#(robotkin edition)
talos-stims · 5 months
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james albin on yt | source
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neptunianrefrain · 7 months
favorite thing in the world rn is referring to my brain functions as computer things
thoughts? no those are the processes i'm running!
memory? well. ok thats just memory as in hard drive and sometimes ram.
busy? no my cpu power is dedicated to other things!
executive dysfunction? no that's another short in my board, or the program just won't run!
so on so forth. it is genuinely so fun for me
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autistic-partisan · 3 months
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day 13 of @deadboystims' 300 followers event. there was a fictionkin prompt but i chose to go with otherkin instead. -> robotkin stimboard
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tim0theepc · 2 years
My bf makes ai art now and i had him make me a bunch of scenes that i can use for my screen [:)]
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Heres a couple ^^
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yoylechess · 1 year
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lycanlurker · 6 months
Hi! I saw that you were giving advice for kintypes? ^^ we're robotkin and malware kin :D
Robotkin advice!
First off, I've never met a robotkin before you guys are so cool!
Into the advice!
1.Learn how to code! (Ok hear me out on this one. It might b obvious or a very tedious task but all robots run on some form of code. im not saying you gotta learn Python but doing basics like code.org would probably feel euphoric!)
2. Eat meals that give you a lot of energy! (energy makes me think of charging/being plugged in yk? Anyways including foods like bananas(literally most fruits), dark chocolate,Fatty fish,green tea,Nuts,oats,and pumpkin seeds will boost your charge!)
3. Dress In greens,blues,purples and greys!
4. Learn binary code!
5.relating to the last one using binary code pronouns!
6. Making gear! A tv/computer head out of foam or cardboard!
7.Get stiff! Become flat Stanley!! (Remember to stretch and relax your muscles regularly.)
8.hear me out, vocaloid impressions?
9. What? You're not sleeping, you're unplugged! You're not eating silly, you're charging/refueling!
10.Dissect computers...
11.Edit your selfies! Add visible pixels or a glitch effect!
12.Techy nicknames/neo pronouns! (Cy/cyber, tech/techs, pix(El),Digi(t[al]) Beep,Boop)
13.Grow out your nails/ get fake ones and go click click click!
14.if you're in school join a tech club/class if your school has one!
15.Cause chaos.
16.Speak monotone/ with an "off" tone to mimic ai/ text to speech.
17.Draw your screws/welding on yourself! (WITH SKIN SAFE INK.)
hehe ty for being my first request, hope this helped.
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randompolykin · 4 months
Intro Post
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Welcome To The Storm.
i have been procrastinating making one of these for a while now so here you go.
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I don't know how people can post their names on here, or their ages. Like what :0 I could not do that. (So if you need to refer to me, you can do so by my username) I do feel comfortable telling you this stuff:
The labels I use to identify my gender identity are genderfluid, nonbinary, transgender, genderflux, xenogender, fluidflux, and specifically genderspirit. At least that's the basics.
When it comes to sexuality/romantic attraction I consider myself frayromantic and neptunic, I am also aceflux.
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I might reblog centaurworld, smg4, the amazing digital circus, wings of fire, or good omens related posts once in a blue moon.
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i am a polymorph
Catkin (black domestic and black panther, for type of panther Jaguar fits the best but a black panther on its own fits too)
Dragonkin (red western fire and eastern sky/water especially a tatsu)
Gray/part of a storm cloud, cloud
Military tank
Attack helicopter (I know, I know, but I'm serious /gen)
Wooden chair
Cryptid (in general but I do have a couple specific ones too and I bet the more I look into cryptids the list will grow)
Seraphkin (the type of angel)
bookstore and library kin
Old computer kin
Robotkin in general
A murder drone (from murder drones) not a specific one, just a murder drone
The concept of tea/tea as a whole
Glamrock Freddy Fazbear
a sprollie dog
a silver fox
Although there are certain theories on why I am certain kintypes that I prefer and even act like it's set in stone, in the end idk whatever so just keep that in mind. also this isnt. theres more kintypes probably.
and maaaaannnny kinsiderings
(circutypes are identitie(s?) similar to the label cladotherian or more so ambitherian, but instead of being exclusive to types of animals is a species, it extends beyond that. The creator @batsbolts-andfangs created it to describe being a bat therian, bat plushiekin and a bat (related?) fictional character. But basically it's a label to describe one nonhuman identity that extends to/ is made up of other nonhuman identities that are a interconnected. This label fits me two times
The first on is less sure/put together than the second one
Shadow being (maybe just shadows too idk)
This statue creature that's an original species might count idk yet
Questioning being a void but that might just be part of my fictotype.
