#(ohhhh boy. here we go you all! XD)
tacitusauxilium · 7 months
@oraclememehacker sent:
[Text to: Fuuka]
Futaba: I think it's time for us to talk. About a lot of things. Futaba: If you don't want to, I understand. Futaba: But I'm ready now...I think it's been long enough.
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She was not expecting Futaba's message out of the blue. Fuuka was just looking up what the weather was going to be like and before seeing what today's weather had in store for her, Futaba's messages came up one by one--and it made Fuuka freeze up. She re-read the messages a few times, knowing it had been months since she last saw the red-headed navigator.
And Fuuka felt sick to her stomach once again. Fuuka thought she was going to be able to get over this. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Fuuka did not know how to respond at first. She left her on read for a few minutes as she let out a heavy sigh.
"...I should have tried to talk to her sooner. ... ...no. That would not have worked out." Fuuka looked at the small scar on her hand and began her small reply to Futaba.
<txt sent>: Give me the time and place, Futaba. <txt sent>: I'll free up my time for you.
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erinartemis · 6 months
OMGOMGOMGKFMSGSKB IM FREAKING OUT IT'S HERE!!! MURDER DRONES EPISODE 7 TEASER!! EEEEEE!!! I went frame by frame and picked out some cool scenes I wanted to scream about, so get ready for a bunch of crazed ramblings and some theories !! (Long post ahead, folks)
Okay first of all- just- the lighting in these shots ✨ simply gorgeous... Also that "poster" thing in the background of the first image is very interesting.. obviously it says HELP (though that looks scrawled-on afterward with probably blood), and it looks like there could be possibly eyes? EDIT: it's not eyes it's two drones standing !!!
Also can we appreciate how creepy cool that hole in the ground is :00
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Good to see we've still got a bit of that classic md humor: "not to be overdramatic but core collapse" xd
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N oh no N IS HE OKAY?? what am I talking about ofc he's not (I'm going to cry at this episode)
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This thing. What is this thing. Probably part of the Solver, as it's all organic and eldritch-y, and it has veins. It looks lit from behind, almost like we're looking out from the inside of something? I think it's possible somebody gets dragged into one of those physical manifestations of the Solver, and this could be their perspective from inside it! Oooor we're looking at it from the outside, and there's something glowing inside the mass.
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Next up, these guys??? So many possibilities here... They look like humans, but they aren't necessarily so, just like the "Tessa Isn't Human" theory. And from what little you can see in the teaser, they are moving in an odd way- suspicious. I originally thought they could be manifestation of the Solver or something, created to confuse, but after considering it for a bit, I realized it's more likely this scene is a flashback to when the core collapsed.
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Okay. This shot is a bit confusing; can't really make out what's going on- To me, it looks like something is possibly exploding? And the red string things are lasers or something? Also the blobs in the foreground definitely look like Solver hands, but- that's all I've got for this one
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Tessa. Tessatessatessa tessa are you pulling a sword on Uzi? oh no, you are, aren't you, ohh no
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WHAT DID UZI SEE. ON THAT TV SCREEN. HELP SHE LOOKS SO TRAUMATIZED- Also also wanted to point out the "freaking ninja star" on the ground.. little callback there :,)
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the crucifix will be important, oo religious imageryyy eee
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Small thing, this is clearly the same scene from the GLITCHx 7/8 teaser, but it's the shot from a little bit before the clip in that teaser plays. I wonder how much control Uzi has over herself at this point... These robots are going to so much pain someone help them
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OMGOMGOGMOGMOMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HYPED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS- WE'RE GETTING MURDER N YALL!!! FIRST TIME SINCE THE PILOT EEEE!!! Oh my gosh I just KNOW it's going to be an emotional response to something horrible happening- something to do with Uzi getting fully possessed, or almost dying, or N THINKING she's dead, or just all the stress of EVERYTHING, along with V's (hopefully not actually) death, and it just pushes him to his breaking point OH AND all the repressing he's been doing this whole time WILL NOT BE HELPING WITH THAT !!! I'm SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT AAAA-
Oh it could also be that N gets factory-reset, causing him to actually lose his memories or something, which is AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PILE OF ANGST, but personally I hope/think it'll be closer to the first one... It seems very likely to me that all of the stuff N's been going through (and how he's just been pretending everything's fine) would catch up to him, and it would lead to an "outburst" of everything he's been bottling up. PLUS do y'all remember that merch ad?? I know it was just a promo, but merch stuff has been shown to be kind of relevant to the plot in the past soo... yeah I'm feeling very good about this theory-
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Okay so this is the same guy from the earlier image with all the humans- That feels notable, like they're going to be important. And is it just me and my poor video quality or does the Sentinel hand look glitchy?? Could it have turned on the humans like the one that turned on "Tessa" in Cabin Fever??
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Oh dear, that's oil (or blood; they whole thing's too red to tell) coming from Uzi's eye... Feeling like the same thing that happened to Doll happens to Uzi... agh the ANGST hdfbsjsb
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DOOOOOLL DOLL DOLL !!! SHE'S THERE !! I THINK SHE HAS BUTCHER KNIVES AGAIN !! I wonder who she's fighting... (I mean it could be a sentinel, but it looks like she's talking, so I'm guessing it's one of the group) ee I'm excited to see where Doll's character goes from here !!
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ALLLLRIGHTY!! This has been a breakdown of my personal thoughts on the teaser! I am SOOO excited; these next two weeks need to go by FAST but ik they won't- Anyways... thanks for reading ! :D
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Continuation of the previous post about SOTE adventures from today! (More like the end)
1) So, after finally trying to fight on Torrent and beating Tree Sentinel very quickly without even getting hit myself, I've gotten a BRILLIANT IDEA to try and battle Gaius like this too. That was really pointless. In fact, I just spent the next hour pushing for it and not getting further than reducing his HP to like 60%... Because you know, doing the same thing over and over and OVER hoping that this time the result will be different is definition of insanity. XD
2) Eventually I gave up and tried something else. In this case, to relocate my stats; I have 80 Int as sorcery user, but here it was useless, so I relocated these stats and some extra in those I needed more.
So, uh... Good news: turned out that Int reduces magic damage, so my 80 Int was crucial for surviving his attacks. Bad news: I wasted 2 Larval Tears to learn this lesson. 🤡🤡🤡
3) I tried to do more stuff and the very last thing I tried was to give Mimic Tear Morgott's blade to spam fire attacks, while I have shield and stab him with Scarlet Rot. I've already noticed that fire was dealing much more damage, but by that time @jarognieva whom I asked for help answered me!! So, we cooperated!
4) .....
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Turned out that she forgot to change her name from МАМКА ТВОЯ)))0)0)0)0) АХАХПЖПЛАОП
(It says 'your mum' XDDDD)
5) Jara also confirmed that this boss WAS weak to fire and holy, so that sealed the deal with Morgott's blade! I legit didn't have a better fire skill weapon on hands.
6) We made a great attempt at first, she is very strong with holy attacks! We only lost because earlier I relocated all flasks to Crimson, so I ran out of skill and could not use it again because I didn't have any Cerulean (🤡🤡🤡)
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(Damn, how does Messmer keep attracting so many friends? I read it as both them being cursed and being close with THE war person (Radahn) were important here)
(Also it was the second time we started to aggressively smash jump button after beating the boss XD It should become the running gag now! Or should I say..... the jumping gag? *gets shot*)
8) I was ready to go for the day since it is late and I need to cherish what little sleep I can have, so for the last instance I decided to go and check new stuff at Enia's!
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Not much to add here, though seems like it would be a good spell for my random surprise Faith build moments! Though two overlapping stalks repeating the Erdtree pattern did remind me of that overlapping serpents symbol from previous post.
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I was JUST questioning what weapon would actually WORK while I am fighting on Torrent! Thank you king xd
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So he invented that cool sorcery while trying to prove Radahn that he was a better sorcerer!
9) Interestingly enough, first at Enia's I only could find Gaius head, chest and arm pieces but not the leg one!
