#(ooc: good morning! i saw this in the inbox so I decided to answer before I run and do stuff. I might still be available for a bit but I +)
piningpercussionist · 9 months
I have a couple quarters so I wanted to get some trinkets from a capsule machine :D
Plus I live with Scott and a clone of me violently blew up in his house, leaving him very traumatized, so I felt like it’d be a nice treat to make up for… that :3
-🐇 (kicking her little feeties while sitting in the cart)
... I... alright then.
*Kim sort of stares at the bunny for a moment, before turning their cart down an aisle.*
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That, uh... that happen often? Should I be concerned? I'm not sure I want viscera getting on this coat... but, uh, yeah. We can get him something then. That does sound... traumatizing...
... although I'm not sure if this store has those machines. They could, I'm usually just in and out of here if I can help it- I don't usually stop for something like that. We could maybe try somewhere else, but if you see something you want to get him I'll chip in for that, I guess.
*She starts leading them down the chip aisle before stopping, looking a little surprised.*
Huh... not Chrispers, but there are Crispers. Is this what you were looking for? They've got three flavors...
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And your tea- you said you wanted that iced. Do you just mean, like, one of those cold bottles they keep up front, or should we be getting tea bags or something? I'm not the most well versed in tea, that's more Rammy's thing.
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
14. “I trusted you to keep them safe, and you couldn’t even do that?!” for Liz x Lucas please x
I don't even know how long this has been sitting in my inbox, I'm sorry, but I'm getting to all my pending prompts eventually istg. Thank you, Iris, as always! ♥
I sliiiightly modified it because I just couldn't come up with any scenario where either of them not being careful regarding something actually important wouldn't be very ooc, but I hope this makes sense. Maybe it doesn't (maybe this is a side scene from the sequel) (it is, it's a side scene from something that happens in the sequel but whatever I'm sorry), but if I keep overthinking this it'll never get done so. There.
14. "I trusted you to keep them safe, and you couldn't even do that?!" from this list!
Lucas went to turn on the lights when another, smaller one, flicked on near the sofa. He frowned in confusion at first, before a grin unknotted his brow.
"Liz!" But his smile quickly faltered when he noticed the expression on her face: a small, unamused smile under tired and cold eyes.
She silently looked down at the coffee table in front of her. He followed her gaze to find… Oh, fuck.
"Liz, I-"
"One thing," she cut him off, her eyes still fixed on the once beautiful, now dead, plant. "I asked you to do one thing while I was away."
The orchestra had been invited to a week-long festival in France, and all that Liz had asked of him was to keep an eye on her new plants. She'd bought two lavenders before leaving, and had spent a whole afternoon studying every window along with the balcony to find them the perfect spot. Only to find two corpses when she came back. She'd just sighed, more disappointed than surprised; a part of her had been expecting coming home to that exact scenario. She loved lavenders, but there was a reason she chose to get them right before leaving.
Lucas scratched the back of his neck with a pursed smile. "I'm sorry, darling, I… I watered them, but they just-"
"Do you remember? What I asked you to do?"
"To… water them? Isn't that what you do with plants?" His mother had a green thumb, but honestly he had never paid much attention to what she actually did. To him it was just water and getting rid of the ugly parts.
"I asked you to not water them, Lucas. Lavenders drown easily, they can't handle it. I even asked you to bring them in if it started raining."
It'd been raining the whole week she was gone. He hadn't moved the pots. And had watered the plants on top of the rain. But he really, really didn't remember her asking him any of that stuff. He did remember her asking about the weather on the phone, though. Which of course she'd brought up when she heard it was raining in Oxford; he hadn't taken the hint.
"So all I actually asked was for you to keep them safe from the rain. And you couldn't even do that? Are you serious?"
Lucas sat down, the smile finally leaving his lips completely. And to think I expected you to be hugging me right now after a week of not seeing you, and you're sitting there scolding me about a fucking plant you'd had for two days before you left…
"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. I bought two new ones this morning."
"Yeah, I saw them." Liz sighed, resting her elbows on her knees and leaning forward.
"Then let's just drop this, okay? You have new, healthy plants that I promise I'll stay away from from now on."
She looked him in the eye, coldness replaced by worry. "It's not about the plants, Lucas…"
"What is it about, then?"
Liz closed her eyes for a second. "You don't listen to me."
He stayed silent for a moment. "What are you talking about? I always listen to you."
"Not if you already have an opinion about whatever I'm saying…"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You can be so stubborn, love…" She shook her head. Worry was still patent in her voice, but now there was some condescendence in there with it too. "In your head, you always water plants, so you didn't listen when I told you not to. Even though you know nothing about plants. Is there any other context you can maybe apply that logic to? Assuming things you know nothing about?"
