loves2spwge · 7 months
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a very sweet & loving stankyle kiss i commissioned from @currrsy 💙💚
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enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
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Aww, what a cute au concept! 💖 ✨
U got it! 👍
Enjoy! <3
Caring Caregivers
As they were sound asleep in their bed, Camila and Philip were abruptly awakened by three small voices crying out for them.
Rushing out of their room, the two guardians burst into another one.
When Camila turns on the light, she and Philip see Little Luz, Little Vee, and Little Hunter all crying in their beds (Luz and Vee share a bed), with Hunter hiding under his covers.
Philip takes a seat beside the blonde, while Camilla rushes over to the girls.
“My babies,” she softly began, sitting on their bedside. She beckons them both for hugs. Their cries were quieted once they cuddled with their mother. “What happened?”
“Me and Vee had a nightmare, Mom,” Luz whimpers.
“Yeah,” Vee agrees with a hiccup. “There was a big scary sludge monster. He had scary glowy eyes and-and scary skeleton teeth. He took you to his dark scary cave away from us, and we never saw you again.”
“Oh, girls,” A sympathetic coo came from Camila. “It was just a dream. No big scary sludge monster is going to take me away from you.”
“They’re not?” Luz softly inquired with a sniffle.
Camila shakes her head and flashes a determined smile as she holds her fists out in front of her. “Nope. And if he ever did, I would pa-pow!” She proceeds to make a few punching motions. “Right in his ugly face!”
The girls giggle at this, feeling a lot better by the fact that their mama would be okay.
She was so brave and strong.
“Hunter, what’s wrong?” Philip tried his best to comfort the small boy, putting a parental arm around him. “Everything’s all right now.”
Hunter’s sobs come to a slow stop as he pulls his covers down, a timid look in his eyes. “I-I had a really bad dream,” he admits, pulling his red cardinal plushie close.
“A goopy antler monster. He chased me into the woods. Flapjack tried to protect me, but he… he…” He sniffles. “He died. The monster killed him.”
Philip was a bit puzzled by this story. “Your… bird doll?” he questions, referring to his plush.
“He was a real bird in my dreams,” Hunter somberly explains with a sigh, looking down. “I should have fought that monster, but I was too scared. I’m such a baby. I wish I were brave…”
“Now, Hunter,” Philip said in a soft, soothing voice. “Being scared doesn’t make you a baby. I was scared when I heard you, Luz, and Vee screaming. But did I hide under the covers?”
“No,” Hunter replies with another sniffle. “You ran in to check up on us very brave-like.”
“You see, bravery doesn’t mean you’re not scared. Bravery is doing what you’re afraid to do,” Philip explains, softly patting Hunter’s head. “If you can just face your fears, then I know you can find the courage to beat them.”
The brunette’s speech ends with a sincere smile and a hair ruffle as Hunter smiles back at him.
He hopes to someday be brave like Philip.
The lights in the room were now off as Philip stood at the bedroom doorway.
“Goodnight,” He whispers as Little Luz and Little Vee were sound asleep. As he begins to close the door, Philip catches the sound of a soft whimper. He looks to see Hunter, who has the largest set of sad puppy dog eyes imaginable.
Philip decides to creak the door open for him so he’s not in complete darkness as the two share a smile.
Hunter instantly falls asleep.
Turning to leave, Philip’s lips are met with a surprise peck.
“Hey,” Camila starts with a sweet smile, “I heard what you said to Hunter in there about being brave. I know he’s technically not yours, but you do a good job at taking care of him.”
“As do you,” Philip compliments her back, a bit of blush appearing on his cheeks.
After a light giggle, Camila takes Philip’s hand, happily leading him back to their room.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
OMG HII I'M A NEW FOLLOWER AND I LOVE YOUR WORK!! May I please ask for HCs or a one shot of Ghost with his s/o being self conscious/ashamed (YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN LOL) about squirting so much that he AND the bed got soaked?? THANK YOU SO MUCH MANY KISSIES MUAH 💋💖
Ghost & König w/ an S/O who is Self Conscious about Squirting a Lot
Warnings: 18+, Sexual Content, Heavy Implications of Smut, Squirting, Insecurity, Embarrassment, Dom Ghost, Dom König, Unprotected Sex, Profanity, etc.
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First time it happened, Ghost couldn’t quite believe his eyes.
He just stared down at where his hand connected with your cunt, your cum spattered across his arm, reaching all the way up to his elbow.
The sheets below you were covered, too, a heavy downpour of your juices coating them, soaking them.
“Fuckin’ Hell,” Ghost rasped, licking his lips.
You lay wide-eyed and stationery beneath him, chest heaving with the coat tails of your orgasm.
You’d never done that before.
And the fact that Ghost only looked upon you with a heavy gaze did nothing to soothe your nerves - did nothing to reassure you that what had just happened was normal. Or appreciated.
Sweat-skinned and face flushed with embarrassment, you tried to withdraw, to cover yourself and hide from Ghost’s dark eyes.
They were unreadable. Void of anything discernable.
Before you could pull the soaked bed sheets over you, Simon’s hand tore it from yours.
“Oh no, Princess,” he said. The corners of his lips turned up, not a smile, but one of its off-colour variants, one that spelled devious.
“I’m not lettin’ you go until you’ve covered me.”
Your eyes almost popped out of your head, face burning. You tried to object.
“You…you don’t think it’s weird?” you said, testing. Receding. “I-I don’t think I can do it again–”
“Let me put it this way,” Ghost began. He pumped his fingers into you, four strong, making you squeal, sensitive from your orgasm. He began unbuckling his belt with his other hand.
“We’re not stopping ‘til you do.”
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König didn’t stop pummeling into you until you’d finished.
And, upon doing so, your orgasm tearing through you, you ended up spraying.
König felt your warm cum shoot against his abdomen, coating him in a thin layer of you.
You noticed, but your mind was far too hazy with the after effects of your high to register it properly.
König finished inside you shortly after, unable to contain himself any longer.
He flooded you, painting your insides white, much how you’d painted him.
Minutes passed, your conjoined, deep breathing filling the silence.
Head somewhat clearer, giving way to distinguishable thoughts, you looked down at König.
He was, simply put, wet.
Not damp, not moist - wet.
And then, the memory hit you.
Your heart sank.
“König…?” you said, voice meek. You watched his chest and shoulders heave, with him bent over you like a bridge, eyes screwed shut.
You went to call his name again, but his lips on yours stopped you.
Between laboured breaths, he muttered dark words into your skin as if they were incantations.
“Why did you hide this from me?” he said, breathless.
You blinked, confused.
“You thought you could keep this little trick of yours a secret from me.”
He said it as if it were true. The actual truth was that you’d never done that before; not with König, not with anyone.
“I should punish you,” he said, retracting only to roll his hips against yours.
You gasped, a shock of painful euphoria tightening inside you.
“I can make you do it again,” he said. There was no mercy in his eyes. No negotiation. 
“And I will.”
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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duckymcdoorknob · 4 months
I literally love him sm and haven’t even met him in lore yet.
Lyney my beloved I just wanna 😘😘😘😚💋😚😚😘💋😗😙😚😙😙😙💋
I just wanna give him kissies until he’s giggly and smiley and-
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Under Lock and Key
Ships: Lyney x Gn!reader
Prompt: It’s Valentine’s Day, and your lover wants to show you just how much he adores you.