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I wondered if something was wrong with that! The description did mention that he was one with his boar after all! My assumption was that simply his set was not going to have the legs piece, but... it did!
10) So, outside of the area where we battled him, surprisingly there was an ALBINAURIC WOMAN! Just a normal one, riding a wolf and all!
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And she dropped... this:
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Ohhhh boy. So Albinaurics can't wear boots and pants, now? Oh boy. Well, I told that Loretta was likely not an Albinauric, but the girls didn't believe me. 🌛 This feels like it confirms this! Like I said, she is oddly similar to Dung Eater in cosplaying the species she is protecting vghhggh What a realization....
11) So Albinaurics were pretty much servants for Carians (like Pidiya), and Rykard straight up tortured them, so that makes the fact that one was like an older brother for Radahn interesting..? Perhaps, a glimpse on the "kinder former self" of Radahn that presumably was "lost" to war-mongering (if not some corruption due to wrestling with the Stars)? If Miquella yearning for younger version of Radahn (as far as I got spoilered) is any indication?
12) Another one for that type of talismans is also found nearby:
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13) The reward at the end was 5 Scadutree Fragments! Yaaay!!! All scattered near 'Scadutree Chalice'. What an object 🤔
So yeah, a lot of optional stuff was tackled today! It is so satisfying to finally adapt to a hard boss and defeat them, really. For real, Soulsborne games do not need difficulty selection.
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emeraldtimethief · 1 year
I've got a question about a particular design choice for your Dusknoir. What made you want to add the chains on him where those little grayish arm things are where his wrists would rest at? It seems like a pretty interesting design choice and I was curious why you opted to do that
Ohhhh thanks for the question :> And I'm really sorry for the rambles that are about to come ... Here we go.
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A Little visual reference over here.
Okay so... It kind of happened naturally to be fair xD for starters every time I saw Dusknoirs design I thought the big things around his wrists kind of looked like cuffs? And after playing PMD It just got my gears turning. Because.
First of all the visuals... In true Ghost story fashion you are lost in the Frozen future and you hear the ominous rattle of chains from SOMEWHERE and you don't know where that's coming from and next thing you see is a glowing red eye and a ghost who's willing to murder. Sounds good in my head haha. Plus they can be quite the effective weapon for him to use xD
Aaaaand It just sounded so fitting too... For the dude at least. He looks so imponent and dignified but the poor man is just kind of shackled by the unfortunate circumstances he's in. He's so loyal to Dialga that he would do anything for her... Has done anything for her in fact. Done so much he can't even THINK about stopping because he's too far gone now. Plus I do believe part of his terror about not wanting to disappear no matter the cost was because he was so damn close to Dialga and her... Not being right in the head.
Like he didn't really want to drag hero and partner back to the past but he had done too much already to stop. Or probably spend his life as an attack dog when... Really it's obvious deep down he was desperate enough that one (1) green twink believing in him made him change ways.
That's to say, (sorry for the rant, god) that the boy has a lot of issues dragging him down and I like to represent that with the chains. The fear in the Frozen future, the guilt after... Dude needs therapy. The more stressed he is, the longer the chains are... And the other way around.
....... See this is why you don't ask me questions because I have xD Lots of thoughts
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Transformers 2007
It’s been many years since I seen this movie. Last time I watched it was like eight years old. So I am going to watch this.
Not even a minute in and the intro is great. We get to hear Optimus voice while looking over something and learn it’s the ‘cube’. 
The title card is yummy
“But we were too late.” OHHHH
“I am never going to your mama’s house. I promise!” Haha they are besties
“I can’t wait to hold my baby girl for the first time.” He has a kid?! We been sleeping on this fact?!
“You sure she didn’t fart?” I laughed and now I’m more nervous
HEEHEHE That transformation is soooo good. And shockwaves from the blast are good too!
“People. Reasonability.” Lol sounds like something my middle school art teacher would say
Lol Seaman. Look, I was in highschool five years ago. We would 100% giggle at these jokes. Its even funner that Sam just movies on. Either he didn’t catch on or he did and rolling with it
“Cars pick their riders!” 
Nice going Bee. 
“I’m so underdress.” Yes you are
“So far we know, no survivors.” Well that hurts my heart lol
Oh man that sound made my skin crawl!
That goldfish tank hurts my damn soul 
“It’s family grass.” Omg that family warms my soul lol. You will argue about the dumbest things
“That’s his bling!” Yeah Sam! Let him have his bling. His a handsome little man
“Wow. You are so cheap.” “It’s his first car. It’s meant to be like that.” Yes but no lol
OUR BOY IS ALIVE! And so is the little kid!
Bumblebee is the best wingman ever
Lol poor dude. Sorry man but sometimes you gotta take one for the team
Sam being a goober
“Do we have any classes together?” Girl don’t hurt his feelings like that
Oh Sam you are so awkward. I love you lol
Okay the soundtrack is so good for this scene. It makes sense that the little guy is shaking as he downloads all of that
LOL how did he not get spotted? 
“This is my last words.” Okay yeah I would do that too
“Mojo, I love you.” I would also do that 
How are you guys not hearing that sound? DON’T LEAD THE DANGER TO THE PEOPLE?!
Maggie is the best and I love her. I don’t think we seen her in the other movies
“Get off my grandma’s carpet! She doesn’t like anyone on it! Especially the police!” 
“Satan’s Comoro!” Said while holding a tiny little dog
Sam still able to run after being thrown into a car is impressive
The DETAILS that is put in the cybertrons is impressive. This CGI is from 2007 and it’s still so good!
“50 years from now when you look back on your life don’t you want to say that you had the guts to get in the car?”
“I’m not going to sit in the seat! He's driving!” Yeah that is fair
That was a smooth line lol Well done Sam
Wow, you boys just had to crash land in the middle of a city?
“Are you the tooth fairy?” Kids say the darndest of things
Optimus Prime! Oh the soundtrack is siiick. It’s almost holy… 
Ironhide!! “Feeling lucky, Punk?” I’m using that from now on
Wow, Ratchet! Just tell the whole world why don’t you. Poor Sam. This is not your week, is it?
“It was an accident that would intertwined our fates.” Sadly true
“How do you know about the glasses?” “Ebay.” Lol that made me laugh harder than I should have
Glen Whiteman is a real one for giving Maggie tips about what to do with FBI. Is silly but a sweet guy
I take it back lol 
Lol Sam’s parents are my parents I swear lol 
“My bad.” Coming from Optimus Prime is delightful to me lol
Irionhide saying “Bad Mojo” is just as good
HAHA SAM XD Casually opens the door. “Wats sup?” 
The Bots trying to hide, especially how Optimus does it is gold
“Your mom is so nice.” I want to see more of these ladies hanging out together
His here!
Lol that mom is awesome! I would kick butt for my hard work too
OMG THE DOG IS ON THE- HAHAH XD His only six pounds! Pretty sure you can put him in a box and do just fine lol
I love Sam. His not going to rat out the bots. Loyal to the end. 
Sir you shouldn’t test this young lady. We DO petty and she’s in highschool, she can and will ruin you.
Optimus Prime to the rescue! 
“Taking the children was a bad movie.” Optimus the 1# Dad!!
Optimus is so gentle with them. Even his words are gentle
Oh no! Bumblebee! We can’t understand him but I love they added his cries of distress
Sam trying to help Bee will always put tears in my eyes. You know in that very moment their bond grew
The Air Force soundtrack is sooo good
“Who’s this?” “His my adviser.” “…He comes too.” Haha he knows that wasn’t 100% true but rolls with it
“They are primitive and violent race” Said while Bumblebee is shocked over and over again
“Where we so different? They are a young species. They have much to learn. But I have seen good in them.” And it pans on Sam. Totally doesn’t have meaning 
MEGATRON!! And you can hear the faint sound of chanting. Creepy
Sassy Sam is my cup of tea
The Allspark is huge
That’s a baby! Be nice to the murder baby! Bee and Sam’s bond is still strong!
