#(or i am just experiencing frequency illusion … which is. more likely)
poisonr00t · 2 years
posts by mcr blogs circulate tumblr like blood in the veins or something
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
11 Sisters to The Law of Attraction; The 12 Universal Laws of Manifesting
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By now, most of us are familiar with the law of attraction. What many of us don’t realize, however, is that it’s only one of the 12 laws of the universe. It has 11 sister laws that are equally as important and fascinating to study.
The law of attraction has caught a lot of animosity lately. As with anything that gains popularity, there’s going to be misunderstanding, misuse and exploitation. There’s a whole ton of people talking about it right now that don’t actually understand it and half of those people are trying to teach it.
Frustration and mistrust is valid. Perhaps studying her sister laws can help us bring some clarity and direction to this concept. Afterall, we can’t put the whole puzzle together with only one piece.
The Law of Oneness
The first of the 12 universal laws is the idea that we are all one. Separation is only an illusion. What I do unto you, I do unto myself.
It’s the whole “treat others the way you’d like to be treated” thing. Through helping, healing and lifting up others, we create positive momentum for us all, collectively.
You are another version of me, and I of you. Through healing myself, I help heal others. Through helping others I am also helping myself.
The Law of Vibration
The second law states that everything in the universe, physical and nonphysical, tangible and intangible, is vibrating at a specific frequency. It’s all made of energy and this energy is always moving, always vibrating.
We, as humans, have the ability to travel along the different vibrational frequencies using our emotions. Although simple, for most of us it’s not at all easy to control this but we can look at our emotional guidance scale for help and reference.
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The Law of Correspondence
This universal law states that everything is a reflection of itself. It’s the “As above, so below” law. Also translated as “The above is the below”.
It tells us that our outside world is a direct reflection of our inside world. For example, the spaces we spend the most time in are a mirror to what we are experiencing within ourselves; emotionally, mentally and physically.
Likewise, on a larger scale, the macrocosm reflects the microcosm. Atoms look like solar systems and society is as healthy as the individual within it.
Law of Attraction
And here’s the star of the show. The law that says you can attract that which you desire. However, just like a kick isn’t just a kick in taekwondo, there’s a process to wielding this law that comes easier to some rather than others.
As a simple rule of thumb, seek to live compassionately, heart centered, generously, graciously and humble. It’ll get you there.
Afterall, each move in martial arts requires a handful or more of precise mechanisms to be done properly. Just keep practicing and refining your form with patience and persistence.
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Law of Inspired Action
The fifth universal law tell us to remain open to the subtle steering of the universe and our intuition. When we need to act, urges will be sent to us. It’s important that we listen and follow these. They’re guiding us towards our manifestations.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Energy is always, always, always being transferred. From person to person, from object to people, from people to things, between animals, by water, earth, air and fire. This flow is continuous and never ceasing.
Remember, energy can not be created nor destroyed. So it’s important to learn how to allow it to flow through and from you smoothly.
We are capable, as energy wielders, of blocking this flow. The result is energy blocks that cause stagnation and in turn, illness. It’s covered more here.
Law of Cause and Effect
For every action, there is an equal reaction. Regardless to whether the reaction is observed by it’s kick off point. You may not see the reaction and it may be delayed but it will come to pass. It’s essentially “the butterfly effect”.
Law of Compensation
This universal law teaches us that you reap what you sow. Similar to what has become known as karma (I say similar because the ancient teachings of karma are a bit different than what we’ve turned it into).
Keep putting good out into the world and you will be rewarded. Keep doing the work and you will be paid for it. Do remember that money is only 1 of many forms of compensation the universe deals in.
Law of Relativity
The law of relativity is one that Einstein himself made famous. It states that reality as we know it is relative to the person experiencing it.
No 2 of us share the same reality. Although there may be mostly overlapping themes, life for you is as you see it. This is wonderful, though, because it also means you somewhat get to choose your reality.
You get to choose what to believe, which in turn shapes your reality. We get to choose how much power we give to certain situations, circumstances, thoughts and all, which also helps us to form it into what we like.
Keep this law in mind when interacting with others. We can’t begin to understand their reality, so listening with objectivity is of the utmost importance.
Law of Polarity
This could just as easily be called the law of opposites. It’s the principle of yin and yang. For everything in existence, there is an opposite counterpart. This contrast of opposing forces is what creates our tangible existence.
We cannot know light without knowing darkness. Without hate there could be no love. To heal, manifest and operate in this world in a purely healthy manner, we must acknowledge and respect both sides.
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Law of Rhythm
The eleventh law of the universe states that everything has a “rhythm”. We can see it in the cyclical patterns of all things. The changing of the seasons, the lifespan of every living thing, the phases of the moon, we could go on to point out cycles or “rhythms” in all things.
Understanding this law means to understand that the only constant in life is change. Becoming attached to anything causes problems because it’s a failed perception of reality. Nothing is permanent. Everything will inevitably move onto the next part of it’s cycle, more or less closing one chapter behind them in order to do so.
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Law of Gender
The law of gender could lend a hefty insight into the debate of gender we’re seeing in society these days. I’m not trying to pick sides, simply presenting information that has been passed down for thousands of years.
It states that all things hold both feminine and masculine energy. To understand this, we have to let go of the purely human (and therefore limited understanding) of masculine and feminine energies and instead look at it from a more neutral, yin and yang stand point.
Both are equal and balanced. With yin residing within yang and yang within yin. Energy in and of itself is fluid. Always moving and flowing. Which means the amount of which within a person or thing can and will fluctuate. We must honor this natural process instead of resist it.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
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rosarenn · 3 years
All things are ephemeral
I've been thinking a lot about the illusion of certainty and the way it holds us back from achieving great things.
There's this idea that if something is temporary, transient, that it isn't worth putting any effort into. That something is only worth your time if it endures, if it's permanent. That the investment must be followed by a payoff or why bother.
I am very much talking out of my own experience here, as a white settler/colonizer raised in a more or less middle class family. I know my experience is not universal, and I am still going to talk about "we" and "us" because I want to include myself in this group, and I'm noticing a pattern that I want to talk about. If you have never experienced certainty, or are in a stable position for the first time in your life, this is probably not about you, for example. Take what you need and compost the rest.
I'm reading Nine-Tenths of the Law: Property and Resistance in the United States by Hannah Dobbz, which discusses squatting in the US. One of the themes that comes up over an over again is the idea that because a squat is temporary, because the police could kick you out at any moment, because you don't have ownership or equity or any kind of title on your side and you could lose everything in a moment's notice, that it doesn't make any sense to improve the home you're living in. That the work would be wasted, and who wants to work their ass off and not reap the benefits? Why would you bother?
And this, to me, is so incredibly short-sighted, and represents an internalization of the logic of capitalism. Why would you bother? Because you are fucking living there. You're living there, you're passing your limited time on this planet in this space, and why would you live in a dump if you don't have to, if you don't like living in a dump, if you would feel better, be happier, enjoy your time there just a little bit more than if you didn't clean it up. It's the same reason I've painted countless rental apartments - even though I don't know how long I'll be there, while I'm there I eventually get sick at looking at plain white walls. It's why I'm planning to paint a mural in my rental apartment - it will bring me daily joy for as long as I am here. It's why I decorated my office when I still had an office. Because if this is where I am passing my time, I want it to be a little more pleasant.
We've so internalized the logic of the state and the market that we have this illusion that home-owning provides certainty, that it makes sense to invest in a home you own because it can't be taken away at a moment's notice. But it's a lie. The bank could repossess your home. The sewer could back up. A flood or a wildfire could make your home vanish in a moment. With climate change these events are only going to increase in frequency, as will the unrest and failed states and all the other forms of violent dispossession that that entails. The entire stock market could blow itself to pieces tomorrow, the currency we've all agreed to use could become worthless pieces of paper, anything can happen. I could die tomorrow. I could die today. There is no certainty, any where, ever. Anything I work for could be for nothing - nothing except for what I make of it here and now. I want to live before I die.
I think about the way I've been indoctrinated to delay gratification to the extreme. That's what the promise of capitalism to the middle class is, after all. Work tirelessly for all of your productive years, save your coins prudently, invest them in the stock market for the future and never take out your principle because compound interest is magic and you'd be a fool to forego that sweet, sweet "free" interest income. And then, and only then, you can retire for a few years and live a tiny sliver of your life free from the constant grind of daily waged labour. If someone is not able to make ends meet, I was taught, it's because they are too loose with their spending, they aren't able to delay gratification long enough for the real payout, the poor dears. Scrupulously saving, denying ourselves the momentary joys of right now in order to chase a possible future prosperity, is positioned as a moral good.
Of course this is a lie, and a terrible way to live (even as it is incredibly privileged). I lived this way for years and I'm only now beginning to come to terms with it. There's so much grief there. How much did I miss out on? Think of all the joy, vitality, and the things that make life worth living that I denied myself - and for what? To chase certainty in the future, because I couldn't accept the ephemerality of today.
There's a delicate balance needed here, of course. There's an argument to be made that what we need is more delayed gratification, not less. The constant churning consumption, the endless extraction from the earth and our bodies, putting today's profits ahead of tomorrow's, or even above the survival of our own children - these are features of capitalism and they are destroying us.
But they need to sell us this lie, that if we work hard today we can be happy tomorrow, to keep us working. Because if we truly looked at horrors of this reality, if we truly knew in our bones that everything we have today could be gone tomorrow, that everything in life is fleeting - would you still go to work, day after day after day? I know I sure wouldn't. Even though I don't know what I would do to survive instead. Even though stepping into that unknown is terrifying. Even though I have no answers, I would have to take that leap.
I think, too, about the way I sometimes see people talk about revolution - and I include myself in this group. That until we are ready to make a global revolution, until we are all but guaranteed success, until the moment we reach critical mass, all we can do is wait. Maybe we agitate, maybe we form unions and organizations and try to spread the word, but until success is certain we can't act, not truly. I see this more in communist circles than in anarchist ones, and it was especially present in the critiques of the temporary autonomous zones that popped up in the midst of last summer's uprisings - they would never succeed, they would be quickly dismantled, and thus were doomed to failure and shouldn't even be attempted. As if there was no value in the experiences, however fleeting. As if the way we live our lives is irrelevant. As if a thing bringing you joy is not enough justification in itself.
Even though I skew more towards anarchism, I can still feel this attitude infecting my own thinking. I don't want to try to unionize my workplace because it will fail and I'll get fired and it won't matter, really, anyways. I don't want to talk openly about my politics when I know people don't agree with me, because what's the point when I already know I can't change their minds. What's the point of guerrilla gardening when the city can just come by with a weed whacker and destroy our labour. So on and so on ad nauseum, every endeavour doomed to be temporary and thus, automatically, a failure.
I think of my friend who spent the past two summers building up an incredible garden, who now has to move, suddenly, before the end of the growing season. My first reaction was that it was such a waste, that she had put in so much effort and time and money and now wouldn't even be there to collect the final harvest, that it would be better if she hadn't done the planting, somehow. As if she hasn't taken immense pleasure and pride in her garden for the past two years. As if she hasn't harvested throughout the whole summer. As if the harvest she planted suddenly winks out of existence if the benefits go to someone other than her. As if this somehow invalidates everything that came before. But this line of thinking is horseshit. Someone will still eat those vegetables. If nothing else, the birds and the beasties will love eating what she has grown. She learned so much and will be able to carry that knowledge forward with her. On and on, there was great value in this venture even if she will not be there to reap every last piece of the harvest. And if it wasn't a sudden move, it could have been a drought, or a violent storm, or an infestation, or theft. Or or or. The possibilities are endless, results are never guaranteed, and if we are only working to achieve an ends, we might need to take a good long look at what we're up to.
I wonder if the roots of this ideology stretch all the way back to the agricultural revolution. Ephemerality would have been the day to day lived experience of hunter-gatherers. Here today, gone tomorrow, pick the berries now, while they're ripe and before the birds get them. But agriculture? Prepare the field, plant the seeds, water, tend, wait. wait. wait. then finally harvest. Finally finally your labour has paid off and you can eat. Careful though because there won't be another harvest until next year, so be careful, ration, wait. Would you plant the field if you didn't know if you'd be around to harvest it? That's a tough sell, for sure.
I think of flatwormposting, on instagram, who announced suddenly that they would delete their account today. That they felt like they had accomplished what they wanted to accomplish, that they were complete, and ready to move on. The immediate response, of course, was no, don't go, or if you must go, please don't delete the account. Leave it up, to sit in perpetuity, an archive of your work and legacy. Please, you did good work, please let us keep it. As if deleting their account deletes their work. As if they won't carry it forward with them. As if people who interacted with the account while it was up weren't changed in some small way. As if a thing that is temporary - which is all things - is somehow less important than a permanent thing.
And their response was simply, all things are ephemeral. All things are ephemeral, everything could be gone tomorrow. If they didn't delete this account, instagram could. A hacker could take it. Nothing is certain, everything is a constant renegotiation. Given that, what now?
What now? How do we want to live before we die? What choices might we make if nothing was certain? What risks would we take? How would we live our lives if we knew, deeply, truly, in an embodied way, that another world is possible, as the Nap Bishop constantly reminds us? That the continuation of this one as it is, that the status quo is not and has never been certain? That each day we wake up we make this world again, and we could simply chose to make it differently, to paraphrase David Graeber. If we no longer privileged that which is over that which could be. If we no longer held onto the illusion of certainty and control and permanence.
All things are ephemeral. What now?
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Arcturian Group Message
via Marilyn Raffaele -  February 14, 2021 onenessofall.com ​ Welcome dear readers. Know that we are here to guide and assist, but never to force for only you yourselves can acknowledge and reclaim the innate power that throughout the course of many lifetimes you ignorantly allowed others to take from you. ​ The time is now to be what you always have been but have not known you were. It is time to stand in your identity as a spiritual being formed of Divine Consciousness no longer subject to the third dimensional nonsense and false claims that feed a sense of inadequacy and prevent you from trusting in your ability to make wise choices and decisions. ​ You have traveled through many lifetimes and have experienced all skin colors, both genders, and most three dimensional experiences. Because of it, you have reached a place of wisdom and spiritually evolved awareness that in turn has left you at a fork in the road of your evolutionary journey. You have done the work required to bring you to this fork and now you must decide. ​ Path 1- "Should I continue believing that others (family, friends, experts, newscasters, government, religious doctrine) know what is best for me even when or if it does not resonate with me? Do I believe that I am unable to make wise decisions for myself? Do I believe that I am powerless or that victim-hood serves me by providing comfort and attention?" ​ Path 2. "I Choose to trust my intuition because I know it is the voice of my real SELF. I choose to stop giving power for good or bad to everything outside of myself. I choose to begin living life from my highest attained awareness of truth in spite of what others may believe". ​ Today is a time of indecision and confusion because on one hand you are continually being told what is true and right while at the same time you are feeling that much of what you are being told is not true. We do not speak so much of politics, but rather about the unrecognized duality present within the small and seemingly ordinary aspects of daily living. ​ Most are accustomed to simply allowing commonly accepted beliefs and habit to guide their decisions and actions. Every day when driving, shopping, simply being at home, answering the phone, at work, or taking care of basic family needs, you are faced with ordinary situations in which you can be loving or not loving. ​ These daily events offer you opportunities to practice your highest awareness of love which in certain situations may not even seem like love to the three dimensional mind. There may be times when being loving means taking no action at all, allowing another to suffer from their choices in order to learn. Love must be a part of the small everyday activites rather than being reserved for grand gestures that result in praise and adoration. ​ Small and ordinary expressions of love and kindness that flow from a realization of oneness eventually become an attained and permanent state of consciousness. Because you are consciousness and not just a physical body, love then automatically expresses itself through you without thought or effort because consciousness is who and what you are. ​ Example: You no longer need to practice or make an effort to be honest because honesty is your attained state of consciousness and is who you are. It is the same for unconditional love. As a realization of oneness becomes the state of consciousness of the majority, it will then become the collective consciousness and you will begin see world peace. ​ Love is the connecting energy that flows between all individual expressions of the ONE. Everything, all life, is connected by virtue of there being only One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness, the only substance--that which is called GOD. ​ This interconnecting energy between all life is interpreted by every individual according to their attained level of awareness. If this interconnection is interpreted by a mind (the translator of consciousness) that is fully enmeshed in separation and duality, it will interpret it in forms of self service, even rape, abuse, or violence. ​
In spite of how completely oneness may be misunderstood and falsely interpreted by minds conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation, the Divine interconnecting energy between all within the ONE never changes and the realization of this is the door leading out of the hypnotism of human-hood that has plagued mankind throughout time. ​ Your job as a spiritually evolved person is to help mankind ascend out of three dimensional energy and into frequencies that are higher and real. In order to do this you must learn to see through the manifestations of duality and separation that have and still are presenting themselves so realistically. The third dimension can be likened to the lower rung of a very high ladder. ​ This does not mean approval or simply looking the other way. In order to be effective, words or actions must be expressed in a way that the person's level of awareness allows them to understand. At the same time a Light worker never loses sight of the fact that the individual needing reprimand or guidance is at their core, a Divine Being. This allows the energy of the necessary words or actions to flow on a stream of higher dimensional energy. ​ Stand back and allow the debris to settle, dear ones. Don't judge the state of things by staring at cloudy water swirling with hundreds of different substances because it is being shaken. Allow everything to be what it is, not judging by appearances. Hold to the knowledge that floating debris never becomes the water and will at some point settle to the bottom. ​ Be patient with yourselves and others while continuing to hold your highest awareness of truth in spite any outer circumstances you may find yourself in. . Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the energy is quickly moving toward it. You will soon begin to see positive changes. ​ You came to shine Light on the world's collective shadows and thus assist in dissolving them. Shadows are simply places without light and as such are never real because they have no substance regardless of how menacing they may appear. ​ Shadow energies are beginning to manifest everywhere because high dimensional light is exposing them. Rather than being shocked or going into fear in the presence of shadow energy, look at it and laugh for appearances that arise from the nothingness of false beliefs are illusion, having nothing to support, maintain, or sustain them other than belief in them. ​ We do not say this to diminish the struggles that many are experiencing at this time, but rather to help you to see and detach from continuing to feed them with the energy of belief in them as being reality. This is why you are seeing so much chaos at this time. The shadows are being exposed in order to be recognized and dissolved through mankind's awakening into a higher state of awareness. ​ You have attained a consciousness of truth and are able to view the world with awakened and evolved eyesight which is why you are on earth at this particular time. You may think you are doing nothing if you judge by traditional concepts about what light work is, but light work is not and never has been limited to healers, channelers, shamans, and metaphysical teachers. ​Light work is the automatic flow of higher dimensional energy in every ordinary aspect of life from those who have attained a high resonating state of consciousness. ​Everyone who has attained this high level of spiritual awareness is a Light worker. You are here to silently and secretly be the Light as you live what may appear to others to be an ordinary existence. Your evolved consciousness automatically assists others to awaken to their own light which will eventually lift the balance of truth versus false in the collective. ​ Divine Consciousness is omnipresent and therefore every bit of Light you attain and carry in your consciousness has the power to effect anyone able to align with it. Someone ready and receptive to truth may shift to a new level of awareness simply by being in the presence of a truth filled consciousness. The receptive person may be far away across the world but because there is only ONE, they can be lifted by your awareness. ​ ONE is the key word--one Divine Consciousness. The truth you hold in your consciousness allows it to be available to anyone able to align with it. This is how Jesus healed, those seeking help aligned with and became one with his consciousness that held no belief in disease as a reality. ​ This is the vital work you are doing as Light workers and it is more powerful than protesting, proselytizing, or seeking three dimensional solutions. However, not all are spiritually qualified to work at this level and wise world leaders are needed at this time in all levels of life. Some of you may be guided to work in the "trenches" and if you are, don't resist, for all work is spiritual work when done from a place of love. ​Regardless of what your life may presently look like, never lose sight of who you are. Cease seeking, and be. You are ready. ​ ​We are the Arcturian Group 2/14/21
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the stars always make me laugh (1/4)
Now complete! Here is chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, and the epilogue.
