#(re)watching s3 rn
nebs-shitposts · 2 months
can we talk about how the doctor is actually kind of a huge dick to everyone or are we just gonna keep pretending he's the perfect example of goodness and heroicism. hes not.
he treats people like theyre below him. unless youre the ONE person he fixates on and decides you're special. (and this includes trios! like he treated rory ?? so horribly?? and mickey too!! and fucking nardole) when he gets vengeful you really see it come out. he's spiteful and merciless and honestly half the time what he's doing is not even GOOD morally. he decides that he gets to make the call for the future of literally entire races. why?? bc he lived through a war? thats fucking pompous of him. and not even just that he makes SO many awful comments, even to his companions, idek why half of them put up with it. imho eleven is the highest offender. twelve gets a pass bc he has his grumpy grandpa shtick and we all know he doesn't actually mean it 😭 but his issues were far worse than just being bitchy. i mean. damn bro the toxic codependency really isnt it.
i couldnt even start with thirteen. the show LOVES to pretend like she's all knowing and that everything she does is perfect. at least everyone else got kicked off their pedestal and the show addressed their moral failings. but thirteen was the worst as far as her problem solving skills, but none of it got addressed :||
i love this show and have since i was a literal child but fr rewatching it makes me feel so manipulated bc i used to idolize him but like, he's not a good person?? and i really REALLY enjoy how much the show plays with morality and let's them REALLY have their values and boundaries tested (pre chibnall) and it really shows how his cocky ass holier-than-thou thing is really just meant to mask how much he fails and hurts people.
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tommykinrd · 9 months
combining a bunch of games i was tagged in for this! tagged by the lovely @eddiediaaz @crowleydiaz @queertartt @laurabenanti @slightlyobsessedwitheverything (and a bunch of others who probably tagged me in the past!)
nicknames: abi, abs, vampycannigail xD
zodiac: aries
height: 5'5
favourite music: all over the place (literally anything from folk to afrobeats to bro country) but mostly emo/pop punk/rock and alt/indie rock
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet mostly
relationship status: single Dx
following: 334
followers: 2086
do you get asks: rarely
amount of sleep: uhhh 5-7 when i have to be up for school the next day, otherwise like 6-10
what you're wearing: sweatshorts, oversized t shirt, zip up hoodie
dream job: something in healthcare/related to healthcare since i'm studying public health rn
languages: english
random fact: i lived in the UK when i was a kid
aesthetic: academia, with a hint of emo
last song: page by ed sheeran
favorite color: light/pastel blues
last film: barbie i think (i rewatched it with my mom)
currently reading (or last read): random fic, and still working on good omens, aftg re read, rwrb re read, and happy place
currently watching: only murders in the building s3
current obsession: concerts and other live events Dx
last thing you googled: "adaptation and biodiversity" (for school lmao)
tagging (i feel like everyone's done this so feel free to ignore if you already have) @tawaifeddiediaz @disasterdiaz @oliverstaark @evelyns @henwilsons @rewritetheending @jamie-tartts
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strideofpride · 10 months
anything you’ve been watching/reading lately that you’d recommend? i think you have stellar taste in media (aka it often matches mine lol) so am curious! hope you feel better soon 💖
Ummmm yes, love this ask!!! (Also I’m so flattered 🥰 you have great taste as well btw)
Mo Ryan’s Burn It Down! If you’re at all interested in the entertainment industry and how it all gets made, this is basically required reading
the Succession script books (pricey but personally worth it)
I just finished Jill Gutowitz’s Girls Can Kiss Now and felt very seen, a wee bit too relatable
And I’m currently also reading Ann Patchett’s This is the Story of a Happy Marriage, which is a great book for my fellow writers to read
I’m a paid subscriber to Hunter Harris’ Hung Up newsletter and I’ve never once regretted it lol
Gotta shout out Dracula Daily as well as the one podcast I listen to rn, re: Dracula (I listen and read at the same time which is perfect for me lol)
Gilmore Women - a Gilmore Girls recap newsletter that talks about everything wrong with each episode lol. I sped through the first six seasons and now I’m depressed that I’m caught up lol
Minx s2 - it is on Starz which I know most people don’t have but this season has been EXCELLENT
Only Murders in the Building s3 - it’s like a comfort show for me at this point, despite being about murder it makes me feel so cozy. Nora Ephron vibes
The Bear s2 - everyone’s been talking about it already but I just finished and god it was GOOD
The Sopranos - everyone should be doing # Sopranos Sunday with me!!! It’s so fun!! This show is soooo good, really living up to the hype for me
Acapulco - really cute show, makes me wish I was still on vacation in Mexico
Poker Face - bring back standalone episodes like this!!! Bring back character actors doing incredible guest star roles!!!
The Other Two - just. It was the funniest show on TV. It really was. 30 Rock’s spiritual successor which is pretty much the highest praise I can give it
Red Eye - I rewatched it after Oppenheimer and it really holds up. Fun, tight thriller that is only like an hour 20 lol. Also Brian Cox aka Logan Roy is in it (and Jayma Mays my beloved)
Theater Camp - as a Jewish theater kid who went to and/or worked at a summer camp every year of her life from ages 4-20, there was no way I wasn’t gonna like this
Mamma Mia series - obviously everyone on tumblr knows about these already but I made my family watch them with me for the Fourth of July and god if I could live in the world of any movie it’d be this one ❤️
Man Up - very cute & fun British rom com I first discovered in college and rewatched this summer. Everyone has incredible comedic chemistry in this, and Lake Bell & Simon Pegg have great sexual chemistry as well (quite a lot of British faces who were nobodies when this was made who’ve gone on to bigger things - most notably Phoebe Waller-Bridge who’s only in a single scene)
X-Men: First Class - my favorite superhero movie ❤️
Indiana Jones series - I rewatched the whole series and saw the new one in theaters this summer. The first and third are literal masterpieces. Second one is mean spirited and racist. Fourth actually has quite a bit of charm, but then it fell apart in the back half. The new one…woof. Nobody but Steven Spielberg should be allowed to direct Indy movies.
