#(so solidly Established as friends but not anything more. Yet :3)
futurefind · 11 months
➰ 👀👀👀 for cyrillo and sa!
Send ➰ and my muse will tell yours about one of their scars. / Accepting // @tvrningout
"Lost a fight with a pitchfork," she snorts sharply, the closest she gets to a laugh. "What were you expecting?" However, with a moment's thought, she hums, "I'd say 'you should see the other guy,' but I think the door was the biggest casualty. Don't think it ever got fixed, now that I think about it. Just got tarped over for winters, I think."
Then, when she actually looks, Cyrillo's gaze is elsewhere — higher up, not-quite her side. She twists an arm back blindly to prod at her skin, and finds a scar from a deep gash across her shoulder blade.
"That one's from that one job with the Dreki mage. The mage herself was fine enough to handle, even with the usual wrangling for capture 'n' not kill. Except one of the cronies had hidden well enough and instead of running away or anything tried to ambush me instead."
Keyword being tried, since all they got out of it was a jaw Sasume hadn't needed to bust.
And then, now that she says it aloud—
"...You did mean that newer one, right?" It's hardly the youngest of her scars, but everything else in the area is either small or far more faded due to age.
She groans to herself, and she's not sure which of them it's at, morphing into a sigh.
"You're really gonna hafta be more specific, Bortoli." Outside the (proverbial) bedroom, at least.
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pars-ley · 4 years
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Pairing: Jackson x female reader ft Yugyeom x female reader
Summary: Jackson ending it with you was supposed to be for the best, but instead it spirals you into a pit of unhappiness and bad luck. What happens when meeting someone new can't compare to what you've already had?
Genre: Angst / break up au / established relationship au / marriage au / fluff
Rating: 16+ (SFW)
Warnings: Heavy Angst / swearing / some depression and depressive thoughts
Word count: 6.1k
A/N: This is for the flight log project with @got7writerscollective​ the prompt was ‘The Journey’. This is also unedited because as last minute Ley strikes again I didn’t have time. Thank you to everyone from the net who read this and wrote their reactions to this in the channel, you guys made my heart super happy.
Meeting Jackson wasn't planned but it happened.
A shy glance from the table across from you and you knew he was interested. All it took was one smile and he was at your table asking to join you.
Your conversation, free and absorbed and never ending.
The late night dates for dinner or to the movies, with walks in the park watching the sunset fade and the inky sky take over as you stroll in the moonlight hand in hand.
The early morning coffee stops that made you smile as soon as your eyes opened and you wiped the sleep from them. Just knowing you would see his handsome face and be on the mercy of his playful banter.
Every moment you were together felt like home.
Falling for him wasn't your intention but it happened.
The silly things he would do to try and cheer you up when you were sad, even if he made himself look like a fool, he didn't care as long as you smiled.
The long, hot nights of steamy love making that always took your breath away, as he explored your body until he knew it better than you. Prying his name from your lips more than once during those pleasure filled nights. Never tiresome or boring.
The quick lunch dates when he made it to the top of his career, bringing him lunch when you knew he had no time to eat but he still made time for you, no matter how busy he was.
Something had clicked fairly early on and you knew he was the one you wanted to spend your life with.
You fell hard and fast, your feelings never fading in four years, your love and lust for him still in abundance and only growing day by day.
Now suddenly, everything you've built together so solidly, so secure, has come crumbling down in front of you from six words...
"I think we should end this."
They echo like a distant voice concaved in a tunnel of stone desperate to escape, like you are. You struggle to find the end, to see the light, to feel the relief of being out of that darkness.
You feel like your drowning, gasping for air, fighting your way to the surface. But which was it? How can you get there when his words are the ocean, smothering you with its liquid jaws.
"Why?" You squeak out, fighting the tears that desperately fight their way out.
His eyebrows knit together as he watches your face. "Because I cannot give you what you want."
You shake your head, lower lip trembling fiercely. "I can wait, it's ok, I'll wait." You hear the desperation in your voice and the sound makes you sick.
"Baby, I don't know when I'll be ready, I'm finally where I want to be in my career and I've got to work hard, long hours to stay here. There's no place for children. It's not fair to ask you to wait."
"Y-your not asking. I'm t-telling you, I'll wait." You whimper, tears spilling from your eyes.
He sighs and wipes your tears away, his own eyes glassy and bloodshot. "And what if I'm never ready? You have always told me how important being a mother is to you. I will not be the one to take that away from you. I can't. I need to let you go. To let you find someone who can give you the things I can't."
Your tears fall freely now, feeling hot on your cheeks but the trails quickly turning cold in the air. Your body shivers uncontrollably, blood feeling like ice in your veins.
"But I-I don't want anyone else." You argue, the sound is petty, hardly audible.
You're losing, you know it. He's slipping through your fingers no matter how much you try to grasp at him.
"I don't either, but I think this will be better for you in the long run. I don't want to lead you on a road of disappointment because of my selfishness." He plants a long, lingering kiss on your forehead. "I'm sorry. I love you."
Before walking away and out of the door.
You crumple, your cheek finding semblance against the cold, hard floor. That's it. He's gone. You're alone.
6 months later…
The letters on the newspaper practically fly out and slap you in the face. The gaping hole he left in your chest when he took your heart with him begins pulsing with fresh agony.
Your emotions rush at you all at once, coming up and escaping from your mouth and into the kitchen sink.
The emptiness of your stomach feeling heavy as a rock, weighing you down, urging you to greet the floor. Your legs wobble under your weight as silent tears fall, leaving clear splashes on the mahogany wood under your feet.
Why is this happening? How?
So many questions, so many thoughts swirl in your mind, deafening you.
You get up from your chair and shuffle weakly back to bed, unable to face anything today.
Your phone rings wildly but you ignore it, the sound growing more distant the more your thoughts and woes consume you. Your friends have probably seen the news, they'll be worrying. Let them.
Climbing under the duvet and hoping to forget the world as your tears fall, staining your pillow, you see the print inked on the back of your eyelids. Everytime you close your eyes, it's there mocking and tormenting you.
"Millionaire CEO Jackson Wang expecting first child with Swedish actress and model, Scarlett Borgsson."
The blanket of sadness you pull over yourself, reminding you how much you still love him. Meaning he's never truly gone and you will never be truly free.
He's moved on. You should too.
But right now all you can envision is his hands on her swollen belly.
A child with his smile and her eyes.
Your chest aches agonizingly beyond belief for one that’s so empty and useless.
For three weeks you stay locked away, ignoring the world, hardly sleeping and then sleeping too much. Hardly eating but then binging late at night, when you eat in an attempt to ignore the screaming inside your head and the pain piercing your ribcage.
You remember real life. Your job, money, bills, friends. And you pull yourself out of the dark void. The thick shadow that clings to you, constantly pulling you back, giving you the easy and very tempting option. But you fight it.
You shower and wash your hair. You attempt to eat normally but food doesn’t interest you, everything has lost its flavour, everything is bland, tasteless and black and white without him.
You sleep during the day and lie awake at night, attempting work on your sculptures, everything you create shows heartbreak, devastation and sadness. But it'll have to do.
A deadline for an exhibition is rapidly approaching and you need to get back to some semblance of normality. To think about something other than him. To be productive and to work.
3 months later…
You stroll around the room, watching as people critique and fathom your artwork, listening to the theories and stories they invent. This is the best part.
No one knows you created these pieces. You can go undiscovered and walk among people, no fake niceties or pleasantries, just honesty.
You feel happiness creeping into you, filling your empty places with a new fulfilment, one you haven't felt in so long.
It's the moment you hear a familiar voice that every part of you freezes.
Any emotion other than dread or heartbreak leaves your body instantly, running away leaving you empty again. Your blood turns to ice in your veins. GET OUT OF HERE! You scream to yourself, willing your feet to move but suddenly, they feel chained to the spot, your body betraying you.
You manage to turn towards your escape, his face entering your view and masking everything else.
Just as handsome, just as perfect as he was when he was yours. Dark hair swept back not a strand out of place, a flawless fitted suit that shows off every muscle and curve of his chiseled body.
You take a step to the doors with the bright red ‘EXIT’ above them but as soon as you move it's almost as if he senses it. His head snapping in your direction following your movement. His eyes lighting up for a moment the way they used to, a small glimmer of hope flares inside you, maybe he still loves you, maybe he realises this has all been a mistake.
Until, a swollen belly makes its way into your eyeline and it all comes crashing down like a thousand shards of glass, as a reminder where you belong. Wounded and bleeding with unreciprocated love.
You finally tear your eyes away from his to look at her. All slim legs and breasts, nipples braless and pointing aggressively at Jackson.
Her small, pregnant stomach is perfect; the envy of every expectant mother. A perfect set of teeth behind full lips smile at all of those around her.
Long blonde hair shimmering, strands reflecting the light as if purposefully trying to blind you.
You’re not good enough to even be looking at her, they tell you.
Something else glinting catches your attention and your eyes immediately travel to her left hand. On her boney ring finger sat a rock the size of a baby's fist, glaring at you, teasing you. Of course. The cherry on top of a fantastic year.
Jackson follows your gaze and when you meet his eyes again he stares at you with wide eyes and a sorrow brow. A hand outreached towards you.
A bitter taste in your mouth at his pity sends your feet pulling you away and out of the room. You’re out of those doors before you know it, cold air whipping at your face but you barely feel it. You’re numb, unable to form the energy to feel and yet feeling everything so deeply, all at once. You want to scream into the night sky. Wondering what it is you’ve done in a past life that was so awful to deserve this.
8 months later…
Meeting yugyeom wasn't planned but it happened.
An aspiring artist featured alongside you in one of your exhibitions. You got along instantly.
The first time in a long time holding a conversation or getting to know someone didn't feel like hard work.
You both ran in the same creators circle, you had a lot in common so naturally you become fast friends.
You weren't sure when it changed for you, when it became something slightly more, but you did know he was the sweetest, purest soul you'd met and you couldn't let him slip through your fingers.
Jackson still ran through your mind constantly of course, using you as his own personal treadmill. His face still haunting your dreams, memories still sneaking up on you when you least expect it.
You'd caught headlines about his baby or wedding but most of the time you avoided everything about him completely. Not wishing to know anything about his life, for fear the pain would return and your chest would open up and become the gaping,  black hole it used to be.
Yugyeom deserves your full attention and your whole heart, what was salvaged of it at least.
After he moves in with you it's all late nights cuddling on the sofa, early morning runs through the local park, dinner parties with friends and holidays to new destinations having adventures.
Yugyeom being with you means having your best friend around. He makes you feel safe and comforted, the wall of heat when you get home after a long day out in the cold. The blanket around you when watching your favourite movie. The bubbles that surround you in the bathtub when having a relaxing soak. He is your solace.
"Marry me." He whispers in your ear with his arms wrapped around your stomach.
You freeze, stirring the vegetables in the pan no longer matters once you hear those words.
A million thoughts race through your mind, one jumps out.
I thought it would be Jackson saying those words to me.
You catch it and toss it out the open window allowing it to be carried in the breeze. Jackson is married and has a child, he is gone.
Yugyeom stands behind you, cradling you and offers you his heart on a silver platter with all the trinkets.
No matter what expectation you had for your life before, you're on a new path now. A path that deserves a chance.
You turn in his arms, wrapping yours around his neck and bringing your lips to his, dancing in a mellow kiss.
"Is that a yes?" His mouth smiles against you, hands either side of your face, tucking hair behind your ears.
He beams at you, pulling a ring box out of his pocket and presenting it to you.
A large, gaudy diamond wrapped in a thin, gold band. None of your jewellery is gold, in fact, you detest it but this man has given you his heart, the least you can do is wear the ring he's bought.
He slides it on your finger. Looking down at your hand, you don't recognise it, it looks alien like it belongs to someone else. But you smile and kiss him until you're a tangled mess on the kitchen floor, dinner long burnt and forgotten.
9 months later…
You stand central to everyone, rows of packed seating behind you, eyes focused just on the two of you as you both recite your vows.
Looking around at the decorations you never would have picked, it's far too showy and glitzy for your taste but Yugyeom's mother had insisted, including what type of dress you should wear.
Not wanting to start a new life with atmosphere and anger, you opt with keeping your mouth shut and hoping for a quiet life.
She practically planned it all, even told you who your bridesmaids would be.
You sat there watching everyone around you move at a different speed, as if you were stuck in syrup and unable to catch up.
All you could do is watch, watch as your wedding and life was planned for you.
An alarm bell sounded in your head, screaming at you 'it's not right' but Yugyeom would come into view and give you a smile that would cloud all your fears and ease your worry.
Now the second alarm bell sounds as you stand here, on your wedding day, in a dress you hate, with Jackson's sweet smiling face staring back at you instead.
Somehow having replaced Yugyeom.
You look around frantically but no one else seems bothered by the silent exchange. Panic seizes your heart. This should not be what you're thinking of on this day. You blink furiously, shoving him out of your mind, willing him to disappear.
Yugyeom's face returns and you breathe a sigh of relief.
The ceremony is over. Husband and wife.
You greet everyone with their grins and cheers, finding yourself smiling with too much teeth, too much enthusiasm you don't feel inside.
Shouldn't you feel happier than this? You finally have a husband. You're finally somebody's wife. Why don't you have that instant feeling of completion? You should be jumping for joy right now. Instead you feel...normal, like you do on any other day. Maybe it just hasn't set in yet, maybe you just need a few days. So you wait. And wait. And wait.
That feeling doesn't come, not after your honeymoon in which you became restless, quickly realizing there is nothing else to do apart from lay on a beach and have sex.
Your busy mind grows louder, screaming at you, but you ignore it and swallow it down into the pit where it belongs.
Upon returning from your week in the sun, you settle quickly into a mundane routine together. Easy, calm and comforting. Some might say boring, some might even say mind numbingly dull.
But you continue on day to day…
"I want one." He says nodding towards the screen.
"What? A new tv?"
He laughs and points. "No, a baby."
You look up at the advert for nappies, a baby grinning with two little teeth protruding from his gum, big cheeks and a bald head.
Your heart stops, stutters then slams into your ribcage repeatedly. A baby. That's all you've wanted, a little version of yourself. A little bundle of joy to love unconditionally.
But is now the right time?
"Are you sure you don't want to wait a little while?"
"Wait for what? We're married, why waste time?" He clings to your hands enveloped in his.
He makes a good point. What are you waiting for?
You've already wasted enough time being with Jackson, hoping one day he'd be having this exact conversation with you.
Then spending your days after him wallowing in heartbreak and self pity.
You have the opportunity to live out your dreams with someone giving you the chance to, literally holding his hand out ready for you to take and walk the path with.
"Let's do it." You nod.
1 year later…
Your period is a week late.
You have been regular as clockwork since the day you started trying for a baby. Every month, the disappointment is undeniable when you see the crimson shade in your underwear. And every month you have to will yourself not to give up, to keep trying. Another month of ovulating tests, scheduled sex on precise days and times and legs in the air after, an attempt to help mother nature as much as you can.
Needless to say the excitement radiates off you in waves.
You rush home from work, pregnancy test in your bag, hardly able to contain yourself.
Yugyeom at the door, as excited as you, waiting and ready.
"Are you going to do it now?" He asks following your every footstep to the bathroom.
You shut the door and open the package, reading the instructions carefully. You'd drunk about a litre of water on the way home, your legs clenched together to stop you wetting yourself.
You sit down on the toilet and take a deep breath.
Once it's done you open the door for Yugyeom. Both of you sitting on the tiled floor staring up at the bright white stick resting on the sink. Gazing up at it like it holds all your answers, like suddenly life would make sense seeing those two red lines.
You've never realised how long two minutes is, you wring your hands nervously in your lap until he cups them in his, squeezing you reassuringly.
Your alarm goes off on your phone signalling the end of waiting and your heart pounds frantically in your chest.
He leans over and grabs the test.
"You ready?" He asks.
You take a breath and nod. Ready to see those two red lines. Ready to call your doctors and set up your appointments and scans. Ready to make a list of baby names and shop for all the necessities.
One line. Yugyeom shows you the test, with its mocking one line and your smile drops, so does your stomach. How? How could this be negative?
