strategy with the light and the dark, the main inspiration where FFXIV is concerned is the Fae Lands arc. There’s a big reveal coming that, if you’ve played the game or know of Il Mheg, you might be able to clue into early. It’s not the same by any means, but it’s in the same vein.
That being said, if I had to equate one of the six to the FFXIV main cast, I’d say:
Aragon: Y’shtola
Boleyn: Alisae
Seymour: Urianger
Cleves: Thancred
Howard: Ryne
Parr: Alphinaud
But again, I only just started playing that game a few months ago, whereas LotS has been in development/actively updating for over a year now.
Skyrim helped with the magicks, the dragons, and how the gods play into each other and interact. They’re a bit more human than what people think they are, basically. A lot of the magicks that you see in LotS are what I wish I could do in Skyrim, and of course the dragons are kind of very much in tune with that game as well.
There’s other inspirations as well: Runescape, Game of Thrones, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc. 
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trickkombowerskru · 5 years
A Father’s Worst Nightmare-Henry Bowers X Daughter!Reader Imagine
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Request: Anonymous: Can you do an imagine where henry didn't kill anyone and had a family and his daughter (who would be like 16) is getting terrorized by it and something happens similar to beverly and henry comes to see what's wrong and is like really confused why shes talking about blood and a clown and then remembers what happened to him the reader would be his daughter btw if you don't want to do this that's completely fine with me or if you don't understand what I'm saying
A/N: Thank you for  being so patient with me anon, I know you sent his in before the Christmas event, but now it is here! Also yes it is still not new year’s for me on the west coast so I succeed in getting all the prompts done, but word of advice whatever you do don;t do a writing sprint of 30+ prompts in 2 and half days it will drive you a little crazy
Warnings: None
It wasn't easy being the daughter of a single parent in Derry, especially when you were the daughter of Henry Bowers. It wasn't like he didn't work his ass off to support both of you or that he wasn't a good dad. It's just being his kid for some years of your life and still to this day people expect you to act a certain way because of your dad's reputation around town as a kid. 
That being said he was a lot better now your mom had even him out a lot, so while his rage was still caged inside of him it wasn't nearly as much because of her and the fact that his own father was dead. You were thankful however that most people after meeting you and getting to know you quickly picked up you were nothing like him as a kid, sure you were tough and all, but you didn't go around making other kids lives a living hell. 
This could be said for any of the adults still here who were once his peers or victims when they were young they all expected you to go off, but soon enough you subverted that. It had been a long day you and your best friend Amy were getting some books for school, waiting to get all of them checked out.
"Okay girls remember your due date and good luck on your project."
"We will thanks Mr.Hanlon," you tell him before you leave and you two make your way back to your places.
You wanted to find some good points separately before meeting up to compare notes.
"Hey Dad," you greet seeing your father sitting at the table doing some kind of paperwork.
"Hey kiddo. What's with all the books?"
"Project for school, we have to do this presentation that needs like seven sources and only two of them can be digital, so Amy and I figured to find stuff first and then we dive into it."
"Well before you get too deep into those books what do you want for dinner?"
"Sounds good. Let me know when you start gettin' hungry."
You tell him you will and head to your room, putting the books on your small desk, and changing out of your school clothes. After a bit of researching you needed a bit of a pick me up, cold water always did the trick so you made your way to the bathroom.
Once you dry off your face you hear voices.
"H-Hello?"It sounded like they were coming from the sinking
"Y/N come float with us. We all float down here."
"Who are you?"
You get an array of names before a decaying hand comes out of sink, it starts pulling you near the drain and a large burst of blood covers you and the entire bathroom. 
You take the hand and shove your nails into it making disappear down the drain. Your scream alerts your dad and he comes rushing in.
"Y/N what's wrong!?"
"You don't see it?"
"See what?"
"All the blood."
"Blood!? Did you hurt yourself or something?"
"This is gonna sound insane, but I need you to promise you'll hear me out."
"Okay what happened."
"I was splashing some cold water on my face to wake me up a bit, and then I heard these voices"
"They came from the sink and they said something about floating and then this nasty looking hand was trying to pull me into the drain and then this large burst of blood just came out and covered everything."
"Floating?'" when he asks this you can see shock and realization hit his face like he knew what was going on.
"Did they uh say anything else? Or did you see something? Like a clown or uh a red balloon?"
"Why would I see a red balloon?"
He shakes his head and leans down, kneeling and cups your face.
"We'll clean this up later okay, just take a shower,I gotta make a call real quick alright."
You just nod. You scrub the blood off of yourself once you're changed you hear your dad in a panic on the phone.
"Listen Eric I don't give a shit if it’s closing time,I just need to Hanlon okay!"
You wondered what he needed to talk about with Mr.Hanlon.
"I think that fucking thing is back!....what do mean you know?....That thing nearly ruined my god damn life and now it just attacked my fucking kid I am not gonna let IT touch her......you called em?....later tonight?.....the Jade of Orient?.....Got it....yeah yeah I'll be there.....bye."
He turns back to look at you, digging in one of the miscellaneous drawers in the kitchen.
"Listen Bud the plan changed, I'll leave some money so you can order pizza, but I need to go to dinner tonight it's important. You can invite Amy over so you won't be by yourself, and if you see anything weird look it in the eye and I want you to say "Screw you I'm not afraid." Here's my old knife in case you need it, I"ll be back later. Love you be careful."
"Love you."
He practically runs out the door and you immediately call up Amy before ordering a pizza.Your dad comes home much later and thankfully it was a weekend so it didn't matter how long you were up and also you didn't see anything else. 
You both had started to fall asleep when the door opened you heard other voices with your dad's along including Mr.Hanlon's and another one that was familiar, but you couldn't quite place.
"No no way we should get the hell out of here before we become IT's next meal. Also what are we doing. Working with Bowers? After all he did to us? Come on guys let's ."
"You got a kid Trashmouth?" you hear your dad's voice go almost dark.
"Well I do she’s my entire god damn life and that fucking thing attacked her. I ain't gonna let it get her. So shut the fuck up for once and let's kill IT.,"he threatens.
"Wait you actually managed to find a wife?"
You hear you dad sigh not wanting to talk about your mother's death since it was only just a few years ago. You decide to break up the tension and then go out there.
"What're you still doin' up?"
"Well we were starting to fall asleep and then we heard the door."
Then your eyes widen as you see the rest of the group.
"Holy shit," you say when they land on Richie Tozier.
"Hi I'm Y/N I'm a big fan."
"Thanks. See Bowers you may never have liked my jokes, but your kid has taste."
"Shut up," he mutters.
As you scan the rest of the group you are also in awe of Beverly Marsh and Bill Denbrough
."I totally love you guys too, Beverly you and Tom's lines are amazing, and Bill aside from the endings I really love your books."
"How the hell is your daughter so nice?," a shorter man in a hoodie asks.
"Can it Wheezy," your dad chimes in.
"Okay what the hell is going on?," you ask.
Once they all explain the situation you are in utter shock.
"So....so that thing wanted to eat me......and IT likes it's when you're scared...so that's why you told me to tell IT I wasn't afraid."
"Exactly," your dad confirms.
After a few days of the group finding "tokens" for some weird ritual you go with them to defeat IT despite your dads protests. Everyone gets split off at one point, you getting flung with Richie and Eddie before getting completely split up.
You're in a white room and you see a bunch of what look like people suddenly combust into blood and guts, IT takes the form of the clown and inches slowly towards you. You feel terrified, but try to remember what your dad said.You stop looking IT dead in the eye.
"Screw you I'm not afraid."
You kick IT in the face and keep fighting IT until it turns onto a pile of mush. You find the way out, then run through the rickety house trying to find your dad.
"Dad? DAD?"
You frantically fling open doors until find him. You see your dad along with a younger version of him getting talked down to and beaten by his father. It kills you to see him in that much pain, feeling inside your pocket you grin. Your fingers curl around the blade,you sneak behind the "man" and jump on his back.
"Leave him alone you fucker!" 
you stab him in the back and then get blood spurted onto your face when you get him in the neck a few times. Your dad stands up and punches IT in the face he punches and punches until it fades away.
"Thanks Sweeheart," he says hugging you.
Once you get back with the group  defeat the clown, but not before your dad gets hurt in the process. He was trying to get you out of the way and one of IT's claws went right into his side. Thankfully if wasn't all the way through, like Eddie's wound, but it was bad. 
As the house crumbles down you try to run out, Richie and Mr.Hanlon carrying the very injured Eddie, while Ben and Bill helped your dad. Once you were out of the house, you all went to the quarry, to take care of the wounds, although shortly after that they had began to disappear along with scars on the group's hands.
You run and hug your dad, you thought for sure things were going to go south before you could save him.
"I thought I was gonna loose you," you cry.
"I'm right here Babygirl, I'm never leavin'." he tells you, pulling you closer.
After that you head home and to your surprise before you go, your dad actually apologizes to all he put them through as kids.
"It may be safe now, but I'm getting out of this town soon. I suggest you two do the same," Mr. Hanlon advises.
"We might, " your dad replies.
Later that night you sound cleaning up the bathroom finally, along with any little wounds you got from the rubble in the house. While the entire experience was terrifying, it brought you even closer to your dad. So in a very weird way, it was a good thing, and the strangest bonding exercise you could find.
