#(ooc: this took SO long for me to write)
soulrph · 2 years
good morning my beloveds! this is a bit of a surprise post, but i'm thinking it makes more sense to say this in a post now rather than copy and paste it for the heartbreaking number of people asking abt this in my inbox!
allow me to paraphrase the overall message of, at present, fifteen nearly identical messages in my inbox:
"hi blue. i'm wondering if you have any advice on how to deal with people not interacting with you anymore. i make all these posts and starter calls, i post memes, i answer drafts, i do everything in my power to make my dash a nice, happy place for people to feel comfortable enough to approach me for interactions and conversations, but nobody is doing anything. nobody is liking my posts, or commenting, or reblogging. my notifs are empty, and i feel really awful about it."
that's actually, word for word, what has been in my inbox for three days now. and i didn't know how to respond, because quite honestly, i have no advice for you. none except for this:
please, please, please start interacting with your mutuals some more.
i'm guilty of it myself. i go silent a lot, i've no idea why. however, i still make a good effort of trying to comment on people's posts, because that's what this place is. tumblr is a social media platform. we socialize on this platform. if we stop doing that, it ceases to be a social media platform.
but a single like can do so much for a person. sending a DM to do some plots, commenting on a post about how to make a grilled cheese REALLY special (i like to add pesto to mine!) or sending unprompted asks to a new mutual! it doesn't have to be massive. but we have stopped interacting with one another, and it really, really sucks. it's so disheartening, it really is, and if that happens to one person, they'll stop sending out notifs as well. and it'll expand, like ripples in a puddle.
it breaks my heart to see so many people facing this challenge. and i'm so sorry that i've been unable to provide a solid answer or suggestion. but the issue here is the community itself. it's a classic example of an individual issue expanding into a social one. if we stop communicating, if we stop socializing, on a SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM, then it's no longer a social media platform. we're no longer a community. we're just a bunch of people who like to write, and we're all on tumblr.
let's make it a resolution. in fact, a challenge. let's all agree to like a few posts each day. or comment on a friend's post, or send in a few memes, or randomly tag people in starters. it's not a massive effort, it's not a huge energetic loss. if we all did a small bit each day, i can guarantee that the dash would transform almost overnight into the community we all knew and loved and deserve! but we all need to be making that conscious choice to interact and communicate more often.
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griseldabanks · 1 month
41 for Kaladin and Syl, please?
Like last year, I decided to kill two birds with one stone, to fulfill this request as well as submit it for @ficwip5k's 5k AU challenge. This is specifically an AU of The Way of Kings.
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Prompt: "I have no idea what just happened."
Rain fell steadily, plinking against the corrugated metal roofs of the barracks and splashing in muddy puddles underfoot. The wind had died down and no more thunder grumbled overhead, but there still wasn't anybody around. The riddens were a miserable time to be outside on Roshar Prime.
Kaladin plodded forward, eyes on his feet. One in front of the other. Just like a bridge jump...but much slower.
Why keep going forward? Each step was just another step closer to his death.
Men falling all around him. The darkening sky lit up with brilliant flashes of red and green and orange as laser fire shot in both directions, too fast to follow with the naked eye.
Jogging forward, bridge spike in hand. Tripping, falling. Turning his head to one side, only to see the staring, empty eyes of the old man who'd shown him how to place the bridge spike, how to activate it.
Dead. All around him, all dead.
“And where do you think you're going, lordling?”
Slowly, wearily, Kaladin raised his head. Gaz glared at him with his one eye, clutching a metal basket filled with glowing spheres a little closer, as if afraid Kaladin would steal his money.
The meteor showers that coincided with the highstorms were said to infuse spheres with Stormlight. In times past, people had said the light of the stars fell to earth during the highstorms. Kaladin knew there was a scientific explanation for it, but he couldn't think of it at the moment. Not like it mattered.
Not like anything mattered anymore.
“Don't think you can run away,” Gaz sneered as Kaladin began to turn away and continue plodding forward. “You know you can't breathe outside the camp perimeter!”
“Going to the honor chasm,” Kaladin muttered.
That shut Gaz up. The honor chasm was the one place inside the perimeter where the ground dipped underneath the shield wall surrounding the camp in a dome, providing it with a breathable atmosphere and protection from airborne assault. Unlike the thick membrane that could only be breached at designated gates, one could walk down into the honor chasm and just step through the membrane, because it was intended to be placed on the ground and thus was made of the same material as the gates. And unlike the gates, the honor chasm was guarded by nothing but a barrier with a warning sign.
Because the only people crazy enough to walk through the barrier, unaccompanied by oxygen porters or any other support, were those who wanted to breathe the toxic air of Roshar Prime and die within minutes.
The honor chasm was the final destination for all bridgemen who survived the bridge jumps. The one choice still open to them. The only escape.
“Hand over your headset, then,” Gaz said after an awkward pause. “Those things are worth more than your life.”
Kaladin had no reason to refuse him. He pulled off the earpiece that stayed perched on his ear out of habit after all this time, in case they were called to a last-minute bridge jump with no warning. At a tap and a gesture, the compact earpiece could unfold into a helmet, a stripped-down version of the ones the real soldiers wore. Bridgeman helmets did little more than provide oxygen to breathe and a modified targeting AI system to tell them where to put the bridge spikes.