Oh that’s how its small! Okay cool!
Megs and Screamers voice is so good
Here comes the cons~ Time to kick butt!
That mom and son need therapy after this
Awww Bumblebee. AW SAM!! HIS CRYING
And the fight keeps going
All these people need therapy
Aw Jazz. Kept fighting till the end
“Listen! You are a soldier now!” And that is the sad part about this whole movie. The second Sam met Bee, he became a soldier for a war that is older than his own species. They all are. 
Irionhide telling Sam he and Ratchet will protect him is sweet. He didn’t have to say it to Sam. He could have said “We will protect him.” Or something like that. But he didn’t. 
“I SMELL YOU, BOY!!” Yep not scary at all
“I drive, you shoot!” Hehe yes. I am using that as well
Awwww Bee peaking through his mask
Hang on Sam! Dad Prime is coming! “Oh so unwise.” So creepy and gentle lol
Optimus telling Sam to kill him is… damn. Sam is a kid being told he has to kill his friend to save the world
That’s one way to die, huh Megs? Optimus gentle holding Jazz’s body is not something I was expecting. Holding his dead friend…
Anyway this movie was pretty good. Got me laughing and feeling this. A good balance for a movie that came out when I was little 
Rating 10/10
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
DS9 5x04 Nor The Battle To the Strong thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [9 Sept ‘23]
"Aren't you going to take notes?" Oh, Julian. 🤣 I mean, to be fair, Jake is the one who asked to write a report on him, so it's not outrageous for Julian to think Jake might want to listen to him.
Jake's internal monologue is great
"These people need you." That is the way to get Julian to do a thing, how does Jake know how to manipulate Julian so well? (I guess tbf it's a solid shout for manipulating any of these Starfleet types...)
Although, looking at Julian, I don't really think that he is listening to Jake, it seems more as though he's just trying to calculate what the right call here is.
"You're being ridiculous. Why does pregnancy always make men hysterical." "Excuse me. This is not the first baby I've had." "Excuse me. Keiko had Molly." "It's not up to you to tell Kira what she can and cannot do." You tell him, ladies!
When Quark is agreeing with you, you know you're on the wrong side, Miles XD
"That means they'll be home by Thursday. Doesn't give you much time to snoop through Jake's things." Dax is just sometimes so good. Poor Sisko, though, that cannot have been an easy decision.
I love the way this field hospital scene is shot, allowing Bashir to blend straight into the background of the confusion, and leaving the focus on Jake just standing there, completely out of place.
"I was planning to change form midair and become a Tarkalean condor." "Ah, that would have been impressive." You get the impression Sisko is clinging onto any distraction he can in this conversation.
"Humanoid bodies are so fragile." "Yes they are." OHHH, Sisko says that so softly. 😭😭 Bless him. He's so aware Jake may not be okay. 💔💔
"But Jake is 18 years old. Does your father still worry about you?" Awww, Odo <3 my heart that you don't realise parental worry is normal.
Julian, you idiot, how did you think "I'll start with a lateral incision across the thigh joint" was going to make Jake feel?! ... I guess he has been around field medics who have probably been making those sort of dark jokes all day.
oH, he chases after Jake so gently <3 :3
"There are many situations in life that test a person's character. Thankfully, most of them don't involve death and destruction." :3 I love him
"Medical personnel are fair game as far as Klingons are concerned. They'll even kill wounded right in their beds." Every time this sort of thing comes up I can't help but think of the outrage manufactured over Worf "killing civilians" back in his trial episode.
Oh, Jake. This was not the exciting experience you thought you were going to find, is it...
"And now you think bringing me back is going to make everything all right." Oh Jake. *You are not a soldier.* You're an untrained kid. This guy is dying and knows nothing about you. Of course he's judging you more harshly. But it's really not true that your actions were "wrong", you're not meant to be in this situation in the first place.
"If this story has an unhappy ending I would never have forgiven you." <3 Dax and Sisko friendship is always so important to me
"I'm so sorry." "It's alright." "No it's not. I should never have brought you here." Ohhhh these two ❤️❤️❤️ I wish we saw more of them interacting, there's barely any Jake & Julian fanfic 😭 [yes, I could write one, but shhh, I have a long to-do list, okay? 😅]
"I'm a coward." Oh noooooo. Jake. Baby boy. It's okay to be scared.
"Something's eating at you, I can see it." Julian is SO gentle and I cannot, I love him for this just so much 😭
"Leave me alone." "Okay, if that's what you want. But if you want to talk, you know where to find me." Ohhh. Julian looks so stressed -- he doesn't know what he should do to look after Jake, and I'm sure he's not feeling like he's doing the best job.
Oh, Jake. If your dad was here he would have ignored you telling him to leave you alone, wouldn't he? But Julian's not your dad, he's not going to force his way in.
The way Julian is stroking Jake's head as he comes to :333
"I'm proud of you, son." Ahhh, yes, Jake FINALLY gets that hug he's been needing all episode, and is able to accept that praise and smile about it. Ohhh, my heart <3
(Now can Julian get a hug from Sisko, please?)
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
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this is visuals are fucking hilarious ngl lmaooo
oh the two face-ness we love to see it!! that reminds me that i wanna see joan recieving a text from topher... yknow, they'd have each others phone numbers~~ uwu♥
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oh there WAS a joke about venemous being different from poisonous or whatever MMMMMM ANYWAYS HIM AAAAAAHAJDSJHAHSGH- AY BOLUDOOO AAAAA JSKSJKSJSKSJSK
HMMMM OK GOOD DAY FOR UHH YALL TOO! jjba5 reference ey? he dont have lungs either lolol
YOOOOOO JOANABE??? YEAHHH BABY THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! THATS WHATS ALL ABOUT WOOOOOOOrse than a disney cruise with extend family omg they're NOT holding back!!! GOOD!
white jesus edition jsjsksjkjks but like jfk really is one note, he just has a different note each season hm aight :)
but joannnn girlieeee why you so insistant in taking you backkk topher darling youre from the reboob you know what you gotta do to have her understand that her place is with the misfits no one liiiikesss and that is so much better and whateverrrr
*(esta noche me la doy en la peraaaa)
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(all of this was done with the keyboard ahre xd)
oh so the bleachers creatures are in the janitors closet? well im sure theres a vent or something so they can get into the real party hehe ;3
ok, bible-humping!JFK is actually the greatest thing it could happend to him, cause like- the bible is super violent and such and thats SO him i love it, its perfect!
Confucius, you really live up to your name because i'm hella confused on what you just said
OH NOOO im getting "best burger in the world" from regular show flashbackssss i dont know if im liking where this is heading!! ToT
hell yea Harriet likes her boys MANLY, cause she's so straight yknow~
JESUS CRISTO USING HIS POWERS FOR GOOD!!! The good of underage drinking~ but thats for the new clones cause the old ones are 36, so they're legal to do whatever they want, except fucking the new clones unless theyre in a state where its legal, but its a cartoon so they all can do whetever crimes they want~~
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THE AMERICAN RIGHT TO BEAR A BEAR, ok the historical humor its just getting better and better omggg
Topher Bus has appeared on screen for 57 seconds and listen mister, just because Joan isn't part of the group anymore that doesn't mean that YOU get to disappear from the show. You're going to BE BACK and have some more MOTHERFUCKIN SCREENTIME GODDAMMIT!!!
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night-market-if · 2 years
AHHHHH The last chapter, just AHHHHHH, it was expected, but unexpected, I, I just can't.