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on carol/caryl and why i trust angela kang
first and foremost, i think it should be noted that gimple handed over a complete clusterfuck to kang, and instead of following his shitstorm of a vision, she completely revamped and revived an almost dead show (lol walking dead, zombies, resurrection, #nice), so that alone should show that she’s up to snuff in terms of talent, but lemme tell you my feelings in regards to my girl, carol.
like most carylers, i was like, “ew, no, stop,” when it came to the carzekiel news, and was feeling really downtrodden about it, that is until the whole season came out, and i was able to look back and see how clear it was, from the very beginning, that the relationship was never supposed to be a real relationship.
let’s pick it apart, shall we? 
the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that carol never once tells zeke she loves him, and tbh, barely shows more affection to him than she did to tobin, to whom she all but said, “yeah, no, the stuff between us was hella fake,” so that alone is enough for me to go -thinking emoji-.
but wait! there’s more! it is a theme throughout the whole season that carol 1. adamantly rejects the title of queen, and 2. hides aspects of her real self from zeke. she is always visibly annoyed whenever someone calls her queen, only saying it once to placate zeke after he had a no good, horrible, terrible, very bad day. (because she’s not a monster--she does care about zeke. she just doesn’t love him romantically)
my favorite part is #2, where kang sets the precedent real fast in the time skip that murder!carol is alive and well, when she straight up burns a bunch of saviors alive. also, the line, “the ring i could have gone without,” or whatever it was, could have easily been a throwaway line, except i’ve come to realize that kang doesn’t do throwaway lines. that was definitely on purpose. 
massive lol, btw, at how everyone kept being like, “oh no, there might still be saviors out there! we gotta be careful!” and carol was just:
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next, carol’s appearance! remember the uproar about her hair and how fucking atrocious it was? deliberate af. with how hard makeup and design went in on s9, there’s no way they would have fucked carol up that badly. and we /know/ they know how to make her look stunning and badass at the same time, bc look:
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(i stole your gif @mywalkingdeadsideblog, forgive me plz)
carol’s whole look up until henry dies made me go, “why does she look like some fairy tale queen who does nothing but sit in a castle all day?” and then i was like, “oh. duh.” because /that was the point/. she wasn’t supposed to look like herself, because she wasn’t living like herself, because she was living this escapist, fairy tale adventure. look at her in the “the storm”. waaaaay different look, because she’s finally herself again.
then, there’s just the straight up admission from carol that the whole thing wasn’t real. she literally says, “i’ll never regret the fairy tale.” it was never anything more than that. she had her kingdom, her king, and their son, and then she lost henry, and was forced to remember that, oh shit, running from my problems /never actually does shit/. and she promptly ends it, and goes back to daryl.
so yes, now relating it back to daryl. daryl is the only person alive on the planet who truly knows who carol is. she’s who she literally sneaks out of the house to go visit in the woods, just to be herself again for a while. he gets why she’s doing it, it’s why he never objected to her getting married in the first place. (even tho his face when she tells him zeke proposed was so laughably, “what? ew.”)
carol doesn’t show zeke her scars. he knows about the abuse, but he doesn’t /know/ about it. he doesn’t know that she lights people on fire in her downtime. he doesn’t know how far gone she really got. when she was losing her mind in her creepy little solitude house, smoking herself to death and making tally marks of how many people she’s murdered, zeke responded by giving her fruit. he doesn’t understand, and to that end, he doesn’t know she doesn’t believe in the fairy tale the way he does. he thinks it’s life, and she thinks it’s a place to hide. she tells daryl that zeke is an idealist. she doesn’t think he’s grounded in reality at all, but that’s why she sticks around, because reality fucking sucks, and plus she has a kid to take care of, but i think there is a marked difference in how carol acts around daryl vs. zeke. she looks so much more relaxed and open, and talks more flippantly and earnestly.
there is no one but daryl left that knows her. michonne is the second closest, and even she never spent all that much time with her. i think the only other person besides daryl that really gets how truly terrifying carol is would be rick, and even then, he’s kind of just afraid of her lmao.
so taking that and moving it into s10, i think what we’re getting set up for is carol finally (finally!) having to face her demons, and she is gonna be Mad Bonkers over it, and daryl, being the only one who understands, is gonna be the one who has to help her through that. 
think about the s9 opening credits. i’ve said this before, but having melissa mcbride’s name over the crossbow, pike, and cherokee roses was hella foreshadowing to the fact that her fantasy was gonna break, and daryl was gonna be the one to pick her up, not zeke.
so we got carol going on a ptsd revenge rampage of insanity, and poor daryl is over here reeling from the fact that he suddenly has a daughter on top of the fact that his girl is finally single but is crazy crackers and trying to get herself killed, so of course he’s gonna be like, “you’re my best friend and definitely not the love of my life, haha, are you still hallucinating your dead children?” because they’re not at that point yet.
kang says they’re going to address daryl’s lack of love life. none of the cast members have said anything that negates the possibility of caryl (i would argue the contrary, tbh), and the trailer shows that the two of them are finally in this together again.
looking back at s9, every drop of carol’s story was symbolic and deliberate, and that makes me believe that we finally have a showrunner who knows how to tell a story, and knows how to read characters, and, most importantly, understands not only carol, but how she and daryl are intertwined and desperately important to one another.
i trust her. i have hope that, whether we get the naked pretzel by the end of the season or not, kang is not going to do our babies dirty like gimple did. she gets it. 
we’ve been burned, but caryl is no longer in the hands of the person who burned us. i think that means that for once it’s not too out there to have a little hope.
thanks for coming to my TedTalk,
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artificialqueens · 5 years
5 times Yvie surprised Brooke and the one time Brooke got him back (BrookexYvie) - Imposterzoe
AN: As requested a 5+1 with Brooke and Yvie. Thanks to albatross who gave me an actually good idea to write. Always open for prompts btw. IZ.
Brooke slumped forward, his head hitting the table.
"What's wrong Brooke?" He heard Nina ask behind him.
Not even bothering to lift his head, Brooke just groans.
"Oh you know. The unusually usual."
"What does that mean?" Nina asks nervously. Confusion swept through Brooke.
"Yvie, duh. I thought we agreed on that codename for when I'm thinking about him too much." Brooke still didn't lift his head, knowing he and Nina were alone.
"Oh right! So what about Yvie are you thinking too much about?" Brooke frowns some more. He told Nina everything. Why couldn't he remember the one topic that they spoke of the most?
"I dunno. The fact that I love him, might be distracting me. But only a lot."
Brooke can't help rolling his eyes even though Nina couldn't see him.
"You're in love with Yvie?" Nina asked stupidly.
Brooke groaned. "Yes Nina. As I could've sworn I told you a million times. Yvie is amazing and I want to be with him. But he doesn't like me."
Nina mumbled, "Oh yeah."
"We talk about this all the time. Why are you asking all these questions?"
Brooke jumps as he felt hands on his shoulders. They pull him up and before he could realize the hands were too slender to be Nina's, plump lips touch to his.
His eyes pop open and he finds himself staring into Yvie's joyful ones. Yvie releases his lips after a second and beams at him.
Brooke open and shuts his mouth like a fish out of water. "Hi Yvie," he finally squeaks stupidly.
"Hey." he purrs. They stare at each other for a second before Yvie leans forward, placing another kiss on Brooke's lips. Brooke is barely able to return the kiss before Yvie pulled back.
"You're a good kisser." Brooke squeaks again.
Yvie smirks. "You too. I wanna kiss you more later."
Then he's gone, leaving the shell shocked Brooke staring at the wall.
"Thanks Nina!" Yvie makes a point to call out as he leaves. He walks out and promptly presses his ear to the door.
"NINA!" He hears Brooke shriek and the sounds of a scuffle.
"What the fuck, Nina? Why would you do that?! I looked like an idiot!"
Brooke was currently sitting on Nina's back, irritated beyond belief. Nina raised his head from the floor to respond.
"He said if I didn't help him, he'd tell Monet I like him. And he kissed you! He likes you too, Brooke. He really does." Nina slumped back to the floor, Brooke's weight making his breath short.
Brooke bounced on Nina's back. "You better not be lying. Or I'll tell Monet for him."
Nina groaned as Brooke bounced. "Does Yvie seem like the type of person to kiss someone he knows likes him if he doesn't feel the same?"
Brooke considered this, still bouncing. "No." He finally muttered.
"Exactly. Now get off of me!" Nina commanded.
In response Brooke got off a millimeter before slamming his whole weight on Nina's back. Nina let out a yell as Brooke finally got up and darted out of the room.
Yvie snagged his arm and pulled him behind the doorway just Nina ran out of the room obviously looking for blood.
Brooke gave Yvie a grateful smile and Yvie just leaned forward to kiss him again.
Now that he was more mentally sound, Brooke kissed back. They held each other close as they kissed.
Brooke pulled back slightly, pressing a hand to Yvie's chest as he leaned for Brooke's lips again.
"This means we're together right?" he mumbled as Yvie nipped at his bottom lip.
Yvie rolled his eyes. "No duh, babe. Now will you kiss me?"
Brooke grinned as he kissed his new boyfriend. He was still gonna kill him for using Nina to trick him later.
Brooke dragged himself into his house, weeks of back to back shows exhausting him.
So the last thing he wanted to see was a tall, twig thin creature sleeping on his couch with a cat on his face.
Brooke screamed. The creature attempted to scream but choked on fur. The creature started to curse as he pushed Henry off his face.
Brooke recognised the cursing. "What the fuck, Yvie?!" he shouted.
Yvie groaned as rubbed his face. "I wanted to surprise you! Not have a goddamn heart attack."
Brooke sighed and sat down next to his lover. "Well consider me surprised."
Yvie sighed and laid his head on Brooke's lap.
"Surprise." He mumbled softly.
Brooke leans down and pecks his forehead.
"Thanks babe. But please don't surprise me anymore."
Yvie snuggled into his waist. "No promises."
Brooke collapsed on Yvie's couch. His boyfriend had to run errands but instructed Brooke to relax at his place.
He hadn't objected. The second his head hit the pillow he was out cold.
A little later Yvie walked in the house, his arms laden with groceries. As he kicked off his shoes, he noticed Brooke dead asleep on his couch. He smirked. This was perfect.
[3 hours later]
"Babe, wake up."
Brooke's eyes slowly peel open. He vaguely realized his boyfriend was leaning over his face.
"What's up?" he mumbled, scratching his cheek as he sat up. Yvie coaxed him to his feet and dragged him to the kitchen.
Brooke smelled it before he saw it. But when he saw it he couldn't help but gasp.
The room was candlelit and balloons made a trail to a small table. A still steaming dinner was there along with a present at one of the seats.
"Happy 6 month anniversary." Yvie whispered in his ear.
"I didn't know we were doing that. I didn't get you anything." Brooke mumbles.
Yvie wrapped his arms around Brooke. "It's ok. I just wanted to do something for you and the date just happened to be our anniversary."
Brooke leaned over and kissed him. "I don't deserve you."