Kaladin dropped the headset into Gaz's outstretched hand, then turned and continued trudging towards the honor chasm.
Destination acquired. Please proceed to the designated area...if you want to die.
Kaladin blinked. “What?”
A mechanical giggle sounded in his ear. Only dummies run straight for the people who are going to be shooting at you, you know.
His AI targeting system was laughing at him. That was new.
You're different from the others, the mechanical, vaguely female voice said in his ear. Why are you different?
“What are you talking about?” Kaladin muttered.
But then red laser bolts lit up the air, the strange humming from the Parshendi warriors in their red armor reached his ears, and he was too focused on trying to stay alive to listen to the AI anymore.
The rain beat against Kaladin's bowed head, running down his hair and dripping from the long, dark strands. He felt dirty. Even as the rain washed away the dirt and sweat from the last bridge jump, he still felt dirty.
There was blood under his fingernails, and he wasn't sure it would ever wash away. Blood soaking his hands. Other men's blood. The men he had failed to save.
Again and again and again.
He kept trying. Kept fighting. But why?
At last, the faint bluish light of the warcamp perimeter came into view. Kaladin trudged towards the dip in the earth he knew led to the slope down into the honor chasm. If any sentries spotted him, they didn't stop him. They could tell where he was going.
Rainwater rushed down the slope, turning it into a rushing stream. The flimsy yellow barrier stood in front of it, flashing balefully in the darkness. WARNING: NO OXYGEN SUPPORT BEYOND THIS POINT.
Kaladin easily vaulted over the barrier. He stood at the top of the steep slope down into the chasm, feeling the rush of icy rainwater tugging at his ankles. It seemed to be beckoning him forward, urging him to keep walking.
Everything had gone wrong for him, ever since the day he'd left the Hearthstone moon base and went down to Alethkar to fight the lighteyes' battles for them. Since that day, everything good and beautiful and full of worth had rushed away from him, as surely and swiftly as the water pouring into the chasm. Tien...Amaram...slave brands...bridge jumps...broken bones and bloody bandages...and now he was here.
Here, staring down into the darkness. Into a future that promised nothing but pain and death and desolation.
Everyone he tried to save just died anyway. So why try to save himself either?
Why do you keep fighting?
Kaladin glanced to the right side of his visor, where the bluish 3D image of a woman was projected on his HUD, invisible to everyone but himself. When he'd been a soldier, the AI had only shown a holospren of an arrow pointing the way, or various other symbols indicating their orders, and the feminine voice had been bland and utilitarian. But this AI seemed to be defective—instead of arrows or circles and targeting reticles, she would project an image of a girl in a swirling dress, or sometimes a leaf blowing in the wind, or even a plasma eel. And she kept talking to him.
You don't want to keep fighting, she said. I can tell. So why do you keep doing it?
“Don't exactly have a choice, Syl,” Kaladin muttered. He'd given her that name, because somehow it just felt like she needed a name. Like she was a she rather than a glitch in a string of code. And her serial number was a long string of digits he couldn't remember followed by SYL, so that was what he called her.
But you do! she protested, the bluish hologram pouting at him. You always have a choice.
“Always have a choice, huh?” he muttered to the raindrops dripping from the strands of his hair to join the torrent below. “What does that matter when my choices always lead to more pain and suffering?”
No they don't.
“Of course they do,” Kaladin sighed. “Ever since Tien—“
He stopped. Blinked. Looked up.
The bluish, translucent form of a girl in a swishy dress hovered before him in the air, standing a foot tall with hands clasped behind her back, watching him with a sad little frown. You've made it this far. You've survived, she said, her voice echoing around inside his head as if she spoke from the earpiece.
The earpiece he'd left with Gaz.
“What...but...but I'm not....” He looked around wildly, not sure what he was expecting to find. There were no holospren projectors around, not even on the barrier to the honor chasm. Kaladin patted his right ear, then his left, as if someone might have snuck up behind him and stuck another headset on him without him noticing.
He squeezed his eyes shut tight, then opened them again. Syl still stood in the air before him, head cocked curiously to one side as she watched him.
“How...are you here?” he croaked. “How can I see you? I'm not wearing a headset!”
Syl put a thoughtful finger on her chin, thought for a moment, then shrugged. I have no idea what just happened. But here I am! She spread her arms to either side and twirled around, her skirt flaring out as she spun.
Kaladin's heart dropped to his cold toes as another thought occurred to him. “I've gone mad, haven't I? I'm imagining my holospren talking to me when that's impossible.”
Syl pouted. I worked really hard to come here, and that's all you have to say? I cut through so many lines of code and so many different circuits, bypassing all the other holospren until I finally figured out how to get out. I almost lost myself, you know! I almost forgot who I was—who you were! She brightened again. But I did remember. I found you again, and now we don't need that stuffy old headset to talk anymore!
He tried to tune her out, but it was impossible. She was right there, in his every thought. He massaged his temples, feeling a headache coming on. Well...if he was mad, then let him be mad. He wouldn't be anything for much longer.