Asteroid City - the longer it’s been since I saw it, the more and more I think it might be Wes’ masterpiece
Past Lives - incredible. But I know you already know that one lol
Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret - perfect, perfect film.
The Other Guys - we need Adam McKay and Will Ferrell to get back together, the fate of studio comedies hangs on this (anyway this movie is hilarious - but also if hell is real Marky Mark is obviously gonna burn for all eternity)
John Mulaney: Baby J - I saw him do this special live when he was touring it and I’m mad he cut the FBI bit but he’s still got it
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lesbianbluesey · 4 months
🔥 + anything tvdu!
this turned more originals centered since Ik I talk about it the least so less of my opinions are recorded/known so that tracks.
I generally enjoy (the girls) no humanity arcs despite their messiness
my ranking of Klaus popular ships that are some level of canon at this point is probably Klayley>Klaurora>Klaroline>>Klamille, I ship the former 3 to different degrees although none is necessarily otp levels.
I’m really neutral on Camille overall I think she’s unfairly hated but I also couldn’t get properly interested in her, she and Davina are probably the two major female TVDu chars that interest me the least even though I don’t have anything against them but I connected to Rebekah Hayley Freya and Aurora all a lot more (even if I find some of the changes to characterization re: the former two from TVD to TO less compelling esp Rebekah I think we agree on this).
I do think Aurora x Camille served a little
Freya and Klaus had at least top 2 most interesting Mikaelson’s relationships to me (Klaus and Rebekah’s best hits are more insane but I probably liked the arc for him and Freya better).
I sort of bounced around on how I felt about MG x Lizzie while legacies aired I liked them most in late s2 when they had some scenes I thought served but everything before and after was meh and the get together in s4 was embarrassing.
Josie x Rafael was underrated and could’ve been good… they’re like Margo x Quentin for me in that it’s not a ship I’m mad about but it was good and compelling esp compared to canon ships and I think it could have saved us from worse things had it been considered seriously. Anyway that siphon kiss moment goes hard 
This is barely about TVDu but reading the locked tomb has given me ideas for how insanely good the merge storyline could have been if the writers knew what they were doing and (I love the Saltzman twins dynamic this is well documented) how great the Saltzman twins dynamic could be if it was more like Ianthe and Coronabeth…. Like society one of the twins had siphoned the other twins love interest or someone they cared about deeply and ended the merge that way and then the other twin was jealous of not being siphoned from/killed. The s2 not merge is like even more boring to me now that I have this comparison point
I enjoy Elena and Caroline about equally when I’m watching the show or who I gravitate towards more depends on the storyline or part of the show but I tend to find Elena more interesting to dissect when I’m just thinking about the show and also Caroline’s fandom can be… yeah so I think that leads me to gravitate towards Elena more recently/currently.
maybe less unpopular now based on that poll but s2 is the best TVD season. I love a lot of things in s3 and s6 but both also have more issues s2 is when there was a good balance.
TO s3 was definitely the most engaging TO season for me it’s no secret that I actually struggle to be engaged by TO the most out of the shows, at different points I’ve definitely mused in the tags about why that is but ultimately I think it might just be a me thing without deeper reasoning lolz. But s3 was where I was most entertained. (less sure how popular or unpopular this is since I don’t see a lot of ‘season’ discussions like I do for TVD)
thank you for the ask! might come back and add to this when I’m in a more *yapping about tvdu* mood than I’m in rn.
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superblysubpar · 6 days
omg. im so glad this is happening not to be a bad influence but i started xfiles like maybe a month ago? and im on s3 rn it continues to crack me up i have so much fun watching it. i dont want to spoil anything for you but theres an autoerotic asphyxiation joke in s3 ep4 that made me gasp i love that its a running joke how much of a weird perv mulder is. also there is a drought of mulder talk !! i know im not alone but when there is an attractive actor on screen sometimes im like "ugh i dont understand whats going on is the writing bad ?" but its just that i got distracted and stopped paying attention anytime theyre on screen LOL it happened a lot watching the punisher and daredevil istg
Oh my gosh hahaha, please continue to be a bad influence. I'm in the hole now and I've accepted my fate!
Also you're not spoiling anything! I've seen the show before, I'm just having a re-awakening it as I started rewatching it this week due to @curiositydooropened series Ranged! I was having ideas for my own supernatural upside down things sort of fic, but the idea is one of those gosh it's right *there* but it's not fully formed. So Amanda's series had me thinking it was time for a rewatch!
There is absolutely a drought of Mulder talk!! Let's all talk!! Let's all shout about our love for these two!! And let's all talk about the show and Stranger Things and everything!!
And also yeah, I'm right there with you. It's happened with a few of these season 1 episodes already, where I'm absolutely entranced by David as Mulder and then I'm like wait fuck I missed a key plot point, hold on!! I'm also notorious for talking during shows/movies I like - about predictions and shots chosen and what not, so these combined with attractive actor distraction is lethal to plot comprehension in my household I'm afraid. My husband loves it 🙄
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sageandred · 3 months
* jotting down some thoughts from old wtFock, seasons 1-3 .... (part 1)
1. Jana
Pros- Jana + Robbe (Belgium Eva + Isak); Girlsquad minus Amber; Zoe + Jana/Zoe + Yasmina/Luca + Yasmina; the first appearance of Senne/Senne + Zoe scenes
Cons- Jana + Jens (Belgium Eva + Jonas), lol
*couldn't remember anything from this og season and the first few eps were fun, then I got annoyed at how the main couple story seemed to drag on; overall it was average-i don't think they changed much and the story was fine, but nothing really blew me away
2. Zoe
*I don't remember much from this og season (gonna be honest, before this, I don't think I finished Noora's season ever, because I can't stand William, lol, and I didn't realize until now).