Yvie shrugged. "You deserve the world. Now let's eat!"
Brooke felt alive as he danced. He and Yvie were recreating their "Sorry, Not Sorry," lip sync. It was fun performing with his boyfriend.
The song ended and they moved to recreate the heartwarming hug from the show. But Yvie kicked it up a notch.
When Brooke leaned in for a hug, Yvie kissed him.
The crowd exploded as they start to make out on stage. Brooke could feel his face heating up as his boyfriend slipped him the tongue.
Brooke jumped back and started to pull Yvie off stage. But Yvie wasn't giving up that easy.
He turned towards the fans with a distraught look on his face.
"I think I made Mommy mad!" He yelled out. The fans went ballistic.
Brooke blushes harder and glared at Yvie, mentally telling him to knock it off. But Yvie decided to pull one more trick.
He dropped to his knees and screamed, "Sorry Mommy! I've been naughty! Are you gonna punish me?!"
You would've thought a bomb went off the way the crowd responded. Brooke wished a bomb would fall on him right about now.
He grabbed Yvie by the waist and ran him off stage. Yvie managed to shout, "Wish me luck!" as Brooke carried him off. Well wishes followed them down the hall.
"I am going to kill you!" Brooke screamed as he shoved the door open with his hip. Yvie just laughed.
"Sorry Mommy," he teased.
Brooke hissed at him to shut up as he shoved him towards his mirror. Yvie beams up at him.
"Can we work that into that act from now on?" He begged.
Brooke considered this before sighing. "Fine."
Yvie threw his hands in the air in triumph. Brooke rolled his eyes.
"I hate you."
Yvie smirked. "No you don't. Lying is wrong Mommy."
Brooke just flipped him off and prepared for his next performance.
Brooke zooms into the backstage area but the second he opens the door, he's floored.
On his table, there was a huge, beautiful flower arrangement. Brooke had gone through a gardening phase once, so he knew the name and meaning of each flower. He gazed at the bouquet, taking in each bloom
He stroked the pink Carnations, (I will never forget you). He sniffed the Lavender, (Devotion). He smiles at the lilacs, (passion and love). But he starts to cry softly as he stares at the last type of flowers.
Red Camellia. The color was best suited for a significant other.
And it technically meant love but Brooke knew the original meaning. "My destiny is in your hands." They were Brooke's favorites.
"There's a card." Someone mumbles behind him. Everyone else was staring at the bouquet too.
Brooke forces his eyes from the flowers as he picks up the card. He starts crying as soon as he reads it.
You know I'm not one for sappy shit but you deserve it so I'm giving it a try. Don't you dare laugh.
You walked into drag race and I fell,
Your voice drew me out of my own mental hell.
I wished that was me kissing your face
But your love was a trophy and I won the race.
You're everything I want and need.
My hidden feelings, you freed.
I had fears about loving you at first.
But the more I kissed you, the more they dispersed.
To my heart you have the only key
If I ever lost you it would kill me
You deserve all the love in the world
And you could get it with a smile and twirl.
All the words I wrote were true
And so are these
Brooke, I love you!
"Do you like it?" Comes the soft whisper behind him.
Brooke turns, still crying. "Oh Yvie. I love it."
He runs forward, lifting Yvie in his arms. "I love you," he whispers in Yvie's ear.
"I love you too," came the reply.
Brooke places Yvie on the floor and kisses him hard.
A chorus of "Awww!" comes from the other queens, reminding the lovebirds they weren't alone.
Brooke sighs irritatedly but let's go of Yvie's lips. He walks around the other man and wraps his arms around his waist.
"Thank you baby," he purrs, kissing Yvie's cheek.
Yvie smiled. Brooke smiled
"So how are you guys gonna get this out of here?"
The smiles dropped.
"Did not think on that one." Yvie mumbles.
Brooke sighed. "We'll think of something."
Brooke gets Yvie back.
Brooke and Yvie are performing their lip sync again. Brooke felt too hot in his costume as he danced.
He thought about waiting until the end, when they were supposed to kiss but that would take too much time.
The song cut out in the middle and Yvie looked at Brooke in confusion. There were murmurs in the crowd too.
Brooke swallowed hard before addressing the crowd. "Can everyone quiet down please? I asked for this."
Everyone's eyes turn to Brooke, who turned to Yvie. Yvie stared at him, as confused as anyone.
Before he could lose his nerve, Brooke dropped to one knee and pulled a box out of his hidden pocket.
The whole place seemed to gasp. Half done queens walked to the wings and gasped with them.
Yvie hasn't made a sound, just staring at the box.
Brooke opened it and then Yvie gasped. The box held two rings. They both had two large intertwined gemstones. Peridot and Aquamarine.
Their birthstones.
Yvie started to cry and Brooke started to talk.
"Yvie Oddly. Jovan Bridges. You are everything I ever wanted. My life was all about being perfect and you showed me how much fun it is to be different. You taught me how to block out the haters and focus on all the fun in life. Drag Race started our story. And I want to start the next chapter with you."
Brooke took grabbed Yvie's hand and positioned a ring at the tip of his ring finger.
"Jovan Bridges. Will you marry me?"
Everyone was on the edge of their seat, waiting for Yvie's answer. Yvie wiped his eyes and smiled.
"Yes, you corny motherfucker!" he screamed.
Everyone exploded in cheers as Brooke slid the ring on Yvie's finger and jumped to his feet to kiss him.
Their fellow queens poured on stage, offering congratulations.
Brooke slid the other ring on his hand and intertwined their fingers. Yvie looked down at the rings admiring them.
"Do you like them?" Brooke whispers.
Yvie looked up and a tear trailed down his cheek.
"It's the best surprise I've gotten in a long time."
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 4X02 - White Out
White Out? More like Girl’s FrostBITE Out!
...They don’t get better from here.
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This is one episode that prior to this rewatch, I constantly found myself coming back to. A lot of that comes down to the dynamics, and I’ll get into that soon enough, but I think there’s more to the story here than is often given credit for. It’s definitely not the “best” episode, per se (Though for me, that just comes down to some episodes simply being better rather than failings on the part of this one), but if I had to take ten episodes to a deserted island, this would be one of them without question. I’ve watched it by now at least five times and in lieu of an actual Christmas episode of the show, I’d this episode gives off constant Christmas-y vibes for me with the use of snow and the theme of hope and right now, that’s exactly what I need and want! I’ve been looking forward to doing it for a long time and now’s the perfect moment to gush about why I love this episode!
So, if you want to read my review, please head below the cut because this could very well be one of my most personal reviews in a way!
Main Takeaways
So look, I love the past segment for it’s themes and David’s backstory and Anna’s support and all that, but I LOVE it for one thing and one thing only: BO PEEP! THIS WOMAN ROCKS! She’s hammy as FUCK and everything from her costume to her over the top accent to her NAME spells that out. She Cruella before Cruella was Cruella! Robin Weigert did an AMAZING job capturing that funny yet intimidating presence. That hamminess is exactly the kind of thing that a show like Once Upon a Time was made for. We’re supposed to encounter ridiculous shit all the time and Bo Peep is such a beautifully blunt part of it! She’s probably my favorite one off character for that reason. AND at the same time, her character is a a perfect challenge for David. Her character’s abilities juxtapose David’s original flighty instincts and put him in a position where if he wants to look after those he loves, he has to step up and fight. She presents a strong ultimatum. YET, she’s kind of like Biff from “Back to the Future:” symbolically the representation of all of David’s fears but at the same time, someone who he can beat. She’s such a balanced antagonist and is so underrated by the fandom at large! I would’ve KILLED for her to come back in a later episode, even just to spew some snark!
Okay, now that I’m done gushing about Bo Peep, let’s get into the meat of the episode.
Anna and David just have a great rapport. They were so close to making my favorite dynamic and that’s because Anna is a great support for David’s journey here. Her optimism is presented in a light that gives way to both cheeriness and a bit of annoyance which is just the kind of character that Anna is.in addition, David’s story about his father (Which is SO much harder to hear in hindsight, btw) makes his stubbornness toward fighting Bo Peep make sense while still being framed correctly as something he needs to step up and overcome. Overall, the storytelling is very effective here in terms of buildup and most of the payoff.
I will say though, I wish that David’s turning point -- or rather, what he says to be the payoff -- was a little bit more strongly written. When Anna asks what changed his mind, it feels like Jane Espenson improvised it because the connection to Elsa’s story wasn’t all that strong. In truth, he changed his mind because Anna was taken, as shown by the fact that prior to that, he was going to give up, and I feel like if the change of heart connected more to his father than to Elsa’s story, than the resolution would’ve connected better for me.
For as much as I love the main interactions between Emma and Elsa (And we will GET to that shortly), I want to gush for a moment about the fantastic supporting cast here, and by that, I mean David and Killian. Killian basically just exists to be himself in this episode and serve as support for David and Emma, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him just doing that. But David’s support is what really steals the show here. This is clearly a man who internalized Anna’s lesson about not giving up and passes it on well. He is everyone’s rock throughout this panicked situation and because of that, everyone’s able to get through.
By contrast to what I said about David’s resolution in the past, Elsa’s resolution in the present is far stronger. Elsa’s friendship with Emma and David’s connection to Anna and her lessons makes Elsa’s show of abilities feel earned this time around. Just listen to the music when Elsa makes the hole in the ice! It’s one of my favorite pieces of the score in the entire series. It’s so triumphant and hopeful. It has the tempo of a heartbeat and really feels like Anna’s spirit is part of it as the hole proceeds to form! The storytelling melds together to make this scene into something truly special.
So for as much as I do love the episode, I will admit to take issue with a two things here and both of which have to do with Snow’s plot (Though neither involve Snow herself). First, fuck C*leman. That’s all I have to say on that matter because he doesn’t deserve any more attention. Second, yeah, the dwarves and Granny are excessively harsh towards Snow here. Like, they are going after a new mother who they know knows fuck all about power systems  while knowing full well that Emma and David are investigating what happened.