I think, I dont know if this was an error or purposely, but when you are talking with <3Malcolm<3 and you have the options "I do/I'm sorry/ I could" talking about Milo and if you love him, in "I'm sorry" option, you go to the same page than "I could", again I don't know if you wanted in that way or not, but just in case I told you xD
I'm so hyped for the next chapter, I can already see my MC, someone who really are a "Kuudere stereotype" (more or less he is a "serious and sarcastic type of character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical without showing any signs of emotion". But this is all facade, inside they are very affectionate, at least when it comes to their loved ones) losing his shit with all the things happening and busting in flames and drama because:
"really, I was wandering like a lost puppy all over the market for so long meanwhile people here were busy making necromancy shit, broking spines, buying-selling people as prison system and my f-ing lover/boyfriend whatever we are, (BECAUSE I EVEN DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL WE ARE) were more worried hiding the secret I almost died for a couple of times and telling shit like "be careful" ohhhh im going to be careful, dear of course im going to, I'm going to be very careful when I catch you cause im going to kill you" and "all the people here are just worrying about keeping their secrets and making shit decisions instead of worrying about the end of the world so f u guys"
The meme of a doggo saying "Im fine" meanwhile siping it's cafe in a house in flames? That is my mc outside, inside is the meme of "gimme yo f-ing money!!" CHAN CHAN LAW & ORDER Special victim unit Being the girl my MC and all the other character and drama the doll.
Can we please choose to lost our shit? I will love my usually calm MC losing his cool and exploding in a flurry of pent up emotions (I love drama)
The worst of all? I know im going to feel so bad about Milo that, surely im going to choose the meaner option only to know the way he will react but then im going to go back and choose the better option for his mental health cause, lets be honest, the poor guy needs not a therapy, but a whole psychological office, poor baby boy.
PS: Malcolm is the sexiest, charmer cutest boy ever and every time he talk my MC simp, a lot. I loved the head?canon about him talking with the lamp lights and now I cant stop thinking about it
Okey, maybe its better for me to stop rambling, thank you so much for all your hard work! Really, you are writing a master piece, I hope you have a beautiful day
That was for sure a bug! I got it all fixed up for the next update. Kicking myself that that one got messed because the "I'm sorry" portion was kind of important for a future romance. But! I guess that's why we have wips. LOL
I like the headcannon MC you got going. That is awesome. And oddly works really well I think for a Milo romance. I think Milo needs someone that can put him in his place occasionally and who is not afraid to call him out on his bullshit. In chapter twelve, it is going to much more be about getting the information he is holding back. There are going to be some moments to get angry with him but there is a lot going on in the last chapter that it won't be the focus. But I promise you, it is going to happen in book 2. There is no way Milo could even be in the game anymore without a confrontation of some sorts. I'll let the reader handle how they would like to see that confrontation but it will be there.
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wyrmskulls · 1 year
I havnt recovered from the Caz fight yet. BUT
here are some genuine thoughts on Astarion from my- knew nothing of baldurs gate before playing run: (from me the Ace with no sense of self preservation)
"Oh great a sexy vamp man- bet friend XYX is all over that, they are romanceable, right? like dragon age?"🧛‍♂️
".... that 'don't touch me' sounded too real.... hope im wrong"
" I mean if we are cool with Shar worshippers and devil pacts why not a vamp, join the club buddy."
"he is a cagey little fuck I think I'll go after him this play through love his little faces"
"I'm not into pain, thinking this was a bad choice" chains and whips to not excite Tav XD
"I mean maybe it's the years of slavery and not sexual trauma???" 🙏
"noooo, I mean of course the sexy vamp wants to fuck, I probly have to- to get more of his story...." proceed to worry stupidly about unskippable sex scenes and noises for no reason (you can press x any time to get to the next thing / dialog)
get propositioned again at party.... "maybe this relationship won't work out, he's way to thirsty least there wasn't another sex scene lol dun worry buddy, I'll help you murder that guy that hurt you, just can't keep up with the horny XD"
"so I just feed him bad guys and tell him he is pretty? yup that checks out"
act 2
Start working on wyll, he seems like a cool guy... "whoa bud, is this you first romance scene.... by saying yes to a dance... feels icky cause I know sex happens at some point, like some entitled jerk at a bar, least astarion was real upfront about it" ( in hind sight this was unfair to wyll, but everyone was being so horny and the only scene I had was astarions so I drew some incorrect conclusions with wyll being a 'good guy' asshole)
"I mean we has evidence that deals with devils are bad.... or is it demons... anyways I support you in a friend way, getting raphel to Facebook stalk your abuser to make sure he not still pineing after you is OK with me."
Got his Act 2 scene "OHNooooooo I was right it was a sexual trauma 'don't touch me....' ohhhh noooooo. he didn't wanna fuck either????? baby boy, you never gotta sex again if you dun wanna, we can hug forever!" cried a while ngl
"look here blood witch- no means no, if your house wasn't destroyed, I'd destroy it myself."😈
"i mean he said he kills kids, so it's ok to kill him, then raphy boy will tell us if you back is bad news or really bad news <3"
"It's really bad news..... so no big astarion lover of cuddles l, will help you kill the guy who ruined your life. that's what romantic partners do. we kiss and nothing else and I will murder people to keep doing that <3" pondering an evil play through honesly
"he was so upset when Tav died in battle.... like doesn't he know rez scrolls are a thing? it's ok Tavs gonna live forever.... not sure how we will figuer that out" researches dnd lore to find several solutions XD
"Gale bud. friend. pal. I care about you and your life. your ex is shitty for asking you to do this, but also if you do blow up you'll take us all with you.... and even if you don't, #1 priority over there will be back under vamp thrall so this is a no go, put your shirt back on."🙃
act 3
found a cliff in the camp before act 3 with a song that made me cry again it is for sure astarions "wtf dude I was emotionally stable now what have you done"
"circus lady, here are all my loves deepest secrets- oh no she's a shapeshifter???? oops, it's ok love we will kill her too why not" No one can know how hurt you are but meeeeeee 😋
"a statue of my boyfriend in camp don't mind if I do~☆ aww now he has a halo so everyone can see he is a good boy who totally doesn't cause me to murder people and would never murder anyone himself" 😇
"Astarion NO, we are not gonna kill a bunch of other spawn just cause you are scared. I get it, and you don't have time for therapy but trust me that not gonna feel great in a few hundred years"
"ooooo blood bitch is back and you fucked up. look at this boy standing up for himself - yes that's right take us to your private house so we can kill you at our leisure.... man oh man I used to have morals now I got Astarion."
and now I'm tired XD
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tervaneula · 1 year
Okay guess who was late to read ch.12 of NQK?! This loser! So let me tell you what i thought so far;
On the summary part when i read " splinter request something from F!leo " i remembered the picture where you showed bald F!mikey & i thought " bro were you gonna request older leo to shave his older version of younger brother because you can't?! Lol "
Then we go to where F!mikey get his hair trimmed like the old weed in somebody's lawn xD i was confused " bro why?! You said yo hair is gonna grow back! " until i realized he's doing what any ex after a break-up; throw the old & welcome new furniture for a new, fresh start.
But honestly he does look like a twin of mikey - that and his head looks like a Boling ball - making me wonder how long it will take for him to grew back and who's gonna style it.
When we reach the part of summary i kid you NOT, i felt F!leo on a spiritual level, like when your parents call for you, I FELT THAT!! Splinter starts rambling about how it's his fault for pushing responsibilities of leader to little leo and i remembered how most fic(s) pointed that out - not that am saying they're wrong, i agree with them - and i couldn't help but think " yeah i don't know if this was on purpose from writers because it says leo and raph should co-leadering.
Wonder if the show were to have more seasons wonder if they'll be back on the main plan or just keep leo leading.
NQK F!leo - and yes i put NQK there, sue me other writers - accepted the challenge/mission impossible/request.
And god when splinter said " call me dad " i felt leo would cry immediately on the spot, like you didn't write it but you also didn't need to because my mind imagined almost 7 foot (?) old man in his 40s crying to 3 inches rat/j/lh 😂
But again i would advise giving this old man a huge tissue bag if he's gonna cry every 30 minutes.💙
I laughed when F!leo said to little him " C'mere " i was like " bro are you talking to a teenager or a street cat?! 😂 " Little leo backing away and call him on the leader thing because he 'felt it in his bones' was related on another spiritual level because if i saw my parents talk about me i'd dip with every excuse in the world to NOT talk!