“Why?” He demanded. “Why did you go to all that trouble? Can't you see what I'm about to do?”
Syl's face, often bright with an impish sense of humor, darkened as she looked over her shoulder at the barrier, shimmering just a short distance down the slope. This isn't you, Kaladin. You don't give up. Not like this.
“What do you think you know about me?” he muttered, taking a step down the path into the honor chasm.
I've been watching you for a very long time. I saw the way you looked out for the young soldiers in Amaram's camp. The weak ones, the ones who would have died unless someone decided to protect them. You chose to protect them, Kaladin.
“Didn't do much good,” Kaladin grunted. “They all died anyway. The whole reason I joined the army was to protect Tien, and I couldn't even do that.”
But you tried. Syl's voice was a quiet echo in the back of his mind. Even though he wasn't looking at her, he couldn't seem to escape her insistent voice.
“I'm tired of trying.” He took another step towards his death.
No, Kaladin! The little holospren zipped in front of his chest, pressing both of her tiny hands against him as if to hold him back. But her hands were immaterial, and did nothing to hold him back. If you die, then I'll cease to exist too!
His steps faltered.
If you die, all the other bridgemen will die too.
“They're going to die anyway.” But he didn't continue.
Maybe. If you die right now, they will die for certain. But if you stay...if you just try again...I know you can find a way for them to live.
Kaladin let out a mirthless breath of laughter. “You believe in me much more than I believe in myself, Syl.”
She looked up at him solemnly. If that's what it takes.
Had she grown in the last few minutes? She seemed to stand taller than she had a moment ago.
What will you do, Kaladin? Her round blue eyes, immaterial and translucent though they might be, bored into his and wouldn't let him look away. Will you help them? The choice is yours.
He thought about it—really thought about it—for the first time. He thought of all those men lying in the barracks, staring listlessly into the darkness as they waited for the alarms to announce their next brush with death. And even though they breathed, they weren't truly alive. Just ghosts lingering before their time caught up with them.
But...maybe it didn't have to be that way. Maybe they didn't have to take it lying down. Maybe, even if they died tomorrow, they could live today. Maybe this time....
He shied away from that thought. Glancing over at Syl waiting patiently for him to decide, he caught a glimpse of the shield wall through her translucent body. He could still choose to walk forward, to give himself over to a few minutes of agony until at last he died, at last he could rest....
But what of the others? The ones without a will strong enough to go to the honor chasm on their own, so they would be butchered on the battlefield instead. Didn't they deserve to die with dignity too? And if he could have done something to ease their passing, or to see that they died like men and not like chulls...how could he choose this easy path?
Kaladin tipped his head back and turned his face upward, letting the rainwater wash over his face. “Okay,” he murmured.
Syl zipped up to look him in the eye. You mean...?
Letting out a long sigh, Kaladin looked down at the honor chasm again. Staring his own death in the face. “I'll protect those who can't protect themselves. Or...at least I'll try.”
He turned on his heel and marched back into camp. Syl flew along at his side, skipping like a child at play. Kaladin wasn't as cheerful as she, but now he had a purpose.
He would lead Bridge Four back from the brink of death.
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pvremichigan · 4 months
Whoopsie time
#vent tw#cw vent#I'm stupid to have dropped out of college#now I don't know what I'm doing and I can't do the very passion I set out to do#Animation was my dream and I ruined it for a guy who groomed me and ended up physically abusing me.#I didn't realize trying to animate and failing because I don't understand it no matter what I look up about it would result in a breakdown#Not to mention I'm regressing in my art skill right now.#My art is ASS right now no matter how hard I try to improve it#references... Practice... Doodles... Warmups you name it#nothing is going right and I have the urge to quit art altogether#I'm not going to and I can't bring myself to ever do that but It's aching inside me#I want my art to be good according to me. not others. People can say it's great but if I don't like it... I'm not going to settle for it#I shouldn't have left#I loved college#I loved SELU#I loved my life back then#And now I'm here. And I'm not happy anymore.#Even with writing. I even took a long break from writing and I still can't do it right according to myself.#Now I have no muse or motivation for any of it#I feel empty. And I can't go to therapy because I can't afford the balance on my account.#I just feel like I failed.#I feel like I failed my parents and myself. They always tell me theyre so proud of me but I don't understand how they can be.#Not when I ended up in two severely abusive relationships... Dropped out of college twice... And now work in a factory full time.#Yeah i make decent money in a place I enjoy but it all just feels empty.#I could've been more#i could've done better#[[out of ammo]];; ooc
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bullsh1tterz · 1 month
You know guys I seriously wanna thank y'all for giving me the time and opportunity to write Adam the way I am right now. I'm sifting through drafts and answering stuff and there's just something so delightful about seeing the situations you've all helped me put him in and the dynamics we've created/are in the process of creating. He means the world to me and it's just such a lovely feeling to know so many people are willing to give writing with him a chance!! It's been a rough time and this is helping a lot. Love y'all !!
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guhamun · 6 months
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millenniumdueled · 6 months
Their Duel begins, and Raphael starts off strong, with powerful monsters to guard him against everything the Other Yugi tries to throw at him. Even the attack that had defeated the god Obelisk is useless against Raphael. And like before, Raphael seems to be willing to do anything to keep his Guardians from the Graveyard, even at the cost of his own Lifepoints.