Do these aspects ruin the storyline for me? The first one makes it really hard to watch the segment, but as for the second one, somewhat. It’s out of character, I admit, and the subplot itself feels more like an excuse to establish Snow as the new mayor than anything else, but it’s harmless in the grand scheme of things and gives way to cute lines.For me, Granny’s character ultimately doesn’t suffer too much from it for me and just acts as an example of how some aspects of their new lives have affected their personalities.
I saw a thread last week about the plot holes in this episode (Why didn’t they go to Regina to get Emma out of the ice wall, why not just make a smaller hole with a fireball, why not take Emma to a hospital afterwards?) that just got on my nerves a bit. Maybe it’s because this episode just means so much to me, and honestly, no offence to anyone involved in the thread (I’m pretty sure one of them reads these reviews and if that’s true, I hope you know that I mean that in earnest), but I feel like (1) the plot holes in this are so small that it’s honestly needless nitpicking, something that just gets on my nerves and (2) misses the forest for the trees. It’s missing the story, character payoff, and dynamics in order to complain about matters that just don’t matter, and I feel like that happens a lot in this series. I mean, I can be pedantic about filling the plot holes up myself (They didn’t go to Regina because Rumple shop was closer to the ice wall and by the time they could’ve, they had a solid lead on Anna’s location and that was their bargaining chip with Elsa, fire blasts in this series tend to just be giant in general, and the loft is closer than the hospital and the priority was getting Emma warm), but even as I was writing that, talking about the story elements felt like the more fulfilling thing to write. And I get that plot holes have their times and places to be picked on and picked apart, but I’m also of the mind that some episodes just don’t need it.
All Encompassing
The theme of this episode is not giving up and that’s a theme that really sinks in throughout this episode. While more of a direct story point as it pertains to Anna, David, and Elsa, it’s more indirect in the ways that it applies to Emma and Henry. At the beginning of the episode, after receiving Regina’s note, Henry gets depressed at the prospect of Regina not wanting to see him for the time being and Emma, unable to get through to him, laments her failure. But both of these characters learn through David that to stop trying is a mistake. Thus, Emma gives getting through to Henry another go, one much more successful and Henry gets through to Regina. And both of these developments have a very organic feel towards how they come about and are fantastic with how they resolve.
When people say that the Frozen characters got too much screen time, I often go back to this episode. While Anna and Elsa are big presences in this episode, no one is sidelined as an expense. David, Killian, Emma, Snow, and Henr all play integral roles in the story and blend well with the Frozen characters.
This is one of David’s best episodes. His character gets to be both a powerful lead and support across the two segments and shows a well rounded versatility to him that often isn’t explored all that much and so well.
Stream of Consciousness
-I love the angles of the cars in the opening scene with Elsa. Not only are they all great shots with fitting sound effects, but narratively, they serve two story points. First, they play to Elsa’s fears. She’s alone in a town that has technology she knows nothing about. Second, the cars themselves show their speed, and that helps make Elsa’s choice to create the ice wall make so much sense to me.
-Will my heart ever not break at the sight of the “Leaving Storybrooke” sign? No, it will ALWAYS break!
-The more I see the Josh Dallas Fabio hair, the more I like the Josh Dallas Fabio hair, and I already loved it!
-”I’ll find out your name at the wedding.” I’m really sad that David never got to go to the wedding now. :(
-I LOVE the Baby Neal scene in the loft! It’s nice and goofy and gives off a small domestic moment without overstaying its welcome.
-”3? I see the optimism returning.”I never noticed this joke before! This episode never runs out of funny things! XD
-Dude! Full props for Emma for going to bat for Regina! She really does get it and gets that Regina’s doing what she can to spare Henry from experiencing any of the pain she’s feeling right now. And while it hurts, sometimes people have their own ways of coping with things, for better or for worse. Like, that was just a fantastic moment!
-Also, props to David for helping alleviate Emma’s guilt! Great parenting and it shows how much he understands both Emma and Regina, so it’s also a good Regina and David moment!
-...There is a lot of Captain Charming squeeing going on right now in the ship section.
-”I found it in the store filled with things.” Elsa, that was the least helpful explanation I have ever heard! XD
-I LOVE that deafening sound effect right after Elsa puts up the ice wall. It’s so terrifying and allows for the fear of the situation to really hit the audience.
-Elsa’s “evil lady” act is so fucking adorable! Yes, you’re very scary, baby! XD
-”I’m starting to get why Regina was evil. It wasn’t her, it was you.” I know a lot of antis take issue with this line, but sometimes a line is just meant to be a joke and given how the preamble to Snow’s rant was about how tired she was, I’m gonna pretty sure this was a freakin’ joke, and a great one too! XD
-”It [the cold] never bothered me.” Oh my God, ALL of the Frozen references! While there were probably one too many of them, they never fail to crack me up.
-Minor gripe, but I do wish that we saw some of Emma’s magic fluctuating a bit more prior to her scene with Elsa where they discuss a lack of magical control. Apart from the time portal shenanigans and the crane game encounter (Which she forgot and came after this episode), Emma’s had pretty good control over her magic as of this moment in the present.
-”You only want to know more because if I sleep, I’ll die.” ...Yes! That’s why you should talk! About your son! The main reason you want to stay alive! ...Like, that was a legit terrible line! Just have her fall asleep because that was dangerously close to anti Swan Believer material and in a bad way!
-Not gonna lie, Butcher Bo Peep is reallllllllllllyyy pretty. I am legit attracted to her.
-David giving Anna the horse is the equivalent of Emma repurposing her red leather jacket, granted in a smaller way.
-”I hope I’ll see both of you at the wedding.” Oh man! Ruth couldn’t come either! Rip my heart out, why don’t you?!
-David, I get the symbolic gesture, but that is a HORSE! A horse is a useful animal for a farmer and that horse might love you and its home! XD
-Not gonna lie, I’m pretty sure “I missed my room” was the line that snapped Regina out of her full-on funk. It also cracks me up! XD
-”This is kind of cool. Pun intended.” And THIS is why I love you, Emma! <3
-Ingrid, I’m no germaphobe, but EW! XD
Favorite Dynamic
Frozen Swan. Emma and Elsa’s first episode together is the dynamic equivalent of a Lindt truffle. It’s well rounded, satisfying, and exquisite with a delicate contrast. I think an episode like this is so important for Emma because it shows that while she has walls, they’re not as paralyzing as people think they are. In a lot of respects, this is a Season 4 Emma looking back on some of her more Season 1-esque qualities. But Elsa’s no slouch either! This dynamic does so much to show how Elsa’s more than just a two-trick pony of ice magic and sister longing. She cares about helping innocents, is competent, and her excitement towards finding another magic user is adorable. My favorite part of their dynamic is how they compare their worries about handling magic and leadership. Those are two very big connecting points for these characters and I’m glad they were touched upon.
Jane Espenson starts off our season here and she did a bang up job with the writing here. The past lends itself to generally great storytelling and the present has this great feeling of tension throughout it as everyone’s either trying to save Emma or reason with Elsa. The only moment to breath is the Snow plot which I feel was just straight-up made for purposes of levity and to make the plot point that Snow’s the mayor. Besides that, I do think the writing is strong here. The theme of not giving up is so solidly present throughout the episode and lends itself well to everyone’s journeys. Apart from one or two weird lines and character moments, the dialogue itself was well developed and the pacing was en pointe!
10/10. I really wanted to give this episode a Golden Apple, but as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t justify it. It doesn’t mean my love for this episode is any less valid (I’m saying this more to myself than to anyone in particular), but yeah, I can’t give it that score if I want to be honest with myself. The chinks in the armor of the episode are small bit by bit, but they do add up. That said, I love this episode so much! We get so many amazing character moments, a good (if not somewhat loose) story, and a strong message about the benefits of perseverance. The ending is so optimistic and feel good that my earlier claims of it being one of the closest things OUAT has to a Christmas episode aren’t too far off.
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Captain Swan - As you might have guessed, Captain Swan goodness makes up a GREAT deal of why I love this episode. I read this once before and please let me know the source of it if you know it, but “it’s says something about your ship when one of your favorite episodes of theirs doesn’t even have them kiss.” Well, this is easily in my top 5 favorite CS episodes of all time. They get so much development, both while together and as they communicate with other characters. First, I love the “ice bucket” banter. Emma just can’t take that hotness between them! Second, that Captain Charming scene just fucking says it all! “I wouldn’t risk my life for someone I see as loot. Whatever we become, it’s up to her as much as me.” I CAN DIE A HAPPY WOMAN NOW! Put those words on my fucking tombstone, ok?! If we JUST had these two lines, this would still be one of my favorite CS episodes, but oh my golly, we have MORE! “Emma, say again.” The fucking worry in Colin’s voice. Just...I cannnnnnn’t. *wails* Just...Killian is in such distress throughout this entire episode. He’s so worried he’s about to lose another person he loves and it kills him and it kills me. And once she’s safe, ICE WALL CUDDLES!!! That hug is so fucking romantic. I don’t know what’s better! The Captain Charming conversation from earlier or the Ice Wall Cuddles, but I love both of them sooooooo fucking much! The way she cradles his head and the way he carries her!!! It’s perfect!!! And then the hand hold. Just..I’m so happy!!!
Hopeful Hero - ...I love Snowing, but I’mma ship this ‘till the cows come home! David and Anna just have a fabulous rapport and had there been a kiss akin to Snow and Hercules’ from “Labor of Love,” I wouldn’t have complained!
And there you have it, one of my all time favorite episodes! It’s a bit flawed, but I just adore it with every beat of my heart. Did I change your mind on it or even make you love it more if you were already a fan? Let me know!
As always, thanks to the fabulous folks at @watchingfairytales for making this awesome project and shoutout to my awesome and supportive friend and regular, @daensarah! (If you want notifications for when I post these, hit me up!)
Next time, we go further down the road of the Frozen Arc and just a warning: Things are about to get rocky. XD
Season 3 Total (19/230)
Writer Scores:
Adam and Eddy: (9/60) Jane Espenson : (10/40)
*Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. They take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
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banesbottombitch · 7 years
Headcannons of the bowers gang as single parents?🤔 btw, love your writing!
Fuck it, lets do this. I’ve got so many feelings about this. For disclaimers sake, the boys are 20-25, so college age. This is long.