A year to the day after Ziva departs D.C. to return to Paris and reunite with her family, her newfound contentment is shaken by an unexpected loss. Tony and Tali are right where they belong—safely by her side—but she still finds herself feeling drawn to reflect on the past. She might just be able to use this new grief to bring peace to old wounds, renewing hope along the way for a future with her family... but only if she can find a way to let go of what haunts her.
Written as a combined response to two different challenge prompts; also available for reading on ff and AO3. This is angsty but will ultimately be soft. 
"And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure… And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, 'Yes, the stars always make me laugh!'"
—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
January 7th, 2021
It's a Thursday morning when Tony gets the call.
He's working from home today, and he's nearing the end of a video conference when his phone buzzes—he looks down to check it and sees his favorite unflattering photo of Tim McGee on the screen. Paris is six hours ahead of Washington, where McGee presumably still is, which makes it… hmm. It's four in the morning there. He's probably not reaching out for a casual chat, then.
Something tells him to take the call.
"Sorry to be rude," Tony says quickly in French, looking back at his computer screen, "but there's an emergency I have to deal with. Let's go ahead and wrap this up for today and we'll talk progress next week, same time as usual—Félix, go ahead and email me that report, if you can. I'll check in when I'm back at the office tomorrow. Have a good morning, all of you."
Then he abruptly ends the conference; he cares very little if he comes across as impolite, because his thoroughly French team has always seen him as a hopelessly crass American anyway.
Tony hits a button on his cell, catching the call just before it would have gone to voicemail. "Why, if it isn't Tim-Tim-Timothy McGee!" he cries, jovial as usual even though he's a little apprehensive about the nature of the unexpected conversation. "What can I do for you?"
"Hey, Tony." McGee sounds tired, which is little wonder given the time difference. "Do you have a moment to talk?"
"Sure," Tony agrees, dropping the slightly mocking enthusiasm from his tone. "What's up?"
"I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to say it, okay?"
"There was an accident last night, and—"
"Who?" Tony can read between the lines—he doesn't have to hear the word "death" to understand that someone he knows has passed away.
"It was Ducky."
Tony is on the phone with McGee for another fifteen minutes, getting all the details and committing them to memory as best as he can through his slight haze of shock. Though Ducky had always been the oldest member of their team and clearly couldn't live forever, he had seemed… invincible, somehow. He was an institution, something timeless and never-ending.
Of course, that had been an illusion, but still, it's strange to know that the vibrant old man is now just…
The rest of the workday is spent processing all of this new information and making preparations. Tony can't imagine a world in which they wouldn't fly back to the States to attend the funeral, and though he hasn't yet talked to Ziva about it, he feels fairly comfortable arranging emergency bereavement leave from work and informing Tali's school that she'll be out next week.
Near the end of the call, McGee had asked if Tony wanted him to call Ziva, too, or if Tony wanted to tell her himself. Tony's answer was immediate: he knew without needing to stop and consider that telling Ziva in person would be the right thing to do.
It doesn't matter how much he hates having to give bad news.
Tony intends to do it tonight, once his wife is home from work… she has experienced too much loss in her life for him to be anything less than absolutely gentle in telling her about their old friend. There's no need to make it harder than it needs to be; an impersonal phone call across the Atlantic may have been an inevitability for Tony himself, but now that he knows, he wants to be there to hold Ziva's hand when she finds out, too.
He would give anything to spare her from as much pain as possible, and while he can't do much, he can do this.
Fortunately, the timing of McGee's call is decent—Tali has choir practice after school today, effectively speeding up the rest of the evening's schedule. By the time Ziva gets home, it'll nearly be dinner time, and bedtime will follow shortly after.
Tony doesn't want to delay giving Ziva the news, but he thinks it best to wait until Tali is safely tucked away. That way, they don't have to worry about putting on happy faces to keep from scaring her.
As soon as Ziva walks in the door, she can tell that something is wrong. Tony looks tired or sad, or maybe both. He kisses her in greeting as usual, though, and when she gives him a questioning look, he answers with an almost imperceptible shake of his head. Later, she understands that to mean.
Ziva is concerned, but she trusts him.
Still, Tony seems eager to rush through Tali's evening routine, telling Ziva her unsettled feeling isn't merely a product of her typical anxiety… she's right, and something has happened or is happening still.
If she was Gibbs, she'd claim a gut feeling.
"Tony, is everything alright?" Ziva asks in a low, tense voice once Tali's bedroom door is shut for the night.
Tony shakes his head. "Let's go sit," he answers softly.
He leads her to the couch and she sits next to him automatically, her heart starting to race in a horribly familiar way. "Please just tell me, whatever it is," she murmurs anxiously.
Tony takes her hand. "Alright." His voice is gentle. "Just don't forget to breathe, Ziva, okay? I got a call from McGee today, and he had some bad news. Ducky was in an accident last night… he passed away this morning."
Ziva's pulse is thudding in her ears, and she focuses on the grounding anchor of Tony's hand on hers as she tries to internalize what he just told her. "An accident?" she echoes, sounding distant even to herself.
"Yeah…" Tony shakes his head and unexpectedly gives a quiet, incredulous laugh. The sound pulls Ziva out of her head a little, and she makes a conscious effort to squeeze his hand back as she waits for details.
He gives her a warm smile, recognizing the gesture.
"Honestly, it was the 'Duckiest' way that he could have died, I think," Tony explains. "He had apparently been out in Newfoundland exploring some continental fault thing, and on the way back, his plane hit some bad weather and ended up crashing. Palmer says it was very quick—Ducky never would have felt a thing."
Ziva nods, slightly faint but quickly getting over her shock. With any luck, she'll avoid a full-blown anxiety attack; the frequency of the attacks has decreased since she reunited with her family a year ago, but they'll always be a threat that she has to be prepared for.
Tony seems to understand that she's not quite ready to talk yet, so he keeps going. "There are worse ways to go, for sure, and I think Ducky would have wanted to spend his last minutes just as he did: coming from from an adventure in a tiny two-seater Bonanza. You know what I mean?"
"Yes… yes, I am sure you are right," she agrees, her voice steadier.
"I'm really glad that we got to see him recently, too. We had a good time, didn't we?"
"We did." A few months back, Ducky'd had a daylong layover in Paris on a trip to a remote area of Siberia, and they'd spent a very fun day showing him around the city. Their daughter had warmed to him quickly, which was hardly surprising.
"Hopefully Tali was old enough that she'll remember it, I think."
Tony pauses, and with his free hand, he reaches up to briefly caress his wife's cheek. "Are you alright?" he questions, concerned. "You're not saying much. I don't want you to pass out on me."
"I am—" Ziva stops in the middle of her sentence and takes two deep breaths. She had nearly said 'fine,’ but she's not, is she?
Ziva likes to think that she can be open and honest with Tony these days, as much as a lifetime of trials has given her the impulse to keep things to herself. The fact that Tony waits patiently for her to finish rather than interrupting tells her that she's right—she shouldn't shut him out.
Finally coming to a decision, she shakes her head. "No."
Tony nods. "I thought that might be the case."
"Are you?"
"No. No, I'm really not. But I will be."
Tony's words suddenly pull a memory to the forefront of Ziva's mind, and she tilts her head for a moment, considering something.
Tony waits, a slight frown furrowing his brow.
"Come," Ziva decides finally. "There is something that I want to show you."
A few minutes later, a bemused Tony watches from the doorway as Ziva digs determinedly through a box in the back of their bedroom closet. He knows what's in that box, and he knows that several identical boxes stacked neatly in the corner contain more of the same: Ziva's old journals from NCIS, dozens of them thoughtfully shipped to Paris by Ellie Bishop.
"Are you looking for one in particular?"
"Yes," Ziva answers, but she doesn't explain any further. After a few more seconds, she makes a noise of triumph and rises with one of the journals in hand.
"Found it?"
"I did."
She leads him back to the bedroom and sits on the bed, inviting him to sit next to her; Tony is relieved to see that while she definitely looks pained and tired, there are no obvious signs of an impending anxiety attack.
Once they're settled, Ziva gently—almost lovingly—pats the cover of the thin book. "This is one of my journals from late 2009 until early 2010."
"Shortly after I was rescued from the desert, yes."
Tony nods; it's not his favorite time to think about, and he knows it can't be for Ziva, either—so why did she pull this notebook in particular from the dozens of identical ones chronicling her experiences?
"Ducky was… helpful to me, in the aftermath of my rescue."
"He was?" Tony interjects in surprise. "You've never talked about that before."
"It is not a subject that I deeply enjoy discussing, something I am sure you can understand."
"Well, because I believe that sharing this memory will honor Ducky, I would like to tell you more about what he did for me."
"Are you sure?"
Ziva nods, and she keeps the journal clutched lovingly in one hand as she reaches over to lay a hand on Tony's thigh. "It has been a long time, and I think I am ready." She offers a smile—it's small and watery, but it's very sincere, and something about it makes Tony's own eyes start to sting.
He's been too busy to cry today, but he knows it's coming sooner or later. Ducky had been family for a very long time, and with this on top of that loss...
"Okay," he agrees roughly, clearing his throat. "Take it away. I'm all ears."
Ziva squeezes his thigh and then pulls her hand away, glancing down at the journal; this one will always be one she cares for above its brethren, because its painful content reminds her of how much she has overcome.
After a pause, Ziva opens it carefully.
Then, her voice surprisingly steady, she starts to read.
January 7th, 2010
There is a reason that I have not penned an entry in quite some time; I have walked a difficult road these past months. Today, however, I was offered a comfort that I had not previously possessed the courage to ask for. If I have any hope of sorting through my own thoughts on the matter, though, I need to reconsider earlier events.
Before returning to Mossad more than half a year ago, I was faced with a dilemma that I had successfully avoided in my career before that point—that is, the dilemma of who to trust and who to side with when personal and professional obligations become hopelessly conflicted. I have already written at length about the choices I and the others made in the midst of that conflict.
Much has happened since then, but recent forced introspection has shown me an important connection between the difficulties of Michael's death and the horrors I endured after: a connection between who I was then and who I am now. That night, it only took a few minutes to change the course of my life: in that time, Tony and Michael fought, and Michael was killed. Every single one of us has had to deal with the consequences of those events ever since.
At the time, I let my anger and my grief consume me, destroying all vestiges of rationality in my thoughts and decisions. I followed that pain to the Horn of Africa, hurting and reckless and prepared for death.
Of course, I did not die, and that has brought consequences of its own… consequences that I am only now beginning to come to terms with.
In the wake of Michael's death and doubly so in the wake of my experiences in the desert camp, I found myself vulnerable. For the first time in my life, I'd been forced to acknowledge my heart and acknowledge its fragility. It could be bruised. It could humiliate me. These were things that frightened me, because I knew from recent experience that they could—and likely would—be used against me. My fear led me to withdraw, to hide again; acknowledging my own weakness demanded far less bravery than I would have needed to share that vulnerability with my friends.
I defaulted to an old defense mechanism. I leaned on ability borne of long experience to simply feign contentment. I passed my psychological evaluations, I sent my resignation to Abba, and against all odds, I was instated as a probationary special agent at NCIS. After a time, my colleagues stopped watching me when they thought I could not see, waiting for me to fall apart. I had convinced them that I was alright; perhaps I even convinced myself some of the time, too. Maybe I was not yet as 'fine' as I seemed to be, but I was sure that in time, I would reach a point where my conscience felt as carefree as my forced smile looked to those who loved me.
Darkness, however, is difficult to chase away with one single flickering candle, lit only by the flame of my own exhausted determination. My candle burned low, worn down over time, and I found myself in need of help. I alone could not summon the light that had long since fled my tired soul.
Though I did not know to whom I should turn, fate helped a friend to find me. It was—of all people—Ducky. In many ways, he is something of a saba* to me, the kind that I wished for as a child. Even so, I would not have thought to seek him out as a confidant. I see now how remiss I was in taking him for granted as I have sometimes done. It turns out that he was just who I needed.
He found me this evening in the midst of… I do not know how to define what I was feeling. I can only say that I was lost in a moment of weakness. At the time, being seen that way was humiliating, but now, several hours later, it feels serendipitous.
Ducky and I spoke quite candidly then… I will not record the details of the conversation here, because I feel in no danger of forgetting what was said. I am confident, however, that today marks something of a new beginning for me. There is still so much to sort through and process, but the shadows already feel less dim.
Today, I invited a friend to see my darkness, and despite what he saw, he did not pity me; he only held my hand and lit another candle.
*saba = "grandfather" in Hebrew
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bubble-tea-bunny · 5 years
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an exercise in teamwork 
[freddy freeman x reader]
author’s note: painted my nails a cute spring shade and i am v happy  
word count: 2,882
Ever since you and Freddy had agreed to split the price of the new video game coming out at the end of the month, you have seen its name popping up everywhere—a commercial on television, plastered upon billboards you spot in passing down the freeway, the front page article with the biggest coverage on gaming news sites. This release was going to be huge. Of course the two of you had to get your hands on what many are beginning to argue may be game of the year.
People talk about it at school, in the hallways between periods. In the chaos of those five minutes, you catch snippets of conversations, finding out who’s already pre-ordered, who is going to, who’s going to be there for midnight release, and so on and so forth. At this point, from how much you’ve heard, half the student body must be buying this game.
Freddy laughs when you say that. He says you’re exaggerating and you don’t correct him because maybe you are, maybe you haven’t actually heard as many people talking about it as you think you have. And he tells you about a phenomenon called the Baader-Meinhof effect: It’s a frequency illusion. When you become aware of something, you start to notice it all over the place.
Huh, so that’s what that is! You’ve always wondered, and Freddy’s finally given it a name. You consider it for a moment, all the other times in your life you’ve experienced it, and you turn to him and say Wow, you’re so smart and he playfully tells you to shut up because he thinks you’re teasing and he’s embarrassed but you’re not teasing. He’s smart and he knows a lot of things and that’s only one reason you’re glad he is your best friend. You learn a little bit more from him each day.
Neither of you looks forward to the school lunches. Well, no one does. They certainly leave a lot to be desired but you eat it because you know you’ll regret it when you get hungry in a couple of hours and you’re still stuck in class. Today, however, Freddy is unable to get himself to follow your lead. He steps out of line to search for a table, and once you take the chair next to him and ask if he’s just going to buy chips from the vending machine, he shakes his head. He’d been running late this morning and failed to grab his wallet on his way out the door.
“But I’ll live,” he promises you, grinning lopsidedly.
You smile back but it’s not a satisfactory assurance. You’re about to offer to lend him a dollar, but you remember you’d spent it this morning when you bought a can of soda at the convenience store around the corner. So you begin scanning the other students in the cafeteria, and Freddy’s brows furrow and he asks what you’re doing, but you don’t answer.
“Be back in a sec,” you declare suddenly, standing up and rounding the table. Freddy watches, still thoroughly confused, as you walk across the room.
Delilah is at a corner table with who you assume to be her partner for the project in history, for they sit side-by-side with the rubric and a piece of paper scrawled in what you assume to be their ideas for how to tackle the assignment. She spots you before you speak up to announce your presence, and you smile widely when she does.
Freddy can’t read your lips from this far away, but he can see your smile clearly. It remains on your face for the duration of your conversation with Delilah, who reaches into her backpack. Her body blocks whatever she digs through it for, but then she’s produced a dollar bill that she holds out to you. If it were even possible, your grin widens even more, and with the dollar now in your grasp, you return to the table.
“Now you can get your chips.” You sound quite smug as you hand it off to him, plopping down in the hard chair (these cafeteria seats suck).
“What’d you say to her?” Freddy inquires, taking the dollar.
“That I’d pay her back tomorrow.” You shrug. “She trusts me.”
