#(philip I'm dating a cute mom and caring for her kids wittebane)
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Aww, what a cute au concept! 💖 ✨
U got it! 👍
Enjoy! <3
Caring Caregivers
As they were sound asleep in their bed, Camila and Philip were abruptly awakened by three small voices crying out for them.
Rushing out of their room, the two guardians burst into another one.
When Camila turns on the light, she and Philip see Little Luz, Little Vee, and Little Hunter all crying in their beds (Luz and Vee share a bed), with Hunter hiding under his covers.
Philip takes a seat beside the blonde, while Camilla rushes over to the girls.
“My babies,” she softly began, sitting on their bedside. She beckons them both for hugs. Their cries were quieted once they cuddled with their mother. “What happened?”
“Me and Vee had a nightmare, Mom,” Luz whimpers.
“Yeah,” Vee agrees with a hiccup. “There was a big scary sludge monster. He had scary glowy eyes and-and scary skeleton teeth. He took you to his dark scary cave away from us, and we never saw you again.”
“Oh, girls,” A sympathetic coo came from Camila. “It was just a dream. No big scary sludge monster is going to take me away from you.”
“They’re not?” Luz softly inquired with a sniffle.
Camila shakes her head and flashes a determined smile as she holds her fists out in front of her. “Nope. And if he ever did, I would pa-pow!” She proceeds to make a few punching motions. “Right in his ugly face!”
The girls giggle at this, feeling a lot better by the fact that their mama would be okay.
She was so brave and strong.
“Hunter, what’s wrong?” Philip tried his best to comfort the small boy, putting a parental arm around him. “Everything’s all right now.”
Hunter’s sobs come to a slow stop as he pulls his covers down, a timid look in his eyes. “I-I had a really bad dream,” he admits, pulling his red cardinal plushie close.
“A goopy antler monster. He chased me into the woods. Flapjack tried to protect me, but he… he…” He sniffles. “He died. The monster killed him.”
Philip was a bit puzzled by this story. “Your… bird doll?” he questions, referring to his plush.
“He was a real bird in my dreams,” Hunter somberly explains with a sigh, looking down. “I should have fought that monster, but I was too scared. I’m such a baby. I wish I were brave…”
“Now, Hunter,” Philip said in a soft, soothing voice. “Being scared doesn’t make you a baby. I was scared when I heard you, Luz, and Vee screaming. But did I hide under the covers?”
“No,” Hunter replies with another sniffle. “You ran in to check up on us very brave-like.”
“You see, bravery doesn’t mean you’re not scared. Bravery is doing what you’re afraid to do,” Philip explains, softly patting Hunter’s head. “If you can just face your fears, then I know you can find the courage to beat them.”
The brunette’s speech ends with a sincere smile and a hair ruffle as Hunter smiles back at him.
He hopes to someday be brave like Philip.
The lights in the room were now off as Philip stood at the bedroom doorway.
“Goodnight,” He whispers as Little Luz and Little Vee were sound asleep. As he begins to close the door, Philip catches the sound of a soft whimper. He looks to see Hunter, who has the largest set of sad puppy dog eyes imaginable.
Philip decides to creak the door open for him so he’s not in complete darkness as the two share a smile.
Hunter instantly falls asleep.
Turning to leave, Philip’s lips are met with a surprise peck.
“Hey,” Camila starts with a sweet smile, “I heard what you said to Hunter in there about being brave. I know he’s technically not yours, but you do a good job at taking care of him.”
“As do you,” Philip compliments her back, a bit of blush appearing on his cheeks.
After a light giggle, Camila takes Philip’s hand, happily leading him back to their room.
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