Tags: Genshin taglist .3. @ticklish-n-stuff @chrimsss
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You couldn’t help but chuckle when Lyney’s gloved hands covered your eyes. It didn’t take a genius to know that it was him… You almost immediately recognized the cologne he was fond of wearing.
“Hello, Lyney,” you cooed.
“Aww, how’dja know it was me?” the magician pouted.
“I’m a psychic! And my next prediction is that you’re going to show me something.” You heard him chuckling before sighing.
“Do you trust me, Mon Cher?” His voice was hushed, and you felt his fingers twitch a bit over your eyes.
“With my whole life, amour,” you answered.
“Stand up, and let me guide you,” Lyney demanded in that smooth voice that always left you swooning. “Let me be your eyes and close your own… I will lead you to what I wish to show you.”
His protective demand left you dizzy and breathless. Nonetheless, you rose to your feet and closed your eyes. You felt his hands leave their place over your face and take your own. Suddenly, you felt yourself being dragged forward; you gave into the momentum and trudged along.
The magician guided you through the streets by your hands. His acquaintances waved to him and he beamed back at them and you two continued along the sidewalk.
You had only been together for about four months, but you already knew that you were head over heels for him. “Soooo… where are you taking me, amour?” You inquired with a small smile.
Lyney turned around to answer, but his breath caught in his throat. The sunlight was hitting you just the right way, and you were shining in its rays.
“I- just- don’t move,” he demanded in a sheepish voice.
“Now you sound like your brother.” You chuckled once more, shaking your head
A few more seconds passed and still no words were spoken. You peeked open your eyes and were met with your lover’s blushing face. It seemed as if Lyney knew that he was already in love with you as well…
“Hey don’t open-“ The magician gaped at you as you stared at him. Your eyes glittered in the soft glow of the sunlight.
A dopey smile grew on your face as you chuckled. “What?!”
The blonde exhaled breathlessly. “I’ve truly been smiled upon by the archons. Your beauty is unmatched, Mon Ange.”
“Such a smooth talker,” you murmured, grabbing his cheeks and kissing his forehead. You stuck out your hand once more. “Now, didn’t you want to show me something?”
Lyney nodded his head and smiled, taking your hand. “Close your eyes!”
Once again, the two of you were on your way. Suddenly, you began to hear the sound of tranquil waters below. Granted, they were quite far from you, but you could steal hear the peaceful sound of trickling ripples.
“You’re not going to throw me in the lake; are you?” you asked with a chuckle.
Your love snorted and fell into a fit of the beautiful laughter you’ve always so loved to hear. “No, my rosebud, I will not throw you into the lake.” He paused and chuckled again. “But if you wish to jump together, that is a different story. How about it?”
A fond exhale from you in return gave Lyney the answer he wished.
“Okay, now you can open your eyes.”
When you fluttered your eyes open, you saw the gorgeous waters of your homeland, the court, Marcotte Station, and your beloved.
“Oh, Lyney…” you whispered, “It’s beautiful.”
“That isn’t all of it, amour.” The magician fumbled in his pocket, his fingers lacing around the objects within. “Hold out your hand.”
You obliged, feeling a cold, metal object being placed on your palm. When you looked down, your eyes locked onto a small, brown padlock, which had yours and Lyney’s initials carved into it. “A lock?”
Your lover stood closer to you, draping his arm around your waist. “It’s ours for us to lock on the fence here.”
Before you could question, he spoke again.
“I want everyone to see that we belong to one another”
Your face warmed as you gaped at him, your hand completely still, thumb grazing over the small object. “Yeah…?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”
Your hand clasped around the object as you threw your arms around Lyney. He giggled as you cradled his face and peppered kisses all over it.
Eventually, the two of you knelt down in front of the chain-link fence that oversaw the water. The magician cupped your hand as you snapped the lock into place. He pulled the key out of his pocket, handing it to you. “Just in case if-“
You didn’t even let him finish the sentence before you threw the key into the water below as hard as you could. “I will never change my mind.”
Without words, Lyney pressed your foreheads together as he smiled. “This was the best thing I could think of. I thought it might have been too early to propose to you.”
You kiss his forehead and turned back to look at the lock. “I wouldn’t have thought it was too early, dummy.”
When you turned back around, Lyney was on one knee and holding a small, velvet box. He snapped it open to reveal a shimmering ring.
“Then let’s make it official.”
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icanseethefuture333 · 5 months
hello! can you do stray kids hyunjin’s ideal type??? thankss
Hyunjin from Stray Kids' ideal type
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(channeled song: Cherry Bomb by NCT 127)
Hyunjin is attracted to someone who has big dreams and has the yearning desire to achieve them. Someone who has a burning passion for life and willpower to turn their dreams into reality. He also admires a person who has an abundant mindset and the innate sense of creativity. Hyunjin could enjoy dating someone who is also interested in the arts (acting, dancing, poet, singer, etc). It is important that they have a close relationship with their friends as well or has a group of friends that they bond with. Hyunjin in particular is someone who values his friendships dearly and has a strong attachment to them. So if he were to date someone who would betray their friends for an opportunity or ditches them just to spend time with a partner, Hyunjin would be turned off by this. He greatly appreciates someone who never goes back on their word and has friends that support one another. He could also judge someone by their said friend group "Birds of a feather flock together". Hyunjin cherishes his relationship with the other members of Stray Kids as well, so if his partner could get along with them. This would make him very happy
(channeled song: Wannabe by Spice Girls)
"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
(You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is"
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Hyunjin would love, not like, a partner who is confident and knows their self worth. He dislikes when people act like a "groupie" around him or a person who puts themselves down for a partner's approval. For example, if someone were to say "OMGEEE step on me daddy I'm nothing compared to you 😫" Hyunjin would just be like "...wtf? 💀". He finds it tasteless and believes it shows a lack of class. Hyunjin admires a person who shows self respect and has a sense of dignity. Although, he does not mind someone who is shy or nervous (he might actually like that oop 👀😏). Hyunjin enjoys teasing people he finds attractive and is enamored with their reactions. If someone were to actually hold eye contact with him and continue to engage with the conversation instead of pulling away, Hyunjin would fall head over heels for that person immediately ("I folded, I folded, I folded, I folded, I-"). The reason behind this is because it shows security and bravery despite being nervous or feeling under pressure. They would pass the test so to say in his book (I remembered the door test from A Bronx Tale so if you're unfamiliar with that movie go watch that specific scene). (channeled song: Romeo & Juliet by Tchaikovsky) I am getting a vision of him puckering his lips and I also heard kissy noises. So Hyunjin would become like Pepe Le Pew (minus the scandalous behavior 💀) with his partner if he were to experience this interaction. "Madam, j'taime 💋 *continues to profess love in french and repeatedly kiss their face*". Basically Hyunjin finds a person who is noble, charming, friendly, creative, secure within themselves, and "princess-like" (brat tamer?) to be his ideal type. Someone who is sweet but can also stand up for themselves when necessary. A little bit of enemies to lovers dynamic would add to the spice. Hyunjin is very dramatic tbh he is definitely a hopeless romantic.
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Physical traits
As I was shuffling I got this aroma of "bubble tea"? It was a sweet and milky scent. So I interpret this as Hyunjin being attracted to someone who seems to have an appearance that is sweet as well as their demeanor.
Dark long hair (he does not have a hair texture preference)
Hyunjin likes to play with his partner's hair or braid it
"Diamond in the rough"
Natural beauty, someone who appears to down to earth.