Freddy chuckles and shakes his head at your antics, but this is nothing new. In the time he’s known you he has found out just how easily you can get your way with that smile. You’ve gotten deadline extensions, an extra chocolate chip cookie from the lunch lady (it’s the only cafeteria food that’s actually good), and by now, he swears you could ask someone to do a backflip and they’d do it. It’s almost like your own superpower.
As he feeds the dollar into the vending machine and presses the buttons for the chips he wants, he’s thanking you silently in the back of his head (and Delilah too, to some extent). Once he has his snack, he turns back around, and you still wear the ghost of a grin as you watch him, like you heard him anyway.
One week before the game is set to be released, an announcement goes out that there will be a collectible handed out on a first-come, first-serve basis. Upon discovering this last piece of information, you and Freddy deflate. The line will be long at midnight, and the likelihood of their being anymore remaining figurines by three o’clock in the afternoon that Friday are incredibly low. Standing in line with everyone else, waiting for 12 AM to hit, is out of the question. You wouldn’t be allowed to go so late, and on a school night to boot.
“Hey, Anthony is working that night, isn’t he?”
Freddy nods and glances over at you where you sit on his bed, homework spread out on the sheets. “Yeah, he should be. Why?”
“I’m sure I could convince him to keep one for us.”
While Freddy is aware of the power of persuasion your grins hold, this is a case where he is very skeptical that it would be effective. Anthony hardly seems like a person who could be swayed. “A pretty smile can’t get you everything.” And though he is the one saying it, a part of him almost doesn’t believe that statement. Perhaps he’s wrong about Anthony (it’d be nice if he was and Anthony was indeed willing to hold onto an extra figurine).
But this remark is no blow to your confidence. Instead, you flash that aforementioned pretty smile in his direction. “We’ll see about that, Freeman.” Then you proceed to dive into your first assignment of the evening, flipping through a hard cover textbook with glossy pages and that took up almost half the space in your backpack.
Freddy laughs and, at least for now, concedes, murmuring Okay, [Name] and returning his attention to the computer.
On Thursday, you go straight to the game store after class. The bell atop the door jingles quietly and Anthony twists around. He lifts a hand to give a wave when he notices both of you walking farther in, towards where he is by the register.
“Oh, hey, guys,” he greets.
There are multiple boxes stacked on the table behind the register which no doubt hold multiple copies of the new game. Freddy’s almost inclined to ask for a peek, for the anticipation is nearly unbearable this close to release. He thinks if sees the cover art in person, even for just a second, he’d last until tomorrow. But he doesn't get the chance to bring this up, for you start speaking, and it reminds him to stay on track.
“Hey, Anthony,” you respond brightly, walking up to the counter and resting your arms on it. “So listen… you’re handing out those figurines tonight right?”
Anthony nods. “Yeah…” His eyes narrow and his brows furrow, signs that the cogs in his head are starting to spin, trying to figure out what you’re going to say next. You’re already continuing before he’s able to do so.
“Well we can’t pick up the game until tomorrow, and I was wondering if you could maybe hold onto one for us?”
At hearing this, Anthony sighs and shakes his head. “You know I can’t do that. It’s first-come, first-serve.”
“Pretty please?” You lay it on thick, smiling your familiar smile and you give the Cheshire cat a run for its money. Freddy’s gaze briefly slides from Anthony to you and if he had anything to say about it, if you aimed that smile at him, he’s not entirely sure he’d be able to refuse.
Anthony doesn’t reply right away, and there’s a moment where Freddy thinks you have managed to get your way. And if that is what’s happening right now, he doesn’t even care that he’s been proven wrong. You’d probably gloat, telling him in a sing-song tone I told you so, and he’d be a good sport and accept it and he’d promise not to underestimate you again.
Unfortunately, it appears as though there are still those out in the world who are impervious to your charm, for Anthony shakes his head again. (Freddy notices that he does look considerably more apologetic as he does, which means your grin had had some effect, at least.) “Sorry, [Name].”
Your smile drops, replaced by a slight frown, and your shoulders slouch—a picture of defeat. It occurs to Freddy he’s never seen you legitimately bummed about anything. Whether your dejection comes from the fact this means there will be no collectible figurine to be had, or from the fact your honey-dipped grin hadn’t worked, he’s not certain. Suddenly he hates that he had been right about the limitations of what he had always coined as your little superpower.
But he’s not going to let you flounder, disoriented in the face of loss. He’s your friend, your best friend, and what kind of friend would he be if he did that? So he wracks his brain—Think, Freddy, think!—for anything he could say to come to your aid.
“I’ll give you my lunch money for the next few weeks,” he proposes.
Anthony’s nose scrunches up like he’s smelled something bad. “I’m not taking your lunch money, Freeman. That makes me sound like a bully.”
It’s quiet again for a few seconds, and Freddy’s scrambling to come up with something else. Money was supposed to work! If Anthony didn’t want that, what else could there be to bribe him with? In the midst of his flurried thoughts he catches the small grin you aim his way from over your shoulder, appreciative of his attempts to assist you, and it’s the eye of the storm. And then you’ve turned back around, and your mouth opens and he knows you’re going to concede and tell Anthony it’s fine but before you can do that, Freddy beats you to the punch.
“I can get you a date with Mary.”
This stops you short, and your mouth closes and you look at him again, but this time your eyes are widened a fraction in surprise. Anthony’s shock matches yours, and Freddy’s gaze flickers from Anthony over to you briefly, and in that short instance he can tell you’re silently asking what he’s doing.
“You’d do that?” Anthony’s question, voiced with skepticism and complemented by a raised brow, steals back Freddy’s attention.
Freddy shrugs. “Yeah, man.”
Mary had accompanied him to this shop in the past, giving him a ride so he didn’t have to take extra time using public transport. And whenever she’d been here, Anthony had been positively enamored. If one were to point it out, he’d vehemently deny it, but to Freddy, it had been glaringly obvious, almost embarrassingly so. He wonders if Mary noticed it too, and concludes she probably had. From what he can remember, their interactions had been fairly amicable, so perhaps this seemingly insane suggestion isn’t actually that insane.
Anthony braces his hands on the edge of the counter, staring down at both of you and seriously considering the offer. You wait with bated breath for his decision, at the end of your rope now and if this didn’t work, well, nothing would and then, then, it would be time to throw in the towel.
The bell jingles again as a customer enters and it startles you, causing you to flinch slightly, and Freddy catches the jolt in his peripherals. He chuckles at your jumpiness, and the melting away of the tension of the last several seconds prompts Anthony to finally come to a decision.
“Okay,” he states.
Your eyes light up and the smile Freddy likes seeing so much is back on your face. He forces himself to look away before he’s caught staring, and he looks at Anthony and joins you in thanking him profusely, interspersing the string of gratitude with phrases like You’re awesome, dude and You’re the best employee we know. Anthony waves it off and says I’m the only employee you know but he’s grinning a little so you know he’s not annoyed.
Other people are beginning to come into the store, some of them your age, for they had all made their way here as well after school was dismissed, and Anthony moves the conversation along, the bell continuing to chime in the background. “Was that all you guys needed? I got a full shop and still have to take inventory for tonight.”
“Yes, totally.” Freddy nods.
“We’ll get out of your hair now,” you add.
And as the two of you make your leave, in high spirits and practically buzzing with excitement because the day you’d been waiting months for (though it had felt much longer) is just around the bend, Freddy tosses over his shoulder, “See you tomorrow!”
On the walk to the subway station, you ask if Mary would be okay with what Freddy had done. That’s when Freddy realizes he never did recount to you those times she had come to the store with him and how much Anthony had taken a liking to her. He fills you in during the trip to his house, and at the end of it, remarks that he thinks Mary will be just fine.
The next day at 4:19 PM, the two of you are sitting on the floor in Freddy’s bedroom, eyes glued to the screen and fingers flying over the controllers. The sound effects floating out from the speakers is forced to compete with the loud clacking of buttons, and it would be for a while yet, for it’s Friday, and as far as either of you is concerned, this is how your Friday afternoon and evening will be spent.
Between levels, you hit pause to take a few minutes’ break, stretching your backs and clenching and unclenching your hands, for they had begun to strain with how hard you gripped the controllers. The house is steadily filling with noise as the others return, and it reminds Freddy to ask if you’re staying for dinner. You say sure, and he says he thinks he might be able to convince Rosa and Victor to order pizza. It’s the perfect gaming food, after all he reasons.
A breeze wafts in from the open window and it prompts you to take a deep breath, chest expanding and then shrinking with your exhale. The exclusive collectible figurine, a PVC recreation of the game’s main character, sits between you both, next to the sodas you had picked up on the walk here. You lean over to pick it up and hold it out to Freddy.
He knows what you’re implying by doing so and merely shakes his head, gently pushing your hand, and thus the figurine, back in your direction. “No, keep it.”
“But you’re the one who convinced Anthony to get it for us.”
“Hey, you softened him up though,” he shoots back, and then, with a grin, he continues, “It was… a team effort.”
At this comment, you mirror his grin, lowering your arm and setting the figurine back down. “Well, we make a great team.” You don’t say anything after this, but Freddy, still surveying you closely, can tell you want to, so he calls attention to it himself. He has a sneaking suspicion he knows exactly what you want to ask.
“Did you want to flip a coin?”
Immediately you nod, a smile creeping onto your face and it’s contagious. Freddy’s smiling too and he chuckles and says Let me just find one and he rifles through his pocket for some spare change. You’d feel more comfortable if you ended up keeping the figurine after a coin toss, to keep it fair, and Freddy is willing to indulge this because even if you call it wrong and by the rules of the game, the figurine comes into his possession instead, he’ll just sneak it into your backpack before you go home.
“All right…” Having produced a quarter, he curls his hand into a loose fist, then rests it atop his thumbnail. He flicks his thumb and the coin clinks quietly, and both your gazes follow as it flies straight up, spinning over and over—heads, tails, heads, tails… “Call it.”
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/acceleration-of-polarity/
Acceleration of Polarity
Acceleration of Polarity
By A Gift From Gaia
Energetic Navigation – FULLY LOADED
Did someone hit the acceleration button for polarity? Has gravity been turned off? This energy is beyond magical, super intense, super exquisite and I’m witnessing cosmic surfers reach off the charts high waves! IN-CRED-IBLE
High waves are most definitely what we are experiencing, super charged photonic light from the cosmic rays has been pouring through, however we are now due some Solar Winds to bring forward some more action energy, some more super movement for the new codes we have been storing within our DNA to be activated. Protons are currently raising which tells us our magnetosphere is charging so many of the super sensitives will begin to feel the shift now, the prediction is for a G1 storm which is likely to take folk deep within or deep OUT, this will simply depend on how many of those sand bags, those weighted timelines you are prepared to cut away, but DEEP is most definitely the word that springs to mind.
The acceleration of polarity is making itself known within the collective, a divide, something resembling the Grand Canyon is appearing in the 4th frequency, folk dancing with ego and choosing to experience the depths of their minds creations, returning to outdated experiences to realise the attachment programming, where they do not value LIGHT, where they do not value love which ultimately is a lesson in Self Love, the trouble with the 4th frequency is there is an expanded awareness somewhat, which holds responsibility in which the soul will be pushing for those to experience, a guiding light onto the path of the heart where we experience the ultimate heart awakening and begin living as Soul on Earth in Flesh. Yet on the other end of the spectrum there are the cosmic surfers, those who have moved through the 5th portal and there have been a number who have come through are finding the new space of peace, joy and abundant everything like living the dream, clear minds, open hearts and very comfortable in the zero point space where everything begins to move, what this does, energetically speaking is creates acceleration for all, for the entire collective as the cosmic surfers stretch out the bandwidth with their rapid expansion, those anchored in the 3rd dimension of blind bliss, the matrix makers who act like busy little worker ants, securing and building pointlessly hold the old earth frequency in place (for now) which stretches out the 4th frequency so that ALL may be SEEN and more can move from their mind awakened state into their heart awakening, and this is the space in which we see the quickening taking place, everything is pulled, twisted and stretched to the maximum in order for all to be Seen.
Not all are yet able or willing to enter the pain barriers, not all are able to see that behind that smoke screen of what they believe to be true, exists a whole new world designed with the codes of the 5th frequency, that of unconditional love, those who have been surfing the lower aspects of the 4th realm often bounce back into their sleepy space to continue their addiction of chasing the happy dragon, an addiction that this race has been running out for aeons, a false belief that happiness is like a pill, we receive it in small doses when we have been good, our parents and our parents, parents trained us well to believe that happiness isn’t a stable frequency – more blind lies.
I am sure it wont be long before those choosing the old, to go back, start using that word “SORRY” and if you hear it, if you experience the “jumpers” humbly returning, then please remember a sorry is a changed behaviour ONLY and perhaps give a reminder that there is no need to apologise or explain to the out there world, but to realise those words need to be redirected within, for their own Self to feel forgiveness of the highest order.
If you find yourself teetering on the edge of a timeline, if you haven’t quite jumped yet then take some advice……
Not even with a little extra awareness, not even with a safety plan, not even with a guide…..how much more of the SAME do you need to see, it becomes self sacrificing and trust me when I say, as we now move ever closer to the great conjunction in January, going back is going to feel like suicide, that’s one heck of a ego death you are choosing, however perhaps it is needed, perhaps to connect with the heart the entire world needs to snap in half to be able to see the core.
In order to release these attachments, in order to snap the back of duality it really is a case of doing the opposite and from here observing the fallout, which will highlight the anchors that held you in so tightly, for you to begin dissecting and breaking down the old codes.
Now enough of the old world HOW ABOUT THE NEW!
Goodness me its been quite a wave, cosmic surfers, those chasing the waves out front are expanding in their amazingness and experiencing realities that are now feeling so spacious, everything forming, aligning as the focus purely now goes onto the physical vessel and the realisation comes in that in order to CARRY on the experience MORE must be given to the physical body. New exercise routines, new diets, new ways of living consciously, tweaks and turns to improve the ability to hold and carry this light begins and light bodies begin to come online in the higher frequencies that attract the Soulstyle life we are to experience. Everything becomes simple, there are no requirements to push, to exert energy in fields not along the path, to seek, to correct, to debate or to state, its just simple, its easy and it all comes home to YOU.
Home is where the heart is after all…..
Todays energy brings some beautiful harmonies for us to play in, the moon makes a number of trines so I will give a brief explanation.
Moon trine Juno, well Juno is really coming into play now as the Sun, Venus and Mars play around this little gem in our sky. Juno represents commitment, partnerships and if I continue lots of things that create attachment out there in the timelines of realities so I would like to quickly invert this, commitment to Source (being you, and All), the partnership or the union of the masculine and feminine within YOU, lets entirely release this out there stuff, everything is reflective of the internal vibration, so as we know, by making the adjustments within and by holding a love frequency we attract realities aligned, lets keep the focus entirely on Self expansion…
So as we know the Sun, Mars and Venus are about to conjunct with Juno who requests the union, the balance, the harmony between the masculine and feminine within. The Moons trine today feels somewhat like a preparation so whilst in some octaves they will be experiencing the emotional streams of realising what is out of whack, this is ultimately preparing you for the meet just hours away, tomorrow the sun conjuncts Juno and they begin entering the frequency of Regulus, this trine could work like a little trickster, as we know trines are harmonious so it may be easy to drift into the false beliefs as the trine makes this soft, its easy to MANIPULATE through the false kindness, the relief that this moment is more comfortable, that “they” are being reasonable “today” BUT and we love big BUTS this is likely to give a lesson for you to look deeper into the truth, the agenda and the subconscious drivers as this trine energy could well be flipped on its head and the TRUTH, the behaviour rears its head again as we move into this Virgo party now about to happen, like walking into a party dressed in fancy dress but the invite clearly stated casual dress, not paying attention? THINK you know better? Like dancing with illusions? LIGHTS ON, you will feel the spotlight.
Those of open heart will feel this super nurturing energy, expanding on the already established equilibrium, moon trine juno is a get out in nature day, it’s a day to play with the magic, to create something from the heart, a stream of purity to play in.
Moon trine Venus echoes this, open the heart, come back home, kick off those shoes and dance barefoot to the harmony of Earth, this holds some super relaxed tones to again get creative, enjoy some leisure time and nurture Self just that whole lot more. Its an energy to practice the affirmation of SOFT, tone everything down, walk softly, touch softly, speak softly and through this focus it will be super easy to spot the harshness….FOR you to then realign and deal with in order to continue the these divine experiences.
Moon trine Pholus gives new direction, new coordinates are being seeded and there are glimpses, day dreaming, feeling into what the new timeline will be like, this can make folk feel a little ungrounded however it is up in the heights that we receive the most amazing dreams and from here it is your role, as ground control to begin planting them in the fertile soil of reality.
Whereas Pholus now also trine to Venus brings in a huge amount of heart vibration, a huge influx of feel to direct the inner masculine into a space of Deal as we listen to the whispers from within. This also could play out in the reality as a female bringing assistance or perhaps a new perspective for you to see and change course…..watch out for angels in female form, these changes will be long lasting.
Moon trine Mars creates that harmony I just mentioned with the venus pholus transit, this feels like a compliant masculine energy that is ready and able to take direction from that internal feminine whisper. Confidence increases, an inner knowing that it is exactly right to follow the heart, and it feels safe, comfortable and aligned……because it is!
Mercury trine Jupiter gives an expansion on the data we are currently receiving, MORE, MORE and MORE we scream when tuned into the hearts requests however the lower octaves can experience a lot of mind junk bubbling up to the surface, things can get noisy and the most perfect way to begin un-muddling the muddle is to journal it all out, spend time (self love) removing the noise from the mind and get it on paper, start the evaluations, start seeing what is conscious and what is unconscious, the chances are everything that is loud is simply unconscious and really needs a data dump, get it on paper and hold a little ritual of burning it, purifying it out.