Then he asks him to 'talk' and go to dojo & i thought " soooo you're gonna whoop his ass as a way to talk? " but no, they really REALLY talk, F!leo ask questions and my mind goes " okay old man with babygirl energy, what's your game? " he ask about home, and i get giddy when little leo talk proudly about mikey & laugh at Donnie xD
I laughed at the " drill " part & how it took 2 seasons to upgrade it from beta to be finished. Then they go to shredder part & i thought " ohhhh! You're gonna remind little leo of how he was able to trick big mama but pull out 'at what cost?' Part " which - to be honest - was badass plan from leo but again... Worst communication ever.
F!leo cry in tears as he hugs little him & that when i thought; he made a mistake because he didn't want to be leader - which again i blame splinter, don't stop me people - and did what he thought would take his new role & get back to be support - which related because am 70/80% leo kinnie - but instead made a huge moos-take (badum-dass) that will probably stay - forever - his fault.
Little leo saw an example of it & tho he doesn't want the role it doesn't mean he can't take it slowly, they do have time thanks to the 3 hamatos - and jones we i won't forget them - from future, so proposing to start as co-leading with raph was a great step.
All in all, i thank you very much for the time you took out of your life to write this amazing ch. 12 of NQK🩷 and i won't lie when i say am excited for the future of this Fic🩷🩷🩷
AAAAHHHH MY FRIEND YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN,,, thank you for this magnificent review!!!!! Absolutely no losers here omg you're so good and precious and please never let yourself think otherwise.
I've read this ask so many times and boy it's so great to hear all these thoughts of yours. Best thing ever 11/10 would write again to get to read even a fraction of this dedication again.
The teenager vs. street cat comparison was hilarious jahsdg THAT'S REALLY HOW IT FELT LMAO
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the chapter and comment so extensively, I'm so grateful!! I'm absolutely tickled and also very excited for the future, so I'm really happy to hear that <333
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Uhh ohhh
Oh g o s h that's a lot of stuff 😬😬
Hmm but maybe it's too perfect? Please xd?
YES hahaaa >:)))
Ooope she's willing to listen :DD >:)
HA YES Athena :)))
Awww this poor girl D':
Ohhh okay :oo
Awww :')) 😭
Ohhhkay so they planned it together and got him in, mmmmkay
DANG that's expensive o.o
Ahh and she got it innn 😏😏 nice
(sneaky face not weird btw)
Ope :o uh oh D':
I mean obviously I know this gonna end bad but xD
Ohhhh nooo o.o
Oh no 😬😬😬
PHEW okay good excuse but xdd
Nahh she's gonna make you take it here 😬😬😭😭
OPE o.o
I mean I wish she would bc they probably wouldn't kill her but ik he won't xdd
Yup :'(((
😭😭😭😭😭 nooo :'((
OPE dang ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Ayy she didn't crack though :')) I mean she wouldn't still be there now if she did I guess xd
Oh nooo DDD': 😭😭 Wendall :'(((
Already? Dang, that was quick :'(( I mean at least there's that
Wendall :'(((
Awww poor Tamara ❤️❤️😭😭💔
Oof they telling some conflicting tales there xD
Ooope dang they really are o.o
LOL yup they turned on each other for REAL xDD
But Y E S S S S S we finally got em :'DDD
I mean I know it hasn't been that long but still <33 and it kinda has been that long in universe xDD but yeah, yay :')))
Aww 😭😭😭❤️ yeah, he was a good person :'))
AYYY Tamara :'DDD
Nah she's happy to see you lol :'))
I bet Bobby's her sponsor now :'DDD
Ayyy she works there!!! Lowkey sometimes I forgot she didn't xDD
But good for her :'))
And she's doing okay too :'DDD that's great <333
Awww, themm :'))) <333 🥰🥰❤️❤️
I'm so happy for her :DDD :)))!!
AYYYY Buck :DDD you're all good!!!
That's a relief :DD I'm glad :)))
Oop 👀 that's the tea Buck, you don't look too happy/sure
Aww, Buck :'((( ❤️❤️
Ahhh yeah, it just affects different people differently ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌ makes sense <3
Aww Buck 😭😭❤️ xD you better not move to Italy lol, even if you've never gone there xDD
Aww <333
Buck 😬😬😭😭
My poor boy :'(((
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teddy06writes · 3 years
requested by this anon: "Hi there! If requests are open may I please request DreamXD x reader who's a glitch? Like- maybe readers kinda like a god because they can teleport to other places or try to glitch the game to get items though their powers usually mess up somehow. Maybe their kinda immortal too? Its ok if you don't do this though! :D"
dreamXD x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, also being told they shouldn't exist but idk if that should be tagged as derealization or not
premise: you had lived a relatively peaceful life, you had your cabin a ways off from L'manburg, and the small business you had created, selling off the netherite that you seemed to have a knack for find. But that all changed one day
{I was gonna have tommy calling reader glitch boy or smth but then Iw as like wait gender neutral, so I ended up with Glitch Bitch, uhhh sorry lol}
{also sorry if this sucked.}
It had been a nice day, the day before you'd truly been discovered.
Tommy had visited your little home, complaining that he'd already lost the helmet you'd made.
"You really ought to be more careful with them kid." You sighed, turning to rummage through one of your chests, "ughhhh and I'm out of netherite too. I should start charging you people more per ounce."
Tommy frowned, "Well that wouldn't be very nice, you know that we need it for L'manburg."
"If that's what's suppose to convince me, I'll remind you, I have no loyalties, to anyone." You stood up as you spoke, pulling out what you had made into a makeshift com tablet.
"Woah, what is that thing?" Tommy leaned over, trying to see what you were typing.
"Glitches don't get coms, so I made my own," You explained, finishing the command, "Just give it one moment annnnnnddd...."
The netherite appeared, thumping heavily onto your table, "How much do you need?"
"Enough for a helmet." Tommy gaped.
You nodded, grabbing some of the bricks, and a spare diamond helmet before moving over to your crafting table, quickly getting to work.
As you smelted and poured and created, Tommy blabbed on about the goings on in L'manburg, and how Wilbur would probably take a trip down to your shop soon, looking for gaps.
"What the hell does he need gaps for? Even I know he can't fight for shit." You commented, sitting back away from the furnace.
"I dunno, he thinks something big is coming."
You sighed, shaking your head, before producing the helmet, "That'll be 11 diamonds."
Tommy sighed, but gave you the payment, heading out on his way with a, "See you later glitch bitch!"
You laughed to yourself, turning to begin putting away the extra netherite.
~~ The next day, rather than Wilbur coming to your little abode for himself, he sent Tommy down to summon you up to L'manburg.
"That lazy asshole." You muttered, tucking your com tablet into your knapsack.
"He really is a prick sometimes." Tommy agreed.
You went out, locking the door behind the both of you, before grabbing Tommy's shoulder, "I think I can get us up there faster."
"Ohhhh don't make me go all glitchy!" He yelled.
But it was too late, you were focusing your powers, a teleporting right up to the gates of L'manburg.
"Woah." Someone gasped.
"Holy shit! That was so cool! Holy shit!" Tommy yelled, jumping around, "Tubbo did you see that?!"
"Sorry- I- what?"
You turned to see Dream, looking rather surprised.
"Oh, uhh, Hi, I'm (y/n)." You offered, "Legally I don't exist."
"What?" You could see him starting to pull out his own com tablet.
"I'm a glitch. Just up here to do some business."
"Uhh huh, yeah I think I'm going to have to report you."
"To who? God?" You scoffed.
"Yes actually, DreamXD won't be happy to here this."
You frowned, turning to the L'manburgians, "Sorry, got to run."
With that, you popped out of that place, reappearing at your home. What would XD do? If he found out that there was a glitch still running around? You could still remembered what happened to the others.
As you frantically packed up your most valuable items you couldn't help but remind yourself, the near extinction of the glitches wasn't carried out by XD, but by the Old One.
Still, you ran.
You didn't make it very far before the strange figure appeared before you, "Halt!"
You skidded to a stop, tripping over a branch in the effort not to crash into him.