"Wait a minute, it says on here 'for the most accurate result use the first urine sample of the day as there will be a higher concentration of hCG.'" He looks over at you, a hesitant, optimistic smile plays across his mouth.
Yes. That's true. You cling onto that with every fibre of your being and agree to do the other test first thing in the morning.
As soon as your eyes open your mind is there, on that test in the bathroom. You climb enthusiastically out of bed, all traces of drowsiness vanish, as you tiptoe quietly to the bathroom.
If you do the test, then while you wait you can wake Yugyeom and you can both look at it together.
You quietly close the door and prepare the test, your fingers fumbling with excitement as you tear open the packet.
As you pull your underwear down, stick poised and ready, red catches your eye in your otherwise white bathroom. You look down, only to be greeted with your monthly agony, here to haunt you once more.
The test falls to the floor. It's useless now anyway. You're not pregnant, never was and likely never will be.
You let your head fall into your hands and let your misery wash over you. Tears stream down your face as dismay feels like it infects your soul with a never ending sadness.
A heavy cloud smothers you in a blanket of sorrow, choking the air from your lungs...you have no idea how long you stay in that bathroom before Yugyeom finds you. But you feel no better when he does and cradles you in his arms.
5 months later...
"When are you going to admit to yourself that it's not me you want?" His voice sounds into the silence and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
The weekly fights he starts are almost timed like clockwork.
"What are you talking about?" You reply, continuing to type your ideas for your new art show.
"I've seen the way you look at Mark when you're working on your art pieces." He spits, slamming his drink down on the table.
This catches your attention. You close your laptop and swing your feet off the couch, heading over to the cupboard to pour yourself a Gin.
If you were going down this path, you needed a drink.
"Mark at the gallery?"
"Yes 'Mark at the gallery.'" He mocks you and you fight the urge to laugh.
"Dear, Mark is gay. I can assure you I look at him the same way I do all my other colleagues." You take a sip of your drink, eyes fixed on him.
He frowns for a moment then waves a hand in the air dismissing your statement. "I don't care about Mark."
"Then what do you care about Yugyeom, aside from starting fights with me?"
He stands abruptly from his seat, the wooden chair legs screeching across your wooden flooring making you wince.
"Do you ever ask yourself why I start these fights?" He shouts, a vein bulging in his neck.
"You start them because you like to get drunk on Friday's, and when you get drunk, you get mean." You say matter-of-factly, recalling all of the horrible things he's said to you lately, things you never thought could have come from his sweet mouth, things you won't forget.
His eyes pop in surprise as he's taken aback by your answer. "N-no," he sighs, returning to his chair, suddenly looking drunker than he seems. "I start fights because it feels like the only time I have your attention lately."
Guilt pangs inside you, pulling at your chest. You take a seat next to him and place your hand gently on top of his, the action feeling alien nowadays.
"I've had a hard time since we stopped trying for a baby." You admit.
"I never wanted to stop in the first place!" He yells, snatching his hand from yours. "That was your choice and you made it alone!"
"Because I can't keep putting myself through it! Can't you understand that?" You snap back, finally being open about your feelings, knowing it will only fall on deaf ears.
"I want children!"
"And you think I don't? I can't handle this pressure you put on me! You know my ovulation schedule more than I do."
"Because you never want to have sex anymore!"
"Because you've taken the fun out of it, it feels like a fucking chore! I'm not here for you to enter at your leisure to deposit your seed. What happened to spontaneity, romance, foreplay for god's sake? You're like a man possessed!" Your hands grip around the glass to stop them from trembling with anger. Finally being able to release the words that have been pent up inside you for the last five months.
Without a word he stands and walks to the front door, snatching his jacket up along the way. "I understand Jackson more now."
Hearing Yugyeom say his name, you freeze.
"Maybe he just knew you couldn't give him what he wanted." He says, looking over at you with watery, hate filled eyes before leaving, slamming the door behind him.
Your glass follows in an instant, smashing against the closed door, clear liquid and glass decorating the entrance to your apartment. Maybe you'll leave it there for him to step on when he comes home even drunker later.
An angry tear escapes as you sit here feeling trapped in your own home, wanting to be anywhere but here, anywhere but have to deal with your husband anymore tonight.
The word 'husband' feels foreign in your mind and on your tongue.
Nothing has felt right for the better part of eight months. You hardly talk to each other and when you do it's mostly fights and angry words spat or slurred in the other's direction. This is no way to live.
What you had given him of your damaged, used heart has slowly come back to you. With every alarm bell you hear ringing, every hurtful word sprayed in your direction, your heart has winced its way back to you. Putting up its own defense, from every barb that's thrown your way is turned into a wire fence, wrapping it in a sharp, pointed cage of protection.
Yugyeom doesn't show his face until the next afternoon, coming home looking rather sheepish.
"We need to talk." He says quietly.
The four words everyone dreads to hear.
You know what's coming, you've felt it for a while, it still doesn't ease the pain in your chest as you listen to his every word.
As you both apologise for your part in the break down of your short marriage, admitting maybe it was rushed from the start and accepting the fact that maybe you're not right for each other.
Two hours later and countless tears from the two of you, you both decide to call it a day. Even though you care deeply for each other, it's time to admit defeat. You have tried and given it your best shot.
"The worst part about this…" you say, wiping at your constant stream of tears. "I feel like i'm losing my best friend."
He pulls you into a tight, warm embrace, "hey, you are not losing me, I will always be here for you. We'll still see each other plenty at work events too. You can't get rid of me that easily."
You laugh, feeling thankful that you met him and thankful that you gave him a part of yourself, you had meant every word of your vows when you said them and you too would always be here for him. He'll always have a part of your heart to take with him, not that there's much left for yourself now.
2 months later….
A cup of morning coffee and reading the Sunday paper has become a routine you rather enjoy. You relax with your feet up on the dining table, crossed ankles.
You flick through anything that doesn't interest you, when a name catches your eye, drawing you to the headline.
"Jackson Wang scandal: Millionaire files for divorce from Scarlett Borgsson."
Your eyes pop. Scandal? What scandal?
You grab your phone and type his name into your search engine. You click on the first link and skim through.
"Model Scarlett Borgsson reportedly had an affair early on in the couple's relationship. An insider reveals she is now demanding a DNA test for their two year old little boy."
Your stomach drops as you click the next link.
"Jackson Wang revealed not to be Father of Scarlett Borgsson's son."
You read through story after story saying the same thing. How had you missed this?
You pick up your phone and dial the number to his office without even thinking.
You can't imagine how he feels right now, all you want to do is reach out and let him know he has someone he can talk to.
When the receptionist's voice sounds in your ear, you now doubt if he'd want that person to be you. You lose your nerve and hang up.
Your heart aches for him. Maybe it shouldn't but it does. No matter what he's done or how he's upset you, he does not deserve this.
You feel severe hate for that woman, thinking back to the last time you saw them both in the flesh.
The way she smiled arrogantly at everyone, as if they should all bend to her will with a flick of her hair or a swish of her hips.
Your stomach churns.
For the next few nights, your thoughts are consumed of Jackson as you toss and turn restlessly in bed. Maybe you'll gather the courage to speak to him…maybe not.
7 months later…
"You look good." Yugyeom says as you smooth down your pale blue dress.
"Thank you, so do you." You smile at him, looking at his impeccably tailored suit.
"It's nice to see you."
"Yes, it's been a while." You agree.
You do the usual catch up chit-chat until it dies down, he even introduces you to his date who seems like a very sweet and pleasant lady.
The newly wed couple enter the hall and cheers erupt all around, echoes bouncing off the wall. You cannot stop the grin that stretches across your face as you watch them take the centre of the floor for their first dance.
You'd known Jasmine since you were children, you'd always been inseparable. Your mothers were best friends growing up so naturally you spent a lot of time together.
Seeing her in the intricate, elegant wedding gown smiling up at her groom, elation in her eyes makes your heart smile. The joy you feel for her is stronger than most happiness you've felt for yourself.
Watching the sheer adoration in Jinyoung's eyes warms the deepest, darkest pit of your heart. They are so right for each other it's sickening.
You wonder briefly if you ever looked at Yugyeom like that and can collectively say 'no'. You two are the perfect example of two people almost forcing yourselves to be more than friends. You wouldn't change the time with him and you definitely learnt a lot from your marriage.
Jinyoung twirls her before bringing her back in close. You know him through Jackson, they had met at uni and become fast friends. As far as you were aware they remain that way.
But you haven't seen him here, not that you were hopeful he'd come.
The evening continues on, through dinner, speeches and finally opens up to the party.
The loud music pounds through you, realising you've had a little too much to drink you decide to step outside on the balcony and get some fresh air.
The gentle breeze skates across your skin leaving a delicate trail of goosebumps across your skin.
A jacket drapes your shoulders, an all too familiar scent intoxicating your senses, as your head snaps to the side to see him.
All this time you've thought about him and pictured him, your memory had not done him justice. He looks flawless, his hair swept back perfectly as usual, his smooth skin and unguarded eyes welcoming you. His soft lips stretch into a hesitant smile.
"I was hoping I'd see you."
Your heart flutters wildly in your chest making you feel light headed suddenly, although you don't show it. You take a breath and compose yourself.
"I wasn't sure if you'd come." You reply.
He takes his position next to you, shoulder brushing lightly against yours. How this man can still feel like home to you after all these years is mind boggling.
"I almost didn't. But Jinyoung told me you would be here as a bridesmaid and I couldn't stay away."
Your stomach flips dramatically at his words, large butterflies caged and desperate to escape.
"I'm sorry about your marriage." You say quickly.
He shrugs. "Thank you but I'm not."
You turn, raising a questioning eyebrow to him.
"She was not the person for me, let's put it that way."
"Why did you marry her then? 10 months after telling me that's not what you wanted." You jibe. You couldn't help it, anger threatening in the pit of your stomach at your same old reaction to him.
He sighs, hanging his head and rubbing his eyes. He looks tired, you hadn't noticed the dark circles under his eyes.
"I know, I know. That wasn't my plan. I meant what I said to you that day, every word." He looks behind you. "Can we sit?"
You follow his eyes to the ornate metal table and two chairs and nod.
Taking your seat with his jacket still draped around your shoulders stare out at the sunset, pinks and oranges streaming across the sky. When you look back at Jackson he's already watching you, his eyes soft but pained.
"I'm so sorry. For everything."
He means it, that much you can tell.
"It's in the past now."
"But I don't want it to be." He reaches across for your hands, holding them so tight his knuckles start going white. "There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't thought about you, that I haven't obsessed about that moment I let you go. I'd give anything to change it you know, anything, but I can't. I truly wanted you to find happiness and I thought I was doing the right thing by you, giving you a chance without me holding you back."
You laugh, the sound almost bitter. "And yet, happiness still eludes me."
His eyebrows knit together in sorrow. "When I met my ex wife, it was a casual thing, nothing more. When she told me she was pregnant my world changed overnight. I didn't know what to do. All I could think about was you. It was supposed to be you having my babies one day, not this woman. I wanted to run to you then but how would you ever want me?"
He brings your hands up to his face and rubs his cheek along your fingers.
"My mother pressured me into marrying her, told me how it would look for someone in my position, said I'd lose everything. So I proposed, the words tasted like ash in my mouth but it was done. Then when I saw you at your art show, I almost came over and ended it all right then and there. But when I saw the tears in your eyes I couldn't bear the thought I'd done that to you. I felt so ashamed and I knew it was over."
You want to comfort him, to reach out and cup his cheek but you resist, letting him finish what he's so desperate to say.
"Then I heard you got married and I was happy for you, truly, I thought maybe I had done the right thing by you after all. Then all this shit came out about the affair and everything collapsed around me. All I wanted was to talk to you, like we used to, those late night talks where we would really open up. God, I craved that."
You squeeze his hand and he straightens a little, seeming a bit less dejected.
"When Jinyoung told me you'd gotten a divorce I was shocked and felt responsible somehow. He seems like a good guy by the way, he gave me one hell of a lecture about not hurting you as soon as I walked in."
You laugh and look through the double doors to see Yugyeom watching the two of you intently as he moves side to side on the dance floor with his date.
"He is a good man. Just not the right one for me."
The hope in Jackson's eyes could not be more obvious.
"I have to ask you something." He says leaning forward on the table, the action creaking the old iron underneath the weight on his elbows. "Could we start again? I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I would like to try and earn it."
Mulling it over in your mind, you feel yourself nodding before your thoughts are even processed. But the resulting smile that lights up his face has you knowing your decision is not a mistake.
He leans in and strokes your face. "It's always been you."
Those words reiterating how you feel are like music to your soul. You feel at ease for the first time in a long time, your broken pieces mending and your heart more hopeful than it has been in a long time.
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Master Post
My Master Post for Sanders Sides fanfiction! These are arranged chronologically from newest to oldest, measured by the date they were completed and uploaded in full, so that will reflect the quality here. (there’s a ton more under the cut btw).
Fast Friends - ao3... (15k Remus-centric intruality, lopsided enemies to friends to lovers, humor and a bit of angst with a happy ending. tw; emetophobes beware!) Patton doesn't like Remus, until one day, he does! Well, Remus isn't buying it. So Remus is not about to be friends with him just because he wants to (no matter how much it maybe, kind of wouldn't mind that).
I’m Not Sorry - ao3... (6k remus-centric intrulogical. continuation of Did You Miss Me. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.)  Remus just wanted to get home safe to his wonderful, loving boyfriend. If some greaseball guy thinks he can screw that up, then Remus is perfectly willing to let the night take a turn for the vengeful.
Redamancy - ao3... (5k romantic prinxiety, fluffy friends to lovers with a smidgen of misunderstanding.) Virgil is undoubtedly excited about Nico. The thing is, that’s not the only person he’s excited about. 
Did You Miss Me? - ao3... (13k romantic intrulogical, unhealthy relationship and mutual stalking treated light-heartedly. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat). Logan and Remus haven’t spoken in years. But that doesn’t stop them from keeping up with each other, through... various means. 
The Down (and up)-side of Individual Expression - ao3... (8k romantic logince, angst w/ a happy ending, prosey and dealing w/ some kinda touchy subject matter vis a vis body image). As the sides have taken on vastly differing appearances over the years, Roman and Logan find themselves incredibly attracted in body and mind to each other. The issue is, Logan still has some trouble believing it.
Tree Bark and Fresh Fruit - ao3... (Fusion AU part six! romantic royality fusion returns for some prose and a lil bit of h/c). Patron doesn't come around often, getting lost in the excitement of Patton and Roman's new romantic relationship- so when she gets a shot to exist again, he's determined to make the most of it by figuring out just what the heck he's supposed to be. 
Bitter Licorice and Bright-Blue Bubblegum - ao3... (Fusion AU part five! analogical fusion is back!)  Logan and Virgil end up fusing much more regularly, much to Livril's satisfaction at getting to exist, and virtually every other side's chagrin at having to put up with them. Everyone, it seems, but Patton.
Scary Monsters and Family Bonds - ao3... (Fusion AU part four! Platonic anxceitmus with romantic dukeceit, short and mostly meaningless.) Rennet, freshly born like five seconds ago, is desperate to find some people to bother and/or amaze. But instead, Rennet finds an attachment that nobody quite expected to be so intense, but hey, it's not complaining, and neither is Virgil. 
Acceptable Behavior - ao3... Remus is surprisingly concerned about his boyfriend's boundaries. (short & sweet intruality drabble. p/ much just cuddling)
On Truth and Untruth - ao3... Janus is allowed to participate in the group, and that is more than enough for them. Not too bad of a change up, really, and they aren't going to complain about it any time soon. Patton, however, insists on throwing a wrench into their system- their perfectly functioning, if maybe hypothetically a bit lonely, system. (28k word janus-centric romantic moceit and platonic dlampr, lots of angst and lots of yearning, with a happy ending. something of a character study.)
I Taste Honey but I Haven’t Seen the Hive - Chap.1, Chap.2, Chap.3, Chap.4, Chap.5, Chap.6, Chap.7, Chap.8, Chap.9 - ao3... (Finished!) Patton doesn't think of himself as misunderstood. More accurately, he's not very good at explaining himself. Remus explains himself perfectly well, succinct, confident. People are just bad at listening. Patton is lonely. He'd never say it out loud. No one knows. Remus is lonely. He says it in everything he does. No one knows. They're similar. They're different as can be. Contradictory, maybe; complimentary, definitely. They could be good for each other- they just need to explain it right. (hurt/comfort, eventual queer-platonic intruality, a healthy amount of angst).