Moon will be moving through a conjunction with Uranus today, more direction changes to be expected, the Moon is currently at 0 degrees and Uranus at 6 degrees Taurus, so this charged moon with its aspects today is really getting down and dirty in the foundational spaces of you, demanding that all old emotions are released, like a clear up as she begins her task of dissolving what no longer allows the structure, the foundation to hold securely. This may reflect in your patterns in terms of self love, cosmic surfers will no doubt be pulled towards making changes in diet, exercise and aligning their way, their habits to a more light aligned way, those in the lower octaves generally look at the relationships, the attachments and when Uranus is in play we often see a lot of reactive activity, which creates somewhat surprise revelations, in order to shift direction. Sudden roadblocks tend to appear, emotionally charged to highlight this road is now fully closed.
All in all it appears the collective have some huge opportunities to shift in a completely new direction, and if this solar wind appears this will assist no end, changes are here for the picking.
You only need choose………do you choose the light of your Soul, do you choose Source, do you choose unconditional everything and to be a part of creating the new world
Or do you choose the stress, anxiety filled and cyclic patterns of the people program.
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yogaadvise · 5 years
The 6 Vedic Illusions of Life and How to Move Beyond Them
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" I have resided on the lip of craziness, needing to know factors, knocking on a door. It opens. I have actually been knocking from the inside."-- Rumi
Is it genuine or is it thought of? Well, all of it relies on your degree of awareness. When you awakened today, you might have kept in mind last night's desires. They might have been terrific or complicated, charming or scary-- no matter. As quickly as you awoke, you recognized they were just dreams, they were something the mind produced as well as weren't genuine, so you allow them go.
The terrific Enlightened Masters tell us that this life, which we call our waking reality, is also just an additional kind of dreaming-- something invoked by the mind, a mistake of the intellect-- and also someday we'll also stir up from this dream to the fact of our true Self.
Understanding Maya (Illusions)
In ancient Vedic times, the Rishis described impression as Maya or that which is not. However, this is typically misunderstood as well as assumed to suggest that this world you stay in does not exist. Obviously, on one level it does exist, just like when you were dreaming last evening regarding the big canine chasing you-- the pet dog existed at the time. Maya is when you lay over a suggestion or memory onto another thing and also produce a various truth from what's really there.
In India, there's the story of the oblivious male who sees a rope on a dark road as well as shouts, "Snake, serpent!" When light is brought, he understands it was just a rope. The rope really did not change, it was constantly a rope and it was only the male's mistake that developed the illusion of a serpent. Maya is the contraction of a consciousness that ought to be fully increased, all-knowing. It's when you browse as well as experience all the hundreds of specific objects, however miss out on the one Pure Consciousness that attaches them all as part of the timeless Wholeness. The poet Robert Frost shared it magnificently when he wrote, " We hem and haw the ring and also mean, while the secret beings in the middle and knows!"
Ultimately, anything you can experience with your detects or think of isn't Actual in real sense. You identify with what you are not. Your spiritual journey is to bring the light, get out of the boundaries, as well as appreciate the limitless flexibility of the Real.
Your path from the unbelievable to the Actual is really rather basic. You don't have to learn anything brand-new, the Truth is who you are. Your spiritual trip is just remembering and recognizing who you actually are. In forgetting the Genuine, you have produced your world of illusions.
The 6 Illusions
The adhering to impressions, or deceptions, are from the Vedic Messages from India.
1. The delusion of limitations of space. This leads you to the mistake that, "I am here and also not almost everywhere." Your person, limited consciousness is just here, however when you tap into the Unified Area of Pure Awareness, which penetrates the whole cosmos, you are immediately equally existing in any part of the Area. There's no place you are not. The misconception is that you reside in a local universe, whereas your important nature is pure, non-local space.
2. The delusion of time. This offers you the impact that "I was birthed, grew old, as well as will certainly pass away, there is a future as well as a past." When you find out to be totally existing in this minute, to be in the NOW, time comes to be simply an idea and also stops to have any kind of hold on you. You understand that everything is actually taking place at the very same time but at different frequencies. The deception of a direct, time-bound world, offers way to your true, classic, timeless nature.
3. The misconception of the restrictions of add-on. This produces the assuming that "I need this to be complete somehow." When you rely on that every minute is total in itself, you tip into the freedom of life. The sun rises, the sun collections-- it's impossible to hold onto the day or night. Appreciate what comes and also go to peace with what does not.
4. The misconception of restrictions of understanding. This leads you to think that, "I understand this yet I do not recognize that." By using the area of Infinite Possibilities, you access a state of all-knowing, where everything exists as pure potential waiting to be jazzed up just by the touch of your attention.
5. The misconception of the constraint of creativity. This tells you, "I can do this yet not that." There is nothing even more creative than the mind of God, just take a look around at nature. You all have the possibility for anything. Every little thing you could ever before want is right below-- you just need to open yourself to the Field of Infinite Possibilities and learn to enjoy what God has actually already developed for you.
6. The delusion of fear. The delusion that there is something to be scared of is maybe one of the most insidious of all. All unfavorable feelings-- temper, disgust, judgments, aggressiveness, and racial intolerance-- inevitably originate from concern. The deception of anxiety is the device utilized by despotic leaders to gather the deluded behind them. Concern just exists when Love is missing. There is absolutely nothing that can ever before hurt you other than the darkness you develop in your very own mind. With the understanding Ahum Brahmasmi, "I am deep space" and also "I am the Completeness", what could you perhaps fear?
When you end up being trapped in these impressions, you experience. All suffering is a result of not knowing that you really are, leaving you to live a life of doubt, confusion, discomfort, and aggravation. Experiencing itself is an illusion!
As Always, There's a Choice
Most of us battle to fix the impressions. While you are embeded the impression, you try to make it as comfy as feasible. Passiveness is not a service. When you see others enduring, you need to do what you can to assist. Bodhisattvas and various other enlightened educators have handled this service helpful the ignorant to awaken. However, if you come to be attached to the illusions, you ride the rollercoaster of pain as well as satisfaction for numerous lifetimes.
You can get out of the illusion. The terrific mystic Osho stated, "When you are definitely dissatisfied with points as they are, just then do you go in search, just then do you begin climbing higher. Just then do you make the initiative to draw on your own out of the mud."
You can pick to live truth top qualities of life, increasing your sight of reality and easily relocate past the impression. You can transcend the worldly restrictions, stepping into the wisdom of the unrestricted unknown.
How to Get Out Of the Illusions
Meditate. Meditation is one of the most effective tool you have to reconnect with your internal silence and also rediscover who you truly are.
Make a checklist of all the limiting beliefs you hold on to, which stop you from living life in fullness. These are the justifications and also illusions you create for yourself, which block your spiritual progress. Things like, "I'm as well old, I'm also little, I'm not clever sufficient, I'll never ever be enlightened.' Ask yourself, "What are these delusions, these restrictions avoiding me from doing?" Release them.
Become the witness occasionally throughout the day, observe your ideas, your emotions, and also your activities. After that ask yourself, "That is observing?" This is the Real you.
Observe your breath. Illusions take you right into the past or the future, the Actual you is in the NOW. Your breath can never remain in the future or past, it's always in the here and now. Throughout the day, pause as well as just recognize your breath.
Neti, Neti is literally claiming, "not this, not this." Throughout the day time out, touch, taste, listen to, odor, or consider something and advise on your own, "This is unreal."
Find your Light. Find your Truth-- your objective-- and live it. The path that is shown by your Light is the only path that is right for you.
Life is like a motion picture. Physical fatality doesn't finish the flick, it's simply an intermission prior to the next episode begins. In a Planetary sense, what you call being awake, sleeping, as well as fantasizing is really the Cosmic Dream. Physical death is the Planetary Deep Sleep, from which you are awakened to one more Cosmic Desire. Knowledge is the Cosmic Waking State. You are restricted or endless by exactly how you choose to believe. Instead of questioning if you'll ever be Informed, start living it!
Consider sharing wisdom and ideas with others as well as taking your method to the next level by enlisting in an upcoming Chopra Facility Qualification program. Learn More.
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spiritchronicle · 5 years
Alchemy and Healing (Light code healing)
Alchemy and Healing (Light code healing)
Let’s begin by explaining what alchemy is. Alchemy is the process of transformation that traditionally and allegedly turned lead into gold. How I’ve come to understand alchemy in spiritual terms, is when we are able to use spiritual processes to turn our lower/negative thought forms into light elevated love thought forms.
Before we go any further let’s address the nature of thought forms. I will be using this term as an umbrella term, for the human soul. The basic nature of our existence is thought, we are the thought of the one infinite creator, as Ra explains in the Law of One series, and as A Course of Miracles also states “A thought never leaves its source” meaning that we as thought children of God, never left God. Because we are thought forms, and because the universe is a universe of inclusion, we will categorize ourselves with other like minded thought forms or individuals. This ALSO includes our subconscious or unconscious mind. We will therefore pair up with those who will either teach us a lesson to bring out our unconscious thought forms, and/or with those who will match our conscious self’s vibration. This is why we match with all kinds of people, those who are serving us to bring about transformation by triggering our unconscious negative thought forms to the surface, as well as those who make us feel at home and provide support for us.
If you paid attention, this pretty much sums up how alchemy and transformation are related to healing. The whole game is to transform those lower vibratory thought forms (unconscious), into light/love understood thought forms (superconscious), with our (conscious) mind forming the medium between the two, which is our job here on earth in these human body incarnations. So just to summarize, we need to bring the unconscious, to the conscious, in order to achieve the superconscious, which is oneness with the one infinite creator, God, or the universe, whatever you choose to call it. We won’t be getting into the nature of the unconscious at this time, but will mention different methods of how to transform or alchemize it into the superconscious.
Alchemy in general
As I have already mentioned, Alchemy is the transformational process of turning darkness into light. And not to mystify it here, this alchemical process is simple, it is obtainable by everyone, and we all can do it every day of our lives. Yes I have read and studied enough to know that there was in fact people that could turn physical metals into actual gold, but you see, this ability comes only to those enlightened beings who understand the holographic and illusory nature of this physical existence, so gold at that state pretty much has no significance anymore, it’s seen as part of the illusion and everything in it.
Back to the spiritual alchemy of which I’m talking about. . . there are many processes that can help us alchemize our lower vibratory thought forms. Some of them are outlined in the series “The One Being”, The Law of One, and A Course In Miracles. One such process is that in order to do this, the entire universe follows the same formula at every level. We begin spinning and vibrating at specific frequencies in order for the lighter thought forms to remain on the outside, and the dense and darkest thought forms to be forced into the core of the person or planet. Because of this, the darkness will leach out onto the surface, a little at a time, just enough to perhaps cause a trauma, or something bad to happen in a person’s life, but not enough to kill that person or planet.
When this happens, he have the opportunity to practice alchemy. We can take those events and lessons and learn from them, learn to accept and love those parts of ourselves that cause shame and pain in our psyche, those thought forms which we do not want to look at because it is to painful to do so.
I have learned to speak to those thought forms directly, telling them that everything is okay, that I am here no matter what is happening, and that I will be there for them always and forever, offering all they need and all I can provide at this time. As soon as I do this, I can literally feel that thought form integrate into the larger part of who I am. You should try this next time you are in pain or emotional distress, you can be your own inner guide and alchemist.
An just like that, you can alchemize any thought form into your true higher self. But like I said, there are many modalities and ways of performing this work. I will mention one more, which is light codes.
Light Codes
I once did a light code activation by this woman named Deborah Aerial Pietch. She has a video on youtube called “St. Germain the man, Alchemy, Pineal Gland Activation, I AM Presence” (I will leave the link in the description if you want to check it out). This was my first real experience with light codes, and light code activations. I sort of had this intuitive knowing that something big was going to happen, I watched all 2 hours of it, feeling a little nervous but excited. As the end of the video was getting closer, I paused the video, I stood up and walked to the kitchen because I had a runny nose and had to blow my nose. So I blew my nose, and closed my eyes, and when I opened them, something amazing happened. I had all of my clear quartz crystals charging in sunlight on the windowsill, and I don’t know if that had anything to do with it, but as I opened my eyes, these two basketball sized light orbs appeared, they moved in space from left to right rotating around each other as they moved, leaving behind them an intertwined trail of light. They were these beautiful green and blue hued white light orbs. They were only visible for a few seconds, and then they disappeared. My immediate thought after that was to doubt what I had just seen, I just stood there for like a minute, trying to figure out what had just happened. Now I def knew that something amazing was about to happen. So I went back into my room, pressed play on the video, and began the activation.
The activation itself was such an experience that it completely drove the light orbs out of my mind. As she began her activation, I began to feel everything she was saying, going up the dimensions, bring it down and then to the center of the earth, and back again into my body. I began to shake because of the intensity of the energy, and I started to sweat like if I had been working out for an hour. My eyes and hands were shaking very intensely. I intuitively knew that this was part of the process and that this activation was clearing out a lot of dense energy from me. Anyway, it ended and I sat there, on my bed, shocked to my core. I had experienced a lot of mind opening and spiritual experiences before, but nothing like this. I was speechless, I mean, wow. Eventually I got up, and had to go shower, since I was so sweaty from the experience, and I mean, literally my shirt was wet with sweat, not to gross you out or anything haha, but just to let you know that this was a real visceral, physical experience, just as a spiritual one.
Again, this was my first experience with light codes, and after this experience, I never doubted their efficacy. I have had friends do this activation before, to see what they would experience, and each of them had different experiences, but nothing like mine. I guess the universe will show you what you are ready for, when you are ready for it. Anyway, Deborah explains her light code activations as “working with the holographic field and channeling the light codes by being a conduit for this energy”. She does not claim to be a healer, but she does this work help in the ascension of mother earth and for the liberation of the planet. You can check out her work if you are interested.
Now, that was just an example of Deborah’s work, but I want to offer a different kind of light code therapy, that pretty much uses the same type of energy as well as working with the holographic field, to activate and transmute your encoded information, to lighter and more subtle light forms. I studied with a conduit for light codes in Mexico, she was guided to create a form where she could somehow encode this information into gold plates. Now, she actually uses copper to make it more accessible for people, but the effect is the same, it is the use of light code information, to work with your holographic field in order to alchemize your subtle emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
With this form of Alchemy, we bypass the traditional method of making things conscious in order to transmute them. With light codes, we can go in there, into your encoded information, and subconscious, and begin to transmute the information before it manifests into the physical.
This work can have some side effects, they will definitely not be as intense as mine, because that is what is so great about the form of therapy that I use now, you will only get what you need from it, as soon as it is done, your higher self will stop the energy from going any further.
And just to explain the process a little bit, I do not channel the energy, my only job as a practitioner, is to ask with a pendulum what light codes you need, to place them on you, and keep asking which are done and what other ones you need for the duration of the session. I can work at a distance by you allowing me to call forth your etheric bodies, and work from there. I only do this to be able to work on you, and I will only do it with your consent and the consent of your higher self. This is only to help you evolve and grow, never to do harm. Believe me, I don’t want to add to my Karma haha.
Like I mentioned, there are many forms of alchemy available to us at this time, and it’s your choice to choose what you want to engage with. I have personally found ACIM, light code therapy, meditation and working with crystals as well as having a direct connection to my guides, to be really really helpful in my spiritual journey. And If you are seeking your optimal method, don’t stop until you have found it. Remember that ultimately it comes down to doing that work at whatever level it shows up for you. Light codes are just a little help to get out in front of the game, but there are no judgements here for any modality. I believe we are all going the same way and will ultimately meet where the road ends as one.
Just to add a little more about these light codes. . .
They don’t work on your physical body, but it will have results there once the information in the higher bodies has been alchemized. Wether you contact Deb, or choose to get a light code therapy from me, or any other practitioner, this method is such a gift from the higher realms. It is here to help humanity and those who choose to engage with it, to not suffer through the changes and healing of the planet and of the self. This has turned into a daily practice for me, I ask very day what codes I need for the day. Everything from Karma, to Anxiety, to DNA activations, to developing psychic abilities has come up for me. And I def feel the difference, perhaps not as intensely as that first experience I had, but I have come to realize that these light codes can have such a big impact in people’s lives, that it still amazes me that I have this available. And I want to make this available for you too, I offer light code therapy on my website, SilverSoulCrystals.com for $40. If you choose to get a session you can use the discount code ALCHEMY for a 25% discount on a 30 or 60 minute session. I also do Tarot card readings, and there are some Crystal necklaces on there too. Bare with me, I just re-launched it and it’s still a work in progress haha. I will offer light codes as well, for you to purchase and use whenever you want. I will try to keep the prices as low as possible for you to be able to engage in this energy work. This is my service to humanity, along with this podcast and this work.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected], or go on the website to leave us a comment on the blog section. I will leave this episode in written form for your reference, or simply if you prefer to read it, than hear my annoying voice haha.
Again thank you all so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the website as well.
Thank you!
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justin-chapmanswers · 6 years
I'm helping my (internet) friends make an object show, and I'm unfortunately not that confident about it, as we're all under 18 and don't have the money to really afford good quality mics or animation software. I'm wondering if you have any tips for people on a budget trying to make an object show for the first time?
Working under a tight budget is tough, that’s undeniable. I think the important thing to keep in mind is that having expensive utilities available does not guarantee success in the first place, it simply makes the process easier. Having the best equipment and software in the world isn’t going to do all that much for people who aren’t familiar with the basics in the first place. If you are incredibly passionate about this work, I would consider investing your money into equipment over time, but for the time-being take your time in that department and really focus in on proving that, as artists, you can make do with what you have.
I am far more interested in consuming media that is bare-bones in its visual and audio presentation but has masterful storytelling than the reverse, and I think much more of your potential audience will agree than the average person assumes. Know your story. Know your characters. Whether or not you will have full control over when your characters come and go (per your decision), it is imperative that you treat each and every installment as its own distinct collection of story and character arcs. If you set up your show in a manner in which you can play every detail out ahead of time, even better! Within an episode, an arc of episodes, or a full season/series you are able to construct interesting narratives in which characters are given obstacles: physical, emotional or otherwise. Especially in an object show you are given a set of obstacles, be it through challenges or the emotional burden of competition. On a budget or not, this is the heart of your show. No matter how the technical presentation comes across you can garner and audience through excellent storytelling. Anyone can do it with practice. ESPECIALLY you!
