#(uhhh i dont know if it shows im following you?? this is my side blog
dandythequeerflower · 2 months
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*he struggled with the camera, only realizing that it's already recording*
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🌻🌈 ; "Hello! It's me, Dandy! I finally set this video camera up so you can see me better!"
☆Call me Dandy!☆
☆This is a RP and Ask blog!☆
More characters will be added in the future to ask, Stay tuned for a certain moonman tho..
i DO NOT support the Game Devs, I only enjoy the game and lore
I ship Moonflower so if you don't like that I'd advise you to sadly leave.. but if you don't mind your welcome to stay! Moonflower won't be alot tho, since in my universe it's a one sided relationship, plus Dandy denies that he is gay (even tho he clearly is)
[2] Please do not copy my universe in any way, it isn't an AU but it would suck to see my art getting used.
[3] Dont be racist,homophobic,transphobic or rude person in general. You will be blocked
[4] Please don't spam me aswell
[5] Don't DM me unless your a friend or if you want to ask a question about something important. otherwise I will simply ignore them, sorry!
[6] DO NOT MENTION ABOUT SH! OR [TW] SU!C|DƏ This is unfortunately a rule I had to make due to an Ask getting too far. I don't know who this person is but I personally hope you will stop.
Dandy is pretty sadistic and manipulative, though pretty childish at times.
He does regret is actions but continues with the Ichor Operation due to greed.
He LOVES tapes. He has a drawer full of all the episodes but whenever he receives duplicates he either keeps them somewhere or eats them.
HE DOES Care for Astro he just has a hard time showing it
So speech goes in "" , the emojis are just dandy stuff I like to use [🌻🌈 ; ]
actions go in **
ooc things either go in /ooc (), [] or normal text
HI HI GUYS! So im actually @skymiawings who's running this blog! here's a bit about me :3
Call me Sky/Skylet since it's my oc name, her full name is Skylet Wings!
she/her also lesbian and taken :3
I am 14 years old!
Proud furry, therian, paper/cardboard mask maker, artist, animator and so much more ^^
Fandoms I currently like! : DANDYS WORLD, Indigo Park, KinitoPET, The Stanley Parable, (uhhh HELP IDK I THINK THATS IT)
Im remaking my main furry oc ref soon but I made her in dandys world!
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jmkitsune · 3 years
1-50 of the "be nosy asks" 😂
1. What’s your sexual orientation?
Im a demisexual
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
well I jsut finished stargate atlantis so let's go with that cause I did SG1/SGA in like a few months
TEMPTED to do universe buut we'll see
3. Ever done any drugs?
nope- not a huge fan (by that i mean I actually can't stand drugs)
4. What piercings do you want?
I'd like to redo my ears at some point
5. How many people have you kissed?
uhhh we'll say (in sexual/romantic way)
10 people
6. Describe your dream home.
clock tower penthouse overlooking the bay near the ocean or something
7. Who are you jealous of?
those who are successful
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
simpsons futurama or daria
9. Do you watch porn?
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
nah I have this blog, a star wars one I kinda forgot about/let die, and one for my first book trilogy I may wipe at some point cause I /have never gotten what I wanted to do with it/
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
to never work again and enjoy comfort
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
pay off debt
get my own place
not worry about bills for a while
15. Are you in a relationship?
I am not that being said if someone wants me- they gotta earn me cause I'm expensive AS FUCK
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
nah like I follow sex workers but that is cause either friends/acquaintances and I support their hard work but thats bout it
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
18. What tattoos do you want?
omg too many lol I always want new tattoos
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
I probably would just legally change my name to JM instead of using it as a preferred name
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
Star Wars, Star Gate, streaming, writing, gaming, uhhh *shrugs*
21. Describe your best friend.
stubborn, funny, pain in the ass, smart, irritating, dependable, makes me wanna throw things at them, protective, short etc
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
Insert every person I know who is attractive cause hi everyone is attractive in someway shape or form
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
Skillet, Linkin Park, Protomen, MCR, Fall out Boy
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Pacific North West
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
26. What’s your favorite season?
actual spring where its not too hot/too cold and enjoyable
27. What’s your pet peeve?
people who willfully want to be ignorant because they think its better than being educated since they think ALL educated people are elitist
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
and here is where I catch SO MUCH FLACK
scott pilgrim
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
uhh I actually message a lot of people so like I dont think I need to do that here
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
digital baby
we're in 2021 - save the trees and give me more books to carry in a smaller lighter device :D
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
the ones I've written
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
Jedi meets Grisha, meets Cloud Strife, Loki and Scarlet Witch
34. What’s your coffee order?
I have not had coffee since high school
and my order then was a medium decaf extra extra from dunks
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Im demi, crushes= confused friendship lines lol
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
of course, im human thats kinda the side effect of loving someone for a long time, there is always a shred of you that lingers for them
37. Have any tattoos?
I have SIX tattoos yes :D
two constellations (Orion/Pisces) on my wrists, my son of hades/twitch tattoo on my right forearm, my KH tattoos on my upper biceps, and my USB/IO Keyhole tattoo on the back of my neck
38. Do you drink?
not anymore, im a depressed drunk and I am very VERY uncomfortable around people who drink/are drunk
39. Are you a virgin?
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
go sub to my patreon for a year and I'll tell ya ;D
41. How many followers do you have?
go follow all my places get me boosted so you guys follow me everywhere and you can actually see all the shit I put out online content wise besides what I reblog on here
tumblr - 1660
twitch- 416
twitter 337
instagram- 175
youtube- 116
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
Have you seen 1990s Brendan Fraser
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
im a shopaholic when depressed
44. Do you read erotica?
I have, and I'll be honest, there is a part of me that thinks it has quality of writing people should not overlook BUT its not for me I think
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
fun fact- I've only been on
46. How many people do you follow?
here- 275, tiktok 545, instagram- 392, twitter 442
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
none, I don't have celebrity crushes and shit (and before you say fraser- I can appreciate someone's attractiveness without having a crush, I'm demi, not blind)
48. Describe your ideal partner.
from two friends who know me best
- witty, witchy, nerdy, someone who I can idealize their flaws into quirks -pretty eyed, dark haired nerdy girl with curves (esp. bangin tiddies) ((I can't believe adrienne SERIOUSLY SAID THAT PART)) who is empathetic and intelligent and willing to work with you and communicate with you to build something solid and long lasting
49. Who do you text the most?
I text Icarus, Britt, and Adrienne the most
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
“That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th, because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!”