Sharp Spikes and Glamour - ao3... (part three of my Fusion AU! a little angstier and racier than the others, but that’s thanks to the dukeceit dynamic, and its nothing too bad). Now, just a month ago, Remus could very confidently say that his and Janus’ relationship was perfect. And it still was, really, but that was before Roman and Patton had pulled some cartoon fusion bullshit that exactly no one had known was possible. There was no question. Remus was going to learn to do that.
Squishy, Precious Lil’ Baby! - ao3...  Very short, platonic intruality fluff. Remus turns into a rat for a scare, but Patton is very unafraid of him in the new form.
Black Cloth and Star Systems - ao3...   (Almost 4k fluff, part two of my Fusion AU! Very heavy on the descriptions, and also the Love that these two Have.) After Patton and Roman fuse, Logan can't help but feel desperately curious about this new discovery, and the possibilities of fusion between sides. But, his interest is a little more personal than he could stand to admit... Because what if- what if he could try it, too?
more under the cut
Flare Up - ao3... Human au drabble. Romantic sleepxiety. They are soft and in the rain.
Soft Walls and Roses - ao3... (Part one of my Fusion AU! Fluffy, sweet, and prose-y. Abt 3k.) On a nice, cheery day, Roman and Patton get a little lost in a dance <3.
Communication Issues (Alternative Title: Three Touch-Starved, Insecure, Metaphysical Beings Constantly Misinterpreting Each Other and Yet Somehow Falling in Love)- Chap.1, Chap.2, Chap.3, Chap.4 + Epilogue - ao3... (Finished!)  What do you do when you find someone crying, and it’s all your fault? What do you say when you hear the muffled sobs and frantic words behind the blood-red door? When you know that, no matter how much you never wanted to hurt him- never wanted to hurt anyone- you still did. Is there anything you can do to fix it, when you’ve spent so long pretending that nothing was broken? When you’ve spent so long pretending that you didn’t care if things were broken or not? (Second Person, Present Tense. H/C slowburn. romantic analogince. Note: this is not an ‘x reader’ fic, it’s just 2nd person pov.)
A Study in the Pains of Romance as a Genre - ao3... Logan wasn’t 'insecure', by most measures. Sure, he wasn't exactly in love with himself, but he knew the harm that came of self-deprecation, and was careful to avoid it. At the worst of times, he could solidly be called 'self-neutral'. Therefore, it followed that Logan was being entirely objective when he said that he would not be a good enough romantic partner for Roman. (Friends to Lovers, abt 4k, romantic logince).
I Like You, Say It Back. - ao3... Short, sweet, slightly angsty first ‘I Love You’ between Virgil and Remus. romantic dukexiety.
A Misplaced Imbalance of Fear - ao3... almost 7k friends to lovers fastburn, in that this happens in a day. Set during/right after Putting Others First, a little peak into what Virgil and Remus were doing. Hint; being a little sad and very gay. romantic dukexiety.
The Ballroom - ao3... Every side has a room, but they also come with a special domain, completely individualized to each one. Of these Extensions, the only room that no side (other than its owner) has ever seen is Janus’. At least, until he falls head-over-heels for Roman and finally lets him in. (romantic roceit).
Hypothetically, - ao3... Nearly 7k friends to lovers, with a hearty helping of platonic logince. Logan likes to use the Imagination for experiments, but he can’t manage to use it on his own. The solution is obvious. (romantic intrulogical).
No Other Version of Me - ao3... Patton isn’t very happy about his new froggy features, but Janus finds him gorgeous all the same. Hurt/comfort! romantic moceit.
Complexities Unknowable- Chap.1, chap.2, chap.3, chap.4, chap.5, chap.6, chap.7 - ao3... (Finished!) Slowburn with pre-established Dukeceit, rivals to friends to lovers, with Background Analogince (plus some platonic anxceit and Creativitwins thrown in for funsies). romantic deintruality.
I’d Like To Stand By Him - ao3... Roman and Virgil listen to each other’s playlists. romantic prinxiety.
An Open and Honest Conversation About Our Feelings - ao3... hurt/comfort, shamelessly self-indulgent. Patton doesn’t come out of his room all day, so Virgil goes to check up on him. romantic moxiety.
Something to Uplift Us - ao3... Roman-centric (and Remus-centric) DLAMPR (platonic Creativitwins!). Quarantine shenanigans; the boys put on a show for their boyfriends!
Thursday Nights - ao3... Short fluff where Remus and Patton watch a horror flick together and cuddle. romantic intruality.
5 Times Logan Helped His Partners Get Their Shit Together +1 Time They Returned The Favor - ao3... Summary’s in the title on this one, Bud. Logan-centric romantic DLAMPR (platonic p & r), very hurt/comfort.
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alphabees-writes · 5 years
Glee - S1 E1 (Pilot)
Is it a smart idea to rewatch glee again? No.
Am I going to do it anyway? You bet your sweet bippy I am!
Am I going to liveblog my garbage monkey brain thoughts along the way even though nobody asked for it? Hell yeah.
Here goes!
Wow. The first frame of this entire show is literally of a woman who looks like she’s about 10 years above the natural lifespan of a Cheerio. Then again, I’m sure Sue’s not above holding back her best recruits for multiple years because Ohio high schools are apparently just Like That™
I also never notice this opening song was a remix of Keep Me Hangin On, wow. That’s actually kind of interesting foreshadowing of sorts, like, kind of smart. I’m glad I’m watching the part of Glee that was kind of smart.
This scene also doesn’t feature any of the Unholy Trinity as far as I can see. Are they a JV squad? Am I putting too much thought into this?
Sign #1 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Really, my guy? Driving around with your muffler dragging on the ground so bad it’s making sparks? That’s not very Road Safety of you. Fuck off. 
Sign #2 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Wow, there’s going to be a lot of these, huh? Anyway, anybody with working eyes would clearly see how scared Kurt is right now. “Making some new friends Kurt?” Fuck off. 
KURT. FIRST SIGHTING OF THE BOY. What a delight. But also, not a delight, because he’s being bullied and he deserves better. Look at his outfit. Iconic from day fucking one. 
Finn, you’re a himbo. What’re you doing with these assholes?
Puck’s first line in the whole series is “It’s hammer time!” What a fucking dork? Who made this boy popular. 
I paused while they were tossing Kurt in the dumpster and, wow, got the most hilarious frame where the guy who isn’t Puck is getting a meticulously polished boot to the face. Netflix let me take screenshots, you coward.
The first shot of Quinn... My wlw bones are shaking.
Why would they use that photo for Lillian Adler...? WHO WAS BORN IN 1937, MIGHT I ADD. THAT’S NOT A REAL YEAR. 
It’s weird to see Mr Schue actually speaking competent Spanish. Why did they veto that later? The ONE likeable thing about him was his competence as a school teacher, and they really threw it out the window huh?
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE MEMBERS OF SANDY RYERSON’S GLEE CLUB??? This kid seems to really like singing. Also, welcome to the beginning of Ryerson being annoying as all hell.
Oh my gosh, the background choir stuff. This show really had style back in the day!!!
R A C H E L B E R R Y Y O U R M A K E U P ! ! !
Ken Tanaka walked so incels could run.
Jane Lynch you beauty. You absolutely impeccable beauty. 
“Since when are cheerleaders performers?” Uh... Emma...? I get that Sue’s going ham on her budget but, like, be nice to the students? They perform their butts off!
Sue really just BRAGGED about having an iPhone. I was 9 when this came out. Why do I feel old...
Sign #3 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He hears his coworker, presumably of several years, just got fired and doesn’t even ask why. He just jumps on the glee club like a frog on hot asphalt. 
He really wants to Make The Glee Club Great Again, huh? 
MySpace was really a thing, huh? And why does this grown-ass male teacher know so much about the students having them?
I know nothing about actual American schools, but I do know that they sure as shit don’t work like this. Why does a club have to win EVERY competition to be considered an asset?
Mr Shoe really lying awake at night half-naked next to his wife thinking about the glee club already? Yeah sounds about right. Also, of course you’d think up Nude Erections for a name, you asshole. Put some clothes on.
Brad the piano player was really here from day ONE... Icon.
Cellophane, Mr Cellophane... Yes Kurt bby you killed it. 
Chris Colfer looks so YOUNG here!!! 
The hair fix... I C O N I C !
Tina really wrote her stutter down, huh? And nobody ever saw through it? Amazing. 
The goth Tina look, too... Perfect... Never change...
Say what you want about Rachel Berry being generally insufferable, but I really fucking feel it when she sings On My Own. The monologue kind of kills The Drama of it, but they really solidly established her character by layering them. She really is a gold star right now.
The first-ever on-screen slushie!
The way she walks down that hall. My God you can just see how terrible she is to be around.
Never forget Rachel staring at photos of her with two men who turned out to not be her dads. Who are they? What are their stories? We’ll never know.
God, I love this stupid scene of Quinn, Santana, and a bunch of Cheerios cartoonishly typing hate comments on Rachel’s MySpace video and laughing like knock-off Disney villains. 
I like watching season 1 Artie because season 1 Artie was a good character. Mostly. And he KILLED Sit Down, You’re Rocking The Boat. Rachel wasn’t asking for a male lead who could keep up with her vocally, she was being straight up ableist and that’s a fact. I love Cory, but Kevin McHale was always a better singer.
Mercedes picking up and spinning Rachel for this little routine is something I never really appreciated before, it’s cute even though they don’t like each other yet!
I really don’t get why Rachel says they suck. Yeah, sure, she’s gunning for a solo, but the vocals were solid there. The choreo was just a little janky, possibly because it’s their first EVER rehearsal?
“There is NOTHING ironic about show choir!” Incredible.
How long did it take Mr Shoe to find Rachel out on the bleachers? Did he search the whole school first?
I never understood Rachel quitting so soon. How long was she in the old glee club for? Surely they were never popular either?
Ah, the first “My hands are tied” for the series. Mr Figgins is a garbage principal. 
Not going to advise the principal against referring to Artie as a cripple, William Shoestir? Alright. 
How did the Schuester marriage last as long as it has? Do Will and Terri’s insufferable personalities just cancel one another out?
Sandy Ryerson really just openly brags about cheating the system for medical marijuana and dealing it? 
Matt Morrison 100% has lip fillers. Nobody’s smile curls like that naturally.
“Terri and I are trying to get pregnant” What a weird way to phrase it. What is it, a race? Who’s going to get knocked up first!
A FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN, HOW I’VE MISSED YOU... The sound design of this show at this point is just... *Chef hand kiss*
“What you’re doing right now is called blurring the lines” Oh just wait until season 4, Sue... Just you wait.
WHY is Mr Schuester so ridiculously sweaty? I didn’t need to think about that?
EVERYONE on the football team is 30.
Hearing Cory sing this always makes me emotional. What a talent!
Sign #4 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: I don’t think I need to say why using the weed to blackmail Finn is a shitty thing to do, do I?
“I’ll pee in a cup! ...I’ll pee...” I love Cory’s delivery. 
PRIORITY #1: HELP THE KIDS Oh season 1... I love you so.
Mr Schue you WISH you were anything like Finn Hudson. You never will be.
Ah... Finn’s first monologue. He’s such a sweetheart. AND SO IS CAROLE. Carole is a queen I will stan forever. YOU THROW THAT MILK BB!!!
All Finn wants to do is make his mom proud. What a sweetheart. Mr Schue you do NOT deserve him.
These POV shots really enhance things, why the fuck did they stop using them?
Subtly having Kurt look at Finn in the same shot as Rachel was a nice touch indeed!
Terri’s a straight up hoarder, huh? Like a raccoon but instead of collecting edible garbage, it’s monogrammed garbage.
Surely you can’t just... BECOME an accountant, right? You need some serious qualifications for that right?
Also say what you want about how insufferable Terri is but her actress is ridiculously talented and absolutely steals every scene she’s in.
Now the background choir is doing Soul Bossa Nova and I am L I V I N G why didn’t they keep that motif!!! It was so ICONIC!
I don’t need my prostate removed. RIP Carole Hudson but I’m different :/
NO MEANS NO, KEN! TAKE THE L AND MOVE ON! Way to take out the fact that a girl won’t date you on everybody else around you! Toxic bastard. The absolute stench of melodrama on this bastard is noxious.
I was going to ask why Rachel didn’t know about Finn and Quinn if they’d already been together for 4 months, but then I remembered gossiping requires friends...
“Terri rides me. Hard. And I’ve always appreciated it!” Why don’t we talk about how this line sounds more. Why doesn’t Emma bat an eye at it oh my god
HERE COMES VOCAL ADRENALINE!!! And Jesse St. James is nowhere to be seen. How convenient. Also, they’re all 30. I’m sensing a pattern.
Sorry VA, all songs popularised my Amy Winehouse legally belong to Santana Lopez
Puck, if you were stupid enough to fall for the prostate excuse, that’s on you. Or maybe it’s on the education system...
You can do better that Mr Schue, kids. Don’t mourn him.
Ok, what the fuck is this scene where he’s filling out the job app to become an accountant? There’s a dude in the row in front off him just throwing crisps around? What is this place?? Why are you here sir??? 
“Accounting is sexy” shut up you horrible married man
The Cheerios sure did have straight ponytails for like, one episode, huh?
Finn is such a good boy. He doesn’t know it yet, but he is, and saving Artie from that portapotty is his first step to figuring it out.
This shot of Finn just wheeling Artie out of there... Ugh. My HEART.
Pee balloons. Nailing the lawn furniture to the roof. Finn, you’re better than that!!! Stop your dudebros. 
They really had Artie be a guitar player, and a pretty good one at that, but they never mentioned it again? Artie had such potential SMH. (Also, Netflix subtitles are telling me it’s Arty, but I categorically refuse to spell it that way.)
Whyyyyy didn’t he go to KURT for the costumes as well? Look at his outfit, Finn. He clearly wants in on that job. 
Will Schuester really is just desperately clinging to his glory days in high school. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a creep about it. 
Emma, meaningfully: Do you know who that is? That’s you, Will... [FRANTIC DISCO MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND]
I find it hilarious how the audio of Don’t Stop Believin’ just DOES NOT match the characters except for the solos... Also wow, autotune city. Am I awful for genuinely not liking this cover? 
I like watching them perform it though. Kurt’s adorable little shimmy... Rachel and Tina smiling at each other like that... Everybody having a blast... I’m here for it
Ok the way Rachel and Finn look at each other here is making me FEEL
I know Puck’s about to join anyway but WHY is he there watching... Just to have a mysterious bad boy moment? Lol you dramatic bastard
Please let them win nationals without you, Will.
So, yeah! There’s that! Those are my thoughts and feelings, basic though they may be. Episode one is fantastic, the kids are fantastic, and William Schuester can suck a toe. 
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ranku-abadeer · 7 years
I’ve been thinking about Grue lately. (Big spoilers)
I hear a lot when he comes up about how he’s an under-developed character, even to the point where people question how his trigger event lines up with his power. (yes I’m aware that Wildbow has said that he lied about his trigger, I’m referring to people who claim that he made up the entire thing) And honestly, I’m thinking that his character building is a lot more subtle than people give him credit for, and a good portion of that character building ties right in to the details of his power and the story he told about his trigger event.
So I guess this has been a long time coming, it’s time for me to give Grue the treatment I gave his sister. 
First off, I want to establish an idea. Brian Laborn has what you could possibly call two distinct “personalities”, not in the traditional sense, but rather that he has two distinct sides to him that actually don’t overlap much but yet compliment each other in an interesting way.
There is Brian, the relatively laid back, hard working, compassionate, guy who learns quickly, and gets bored once he starts hitting diminishing returns. The guy who would do anything for his family members, and gets offended when Taylor says he sounds noble for saying so. The guy who is willing to become a career criminal in order to get into the position to become his sister Aisha’s legal guardian.
The guy who gives that “boyish smile” that Taylor fell in love with.