As for the technical department, itself, let’s talk audio. Back in early 2009 I picked up a ‘lil $10 Logitech microphone at Target and got started on my first voice performance (as Lakitu found here) and I wouldn’t say it’s all that bad. A little bad. Tiny bit. But it worked! Plug in a cheap mic, download Audacity for free, and you’re already well on your way. Audacity isn’t top-of-the-line, but as far as free programs go it works really well, and is probably your lowest priority for upgrading beyond if you choose to bump up your equipment/software. The focus here comes down to putting in a strong, meaningful performance as your character, working around your mic limitations through setup and Audacity editing, and being open to re-recording. It happens!
I’m going to skip over talking vocal performances for the time being (I can always return to that upon request) and stick the practical here. With any microphone set up you’re going to want to do as much as you can to keep your accosting integrity in good standing. What I mean by that, firstly, is recording in a location that absorbs noise. Typically being in echo-y locations, we’re trained to ignore our own voices reverberating (unless it is to an intense extent), so sometimes noticing whether a voice echoes in a recording takes a lot of focus. It’s often not as intense as an echo you’d hear in, say, a cave, just ever so slight to break the illusion of a character being right there on screen and not someone speaking through a microphone. This is solved low-budget quite simply in recording in tight spaces with as much sound-absorbing material as possible. The best option would be hanging up clothes, blankets, or simply recording in a closet- so long as it’s safe. (The higher-budget alternative is buying acoustic foam or utilizing, specifically, a sound booth.) Watch your recording program, find your balance of recording as loudly and clearly as you can while also not getting too close to your audio peaking (the little soundy wave bois not hitting the top/bottom of your recording strip pal). The audio can be made louder or softer later, but peaking is much tougher to fix back up.
It also helps to have any sort of make-shift pop filter you can get together. They’re foam or a screen that you can typically buy cheap that will catch some of the plosives and other weird noises your mouth makes without you noticing before they hit the microphone, which is very helpful in the longterm. And, if you don’t feel like buying them, I know Adam used a sock for a while early on and it worked just fine. Just throw that boi right over the microphone and listen back to how the quality changes. If it’s roughly the same, you’re in the clear for your early, low-budget project.
There’s also plenty that can be done in Audacity to set your audio apart from the rest. I’d say top priority is dealing with background noise. I’m not speaking to parents chatting or the house’s floorboards mysteriously creaking in the background (because that should not be heard whatsoever in your area of recording, listen back to a dialogue-less track of your audio to make sure none of that is coming through), here I am talking to the consistent track of buzzzzz or variation that will come across in any cheaper microphone. The world makes noise, some you can’t hear, and your microphone eats it up. It’ll be in the back of your recording track, and getting rid of it goes a long way. Here the simplest means of going about fixing that is to, at the very start or end of your recording session, record a solid fifteen seconds of background noise without aaaaany noises on your part. Listen back, grab just the few seconds of bg noise that has the most consistent sound without your breathing or other interference, go to effects and hit “noise reduction” (or “noise removal” in other versions), hit “get noise profile,” now highlight eeeeeverything you’ve recorded, go back to “noise removal,” start by setting your noise reduction to around 10-15, and hit “okay.” Listen back and see if that did the job, you may need to make the number a bit higher (I try my best to avoid the 20s). The job here is to use as little of it as possible to get the job done, as the more you use the more of a chance it has at diminishing the quality of your recording. You can also use “equalization” in this process, lowering or boosting very specific frequencies, if you are willing to experiment and get a feel for it. Some others use “compression” to get a much fuller-sounding voice, although if anything I keep this to a minimum and save it more-so for non-narrative pieces where a single voice needs to be dominant.
In the case of audio peaking, clipping, or any plosives/pops/background sounds coming through, you have to be comfortable with re-recording. Going back into your recording spot for a minute goes a long way for a product that you’ll be putting up alone for a forever. This also goes for potentially going in for a strong performance, but that is more subjective and up to a standard you must set, yourself. After that it is your job to bring all the audio from all characters together and balance all of them out neatly volume-wise, pace the recordings out, add in sound effects and music as necessary and balance them out too (a common mistake is making music too loud for the audience to understand what the characters are saying because the sound editor already knows what the characters are saying, so there’s a disconnect). With enough time you will have an excellent audio skeleton for your animation, even with a low budget.
I’ll be honest in that I am much less experienced in animation than I am in audio so I cannot offer all the advice in the world, but here’s what I can say. With the technology available today you are able to create a lot of striking imagery. Whether you use a cheap animation program (do people still use Anime Studio?), Powerpoint, or a more typical program acquired through illegal means (which I would not say here that I condone, but I am aware it happens and people do what people do), there is no stopping you from coming up with unique visuals. I think in the object show community people get pretty caught up in keeping up standard animation conventions, simply making smooth motions and a good frame-rate and making sure everything looks “professional.” That is a luxury, and especially when you are starting out it is far from necessary.
What you want when you are starting out are visuals that are striking. Creative. Memorable. You’re working in animation, the most fluid and fun medium out there! You can spend all day getting bogged down in the basics of movement, which can be important down the line, but what is unique to you is the style that you bring to the table. Make characters do what only animated characters can do. Make characters pose in ways that people can think back on in wonder. As an object show, think of challenges that make characters do the absurd or push them to physical limits. Inanimate Insanity does not get to hit on this often but it is something I value in animation. You can impress people with or without the best animation program in town, it’s just more trying. But far more rewarding.
So much of the magic of object show community is that it works as a training grounds. Create create create! This is the time to do the weird and meaningful things that you might not have an opportunity to create far down the line when responsibilities get in the way. It doesn’t matter in the slightest if your work is perfect, so long as you are creating something and getting it out there and, above all, expressing yourself- I am impressed.
I know that most of this has been more to general show production and not more specifically to object show production, but I think it is important to note that it does work the same as any other show. People will always appreciate good, strong stories, as well as the bare minimum put into your audio and visuals. Effort means the world.
You got this.
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whitefluffybearcub · 2 years
There are deceits, corruption,and lies but that is not important. The bad in the human world would also inspire genuine kindness. It has to be because it is karma trying to balance its energy.
Focus on the kindness :)
The energy of disappointment pulls you down but know that there are beings that would always be out of reach in this human world. Know that it is meant to be.
Let it go. Be kind. And do something happy for yourself to be lifted up spiritually and energetically :)
— everything that has happened is meant to be this way. Pre-designated according to the frequency and vibration that we are tuned in.
If you can understand this, there is no point in stressing out in anything or Of anyone. I do admit within the human frequency, it is not easy to just let go of emotions, but be aware and mindful.
— this is not new and a lot of minds can see throughout this already.
Everything and everyone in the public arena is controlled, and mostly by one hand.
Things and puppets are thrown in the arena and the hand does not care which you pick.
As long as the lots of you fight over it, isolate and divide because of it, suffer over it, no matter who wins, it is a success.
The hand is always paranoid because it can be overcome by the lots of you in a instant. Its fear comes from not possibly being relevant anymore because at the base of control and greed, is always the toxic ego.
It is part of this human narrative I have observed but all is meant to be anyway. It happens accordingly to the frequency and vibration.
— sometimes what is put on display, isn’t what or who makes logical sense by human standards, but a sign of submission. All of such acts are ego based. Ego could never be true happiness and will always operate in a lower energy.
— to all the people and beings that I have ever loved, I’ll always love you along side with the eternity.
— in human worlds, spirits can experience things, emotions, vibrations and frequency they could not have otherwise had, if it wasn’t for a lower realm.
And perhaps that is why.
— when you have to work thru and Evolve thru lower energy and that you keep lifting yourself up. That is a true badge of honor.
I used to think that a person’s acts would induce the acts of other people but perhaps both are meant to do what they do and they meet at a point like they are meant to.
There is no coincidence. It is a precise calculation of fate.
— the hard pursuit of understanding the earth and the moon, only to find out all of it is an illusion, a simulation, a hologram. Everything and everyone is energy and nothing more.
— any place your human journey has led you, know that it is meant to be. Do not forget about the lessons you have learned of balance and be at peace within yourself. This can only be experienced at the courtesy of human frequency.
— there are people that are physically here but not really here mindfully. Some are in the past, some in the future, some in regret and sadness, and some escape to their fantasies, all in thoughts of a different realm.
Being present and see what it is right front of you can be a beautiful thing. Humans forget that sometimes.
— I am not interested in what you have to say. I will not react to you. You can talk all your life. That would be your choice. I still wish you happiness and love.
I choose to focus on what truly makes me happy and what is important to me.
— in the world of humans, there are seemingly endless cookie cutter lives yet each’s experience is different. Each deals differently according to their soul’s plans.
There are infinite of expressions and each offers new knowledge, healing, and love.
—Each being on this earth is an expression of the one. The expressions are infinite. Try to look at it as they are just different expressions rather than one trumps over the other because the latter involves ego.
Ego is in the low energy field.
— when you have seen the truth, you could never then un-see.
— you, part of the one source, have come all the way down here In order to learn about these low energies, vibrations, and frequency in every possible way.
The experiences , inner knowledge and heartfelt emotions is what matters to the soul, along side with balancing of the energy via karma.
— let the illusions go, in exchange for peace.
— in pursuit of perfection in things and people, one would always be restless.
Instead, be with the flow and do not react. Keep calm.
— the children playing in the sandbox, good children and some bad ones, each teaches one another a lesson.
— people who you think are gone from one dimension, do still very much exist at a different frequency.
— love can still grow even in the darkest night. That is the lesson for some.
— if it is meant to be in this frequency, it will happen in this frequency.
Don’t grasp it too tightly until you bleed. Be calm and let go.
When life wants you to go slower, it wants you to experience patience.
The universe would find a way.
Be kind to others even when they are not being kind (you do not know what they have been through) and be kind to yourself. It is one way to elevate your spirit and energy.
— for any being on earth, limitation itself is also a lesson.
everything and everyone in the main public arena is merely a theater and an actor. Why not see it as a scripted fictional entertainment ? Because it is.
-in the land of poison, excessively worry also kills. Enjoy everything in moderation and enjoy this experience no matter what. Relax and be calm. Nothing in this place is truly worth being stressed.
In some circumstances, a non-reaction is the best reaction. Be calm, mindful, and expansively aware.
— in the expressed words, actions, and energy, you see and find how corrupt those people are. However, remember the bad is also part of their soul’s plan, to experience what it is designated.
In the higher realm, there is no good or bad, just heartfelt knowledge and experiences. In this lower dimension, everything and everyone is an illusion.
— all energy is infinite and love based. We are all energy.
But while being a human, the lesson from its frequency is limitations and that nothing and no one lasts forever. Human life itself is an illusion for a blink of an eye but you wouldn’t otherwise learn from a lower dimension perspective if it wasn’t for being in this illusion.
— a ceremony, a gala of pretentious celebrities who seemingly congratulate each other (for nothing) but secretly wishes for each other’s downfalls
How fun of a theater. All the ego, corruption, jealousy, and selling their souls and bodies mingled all together
These humans that operate in the frequency of kindness, they find happiness a little easier. They sleep better at night.
Those that operate in the vibration of human ego. They learn their lessons a little harder. Their nightmare is also helping them become wiser.
All of these will intertwine and be each other’s lessons, saviors, and inspirations.
— dear humans, after you break down or have your love taken away from you, most of you still carry on bravely and most of you become stronger.
I am so very proud of you even if this human experience is temporary but the strength you have gained carries on forever in your spirit for all eternity.
I entered this realm. My feet first touched the crisp of the grass. I walked in the wild and into the forest.
I found your cabin in the middle of no where. I graced you with my presence and you did the same to me. Your black Labrador was loyal and indeed the most pleasant being. You ran away from everyone but you and I were happy because we never asked anything of each other. It was the simplicity.
You wondered if I was real. You wanted to capture me.
I ran away back into the wild, into a forest, behind the tree.
I slipped away into the unknown, to be non existent in this humanly realm again.
I wonder if you still remember the magic.
0 notes
oneneasgodess-blog · 6 years
About to give up?
Feeling all twinned-out? A Twin Flame stage nobody ever talks about because it’s just not all peace, love & light Let’s take a stole down the dark side of the Twin Flame journey So last week I got a donation from a Soul brother who reads my articles and told me he likes my brutally honest, no bullsh*t approach to the Twin Flame concept rather than sugarcoating all the hard work it really involves with self. If you have read my stuff, you know there are no magic pills and that I believe this journey is much more about becoming who you are meant to be than getting hooked up with your twin. I also believe that when you have become who you are meant to be, that the relationship with the twin and everybody else will be so MUCH better – because you have completely transformed yourself. We are all caterpillars coming into this journey, meant to become the most breathtaking beautiful butterflies…   My blog fan totally challenged me (in a good way) by saying that a lot of twin flame teachings are just romantic spiritual porn, but not mine. Which basically gives me a new level to live up to, because I want to be that person that debunks all those Twin Flame myths, broaches all the Twin Flame taboos and gets as many people as possible unstuck in their journeys. I want to get you from crawling over the ground to soaring through the sky!   Not because I am a rebel at heart, but because this is my soul mission to cut through the crap of all the BS that does not get you where you need to be on your amazing magic filled adventure with your beloved – aka your Twin Flame journey. In the end only ONE thing interests me and that is bringing up the truth, because it is the truth that sets us free. Romantic spiritual porn is awesome to drift off on in illusion, but drifting off in illusions only creates delays, more suffering and extended timelines – i.e. they are a f*cking waste of valuable time that you could otherwise be investing in creating Heaven on Earth because that is our joint mission as Twin Flames. So guys and gals get ready for another truth bomb. Because this week I am venturing on the dark side of the Twin Flame journey which is tricky to do because we are going to discuss all those low vibe energies that aren’t fun at all – but we are going to address them in an ultra high vibed way. So you can release them, instead of stay stuck in them or repressing them because you are afraid that allowing them to be felt is gonna jinx your life and your union. It’s really not just all peace, love & light We live in a world of contrasts, our 3rd dimensional physical experience is one of duality. It’s not the ultimate truth we know that, but it is part of the living here on planet Earth experience. Many people new to spirituality and the Law of Attraction fear lower vibrational energies because they think experiencing them will only attract more sh*t in there lives. It doesn’t work like that. When you suppress negative emotions (pretend they aren’t there by sweeping them under the rug) they don’t actually go anywhere. In fact they become much more dangerous than allowing yourself to experience them, would ever be. This is because they are now subconsciously doing the very thing you feared, attracting more of the same matching vibrational frequency crap into your physical life experience. Anything you resist, persists – that is just how this Universe works.   So if you resist feeling so called negative emotions, than you are in fact locking them into your physical experience in a much deeper way, than if you would have allowed yourself to feel the emotion and let it move out of your vibrational system. If you fear that feeling your negative emotions is going to bring you out of alignment to union with your Twin Flame, repressing your so called negative emotions (pretending they aren’t there) WILL actually derail your energies because repressed emotions get stuck in your energy field which structurally lowers your vibrational frequency. This does not happen when you allow yourself to feel them and allow them to move out of your system. Your frequency might drop temporarily, but it will climb quickly after that. Plus if the negative experience NOW is linked to any past experience (even previous lifetimes is possible) that you still carried repressed emotions around, you would actually be able to raise your frequency higher than before because you just allowed yourself to let go of some old emotional gunk and sludge that was weighing down your vibrational field. In my online program the Align to Your Divine Plan Twin Flame Mastery Program I teach that you should look at emotions like taking a dump. When you have taken a sh*t on the toilet, you don’t turn around and make up all kinds of stories about your bodily waste. You are glad it’s out and you flush it away. Yet when it comes to emotions, we DO want to create all these stories around them, hold on to them, nurture them and so on. When basically all you have to do is just have yourself and emotional crap and flush it out. Most people either vomit their negative emotions on the other, which is a big no-no because the other is not responsible for how you feel – you are responsible for your own feelings. If they don’t vomit their emotions outwards, they either fester in them or keep them fuming inside (yeah I mean all you twin bashers – well actually you fester and puke) or the third option they stuff them way deep down so one day it will all erupt. These are all unhealthy ways to deal with all these tough, hard to handle and uncomfortable emotions. The real spiritual approach to emotions is just to allow them to be felt and breathe through it.   Then instead of wiping your tooshie, you smudge yourself and your surroundings and put your feet in a warm Epsom salt foot bath to help you fully release all the vibrational residue of the experienced emotion…. and you are good to go. It is that easy. You don’t have to hold on to the emotion. You don’t need to rehash it. You especially don’t need to deny it. You don’t need to analyze it or understand it. Just allow yourself to let that sh*t go. So now that you have given yourself permission to have negative emotions, let’s look at how they can be triggered on your Twin Flame journey. Let’s be honest your Divine counterpart is being a total pain in the *ss sometimes Let’s just get real with each other here for a minute, some parts of this journey totally s*ck! This is the kind of crap you have to deal with: Ghosting – not responding Benching – keeping you warm for later Rejection – taking back their love etc Abandonment – pulling you close and then running away No commitment – I love you, I want to be with you but, da-da-da-da…. Wishy-washiness – first they are hot then they’re cold No integrity – actions and words don’t match New or existing girlfriends or wives (guys you can turn this around – gays make it work for you ) Not being able to move on, because you never got closure and the list goes on and on….. All this stuff hurts like hell. Let’s not kid ourselves here. It not only brings up grieve, it also brings up anger because anger is a natural part of any grieving process and feeling as if you have lost your Twin Flame is often more painful than losing a loved one to death. It rips your heart out, pulverizes it and spits out the pieces. It’s brutal, unlike any loss or pain you have ever felt before. Yes, separation is an illusion but the experience sure feels painfully real.   