Soft and approachable
Someone who is unconventionally pretty
"Beauty is the eye of the beholder" their appearance could not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is special to Hyunjin
"I am in need of a muse" one that could inspire him to paint
"Phantom of The Opera", "Black Swan", "The Nutcracker" - Hyunjin could wish to be protective of his partner or be the "darker" counterpart to his lover. So someone who is the opposite of him and is accepting of his flaws. Could have a "pure" presence in comparison
Long eyelashes
Eyes that seem sleepy, melancholic, or pure (Shape or size does not matter, but the feeling behind them. "Eyes are the window to the soul")
Aysmmetrical features (I.E: One eye being bigger than the other)
Unique facial structure (their face shape could be wide, round, or oblong)
"Cheeks" I saw Hyunjin like kissing someone on their cheeks, so someone with round cheeks or chubbier face
Cherry 🍒, this is sensual 😳 so I was getting a visual of someone feeding a person cherries and admiring the way their lips take a bite. So Hyunjin could find someone with plump, darker lips very sexy. Their lip color could be a dark red, mauve, or even two toned.
"Texture" Hyunjin find someone's skin that is considered "dirty" in society's eyes beautiful. This could pertain to freckles, beauty marks, moles, blemishes, and fine lines/wrinkles, whatever it is he just likes it
Stretch marks, I honestly believe Hyunjin has not seen this that often but when he does he feels intrigued by it... ("I would like to see it") Respectfully would want to strip his partner just to see them
I do not believe he has a skintone preference, I am seeing that he is attracted to various shades (I see pale to dark brown but it is interesting because I see it all on one person's skin? So Hyunjin could be open to dating someone who has vitiligo as well)
"Girl next door" clothing style
Jewelry or accessories that have a special meaning (I.E: lockets)
Height is not important to him
Balanced body proportions
Average in weight
Celebrities/influencers who are similar to his ideal type: Devery Jacobs, Emmy Rossum, Tsunaina Limbu, Theresa Hayes, Bae Yoon Young, Musette, Christina Nadin, analfaviu, Meltem Akçöl, Natalie Portman, Poppy Okotcha, jiaoze, Erika Blanc, & elibedy
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Fun fact: I felt compelled to listen to music, so throughout the duration of this reading I played classical music the whole time to connect with Hyunjin's energy 🎻
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🎄 + 💋
For sprinkles he needs a lil love
I got three of these for Sprinkles lol. You guys wanna give them a lot of love -w-
It was Christmas! Or at least close to it, and you were invited to the party by Sticky and Sprinkles, mostly Sprinkles wanted you to come and Sticky was the one that told you because Sprinkles, you know, couldn't talk.
It was really sweet! Sprinkles seemed almost embarrassed to ask. What a cute dork.
You drank some egg nog, played some of the games, and you guys traded gifts too. It was a secret Santa sort deal. You got Crumble, and you got him a really big plush. He seemed to like it.
You saw him asleep with his head on it, so... you know, that's a good sign.
Right now you were standing and talking to Mallow when you hear “Hey, Y/n, can you come here?!” from Sticky. Mallow laughs a little and waves his hand as a way of saying for you to go.
You walk over to where you heard Sticky shouting for you from, and instead saw Sprinkles who was playing the game that Mallow got him. It was a little handheld thing where you had to press buttons and it would cause bubbles so you could try to get the rings onto pegs.
He looks over at you, and raises his hand waving. You were sure that he was smiling behind that mask he wore. You smile at him. “Hey Sprinkles” you walk over, kissing his cheek. “do you have any idea where Sticky is?”
And then you hear a laugh from above you, so you look up to see him latched onto the fan, holding a plant looking down ta you two, sticking his tongue out “You two have to kiss now” he makes the light kissy sound.
“Sticky, what are you doing up there? You're going to fall and break your fool head" Sticky sticks his tongue out at you. You roll your eyes then you felt Sticky tug on your sleeve.
You turn to look at him, and he leans up pressing his teeth against your lips in a kiss. You blink, your cheeks flushing quickly. Well then... you weren't expecting that so quickly.
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twst-the-night-away · 2 years
[ A little snippet from the 'they're still just friends' days. ;3c ]
Savvy hummed to herself as she took a drink of water and re-applied her lip balm. The Pomefiore kissing booths were doing great business, just as expected. Some had been too shy and had ended up asking to be kissed on the cheek instead. A few gallant ones had requested to kiss her hand instead. Savvy giggled as she thought about just how odd the characters were at this school. Maybe it’s why she belonged there, after all.
She walked back to the booth after her break was over, only to find someone already there waiting for her.
Cater had been leaning against the booth, scrolling through Magicam. When he saw her, he perked up and waved. Savvy broke into a grin.
“Cay-Cay! What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here, she asks.” Cater stuck out his tongue. “What do you think, silly? I’ve come to support your business!”
Savvy grinned and leaned on the counter as well, folding her arms.
“Aww, that’s awful sweet of you.”
“Anything for a friend!”
“I bet you say that at every booth.”
Cater rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone.
“Do you want this thaumark or not?”
Savvy giggled. “All right, I’ll be nice.”
With that, she leaned over the counter. What she did was the same thing she’d done for all the others who’d wanted kisses, and yet - there was a weird little tingle in the pit of Savvy’s stomach when she got close to him.
Huh. Wonder what that was about. She pulled away with a grin. Was she blushing? Maybe. He had made her laugh.
“Aww, Savvykins.” Cater grinned. “That was nice.”
Savvy beamed and accepted the payment.
“Not as nice as Scarabia’s, though. They still have the best kissers.” Cater grinned. “Seeya, bestie!”
Savvy huffed as Cater left, half-tempted to ball up that thaumark and throw it at the back of that ginger head.
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wingsnwangs · 4 months
💋 roulette me a kissy kiss for taehee, mayhaps~
( i did a wheel spin, you're getting Nam hehe )
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"So you're the one who gets a little kiss?" Nam grinned once he got Taehee's attention, approaching the handsome male. "Congrats on being the lucky one, I guess?" He held their jaw with one hand, leaning in for a soft and sweet kiss, one that wouldn't go too far but would leave the lips tingling and wanting more. When the dancer did pull back, he finished it off with a kiss on each of his cheeks, a grin on his face.
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brandycranby · 5 months
brandy!!!!! I stumbled across this video today and just had to send it to you 🥹
hope you’re well! I‘m studying for my exams rn (= losing all will to live) 🥲 I‘ll be in touch again soon, have been thinking abt raccoon readers presents! 👀 steve would for sure get her some kind of code puzzle or a riddle of some sort *gestures hand vaguely at stark tech* 🤓 was first thinking gardening tools, but she has hands, sooooo 😂 bet she loves digging into the soil with bare hands to make maximum mess 😝 or maybe he gets her some of the presents she gave away for herself (he saw her eying that blanket haha) 😌 bonus: ransom gets his raccoon reader a nice wool sweater (I’ve been thinking abt them a lot!!!! the angst!!! the yearning!!! them = a bunch of unrelated thoughts) ☺️
heheee some forehead kissies for you and a biiiiig virtual hug 😙💋🥰
my darling!!! my darling, you live 😭😭 when are your exams? i know you're studying your very very hardest and doing your best!!!
hehe that is steve bringing raccoon reader into the avengers living area for the first time
i got a wooden puzzle for my friend this year and i think raccoon reader would like that. anything from the barnes & noble puzzles and toys section would be a great present for her 😌 she didn't have to eye the blanket bc steve already got her a new one.. or two hehe raccoon reader exists in maximum comfort 🫶🏻💕💕 tools and aprons are useless to her, she just goes at the garden like a feral groundhog (except raccoons >>> groundhogs, ok? 🤨)
!!!!!! tell me all your ransom x raccoon hybrid reader thoughts!!! i must know everything 🥺💕💕💕
sending u a big big hug, some chocolates, a lot of cozy snuggly blankets and the will to live 😭💕💕
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englishflagcumrag · 1 year
all of them for jarmo too fuck you bully the little man
me sowing (sending you two of these and reblogging the thingy twice asking for more) me reaping (getting the asks i asked for)
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way?
oh like a billion times. i know i've only really got teo romeo down as his ex but i do think he's had a good few over the course of his life, and at least as many intense crushes that didn't go anywhere. he goes from "oh they're cute :3" to "run away with me let's start a new life together on the coast" in about 30 seconds and he's incapable of hiding it. i think feelings persist after things end for a while (and he's deeply pathetic about it) but it ends pretty abruptly once it's out of his system. also he is in love with kalevi. platonically, except when he's doing a bit.