Pros- Senne feels like a more likeable version of William to me [basing even off of the earlier episodes before both Senne/William's development]. (+ Senne at the beginning of wtFOCK is even still better than William at the end of Skam OG).
Cons- I LOVE Zoe + Senne, but the early ep conflict of her going on a date with him and being in denial is honestly so stupid. It seems like such a simple issue in the world of Skam in comparison to the other seasons for every reimagination. (But I know the later conflicts are gonna break me).
More in depth appreciation of Senne and Zoe
Senne: There were only a few moments in season 1 + early season 2 where I questioned him, but there's just charm and development to Senne that fleshes him out and actually made me love this couple by the end. They don't water down parts of "Senne" that are truly important to his whole "bad boy" personality-like later on (s3) his instinctual crutch of violence towards his brother or his smart-ass comments in season 1, but they also don't make him just a terrible boyfriend like og.
Zoe: could throw water in someone's face for no reason and I would still love her (I'm watching s4 rn although she doesn't do that, so this is kind of in line). She's not perfect and a lot of her push-back with Senne (mainly) can be really unreasonable, but that's what makes her her. I feel like she comes off as more stubborn than og Noora, but I honestly love it and there's subtle changes to her characterization that back it up. She's one of the most headstrong Nooras (obv all of them have this trait), and she's someone that is gonna move in a way that seems proactive to her (ex: her taking the plan B pill before even knowing what happened to her). The only minor thing I thought at one point is that we didn't get enough of Zoe's perspective on things (there are a lot of characters and it's great to see them, but sometimes certain interactions felt it took away in some way, idk). She was just a character I knew I would love immediately in season 1 [& she's great, but as I go on, I do think the writers kind of diminish her potential in some way (even certain choices in s2), but idk how to explain it-although it doesn't ruin her character at all for me, there's just minor minor differences than how she seemed].
Zoenne: I love how they are so different in their points of view; they each are strong in their opinions and it's not resolved too quickly. I honestly see both povs, which is how it should be. And in season 3, I wasn't even mad at the break up (even though it didn't last long)-they are the only Noorhelm imo to address the problem between them (with them being so young + why love's not enough), not make it the end of the world, and still get back together at a later time.
wtFOCK likes to dramatize a lot of their scenes, but for me it works in Zoe's season.
Examples: 1) the text from Senne's brother at the end of the episode revealing the pictures he took per the glass drop; 2) the Senne finds out scene I felt was better directed and acted than the og scene, giving a more emotional feel and lead up to the hallway confrontation in ep 10
other things: Amber is one of the worst Vildes in terms of ignorance, however they've done well with her development and not resolving her problems too quickly [I just know I'll eat my words come season 4/5]. Her seemingly heightened naivety against the other "Vildes" makes so much sense in this scenario.
2 is definitely my fav wtFock season
...not sure I'll watch Season 4, cause I know it's gonna piss me off more than Imane's, but maybe I'll continue for Yasmina only
^ update-started it; I hate it
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raziraphale · 5 months
Thank you for tagging me @skinnyscottishbloke 💜😊
Last song (with lyrics):
Bobby Sox - Green Day I have really been enjoying their new album!
Last song (without lyrics):
Oh I was listening to my Persona playlist at work the other day so I think it it was Layer Cake from Persona 5 lmao what a banger
Last film: just watched The Last Unicorn for the first time with @fearless-flower <3
Currently reading: I still have my copy of the first three vampire chronicles books on my nightstand... I need to start The Vampire Lestat 😅 also been re-reading a lot of persona 3 fic recently bc I'm jazzed for the remake next month
Currently watching: Angel S3!
+ no category for currently playing but you get to hear it anyway. I recently started up Persona 2: Innocent Sin again and I'm having fun :D I forget how nice it is to curl up in bed with my little PS VITA
Currently consuming: just ate a salted caramel kitkat
Currently craving: I really really want tulumba rn but the mediterranean place near me that I used to get it from went out of business :<
no pressure tags for @fearless-flower @floralprintshark @grouchythefish @arthursdent and @6-2-aestheticsofhate and literally anyone else that sees this and wants to do it. lie and say I tagged you bc I'm nosy and want to see what people are up to lol
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zukotheartist · 11 months
9 People You Want To Know Better (Tag Game)
(I did this recently but got tagged again by @emozionidinchiostro and i thought itd be fun to re-do it!)
Last song: 7 rings by Ariana Grande (this is actually the 1st time i listen to her in forever)
Currently reading: im actually reading 5 books (yk, alternating between them) but the very last one i read (and am about to finish rn actually) is Red White and Royal Blue.
The others (in random order) are: The Sun and the Star, Frankenstein, The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love and This Is How You Lose The Time War.
Currently watching: The Witcher s3 pt1 and a k-drama called smth like Celebrity? (I still have to finish the 1st ep so i forget now).
Last obsession: i mean, im liking rwrb a lot more than i initially thought i would! Other than that tho, the current long standing obsessions are Taylor Swift (italian tickets go on sale tmrw, fingers crossed) and Olivia Rodrigo.
Not tagging anyone specific, just whoever sees this and wants to participate!
