#My art is ASS right now no matter how hard I try to improve it
pvremichigan · 4 months
Whoopsie time
#vent tw#cw vent#I'm stupid to have dropped out of college#now I don't know what I'm doing and I can't do the very passion I set out to do#Animation was my dream and I ruined it for a guy who groomed me and ended up physically abusing me.#I didn't realize trying to animate and failing because I don't understand it no matter what I look up about it would result in a breakdown#Not to mention I'm regressing in my art skill right now.#My art is ASS right now no matter how hard I try to improve it#references... Practice... Doodles... Warmups you name it#nothing is going right and I have the urge to quit art altogether#I'm not going to and I can't bring myself to ever do that but It's aching inside me#I want my art to be good according to me. not others. People can say it's great but if I don't like it... I'm not going to settle for it#I shouldn't have left#I loved college#I loved SELU#I loved my life back then#And now I'm here. And I'm not happy anymore.#Even with writing. I even took a long break from writing and I still can't do it right according to myself.#Now I have no muse or motivation for any of it#I feel empty. And I can't go to therapy because I can't afford the balance on my account.#I just feel like I failed.#I feel like I failed my parents and myself. They always tell me theyre so proud of me but I don't understand how they can be.#Not when I ended up in two severely abusive relationships... Dropped out of college twice... And now work in a factory full time.#Yeah i make decent money in a place I enjoy but it all just feels empty.#I could've been more#i could've done better#[[out of ammo]];; ooc
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aether-weather · 1 year
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pocketmau5 · 6 months
“Never Satisfied” being discontinued feels like the end of an era for me.
Specifically web comics with privately hosted sites. All the webcomics I read at that time of its production are all “dead” now: Monster Pop by Maya Kern, Monsterkind by Enenkay/Taylor C, Cucumber Quest by GiGi, Paranatural by Zack, and I thought Sakana was gonna be but it came back after a 3 year hiatus. (There are more, but I can’t remember their names. There is one where I distinctly remember the alt text on a page saying how another artist “lovingly redlined Avery’s ass”) A lot of newer comics are hosted on apps, like webtoons, now. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I think it’s convenient that they are all here together, but I do miss how incredibly personalized and charming browser experience each comic had. It’s just kinda odd to feel the passage of time and how things change in this way
Majority of the comic artists I follow have shifted away from comics and instead have taken to writing novels because they hell of a lot easier. Which is great for them and I definitely encourage doing whatever it takes for your mental and physical health. I think having the ability to write novels are an incredible skill and feat in of itself! However, I can’t help but feel a bit dejected. Because of my reading disability and vision impairments, I can’t enjoy these stories when they are converted from a comic into written form. It’s difficult for me to read walls of text, and even harder for me to retain it. Even typing this is difficult. I just have to pray that I didn’t make any typos and that this shit is actually coherent! And since these books are all very small productions, none of them are on audible so I can’t even listen to it. Sure, there is text to talk, but BOY is it hard for me to retain anything I’ve heard when the Stephen Hawking synthesizer is reading to me. Maybe it’s the cadence? Regardless, a lot of the comics I listed above have an ending written out that I will never be able to know of because I suck at reading. Hell! I’d be more willing to “tough it out” and struggle for long periods of time, but reading fatigues me something fierce. I got maybe 5 minutes max before I have go lay down. I don’t even get to retain what I read either! I just get exhausted, and I’m useless for the rest of the day.
For some reason, comics don’t seem to do that. I have absolutely no idea why. It is the only written media I can consume with ease. All I know is that I hate it, and it fucking sucks to be this way. If I know how I could fix it, I would. But so far, nothing seems to do anything,
I know it’s selfish of me, but I am curious if artists would be more inclined to finish a project if there was better system for comic artists. Of the comic artists I have followed years ago and still continue to make comics usually have a partner that they work with. Perhaps if there could be some kind of business platform where there was a team of artists working on an idea, like what they do with animations. ….However, considering how underpaid and overworked artists in general are, I’m sure the only improvement would be the rate of production. I know that is especially bad in other countries. They overwork and underpay their employees, which doesn’t really help resolve burnout, the whole issue I’m trying to address. Not that I have any right to say anything on the matter. My stupid ass can’t make more than 6 pages of a webcomic before hitting an art block.
Unrelated, but something I think is kinda funny is how many artists and comic artists I follow that have come out as trans within the last couple of years. In hindsight, it is probably why I liked and connected to their work so much.
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praphit · 1 year
GHOST: Too Sexy for this Life
Normally, I'm foraging the landscape, looking for some good action or horror to munch on.
I spotted "The Pope's Exorcist". I said, "Look, everybody, it's Russell Crowe! -  He’s getting drunk and binding demons!" We got up to go, but got possessed by a spirit ourselves  - it's called laziness.
That and the spirit of being broke (being body slammed by tax season can make some folks question ticket prices :)
So, we sat back down, and stumbled upon the 1990's film "GHOST". I haven't watched this since I was a kid.
Yeah, it's time for a Back in the Day review!
If you want action - there it is. 
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A LOT of action. Demi Moore might need a neck brace after all of that action. And the after-life scares most people, so it checks the boxes. Here we go:
Back in the day, you weren't going to get much sexier than Patrick Swayze.
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And he knows it, that's why he gives the people what they want in the first scene of "Ghost" - he's swinging around a sledgehammer, with no shirt on.
That's right! Sam Wheat (Swayze) is shirtless, sweaty, dirty and madly in love with aspiring artist Molly (played by Demi Moore)
He's breaking down walls for his woman; that's love! His powers of sexy know no bounds:
Whether it's home improvement, or saving Molly from potentially falling out a window (y'all remember that angel scene? 
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- why they're trying to bring the angel statue in through the window and not via elevator/stairs is still a mystery to me).
Oh and there's an scene when Sexy Sam Wheat wakes up to that angel statue in his bed. When I was a kid, that scene kinda scared me. Idk why. It’s a weird needless scene. It's just an angel statue succumbing to Sam Wheat's powers.   Awwwwyeah.
There's that iconic scene when Molly is listening to "Unchained Melody" and working vigorously on a piece of art.
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  Sam Wheat saunters in and bleeps it all up. Saying "Sorry, baby. Was that important? I see you worked long and hard on that. But, it's time I worked long and hard on you. Awwwwyeah." As lame as that line is, he's so sexy, and in love, and supportive of her that it doesn't matter. He can even get away with not saying the words "I love you" to her. That wouldn't fly with most women at that stage of relationship.
Rude, right?? For her to say "Sam Wheat. I love you." And for him to always only reply "Ditto". Most people would be like "WTF kinda response is that?!" But, Molly is possessed by the most dangerous spirit of all - love:)
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It was all so perfect, but then this dude was envious of all of that sexiness and love.
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  He said to himself "Damn you, Sam Wheat! No woman will look at me because you're around. I want some lovin! What about me?! When do I get booty??! Aaaaaaaah!" He also wanted some money, so long story short:
he found a dude named Willie to do some dirty work for him,
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 and now sexy Sam Wheat is dead.
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When one is a ghost, we learn that the powers of sexiness aren't much good; the whole lack of a body thing. So, Sam must find Whoopi Goldberg (Oda Mae Brown),
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 and use her body to get REVENGE, and to save his love, Molly.
With Whoopi's help, Sam learns that there's more to life (and death) than simply being sexy. This lesson learned enables him to become SUPER SAM! 
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Out there kickin ass in the streets! - with his new ghost powers!
"Ghost" is as good as I remember it being. Demi Moore is good in it,  AND I forgot how good she is at that I-might-cry-at-any-moment-look.
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Tony Goldwyn is also good (dude who was envious of Sam's sexiness)! - good at making us hate him, but still. And then there's the comedy duo of Whoopi and Patrick Swayze. I mean it. They’re so funny together. I wish we could have gotten more movies with those two.
My only complaint is that it's a lil longer than it needs to be. But, that's mainly due to Patrick Swayze's sexiness. His love/sex/foreplay scenes go on forever. I imagine that the director and editors simply didn't have it in them to say "No more"; they were too turned on.
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Only 76%  from critics on RT. That was a surprise to me. I saw some complaints of wanting a pure romance story. I saw some complaints about racial humor (not that the humor was racist, but that some didn't want race mentioned). I saw some complaints about the overall message of death/after-life. Not many technical complaints though. So Idk.
... I will say that there's some weirdness:
- Sam using Oda Mae's body to get it on with Molly.
- A subway poltergeist that everyone seems to be fine with (It IS NY, so not as bad as the rat problem, I suppose)
- Heaven is a lil bit lax when it came to gathering souls. Demons would come for the dead, quickly, saying "Nah, your ass is done. We're going to Hell RIGHT NOW!" Heaven was more "Oh, you still have things to do? Ok, well, we'll be back after you've sufficiently caused chaos with your ghost powers."
But, all of that makes me love this movie more. Grade: A-
I still want to see "The Pope's Exorcist".
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I hear that Russ is great, but the movie is MEH, like any other exorcism movie that's not "The Exorcist" or The Conjuring" Perhaps if they were to take a page from "Ghost"'s book, and add romance and some comedy. There needs to be more of that. More movies like "Ghost" please, Hollywood.
Russell Crowe is in love with a demon (played by Maya Rudolph). She possesses (... we need a serious actor to keep it grounded)... maybe Viola Davis. Russ gets on top of her... and IT IS HOT! And he says "I see you in there. And I love, baby. BUT, I'VE GOTTA SEND YOU TO HELL!"
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keefwho · 2 years
November 18 - 2022
8:24 AM
I feel like a bad person in general today but I’m still determined to be my best. Ruminating over everything I might have done wrong won’t help me. I can only focus on being better than I was before. 
Im trying to avoid getting in my own head. I’m making a lot of assumptions right now but I know how easily that can lead to a drastic misinterpretation of events. 
12:20 PM
God I hate disingenuous people. I have someone asking if I’m okay because I didn’t do their request from yesterday yet. It seems kind hearted on the surface but they are always kissing my ass around request time, its too obvious. Now I just feel icky knowing they might be faking concern because they just want their art. Not good on a day where I already feel kinda unwanted.
1:18 PM
I don’t know why I even journal here. At the start it was to get my feelings out so I could read them and do exercises. I guess it still is but sometimes it feels like a chore. I don’t want to just rant here because it doesn’t solve much. Usually I try to be open and honest to myself about how I’m feeling and offer myself a solution/suggestion. And I like doing it publicly because I feel no need to write something only my eyes will see. If I keep everything in, it’ll just bottle up like crazy. I always want someone to hear how I feel or at least have the potential to. I strongly doubt anyone actually reads anything here which is kind of a good thing. Its enough for me to know it’s possible. 
3:36 PM
I keep getting in these deep ruts and I keep pulling myself out of them at some point. I just want to be able to catch them sooner. 
I remembered that my self worth shouldn’t be based on who I currently am, but who I’m trying to be. What matters is that I’m always putting in effort to do good for myself and others. It’s hard to remember that sometimes because everything demands time and patience. If I keep putting in the work, little by little I’ll become a better person. I have up until this point.
The work is what matters. If I put time into anything, that means I’m on the right path. 
5:23 PM
I feel like I’m masking/constantly fighting off this feeling of giga-misery at everything wrong in my life. Like it will never go away unless I keep making progress improving things. But it takes so long to do that and the whole time I have this massive pit in my chest about it. Whenever I get into a depressing rut, its that mask deteriorating but I always manage to bring it back and chug forward. I can only hope this deep despair goes away with self improvement. 
6:42 PM
WOOF what a night already. I dont even know what to do right now or the rest of the evening. My mental stamina has just been exhausted in an uncomfortable situation. It looks like no besties will be available tonight but I don’t want to be alone. And I don’t want to hang out with just anyone, sometimes like right now I’d rather be with someone I’m extra comfortable with. I want to CHILL. I need a plan. It’ll probably be a firm drink and VRchat solo world hopping. Or more drama, who knows. 
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hnychn · 4 years
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pairing: poly! bakusquad x gn! reader
summary: why settle for one lover when you could have five? 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 🐝: ugh i love the idea of all five of these assholes in one relationship !! it just makes my heart 😫. lmk what you thought of it, i appreciate any constructive criticism that'll help me improve 🤍 i'm also working on a shoto work next so!! PS. this ended up being a lot longer than i thought, so i'll be making it into diferent parts!
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞
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ur their baby
don't make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️
so first and foremost, how you became a part of their relationship.
surprisingly, it was bakugo who brought up the idea to the others 😳
you're not in 1a, but you are in the support class. you make them gadgets 😌
and bakugo met you when the last student who was supposed to be responsible for his costume design and other shit refused to work with bakugo anymore
that was the sixth guy to quit
so you offered to pick up his work 😌
otherwise the storyline wouldn't continue
so bakugo goes to you after school and is like, "listen here you fucking extra-"
and that's as far as he got before you interrupted him and was like:
"no yOU listen you hot-headed cyndaquil! the only reason you should be talking to me is if you want to submit a request for your costume. other than that, don't look at me. don't speak to me. don't even breathe near me. GOT IT?!"
and he was just. . .😳 damn
highkey thought your yelling was hot
so the weeks pass and surprisingly he listens to you and doesn't speak to you outside of making requests for his costume or giving feedback
and your relationship with him is relatively stable
you're not friends but you can live together without ripping each other apart
there's a term for it but i forget what it is
he starts coming by more often because there's a kink in one of your gadgets
so you ask him to stay after school to test it out and figure out what the problem is
you end up talking
and you realise he's not as much of an asshole as you thought he was
and your relationship turns into more of a "friendship" but not if that makes sense?
like, "ok so i don't hate you, but i still hate you."
does that make sense? i how it does
the two of you start saying hi in the halls or nodding at each other
bakugo's babies see this and are like ??
yes. yes he did 😌
so kirishima and mina try and convince him to introduce them to you
"why would i introduce you to that dumbass? they're nothing special."
he doesn't mean it, he's just flustered.
so kirishima, mina, kaminari, and sero start looking out for you in the halls
and they start picking up on your routine
without knowing they basically know your schedule
it's bakugo who points it out when kirishima said it was time to go
🦈 "oh! it's time to go guys!"
💥 "why? lunch isn't even over yet"
⚡️ "y/n usually goes to that vending machine by their art class during this time"
💥 ". . . how do you fuckers know that?"
and they're all silent like. . . how do they know that?
that's when it hits then that without them knowing, you slipped your way into their heart
because here they were,
right next to the vending machine where you always go 20 minutes before lunch ended to get a small snack
and when you get there and see bakugo surrounded by a bunch of people looking at you with starry eyed
". . . hi?"
mina lunges at you and asks how the hell you tamed bakugo
"easy, i beat his ass."
and you just snort at his reaction and put some coins into the vending machine
"why do you think your gauntlet backfired yesterday, dumbass?"
and he blanks like. . .wait. . . wAIT A MINUTE
you nod, "wish i was there to see it though."
and you pout
and they all just feel their heart go doki doki
so the bell rings for class to start and you say goodbye to them and kaminari promises to show you the video he took of bakugo's gauntlet backfiring tmr at lunch
and while they're walking to class, none of them are talking
which is very unusual
but they all know their thoughts are only of you
it's kind of like an unspoken agreement that they're all falling for you
they have a hard time paying attention in class that day.
so you rush over to the bakusquad and practically throw yourself at kaminari
because you wanna see that video
you don't notice he's a blushing mess and the others are staring a bit bitterly because
:I i want that
so he shows you the video and you start laughing so hard
and it's so contagious and soon they're all laughing
except bakugo because he refuses to laugh at himself
but they suddenly hear someone calling your name
and you all look over and see some guy who's also from general studies
they see you roll your eyes and mutter, "fucking hell" under your breath
so it's safe to assume you don't like this guy.
