#because if you wanna believe something off the bat because you catch someone at their worst says a lot.
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Gotta Catch Em’ All!
trainer!hobie brown x gn!trainer!reader
text that is small is an optional detail!
pls give advice on hobies accent
fluff, headcanons + mini scenarios, pokémon-au
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Name — Hobie Brown
Britain Pokedex — Earth-136
Money — Thief!
Battle Points — 947283
He’s a menace to say the least. Not in a quirky but in a way where he’s actually a national problem.
He likes Fairy and Ghost types. He feels like people aim for physical and elementally strong Pokémon because they’re known to be efficient; but who said that he couldn’t beat them? Snap out of it!
He found Mimikyu one day behind a brush in the woods
Love at first sight fr
He gave it a spiked collar and a spiked-mohawk-headband
He doesn’t use Pokéballs unless Mimikyu is seriously injured and there’s no where to rest at the moment
“It’s just controllin to keep em in there.”
No doubt about it he’s one of the greatest trainers you’ve ever seen
Him being pretty helps too ig
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“A-and he just stole from my mansion—!” The exasperated man shouted at you. “Aren’t you trainers worth any good? Use your Pokémon to stop him!”
“Yeah yeah old man, I got you!” You lazily scanned the area and went around the back of the mansion.
Everything’s normal so far until you see a large picture on the porcelain white walls of the mansion.
There was a large “mural” in black, dark blue, and red. In huge letters it wrote: PUNK-MON WINS! Noticing that the thief was still finishing the painting you turned the corner and walked towards him. He had a mask on and held a spray can in his hand.
“Ki-ki-ki-kyu!!!” You felt something slash at your leg, causing you to crash to the ground.
“What on earth is that?! Your scary Pokémon just bit me or something!”
The tall boy picked it up. Speaking of which, what was that thing? It looked like a wannabe Pikachu with spikes attached on it’s head. “Good little Mimikyu, beatin’ up stalkers whereva you see ‘em.”
“Stalkers? Huh—hey you mean me! I’m not a stalker!”
He helped you up. “You betta not be a copper.”
You glared at him. How are you gonna trip someone and then accuse them of trying to arrest you? Who is this loser?
He removed his mask.
Suddenly you’re not mad anymore.
“Aha, um… I see we got off on the wrong foot.” You batted your eyes. “Emphasis on foot… what is that thing?”
“This TING!!! Is my baby. My punk bunny. Mimikyu say hi!” The little creature garbled and babbled away.
“Was that ‘hi’ or possessed screeches?”
“Ion even know m’self to be honest.” He looked a little disturbed by Mimikyu, but then smiled. “My name’s Obie Brown, and I’m the number one criminal of rich-heads like this around town.”
“Very cool Hobie Brown. Only problem is that rich-head thinks Pokémon are the cause of all this vandalism and he’s trying to take down all the gyms in this area.”
“Ki-kyu-ki-ki-ki-kyu!” Mimikyu excitedly garbled.
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You couldn’t believe you were robbing the house of guy you promised to help. At least it’s not like he needs said money anyway—he has a whole nother vault on a separate island. The goal was to strip the old man of everything he owned in this mansion.
You wedged the metal bar Hobie had lended you inti the crack of the safe’s opening. “Darn. [Poke!Name], a little help here?”
Your Pokémon croaked a little noise and threw an attack at the metal door, which surprisingly made a big enough dent to pull at.
The doors hinges dropped and inside revealed a tomb of gold and stacks of money. Including golden Pokéballs.
Alright! No more marveling. Here was the hard part of the mission—getting all of the things into the cheap school bags you had stolen bought and throwing them out the window.
Needless to say, it was a rather taxing job. You were constantly on your toes watching out for a stray maid or butler to come in.
“Okay! [Poke!Name], we’re finished. And no thanks to you… You’re lucky I love you.” The moment you slightly pushed the vault door open an alarm blasted. You winced as the painful ringing echoed in your ears. “It must’ve not been triggered when we blasted through it, but opening it does.”
You managed to hurl some bags at the window. But your own escape was more difficult—and you could heart the rapid footsteps coming down the hall.
That familiar British voice! You stuck your head at the window and saw Hobie with outstretched arms.
You anxiously rubbed your arms as you heard the servants working on the entrance door. Who would win: your fear of heights or your fear of jail?
“Open up!”
Darn, darn, darn, darn—
Your Pokémon pushed you out the window. WHAT?
You were falling—you were falling—you were going to meet your death—
“Ya not fallin anymore you damsel in distress.”
You blushed out of embarrassment and got out of Hobie’s arms. “Ahem, thank you.”
He suddenly grabbed your hand tightly and started running away from the mansion. “So, what’s the name? I never caught it!”
You sighed. You really got yourself into some sort of mess. “[Name]. Your new partner in crime.”
“That’s the spirit!”
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rock-n-macabre · 8 months
hiii!! if you want to, what are some headcanons you have for severen💗💗
Howdy, Anon! 🖤✨ I absolutely loved this ask - thank you ! Severen is definitely an enigma of a man and it was a blast to write these HCs for him! I wanted to write him in a different light - as much as I would want lovey Sevvy because lovey Sevvy is adorbs 🖤 - I decided to play with the reckless bad boy side.
Hope this is ok!
(also y'all please don't hesitate to send more requests - I'm happy and honored to write for y'all!)
---------- .🩸✨🩸. ------------
Severen Van Sickle HC's
🩸 Hard toss up if Severen bought or made his necklace himself. A part of me wants to say Mae made it for him as a thank you for him showing her how to shoot a gun.
🩸High chance of him being besties with the likes of Johnny Ringo and the cowboys before he was turned in Tombstone,AZ.
🩸As much as i'd want to say Severen would be head over heels for someone , he probably mistakens the feeling for that of lust. Wanna be turned? Best recommendation for your 'Survive Severen' plan would be to come up with something wild.. either an action or say some wildness to catch him off guard so that you're not bled out. Boom. Turned. He may be a little cranky pants at first because he is king of one night stands, but he stays true to code and would take one under his wing as his mate.
🩸When he is yours.....look out. I feel like it's a common HC for him to be territorial as all get out, and lawd help anyone who dares to make eyes at you. Also massive sex fiend. Bathroom quickies are a must.
🩸But behind this primal man..RAWR-apex- predator- rabid -possum man... lies one of the most loyal guys that will legit go through hell and back for you. Oh, he forgot something? He'll gladly do it again and be back with bells on.
🩸As much as I want to believe he gets sentimental like anyone would be open with their partner...I feel as if the moment he begins to , he feels vulnerable and will catch himself before fully letting his walls down. Cherish the small moments .
🩸When he got hit by the 18 wheeler, he probably checked another near death experience off his bucket list. Boyo is definitely as much of a masochist as he is a sadist. He will definitely get half cooked and be like "imma do it again!".
🩸I feel as if you got to mate status he would definitely find it attractive if you go in for a neck nibble on him . He'd either a) be smitten because that's a turn on to him or b) be taken aback and full defensive mode all like stay away from uncharted grounds!
🩸He definitely would want to feed off his mate. Now....you miiiiiiight have to pull him off of you so you don't get drained too much, but he likes the closeness and territorial side of the act.
🩸Now feeding off him? He'd expect you to hunt for yourself (he would love hunting together) ..he wants you to fit in and get the seal of approval. But if you get injured badly and need some blood to help recoup quicker? He might make an exception. As noted above, he might be into it if you can reach that level of intimacy with him 🖤
🩸Would 10/10 give you his spur. That's the same as a ring to him. Would hunt Caleb back down or steal it right off his boot (if Caleb stayed with the Hooker clan and didn't pull his BS) to give to his mate. You're all his, par'ner.
🩸Even though yeah he would be a goof around his mate to always captivate their attention...and yeah he can also act aloof in public towards prey....it's a front. The dude is actually super smart. He's an apex predator.....if he blew his cover right off the bat, what fun would that be? He's calculating, devious and knows things....even before he was turned, swaying people wasnt his first rodeo. He wrote the book on it.
🩸Does he have a vampire ex out there? Probably not. Dude has a hard time drawing the line when feeding. Go all in.....go big or go home. No work goes unfinished. There's a tragic romantic part of me that has the HC of Severen might have had a love interest before he was turned. When Jesse turned him, Severen didn't know how to control this new insatiable thirst and drained his mate. Could also play into a possibility as to why he could never get close to someone again from the past trauma....he won't admit to it, but it's there.
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penname-artist · 6 months
So I know that "avian" universes have been created by a few Planes folk, or at least just by buddies @c-119 and @ask-dusty-boy (that I'm aware of currently) but I'm quietly toying with a similar idea of my own, just on the...Opposite side of the scale?
By which I mean, goddamn tiny bird people.
So this is where I wanna dump all of that plated spaghetti of unsorted ideas. I have lost my writing muses so pardon the mess.
I know for normal-sized people to have bird wings, generally the rule of thumb is that you make them bigger, and their wings much bigger, to reach accuracies and such for how they'd get into the air. And also power. Big powerful bird person cool.
For me, creating my own little side-dish sandbox of "human Planes characters but with bird wings so I can play birds too because fuck you still you one human person from an unspecified number of years ago who wouldn't let me play with them" means going the other way. Making them TEENY. fairy sized. Dollhouse scaled. Itty-bitty please do not step on them little bird babies.
This might also be so I can save a bunch of DIY dollhouse items to my Pinterest and melt over them with an excuse that I'm "conducting research" for such a world.
Somewhere I already said and or drew or did something where I was like "Blade. Hummingbird boy. Nuff said." But like LEGIT, I bring this up again. He would have a hummingbirds wings and have similar qualities. Probably would struggle with discerning reflective surfaces in bright sunlight so he's probably hit his head more than once on stuff.
Baby go boom, pass out on ground for while til someone hands him an appy juice (natural sugar is very helpful for replenishing an exhausted hummingbird's energy)
Dusty is probably one of those small wild birds you hear in the morning. Maybe like a robin or something. Loud in the morning, chirpy, big on vocalization and tree branch hopping
...Nick's probably a chickadee. The colors tho. The little round ass fucking body, that thing is so B O R B. He is small round borb. A mess of feathers.
I also won't take literal fairies off the table here because that would be an interesting combination. Or butterflies! Or moths! Or literally any other type of small creature capable of flight. And the likes, for the non-fliers as well
*cough* spider Maru *cough*
Fuck now I want to ironically make Cabbie into some kind of tiny bat thing
The SJ can be his bugs- I mean um beetle styled people
I imagine there's a terrible pet industry for them if that's the case, but my point still stands that if you take good care of them you should get to have them around as trusty companions! Maybe less like a pet hamster and more like a befriended hive of bees
They have predators. Likely just any animal that would eat what they would be animal-wise. But like not each other. That'd be weird. Also if that was the case Cabbie would be down like, five Smokejumpers. So no it's just the big pred animals going after them not them after themselves
Cats are NOTORIOUS for getting to them. I fully believe Rip would have set one on Dusty in their final race, on purpose.