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itsgothgirlthyme · 9 months
on my stranger things g/t thoughts again. re-watching s3 rn and i really wanna just shrink billy hargrove and aggressively shake him in a box. he’s so annoying and needs to be humbled.
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hischiersjohnston · 1 year
9 people you'd like to know better!
Tagged by: @dougiejack ty for tagging &lt;3
last song: “different lives" by fly by midnight. i discovered them from instagram because they had a promoted post and i lowkey fell in love with their latest album. they've got such a cool vibe and i've been trying to branch out my music taste nowadays, so it's cool to discover them.
currently watching: i (re)watch too many things at once sdfsdf but rn i'm rewatching the entirety of ted lasso s3, community and i literally just started watching the harley quinn animated series on netflix, because for some reason here in canada, it's not on crave (which is the equivalent of hbo max).
currently reading: in terms of actual books, i'm still reading the agathas by kathleen glasgow and liz lawson, which is a murder mystery meets veronica mars book. it's a vibe so far! and i sorta read the first page of the stolen heir by holly black because i'm in love with the folk of the air trilogy.
current obsession: still hockey since it's a fairly new hyperfixation but also giffing? i finally learned how to make gifs so i'm having a blast with that.
Tagging: @draisaitleons @aneurins @swtsours @longliveyamo @annieqattheperipheral @devilsgato @kylesdubas @floridafaithful
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
I get that LS is getting extra priority from Tim because they share slot with a notable competition, but when LS gets promotional stills 1-2 weeks after start of production and has 2 episode titles registered already, it just feels disheartening. Tim is probably banking on the fandom's loyal if not "intense" nature and/or Buddie's will-they-won't-they (regardless of whether anyone view this as queerbaiting or not, their dynamic is still one of the show's main draws in fandom spaces at the very least. Am I overestimating their popularity? Highly likely) and the frustration, in a way, is a sign that fandom still cares, but Tim should realize sooner that he can't hold on to that as OG's lifeline forever. Given how this season's lack of concrete things to show other than a few stills and demo reels makes the team working behind look even more incompetent than usual, the frustration may turn into apathy real quick.
Sometimes I wished FOX never made the decision to create the first spin-off (Sorry LS fans lurking here) even though they gave us GraceJudd, Marjan, Paul, Nancy, Carlos, and Mateo. It's better to just focus on one show rather than splitting attention between multiple shows with divided outcome, but business is business.
Sorry for the long and rant-ish ask, Tina.
Nothing wrong with a rant! I welcome them! I'm willing to bet that *some* of Tim's LS push rn has been influenced by s3's ratings. It started off strong and then had weeks that were...embarrassing, lbr. Had the show been able to hold its own re: a ~5 million average just like OG, he may not have felt like his full attention is still needed even though there is ALSO a co-showrunner over there. (Let that sink in for a minute. LS has a co-showrunner and Tim is showing us he has less faith in that staff. Eep.) Your message touches on something I said a little bit ago, which is that (IMO) Tim & co. (and even FOX!) are banking on the general public to continue tuning in since 9-1-1 is part of a genre that is still extremely popular (see: the FBIs, NCIS + spinoffs, One Chicago, L&O). Sure, 4-to-5 million isn't close to the final tallies the other programs get on the night they air, but it's been the only first responder drama to watch at that time, and the key demo (18-49) is higher than the others for whatever reason(s). As for Tim getting the green light on a spinoff...I think it's a case of he and the network hoping to "strike while the iron is hot". LS was ordered in May 2019, shortly after s2 of OG concluded. In s2, the key demo never went below 1.00 (s5, by contrast, never got there), and the average viewers were well over 5 million, sometimes over six million, for all but one episode - you can view the totals here. The assumption was (probably) that the OG fan base would latch onto a new series because it's the same concept, just a different setting. And different characters. (Like..."They'll watch it because it's about firefighters and the police. Everything else is extra.") It's only been three seasons, but the shine seems to have worn off rather quickly. We're gonna find out what Tim's plan is to garner interest again. A Tarlos wedding is a good start, I think. There can never be enough happy LGBTQ+ rep for the community!
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callunavulgari · 1 year
Scrapbook 2023 | Pt II
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things that I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal.
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 65 books, finish 4 video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and expand on your original novel outline to the point that you START WRITING.
Past Years
Avatar: Way of Water
(LotR: Fellowship of the Ring)
Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania
(LotR: Return of the King)
(Pride & Prejudice)
Puss and Boots: The Last Wish
Miraculous Ladybug: The Movie
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3\
Queer Eye, s1, s7
Our Planet
Planet Earth II
(Stranger Things, s4)
Bee and Puppy Cat
The Diplomat
(Suits, s1)
The Witcher s3
Queer Eye: Japan
The Witcher s3
The Wheel of Time, s2
Interview with the Vampire, s1
Fionna and Cake
Watcher: Worth a Shot, s2
Watcher: Mystery Files, s1
Imamu Room, Episode 43
Beryl Shereshewsky
Beryl Shereshewsky
Watcher: Puppet History
Beryl Shereshewsky
Watcher: Puppet History
Beryl Shereshewsky
Watcher: Ghost Files
Imamu Room
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace [Fin]
The Monster Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson [Fin]
Beyond the Wand by Tom Felton [Fin]
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim [Fin]
Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Milk! A 10,000-Year Food Fracas by Mark Kurlansky [Fin]
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas [Fin]
Cod by Mark Kurlansky
Cod by Mark Kurlansky
Whiskey, Words, and a Shovel by RN Sin [Fin]
Irish Wedding Traditions by Shannon Lichte [Fin]
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon [Fin]
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson [Fin]
Witch King by Martha Wells
Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid [Fin]
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia [Fin]
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn [Fin]
Witch King by Martha Wells
Cod by Mark Kurlansky [Fin]
Impact Winter by Travis Beacham [Fin]
The Adventure Zone, Vol 5 [Fin]
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley [Fin]
Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen [Fin]
The Return of the King by J.R.R Tolkien [Fin]
Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott [Fin]
Saturday Night at the Lakeside Supper Club by J.Ryan Stradal [Fin]
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett [Fin]
Witch King by Martha Wells
(Red White & Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston)
(Wolf 359)
The Silt Verses
The Silt Verses
(Wolf 359)
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
so damn sloppy | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4,557 words | Steve smiles, leaning forward just a little bit, and is rewarded by the sight of Eddie swaying towards him as if hypnotized. “We gonna stop pretending that I’m here just for a movie?”