"hey l/n."
"hey tanaka. . ."
the boy shoves his hands in his pockets, "so about that date saturday-"
you might have slapped the bakusquad in the face with a fish because holy-
they never considered you were seeing anyone and now they're kinda heartbroken because oop-
caught feelings too quick 🙊
but you grind your teeth, "it's not a date tanaka. the teacher paired us up for a project because he knows you're so incapable of doing anything on your own you have to be watched like a child."
kaminari snorts a bit before slapping a hand over his mouth
mina grabs kirishima's arm and burries her face into his jacket to stifle her laughs
kirishima and sero and just staring at each other with wide eyes and slowly growing smiles like "bro did they just say that?" "dude i think they did!"
and bakugo. . .
he's staring at you with the proudest look in his eyes and a smirk because yeah, that's his baby
wait what.
now the boy is a bit embarrassed that you said that in front of some of the school's top heroes
so he sputters a bit before walking away with a red face
💥 "damn i didn't know you had that in you, spit fire."
you stare at him a bit with a small blush at the nickname
and you sputter out a thanks before making an excuse to leave (something about banana milk)
and they all stare at each other
⚡️ ". . .did they . ."
🦈 "was that a-"
🍊 "holy fuck that was-"
💥 "-adorable."
mina is took shocked to say anything
during this time, you bang to realise your feelings for the group as well
but you thought you were being selfish for wanting all five of them
so you kind of avoid them for the next few days in hopes of your feelings going away
you change up your schedule
and when you see them or one of then in the halls you turn around and go another direction
they were a bit confused as to what they did
but kirisima assured them that you were probably just working out your feelings and they should respect that
so they did
and they pretended it didn't hurt when you suddenly dart the other way when you see one of them
they gave you your space
and they thought you would come to them when you had everything worked out
until bakugo cane storming into the dorms one day
he was obviously pissed, but his eyes were also a bit glossy
so they all dragged him to kirishima's room since it was closest and asked him was was wrong
💥 "that dumbass quit from making my items."
and they were all kind of shocked
like wtf ??
uhm, for why?
you had assured bakugo that you wouldn't be another one of those losers who resigned because of his eccentric personality
and yet here we are
they spend the rest of the night in kirishima' room comforting bakugo
because he really took it the hardest
like sure the others liked you too,
but bakugo spent the most time with you
and developed a deeper relationship with you than the others
so the next day,
kirishima wants to talk to you
so he goes to the support room and bumps into hatsume as she was walking out
he asks her if you're in
"oh, yeah they are, I'll go get them for you."
this is a lot longer than i thought it would be uhhh oops
so you come out, not knowing it was kirishima asking for you because hatsume was vague
only telling you, "someone wants to talk to you"
like ok specifics??
you're like. . . oop heyyy. . .
because you knew what he was there for
the two of you don’t say anything for a bit
you’re just staring at your shoes and he’s looking at you with a small frown on his face 
lowkey he’s kinda disappointed in you
so he finally speaks first
“you quit.” 
it’s not a question, or something you were expecting 
but you nod 
there’s another silence 
you fiddle with your fingers for a bit. 
now this was a question you were expecting, though, you didn’t want to answer 
kirishima is a patient boy though, and waits for you to gather the courage to tell him 
he’s not leaving without an answer
“i just-” you begin, “i. . .” 
kirishima is still waiting patiently for your answer 
“i don’t want to be selfish.” 
now he surprised. wdym selfish. please explain.
“it’s just- you all already have such an established relationship and i don’t want to interrupt that. you guys have a schedule. adding myself into the mix would only mess all of that up, and no matter how strong my feelings are for all of you, i could never mess up your relationship like that. it would be so selfish of me to put my feelings before all of yours, so i thought the only way to get rid of these feeling as to distance myself from all of you...” 
“starting with bakugo...” kirishima whispered after your rambling came to an end. 
you nodded 
kiri was at a stand still for a bit 
and it was silent once again in the hall
kiri knew his lovers had feelings for you too, and would have no problem adding you into the relationship, 
but he also knew he couldn’t fore you into anything 
he was about to reassure you that you wouldn’t be interrupting anything and that they would love to have you in the relationship 
but then you were tackled 
to the ground 
by kaminari 
and smacked your head against the floor
really hard
like, you passed out 
ahaha. . .
when you wake up, your head feels like it’s going to split open
and the loud voices aren’t helping 
so you let out a groan, “shut the fuck up...” 
and everything goes silent. 
until someone SCREAMS AGAIN
it’s kaminari 
bless his soul
poor baby is a bit slow 
so you groan out again and clutch your head
bakugo slaps the back of kaminari’s head
“shut the fuck up, dunce face!” 
he whisper shouts
mina hands you some pain killers recovery girl said you give you when you woke up, and sero hands you a glass of water 
they’re all watching you as you take the pills 
it’s silent for a bit 
and it’s making you anxious, so you fiddle with the empty glass for a bit before bakugo snatches it from you, 
“dumbass...” he muttered as he refilled it and handed it back to you
sero rubs the back of his head, “so...” 
mina pulls at the hem of her sweater, “we heard everything you said to kirishima.” 
kaminari sits next to you on the bed and whispers, “sorry for tackling you. i just got a bit emotional...” 
I'm so sorry this is getting so long 😭😭 i'm trying to wrap this up so if it gets a bit jumbled, my bad
so they all reassyre you you're more than welcome into their relationship and wouldn't be interfering with anything
so you agree
and they're all so happy 🥳🥳
and while everyone is celebrating
(quietly because your head still feels like shit)
bakugo comes up to you
"you better start making my items again, dumbass. those other dipshits in your class don't know what they're doing."
bakugo only said that because they weren't you but he'd never outright say that to you
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🕯Anon said: just wanna say I adore your writing and how you write Reiner and the kids and the other warriors is my favourite thing ever !! I just wanna give them all hugs :) do u have any hcs for the types of jobs you see them all doing in modernverse ?🕯
The types of jobs they have in modern au
{Annie, Bertolt, Colt, Marcel, Pieck, Porco, Reiner, Zeke, }
{Implied Reiner x reader}
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{ "Porto" 1935 by Renato Natali 1883-1979 }
Annie is an Animal rescue worker.
Having had experience as a dog trainer before, it wasn't hard to find a full time job at her local shelter after graduating high school, having volunteered there before.
With time, effort and a lot of energy she made her way into the position of "animal control officer" now she spends her days busting animal's abusers doors and rescuing injured or neglected pets.
With long shifts and a high maintenance job, her time was all poured into her work. Usually she'd be exhausted after a long day.
Despite that, she's fulfilled and satisfied with her job. Not having to deal with a lot of people is a plus too, it's a hard job yes but she prefers it this way.
Her friends are bumped about not being able to see her a lot but they understand, plus she keeps in touch with them by lurking in the group chat only to send a snarky remark to stir the pot every now and then.
Bertolt sees her everyday because they work at the same animal shelter, even if their jobs are different they still walk home together, she also met some different people like Hitch and Marco at her job.
The kids love her job, they think it's badass, especially Gabi and Udo. Gabi because Annie gets to kick people in the face and Udo because he genuinely cares about animals.
She'd never tell anyone this, but part of the reason she wanted the job was because she felt guilty for her past self and wanted to fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves.
Bertolt is a veterinarian.
Having changed his mind post graduation and going to college instead of with Reiner, he graduated after 4 years of studying and is currently working with Annie at the local shelter while also planning to open his own clinic one day.
He takes some animals under his personal care for weeks or months even till they get adopted, he fears something bad will happen to the weak or ill ones if left at the shelter overnight.
Just like Annie, the job takes a lot of his time, not to mention caring for animals off of work. So he's in the same situation as her, but for the sake of his best friend he still finds time to visit and hang out once a week.
Reiner and him still text daily, it's mostly pictures Bertolt took of the animals, Annie on her break, interesting plants he finds along the way. And Reiner replies with pictures of the kids.
They still find time to play basketball together, they try to keep it a secret from Annie because she will kick their ass in it.
Bertolt is comfortable with his job, he feels like he belongs and likes being needed. Yes the long hours are a con but seeing the fruits of his labour grow and get better day by day makes it all worth it.
The kids like visiting his house because there usually will be a new dog or some animal in there every month or so, Reiner makes sure they don't bother the animals. 
Something he's never told anyone is a big part of the reason he changed his mind last minute was because Animals feel much safer and secure for him to work with than humans.
Colt is a college student working part time.
He's majoring in nursing, being a four years degree he's trying to balance his studies with work and taking care of Falco.
Zeke offered him to work full time after graduation at his clinic, since he's been working part time there for a while and the pay is good, plus it's really convenientnal.
He has worked different part time jobs in the past like a barista, flower shop assistant, tutor, kindergarten teacher, etc.
Between all his responsibilities he barely has time for himself, his courses end right before his work starts and the small bits in-between is spent on Falco and his friends. Zeke and Pieck try to take some of his responsibility but he refuses saying it's the least he could do to Falco.
He's really good at his job like multitasking, reading people, gaining their trust and having high stamina that he could stay for night shifts even.
He relies on coffee a lot.
Falco sees him as a real life superhero, they weren't that close before but after the incident he really started appreciating his big brother. 
Something he keeps inside is that despite pursuing this job because he genuinely wanted to make a difference in people's lives and help the sick, he also felt a crushing guilt after his parents passed away, and so he's trying to save other people's lives now instead.
Marcel is a pilot.
It's a dream he always had since middle school, soon after graduation he joined the military to gain enough flying hours and experience to apply to a commercial airline after taking some mathematics, aviation and some general flying courses.
He was officially hired as a pilot after getting his first class medical certificate to check his health.
His work isn't measured by hours to him but by days, he needs to be available 24/7 in case of an emergency call. Now he's working overseas and far away from his friends.
You've actually never met Marcel, only seen pictures of him and received letters. The person he keeps in touch with the most is Porco.
He likes his work, it's his dream. He doesn't like the work hours and being so absent from his friends and brother, he misses them so much at times.
Pieck is a tattoo artist.
Her shop is actually her old flower shop after she decided to change her career. She's always been good with plants and taking care of them, at that time Colt worked as her assistant. 
It wasn't till later after some years of practice and training under other artists that she was confident enough about her skills to start the project 
Her art is full of life, mesmerising and beautiful. She puts her soul in every piece and has gained a good reputation because of it, plus having really high ratings and strict hygiene rules, no health inspector could ever challenge her.
Having her own independent work meant that she has a very flexible schedule, being mostly free ment she could pursue other hobbies like gardening.
A peaceful and simple life where she can indulge in her art and be happy is all she ever wanted
Porco is a frequent customer of hers that gets a family discount, Zeke came once before and later sent his friend, a really tall and blonde woman who became her most frequent customer.
Zofia thinks her work is really cool and wants to go and just watch her do her thing, but it's frowned upon to have a kid just sitting at a tattoo shop.
Despite changing into this career, the town people still think of her as the sweet flower shop lady.
Porco is a bartender.
That job came to him by accident more than anything, he was working part time as a bouncer in a local bar but a slot was open after the old bartender suddenly quit and he gave it a chance.
He didn't expect to love it so much, neither did he know about his hidden talent in mixing drinks. So he took it as full time and changed to better bars after gaining the experience he needed.
Being naturally charismatic and good at influencing people, while also multitasking in making drinks and keeping a conversation going, he was instantly a hit in whatever place he worked at.
Working the night shift ment he's mostly free in the morning, he tries to help Pieck with her gardening and is actually attempting to grow some plants at his house.
Naturally whenever there's a gathering, he's the one mixing drinks and being the self assigned bartender who openly judges his friends for their choice in drinks. The charismatic persona being thrown out the window and replaced by a no mouth filter.
He genuinely cares tho, he's the one taking care of someone when they drink more they can handle. It's mostly Colt who underestimates his drinks and is left clinging to Porco who drives him home.
Because of his line of work, tattoos and general brash personality, the kids' parents don't like him even one bit. They're suspicious of him no matter how many times Reiner assures them he's trustworthy.
It's actually only Colt who trusts Falco with him, and maybe Zofia's mom who is at the bar every weekend. 
Reiner is a firefighter.
With his mother pushing him into this line of work, he applied for the physical and psychological exams after graduation before getting accepted. He wasn't unprepared per say but actually being in that line of work was more than he could ever prepare for.
It instantly took a great hit at his mental health, so much in fact that he was thankful Bertolt changed his mind last minute and didn't follow him in this job.
It was both everything he ever wanted, like saving people, helping children, animals and knowing it's him who saved them even if it means putting his own life at risk.
But also everything he hated, like the hunting faces and screams of the people who were far too gone for him to save, the recurring nightmares and constant guilt paired with imposter syndrome.
He works a 24/72 shift, meaning he works for a whole day before getting 3 days off. Approximately only working 7-8 days a month, not to mention unpaid leave, sick days and holidays.
So it both gave him a really tight schedule on some days and on others more free time than he knows what to do with, that's why he naturally took the main role of being the kid's caretaker. Looking after his little cousins genuinely helped him and he liked playing the big brother role.
Especially to Gabi, he was the only stable adult in her life. It's common knowledge that you call Reiner first for anything concerning her before her parents because he's more likely to answer and be available.
After meeting you, his life improved to the better as you moved in and became a trustworthy person in his life, someone he can depend on to take care of his little cousins on the days he works.
Not to mention that after you persuaded him to see a therapist, his mental health began improving too.
Gabi may or may have not committed arson at one point, she still wants to be a firefighter despite that and follow in Reiner's footsteps.
He hasn't told anyone beside you this, but he really fears for her, but doesn't have the heart to tell her no.
Zeke is a doctor.
Previously he worked in a hospital but was able to open his own clinic afterwards, Colt was a great help to him at that time when he was getting on his own feet and even worked a lot of unpaid hours.
After that he insisted Colt works an official part time job there with a much higher pay, till he graduates at least. Plus the experience will greatly improve his resume.
Zeke is brilliant at his job, he'd be a perfect doctor wasn't it for the fact he's a huge hypocrite who doesn't follow the advice he gives his patients. 
He does a side job in his free time that honestly no one of his friends know what it is, but they know it gained him a lot of connections and made new friends.
Something he always keeps buried inside was that he really never expected himself to become a doctor especially after what his dad did to his mother, and yet here he is. In some way it's like his own personal stepping stone to prove he's a better man than his father ever was.
Falco: middle schooler
He does volunteer work on the weekends, sometimes Udo joins him.
Doesn't want Gabi becoming a firefighter.
Likes all videogames , just all types.