They probably aren't like, just woodland fairy like creatures anymore, like the stories would have you believe. I think they'd all be integrated somewhat with the modern world and have a lot of evolution themselves, so they basically have scaled down versions of everything normal humans have, even down to styled choices of clothing...well, minus the added wings
They probably don't lay eggs
They do molt though when stressed
I have to imagine there's SOME sort of process to the insect ones on shedding skins?? That's kinda gross but like? It's nature??
*cough* spider Maru *cough*
Catching them is probably illegal, especially inhumanely (ie in ways that injure or risk injury to them, like using bug nets, zappers, etc) and accidental capture (like from mouse traps let's say) may be fineable
(okay but someone stuck on a sticky mouse trap is kind of funny to me. They have such an angry grin and the occasional 'flflflflfl!' of wings)
That's it that's my post byeee
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katcadecascade · 5 months
If you believe the lies I tell (Snowjanus fic Chapter Six)
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Chapter Six: Croissants
Word Count: 4,583
Festus takes up Sejanus’ role in bothering Coriolanus Snow with food. 
He’s much, much more terrible because he does it in public. Festus is a very open and loud person, always draws a crowd in even if there are backstabbers amongst them. To why he started sharing baked goods like they’re back in primary school, he shrugs it off with a smile. Festus is being spontaneous and goofy, always friendly to his peers. No one bats an eye because it’s clear what his intentions are.
Persephone Price.
He has been a lovesick fool for the pretty girl since their playground days. It’s easy to fall for Persephone, believing that she can do no wrong. But Coriolanus knows otherwise, he knows of a cold day where families desperately needed food. 
If Festus knew, would he still pursue her? Do all of this to impress her? 
Depends how lovestruck the fool is but he’s also doing this to mess with Coriolanus’ life. 
“So, first Sejanus and now Festus.”
Clemensia is smarter than most to suspect something. Then again, she’s the only one to know this pattern links him in the middle. 
“They’re friends now,” he explains scornfully. “Sejanus must have told Festus to annoy me.”
“By annoy, do you mean give you food?” He glares at her. “Oh come on, Coriolanus, this isn’t the worst courting an alpha can do. A little strange, definitely not traditional, but not terrible.”
“It’s not courting, it’s Sejanus putting himself on the stupid moral high ground or feeding his alpha pride or-“
“Or none of the above.”
Like the day before, Festus arrives at the school’s main lobby to deliver snacks to his classmates, starting with Coriolanus Snow. 
“Good morning Festus,” Clemensia greets with fake joy, which is more platitude than Coriolanus is willing to do. 
“Clemensia, Coriolanus,” Festus nods with all the manners his parents hoped he would ever use, “I see we’re talking about my baking instructor. Wanna try these croissants?”
The exaggerated accent alone would’ve made Coriolanus barf but there is nothing in his stomach to puke. Festus presents him a warm, buttery pastry where chocolate melts between the layers. 
“You actually made this?” Clemensia is genuinely awed, examining it a little too closely.
Just seeing her moving in on his food has Coriolanus possessively taking the croissant and getting a bite in. 
True to the smell, it’s rich and light and Coriolanus has to force himself to eat it calmly. 
“It’s good,” he admits with disdain. 
“Cool, I didn’t make it.” Festus winks at him. 
Lowly, Coriolanus whispers, “I will smear this all over your uniform.” 
Matching him, Festus whispers back, “Imagine doing that to Sejanus’ face.”
“Again, I think this is the strangest flirting I’ve seen,” Clemensia, not whispering, had to push the boys away from each other. She turns to Festus and demands, “Why are you doing all of this?”
Festus has the decency to glance around cautiously. The lobby is full of students chatting or preparing before classes start. There is this type of privacy in a crowd, everyone in their own worlds until someone else’s drama gets eye catching. 
“Okay, the ones without chocolate, I did make. That one? All him, but I haven’t told him that I’ve been giving them to you. I figured I could do something nice for the both of you.”
Coriolanus does not buy into any of this, none of it makes sense. These two alphas are either too nice for their own good or they are killing him with kindness. 
“How kind of you, Festus,” He said seriously with a bit of grit. “You can stop being oh so kind now.”
He hates the look Festus and Clemensia share, displeased at his attitude, as if he’s being ungrateful. That’s utterly wrong, he has never asked for anything from these people. Coriolanus never showed them any opportunity to get any sort of power over him. Only Sejanus caught him with so much bad luck. 
Festus will never understand, proven by how he defends himself, “Look, Coriolanus, I’m only meddling because Sejanus promised to be gone for the week. He didn’t deserve that and he actually likes you.” 
“No he doesn’t, he likes thinking he’s doing a good thing.” Coriolanus took a page out of Festus’ book and poked the alpha in the chest, “Now, it’s you thinking you’re doing something nice. None of this is actually for me.” 
Much like Sejanus, Festus stares at him with big sad eyes. It's unbearable. “Is that what you really think?”
“There’s no other reason,” Coriolanus glares at him, daring him to spew more self-flatteries. “Why would he possibly like me?” 
Coriolanus regrets asking that question out loud, it makes him sound so pitiful and heartbroken. More than that, it makes him genuinely curious as to why Sejanus Plinth is doing all of this. 
It could be an attraction but Coriolanus denies it. No, the only conclusion he could think of is that Sejanus is doing this to feel like every other alpha in this school. Trying to date someone out of the need to feel loved. 
“You’ll have to ask him that, Coriolanus,” Clemensia said. “You won’t be convinced by us.” 
Us, she says, like there’s already a division between him and the closest person he calls a friend. 
He shifts his glare on to her, betrayed, “You’re on his side now?” 
“No, that’s not what I meant. Coriolanus, I know you’re a very private person but it must be important that someone finally caught your eye. Many others would try to date you but you never gave them the time of day.”
“Oh so it’s my fault?” He snaps. 
“I mean, kind of.” Festus shrugs, “I guess it’s mostly the scent blockers.”
He quickly pushes the confusion off his face and says, “I use scent blockers to contain my scent, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Seeing how Festus’ bluntness isn’t helping, Clemensia explains clearly, “That’s true but it also means you have a hard time reading scents. Coriolanus, a lot of people do like you but never gotten any signal back so they left you alone.”
His frustrations are genuinely paused at that. Anything involving their dynamics and scents, he doesn’t acknowledge it beyond his family. Ever since it became a free commodity provided by the school, he takes scent blockers on the daily. It’s just another armor piece. 
The only times he gives anyone’s scent any attention is if they are abrasive, like what Arachne once did. 
Yet the scent of nutmeg was always an afterthought, the signature at the end of a love letter. 
Coriolanus stares at the croissant still in his hands. 
“Sejanus hasn’t baked us anything since the first time we all met,” Festus gestured with his small basket of pastries. “He doesn’t like any of us. I begged him to teach me. He’s only ever been nice to you, Coriolanus.”
“No, he hasn't. He's needy and a pushover.”
“Only for you. Think about it.”
He tries. It’s not easy to recall every moment of Sejanus because he’s always blurred in the background of Coriolanus’ life. Sejanus stopped trying to make friends once he realized everyone was a pack of snakes and wolves. Yet Coriolanus’ tolerance over the District boy never passed a threshold of hostility. He’d figured that his enemies should pick fights with each other and leave himself out of the bloodshed. 
So Coriolanus spared Sejanus of additional torment. Not quite a saint’s act, but surely that cannot be viewed as romantic. That would be pathetic and stupid. Yet Sejanus never actually criticized Coriolanus like their narcissistic peers, nor appeared as bothered to be around Coriolanus than the rest. Sejanus Plinth may see them all as bullies but only because they saw him as an enemy first. 
He would never give them any sort of kindness, but for Coriolanus specifically, some things come to mind. 
One of his many arguments with Arachne, Coriolanus can’t remember what it was over, but Coriolanus said something that made her red in the face but made their classmates laugh. Sejanus’ laughter was in his ears for hours. 
A quiet day in the library. They were studying at different tables, he wasn’t even in Sejanus’ line of sight. Absent-mindedly, Sejanus started to hum. A slow melody that didn’t annoy Coriolanus at all. Instead it lulled him to sleep. He woke up alone, feeling colder than ever. 
The first time Sejanus came to school after presenting. Before Coriolanus knew the smell of nutmeg belonged to Sejanus Plinth, he spent the whole day dreaming of pumpkin pies and warm coffee. 
Coriolanus realizes that these are not anecdotes that prove Festus and Clemensia right. Instead it’s precious memories where he noticed Sejanus, wanting to notice him. They weren’t the type of gifts to hold but the kind to experience. 
He’s so stunned by this revelation that he barely notices when Persephone Price enters their little circle. 
“Hello everyone,” She greets and smiles at her friend. “Festus, I found you.” 
“Hooray, you found me,” He gives Coriolanus a nervous glance before giving Persephone his complete attention, “I bought croissants today, Percy.”
“Don’t you mean croissants, hmm?”
Their wholesome joy knocks Coriolanus out of his own wholesome thoughts of Sejanus. He groaned out loud from all the mental gymnastics he put himself in. 
To no one or everyone, Coriolanus begs, “Kill me. End my suffering.”
Clemensia pats his shoulder, “I think we had a breakthrough.” 
He nearly jumps when Persephone smiles at him. 
All he sees is a body covered in snow and a hatchet swinging down. It was her father that did it but Coriolanus cannot erase the threads of thoughts linking it all to her and her pretty face. He and Persephone are one of the skinniest in class. A certain amount of weariness clings to their bones, no matter if they manage to eat. 
“Oh is that chocolate?” 
Coriolanus dumbly holds it up, “Yes, it is.” 
Thankfully, she turns away from him and Festus instantly has her attention with his baked goods. 
“I made the buttery ones,” he says proudly.
“Croissants are all buttery ones,” she picks one of Festus’ and takes a bite. “It's really soft.” She flips it over and pokes the underside, “I think the butter melted through.” 
Festus blinks, “Is that bad?”
“No, it’s still good. Hey, why don’t we go get some fruit before class?” 
With a wave goodbye, Coriolanus watches them walk away, wondering how easy they make this all is. Like there’s no complications in just talking with each other. 
Wealth and high status is something he can fake until it becomes real.
Trust is an entirely different concept. 
Somehow this simple, mundane thing is unachievable for Coriolanus Snow, something he cannot force upon himself to give to others. Yet some unknown part of him extends to Sejanus, without his notice or guard. 
“When did my life become a drama?”
“I’d say the moment you noticed Sejanus.”
How very true Clemensia’s words are as he finishes his chocolate croissant. He has to admit, what she said was an eye opener. 
Scent blockers do block out his perception of scents, that’s the intended effect. No one is drowning in scents that broadcasts surface level emotions. The very things that are radioactive in the warzone. The Capitol is in a time of peace, away from the dangers of feral natures. It’s why the pills are easily accessible at the nurse’s office. 
Coriolanus never saw them as a problem. He doesn’t pay attention to scents in the first place.
Yet somewhere in his head, it chose to single out Sejanus. 
It’s not just some instinct from their dynamics, his laughter or sass is entirely his own. 
If that is true then his decision to give Coriolanus food is also his own.