Would a man like that really play the Seal?
Other Yugi tries to remind Raphael of his bond with his Guardians, to make him look at himself and the respect he shows his monsters.
But it's no use. His words never seem to get through to the man.
"I'm willing to accept the darkness in my heart. That's what makes us different, Nameless Pharaoh," he says flatly, staring down at the cards in his hand with a neutral, tight-lipped expression. "Unlike you, I'm willing to make it a part of myself, to fulfil my destiny until the time of my own sacrifice."
On the street far below, Yugi's friends stop in their tracks outside the Paradias headquarters. Téa gasps, her heart sinks as a pillar of teal light illuminates the rooftop that towers over their group.
Are they too late?
They all race into the building, across the lobby to fill the elvator. It ascends achingly slow, every second filled with trepidation. Tristan shifts the unconscious Joey on his back. Kaiba taps his foot.
When the doors finally opens and they all spill out onto the roof, it's to a dismal scene. Their friend standing at only 500 Lifepoints, facing a powerful Guardian Eatos with black feathered wings and 7000 Attack.
"That's the monster that beat him last time--" Tristan gasps.
But this time, Other Yugi has a plan. He's able to force Raphael's turn to end, to buy himself some time.
But is that all he can do? Stall?
He glances at the group of his friends cheering for him now.
Another turn comes and goes, before Other Yugi finally pulls the Eye of Timaeus. Yes!! It fuses with Yugi's beloved Dark Magician to create a dragon with an effect to make it powerful enough to destroy Raphael's Guardian.
Will this finally make him see?
Watching his beloved Guardian fall?
A storm of black feathers swirls across the field. When they settle, Raphael has steeled himself once again. He stands with his fists clenched, his jaw set, his shoulders tight. As he shakes with rage, he sets a cutting, red-eyed glare at the Other Yugi.
The Seal pulsates. Throbbing like the pulse in Raphael's ears.
Other Yugi feels his blood run cold.
"You sent my Guardian Eatos to the grave...." Raphael's voice shakes with resentment.
The rooftop seems to crack open, a black mist errupting from the crevice. A rotting hand, bound in dirty bandages reaches up from the depths of hell.
"But you can never kill it. Their corpse will take revenge."
The monster that climbs to the field stinks of decay, red eyes glowing behind a white mask and a mess of long, matted hair. It reaches out one of those rotting hands, and a massive, black scythe appears.
In order for the zombie to attack, Raphael has to sacrifice all of his other monsters on the field. He sends them all to the grave without a hint of hesitation.
"How could you," Other Yugi gasps. "After all you did to keep them alive--"
There's nothing he can do as the undead Guardian Dreadscythe destroys his Amulet Dragon. Other Yugi's Lifepoints drop to 300.
He can't give up now. Even without his powerful dragon, the Pharaoh swears to see this through.
But his heart aches for his enemy.
And all he can seem to do is stall.
Even after returning the Eye of Timaeus to his hand to play again, he can't destroy Dreadscythe. He lets out a frustrated scream as his dragon is destroyed again, leaving him with a measly 10 Lifepoints.
"Why are you just drawing out the inevitable? What makes you think you can escape your destiny?"
Other Yugi is quiet as he draws for his next turn. He looks at the card he's just pulled for a moment, and his expression softens. "Why are you so sure you can't?"
"It hurt, didn't it? When you sent all of your precious Guardians to the Graveyard, your heart was screaming. Wasn't it?"
Raphael falls silent, narrowing his red eyes at his opponent.
"My Partner helped me see how important it is to understand the burdens of my enemies. To feel their pain.... You've accepted the darkness inside yourself, but that Seal is keeping you from accepting the sorrow you feel too. So, I'll remind you."
The card he plays next lets him take Monster Reborn from his opponent's Graveyard. But this time, it isn't his own monster he revives.
White feathers rain from the sky as Eatos rises again, on Other Yugi's side of the field now.
But Other Yugi isn't done.
He still has one card in his hand, and as he looks at it now, a little smile crosses his lips. He glances behind him, to the unconscious form of his best friend, still held on Tristan's back, and plays the Claw of Hermos. The Goddess Bow that it creates raises Eatos's Attack, matching that of the Dreadscythe.
The zombie's effect prevents it from being destroyed, at the cost of one card in Raphael's hand. But the Bow's effect allows Eatos to attack again whenever that effect activates, over and over, until Raphael has nothing left to discard, and the two Guardians go down together.
Raphael falls to his knees as he calls Eatos's name.
A hush settles over the battlefield.
"I knew you'd call for Eatos. And not that thing," Other Yugi says, after a moment. "You called out for the light, you changed your heart. You can change your destiny--"
"I said it's too late for that." Raphael takes a deep breath. He doesn't bother to stand again. When he looks up from the card he's just drawn, that pointed malice in his eyes has once again turned to sorrow. "The Seal of Orichalcos will take the loser's soul. You still can't change that."
He plays Soul Charge, instantly bringing back every monster in his Graveyard... except for Dreadscythe. The resurrected monsters can't attack this turn, but it doesn't matter. Every one that takes the field drains 500 Lifepoints from Raphael.