Likes watching cartoons and medical shows with Colt who covers Falco eyes whenever an adult scene is on
His favourite food is chicken nuggets
Wants to try coffee
Is good at PE
Reads comic books
Likes yellow and blue
Gabi: middle schooler
Takes self defence classes and really wants to go to summer camp
Wants to be like Reiner, aspires to be as strong too.
Likes shooter videogames or really hard ones.
Likes watching Anime and cartoons
Her favourite food is Pizza
Wants to try energy drinks
Is also really good at PE and surprisingly good at puzzles.
Likes red and pink 
Udo: middle schooler
Takes music classes at the weekend, wants to go to science camp
Kinda wants to be like Reiner or an astronaut.
Likes calming videogames
Likes watching anime and Minecraft let's play
His favourite food is mac and cheese 
His favourite drink is strawberry milk
Is good at language classes and creative writing, he also just likes animals a lot.
Likes green and black
Zofia: middle schooler (could've been in a special program)
Takes music classes with Udo
Wants to be a lawyer
Likes co-op Videogames 
Likes watching true crime and youtubers drama
Her favourite food is Donuts
She likes strawberry milk and ice tea 
Is good at all classes
Likes white and purple
185 notes · View notes
aizawabby · 4 years
LILY (m)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Yakuza!Tamaki Amajiki x florist! Reader
Plot: your flowers were the one thing you loved the most in your life... well it’s in the top ten so you bet your ass that you would scream at anyone who would dare to ruin and it didn’t matter if the person was the biggest mobster around.
Genre: mafia au, florist au , NSFW 18+
word count: 6k
Warnings: slight sub/dom play, soft dom Tamaki, explicit smut, oral(f), vaginal penetration, creampies, mirror sex, choking, no protection (wrap it before you tap it), light spanking, mentions of sucking dick, multiple orgasms, praising ish, fat cock Tamaki, dirty talk, slight mention of blood (I was listening to auralescent while writing the smut)
Disclaimer: this is my first time writing explicit smut so pls if I didn’t any mistakes or need to improve any where pls let me know! Also the art work above is not mine nor do I own any of the bnha/mha characters.
A/n: hello~ this is my first fic in this blog, I really hope you guys like!! I’ve been planning it since a month and got way to lazy to complete it :(
The hot rays of sun burn your skin as you walk out of your flower shop for the 10th time today to display your flowers letting them get sunlight. Regretting not putting on sunscreen before leaving home, you whipped the sweat off your face and smiled at the aesthetic you created in front of your flower shop.
It truly was beautiful.
Satisfied with your work you were ready to go back into the air conditioned store. As you neared the glass door, a loud thud noise that came from the background making you flinch. Praying as you turned around you hoped that whatever caused that thud had nothing to do with your flowers and it was just the neighbors cat, Ginger, who had once again jumped over the garbage bin and toppled it over.
You sighed in relief when you saw that your flowers were still intact. Just when you were about to go back a man with a white cloak tripped over your vases not paying attention while running ruining all your hard work.
The man laying on the ground looked at your angry face and seemed like he was about to cry, but you didn’t care right now. You were furious, all your hard work has gone to waste just because one person didn’t pay attention to where he was going.
Getting off the ground he noticed how you were about to start to scream at him, quickly got up and started apologizing.
“Look here sir, apologizing isn't going to do shit for my flowers nor is it going to clean up this mess so I suggest you t-” just as you were about to finish your sentence you felt him grip your wrist and pull you into your store.
‘What the hell’ you thought as you looked up at your captive, he pushed you on to a corner wall where no one could see you, his one hand on your mouth keeping you from making any noise while the other was near your head trapping you from the outside world.
If you weren’t being kidnapped in your own store you would’ve been very much aroused by the situation.
Having let your only staff member go on their lunch break, leaing you alone with your captor was not helping your situation either. Even if you scream for help no one would come to your rescue.
Your captor must have felt your gaze as he looked your way and then looked away once again a blush creeping on his cheeks.
What the hell? Why is he blushing
You continued to study his features so that you will be able to memories them in case he decides to do something, only if you were left alive.
damn he’s cute
You watched him as he kept shifting his gaze from you and the window, curious to what he was eyeing, you peered your eyes out the window to see some pro-hero, whose name you couldn't remember, along with some police officers gathered together holding a piece of paper which seemed like a sketch, showing it to civilians that walked past them.
Since your hearing quirk wasn't going to help you get free you thought it might be useful to hear what the heroes were saying.
“Have you seen this man?” one of them asked “please if you do call the police station right away”. The hero held out a picture. It was your capture.
Holy shit
You let out a quiet gasp at the information discovered, your capture hearing the sudden noise turned towards you once again, his gaze unreadable.
He masked his emotions so you wouldn't be able to tell how nervous he was staying within such close proximity with you. Something he learned pretty early, since in his line of work showing any type of emotions was a weakness.
The sweet smell of your perfume that was helping calm his nerves, was making him lose focus on the tasks at hand. Finding an opening to escape without the pros seeing him.
God how did he want to bury his head is the crook of your neck a- his train of thoughts broke as he felt you try to wiggle out of his grasp.
He glared at you, eyes dark and menacing seeding chills to your spine, he was about to lean closer when the pro-hero left their post and started walking towards their new location.
‘That was close’, he thought
He freed your mouth and placed it on the hand on the other side of your head trapping you. “W-who are you?” you managed to say, he looked you in the eye “Suneater,”.
Thank god for the wall that was supporting you because you were sure that you would've fell on the floor because how much your knees had been wobbling out of fear and being so close with this very handsome man who happens to be the biggest mafia leader of Tokyo.
You blankly stared at him as the headlines from several news articles popped in your head about the man holding you captive, opening your mouth to say-no to beg for your life, this is definitely not the way you imagined yourself dying.
“I” you breathe out watching as the man leaves from his spot, freeing you.
‘is he getting some torture weapon? Is this because i screamed at him omg me and my stupid big mouth’ as your mind filled with gruesome thoughts when all of a  sudden cough broke your trans, you whipped your head to the noise almost getting whiplash from the sudden movement.
It was him.
He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, his head hung low looking at his shoes as if they were much more interesting than you. He rubbed his palms together and was saying something under his breath. It almost seemed like he was...shy
What the hell is up with this guy?
“I… um… i am sorry for that” wide eyed and mouth agape you watched the man who once looked so frightening you nearly passed out from fear was now stumbling on his words as he apologized to you.
‘God i need to talk to my therapist after this, if i get out of this’
He lifted his head, his eyes barely noticeable as they stayed hidden due to the length of his hair. “I… I am s-s-sorry for putting you through this mess. I-it's just because, you see I didn't mean to, it's just that” he paused, he looked as if he were about to cry. What does one do in this situation? Do you go and console him for kidnapping you in your own store?
Confused, you stayed still, scanning him to look for some weapons he can use on you, eyes stopped at his trembling hands.
He’s bleeding
Once again mumbling something under his breath he continued “ you see, some people are looking for me, a-and because of some… things, that's why i ended up bumping into you, i-i didn't mean to knock down your flowers, you see i was just in such a hurry and needed a place to hide that i brought you here” he explained his situation.
He looked back at you waiting for you to respond,
“Are you gonna kill me?” he looked at you even more panicked than before almost like he was disgusted at the sheer thought “oh no no no no” he frantically moved his arms telling you no.
“Good, because i know how to fight” you lied, but seeing how scared he is you began to question whether this man actually was the notorious yakuza you heard about on the news.
Maybe he was the weak twin no one knew about
Your legs finally regained their strength and you leaned off the wall, and walked past Suneater as you disappeared in one of the rooms in the back of your shop.
“Are you coming?” your head peered from the room as you waved your hand at him to come.
‘What are you doing?!? Inviting a yakuza in your safe place’ you thought, while one part of your mind told you to run, the other told you to stay you were conflicted.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Suneater enter the room, without turning around, you pointed at the chair, “sit” said a little more sternly than you wanted to. Confused at the sudden change in your demeanor, he raised an eyebrow at you, why did you want him here with you when you knew his truth. Anyone with the slightest of common sense would call the police right now, yet you stayed calm.
“Look” you turned around, tiered “ if your not gonna kill me then let me help you with your injury”
‘injury? What injury?’
He looked down at his hand feeling a sting. There was a deep cut, most likely from when he knocked over your flowers ‘oh’ his palm was covered in blood.
He sat down at the designated seat waiting for you, closing his eyes letting the sweet and earthy smell of the flowers fill his nostrils, calming his senses.
                                *     *      *
“Hey did you even listen to a word I said?” Tamaki lifted his head from his palm, “hmm?”. The spiky red head grunted, rubbing his hands on his face tired of his boss being so distracted.
“What’s gotten into you, man?” he questioned, Tamaki innocently looked at him as if he did nothing.
Truth was he was bored, he knew the plan they had went over it a millions of times heck he was the one who made it in the first place.
“Nothing Kirishima, I heard you, ” he said, moving his gaze to where he was looking before, Kirishima followed the direction in which he was looking and spotted you.
You were out in the scorching sun, moving huge pots of flowers around the front of your store.
Grinning he looked back at his superior “why are you looking at me like that” Tamaki said, not liking the way Kirishima smiled at him, he knew something.
“You got a crush don’t ya boss?” Kirishima proceeded to repeatedly poke his bosses arm, annoying him.
“fuck of” Tamaki flustered, turned around avoiding Krishima’s graze, maybe he did have a small crush.
“hey boss” Kirishima scooted his chair closer to Tamaki “after our mission why don’t ya go get her number hmm? Who knows you might even get a date” he said grabbing his bosses shoulder and shaking it as he told him to man up.
                                 *     *      *
He broke out of thoughts feeling the pads of your fingers linger over his palm.
“Is this okay?” you kneeled in front of him, placing the safety kit on your lap concentrating on the task at hand.
“Y-yeah” you looked up, worrying that you might have hurt him accidentally, instead of seeing him wince in pain you were faced with a blushing yakuza.
Not knowing how to react you quickly lower your gaze and continue working on the task at hand.
“You're good at this,” he was the first to speak, breaking the silence.
“Huh, oh yeah i guess,” you let out a nervous laugh, “I used to volunteer as a nurse in hospitals back when I was in college, at one point in my life i wanted to become a doctor or nurse, to help people like pro-heroes did but then i lost interest in the subject and started to like other things so i opened up a flower shop,” you bit your lip realizing you might have over shared, “sorry that was to much wasn't it?” he smiled.
Shaking his head no, he looked at you warmly making you feel weird inside. As the two of you continued to talk, you learned more about him, nothing too personal but enough to make you feel like maybe just maybe you were starting to become friends.
“Alright all done, Tamaki” giving him a bright smile as you got up. He looked at his bandaged hand, smiling “Thank you, Y/n”. He got up from his seat, bidding you goodbye after apologizing for the inconvenience he caused, and walked towards the front door.
“Wait Tamaki!!!” you ran towards the front door hoping he hadn't left already, opening the door you called out for him once again, he stops and turns to look at you, confused as to why you called him.
“Y/n? What happened, are you okay?” he waited for you to catch your breath “yeah i'm fine i just,, i wanted to give you something” the tips of your ear started to burn as you felt a blush creep in, you handed him a purple lily.
Dumbstruck at the present he stayed quiet, smiling shyly as he reached for the purple flower, his fingers grazing you for a second, blushing he thanked you for the gift “ but why?” he asked, finally gaining the confidence to look at you.
You were smiling softly, a light blush spread on your cheeks “it reminded me of you,” you looked at him “and it's pretty like you” you said mentally cursing at yourself for voicing your inner thoughts, and for blushing harder.
Before the tomato looking man could say anything else, you ran back into your shop waving him goodbye.
                                  *     *      *  
Six months ago today, you were ‘kidnapped’ by the notorious Suneater. Your life hasn’t changed much since, you still wake up everyday at 8 am, you still drink the same type of coffee, and you still come back home at 8 pm.
But there was one thing that was significantly different, everyday at noon Tamaki would present himself in front of your store.
At first, it started with him coming to your shop, waiting outside debating whether he was coming in or not.
You would stay in the back of your cash register, listening to him mumbling to himself “common just go say hi that’s all you can do! Common just like you did with kirishima” you giggled.
But without a word he would leave. Disappointed you waited for the next day, maybe then he’ll talk to you.
The next week, he finally came in the store, (with the push of a spiky redhead) he wandered around before picking up a single rose, and came to the cash.
Ever since that day, he started to come more often and stayed longer talking to you about everything and nothing.
Slowly, his visits at the store became more constant just like his presence in your life.
“Are you here to buy something or to see me?” you winked at him going in the store, leaving a flustered indigo haired man behind.
He followed you inside, taking a deep breath calming his racing heart.
“Do you like me?” you asked casually as you picked up boxes from the front desk. Eyes wide Tamaki looked at you and gulps nervously before speaking “I-um I...w-well actually”
‘Fuck was I that obvious?’ He mentally screams at himself.
You laugh at his panicked expression “I’m just kiddin Tama, you don’t need to worry, come on help me with these boxes” you say grabbing his hand drawing circles trying to calm him, but it didn’t. It made him even more red and made his heart beat so fast he thought it was going to come out of his chest.
And sometime along the way, you had begun to fall for him too.
                                 *     *      *
Breaking you out of your day dream you felt a strong grip on your shoulder, you grabbed the intruders hand and twisting your body as fast you could ready to attack.
You lowered your hard after seeing your crush.
“Not bad, Y/n” he showed you the bag of food he was holding “you’ve improved I’m impressed” Tamaki said pressing his hand on your lower back pushing you towards the front door of your apartment complex.
Oh yeah you had also started to take self defense lessons from Tamaki once he found out about your bluff about knowing how to fight. From that day he took it upon himself to teach you how to defend yourself in case you were abducted by another Yakuza.
“Didn’t you have a meeting today with the Kyoto group?” you opened the door to your small apartment where you guys would often hang out “how did it go” you asked taking off your shoes.
“It was alright i guess, they wanted to make a deal” he spoke calmly and went to set the table for the two of you. You hummed at his answer without further questioning him because nothing good ever comes with dealing with the Mafia.
The two of you silently enjoyed the Takoyaki brought by Tamaki.
“Can you pass me a napkin?” you observed as he manifested a tentacle thanks to his quirk and handed you a napkin.
“Hey Tama” you rested your chopstsicks on your place, resting your head on your palm looking at him as he was midway of putting an octopus ball into his mouth, he hummed in response telling you to continue.
“With your quirk you can manifest everything you eat right?” nodding he put another ball into his mouth “so can you…” you wiggled in your seat regretting what you were about to ask, but you needed an answer it was a question that kept you up during many sleepless nights.
Confused at your sudden shyness he lifted an eyebrow at you, this was very out of character for you since you were usually pretty blunt “c-can you make your semen taste like chocolate?”
Tamaki choked on his food, spitting it out looking at you with a horrified face, you scoot closer to him waiting for his answer. Unable to look at you in the eyes he raised his head looking at the ceiling rubbing his hands on his face trying to calm the rush of heat he was feeling. “Taaaammmakii” you whined, tugging on his arm like a child begging him to answer you, he looked at you opening his mouth but then closing it going beet red.