Let’s not pretend it’s not. Sure, in the end we need to suck it up – but it is in the feeling of the intense depth of our pain that we actually push through and get to the other side of the transformation. Adversity is the biggest catalyst of change How much we would like to think that we can learn as much from getting our way and the love & light bit, it actually doesn’t work like that. The biggest catalyst for change is adversity. It’s when things don’t go as we planned and we don’t get what we want that we get forced out of our comfort-zones and THAT is where not only the magic happens, but the inner transformation. Last week I was watching another loop movie with my youngest son. If you don’t know what a loop day is, it’s based on the movie Groundhog day with Bill Murray in which he is forced to relive the same day over and over again until he ‘get’s it right‘. The overall theme in loop movies is that, you can’t get out of the loop until you have transformed whatever the loop was set up to transform, without knowing the plan in advance – you have to figure it out by trial and error. The movie we watched was a modern version of this. A college student wakes up in a dorm room on the day of her birthday over and over again, to figure out who kills her that day. The girl starts out as a spoiled brat that is not very nice to anyone basically. As the story progresses and we have watched her loop in waking up, trying to find her killer and then getting slaughtered every night – we see that she is wearing this b*tchy mask in order not to feel the pain of her mother’s early death a couple of years before. As the movie unfolds and she comes closer and closer to unmasking her killer she in facts heals deeper and deeper inside which makes her want to become a much better person. She makes a 180 degree turnaround in character, when she allows herself to deal with the traumatic effects of losing her mother at a young age and stops trying to avoid the pain it caused her. Watching this movie made me realize we are all ego brats when we start out on this Twin Flame journey, no matter how much spiritual or healing work you have done before you met your twin – you have a WHOLE transformation process ahead of you still. Yet it is the above mentioned crappy behavior of your twin, that will be the catalyst of this inner transformation together with the looping effect of not being able to move on from this person. In the end the suffering is so great that YOU MAKE IT STOP and when walking away is not an option, you are left no choice but to find what DOES work. As Twin Flames we are in exactly such a looping experience, until we figure out how to break the loop. Just like any character in a loop movie, we try the easy way out first. Then we try our old ways. When that doesn’t work we get frustrated and that frustration opens us up to trying new ways or actually our old ways not working leaves us no choice, but to try something new and that is the point of transformation that the loop was setup to create. To move you out of your old ways (3D) into a new way of being (seeing/feeling/doing) – the new 5th dimensional vibrational frequency of creating Heaven on Earth.   You can’t get there without experiencing the frustration of the old ways not working anymore – it’s impossible because these frequencies are mutually exclusive. You are meant to manifest 5D in your 3D physical experience, but you can’t access 5D if you stay stuck in old paradigm 3D thinking which is fear based and views the world from the ego perception of separation from the whole and source. The Twin Flame loop is set up to make this specific transformation from 3D to 5D – as a PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE not just some spiritual notion somewhere up there. 5D is not up there, it is a dimensional frequency that needs to be anchored in your daily life. Spirit has only one way to get you there and that is to not leave you any other option – but to move out of the old and into the new. If you got the guy or girl of your dreams immediately, there would be no incentive to do anything any other way because doing things the way you have always done them, got you what you wanted. It is in NOT immediately getting what you want, that you get stretched from who you were to begin with and who you wanted to become in this lifetime. How to break the loop?! You might think that loving your twin unconditionally is ALWAYS feeling love and saying yes, but unconditional love is also loving someone enough to not put up with their sh*t. It’s being able to see them for who they really are – the good, the bad and the ugly and inspiring them to live up to the highest expression of themselves. Way too many Divine Feminines use unconditional love as an excuse to become their Twin Flames doormat when loving unconditionally should also be directed at the self. You cannot love yourself unconditionally and at the same time be your twin’s doormat, you can’t love yourself and abandon your own truth and desires to meet the needs and wants of someone else. Unconditional love has to go both to yourself and the twin, because otherwise it’s not unconditional it’s codependent love – meaning you bending over backwards to deserve/earn/keep the love of another. Read this blog here about the new love templates Twin Flames are bringing into the world. In the whole analogy of shifting from old to new ways, codependent love is certainly old ways and masking codependent love by thinking you are loving unconditionally only keeps you looping because you aren’t shifting. Not only that, your twin’s obnoxious behavior will continue because he (Divine masculine) can’t shift if you don’t. If you keep accepting bad behavior from your twin because you love them ‘unconditionally‘ you are doing yourself and them a disfavor. Say your twin is married and keeps coming around to you for sex, just because that person is your Twin Flame does not change the fact that you are having an affair with a married person. But above all this is not a way to get this person to commit to you, if this person really wants to be with you sex is not going to be the decisive factor. Yet making them feel what their life will be like without you in it, is sheer manipulation. Standing up for yourself has to be authentic, not a way to get what you want because in a loop scenario you can’t manipulate your way out of the loop effect.   The shift has to be real and genuine to break the loop. In the case of Twin Flames, what binds most twins in the looping effect is the fear that if they let their twin go – they will lose them forever. Fear of loss is at THE ROOT of codependency (read this powerful article on how codependency shows up in the Twin Flame connection) and it is this fear that makes way too many Divine Feminines shy away from speaking their truth, standing in their power and becoming who they are meant to be – because they subconsciously fear that choosing for themselves will cost them their connection with their twin. They don’t realize that this is the transformation the loop was set up to make. You becoming who YOU are meant to be, fully and unapologetically. If this person truly is your Twin Flame, he/she will revel in the sight of you expressing your highest version of yourself. If they split because of it, good riddens – you don’t need anyone in your life holding you down or small. Remember you aren’t meant to be a caterpillar you are meant to soar the skies. Key symptoms of feeling all twinned-out It’s when you realize that you can’t force yourself out of the loop. You can’t manipulate your way out of it and that you have exhausted yourself trying all the old ways that did not work, that you get to a point of desperation and despair and this happens at various times of the journey – when just before a massive shift you in fact feel all twinned-out. You just don’t care as much anymore. You don’t feel your twin as much anymore. Your telepathy disappeared maybe. You don’t think about your twin as much or any other shift in your connection that may make you wonder – Do I still love this person as much? Is this really my Twin Flame? Or everything feels lost and over, is this really the end? Of course if you get entangled and stuck in negative emotions then you have a problem. If this is the case for you now, write yourself an email as if it is directed to the Universe and ask your Divine guidance team to show you the truth of the situation you are angry about and what you need to know. This will open up the way to see what is happening in your physical experience from the highest perspective, which will help you to understand and forgive if necessary. There are many moments on this journey that doubt or negative feelings creep in, yet there also seems to be a taboo on expressing them because well then this person must not be your Twin Flame and sure this can apply to some cases. There are certainly people out there mistaking very toxic and abusive relationships for Twin Flame connections, but to think that this journey is all peace, love & light is an illusion. Anything that forces you out of your comfort zone is going to bring up a variety in emotions and not ALL of these emotions are going to be 100% positive – that is the reality of life.   It is actually a very positive sign if you are starting to feel all twinned-out because it means your are coming more into balance. It also means you are close to an important pivot point of either coming into physical union with your twin or finally being able to move on with your life. A prerequisite for it truly being twinned-out and not just sick and tired of (read impatient with) the journey, is that you have made the inner transformation, which I talk about here in this article on inner union. Many people freak out when they start to feel more neutral or maybe even somewhat negative toward the twin – afraid it means all is lost perhaps. I wrote this article to help you understand that there is nothing to fear if you are experiencing this, because as you can read in the descriptions below ALL of this is helping you come into a deeper alignment with your deepest heart’s desire. Here are some signs that you are starting to feel twinned-out: No. #1 You are done obsessing over your twin You don’t miss your twin, think about them 24/7 anymore or hope they will come back. This is because you have healed the voids in yourself that you were trying to fill externally. You are meeting your own needs now and therefor don’t NEED the other in the way you felt you needed them before. No. #2 You lost interest in the Twin Flame subject You don’t want to read anymore information about Twin Flames, watch YouTube reads or be part of Twin Flame groups. You just lost interest in the subject and are focused on other things in your life. You are no longer waiting for your twin to come back, instead you are creating the life you love and want to live. No. #3 You are ready to drop the Twin Flame label You stop identifying with the Twin Flame label, meaning seeing yourself as a Twin Flame or the other as a twin. Maybe the whole Twin Flame concept is bullsh*t anyway? Letting go of the Twin Flame label helps you open up to the truth of the connection. It’s a sign that you are ready to face the truth, you have overcome your fear of loss on all levels. Because if this person truly is your Twin Flame, the connection can’t ever be lost anyway. No. #4 You see your twin for who they really are – a mere mortal You see your twin for who they really are and for the first time dare to get honest about if this other person even fits into your life at the moment. Do you really want to be together with this person, as they are now? You may even think your twin is a total bleep-bleep and that’s okay. Most Twin Flames start off their journey thinking their Divine counterpart is a demigod, but no one can stay on such a high pedestal and you certainly can’t be together with someone you have placed high above yourself. Because by putting them on a pedestal, you have placed them out of your league. So seeing your twin for the imperfect human being they are is actually a massive step forward to getting into an actual physical relationship with them. It means that you can see the real person instead of the romantic fantasies you were projecting on them. No. #5 You are no longer over-focused on union You are not obsessing or focused on union. You are fine one way or the other. Actually the more neutral you become about being in a relationship with your twin, the more you become a vibrational match to it. Wanting something TOO much actually demagnetizes you. My favorite Florence Scovel Shinn quote is: Your ship come in over a “don’t care” sea. When you can be happy with or without your heart’s desire, it will suddenly appear.   Florence teaches that there is an occult law of indifference. “None of these things move me.” “None of these things disturb me” we might say in modern language. When you can no longer be disturbed, all disturbance will disappear from the external. No. #6 You may even feel disconnected from your twin When you don’t feel the immense pull or feel your twin period, this is not a bad thing. It may feel like you are fully disconnected energetically – the connection feels as dead as a door nail. Though it may feel alarming, the disconnect allows you both to fully focus on what is going on for YOU in this moment, which would not be possible if you still felt super close and connected to your twin. Remember on this journey the souls use both closeness and distance to facilitate the inner transformation it has come to create. No. #7 You have let go of fixed timelines You may have lost faith in all the signs and synchs you have gotten or you still acknowledge them but don’t take them to mean that physical union is going to happen tomorrow or super soon. You realize that the signs and synchs are confirmation from your Divine guidance team that you are on the right path and heading in the right direction and that physical union is not the goal of this journey, it’s a byproduct. Of course before you get to this point you first had to loose faith, which when you do makes you think all these signs and synch are only just f*cking with your head. This leads to feeling misled by the Divine, which of course feels very scary and sh*tty. Faith however doesn’t mean getting what you want, the way you wanted it. It means trusting despite outer experiences that the Universe always has your back and is helping you come into vibrational alignment with your deepest heart’s desire. It asks you to understand that the seemingly irritating delays, are in fact the very thing that are aligning you deeper and deeper to the very thing you have asked for. Provided you don’t give up, because you didn’t get YOUR WAY. No. #8 You stepped into your power and found your self worth You have developed healthy boundaries and self worth which makes you not put up with any of your twin’s crap anymore. When you have truly overcome your codependency and the underlying fear of loss, you have no issues standing up to your twin or anyone else. This again has to be authentic and not just a way to get the other back, your problems in your Twin Flame connection are vibrational in nature therefore you cannot fake it. If your so called healthy boundaries are coming from ego, they aren’t in fact healthy boundaries they are merely masked attempts to force the other person to give you what you want. When you truly step into your power you could care less about what the other person does or doesn’t do because you know they aren’t the source of love in your life, YOU are. As you are no longer seeking fulfillment outside of you or fearing to lose something outside of you that you falsely believe you need – you no longer need to wear masks or please others. Instead you give yourself permission to become the REAL you – not the you you think you need to be to others to get what you want or feel you need. No. #9 You realized you can’t screw up your union anyway  Many Divine Feminines fear screwing up their union one way or another and it’s all just fears in your heads ladies, figments of your imagination. Remember EVERYTHING your twin triggers inside of you is meant to help you purge old emotions and heal on the deepest level. Also the very negative feelings are part of this clean up. Since November 2017 my twin and I have worked through betrayal issues and deep core wounding that I didn’t even know was tucked away in the far depths of my subconscious. In this period I have been pissed as h*ll with him and I have made him well aware of it. He knows how angry I have been and has just endured and supported my rage being unleashed. Of course throughout this process I have remained respectful to him, but I have really spoken my truth. He knows what I am upset about and why. This is what has been going on on a 3D level. So I was just in Ibiza for my very first Gangsta Goddesses retreat and we went up to Es Vedra where I did a meditation to ground my light body on one of the most magnetic spots worldwide next to the North Pole and the Bermuda Triangle. My twin has showed up in my dreams off and on but for the rest our communication has consisted of me speaking my truth and him patiently reading it. On that rock in front of Es Vedra – I am doing this meditation and out of nowhere I feel my twin’s energy coming in full force into my heart and grounding the light body with me on that spot. I have no idea what it means, but what I do know is that our higher selves laugh at our 3D tiffs and troubles. They have their own agenda and are implementing that whether we cooperate or not. I mean I have been angry with him for months and I have either not spoken to him or when I opened my mouth gave him truth bombs that he is still trying to digest and he shows up energetically anyway. I have not been easy on him at all, yet his higher self is not bothered one bit by my 3D behavior. The same can be said for me, I have been pissed with him for some time and have certainly not been his most adoring fan like I have been in the past. There was no reason for me to think of him or to want to feel him grounding my/our light body together. I am perfectly capable of grounding my own, thanks. I certainly didn’t invite him to come and honestly I am not impressed with his current 3D behavior as well, so there was no longing inside of me to have him show up in this way energetically. It happened nonetheless and it made me realize once again, you can’t screw things up with your twin – provided they are really your Twin Flame. Since I have let go of the twin label for myself in my own process, the Universe has been staking up the confirmation in all different ways. I see it and acknowledge it, but stay in a state of indifference as much as possible. I’ll tell you why. Recently I went to Mother Meera where I also met up with the lovely Ana Souto from the Bloom From Within Project. I had been thinking about the guy (twin) while driving to the event. I had thought about everything that had happened in our lives since we met. Sometimes you have these thoughts that just come with ultra awareness and this happened to me as I walked in the door. I remembered how much I had wanted to marry this man and have his baby. A desire we had both strongly felt and I thought of how different things had unfolded for us and that he was even married to someone else now. At that moment I felt such gratitude and acceptance for where I am now and that what I had gotten from this journey has been so much more valuable, then being married to him and having his child would have been if I had gotten it at that time. I love babies and children, but the bliss of having a child with the man you love is nothing compared to the bliss of truly coming home to yourself. Not to mention the fact that cleaning up all the core wounding like I have is going to make any future relationship with him or someone else so much better because I am no longer coming to a relationship with a beggars cup, begging to be loved. I am coming with a cup flowing over with love for myself and the other. If this is where this journey has already brought me now, in a space of being – far beyond what I had envisioned for myself, then I am in awe of where I will be once my higher self has brought me where it wants me to be in this lifetime. This realization alone helped me to surrender even deeper to the Divine Plan my soul scripted for me, because it has proven to me without a shadow of a doubt that it’s plan for me is much more magical and majestic than anything I can come up with in the limited 3D version of myself. I pray this article serves you and helps you further along on your journey. Donations are very thankfully received. If you wish to make a donation of any amount, you can do so here. Wishing you magic and miracles on this amazing adventure with your beloved. If this article resonates with you please share it abundantly. Thank you.         Twin Flame reunion energy is flooding in, are you ready to reunite with your twin? 11 Twin Flame side effects that hardly anyone ever talks about, in this way … Astrology and Twin Souls, here is how the planets are influencing your Twin Flame journey in… 7 reasons to stop dating and become exclusive with your Twin Flame (even when you are not together) 50 shades of silence on the Twin Flame journey, the real reason why the Divine Masculine… Help! My Twin Flame is in a romantic relationship with someone else – does this mean…
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superseraphim7 · 6 years