Lucas didn't answer. He knew exactly what she was talking about. And he knew she was right. And he didn't like it. He bit his lip, looking up at the ceiling, looking for an excuse until he decided giving her one would be unfair. To both of them, after all they'd been through because of that; after how much he'd been working to change that pattern. I guess it slipped through a goddamned plant, of all things. Could have been worse.
"Fine," he finally conceded, "you're right. But my intentions were good. I set an alarm to water them and all."
Liz sighed again, this time with a tiny smile curving the corners of her mouth, and stood up to walk around the table to him. She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck before planting a lingering kiss on his cheek. He squeezed her close.
"I know. They're always good. But you have to listen, actually listen, every once in a while."
"Absolutely. I'm listening. Loud and clear. I'll never water a plant again. Ever."
"That's not what I-"
He cut her off with a kiss and they both smiled, finally hugging each other properly.
Lucas rubbed their noses together. "I'm never watering a lavender again," he said. "Better?"
She smiled again and kissed the tip of his nose in response. "Better."
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eorzean-capitalist · 5 years
A story, a true one, about stalking.
This was around 1993.  The college I was attending had just gotten an internet connection.  We had a lab full of VAX computers (dummy terminals linked to the campus’ main system).  It was the first time many of us had experienced the internet, myself included.
It was great for getting email from professors, friends, etc.  One of my friends also told me about this game he was playing that I might like.  He was part of my table top gaming group (Vampire, DnD, etc), and knew I’d probably like this one.
The game was Ghostwheel.  An RPG MOO.  (MUD object oriented, for those of us oldies who remember MUDs, MUXes and MUSHs.)  I created a character, got out and RPed with others.  It had a combat system as well.  One of the first online MMOs, tbh.  Just text based.  I met a lot of new people this way.  People from all over the US and even the world.  We formed bonds through RP and such.  
One of these people was a guy who had a character named COLLOSUS.  (He had it in all caps, yeah.)  He and I began RPing, and talking in OOC as well.  He was nice, kinda flirty, and interested in me.  I wasn’t really interested in him.  I had a crush on someone else at the time.  But it was nice to talk to him, and we became friends.  
One day, he asked for my phone number so we could talk.  Naive as I was (I was 19), I gave it to him.  He called me that night and we talked until like one in the morning.  Learned a lot about him.  He lived in Florida, he was in his mid-30s, he had a white collar job at a call center.  He asked me about myself, what I was studying, what school I was attending, and lots of other personal information about me that seemed innocuous at the time.
He asked for my email, too.  He emailed me every day, and I tried to respond when he did but hey, college life.  Finals were coming up, I was busy studying, writing papers.   He started to get a little grumpy I wasn’t replying right away.  Began calling me at my apartment, too.  Wanted to talk for hours, even after I told him I needed to study or I had college activities or I was going out with friends.
I got tired of the pressure to always pay attention to him.  So that summer, away from the VAX system, where I couldn’t log into GW or get email, and I was home so the phone at my apartment had been turned off, I realized I wasn’t comfortable around him anymore.  
So that Fall, on returning to school, I decided I’d just start ignoring him.  He sent me pages on the game every time I logged in, wanting to know why I had ignored him all summer.  I paged him back to let him know that I had been home for the summer, and couldn’t as I had no access to the school’s computers.  He didn’t believe me.   Started accusing me of avoiding him (I kinda was).  So I told him to stop talking to me and I put him on ignore.  
He logged in his alt, tried to page me again.  I ignored him there, too.  So he created a new character, and again paged me.  I got tired of it and logged out completely.  Created a new character, and ran around on that with him not even knowing who I was.
That’s when he started emailing me.  I emailed him back to leave me alone.  Rapid fire emails after that, begging me to talk to him.  I logged out and went home to my apartment.  Somehow, he had my new number (this was before cell phones were everywhere), and he called me there.  I gave him and talked to him for a bit.  He apologized to me, said he’d be better about giving me space.  
This didn’t last long at all.  Soon enough, I had put his characters back on ignore.  I got so tired of him trying to contact me in game, I logged out and started playing another game called Cybersphere.  Where he wasn’t, and he didn’t know who I was even if he did start playing there.
That’s when the emails went off the rails.  My inbox could only hold around 100 emails.  I’d log in in the morning, and my box was full.  Just him emailing me again and again.  I’d delete them all, but the next day my box was full again.  Hundreds of emails, I couldn’t keep up with it.  Fast as I’d delete them, he’d send me more.  