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
like probably if anyone was even kind of mean to kalevi he would throw them to the curb immediately. instant dealbreaker forever. other than that he'll tolerate a lot. usually though, he is the one getting broken up with.
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
he's sooo affectionate he loves a cuddly he loves a kissy. especially physically (he gives good hugs and he knows it) but he's got good compliments too. his dad was a little bitch about Men Getting To Hug so at some point he was like. fuck you dad i'm gonna kiss my besties with tongue.
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
he goes either way very easily. he's friendly but he's also confrontational and if he gets mad he gets MAD. more often than not he's nice to people so long as they're nice in return.
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
he's really a bit of a pushover - he worries if he demands too much people will leave him. he is also a big baby with big feelings so he can try all he likes to hide it but anyone paying attention can tell he's way needier than he lets on.
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
liked colours: black, red, blue disliked colours: pastels liked textures: leather (wink), wood (wink), hair (wink), cement (alright let's stop here) disliked textures: he's not That bothered about textures. he is autistic but he has pretty minimal sensory issues i think. liked music: metal. either big and scary metal that itches his brain all nice or the sillier stuff, but really he likes just about anything metal. occasional eurovision fan. disliked music: most things that aren't metal are uninteresting to him at most, he especially doesn't like sorta ukelele indie ballad kinda stuff. type of eurovision fan to be extremely mad about ballads. liked weather: he likes storms for goth reasons and sun for Living In Finland reasons. disliked weather: when its cold as fuck but theres not even snow. whats the point.
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
meal: soup especially if kal made it. snack: bread especially if kal made it. dessert: cinnamon buns especially if kal made them. drink (non alcoholic): one of those dudes who drinks bonkers amounts of pepsi. he also makes a banger hot chocolate. drink (alcoholic): spirits. he's not picky.
What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
this bitch has 0 spice tolerance
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
it's not often, because money, but he really likes concerts. he'll go to concerts even if its not a band he's that into just for the catharsis of shouting a bunch. it's how he met tuomma :]
Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
same hometown issues as kal ig.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
kalevi self explanatory
Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?
his dad lol
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
metal, pro wrestling, dogs especially pitbulls, fantasy, ttrpgs
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
he gets bored very very easily by a lot of things, adhd king that he is. he is terrible at reading. anything that is on paper will not make it into his brain.
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
kalevi :] tuomma :] he loves his bestie and his boyfriend. that or a little bit of loud music and shouting and dancing around. shake all the Bad out. he's generally pretty cheerful - his brain is fuck but he kinda. still has to live his life yknow. so he finds a lot of joy in little things. and other people like his immense goofiness and cisgender tboy swag.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
if we're talking intangible then like. rejection. i keep writing jejection. i think we should change it to jejection. if we're talking tangible i can see him being a bit scared of heights. yes because he's 5'3.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
he's pretty forgiving but he's sooo jealous. but he's also like horny about it. if he thinks someone else is kind of flirting with tuomma he cries and screams and shits but in a way that implies he is going to jack off about it later. it doesnt really bother tuomma (jokes on you he's into that shit). jarmo doesn't like that he does it though and every time he's like "next time i get jealous i will be normal" and then he isn't.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
he's not so easily shocked - less desensitised than kalevi but he'll take anything in stride pretty easy. he's pretty easily confused in a thotty little bimbo kinda way. he's pretty gullible and trusts easily, unless one happens to be an authority figure of some kind and then he will attack you like a dog. he's trustworthy too - i think if he were to try lying he would feel bad and stop in a matter of seconds.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
0 control at all. man walks dick first into emotional turmoil cries 3x a day at LEAST takes home random pieces of furniture people leave outside their houses that he cannot fit in his room because it makes him sad to see broken chairs being abandoned. he's pretty self-conscious about all that - he's internalised some bonkers toxic masculinity in his childhood. he gets stuck in this limbo where he's too emotional to hide it but he's too self-conscious to just embrace himself so he ends up hiding in bathrooms and apologising a lot.
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
like with kal i don't really have much of a grasp on jarmo's 30s, but if you're keeping track, this is slightly later than kal's. on kal's i was kind of talking about him at 19-20ish, and this would have been after that, when jarmo was maybe 21-22. both of these are more like 22-24 years ago but who's counting. around this time, jarmo's laundry list of disorders was both at its peak and completely undiagnosed. iisakki had met his future wife eleonoora, and though they had only been dating for a few months they were very, very in love, so when he got pregnant with reuben they took the opportunity to move in together as fast as possible. iisakki moving out got jarmo terrified, leading him to spiral like crazy and eventually get himself hospitalised. these days he has sooo many diagnoses and is medicated and stuff. he kind of avoided therapy because getting hospitalised was so sucks but he's gotten a little more accustomed to his own head i guess. he also stopped trying to convince himself that you can fuck men heterosexually if you do it right and just admitted he was bi. he's not all there yet but he slays nonetheless. he'd tell his younger self to be a little more forgiving on himself and a little less of a fucking idiot. his younger self would say "i made it to 44 and i'm STILL insane? fuck me."
🍏 Does your OC have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? In what ways does your OC react to being triggered?
the sound of buckles, getting shouted at, getting grabbed and shoved around. yknow. Dad Stuff. buckles are a minor one, it just puts him on edge, but the others can get him pretty panicky.
🥝 What does a bad mental health day look like for your OC? Walk us through it with them. What kind of things can help them out of this slump and what kinds of things comfort them when they start to feel like this?
he gets sort of irritable and emotional. he takes even worse care of himself than usual and he cries a lot. either that or he gets impulsive and weird. bipolar hours. usually all it takes is kalevi or sometimes tuomma to pick him up by the scruff of his neck, put him in time out, and give him maybe a drink and a little tenderness.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
"thought patterns" "reasoning" fuck it we ball mindset with occasional emotional meltdowns from unknown sources. god bless.