“Ohhh did you do it” you giggled as he blushed even harder and hid his face in his hands and you laughed harder.
                                 *     *      *
“what are we watching tonight?” Tamaki walked into your living dressed in gray sweatpants and a black shirt sitting on your sofa, poking you with his left foot.
It wasn’t often that you got to see Tamaki dress so casually due to his job most of the time he would wear expensive suits (which made him look very hot) but there was something about him dressing down that made your heart flutter.
It was nights like these you loved the most, nights when you do nothing but stay up all night watching movies still you passed out cuddling against Tamaki.
“hmm I don’t know” pouting as you looked through your nail polish wondering which color you should paint them next. Tamaki smiled and pointed towards the purple bottle.
“Then how about” he scanned through the list of shows and movies “this” he said finally stopping at Avatar the last air bender.
While one would expect Tamaki’s attention to be at the screen in front of him watching the show he picked out it wasn’t. He was much more interested watching you paint your nails. He watched as you stuck your tongue out while concentrating on not to make a mess.
She’s so cute
“didn’t you go for lunch with your friends today?” He asked his eyes glued to the tv, mouth slightly agape.
“oh yeah I did, it was fun” he hummed and laughed at something Soka said. “My friends kept asking me if we’re together yet” you laughed at the memory of your friends teasing to finally confess your feelings for the man.
“then why don’t we” not paying attention to what he was saying he continued to watch tv.
Wide eyed he looked at you when it finally hit him you looked back at him in shock from the sudden confession“i ..i mean if you want you haha” he panicked.
Grinning as you got up from your spot on the floor you climbed onto his lap. Tamaki’s face burned a deep shade of red as he tried his hardest to sink his head into the couch wanting it to swallow him whole.
“Hey tama look at me” you brought a hand to his cheeks caressing it softly, making him look at you as you leaned onto him giving him a kiss.
“I like you” he breathes out as you pull away from the kiss smiling at each other “will you go out with me?”.
You rest your forehead on his, catching your breath you nod “yes I will” he holds you tighter holding your body next to his never wanting to let you go.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers, his lips brushing up against yours, you nod “i'll be mad if you didn't”
He captured your lips in a delicate kiss. The kiss slowly escalated, becoming more rough as he pushed his tongue in your mouth. His wet muscle exploring every nook of your mouth as you submit to him, soft moans erupt from your throat as he grabs your boob giving it a squeeze.
“Oh fuck” he moans grabbing your hips pressing it harder on his crotch as you continued to grind against him.
“Someone’s excited” you smirk against his neck making it, as you grab his clothed dick gasping at size. He was big.
Stopping your movements, he stared into your eyes softly, his hand coming to caresses your face “ are you okay with this if not we don’t need to go further” he reassured. Smiling, you took his hand and kissed it, “I want it Tamaki, I want you.”
He pulled your shirt over your head throwing somewhere in the room, eyes lingering on the lace white bra. His hand was quick to go back on your breast, squeezing it with such an eagerness that just made you wetter by seconds. Taking off the bra, he grabbed your left tit. Soon, your nipple was engulfed by his mouth, he eagerly sucked it letting the tip of his tongue roll around, making you release another moan as you grab his hair pulling him up attaching his lips with yours.
Tamaki’s tongue was back in you, eyes closed as he enjoyed the warm and sweetness of your mouth. He held your hips, lifting you up heading towards your bedroom.
Amajiki hovered over you, smiling softly, he leaned in sealing lips with yours; peppering your skin with his soft kisses and marking you all the way to your breast. His hand finally finding the soft flesh, he gave it a squeeze as his lips came in contact with your areola, you let a breathy moan as his tongue worked on teasing your erect nipples while his other hand massaged the other in pleasurable manner.
He lifted his head from your chest, leaving a trail of kisses all the way to your aching core. Spreading your thighs open, kissing the soft flesh slowly, he teasingly nips at your inner thigh marking you, ignoring the place you wanted him the most.
You grind your hips in the air, hoping it will get his attention, you whimper as he rubs circles on your clit over your underwear finally feeling some relief, you feel the cold air hit your wet core as he slides it off your legs.
“You’re so wet, bunny” he hummed in approval as he twirled his finger in your wetness, content that he was able to make you feel this good. “I bet you taste good too ” he murmures, his eyes darkening with lust, he props your legs into his wide shoulder.
Unable to wait any longer to taste you, he lowered his face to your folds, the feeling of his mouth on your lips, moaning as you pulled his hair telling him to continue. He moaned into you sending vibration to your core, he squeezed your thighs to signal that he understood, he ran his tongue along your dripping slit and plunged his tongue past you lips and shallowly thrusting it inside until he was lapping up your juices with fervor while you arched your back as you moaned his name “you taste so fucking good, bunny” he moaned as he grinned his hips on the mattrest revealing his arousal.
Addicted to the slight bitter but sweet taste that he continued to eat you with more force.
“Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck” your legs trembled.
He knew you were close, slowly he slipped the first finger in, your walls warm and welcoming clenched his finger as he pumped it in, adding another right after. His mouth finding your clit, sucking the sensitive bud, sending pleasure coursing through your body.
“A-amajiki don’t stop” your toes curl at the sensation of his fingers curling inside you, you breathlessly moan your mind going blank as pleasure takes over. Pulling on his hair as his mouth works on your clit while his fingers work their magic, overwhelmed by the pleasure you felt from your lower stomach tightening, “Amajiki… i'm gonna-” before you can finish your sentence you feel the third finger slid in, you roll your eyes back feeling your walls stretch “Oh god, Tamaki”
Tamaki grinds his hips harder at the sounds coming out of your lips, his rock hard cock twitch in sweatpants “fuck” he groaned into your heat fingers slicked with your juices as he worked them in and out of you and lapped your sweet juices with his tongue “I love when you say my name,”.
“T-tama” you moaned bucking your hips on his face in search of release. Only a few moments later you came hard, with his face between your thighs and into his mouth. Your vision blurred as felt Tamaki continue to eat out even after cuming so hard. “Amajiki” you tried to get out of his grasp telling him that you’re too sensitive, he didn't move. He stayed there till you felt another wave of pleaser hit and you came into his mouth.
You were panting hard, your chest rising and falling as you felt euphoria, you watched Amajiki get up from his position between your thighs, get up to kiss you, you tasted yourself on his lips moaning as you felt his boner poking your inner thigh.
He pulls away from the kiss, whining at the loss of contact eyes following him as he gets off the bed. You watch him as he takes off his sweatpants revealing his black boxers which had a wet patch at the tip of his dick, drooling at the outline of his fat cock you imagined having it in your mouth fucking your troat till you became sore.
You get on your knees and start to crawl to where Tamaki was standing, pulling his briefs down until you were met with his painfully erect cock. Licking your lips you looked at him “can i suck your dick” he grabs your chin giving you a peck on the lips “sure, but not now” he says as he backs you up on the bed, laying you down as he starts to nip at your jaw “i wanna be inside you first” he whispers in your ear.
Tamaki separates your legs with his knee, placing himself between your thighs, stroking his dick as he brushes the head of his cock your wet centre. “Amaji-ah” you feel his tip rub against your entrance, but then backing away with flushed cheeks “baby… do you have any condoms” he rubs the back of his neck. It was moments like these where you would question how this man was a mafia leader.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him on top of you kissing him, “its okay im on the pill” you say kissing his face. He aligned himself with your dripping core, his length sliding against your folds and getting coated by your arousal. You shudder, hearing him grunt as he inserts his tip in, stretching you out. He then thrust his length in you, grunting as he felt your wall squeeze around him, once completely in he stayed still letting you adjust to his size, since he was on the bigger side.
You moaned, biting his shoulder as you felt him stretch out your walls, you felt full. “ oh no baby are you okay?” Tamaki cooed still inside of you as he whipped tears from your face “should we stop? Does it hurt?” It wasn't the first time that he had to pull out because he was too big during sex, as he got ready to pull out, you wrapped your legs around his waist kepping him in place “Tama i-its okay, it doesnt hurt, you’re just big” you kiss his cheeks giving him a okay to move as you grip his shoulders” as he slowly began to move.
“Fuck youre so tight baby, you feel so f-fucking good” he let out a groan thrusting even deeper in you.
“Holy shit, your pussy feels so good” he moans in your mouth, picking up the pace. Your mouth drops open and you watch his brow furrow as he slips deeper into you, and fills you up. He continues to push until he finally bottoms out, he pants out a heavy breath that he's been holding out. Your eyes flutter but you fight to keep them open, and your arms wrap around his torso to grip his back.
“oh god Amajik” you moan, hips moving to match his thrust “feels so good”
“Yeah?” he pants out, moving at a steady pace, and you nod in response.
Admiring how he looks on top you, lips pink and swollen from your kisses parted as soft moans and grunts pass them. His eyes dark, looking at you with insatiable hunger that told you that he was holding back.
“Amajiki harder” you whimper, “fuck me harder.”
He pauses for a second, studying your face to make sure he was hearing this well. His breath stuttered before he let out a shaky breath.Then his hands gripped your hips in a bruising hold and he started snapping his hips as hard as he could into yours.
Your eyes roll back at the force of his hips slapping against yours. His nails dug into your supple skin and it stung but you didn’t bother to care because the feeling of him stroking along your sensitive walls was too overwhelming.
“Fuck baby” he gruffly let’s put “you’re making me feel so good”
Clenching around his words, you feel more of your juices coating him as he fucks you harder into the mattress.
“You like it?” he pants “ is my cock making you feel good, baby”
You nod. You couldn’t speak properly, not with the way his hips seemed to increase their speed and hit you deeper with each thrust.
“Use your words, bunny” he grunts into your ear. He releases your hips in favor of gripping your thighs, pausing to shift onto his knees and have a better handle of you and angle his hips just right. “You love it don’t you? You love it when I fuck you with my cock?”
“Yes” you moan “i love it, i love your cock”
“Your close aren’t you? I can feel the way you keep clenching around my cock,”
“Oh god I’m close tama, don’t stop” you say when the thrust abruptly stops when he pulls out of you, and you whimper in shock and desperation. But he doesn’t allow you a second to question him before he’s gripping your hips and flipping you onto your stomach lifting your ass up. He spanks your ass and you squeal in surprise but it morphs into a moan when he shifts your hips to position himself behind you properly. He’s slipping inside you with ease, and you’re back where you left off.
Trailing a hand from your back, all the way to your head he gripped your hair, pulling your head back to capture lips with his.
His mouth on your neck kissing his way to your ear, nibbling on it before he continued spewing filthy phrases in your ear that had you whining in blinding pleasure.
“You're taking it so well, baby. Now be a good girl and cum on my cock” he pants in your ear.
His hand finds your engorged clit, rubbing vigorously as he snapped his hips faster. Your mouth dropped open but no sounds came out, your voice was gone as you felt the pleasure rapidly increasing and the heat in your tummy growing larger and larger until it finally exploded.
“oh tamaki” you moaned “ fuck, I’m cumming.” You called out his name breathlessly as if it was a mantra as you felt yourself come undone all over him.
Amajiki groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, chasing after his own. After a few deep thrusts he stops and gripping your hips as he feels himself shooting his release in you.
He stays inside for a while and you feel him kiss on your along your spine, whispering soft nothings. He pulls out leaving you feeling empty.
Unable to move your body, you let yourself fall into the mattress resting your head on your pillow.
“Tired” you hear tamaki leaning against the headboard of your bed. He pulls your limp body making you hover over his lap, your back against his chest “but i'm not done with you baby” he bites your shoulder, rubbing the head of his cock on your entrance lubricating it with both of your juices.
“Yeah that’s right watch yourself as I fuck you” he says starring right at you through the mirror. You watched him as he slipped himself inside you with ease.
He held your hips keeping you in place as you watched his length disappear in you with each hard thrust.
“Oh my god” your moan feeling the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot. “Are you gonna cum baby?” Amajiki grunts going faster, you nod grabbing his thighs to help you steady as you start to move your hips to match his pace as you feel your 4th orgasm approach.
“Look at you bouncing on my dick like a good little slut” he growled in your ear, his hands wrapped around your throat choking you “come for me slut” with a couple more thrust both of you came undone.
Breathing heavily as you calmed from your high, you got off his lap and sat beside him leaning on the headboard.
You looked ahead seeing both of your reflections in the mirror; cheeks flushed and swollen lips.
Tamaki turned towards you smiling as he caressed your face leaning for a kiss.
“You're amazing, you know that?” you smiled at him, finding him adorable in his fucked out state.
“So are you,” you said, returning the kiss.
Tamaki gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom to get something to clean both of you up. You manage to keep your eyes open, smiling as you see Tamaki’s naked butt as he leaves the room. Reaching out your hand imagining to squish it.
You close your eyes letting the sleep take you over when you something cold on your inner thighs opening your eyes only to see Tamaki cleaning you off.
You feel the bed dip from Tamaki’s weight, you turn around laying on your back facing your lover. Smiling at him you wrap your arms around him and bury your head in the crook of his neck inhaling his sent mixed with sweat and sex.
“You're gonna be sore tomorrow” he places a kiss on the crown of your head “don't blame me for it though it was you who wanted it” he tries to mimic your moans from earlier. “Shut up” you say playfully slapping his chest he let out a low chuckles holding you tighter ready to let sleep take over.
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chipper-smol · 4 years
how did you learn to draw so well? I'm 19 and I feel like I'm way behind everyone else my age with my art, and it's really discouraging.
*rubs my hands* this is a complex question so you guys should prepare for another long wall of text cause here we go
So everyone is different. Everyone has a different drive and collection of feelings in their gut when they draw. We all have different backgrounds about why or how we started drawing. What works for me might not work for everyone else, but hopefully I can help guide you in the right direction.
That being said, i’ve always been an artist like it wasn’t even a decision I made when I was younger I just was. I had big ideas I needed to just GET OUT and so I drew massive stories of stick figures and horses and dragons on towering piles of printer paper. That hasn’t changed, but I can go for weeks without drawing a single thing because I have nothing sparking in my brain but im rambling here lemme get to my points
Everyone is an imposter: No one is ever 100% comfortable with their artistic ability and if they are they’re very likely to be an ass. Go look at the Dunning-Kruger Effect which is a pretty interesting psychological mindset. In a nutshell, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is where a person who has very little knowledge in a skill thinks they are a master at that skill, whereas a person who has is a master in that skill thinks that they aren’t good at all. I still recommend watching the whole thing when you get the chance, its only 10 minutes long.
So where you are right now is the most difficult part of the art process, lemme show you one of my favorite graphs which helped me when I was in spots like you are.
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You have two parts to your artistic skill. One is the ability to draw itself and the other is the ability to perceive how good that drawing is! You know whats happening? 
You’re growing! You’ve started the next step! You see your art and think it could be better because your brain is more skilled than your hand. So how do you get better?
I could say something like “look up tutorials” “challenge yourself” “do studies” but if i’m honest that advice never helped me, it just made me struggle more, so we’re going to go back to your mindset.
Accept your achievements!
It’s! Very! EasY! To compare yourselves to others! It’s! Very! Hard! To recognize how far you’ve come! Give yourself some credit! Praise yourself! Look at your art and point out what you like about it. We all have a little puppy inside our hearts that just wants to be called good boys/girls. If you don’t take care of that puppy and only give it negative feedback then you’re going to definitely struggle to get started.