It would be so much easier to chalk it all to their natures. 
An alpha is meant to defend, a beta is meant to support, and an omega is meant to protect. A cycle of shelter, of nesting into the barebones of community.
That is all a load of bull to Coriolanus Snow because he distrusts everyone he has ever known. He’s been fine without ever scent marking for any friends. Coriolanus knows the anticipating looks on his peers' faces, awaiting for any sign that he approves of them. It always bothered him, their annoying insistence that they needed a mark of their companionship. He was the omega that never initiated this type of tradition and eventually everyone stopped bothering him. They moved on with other friends who enjoyed scent marking. 
Only Clemensia was the one to stick around longer than any else. She didn’t give up on him, still trying to reach out to him, even by this day. 
“Why…” his hesitation is uncharacteristic, truly a sign that Coriolanus Snow is cracking. He shakes his head, determined to ask, “Clemensia, why is scenting so important to you?”
Clemensia has the gall to smile at him, almost appearing endeared. 
They’re once again at the library when school ends, in one of the private study rooms where Coriolanus feels hidden enough to ask such a basic question. 
“It makes me feel less lonely, like the world isn’t out to get me.”
Coriolanus cannot imagine that feeling of peace. The universe is cruel and unfair, there’s no changing that unless there is absolute control. That those in power can enforce cruelty upon others to save themselves. 
It’s an extreme way of thinking. If he spoke it out loud, he’d be a paranoid madman. Maybe he truly is exactly that. 
Because ever since his mother died, Coriolanus Snow hasn’t known peace and comfort that lasts longer than a second. 
Any of that joy is immediately swallowed by envy or rage or despair. 
That is what he has learned from starvation. 
It’s what he cannot unlearn. 
“I know things haven’t been the same since the war ended. Most of us are pretending that we’re all back to normal, me included. Scent marking Lysistrata and my other friends just helps me feel better.”
She says it all so casually, like it’s something Coriolanus is also supposed to know. This is more proof that he’s different from his classmates, 
“I always thought scenting would be,” he’s tempted to be honest, say it's all a weakness, but he decides to say, “the opposite. It appeared so territorial and I didn’t want to be claimed as someone else’s.”
“It’s not as arbitrary as that,” she reassures, “I know that Lysie doesn’t have a claim or whatever over me. We’re comfortable where we are at. It’s nothing to be territorial about. More like little reminders of each other.” 
It’s similar to how Tigris described scents. Yet that was spoken with disdain, how Tigris was able to make it an emotionless transaction. 
Clemensia describes it all too mundane, something as easy as breathing. That it is like exchanging love letters. 
It’s all something Coriolanus would never imagine, nothing as peaceful as that is in his dictionary. He feels like a little kid again, unable to understand the world. The difference is that this era of the world is not as violent as it used to be. It could still kill him, nothing can truly starve his paranoia, but it all messes with his mind.  
For once he’s not angry, he’s hopelessly envious. 
Envy is starvation’s little pet, always there in the core of Coriolanus Snow. It’s a neglected tiny creature that he doesn’t want to acknowledge but it’s now here, eating up all of Clemensia’s words. 
She’s always been with him at school, mostly for their grades but Coriolanus slowly accepted that they are friends, even if he can never stop anticipating her betraying him. That hasn’t ever happened yet.
She has done teasing, prodding, and disagreeing with him so far, but Coriolanus can’t imagine a motive for her to ruin him. Clemensia goes beyond his cruel thoughts. It’s starting to wear down something inside of him. 
“Clemensia, I know that I’m not really being myself right now, but I really appreciate talking with you.” 
This is the most brutally honest he can be with her. He hopes that she knows it because he still is unwilling to tell her any of his real thoughts. 
She might leave him if she did. 
“Me too, I have never seen you so worked up for anyone.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, “I hate it. I hate all of this.”
“How so?”
“I feel out of control, helpless,” his throat feels dry, almost croaks out, “I’m tired from overthinking every bad thing in my life. I don’t think I’ve ever stopped to think about anything else.” 
Because the hunger pains are constant, the jealousy in every blink, and the anger in every breath. 
It’s a pathetic existence. 
He felt even more so when he recalled those memories of Sejanus. It wasn’t hunger taking over his body, it was depths of an emotion he doesn’t want to name. 
“Coriolanus,” her voice beacons him out of his clouded thoughts, “If you want to give scenting a chance, you can always ask me, and if you don’t like it, I’ll never bother you again.” Clemensia rests a hand on his shoulder. “But I think it could really help you.”
For the first time ever, he agrees, “Alright.”
Coriolanus knows how it’s supposed to go. It doesn’t stop him from feeling a bit uneasy when Clemensia scoots closer. Her hand remains on his shoulder but from his tiny nod, it moves up. 
She cups the base of his neck, warmth bleeding through his shirt collar. From his twitchiness, the hand remains there, not daring to pull the shirt down for skin contact. 
For betas like her, rubbing her wrist near his neck is a sign of trust, of companionship. This close up, he can’t ignore the scent of lavenders. A calming allure that does ease the tension in his muscles. 
It’s nothing powerful enough for pack bonding, just a faint wafting over his scent glands. All of it registers Clemensia Dovecote as a friend. 
“How do you feel?”
“Less tired, but the same.” She pulls her hand back but he gently catches it. “I still don’t fully understand it all, but thank you Clemensia.” 
Their fingers laced together, like they’re little kids on the playground. Clemensia smiles at him and he hopes he mistakes that glint in her eyes as pride. His ego wouldn’t handle one more pitiful face. Yet maybe those brown eyes from before weren’t full of pity. It’s hard for Coriolanus to recognize genuine emotions. 
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m just glad you’re actually considering it. I do care about you, Coriolanus Snow.”
She says it but it’s still hard to accept. A part of him wants to will away the doubts. The best he can do is push it aside, to deflect. 
“So, you and Lysistrata?”
He expects her to deny it, to be a hypocrite for all the teasing she put him through.  
Instead she has a small smile, “We’re taking things slow.”
“I didn’t,” he shakes his head, a bit stunned but mostly confused, “I mean I knew you liked girls but you just never mentioned her before.”
She shrugs, “I didn’t think you’d be interested in talking about dating. You’re not the most romantic person.”
Offended, he says impulsively, “I could be.”
“Yeah but do you want to be? It shouldn't be forced or be the product of a situation.”
“I guess I never found the right person.” Coriolanus reads her barely suppressed grin, the cusps of a teasing. “No, it’s still not Sejanus, I don’t want it to be.”
“Why not him?”
“Because Sejanus is… it’s Sejanus.” 
“Excellent argument, Coriolanus. You’ve won this debate.”
“Shut it. I still don’t like him.”
“You like his baking.”
“But really, Coriolanus, forget the gifts, forget the Districts and the Capitol, and think. Does Sejanus Plinth matter to you?” 
He can’t answer that. Too many things spiral around his mind, from boiling wrath to caged fear, a dizzying conflict that’s been building since the moment he met the boy. 
This plagues him for the day. It’s a miracle that he’s home when his scent blockers wear off and it releases his distress into the cold air. 
Coriolanus never liked his own scent, it adds to the coldness, too sharp in the nose. The scent of lavenders is nearly gone, diminished by the weight of his stress. It’s no longer binding the little peace he gained from their conversation. His scent alone adds to his frustrations, all trying to answer that damning question. 
Tigris finds him pacing in his room. 
“Coryo, what’s wrong?”
His first instinct is to lie, to tell her that nothing is happening. Everything is normal while he is not. He’s about to build another wall in his head, lock up the thoughts that've been driving him insane. 
All sense of control is lost when Tigris reaches over and cups his face. Her scent of dewy grass, of meadows freshly rained upon, it clashes with his own. It doesn’t warm him but a cold sweat builds and clings on his skin. 
His thoughts are madness in his head, breaking out of his gritted teeth. 
“What’s wrong?” Coriolanus claws at his shirt, digging wrinkles around his heart. “I'm not the wealthy person Clemensia thinks I am. Or the high-standard snob Festus wants to joke with. Persephone?” A wheezy laugh escapes his dry throat. “I don’t want to know what she thinks of me because I only see the worst things in her.”
Tigris sees through him, smarter than he could ever imagine. 
She says the name he’s avoiding, breaking something within him, “And Sejanus?”
Coriolanus wants to pry away from her loving hands, something he doesn’t deserve. There are many things he does not deserve, certainly not gifts from the alpha. 
“I hate him,” Coriolanus repeats, “I hate how he knows me. Sejanus made this stupid bet knowing that I’ll win and I did.” He can’t stand the look in Tigris’ eyes, his gaze sets onto his drawer. “I made him go away. I’m terrible to him but…”
Does Sejanus Plinth matter to him? 
Yes, Sejanus does matter, but that’s not what’s running rampant in his head. 
“…I don’t understand how I matter to him.”
It’s the reverse of Clemensia's question. 
He couldn’t tell her the truth, that Sejanus has been feeding him small snacks. Each and every little food matters to him, it all means another day of survival. 
But Coriolanus pushed Sejanus away even with the consequences that he would end his charity. Sejanus would understand the power of his money, of his kindness, and how Coriolanus cannot pay that price. 
“He’s so kind that it’s pathetic but I rely on it.” Coriolanus shuts his eyes, needing to see darkness and not the reality of his world. “I couldn’t accept any more from him, Tigris. I’ll end up needing him. I won’t be able to let him go.”
The worst part is, Coriolanus thinks it’s already happening. 
He kept Sejanus’ little handkerchief next to his mother’s compact.
Nutmeg and roses can lull him to rest and haunt him throughout his wake. 
It feels worse than starving. 
Coriolanus knows what hunger feels like. It is a familiar entity that lives in him for years. 
Drained of energy and sanity, easy to lash out and be more of a mess. 
Starving isn’t about helplessness, it’s proof that you are unable to live. It’s dying a little bit more each day. Then out of pure spite and sheer will, force the body to eat at itself. Food won’t instantly heal him, it will only weigh down the spiderwebs in his stomach until they snap. Every bone and tissue of flesh will break down. 
The inevitability scares him. 
This body isn’t meant to survive, it can only be stalled. Coriolanus’s only way of survival is to distrust everyone outside his circle. He has never learned otherwise. Kindness is hard to swallow when pride bites at the hand that feeds. 
“I don’t want to depend on someone who can one day ruin me.”
It’s the loss of control of his own emotions, of owing pieces of himself to someone, of an endless debt he cannot climb out of.
“Coryo.” He feels Tigris lay her head on his collarbone, her hands sliding down to hold on his shoulders. “It’s okay to need things, to need others. I know you’re used to doing everything on your own. You had to lie to your friends about how we live, but they will still care about you. Has Sejanus ever done anything like you’ve feared?”
The daunting truth is that Sejanus Plinth has shown nothing but his best qualities. Coriolanus has pushed at him numerous times and Sejanus has only been gentle and compliant in return. 
Still, that can all end because of how much of a paranoid creature Coriolanus is. 
There is no such thing as having faith in others. 
Only an anxiety that corrupts his mind. It pins down everyone in sight as an enemy, a threat. Everyone except the woman before him. 