💚 Talk about some of the traumatic events in your OC’s life. These events can be ones that have happened to them or a loved one. These events can be minor or major.
his parents were shit abusive fascists and most of his childhood was spent in at least a little fear.
they had a dog, kosto, who jarmo's dad wanted to be a guard dog, something he mostly tried to achieve by mistreating him. jarmo loved kosto and gave him all the cuddles and pets and treats he could behind his dad's back. one night, when jarmo's dad was especially violent, kosto stepped between them and bit him on the leg to protect jarmo. he was put down shortly after.
kalevi, his best friend, left for boarding school when they were 11 which was a bad time for him.
long before he started allowing himself to question his sexuality, his dad let jarmo tag along to a bar with him and his friends. he mostly ignored jarmo but he still liked to be included. some time into the night jarmo spotted a gay couple at another table. he was interested for reasons he would take decades to understand. when his dad saw them he was already pretty drunk. he got mad and started harassing the pair until the three of them got kicked out. jarmo was made to wait in the car for a few minutes. a few weeks later, his dad was on trial for hate crime and manslaughter charges. despite an eyewitness account from the deceased's severely injured boyfriend, jarmo's dad, a cop, got away with everything. jarmo was 13. he would not figure out he was bisexual until he was 44.
in their late teens he and iisakki started saving up and planning to run away to helsinki together with jarmo's sister kaisa. things with jarmo's parents started getting worse and they were starting to catch on to their plan, so he and iisakki left before they had the money for three people, leaving kaisa behind and permanently damaging their relationship. though things are a lot smoother now, the guilt has never gone away.
when kalevi joined them a year or so later (with money to help them into a slightly bigger place) he was in a bad state. jarmo was a good friend about it and did his best, but when he found kalevi after a suicide attempt that fucked him up for a while.
also, a lot of breakups over the years. not especially traumatic but he has never taken one well ever.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
defiitely somethng to do with kal - possibly the same memory of them meeting but he has a shit memory. maybe something more recent. his first words were maybe something to do with animals. he was a big animal guy as a kid.
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
kalevi! his bestie forever! he's had a lot of messy breakups with friends and girlfriends (especially teodora-romeo, who had the poor timing to break up with him when he was off his meds, leading to about a month of very pathetic phone calls) but kalevi has been a constant in his life. he has a lot of regrets but it's probably for the best that he doesn't call anyone from the trail of destruction he's left behind him.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
i think he's always been a little directionless. he had various ambitions as a kid, a few years where he really wanted to be a tattoo artist but never really took to the art bit, but when it came down to starting a career for himself, he stuck with the manual labour he'd been doing since he was a teenager. it's only now, as the company he works for has been bought by a big corporation and is cutting more and more corners and the years of work are starting to take a toll on his body, that he's started considering a different job. i don't think he really knows what, and it's been almost 30 years so changing now is kinda daunting.
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
he comes from the same small town as kalevi. he and iisakki moved out together when they were 18 and 21 - he needed to get away from his parents and iisakki just hated living there. he's lived in helsinki ever since and he likes it much more.
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
baby: a bit of a troublemaker, cried a lot, but very charming. child: wolf kid. textbook undiagnosed neurodivergent kid. spent most of his time off in the woods hitting things with sticks. kind of a shithead, got into a lot of fights, especially defending kal's honour. always had some kind of scrapes, and nobody really cared to differentiate between what was him being clumsy/confrontational/an idiot and what was him being Severely Abused. he kind of bought into his dad's insane evil politics - he never believed it enough to really do any harm (even before he was old enough to understand the politics he understood the concept of "don't be mean to kalevi he's my friend"), and just being around kal and recognising his humanity did a lot to make him normal, but he also didn't question the ideas flying around his house. teen: iisakki moved in next door when he was 11/12, around the same time that kalevi went off to boarding school. iisakki was a cool older kid so he trailed him around for a long time until they became friends. when iisakki offered the smallest pushback to his dad's ideas, jarmo went "wait fascism is bad? fuck yes. i thought it might be." and ran with it, rapidly becoming the worlds smallest antifa supersoldier. he got more and more rebellious, which didn't not get his knee broken and give him a limp for the rest of his life, but you gotta admire the spirit. his brain also got a lot worse though - his early bipolar and bpd symptoms started springing up around 14 and 16 respectively, he started drinking and smoking and overusing the meds they gave him for his leg. he still got into a lot of fights and was generally a little shit, but overall iisakki was a good influence.
he's settled down a little since, though most of the issues springing up back then were only the tip of an iceberg he spent his whole 20s slowly crashing into. he's glad to have kalevi back, though he misses going out and playing in the woods. he regrets a lot - the time spent lstening to his parents, the smoking that started off as a cool teen thing until it wasn't, most of all the lack of care he allowed himself - but he knows he was working with what he had. he makes a point to be kind to his past self.
🍇 Day or Night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter?
night, sun, winter
🛍️ Function or Aesthetic? Skirts or Pants? Heels or Flats?
aesthetic, pants, Big Fuckoff Platform Boots because he's short edgy
🔮 Star gazing or cloud watching? Hand-holding or snuggles? Early mornings or late nights?
he doesn't really have the patience for either, snuggles, late nights
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
music, swords, nature
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
coffee, sweet, honestly neither but if he has to pick it'll be fruit
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
he has a loud, expressive voice and a big hearty laugh. he's SHIT at singing but he can do pretty good metal screaming. thick, thick finnish accent if he's speaking english. idk what the regional accents are like in finnish lol. he presumably has one.
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
when he first had his injury he wore little fingerless gloves to keep his hands from getting sore on his cane. these days he's used to it and doesn't really need them, but he likes the gloves anyway. he's pretty committed to the washed-out middle-aged metalhead thing he's got going on - he lives in ancient band shirts, leather, and big boots. if he's making an effort it's because kalevi made him - and usually it means he wears a slightly less ancient band shirt and slightly cleaner boots.
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why?
i think he's quite into his own body honestly. it's sort of tangled up with his sexuality where he was maybe a little insecure about it before he figured his shit out but then once he did he was like Oh I'm An Absolute Bear And That's Sexy Of Me. kal likes his beard because he can scratch it to annoy him. tuomma's inclined to agree with him on his Fat Fucking Milkers but if asked he would probably politely and respectfully say his hands.
🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks?
he has a sleeve tattoo - a skeleton arm surrounded by the branches of an apple tree. one specific branch came before the rest of the sleeve and matches kalevi and iisakki's branches. i went into what those mean on kal's post so i won't get into it here. on his other arm he has a SHIT stick-and-poke of kosto, his childhood dog. he did it himself so it sucks. i imagine he's got a few scars but i don't know what exactly.
🌷 In what ways would your OC alter their body if they could? How would they do it using mundane means (hair dye, surgery, make-up?). What is their ideal look for themself?
i feel like he wants loads more tattoos but they're expensive and he only has so much body. he fluctuates between being insecure about his height and wishing he was taller and being Five Foot Something But My Bills All Paid On My Tippy Toes From LA To The Bay.
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gretchensinister · 2 years
emoji ask: 🤡🤯💋
The most recent thing I remember making me laugh is from my current work in progress, which I will share as a preview here. The thing is, the passage isn’t meant to be a joke; my laughter is more of a diabolical cackle at the point of view character getting poleaxed by unfamiliar emotions. That’s what I laugh at when I write >:)
He held the smoke in his lungs as UrGoh settled back with an easy smile.
“How do you feel now?” UrGoh asked.
Fantastic. Panicking. It was all too clear now that whatever was between them, whatever flared when they touched, wasn’t just a new manifestation of the bond, it was indeed something else like UrGoh had suggested. It felt like something impossible, something too good to have while they both still knew themselves to be incomplete.
SkekGra was still a skeksis. He’d take this good that was before him whether he deserved it or not. He’d take it wherever it led.
And where, exactly, do I think it will lead? And do I think UrGoh is feeling the same kinds of things about me?