into the unknown | LoZ | Zelda/Ganondorf/Link | 8,017 words |  “What do you think, princess?” Ganondorf asks, cocking his head.
Steve/Eddie Canon-Divergent PWP, 4350 words [Posted]
Ganon/Zelda/Link Political Marriage AU, 5k
Ganon/Zelda/Link Political Marriage AU, 5k
Ganon/Zelda/Link Political Marriage AU, 8k
Steddie Hitchhiker AU
Fanmixes/Spotify Playlists/Graphics
Speechless - Vampire Novel
Shot Right Through by entanglednow | Stranger Things | 5k | Steve overhears a conversation between Eddie and Robin, and then spends a few weeks trying to think of anything else.
Color Correction by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | Steve can always be relied upon to help a friend out, and it makes a nice change to be the one with the answers.
Long-Distance Call by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | In which Eddie is subjected to Steve earnestly trying to fix his mistake, and worries about making one of his own.
The Royal Flush by entanglednow | Stranger Things |Steve/Eddie | 1k | Eddie had thought he was good at noticing people like him, you have to be since no one is sharing that shit out loud, not in this town at least.
Of Stars in Infinite Universes by lily_winterwood | Harry Potter | Draco/Harry | 21k | Harry Potter is asked to find a missing Draco Malfoy.
status quo by jilliancares | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 7k |  Somehow, the components of Peter’s secret identity keep crumbling all around him.
By the Laws of Magic by Lenore | The Sandman | Dream/Hob | 32k |  It’s 1959, and Hob Gadling is working at a London auction house, amazing his colleagues with his uncanny knowledge of art and artifacts from the 14th century on.
Always one foot on the ground by PhyllisDietrichson | Watcher | Ryan/Shane | 8k |  Moving the Watcher office desks to the second floor leads to unforeseen consequences.
shelter by paxlux | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 27k |  "’86 is your year!” and goddamn is that a sentence with a price tag on it. ’86, his year to die and be resurrected, shiny and new and what will he do now.
Danger Zone by WeirdAn | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | There's something wrong with Steve Harrington.
in every version but one (there's you and i) by Percyjacksonfan3 | Stranger Things | Eddie/Chrissy | 6k | Eddie Munson dies. Chrissy Cunningham lives.
This Number Is Not In Service by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | In which Steve needs to stop kissing people and then running away, and Robin needs a good night's sleep.
Dawnshot Through the Heart by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive | Mistborn | Wax/Wayne | 19k - WIP |  Ten years ago, Wayne fled instead of letting himself get arrested for murder.
Infinite Dreams by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4k | Steve sleeps in Eddie's bed and Eddie doesn't lay a finger on him, he's not sure that helps in the end.
The Walls of Camelot by spqr | Merlin | Merlin/Arthur | 13k | “Camelot will fall tomorrow,” Arthur says, on the first day of the eighth month of the siege.
A Sweet Romance by tirsynni | LoZ | Ganondorf/Link | 1k | Ganondorf meets Princess Zelda's bodyguard and the Hylian Champion and is instantly charmed. Link meets the lone Gerudo voe and is far, far less charmed.
You Have One New Message by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | What's that famous saying 'once is an accident, twice is coincidence, three times -' But that's where the thought breaks down, because Steve is not going to kiss him again.
Hurry Hurry (what a mess!) by Pip (Moirail) | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 7k | Lan Zhan needs a curse breaker, and Wei Ying's pretty sure he's just the guy for the job.
Cross Road Blues by WeirdAn | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 7k | Billy sells his soul to Steve Harrington at the crossroads.
Outlier by spqr | Star Wars | Obi-Wan/Cody | 7k | A custom codpiece was what Cody had requested from the armorer – the standard-issue was too small, and Obi-Wan remembered OUTLIER stamped on Cody's medical records and felt his whole body turn hot.
the fair and the brave and the good must die by Lise | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 12k | Rumor carries word of a ghost in Yiling to Cloud Recesses. Lan Wangji follows.
One Size Fits All by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 5k | Steve just wanted to do something nice for a friend, he doesn't mean to get Eddie's ring stuck on his finger, and it's definitely not his fault that everyone he knows is jumping to conclusions.
This Might As Well Happen by skoosiepants | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 22k | That time Steve accidentally gets knocked up by Billy... IN SPACE!
Sweet Thang by MajaLi | Suits | Harvey/Mike | 13k | Mike hates spending money on himself. Harvey, on the other hand, loves it.
we were walking with a benediction on us by hygarden | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 6k | Mark tries not to think about it.
fly me to the moon by apocryphal | The Sandman | Dream/Hobb | 12k | Dream discovers that after being locked in a cage for a century, it turns out he's contracted the mortal affliction known as claustrophobia. Inconvenient.
Call And Connect by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 6k | After an accidental kiss, a brief crisis, some miscommunication and two swift exits, there is finally a first date.
you are spring by Wildehack (tyleet) | Supernatural | Cas/Dean | 20k | God makes a wish. His parents work some things out.