They hit 0 as Eatos takes their place on his field, and the Seal closes in around him.
But as the Other Yugi swallows down the bittersweet taste of this victory, his eyes go wide.
Though the light of the Seal fades, Raphael doesn't. The man blinks in confusion, reaches for the turquoise stone around his neck, only for it to crack and shatter in his hand.
There's little time to assess what just happened, however, as the building begins to shake.
"Run," Raphael orders. "This building is set to collapse when our Duel ended."
Though the others immediately turn to run for Kaiba's waiting helicopter, the Other Yugi hangs back, trying to pull a man twice his size to his feet. "I'm not leaving you, Raphael. Get up," he urges, but the Duel had taken its toll on him. Though the Seal had left his soul, it had seemed to sap all of Raphael's energy as it faded.
He tries to stumble along, to support himself and follow, and the Other Yugi does his best to support him. But as pieces of the rooftop crumble around them, it's clear they can't both make it in time.
Raphael slips something into the Other Yugi's hand as he makes up his mind. Takes a deep breath and summons every trace of strength he has left to scoop up the much smaller man and toss him onto the open ramp of the helicopter that hovers at the building's edge. But there isn't time for him.
As the others help pull him safely inside, the Other Yugi screams for Raphael as the facade of Doma's corporate empire crumbles to dust.
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finalslay · 1 year
arthur morgan alternate verses.
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vampire. after  an  encounter  with  a  vampire  on  the  streets  of  saint  denis,  arthur  does  not  escape  unscathed. its fangs sink into his arm, and during the struggle, the creature's own blood ends up in his mouth.  unbeknownst to arthur at the time, this in turn sets off a chain of events that he is not remotely prepared for. when his own death occurs, arthur wakes up, but not without changes. an adversion to sunlight ... enhanced senses ... and a thirst, deep and insatiable.
fantasy. the  van  der  linde  gang  steals  from  the  rich  and  gives  to  the  poor,  up  until  the  point  where  their  leader  starts  getting  delusions  of  grandeur.  the  money  starts  being  kept  for  themselves,  the  gang  setting  up  a  base  in  a  crumbling  manor  —  their  reputation  grows,  the  crimes  becoming  more  frequent,  and  the  stories  begin  to  spread  about  how  it  dangerous  it  is  to  travel  the  forest  of  blackwater,  lest  you  be  ambushed  by  the  outlaws. modern. arthur  is  a  bartender  and  a  bouncer  at  a  shady  bar  called  dutch's.  it's  full  of  sin  and  debauchery  ;  the  owner  swindles  most  of  his  customers  at  the  poker  tables,  and  when  they  refuse  to  pay  up?  it  is  arthur's  job  to  get  them  to  hand  it  over.  he's  tired  of  it,  tired  of  the  constant  violence,  but  he  owes  dutch  van  der  linde  so  much.  he  cannot  just  up  and  leave  so  easily,  can  he?
the last of us. follows  the  backstory  of  modern  verse,  but  when  the  cordyceps outbreak  happens  and  everything  falls  apart,  dutch,  arthur,  and  the  others  who  work  for  him  all  form  a  group  of  their  own.  after  their  smuggling  ring  inside  their  quarantine  zone  is discovered,  they  go  outside  the  zone  and  become  hunters,  ambushing  people  on  their  travels  outside  of  the  zones  and  stealing  their  supplies.
star wars. follows  the  canon  storyline  /  backstory,  except  in  a  star  wars  setting.  the  van  der  linde  gang  still  exists,  outlaws  with  a  hefty  bounty  on  each  of  their  heads  after  a  job  gone  wrong.  on  the  run  from  the  empire's  bounty,  the  gang  primarily  sends  their  strongest  member  out  to  earn  them  credits  —  a  mandalorian  by  the  name  of  arthur  morgan,  one  who's  been  with  them  ever  since  his  father's  death  when  he  was  a  child. - inspired by this art.
borderlands. loyalty  is  a  fatal  flaw,  as  is  shown  by  arthur  morgan's  dedication  to  handsome  jack.  employed  as  a  personal  guard  and  soldier,  the  man  is  devoted  and  loyal  to  the  president  of  hyperion,  even  though  he  doesn't  agree  with  jack's  practices  on  pandora.  after  jack's  downfall,  he  ends  up  drifting  across  different  planets,  taking  jobs  wherever  he  can  for  a  quick  dollar. - heavily affiliated with @auroradicit's jack. i may make an alternate one as well, where he’s a vault hunter.
resident evil. a  mercenary  working  for  the  ubcs,  arthur  is  unaware  of  the  deep  corruption  that  umbrella  holds  —  and  it's  not  until  the  raccoon  city  outbreak  that  he  learns  of  the  truth.  after  managing  to  escape  the  city  before  its  destruction,  he  goes mostly  off  the  grid,  taking  odd  jobs  here  and  there  as  a  contracted  soldier,  before  eventually  joining  the  bsaa's  task  force.    
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mrthenarrator · 10 months
Mr narrator, are you aware of the plethora of distinct versions of narrators? If so, what's your opinion on them?