A run-along
And now my second circutype that makes more sense!
Deer skull creature is what I consider the base name for it now what this includes is
A deer skull fictional character/monster the nowhere king (which is my profile pic!) which is from centaurworld
Two (OCs? Maybe just original species? I am still figuring out how these two identities work) that are deferent types of deer skulled original creatures
A leshen (and an ancient leshy) from the witcher (I have not interacted with the fandom or played the games, watched the show etc I just stumbled upon it looking for what this kintype was and it fit)
And questioning being a deer skull itself. If not then this is probably a para type or something?
I don't actually think I said all my kintypes but I dont care that much right now I need to get this post over with it's already two am
So here are my heart types:
Rainwing (it's a type of dragon from wings of fire)
Nightwing (also wof dragon)
Questioning these being kintypes
Edit, I currently consider my wof types to be both kintypes and kithtypes, its confusing and I have no energy to look deep into things but I don't feel I need to honestly.
And am just saying that being a zombie and a ghost is kith, because I don't want to deal with things. Every thing else I know is def a heart type except clown, I ignore that one
Edit, I am now counting zombie as a kin type
I am also questioning being the amazing digital circus and my neighbor totoro (as in conceptkin)
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Now onto other things you should know about me and some silly not as important but also interesting ones:
I am afraid of being wrong (mainly because I'm worried I am somehow hurting people by it)
I have trust/opening up issues
I struggle with imposter syndrome
I probably have undiagnosed anxiety of some kind but have yet to do research on it
I probably have long term depression. But I think ranting to Tumblr is helping a bit so RN I'm more on the emotionally numb side but still depressed I think.
I have associative synesthesia and the types I care to name are olp, grapheme-color and chromesthesia but I know of more things that are probably types with their own names that I have.
I'm a vegetarian (it's funny because a bunch of my kintypes are carnivores or really like eating meat)
I'm a furry and have this going on where I'm turning my animal kin and heartypes into furry OCs and fursonas but I haven't gotten far in it. I'm also questioning being my protogen oc
I'm a median system. But I don't really talk about that much here...
Uh I might post random art doodles idk tho.
Besides that mostly I'll post and reblog alterhuman stuff (mainly otherkin probably)
Also please ask me stuff!!! Curious on how I experience being an aesthetic? Want to learn more about my angel kintype? Etc, please ask!
Profile pic is my kintype, the nowhere king, with the genderfluid, frayromantic, and loveless aro flags. And my banner is light doodles of some of my kintypes
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When it comes to a tagging system I am trying to make one but most of my posts from before this one probably don't follow it anyway here it is (altho I might forget to tag a reblog as reblog sorry if I do)
Also all posts with swearing in them will be tagged with #tw swearing
I don't usually swear myself but I will reblog stuff that has swears in them
#reblog (these are simply reblogs. Can be of anything. These will not have me adding my thoughts in tags or replies)
#my reply (reblogs with my reply/my thoughts on it/ad ons, also might be tagged with #my ad ones (if it's adding on to what the poster is saying specific vs a reply of anykind))
#my reply tags(or my tag replies) (same thing but in the tags specifically. Add on version is #my tag ad ons)
#not ah related (not alterhuman related, includes reblogs)
#not ok related (not otherkin related, alterhuman related posts that are not otherkin related are included here)
#i am a mess of kinsidering (a ranty vent post about my lastest kintype to question or re-question or be confused over want to classify an identity as beyond otherkin, etc)
#silly post time (silly posts, not reblogs. This would be me making a post that says "nom nom nom garbage" and # it with therian and otherkin tags. Can be ah, ok, and not related.) (if not ah or ok related I will put those tags in)
#silly reblogs (me rebloging these types of posts)
#serious post (speaking up about an issue or trying to spread the word about something important etc)
#serious reblog (same as ⬆️ but a reblog)
#positivity spreading reblog (rebloging a positivity spreading post. can include #my ad ones posts)
#positivity spreading post (a positivity spreading post originally made by me)
#term coining yay (coined terms not by me but that I have rebloged)
#oh me terms yas (term coining posts by others that have a term I want to use/represent me)
#save (posts I want saved for any reason.)