He began calling me at my apartment.  Leaving messages on our answering machine because we both refused to answer.  It was just creepy as fuck, sometimes.  My roommate finally put a stop to it by answering the phone and telling him I’d moved out and to please stop bothering her.  
Finally, somewhere I was getting some peace.  Or so I thought.  
He got my parent’s phone number and began calling them on the weekends (he knew I spent weekends at home usually).  My father answered the phone and told him if he didn’t stop calling he was going to kill him.  
I was at my wits end.  I logged into GW and talked to someone about it.  She encouraged me to go to the head Wizard of the game, a guy who went by the name of Quinn on the game.   He was known for being hands off.  Didn’t like to get involved in drama, usually told people to behave and just ignore folks who were bothering them.
I was skeptical, but she was insistent.  So I sent him a page and asked him to talk.  He pulled me into his private chamber on the game and I spilled my guts. I told him about all the stalking that’d be going on, and how my grades were slipping and this is why I hadn’t been logging into GW lately.
To my surprise, he didn’t just brush it off.  He gave me his email and asked me to forward him some of the emails.   I picked the worst ones, the ones where he was threatening to rape me, and forwarded them.   Quinn was quiet for about ten minutes.  Then came back and told me he’d take care of it, and moved me back into the game world.
Later that day, COLLOSUS logged in.  I did a ‘WHERE’ and saw he was in Quinn’s office.  They were in there a good 45 minutes or close to.  Then COLLOSUS logged out.  And never returned.
No more emails., No more phone calls. No more attempts to contact me. I never heard from him again.
Quinn never told me what he said to the guy.  I didn’t ask.  But I was damn lucky he was able to put a stop to it.  Most stalkers are not so easily deterred.  
After that, you bet your sweet bippy I was very careful about who I gave my personal info to.  
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enidrhee · 6 years
Something Wicked - Supernatural
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request: none
pairing: Logan Winchester x big brother! Dean Winchester, Logan Winchester x big brother! Sam Winchester
other characters: John Winchester, Michael
based upon: season 1, episode 18
a/n: ooo another logan winchester fic!! i wrote this in less than a hour so if it’s rushed i apologize. also i get that the backstory in the beginning might be ooc for dean but i had to do it in order to make the story work. logan is 8, sam is 22, dean is 26. i don’t know what else to sayyyyy so if u have any questions or episode requests leave me an inbox message also follow me on ao3 at gayenid!! also i’d appreciate kind comments thank uuuu happy reading!!
A tough decision had to be made about how the Winchester siblings were going to approach killing the Shtriga, the shadow that struck in the night. Dean and Sam had explained to Logan that a mistake was made six years ago, and it was their fault the creature was still stirring the pot. The brothers were tired of obeying orders from their father and decided to grab food at the diner across the street from the motel they were staying at. Logan, who was two, was asleep and their dad would be gone for a few days, so being caught wasn’t in the picture. Dean, being eighteen at the time, was the instigator and Sam, who was fourteen, took his word.
Dean told Logan it was the worst call he ever made. When the pair came back to the motel room, the Shtriga was over top of Logan, feeding off her soul. The two of them froze, the sight in front of them was hard to handle. Luckily, John had entered the room and was able to strike the creature before it was too late. John was pretty much fuming, confused as to why his eighteen year old son, who had no problem with hunting before, froze. After a heated lecture, which the oldest Winchester took to heart, Dean vowed to never let Logan out of his sight again, which is why he couldn’t complete Sam’s request to take her to Bobby’s.
Now the same creature was lurking around the town and putting young children into comas. The next target was the son of the owner of the motel they were perched at. Dean thought using Michael, the target, as bait would be the best idea at killing the Shtriga once and for all. Sam, on the other hand, disagreed. He believed him or Dean should hide under the covers and wait it out. Logan had other ideas.
“I could do it. I can hide under the covers so Michael doesn’t have to be the bait,” Logan explained, her eyes still sparkling from crying over Dean’s story. Dean was quick to shake it head.
“Absolutely not, Lo. I told myself I would never put you in danger ever again. This is too close to home for me,” Dean admitted. The youngest Winchester wrapped her arms tightly around her brother’s torso, silently apologizing for the pain he was feeling. Dean ran a hand through his sister’s hair. Sam squeezed Logan’s shoulder.
“We’ll go talk to Michael. This has to happen tonight, no matter what,” Sam spoke. The siblings nodded and grabbed all necessary weapons before heading out the motel doors.
“You’re crazy! Just go away or I’m calling the cops,” Michael yelled with a phone in hand.