And then there is Grue, the methodical, practiced supervillain who thinks nothing of breaking the jaw of someone who was unwillingly recruited into the ABB. The guy who uses intimidation tactics and is concerned with his reputation and always votes for the plan that minimizes the risk to their team, even if the reward is a fraction of the other option. The guy who takes charge of his team and will go after any weakness that he sees in a confrontation. The “macho” guy who would cover up any weakness he sees in himself or else it will end up being taken advantage of in a confrontation.
The guy who can calmly have a verbal sparring match with supervillains who have multiple kills under their belt, and then lash out as soon as no one is looking.
These two sides of him don’t really clash, but instead sort of flow between each other. This isn’t too surprising, after all, just about every cape has some form of crisis of identity, after all Taylor herself has issues with blending the ruthless nature of “Skitter” and the heroism of “Weaver” when she joins the wards.
But Brian had this identity crisis a while ago, he’s been a cape for 3 years before the story began. He found his “middle ground” between these two personas, but the thing is... this “middle ground” is actually fairly lopsided. In the battle between his identities, Grue seems to have won. 
He seems like a fairly open guy at the beginning of he story, but the truth is that he’s not always telling the truth. He hedges when Taylor mentions his combat training, he trails off when he can tell he’s outnumbered in his team, he doesn’t really share his feelings, and he avoids his problems.
In fact, he avoids a lot of things, his emotions, discussing his family, risks in his career, and the eyes of those who hold any sort of power over him. And he forgets that people can see how much he’s avoiding being seen. Taylor does note after all that when he’s at meetings among villains and when he’s stressed out by the attention of someone that he produces visibly more darkness around his body. She says it’s to make himself look bigger, I say it’s to hide.
Let’s look at his trigger event, or rather, what he said his trigger event was.  
  “We weren’t close.  It wasn’t really possible, since I was living at the south end of the city and she was up here.  But one night, I got a text from her.  Two words: ‘Help me’.  I called, but the line was busy.  To this day, I don’t know why I took it so seriously, but I got over to my mom’s place as fast as was humanly possible.  Ran out the front door, sprinted two blocks to Lord Street, downtown, and grabbed a cab.  Left the cab driver shouting for his money as I charged through the front door of my mom’s place and found my sister.
“She’d been crying, but she wasn’t saying what was wrong.  I didn’t bother asking a second time.  I gave her a hug, picked her up and started to leave.  A man I didn’t recognize got in my way.  My mom’s new boyfriend.
“I knew he was the reason she had texted me for help, from the moment I saw her reaction.  Maybe I’d suspected there was something going on even before that, from the way her emails and texts had changed in tone.  It would explain that gut feeling I’d had that made me get over there as fast as I did.  I saw her shrink back, I felt her hold me tighter, and I went cold inside.
Immediately after this line, Brian pauses for a long enough period of time that Taylor thinks that he had finished his story already before he starts on a tangent for “context”, describing how his father taught him to fight. That pause was meaningful, he was stopping to think about how continuing to talk would make him appear weak, because he just conveniently sounds very bad-ass when he gets back to his story.
I didn’t say a word, didn’t make a sound.  I put my sister down and beat my mother’s boyfriend within an inch of his life, my mother screaming and wailing the entire time.  When I was done, I picked my sister up and returned to the cab.  We went to my father’s that night, and we went to the police station in the morning.”
“When you throw a punch barehanded, it doesn’t leave your hands pristine.  A few good swings, you connect solidly with someone’s face, someone’s teeth, and it tears the fuck out of your knuckles.  It was at my father’s place that night, washing and cleaning my hands, when I saw it.  It wasn’t just blood leaking out of my torn up knuckles, but there was the darkness too, like wisps of really black smoke.  You hear about the trigger event, you might think it’s all about rage or fear.  But I’m a testament that it can be just the opposite.  I didn’t feel a fucking thing.”
Now let me just go ahead and say, those lines in bold are all lies. According to Wildbow himself, Brian was abused as a kid by one of his mom’s boyfriends, and when he came to help Aisha, he saw the exact same man and knew that he had done to Aisha what he had done to Brian. 
Now let’s look at some details about his power. He generates clouds of darkness that block out all light and sound and muck with your sense of touch and these clouds do not affect him at all. But there’s also another detail that gets forgotten due to how rarely it comes up.
Scentless man makes Brutus nervous because he is big but he has no smell.  But he is Master’s alpha so Master stops and listens.
Darkness boy isn’t around anymore or I’d be able to smell him.”
 I could smell his sweat, with the faint traces of his deodorant beneath.  It was funny, because when we’d settled in, I hadn’t been able to smell anything.
When Brian is using, or has recently used his power, he has no scent. But the thing is, that all 3 of those people have displayed being able to smell things inside his darkness, only Brian’s scent is gone when his power is being used, no other smell is affected. It also just happens that the first person to bring this up is a dog who throughout the chapter repeatedly mentions smelling emotions from other characters. 
So when faced with the person who had hurt him when he was a kid, who had been hurting his sister, he gets a power that lets him hide himself. A power that means people can’t see him shrink back or flinch, a power that means you can’t hear him scream or whimper, a power that means you can’t feel how badly he’s shaking, and a power that means no one can smell his fear. He’s a perfect stranger trigger.... 
But there’s more to it, He’s not the one who needs to hide, not really. He’s a fit teenager, he’s had experience in the boxing ring, he doesn’t just know how to throw a punch, he knows how to take a punch. But above all else he wants to keep those close to him from experiencing the things he has, which is the perfect stress for a shaker trigger. So of course his power doesn’t blind him, he still hears the screams, he still sees the violence, he still feels every tremble of his body perfectly, but everyone else is shielded from it. He didn’t break when his mom’s boyfriend beat him, he broke when his mom’s boyfriend moved on to beating his sister.
He didn’t break when Bonesaw had cut his chest open and crucified him in a walk-in freezer with his organs on display and added nerve endings stretched across the room, making him feel immense pain any time someone even entered the room. He even remained stubborn and refused to use his power to keep Bonesaw from getting the data on his power that she wanted, it didn’t matter how badly she tortured him, he could take it.
But the second his team are dragged out in front of him, with taylor’s skull cut open and Bonesaw straddling Aisha while holding a circular saw? 
Then it stopped.  I could hear a strangled noise.
“Aw.  Look at his heart beating!  So fast!”
Another strangled noise, trying and failing to form words.  It was so forced and ragged that it made my own throat seize up in sympathy.
Then Bonesaw starts taunting him. She tells him about how much suffering they have already put his sister through, how they had her begging them for help a while ago and he only just found out about it.
He made a sound that might have been a growl or a howl of rage, but there was no volume to it, and it was more high-pitched than anything else.
Once he finds out how his sister has been hurt badly by those who have hurt him, he howls in rage.
I felt a hand pat my cheek.
“It’s just so funny, watching him react.  His heart beat faster when I touched her.”
and then she calls out him reacting to her threats and Burnscar readies to attack his friends and his darkness pools out and he has a second trigger.
Now compare this to his first trigger. My interpretation of the exact scene would be that Brian recognized the man who had abused them both, and he taunted them, talking down about them both. Brian most certainly reacted to how he talked about Aisha. Brian was terrified of the situation, But he wanted to be a shield, he trusted his body and knew what he wanted to do, to beat the abuser’s face in, like how he punched his mom’s boyfriend in the face until his knuckles bled, and how he pulped burnscar’s skull against a counter-top, and above all else he didn’t want people to see any sign of weakness from him, and he wanted to shield those he cared about from the violence around them. And most importantly he wanted them to not see how violent/abusive HE was capable of being. Which I believe is part of one of the biggest details about a line that he says in arc 2 and expands on in arc 5. A line that I actually have never seen anyone bring up in discussions about him.
“I hate this, Rachel.  That you make me do shit like this.  That when I say things like that, I sound like everything I hate most in this world.
That right there. His issues with abusive family members aren’t just limited to his trigger event, this at times leads to extreme self hatred, because he is aware of how similar he is to the people who haunt him at times, he’s even caught himself lashing out at Aisha in similar ways before, and that was a pivotal moment in his life.
“I know, but you’re not getting it.  I was the type to go after someone if they showed a vulnerability.  Wasn’t until I’d had my powers about a year, Aisha tells me I was being an asshole, just like one of her stepdads used to be.  So I tried to be better, but I always wanted to protect her, always wanted to help others. 
He’s deeply afraid of being like other people in his family, and it’s not just his mom’s boyfriends that bother him. He seems to have other traumas specifically related to his mom that eat at him that he doesn’t tell anyone about, even to the point where Aisha is less bothered by their mom’s issues than he is.
“And mommy’s on a bender,” Aisha said.  “Don’t think it’ll end anytime soon.”
It was odd, but Brian looked more upset at hearing that than Aisha was about saying it aloud.  Hadn’t he grown up with his dad?
“Look, Mr. Laborn, we have to consider Aisha’s perspective.  She’s a serial runaway.  She clearly doesn’t see your father’s place as a home.  Extra care should be given to ensure she sees this as one.  Assuming she winds up here and not at her mother’s.”
“My mother’s,” Brian’s expression took on a more serious cast.
“I’m aware of your concerns on the subject of Aisha’s mother, Mr. Laborn.”
All together it’s clear that even pre-Bonesaw, Brian was a deeply traumatized individual who was just good enough at putting up a false face and avoiding his traumas enough that no one could use it against him. Good enough even that us readers could barely see a sign of it.
Except his fears still get expressed notably no matter how much he hides them, in fact, they get noticed because he hides them. Every time he is faced with his traumas and fears he defaults to “orders, rules and self-discipline” according to tattletale’s power, and he is always noted to make himself appear larger to the point where his body language is impossible to read.
When faced with the members of Empire-88 accusing him of being aggressive on neutral ground, he swells up to “look more imposing” or possibly to hide his body language from the neo-nazi’s who have a history of attacking his family and have almost certainly targeted him in his civilian identity at some point. When he is spit up by Echidna he becomes a blob of shadow so shapeless that Taylor can’t tell what position he was sitting in. And then when he sees Bonesaw standing across from him at a meeting between major cape groups, his darkness was literally writhing as he struggled to not look at her, which his teammates immediately knew was him withdrawing and burying all of his emotions, every time he does it, his team notices and quickly figures out the reason.
The one time he doesn’t do this is after his second trigger, where he is on his knees, visibly sobbing in front of his entire team, the one time where the pain is so raw that he can’t hide, his default instincts of self discipline fail. 
His power helps him hide, but not well enough to keep those close to him from knowing his reactions. But still well enough to keep everyone, including the readers, from seeing too much of the traumatized scared teenager who knows he is in way over his head named Brian, and instead to see the intimidating supervillain with an impressive track-record named Grue.
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picnokinesis · 7 years
GF fandom meme
Tagged by @archervale​ woot woot!!
Answer the questions and tag 10 followers/mutuals!
When did you get into Gravity Falls? wELL once upon a time a certain @archervale​ got obsessed with GF and kept making awesome art and bugging me to watch the show. Eventually I caved in Christmas 2016 with the promise of a multiverse fugitive character and a stargate-like thing + awesome characters. And so I binge-watched the show in the one free week I had whilst Archie screamed with me over Skype. It was....intense xD
What got you hooked on it? Hmm, I’m not sure, because I thought it was pretty neat from the beginning. Possibly the first genuine-threat-to-character we get in The Hand That Rocks The Mabel when Gideon was actually attacking Dipper with his telekinesis and then they almost plummeted to their deaths...xD BUT the bit when I was actually ‘obsessed’ was probably after NWHS when I was genuinely crying because GEEZ THAT EPISODE
Do you write, make art, or create content for the fandom or just enjoy being a part of it but haven’t made anything yet? I’ve done some fanart! And I started a fic that Archie was gonna illustrate but I’m awful and never finish any piece of writing hahaha. It’s not too bad though! I like the idea, so maybe one day it’ll get finished
Who’s your favourite character? sTAAANFORD PINES because did I mention he’s a multiverse fugitive who is possibly ace/aro and loves codes and cryptids? 
Most underrated character on the show? Hmmm idk? Possibly Wendy, she’s the coolest and I don’t see much of her around, but that’s possibly because I’m rather solidly in the Stan Twins part of the fandom and not really any other part?? (I say this because I have an irl friend who also likes GF, and we compared which fics we’d read and....there was no overlap at all because I just read Sea Grunks and Portal Ford and he mainly read Mystery Twins adventure and Wendip ahahah xD So maybe I’m just missing all the Wendy content)
What’s your favourite episode? Probably NWHS, but I also absolutely adore Scary-Oke. Oh, and DD&MD too! Because it’s the first time we see Ford as a character just being himself, as opposed to explaining his past and dealing with pesky government agents etc.
What’s your least favourite episode? Umm...idk? I guess maybe the first two episodes, not because I don’t like them in themselves, I’m just not overly fond of the first episodes of ANY tv show, because everything has to be established and...I’m impatient? xD I’m just a sucker for established character dynamics and you don’t get that until about episode 3 or 4 in tv shows. But the storylines in those two episodes are fine.
What do you hope to see in the graphic novel? More multiverse stuff and sea grunks!! And codes! And AXOLOTLS! Seriously, just give me a book of codes, axolotls and theoretical multiverse rambling and I’ll be happy. 
Favourite fan content? Fisherman’s Knot by @scribefindegil​ is  the first fic I got into, so I have an awful lot of feelings about that (especially Chapter 16 fUDGE. CHAPTER SIXTEEN). There's also Drastic Measures by @embulalia​ which is really excellent and I love that a lot, especially how Ford is written and just aUGH MY HEART. And neelh (not sure of their tumblr?), who has some INCREDIBLE fics like Measurably Away which just BREAKS ME and is beautifully written/structured, and then Hold Me Fast and Fear Me Not which is just a really really awesome au But my favourite fic writer in the GF fandom is definitely @marypsue because FUDGE her stuff is so good. A Shock to the System is probably my favourite thing in this fandom, but I also adore her X-Men AU and the EXCELLENT Grauntie Ford au (just...GEEZ, I did not know I needed that au but AHHHHH. Delilah just kills me each time and honestly I was listening to that song for weeks after and ugghhh my emotions) Art wise - @archervale and @a-million-chromatic-dreams are literally the coolest (plus Jen writes AWESOME fic too!). And of course I love @kiki-kit's lyric comics, which are ASTOUNDING
I’m not gonna tag because it’s suuuuuuper late and idk how many people this has gone around now?? But feel free to do this if you want! Consider yourself tagged!
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atrocitycl · 7 years
GFriend - “Love Whisper” Review
(Music Video) / (Dance Practice)
GFriend – Love Whisper
Reviewed on September 23, 2017
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While I do agree with many that this song is worth praising, I still find that there are some questionable aspects. Specifically, while many are praising the choruses in “Love Whisper,” I will challenge that point by arguing that, as beneficial as the choruses are, there are some downsides to them that fans have not necessarily discussed.  
Personal Message: I sincerely apologize to readers for not posting any reviews in twenty days or so. Moreover, to those who have requested reviews, I do apologize for not getting to those requests directly and am instead reviewing another song. The reason behind this is that, truthfully, I have yet to analyze those requested songs. I have, on the other hand, done all the analytical work for “Love Whisper” and merely need to write the review—hence why this review is prioritized ahead of requests when that is never the case. Thankfully, once this review is finished, I will promptly work on the requested reviews and hope to finish them both by next week. (I also have another bonus drama review in mind after a friend recommended another one to watch.) As for my absence, I have been incredibly busy with university work. On the positive side, however, with reviews being fairly more concise than usual and that I am still attempting to make my writing more concise (this is where my writing is oftentimes rightfully critiqued), I find that reviews will resume a normal schedule soon.
Onto this review, “Love Whisper” is GFriend’s latest comeback—though they have released an extended, different title track as of a few days ago. But, in a technical sense, I still consider “Love Whisper” their main comeback and a relevant one. Many fans and listeners have been praising this song—musically for Yuju’s part in the choruses, but also that conceptually GFriend has returned to their “standard sound.” (And for context, their prior comeback, “Fingertip,” was a different concept—both stylistically and musically.) While I do agree with many that this song is worth praising, I still find that there are some questionable aspects. Specifically, while many are praising the choruses in “Love Whisper,” I will challenge that point by arguing that, as beneficial as the choruses are, there are some downsides to them that fans have not necessarily discussed.  