Putting The Work In by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k |  Steve had mostly been letting Eddie's half of the conversation wash over him, enjoying the faint buzz that alcohol and weed had left in his head.
vanilla and honey by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 1k | “I’m too hot to be nice, sweetcheeks.”
Frequencies by Trelkez | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 27k | WIP | If ghosts were real, wouldn't they know about it by now?
Notoriety by RC_McLachlan | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 9k | As it turns out, Aziraphale has a bit of a reputation in Heaven.
I'm the treasure baby, I'm the prize by stereobone | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 9k | Or, Crowley is very good at faking sex work, as it turns out.
Interim by starkraving | LoZ | Ganondorf/Zelda/Link | 96k | She has no throne. Girls without thrones should not have knights, but hers won’t go.
Imprimatur by Closer | Suits | Mike/Harvey | 22k | Mike was raised to believe Imprint was a life-changing event for those few lucky enough to experience it.
more than you can chew by three-fingered (calciseptine) | Spiderman | Miguel/Peter | 6k |  "Do you ever take anything seriously?" Miguel hisses as he stands over Peter.
 Danger Comes In Many Forms by quackers | Spiderman | Miguel/Peter | 15k |  Miguel O'Hara is a walking ball of angst, regret, and muscle.
Red Skies by quackers | Batman | Tim/Jason | 8k | When Tim- openly a siren in a world hostile to those who aren't human- goes feral, Jason is the only one who can bring him back.
the one with the selfies by noctiphany | Batman | Tim/Jason | 5k | Thanks for the spank bank material, replacement, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t meant for me.
Honeymoon by cinnamon_skull | Batman | Tim/Jason | 14k |  Tim and Jason go undercover as a just-married couple celebrating their honeymoon in order to catch a high-profile drug lord.
one hundred years past by tciddaemina | LoZ | Ganondorf/Link | 38k | Link wakes up a century early. It changes everything. 
Whole Lotta Love by stereobone | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve 9k | | Steve scoffs. "I think if I was dating someone, Robin, I would be the first to know about it."
Turn Your Back on Mother Nature by gr0gu | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 17k | It wasn't supposed to go like this.
The wild phonemes of 40 Eridani Keid by astronicht | Star Trek | Kirk/Spock | 9k |  Jim goes on shore leave to Vulcan, where a disaster half-happened.
Step Right Up by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 3k | Steve had mostly given up on trying to meet anyone new after everything, but it's been six months and his friends had started giving him pointed nudges to get out there again.
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 35k |  Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?”
so leave it on the table if you hot and bothered by greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 9k | In which Stevie Harrington has a habit of making out with people at the end of the world.
A Little Mishap by Asidian | BG3 | Astarion/Wyll | 14k | When the dust clears – and it is a frightful amount of dust, all told – Astarion is marginally surprised to see that no one has been left a bloody smear on the cave floor.
Fight Night by rlnerdgirl | Teen Wolf | Derek/Stiles |  Stiles starts fighting in college.
strange fear i ain’t felt for years by Sister | Batman | Tim/Jason | 31k | Tim’s benched with a broken arm and starts playing Jason’s personal Oracle. Things escalate.
Steve Harrington's Guide to Touch by how_about_no | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 19k | Eddie won't stop touching anyone and everyone, except for Steve. He has a plan to change that.
Eddie Munson | Like A Record, Baby!
Baby Girl - A "The Last of Us" Edit
Rhaenyra Targaryen - The Black Queen
Main To Party Kar Rahi Thi - Marvel Remix (2023)
MARVEL || BRAzilian Phonk Mano
Multifandom || Get Ready
Waymond Wang [EEAAO] || laundry & taxes
ARCANE | Are You Curious?
The Last of Us | REMEMBRANCE
Royalty - Egzod, Maestro Chives
Main to Party Kar Rahi Thi - UlluMinati
Brazilian Phonk Mano - Slowboy, lucaf
Get Ready - Night Panda, BEGINNERS
Electricity - Billy Elliott
Forest Temple - Jokabi
You’re Gonna Be Okay - Ashh Blackwood
Call on Me - Eric Prydz
Unknown/Nth - Hozier
We Didn’t Start the Fire - Fallout Boy
Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fallout Boy
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vilevampire · 1 year
Hi! I don't think this is really gonna be a proper question, I've just got Iruma on the brain rn and my favourite part of it is the characters. I just love (nearly all) of them sm. Is it ok if I rant abt them? You can just ignore this ask I don't want to be a bother adlfslfwnkffhd
My top 3 in no particular order are Kalego, Opera and Purson. Everytime I see them I just get excited I love them sm. Kalego's got probably my favourite design out of everyone, I love how cool he is, I love how he treats the Misfits harshly but he does actually care about them and wants them to succeed. (When I was watching the episodes I somehow skipped on the one where he visits all the student's houses. I didn't notice until I finished S3 aha)
Opera is also really cool. I love that even though Kalego acts tough all the time he's kind of scared of Opera. (that whole thing was a lot clearer after I watched the skipped episode jhljkdsbgk). Not sure how else to put into words how much I love them atm but I do. They're great. Just got to the bit in the manga where they're a teacher at Babyls and teaches the misfits non-verbal magic.