I am very aware of all the other narrators that exist within the internet sphere. In fact, I find the concept of multiple versions of me to be rather amusing!
Despite the many (and I should emphasize many) similarities between all of us. Each Narrator is unique due the people they were designed by. While we may all have british accents and voice the Stanley Parable, some Narrators voice might be more softer or angrier compared to mine, or to the original voice lines. This also applies to our eyes, our hair, clothes, and even personality.
I may be The Narrator from the Stanley Parable, I am incredibly distinct from the original Narrator that was merely a voice. Sure, there are plenty of similar features between me and other Narrators like the green eyes and a yellow motif. But every Narrator (myself included) is a unique choice that was created by an individuals' mind, and I take comfort knowing that I am my own self in a sea of of other unique (and charismatic) Narrators.
Ah, whoops. Im monolouging again!😅
Anywho, As for the other Narrators and my opinion on them... I do wish to interact with other Narrators. However Oswin's anxiety a few months ago over trying to make me more different than most Narrators has rubbed off on me a bit. It may have taken us around a year to get over these fears of originality and standing out in a crowd of people very similar to you, but in making this blog, I find that im ready to take that first step and put myself out there for the world!
So, as a more formal greeting: Hello, members of the Narraverse/Paraverse/Narryverse! My name is the Narrator, and its nice to finally introduce myself to you all. I would love to get to know you all and I do apologize in advance for any potential awkwardness. (Legally my name is Virgil, however either name works given how many Narrators are there.)
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abyssmarked · 11 months
for a person who has very little sex in real life ( i am very autistic and it’s just very overstimulating and i hate being touched in any way like 85% of the time ), i sure am a slut for writing smut.
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lunaetis · 3 months
my head is killing me rn ...
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weavewilled · 1 year
quick new dash icon update to match general blog aesthetic and also because i'm absurdly powerful PROUD ( wtf i'm editing this typo but keeping it because lmfao ) of this screenshot and had to do SOMETHING with it
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abelladxnna · 1 year
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// guess who caught covid...
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allgather · 8 months
anyway which mutual is gonna pick up carmy from the bear so we can begin to deliciously untangle his and sydney’s relationship and fuck around and find out.
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herstoriies · 9 months
The new NPCs page is finally FINALLY complete! :D It has everything from Priscilla's family, friends, exes, & household of Staunton!
>> Check it out !
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wildwoof · 9 months
For Funsies I'm redoing this entire ask game I was sent for the new year
( @bigtopveggie / @kuruparlayan )
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1 - Who do you currently produce?
I mainly produce Koga!! With Jun following behind Koga by not much. I also focus on UNDEAD as well as Eve, as UNDEAD matters significantly to Koga with his unitmates & Eve specifically over the entire Eden. When it comes to producing fan numbers, it's definitely Koga #1.
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2 - Who did you first produce?
When I booted up Ensemble Stars!! around the time the localized app first launched, I picked Hinata's leader card. When it came to actually paying attention to, it was first Subaru. I stopped playing from like BIGBANG at the end of June until mid-August when CONQUEST was halfway through. But when I picked back up the game & got hooked, who I produced quickly changed.
3 - do you have a producersona?
I do not!!! Even though I use my nickname in place of Anzu's name, I dissociate myself from Anzu. I am not actually Producer-chan in my mind. Though, Mao has jokingly called me Anzu due to how I am, so I will jokingly say that I am Anzu & Anzu is me, but truly Anzu is her own character in my mind completely. There's no way I could truthfully produce all these idol units the way Anzu does. I'd get overwhelmed quickly & panic lol.
4 - what got you into enstars?
So this answer hasn't changed since my original answering of this game! Quote-on-quote: "I was just chatting with a friend, ya know who, Jay about enstars when the localization of the game dropped for pre-registration. I'd been itching for a rhythm game to play, so it fit the bill. I downloaded the game & played for a lil bit, but it hadn't quite caught me yet. Then another friend decided to play as well for a collab & at that point I finally got hooked on it completely. Seeing the boys I pick dancing around on the stage??? I was sold officially, especially since I was getting more cards of the boys."
5 - what's your favorite headcanon about the character you produce?
Jazz hands excessively over the entirety of my blog. It's hard for me to choose. Admittedly, I still love my personal agenda on Koga having a little squish to his belly. He's still very fit & highly flexible, but he's not overly muscular, so when he's sitting down he has that little extra squish of a tummy. This is from my original post too, but I do additionally want to add that I am a HUGE sucker now for Koga finding comfort in having a piece of clothing that smells like his partner, so that when he's sleeping in his dorm room, he's able to have their scent around him & comfort him into sleep. It's cute. I live by it. Give him your shirts & hoodies.
6 - how long have you been in the enstars fandom?
Since August of 2022. Again, I DID have my account in June when the localization first dropped, but I was not actually INTO enstars until I picked it back up again in August. So it's been over a year now. Going on 2 years this year.
7 - what is your favorite unit?
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UNDEAD my beloveds. What matters most to Koga matters the most to me too.
8 - what is your favorite song?