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theofficeimagines · 5 years
guilty pleasure
Pairing: Ryan Howard/fem reader
  Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, reader and ryan dont really like each other lmao, strong language, mentions of pee but this isnt a piss kink fic i promise
  Word count: 2344
  a/n: this happened in a dream and i dont know how to deal w it so i wrote it out and then i found your blog so im sending it to you anonymously ksdhfkdsjfgh ive never read or written the office fanfiction before i dont know why my brain did this
  Kelly was invited to a frat party by a friend and naturally begged Ryan to come with. He didn’t seem keen on it, bored as usual with any plans Kelly tried to make to draw him back into a committed relationship, until you walked in on Kelly tugging at Ryan’s arm in the kitchen and she shifted her attention to inquire you. Ryan eyed you silently throughout the exchange. You told her that sure, you’d be there, and smiled. Ryan turned and watched as you left and you heard him suddenly exclaim “Ow!” as Kelly punched him.
  “Why don’t you leave her alone, you know she doesn’t like you.” Kelly grumbled.
  “Yeah, whatever, Kelly, I’ll come to your stupid party.” He replied, clearly not hearing what she’d actually said.
  You knew Ryan had a thing for you. He stares without restraint and always makes suggestive comments whenever he catches you when Kelly isn’t trailing his heels. The first time he tried flirting with you was in the presence of Pam, whom you’d immediately hit it off with. You looked at her, eyebrows raised, when he left, and she rolled her eyes.
  “Don’t worry about him, he does this to every new girl in the office that hasn’t broken thirty yet.” She said, giving you a warm smile.
  Sure, he was kind of cute, but maybe if he wasn’t so god damn pretentious you’d at least try and properly befriend him. But tormenting him with his own lust while keeping him at an arm’s length away was more fun. You didn’t like the way he treated Kelly and you wished she’d wisen up and drop him, but she seemed too far gone in her idolization to be reasoned with. So you didn’t exactly feel bad flirting back and then leaving him high and dry whenever he got particularly irritating. Someone had to have some control over his sexual impulses.
  But you’d never been to a non-office party with him before and couldn’t wait to see what he’d do to try and get your attention.
  You didn’t expect much in the way of formality from a frat party, so you showed up simply in your favorite jeans and the first clean casual shirt you spotted. You were never a makeup person and didn’t intend on starting now.
  By the time you got there, you really had to pee. You cursed yourself for drinking so much highly caffeinated name-brand soda throughout the day and not bothering to use the bathroom before leaving the house.
  You weren’t surprised to walk in and immediately find Ryan chatting up some random girls about how he was the youngest VP in Dunder Mifflin history and now how he’s some pseudo deep artist because “it didn’t really suit me.” He pretended he didn’t notice you come in and cleared his throat, suddenly overtaken by “um, uh.” He quickly recovered and continued his yapping, scooting closer to one of the girls to brush her hair out of her face and over her ear.
  Unimpressed, you sauntered over and placed your hand on his shoulder. “The real reason he isn’t VP anymore is because he got fired and arrested for committing fraud.” You said to the girls with a smile, kissed his cheek, and walked away to find the bathroom.
  Ryan stared at you, mouth agape. You heard the girls laughing despite the loud music and one of them said, “Wait, you got arrested?” incredulously.
  You were maybe ten steps away when Ryan finally snapped back to reality and shouted, “Hey!”
  You ignored him, shouldering past some sweaty, already drunk frat boys to get further into the house, toward where you assumed a bathroom might be.
  He followed and hollered, “Hey, (Y/N), what the fuck!”
  You finally stopped and turned on your heel as you heard your name. He seemed surprised and paused, causing you to cross your arms and look at him expectantly.
  “Why’d you do that? I was totally gonna lay one of those girls tonight!” He said in that classic Ryan Howard exasperated whine.
  Raising your brows, you scoffed and sounded a sarcastic, “Uh-huh.” before beginning to turn away again.
  “Hey,” he started and you sighed and turned back, “- I know you’re too stuck up and too deep into the feminist movement to sleep with me, but at least you could let me get on with other girls!”
  You laughed. “Ryan, your shit doesn’t work on me. I know you only came because I did and you were only talking to those girls to make me jealous.”
  “Fine, whatever, I give up.” He responded by throwing up his hands.
  “Really? That easy? After all this time?”
  “Yeah, if you’re playing hard to get, you’re playing too hard to get because I’m tired of this.” He seemed genuine for the first time in his entire life and you felt a small pang of disappointment in your chest. You enjoyed messing with him, and who knows, maybe one day you’d finally give him what he wanted.
  “Alright, hun, good luck with that.” Your tone was sarcastic as you patted the side of his arm. He glared at you and you turned away to continue on your quest for a bathroom. Any bathroom.
  The house was much larger than it looked. Or at least it seemed that way with so many people swarming in it, moving freely from room to room, the only rooms with closed doors barely contained the moans of frisky college kids. You hadn’t dared open any of them, not wishing to see something you might regret. You were about to give up and leave when you found Kelly.
  “Hey Kelly, where’s the bathroom?” You grabbed her arm to get her attention.
  “Whaaaaaa? I can’t hear you man!” She slurred. She was drunk. “The music’s sooooo loud!” She doubled over giggling.
  “The bathroom. Where is it?” You said louder.
  “Oh it’s ummm…. It’s uhhh…. This is a frat house, man! Just go whenever you want!” Kelly danced as she gave you her unhelpful advice.
  You sighed heavily, your bladder not enjoying the movement from being jostled about by wasted party-goers. You continued your way through the house when you spotted Ryan again. He was chatting up the girl whose hair he’d been playing with earlier. Something inside you snapped, you actually became jealous despite yourself, and you marched over.
  Grabbing Ryan hard by the arm, you pulled him away roughly as he hollered at you what your problem was.
  “Take me to the bathroom.” You demanded.
  When he saw the look in your eye, realization dawned on his face and he said, “Look, (Y/N), if this is another one of your games -”
  Despite your better judgement, you grabbed his face and kissed him ferociously. “Take me to the bathroom.” You commanded once again.
  This time he simply nodded and lead you by the hand through the crowded building.
  Upon finding an empty restroom, you whispered to yourself, “Thank God,” and began to enter when you realized Ryan was following closely behind you. You quickly turned and pushed him out, saying, “Wait, I actually have to pee.” and shut the door in his face.
  Having finally drained your bladder and washed your hands, you swung open the door to find Ryan still standing directly outside it. You grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into the room, slamming the door shut and locking it and placing another hard kiss on his lips. He kissed back, almost angrily; your teeth gnashing one another’s. You didn’t know what had gotten into you, you didn’t know why you wanted this so suddenly, but you wanted it now and you wanted it bad. And you could tell he did too.
  Pulling away for air, Ryan gasped, “So we’re really doing this, huh?”