Song Score: 7/10 (6.50/10 raw score) - “Above average”
- Vocals: 6/10
- Sections: 7/10 (6.67/10 raw score)
Introduction, Verse, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Verse, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Conclusion
1.     Introduction: 6/10
2.     Verse: 6/10
3.     Pre-Chorus: 6/10
4.     Chorus: 8/10
5.     Bridge: 7/10
6.     Conclusion: 7/10
- Instrumental: 7/10
- Lyrics: 6/10
I can’t express my heart Like the nice breeze and the song we listened to together I feel good, especially today
Under the dazzling and clear sky On a day where sweat beads fall We’re holding hands and walking on top of the messy flower road I’m with you
I can hear it from anywhere if I listen When I open my ears to the trust you have in me Like your eyes that twinkle A precious story, I'll tell you Open your ears Our unforgettable voices and stories that are filled with my heart for you, flutter like a dream
Today was another gorgeous day I keep thinking about you all day I want to tell you--who is so kind I will send my heart on a cloud and tell you
A heart fluttering moment When rain drops fell without warning We held hands and ran on top of the messy flower road I’m with you
I can hear it from anywhere if I listen When I open my ears to the trust you have in me Like your eyes that twinkle A precious story, I'll tell you Open your ears Our unforgettable voices and stories that are filled with my heart for you, flutter like a dream
I will tell you more today I���ll gather my heart and fill it up [Instrumental break] I can feel you When I close my eyes, when I open my ears, I feel the trust you have in me
Like your eyes that twinkle A precious story, I’ll tell you Open your ears Our unforgettable voices, filled with my heart for you, flutter like a dream
Analysis: First, though, let us discuss why many have been praising the song. Focusing on the chorus as this section will be our core topic, I do admit this section has been one of the best I have heard recently and even in general. The most appealing factor to it, I argue, is how the chorus functions in two differently ways: as a transitional build up, but also as a typical, climaxing point. With the first reason, listeners can note that the choruses begin with unison singing and the instrumental taking a heightened, amplified stance. Sonically this does not bring anything particularly important, but structurally this almost creates a pre-chorus within the chorus itself; in other words, the choruses start off by creating even more hype and excitement in addition to the actual pre-choruses. Thus, when the second half hits, the choruses become even more mesmerizing. Yuju’s vocal belting now appears to be even more satisfying given that the song finally reaches an actual, musical climax and furthermore, with every other section focusing more on building up and less on aural appeal, Yuju’s singing in contrast seems even more tuneful and engaging.
Now in a more general sense, there are also other praises to the song’s composition. For example, listeners should also admire that a majority if not every sound at play tends to complement other sounds. Drawing on a concrete example, let us discuss the drums. Rather than opting for drums and beats that hit harder and sound deeper, many of the beats in “Love Whisper” carry a tap-like, softer sound. This, however, is a brilliant decision by the composers as the beats now easily mesh with GFriend’s vocal style in the song—specifically, that of being gentler and higher pitched. This is also potentially why the bass line functions as it currently does: it is discreet throughout the song, only poking out in the spotlight during the pre-choruses. Elaborating on what I mean, given that “Love Whisper” is, overall, a lighter, softer, and higher pitched song, any deeper sounds utilized—such as the bass—are kept down and hidden in order to preserve that key, signature sound the song has established.
Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, “Love Whisper” is not without its flaw. Namely, the choruses that are seemingly perfect are, ironically, the song’s biggest flaw—in an indirect sense, that is. I find that the song overly relied on its choruses. For one, every section but the choruses are plain in both structure and sound. The verses and pre-choruses, for example, merely progress the song along but do not quite contribute anything in a musical sense. This is why the singing in all the other sections is simpler and lacks the type of tuneful depth that Yuju shows off in the choruses. Even the choruses’ first half is not exempt: this part merely functions on a structural level as the unison singing merely indicates that there is an upcoming climax, but in of itself the unison singing does not allure listeners. All in all, then, the point is this: “Love Whisper” thrives almost solely off the choruses’ second half, the half where Yuju’s intensive, complex and tuneful lines come into action. Everything else in the song merely builds up to that point or attempts to accelerate the song in that direction, and that is what troubles me. Unlike songs where the choruses are the highlight and yet, every section still carries prominent weight, I personally find that the composers emphasized the choruses excessively to the point that everything but the choruses is dull.
But, in the end, perhaps the choruses’ glory is in fact due to the other sections purposefully being tamer in comparison. I find that this is not the only option and that one can make an incredible, capturing chorus without having to sacrifice other sections. Nonetheless, “Love Whisper” is still a fantastic song. Although the other sections are more plain in comparison, they still function decently and are not genuinely lacking; the issue is that “Love Whisper” could have been even better than it currently is—but as seen, it still is a solidly composed song.
This actually might be the shortest review I have ever written, but it might also be the first time where I managed to get my ideas across without excessive, unnecessary details and without being too scarce in explanations. I am excited if this is the case as I can definitely resume a more reliable reviewing schedule if all reviews can be this brief yet argumentative.
VIXX LR’s and Sunmi’s latest songs have been requested, and I will finish them by next week. Once again, I apologize to requesters and readers for not being more active with reviews, but I do appreciate the understanding—and of course, for this review, whether one reads or skims it. Look forward to more reviews to come and until then, “I feel the trust you have in me” to be more dedicated with my studies so that I have time to keep up with reviews. Look forward to VIXX LR’s “Whisper” as the next review.
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unixcommerce · 5 years
101 Public Relations Strategies, Tips and Examples
Public Relations (PR) helps build and maintain positive public image of your business to the public. At the heart of this form of communication lies effective dialogue. It includes gaining exposure to audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payments.
Across America thousands of small- and medium-sized businesses conduct PR campaigns every day with little investments. Whether you’re a small-business owner or an entrepreneur, PR can help level the playing field between you and your bigger competition. For you to excel in PR you will need to sharpen a set of practical skills and strategies designed to enhance your company’s reputation.
If done right PR can help you achieve your marketing objectives at a fraction of the cost of paid advertising. The key to success in PR is to be creative in your messaging. In a nutshell your PR tasks should be newsworthy and communicate the marketing message.
This is achieved through a planned and sustained set of activities.
PR Vs Marketing
Public Relations is a business tool that often gets confused with marketing or advertising. Though the two are related they are very distinct activities. There are four key differences between PR and marketing. These are appeal, control, credibility and repetition.
Your publicity effort should have an angle. The messaging should appeal to the media, the intended public and customers at large. Ads appeal to only one audience which are sales prospects and do not reach a broader audience.
When you advertise, you have almost total control over the content, format, timing, and size of your message. You specify how big your ad is and when it runs. With public relations however you have almost no control over the content, format, timing, and size of your message as it appears in the media. Though you can write anything you want in a press release, you can’t dictate to the newspaper how it is printed or used.
People are ever more skeptical of advertising. They tend to take advertisements with a grain of salt when it comes to believing the claims. However, people might be inclined to believe what they hear on radio, see on TV, or read in the paper. They come with the belief that if it runs in the news it must be true. This is because publicity is promotion masquerading as editorial, feature, or news.
Advertising is repeatable while PR is not. The same advertisement can run repeatedly as many times as you want it. Conversely, with PR, a media source will run a given press release or cover a publicity event only once.
Public Relations Strategies
Below are some effective public relations strategies that will help guide you to success.
1. Know Your Audiences
For your message to reach the impact that you want, you will need to first understand and segment your audiences. Remember that not all audiences are the same. You can reach some through events, others through social media and yet others through networking events. Whatever content you generate should have your audiences in mind.
2. Get Organized
PR is achieved through a planned, sustained set of activities. You will need a calendar to organize your outreach activities. You must also start generating a contact list of media, opinion leaders, personalities, customers and likeminded companies to engage and collaborate with.
3. Think like a reporter
Your press release should be interesting and to the point with a sprinkle of insightful quotes in it. A brief company history at the end can help too and don’t forget to include your contact details.
The goal here is to ensnare the right editor on the right title with an interesting media release that grabs their attention. The more you can think like a reporter, the better it gets.
4. Do your Research
There are no substitutes for research and careful planning in your PR work. Research is an essential part of public relations management as it allows you to be strategic. This ensures the communication is specifically targeted to audiences who want, need, or care about the information. Study PR campaigns that you would like to take inspiration from. See what the competition is up to and think about outmaneuvering them.
5. Work with a Team
First off you will need to set up a dedicated team for your PR efforts. If you have a staffer who is great in graphics, writes witty copy or simply takes good pictures then get them to your team. Your team will help you add value to your messaging, provide feedback and help you distribute your messages. A team can help ensure that any messages you convey are by design rather than an accident.
6. Enhances Your Online Presence
In this world where everyone is digitally connected you need an online presence to reach to your customers. Your social media presence Facebook, Instagram, twitter are great mediums to reach your public. You can use them to make announcements, make connections and publish content.
7. Know your Competition
The key to any successive business is to strengthen your comparative competitiveness. Your business, and every team within it, must have a source of competitive advantage. Understanding, identifying, creating, and sustaining a competitive advantage is at the heart of a good strategy.
8. Create compelling content
Public relations is about sharing the right information to the right places and people. This helps build your brand and brand reputation. You need to learn your target language, desires, things that resonate with them, and the things they don’t like. Choose the right topic for your content. Compelling content should include elements of curiosity, urgency, relevancy, value and emotion.
9. Think like your Audience
Remember to design your campaign from the public’s point of view, not your own. Subtlety is key here! As a business you will need to use wording that conveys a solidly positive image, forcing opponents to take up the negative stance. Run by your message with friends and family to see what they think of the messaging before sending it out.
10. Define Goals and Objectives
Knowing what you want to achieve and how you want to get there can help bring clarity to your approach. This will help in determining which audiences you need to reach, and which messages and tactics are most likely to help you achieve your goals.
11. Establish a working Strategy
Choose the right PR strategy to suit your business needs. You will need to distinguish between public relations strategies and PR tactics. Strategies fall under the realm of general approaches to achieving objectives. While tactics are the day-to-day activities a business implements to carry out each strategy. 
PR Tips for Getting Publicity
12. Get the media’s attention
The key to getting media coverage is to offer them a story that they can’t resist. You will need to understand your marketing message and creatively craft them to get maximum impact. Understand that the media is looking for news – anything that is new, different, and creative. You will need to build a good relationship with your local paper or TV station. Try to have consistent engagement with them so that the press doesn’t omit you because they don’t know about you.
13. Get your Promotion game on
Promotion is a great way to attract customers and could be worth a thousand ads. The better your PR visibility, the more your other marketing communications efforts will draw interest. So, get out your freebies, merchandising, T-shirts and posters and start spreading the love. Your merchandising will help create resonance among your customers. Make sure that your marketing collateral have your logo on them
14. Be funny
Humor has always been a good way to get people to feel positive about an organization. Many businesses produce humorous advertisements, but there is no reason why PR should not also operate with a sense of fun. Look for something that your target audience would like. Use this to tap into their sense of humor; remember this may or may not be the same as your own.
15. Tease them, make them anticipate
Most companies like to blow the fanfare when they have something new to promote. After all, it is a great opportunity to show what can be done with an effective PR campaign. This will allow them to give the media something really meaty for a change. Here success lies from doing something different from what everyone else is doing.
Make sure to offer something that people will find exciting. This often works best for new products in a series, such as a new model car, book and movie sequels, and new menu items in restaurants. To do this first set a date for the release of the product and publicize it. Release the product in a limited way to enhance anticipation.
16. Have them compete
Competitions, raffles, lotteries, contests of any sort always attract attention, but some are more newsworthy than others. Those who compete will remember the firm and often talk about the competition. Think of an issue, event or topic relevant to your business and then launch a competition along that theme. For a great outcome, the competition should make the news in some way. Above all make sure that the competition is strongly branded.
17. Use the reverse pyramid format in your press release
The mainstay of any public relations endeavor is the press release. The ideal press release is simply, thinly disguised advertisements masquerading as news. If you write it in a manner that it is too promotional the media might not run it. First, write it in a style that is familiar to the publication you have in mind.
Make things easy for journalists by writing in a reverse pyramid style. The whole story is contained in the headline, then each paragraph should offer a little more detail. This will prevent your press release from being cut out too much in the editing room. Avoid using more than 1,000 words.
18. Hold a media event
The media is your go-to medium to disseminate your message. Hold a press conference or a media junket whenever you have something important to announce. Don’t do it only when there is a crisis. Remember what you announce needs to be real news—otherwise, the media will not run it and see the event as a waste of time.
These events will give the media a chance to ask questions in a way that a press release does not. Thus, help build a more robust story on your business. Use the opportunity to further build in some time for journalists to talk one-on-one with your partners, customers and staff. Schedule the event to suit the media’s deadlines and always consult with them beforehand.
19. The young audience
Most PR efforts are aimed at adult audiences. You should know that people start forming their opinions of companies long before they are in a position to do business with them. Children, for example, form clear brand associations at a very early age, so why not try to reach them before your competition does?
20. Think local
Major media such as national newspapers and TV news can be difficult to attract. Your press release might be too small to make it in their media. In addition, the competition to get your business in their radar might be too intense. Rather target your local media such as local radio news, local TV news, and local newspapers because they are much easier to approach. As a local business, they are most probably looking for you in terms of familiarity and newsworthiness.
21. Be prominent on the web
The internet is a valuable tool for businesses to get their word out. People seek out information online, and in fact, control the flow of information. What they are looking for is something agreeable. Either from the viewpoint of being familiar and easy to use or from the viewpoint of having content that matches the individual’s own views.
If you customize your SEO and feature prominent on search engines, chances are you are reaching more people. Choose your keywords carefully, based on what your audiences are likely to enter into their search engines. And ensure that your content will not disappoint.
22. Become your Own Brand
People love a business that has a story they can relate to. Be prepared to promote your brand at any and every opportunity. As such, be consistent in your message and positive at all times. You will need to be enthusiastic about your brand and business for people to take notice of you.
23. Cover All your Angles
Being truly newsworthy is a golden opportunity to leverage your brand and it can be a good publicity opportunity. Being consistently relevant to the news is even greater. Think through all the angles when you decide to engage with the media. Know what the media likes, and give it to them.
Never send out a blanket release to everybody—it just creates work as journalists try to figure out the relevance of the story.
24. Create photo opportunities
Pictures are worth a thousand words. Always incorporate your copy with a stunning picture.
A striking picture not only take less space but offers a great deal less effort to produce. Getting the photographers along to your events will make the story publishable and also create a great deal more interest. Also, don’t forget to invite television news crews as well. Good photo opportunities are also good video opportunities!
25. Tell Stories
The media are always on the lookout for good, interesting ideas for documentaries. They want shows with strong human interest, and preferably ideas that are unusual taking on topical subjects.
Humble beginnings, a sense of community, humor, human interest, tragedy all sell. Think from the perspective of the media and the public. Ask what will they gain from it? What spin-offs might there be?
26. Don’t forget the holidays
Holidays like Christmas can be a great time for PR work. This is because people are generally full of goodwill, and appreciate goodwill gestures by companies. Support charities, endorse campaigns and give to charity during these periods. They help create warm, fuzzy feelings towards your business. They help highlight the company has a human face. Also, involve your employees as it will help them get into the holiday spirit too.
27. Involve others
Nothing says a community business as one that forges ties within the community. Participate in events in your local church, support the local football team and network in your local chamber of commerce. Your stakeholders need not just be passive recipients of your PR efforts but also partners. They can join in and be part of what’s happening. In fact, the greater the involvement of stakeholders, the greater their feelings of ownership and loyalty toward you and the project.
Consider carefully the agendas of the stakeholders you want to involve. Also, find common ground and work with them- don’t try to dictate.
28. Write your own story
If possible, publish your own newsletter. You can piggyback media to send out your message. But having your own outlet can help you churn out great content more frequently. Decide to publish regularly either once a week or at least once a month.
Don’t let the newsletter become a propaganda device, encourage your staff to also contribute. The key is to have your own medium and platform where you can engage with your audiences on your terms.
29. Join Associations
By being a member of the Rotary Club, chambers of commerce and local associations you get access. Besides providing networking opportunities for business people, and can also use them to distribute your messages. Establish your credentials as an industry spokesperson and if possible, involve your trade association. Volunteer and support to get more recognition and partnership. Image is everything, be proactive in asking for roles, producing articles, and dealing with the press.