From the ground you glared up at the strange masked man, "If your going to kill me it won't work! I've lost enough lives for seven men and yet I am still alive!"
He cocked his head, "No, my pet. I wouldn't kill you. I think... we need to get to know each other better."
Cautiously, you took the hand offered to you and pulled yourself up, "And why's that?"
"Because I have a particular interested in your powers."
You frowned, "I'm just like all the other glitches, only I stuck around longer."
"Your powers, they aren't as temperamental as the others, are they? No collapsing worm holes, so to speak? That netherite you willed in, thats still stable, isn't it?" He questioned.
Slowly, you nodded.
"Then you are more powerful than Dream could imagine. Come with me, darling. You and I, we could rule the server." He offered.
"Why would I want that? I liked how it was."
XD frowned, "But I like you... and you have power. Don't you ever wish you could have more than those children knocking on your door asking for riches?"
You paused, he did have you there.
After a moment, you looked up at him, "Fine."
He grinned as you took his hand, "I'm sure we'll have an excellent time, my pet."
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katyspersonal · 6 months
Alright, go crazy, go stupid ✌️
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
For the Bloodborne girl cast!
uhhh, Maria, Doll, Annalise, Henriett, Gratia, Queen Yharnam, Ebrietas, Rom, Flora, Kos, Arianna, Adella, Eileen, white church doctor, black church doctor, Fausefka, Iosefka, Old Lady lol, Viola, Gascoigne’s daughters, Mergo’s Wet Nurse, Vicar Amelia, Witches of Hemwick, uhhhhhhh, Yurie, Bell Women, Cainhurst portrait women, Dores, Adeline,…..uhhhh….well….dammit if I have forgotten someone very important then I apologize to all women.
(Ask from this ( x ) meme) Ohhhh boy, look who heard out my wish to discuss the design features!! Thank you very much!
48) What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
ATTENTION: for some of these characters I might use my own headcanons on their appearances as an answer!
Maria and Doll: their lovely super pale eyelashes! As usual, common Fromsoft W putting effort into a detail that is hard to notice by normal means!
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As for the distinct design elements (which in their case their clothes), for Maria I love the cute smaller broches by either side of her main one, and for the Doll I love her cute floral-patterned gloves!
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Annalise: I love her big forehead. I am worried that I miss out this feature on accident sometimes in my drawings of her (just need more art skill), but I am mindful about it!
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Henriett: I love that she either 1) is implied to wear a makeup (gotta stay class no matter what) or 2) just has naturally different color for brows and eyelashes? Common Fromsoft W on details no sane person would detect yet AGAIN. Close second is her awesome top hat that no one wears like her.
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Gratia: I love her red hair so much. She has the most red hair in the setting. I love this so much. Hers is more red than Cainhurst red, even.
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(From this ( x ) page with datamined corpse models, some of the following ones will also be from here)
Queen Yharnam: This is exclusive for her pregnant/boss variant, the one we interact with peacefully doesn't have them. But I love cute rose-themed decorations around her gown! Adorable detail!
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Ebrietas: Her big anime girl green eyes, what else I can say? x) The very distinct feature, and they look like there are green cosmic nebulas shining inside them!
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Rom: This is hard to choose because this IS the perfect female body, I think her existence alone should prove how useless beauty standards are dhfsdh I will never be her 😔 Her adorable tails is the close second, but I love that she is a forest. What grows on her back is more resembling of tree branches with glowing buds! This is not lumenweed, this is lumenWOOD! XD
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Flora: The small wings. Of the 'skinny' type and not birdlike type, same as Ebrietas' and celestial children, but kinda damaged, or undeveloped? These wings tell a story. Feels similar to how Amygdalae have just lump of flesh in the place of wings, but their Kin, Gardens of Eyes, do have beautiful butterfly wings! It feels like a theme of needing humanity (?) to be truly fulfilled. Jealous Moon, eh?
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Kos: I love her fins, especially the fin on her back! Well, it doesn't look very fin-like anymore, and there is clearly better look at it on the concept art! Just...... fish
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Arianna: I love her purple eyes! Really stands out! I was really excited to find out she had such unusual feature!
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Adella: Similarly to Henriett, I love how her brows and eyelashes color has a contrast with her hair color! Hers is paler!
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Eileen: The only truly notable feature about her design is her unique mask, as Bloody Crow wears the same garb, and I feel like it won't really say anything.. The girl doesn't even have canon face data! So let me pull my own out uhhh..
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I am quite happy with her beak! x) I needed the resemblance of 'crow' in her visual design, you don't understand! My initial idea for her design, though, was making her blonde in earlier life and then have silver, basically white hair in her old age, while still having skin dark because contrast is so good. It would be to symbolise a change, from "sunshine" to "moonlight".. I got discouraged when I was told it was 'unrealistic' feature for dark skinned people (and should not have listened, because Bloodborne already has two characters canonically who are blondes with dark skin). If I ever backtrack on that idea for her, consider the beautiful white hair and how it contrasts to be the answer!
White Church Doctor: In this case I will go for the obvious answer. This is her cute mole! I am so happy when other people notice it too!! When someone draws this character and does feature the mole, I am so happy ;-;
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Black Church Doctor: I love the shape of her eyes! Interestingly though, she uses the same sliders as female preset hunter (in initial character creation), and her eyes are green like Brador's and have a similar shape, also her eyelashes are same color as his. Both Brador and Paleblood Hunter come from the same foreign land as their clothes lore suggest, so... same country? Or even relation to Brador? Hello....?
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Fauxsefka and Iosefka: Eyelashes. Eyelashes. They use the especially long variant of eyelashes. I always enjoy drawing them, especially Fauxsefka's!
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Lonely Old Dear: This is the hardest one yet, because there is nothing particular to point out. There are no other distinct old female characters we are shown in the game, nor her outfit is unique as there are many corpses in this outfit in Yahar'gul (and one in the woods). I do like the cute setting-appropriate hat, but I think a more fair one is to say that they bothered showing her eyes condition!
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Viola: I love her red brooch! ...that we never do see on her in the game. But I think it is a really good detail for her design, and the best color to contrast with both her hair and clothes!
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Older Daughter: This is an interpretation liberty, since this can and likely is a blood drop, but I like to think she has a spot on her forehead!
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Younger daughter: Another case where I gotta use my own design! I like how her appearance mixes that of both parents rather than resembling one or another x) Gascoigne used to have auburn hair and green eyes, so hers mix those colors with Viola's blonde hair and blue eyes!
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Mergo's Wet Nurse: Uhhhhh everything?? She is so incredibly stylish? fdsjfdshfd I fucking LOVE the absurd amount of heavily detalized trinkets all over her body! Get it.... because crows love shinies...... haha....
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(Take a closer look at all her glory in wiki's gallery ( x ))
Amelia: Her very tiny tail. :3
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Witches of Hemwick 1 and 2: The fact that!!!!! the eyes are all different colors??? How sick is this??? Look at this! Some also have iris whitening, same as what happened with Djura's eyes, and others have fully enlargened pupil!
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Witch of Hemwick 3: Okay, you absolutely saw this one coming lol. I love how wide is her nasal bridge! Very distinct feature! (Also coming clear with my skill issue, as I do not give a justice to her eyes; in reality they're smaller and located wider from each other!)
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Yurie: I really like her lips shape, actually! Very full, very smoochable.
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Bell-Ringing Women: I love the decoration circling around their cape! This really adds to the design, it looks so much better this way than if it was just plain cape as is!
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Cainhurst portrait women: Damn, they are all so beautiful! I guess as for Bell-Ringer resembling one, the previous point applies! Though she looks like she could be mother of Iosefka and Fauxsefka? And the knight woman has a very distinct nose shape! With Annalise's mother (I am not sure who else would wear a crown on portrait whereas not being Annalise..), I of course love how long her neck is x) Her posture is so regal, and this emphasises it!