  “Shut up.” You snapped, untucking his shirt because of course it was tucked in, and grabbing him by the back of the head to pull him in once again. He made you so fucking angry, he was so annoying and manipulative - maybe you just needed to get this frustration out of your system by taking it out with none other than Ryan’s own body. You tugged at his hair, nails digging lightly into his scalp, as his hands ran up your shirt, setting your skin on fire.
  His mouth moved to your jaw and he backed you up towards the counter. “Feisty, huh?” He mumbled against your skin, his breath making you shiver.
  “God, you are so annoying.” You gasped as he moved to kiss down your neck, biting hard at your flesh.
  “I wouldn’t have to be so annoying if you weren’t such a bitch.” He said into your ear.
  You growled, grabbing his face to kiss him again, this time biting down on his bottom lip and sucking on it, eliciting a groan from deep in his throat and he smacked and squeezed your ass. You felt wild, feral - you hated it when men called you a bitch. But when Ryan did it, it made you wanna fuck him harder.
  He grabbed your thighs and pulled away just enough to say, “Jump,” across your lips. You obliged and he helped you unto the counter; whatever was on it before you clattering to the floor and into the adjacent sink. He tugged your shirt over your head and you began to unbutton his. His mouth and teeth back on your neck and jaw, his hands roughly grabbing at the bare skin of your torso, you fumbled feverishly with his stupid button-up. You caved and tore open the shirt, the buttons popping surprisingly easily from their stitches.
  “Hey -” Ryan began to protest, but you quickly cut him off.
  “Don’t call me a bitch.”
  He shrugged off the shirt and you took the chance to get rid of your bra. Ryan hissed at the sight of your breasts and didn’t hesitate to grab them. Heat pooled in your belly and you ran your nails down his chest, his abs, his hips…. And you began to pull apart his belt. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of your breasts as you impatiently tugged at his jeans.
  “Jesus, just fuck me already, Ryan!” You whined, and he finally got the hint to push down his jeans and pull off yours as you braced against the counter to lift your butt. He pulled down your painties along with your jeans and you shimmied your feet out of them, Ryan wasting no time to take off his boxers.
  He took his hardened length into his hand and began pumping it in his fist, grabbing your chin to kiss you roughly. You spread your legs, scooting toward the edge of the counter to encourage him to finally start fucking you. He rubbed the head of his dick up and down your slit, spreading your wetness.
  “You ready for this?” Ryan questioned.
  “Fuck me.” You answered simply.
  Ryan didn’t need anymore convincing. He grabbed your hips and thrust hard inside you and you let out a loud whimper. He didn’t bother allowing you to adjust to his size, instead setting a brutal pace that turned you on even more. You hooked your arms under his shoulders and dug your nails into his skin, pulling down his back and back up again and buried your face into his shoulder. He moaned, grabbing your throat and pushing you back, forcing you to watch as he fucked you senseless. He watched as your breasts bounced with his movement and used his other hand to rub your clit.
  You were a fucking mess, moaning and whining as he pulled you back forward and trapped your body against his so he could rut into you harder, his fingers hard on your clit.
  “Oh fuck!” You cried, nails digging back into his shoulders. The fact that you knew you shouldn’t be doing this, the way he was grabbing you and biting you and kissing you, the rough and painful way he handled you, the fact that you were in a stranger’s house, only turned you on even more. You ground your hips desperately against his and wrapped your legs around his waist and he moaned, his fingers bruising your sides.
  Ryan grabbed your face with one hand, forcing you to look at him, and he groaned, “You gonna cum for me, baby?”
  You whimpered. “I’m not your baby.” You responded indignantly.
  He grabbed your thigh with his other hand, pulled it further up his torso and hooked it over his elbow, spreading you wider and pounding you harder. You cried out, clenching around him, that heat in your belly feeling insatiable.
  His fingers came back down on your clit and you held onto his shoulders for dear life.
  “God, you feel so fucking good.” He moaned.
  The two of you were slick with sweat, the room filled with animalistic noises and the sound of your skin smacking together. The coil in your belly felt just about ready to snap, all you were capable of was repeating varients of, “Oh God, oh fuck, oh shit,” and releasing the most wanton moans and whines. You could feel Ryan was close too, his breathing ragged and his thrusts becoming more erratic.
  It wasn’t until Ryan buried his hand into your hair and pulled, hard, that your orgasm shook your body and you screamed. Warmth spread all throughout your body as you came, and you clutched and clawed at Ryan for support. You heard him grumble something like, “So fucking hot,” as he rode out your high.
  Soon enough, he buried himself deep inside you and came, biting into neck and sucking hard, sure to leave a nice bruise. He pulled back and grabbed your face to kiss you, softer this time.
  The two of you stayed pressed against each other for a few moments, trying to catch your breath, before Ryan pulled out of you and you released your iron-clad grip on him.
  “Did we just hatefuck?” Ryan asked.
  “Yeah. Yeah, I think so.” You breathed.
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crystu-cii · 4 years
Okay so I might've already replied to the all earlier but I funny think I did since I had a busy day but if I did ignore this l, I'm forgetful ;w;
Oh my goodness-- woah :o XDD
Moodddd XDD I want to use pog n such but I am just like- hmmmmm people will laugh at me-
Oms XDD inside jokes with friends are BIZARRE-- XDD
Okay!! XDD you want your mild freedom back? XD
Oms random but like- I was thinking "I wanna make a thsc ask blog(preferably with Ellie and the center of attention)!" but like I can't think of anything and I am So Sad cause it seems like fun--
awhh its alright! hope you were able to go through your day alright! it must sound pretty tough :O 💞💞
and omG MEEE- i think people would laugh at me at first when im in school cause people possibly never expected me to use that word- XDD but holy shit that reminds me of something
one school year- i kinda pretended to have that serious personality but then have that funny and loud personality at COMPLETELY different times- i think i did that cause i was obssessed with the anime Umaru Chan- ( i even have the orange hamster hood she wears xD) and i would mostly show that serious and calm side in english- cause GOD- people were ANNOYINF in that class it drived me nuts- what better way to make it better by making classmates FEAR me- /hj xD
and it kinda did uhhh work- whenever i would talk to someone- (even when they usually cause trouble and all) they have a sudden change of character and like ACTUALLY listen to me and take me seriously its AWESOME xDDD but now looking back at it- it was kinda cringe- but still kinda great xDD
back then i would also fantasize what my life would be like as an anime- even though its nowhere close and im nowhere near asia- XDD but there are times where i feel like a protagonist ngl :0 xD
and yeSS indeed inside jokes are bonkers- it also messes with my humor so much that i just allow it- another one is also "ammunition loading my gun" because my friend was trying to say "loading my gun with ammunition" but accidentalt sAId THAR BAHAHAH
but OMGGG you starting a thsc ask blog sounds AWESOMEEE and omg yes! i love it when ellie gets attention!!! but awhh i completely understand how you dont know much ideas- literally people dont even know my ask blog exists and already started Right Hand Cat Boy as a general thing- god you dont understand how bonkers i went- i was also feel kinda bitchy for thinking "buT thAT wAs mY iDEa FirSt-" WELL MAYBE IF I DIDNT TAKE TWO MONTHS FOR THE TOPCAT CARE ARC WE WOULDA BEEN GOOD AND EVERYONE WOULDA BEEN HYPED- now my blog is just boring XDDD
but having an ask blog where you just answer everyone's questions definitely sounds fun! for my stickcat blog- its kinda following a story and can only answer certain asks- sometimes there are times where i have to SEND MYSELF asks because i know no one else would xD for example-
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this one is for the next in-plot post- whatev you call it- and i had to ask myself it for the story to progress xDD usually henry stickmin ask blogs follow around an AU, so if you have an au in mind- that can be good! but of course if you change your mind and dont wanna make an ask blog thats okay! do whatever makes you comfy!