#saving this to show my friend in case their ah (I'm pretty sure one of my friends I alterhuman but I'm not sure so I'll show them certain posts and see if they relate)
#storm talk (talking about being (apart of) a storm
#little grey cloud rambles (rambles as a little grey cloud)
#more about me
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That's all I can think of for now and it's already three am so I'm gonna add my user boxes and go to bed!
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demonic-energy · 2 months
I don't see many posts from fellow chronically ill therian/otherkin, but my chronic pain is spurring my demonkin shifts in kind of a negative way? My frustration/anger at the pain seems to manifest the shift, which I don't think I've experienced with my disabilities before. Does anyone else have similar experiences? Also disabled therians pls interact i wanna be moots
Edit: Now that I think about it, this also reflects in my dollkin and robotkin shifts-
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Rushed drawing of my new sona, Soda! He is Watermelons sibling :3
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Basically me as a fennic fox :]
I made SURE that it looks like it listens to Ghost and Pals, has an art addiction, and only knows how to make microwavable foods XD
He/it/spark + any neos for spark btw :P
Edit: hes also robotkin liek me :D
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gunshatter · 4 months
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About Me
💾 My name is Sylvester! But you can call me Syl or any nicknames you see fit!
💾 I'm 16, gay/ace, and autistic! (Use He/She for me)
💾 I'm polykin! My kintypes being: Robotkin & Bearkin! I'm also fictionkin!
💾 I'm new to this— posting on Tumblr I Mean.. as well as the otherkin community. But, regardless of that, I'd love to be mutuals!!!
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Extras !!
💾 I enjoy: Electric Dreams, Portal, Homestuck, Smile for Me, Digimon, Scott Pilgrim, Undertale, Falsettos, Herbicidall, & much more!! 💾 My other account is @dirkdash & I hardly post there
💾 My timezone is EST
💾 DNI: Kink/nsfw accs, pro/com/darkshippers, zoos & necros, antikin, anti agere/petre
💾 BYI: I'm very awkward! Please be patient with me. I may curse occasionally 💾 Please do not dm if you're 23+
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💾 Thank you for reading!! :3c I hope you have a nice rest of your Day/Night
I totally got inspo from @wholewolfsbane intro post..... shh he's my bro.... shhhhh....
last edited 5/24/24
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solthemyc · 6 months
i don't have it in my bio bc i identify with and not as them (i think) but i'm robothearted so if you're also any kind of robotkin be my moot !! /nf
edit: i realized i am robotkin not too long after posting this
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neptunianrefrain · 7 months
i fucking NEED to buy cute cyber accessories and shit so i can cope with the pains of not being a machine but i dont know where to find good quality items that aren't tooooo expensive
hell on fucking EARTH
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hello everynyan welcome to my tumblr
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hi greetings salutations call me ortho/mene look at my cool new pinned post
i am trans and bisexual! i use it/he please don't use they/them on me it makes me uncomfortable :( also only use she/her if we're close! amazing
i'm a minor so don't be weird please and thank u <3
i am a robotkin and fictionkin! i kin ortho from twisted wonderland and tsujimura from bungo stray dogs!
also check out my super duper awesome strawpage u know u want to
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do you want to know my favorite ships and characters? yes you do
emu x ME fan first of all and i also looove mizuemurui + shizukasa. i like ichian, haruan, minoshizu, sakimizu, airiemu, emusaki, mizuan, mafuemusaki, and many more that are too much to list are. ask me about my favorite ships and i'll love you forever
my fave characters are emu, rui, an, and shizuku. i also like mizuki and saki a lot
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tags i use:
ortho.txt - my textposts
untitled.jpeg - my art
ortho's edits - occasional pfp or theme making
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i am in a lot of fandoms. perhaps too many. my current main fandoms are project sekai, vocaloid, and bungo stray dogs. also into twisted wonderland and fragaria memories :3
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before you follow: not doing a dni cause people r going to interact with me regardless of if i tell them not to. but i will block u if you're being annoying/harassing me or others
do not involve me in proship/antiship discourse. i think it's stupid, and i ship akiena and sakikasa so that should tell you everything you need to know
i talk about my mental health a lot, and sometimes make art with depictions of self-harm. i recommend you don't interact if stuff like that makes you uncomfortable. also, please let me know if i am not trigger-tagging something properly!