30. Be passionate
As a local business, you should be actively engaged in what happens in your community. Be it the new zoning laws, climate change, support the local hospital or help renovate the local church. By being a business that is passionate about your community you are not only drawing attention to your business but also positively impact your community at large. Think beyond just fundraising, perhaps you could donate your time or the time of your team to a good cause. These are often easy to report on and show that yours is a company with a heart.
31. Involve your employees
A business is run by a collective of people with a common goal to serve its customers. Try to infuse an element of humanity into your business’s story. Highlight what your business does to help staff pay their mortgages, how you as a company have social interactions, and performing interesting and useful tasks as a team. Tell your company’s story from the perspective of your employees. Involve your employees at every opportunity and make sure you have a regular employee of the month post.
32. Link your PR with your advertising
Most firms only link their PR with their advertisement superficially. A smart business will create an integrated campaign based on a combination of communication techniques, each one boosting the other. Infuse collaboration and synergy across all your departments.
33. Get partnered up
One way to grow your audience is to leverage someone else’s visibility. This is a great PR tactic if you have a business that depends on having strong local community connections. Think in terms of co-branding as well as using your business to connect with likeminded businesses and offer activities to engage the local community.
34. Produce your own marketing collateral
It is great to be in the public view. It is even greater to get your marketing collateral as well. Printing collateral such as business cards, brochures and flyers still have tons of value. If you have a physical presence, leaving people with the information they can take with them is a useful way of ensuring they come back.
35. Look for awareness days relevant to your business
Use awareness days to piggyback off for your PR efforts. A quick Google search will give you a huge list of awareness days relevant to your business. By choosing a date and think of a product, service or event you can launch to mark that day and have the media cover it. You can also leverage yourself or your business as a relevant expert to mark the day.
36. Mark Anniversaries relevant to your business
If your business has lasted for a significant period of time think about using notable anniversaries for your PR work. Anniversaries and your company’s milestones are by nature newsworthy and your local media will want to know about you and the story of your success over the years.
37. Highlight innovations in your company culture
Don’t only think about the product and service you provide – think also about how you do it all. Focus on highlighting how you encourage diversity in your work force, how you source your products from the local economy or how eco-friendly you are. Highlight what your company culture is all about and what makes you unique – then share it with media outlets or the national press.
38. Do something Amazing for one of Your Customers
Use your customers as your story piece. Look for your most inspiring customers and think about how you could build a PR campaign around them. Maybe you can make a long-held wish or dream of theirs come true for them. Nothing sells like a business giving back to its valued customers.
39. Try a Press Release Service
Press release services provide the opportunity to reach out to a broader media for your company. They come for free or are priced depending on the services you might want to get from them. Make sure you have a solid vision of your PR so you can match it with the services they offer.
40. Reach out to your customers
The key to PR is all about maintaining regular communications. Generate a contact list of your customers and reach out to them on announcements, special events or simply to send them holiday greetings. Be sure to get their permission before you include them on the list. If possible, use what you know about your publics to ensure they only get messages they need. Don’t over use your privilege by crowding up their inboxes otherwise they might unsubscribe.
41. Create ‘How to’ tips
Let’s face it everyone loves life hacks and expert advice. So, start sharing your knowledge to attract attention to yourself and demonstrate you know what you are doing, and can be trusted. Write tips people can easily understand and are useful to the average Joe. Make yourself available for interviews for the newspapers or even TV and radio shows.
42. Get yourself on Wikipedia
More and more people these days go online to do research. One very widely used site is Wikipedia. People who know something about something can write an article for Wikipedia. As such why not have your own Wikipedia entry. Remember to be truthful about yourself and link it to your website.
43. Join LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a social networking site for businesses. This allows you to network with businesses as well as raise your business profile. You will, however, need to invest time contributing to the site. In particular, be prepared to help people who contact you through the site—this is about building your reputation, not about selling your products.
44. Leverage Testimonials
The best type of PR is the one that comes from others. What your staff, customers and suppliers say about you is very credible. Always ask people if it’s OK to publish a testimonial on their behalf. It’s powerful when you allow happy customers to voice their excitement about your brand. If possible, seek video testimonials. Feature full-length customer case studies. Use testimonials to enhance your standing as a successful business.
45. Get your website
Websites are becoming the cornerstone of a company’s outreach. If you don’t have a website yet, get one now. Websites will allow your clients and prospects to get one-stop information about your business on their PC or at the palm of their hands. You can also include videos and your social media handles to increase your reach.
46. Offer Exclusives
Rather than blasting your press releases to all the media outlets, offer your exclusive story to one targeted outlet at a time. This will help increase ties with the media and offer them an opportunity they can’t refuse. You will need to research journalists in your industry and pitch them on why you selected them for each unique and exclusive story.
47. Don’t forget social and corporate responsibility
Include the work you do to impact your community. This will help you use the opportunity to directly impact public perception of your company and brand. So, start showcasing your environmental work, ethical business practices or philanthropy.
48. Be part of business events
Host, sponsor or attend business functions to showcase and increase your brand exposure. Such events will help you reach potential suppliers, collaborators and even customers.
49. Get on YouTube
YouTube is among the most popular mediums on our planet. It allows people to post pretty much anything they want to on video provided the community guidelines are followed. Try to avoid outright commercial plugs by keeping it personal, and don’t forget to tell a story.
50. Start or endorse a campaign
By starting or promoting a campaign you give people a cause to rally behind. You not only help a worthy cause but also create a sense of community around a particular cause. Make sure you also include an element of fun and creativity – think Ice bucket challenge.
51. Get influencers
An influencer is someone responsible for engaging with and promoting your brand. This might entail payment where the influencer gets something in exchange for their media contributions. The influencers might agree to post three Instagram image and write a blog review of your company. With influencers, you can dictate the direction you would like them to focus on, provide branded hashtags and other plugs.
52. Make your Events Fun
For your events to be successful, make them fun and memorable. The key is not to spend huge amounts of cash but to be creative and original. Hire clowns, comedians and entertainers to make your events fun and easygoing.
53. Perfect before you pitch
Staking your name and reputation before your product or service is ready could bring negative reviews. First focus on bringing the best out of your product or service before going public with it. A good product is more likely to get better press upon review.
54. Always personalize your pitch
Don’t get lazy and send out a bulk press release. Identify the media outlet and if possible, the journalist that will most likely take your pitch. A customized pitch shows you are organized and know what you are talking about. Always address your email to the particular reporter/editor concerned.
55. Create an Annual PR Calendar
Always plan your PR efforts ahead. Most media produce either daily, weekly or monthly so think of them in advance to ensure coverage. Create a PR plan with press announcements that are well-timed before each season, holiday, business calendar announcement and other events.
56. Include a media or press page on your website
Having a well-organized media or press page on your website will project an image of being organized. In addition, provide a where to go in the site for press queries, press releases, bios, company facts and history, and archival material – resources that media would like to use.
57. Be a guest speaker on podcasts
Small business owners are the heart of American ingenuity. Leverage your position to provide insights in regards to your industry, on running a business, current affairs and others. Podcasts are widely popular and have millions of listeners. You can use them to amplify your presence.
58. Be prepared for rejection
Just because you put a lot of effort into your PR work doesn’t mean the press will pick up your story automatically. When trying to capture the attention of the media it’s easy to think you know better than they do. You might be so invested in your product or service and so convinced of its importance to the market it can seem inevitable people will want to write about it.
It is always okay to miss targets in your first try. What is important is to learn from your mistakes and work towards achieving your goals. Work towards improving your appeal and pitch. It might take a lot of telephone ping pong, emails and mixers to get the media on board. Always keep on trying.
59. Always Build up your profile
Your goal is to connect with as many people as possible. You should not connect with everybody but with people who look after the section of the very publications you want to get into. Aim to become a good contact person who has knowledge about your industry and community.
60. Remember speed and relevance is everything
In this ever-connected world, news travels fast; if you blink you might have missed it. In public relations, speed is not just about getting news out the door. What it actually is reflected in the way a company disseminates relevant and timely information to its customers and business partners.
61. Include Monitoring in Your PR
You can’t effectively respond to a bad situation if you don’t know what’s happening and who’s talking about it. Always make sure you monitor all reports, comments about your business to see how you fare with the general public. Make sure you have the capability to analyze the impact of coverage or comments so that you can respond with the appropriate degree be it positive or otherwise.
62. Understand the Problem Before Acting
There can be tremendous pressure to respond immediately, it is never a good idea to make a statement before you understand all of the facts. Consult with involved employees or other stakeholders so that you are clear about exactly what happened and what information has been published.
63. Focus on What Really Matters
You might be tempted to respond to a crisis by sharing every detail, but keep in mind reputation management is about sharing what the public needs to know, not what you want to say.  Be content with providing just enough information so they understand your response. Focus on giving a good level of detail to those who are actually impacted by the problem.
64. Focus on the long term, not the short term
Businesses are ever more conscious of the values of lifetime customers and customer relationship management. The key here is to recognize keeping your customers satisfied for the long term is more important than the immediate sale or the profits from it.
Likewise, treat the press as you would a customer. Don’t place today’s story above the long-term relationship. If the media say no and you’ve tried to convince them otherwise, letting go is advised. Preserve the relationship so that the media concerned will continue to be friendly and receptive when you call with your next pitch.
65. Act ethically
Never violate your code of ethics for PR or any other business pursuit. The media, in particular, are better able than other people to spot unethical behavior. If you try to pull a fast one on the media such as offering a bribe, chances are they will spot it and it will backfire terribly. Good business ethics maintain your reputation and enhance your assets. People who trust you are more likely to do business with you.
66. Plan, Plan, and Plan
For every outreach make sure you have a plan. The plan is just the start but will help you get through the intricacies required for your success. Make sure your plan defines explicitly what the key deliverables are and how they measure success.
67. Always Preserve your Integrity
Integrity is the cement that must be in place to assure your promotion. Integrity means not compromising yourself and taking the high road whenever you can. Don’t let rivalries with your competition distract you from taking the high road. Stick with the right decision even when you know it may not be the most popular decision.
68. Create your own press kit
Whether it is a press conference, an interview or an event always have a press kit on hand. Your press kit should include your company’s background, brand story, factsheet, bios, high-resolution images and media contact details. This will show you have thought things through and are prepared for any eventuality. Your press kit should be impactful enough for the media to be intrigued and understand your company better.
69. It’s about relationships
Your PR efforts should focus on people who are already influencing your target customer. Look for people who have a lot of clout and build that relationship. Help them understand your message and how their followers can relate to you.
A successful relationship will help build trust between your company and its customers. Building positive relationships with the right media outlets is essential to developing trust. If the relationship isn’t already there, you won’t reach the right audience, no matter how many places feature you.
70. Don’t Discount Press releases
Press releases are an easy way to get credibility and publicity. Submit your press releases to media outlets to help you garner exposure in business journals, newspapers, radio shows and television morning shows.
71. Budget Accordingly
PR resources can be expensive sometimes. Regardless of what your budget is, make sure your budget covers all your priorities. If you have extra left in the budget, that’s ok too. You never know when you might need to use it to promote last-minute releases and ads.
72. Share your coverage
Getting good media coverage is good. Make sure your clients and prospects know about the coverage as well. By sharing your media coverage, you are making it known your business is in the spotlight and is credible.
73. Don’t Fib
Don’t lie to clients, journalists or bloggers. Lying about your company is the surest and fastest way of destroying your business and reputation. Your PR efforts must uphold the principles of truth and accountability, which are vital to building trust and credibility with all stakeholders.
You should work with the assumption the truth will come to light, regardless of what you say. So, don’t gamble and destroy your reputation with dishonesty.
74. Plan a Crisis Response
Makes sure you have a crisis communications team in the event a crisis occurs. Your crisis team will be tasked for planning a crisis response and ensuring its execution. They can also develop strategies to address the situation, identify responses, and monitor the media.
75. Remembering the Rules in a Crisis
Follow these simple rules. Always tell the truth; be prepared; show you care; make fast decisions; and make swift adjustments. And never ever, ever say, ‘No comment’. In a crisis always demonstrate care and compassion. 
Successful Public Relations Examples
76. Opt to Use a PR Firm
If you are not sure you cannot handle your PR outreach in-house, always have the option of hiring a PR firm. A PR firm can help you set up your PR efforts, provide you with analytics in terms of reach and use their connections to leverage you some media exposure.
77. Look for some great templates for your PR work
The task, planning and executing PR efforts can be overwhelming. If you have access to the internet you can tap into a treasure trove of templates and planners that are freely available to download.
78. Create your own blog
A blog can be a great way to tell your story with relative ease. Another reason to have a blog of your own is it will make it easier for bloggers to include you in their blogs. It will allow them to see what you’ve done, what you’ve said, and what others are saying about you.
79. Integrate Your PR with your other communications tools
Don’t fall into the pitfall of fragmenting your PR and communications efforts. If you are looking for an effective outreach bring consistency in messaging and a unity of purpose to your outreach. media clippings about your business should be posted to your social platforms, your newsletter and other media you use. It will also help significantly if you have a dedicated individual who handles all your communications.
80. Snag your celebrity early on
A celebrity endorsement has some great returns. Be a talent spotter, look towards the long term when you pick your celebrity and make sure you have a bulletproof contract. Your celebrity might not hang around if he or she will get other tempting offers. In order to capitalize on your celebrity, design a wide-ranging program of events for your celebrity to be involved in. Above all keep the rights to all the photos and endorsements.
81. Offer Free Stuff
Make sure you have free t-shirts, caps, flash drives or even a gift basket in your events. Thank your most loyal customers by giving them something nice, reward staff with freebies, or hand out company calendars. These will help build your brand and increase your visibility in your community. A branded apron for the summer or a cool T-shirt can take you a long way.
82. Invite the Media to write a ‘day in the life’ piece
Human interest stories sell, especially in regards to small communities. Whatever your business does the media will be keen to see ‘behind the curtain’. A ‘day in the life’ feature is a great way to build trust and demonstrate transparency.
83. Send samples to the press
If you have a product you want to launch think of the types of reporter who will be interested in it. Send out an advance sample to the media to get good reviews on it and create a need among your customers. A good product review will always beat an ad drive.
84. Break a record or reach a stunning milestone
Choose a record that is relevant to your business and then try to break it. It could be by sponsoring the largest pizza in the state or the highest number of turnouts to your events. Invite the media as well as personalities within your community to become part of the fanfare as well.
85. Embrace a mascot
In a customer-oriented world where a positive happy public face can bring customers to your door creating a mascot is both simple and fun. Having a friendly face is often the best way to spark people’s interests. Sports teams, McDonald’s, Dairy queen all use mascots to personify their business through a recognizable character. While choosing your mascot make sure it symbolizes the spirit of your company, develops positive impact and is engaging.
86. Keep up with the Game
Read, research and stay informed with everything in your industry. To better position yourself as a resource person for media looking to garner insights from you. If you are knowledgeable in your industry you will be highly sought after to comment on developing stories.
87. Assign a spokesperson
Though PR work is a team effort you need one person to respond to all queries related to your business. Make sure there is one person who is assigned the job of speaking to the press and they are fully on-message should a writer call up. It is important the person is clearly stated as the go-to person for all media related releases. Don’t forget to include his/her contact details in all releases.
88. Try Show and tell
Invite potential clients to visit where you can showcase your business. Why not offer media and the general public the opportunity to see product demonstration and also create some buzz as well.
89. Help a Reporter Out
Reactive pitching is a good way to get in front of a journalist that works in or around your industry. These can be a terrific way to fit your business into a current story. All you need do is to respond to the query with a pitch on why you would be most qualified to address the topic.
90. Your Customers are also Brand Ambassadors
You can use your customers as brand ambassadors. The mere fact they are using your products and services makes them ideal for endorsements. They can engage with prospects by helping them go through the unique attributes for your product or service from a customer’s perspective. Use those happy customers as your spokespeople.
91. Remember SMART
Use SMART acronym when measuring your PR goals before rolling them out.
Specific- Specify your goals and be able to communicate them to others.
Measurable- Use analytics or other programs to see your progress toward the goal.