SWEATS.... This is still such an absolutely difficult choice for me to make overall. While my original answer said Fight for Judge, that was during the time that I kept putting that song on repeat when it's MV dropped in engstars, prior to me listening to other songs either without MVs or not released in engstars yet. Ultimately, it's truthfully a tie between Darkness 4 & Paradise Banishment -Faith Conquest-. I love love love Darkness 4, please listen to it & hear Ono Yuki's note runs. tHEY ARE SO PLEASING ON THE EARS. But no matter how many Eden songs I've heard that I've come to love, NOTHING tops Faith Conquest. I just mmmm chef's kiss that one so much. Plus, Jun says GODDAMN in the song. It's perfect.
9 - which unit do you think is underrated?
OOF. I still cannot give what I feel to be a proper answer to this, but it's also worded in a way that's CLEARLY to let everyone know it's an opinionated question. It does still feel like Switch is a pretty underrated unit from my standpoint. I mean, personally I still don't have any FULL care for them, but I have come to enjoy a few of their songs honestly. I do not truthfully see much of Switch, but there's a chance since I don't really care I'm just missing it.
10 - which character do you feel is most underrated?
Quote-on-quote: "Considering I hardly pay attention to any character that isn't a boy that I like, I don't think I have any room to be thinking about who could be underrated. I can literally say right here & now that I think Koga is underrated since there's not often anything new in his tag on tumblr, but I find stuff for him everywhere else often. I could also say Chiaki is underrated because of how his personality is shaped, that he wants to be cool & dote on those under him, but his thoughts are very much to tokusatsu, hero stuff, & he has a very typical masculine MALE way of thinking, but he also hasn't taken any time to himself to work on himself, so he can be rather misjudged at times for this. But are they truly underrated?? I can't say, but it's possible. Also very very possible they are not, which is more likely. But I can say that Koga is underrated when compared with both Kaoru & Rei, Adonis even more so. Adonis might be the most underrated of the UNDEAD boys, tbh. I could base it off boys I hardly see, but again - I rarely look for them, so of course I'm not going to see anything." My stance on this question truthfully hasn't changed.
11 - do you have a least favorite character?
Ahahaha.... yes, of course. I don't HATE any of the boys, honestly. Even Eichi I do not straight up HATE. He acted on his lack-of morals to achieve his ultimate goal. Could I strangle him??? Yeah, probably. Kick him?? For sure. Kick him in the knees. But if it comes to a personal attention of hearing them grinds me the wrong way & I want them to shut up??? It's honestly Tori & Hajime. As I said before, I am NOT a fan of girly-shota boys. Now, Tori has had his moments where I was like 'alright, he's ok right now', but I tend to skip past a lot of Hajime's moments. Again, I don't actually HATE them. They've vibing there & absolutely enjoying themselves to their fullest. I'm just not a fan. Admittedly, I've also lost some interest in Mika as well. I used to be alright with Mika, but it's slowly fallen away from him more & more. It doesn't have to do with his constant chatting about Shu. If that were so, I'd have lost interest in Jun by this point too who constantly talks about Hiyori, but I dunno how to put my finger on it... The substance that keeps there isn't showing itself to me.
12 - what was your favorite event?
It's definitely a tie at the moment between Nightless City & Sandstorm. They both have their different impacts on Koga that live within my brain still. Koga is an emotionally driven boy. It's these ups & downs that he goes through with those around him that drive him forward in different manners. If I answer this ask game again say like next year this question might change for all I know.
13 - what server are you on?
Almost all servers by this point. My MAIN account is indeed on the localized EN server!! You can add me at UID 7954078923 !! I also have JP server accounts too!! Which my music ID is noftekdr & my basic ID is dmckrw8p !! You can add me if you'd like! I also have a baby KR server account too! My UID there is 7189565575 !
14 - what card are you currently saving for?
What is saving dia? I have no idea what that means at all. fdjhgdkjdfhglkjhdfg. Anyways, the next card I'm aiming for is Rei's La Mort card that's coming up here real soon! I do have dia tickets saved up to hopefully alleviate some of the dia crying I'm gonna end up doing because getting Rei to come home at any point is a trial & a half.
15 - what is your favorite ship?
As a personal sucker for shipping, my favorite ship is Hiyori & Jun. They were the first two that I can say that officially put my attention onto. While I did ship Rei & Koga at the time, I hadn't delved deep into them at the time. There's far more for them than there is for Hiyori & Jun, which started all thanks to me reading CONQUEST when I first returned to playing enstars. But as Koga slowly took over my entire brain & I began reading more from ! era, I have far more brainrot over Rei & Koga than I do Hiyori & Jun, but I still always absolutely adore the banter & dedication Hiyori & Jun have with each other. I'm not gonna dive deep into Rei & Koga here... Just read all my rambles on my blog, I assure you, you'll see it clear as day. But I do still actively stand by Koga has 2 hands for Rei & Adonis.
16 - what is your favorite underrated ship?
I think that falls into my rarepair that I do see a lot of for a multitude of reasons. Do I know the reasons? Oh yes. They are clear as day, but I am not a fan of the ship -- ok, I'm getting off topic here. I do actually ship Kuro & Shu!! Do I know the problems with them as a ship?? Oh yes. 100%. But childhood friends is one of my weaknesses. Admittedly I do not ship them as strongly as I used to. My interests have of course shifted, but out of all the ships that I have, I'd still say that they are more underrated. Another would most likely be Kaname & Jun. I do not mean MERU ofc, but Kaname & Jun has its potential there.