“You have to believe me, okay? This thing came through the window and attacked your brother. I’ve seen it. I know what it looks like because it attacked my sister once, too,” Dean explained, causing Michael to put the phone down.
“This thing... does it have a long, black robe?” Michael asked genuinely.
“You saw it last night, didn’t you?” Sam asked, even though he knew the answer.
“I thought I was having a nightmare,” Michael opened up. Logan related to his confusion of dream and reality. Her visions were getting stronger, and most of the time it felt real, but she was just sleeping. Her brother’s technically didn’t know that her visions pained her as bad as they did, but they didn’t need anymore worry on their plate.
“I’d give anything not to tell you this, but sometimes nightmares are real,” Dean commented, rubbing Logan’s back soothingly. Dean realized how big of a toll Logan’s nightmares had on her. She barely slept and was in a constant state of panic. It was no state to see an eight year old in.
“Why are you telling me?”
“We need your help. We can kill it. It’s what we do. But we can’t do it without you,” Dean pleaded. Dean explained that if Michael didn’t help, more kids were going to get hurt. It was safe to say that Michael was not up for the task.
As the siblings discussed a new plan, there was a knock at the door. Logan was praying that Michael changed his mind so they could save him. Sure enough, Michael was on the other side of the door.
“If you kill it, will Asher get better?” Michael directed towards Dean and Sam.
“Honestly, we don’t know,” Dean didn’t want to lie to the kid.
“You said you’re big brothers?” Dean and Sam nodded in response. “You’d take care of your sister? You’d do anything for her?”
“Yeah, we would,” Sam responded, looking back towards Logan who was on the bed with a grin on her face. After that, Michael agreed to help the siblings.
Later that night, the Winchesters were sat in Michael’s room setting up cameras and loading their weapons. Logan was actually allowed to handle a gun for this case, since they needed all the firepower they could get. Dean told Michael that all he needed to do was hide under his covers and wait, and when the siblings come in, he needed to crawl under the safety of his bed. Logan watched the two interact with a smile on her face. Even though Dean didn’t admit it, he was good with kids.
The clock struck three and nothing. Logan feared the Shtriga wasn’t going to strike tonight, and if it was, they were in the wrong place.
On cue, a shadow of a hand appeared outside the window. The siblings got their guns ready as they waited for the monster to get close enough to Michael. Logan’s hands shook as she gripped her weapon tightly.
“Now?” She asked, and Dean replied with not yet.
The Shtriga approached closer and closer until it was right over top of Michael. It began to feed, and that’s when Dean gave the green light. The siblings busted through the door with their guns at ready, distracting the creature so Michael could get to safety. Once they were in the clear, bullets flew and hit the Shtriga in the chest. They didn’t stop shooting until the monster was down. Dean and Sam slowly walked towards it, checking to see if it was really dead. Logan stayed back, checking to see if Michael was okay.
The Shtriga suddenly appeared in front of the brothers, throwing them into the wall. It threw Logan to the ground and pinned her against the floor. The youngest Winchester tried to fight it off and grab her gun, but it was too strong for an eight year old to fight. Its wrinkly hands grabbed Logan by the throat, dipping its head down in order to take the girl’s soul. Logan tried to scream out, but the Shtriga worked too fast.
“Hey!” Dean yelled out, grabbing its attention. It looked up and Dean shot his gun, knocking it off his sister. Logan gasped for air once it’s hand released from her neck. “You okay, bug?” Dean said with concern. Logan gave her brothers a thumbs up. Logan slowly got up from the floor with Sam’s help. Dean decided to empty his chamber into the Shtriga, causing Logan to jump from the sudden loudness.
The only thing Logan could think to do was give Dean a tight hug. Her eldest brother picked her up and rubbed circles into her back, leading Logan to give him a kiss on the cheek. Sam smiles at the sight, copying Dean’s actions after she’s set back on the ground. Logan wiped the tears that were stuck on Sam’s cheeks, causing him to laugh out loud. Their work was done.
That morning, Michael’s mother came home to say that all the kids were out of comas at the hospital, and that they were going to make miraculous recoveries. Logan was enthused to hear that, knowing that all their hard work had paid off, and that Michael’s bravery saved his brother.
As the siblings walked to the Impala, Logan spoke up. “Sometimes I wish that...” She trailed off and Dean asked what she was talking about. “I wish I could have that kind of innocence,” She said in regards to Michael and his little brother.
“If it means anything, sometimes I wish you could, too,” Dean agreed. Logan had never seen him open up and be vulnerable like that.
It was a nice sight, and she hoped it would happen more often.
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