Actionable- Break down your goal into smaller objectives, with realistic timelines.
Realistic- Establish what you and your team can reasonably do in a set amount of time.
Time-Based- Set a final date for your overall goal and shorter deadlines for the different stages of your goal.
92. Show your support by sponsoring events
Sponsoring a major event such as a charity, the town fair or sporting events carries a great deal of publicity value. Find an event that links to your product in a fairly direct way and support it. Sponsorship has always been a popular tool of PR as it generates word of mouth and creates a good impression of the company.
93. Create a publicity Stunt
All PR savvy companies have pulled a publicity stunt of some nature. The aim of a stunt is to generate word of mouth to keep people talking about you for days. The best stunts are ones that relate to the product and are eye-catching and creative.
Publicity stunts might be tricky. Make sure your stunt is legal, it fits in with the images of the people involved, and be wary of upsetting the public.
94. Make it Personal
Apply a personal touch to whoever you deal with. Provide a free caricature picture of your customers, give them gifts with their names printed on them. Nothing sells more than personal service and attentiveness.
95. Be a Patron of the arts
Support your local band or artists in your community. Support them by allowing them to showcase their works in your place of business. It not only increases the aesthetics of your business but also shows community spirit.
96. Use existing ideas
Sometimes you don’t need to create anything new in terms of your content. Draw a parallel between something you’re already doing and something familiar or trendy which you can piggyback of. Organize competitions such as lip-syncing, beauty pageants or cookouts to draw in the crowds.
97. Take risks not chances
Entrepreneurship is all about taking risks. Risks are important if you want to get promoted. Nobody in their right mind is promoting non-risk takers. Just to survive, much less succeed, you must learn how to get out in front of the tide and make risky decisions. If you wait too long, someone else will do it for you. Your biggest risk is not to take risks.
98. Make Great First Impressions
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. You make first impressions every day and you succeed or fail by the impressions you create in briefings, interviews, phone calls, meetings, and a myriad of other daily encounters.
99. Know How to Sell Your Ideas
The powerful art of persuading others your ideas are great and should, therefore, be implemented is critical to the promotional process. The more ideas you sell, the more people will think of you as a contributor to the organization. Always stress the benefits, try to see from the perspective of naysayers and justify your positions.
100. Keep Your Arrogance to Yourself
From the moment you start talking to anybody on the telephone or face-to-face, it’s important you project confidence without sounding arrogant. Arrogance turns people off. Don’t let your ego get to you and cripple your chances of getting promoted.
101. Always be Positive
Avoid making your messaging from being all about doom and gloom. Your messaging should inspire action not cringe. Work towards messaging that includes a call to actions, stress attributes and your unique differentiation.
Image: Depositphotos.com
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101 Public Relations Strategies, Tips and Examples
Public Relations (PR) helps build and maintain positive public image of your business to the public. At the heart of this form of communication lies effective dialogue. It includes gaining exposure to audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payments.
Across America thousands of small- and medium-sized businesses conduct PR campaigns every day with little investments. Whether you’re a small-business owner or an entrepreneur, PR can help level the playing field between you and your bigger competition. For you to excel in PR you will need to sharpen a set of practical skills and strategies designed to enhance your company’s reputation.
If done right PR can help you achieve your marketing objectives at a fraction of the cost of paid advertising. The key to success in PR is to be creative in your messaging. In a nutshell your PR tasks should be newsworthy and communicate the marketing message.
This is achieved through a planned and sustained set of activities.
PR Vs Marketing
Public Relations is a business tool that often gets confused with marketing or advertising. Though the two are related they are very distinct activities. There are four key differences between PR and marketing. These are appeal, control, credibility and repetition.
Your publicity effort should have an angle. The messaging should appeal to the media, the intended public and customers at large. Ads appeal to only one audience which are sales prospects and do not reach a broader audience.
When you advertise, you have almost total control over the content, format, timing, and size of your message. You specify how big your ad is and when it runs. With public relations however you have almost no control over the content, format, timing, and size of your message as it appears in the media. Though you can write anything you want in a press release, you can’t dictate to the newspaper how it is printed or used.
People are ever more skeptical of advertising. They tend to take advertisements with a grain of salt when it comes to believing the claims. However, people might be inclined to believe what they hear on radio, see on TV, or read in the paper. They come with the belief that if it runs in the news it must be true. This is because publicity is promotion masquerading as editorial, feature, or news.
Advertising is repeatable while PR is not. The same advertisement can run repeatedly as many times as you want it. Conversely, with PR, a media source will run a given press release or cover a publicity event only once.
Public Relations Strategies
Below are some effective public relations strategies that will help guide you to success.
1. Know Your Audiences
For your message to reach the impact that you want, you will need to first understand and segment your audiences. Remember that not all audiences are the same. You can reach some through events, others through social media and yet others through networking events. Whatever content you generate should have your audiences in mind.
2. Get Organized
PR is achieved through a planned, sustained set of activities. You will need a calendar to organize your outreach activities. You must also start generating a contact list of media, opinion leaders, personalities, customers and likeminded companies to engage and collaborate with.
3. Think like a reporter
Your press release should be interesting and to the point with a sprinkle of insightful quotes in it. A brief company history at the end can help too and don’t forget to include your contact details.
The goal here is to ensnare the right editor on the right title with an interesting media release that grabs their attention. The more you can think like a reporter, the better it gets.
4. Do your Research
There are no substitutes for research and careful planning in your PR work. Research is an essential part of public relations management as it allows you to be strategic. This ensures the communication is specifically targeted to audiences who want, need, or care about the information. Study PR campaigns that you would like to take inspiration from. See what the competition is up to and think about outmaneuvering them.
5. Work with a Team
First off you will need to set up a dedicated team for your PR efforts. If you have a staffer who is great in graphics, writes witty copy or simply takes good pictures then get them to your team. Your team will help you add value to your messaging, provide feedback and help you distribute your messages. A team can help ensure that any messages you convey are by design rather than an accident.
6. Enhances Your Online Presence
In this world where everyone is digitally connected you need an online presence to reach to your customers. Your social media presence Facebook, Instagram, twitter are great mediums to reach your public. You can use them to make announcements, make connections and publish content.
7. Know your Competition
The key to any successive business is to strengthen your comparative competitiveness. Your business, and every team within it, must have a source of competitive advantage. Understanding, identifying, creating, and sustaining a competitive advantage is at the heart of a good strategy.
8. Create compelling content
Public relations is about sharing the right information to the right places and people. This helps build your brand and brand reputation. You need to learn your target language, desires, things that resonate with them, and the things they don’t like. Choose the right topic for your content. Compelling content should include elements of curiosity, urgency, relevancy, value and emotion.
9. Think like your Audience
Remember to design your campaign from the public’s point of view, not your own. Subtlety is key here! As a business you will need to use wording that conveys a solidly positive image, forcing opponents to take up the negative stance. Run by your message with friends and family to see what they think of the messaging before sending it out.
10. Define Goals and Objectives
Knowing what you want to achieve and how you want to get there can help bring clarity to your approach. This will help in determining which audiences you need to reach, and which messages and tactics are most likely to help you achieve your goals.
11. Establish a working Strategy
Choose the right PR strategy to suit your business needs. You will need to distinguish between public relations strategies and PR tactics. Strategies fall under the realm of general approaches to achieving objectives. While tactics are the day-to-day activities a business implements to carry out each strategy. 
PR Tips for Getting Publicity
12. Get the media’s attention
The key to getting media coverage is to offer them a story that they can’t resist. You will need to understand your marketing message and creatively craft them to get maximum impact. Understand that the media is looking for news – anything that is new, different, and creative. You will need to build a good relationship with your local paper or TV station. Try to have consistent engagement with them so that the press doesn’t omit you because they don’t know about you.
13. Get your Promotion game on
Promotion is a great way to attract customers and could be worth a thousand ads. The better your PR visibility, the more your other marketing communications efforts will draw interest. So, get out your freebies, merchandising, T-shirts and posters and start spreading the love. Your merchandising will help create resonance among your customers. Make sure that your marketing collateral have your logo on them
14. Be funny
Humor has always been a good way to get people to feel positive about an organization. Many businesses produce humorous advertisements, but there is no reason why PR should not also operate with a sense of fun. Look for something that your target audience would like. Use this to tap into their sense of humor; remember this may or may not be the same as your own.
15. Tease them, make them anticipate
Most companies like to blow the fanfare when they have something new to promote. After all, it is a great opportunity to show what can be done with an effective PR campaign. This will allow them to give the media something really meaty for a change. Here success lies from doing something different from what everyone else is doing.
Make sure to offer something that people will find exciting. This often works best for new products in a series, such as a new model car, book and movie sequels, and new menu items in restaurants. To do this first set a date for the release of the product and publicize it. Release the product in a limited way to enhance anticipation.
16. Have them compete
Competitions, raffles, lotteries, contests of any sort always attract attention, but some are more newsworthy than others. Those who compete will remember the firm and often talk about the competition. Think of an issue, event or topic relevant to your business and then launch a competition along that theme. For a great outcome, the competition should make the news in some way. Above all make sure that the competition is strongly branded.
17. Use the reverse pyramid format in your press release
The mainstay of any public relations endeavor is the press release. The ideal press release is simply, thinly disguised advertisements masquerading as news. If you write it in a manner that it is too promotional the media might not run it. First, write it in a style that is familiar to the publication you have in mind.
Make things easy for journalists by writing in a reverse pyramid style. The whole story is contained in the headline, then each paragraph should offer a little more detail. This will prevent your press release from being cut out too much in the editing room. Avoid using more than 1,000 words.
18. Hold a media event
The media is your go-to medium to disseminate your message. Hold a press conference or a media junket whenever you have something important to announce. Don’t do it only when there is a crisis. Remember what you announce needs to be real news—otherwise, the media will not run it and see the event as a waste of time.
These events will give the media a chance to ask questions in a way that a press release does not. Thus, help build a more robust story on your business. Use the opportunity to further build in some time for journalists to talk one-on-one with your partners, customers and staff. Schedule the event to suit the media’s deadlines and always consult with them beforehand.
19. The young audience
Most PR efforts are aimed at adult audiences. You should know that people start forming their opinions of companies long before they are in a position to do business with them. Children, for example, form clear brand associations at a very early age, so why not try to reach them before your competition does?
20. Think local
Major media such as national newspapers and TV news can be difficult to attract. Your press release might be too small to make it in their media. In addition, the competition to get your business in their radar might be too intense. Rather target your local media such as local radio news, local TV news, and local newspapers because they are much easier to approach. As a local business, they are most probably looking for you in terms of familiarity and newsworthiness.
21. Be prominent on the web
The internet is a valuable tool for businesses to get their word out. People seek out information online, and in fact, control the flow of information. What they are looking for is something agreeable. Either from the viewpoint of being familiar and easy to use or from the viewpoint of having content that matches the individual’s own views.
If you customize your SEO and feature prominent on search engines, chances are you are reaching more people. Choose your keywords carefully, based on what your audiences are likely to enter into their search engines. And ensure that your content will not disappoint.
22. Become your Own Brand
People love a business that has a story they can relate to. Be prepared to promote your brand at any and every opportunity. As such, be consistent in your message and positive at all times. You will need to be enthusiastic about your brand and business for people to take notice of you.
23. Cover All your Angles
Being truly newsworthy is a golden opportunity to leverage your brand and it can be a good publicity opportunity. Being consistently relevant to the news is even greater. Think through all the angles when you decide to engage with the media. Know what the media likes, and give it to them.
Never send out a blanket release to everybody—it just creates work as journalists try to figure out the relevance of the story.
24. Create photo opportunities
Pictures are worth a thousand words. Always incorporate your copy with a stunning picture.
A striking picture not only take less space but offers a great deal less effort to produce. Getting the photographers along to your events will make the story publishable and also create a great deal more interest. Also, don’t forget to invite television news crews as well. Good photo opportunities are also good video opportunities!
25. Tell Stories
The media are always on the lookout for good, interesting ideas for documentaries. They want shows with strong human interest, and preferably ideas that are unusual taking on topical subjects.
Humble beginnings, a sense of community, humor, human interest, tragedy all sell. Think from the perspective of the media and the public. Ask what will they gain from it? What spin-offs might there be?
26. Don’t forget the holidays
Holidays like Christmas can be a great time for PR work. This is because people are generally full of goodwill, and appreciate goodwill gestures by companies. Support charities, endorse campaigns and give to charity during these periods. They help create warm, fuzzy feelings towards your business. They help highlight the company has a human face. Also, involve your employees as it will help them get into the holiday spirit too.
27. Involve others
Nothing says a community business as one that forges ties within the community. Participate in events in your local church, support the local football team and network in your local chamber of commerce. Your stakeholders need not just be passive recipients of your PR efforts but also partners. They can join in and be part of what’s happening. In fact, the greater the involvement of stakeholders, the greater their feelings of ownership and loyalty toward you and the project.
Consider carefully the agendas of the stakeholders you want to involve. Also, find common ground and work with them- don’t try to dictate.
28. Write your own story
If possible, publish your own newsletter. You can piggyback media to send out your message. But having your own outlet can help you churn out great content more frequently. Decide to publish regularly either once a week or at least once a month.
Don’t let the newsletter become a propaganda device, encourage your staff to also contribute. The key is to have your own medium and platform where you can engage with your audiences on your terms.
29. Join Associations
By being a member of the Rotary Club, chambers of commerce and local associations you get access. Besides providing networking opportunities for business people, and can also use them to distribute your messages. Establish your credentials as an industry spokesperson and if possible, involve your trade association. Volunteer and support to get more recognition and partnership. Image is everything, be proactive in asking for roles, producing articles, and dealing with the press.
30. Be passionate
As a local business, you should be actively engaged in what happens in your community. Be it the new zoning laws, climate change, support the local hospital or help renovate the local church. By being a business that is passionate about your community you are not only drawing attention to your business but also positively impact your community at large. Think beyond just fundraising, perhaps you could donate your time or the time of your team to a good cause. These are often easy to report on and show that yours is a company with a heart.
31. Involve your employees
A business is run by a collective of people with a common goal to serve its customers. Try to infuse an element of humanity into your business’s story. Highlight what your business does to help staff pay their mortgages, how you as a company have social interactions, and performing interesting and useful tasks as a team. Tell your company’s story from the perspective of your employees. Involve your employees at every opportunity and make sure you have a regular employee of the month post.
32. Link your PR with your advertising
Most firms only link their PR with their advertisement superficially. A smart business will create an integrated campaign based on a combination of communication techniques, each one boosting the other. Infuse collaboration and synergy across all your departments.
33. Get partnered up
One way to grow your audience is to leverage someone else’s visibility. This is a great PR tactic if you have a business that depends on having strong local community connections. Think in terms of co-branding as well as using your business to connect with likeminded businesses and offer activities to engage the local community.
34. Produce your own marketing collateral
It is great to be in the public view. It is even greater to get your marketing collateral as well. Printing collateral such as business cards, brochures and flyers still have tons of value. If you have a physical presence, leaving people with the information they can take with them is a useful way of ensuring they come back.
35. Look for awareness days relevant to your business
Use awareness days to piggyback off for your PR efforts. A quick Google search will give you a huge list of awareness days relevant to your business. By choosing a date and think of a product, service or event you can launch to mark that day and have the media cover it. You can also leverage yourself or your business as a relevant expert to mark the day.
36. Mark Anniversaries relevant to your business
If your business has lasted for a significant period of time think about using notable anniversaries for your PR work. Anniversaries and your company’s milestones are by nature newsworthy and your local media will want to know about you and the story of your success over the years.
37. Highlight innovations in your company culture
Don’t only think about the product and service you provide – think also about how you do it all. Focus on highlighting how you encourage diversity in your work force, how you source your products from the local economy or how eco-friendly you are. Highlight what your company culture is all about and what makes you unique – then share it with media outlets or the national press.
38. Do something Amazing for one of Your Customers
Use your customers as your story piece. Look for your most inspiring customers and think about how you could build a PR campaign around them. Maybe you can make a long-held wish or dream of theirs come true for them. Nothing sells like a business giving back to its valued customers.