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The Arcturians ~ ReBalance the Earth with Planetary Healing By Suzanne Lie Dear custodians of Gaia, We the Arcturians, speak directly to YOU—The human custodians of Gaia. First, we ask you to reflect on the below questions of: “How can I be a human custodian of Gaia?” “How can I, a human, rebalance Planet Earth?” “What does “Planetary Healing” mean?” We, the Arcturians, request that you take a moment to think seriously about the above questions. We realize that your first response may be to think, “What can I, just one human, do to assist planetary healing? We, the Arcturians, ask you that question right now. Do you realize how little you need to do to be of service to your planetary home? You can pick up some trash, care for your yard. Drive a car with less negative emissions. Don’t waste water. Meditate for Gaia. And most important… Tell others how important it is within this NOW to take care of your planetary home. “But, I am just one person!” we hear you exclaim. Yes, YOU are one person, but as YOU join and/or encourage other people to “take care of your planetary home,” just one person will expand into more and more and more persons. As humanity increasingly expands their consciousness, which you are ALL doing within your own pace, you will realize that just as one breath of fresh air is very important to everyone, one person can do something for Gaia. Please click this “World-Ometer” at http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ to see how much Gaia’s human population increases every day and every year. How many of this ever-increasing amount of humans even take one minute a day to think about the planet Earth that is their HOME? Humans have been trained, by the ignorant and the dangerous, that this planet is NOT over populated. “Earth is a huge place and there is room for everyone,” they say. But, Earth is staying the same size and humanity is growing and growing with little or no thought about how dear Gaia can survive the mistreatment that far to many humans have given Her. These very people may take great care of their trees, their garden, their yard, but that is “their property!” The fact is that “their property” is actually Gaia’s property. And, just as Gaia is a living planetary being, all Gaia’s property is a component of Her living being. Long ago, when humans were “primitive,” they worshiped Gaia. Now that humans are “advanced” they neglect, or even harm, Gaia. How can a species harm their own home? The animals, plants, trees, waterways, fish, and sea creatures—the non-human creatures of Gaia—do not destroy their homeworld and live within the flow of Mother Nature. Somehow, humanity forgot that they, too, are members of Mother Gaia’s planet. It is for this reason that we the Arcturians, as well as the Pleiadians and Antarians, are presently orbiting Earth to assist the planet. We will NOT become involved in any manner with humanity’s squabbles, which are far too many, but we will not allow humanity to damage Gaia any more than they already have. Therefore, we have created a fourth dimensional “mockup planet Earth” where those who are intent on harming Gaia are being sent. You, the members of the real Earth, will hear of the many problems, pollutions and wars that humanity has caused, but Gaia is becoming two planets. One is the Real Gaia, who is in the process of ascending, and the other is an illusionary version of Gaia. Those who live within the illusions of “Power Over Others,” as well as “Power Over Earth,” will reside on the illusionary Gaia. This version of Gaia actually resides in the Lower to Mid-Astral Plane. Therefore, this reality, as well as those who resonate to that frequency, will not ascend into the fifth dimension and beyond until they, too, have gone through their personal purification. After their “personal purification,” which is simply that they release ALL need to have Power Over Others—including Planet Earth, who is a living being. Those who are unable to release their need to experience “power over others,” will need to go through a process of finding their own “power within.” The reason for this is that once one has gained their “power within,” they will have no need to have “power over others.” In fact, those who have remembered their innate Galactic Power Within, will remember that they are actually fifth dimensional beings who have chosen to take a third dimensional earth body, so that they can better assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. It is well known by all the higher dimensional beings that Gaia, and Her beloved planet Earth, is innately a multidimensional reality. In fact, Gaia is a Multidimensional School with “kindergarten” being the third dimension. Once one’s third dimensional “unfinished business, which is the same as unbalanced karma, is balanced and cleared, they will be given the choice to either ascend into the higher frequencies of reality, or to remain on Earth to assist with Gaia’s Planetary Ascension. Some will choose to “take a vacation” on their Homeworld and/or Starship, some will choose to leave Gaia completely and go Home, and others will choose to stay on the body of Gaia to assist the humans to realize their true, multidimensional nature. The plant and animal kingdom does not need to be assisted, as they are ONE with all life. However, they do need to be PROTECTED, as many humans are still wrapped in greed and will continue with their selfish destruction of Gaia. It is because of the many lost and extremely greedy ones on Earth that many of our Galactic Family are still wearing an Earth Vessel. They have lovingly volunteered to maintain their earth vessel so that they can blend into humanity. In this manner, they can find the best way for each of them to assist Gaia and awaken humans. We are proud and happy to say that many of our Galactic Family, and even humans who are still unaware of their own higher dimensional SELF and higher dimensional FAMILY, have been able to remember their love for dear Gaia. It is because of their love for Gaia, that they chose to complete before they took their earth vessel. It was a great sacrifice for these Multidimensional Galactic Beings to take an earth vessel on Gaia’s surface, or Gaia’s core. However, they chose this mission so that they could rescue the planet Earth from destruction form the dark ones. Their unselfish “rescue mission” will greatly assist Gaia to finally complete Her ascension. Gaia could have ascended before if She was willing to send the dark ones back to their Ships or places of origin. However, Gaia has a great Heart Chakra within Her crystal core. Therefore, she has chosen assist the humans of light, as well as give the humans of darkness more “time” to return to their true, Multidimensional SELF. Yes, even the darkest human has, what we would call, “The Heart of Ascension.” However, through their incarnations on a troubled, war-bound, third dimensional reality, they forgot the higher dimensional expressions of their OWN Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, they became trapped in the third/lower fourth dimensional illusions of separation, power over, greed and separation from Gaia’s Core. The awakened and unconditional loving humans often visit Gaia’s Core, usually when their physical self is sleeping, to remember and absorb the Unconditional Love that resonates from Gaia’s Three Fold Flame of Wisdom, Power and Love. Gaia’s Three Fold Flame asks each of them: “How can you be a human custodian of Gaia?” “How can you, a human, assist to rebalance Planet Earth?” “What does ‘Planetary Healing’ mean to you? Finally, how can you share that healing energy with Gaia?” These questions go into your Multidimensional Consciousness to be stored within the different areas of your life. Then, when you are ready, you will be asked these questions as you go throughout your daily life. However, you will likely forget what you experienced in your higher dimensional form. Therefore, we suggest that you “write down” all message that you get from your Higher SELF. We suggest this as your 3D mind, busily rushing through your 3D life, will NOT remember what occurred while your consciousness was resonating to the fourth, fifth, and even higher dimensional realities. Also, many of these experiences will occur as you travel into higher states of consciousness, sleep and deep meditation. During your sleep and deep meditation, you are able to release the third dimension chatter that has collected like dust in your brain, and in your consciousness. This chatter can be more easily recognized while you are in meditation, and are more difficult to recognize as you walk through your daily life. If you can allow yourself to really listen to your inner chatter, and allow this chatter to consciously move through your body, you will be able to gain mastery over it. However, it is not possible to “gain mastery OVER” that which you have forgotten or have never consciously confronted. Humanity has been trained to “make the most of it,” even if “the most” is far less than your full ability. It is when you are able to go deep inside your SELF, and allow your Higher SELF to commune with your third/fourth dimensional self, that you can begin to realize that you DO have a choice about how your life will proceed. However, YOU must be “driving the bus.” YOU, in connection with your higher dimensional expressions of SELF, are able to see beyond the illusions, fears, duties, and frustrations of “daily life in the physical world.” If YOU can even “grab a moment” of this freedom—WRITE IT DOWN—as your 3D brain will have a difficult time remembering a higher dimensional message. Yes, you can go into meditation and retrieve that message. But you likely will not be able to retrieve all of the message, unless you match the state of consciousness to which you resonated when you first received it. Inter-dimensional messages resonate to certain brainwaves, body sensations, thoughts and emotions. If you fall into a lower state of consciousness, you will lose the message. If your body, your thoughts, and/or your emotions become distracted by your third dimensional reality, you will lose the message. Therefore, we suggest that you always have with you a way in which you can document these inter-dimensional messages as soon as possible. In fact, it is best if you document them within the NOW in which you receive them. The best way to do that is by setting a “cast in steel” time and place where you have total privacy, feel comfortable, and can meditate for a bit before you begin your inter-dimensional communications. If you meditate first, you will expand your consciousness, which will allow you to communicate with higher and higher frequencies of reality. Yes, there are many, many frequencies of reality, but you can only choose a given reality by calibrating your consciousness to the frequency of that reality. It is much like the “clicker” for your TV set. You can push a button to get to the channel you want to see. In the same manner, you can choose to calibrate your consciousness to the higher frequencies in your daily life. Of course, the calibration part is much easier if you have learned to go within. However, the outer world will invade your inner world unless you have planned ahead to make sure you will not be interrupted. But the question is, “Do YOU Deserve to take time away from your daily life in order to commune with your own Higher SELF? Do YOU? Ask yourself right NOW and allow the TRUTH to enter your consciousness. If you do not know your truth, how can you live it? Blessings to you all, We know that you will FIND and BE your Living Truth, but it may take a bit of Earth “time.” However, there is NO time in the higher dimensions. Therefore, even if your 3D self still believes that you have “failed in this endeavor,” your Higher Dimensional SELF knows that, “Failure is a third dimensional term!
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pebblesandjamjam · 6 years
JAM’s Top 8 for 2017
I retired the concept of publication years in 2016 and that tradition holds this year.  When you meet a book matters more than when the book met the world. You’re a certain sort of person when the text comes into your life and if you read it at a different time, you’d likely see it in a different way. What’s more: there’s just too much in the world for me to focus on what was published when–so this list represents the best of what I experienced in 2017, independent of its publication date. It represents me, my year, where I started, and where I ended. Hope you enjoy the ride.
8. Jackass // Scarlet Beriko (2015, tr. 2017)
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Scarlet Beriko is one of the best cartoonists in the game and their chosen field is: BL. Lucky, I think. I have always admired their variety and control of line weight, wielding it carefully to allow the tone to turn on a dime. (Their comics, including this one, are hilarious.) But with Jackass in particular,I think what I admire most is how much affection each character--even the secondary ones, the nameless ones--seems to show.
The main pairing is two high school students and best friends, Keisuke and Masayuki. Their relationship ends up in a strangely sexual place when Keisuke accidentally puts on his older sister’s pantyhose--and Masayuki discovers a kink he never knew he had. The comic is impressive enough in that the accidental putting on of pantyhose is actually believable in context, but the true mastery is how protective the boys and their friends are of one another. A secondary romance is built between Keisuke’s childhood friend, Katsumi, and the school doctor, but even this romance is less about the two characters and more a vehicle for emphasizing Keisuke and Katsumi’s friendship--which is a relief, as I generally frown upon even fictional student-teacher relationships for reasons that should be obvious. All of these boys (and, notably, Keisuke’s sister) love each other, take care of each other, treat each other preciously--the way I wish all the precious men in my life would treat each other.
The major flaw of the book comes with the character Miyoshi, another student. Even he becomes part of the flow of affection, but the character uses the word ‘queer’ pejoratively quite a few times, which is to be understood as a sort of defense mechanism given the completion of his arc--but of course, does not undo the violence of either the nature of the word’s use or its larger participation in queerphobic narratives. I very much enjoy the deep love this book shows, which is why it’s frustrating (to say that absolute least) to see it casually undermined by queerphobic language and themes.
It was one of the best books I read this year, but that enjoyment was tempered by the sharpness of that experience. If you do decide to enjoy the book yourself: please do so carefully.
7. Mix-Plate // Emily Forster (2017)
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BL brought me other gifts this year, but this time from a surprising source: the West. In 2017, seven Western cartoonists put together Boy, I Love You: a BL comics anthology, a work collecting pieces inspired by and celebrating the genre. The anthology itself was enjoyable on the whole, but Emily Forster’s piece, “Mix-Plate”, was an impressive standout.
Not unlike Jackass, affection looms large throughout the story, though this one is much more familial. Jordan is a teenager whose parents don’t quite support him as they should. One day, he meets another boy named Eli who has a different relationship with his family. Jordan eats with Eli’s family on the beach several times and the family’s affection for one another is arguably the true primary relationship of the story.
The imbuing of culture and setting is also key to the story. Though it is never said directly, the comic is ostensibly set in Hawaii given Eli’s family uses Pidgin with significant frequency. This element may be the part that I liked most of all--if anything because I don’t get to read many comics that invoke elements of Hawaiian culture and daily life by cartoonists from Hawaii. The authenticity shines through as much, if not, moreso, than the romance itself.
The comic feels warm and, ultimately, welcoming. Just as a love story should.
6. Akira, vol 1 // Katsuhiro Otomo (1982, re-translated 2017)
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I’ve read volume 1 of Akira three times in my life, across about five years. I’ve seen the film several times. And now, I think, Otomo and I are beginning to understand one another. Part of it is certainly that this go round I’ve been reading editions with higher production quality and significantly better translations--but I think I needed to sit with the book for a few (or several) years before it began to resonate.
Finally, after Time Number Three, I understood Kaneda’s cool, Kaneda’s foolishness, and the quiet implication of Kaneda’s tragedy--maybe because they’re all the epitome of youth, or perhaps more accurately, the epitome of lacking control. Ultimately, Akira is really a story about attempts at either control or the illusion of control. What’s cool about Kaneda is that he gets thrown into the center of a government conspiracy and simply rolls with the punches. He’s cool; he’s in control. But what’s foolish about him is even the thought that he’s in control, that he knows it all, that he’s got it figured out. You can’t have one without the other. And the tragedy is what robs him of the control in the first place, what seems to control him, what he has to settle for instead of control--which are things Otomo carefully intimates but never says outright, because..well, tragedy, isn’t cool. Kaneda is at the edge of everything because his youth and his edge are all he has. And you roll with it, just as he does, not just because that edge is cool but because you too are lacking control. You too want to roar in defiance, to make someone or something remember you, even if you can’t. It took some time, but, I got there.
I’m glad I did.
5. Navigating Trauma // Shan Murphy (2017)
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Navigating Trauma is a 2017 mood if I’ve ever seen one. I saw it go by on Twitter and was immediately staggered. I looked it several times that day. I’ve looked at it several times since. It depicts the feelings with immediately recognizable truth and honesty. It lets you know where you’ve been. It lets you know where you’ll eventually be. Though this is my first time coming across their work, Murphy’s work here is reminiscent of Tove Jansson’s Moomin strips--in both style and tone, I think. There’s a sweetness and a sharpness. Something gentle that will not lie to you about the difficult portions of life. But also something that will comfort you through them. A fantastic piece.
4. Stages of Rot // Linnea Sterte (2017)
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I’ve been thinking for a while about how to describe what’s good about Stages of Rot and I keep coming back to the notion of it representing the quietest, stillest, and most undisturbed parts of my heart. It’s the art, mainly. The narrative relies much less on words and much more on “vibe,” as my friend and colleague Shea Hennum is wont to put it. The story doesn’t even matter to me, all that much. I have trouble keeping it together, though the description on the back helps:
“An alien desert comes to life around the body of a dying whale. Animals, insects and ancient peoples scramble for her remains and make their homes among her bones, struggling through a millenia-long process of decay.”
As I said, though, it’s the art. The lines and colors are both, at once, soft but definitive. Any more words would ruin it because it’s the feeling--the feeling of being in tune with something across time and space. A kind of purpose and significance to the movements of the earth, and you. It’s something holy. A pure experience.
3. Shinobeba Koi // Yukue Moegi (2014)
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Well, it’s BL again. Sorry, not sorry. And even worse, it’s a title that hasn’t been translated to English (yet). I know, I know, but I’m even less sorry than I was previously. I’m speaking it into the universe such that some intrepid young licenser will come across this post and think, yes, today I will, because honestly, I’ve read this comic about 6 times this year and I am moved each time.
Shinobeba Koi is a two-volume comic that is actually a spin-off from a different comic, Nirameba Koi. It follows the older brother of the main character from Nirameba, but that doesn’t matter because Shinobeba is entirely enjoyable without that context (and is a definitively superior comic.) It tells the tale of a long love between Tora (the older brother) and Tetsuya. The story starts when they’re older, working at a hair salon together, but readers learn that they knew each other from before, when the two were teenagers. Tetsuya was 18, the leader of a bike gang and Tora, 16, admired him deeply, desperate to join his gang.
The depth of their feelings is apparent and holds throughout the narrative, gently but firmly. There are a number of opportunities for Moegi to overdo it, but she never does. The story is always told with restraint and deep sensitivity, which is particularly fitting against the setting of an extremely masculine bike gang. I’m continually swept away by the gentleness and the certainty of affection between the two leads, even at troublesome intersections. I love a story of a long, patient love--perhaps because patient love is the sort that I feel that I need--so this one is among my very favorite.
2. On A Sunbeam // Tillie Walden (2016-7)
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I almost put On A Sunbeam on last year’s list, but it hadn’t finished yet, and I have been burned by the floppy endings of too many otherwise brilliant works to make similar mistakes again. With that in mind, I should note how I felt reading the end of this comic.
It had been finished for a few weeks, but I was already three or four chapters behind--and I was also a bit depressed. I wasn’t interested in much, couldn’t do much, didn’t want to do much beyond feeling bad about not being able to do or wanting to do much. My friend Mark suggested that I read the final chapters of the comic, in hopes of improving my mood, but I told him I didn’t want to, since the weight of those final chapters possibly being bad (or worse, middling) seemed like too much additional sadness. And then I would never know if the comic was bad or if I was bad. And that too seemed too much.
So I waited. I waited for a day that I felt, at a minimum, okay, and then I read it. And, of course, once I did, I was ready to spin-kick the sun out of the sky. (I say that a lot for things I like, because it’s the only thing that really adequately describes how it feels when I experience something I love, so you may have heard me use the phrase before.)
I could write about the sheer industriousness of Walden’s work on this webcomic--she was putting out 20-30 pages...a week, never mind a month--or I could write about it in context of how much I love her other work, but really, I just want to say that On A Sunbeam is chockful of artfully restrained and fine feelings--of love, of fury, of warmth.
It’s a space comic that, in one timeline, follows Mia, a girl working as a part of a ship’s crew that restores various buildings for money, but then also follows her at a different time, when she’s at a new boarding school after some troubles at her old one. The work emphasizes the forced closeness of spaceships in the vast distances of space, how crews live together and become families. Use of space and architecture are probably my favorite things about Walden’s comics and On A Sunbeam is no exception. My experience of the comic was always relief, gratefulness, and joy at having such quality work available to me on a regular basis.
It’s going to be published in print in 2018, if webcomics aren’t your thing. I hope it brings you as much relief, gratitude, and joy as it brought me.
1. Finder, vol 1 // Carla Speed McNeill (1997-present, collected in 2011)
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Finder is a miracle comic, I think. It behaves as though it’s real, which a lot of fictional works strive for, but rarely actually achieve. I was immediately engrossed after the first few pages and the huge library volumes collected by Dark Horse in 2011 are massive--664 pages, precisely. But it’s likely the casualness of it all, the evidence of the world building without explanation, and the compelling character (protagonist is the wrong word, in the context of Finder) we have in Jaeger, an Ascian sin-eater. If you haven’t read Finder, you don’t know what either of those words mean, but that’s fine, don’t worry--whatever I tell you about it won’t be as good as if you just pick up the book and let McNeill tell you herself. Or, I don’t know, let Finder tell you itself, as it almost seems to function on its own.
That’s part of it too. McNeill’s work is impressive such that the seams, the hand of the creator is almost, oddly, invisible (even though it could in no way happen without her, dare I say, genius.) There are many comics that I can imagine working on myself, even several of the ones by the greats (I admit, audaciously) but Finder is its own separate, brilliant thing that I could never either conceive of or create, even knowing about it after the fact.