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savnofilter · 5 years
okay so im just gonna my tingz and whatever since people can believe what theyd like.
whoop its more drama. 😅
so if you hadnt already seen it, great if you havent great. ahh im literally shaking oops but this is serious so i'll only what i have to say, and she blocked and deleted all my apologies and explanations.
i wasnt going to post anything because i replied and had said my words and left it at, if you dont want to like me thats fine, i'll live.
i one, would like to say that she even removed it so like rip me. uhhh i would make a video really to talk it because im bad at words and me typing it makes it worse ahahah.
essentially it was just a bunch of screenshots of me being mean so yeah that was it. er um wooph this is too much for me, the only account i can properly say was that i can say i was harsh was that christmas thing with someone who i havent spoken with in months and its that i said i hate people who celebrate it mad early. and yeah i can harsh because ive already explained that sometimes im blunt about it and when im in a bad mood i dont care.
on the other accounts let me say which i dont remember cause she had all the screenshots and i deleted all the chats because it was turning my already sour mood, even more sour.
so she said i didnt greet her properly which i even talked to you once before so idek what she was trying to get at there. 😅 ahh i asked who she was because i had been having on and off issues with a writer and that was already in the server. she suddenly added her to the discord after it being open for many months so naturally that added suspicion and i also have a great deal of knowing when something was up so yuh... call my instincts right cause it was in the messages that were sent to me. 😅
ahhh (ignore my many ah's when i get anxious it just happens ahahah) but those were taken out of context and like were set up to make me look bad. and even just in the whole post, the whole reason why they talked to me was to venge for something to bring me down LMAO.
just like before ive cooled down tremendously so im done from my mental breakdown to properly say this:
1) i didnt know it was even a slur. i just thought it meant dumb and it was only yesterday i had found out that it was bad.
now i'll say this again because people like being on this sav hate train to even read my words LMAO, im sorry for the words i said.
literally the person that i used it on doesnt even fucking like me so the fact thatd they were rude to me and then get shocked that im rude. i even said that day i had not been fine, i was not well. and if you got your secret santa friend you could also get screenshots saying that i said at the point in time i did not care what i said to people because i was planning on killing myself so i didnt care what i was going to say because you know id be dead.
2) may i say again, i had suspicions of other party friend talking about me because she even messaged me on many times and even brought up one situation that i took piss poor shit in handling. 😂
and may i mention she (christmas person) left because she didnt speak up about other issues that couldve been talked out with and decided to leave.
not only that i thought we were talking about our opinions on celebrating christmas so stop trying to feed word into me mouth m8.
and also the conversation had lack of communication so everything was jumbled up, and i didnt even know she was actually leaving the server i thought she was going "tata" for a bit and i was going to talk to her, i eventually did but we do not speak anymore.
3) the main reason why she spoke to me was to basically catch me red handed LMAO. and she got what she wanted. 👏🏽i literally had people message me, asking why she was even asking for peoples ages.
one how do you even know i was referencing you?! i... but anyways... again you want to make me out to be a bad person lmao. i have bad moments just like everybody else. but because i like to be nice and uplift people i cant make mistakes? like what flawed logic is that?
how am i supposed to grow if i dont make mistakes and learn from them. it woudve been a whole different story if i used it multiple times and didnt give a fuck. and no, its not every day that im a "dumb fucking cunt" to people.
4) you legit deleted my responses and apologies. 😂 and people are just jumping on this and dont even
know me.
ever talked to me.
not even in the server.
so now the "brought to tumblr" again i was just sharing my damn sadness dude. your call-out post makes no sense. trying to make it sound like im out here trying to ruin peoples days is not even close to the truth... i myself hate making people feel bad about themselves.
im not some sociopath, and youre mad because i was bummed i realized that someone that i thought was amazing doesnt like me??? like youre telling me that you snapping at me everytime we talked im just supposed to take it? i just...
and ive said it on my blog, im not in the best place. youre gonna get me off on my off days. i even said that me even interacting is not even a good idea but i choose to make the conscious decision to even talk to people just makes me feel even worse because someone was mean to me first.
you cant take me being my worst and saying its my fucking whole. you dont care about me wanting to "fIx My WaYs" you just want to fucking embarrass me and have people hate me.
if youre trying to show character, youre doing a terrible job at it.
i tried adding you as a friend to even talk to you but you had even BLOCKED ME on discord. you dont care. at all. stop pretending youre some knight, if all i was even trying to talk it out to you and youre response is "youre mean you suck" like what the fuck...
you and your friends and your followers my "followers" who havent asked for my side just show how much you guys really want to pUrIfY this erotica for anime community,,
and also you were a massive prick to my friend because she was sharing her own thoughts so i dont even know why youre trying to act like youre an angel. unless you can tell me that you have never been wrong, i will just crucify myself on the cross and apologize to jesus for being such a sinner.
the more i type, the more i get spiteful so i will stop myself here. have a wonderful night/day/whenever you see it dude or never see it cause you blocked me lol.
EDIT: also i never even hinted that it was you so it just confirms this was only for malicious purposes... and i now just feel like you made it because you feel like i shouldnt have feelings either.
apologies if its all over the place, i wrote this in a state of panic to a slow burn of being mellowing out.