39. Try a Press Release Service
Press release services provide the opportunity to reach out to a broader media for your company. They come for free or are priced depending on the services you might want to get from them. Make sure you have a solid vision of your PR so you can match it with the services they offer.
40. Reach out to your customers
The key to PR is all about maintaining regular communications. Generate a contact list of your customers and reach out to them on announcements, special events or simply to send them holiday greetings. Be sure to get their permission before you include them on the list. If possible, use what you know about your publics to ensure they only get messages they need. Don’t over use your privilege by crowding up their inboxes otherwise they might unsubscribe.
41. Create ‘How to’ tips
Let’s face it everyone loves life hacks and expert advice. So, start sharing your knowledge to attract attention to yourself and demonstrate you know what you are doing, and can be trusted. Write tips people can easily understand and are useful to the average Joe. Make yourself available for interviews for the newspapers or even TV and radio shows.
42. Get yourself on Wikipedia
More and more people these days go online to do research. One very widely used site is Wikipedia. People who know something about something can write an article for Wikipedia. As such why not have your own Wikipedia entry. Remember to be truthful about yourself and link it to your website.
43. Join LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a social networking site for businesses. This allows you to network with businesses as well as raise your business profile. You will, however, need to invest time contributing to the site. In particular, be prepared to help people who contact you through the site—this is about building your reputation, not about selling your products.
44. Leverage Testimonials
The best type of PR is the one that comes from others. What your staff, customers and suppliers say about you is very credible. Always ask people if it’s OK to publish a testimonial on their behalf. It’s powerful when you allow happy customers to voice their excitement about your brand. If possible, seek video testimonials. Feature full-length customer case studies. Use testimonials to enhance your standing as a successful business.
45. Get your website
Websites are becoming the cornerstone of a company’s outreach. If you don’t have a website yet, get one now. Websites will allow your clients and prospects to get one-stop information about your business on their PC or at the palm of their hands. You can also include videos and your social media handles to increase your reach.
46. Offer Exclusives
Rather than blasting your press releases to all the media outlets, offer your exclusive story to one targeted outlet at a time. This will help increase ties with the media and offer them an opportunity they can’t refuse. You will need to research journalists in your industry and pitch them on why you selected them for each unique and exclusive story.
47. Don’t forget social and corporate responsibility
Include the work you do to impact your community. This will help you use the opportunity to directly impact public perception of your company and brand. So, start showcasing your environmental work, ethical business practices or philanthropy.
48. Be part of business events
Host, sponsor or attend business functions to showcase and increase your brand exposure. Such events will help you reach potential suppliers, collaborators and even customers.
49. Get on YouTube
YouTube is among the most popular mediums on our planet. It allows people to post pretty much anything they want to on video provided the community guidelines are followed. Try to avoid outright commercial plugs by keeping it personal, and don’t forget to tell a story.
50. Start or endorse a campaign
By starting or promoting a campaign you give people a cause to rally behind. You not only help a worthy cause but also create a sense of community around a particular cause. Make sure you also include an element of fun and creativity – think Ice bucket challenge.
51. Get influencers
An influencer is someone responsible for engaging with and promoting your brand. This might entail payment where the influencer gets something in exchange for their media contributions. The influencers might agree to post three Instagram image and write a blog review of your company. With influencers, you can dictate the direction you would like them to focus on, provide branded hashtags and other plugs.
52. Make your Events Fun
For your events to be successful, make them fun and memorable. The key is not to spend huge amounts of cash but to be creative and original. Hire clowns, comedians and entertainers to make your events fun and easygoing.
53. Perfect before you pitch
Staking your name and reputation before your product or service is ready could bring negative reviews. First focus on bringing the best out of your product or service before going public with it. A good product is more likely to get better press upon review.
54. Always personalize your pitch
Don’t get lazy and send out a bulk press release. Identify the media outlet and if possible, the journalist that will most likely take your pitch. A customized pitch shows you are organized and know what you are talking about. Always address your email to the particular reporter/editor concerned.
55. Create an Annual PR Calendar
Always plan your PR efforts ahead. Most media produce either daily, weekly or monthly so think of them in advance to ensure coverage. Create a PR plan with press announcements that are well-timed before each season, holiday, business calendar announcement and other events.
56. Include a media or press page on your website
Having a well-organized media or press page on your website will project an image of being organized. In addition, provide a where to go in the site for press queries, press releases, bios, company facts and history, and archival material – resources that media would like to use.
57. Be a guest speaker on podcasts
Small business owners are the heart of American ingenuity. Leverage your position to provide insights in regards to your industry, on running a business, current affairs and others. Podcasts are widely popular and have millions of listeners. You can use them to amplify your presence.
58. Be prepared for rejection
Just because you put a lot of effort into your PR work doesn’t mean the press will pick up your story automatically. When trying to capture the attention of the media it’s easy to think you know better than they do. You might be so invested in your product or service and so convinced of its importance to the market it can seem inevitable people will want to write about it.
It is always okay to miss targets in your first try. What is important is to learn from your mistakes and work towards achieving your goals. Work towards improving your appeal and pitch. It might take a lot of telephone ping pong, emails and mixers to get the media on board. Always keep on trying.
59. Always Build up your profile
Your goal is to connect with as many people as possible. You should not connect with everybody but with people who look after the section of the very publications you want to get into. Aim to become a good contact person who has knowledge about your industry and community.
60. Remember speed and relevance is everything
In this ever-connected world, news travels fast; if you blink you might have missed it. In public relations, speed is not just about getting news out the door. What it actually is reflected in the way a company disseminates relevant and timely information to its customers and business partners.
61. Include Monitoring in Your PR
You can’t effectively respond to a bad situation if you don’t know what’s happening and who’s talking about it. Always make sure you monitor all reports, comments about your business to see how you fare with the general public. Make sure you have the capability to analyze the impact of coverage or comments so that you can respond with the appropriate degree be it positive or otherwise.
62. Understand the Problem Before Acting
There can be tremendous pressure to respond immediately, it is never a good idea to make a statement before you understand all of the facts. Consult with involved employees or other stakeholders so that you are clear about exactly what happened and what information has been published.
63. Focus on What Really Matters
You might be tempted to respond to a crisis by sharing every detail, but keep in mind reputation management is about sharing what the public needs to know, not what you want to say.  Be content with providing just enough information so they understand your response. Focus on giving a good level of detail to those who are actually impacted by the problem.
64. Focus on the long term, not the short term
Businesses are ever more conscious of the values of lifetime customers and customer relationship management. The key here is to recognize keeping your customers satisfied for the long term is more important than the immediate sale or the profits from it.
Likewise, treat the press as you would a customer. Don’t place today’s story above the long-term relationship. If the media say no and you’ve tried to convince them otherwise, letting go is advised. Preserve the relationship so that the media concerned will continue to be friendly and receptive when you call with your next pitch.
65. Act ethically
Never violate your code of ethics for PR or any other business pursuit. The media, in particular, are better able than other people to spot unethical behavior. If you try to pull a fast one on the media such as offering a bribe, chances are they will spot it and it will backfire terribly. Good business ethics maintain your reputation and enhance your assets. People who trust you are more likely to do business with you.
66. Plan, Plan, and Plan
For every outreach make sure you have a plan. The plan is just the start but will help you get through the intricacies required for your success. Make sure your plan defines explicitly what the key deliverables are and how they measure success.
67. Always Preserve your Integrity
Integrity is the cement that must be in place to assure your promotion. Integrity means not compromising yourself and taking the high road whenever you can. Don’t let rivalries with your competition distract you from taking the high road. Stick with the right decision even when you know it may not be the most popular decision.
68. Create your own press kit
Whether it is a press conference, an interview or an event always have a press kit on hand. Your press kit should include your company’s background, brand story, factsheet, bios, high-resolution images and media contact details. This will show you have thought things through and are prepared for any eventuality. Your press kit should be impactful enough for the media to be intrigued and understand your company better.
69. It’s about relationships
Your PR efforts should focus on people who are already influencing your target customer. Look for people who have a lot of clout and build that relationship. Help them understand your message and how their followers can relate to you.
A successful relationship will help build trust between your company and its customers. Building positive relationships with the right media outlets is essential to developing trust. If the relationship isn’t already there, you won’t reach the right audience, no matter how many places feature you.
70. Don’t Discount Press releases
Press releases are an easy way to get credibility and publicity. Submit your press releases to media outlets to help you garner exposure in business journals, newspapers, radio shows and television morning shows.
71. Budget Accordingly
PR resources can be expensive sometimes. Regardless of what your budget is, make sure your budget covers all your priorities. If you have extra left in the budget, that’s ok too. You never know when you might need to use it to promote last-minute releases and ads.
72. Share your coverage
Getting good media coverage is good. Make sure your clients and prospects know about the coverage as well. By sharing your media coverage, you are making it known your business is in the spotlight and is credible.
73. Don’t Fib
Don’t lie to clients, journalists or bloggers. Lying about your company is the surest and fastest way of destroying your business and reputation. Your PR efforts must uphold the principles of truth and accountability, which are vital to building trust and credibility with all stakeholders.
You should work with the assumption the truth will come to light, regardless of what you say. So, don’t gamble and destroy your reputation with dishonesty.
74. Plan a Crisis Response
Makes sure you have a crisis communications team in the event a crisis occurs. Your crisis team will be tasked for planning a crisis response and ensuring its execution. They can also develop strategies to address the situation, identify responses, and monitor the media.
75. Remembering the Rules in a Crisis
Follow these simple rules. Always tell the truth; be prepared; show you care; make fast decisions; and make swift adjustments. And never ever, ever say, ‘No comment’. In a crisis always demonstrate care and compassion. 
Successful Public Relations Examples
76. Opt to Use a PR Firm
If you are not sure you cannot handle your PR outreach in-house, always have the option of hiring a PR firm. A PR firm can help you set up your PR efforts, provide you with analytics in terms of reach and use their connections to leverage you some media exposure.
77. Look for some great templates for your PR work
The task, planning and executing PR efforts can be overwhelming. If you have access to the internet you can tap into a treasure trove of templates and planners that are freely available to download.
78. Create your own blog
A blog can be a great way to tell your story with relative ease. Another reason to have a blog of your own is it will make it easier for bloggers to include you in their blogs. It will allow them to see what you’ve done, what you’ve said, and what others are saying about you.
79. Integrate Your PR with your other communications tools
Don’t fall into the pitfall of fragmenting your PR and communications efforts. If you are looking for an effective outreach bring consistency in messaging and a unity of purpose to your outreach. media clippings about your business should be posted to your social platforms, your newsletter and other media you use. It will also help significantly if you have a dedicated individual who handles all your communications.
80. Snag your celebrity early on
A celebrity endorsement has some great returns. Be a talent spotter, look towards the long term when you pick your celebrity and make sure you have a bulletproof contract. Your celebrity might not hang around if he or she will get other tempting offers. In order to capitalize on your celebrity, design a wide-ranging program of events for your celebrity to be involved in. Above all keep the rights to all the photos and endorsements.
81. Offer Free Stuff
Make sure you have free t-shirts, caps, flash drives or even a gift basket in your events. Thank your most loyal customers by giving them something nice, reward staff with freebies, or hand out company calendars. These will help build your brand and increase your visibility in your community. A branded apron for the summer or a cool T-shirt can take you a long way.
82. Invite the Media to write a ‘day in the life’ piece
Human interest stories sell, especially in regards to small communities. Whatever your business does the media will be keen to see ‘behind the curtain’. A ‘day in the life’ feature is a great way to build trust and demonstrate transparency.
83. Send samples to the press
If you have a product you want to launch think of the types of reporter who will be interested in it. Send out an advance sample to the media to get good reviews on it and create a need among your customers. A good product review will always beat an ad drive.
84. Break a record or reach a stunning milestone
Choose a record that is relevant to your business and then try to break it. It could be by sponsoring the largest pizza in the state or the highest number of turnouts to your events. Invite the media as well as personalities within your community to become part of the fanfare as well.
85. Embrace a mascot
In a customer-oriented world where a positive happy public face can bring customers to your door creating a mascot is both simple and fun. Having a friendly face is often the best way to spark people’s interests. Sports teams, McDonald’s, Dairy queen all use mascots to personify their business through a recognizable character. While choosing your mascot make sure it symbolizes the spirit of your company, develops positive impact and is engaging.
86. Keep up with the Game
Read, research and stay informed with everything in your industry. To better position yourself as a resource person for media looking to garner insights from you. If you are knowledgeable in your industry you will be highly sought after to comment on developing stories.
87. Assign a spokesperson
Though PR work is a team effort you need one person to respond to all queries related to your business. Make sure there is one person who is assigned the job of speaking to the press and they are fully on-message should a writer call up. It is important the person is clearly stated as the go-to person for all media related releases. Don’t forget to include his/her contact details in all releases.
88. Try Show and tell
Invite potential clients to visit where you can showcase your business. Why not offer media and the general public the opportunity to see product demonstration and also create some buzz as well.
89. Help a Reporter Out
Reactive pitching is a good way to get in front of a journalist that works in or around your industry. These can be a terrific way to fit your business into a current story. All you need do is to respond to the query with a pitch on why you would be most qualified to address the topic.
90. Your Customers are also Brand Ambassadors
You can use your customers as brand ambassadors. The mere fact they are using your products and services makes them ideal for endorsements. They can engage with prospects by helping them go through the unique attributes for your product or service from a customer’s perspective. Use those happy customers as your spokespeople.
91. Remember SMART
Use SMART acronym when measuring your PR goals before rolling them out.
Specific- Specify your goals and be able to communicate them to others.
Measurable- Use analytics or other programs to see your progress toward the goal.
Actionable- Break down your goal into smaller objectives, with realistic timelines.
Realistic- Establish what you and your team can reasonably do in a set amount of time.
Time-Based- Set a final date for your overall goal and shorter deadlines for the different stages of your goal.
92. Show your support by sponsoring events
Sponsoring a major event such as a charity, the town fair or sporting events carries a great deal of publicity value. Find an event that links to your product in a fairly direct way and support it. Sponsorship has always been a popular tool of PR as it generates word of mouth and creates a good impression of the company.
93. Create a publicity Stunt
All PR savvy companies have pulled a publicity stunt of some nature. The aim of a stunt is to generate word of mouth to keep people talking about you for days. The best stunts are ones that relate to the product and are eye-catching and creative.
Publicity stunts might be tricky. Make sure your stunt is legal, it fits in with the images of the people involved, and be wary of upsetting the public.
94. Make it Personal
Apply a personal touch to whoever you deal with. Provide a free caricature picture of your customers, give them gifts with their names printed on them. Nothing sells more than personal service and attentiveness.
95. Be a Patron of the arts
Support your local band or artists in your community. Support them by allowing them to showcase their works in your place of business. It not only increases the aesthetics of your business but also shows community spirit.
96. Use existing ideas
Sometimes you don’t need to create anything new in terms of your content. Draw a parallel between something you’re already doing and something familiar or trendy which you can piggyback of. Organize competitions such as lip-syncing, beauty pageants or cookouts to draw in the crowds.
97. Take risks not chances
Entrepreneurship is all about taking risks. Risks are important if you want to get promoted. Nobody in their right mind is promoting non-risk takers. Just to survive, much less succeed, you must learn how to get out in front of the tide and make risky decisions. If you wait too long, someone else will do it for you. Your biggest risk is not to take risks.
98. Make Great First Impressions
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. You make first impressions every day and you succeed or fail by the impressions you create in briefings, interviews, phone calls, meetings, and a myriad of other daily encounters.
99. Know How to Sell Your Ideas
The powerful art of persuading others your ideas are great and should, therefore, be implemented is critical to the promotional process. The more ideas you sell, the more people will think of you as a contributor to the organization. Always stress the benefits, try to see from the perspective of naysayers and justify your positions.
100. Keep Your Arrogance to Yourself
From the moment you start talking to anybody on the telephone or face-to-face, it’s important you project confidence without sounding arrogant. Arrogance turns people off. Don’t let your ego get to you and cripple your chances of getting promoted.
101. Always be Positive
Avoid making your messaging from being all about doom and gloom. Your messaging should inspire action not cringe. Work towards messaging that includes a call to actions, stress attributes and your unique differentiation.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “101 Public Relations Strategies, Tips and Examples” was first published on Small Business Trends
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