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Henry “You are my Sunshine but you’re also a Pain” Bowers
First of all, he was’t ready. Nothing prepared him to end up alone, with a baby that was his newest and most precious responsibility.
The mothers either DIED, or straight up left the baby in his arms and was  like “your problem now” either way, he does not consider adoption. 
Called Vic first, actually crying, because how the fuck does he do better for this kid than his dad did for him? He has no idea how to nurture, to care, to help something grow and thrive. He confesses his fears, and Vic gets Belch and the three of them drive to the closest department store, picking out baby shit.
Has no idea how bottles work. Gets the cheapest kind possible, and is so upset when the baby wont drink from them (texture might be off, his dumb ass didnt warm the milk, his dumb ass gave the baby COWS MILK, the list goes on) and screeches in frustration when they leak because, yet again, he got the cheapest fuckers possible
He’d be out of his dads house by this time, probably college age (about 20-25) but he has made a point to not let his dad know of his child’s existence, because lets face it, Butch would wanna see his grandkid (especially if its a boy). So, Henry keeps the information that he’s a new dad on lock down
Calls Mama Huggins weekly for advice, and actively looks at parenting hacks online. He’s trying his best to be a good dad, and would take extra shifts for work to make ends meet. His kid would probably go into daycare sometimes, but he doesnt like leaving them with strangers and just tries to get one of the guys (or Mama Huggins) to take them for a few hours.
Uses his kid as a chick magnet. Goes to parks and hits on the single moms while he helps his toddler roam around. Gets a lot of ass because of this, since he comes off as a very caring dad (he is, surprisingly).
Dresses his baby girl up like bad asses. His daughter wears his old bandanna with her princess outfit (claiming she is a cowgirl princess, because of course she is) or gets a jean vest with decently kid friendly patches on it, and parades her around when he gets the chance. Insanely protective of her, and follows her when she plays at the park and later as she gets older, he makes her text him where she is at all times. Low key helicopter dad. The type of dad to clean a gun in front of her new boyfriend, 11/10.
 His son’s hair gets styled into a fohawk daily and he’s encouraged to wear cool printed shirts his uncles (the rest of the gang) get him that have various metal bands on them and stuff. Teaches him sports, and drags him along to baseball games when he can. Was a bit torn when he heard his son was causing trouble in school, but decides that he cant have his kid doing the same shit he did and nips the bullying in the bud. His son got his temper, and it upsets Henry sometimes how easy it is for them to snap at each other once he gets older.
Takes his kid fishing, hiking, rides on motorcycles, ect. Lots of out door activities. His favorite is to take his kid out fishing, because they’re TRAPPED with him and he gets to spend the day with his mini-me, making crappy jokes and teaching them how to do proper techniques, like he always wished his dad would have done with him.
Gets really stern with his kid though. Takes no fucking bullshit from them, and lives the line “because I said so”, expecting his kid to listen. He loves them, he would NEVER raise a hand to them, but he’s not above a sit down and heavy glare if they mouth off to him or act up in public.
Lives his life better to make his kid’s life better. Goes to anger management if he thinks he’s starting to emulate Butch, and he’s explained to his kid why they’re so distant from his family. Doesn’t articulate what Butch has done to him, but makes it a point to focus on the fact that they Do. Not. Talk. To. Butch.
Makes a point to take his kid to school every day. Tells his kid how much he loves them. They do not go a day without a clap on the shoulder and a small little smile that he wears just for them.
He was a little shocked when he ended up with a baby. Dazed, confused. He just sat there with this bundle, all soft and small, and held them close. He didn’t know what to do, but does anyone when they become a single parent without word?
If his s/o died, he would be heart broken, but pull through for the kid. If his s/o dumped the baby on him and ran, he’d be fucking furious and vow to never let them within arms reach of HIS child.
The best at easing into parenthood. He told his mama that adoption wasn’t an option, and that he was going to take care of the baby. “I can do it,” he told her, “I’m a man, and men take care of their kids.”
Mama Huggins is overjoyed to be a grandma, even if she claims shes a little young to start being called Nannie, but she spoils that baby rotten. Reggie has to fight to keep her from buying the kid so many different outfits, as she goes overboard and buys too many, and they grow out of them before they can even be tried on.
Leaves the kid with his mom to work, which is fine for Mama Huggins, but Reggie feels like he’s ghosting his kid when he does it. So he works harder and advances in his career as much as possible, wanting to get to  place where he can maybe get extra days off to be with his kid.
Wakes up early to make them breakfast. Every morning he sits down with them, from infancy till they leave his house (read as, his moms, he never moves out lets be real). He wakes them up gently, or flicks on the lights and heaves a great big “UP AND AT ‘EM, KIDDO!” But its all with love.
Doesnt seem interested in dating for the most part, but ends up meeting someone with kids at some point in time, and is happy to have his kid get a new sibling. He always wanted one himself.
Gives in too easily if his kids misbehave. If they cry, it HURTS him, and he just lets them do as they please. Had to nip this in the bud before they got into school though, because he wasn’t going to deal with a spoiled brat for 12+ years.
Straps his kid into the backseat of the Trans-Am, and has a Dad Bag under the seats for bottles, toys, and general baby shit. Patrick likes playing peek a boo with his kid, and Vic only complains a little bit of he has  to feed the baby.
Stops going out with the guys, and is worried that it will dampen his relationship with them It doesnt, they just start  coming over to his house and hanging out. Henry was scared to hold the baby at first, but Reggie eased him into it, and now Henry’s the first one to grab the nugget and bounce them on his knee to calm them down.
If he had a daughter, jesus christ. Jesus H Christ. His most precious gem, his princess, the light of his life. He spends free time doing tea parties, letting her “help” him with fixing Amy, and lets her run wild in the neighborhood. She is fierce, she is the wilderness- NO, HONEY, DONT PICK THAT SNAKE UP PLEASE- DROP IT. DROP IT. NO, DONT ARGUE WITH DADDY. DROP IT!
His son would have a very healthy and loving relationship with him. Everything is open for discussion, and he tries to lead his son into a better light than bullying or the like. Lots of sundays are spent in the front yard, tossing around a football while his son asks the craziest, but most wonderful shit he has ever heard. “Dad, whys girls gotta be so.. weird?” “Dad, do you think Luke Skywalker would have been cooler if he was a sith?” “Dad, if we die, do we meet god, or do we gotta wait in line with our guardian angel?” Loves his boy, cherishes him. He can do no wrong.
Goes to every single parent/teacher conference, and puffs up in pride when they praise his kid. Because, of course they’re praising them! He raised them right!
Victor “Pinterest saved my life” Criss
Legit hid the baby from his parents/bros for a good week before he ran out of excuses as to why they hadn’t seen him for days. He’s at a loss of what to do, and considers adoption. He isnt a paternal guy. he thinks, this wont work out.
Already moved out, like, come on. He’s a rich boy, his parents set him up in a nice apartment/condo in Bangor for school.
If his s/o was still alive, he’d have given the baby back to them. This only works if they ghosted town, or are dead. Otherwise, he’d have been like “fuck no”
Finally figures he’ll give fatherhood a shot, and quickly realizes how much he did NOT bargain for.
Reggie turned up to help one day with Vic holding his baby and sobbing back at the baby while it shrieked and squirmed, the poor guy having no idea what to do. Vic was escorted to the bedroom, and given a nap whole Belch attempted to get the baby to sleep.
Buys all the nicest shit the baby could ever need or want. Lots of sleepless nights are spent with him rocking his baby and scanning amazon, thinking that yet another Sophie the Giraffe is exactly what his demon spawn needs to keep from sobbing through the night
Turns to online archives and pinterest for advice, and slowly becomes a better dad. Lots of trial and error, trips to the emergency room from Patrick convincing a half-dead Vic that his baby’s cough is from the baby black plague, and some angry sobbing of his own leads to a decent routine that makes him and his kiddo happy.
Instagrams his kid, because to be fair, he made a gorgeous baby. Sends lots of photos of the kid to the guys, and Patrick uses some of the most unflattering ones as reaction memes, because he is a dick. Vic has laughed at them, despite being furious Patrick would dare to make his baby a meme.
Literally cried when his kid called him “Dada” for the first time. On the floor. Sobbing. He called Reggie and made him come over. Henry and Patrick came around and tried to get the bay to say swears. They got them to say “sheet” which is pretty close to “shit” so they called it a win.
Throws the biggest birthday parties for his kid. Confetti? Everywhere. Cake? Three layers and professionally made. Presents? Out of this world.
Most stylish child of the group’s kids. Sunglasses, designer clothes. That kid dresses better than you do by the time they’re five. They own it too, and flaunt it for the camera, because Vic takes 89,005,467 photos of his child on the daily.
Taught his kid Beastie Boys songs, and there are videos of his kid rapping along to “Intergalactic”. Vic is so proud of his kid.
Friend dad. Has a hard time punishing his kid if they do something wrong, and sometimes makes up for his own mistakes (raising his voice, getting to upset) by giving them gifts. Its not an amazing system, but his kid is humble…ish.
Having a daughter, that boy is her best friend. She can tell him anything, it wont phase him. Willingly talks about boys, clothes, music. Loves to take her to the park and watch her knock the boys down a peg or two. she inherits his sharp tongue, and its scary how fast she goes from 1 to 101. Blunt child, that one.
A boy? Vic’s son is given the coolest shit, there is no need for want with this boy. Probably some awful mix of fuck boy and wanna be rapper, but Vic loves him anyhow. Shows him off to the gang CONSTANTLY, and shows up in almost matching outfits without realizing it. Its cringey, but it could be worse. Teaches him how to throw a punch and encourages him to kick ass if people step up against him.
Puts his kid in after school tutoring, and thinks bonding time is shopping or watching TV together. Fills their schedules with sports, dance, and music. Expects a lot out of them, academically.
Loves his kid, even if they’re being an asshole, not matter what.
Patrick “You’re Demon Spawn and I adore that” Hockstetter
Was not here for this dad shit. Considered chucking the baby into the system, and would have done it too, if his mother had’t made him face the music.
Total “This is what you get for having unprotected sex, Patrick” rant from her. It ended with him being forced with a baby and his mother’s watchful eye on him. Shes not going to have another Avery on her hands.