When someone compliments you, take it! Don’t try to be polite or say “ah but my lines aren’t that great” or “my colors could be better,” accept it! Some stranger or friend saw how good you are and actually took the time to verbalize it because it meant so much to them! If some stranger on the internet thinks i’m good, then why can’t I feel the same way towards my own art? Trust me, you’ll start feeling more confident. You’ll go from “am I good? :(?” to “I AM good! >:D!” 
Get good at what you want to get good at!
I love expressions, subtle moments that speak a thousand words, character flaws and drives, dynamic movement and DRAGONS!! So I drew and draw those things! They make my brain go brrrr
I used to hate drawing backgrounds, but recently I had an epiphany. I can make a background be its own character. It doesn’t make sense typed out but in my brain that association is key. I’ve connected the joy I have with drawing characters to a thing I normally avoid and now I feel a bit more inclined to put in the extra effort. Let the feelings you get when you draw the stuff you like leak into the stuff you don’t like to draw as much and you’ll find yourself growing even more.
What do you if you don’t want to do something in the process of drawing a picture? Say like, lineart?
Don’t do it. Skip it. Do what you want instead. Many of my hollow knight art is just sketches, but you guys have seen my fully completed pieces. I cant make that shit every day hell no. I do what I want. I also discovered a new way of shading and lighting that is SOOO much easier than what I was doing before because I WANTED TO BE LAZY!! (put your colors down, select from opaque, new layer, make new layer a multiply layer, gradient tool, use the gradient tool to make one big shadow, erase where you want the light to come from, BAM! SHADING!)
Which leads me into my next point.
Just say Fuck it.
Do you want to draw Grimm in a dress? Fuck it. Do it. If someone has a problem with that then its their problem. They can unfollow you or block you but fuck ‘em. This is your life and damnit you are going to enjoy it. Remember when you were a kid and you just drew? Just draw. Have fun. It doesn’t matter if the hand doesn’t come out right, it’s there and it looks good enough.
Once you give yourself that much needed break, your interest in seeking ways to improve will come naturally. After drawing hands without caring, you might just want to know out of curiosity instead of frustration about how you can draw the knuckles right. It’s a very important mental shift from “I want to be good at art because I have to be” to “I want to be good at art because I want to be.”
Make your art about you and not because of someone else. Be selfish. Be careless. Do what you want and have fun again.
TL;DR Accept that you are better than you give yourself credit for. Your mental mindset is extremely important for your artistic growth. Make your art someone else’s problem and enjoy yourself.
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starlessskies94 · 3 years
Consequence (Joel Miller x OC)
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Summary: What if Joel survived his injuries from the Abby and Fireflies attack but ends up with really bad amnesia. He can’t remember his wife, Ellie, or the Outbreak; only before. How will his family bring back the man they once knew?Pairing: Joel Miller x OC                                                                                      Note: An update? Could It be? After all this time?...Yes. It is I! I come with a thousand apologies for taking so long to update. I didn't plan for it be so long but with Covid and going back to work during Covid and family stuff, I just haven't had the time but I'm back my lovelies and I really hope this chapter doesn't disappoint :)
Chapter Seven 
Tommy woke up late for the first time in weeks; he didn’t often sleep in but given his late night chasing lost cattle through the town after they’d somehow managed to escape the paddocks; he figured he more than deserved it. Maria had woken him when she made to leave and insisted he stay put while she made a start on the morning checks. She kissed him goodbye and they promised to meet later for lunch together.
The morning air was crisp and fresh as he stepped down onto the path, his jacket zipped tight to fight off the dwindling cold. The snow had long since melted and there were clear telltale signs of Spring fast approaching in Jackson.
And while the cold wasn’t as biting as it had been, there was still the odd chill that needed to be shielded from with a layer or two.
It wouldn’t be long before they were preparing for a new harvest to grow throughout the year. The sacks of seeds and planting equipment appearing all over town as families began to prep the soil and start their planting as the wildflowers poked their heads through the ground to bask in the warming sunlight.
Tommy made his way through the streets heading straight for his brother’s house. It was still hard to believe that it had been a whole two months since Joel’s attack.
Two whole months since his sister in law had lost her husband; his niece, her father. And unfortunately for all of them; it didn’t seem like Joel was making any progress to getting his memories back. He tried to help of course but his brother, being the stubborn grump that he was, had only pushed his younger brother away, insisting he was capable of handling the trauma alone.
He hated seeing his brother struggling, especially when it seemed that some details were coming through. It was little things but it was better than nothing. The only problem was, it was things Joel seemed to dismiss without a second thought.
Tommy honestly believed if Joel focused on them, they’d help process bigger things. Though it certainly hadn’t helped matters that the older Miller had stopped going to his weekly check ups to help his mind improve. The head of the infirmary had voiced her concerns to Tommy a few days earlier. His constant dismissal and disregard for their importance to his slow recovery; not just frustrating the Doctor but also Tommy himself.
He just hoped he could talk some sense into his big brother.
He knocked but no answer greeted him as he stepped inside the house. It was quiet but clean. Each room meticulously organised and tidied to within an itch of its life. He figured this was what Joel must have been filling his days with over the past few weeks. The sound of muffled hammering caught his attention, leading him up the stairs to Joel’s workshop room. The door slightly ajar. Tommy had barely entered the room before Joel acknowledged him.  
“What do you want, Tommy?” Joel grunted without even bothering to turn around. Tommy just shrugged silently, his hands awkwardly stuffing into the front pockets of his jeans.
“Well good morning to you too, just stopped by to see how you’re doing.”
“As good as I can be I guess.” He muttered as he continued to work, never taking his eyes off the wood in his hands. It felt nice seeing his brother once again taking an interest in an old hobby that he had enjoyed before his injury. It felt like maybe they were finally heading in the right direction. But Tommy had to hold off, he didn’t want to push anymore than was necessary. He knew Joel well enough to know that if you pushed too far; Joel would only push back twice as hard. “Right, sorry... whatcha making?”   Joel hobbled back a little from the table, giving Tommy a better view of the work in question. The long neck and the four legs beginning to take shape made his heart skip. The older man had always had a talent; that was for certain. The horses he made were always magnificent. The wolves and the deer along with any other animal the people of Jackson had asked for; were always made with utmost care. And it seemed this work of art was no different.
“I think I meant for it to be a giraffe before... everything. Figured I might as well finish it. Hell if I know who it was supposed to be for.”
“Ellie.” Tommy whispered.  
Tommy took a second for his brain to catch up with his words as he quickly cleared his throat and tried not to fidget too much. “It’s just...uh.. that it’s her birthday in a couple of months and she always liked giraffes, maybe it was meant for her?” He offered nervously. Joel just hummed casually. With a quick dismissive shake of his head and a sigh; he moved the half carved giraffe onto a nearby shelf along with his other unfinished projects. Turning to face his brother, his arm reaching out to grab his cane to steady his balance.
“Yeah, maybe...maybe Ada asked me to make it for her to give to Ellie as a gift.” He wondered out loud, stopping Tommy in his tracks.
“You talked to her?” He asked almost a little too quickly. Causing Joel to frown slightly in response at his brother’s unexplained eagerness.  
“Who Ada? Briefly, why? Am I supposed to know her or something?”
“You guys were...friends I guess…” Tommy replied weakly. He knew he had to be cautious here, baby steps. They were moving into uncharted territory when it came to Ada and Ellie. Joel had only just started to accept the life they had lived in Boston as smugglers and that was before he had even had the courage to bring up the Fireflies. He needed to steer clear of things deeper than that for now  and ease into the conversation he wanted to have. But his patience was starting to run thin. “Look, the reason I came by is because I was talking to Elizabeth and she said you’ve stopped going to your check ups.”  
“Oh not this again Tommy!” Joel snapped, his brother rolling his eyes in frustration as Joel hobbled away from his work space and further towards the door. But Tommy was quick to stop him, stepping in the threshold and blocking Joel’s exit.
“Look I know I don’t understand what you’re going through but-”
“You’re damn right you don’t!” He yelled. "You have no idea what it’s like Tommy; to lose years of your life in an instant. Forget everything you’ve done and the people you used to care about. I don’t see how bitching about how shitty this is to the damn Doctor is going to help!”
“But you’re starting to remember things Joel! That’s a big fucking deal!”
“How?! All I’m remembering is crap no one cares about! How are horse’s names gonna help me? Or how I take my coffee in the morning? I couldn’t even remember holding my little girl in my arms after she was shot! Oh but thank the lord I could remember what colour shirt I was wearing when it happened!!”
With every word Joel got closer, his nostrils flaring in anger as blood continued to boil. But Tommy never backed down, squaring up to his big brother wasn’t unusual and certainly wasn’t the first time they’d been at odds on how to handle something. Joel’s eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched.
“It’s been two months Tommy...two months of this and it ain’t getting better any time soon. This ain’t your problem so just back off!” He hissed between gritted teeth.
“You can’t just push me away Joel, I want to help. I’m trying but you’re just being so damn stubborn.”
“Then leave, I didn’t ask you to babysit me. And I sure as hell don’t need you sticking around outta guilt.” The words stopped Tommy dead.
“I might not remember what happened but I know enough from what you told me about Boston...You survived because of me. All those years I took care of us. Just like when we were kids. So what? You feel like you owe me? You gotta take your turn to take care of me now? You can keep it baby brother because I don’t want it. And I didn’t ask for it.” The words spit venom with every ounce of bitterness Joel had in him. And Tommy felt his lip snarl in response. The ungrateful bastard; he thought coldly, after everything he’d done to keep his brother alive on the way back to Jackson after the Fireflies had almost beaten him to death and this was what he had to say in response.
“How do I know the people who did this weren’t after you. I mean they did a pretty good number on you too right? Big brother to the rescue to save your sorry ass; yet again! You think I want to live like this?! Huh?! Trapped in a life of a man I don’t even know. A house full of memories I can’t even goddamn remember!”
That was it, Tommy was done. Joel was frustrated and angry, he knew that. He understood that. Of course he did. But to blame him for this?! How the hell was that fair? His hands shook in pure anger, chest heaving as he held back his punches as much as he could. He stumbled away from the door. His trembling hand reaching up and running through his beard in a poor attempt to calm himself.  
“You know what screw you! Screw you Joel! You wanna give up, you wanna feel sorry for yourself? Fine! I’m done. You give up on your family-”
“Family?! What damn family? There’s no one left Tommy! Sarah is gone!”
“She ain’t the only one you got!” Tommy cut off without thinking. Joel’s face dropping at his brother's outburst. The younger man’s eyes widened in shock as he realised what he’d said. But it was too late to take it back now. And Tommy knew that. They both did. Perhaps now was the time to tell the truth.
“You want to know who your family is Joel? Take a look in your damn attic.”
Tommy uttered the words into the thick silence left between the two men. Before turning on his heel to leave, never giving Joel a chance to answer. Leaving the man to stew in his confession. He just hoped that somehow...Ada could forgive him for this.  
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ibijau · 4 years
*chanting* sangxuan, sangxuan! because I’ve been reminded that I love that ship, have a continuation of that fic where jzx is a very repressed bi with a huge ass crush on nhs
It takes Nie Mingjue about a week to realise that there's something wrong with Nie Huaisang. The first day or two, he blames it on the shock it must be for his brother to have finally graduated from Lan Qiren's classes, and with unexpectedly high grades at that. That success must have given Nie Huaisang one of his sudden short bursts of motivation, and that's why he's suddenly attending sabre practice with the other disciple, and showing up on time for lessons. Those bursts are usually short lived, in Nie Mingjue's experience. Where the sabre is concerned, five consecutive days of hard work is his brother's record.
So on day eight, when Nie Huaisang is still showing up dutifully, still trying his best to get the movements right, Nie Mingjue becomes concerned. When the lesson is over, he asks his brother to follow him to his office so Nie Huaisang can learn how to help with something, as befits a young master of a prominent sect. Normally, this is the time of the day where Nie Huaisang likes to take time to play with his birds, something he's always particularly enthusiastic about right after returning from Gusu. But this time he follows Nie Mingjue with only the briefest of hesitations.
Slowly going from merely concerned to actively worried, Nie Mingjue decides to see how far he can push this before his brother starts acting like himself again. He gives Nie Huaisang a pile of letters to be sorted through by order of importance according to a number of criteria such as the nature of the problem, the rank of the writer, and their physical location. Night Hunting doesn't interest Nie Huaisang, so it is always a bother for him to think about creatures and remember how dangerous any of them might be. He also can't see the point of keeping track of whether a duke or a magistrate is supposed to be given more consideration. As for geography, Nie Huaisang could get lost inside his own bedroom.
And yet aside from a deep, heartfelt sigh upon being given that task, Nie Huaisang doesn't show any reaction. He just picks a chair, makes some space for himself on the side of his brother's desk, and gets to work. Nie Mingjue sits down as well, ostensibly to check some bills, but most of his attention is on his brother who is never this obedient and helpful.
“Alright, what have you done this time?” Nie Mingjue asks after a while.
Looking up from the letter he's studying, Nie Huaisang stares at him with confusion written all over his face. He could pass as perfectly innocent if Nie Mingjue didn't know him better than that.
“Did you get in trouble in Gusu before leaving?” he insists. “Or on the way home?”
“Why would you think I got in trouble?” Nie Huaisang gasps, the very picture of wounded virtue. Nie Mingjue only has to gesture at the pile of letters for his brother to drop the act. “Oh, that. Well. I've decided that I need to become a better person. I can't keep wasting my youth in frivolous pursuits. The young master of a sect must be proficient in martial arts, in cultivation, and know about running an estate. Isn't that what you're always telling me?”
“And you're never listening.”
Nie Huaisang grimaces slightly at the accusation, but nods.
“I have not always been all that I ought to be,” he sighs, rather dramatically. “But I am a changed man.”
“I'm not sure that you can call yourself a man when you're not even eighteen,”
“A changed person,” Nie Huaisang corrects without missing a beat, glaring at his brother. “I need to improve my public image, or else I'll never get to marry.”
Just like that, Nie Mingjue relaxes. Out of every reasons Nie Huaisang might have had to straighten his act, this is the least worrying one. He's the right age to start thinking about that sort of things after all, and he's apparently made a lot of friends this past year in Gusu.
“Do you have someone specific in mind?” Nie Mingjue asks, trying his best to hide his amusement.
“Maybe I do,” Nie Huaisang grumbles after just a moment of hesitation.
“Boy, girl?”
“Does it really matter? You'll let me have however I want, right?”
There's a surprising note of worry to Nie Huaisang's voice, which Nie Mingjue doesn't like in the least.
“I just ask because it'll take more work to convince the parents of your beloved if it's a boy,” he clarifies, and yet his brother doesn't relax at all. If anything, Nie Huaisang starts frowning and bites his lip. “So it's a boy, and the family is stupid about these things,” Nie Mingjue guesses.
Nie Huaisang sighs and flops over the desk, ruining his careful work with the letters.
“It's hopeless, his parents are stupid!”
“Don't badmouth your future in-laws, Huaisang.”