“I—I think you must have mixed something up when you made that batch,” SkekGra said, thin remnants of smoke ribboning up from between his teeth. “It’s supposed to be calming, isn’t it? And—it was, just sitting near you but—my heart is racing now, that’s not right—”
“I...suppose that’s possible,” said UrGoh. “But I haven’t noticed any unusual effects. Give it a little time...while I finish taking care of your hands.”
The genre I struggle with the most is horror! This is a continual source of bemusement for me, because I love horror. If I’m going to watch a random movie, I’m probably going to pick a horror movie. If a podcast ain’t full of creepy shit, I’m not interested. I’m forever chasing after novels and short stories that will actually scare me, whether pro, fanfiction, creepypastas, people’s personal paranormal experiences they are presenting as true, everything! But I find the kind of horror I’m interested in reading incredibly difficult to write. And I think it’s because of the love factor, and also because I’m a writer who’s fulla details. I love horror, but I approach monsters and weird phenomena fundamentally from a place of wonder even when that wonder is initially mixed with fear. Also, to keep things scary, you’ve got to keep a lot of details to yourself! Like, there are things in this world that I find genuinely frightening without the wonder-factor, but those things, to me, are boring and unpleasant to write fiction about (I prefer sober non-fiction books about those kinds of things). So the horror fiction that I find fun—well, I find it difficult to keep it scary because well, it’s kind of a game. If I’m writing I’m here to scare you, and you’re here to be scared, if I’m watching or reading a story, I’m here to be scared by someone who is here to scare me. It’s fun! It’s physical (like all emotions)! With fear, there’s the risk and allure of being overwhelmed, and with the horror I enjoy there’s also often the possibility of some terrible transcendence. I’ve said this before, but it’s my catnip when some awful transformation happens, but the transformed person smiles, when they didn’t smile before. LMAO what does this add up to? If I did BDSM I probably wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face in a scene. Also I’ve written so much porn about the boogeyman.
This question makes the first kiss fic sound like a specific genre, which is interesting, because there are many ways a first kiss could manifest between characters. Like, is this about the first kiss ever in their life? That sounds like a type of fic that would skew towards young characters, or young versions of the characters, which I’m pretty indifferent to. I’ve written at least one fic like this for a prompt. On the other hand, unusual circumstances that make a first kiss a character’s first kiss in life can be much more interesting (very strange pasts for human characters, creatures that don’t have the kinds of faces that make kissing an obvious thing to do, aliens where kissing could be a thing but isn’t because of culture differences). However, it would never occur to me to start off writing a fic thinking “this is going to be a first kiss fic” or to go to Ao3 and look for the tag “first kiss.” Sometimes a character’s first kiss is something that happens in a fic, it doesn’t need a special category to me. Then again, there’s also the potential that a first kiss fic could refer to the first kiss between characters, representing them getting together, and of course I’m interested in fics about that. But I can’t help but feel that first kiss fics make up a category that the creator of this list of questions thinks is common, but I don’t have a lot of experience with as a separate specific thing.
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the-great-chimera · 3 years
Baby brother mc! Prt 3
[tags: mc is a minor./ M! Mc ( little brother!)/ belphie being a wholesome boi/ implied diaxluci/ barbatos becomes a surrogate father of 2 electric boogaloo/ dia spoiling little mc/
- Brattyness at its finest.
- hes been the youngest for centuries and now suddenly you show up and hog all the attention?!? Belphie no likely >:(
- when you were first Introduced he didnt like you. his spot in the family pack unit was shifting. He was use to getting away with anything bc he was the baby of the house. But now he needed to " set a good example for you??" Ugh..
- regardless of if you are a young demon or a human child he will act the same either way.
- but as you grow closer he becomes very protective of you.
- He will wrap his tail around you when you are in large crowds so he can keep track of you. ( kinda like a kid leash?
- 👏nap👏 piles👏 are👏 mandatory 👏
- He will hold your hands and link arms when napping together. Lucifer once walked in while you two were asleep. It reminded him of that one marine mammal from the human world? What's that called again? An otter?? They hold hands so they cant drift away from each other while sleeping.
- the only "experience" he has with being an older sibling was when lilith was alive. After the fall he just shut down and lost most those skills. Now that you exist he feels like he's been given a 2nd chance. " I wont fuck up this time" he thinks to himself.
- the least likely to play with you but the most likely to bully/ tease you. " daaaawww does widdle baby have a cwuuuushh~" *kissy noises💔💔💋💋* " FUCK OFF YEEHAW MAN"
- you know how kittens will just Like. Attack their siblings? Regularless of what their doing? Belphie will be sleeping (or trying to at least) And you will be jumping on him, poking his face, pull his tail. 8 times out of 10 he will just sleep through it or grab you into a forced-cuddle session, but on a rare occasion he will yeet you out of his bed without hesitation.
- always knows where you are despite not seeing you for hours. You've asked mammon how tf that works but he just smirked, used jazz hands, and said " 🎇demon magic🎇"
- you make a lot of blanket forts for belphie. He thinks it's very cute. You'll ask Levi for one of his tablets and watch tv in your forts. Also You cant come in unless you know the password.
- you and beel drag him everywhere but honestly he cant complain. He's with his two favorite people so * shrugs*
- gets you into the " anti- lucifer squad" and you two get in trouble SO OFTEN. Lucifer despises it but it also makes him kinda happy that belphie is socializing with more than 8 people. ( introverted fucker)
- if beel isnt there to help you two complete a task you two will team up and get it done...slowly but surely..
* insert picture of you standing on belphie's shoulders to reach a cookie jar on a top shelf*
- you two gift each other cool rocks. He's been around for awhile and has quite a few cool rocks in his collection, and you...you try? You really try and that's what's important :)
- As soon as You were adopted he made it his soul mission to spoil you rotten.
- you know when your parent gets a new boyfriend and they try to get on your good side to gain your approval? Yeah.
- maximum cool step dad energy.
- you'll walk in his line of sight and from all the way across the house you'll hear: " MC HELLO MY BOY HOW ARE YOU!" his voice booms. Hes spooked you a few times this way ( honestly how does a man that big move around the house so silently???)
- "hello lad! I saw this earlier and it reminded me of you, here" " sir this looks really expensive, are you sure you want ME to have this?" says the literal child.
- if you play any instruments; Lucifer will encourage you to play for an audience with the prince. You got stage fright mid way through the song and messed up.
- When tears of frustration started to fall from your eyes Lucifer and dia smiled, they were both very proud of you ( especially luci) , you did your best and performed the song well. You just got a bit of stage fright is all and its okay, you can practice and try again at a later time. :)
- Lucifer had to talk him down from gifting you with expensive or dangerous gifts.
- tries so hard to be hip...like...so hard.... " kids like battle axes ,right Lucifer?" "SIR I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU DONT-"
- he thinks it's cute how small you are. This man is a giant to it's cute to see you struggling to pick up something he could so easily pick up.
- he was an only child growing up but he remembers wanting play with adults and other demon children but wasn't allowed to. So he tries to play with you! He wants 12 more little ones just like you! ❤❤
- kinda scared he wont realize his own strength and might hurt you. The last thing he wants is to hurt you and ruin his image with his people.
- often the avatars will appear in photos with him. These photos are EVERYWHERE, the press always love to see pictures of the Prince and you In headlines:
"newest avatar of ___ and prince diavolo spend time sampling the newest chocolate ganache platter at the devil's kitchen!"