Coriolanus opens his eyes, overwhelmed by the pure love Tigris holds for him. 
“You matter to me, Coryo. Beyond money or food.” Her scent lingers over his neck, easing away the weighty sharpness of his own. “You can’t see how much you matter to Sejanus or your friends. I can’t speak for them but they gave you their scent and you kept it.”
Nutmeg and lavenders, the only scents he has ever accepted outside of his family. 
“I couldn’t ask for it,” Coriolanus feels stupid to admit it but it’s what’s real for him. “I couldn’t make myself ask because I didn't want to be close with anyone.”
But he can’t let them go.
It’s a possessiveness that’s under his skin. He doesn’t know if this is innate to all dynamics or it’s unique to his own control-seeking desperation. 
“I have to keep performing out there, Ti, make sure that no one hates me or likes me too much. I have to keep being at the top or else…”
It’s easy to imagine the endless starvation, how the cold invites itself into his bones. That is always his worst case scenario, thrusted back into his childhood nightmare of emptiness. With no chance of ever regaining a semblance of his former life.
He’ll end up all alone.
Tigris interprets his fears in a different light. 
“Is that why you’ve never had a heat? You don’t trust anyone?”
Heats, a burning sensation akin to a fever but ultimately a phase of utter peace and serenity. Scents get stronger, they emote so much love and tenderness that desires reciprocation. 
Omegas can only go into heat when they feel safe. 
Coriolanus Snow has never felt safe in his life. He doesn’t know if he ever will.
The usual excuses were on the tip of his tongue. That heats are a waste of time and energy. Simple as that. Life is better off if Coriolanus never knows what that type of warmth and vulnerability feels like. Besides, he never once had any nesting tendencies or any scents to make a nest. 
He thinks he has abbreviated those justifications to Tigris before, mostly to point out that they don’t have enough food to cover for it. 
But here in, shedding away his armor pieces, Coriolanus is honest to the person who protects him. 
“I don’t think I can.” 
It’s not shame or anger that sinks into him. Speaking those words out loud made Coriolanus painfully aware of how sad and pathetic he truly is. 
Arachne was right, he’s a terrible omega. 
He dares not cry at this revelation, no, he’s not that devastated but there is an emptiness craving inside of him. An apathy that is really fear in disguise, telling him that he’s incapable of love and trust. 
Tigris’ comfort does little to help, letting her scent overpower his own so that he can stop choking on it. 
Thanks for reading!
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chaersly · 2 years
more than like? | huh yunjin x f!reader
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pairing non-idol! huh yunjin x f!reader
genre fluff??? idk help// mutual pining
synopsis you overhear your roommate, who conveniently happens to be your best friend that you may have feelings for, crying in her room. who would’ve thought she was crying over... you?
warnings IDK mentioned homophobia like once??? not that serious tho (I MEAN THE MENTION OF HOMOPHOBIA NOT HOMOPHOBIA ITSELF!!!!) honestly this is a rlly badly written short fic it feels like i wrote this a long time ago 😵‍💫
wc 1.4k
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(short texts)
hey are you okay? i can hear you crying you know
jen ❤️
jen ❤️
im not the one crying
??? cmon i know u
seen. 00:47a.m.
you wanna talk?
we don’t have to if you don’t want to. i’m just asking
jen ❤️
door’s open
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i knock on her door, catching a soft “come in” before i entered yunjin’s room. i slowly peeked and i found her, knees to her chest, beside her bed on her favourite furry rug. i take small steps as i observe her. her eyes are teary and swollen, a slight tint on her cheeks, and she was biting her lower lip. i sat on the rug next to her.
“hi.” i said simply, like i was testing the waters, checking her condition. she whispered it back, so soft i almost missed it. “she must be struggling a lot...” i thought to myself. i carefully put my hand over her own that rested on her knee, trying to signal to her to hold my hand. she glanced over at me and gave me a boxy lip smile before entwining our hands. “you wanna tell me what’s up?” i ask, trying to make my tone as gentle and welcoming as possible. without even batting an eyelid, she shook her head vigorously. “you... you wouldn’t understand. you’ll judge me...” taken aback, i quickly assured her. “judge you? i wouldn’t. i could never...” i squeezed her hand a little tighter. she sniffed, sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
“no, you don’t get it. many people would hate me for this but,” she sniffs. “but i think you’d hate me the most.”
my heart shattered.
why would she think i’d ever hate her? if only she knew she’d gotten it completely wrong...
“i promise, i will not. pinky promise, okay? you know i never go back on my words.” i reached out my free hand, pinky out, waiting for her to do it back. she stared at my hand, then into my eyes, and i could’ve sworn she looked at something else for a brief moment... and eventually she locked our pinkies.
“so, tell me what’s up. why are you in... this state?” i asked, hoping she wouldn’t back out now.
“i think,” she pauses, lets out a breath.
“i- i think i like...” she pauses again.
“you like someone?” i ask, cutting her off. she shakes her head, but she quickly catches herself. “well, yea? but that’s not the problem,” she looks at me, her eyes apologetic. “i, um, i think i like girls.”
oh, i get it now. as i heard those words fall out of her mouth, my mind went blank. the familiar feeling of butterflies resurfaced, yet this time she hadn’t even done anything. “keep your cool,” i mentally scolded myself. “she wouldn’t fall for you anyway. you guys are supposed to be friends.”
“so, this person... the person you like is a girl? and that’s how you realised?” she nodded in response. i shifted myself, body facing her now. “wait so, you were afraid that i’d be... homophobic?” i mean, why else would she think i’d hate her, right? yet she shook her head and sighed. “no! no... well, sort of? not exactly but... argh it’s difficult to explain. i can’t...”
“why not? why else would you be afraid to tell me?”
“BECAUSE!” i could hear the frustration in her voice. it’s you! i... i like you...” i couldn’t even believe the words that came out of her mouth. huh yunjin? jennifer huh? my best friend jen, likes... me? is the world ending? i could feel her hand tense up, she seemed unsure of whether or not to let go of mine. i squeezed it tight, not allowing her to let go. i rubbed my thumb against the back of her hand.
“do you mean it? i mean, you’re not... joking? this isn’t some type of prank...?” i ask cautiously.
the thing is, i have feelings for yunjin. jennifer huh... i’ve had feelings for her since the moment we became close friends. as time passed, my feelings just kept growing. even when i was annoyed at her, even when i didn’t talk to her for 2 whole weeks, trying to rid myself of these feelings. i thought i had pushed away my feelings, just let her go. but, deep down, they were just growing, slowly but surely, until it all just resurfaced. and i hated it. i hated myself for liking my best friend. i hated that every time i was with her, all i could think about was how she made me feel. i couldn’t help but feel my cheeks burn up every now and then whenever we hung out. i made a promise to myself a few months back that i would try to stop these feelings so i wouldn’t accidentally ruin our friendship. now that she’s telling me she likes me, i don’t know how to feel. and, how can i trust her? what if this is all a prank, and then i end up confessing, and she ends up hating me because she doesn’t feel the same. so many what ifs... plus, this went against my promise to myself. and i absolutely, hated breaking promises.
“of course it’s not a prank! i.. i wouldn’t joke around about something like this...” that’s true, yunjin isn’t the type of person to mess around about her feelings. “i told you... you’d hate me for it. i’m sorry. i know i’m weird for falling for my best friend. i shouldn’t have let my feelings-”
“jen, listen. i, um,” i close my eyes and take a deep breath. “i like you too. and i’m not saying this to be nice or anything, i actually have liked you for quite some time...” i confessed.
my heart was beating quicker than it had ever beaten and i felt like it was going to stop anytime soon. i suddenly realised i’m still squeezing her hand. i loosen my grip, hand almost slipping away from hers, but this time, it was her turn to catch me. instantly, she interlocked our fingers and grasped my hand with the same strength i used on her earlier.
“you, really like me? but i... i thought you didn’t like...” she hesitated. “girls?” i finished her sentence. “yea, i didn’t know i liked them either until... well, you.” i stared into her eyes, and i knew for sure this time that i wasn’t going crazy. earlier on, she had glanced at my lips ever so quickly that i almost missed it, and she just did it again. “now it makes sense...” i thought to myself. my breath was suddenly unstable and my heart started to beat quick again — or maybe it hadn’t even calmed down from a moment ago.
“can i... um...” her eyes flickered down to my lips. without even thinking, i leaned in, lips landing on hers.
this was my first actual kiss, and i know it was hers too. yet, it felt so natural. it was slow, and soft. the way our lips moved in line with the other’s...
i was head over heels for this girl. no, i am head over heels for this girl.
i pulled away slowly, and my feelings were all over the place. i was excited, yet nervous, a little scared, but extremely happy?
“was that, good?” she asked. but i didn’t want it to end so fast. giving her a nervous smile, i responded, “um, i’m not sure. maybe we should try again? to get... better?” she chuckled and her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.
this time, she leaned into me. again, our lips connected, the kiss slow and passionate. i unlocked my hand from hers and put my two hands together behind her neck. i inched closer to her, quickly catching her lips after she pulled away for a breath. i couldn’t stop myself. it was my first, and it felt so magical. the butterflies in my stomach never left.
we finally pulled away from each other, catching our breaths. when we locked eyes, i could see her whole face turn bright pink and she couldn’t stop smiling. she looked down and covered her face, but i instinctively reached out for her hand. “no, you’re cute.” i blurted, pulling her hand away from her face. she furrowed her eyebrows and let out a small whine. “stop! my face is so red already...” she whispered that last part.
and if it was even possible i felt myself falling in love yet again. and maybe, just maybe, i would break a promise just this once. just so i could feel happy with the one i like... no, it’s... it’s more than like.
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zombies-aliens · 7 months
To all my guys out there with no valentines look call your homeboy up be like hey you got a valentine? No? Me neither you wanna get some wings?
Or whatever just get out of the house and whatever you do don't feel sorry for yourself like if nothing else just don't feel sorry for yourself bc there's plenty of people who do have a valentine and they aren't even having a good timeeee bro like they aren't even happy my guy believe me. And this isn't so we can laugh at them because hey that could be us next year stuck with someone we don't want wasting our valentines day with someone we don't even care about so let's not laugh bc that could be us, what I am saying this for is that it could br worse guys, it's not the end of everything, if we're hanging out by ourselves today fuck it bro go ahead and order some pizza and watch a movie or invite a bro over, go to the gym go buy some new clothes you feel good in, buy some scented candles there's so many that smell good get a forest scented candle, don't break the bank obviously stay within reason don't fucking try heroin just because you're alone today okay. But I hope you guys and the girls too shiet get what I'm saying that's to treat yourself be your own good time which plenty of people do every day of the year especially in your circumstances. There's nothing wrong with it. You got 24 hours in the day if you get bored, work out idk try something new, learn how to play chess, study the world flags bc honestly it's cool when you see a flag you studied and you can name if off the bat, listen to some music, take a nap even catch up on sleep. Just take care of yourself man it could be worse you could be a guy or girl with someone you couldn't give a damn about waiting for the day to be over. Fuck that yall we have it good, sure it'd be better w someone we like to share our time with but while you think about how it could be better just remember more how much it could have been worse. You're okay. You're still worthy of love.