Similar feature shared with the one who wears silver variant of the Noble Dress (basically Arianna's dress, and even identical shoes, but a bit more detailed in a couple of places). I'm gonna say though, I do love the silver variant more than burgundy one, especially with Forsaken Castle Ghosts whose hair became platinum! And the old lady has not only the necklaces, but also earrings and the bracelet which are quite modest and harder to see, but they are here! I love this attention to small details!
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Dores: As iconic as her wearing a scalp of Pthumerian face like a mask is, but my favourite bit is, actually, the ungodly amount of tools dangling from her belt! My Mico in his Research Hall surgeon era can only dream about the same level of unsettling x)
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Adeline: Again, she has the appearance of a Research Hall patient with the exception of larger amount of belts (she is feral!) and unique bandana around her neck! It feels unfair to point out either of these, because... yeah, sure. They just make her distinct. So I'll refer to my version of her and say that I love her hair buns and want to squeeze them every time I draw her. x) The bandana IS precious, though!
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Okay that was WILD, thank you for letting me go mad dfhahds You HAVE forgotten Hemwick Gravewomen, Evil Labyrinth Spirits, Snail/Slug Women, Mergo's Chief Attendants and female Beast Patients though XD I've met Tumblr images limit so I have to combine into one image.
But, Hemwick Gravewomen have strangely elongated skulls, and I love this bit. Considering the bandage over their forehead, perhaps, they've found their own way to place eyes on their brain? With statue behind Memory Altar and in the dungeons featuring a stitch over forehead and Rune Tool being found in Hemwick, would not be surprising. And with Evil Labyrinth Spirits, I guess I love the cool feature that is only in the concept art, but didn't make it into the actual model?? The evil red spirits erupting from her belly area are so badass??
With Slug Women, I guess the only thing I can tell is which variant I like more... And it is the shell one, of course x) Or simply red eyes with female Beast Patients! But with Chief Attendants, the plate on their bellies features upturned wings, and this is my favourite detail! They could represent wings of Wet Nurse or Flora! I love the mystery hidden on the plain sight so much!! Why could not Bloodborne give us a way to farm armour from mobs so we could read the description that would explain... ;-;
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Okay, now my brain is OFFICIALLY fried (in a good way), and this post definitely will help me as a good self-reference! This is, however, now one of my favourite posts by myself, because.. many women.
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The 1st Disc War Stream: Excellent Quotes
Tommy: “You don’t borrow another man’s property, Sapnap! I’m gonna borrow your LIFE!”
Tommy: “I’ve never been sexist in my life. I love all women, especially...women.”
Tubbo: “Can I be a good guy?”
Tommy: “You are Tubbo.”
Tommy: “I had one shot...oh actually, I had all the shots. I’m like Alexander Hamilton!”
[Dream joined the game]
Tommy and Sapnap both: “Uh oh.”
Tommy: “Do we kill Tubbo? To be fair, Wilbur was in a stream yesterday and he had a go at me for bullying him. Okay, yeah, we keep Tubbo. We keep him.”
Sapnap: “We take Tubbo in--”
Tommy: “We take Tubbo in.”
Sapnap: “Tubbo’s a marvelous builder, he’ll be the builder of our kingdom.”
Tommy: “I did the all time greatest ‘Dream Jump,’ where I jumped onto his head and it scared him.”
Tommy: “Sapnap, it looks like we’ve won.”
Tubbo: “I don’t think anyone’s won! You’ve burnt down most of the stuff on the server!”
Tommy: [kicks Tubbo from the call] “Tubbo’s definitely not on our side.”
Dream: Okay, no more killing
[Alyssa gets shot to death by Sapnap]
[Sapnap gets stabbed to death by Tubbo a second later]
Tommy: “I think you’re taking this whole thing a little too literally, Sapnap. Your character is developing the wrong way.”
Dream: “You guys both JUMPED me, out of NOWHERE! I was literally walking down the path, and you jumped me! Now, YOU SON OF A BITCH, I have TAKEN YOUR STUFF, I have your discs and I have your Netherite. You do NOT win!”
Tommy: “...”
Tommy: “…Anyway, how are you?”
Dream: “I am requesting a formal apology. For jumping me and killing Punz and killing the woman.”
Dream: “Yes.”
Tommy: “Good day, sir.” [walks away]
[God joined the game]
God: Give me the discs.
Tubbo: What?
Sapnap: “You know what, Dream? I’ll see you in Minecraft Championships.”
Tommy: “That -- You’re on the same team.”
Tommy: Sorry xD
Alyssa: XDDDDD
Dream: “I need to hear that you’ll not kill me, or else I’ll burn your discs.”
Tommy: “Dream…Dream…I won’t kill you –”
Dream: “Okay—”
Tommy: “—UNLESS my views are low that month, in which case I will be forced to, but other tha—”
Tommy: “We are the best of friends, Dream, why would I cross you? I have never crossed you, or anyone for that matter.”
Dream: “You crossed me today.”
Tommy: “That doesn’t sound like something I would do. I have never crossed anyone…”
Tommy: “Hey Dream, permission to kill Tubbo?”
Sapnap: “Tommy, you won’t stand a chance. I’m the only one that can take him.”
Tommy: “That’s just not true, you’re shit.”
Tubbo: chill guys
Tubbo: oh
Tommy: Dream. Wait. You don’t have to do this.
Dream: Apologize.
Tommy: Dream…I am sorry if you felt upset by my masculinity.
Tommy: “Why’s there so much lightning?”
Tubbo: “It’s pathetic fallacy.”
Tommy: “Tubbo, lemme stand over here, give me a high five.”
[Tubbo gives him a high five, instantly killing him]
Tubbo: “OH GOD!”
Purpled: I am Switzerland.
Sapnap: “Boys?”
Tommy: “…Yeah?”
Sapnap: “KI--IM-̶͖̅̃͐͑̽-̷̨̘͚͉̜̮͓̈̔̑̈̔̄͐-̷̢͖͈̺͈͇̒͊̓ ̷̫́͛̔̆̾̚Ŗ̷̜̘͒̉͜͝I̷̹̭̊̅͑͜--oW̴̤̿͗̄́̃̓—̷̧͍́GT--CH--IM—̶̨̛̰̠̠̝̔̈́̓̂̀͋ͅ B̸͉͖͇̙̫̊́̅͐̏̄̑B̵̢̛̟̐͑̊̒͒̽U̷̟͔̤͒͑̐̉̇̚ -- S̸͚͎̟̣͙͐͜͝ͅŰ̵̠͚̯̤͈̲͛̾̔̕͝͠--S̸͉̽͝-̴̫̝̗̾̈́̀-̵̲̣͎̼̜̣̥͂̌̌-̸̺͉̒̏S̶̯̆̍Ḏ̷̙̟̼̎̂͑͐̇͆F̴̙̳̏̂̔J̶̹̆̅̅̂̓̑G̴̪̖͓̐
Tubbo: “God is dead.”
Tommy: “God is dead.”
Tubbo: “And we killed him.”
Tubbo: sorry
Tubbo: I am weak willed
[Dream starts attacking them in Tubbo’s attic. Tommy throws an Ender Pearl out of the window]
Tommy: “I’m sorry, Tubbo… I’ve got to go.”
[He runs into the forest. Tubbo dies by Dream]
Tubbo: “Why you gotta kill people? Wh…why can’t you just be normal? Why…why are you like this? Why…wh…stop looking at me like that—”
Tommy: “You fucked up, you fucked up—”
[He jumps at Tubbo]
Tubbo: “Ohhhh go on, GO ON! BRING IT ON!”
[Tubbo stabs him to death]
Tommy: “The discs are irreplaceable—”
Tubbo: “No the discs are very replaceable. I was gonna make a disc farm.”
Tommy: “Ponk has just redeemed himself. He’s just had a redemption arc.”
 Tommy: “I won all my music discs! I kept them!”
Tubbo: “But I already explained to you how easy they are to get.”
Tommy: “Yeah yeah yeah yeah, but have you heard of ‘sentimental value,’ dickhead?”