"Prince diavolo and mc steal the show! Wearing matching formal attire to this years' grand gala!"
" inside scoop from the Royal palace! The young mc, avatar of ___ helps himself to the throne! " if I was king I'd make pineapple on pizza illegal,gross!"
"family game night?? Prince diavolo, Lucifer the avatar of pride, and mc the avatar of ___ take a much needed break and hit the bowling alleys at ____. Read more to find out what mischief the young lad has gotten into this time~"
- Now he has 2 little beings following him around like little lost ducklings. You and Luke have imprinted on him.
- you make him friendship bracelets all the time. He can't wear them 24/7 due to his job and he needs to use his hands a lot but he keeps them tucked away in a safe place.
- whenever you ask him his favorite color he changes his answer. So when you make him friendship bracelets you just pick a bunch of colors that look good together, he loves them no matter the color.
- he made you your own apron, its embroidered with your name on it in a pretty font. It matches with his but has little bits of your little artistic flair. You have buttons and pins on yours.
- you try to help. TRY BEING THE BIG WORD HERE... you arent strong enough to lift some of the stuff he can. Demon strength has its perks.
- he will hand you things that he knows you can handle. Small groceries.
- occasionally you'll go with him to get groceries. If you are good and helpful you can go get bubble tea and maybe a cookie! :D
- will help tutor you! Barb is a wonderful teacher!
- is very skilled in magic and can help teach you some very intricate spells.
- it will be time to go home and Lucifer will take your hand in his. " mc, we are going home now. say goodbye to the prince and barbatos" you turned to them, " bye barbatos! Bye your highness! Goodbye barbatos!" As you are leaving Lucifer asks "mc, may I ask why you said goodbye to barbatos twice?" You smiled at him " I like barbatos :) "
- if you break one of your toys he can fix it, regardless of how severe the damage
- has tried many times to get you to dress "like a little gentleman " but you are far to mischievous to stay clean for more than a few minutes at most.
- he will never admit it but he loves picking out all the tiny outfits for you. Something about small clothing is so adorable to him.
- he calls you " young master" a lot.
- absolutely will not tolerate bad table manners or bad manners at all. He WILL smack your hands with a ruler. No hesitation.
- wont let you eat too many sweets. It doesn't matter if you are a human or a demon, a tummy ache is a tummy ache through and through.
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🎫 Here’s a gush pass! Feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other selfshippers! 👑 ~~ [Maybe if you want to do that for the Sinclair brothers❤️ Thinking of you and sending you lots of love🥺💜]
SUE OMG THE SINCLAIR BROTHERS😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I hope you enjoy this ramble!!!! I'm thinking of YOU and sending you love!!🥺🥺🥺💝💝💝
I've let loooooooooose ~ here, so buckle up! I am going OFF!!😤😤😤
Ohhhhh Vincent. Pretty, beautiful Vincent. Vinny baby. I love him. The first Sinclair I fell in love with; I loved him before I knew his name, before I had seen HOW, the one I always go 'home' to, though I do love them all equally. But Vincent... makes me softer. If any of the three are gonna make me cry just by looking at me, it'll be Vincent. I love his brutality - I'm not saying this to be edgy or whatever, I mean I genuinely wholeheartedly looooooooooooove how brutal he is. It's so fucking sexy and I wish he would stomp on me the way he stomps on Wade and Dalton. Lucky fuckers died with Vincent looming over them, his dark hair framing his face, his solo eye bearing into them, drinking in their reactions, their final moments, his blades in his confident hands... he's so fucking beautiful. He really is. I remember the first time I ever watched HOW, I BLUSHED, hid my face in my jumper, cooed, 'awh'd, and grinned ALL AT THE SAME TIME and that was such a visceral reaction to have to someone I'd only just 'met' but loved for weeks prior to watching the film. But anyway, less about me and more about Vincent. I want to talk to him for hours. About his art, his medium, how he manages to do so much in such a short time, how he chooses his 'canvases' (victims), what he loves about his crafts, his hobbies, his relationships with his brothers and Jonesy, his relationship with me... if Vincent's mind is a pool then I want to dive right in to the deep end without acclimating myself to the icy temperatures first. AND WHEN HE GOT UNMASKED, I HAD THE SAME REACTION AS I DID THE FIRST TIME I SAW HIM, BUT I ALSO HAD A CALM SENSE OF "OH, THERE YOU ARE" AND I FELT THAT WAY SO HARD THAT I SAID THOSE WORDS ALOUD. I had to sit with them for a little while after that, film paused and fixed on Vincent's face. His face. I couldn't tell you why Vincent was the one I was and am so drawn to but maybe it's his... his power. He's quiet, he knows what he's doing and he ENJOYS it (and I love watching him fuck people up like yeeeeeees ~ honey go feral!!! Wish I could let loose sometimes, too😩). He clearly loves his brothers, he's Jonesy's Mama, he's passionate and dedicated to his family, Ambrose, his art... I wanna cup his real face in my hands and smother him in kisses until he shoves me off or cries. I wanna brush and braid his hair and then let him do the same for me - you know what that means to me, dear reader. I wanna curl up in his lap when he's working and go to sleep, knowing he has knives in his apron but instead of harming me, he'll protect me and keep me safe. I want to love Vincent and to be loved by him, too. When he shows up on screen, I smile so hard I cry, I can't help it. It's like nothing can touch me negatively when I'm with Vincent. He just makes me feel better and I wanna wear his jumpers after he's worn them so it's like he's always hugging me and surrounding me. I wanna hold his hands and hold his eye with mine and smile at him and call him pretty and beautiful and tell him all these things and good lorrrrrrrrrrd I love him so much.🥺 Many kissies for him.💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Bo - omgggg ~ Bo!!! Bo my beloved!!! Ugh... Bo beloved. Bo-loved (he would SO murder me but worth it😤). Okay, I’ll stop while I’m ahead. To be honest, Bo TERRIFIED me for weeks after I first watched HOW. It was the raised voices, the snapping, the sudden movements, the predatory approach he has to everything he does… Bo just scared me so badly. It wasn’t until I had multiple in-depth discussions with several people here that I realised something very obvious: Bo is a human. He’s human and he’s hurt and traumatised; a wounded animal with a limb caught in a trap, consuming himself in hopes for escape, and from there I just fell in love. He went from being the one who scares me the most to the one I go to WHEN I’m scared… the duality.😂 He’s… I’m just sat here staring at the blinker key because how could I???? Quantify???? The love I hold for Bo????? It actually feels just a little bit pointless even typing this out because I could have all day to attempt it and yet I would still feel like I haven’t said it enough. I just love Bo. I would never wanna change him, I'd never want him to be anyone other than himself. He's so... god, I can't even. He never had a choice or a chance to be anything other than what we see in canon; he was so utterly destroyed by his early life, as were his brothers, but of course that's no excuse. It's only an explanation. I love his hair, the way it gets messier and more natural as the film goes on, as he loses more and more control. I love his eyes, his accent and the way his voice changes in every scene, as the ruse slips and slides all over the place because he and his brothers underestimated the kids. He's the one I go to when I need tough love. So often I'll open the freezer to look for dinner, and shut it with a, "eh, I'll skip." But then I'll picture that Look on Bo's face - you know the one - and I'll go back to the freezer and put some effort in. I imagine him saying to me, "m'proud o'ya, real proud, yeah" and giving me a smile and it makes