And I wrote all this because I didn't get lucky with the girl I asked to be my valentine. Oh fucking well. I still went to the gym today with that same girl and I wasn't even butt hurt. Bruh I saw a girl with THEEEE PHHHHHHHAAAAAT AHHHHHHHHHH bruh oh my goodness yall. Maaaaaan she looked better than the girl I tried making my valentine man lol. So also keep in mind there's plenty of fish in the sea I know you heard this before "but but they were the fish I wan-" MAAAAAANNNNNNN STOP just stop ✋️ you're gonna be okay. Man I'm okay. You're okay. We're all gonna be okay.
This message is for the people that are having a bad valentines day because they're ruining it for themselves all because they're solo today. A girl will Come bro keep getting out of the house, smile, and make friends hang out with your bros today and chill idk. Figure it out. I gave you a list already. Take care. You're okay. Crybaby ahhhh lol
0 notes
savnofilter · 5 years
okay so im just gonna my tingz and whatever since people can believe what theyd like.
whoop its more drama. 😅
so if you hadnt already seen it, great if you havent great. ahh im literally shaking oops but this is serious so i'll only what i have to say, and she blocked and deleted all my apologies and explanations.
i wasnt going to post anything because i replied and had said my words and left it at, if you dont want to like me thats fine, i'll live.
i one, would like to say that she even removed it so like rip me. uhhh i would make a video really to talk it because im bad at words and me typing it makes it worse ahahah.
essentially it was just a bunch of screenshots of me being mean so yeah that was it. er um wooph this is too much for me, the only account i can properly say was that i can say i was harsh was that christmas thing with someone who i havent spoken with in months and its that i said i hate people who celebrate it mad early. and yeah i can harsh because ive already explained that sometimes im blunt about it and when im in a bad mood i dont care.
on the other accounts let me say which i dont remember cause she had all the screenshots and i deleted all the chats because it was turning my already sour mood, even more sour.
so she said i didnt greet her properly which i even talked to you once before so idek what she was trying to get at there. 😅 ahh i asked who she was because i had been having on and off issues with a writer and that was already in the server. she suddenly added her to the discord after it being open for many months so naturally that added suspicion and i also have a great deal of knowing when something was up so yuh... call my instincts right cause it was in the messages that were sent to me. 😅
ahhh (ignore my many ah's when i get anxious it just happens ahahah) but those were taken out of context and like were set up to make me look bad. and even just in the whole post, the whole reason why they talked to me was to venge for something to bring me down LMAO.
just like before ive cooled down tremendously so im done from my mental breakdown to properly say this:
1) i didnt know it was even a slur. i just thought it meant dumb and it was only yesterday i had found out that it was bad.
now i'll say this again because people like being on this sav hate train to even read my words LMAO, im sorry for the words i said.
literally the person that i used it on doesnt even fucking like me so the fact thatd they were rude to me and then get shocked that im rude. i even said that day i had not been fine, i was not well. and if you got your secret santa friend you could also get screenshots saying that i said at the point in time i did not care what i said to people because i was planning on killing myself so i didnt care what i was going to say because you know id be dead.
2) may i say again, i had suspicions of other party friend talking about me because she even messaged me on many times and even brought up one situation that i took piss poor shit in handling. 😂
and may i mention she (christmas person) left because she didnt speak up about other issues that couldve been talked out with and decided to leave.
not only that i thought we were talking about our opinions on celebrating christmas so stop trying to feed word into me mouth m8.
and also the conversation had lack of communication so everything was jumbled up, and i didnt even know she was actually leaving the server i thought she was going "tata" for a bit and i was going to talk to her, i eventually did but we do not speak anymore.
3) the main reason why she spoke to me was to basically catch me red handed LMAO. and she got what she wanted. 👏🏽i literally had people message me, asking why she was even asking for peoples ages.
one how do you even know i was referencing you?! i... but anyways... again you want to make me out to be a bad person lmao. i have bad moments just like everybody else. but because i like to be nice and uplift people i cant make mistakes? like what flawed logic is that?
how am i supposed to grow if i dont make mistakes and learn from them. it woudve been a whole different story if i used it multiple times and didnt give a fuck. and no, its not every day that im a "dumb fucking cunt" to people.
4) you legit deleted my responses and apologies. 😂 and people are just jumping on this and dont even
know me.
ever talked to me.
not even in the server.
so now the "brought to tumblr" again i was just sharing my damn sadness dude. your call-out post makes no sense. trying to make it sound like im out here trying to ruin peoples days is not even close to the truth... i myself hate making people feel bad about themselves.
im not some sociopath, and youre mad because i was bummed i realized that someone that i thought was amazing doesnt like me??? like youre telling me that you snapping at me everytime we talked im just supposed to take it? i just...
and ive said it on my blog, im not in the best place. youre gonna get me off on my off days. i even said that me even interacting is not even a good idea but i choose to make the conscious decision to even talk to people just makes me feel even worse because someone was mean to me first.
you cant take me being my worst and saying its my fucking whole. you dont care about me wanting to "fIx My WaYs" you just want to fucking embarrass me and have people hate me.
if youre trying to show character, youre doing a terrible job at it.
i tried adding you as a friend to even talk to you but you had even BLOCKED ME on discord. you dont care. at all. stop pretending youre some knight, if all i was even trying to talk it out to you and youre response is "youre mean you suck" like what the fuck...
you and your friends and your followers my "followers" who havent asked for my side just show how much you guys really want to pUrIfY this erotica for anime community,,
and also you were a massive prick to my friend because she was sharing her own thoughts so i dont even know why youre trying to act like youre an angel. unless you can tell me that you have never been wrong, i will just crucify myself on the cross and apologize to jesus for being such a sinner.
the more i type, the more i get spiteful so i will stop myself here. have a wonderful night/day/whenever you see it dude or never see it cause you blocked me lol.
EDIT: also i never even hinted that it was you so it just confirms this was only for malicious purposes... and i now just feel like you made it because you feel like i shouldnt have feelings either.
apologies if its all over the place, i wrote this in a state of panic to a slow burn of being mellowing out.
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kken-kenn · 2 years
• Briar Beauty x f!reader
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It was not like you and Briar were keeping your relationship a secret, people simply never asked if the two of you were dating anyone. two that if anyone found out they wouldn’t care, but you and your girlfriend wanted it to be a private thing for a while before telling anyone you guys have been seeing each other.
Now there was no one in particular that Briar herself didn’t want to find out but, there was one princess at Ever After who you would never want to find out. And that person is the one and only Apple White, also known as, your older sister. Now, don’t get me wrong, you loved Apple more than anything.
But your sister was devoted to following her destiny, for some reason she just loved the idea of getting poisoned one day and becoming the next Snow White. Still, as you are the younger sister you don’t have to follow any destiny, but Briar still does as she is the next Sleeping beauty.
You know that if Apple found out she would be — upset.
Because if Briar is dating you she wouldn’t be able to get her Happily Ever After. At first you thought about telling her, but after she found out that Ashlynn and Hunter were dating, her reaction made you rethink that choice.
Briar was understanding of your wanting to keep your relationship unknown to other peering eyes, but she also thought it was hilarious. The reason for this being? No one had suspected a single thing, you see before the two of you had gained romantic feelings for each other your friendship was close.
At first people did think, “Are they dating?” But after weeks of denying it, and the multitude of times they caught you napping together, hugging, holding hands, and being literally the epitome of a couple, your friends and such just shrugged it off eventually, thinking you two were just being touchy, and they had no qualms with that.
Apple thought it was cute, she was all giggles when she saw you two sharing what she thought was “just platonic affection,” that’s why when she saw the both of you holding hands in Book End she didn’t bat an eye. Or when your eyes lingered on each other than what would be considered friendly, in her eyes it was not but friends being friends.
Yet, you can’t help but wonder if that is what led up to this point…
“Seriously Bri, I can’t believe no one thinks of anything!” You tell Briar, wrapping your arms wistfully around the base of her neck. Currently the two of you were hiding out in her room, having a quiet little study date, “I wouldn’t be so sure, I think Cupid has noticed.”
Briar laughs, her own hands cupping your face, before leaning forward to kiss you on the lips gently, “Mwah!” She chuckles, while you sighed, content with your wonderful girlfriend. “I wanna know just how long before someone catches us,” Briar thinks, “Hopefully Goldie isn’t the one to find out.”
You both grimace, “I love the girl but her and her little Mirror are a dangerous duo. I swear she probably has hidden cameras or something,” Briar whispers, while looking around the room. “Probably, but enough about Blondie, I wanna know about you, how’s your day been?”
You question, while Briar begins to tell you of her daily adventures so far. “Well, I passed all my tests today, I nearly jumped out a window, again, just to feel that rush of adrenaline, and I got another gift from a certain froggy prince.”
"What was it this time?” She stares into a small trash bin at the side of her bed, little bits of green poking out. Throwing her arms up on the air, Briar tells you, albeit sarcastically. “A lovely bouquet of swamp grass!” Your expression changes to one of concern, “Swamp grass…? Hopper gave you swamp grass?”
She nods solemnly, “I live for the day I can just walk up onto a Castleteria table and shout at the top of my lungs, "I’m dating [Name] everyone! And then I’ll jump down into the hopefully large crowd and kiss you right on the lips, in front of all those kids..”
“Briar that is, wow, like just wow!” She leans forward and wraps her arms around your waist, the corners of her lips lifting up to give you a gentle smile. “But you know what day I wanna live to see?” Briar hums in response, “The day I get to tell someone that my name is ”[Name] Beauty.’“
Briar can feel the heat rise to her cheeks, and her eyes go soft, "You, you really want to get married someday?” Briar murmurs, her voice quiet as she looks at you. “Of course I do, Briar I love you, I may not be your perfect prince charming, I may not be the one to wake you with a true love’s kiss, but hex knows I’ll be the one to put that ring on your finger.”
You state determined, while Briar hides her face within the crook of where your neck and upper body meet. “And, you don’t have to wait to kiss me,” Though Brian can’t see your face, she can hear that teasing tone.
She lifts herself up, and looks deeply into your <[color]> eyes. When Briar looks at you, she sees nothing but pure adoration. “Well then, don’t mind if I do!” She smiles, while you both lean in, your eyes shut close, and you can feel her lips graze yours.
The moment was disrupted when Briars dorm room door was sung open and a familiar voice echoed across the walls. “Hey, Briar I was wondering if I could borrow notes from Chemythstry class.” Apple walks in, face directed downwards towards her MirrorPhone, oblivious to the state she had just caught her Sister and one of her best friends in.
Quickly you two break away from each other, startled at Apple’s sudden intrusion. “Apple! What are you doing here?” Briar questions nervously, “Isn’t it obvious? I wanted to borrow your—,” Apple begins but pauses when she notices your faces, she looks you over, you look scared almost?
She eyes Briar, nothing is out of the ordination until she notices, Briars bright pinkish lipstick was slightly smeared and her face was flushed. Apple’s eyes widen before she screams, “Are you two dating!?” While she looks between the two of you.