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rxcusant · 5 years
Tumblr media
NAME:  Sammi NICKNAME:  sam, .... thats it lmao FACECLAIM:  riku nanase aka my child my son my goodest boy PRONOUNS:  She/Her HEIGHT:  5′4′‘  BIRTHDAY:  sept 26th !! AESTHETIC:  uhhh darkness, claws, bows, black floral prints, and the ocean LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO:  Loser Geek Whatever - Acoustic FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN: Sora and Vanitas of course!! I love writing my OC’s a lot too but I find nobody really cares about them as much beyond my friends so fgkdjfh guess ill die  i also really like writing jeremy on my multi and anyone who follows me there knows that very well given how much i talk about him
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE:  like sora or soranort? cause funnily enough, i didnt rp sora first! Roxas was my first favorite and muse, then it was Riku, and then I picked up Sora for my friend who rped Riku and....... i just fell in love kjgdhf but if you mean soranort the long and short of it is I love bad endings and I love darkness and i wanted to stand out among the sea of soras on tumblr so i decided to write everyones favorite controversial au that everyone has a strong opinion on dkjhfg As for vanitas he just kinda.... manifested one day. ive been a vanitas stan since i first saw him but i didnt have a muse for him for awhile. he showed up mid soranort development and he wont leave
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: sora is a stronger soul than i ever will be. hes optimistic and charming and yet shoulders so much no boy ever should. hes smarter than a lot of people give him credit for (i’ll jokingly call him a dumbass but hes really a smart cookie). i see a lot of myself in sora too so maybe itd be nice to someday see myself in his better qualities too. for vanitas.............. god i. really dont know what to say without sounding like an ass but i just LOVE WHAT A BROKEN CHARACTER HE IS hes been through his own personal hell and back and crawled out a monster. a jaded creature snapping at any hands who come close despite how much he wants to take those hands he refuses. im fascinated and its immensely fun to write. plus the games clearly wont give him any character depth so i developed him on my own for 6 years and im very attached to my version of him kjfghdjg
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING:  JUST ABOUT ANYTHING.....i can find inspiration anywhere, sometimes in unexpected places. When i write i like to put music on, instrumentals or something not in english that way i dont get distracted, and the music just differs wildly depending on the thread. if im writing something on the emotional side i usually put on the Scala Ad Caelum theme. i dont know why it works it just does
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS: i. well. if you follow this blog you know i love angst and misery dkfjnkgdfg i wont deny it. but we cant have angst all the time and its important to breathe so thats another thing i like to write! The respites, the breaths of fresh air. Ive also learned i REALLY love recovery threads. two characters talking their shit out like ‘wow, that was fucked up’ ‘yeah it was but we’re gonna be alright i got your back’ YEAH I LOVE THAT give me that sweet sweet HEALING PROCESS
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: i dont really Struggle with anything IC too much i guess? aside from Remembering all the KH lore WHICH IM PRETTY GOOD AT its just understanding some of the details that get me. That whole dream within a dream bullshit in DDD? yeah im. no thanks. i didnt understand it back then and i dont now. i dont know whats happening in ux and i havent known for Months (thats a lie i know whats going on but i dont know, you feel me?)
TAGGED BY: @ravensbled thank you monique!! <3 TAGGING: its...almost 2am Just. take it from me i dont care jdfkgglg
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landofgay · 5 years
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better!
@sapphicfinalpam​ tagged me (well no they didnt but lets pretend they did i like these HJKFGJKD)
1. Nickname - everyone calls me iby and it sends me into a Blind Rage hfjkghdjf, and maya calls me wife a lot cause we married dfhgjkdf
2. Zodiac sign - libra baybee
3. Hogwarts house - man idfk everytime i do that quiz i get a different answer
4. Height - 5′10 im Long
5. Last thing I googled - “whose line helping hands coffee” (i spend all my time looking for tiktoks and whose line clips fdhgjfhdj)
6. Favourite artists - king gizzard and the lizard wizard Always, plus uhhh nirvana and smashing pumpkins, and elton john atm, and syd barrett/syd era pink floyd. 
7. Song stuck in my head at the moment - well since im actively listening to honky cat as i write this, that i guess??
8. Followers - 1793 atm but i know theres a bunch of bots i gotta block... but im also finally close to getting 1800 after like. 2 years. so we’ll see fhgjdfkk. (side blogs have 49 and 6, and then 0 on the last 2 LMAOOO)
9. Following - 64 i gotta follow more people
10. Do I get asks - hahahahhha nope
11. Amount of sleep - ideally 8-9 hours, any less and my organs start shutting down. :^)
12. Lucky numbers - 69 ;^)
13. What am I wearing - pj shorts and a tank top, its HOT out
14. Dream Job - working in music somehow! DREAM job is being in a cool band and playing small shows in vancouver but thats unrealistic so i’ll say uhhh. working in a recording studio!
15. Instruments - guitar and ukulele, but i wanna learn bass and drums, and piano i Guess??? its useful but i also just Dont Care LMAOO
16. Languages - english! and a teeny bit of french from school, and a lil bit of dutch.
7. Favourite song - atm.... mmmmmm idk!!! i guess honky cat or crocodile rock lmao rocketman has its hold on me
18. Random fact - i have ordinal linguistic personification type synesthesia so thats cool
19. Aesthetic - uhhhh 90s grunge and 70s psychedelic! also my music taste lmao. but like 90s seattle fall grungey rainy shit.
20. Dream trip - netherlands!!!! i really really wanna visit there. or PEI. theres family in both places ive never met! but also just to explore
i taaaaag anyone who wants to do this, feel No Fear just do it
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maginpui · 6 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @artpharos​ (thanks!)
Nickname: Elle but you can call me Ro too. (Rarely use Ro that but thats on my line nickname and its from my name sooo)
Height: UHHH i need to recheck im not sure. 
Last movie I saw: How to train your dragon 3!
Favourite Artists:  No one specific 
Song stuck in my head: Because ive been catching up with seasonal animes- this op actually
Do I get asks: Nah actually- very rare.
Other blogs: @mr-leggy-leg-man​ a joke of a blog which became am accidental ace attorney side blog which is inactive rn
Following: 472....im sure a lot are inactive.
Amount of sleep: 6-7 hours ish- trying to make sure i do something right health wise! Even if i think it should be 8 but whatever
Lucky number: 8 my kindergarten logic is only because it looks like a snowman. i dont think thats how a lucky number works.
What I’m wearing: black pants and a hoodie. 
Dream job: 
I am working on a degree in something and this is what i want from it later:
1. I want some cash by not doing much. I know impossible. 
2. Do something completely crazy thats super creative and break routine- i wanna create something that will change the world for some people.
3. Help people of course! 
I may look like the most naive person ever but i met so many people in the last few months which taught me that life is weird! and cool! and you could do crazy things and go away from the traditional job structure! So ive been reconsidering many steps i thought i wanted from my job! and i hope most importantly! i enjoy myself!
Favorite food: I dont know! I love all sorts of sweet stuff as long as its not too sweet! Also tofu is great too actually. OH. CAVIAR. thats great. even if that is expensive and i have that only in special days. 
Dream trip: Hmmm................ Ive been to many places but you know maybe a trip with friends is the one thing i wanna do. Especially the fact I wanna go and meet my online friends and let em show me cool stuff! and i just wanna hang with em! 