me MELT. There's nothing I wouldn't do for a Sinclair to be proud of me, but especially Bo. Especially. Because it would have been truly earned; that would be my pride from Bo. He's the Sinclair it's hardest to get genuine affection from, so if I got Bo to say he was proud of me??? Erika.exe has shut down. I can't listen to his voice without squealing and making a fool of myself - anyone who's watched HOW with me on Discord's voice channels will know this. I wanna cup his face in my hands and tell him it wasn't his fault, he deserved better, and I love him, pretty beautiful man. I feel guilty for being so scared of him those first few weeks, but I try to make up for it with gushes like these. Would that I could tell him to his face, though (irl I'd never be so brave, but we can pretend). I want to love him and to be loved by him, to help him, but also, I genuinely wouldn't want to change any part of him. I love him because he's Bo Sinclair, in all his brutality. He's the one I want to have 3 AM conversations with. I want him to hear all the things I say to myself, repeat them back to me, and then stitch me back together with his own words and what BO sees. I want Bo to love me for me and I want him to show me how to do that for myself, too. In each other, we could learn to love ourselves... that's the kind of journey I want to undertake with Bo. I'm gonna fucking cry.💔
And Lester! asdfghjkl where do I startttttt with sweet roadkill man???? I had trouble reading him at first (Vincent really WAS the one I understood and connected to straight away; of the three, he's my One, though I love them all equally) but slowly, over many watchings, I came to get a good grip on him. He's sweet, though creepy, as blatantly perverted as his brothers (they all show it in different ways; Vinny didn't need to go so hard on those sculpture nips, Bo with his torture dungeon and all the sex toys on the walls, and Lester's blatant ogling of Carly), and he throws red flags in people's faces as hard as his brothers do. But, fuck, I love him. So much. I'm very sensitive to animals so I don't think he and I would ever have a chance together (though realistically speaking, I wouldn't with any of them because I can't drive, I live in the UK and everything and everyone scares me, but you know...😂😂😂), but I like to think he'd appreciate and want to protect me and my sensitivities. I love his voice, his sense of humour which is so dry he's the only one who knows he's joking, the way only he could pull off a dark orange shirt with a dark green cap, the way he has blood and mud all over his face. He's proud of what he does, he works hard, he does his best, he helps his brothers with the town and is just as fucked up as they are... I just wanna curl up in his lap and go to sleep. I want to hug him tightly and tell him I love him, to lick the blood off his face, to help him in all things and to encourage him with anything. To go star-gazing with him, have late conversations and midnight picnics just outside Ambrose. He's just... he's so, so beautiful, and he deserves so much more. The ending is horrific, he loses everything and everyone all in one night, apart from Jonesy, and I want to see him thrive and survive and live his best life. Lester is an absolute sweetheart and he's the Sinclair I'd knock on the bedroom door of when I can't sleep and ask for some cuddles. He's the one I'd let see me cry, the one I'd let hold me on the days I don't want anyone or anything to touch me, even my clothes (thanks, trauma). I want Lester in all his glory, in everything he is. I want to comfort him and help him, cook him dinner and get him to teach me some recipes too (I bet he makes a mean steak). I want to know what it means to be loved by Lester. In all ways - the beautiful, the ugly and every way in between.
I fucking love the Sinclairs, so much. I wish I could hold their hands and say these words to their faces, individually and then all together. They're a beautiful, gorgeous and horrific, sadistic family, and I want in all the way.😭😭😭
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monkeyparasite · 3 years
im bored lemme show you all how i think all the gorillaz members would type because slice-of-life and funnie stuff is all i can ever handle, and because i think im hyperfixated on this hlep
Normally: Heyy, kool, *insert excessive amounts of emojis because he is old*, Kay or K.
Normal texting style example: About to have a beer with Eddie. He got a fatass, lol, just a friend of mine, though, cheers! 🍻
Groupchat reply: bai biatch - Ace, Okay 🦛 - 2D, [Just sends a simple "cheers" or "bye" gif] - Russel,
If hes just a friend, why you talking about his ass? 🤨 - Noodle
Drunk: Half of the time its readable and the other half it makes zero sense
Drunk texting style: I lobe u ak sorru, iqwnnsdrrtiyyuessssss
All lowercase, only uses emojis when hes feeling confident
Texting style: hai guyz, just got my nails painted, just wanted to let yall know. gorlboss things yknow 💅💋 [picture of Ace's nails, while he does the duck lips. Grubber is itching his ass in the background btw]
Group chat reply: 🤣🤣🤣 - Murdoc, You have very nice nails, Ace! 🐏 - 2D, Delete that rn - Noodle, LMFAOO - Russel
Adds animal emojis at the end of his sentences (When he doesn't something obviously is wrong), doesn't understand most intetnet terms
Texting style: Good morning everyone! 🐫
Group chat reply: hai 2D, hai everyone elseee, sorry about the interruption in my video smh [insert video of him making a kissy face, and making kissing noises with puffed up cheeks. In the middle of it, Lil Arturo, slams open Ace's door, jumps on his bed, and whispers in a sad sounding voice "i phrew up", and Ace just YEETS HIM ARCOSS THE ROOM BY HIS HAIR] - Ace, 😦😦😧😧😨😰😱😱😱🥺🥺😠😡😡🤬🤬 - Murdoc, LGWYHWFWFBAHATATGQ - Noodle, Russel doesn't even reply
Hes like the cool uncle or grandfather that still has his moments. He'll send a gif to respond, use abbreviated terms, yadayada.
Texting style: Look at this tortis I found on the road, hes so round! Lol
Group chat reply: 🐢!! - 2D, Bring him home. Now. - Murdoc, He chonky - Noodle, chonke baby - Ace
Yknow how uhh.. most of gen z types? yeah, she types like that. She doesn't usually bring up anything in the group chat to talk about, but she will jump in on whatever everyone else is talking about though
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 years
it’s the middle of march but our key christmas 😈😈
anon u about 3 months late🙄🙄
•he always put it under pony cause kissy kissy muah muah 💋
•they both went all out on each other’s gifts
•curly got a new nice ass coat
•pony got a switchblade w C.S. on it but movin on
•curly makes good ass chocolate milk (almost burns the house down tho) and pony bakes good ass cookies, fear them
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omgitsaddyc · 3 years
💋 for the gnomes!!!
Rikka: Ri's first kiss was with Terra (beautifully illustrated by @puffinpastry here!) and while she took the initiative, she was nervous. Rikka's always happy to receive kisses from Terra, and it'll always make her heart flutter and the tips of her ears go red.
Kvyat: This man is touch starved. If he had a dollar for every time he wanted to reach out and hold a hand or throw an arm over Jason's shoulder and pull him in for a surprise kiss, he could afford the snazziest bow on the planet. But Kvyat also has major rejection issues. What if he misread the situation and Jason didn't want a kiss? Oh gods, time to move to a different town and change names. Kevin Bogwyn? Perfect.
Once Kvyat can begin to divorce himself from his own mental anguish, he can't get enough affection. He'd never admit to being smitten or god forbid, clingy, but he'll always happily take the physical affirmation that Jason does indeed still love him in the form of a kiss.
Jason: Jason's dreamed of kissing Kvyat in the cool glow of the moonlight for years. Literally a wholeass decade. Yearning ain't got nothing on Jason Grunwick.
That being said, when it does finally happen, he's frozen. Lost in his head and convinced it's a dream, it takes Kvyat lightly tapping his palm against Jason's cheek to snap him out of it and kiss him back properly, damn it.
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