“What? No, of course not?”
“Yeah, Apple, us? Dating? You’re crazy!”
“We’re just friends!”
“Yeah I was — I was eating something and accidentally smeared my lipstick!”
Apple’s eyes become slant, “I never said anything about that! You two are dating!” You visibly gulp, “Apple, listen! Before you say anything just know we wanted to tell you—” You start before your sisters high pitched squealing interrupts. “This is hexcellent!”
Apple hurriedly makes run over and uses her arms to hug you both close. “My baby sister?! One of my best friends?! This is one of the happiest days of my life!” She lets you out of her grip, before clapping her hands together joyfully. “You…you’re not upset?” Quietly you glance at Apple’s face, “Why would I be?”
“Listen Sis, if I had known before the whole ordeal with Wonderland I probably would’ve screamed, even louder than I already have!” Apple laughs, while you and Briar share a look, “What is she talking about?” You both think simultaneously, Apple of course, notices.
“I know you probably expected me to scream something about "following your destinies!’” She rolls her eyes playfully, “But, a few people have shown me that, in order to get your Happily Ever After you don’t need to follow your destiny,” Apple smiles at Briar, “I’m happy for you!”
You jump up, hugging Apple close, evidently knocking her over though in the process from all the surprise weight on her. “Thank you!” Briar giggles in the back, watching the scene, the heartfelt moment warming her heart. “Alright that’s enough [Name]! You’re still my girlfriend!”
“But she’s my sister!” Apple retaliated, giving a slightly pointed look to Briar. When you finally let go, and sit back on your knees, Apple’s face lights up even brighter than it already was. “I have to tell Raven all about this!”
Apple tells you, before standing up to walk away. “What?!” You and Briar cry out in shock, but you’re too late as Apple has already walked out into the dorm hallway. “See! I told you something like this would happen.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Batsis Meet The Batboys
Batsis x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 4.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: Y'all, I am slowly but surely making good on that promise to get all my stories reposted--also editing them so they're nice and neat! Enjoy! -Thorne
She hummed in amusement as her father grunted and begrudgingly passed over another five into the man’s hand. “You know…it’s good to know that my perfect father actually sucks at something.” She turned and popped a piece of cotton candy into her mouth. “And it’s carnival games.”
He grunted again when he missed the balloon, and he handed her the darts. “Why don’t you try it, sweetheart?”
She handed him the cotton candy with a grin and took the darts, holding one up and making the repeated motion of throwing it. She couldn’t help but feel a little cocky as she asked, “Dad, if I get this, what toy do you want?”
She nodded to the bat in the corner. “I was thinking about the stuffed bat. Eh, dad?” He glared at her, but she laughed as she tossed the weighted dart, watching as it hit center and she pointed to the bat. “I’ll take that one.”
The man handed it to her, and they walked off; she held it up to her father. “Here. A bat for Batman,” she quipped, and he grunted at her.
“That isn’t funny, (Y/N).”
She shrugged and retorted, “It’s a little funny. You just have no sense of humor because you’re a stick in the mud.” (Y/N) shoved the stuffed animal in her backpack before reaching up and taking her father’s hand; she glanced down at her wristwatch on the opposite hand and said, “The performances don’t start for another twenty minutes. Want to go look at something else? I saw one of those spinning car rides. We could do that.”
When he didn’t give her response, she looked back up at him to see him staring off into the distance, his eyes set on the Wayne Enterprises tower. “Dad? You okay?”
He blinked as if startled from his thoughts and he directed his gaze down at her and after a few moments, he nodded. “Just thinking.”
“Penny for your thoughts.”
“I haven’t spent a lot of time with you.” He frowned and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I haven’t been a good—”
She cut him off with a ‘pfft’. “Dad, it’s alright. I’m not angry.” (Y/N) squeezed his hand in return. “I might be young, but I’m not an idiot. I know being a dad is new for you, especially since you didn’t get to watch me grow up the first decade of my life. But what matters is that you’re here now, and you’re doing the best you can. And that’s all I ask of you.”
At her little speech, he was stunned, and after a moment he knelt down and hugged her. “I love you, sweetheart.”
(Y/N) returned the hug, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, though they were so big and broad that she couldn’t meet her hands around his back. “I love you too, dad.”
Happening to glance over his shoulder, she immediately gasped. “Dad!”
He let her go, immediately moving to protect her. “What? What is it?”
(Y/N) pointed towards a costumed family walking and greeting the people. “It’s the Flying Grayson’s!” She grabbed his hand and tugged him along in their direction. “Let’s get a picture with them!” She could hear her father chuckle behind her, but he followed, and they stepped up to the family.
(Y/N) waved at them. “Hi Mister and Missus Grayson! Can we get a picture with you?”
The man and woman smiled at them and nodded, and a boy a couple years younger than her stepped up.
He stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Richard Grayson. But you can call me Dick.”
(Y/N) took his hand and shook it. “(Y/N) Wayne. Nice to meet you, Dick.” She gestured to her father. “This is my dad, Bruce Wayne.”
Her father smiled and tipped his head towards the boy before handing the camera to someone and stepping beside her. She and Dick had become friends instantaneously as they slung their arms around each other’s necks, their grins cheesy and wide.
The camera flashed and the man handed Bruce the camera, and (Y/N) nodded to the family. “Thank you for taking a picture with us.” They started to walk away, but she stopped them, motioning to her dad. “Can my dad take a picture of the three of you? I know it seems a little weird, but it’d be cool to have a picture of you guys, and one with you.” They nodded at her request and she gestured to her father, watching him take the photo of the family. “Thank you!”
They waved and walked off, leaving them, and she turned to Bruce. “Wanna go find seats?” He nodded, and they began moving in the direction of the tent.
Time seemed to grind to a halt as (Y/N)’s heart stopped in her chest as she watched them slam into the ground. Chaos filled the tent in mere seconds, people screaming, children crying, and her father grabbed her arm. “(Y/N)—”
She nodded and pulled her arm away, already starting to make her way from her seat. “I’ve got him. Go.” She didn’t wait for his reply, hopping the seats until her feet hit the dirt ground and she broke into a sprint towards the sobbing boy in the center.
She twisted her feet and slid on the ground next to him, her heart tightened when he gazed up at her, sky blue eyes wide in agony. (Y/N) reached out, wrapping her arms around him. “I’ve got you Dick. I’ve got you kid.”
She felt his arms come around her middle as his head burrowed in her shoulder; his entire body shook with every heart-wrenching sob, and (Y/N) raised one of her hands, running it through his hair as she whispered repeatedly, “I’ve got you.”
(Y/N) heard GCPD officers shouting, and she looked up, seeing her father standing beside them. “Batman,” she whispered softly.
He glanced at her before kneeling beside them and blocking the way of the fallen couple. “You two shouldn’t look at this anymore.”
She nodded and squeezed the boy on the shoulder. “Dick. We need to get away from here.”
“I can’t…leave them.” He pulled back, tears streaming down his cheeks. “I’m…all alone.”
(Y/N) shook her head, and placed a hand on his cheek. “I’m here, Dick. You’re not alone.” His face pinched as a new round of tears sprouted in his eyes and he lowered his head, the sobs wracking his body, and she gazed up at her father’s face, knowing the agony behind the white slits. “You’re not alone.”
She walked alongside her father, tugging at the collar of her suit. “Can’t we make a suit that doesn’t choke me as much as this collar does? I feel like I’ve got one of Ivy’s vines wrapped around my throat.” He didn’t say anything and she rolled her eyes. “Fine. Fine. Ignore me. I see how it is.”
“You’re the one who designed your suit, Batgirl. I told you to choose breathable fabric but you refused and said you wanted adequate protection like mine.”
She blinked and glared at him. “Do you get some sick pleasure from repeating my apparent failures?” He chuckled lightly, and she looked around. “Whatever…I still think you shouldn’t have parked in Crime Alley. You know there’s always trouble here.”
“The Batmobile is fine,” he said, voice tired as if he’d answered the question a hundred times before—he had.
(Y/N) hummed, nodding to the car a few feet ahead of them and quipped, “Oh, so the kid jacking the tires off it is completely normal?”
Her father looked at her split second before turning to see it, his eyes widening in disbelief as he muttered, “I don’t believe what I’m seeing.” He moved soundlessly towards the boy, her following.
“Got to give it to him. It takes some big balls to jack the Batman’s ride,” she admired and he grunted, though she knew he was in agreement, and they walked up on the oblivious boy.
She watched her father pull his ‘Put-The-Fear-Of-Batman-Into-‘Em’ stance and he cleared his throat with an exaggerated, ‘ahem’. (Y/N) snorted at the way the boy jerked, twisting to see them staring at him; she swore he’d shit himself the way the fear bled into his eyes.
Her father glared at the kid. “You do realize that’s the Batmobile, right?”
The boy’s face pinched, and he tipped his head up, his voice haughty. “Duh. You do realize you parked your car in Crime Alley, right?” (Y/N) barked a laugh, but quickly coughed when her father turned his glower to her, and he turned back to the boy just in time to see him swinging the tire iron.
“Bad move, hotshot.” Her words fell on deaf ears as she watched her father catch the tool and grip the boy by the front of his hoodie, picking him up off the ground a few feet.
He squirmed, legs kicking out for few seconds before spitting, “You want to beat up on a kid, go enlist in the GCPD like every other bully in this city.”
(Y/N) saw the gears turning in her father’s head as he leaned in, his face inches apart from the boys as he demanded, “I’m only going to ask you this once…So give some serious thought to your answer.”
The boy craned his neck, eyes narrowed as he asked, “What it is?”
Her father gave him a smirk. “Are you hungry?” The boy’s brows furrowed in suspicion, and within the next ten minutes, they were sitting on the hood of the Batmobile eating burgers and fries and sipping on milkshakes.
At one point, she’d reached over and grabbed the boy’s hands; he looked up at her and she nodded to his burger. “Slow down, Jason. You’ll eat your hand at this rate.”
He snorted but nodded, eating a little slower than before as he said, “Sorry. This is the closest thing to a home-cooked meal since I’ve had a home.” He paused and looked out at the city. “It’s funny…I was here once, looking for Wayne Manor.” He looked between them. “I was trying to case the place, but I got lost.”
Bruce looked down at the boy and questioned, “Why do you think it’s okay to steal from people?”
Jason scoffed at his question. “Are you kidding me? Look at this view.” He motioned to the buildings in the distance. “Freaking ‘Billionaire Playboy’ thinks he’s the king of the world. Pfft.”
(Y/N) elbowed him in the ribs and quipped, “Oh honey, he doesn’t think he is. He knows he is.”
The two of them cackled, but the solemn look from her father made their laughter fall short and he said, “Sometimes you just have to give people a chance Jason…they’ll usually surprise you.”
Her father’s words made Jason pause, and she saw him sink into deep thought. After a few moments, she leaned across Jason and nudged her father.