“It's fine, you'll agree with me when you know who it is, and how much they've messed him up.”
That's a worrying statement, but for now Nie Mingjue decides to treat it as a secondary problem. It's hardly the first time Huaisang develops a crush on someone. When he was eight, he wanted to marry Lan Xichen for a few weeks. At thirteen, he threatened to court Wen Qing who he'd seen once at a conference and to run off with her. Nie Huaisang is older and (allegedly) more mature now, but Nie Mingjue prefers to check how serious this is before calculating an auspicious date.
“Well, tell me about him then,” Nie Mingjue demands. “What unlucky bastard caught your eye this time?”
“Bastard no, definitely not,” Nie Huaisang snorts. “Unlucky... yeah. He's... well, first of all, he's handsome.”
“Goes without saying. You're too vain to settle for someone less than stunning.”
Nie Huaisang sticks out his tongue and sits back up so he can slap his brother's arm.
“Rude, very rude. Anyway, he's the most gorgeous person in the world, especially when he laughs. But he sadly doesn't laugh a lot. He's been trained out of it, I think.”
For a brief moment, Nie Mingjue wonders if his brother is in love with Lan Wangji... but no, Nie Huaisang wouldn't dare to call Lan Qiren stupid.
“He's also pretty nice, when you know him,” Nie Huaisang continues, smiling to himself. “He complains a lot, but he'd offer to study with me and he'd really try to help me. And he's serious and righteous. No matter how many times I offered to let him cheat on tests, he'd always refuse because he wanted to succeed through his own work.”
“You set the bar so low,” Nie Mingjue comments, though at least now he knows how his brother got such good grades. It's almost reassuring, in a twisted way. “Doesn't cheat on tests, somewhat nice to you... I'm not really sold on this.”
“I am,” Nie Huaisang retorts, his smile growing a little warmer. “When he looks at me, it's like he's looking at the moon and wondering how he could ever reach it. Like I'm the most incredible person in his life.”
That does sound like something that would appeal to Nie Huaisang's vanity, though Nie Mingjue wouldn't quite call it enough to get married.
“And what do you see when you look at him?”
For a moment, Nie Huaisang falls silent, his expression turning serious. Nie Mingjue is half getting scared that he's made his brother realise how shallow his feelings are, when Nie Huaisang speaks again.
“I see someone I want to make happy and to protect from everything bad,” he announces, a deep frown on his brow. “I see someone who has been hurt, and it makes me hurt as well, because he's so wonderful, and the people who hurt him are the ones who should have protected him, and it makes me so angry that something like that happened to him. I just... I just want to take him away from everyone who's ever made him feel bad about himself, and bring him somewhere safe, and hold him in my arms until he's never afraid again of what others will say about him. Is that... Is that weird?”
Coming from any other Nie, it would be normal, Nie Mingjue thinks. Their family tends to have a protective streak, even toward people who don't quite need it. It's a little odd to hear this coming from Nie Huaisang, but he is a Nie too, so it shouldn't be a surprise that he loves like one.
“So I'm guessing you want for him to marry into the family, rather than you joining theirs?” Nie Mingjue asks.
To his surprise, Nie Huaisang shakes his head.
“Won't work, his parents won't allow it. Damn, they won't be happy with it even like this. But it's... da-ge, I think I'm really in love with him,” Nie Huaisang sighs, blushing at his own confession. “I didn't mean too, it was supposed to just be a game, but I really love him. If there's got to be someone, I want it to be him.”
“Then you'll have him,” Nie Mingjue promises, like it's an evidence.
To him, it is. Their sect doesn't bother playing the game of alliances through marriages that others do. They're a little more like the Lan in that respect, even if they're not quite as ostentatious about it, and they don't bat an eye at second or even third marriages. So if Nie Huaisang has decided he wants this person, enough so that he's willing to put in effort to improve himself for over an entire week, Nie Mingjue will help him. He is weak to his brother's whims, and even weaker to his rare moments of determination.
“You don't even know who it is,” Nie Huaisang protests. “You have no idea how difficult it'll be... I really might have to run away with him and become a rogue cultivator with him, because his parents are so damn stupid! And also, I'm not sure you'd actually approve if you knew...”
“Is it one of Wen Ruohan's sons?”
The immediate grimace of disgust and betrayal on Nie Huaisang's face make it hard not to laugh.
“I told you he's handsome!” Nie Huaisang gasps. “I have taste, da-ge!”
“Aside from these two, you can marry whoever you like,” Nie Mingjue retorts. “Even other Wens if that's what you want,” he generously adds, knowing full well that there were none in Gusu, and so it's unlikely that his brother's beloved is from the sect that killed their father. Even if he were though, Nie Mingjue would do what's needed to make his brother happy, trusting him to find the one person from that sect who would have any value as a person.
Nie Huaisang is less than impressed by that statement.
“You promise?”
Maybe it really is a Wen, Nie Mingjue wonders. If so, it's too late to back off.
“I promise. Any person you want, any sect, if you say it's a decent person, if that's who you want to spend your life with, I'll do what it takes.”
“I'll hold you to that,” Nie Huaisang threatens with a cheerful smile. “I want to marry Jin Zixuan.”
Nie Mingjue stares at his brother, refusing to believe he's heard that correctly... but no, Nie Huaisang is grinning like he pulled the con of the century, that manipulative little shit. He did, in a way. However much Nie Mingjue hates Wen Ruohan and dreams of slaughtering him, at least that's someone he can somewhat respect. Jin Guangshan, on the other hand...
Nie Mingjue shivers in disgust.
Maybe a Wen would have been better after all.
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
"So, I was thinking": a modern college!AU:
Johnny is bored. He has already finished all of his crosswords; all of his friends are busy minding their own business and won't pick up their phones.
Classes won't begin until next Monday. Johnny arrived at his dorm last night and he doesn't know when his roommate will be there. All he knows about this person is his name: LaRusso, Daniel.
Wondering about this mysterious boy could set Johnny free from his boredom. Is he a nerd? Or a drama kid? Johnny hopes he won't sing all the time. Of course he likes music (who doesn't?), but musicals... he isn't ready for them yet.
It would be nice to have some common likings with him. Maybe horror movies or breakfast for dinner (well, Johnny is so broke that he eats it for all meals, basically).
Remembering the old times, which weren't good, not at all, tugs at Johnny's heartstrings. He doesn't miss arguing with his parents all the time, but he certainly liked not having to iron his clothes himself. And he misses messing around with Tommy, Jimmy, Bobby and Dutch after school.
Oh, and Karate! Johnny misses it so much that it hurts. He couldn't find a Karate club to join (is this a thing? In Johnny's opinion, it should be. There are clubs for everything in this campus. If he can't find one, he'll form one). Maybe he can practice with Daniel and he could be the second member of the Karate club.
"Hello! I'm Daniel!"
Johnny stares at the boy. He's short, dark-haired and has round brown eyes.
"Johnny", the blond boy gets up, approaches Daniel and shakes his hand. "Can I help you unpacking?"
"Please", Daniel sighs and rubs his neck. "My mother just dropped me off and turned the car around. I barely had time to say goodbye. Can you believe it? I think she wants to rent my room while I'm gone, but I don't think I'll be going home anytime soon. How about you?"
Obviously, the first thing Johnny learns about Daniel is: he's a chatterbox. Second thing: he's from Jersey. He lives with his mother and would love to learn martial arts, but her mother wouldn’t let him because she’s afraid he will get hurt.
"I know Karate", Johnny confesses with a little smile.
Sometimes, Johnny regrets having told Daniel about his passion for Karate, because the kid didn't stop begging Johnny for some classes until he finally gave up.
Their dorm is too small and they would destroy it sparring there, so Johnny decides to have the class outside, behind the gym. Daniel said he would meet Johnny there after dinner (and yes, Daniel also has breakfast for all meals, since he is just as broke as Johnny).
December is on the way, so Johnny is wearing as much sweaters as he can (including his Cobra Kai jacket). He leans his back against the red brick wall and puts a cigarette between his lips.
Daniel shows up some minutes later, carrying a heavy messenger bag on his shoulder and wrapped in hoodies and coats (he has lots of cool hoodies; Johnny loves to borrow them and he is using the baseball one right now).
"Ugh", Daniel puts the bag down, massaging his shoulder.
"Are you ok?", Johnny asks with a worried look on his face.
"Perfect. Let's do this."
They get on fighting positions and spar for a while. When they get tired, they walk back to their room, peacefully talking about the day.
"Let me carry this for you", Johnny picks the messenger bag, even though Daniel has already bent to pull it.
He places it over his shoulder and Daniel walks beside him, ranting about his lame Calculus professor.
"I couldn't convince Mrs. Warter to postpone the paper's due date", Johnny complains when Daniel asks about his day. "I'll be lucky if I get a C on it."
"Do you want me to help you?"
Yes, please, he almost answers. Johnny enjoys having Daniel around. They don't have many common likings besides Karate and breakfast food, but he really enjoys staying up late with him, sharing their only desk (Johnny begun to work as a cashier in a store near the campus and Daniel writes other people's assignments for money and they are saving money to improve the place) and laptops on study sessions. Or to spend rare and lazy Sundays in their room, doing crosswords (Daniel bought some magazines and gave to Johnny). Or to share breakfast meals in the middle of the night because they can't sleep.
"Are you free tonight?", he asks, his voice sounds desperate, just as his eyes.
"Is this a study session or a date?", Daniel replies jokingly and raises an eyebrow. "Sure. I can help you."
Johnny opens his laptop and shows Daniel what he's working on.
"I mean, it's not bad, but could use some adjustments here and there. Let's get to work."
Daniel presses the keyboard keys hard with strong movements that emulate a pianist, but with perfectly tied hair. His brain is formulating what should be in the text and getting rid of what shouldn't be read by Johnny's professor.
"I think we're done here", Daniel declares.
"Thanks. I'm gonna buy you a coffee tomorrow, with extra cream."
"Much appreciated", the boy winks and Johnny's heart skips a beat. "So, I was thinking..."
"What a miracle", Johnny teases, smiling to distract Daniel from his blushing ears.
"Anyway, are you going home for Christmas?"
"I don't think so. You?"
"Also no. I don't have enough money for a ticket to Parsipanny."
Daniel looks at Johnny for a moment. His blue eyes are usually shiny, but now... he's more than just sad. Johnny looks depressed and scared.
"Are you alright?", Daniel reaches for Johnny's hand. "You can talk to me. I'm here for you."
Johnny doesn't talk. Instead, he goes for a hug. A big and warm hug. He clings onto Daniel as if he was the only thing keeping him from being blown away.
He doesn't want to cry. However, he can't fight the tears anymore. Daniel holds Johnny, trying to keep him together only with his bare hands. He doesn't try to whisper comfort words in Johnny's ear, he just stays there, providing his roommate all the support he can.
That night, Johnny falls asleep in Daniel's arms. He has never felt this safe before.
The next morning, Johnny rushes to the closest cafe shop to get the nicest cup they have. He drops by the dorm to put the coffee on the desk with a note: To the best roommate ever. Thank you for everything. Love, J.
He sends the paper to Mrs. Warter as soon as he takes a seat in the computer lab for his first class, hoping Daniel's help can save his poor ass from failing Warter's class.
A few hours later, Johnny is waiting for the last class to begin so he can get to work. Not that he likes standing up by a counter telling old people where they can find raisins, plum juice and other things old people buy. But at least, he gets to listen to his music and does little pieces of homework between a client and another.
There is something Johnny can't do at the store: see Daniel. Too bad they don't take many classes together, because every time Johnny sees Daniel entering the classroom, the world changes. It becomes brighter and more beautiful. He knows it's cliché, but Johnny is tired of pretending to be the perfect son, athlete... he just wants to be Johnny.
And Johnny is brave.
"So, I was thinking...", Johnny says when Daniel sits by his side.
"That's unusual", Daniel lets out that amusement air through his nose. "What is it?"
"Do you wanna go out? With... with me?"
That is really unusual. Johnny never was this reticent before. Not even when he noticed he had a crush on Ali Mills.
“Yeah, sure. When?”
“How about Friday? My shift ends at 5:30.”
“Sounds great.”
Johnny spends Christmas in his dorm, with Daniel. They curl up on Johnny’s bed, wrapped in Daniel’s hoodies, solving crosswords puzzles and drinking tea while listening to Johnny’s music. Neither of them wants to talk about their families.
Growing up as an only child, Johnny never had to share his things. He wouldn’t even allow Ali to read his poetry (he wrote some about her, tho), or let his friends go through his Spotify playlist. Not because he's embarrassed to like these songs, but because the lyrics describe him so perfectly that he's not comfortable with someone listening to it in front of him.
When he met Daniel and found out they could be good friends (maybe more than that? Johnny certainly hopes so), he felt an urge to take the boy on a journey through his world. First, they shared Karate, then crossword puzzles and went on and on, discovering little things about one another.
“Huh… I couldn’t get you anything for Christmas, so I wrote you a poem. Wanna hear it?”
Daniel doesn’t say anything, just gets closer to him as Johnny clears his throat and searches his notebook for his newest composition. Once he finds it, he puts the paper in front of his eyes (he was brave enough to ask the boy out, but not to have that lovely brown eyes gazing at him while he reads his feelings out.)
“I loved it, Johnny. Now get ready for your present.”
Johnny doesn’t close his eyes when his lips are pressed by Daniel’s mouth. It feels so good that they do it again and again until they fall asleep, holding each other.
Graduation is almost here. Most students have moved from the dorms or plan to do it soon. Daniel and Johnny, on the other hand, haven’t mentioned the matter yet. As you can imagine, they don’t want to live with their families again. The only thing Johnny wants is to stay with Daniel and he wonders if Daniel wants the same thing.
“Hey, Danny”, it was supposed to be a nice and quiet study session before the finals, but Johnny can’t hold this down any longer. “I was thinking… do you wanna live with me?”
“Are you kidding me? You’re never getting rid of me, blondie.”
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
The bullies with an S/O that’s just completely off the board? Like no matter how much they look the bullies can’t find /anything/ on them, all their school papers are forged and their home just isn’t able to be found no matter how hard they look? Maybe due to the S/O changing their identity after doing something bad?
That's hella specific and I love it?? XD
Sure thing boo, let me see what I can do.
Also, I'll change the ocs profiles to be paper drawings with digital coloring because believe me boo, I'm tired of redrawing them (and I believe y'all are tired of always seeing these new drawings).
I noticed that my paper art is a lot better than my digital art, and although I'm kinda proud of them I still feel a little petty because I wish to do cool stuff on the computer ;-;.
Anyway, just a heads-up if you see something off with the oc's bios.
TW/Tags: I have no idea what to tag this lmao // identity theft // illegal/unauthorized inscription // not an accurate representation of university/how universities work lol // abusive household/abusive parents // I may or may not have changed your concept a little, I'm sorry for it 😔
Suspicion (fuck yeah, I don't know what to title this) [Yandere!Bully OC x Reader - Headcanon]:
→Adrien Coldwell:
For a person that prides themselves as the "know it all" when it comes to people's social media and reputation, he doesn't know anything about you.