Hates the baby the first few MONTHS. No love. Nothing there. Lets it cry itself hoarse, barely remembers to feed it, the type to forget an infant in a shopping market. Considers the possibility of it being real, since it came from him in one way or another, and feels a little threatened.
Drops the baby off with his parents 99% of the time. the 1% is when his parents force the baby back with him.
The first time he feels a little something for the kid is after getting them back from his parents and sitting in his apartment, with him screaming at the kid to shut the fuck up, (the baby is sobbing, lets be real) and they just stop. Right then and there, silence. 
They lock eyes, and Patrick swears he sees a flash of something behind their little baby eyes, almost as if they are betrayed he’d treat them that way, before they quietly sniffle. And then Patrick Hockstetter, the man, the myth, the self proclaimed Literal Satan, feels guilt for the first time.
He picks them up and calms himself down, bouncing them on his hip and softly talks to them. No hate, no love really, just apathetic words that a baby couldnt understand. He does that for hours, until the baby is sleeping, and even then he keeps going. Pours out every thought he’s ever had to this little version of him, and the next time he puts them in their crib, he does so gently. 
Lowering them down and tucking a blanket in around them. He decides they’re worth something to him that day, and everyone in his life see a drastic turn in his reactions towards his child.
Kind of a distant dad, but his kid knows that Patrick is their father and that he, yes, loves them. He’ll still drop his kid off with his parents sometimes on weekends, but as the kid grows up and he starts seeing more and more of himself in them, he’d be more attentive.
Goes on philosophical rants with his kid, and expects them to keep up. Raises his kid to question everything, and they grow up almost just as creepy and weird as him. He’s proud that they’re a little freaky, otherwise he’d be worried they weren’t his.
Patrick wouldn’t do too well with a daughter. He’d make it work, but there would be some issues. He has no idea what common ground to go off from, and would force his daughter to be more tom boyish and enjoy the same shit he does. Wouldn’t care if she was a bully in school, actually encourages it. Hands her cash, shares his weed stash with her once she’s older, and bids her good day. Doesnt see reason to punish her for misbehaving hopes she doesn’t end up dead in a ditch somewhere from her smart mouth. Grades are the least of his concerns. Will kill anyone who hurts his daughter though, and makes good on his threats too.
Patrick thrives with a son. A mini-me, that is almost indistinguishable from himself. Same creepy little smile, same predatory tilt of the shoulders and with eyes that pierce your damn soul. Praises his son to the high heavens, calls the boy a genius, and 100% thinks of him to be the Jesus to his God, if you feel me. The promised one, type of shit. Think of a young Trick from Black Mirror, and thats the kind of son Patrick hopes to have, if not MORE edgy.
Halloween is his favorite holiday as a dad, because he takes his kid out and scares the shit out of other children and teaches them to steal the candy.
The family photo of him and his kid is them out with the gang, with his kid (about 7) wearing his jacket by a bonfire and flipping the camera off, him squatting beside them and doing the same damn thing with the biggest shit eating grin. Ah. Parenting. Patrick’s a natural.
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Some commentary on the S4 Episode of OUAT -- The Apprentice . . . .
I wanted to unpack this episode, and my feelings about it, to accompany @sieben9’s watching of it, and thought this would be better than reblogging their post.  They know that I’m posting this, and are aware that it will be snarky, bitchy, and negative, so please don’t go pestering their inbox with “oh don’t listen to that bitch, she’s a bitch” because A) they KNOW THIS already (it’s not a fact I’ve hidden from ANYONE) and B) again – they know I’m making this post instead of reblogging theirs and that it’s not going to be all glee and squee.  
This episode is one I have never revisited.  (To be fair, I’ve not revisited MOST of the episodes from S4 on.)  But this one is forever seared onto my brain.  This is a LONG POST so under the cut . . . . .
 This episode was a turning point for me for 4 reasons:
 1)      I got a CLEAR PICTURE of what trajectory Rumbelle was on (as a pairing AND as individual characters) and I wasn’t happy
2)      I got a CLEAR PICTURE of the Hook trajectory and again – I wasn’t happy
3)      What VERY LITTLE remaining respect and/or admiration I retained for Adam and Eddy (which was not much at this point) VANISHED after this episode aired
4)      This episode forever changed the fandom dynamic for me
Now . . . . . let’s unpack this and start with #1 . . . . Rumbelle.
Rumbelle had just gotten married, and up until this point, aside from E1 with the dance (which to ME, although it was lovely and wonderful, also screamed “HEY!!!! FROZEN FANS JUST NOW WATCHING!  LOOK! IT’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!  YOU KNOW THEM!!!!”), we’ve gotten pretty much NOTHING for them.  So . . . . . . . let’s chat about the dock scene.
 Yes, that DELETED DOCK SCENE.  This one right here:
And look at that – not even cleaned up.  Which tells me that A&E decided to CUT THIS SCENE – this 37 second scene that they could NOT SPARE 37 SECONDS FOR – before they even started the editing process. Because otherwise – this would be a cleaned up scene.
And we wouldn’t even know it EXISTED if it hadn’t been for the fact that it was an outdoor scene and there were a FUCK TON of people on site that day taking photos.  
And of course, my personal favorite:
I’d say I’m sorry for that last one but . . . . I’m really not so . . . .
Anyhow . . . the Rumbelle fandom was so excited about this scene.  Cause we’d had these BTS photos for WEEKS . . . and then they just . . . . CUT IT . . .
And Adam posted it on Twitter two weeks later because the Rumbelle fandom had a collective shit fit directed at him and he basically wanted to shut us the hell up.
And this all makes me wonder . . . .  what ELSE had they filmed up to this point that we’ll never see?  Because it’s OBVIOUS that at some point, between Episode 1 and Episode 4 – they changed the trajectory of what the had in store for Rumple, Belle, and Rumbelle.
Why, you ask?  Well first of all – don’t forget that in E2, they cut that scene with Rumple and Henry.  A scene that Bobby GUSHED ABOUT at SDCC (starts at 1:40):
Also Bobby talked about Rumple being ADDICTED TO MAGIC several times at SDCC.  Here’s one example (mentions it at the end):  
So . . . . . what we’re seeing to this point is so far TWO significant scenes that show Rumple as a caring human being have been CUT, one of them before the editing process even began.
And if they’re telling an addiction story . . . . . they’re sure as fuck not SHOWING US that here. They’re showing us Rumple being shady and an asshole . . . . but they’re not showing us addiction.  And even though Bobby is PLAYING IT that way . . . . . most viewers don’t do subtle.  The narrative must CLEARLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY TELL US that this is, in fact, what is going on.  And it doesn’t.  
Also – Belle has BARELY been on, and when she has been, it’s with Rumple.  I mean . . . . . gee, it’s like they don’t know what to DO with her without Rumple . . . . . . amazing that the fandom, at this point, has LOTS of ideas . .  . but the people who get paid for it?  Nothing.
So anyhow – that’s point ONE.
Onto point TWO . . . .
By now, we get it. They want Hook front and center. He is their pet, they want to go with Captain Swan.  Okay. But here’s another instance of “SHOW DON’T TELL.”  Having Hook follow Emma around like a lost puppy and just standing there isn’t TELLING. And also Emma has already had scenes with Regina and Elsa so far this season that show WAY more chemistry than any of the schmoopy shit they’re giving us with Emma and Hook.  
But here’s the kicker – instead of – you know – actually putting Hook on an actual, real, redemption arc – it just seems WAY easier to have him bully and blackmail Rumple (to get his HAND BACK so that he can play grab and tickle with his new boo without stabbing her, BTW) and make it look like RUMPLE is the baddie and Hook is just trying to be a good guy.  Basically they’re tearing down Rumple to prop up Hook.  Instead of showing Rumple’s struggle with addiction and Hook’s struggle with dealing with all the criminal shit he’s done in the past – THIS is the path they’re going with.  This is a disservice to BOTH characters.  And this episode, combined with the aforementioned factors, told me that yup, we’re doing this.  Because . . . .
Point THREE . . . . .
These writers are lazy as fuck and don’t want to be bothered writing complexity for literally ANYONE. Let’s not even discuss my issues with the Rumple trajectory.  Let’s look at Emma and her stupid little Pink Sandra Dee dress and the Charmings fawning over their damn date with a polaroid camera.
Who ARE these people? Did someone do a body swap with the Charming family?  Because that was some serious OOC shit, and for what?  To PROP UP HOOK.  So not only are they making Rumple an ass to prop the pirate, they’re making Emma and her parents into people I don’t recognize.  Because A&E are gross and seem to think that a woman must look and act a ‘certain way’ in order for a manly man like Hook to want to date her.  (I swear there’s some quote out there about “Hook makes Emma feminine” or some shit like that post-this episode.  Anyone have that link?)
Can you say misogynist?
And FOUR . . . . fandom . . . . . *sigh*
First of all, and example of post-episode banter from the pro Hook brigade:
So that was fun.  Now let’s move onto the Rumbelle fandom and a variety of commentary:
So the above is a mix of positive, negative, and general frustration.  
But THESE were the kicker for me (this is ME):
This is kind of the beginning of my PERSONAL trajectory within the fandom  . . . . . . . FYI . . .
This was the point where I realized that I was watching a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SHOW than about half of the fandom . . . . . . . .
All of the above posts were written post-episode 4.  
So I walked away from E4 frustrated about Rumple, Belle, Rumbelle, the propping of Hook, the shitty writers and their inability to write a complex story, and the obvious to me early beginnings of the breakdown of the Rumbelle fandom.  
Of course I had no idea what was coming, nor am I going to say because I know @sieben9 is spoiler free.
I just wanted them (and others who may have come in late in the game) to have a full grasp of WHY this episode, which in hindsight probably isn’t THAT BAD, was a turning point for me and many others.  Cause I know I’m not alone.
On the PLUS SIDE . . . . . we did get some lovely dock scene fan art:
And some ‘let’s make fun of Hook’ stuff which is always amusing:
Look, I obviously kept watching the show.  But this episode?  It was just NEVER THE SAME FOR ME after this.  