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thank u for reading! hit the slay button and double tap if you'd the skrunkly when!
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caseyspronounshop · 1 year
Theme Day #1 |:| Robot Theme!
ALRIGHTY!!! I'm excited to start gettin' into this >:D
Todays theme is gonna be Robots!!! Ai, Animatronics, Cyborgs, etc! I thought about including general tech to this list/theme, but that would turn out to be…a LOT. So I'll leave general tech for another theme! Lemme know if you'd like to see that sooner :D Lets start off with some neopronouns! Remember that you're free to change up and edit these however you'd like! For example: Mech/Mechself This could be used as "Mech/Mechs/Mechin/Mechself" or maybe "Mechie/Mechien/Mechs/Mechself"! whatever forms you wanna take! Experiment with them! (Tip: Pronouns replace names in sentences, so Neopronouns are also a fun way to find names to go by! Try em out!) And remember, if you have a question on how to use any specific neos, gimme an ask and I can help! I'd love to answer any question!
Neopronouns: Auto/Autoself
Xenogenders: Robogender - Relating to robots, AI, mechs, etc; for all people. Botgender - Feels cold like steel but also staticky. It feels like a robot. Bitgender - For people who feel robotic, feel comfort in being a robot, or have the want to be a robot; meant for neurodivergent folk, though anyone may use it. Technogender - when you feel most comfortable expressing your gender in relation to technology. Its also an unbrella term; for everyone. Androidic- Gender relating to being an android; created for alterhumans and non-human system members. Longer list of other robotic genders
Media To Satisfy Your Robotic Needs! Robotic Songs by Soup Robotkin Playlist! by Damien!! Robotkin Playlist Complication! by Madness Robotcore Wiki Page(has many other links /safe)
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oseris · 4 months
(cw all caps in some spots)
am I robotkin?? like MURDER DRONE robotkin??? I am shifting like mad right now and I explicitly feel wing and stingy tail. But like SKIN is weird af and my joints are like, "nah move systematically, bitch- it's how you were DESIGNED" ??? I remember some weird ass things from some weird obscure planet (cave systems, geodes, ect???) All I know is I am CONFUSED as hell right now—
(edit: after careful consideration I have thoroughly deduced this was NOT because N was anywhere NEAR front. but he did come by later to help with the dysphoria 😭 goddammit N, thank you for helping because SKIN)
another edit, I'm so sorry: I am lol– I'm like 99% sure but yeeeeeee (there are no other active/open murderdronekin on this site :'>)
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theboysarenthuman · 11 months
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We are the Cringe Crew Sys! Click to learn more about us :]
Main: @cringecrew
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NO DISCOURSE OR SYSCOURSE. Absolutely none. If you ask our opinions on whatever the fuck we will block you. Do not make assumptions about our ‘stance’ based on who we interact with. No discourse allowed in general, we will not debate you.
We KFF and love beings who do !
We use xenogenders and neopronouns and coin some ourselves too :]
NSFW DNI, We will NOT post or reblog anything explicit, some nsfw jokes maybe but nothing pornographic
Gore, horror, etc blogs that do not tag things DNI.
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Basic Alter Intros:
Starling: Stars/Pads/Padfoot, Sirius Black introject, vampirekin, black wolfdog animagus, Intro Post
Wesley: Moons/Wes, Remus Lupin introject, werewolf
M4$K: Mask, church grim kin
Feds: Fedya/Alex, snowleopardkin, mermaid/seacreaturekin, foxkin, Intro Post
Camille: Cam/River, Regulus Black introject, black cat animagus
Lycanus: Lyc, Crowley introject, demon/fallen Angel kin
51: 51, TV Headkid, robotkin, Intro Post
J: J, no idea but not quite human,
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Stealing: stuff we use ! Stuff we save to use on our blog or other places (with credit)
Dirty Paws: stuff we’ve made! Moodboards, edits, etc!
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