This is a first for him, which is both annoying and honestly so intriguing. You didn't strike him as a person who would hide any secrets, and he had a hunch this was about to be good.
He searched for social media first, not finding anything about Avery Remington. Well, at least nothing with your face on it.
However, he did find something very, very interesting while looking at the school's documents, specifically the archives of all the students that have already studied here. He honestly didn't think he would find anything about you in these old papers, he was probably doing all this stupid work for nothing.
However, he was half right and half wrong. He didn't find anything about you, but this whole search wasn't completely lost, as he did find "you", Avery.
"- Student name Avery Remington, average grades and apparently no history of wrong doings or any bad behavior in general. Their registration to the Academy dates to 1980."
Oh. Ooooh, this was rich.
"- Huh." He said closing the documents and letting it where he found it. He was at least kind enough to let the palace a little organize after going through each paper trying to find your name.
Well, "your name". The only things that he kept for himself was photos of both the old documents about Avery Remington, and the earlier documents about Avery Remington. It was clear that you did something probably really, really bad, and you know he'll take advantage of it.
He had built his own theory about this, as in: you somehow found the paperwork of Avery's registration and their previous school's records so you could somehow impersonate them and get a free entrance to this institution.
He knew that you had something to hide, no one can be so perfect. But knowing the action itself wasn't enough for him, he needed to know the motive behind it.
For someone that is lazy and doesn't bother to care about important things, he sure spent a lot of time trying to scoop some dirt on you. When he finds the perfect opportunity, without any witness around, he'll take the chance to use this information against you.
"- Well, hello "Avery"." His tone was already suspicious, his voice not hiding anything from you. He came here to belittle you for his own entertainment.
"- H-Hi Adrien." You said shyly, hoping that your anxious mind was wrong and that this was all just a misunderstanding. You were hoping that the growing feeling of him possibly knowing about your fraud, was wrong.
"- Ya know, I'm kinda jealous of whatever plastic surgery you went through to look so young, maybe you should ask the faculty to correct your age tho." He said while showing the pictures he took of the documents.
"- Wait! I-I can-"
"- Honestly, I didn't think you were over 60 years old! Could have fooled me." His smug face was the selling point. You knew that you wouldn't find any form to convince him that what was on his phone was false.
He had a victorious smile on his face. Ever since you entered this school you always acted a little too paranoid and almost too friendly for his liking, and to confess to himself that he has fallen for you would be the bottom of the pit to him.
Still, he wanted to know why you did it. Why didn't you pay to get in if you wanted the scholarship so badly? What, you were too poor for it?
And what about a talent, or the test? Obviously, the university hasn't gone out of their way to pick a loser like you and insert you inside their classes on a whim, as they thought you were Avery Remington, a student that is already registered in school's documents (yet, of course, their system haven't verified the date of the registration, either by incompetence or by a "small mistake"). So you didn't do the test too, simply pathetic honestly.
Your sad dramatic story explaining how you managed to get into the academy. You did your best to get into the academy by legal means, but they always rejected you. Apparently you thought it would be a good idea to use your grandparent's documents to squeeze yourself into the institution.
"- But why in hell would you do such a thing? Are you that pathetic dearest?"
"- I… I wanted somewhere to go. Somewhere I could grow into a better person, a-away from-" You cut yourself short when the memories of your old home started to come into view.
For some reason, your parents couldn't stand the idea of you getting into a decent university, if anything, they thought you weren't capable of even washing some dishes at the local pizzeria. In their eyes, you were worthless.
When you found out your grandparent used to frequent this institution, and that they managed to disattached themselves from their familial routes and thrive as a musician you got instantly inspired! Determined to follow their steps and prove your family that you're just as worth ass-
"- Urghhhh- Boring! I don't care about all of that. Are you serious? You committed a crime just so you could stick it up to your shitty parents?"
"- …. Yes?"
"- Huh. Geez you're cooler than I thought. Listen, how about we make a deal?"
The deal was simple, he would not tell anyone about your little secret, and he would even help you keep your scholarship and help you reach your ambitions as long as you started spending more time with him. Which, at first you thought it sounded absurd, this man is holding your whole life by a thin thread as long as you give him attention?? What?!
And although that sounded extremely suspicious, you accepted it, not knowing that for the next few years you would have to endure a harsh training to discover your talents and to improve them before you two graduated. However, you started to think Adrien was starting to see your deal in a different light-
"- Come on now, after this we can go eat something okay? Where would you like to go this time? Our last date I chose the best restaurant I know, so you better choose something of equal value."
…. Date?
→Alexandra Coldwell:
You were suspicious from the very start. Overly friendly and too- Ugh! Too cute?!
You were always skittish whenever someone called you. What, you had a problem with your name or something?
And the worst part was how no one seemed to know where you lived. Every group project with you was considered annoying by most of your classmates, as you never called people in your house or never let anyone have your address, not even your phone number??
You didn't have any social media, what are you, a weirdo? What the hell??!
She is not even pissed about you being a loser, she is pissed that she has fallen for someone like you! A complete weirdo that was always panicking over nothing.
She started stalking you with the intention of finding at least one thing that she could hate on you so she wouldn't feel so- Lovey dovey towards you!
But what she really found was something worth an entire gold mine.
A private phone call between you and someone who was losing their shit. She couldn't understand too much of the conversation as she didn't have any context, yet she could hear a lot of things that you and the person were discussing.
The person yelled [Y/N] multiple times while in the phone call, saying how you were absolutely the worst mistake of their lives (which by the way, rude much? Who is this asshole?), that you were a selfish brat that needed to learn to appreciate their hard work.
Oh… Oh. She now knows who you're talking with. She decided to record the entire thing the moment she saw you taking your cellphone to have a private call.
She was planning on recording your voice for her own hearing pleasure, but this? This was so… Interesting.
"- [Y/N]?" She called your attention after the conversation ended, and because you haven't been accustomed to people calling you "Avery", you turned around saying "what" instinctively.
And when you noticed Alexandra smirk for a split second, you regretted answering your parents call. Not that you needed anymore reason to regret it, but this was certainly the last nail in the coffin.
You begged for her to understand that you couldn't go back, you simply can't go back to them, ever again! You told her the whole sob story about how your grandparent had decided to run away from home and fulfil their own dreams as a musician, even if people didn't really hear their music all that much, and now that you think about it, that's probably the reason why no one have recognized their name at all.
Your grandparent had a really small fanbase, and you knew that because you were part of them. They weren't popular at all compared to Amaryllis Academy standards, yet they were happy singing their songs to the world.
You kinda wish your family hasn't broken the old recorder that belonged to your grandparent. Their first album was in there, it was cheesy and filled with errors, yet they sounded so happy when doing what they loved, and you wanted something like that for yourself!
You needed to live that hell hole and so you did. You rented a small apartment that was falling apart, the reason why you never gave people your address was because you knew they would bully the hell out of you because of how poor you are.
After finishing your story you noticed Alexandra snoring beside you. You thought she was only exaggerating, but then you saw her drooling and acting really dizzy after you woke her up.
"- Oh my God, so… That was it? You ran away to follow your dreams and stuff?" She asked, still kinda sleepy.
"- What? Of course it was-" You were fuming with anger, how dare she-
"- And I thought you only looked cool because I liked you! You're pretty strong for sticking up for yourself." She interrupted you, looking at you with admiration in her eyes.
She proposed to you a deal. How about you two keep this secret together, and, if anything does happen she'll still help you stay inside the institution. However, you'll need to work your ass out to become the best you can be, and you'll let her guide you through, because you're too much of a dummy to do it all by yourself. You'll have to spend time with her and let her help you out.
At first, you thought it sounded absurd, this woman is holding your whole life by a thin thread as long as you give her attention?? What?!
And although that sounded extremely suspicious, you accepted it, not knowing that for the next few years you would have to endure a harsh training to discover your talents and to improve them before you two graduated. However, you started to think Alexandra was starting to see your deal in a different light-
"- Why you never hold my hand? Come on, "Avery", won't you hold the hand of your dearest girlfriend?" She asked playfully while taking your hand anyway.
…. Girlfriend?
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mydriases · 4 years
If it's ok can I ask for headcanons where Malleus Leona Azul Kalim witness their normally soft spoken s/o go nuts during combat training with a trident grinning in a scary way before cutely asking if they want to have a picnic lunch by the lake? Have a good one
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Thanks lovely Anon, I finally did this request in a way that satisfies me (and you too I hope) :D
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Leona Kingscholar
When he hears people shouting your name he’s directly running to be at your sides, confrontation isn’t your way of solving things so surely someone must have defied you and you stood up to them.
Students moving aside upon noticing the frightening figure of Savanaclaw’s dorm leader, he finally succeeds to see a person pressed against the ground, one of the tips of a trident brushing against his throat. Above him, your form is casting a carnivorous gaze upon the coward.
As the observers continue to shout your name, you remove your weapon from its dominating position and reach out your hand to your poor opponent. He takes it, hesitantly, looking away as your eyes continue to stare at him without quivering.
"Don't you ever try to bully me again, you understand? "You hiss, the boy lowering his head is your only answer.
There’s a last applause in honnor of your complete triumph before Vargas orders the distracted students to get back to their training. You regain you composure, taking a deep breath you finally notice your boyfriend’s presence. He comes near you and pats gently your head while asking you in a detached tone, that hides real concerns, if you’re fine.
He’s glad that you decided to show that guy who you are, the less clever students that don’t understand that being loud isn’t how one gets to the top need to be put back in their place. The fact that you kicked that boy’s ass makes you even more attractive in his eyes.
When you ask him to have a picnic he accepts in order to celebrate his kitten’s victory, prepare for a lot of kisses and probably a nap in the grass with you trapped under him.
"I knew you weren't the prey but I didn't know you were the predator. "
Azul Ashengrotto
Though his face is devoid of any emotion, his rising pulse is telling a whole other story. It was an unspoken rule for him that he was the one that protected you, not because you thought you were weak but because he wanted you to avoid conflicts as most as possible. But when that person came up and asked to spare with him, Azul knew that it was because they wanted to confront him in a domain where he wasn’t comfortable.
He felt relieved when you proposed to take his place. Now, seeing as your opponent is not trying to play nice, he wishes he would habe been more at ease with his land body.
In a way that is uncalled for, he’s kind of happy that you choose the trident as a weapon. For the merfolks, this weapon is culturally important so it is a bit like you’re carrying a part of him with you, although his pride will never let him tell you how glad this silly detail is making him.
He’s unsettled by this change of attitude at first, if it is how you really are perhaps you would have liked to treated like a warrior should be rather than how a fragile piece of art.
His concerns are fastly erased when you come back to him, face illuminated by your victory and waiting for his opinion on your fight.
When you propose a picnic he’s already in the kitchen of the Mostro Lounge preparing dishes for your rendezvous, after all you’re the one who helped him so you should be the one who’s being take care of !
" It is a bit embarassing but… would you help me improve my fighting stance ? I think I have a lot to learn from you. "
Kalim Al-Asim
He’s almost as scared as your opponent. He needs to remember his discussions with you, and the fact that you’re his partner, to get back to reality (which is that the soft-spoken person he knows is also this fierce fighter he sees).
Although, once the initial shock is gone, he’ll be more prone to admire your method to wield your trident.
Due to your sudden change he may be a bit uncomfortable, was it your true face ? Was the way you acted a cover ? He’s used to being the victim of assassination plans, he doesn’t need his love to betray him. Because of those thoughts he was hesitant to have a picnic with you.
" You know that I can only eat Jamil’s food, right ? I’m sorry, it isn’t against you but… Jamil might get mad if I eat what you’ve prepared. "
If you don’t directly explain your actions, Kalim will avoid you and go ask for Jamil’s opinion on the matter. Whether it ends up being the first situation or the second -namely once everything is ok between you and him-, he’ll ask you if he can watch you practice your moves and would glady be tutored if you feel like it.
When you place body next to his in order to show him how to correctly position himself, he can’t help but take your hands and begin to lead you in a short dance. If you put so much efforts in the way your posture is, surely it can be used in more fun things like dancing ?
Who is tutoring who ? Don’t know anymore but at least there’s no way you get bored with a pupil like Kalim.
" Mixing dance and fighting is something that has been around for a very long time! How about inventing a new style of dance with me? "
Malleus Draconia
Because of your ‘position’ as Malleus’ partner no one ever try to bother with you since direspecting you is indirecly disrespecting Malleus.
But there’s someone that doesn’t mind crossing the line if it’s for his master’s protection : Sebek. I do believe it would be hard for him to accept that Malleus has someone who is so close to him. What do they have that make them so special ? He just wants to judge if you deserve or not to be with his master. After all, your reputations are linked.
That’s why he may rough you up a little bit, just to see if you totally dependent on your lover.
When Malleus understands the situation, he immedialy comes to separate the both of you. Upon seeing your refusal of giving up the fight he reluctantly let you continue where you stopped.
" Sebek, stop excusing yourself and face them. Don’t understimate them but don’t forget that this is training either. "
He feels a mixture of pride and joy when you make Sebek stumble and fall on his butt. The astonished look on the face of the man etching deliciously in the dragon’s memory.
Having proved yourself to your love’s bodyguard, it is with great satisfaction that you ask Malleus for a picnic in celebration to your victory.
Malleus practically beams at your invitation. He thinks about inviting Lilia and Silver but a selfish part of him wants to bask alone with you in this happiness for now.
" The lake seems like a nice place but I know somewhere far beyond the edge of the foods, there is a cute pond over there. I’d like to show you this place, only if you want to, of course. The lake is just as much lovely. "
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tinamaetales · 3 years
Fine, not fine
When the pandemic broke out in 2020, I was left with nothing to do. Our WFH arrangement during those times is not something I consider as a heavy workload so most of the time I just find myself alone with my own thoughts – which is one of the scariest scenarios for me. To kill time and distract myself from my own self-destructive thoughts, I decided to watch documentaries on Youtube but there really isn’t enough for me so despite not having a huge salary, I decided to subscribe to Netflix and from then on, I was able to watch a lot of movies, series and documentaries. I really wanna write a reflection on each of the stuff I’ve watched but I’m too lazy these days (and yet, here I am writing one).