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noah-ynrezc · 7 years
How Adam’s college friends thought he was weird, but it turns out that he’s pretty “normal” compared to his friends HC
-ronan never really goes up to college with adam, because adam’s the one who escapes back home on his time off
-adam’s college friends all think there’s something off about him, even tough they all also think he’s perfect
-his nickname with the college friends (that they never say directly to his face) is “Perfect Adam” to differentiate between him and another adam.
-how he disappears on weekends and holidays and doesn’t really tell anyone where he’s going
-how there’s a chest under his bed they’ve never seen him open
-fun fact: it’s Persephone’s tarot cards and he keeps them there for Reasons
-how there’s photos of a small girl in a black beanie on his wall and desk, but all of the photos are just of her face, never below the waste
-how adam has a boyfriend, but whenever they ask about this dude, the story changes for each person (they’ve compared notes and it just confused them more)
-“he’s tattoo’d and street races sometimes”
-“he’s a lonely farmer”
-“yeah he’s got a kid”
-“he’s an asshole I went to high school with”
-“trust fund kid”
-and then
-one day the rest of the gangsey decide to drop in unannounced because Henry, Blue, and Gansey are in town and Ronan’s missing his bf
-Opal is left in the care of 300 Fox Way because you can rip the fact that those women adore my small goat child from my dead, headcannon loving hands
-and they just watch as Adam’s face breaks stoic-Adam-bitch-resting-face as a beat up orange ass car pulls up and a sleek black one behind it
-gansey is the first one out
-that little boy fucking runs into adam’s arms and hugs him for longer than socially acceptable
-“stop stealing my man, Parrish”
-Blue definatly interrupts like this, insults Gansey’s boat shoes for the 28839439th time that day and kisses Adam on the cheek
-henry is a good bean and he just waves and stands next to Blue and Gansey
-and adam’s college friends are like “is that dude that hugged him the bf????”
-and Blue and Gansey are laughing while Adam shakes his head and Henry pulled out his phone to take photos because the other two of his roadtrip buddies are fucking gremlins that never take photos and then are sad that they don’t have photos of the memories
-yeah, Blue, Henry and Gansey are all in a beautiful poly-relationship and Blue and Gansey can now kiss because they DESERVE IT OKAY
-anyways, Ronan is the last one out
-and Adam looks Ronan in the eyes and goes “hey asshole”
-and adam’s college friends are fucking shook
-and ronan’s reply is “fuck off” because it’s ronan
-and adam just turns and goes “this is my ex Blue, and her boyfriends Gansey and Henry. And this is Ronan”
-adam’s poor college friends are so lost and confused and Blue isn’t helping because she KNOWS they are and is attempting to make it worse
-“throw back to when Adam and Gansey were lovers”
-“henry, remember that time you got a boner for perfect Adam?” “blUE-“
-“adam’s my second favorite boyfriend” “i’m your first right?” “Whatever helps you sleep, Boat Shoes” “thanks- wait-“
-(her favorite bf is Noah,,,)
-and they all just continue on with this for a while, everyone walking back to the dorms or something and adam’s college friends are just trailing with confused expressions
-and finally one of them stops adam and is like “are you really dating all of them???” And adam just goes “no???? I’m dating ronan???? I thought you knew????”
-“he’s a farmer?!” “…yeah?” “,,,he’s fucking terrifying” “yeah”
-and the rest are all like, “ronan’s barely said a word or even hugged adam and he’s the supportive and loving bf adam cares for????”
-and then ronan, in his terrifying, shaved head, tattoo’d glory turns to adam and chucks his hand cream at the boy’s head and goes “oh yeah, got you this” “thanks”
-and adam and ronan’s smiles are really soft in that moment and the college friends are like “OH”
-“stop flirting. I want to eat some college dorm room ramen” “Adam, are you living off of ramen?” “Gansey, it’s not that big of a-“ “im buying us dinner now”
-and Blue and Henry are just being weird and making fun of Gansey
-ronan just calls everyone “asshole” or “jerk”
-blue flips him off at least once
-honestly, what a weird constellation these dorks make
-but soon, the trio has to leave because they’ve got to visit Helen and her gf and the elder Ganseys
-and it’s just Adam, Ronan and the college friends left
-and adam starts his homework at his desk while Ronan lounges onto adam’s bed
-“btw, I brought chainsaw” “in the dorm?” “In the dorm”
-and a small chainsaw heads pokes out from Ronan’s hood at the sound of her name
-college friends fucking loose it now and just disperse because they can’t handle anymore of this
-and poor adam’s roomate is left alone with adam and the terrifying creature that is Ronan
-but adam and ronan are being chill, but somehow Roomate can’t concentrate with ronan and chainsaw there
-and then ronan just gets up suddenly and walks out and adam doesn’t even flinch when the door slams, just smiles and rolls his eyes and continues with his work because he knows ronan will be sitting on the trunk of his car when he finishes this chapter
-and he meets back outside, but it’s cold now and adam’s an idiot who didn’t think to bring a hoodie so he’s cold in his cocacola shirt that he’ll probably never get rid of
-and ronan’s there, sitting on the trunk, feeding chainsaw out of his hand with feed adam expects is dream-made
-and they just sit there in silence for a bit, watching chainsaw eat
-they’re shoulders are touching and ronan’s slightly leaning into adam, but not overly so and he’s sitting on adam’s good side so that he can hear him
-“squash one, squash two-“
-adam laughs before ronan lapses into humming old songs he learned from his bagpipe training, bless his heart
-and adam just listens, occasionally petting chainsaw as they sit
-and it’s over too soon because Ronan gets a call from Maura’s phone, but it’s Opal asking to talk to Adam and wanting to be picked up soon because “maura’s making tea again” and ronan should leave home before his poor goat daughter is destroyed by shitty tea
-and they don’t kiss or hug, ronana gets into his car and drives off as adam stands on the curb and watches him disappear
-“he left fast” “yeah, he needed to pick up Opal” “his… daughter?” “Yeah”
-and none of the college friends question adam directly, but they all accept that perfect, but weird Adam is definatly the least-weird of his friend group
-(and they attempt to compare notes on what happened that night, but get even more confused because one noticed that Blue wore weird clothes and another was like “but Gansey looks like white priviledge” and “ronan can’t be the gay farmer with a kid”, “adam must have two boyfriends”, “adam said that ronan has a daughter named Opal”, “IS he the gay farmer???? I thought he was the streetracer????”, “was Gansey the trust fund boyfriend????”, “how come his ex is dating his bf????”)
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Bonus Info for my Fic
Just little tidbits about my precious boys. Some are mentioned offhandedly in the story but I wanted to restate for the record and other’s are brand new facts.
Is actually a good boy.
Has a wonderful home life. He’s the only child of two loving parents who care about his health, well being, and over all happiness.
His parents wanted to have more children, but they had a lot of difficulty conceiving Reg. His mom made a big deal about having a “guest room” but really it’s because she was always holding onto hope that they could have a second child. It never happened, and yeah they’re kind of sad, but they have Reg, and they more or less adopt all of Reg’s friends
His dad is a tiny science man and his mom is a 6 foot strong af beauty who owns an autobody shop and bakes the best chocolate chip cookies. 
Belch is Bisexual. He kind of knows it at this point in the story, but he doesn’t have a word for it. Not really important to the story, but just so everyone knows
I actually have several things I’d like to share about him and his future wife that’ll all go up after the story is finished
He helps fix up his beautiful car(with help from his mom). 
He genuinely likes metal music. He doesn’t just listen to it to be cool or anything. His parents know he likes it and they buy him a bunch of band shirts.
Has a cat named Plumpy. Named after my own cat(who I’m currently at this moment mad at cause she’s a butt)
Everyone thinks Belch is stupid because of how he looks, but he’s not. He makes pretty average grades. 
People also think he’s oblivious and innocent. He’s not. There are just things that he chooses not to get involved in. Patrick thinks he’s some innocent little child for not laughing at his dirty jokes, but Belch just doesn’t find them funny. Why would he laugh if they’re not funny? 
His parents are almost never home. His dad is gone for business a lot and he usually doesn’t know what his mom is doing. It used to upset him, but now it’s just too much effort to care.
He’s gay. He knows he’s gay. He’s known for a while. When he first figured it out he made the mistake of asking Patrick how he knew he liked dudes(Cause Patrick is the only person he knew who likes men). Patrick just shrugs because he was pretty sure everyone liked everyone, and why does gender even matter.
His mom works for Avon, as a result he knows a lot about hair and makeup and has some awesome smelling lotions and stuff
He’s an observer. People tend to think he’s quiet, but he just likes to listen and take in the facts. He made his move on Henry because he noticed Henry checking him out and he knew the right way to do it because he knows Henry. 
Honestly if he was a bad person he’d have a lot of information to use against people, but he’s not bad. He just honestly gives zero fucks about most things.
He hates things/people that are fake. They irritate him.
His coffee is half a cup of cream, a few table spoons of sugar and then a little splash of coffee.
He will drink half and half straight. He prefers it over milk. 
In this story, Patrick is more of an annoying asshole instead of actually evil
He does and says a lot of stupid stuff because he thinks it’s funny. He likes to annoy Henry the most because it’s just so easy.
His parents are around, but they ignore him. He can’t remember the last time they’ve reached out to hug him or anything like that. They will call him down to dinner out of obligation, but if he doesn’t come, they really don’t care. Ever since Avery died, it was like Patrick died with him.
People around town make comments about how Patrick didn’t cry at the funeral, but they don’t realize that he spent a lot of time crying before hand and no one made any move to comfort him. He made himself stop crying because what was the point. (REMINDER He’s 5 years old while this is happening)
All the stuff Patrick actually did in the book are now just rumors. None of those things happened. There is no fridge. There are no flies. But people talk about it like there are. They treat Patrick like he’s deranged person. There are a lot of people in school who he’s never even talked to that are afraid of him. He just rolls with it because what else is he going to do.
His garage has a super cool set up with a tv and a futon. Sometimes the gang will hang out there and drink beer, because they’re 15/16 and why not
He’s the youngest of the group. They all like to remind him of that.
He has an impulse control disorder. He’s gotten in trouble with the law a few times because of small fires. 