And Purson, I liked him before I even read his story. Only really started to notice him in the intro of S2, but didn't pick up on every time he was on screen. I rewatched a bunch of clips now and it's fun seeing him in the background. I relate to Purson so much it's agh. I always was quiet in my class and rarely anyone interacted with me or noticed me. I liked that most of the time, but there were times I wanted to be noticed for what I can do, but at the same time I don't want the spotlight directly at me. Also Purson being really quiet all the time then when talked to he just talks a lot about so many different things at once is just me. I was so mad when that evil demon guy popped both of his balloons in the heartbreaker arc he was working so hard I so wanted him to get through aslnsdfdfsg
I know you've posted a lot about a lot of different characters, but who'd you say are your top favourites? or does that change a lot?
rambling is always welcome here !!! especially if it's abt mairuma. make urself at home
I love the characters sm too, especially the misfits. (on the topic of the kalego visiting the misfits' homes episode, everytime I think abt that episode I rmr how allocer's scene was the ONLY ONE that had NO dialogue. it was just a still frame sliding across the screen. fml)
opera is a pretty popular character, I mostly appreciate them for their nyanbinary catperson swag, and how sweet their found family relationship w/ sully and iruma is.
I think I picked up on purson's existence early on in s1 (it's funny to re-watch and spot him in the crowd). he's a favorite of mine too. though actually I think most ppl in the fandom love purson and the music festival arc. like everybody unanimously agrees that it's the best arc hghjhughj side note abt purson but this mf is the most not-nonbinary nonbinary character I've ever seen I s2g I kept almost accidentally they/them'ing him sooo much when I joined the fandom a while back like he just does not register to me as a boy. the no biney vibes r just off the charts
ngl I barely rmr shit from the heartbreaker bc I read most of it over a year ago while those chapters were still coming out, the most I rmr is jazz being tortured on the cross (what does nishi fucking have against him to make him suffer so much THE OTHER CHARACTERS DON'T GO THRU NEARLY AS MUCH SHIT AS HE DOES) and then winning bc of allocer and not even getting a rank up for the LITERAL TORTURE he went through. like r you fucking kidding me what the fuck was the point of all that then ?????? fucking rigged
I was so sad for purson too aghhh he tried so hard my boy did his best but he got fucked over by atori >:((
as for which characters r my favorites, I think it's pretty easy to tell just from looking at my acc but robin and jazzy r my top tier faves lmao. though funnily enough neither of them were immediately my favorites. it kinda happened over time after I finished the anime (which only had 2 seasons at the time) and the manga. robin I never paid much attention to until he suddenly took over my heart but jazz was always a character I was fond of just because of how similar he is to me JHGFHJNGF
but my faves have changed around quite a lot since I've gotten into mairuma. my first fave ever was actually kiriwo, which maybe is a bit surprising considering I never post about him and I've never drawn him either (though I plan to), he's what made me fall in LOVE w/ mairuma when I first watched it. fucking love a little guy who is fucked up beyond repair. then later my #1 fave shifted to iruma, then robin followed closely by jazz, and now robin and jazz r about equal (though I am kind of hyperfixating on jazz atm so I've been posting more abt him and drawing him more often)
other characters I adore include:
kalego, for completely heterosexual reasons
lied. I used to dislike him (I hate his pervy jokes, though he's not nearly as bad as kamui) until I watched s3 of the anime and it singlehandedly changed my opinion on him, even though it was all content that I had already read in the manga, I just think the anime did the scenes better. now I'm a lied stan
allocer. a character I completely ignored for like a year UNTIL I watched his sukima from his episode w/ jazz in season 3. like seriously before that point I couldn't even rmr his name consistently, but then I watched that sukima that converted me into a jazzllocer shipper and he slowly grew on me as a result. but the REAL turning point was when I sat down one day and went "okay, I want to write jazzllocer fanfiction, but it's really fucking hard when it's so difficult to get a grasp on allocer's character. he barely has any scenes focused on him, he's missing for an entire major arc and we know absolutely nothing of his backstory. I'm gonna analyze the few scenes he's in very carefully and then come up with my own hcs to make up for what he lacks in canon." after that there was just no going back. allocer is practically my oc now bc of how much shit I've made up about him in the past month or so. also, nishi, allocer arc when ??????? I'm waiting bruh when will my boy get the focus and fleshing out he deserves
furfur. again … for het reasons. I just really like characters that r absolute bastards HGFGHGFGH
among others, but really I like most of them. I'm also fond of dali (similar to furfur he's kind of a little shit. imagine being the most important teacher at babyls and u never fucking do anything), kerori and gyari (lesbians frfr), sabro (autistic king), etc.
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cyanide-latte · 9 months
Ask Game: 1, 4, and 50 asdfghjkl
1: who is/are your comfort character(s)?
HOO BOY THERE'S A LOT OF THEM but I'll try to keep it condensed down to the important/current ones rn
Daughter Dooley and the Walker Sisters from Old Gods of Appalachia
Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale
Oliver Banks from The Magnus Archives
John Doe from Malevolent
Sabriel from Garth Nix's The Old Kingdom series (a mainstay comfort character I've loved for a very long time)
throw darts at a board of well-known Final Girls from horror movies, you're sure to hit a comfort character of mine (yes I count Quentin from the Nightmare on Elm Street remake as an honorary Final Girl, he's chilling there with OG Nancy)
you could probably count the entire Legion from Dead By Daylight but Frank Morrison especially is a comfort character
Power Girl from DC comics
also throw darts at a board of characters from all of MXTX's danmei series and you're probably gonna hit one for sure (bonus points if it's Wen Ning or Jiang Cheng)
and listed last but definitely at the top of the pile right now above all else is Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner from My Hero Academia (no, I don't accept criticism.) Look at him. Look at him.