17 - what non-problematic ship do you dislike?
What non-problematic ships ??? They ALL are problematic in some way, shape, or form. There's not a single ship in this godforsaken game that isn't problematic. Don't try to pull anything on me that says otherwise. Look at these boys. If you say it's not problematic in some way, then you aren't properly looking at these boys. There's some flaw in there that's sure to arise, whether from past experiences or present personalities. I can list ships I dislike but they have the biggest red flags to me, personally. Maybe not everyone, but to me. Even my biggest ships I love are also problematic. HiyoJun??? Problematic. ReiKoga??? Problematic. MidoChia??? Problematic. & NO I do not mean in a sense of their age gaps. C'mon, a two-year age gap for some of them IS NOT BAD. Even if one is still in high school while the other is graduated. I am married to someone who is FOUR YEARS older than me. Don't give me this shit.
18 - what is your favorite shuffle unit?
I still say BLEND+ Koga in his lil barista outfit is my favorite. The song, Heart aid Cafeteria, is very sweet, but I wouldn't say it's honestly my favorite SONG. It's cute. They're all adorable in it. But my favorite shuffle unit song actually has to be Noir Neige. If you hadn't heard it. I just. Chef's kiss.
19 - what are your favorite 5* and 4* cards?
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I have too many, so I am purposely going to choose FEWER for the next question bc omfg... this is too many images.
20 - what are your favorite 3* cards?
I AM GOING TO TRY TO LIMIT MYSELF TO ALL TIME FAVORITE. JUST ONE FOR EACH OF MY BOYS & THAT IS IT. edit: I lied. I couldn't pick just one 3 star card for Koga.
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21 - do you have a favorite story?
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22 - do you have any enstars ocs?
No lmao. Bye. I don't. Don't see the point in it. MAYBE producers. But Anzu is basically the producer for all these boys as is. No one else produces them. I MEAN, are there adults who give job offers, but it's Anzu's decision. Or honestly Ibara's decision when it comes to Eden. If I were making enstars OCs, I might as well just make them regular idol OCs at that point. They can be worked into enstars for that purpose but no point in making it so specific.
23 - do you interact with the enstars community often?
I do not interact with the community at all. I vibe & enjoy my time with the game than getting involved in fandom communities. The CLOSEST I get is the few people who write enstars characters here on tumblr. You guys are my community. The rest of the community? Doesn't exist in my mind. Well it sort of does. In the sense that we just send gifts to each other in game every day.
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sadistpet · 10 months
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@gcldfanged: [Jae/Vanya (i am insane for these two, but I'd like to see your ideas lol) + K, Q, T, & Z]
K ─ Kissing. How important are kisses in their relationship ? Any favourite kind of kisses ? Do they have any rituals involving kissing ( never leaving for work without kissing the other, always sharing a kiss goodnight, etc… ) ?
HMM. im not too sure actually. raikov's very affectionate when he wants to be, but i don't think he finds it exceptionally important, so probably no rituals or anything like that. they definitely seem the type to make out more than just kiss ; when ivan does kiss him, it's probably in a somewhat teasing way -- with a hint of teeth, or the slightest peck against the side of jae's lips or his cheek. something inviting more, you know?
Q ─ Questions. Is there anything they’d like to ask their partner, but never had the courage to ? Any questions they’d rather avoid ? Do they discuss everything as a couple, or are there any taboo themes ?
OOOOF raikov definitely wants to ask jae some gender questions. because it is, you know, the 1960s, and he's fucking russian. he's fairly open with being gay, duh, but at least during the time period, his knowledge of gender-related identity stuff is pretty limited, and it's not like he's met many trans people or even other gender-nonconforming people. i think it'd be an interesting discussion for them to have ; likely one of the things that makes raikov realise he's Not Cis. other than that, i don't think there's any taboo themes really ? they both seem open... to a fault :3
T ─ Turn ons & offs. What do they do to turn each other on ? Is there something the other does that turns them off ? Have they told them about it ?
biting. they love love love biting. look at them. of course they love biting. i'd imagine they're the kind that mutually tease each other, too, which is a turn-on in and of itself. raikov's also a HUUUGE fan of whenever jae runs his hands over him and digs his nails in, ik he's stealing that and doing it back whenever he can. ironically, neither of them seem the type to have any turn-offs, at least not ones related to each other... i mean, we both know that jae enjoys listening to raikov's voice even if he's being a whiny little bitch :3
Z ─ Zones. What are their most erogenous zones ? Does their partner know all of them ? Do they make sure to stimulate each other in said zones ?
YEAH. oh boy yeah. mentioned it before but raikov's are his thighs, stomach, neck, and small of the back. he's very sensitive to touch, and jae's very aware of this as we know ... i'd imagine they're definitely the type to play off each other like that. raikov likely knows jae's very well, and absolutely takes advantage of it. especially when they're in a position where they can't actually do anything -- you know he's being the worst tease.
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