Tubbo: “…”
Tubbo: “You’re talking about a Minecraft item here. Get out.”
Sapnap: “Tubbo, I don’t wanna have to kill you.”
Tubbo: “Try me, bitch.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Horror Villains and: The Shovel Talk
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Who gives a successful shovel talk and is fully willing to go through with the threats at the slightest WHIFF of tomfoolery: 
Bo Sinclair: He’ll be waiting on the porch all night with his gun and the dog.
Debbie Loomis: Oh, you want to date her perfect boy?? Hmmmm… 
Granny Boone: She may also stalk y’all.
Inkubus: He’s very unsettling in his performance. 
Jedidiah Sawyer: The date may not survive the shovel talk with Jed.
Mayor Buckman: Boone’s better at it, but he sure as heck tries.
Pamela Voorhees: She will want to see some kind of resume and at least 3 references if you want to date Jason.
Sheriff Hoyt: Dear god I wouldn’t want to be whoever he’s threatening. He takes great joy in performing the traditional shovel *cough* or shotgun *cough* talk.
The Clown / Kenneth Chase / Jeffrey Hawke: He only half means it, but goddamn is he good at it.
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn: Can you imagine this man standing there before you with that big ass gnarly looking weapon telling you that if he hears even one tiny unpleasant thing about the date he will hunt you down?! Dear god. Save yourself. and ‘mark me down as scared and horny’ XD Haha
Thomas Hewitt: He’ll be keeping an eye, out…
Who is the second family member / friend / whatever, who feels bad for the person who’s getting the shovel talk and tries to cool the situation: 
Lester Sinclair: Well with Bo as the shovel talker, it has to even out somehow and Lester is happy to try!
Who is the second family member / friend / whatever, who doesn’t give a rats ass. Leave them alone.: 
Michael Myers: He’s busy eating… don’t ask what, though. THEN you might get a threat.
Patrick Bateman: “Whatever.”
Piper Shaw: “Yeah uhuh, okay. Have fun.” *Doesn’t even look up from her laptop*)
Roman Bridger: He’s too busy directing movies and running a Wes Craven horror franchise to give shovel talks!?
Who is the second family member / friend / whatever who is edging on the angry shovel talker for their own enjoyment: 
Midnight Man: Well he’s just mischievous bastard, isn’t he?
Both Pennywise’: Cheeky little shits.
The Djinn: Oh, he is just hanging totally onto the hope you’ll say something like “Oh, how could this possibly get any worse?”
The Man from Hush: Because he’s an ass.
Who stalks the couple instead of giving a shovel talk: 
Stuart Lloyd: He’s at a table in the back of the restaurant trying to act natural.
The Huntress / Anna: But she gives the shovel talk AS WELL. She’s just, you know, making sure.
Who gives the shovel talk but is joking:
Chop Top Sawyer: *Cuts off mid shovel talk into raucous laughter* “Pfftttt, I can’t do this, hahahahahaha… Have fun kiddos, and here have a joint I pre-rolled.”
Who fails at giving the shovel talk: 
Bubba Sawyer: He got cut off by one of his other brother’s. Sigh.
Who received the shovel talk: 
Billy Loomis: Ohhhh, boy. If only Neil had caught Billy in Sydney’s room that night… 
Jennifer Check: She really doesn’t care, though, hahah.
Jerry Dandridge: He’s so polite and understanding and smarmy with the shovel talker, cuz he knows he could kill everyone in the room easily in under a minute.
Kieran Wilcox: Probably from his own Dad, honestly.
Mickey Altieri: He also gives good natured shovel talks for the price of one big coffee- I mean come on, he’s in college. He’s struggling. He needs caffeine.
Who was about to receive the shovel talk, then had the person just gives up: 
Carrie White: Shovel Talker: “This small golden thing would never hurt a soul, what am I doing?? Oh my god, it’s trembling, I’m a monster- “
Leslie Vernon: Shovel talker can’t decide whether this is a secret thirst machine or a cinnamon bun.
Who gave up giving the shovel talk halfway through: 
Drayton Sawyer: “-Aghh, what do I care. Don’t get shit on your good dress shirt.”
Who got the shovel: 
Freddy Krueger: Just, you know. Shovels- right to the knees.
Stu Macher: I mean Sydney got it done but Cece and Tatum are gonna throttle him in the afterlife, too.
Who gave the shovel talk… then got the shovel from someone else:
Chucky Lee Ray: You can’t tell me if Tiffany’s mother was in the picture she wouldn’t have shot Chucky in the face at least once by now.
Is the poor lead who’s date is getting the damn shovel talk: 
Jason Voorhees: I betcha he would also give a great shovel talk, too.
Jill Roberts: Her and her innocent little act. Standing there like ?? what?? Why are you threatening my date?? This is so embarrassing…
Vincent Sinclair: Oh my god, he cannot bring (Or sneak) anyone home, friend or what, without Bo sniffing them out and starting on his bullshit. Lester immediately behind him making jokes that are ignored.
*Then there’s Luda Mae,
Who is probably the one who feels sorry for the person who’s getting the shovel talk when it comes to Thomas (While Hoyt gives the talk), but who then GIVES a threatening shovel talk to Charlie when he brings a gal home. Not to the date though XD
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SNW 2x1 "The Broken Circle" thought-stream
Obviously this has spoilers, so I've put it under the cut :)
Oh I DO love the initial music and the little Enterprise doo-du dooo!
TOS MUSIC!!!! I love this show 🥰
"I am concerned my emotions may impact my judgement." Ohhhh. Oh. This Spock is SO YOUNG. I have had trouble seeing SNW Spock as *Spock*, but no, this is it. He hasn't settled in his place yet and it shows.
"You'll just have to learn to live with it [feeling emotions]. Like we all do." "I would prefer not to." Oh, Spock XD
Did Erica always wear red?
YES UHURA. "And I have a job to do." Don't take any nonsense! Love seeing her so confident in her role.
I don't remember what happened to La'an. Guess I have to watch the whole first season again, oh no... /s
Spock stealing the Enterprise hehehe. Love how he's so ready to just throw down, he's ridiculous.
Dahh. Dahh. Dahh. Dahh. "Space: the final frontier." THE MUSIC I SWEAR THE FEELS
"A Vulcan with a hunch!" Boy I need to rewatch TOS too to see how much it is lining up.
"Commander Grayson's son." Commander Grayson? That's cool!
This old commander who clearly has no fucks left to give is wonderful
Crew banter :3 "I would like this ship to go. Now."
I love seeing Starfleeters not in uniform. These outfits are neat - Christine looks stunning.
I so don't get how universal translators work. But I'm glad Uhura is still being the best linguist.
"Are you sure you don't have Klingon blood in you?" La'an is awesome
What did they drug themselves with???
Jeeez. M'Benga. What on earth? You're scaring Christine.
A Klingon being scared enough to actually answer doesn't ring true to me though...
"Enterprise destroy the ship" ooof
Spock having feelings 💔
Not a fan of the super dramatic music I have to admit idk. I guess I also don't really like the romace crisis plotline either though. But this all feels too dramatic for a very regular star trek thing
"You are not a typical Vulcan." "No, I am not." The ear with which he says that surprised me. When does he start trying to cover that up and start acting typically Vulcan again?
Spock drinking and making tiny roaring noises is ridiculously cute. Once again he seems so young :3
Living among humans for hundreds of years? Are the Landonites what Flint was?
I've just remembered about Pike. Love how he's away for a few days feeling like he's going the rebellious thing and then Spock goes and does this. I cannot wait to see his reaction
A war on two fronts? Intriguing but also I'm not here for worlds-encompassing plot I just wanna see the Enterprise going on silly little adventures.
Oh. Gorn again?! Sighhhh.
"For Nichelle, who was first through the door and showed us the stars. Hailing frequencies forever open..." 🖤🖤🖤
Alright, I quite enjoyed that, although the long action fighting sequence and the overblown Spock-has-confusing-romance-feelings were a bit too much for me. But I do love this crew, and it was nice to see them all again <3
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