Play any instruments: of course not lol 
Languages: arabic and english fluently. But japanese and german are languages i learn when im out of school. im not that great in em but i try :’D
Favorite song: I never had a favorite song only because my fav song changes every two minutes in music. I get bored super easily. 
Random fact:  Well one i learnt this week was kids actually grow when they sleep! Maybe thats why im short... 
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Uhh never thought of this. sunsets and pastel colors is all i can think of rn.
Tagging: @elize @battledove @theartistformerlyknownaspsu @lion-magnus @rieeemagne  @dazais-guardian-angel & @ocarinnas
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vincent-mango · 6 years
21 answers tag game
Tagged byy @fatal-blow
ZODIAC- Cancer/Gemini
HEIGHT- ~5′9″
LAST MOVIE I SAW- ummm In theatres “The Boy who would be King” in general “Blackkklansmen”
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS- Hmm, My music taste varies quite a lot but I always go back to Marina and the Diamonds, Queen, Regina Spektor, Ween, The Beatles. Currently listening to a lot of indie music in general lmao - First Aid Kit and King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard are great!
LAST THING I GOOGLED- askfalkfjald “Free Aesthetic Background” I was updating a side blog ok!
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD- Sunny Came Home by uhhh Shawn Colvin, Froot M&D, Hit the Road Jack (Wolfgang Lohr & Maskarade Remix) Thanks Fatal
OTHER BLOGS- @kaligulas is my main, and I have an aesthetic/feelings sideblog for when i find quotes and pictures and when im thinking about my crush/es, as well as an embarrassing fandom specific blog and a nsfw- which I made a few months before the ban :’ )
FOLLOWING- On here like uhhh 6 people on my main uhh 303!
DO I GET ASKS- When I do requests lmao
WHAT IM WEARING- THIS SHIRT designed by my bae! @goingtoregretthisseriously its so comfy and I always get tons of compliments on it when i wear it because its amazinggggg
AMOUNT OF SLEEP-  8 hours on work days , 10+ otherwise TvT
FAVOURITE FOOD- Turkey Hash - when you take all the left overs froma turkey or chicken dinner and mix and re fry it in a pan for breakfast the next morning!
DREAM TRIP-  To Prague! My grandfather is a famous sculptor who immigrated from the Czech Republic and ive always wanted to visit
DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS AESTHETIC THINGS-  umm this feels a bit awkward hah but! Faded Hair dye, worn converse, um.. fresh flowers, other...  summery aesthetic things??? im very bad at this.
RANDOM FACT-  about me? Ive had a buzzcut for 6(ish) years and today is the longest its been in almost 9 years
LANGUAGES- English and some very,,, very vague french. I understand a lot more than i know(lmao I watch a lot of france french shows and switching to quebecois media is so jarring oml.)
Tagggiiinnnnngggg UHHHHH I dont know anyone besides Fatal who likes tag games lmao. Feel free to do this and tag me though!
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pyrofleurs · 6 years
i was tagged yes hello
rules: answer the questions and then tag blogs u want to get to know better
NIckname(s): sam, sammy etc, kiwi, pyro, and a combo of my first and last name which im not gonna post on here for Privacy etc but it sounds like “swole” + my last name which is pretty funny
Gender: uhhhhhhh girl sometimes but also sometimes i feel like nothing rly tho lol. im just here to have a good time and wear floral print shirts
Sign: libra sun, gemini moon idk the rest
Height: 5′2″ (this is very exciting because i’ve been 5′1″ since i was 17 and now at the ripe age of 21 i was recently told by my doctor that i am now an inch taller!! its a big deal to me i promise)
Time: 11:15 pm
Fav band(s): uhhh walk the moon, fall out boy, the mowgli’s, i’ve listened to a lot of AJR recently too
Fav solo artist(s): troye sivan, lorde, MIKA
Last movie I saw: in theaters was infinity war. it was very stressful
Last show I watched: i literally only watch sports on tv anymore lmfao i just watched the end of the orioles/red sox game
When did I create my blog: jesus it was like 2011 or 2012 i think
What do I post: random shit at this point, art, cloud pics, splatoon, bottled up, hockey
Last thing I googled: gmail. to get to gmail.
Do I have any other blogs: none that i really use much i just dump everything here l o l. vincimus used to be my inspo/study blog but now i just put it all on this one
Do I get asks: ehh sometimes!
Why did I choose my url: pyro was from pyrope (part of my last url and i wanted to keep the nickname) + fleurs from robin’s devil fruit powers/one piece
Following: 398 but i think only about 10 people regularly post lmfao i need to clean out my following list
Followed by: 764
Average hours of sleep: anywhere from 5 to 12 depending on the day hahahhdfjdhkjfsd
Lucky number: 2, 8
What am I wearing: oversized shirt i got at the beach last year, gray joggers, mismatched socks
Dream job: uhh illustration? but im really enjoying working in graphic design rn i just need to build my skills. but also ultimately my goal is to make a living off of my own published works
Fav food: mac and cheese, mint chocolate chip ice cream. not at the same time tho.
Nationality: mostly american, like uhhhh 1/4 canadian and some german on my mom’s side
Fav song: it changes a lot so i dont know if i have one 100% fav right now. maybe baptized by fire (by spinnerette) bc i really never get sick of it
Last book I read: i dont even know college made me adverse to reading lmfao. i think the wool series by hugh howey (highly recommend i just never finished the series bc senior year started and i Died)
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: i can barely handle living in this universe is this a trick question
1. the universe where the caps go back-to-back
2. harry potter. i will honestly never not be sad that hogwarts isnt real and i didnt get to go
3. bup universe cause i wanna hang out at the cafe w splat jam (i would probably be a mix of a water and air element if i could be So Bold to assume that i could be two elements)
im supposed to tag 5 people. if you don’t feel like doing it its ok 
@alandria7 @astronomyfortwo @asteropos @thatgirlsalionheart @yuunachi
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melissenpai · 7 years
30 questions wOW
henlo friends @suckedintoikemen tagged me THANK YOU SO MUCH <3
Nickname(s): Usually Meli haha
Gender: female
Sign: aquarius
Height: 165cm // 5′5′’
Time: 2:34 AM lol
Fav band(s): Daft Punk, Mystery Skulls and stuff like that. Also idols. Aqours and Saint Snow and utapri boys and tsukino boys 
Fav solo artist(s): i’d marry nqrse’s voice bye. i also love other utaite like luz and soraru and mafu and araki sighs
Song stuck in my head: Hyper×Super×Lover☆ bc i just played it in utapri haha
Last movie I saw: Black Panther i guess
Last show I watched: Tsukiuta!!! watching w @shay--sama
When did I create my blog: 3 weeks ago lol
What do I post: I posted an ugly ikesen meme and i wanted to do more but i procrastinate too much :// i also talk about my OCs a lil bit and not much else bc im shy >//>
Last thing I Googled: cm to feet lol i guess that doesn’t count so i googled “enstars leo”
Do I have any other blogs: yes i made @idol-chrom to save dumb utapri reblogs and probably other fandoms too bc i dont want to clog this one. i also had @diabolik-bagatelle for my diabolik lovers OC a couple of years ago but didnt use it much
Do I get asks: not many lolol just a couple of question memes from friendos
Why did I chose my URL: because i’m melissa and for some reason people called me senpai since forever???? i must give senpai vibes
Following: 63 and probably growing im still new
Followed by: 52 wOW HOW?? I LOVE YALL
Average hours of Sleep: 6 or 7??? but i go to sleep hella late the struggles of being european
Lucky number: 6 i think???? idk??????