He also has a problem with self harm. He will scratch as his arm until he bleeds. Belch is the one who noticed him doing this and turned it into a much bigger deal then Patrick ever wanted. As a result Vic gives him weekly manicures so keep his nails too short to do any damage.
He will wear a rubber band on his wrist and snap himself with him if he feels like it. He tries not to do it in front of the group because they get upset with him.
He has a BIG thing about control. He doesn’t really need to control people, but he needs to be 100% in control of himself. That’s why he doesn’t like to drink heavily or do drugs.
It’s also why he doesn’t care to smoke because he doesn’t want an addiction to control him.
“Fuck off Patrick” is the “Beep Beep Richie” of the group. Only Patrick never fucks off
If he really wanted to label himself, he would say he’s pansexual. People joke about how he would fuck animals, let it be known, he would not.
Has dyslexia, it’s undiagnosed so he’s not getting the help he needs. That’s why he preforms poorly in school.
Wants to get his drivers license, that’s why Belch let’s him drive, so he can practice. 
Keeps a picture of his mom in his wallet and one strip of photos of him and Vic very well hidden in his rooms. Those are the only two personal/sentimental items he has.
Is welcome to go to Belch’s house literally whenever. Even if it’s 2am. Belch’s family always makes an extra plate of food and has it wrapped up in the fridge just in case Henry’s hungry.
Henry is that bitch who says he doesn’t want anything when you’re in the mcdonalds drive through and then eats half your fries
He doesn’t mind drinking beer, but he will not touch whiskey. It reminds him of his father. The smell alone makes him sick to his stomach.
Part of him knows he’s gay, but another part of him thinks that doesn’t matter because he’s still going to end up with a wife and a kid. The problem is when he pictures his future all he can see is him and Vic living on a farm with pigs and chickens and maybe a few goats that they would jokingly call their “kids”
Speaking of farms. Henry and his dad live on what used to be their grandfather’s farm. It no longer functions are a farm because when the Hanlon family moved to Derry, they had a farm. (They used to do crops, but now for them it’s more raising animals for meat). And the Hanlons were far better farmers and they ended up taking so much business from the Bowers that that farm had to shut down. 
Henry grew up hearing nothing but terrible things about how the Hanlon family took everything from Henry’s family and they wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. (I’m not justifying anything btw. Henry is still a racist piece of shit. I’ll deal with that in the future. Don’t worry)
He has seen the Princess Bride like 12 times. Belch has it on DVD and Henry likes to go over there and watch it, especially when he’s feeling sick. He’s dying to use the “As You Wish” like on Vic, but he’s waiting on the right moment.
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chellyfishing · 7 years
ok i finished kona so as promised my lil* post on walking simulators i’ve played. (*it’s not lil.)
first things first: a lot of these give off a creepy vibe because it involves you investigating a deserted place piecing together What Happened. i don’t personally consider them scary, as such, but i guess some people might? with minimal spoilers, i can say that unless noted there are no jump scares or battles and you can’t get a game over at any point. none of these except flower and maybe gone home are exactly the cheeriest of games, they’re not total downers and you can take away a lot from each of them, but there’s almost always death involved. also these are all short games, many can easily be completed in a few hours, some you might want to spread out over a couple days.
i’m a little hesitant to put gone home on here bc i haven’t actually played it myself, but i did watch a full LP. i don’t think it’s a spoiler at this point to say that there was a bit of a bait-and-switch with advertising and it’s not a horror game. it is actually a very sweet, heartfelt coming-of-age story about a teenage girl who left behind notes for her visiting sister. while this might be a bit of a spoiler, i saw a review that called it “a lesbian scavenger hunt,” which i think is pm all anybody needs to know to decide to play it.
the vanishing of ethan carter is the first one i played and probably still my favorite. i played through it possibly half a dozen times that first week, and it’s not necessarily that sort of game. at the risk of overselling here, i can’t tell you how much this had an effect on me. you play a detective who’s come to a small seemingly deserted town at the behest of a young boy (ethan). what follows are a series of visions, stories, and light puzzle-solving to get to the bottom of what happened to ethan carter. as the story unfolds things get pretty disturbing and there is some blood (stain variety, not gushing). there’s nothing that would, i think, rate more than a PG-13 though. i could go in-depth but just play it okay.
dear esther is credited with being the first walking simulator. you can hear about its humble beginnings as a mod for some other game i forget by listening to the audio commentary, which you have to do for one of the trophies. dear esther is, the most out of these, not what it appears. it’s almost more of a poem than a story, and there is a lot left abstract and open-ended; death of the author is encouraged. it’s probably got the slowest start, but i like the peacefulness of it. it has a sequence that is the most beautiful and transformative thing which then leads up to the climax, and by then you are definitely in a different game than you started. no puzzle-solving, you don’t pick up or interact with any items, no keys or secret passages to suss out. you just walk and look and listen. definitely melancholy, but then, the whole thing is what you make of it. also apparently there are loads are little background details that can change randomly each time you play it, if you’re into that.
firewatch is another one that seems creepy, but (i’m sorry to spoil, i just want people to be okay when they play!!) i promise you, if you can handle some sadness and bittersweetness, you’ll be fine. this game is a little treasure. i saw someone complain about the graphics and i like??? couldn’t disagree more? i mean first of all what do you expect but second all it’s got more of a painted feel to it than a hundred laboriously-created computer models. there are some views and areas that are just beyond lovely. anyway you play as henry, who’s come to sit alone in a tower in the middle of the wilderness for summer 1989? to watch for fires. henry’s a bit snarky and sad and would probably be played by paul giamatti. the other man character is his boss, delilah. the rapport the two develop is probably the high point of the game tbh. their banter is topnotch. while firewatch seems a little overwhelming in scope but it’s actually not. there’s not much gained by extraneously exploring but you’re welcome to it if you want. it’s mostly just a lot of walking with very easily navigable roads and rappelling and such while around you all this weird shit starts happening. henry and delilah discuss what it all means and what to do about it. all questions are answered by the end, except for the ones any good story leaves open for you to decide.
beyond eyes... i don’t quite want to say that i wished i never paid for or touched this game, because my reasons for my violent rejection of it are very personal. so, here it is neutrally. it seems like a colorful, peaceful game about a blind girl, rae, looking for her lost cat, nani. the catch is that rae is blind, and so you have to sort of “fill out” the world by walking around (laboriously slowly, bring patience). it really is lovely, kind of painterly-feeling with so many vibrant colors, and i was very pleased with it for a long while. and again, i don’t want to spoil it, but the ending caught me so off-guard, threw me for such a loop, and triggered me so unexpectedly that i immediately turned it off and deleted it from my system. suffice it to say the tone is a bit different from the rest of the game. so, i won’t tell anyone not to check it out. it is pretty and simple and it seems like the kind of game people might want to support financially. just... not me. it made me disproportionately angry and upset and ruined my day. if someone has played or does end up doing so, my reaction might seem a little extreme, but it was one of those things that struck hard without any warning and it was just not what i needed at the time.
i tried to wait for what remains of edith finch to go on sale and i failed. while i’m not convinced it has $20 worth of content (it’s possibly even shorter than dear esther but i’d have to check), it’s also gorgeous, so i guess we all make sacrifices. anyway i’m still sort of processing my feelings for this game. most of it is completely genius. it’s about a girl, edith, who’s returning to her family home for the first time in years. she’s the last finch left alive; they have a habit of dying young, most not even making it to adulthood. you find out the story of each finch and each is interactive in a different way, one you’re different animals, another it’s in the format of a comic book, it’s all really neat how it’s done. anyway, obviously this game talks about death a lot but never shows it; in fact, some of the sequences are so abstract you have to interpret them yourselves to decide what even happened. my main continuing reservation is... i don’t know what it’s trying to say. i don’t know what it’s all supposed to mean. i mean maybe it’s some crap about the value of life no matter how short or idk, but for the most part at the end i was kinda like, “ok.” i keep thinking i must be missing something, but i’ve no idea what. it’s kind of just a collection of interesting stories whose only discernible thread is they all happened to the same unfortunate family for some reason. it’s the kind of “open to interpretation” that makes me feel like something is lacking.  anyway i still loved it and do recommend.
kona. oh kona. let me start off by saying you can die in this one. they’re not that ubiquitous but there are creatures that can and will kill you, and sometimes they might startle you as well, and of course there’s the cold, which can also kill you. i kept getting pissed off at that fucking inventory because it was JUST BARELY too small and you never knew when you were going to need something. now that i actually do know it’ll probably be waaay less infuriating. there’s also a final boss, but the “fight” is basically you going “jesus christ it’s a lion get in the car.” it’s very intense, but i wouldn’t really call it scary. you don’t even have to do anything offensive at all to win, just run like hell. a couple more words about the gameplay: i mentioned the better coat. you actually can find the components you need for that early on and possibly go straight and get it? like i’m not sure if the game lets you but if it does, it makes exploration SO much easier. you still have to be careful but like. type b careful rather than type a. anyway it’s pretty much a must. um, you probably want to take your car for the sake of convenience, and also you can get a snowmobile later! there are a number of little achievements to earn, some of which make this game a lot more involved than any other on this list. like, it’s a very big area with poor visibility and you’re looking for very very small things WITH A CHEAP-ASS SWEATER CARL. anyway, as for what it’s actually about: you’re a detective again, come to québec in 1970 to find some seriously fucked up shit. this game isn’t really horror, it’s mostly just what the hell is going on this is so fucking bizarre. there narrative has a lot of stuff about colonialism and racism and a lot of Cree culture and lore driving it. it was funded by kickstarter btw. so yeah, a little too game-y, most intense and involved of the bunch, unsettled even me at times, but not meant to invoke terror or keep you up at night, only make you think about the circumstances that created this event.
flower is your friend. i’ve only played a little bit of it but honestly that’s all you need. you can just go back and do that bit as many times as you want cause this is a game that’s all about being a petal on the wind. it’s cute, it’s playful, both the score and visuals are charming and lovely. this is the game you play after running for your life in kona. recommended to have in your library if for no other reason than to know it’s always there when you need something simple and beautiful and andy dwyer is unavailable.
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