As I mentioned, I watched a lot of stuff on Netflix but the last three that I’ve watched lately (before I start being invested with American Horror Story series), Angel’s Last Mission: Love, The Good Place, and Mystic Pop-up Bar tend to have a common theme – life, death, afterlife. I didn’t even do it on purpose; I was just really interested in the plot of their stories. What these 3 shows have in common is that they discuss about the morality and consequences and these days, I’m really interested in those topics. Lately, I’ve been questioning myself about what kind of person I am – am I good or bad? I also keep on having an internal debate with myself as to whether or not there is an afterlife and if there is, then where will I end up? Heaven or hell? Those questions are kinda giving me some headache these days but at least it’s a good distraction from my own self-destructive thoughts. Somehow, Philosophy seems interesting to me now (during my College years, I dreaded that subject but still managed to get a 1.25 final grade lol). Anyway, here are my thoughts about the shows:
Angel’s Last Mission: Love
Major lesson: Keep the faith
This kdrama has such a beautiful way of presenting its story that you will fall in love with it in just the first episode! (Also because Kim Myung Soo’s dimples are to die for, omg I’m so in love) Anyway, this drama’s plot is interesting: an angel who disobeyed the law (he’s not allowed to meddle with the lives of humans especially since he’s a guardian angel for animals) on his last day was given the most difficult mission – to make the fallen ballerina know what love is. As I am writing this, I can’t help but feel emotional because the show knows how to attack one’s heart. I will not be telling more of its plot for I might end up spoiling it so I’ll just provide my major take away from this kdrama. (This is one of those kdramas that I can watch again and again coz it’s beautiful)
I was raised in Catholic faith, which is really not a surprise for a Filipino like me since this country is heavily influenced by the Catholic Church, but ever since I’ve become an adult and finally opened my eyes and allow myself to stop living under the notorious gaslighting of people around me, I struggled with my faith in God. It’s really difficult living a traumatized life. In 2018, I seek for professional help and was diagnosed with Dysthymia and Social Anxiety Disorder. And despite therapy and medication, I have not yet healed and sometimes feel like my situation is getting worse. As such, I felt so alone in my struggles which became the reason why I relate to Yeon Seo’s character. People labeled her as a cold bitch and most of them are expecting her to just move on and heal without fully understanding where she is coming from. When Yeon Seo said “Do you know what it feels like to be left behind? It feels like I’m abandoned alone in an endless desert” it hit close to home. I know that one’s pain should not be an excuse for acting up and being mean but people should also understand that healing is different for all of us – we heal at our own pace at our own time. Pain can change a person – I know it fully well for I’ve become a completely different person because of all the pain I’ve been through. But what this show taught me is that God is a merciful God and He will not let us be drown into the abyss of darkness…..somehow, He will make a way to get us back on track and sometimes it’s in ways we never imagined it to be. Like how they sent angel Kim Dan into Yeon Seo’s life, God will also be sending us the answer to our prayers for He loves us and He is the only one who will never give up on us – even though we gave up on ourselves.
The Good Place
Major lesson: There is hope for humanity
I’ve been obsessed with sitcoms since 2019 (if I remember the year correctly) for they’re easy to watch and just fun but I never expected that a sitcom will make me become philosophical and somehow question my own morality: am I a good person?
For a show with only four seasons and fifty-three episodes, The Good Place sets the bar high for a sitcom.  It did not drag its plotline but is able to tell the entire story in a way that leaves the viewers satisfied with it. The Good Place is a story *SPOILER ALERT* that revolves around the afterlife lives of the four main characters: Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason who all end up in the “good place” because they earned enough points on Earth but there’s a catch, two of them are not actually meant to be in the good place. Eleanor and Jason both mistakenly went to the good place because they died at almost the same time as someone with the same name as them but the other two actually deserved to be in the good place. The dilemma started when Eleanor admitted the truth to Chidi, a Philosophy professor who specialized in Ethics for he is torn between helping them or snitching on them. But perhaps the biggest plot twist of all, *SERIOUSLY STOP READING IF YOU DON’T WANT ANY MORE SPOILERS* they are not really in the good place. All four of them are in the Bad Place disguised as the good place and they were specifically chosen to torture each other, just like what Jean Paul Sartre said, “Hell is other people” Now this gets interesting because while none of these four people have committed heinous crimes which can then make them deserving of a spot in the bad place, the actions they’ve done during their lifetime on earth has bearing. At first I find it surprising how Chidi and Tahani end up in the bad place considering that Chidi spent his life in the pursuit of goodness and Tahani is a philanthropist who raised millions of dollars for charities. But then, as the show progressed, I understood. Chidi’s vast knowledge of morality made him become an indecisive person which led towards the suffering of others. Chidi made other people suffer because he finds it difficult to make a choice. On Tahani’s part, she raised millions of dollars to help improve the lives of others but such is a self-serving interest – she did not do those things because she wanted to help but because she wants to make herself look good. On Eleanor’s part, while she did not commit serious crimes, she was a big ass jerk towards others during her time on earth. With Jason, although he is kind, his actions often lead to disasters and although unintentional, harm towards others. With these in mind, I guess it’s safe to say that humans are doomed for the things we do are most of the time self-serving. It’s hard to make it to the Good Place because in one way or another, we do some things that affect others in a negative way. But what this show also taught me is that while it’s true that hell is other people……humans have a chance to improve and be better when given the proper environment as well as when they help each other out. Just like what Michael said “The point is, people improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don’t?”
At first, this show kind of made me realized that I’ve been a bad person….that most of the decisions I’ve made in life are self-serving….I only do things that benefit me and I could not care less about other people but my biggest realization here is that, I acted this way because my unhealed pain and trauma is manifesting itself. I have been hurt way too much that it made me become a bad person and end up with the mantra that life is shitty anyway so why try to be good? And because of that, I felt bad. Now, I try my best to do good things, not because I want to feel good for myself but because it’s the right thing to do. I have come to the realization that just because I was hurt does not mean I have the right to inflict pain on others. I know that morality is not something that can easily be answered since it’s such a complex thing and humans are flawed but as what Michael said (he has a lot of great lines from the show, I can’t help but to keep on quoting him) “What matters isn’t if people are good or bad. What matters is, if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday. You asked me where my hope comes from? That’s my answer.” Please, please, please watch The Good Place! I guess it’s one of the best, if not the best, sitcoms ever.
Mystic Pop-up Bar
Major lesson: Grudges are the heaviest to carry/ the art of letting go
One word to describe this k-drama? HEARTWARMING. With only 12 episodes, this k-drama was able to provide me comfort and healing. I did not actually expect much from this as I only watched it because of Yook Sungjae but what I failed to realize is that this kdrama’s approach to storytelling will be heartwarming. The plot is pretty simple for a fantasy drama: a woman, Weol-ju, runs a pop-up bar in order to fulfill her mission of settling the grudges of 100,000 people but as the years went by, it became difficult for her to have people to open up. When people fail to open up about the grudges they are holding, then it will be difficult for her to help them in solving their problems. And since it is taking her way too long to finish her mission, she was given an ultimatum of having to finish her mission within a month – good thing is she found two people to help her with the case: the afterlife police agent Gwi and the human with special ability of making people open up to him just by having a slight physical contact with them, Kang Bae. I love the way these three main characters complemented each other and I sometimes wish that I was given the chance to be a customer at the Mystic Pop-up Bar not just to have them help me solve my grudges but because sometimes, all we need is people who will listen to us.
As mentioned, Weol-ju’s mission is to help people settle the grudges they are carrying and she makes it happen by having people go inside her pop-up bar, let them tell their stories to her and then she will eventually offer them a special drink (which she disguises as an alcohol) that will make them fall asleep so she can enter the dream world and do her work in settling the grudge. While watching this drama, I can’t help but wonder: why do people drink when they have problems? For someone who never drinks and is not interested in drinking, I’ve always been curious of it. They said that alcohol tastes bitter, so I don’t understand why it seems to be helping people in dealing with their problems? Some say that by drinking, it helps them escape their reality for a while. I did some research about this topic and according to Origins Recovery, alcohol contains anxiolytic properties which means that it helps in inhibiting stress or anxiety. As for the bitterness, I heard from someone that as time passes by, the bitterness become sweet unlike life itself in which as time passes by, it becomes more overwhelming. I guess drinking really helps people to take a pause from the absurdity of life despite its bitterness as well as the headache that follows after drinking. Moreover, who am I to judge people who rely on drinking when their life becomes a mess when I also have my own ways, sometimes self-destructive, of finding an escape from this horrible world that we live in? After all, when life gets too tough, we all just want an escape – even though it’s temporary.
With every episode, Weol-ju and her squad helped people settle their grudges and each time they do, it makes me feel emotional. This show makes me realized that all of us are carrying grudges we don’t talk about and when we do not have the avenue to vent it out, then it eats us up alive. All of us are no stranger to struggles, but it is important to be strong and courageous. We can choose to struggle alone but asking for help does not mean you are weak.
Let me end this blogpost by putting my favorite line from Weol-ju: “No matter what’s making you suffer right now, things will settle and pass eventually. Hang in there until then, and you’ll find yourself stronger”
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365days365movies · 4 years
January 17, 2021: Atomic Blonde (Epilogue)
I genuinely really enjoyed this film! And then...about 2 minutes after it ended...I started to think. And I continued to think. I wrote those two posts, and then took a little bit more time to think.
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And then...I came to my final realization.
John Wick REALLY screwed this movie. Because the perception of this movie for most, myself included, was that of a new John Wick, with a female protagonist. A lot of people referred to it as “Jane Wick.” But it’s definitely not John Wick. It’s trying to be a spy movie, especially like James Bond films.
But the problem is...it isn’t either. To be a spy movie, it tries a little too hard with a pretty standard plot. And then, it intercuts that with John Wick-caliber fight sequences, detracting from the spy movie aesthetic. And then, because you do have those fight scenes, but still need to fit in the spy stuff, it creates a distinct disparity in tone and pace throughout the movie.
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In other words...let’s get to the Recap. I have some more thoughts. And don’t worry! Many of them are positive. Just...not all of them.
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Cast and Acting
Let’s start, of course, with Charlize Theron. Outside of the action sequences, Theron goes well as Broughton, portraying the tough character traits we see in spy characters like her and James Bond. And with the character she’s given, Theron does wonderfully. James McAvoy, on the other hand, seems like he’s having a HELL of a lot of fun with his role. He’s an underrated actor, honestly, and it’s very cool to see him play this sort-of anarchist punk spy. Sofia Boutella also deserves a shout-out for Delphine, playing her character’s naivete well, as well as remaining likeable. Also, Bill Skarsgård deserves a shout-out! I liked Merkel a lot, even despite his shorter screentime. Goodman, Jones, Marsan all do fine in their roles. The USSR characters...eh. They aren’t really given much spotlight...which is weird, given the fact that this is a Cold War drama, but OK. Basically, we’re going with an 9/10. Great; not the best I’ve ever seen all around, but still great!
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Plot and Writing
Yeah...here’s the thing. I might like this movie, but the plot’s kind of a massive mess. Writing’s fine, but the plot is both extremely cliche spy movie, while also being extremely muddled in terms of story. Remember what I said up there about this film trying to be both a spy movie and John Wick, and that not working really well? Yeah, basically that. It attempts to balance the two concepts, but also corrupts what makes those concepts work in the first place. The Bourne Identity is arguably a better version of that combination. It’s too bad, because elements of the plot really take away from the rest of the movie. 
And then...there’s the tacked on ending. Because, yeah, the whole American spy thing? Wasn’t in the original graphic novel. What I genuinely think they should’ve done was end it RIGHT at the interview’s terminus. Or, at least, right as she greets Bremovych as Satchel, as is done in the original novel. And, just to be clear, I thought this BEFORE reading the book. That ending feels...pander-y, for lack of a better term. I realize that we always want our protagonists to be heroic, but how great would it have been if Lorraine actually was kind of a villain? I dunno, I think not adding that extra twist at the end makes the movie stronger and more provocative, in a good way. Sorry, Kurt Johnstad, I know you did a good job on a technical standpoint, but...5/10 here.
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Directing and Action
David Leitch, Jonathan Sela, and Sam Hargrave, the director, cinematographer, and stunt coordinator/fight choreographer, respectively. Full points for the action sequences, because MAN, those were some good action sequences! Rough and gritty, but extremely well-choreographed and shot at the same time, the action deserves the praise that it’s gotten. How about the cinematography? Stylistic, and very bold colors make this film very memorable. But...they don’t have much clear tie-in to the theming, and I think there’s some missed opportunity there. And the direction overall is great, even if I don’t think it’s perfect. It is Leitch’s first film as solo director, after all. 8/10!
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Production and Art Design
Changed the title of this section! Turns out that I’ve been conflating the two concepts, so let’s include them both from now on, shall we? But OK, what did I think of it? Costume design was iconic...in the case for Charlize Theron, at least. James McAvoy a little bit, too, but it’s clear that Cindy Evans focused more upon Charlize than anyone else in the film, really. Which, for a spy, isn’t the best of ideas. Still, that combined with Zsuzsa Kismarty-Lechner’s art direction for the sets and set pieces (almost all of which are splashed with graffiti, in a very 1980′s flair) do bring you back to the time period in which the film is set. This, of course, is also due to the work of David Scheunmann, the production designer who’s actually from Berlin, and whose experiences were vital into making this film look as good as it does. If you’re not sold on the set design, check out the differences, obvious and subtle, between West and East Germany in the film. While some of it is clear, some of it carries some surprisingly subtle messaging (Stalker and Tetris, for example). So, even if Charlize got most of the costume attention, a lot of credit should be given to this movie. 8/10 for this one!
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Music and Editing
Maybe the most well-known aspect of this movie, outside of the dramatic lighting, is the ‘80s soundtrack. Some love it, some criticize it quite a bit for overwhelming the film. And honestly...I think they’re both right? Here’s the thing, the music is great, and some of it is used in unexpectedly creative ways that critics didn’t seem to pick up on. Biggest and best example of this is Nena’s 99 Luftballons. That song if you didn’t know, is inspired by the separation between East and West Berlin. It’s literally a song about the cost of political strife, leading to war between countries over something as trivial as a red balloon. And when do they play it during the movie? When Bremovych is waging interrogating young East Berliners celebrating the culture of the west. It’s surprisingly profound! However...using Flock of Seagulls’ I Ran during a chase scene is...less so. That’s one’s a little on the nose, let’s be honest here. And that basically sums up the music for the movie. It’s all good music, but it’s either used well, or it just isn’t. Also, there actually is music composed for this movie, by Tyler Bates, and it is good...but I had to listen to the soundtrack to remember that it was even in the movie. So, yeah, not fantastic.
OK, how about the editing? The flashback sequence intercuts as part of the movie have been criticized by some for interfering with the pace and tone. And...eh. Wasn’t too much of a problem for me, to be honest. And other than that, it didn’t stand out too much to me. I’m finding that editing is the hardest thing to judge in these movies, but who knows? I think this little project might improve my film judgment skills. Also, those long shots? Not true long shots, as they were edited in post. So, good job to Elísabet Ronaldsdóttir! Overall, though, this category’s getting a 7/10 from me.
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That’d be a...68% Really?
I’m legitimately surprised, because I do like this movie! Really, I do! But breaking it up piece by piece...it’s only really OK. My personal preference doesn’t necessarily dictate my score, and vice verse. So, I like this movie...even if it’s not as good as it can be. It’s a distinctive and stylish film with great action, and if you wanna see Charlize Theron be cool and kick ass, then WATCH THIS MOVIE! 
And by the way, I didn’t touch too much upon the fact that this is the rare bisexual protagonist, and this is Tumblr, so I know that that’s something you guys know. And honestly...eh. Fact of the matter is that it’s a part of her character, but...we don’t really get to know the real her throughout the entire movie, so...is it? I’m honestly not sure. But, representation is representation, I get it. Also, fun fact, Delphine actually is in the graphic novel, but as a guy. So, interesting change, that!
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OK, I think we’re done with the spy movies for a bit, now. Let’s switch subgenres a day. Let’s inject a little more adventure into this month, and let’s trade fists...with swords. It’s swashbuckler time.
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January 18, 2021: The Mask of Zorro
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