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(I was doomed from the start the first time I watched s3 because he instantly appealed to my inner TMNT-loving 8-y.o. self, like my past child self fuckin reached through time, grabbed my shoulder and went "that design pleases me aesthetically, good job", then we get the moment GIF'd here and I was like "oh he's a fuckin' dork okay", and then when I actually researched the character later it was like HOLY FUCK THIS BACKSTORY KNEECAPPED ME, I HURT IN MY HEART, OH NO, THIS ONE IS MY FAVE.")
*proceeds to stuff the feral side of myself back into their cage*
Ahem. Anyway, moving on...
4: which cryptyd being do you believe in?
The Thunderbird, if you want to classify it as a cryptid?There are several cryptids I find cool, but the Thunderbird I've known about since early childhood (lived on the res as a little kid, what up.) So it's special to me, and yeah, I'd say I believe in it and have for a very long time.
50: can i tag you in random stuff?
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hondagirll · 2 years
last song: i put taylor swift’s RED album on in my car while I was out running errands today and it was just as amazing as i remembered
last show/series: i just watched all of derry girl s3 in an afternoon and it was too fast! a second re-watch is forthcoming.
currently watching: the roommate and i are up to the final season of cheers (i cannot believe we are at s11 already. i am going to miss this group of bar patrons). i am also in the middle of watching the durrells for the first time and this latest season of abbott elementary while i wait [un]patiently for season 3 of ted lasso to appear on my tv screen.
favorite color: judging from my closest, pink and green
sweet, spicy, or savory: spicy. I just made tomatillo chicken soup yesterday because i went to the farmer’s market on saturday and i added more jalapenos than the recipe called for. it gave the soup a little kick but oh, so good!
currently reading: ‘the catch me if you can’ by jessica nabongo who is the first black woman to travel the world’s 195 countries and 10 territories. the book is part memoir/part travel blog and i am enjoying it immensely
currently working on: nothing writing wise. Work is taking a lot out of me rn and my muse has disappeared.
currently obsessed with: derry girls. it was definitely worth the years long wait for s3 to drop on netflix
tagging: recent activity on my dash - @aprylynn @ladytharen @bethanyactually @sarah-yyy @useyourtelescope
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Spoilers below (obv)
NANCY?? Really thought she was gonna die right out the gate but I'm so glad she didn't
That "Byler" scene in the van...
Honestly I'm already so numb to this shit and the near identical parallels to me and an ex friend of mine since s3 and Will and Mike I was just shut down completely and wasn't surprised or had any kind of noticeable reaction at all. I'm just numb cause that shit (literally almost exactly, including the abandoning me despite me telling them how much they were hurting me and bringing up past trauma and just said a half ass sorry and kept doing it, the breakdown and now I've got the weeping silently right in front of them and them not doing shit about it and even trying to change the subject). Except, ya know 🙃🙃🙃 they had to throw in the words like "mistake" and shit so salt in the wound, but that's fine cause it's not like they built it up during pride month of all times just to get more people to watch it so that we could be mocked and feel even more like a mistake, right??
Which brings me to my next point
Ya know what I've unintentionally rewrote my brain to forget the whole "byler/mileven" mess as much as humanly possible and only remember about three ships; Lumax, Elmax, and Jopper (aka mom and dad :D)
I thought I reached my capacity for loving Elmax in season 3 but I was 😭 so wrong 😭
Inject that shit in my VEINS
El learning not only her friends in general are in danger but Max specifically and immediately doing everything in her literal power to get to her and save her (I'm actually tearing up rn, it's affecting me too much) is replenishing everything in me
Like these girls had alone time for barely an hour and they decided for life: "this is my human, I'm gonna go to the ends of the earth to protect my human, build my human up. no one is like my human, my human is THE BEST and deserves the best. my human is one of my biggest sources of joy". That was mall rats and it's just been golden for those two ever since and I went into season 4 prepared for everything between these two to revert back to s2
But it was SO
For one thing, El's determination to save Max
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First of all... the sheer anger El must have been feeling towards Vecna to have ripped him away from Max as such velocity to knock him out as long as he was knocked out. It wasn't forever but consider how much time they got. She had to have been pissed
Max's plan to "run towards the light" and the things that make her happiest and a) that being the snowball where she had her moment with Lucas and danced with her friends b) she then saw no one else was there but El and assumed that was her mind saving her -- someone who brings light to her life
Her not believing she was real
Her not believing she was real
Her not believing she was real 😭
Still cupping at El's face and shoulders (in such a Max way, and El just being totally fine with it) like a lifeline in doubt and El lovingly taking her hand and cupping it and saying so sweetly
"I'm real"
And ofc the adorable "I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer !!"
And what I immediately had to re-watch like seven times and silently cheer in victory at like 3 am:
"Stay back," and "If you touch her again, I will kill you again"
I'm sorry but its all im thinking about
Oh god that and
Caleb's stellar performance that actually ripped my heart out, stomped on it and then put it in a blender (all of s4 honestly, he's always been amazing but they actually gave him room to really shine
It's the "Erica help" that murdered me and it's enough to make me tear up again just thinking about it [EDIT: okay I literally just learned that line was all caleb and OF COURSE IT WAS]
Everyone's performance in that scene honestly was unlike anything I've seen and so beyond intense but Caleb, as I've said, really got me
Max and Lucas love each other so much and if I don't see them go to the movies together in s5 I--
I'm not sure what I'll do
Ugh there's so much other stuff I haven't even mentioned (mainly cause Elmax is taking up my entire life) but
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I was literally so paranoid he was Vecna getting into El's mind actually that I couldn't properly enjoy it wasn't until she thanked Joyce I started to realize it might've been real and then when realized was SURE there wasn't anything left of the episode, I cried and went back and cried harder lmao 😭
Again, I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of right now
Honestly it feels so good to rant - bestie what about you?? What did you think??
💕💕💕 - Yurtle
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