Instruments: none cries i can vocaloid a lil bit i guess
What I am wearing: pajamas bc its late
Dream job: tony stark lol jk i’d want to be a boss software engineer but rn i just want to chill 
Dream trip: always wanted to go to new zealand but that’s literally at the opposite side of the world from where i live
Fav food: i love all food???? just today i had some spicy tuna uramaki i’d kill for tho
Nationality: i’m spanish!! from catalonia so i have two native languages
Fav song: mmmMMM DONT DO THIS TO ME but araki and nqrse’s tayoukei disco always puts me in a good mood
Last book I read: uhhh “Tres sombreros de copa” it’s a spanish play
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: POKEMON!!! and ikesen and idk somewhere not dangerous lol
Blogs I would like to get to know better: @ikemenfics @shay--sama @betty-the-vampire-slayer @the-crimson-robin @imjaneees @mfm50 @captainmotonari @shadowfairyy @nyktoon-ikemenlove @rizosrojizos @demonkingnobunaga @auroragolden @rubycomments im sure some of you got tagged already im sorry kfjgngkdsnjk
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squiddo-senpai · 6 years
Get to know me meme
Got tagged by @msgenny ny​ !!! thank u boo
nicknames: Ash, ashe, ashie, ashes, ashen, and literally any variation of ash that you can think of is 10/10 for me
gender: F
sign: Virgo  ♍
height: 5′1″ im unfortunately pocket sized
time: PST and its currently 8:46PM lol
fav bands: uhhhh i dont have many cause im a fool but i really like rapwimps and glass animals
fav solo artists: this is p much mostly vocaloid producers but its yuukisan/ewe/uki3, Eve, jin, n-buna, mikoto-p, balloon
as for non vocaloid i really love louie zong, in love with a ghost, snail’s house, and madeon
song stuck in my head:  Yorushika - Hitchcock by n-buna
last movie i saw: i can’t really remember the last time i’ve been in a theater ;; but the last movie ive seen in the comfort of my home was coco! 
last show i watched: The office lol... i watch it when im drawing sometimes
when did i create my blog?: This blog was made in November 2015, but I’ve been on tumblr since at least 2012
what do i post?: Shitposts with a side of my interests lol
last thing i googled: "crying cat meme” lmao
do i have any other blogs?: I have an art blog!! @ashedew​
do I get asks?: not really no lol
why did i choose my URL?: this was going to be my splatoon side blog but then it became my main blog lol, my previous url for this was “justsquiddingaroud” but then that became tiring to type
following: 593
followed by: on this blog its 356
average hours of sleep: oh man it ranges wildly..... i dont wanna share LOL
lucky number: 5
instruments: uhhh I played the clarinet back in middle school and i vaguely played an ocarina in high school 
what am I wearing?: loose shirt and pj pants lolol
dream trip: Anywhere that is far far away from my family lol
fav food: Salmon sashimi
nationality: Filipino 
fav song: it changes a lot thruout time and i cant choose just one sooooo
Town of Jade by  Mer (メル)
お気に召すまま /Oki Ni Mesu Mama by Eve
Quiet Room by Ewe/uki3
Lost Time Memory by Jin
and probably a lot more that i cant think of from the top of my head
last book i read: I cant remember the last time i’ve read a book out my own volition.... i can only recall textbooks and required reding lol
top 3 fictional universes i want to join: uhhhh probs Splatoon, mys mes (I wanna meet my bois lol), and bnha
I’m tagging anyone who wants to do it!!!
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Q&A tag game
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by @goodnightfall thank you emi!!
Nickname(s): lou
Gender: i have no gender, only r a g e
Zodiac: taurus
Height: sTOP ASKING ME THIS QUESTION I DO NOT KNOW HOW IT IS IN INCHES?? 167 cm if u use a comprehensible system tho
Age: 18
Time:  9:13 pm
Favourite Bands/Solo Artists: hhhhhh Fur, Woodkid, mgmt, aurora, the vaccines
Song Stuck in my Head: boyish by japanese breakfast
Last Movie I Saw: gotg
Last Show I Saw: i rewatched stranger things
Last Thing I Googled: how to learn all the texts you have to know for your latin exam in five (5) days
Other Blogs: yeah! @wing-heads (marvel side), @c-assiopeiaa (ae), @hxdrangxa (poetry/lit) and @pl-eiadas (mythology)!
Do I Get Asks?: nope
Why I Chose my Username: dssdvdsvh someone had taken the username “asteria” already so i just. improvised!
Followers: the awesomest
Following: the loveliest
Average Amount of Sleep: 12 or 3 hours theres no in between
Lucky Number: 3
Instruments I Play: nothing
What I’m Wearing: jeans and a simple pink shirt
Dream Job: lawyer?? anything related to politics or law
Dream Trip: idk lmao!!
Favourite Food: im basic but,,, pizza
Nationality: french
Favourite songs: right now its “made u cry” by worldbrain
Last Book I Read: languages of thorn. rly good would recomment
Top 3 Fictional Universes: narnia, hp, pjo
tagging @itstheallmother @shell-heads @divineandmajesticinone @hesallin and uhhh thats all bc i dont have any other friends lmao!!
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d-2bun · 7 years
Tagged *cries in happiness*
hiyo! I was tagged by @moonmom
Rules : Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better 1. nickname: includes both irl and online: bun,bunny,rose,rosie,pinky, baby uh ect
2. gender: female 3. star sign: pisces 4. height: 5 foot 6 5. time: 11:26 pm 6. birthday: March 13,200 7. favourite bands: bts,fall out boy, most bands on kpop radio stuff oops 8. favourite solo artists: Camila Cabello, AGUST D *wink wonk* ,kanye West, Travis Scott, again i tend to put hiphop or kpop mixes on and I don’t really pay attention to who plays.