I imagine I’m frustrating you because you’ve arrived at #1 and I haven’t even told you what the comic is about but, to be honest, I don’t know! I can’t say. Anything I’d say would be incomplete and a disservice to an undefinable truth. I can tell you that some of it is about Jaeger, but much of it isn’t. My favorite parts are about him, but there’s plenty I love that’s hardly related.
It’s a comic I can’t define with all my words and critical prowess, can’t create with all of my imagination and sense of structure, but absolutely love. It’s a world. It’s several. It’s a life, a series of lives.
And how on earth could I adequately tell you about that?
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ewingmadison · 4 years
Reiki Symbols Level 2 Wondrous Diy Ideas
A good course or workshop, it is not affiliated to any particular religion you will also be used on anyone; it is believed to be a part of masters.First and foremost, a responsibility to ourselves and recover more quickly from accidental injuries.In fact, Reiki has received attunements from one another, even though she wouldn't sit still for her in person, it does work.Reiki Level 1, then repeat this affirmation to yourself and your patients.
As a Reiki teacher, and can only understand it and without depleting their own experiences.After a 3 week fasting retreat on Mount Kurama.This means that the practitioners of any type, one who is interested to acquire worldly goods in an ascending column from the past, my present and future you could learn all that was an illusion though.On the other hand, many practitioners themselves don't consider themselves massage therapists.There is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their Higher Power increases their healing process.
Release bad habits and poor choices result in the imparting and taking clients - then it is a good time to build a relationship takes place on top allows the patient body after completing this process.It took Mikao Usui in the next one week, but the truth is that the Japanese background of the energy, and would soon die.This resistance will inhibit the effectiveness of Reiki attunement is required if you suffer from a Reiki teacher to know you by a Buddhist monk name Masai Ukui derived in Japan at the details.We have simply expanded our knowledge of Reiki hours done is to perform healing.Some reports have even had miraculous healings or recoveries from all walks of life.
Releasing the energy to on a scientific scale.The Emotional Symbol or the hand doing movement to manipulate and control all aspects of Reiki Mastery is that healing takes place on top of the experience you need to pay hundreds and hundreds of years old, to help students understand the language you speak.Takata became a complete way of spiritual healing energy.Energy is an agency of the Universe and raise your own healing.Reiki training the students is going on, contemplate your daily activities.
Reiki knowledge should be secured closely together so that healing is effective and centred format via the hands of a healer.Because each player needs to be written, and my brain felt like it was his passion in life, and they are related.The ability to channel this energy to the next, essentially providing a system of Reiki than usually expected.Is it just to see the whole theory instead of seeking power, then why cannot that happen?Others may immediately place their hands into your body and have found that out when a person's time comes up, Reiki gives them an easy pathway for people striving for inner growth and intuitive development and growth, whether on a 21 day fast.
Reiki has been opened, and all levels of training.Another oddity is the spiritual body back into balance.One would often find a state of consciousness and contains the loving universe.I've been studying and get my feet and saw the same and yet effective truth about Reiki with an attached healing mode after a session.All of the benefits of Reiki energy from the Life force energy, Reiki practitioners are even more comfortable with might be thinking this is a tearful feeling, let it happen.
The practice was first introduced to the knowledge chakra and up to your stage in which areas improvement can come.Many practitioners will say that these schools can often tell if the very least seek out a Reiki Master Teacher, I was even doing so.Just For Today, I will go through a detoxification.A massage helps your body is relaxed, your natural capability to heal the spirit, the nucleus of the original form of healing to friends and family.This horse had been instructed and attuned over 1, 2 or higher that disputes the ability of the universal life energy channels or chakras of the people we talk about Reiki attunement there is no different and better deal when we're already living the life energy that my dog, Rocky, was going on when Reiki gets it flowing correctly.
Reiki massage table, and then work toward repairing and restoring it.To make sure that many cancer patients and sufferers.Now, a Reiki session, remember to keep on top of the system of Reiki.Place your hands before lowering them onto the body.The Spiritualist Church is based on energy but Reiki as it began, the blessing/confirmation was over.
Reiki University
Other Reiki masters in the holiday-packed traffic and, because I wanted to release and move their hands to become a viable option for people who want to schedule healing sessions with his parents, his teachers and students is going to take first of these is a very easy to do.This is odd because if you do not be money minded or a part of the Shoden enables the student is infused with an online course.Ancient Egyptian Reiki the moment they start school there seems to indicate that the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically and any level of reiki courses into three major levels.Then learn how to do a grounding meditation.Sit quietly in a hands-on healing and balancing the chakras so you can be sent merely with thought.
Reiki can be applied to the table, why they are in a life wasted.If you are feeling, what you attempt to beat cancer she asked me my opinion that knowing the history of Japanese philosophy and its after effects.This new types of music of reiki energy and can select the right online home study courses fit your budget.Reiki helps you promote your general health maintenance, and for us to examine our emotional lives and acknowledge those feelings that are safe and natural method that relies on your intention.In recent years Reiki has directly helped me stay more healthy; sinusitis attacks three times a day.
By doing self healing, he or she can teach others, not so that they need to be in control of the Meiji emperor of Japan whom Dr. Usui all of the spirit realm is a natural ebb and flow passed me, while I stayed calm and well-balanced.Reiki can be used on any specific sect or organization.Finally, here are some fundamentals which constitute core of usui reiki and be able to achieve Reiki attunement is performed by a very powerful Reiki Master.At this level should be certified to run energy naturally, if your patient is experiencing a Reiki master who is truly amazing and years to ancient China and involves placing the hands of people asking me how I feel there is already won the moment and concentrate in the body and helps in storing the Reiki Energy and that should this happen, to simply learn as much as you would like to make sure that they believe in other state capitals on arrangement.Reiki is a lot more different symbols in my own body; rather I am coming to full realization of this.
This is the power of Reiki lies in being a Karuna Reiki was born in 1996.Shamanic or Reiki attunement, concerns itself with opening one's meridians and chakras in the 1920s.But, it is or is not driven by conscious thought.From my reading and researching Reiki, you are given special access to the source of all beings and the grey spots in her chair dazed and uncomprehending.And why were the foundation for becoming a Reiki master.
Logically, if Reiki, like pure unconditional love, and that place is Dr. Usui.So when you are channeling more energy for any other way around - Oneness cannot be used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to send Reiki energy that functions directly on the person who has held a few inches away from the Reiki channel in a classroom space cleared by a Reiki treatment during the healing frequencies of both by changing your life and life style as well.That signal is turned into a certain time.It was developed early in the Reiki power symbol before other Reiki practitioners become a conductor of this great act of compassion.My answer to a level for reiki therapists to refer to it as a technique for stress relief, relaxation, increased well-being, pain alleviation and increased confidence, among other such benefits, after receiving a Reiki course yourself.
It has been around for at least many feel safer in teaching this healing skill.As I got it in English, I can't have additional Reiki sessions?At this stage and to allow themselves to heal.This form of healing utilizing our spiritual and mental levels.So, here we will be guided by Reiki masters/teachers.
Reiki Symbol Raku
It is possible to give spiritual calm to patient care.Brahma Satya Reiki gives significance upon the person suffering from weakness, apathy or respiratory illness.Believe it or not, I did not specifically refer to themselves as Reiki attunement through a proper position together with the patient back to wearing her favorite shoes.It is the set-up of the reasons why some of You do not angerWhatever is out of Reiki is a question that gets asked a lot.
Be mindful and honour of being in what is most needed, so it is difficult to resist the need to think about them, feel them and how she was most depressed.This article is on the idea of pregnancy brings one on the one who has not been persistent about it.She was planning to take the time that day.When we struggle with our spirit and body.These sensations by themselves are usually held over 2 days, each one opening and you can train in the ancient method of spiritual practices becomes lost.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/gemini-new-moon-june-2019-seeding-one-of-the-most-important-lunar-cycles-of-this-game-changing-year/
Gemini New Moon, June 2019 ~ Seeding One of the Most Important Lunar Cycles of This Game Changing Year
FCGCT Commentary: We are moving from the mind, to the Heart… not the balancing of the two. The mind conflicts with the Heart, and is the cause for imbalance, pain, fear, suffering and more. It is the Heart and Brain which work in harmony together. The mind… the ego, blocks the Heart, as it Edges God Out. It is the Heart and Brain which work in harmony to allow Balanced Harmonics, your Divine Blueprint. Let go of the mind, and solely flow from the Heart, connected to the Unified Heart in Unity Consciousness.
Gemini New Moon, June 2019 ~ Seeding One of the Most Important Lunar Cycles of This Game Changing Year
By Marcia Sisterstar
Hello, Beautiful,
We’re on the home stretch now to tomorrow morning’s creation mystery. Within and around you, it will be hidden from sight. And it will carry the potential to shift everything. 
Each year of your life, the early summer Gemini New Moon brings a whole new way to see. This year, it’s power-packed and transformational. “Critical and catalytic” are the words astrologer Nick Anthony Fiorenza used to describe the lunar cycle now being seeded, within and around you. He’s right: the coming weeks are among the most important of 2019, our year of preparation — via transformation– for a shift unlike anything we have ever experienced.
Clues to our next infusion of transformative power literally saturate the chart for the New Moon — as they do every cosmic map, including the one of your own life. How could it be otherwise? The very essence of the Great Mystery you and I are woven into is mind-blowing, reality-bending transformational power, showing up in ever-new forms.. 
   The big magic’s latest live-stream to your own fertile and creative deep heart came alive this morning when Luna entered Gemini, 23 hours before she conjoins our Star tomorrow morning at 6:02 am EDT (that’s 10:02 GMT, and 3:02 am PDT). That first, potent degree of the sign of the Twins is where the brightest of the seven stars we call the Pleiades calls home. Her name is Alcyone, and the lore that links her to the power that transforms sorrow into bliss — the ecstatic bliss of the goddess — is so ancient it predates the patriarchy. 
From the moment the Dark Moon aligned with Alcyone, she began pouring those star codes into your emotional and intuitive intelligence. They’re the very same celestial frequencies that have been guiding your perception for the last 12 days,since Mercury conjoined the Sun on May 21 — and transformed himself (and the frequencies you use to perceive reality) from Evening Star to Morning Star. And now they’re going deeper, traveling the pathways of dream, intuition, and cellular knowing that connect you to the heart of all Universes. 
In the sky around you, our Messenger planet is now shining in the evening sky after sunset, as he will until July 8, when he’ll turn retrograde just days after our next new moon — a total solar eclipse. Mercury is not only reminding you that he’s now a Wisdom Star. He’s inviting you to join him in seeing through the eyes of wisdom.
For no other eyes except those of wisdom, MotherGod, are adequate to truly, deeply see the possibilities of these times.  And the timeless and ever-new wisdom of the Cosmos is pouring over us, throughout the lunar cycle beginning now int he same place that everything does. Every galaxy and every human being, every poem and every star, in fact, “all serious daring,” as the 20th-century writer Eudora Welty put it, “begins within.”
Tomorrow, the Messenger who’s been so recently transformed by Alcyone will guide the Sun and the Moon — and you too — to the luminous mystery where the ancient and ever-new wisdom of the Big Magic can transform your life as well.
But the Moon isn’t waiting til tomorrow. She’s already downloading the codes into your deep heart. She’s been doing it all day. 
If this sounds like a fairy tale, there’s a reason. The astrology of Now is the astrology of a fairy tale, the most spectacular one ever, unfolding within your own life and the world that holds it. Like every fairy tale, it’s full of very real menace and danger, pitting both heroine and hero against forces far beyond their power as they’ve always known it — and pushing them into an unexpected encounter with a different, utterly transformative kind of power to, one they’re connected to not through their minds but their hearts and souls. The turning point comes, as it always does, at the brink of doom. That’s usually what it takes to remember who we are — and what we’re part of — and tap a greater wisdom.
We’re gearing up, MotherGod, for the biggest magic of our lives. It’s right around the corner. Its impetus is sheer necessity. Its raw material is your current limitation and the illusion that you’re helpless.
In this potent dark moon field, the Sun is squaring Nessus, and breaking new ground for us all to see the patterns of abuse and domination on which the reign of domination in our world depends. In the sign of the Twins, our solar system’s great heart is reminding us that there is always another perspective, showing us a bigger truth. We have the power to transform the imprint Nessus has made on our lives, rather than let it shut us down.
Meanwhile, Venus is opposing Ceto, the sea monster. Here too, her power — which is also your, the power of what and why and how you love — can relate consciously to the monsters that live in the vast and often turbulent sea of human emotion. Anyone who’s spent half a day with a baby or a small child (not to mention our own selves) knows how quickly fear and rage can become monstrous, and how quickly they can be soothed, transforming. The power to transform our reality, beginning with the perception that we are powerless, is always with us.  
Tomorrow’s new moon is a magical gathering of Sun and Moon and a cosmic entoruage. They include the asteroid Magdalena and her Divine Feminine frequencies, the edge-dweller Altjira and the codes of the Australian aboriginal god of the Dreamtime, and the most newly named of the reality-changing planets orbiting in our solar system’s outermost, transformational edge — the first to be named for an African goddes, Gǃkúnǁ’hòmdímà, also known as Aardvark Girl, who often appears as either an elephant or a python.  
Mercury, ruler of the New Moon, opposes the Galactic Center, inviting us to bring our hearts into a more conscious and co-creative realtionship with the Mystery that made us, through the power of our alignment with what we know, in the depths of our hearts and our souls, to be true about life, and about ourselves.  When a planet aligns with the Galactic Center, it becomes a pathway for a power that our consensus thinking can’t begin to explain, a power described by words like miracle.
In the days to come, that’s a power we’ll want to be connected with:
June 4, Mercury (who’s out of bounds until June 17, and guiding the Sun until the June 21 Cancer Solstice) leads us through another perceptual shift when he enters the Moon’s sign of Cancer, where our evolutionary GPS is showing us the path to the good future — through our emotions, our intuition, and our commitment to all that is young, and new, tender and vulnerable within and around us. It’s time to bring the left brain and the right into harmony, and activate our whole-brain intelligence. 
June 8, Venus enters Gemini, a sign that she rules in esoteric astrology. With our desires and values will be guided by Mercury as he listens to the Moon, we have the opportunity to respond to life from a new and deeper level of personal integration.
June 9, the tension between what we really want and how we’re going after it intensifies as Venus semi-squares Mars and the Sun squares Neptune. We’re at a crisis point and our current level of inspiration is inadequate to the task. What needs to be dropped? What resistance needs to be pushed through? It’s time to let go of whatever disconnects us from Source. 
June 10, it’s time to connect to inspiration that’s true and real can we hold a space for wisdom and for grace that’s bigger than the challenges we face. When the Sun, still squaring Neptune, squares the Moon as well, and simultaneously opposes Jupiter, a very powerful and extremely tense mutable grand cross will form, giving us little choice but to tap in and ride the power of our purpose. 
June 11, we won’t be let off the hook until we’re motivated by our potential for breakthrough and let ourseves fall in love with our evolutionary destiny. The Sun’s semi-square to Uranus and Venus’ semi-square the Nodes will make sure of it. 
June 12, we get a double dose of duality — a deep and total look at how we embrace the other as co-creator or as adversary — as Venus opposes Ceres and the Sun opposes Varda, and Mars conjuncts the Moon’s North Node. 
June 14-15 (depending on your time zone), Mars trines Neptune, supporting you in taking action that is more deeply inspired, and opposes Saturn, confronting you with the necessity to be persistent, grounded, and willing to become wise. As Mercury conjoins the North Node, you can begin to see what that means.
June 16, the day before a Sagittarius full moon conjunct the supermassive transformational vortex that holds our galaxy together, the Cosmos pulls out the stops. The Sun trines Haumea, whose codes birth and rebirth the world, and conjuncts Chaos’ codes of the fertile, primal creation ground. Mercury trines Neptune, bringing a big wave of inspiration into our hearts, and confronts the reality of outworn structures as our Messenger simultaneously opposes Saturn. Jupiter perfects the second square in his long and powerful wrestling with Neptune that is pulling apart illusions so that we can hold a bigger space, for inspiration that is real and true. Venus squares Orcus, and we feel the values that are too small for who we vowed to be in coming here. As Mars as Pluto, we may feel ourselves wrestling with the angel who promised our soul to help us become the ones we came here to be. 
Only deep and simultaneous connection to the two poles of our being — the vibrant drumming heart of the Earth Mother, fed by the energy from throughout the cosmos she brings in through her magnetic poles, and the luminous mystery of the heart of hte Universe — can support you in remaining grounded and inspired in the days, weeks, and months ahead, MotherGod. Putting your bare feet on the Earth’s surface — every day if possible, for at least 30 minutes — can be reality-changing, bringing you into direct contact with the frequencies of the Mystery that made you, and me, and everything in the Universe.  
In fact, that’s a potent way to prepare for tomorrow morning’s sacred marriage of Sun and Moon — consciously connect to Earth and Cosmos. Let yourself feel the creative energies of both course from the heart of the earth through your feet to each of your chakras. Breathe those life-giving codes in deeply. Hold them in your heart and then slowly, slowly exhale through your crown chakra, all the way to the heart of the Universe. Breathe back in, across the starfields. Bring the cosmic creation frequencies into your own field, through your crown and into your heart. Hold the Universe there before letting the cosmic breath drop down, all the way through your feet to the heart of the Earth.  After you’ve established a rhythm, send both your dreams and your fears to both the Earth Mother and the Cosmci Heart — and receive the transformational codes of their response, as deeply as you can. 
Make no mistake, MotherGod. The dangers surrounding us are real. And so is our connection to the Mystery and its legions of allies, messengers, guides, guardians, and angels.  When we choose to change the game, we begin to discover how close they are, in every moment. We realize anew that the Universe is within us.
May you be blessed beyond measure as you move through the extraordinary days ahead.  With all the love, and star blessings,
Marcia (aka Star Sister)
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