He looked at her and she tipped her head to Jason. “Does this mean he’s coming home with us?” Her father looked at him and back to her, then nodded and she shifted her arm, grinning as she wrapped it around Jason’s neck. “Well then, welcome to the family…little brother.”
She could sense the boy following her, and after a few moments, she realized he wasn’t giving up. It wasn’t just some coincidence that they were on the same path—he wanted something from her. She glanced over her shoulder before ducking into the shadows of an alley, waiting for him to follow.
Sure enough, he stepped into the opening of the alley, looking for her, then he shook his head and stamped his foot on the ground. “No-no-no. I was so close to finding her.” He sighed and his shoulders fell in defeat as he visibly deflated.
She stepped behind him and gripped his shoulder in an steel-tight grasp, inquiring, “Why are you following me, kid?”
The kid gasped like he’d been shot as his knees collapsed beneath him, falling from her grip and to the ground. He rolled and gazed up at her with a mixture of shock and wonder as he breathed, “Batgirl.”
She glared down at him and demanded, “Answer my question before I call GCPD for you being out past curfew. Why. Are. You. Following. Me.”
He swallowed thickly before nodding rapidly. “Right. You see, I’ve been looking for you, Batgirl.”
“Yeah, I got that from the tailing. What I wanna know is, why?”
“I need to talk to you about Batman.”
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion at the mention of her father. “What’s a scrawny-ass kid like you, need to talk about Batman with me for?”
His mouth opened, then it snapped shut and he seemed to think on his answer for a moment. He looked at his hands and whispered, “It’s about your brother…Jason Todd.”
Hearing her deceased brother’s name knocked the air from her lungs and she barely managed to get the word ‘what?’ out without sucking in a breath.
He glanced up at her. “I know who you are Miss Way—”
(Y/N)’s hand shot out and she slapped it over his mouth before shaking her head. “Don’t say my name. You don’t know who’s listening.” He went silent as she removed her hand and held it out for him. “C’mon. If you know who I am then that means you know everyone’s identity.”
He nodded mutely and she clicked a button on her wrist; A few moments later, her bike pulled in front of the alley. “Get up. We need to go have a chat.” He took her hand, letting her haul him to his feet, and they walked over to the bike. (Y/N) climbed on before nodding to him. “Get on and hold on.” He followed her order, sitting in front of her, and she took off.
A few minutes later, they were stepping into one of the safe houses her dad set up around the city. She closed the door and flicked on the light, pulling the cowl off before gesturing to the table. “Sit.” He obeyed and she opened the refrigerator, pulling out two sodas. (Y/N) turned, taking the seat across from him and sliding his drink over. “Now. Who are you and how do you know about all this?”
He nodded and pulled out a giant book, placing it on the table. “My name is Timothy Jackson Drake, I’m thirteen, and I’ve been following the exploits of Batman, Batgirl, and Robin since I was two.”
(Y/N) cocked a brow at that. “Two’s a little young to be able to remember us.”
Tim looked at the book and nodded. “I know…but I have a photographic memory, and I remember the first time I saw Batman.”
“And that was?”
He paused and his voice quiet. “The night Dick Grayson’s parents were murdered.” (Y/N)’s eyes went wide, and he drew his eyes to hers. “I remember Dick swinging to the ground as his parents climbed the ladder. His mom went first, and his dad followed. Then…the rope snapped, and…they fell.”
Tim quieted considerably and she had to strain to hear him as he recounted, “I got scared, and I looked away. I couldn’t watch…then I heard the crash and Dick sobbing. And I saw you run down and hug him.” He met her gaze. “Then I saw this giant, dark shape falling towards you, and I thought it was going to hurt you two. But then I realized Batman wasn’t trying to hurt you…he was trying to help you both. And he went from being a monster…to becoming some great Dark Knight.”
Tim looked at her. “From them on, I’ve been having the same dream, over and over. I—”
(Y/N) raised a hand, stopping him. “When did you find out who we were?”
He nodded. “When I was nine, I was watching TV and I saw you and Dick, well, Robin and Batgirl. You—”
“Batgirl and Robin. In that order.” She pointed to herself with a face that could only be something akin to the ‘first-child-syndrome’. “I was first.”
A smile grew across Tim’s face and he nodded. “Right, Batgirl and Robin. Anyway, I saw you two on TV, and I watched Dick perform a quadruple somersault.” He grinned rather proudly of himself and declared, “I knew that somersault like I knew my own name. About six months later, Robin made his first appearance. And if Dick Grayson was Robin and Bruce Wayne’s ward, then Bruce Wayne was Batman, and you were Batgirl.” (Y/N) stared at Tim in shock, too stunned to even form words.
He shifted nervously under her gaze. “Um…Miss (Y/N)? Batgirl? Are you alright?”
(Y/N) blinked and shook her head as she muttered, “Holy shit, kid. What are you?”
“I—I’m sorry?”
She huffed a laugh and grinned at him. “You’ve got some damn good detective skills to have figured all that out.” Tim smiled sheepishly under the praise, then (Y/N) stood up from the table, stretching her arms over her head until she heard her joints pop, then she stared at him. “You got a place to sleep tonight?”
“I…no. Not at the moment.”
(Y/N) placed her hands on her hips and hummed. “And why’s that?”
“Well, in the course of looking for you, I’ve also been looking for Dick. But I can’t find him. He’s good at disappearing.”
She nodded and pointed to a room. “I know where Dick is. Go sleep in the guest room, and tomorrow we can go find him.”
As she walked past him, heading for her room, he questioned dubiously, “You’d do that for me?”
(Y/N) stopped and glanced over her shoulder. “Isn’t that what family does?”
Tim’s jaw went slack and he gaped at her as she stepped into her room and closed the door behind her.
She shut the door behind her and locked it, though there really wasn’t any reason to considering the fact that no one could get into the manor, let alone across the front lawn without anyone inside knowing.
Hauling the bag up and over her shoulder, she found it odd that no one had greeted her yet and her oddity turned into unsettling when she didn’t hear anything.
She dropped her keys in the silver bowl on the side table and looked around the foyer. “Hello? Dad? Alfred? Timmy?” She stuck her head in the kitchen door. “Anyone home?”
There was no response and she hummed questioningly, knowing that on a Sunday, everyone was home relaxing. She made her way to the study and shifted the clock hands, watching as the entrance appeared, then she descended the steps into the cave. It was even quieter than usual, and she felt the hairs stand up on the back on her neck as she made her way to the Batcomputer.
She pushed a button on the keyboard, watching as the screen came to life and said, “Give me the most recent update.”
“Confirmation?” It replied.
“(Y/N) Wayne, Batgirl.”
The computer beeped for a moment. “(Y/N) Wayne. Batgirl. Access level high.” It paused. “Access granted. Welcome Batgirl.”
“Give me the most recent update.”
“Requested.” It processed the request then told her, “Talia al Ghul entered Gotham Bay approximately two days ago, leaving behind Damian al Ghul in Batman’s custody.”
Damian al Ghul? Who the hell is that? (Y/N) raised an eyebrow as she pushed another button. “Who is Damian al Ghul.”
“Damian al Ghul is the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Conceived…month and day unknown…year was two-thousand-three.”
(Y/N) stared at the screen, not sure if she should feel shock that her dad had a second biological kid, or disgust that he slept with Talia to get one. All the sudden, her training kicked in and she felt someone behind her. She spun around, catching the blade of a sword coming at her. She looked down at a young child, no older than ten, glaring up at her. She’d seen pictures of her father when he was a child, and though he had Talia’s emerald green eyes and olive complexion, there was no mistaking the resemblance between him and her father.
Her eyes narrowed into slits as she shoved him away. “The hell are you doing?”
He raised the sword again and said, “Testing you.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms, her gaze curious. “For what purpose?”
He ran at her waving the sword. “To see if you are really father’s daughter.”
She chuckled at that and dodged each attempt to cut her. “Trust me short-stack, I’m Bruce Wayne’s kid.”
Her insult seemed to set him off and he swung the sword wildly. “I am not short!”
(Y/N) grunted as the blade grazed her arm, and she clenched her jaw. “Alright. I’m done entertaining you.”
She let him come to her, then she twisted, wrenching the sword from his grip before tossing it away and coming back around. She gripped him by the collar and used the momentum to slam him to the ground before pulling his arms behind him and putting her knee in his back.
It all happened within seconds, and he didn’t know how to respond other than to cry out in anger. “Let go!”
She pulled his arms tighter until he stopped squirming and she leaned down. “Take a chill pill, runt.” He still cried out in rage at the name, and she heard someone grunt a few feet from her.
“Let him up, (Y/N).”
She looked up to see her father and Alfred walking towards her. She obeyed, rolling away from the boy and to her feet. “I was wondering where you were.”
Bruce nodded to Damian, who was pulling himself off the floor in a rather heated fashion. “We were trying to find out where Damian had gone.”
(Y/N) eyed him for a moment before murmuring, “So, he really is your kid?”
Damian cut Bruce off, spitting, “Are you jealous?”
She looked at Damian and snorted. “Not even an ounce short-cake.” (Y/N) laughed at the way his face pinched in rage, and she turned to Bruce. “You just can’t help collecting them, can you?” He glared at her and she laughed, walking over and nudging him. “Smile a little, Scrooge. Your face will get stuck like that if you don’t.”
He sighed, and muttered, “I don’t know what to do with him.”
(Y/N) glanced at the boy who was picking up his sword. “Too angry?”
“Belligerent is more like it.”
She chuckled and patted his back. “Don’t worry. I’ve got him.”
“(Y/N) I don’t think—”
“Relax, dad. I handled Dick’s anger, didn’t I?”
“Damian’s got Dick beat by a longshot. I don’t think he knows any demeanor other than attack.”
(Y/N) waved as she walked towards Damian. “No one’s able to beat Dick’s anger. No one in a million years could reach the level of pissed off Dick Grayson stays at.” Bruce grinned as he watched (Y/N) take the sword and move Damian towards the stairs. “C’mon pint-sized. We’re going to explore Gotham.”
“I do not want to go.” He retorted, pulling away from her.
She grasped the back of his neck like a puppy and held him firmly as they walked and she quipped, “I don’t really give a fuck whether you want to or not. You’ve been raised by homicidal psychopaths since you were born.” She looked down at him. “You need to see the real world.”
“My grandfather and mother aren’t psychopaths!”
“Oh really? So killing people for money or because honor demands it, isn’t psychopathic traits? What about when Ra’s kills people because they disrespect him?”
“That is different!”
“I mean you don’t see me poppin’ caps in people’s asses when they call me a whore, do you?”
Bruce watched the two of them climb the stairs, arguing, and he sighed, sensing Alfred walk next to him.
“Almost reminds you of Master Dick and Miss (Y/N), doesn’t it Master Bruce?”
He looked at Alfred, then smiled and nodded. “In every way, shape, and form.”
Alfred smiled. “It is such a good thing that Miss (Y/N) is the oldest. The boys have needed her.”
“She’s their protector.”
Alfred paused, resting a hand on his shoulder; Bruce met his gaze and saw such a solemnity in them as he said, “She is everyone’s protector, Master Bruce. Even yours.” Alfred walked away, then Bruce turned and looked at the photo resting on the desk. It was the first photo he and (Y/N) had taken in their suits.