9. song stuck in your head: HAVANA OO NA NA
10. last movie i watched: inception 11. last show i watched: strong girl bong soon lmao 12. when did i create my blog: oh gosh um a long time ago, this blog has seen every side of me and that's horrifying.
13. what do i post/reblog:BTS with a Yoongi Bias because I’m unhealthily in love with him. 14. last thing i googled: Why can I still sleep 10 hours even after 2 large americanos (im a mess) 15. other blogs: a studyblr, and 2 others
16. do i get asks: NO AND I WANT THEM SO BAD 17. why i choose my url: hi im a bitch with pink hair hehe (I’m actually pretty fluffy but don’t tell my irls)
18. following: 1,536
19. followers: 295 and I love you all 20. average hours of sleep: *opens sleep app* uh its like 4 21. lucky number: 13 22. Instruments: uhh I taught myself the uke and I sing
23. what i’m wearing: cactus print pj pants and a cut off black hoodie 24. dream job: to sing or produce music 25. dream trip: I’d like to go back to Taiwan, South Korea, or Singapore 26. favourite food: I hate this question so much but like I had this lamb thing in Taiwan and it was amazing 27. nationality: american 28. favorite song right now: First Love by BTS (Suga) 29. last book i read: Kafka on the shore by Haruki Murakami 30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want To Join: One where I know BTS, Stanger Things, or Supernatural?
I tag uhhh
@humbleyoonmin  @bubblegumochi  @kiwis-fandom-pit @taekookiesandjam @kithmeonthelipth @fallen-teraphyte @tae-me-everything @dont--frett @starboyjxmin @saltyattic @mintysobi @lemigliacci @kazeohiku (IF I MISSED ANY OF MY DISCORD CHILDREN IM SORRY I WAS GOING THROUGH THE TAG AND MY PHONE GLITCHED PLEASE LOVE ME) @spookytsuki666 @mind-neo-ark @halfbud  If I didn’t tag you I’m sorry I’m still really sick and I love you a lot please love me 
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magpiegod · 7 years
30 questions 💕
Thanks to @mypeachystudies for the tag!!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nicknames: mills, milan, min
Gender: female
Star Sign: leo 
Height: 179cm
Time: 7.52pm
Birthday: 8th august
Favourite Bands: I really love funeral suits, active bird community, and wildlife control at the moment!!
Favourite Solo Artist: ohhh this is difficult probably crywank
Song Stuck in my Head: jilted john - jilted john. always in my head. 
Last Movie I Watched: The Maze Runner
Last Show I watched: iasip
When Did I Create My Blog: this studyblr - october 2017
What do I Post: not much yet, but im going to start in the new year with studyspo pics, notes, tips, stationery and the such like!!
Last Thing I Googled: uhhh how to not react to homophobia (im having to go to a big gathering 
Do I have Other Blogs: yep @bisquits is my personal side
Do I get asks: yeah but not many!!!
Why did I choose my url: i just like ghosts and studying and up to now i have kinda ghosted at the back of this community :)
Following Blogs:upwards of a thousand!
Followers: 318
Favourite Colours: light blue, yellows, sage green
Average Hours of Sleep: 7-8
Lucky Number: 4
What am I wearing: ripped jeans and an oversized tshirt i got from the rsc costume sale!!
How many Blankets I Sleep with: 4
Dream Job: professor or researcher or something
Dream Trip:
Favourite food: jelly and icecream
Nationality: British
Favourite Song Now: seashore -the regrettes 
I’d love to get to know: @illbestudying-ifyouneedme, @thosestreetsareyours and @memoirs-of-a-future-lawyer and also anyone who sees this!! I know its a cop out but i really dont know very many people in the community so if you see this please like this post and i’ll check you out!!
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thelennystorm · 7 years
I was tagged by @rangrids! Thought it would be nice to do ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Rules: Answer the 30 questions and then tag 20 people a few people! (i dont interact with enough people to do 20 pfft)
Nicknames: Donnie or Hayo, depending on the person!
Gender: Male
⭐ Sign: Leo :3c
Height: 68/69 inches! Or 172-175 cm
Time: 2:22pm
🎂: August 19th
Favorite Bands: Uhhh, too many to really decide. But my highest ranking are probably Rammstein and Caravan Palace?
Favorite Solo Artists: Hm. Lady Gaga? Or Caparezza.
Song Stuck in My Head: ffhha Youth by Troye Sivan
Last Movie I 👀: this is hard to answer, considering I haven’t watched television in a long while. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 I think?
Last Show I 👀: Again, kinda hard :v the last I actually paid attention to was probably Rick and Morty, which... not really exciting.
When did I create my blog: hmmm this year I think? That’s when I started actually using this url.
What do I post: Mostly writing and art things! As long as it’s fandom or fanfic related it will probably go here.
Last thing googled: lotsa words’ definitions. Writing essays fuckin sucks.
Do you have other blogs?: vulpinerantsaboutshit and vulpineappreciatesthegoodshit, my personal and art blog respectively.
Do you get asks: Semi-rarely! They mostly come from anons yelling about my latest update >:3c
Why did you choose your url: Story time! I used to be huge into game of thrones, same as the rest of my family, and was watching it when they introduced that crazy cultist woman who wanted to burn children at the stake. Her signature saying was “The night is dark and full of evil”, and I had the random thought one day of “but what if booty” and texted it to my sister. Who hurt herself laughing.
Thus I decided to immortalize it on a shitty website :v
Following: 289
Followers: 99!!! I’m thinkin of doin somethin when that last one ticks me up to 100
Favorite colors: GREEEEEEEN ANY GREEN and teal
Average hours of 💤: Usually 5-6, 7 if I’m really tired :7
Lucky number: 3?
Instruments: None. Want to learn how to play the violin. 
What am I wearing: glasses, loki shirt, and binder?
How many blankets I 💤 with: 1, but theres like 8 pillows accompanying it
Dream Job: artist and writer! Sadly that pays shit unless youre lucky, so im pursuing the second biggest interest
Dream Trip: Europe circuit from UK to Greece then Japan :y
Favorite food: Anything cheesy or chocolatey.
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Hard to figure out! My mom’s side is pretty straight-forward, with uhh at least half-italian from both grandparents and then austrian/black from nonna and czech/basque from poppa, but my dads is basically the smorgasboard you get from anyone who’s lived in the us longer than the 1900s and complicates things. he’s like.. mostly german and anglo-saxon i think, but also dutch, and who the fuck knows the actual “portions”
so im sort of all over the place when it comes to that, but i consider myself italian over anything else
Favorite Song Right Now: Screen by Twenty-One Pilots/ Youth by Troye Sivan
Hmmmm if you don’t mind it friends, I think I’ll tag @tahwraven @dont-touch-my-sons and @yuu33 since you three are the ones I talk to most, and Elo was already tagged? Have fun if you actually do this :v
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