He smiled at it and nodded. “That she is.”
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Imagine Bakugou x stoner!reader
So... maybe I got carried away, and maybe this turned into more of just you and the bakusquad being besties, but I literally love this concept and will 100% be writing more.
Warning(s): obvious mentions of drug use, and some language. All characters are 18+.
So, let’s say, just for the hell of it, that this is a quirkless!college!au 
just imagine...
- you befriend Sero and Denki first, meeting them in a class, and they love you right off the bat
- you’re personality just meshes so well with theirs, you become bffs almost instantly
- the three of you raise hell in that class, I’m convinced, like RIP to whoever sits near you goofs
- you slowly start to hang out outside of class. maybe it starts as a study sesh, but let’s be honest here. the three of you can’t focus to save your life, and eventually Sero asks if you guys wanna smoke
- and, to their complete surprise, you outsmoke them (Denki later bows down to you, literally, and proposes to you with a ring pop. he’s such a dork I love him)
- this becomes a weekly thing, as it should, and the three of you are practically attached at the hip
- your favorite part of hanging with them is, of course, all their crazy stories about their friends
- so of course they want to introduce you to the bakusquad, and you are just as eager to meet the rest of the group, if not a little nervous
- Denki and Sero assure you they’ll love you (”c’mon, you’re just like us, they’ll adore you!!!”) and they take you out to lunch with Mina and Kirishima
- now, if you thought you, Denki, and Sero was a chaotic trio, just wait until you add Mina to the equation
- Kirishima lives for the chaos and thinks you’re adorable, but the guy has his hands full keeping the four of you out of trouble, that’s for sure
- (when Bakugou’s not around, Kirishima is in charge of the braincell, I don’t make the rules)
- Mina immediately kidnaps you for a girls night, and is ecstatic about having a girl to hang out with her and the boys 
- (SIDE NOTE, Mina introduces you to Jirou, and the three of you are THE baddest bitches around, thank you. the three of you definitely have girl nights and either kick the boys out, or force them to join, face masks and all)
- anyway, you finally get the opportunity to meet Bakugou
- and, as always, he’s in a sour mood. but! you don’t let his grumpiness upset you, in fact, you take it in stride and throw his attitude right back at him
- you aren’t mean, and you certainly aren’t going out of your way to bug him, but if Bakugou makes a snide comment? you better believe you’re throwing one right back at him
- and at first, Bakugou is annoyed, and thinks you’re mocking him. like, who do you think you are? 
- but the more he gets to know you, he realizes that you’re way too sweet to be that mean. you fit right in with the idiots he’s friends with.
- and, to be honest, it drives him nuts. because he likes you. he likes you, and he likes when you snap back at him, and he likes watching you goof off and laugh with his friends
- in true Bakugou fashion, though, you’re convinced he hates you. it’s just the icing on top of the cake when one night you notice that every time you’re there, and Sero lights up, Bakugou disappears 
- when you finally tell Mina this, she laughs. actually laughs! and you’re just like ....what?
- turns out, Bakugou hardly ever smokes with them, and he’s just like that. 
“Trust me, babe,” Mina tells you, “It’s not you. Bakugou just doesn’t know how to relax, he’s got a terrible case of trust issues and a bad attitude to top it off. But he likes you, trust me! He’ll come around.”
- you weren’t so sure about that, but you take her word for it. 
- and then, one night it’s just you, Denki, Mina, and Bakugou, and he stays!
“Someone with a brain has to make sure you idiots don’t do something stupid.” He says, when you ask.
- that night ends up being one of the funniest nights of your life. the three of you are high as a kite, and everything is funny. seriously, you can’t stop laughing!
- then, you find out Bakugou’s birthday is on 4/20, and you have never been so excited in your life (so you say). it’s the funniest, most ironic thing to you
- you go up to Bakugou, grabbing both his arms by the biceps, and are going on and on about it, bouncing on the balls of your feet and giggling, and Bakugou just listens to you talk and he blushes 
- you’re adorable, and he can’t lie to himself anymore, he likes you. he really likes you. and this realization really freaks him out (he calls Kirishima later that night absolutely freaking out, and he has to totally calm him down. Kiri ships it)
- over the next month or two, he tries his best to not give himself away, but it’s so hard. 
- he starts sticking around when everyone smokes together, and sitting next to you during movie nights (because you always fall asleep, and theres a good 80% chance you end up leaning on his shoulder), and he offers to help when you complain about a class you’re struggling with
- and it all comes to a head one night when he gets jealous. 
- he was definitely reading too much into things, but he swears you’re acting clingy with Sero, leaning on his shoulder, and grabbing his arm when you laugh, and playing with his hair. he definitely has himself convinced Sero is making a move on you, and he’s pissed.
- at some point during the hangout, he gets up and storms out of the room, and no one really notices but you and Kiri. after a minute or two you’re curiosity gets the best of you, so you go after him
- he’s in the kitchen, glaring at this plant Denki and Sero have (that is totally, 100% dying, and probably can’t be saved) and he’s pouting
“I don’t think staring at it is gonna bring it back to life.” You say, and he just looks at you weird and asks what you want
- you say you’re just checking on him, and he asks why you care. and you’re just like dude ??? i care about you? hello? we’re friends ??
- and Bakugou, being himself, snaps at you and makes some kind of rude comment
- so you snap back, offended because you’d just wanted to check on him
- and halfway through you telling him what a jerk he is, he kisses you
- he kisses you like his life depends on it, because he’s still pissed off about Sero and, come on, Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t do anything halfway
- and maybe the two of you make out in the kitchen for way longer than you want to admit
- and maybe you laugh and call him an idiot when he tells you he was jealous of Sero
- and maybe Denki catches the two of you, and screams like a little girl on christmas morning
- cue protective Denki and Sero telling Bakugou he better not EVER hurt you... and then crying happy tears a minute later because you’re so cute together
- after that, Bakugou is literally never seen without you by his side. he walks you to class, cooks you dinner at least once a week, helps you study and takes you out every time you ace a test. this man knows your coffee order, and has your schedule memorized, it’s impressive 
- god forbid he see’s you eating junk food
- listen, he knows how Denki and Sero eat when they get the munchies, okay, and that is absolutely not allowed. this man is such a simp behind closed doors, he will literally make you homemade snacks for when you go smoke with the guys. 
- he’s not the greatest with words, okay, but he loves you and he shows it through small things like that. he’s always pushing you to do your best, and bragging about you, and doing little things to remind you how much he cares
- he’s also a little over protective, but he means well, and cmon it’s kinda cute when he get’s jealous, sometimes
- but overall you guys are just the cutest couple. like the bakusquad is absolutely obsessed. (you make Bakugou soft, but don’t tell him they said that)
- and sure you fight over little things every once in a while, but you learn how to handle Bakugou’s attitude quick, and it never lasts too long. 
- if you do have a big fight, you take a step back and let each other cool down, and then you make Bakugou talk it out. he hates it at first, because sharing his feelings is so not something he wants to do, but it does help and he knows it.
- if, on the rare occasion, the two of you have a bad fight you can’t resolve on your own, therapist Kiri is there to save the day
- now, let’s get down to the whole reason i made this au in the first place
- the first time the two of you celebrate his birthday after getting together, he makes it clear that the day of he just wants to spend it with you
- so the weekend closest to his bday, the whole squad goes out and celebrates, but when it comes to his actual bday? Bakugou has a surprise for YOU
- you show up to his apartment, not really knowing what to expect, and this man pulls out a pan of brownies
- yeah, those brownies
- turns out, he and Sero used to sell them in high school
“What? Sero already sold, and I can cook, so we just... did it. It was good money.”
“How could you keep this from me?! Have I told you recently that I adore you?”
He just laughs, “You’re such a dork.”
- so you have the PLEASURE of getting high with Bakugou for the first time
- and let me just tell you, you’re in for a treat
- Bakugou. is. so. clingy. as soon as it hits, you know, because he’s wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap
- he’s speaking so softly?? and he’s just relaxed, and content with holding you and talking about anything and everything, just cuddling with music in the background
- high! makeout sessions! with Bakugou! that’s it, that’s literally it. he is INSATIABLE 
- the man just wants to kiss you, for hours, okay? give him what he wants!!
- he used to get super paranoid, that’s why he doesn’t smoke much, but with you he’s calm and comfortable, and not anxious
- it becomes tradition to make brownies on both of your birthdays, and you look forward to it all year
- and every once in a while, Bakugou will smoke with the squad, and they quickly learn that he can’t keep his hands off of you when he’s high. they tease him relentlessly, and Sero and Denki definitely have asked him (aka whined to him) to stop hogging all your attention
- also, he definitely lights the bowl for you, because he is a gentlemen
- shotgun kisses. yup. that’s all I have to say.
before I get carried away again, this is the end. Thank you for reading! I literally can’t get enough of this au I’m in love with it!! I’ll be writing more of this au soon, hopefully, and my requests are open!! 
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seijorhi · 4 years
Final Girl
Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou & Akaashi Keiji x Female Reader
And please check out the incredible fanart @lausterdomyamong created for this fic here 💕💕💕
TW blood, gore, violence, minor character death, implied non-con, pregnancy mentions, nsfw
Your lungs are burning. 
You haven’t run like this in years, your thighs are screaming at you for a reprieve. With every step it feels like the soles of your bare feet are splitting open but you can’t stop, not for a single second.
You can’t stop. You can’t stop. 
Keep running.
It’s dark, and you can barely see.
Stumbling like newborn foal through the thick undergrowth, tripping over the roots that catch at your feet. Your legs are scratched and bleeding, and there’s a nasty scrape along your arm from where you’d fallen and tried to cushion the blow, but you shove it all down and you keep running.
You can’t hear much over the sounds of your laboured breaths and your own heartbeat hammering away inside of your ears, but you know you must be making a racket. Branches breaking, leaves crunching underfoot as you clumsily dash through the woods - keep running, keep going.
Being quiet won’t save you if they catch up.
The loud whoops and the hyena like laughter that echo out through the trees behind you spur you onwards. Faster, you have to run faster.
This is nothing but a game to them. 
“Wait- wait, just stop for a sec… do you hear that?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes as you scoot closer to his bedroll, “Really, babe? The campfire stories weren’t enough for you? Do you not want me to sleep at all on this trip?”
There’s a teasing little grin on your face, not that your boyfriend can see it in the darkness of your tent. You expect him to laugh, grab you by the waist and pull you under him - make some quip about his wicked intentions of not letting you sleep a wink, but he doesn’t.
He stiffens, pushing himself back upright onto his palms, head cocked to the side like a dog listening for the faintest hint whisper of a sound.
“Shh!” he hisses, and it’s more shock than anything else that has your mouth falling shut. His hand reaches across to grab yours in the darkness and he squeezes it just once. An apology maybe, or a reassurance that you’re still there with him. “Can you hear that? I think… I think there’s someone out there.”
You swallow uneasily, goosebumps prickling at your skin. If this is part of some stupid joke, you’re gonna kick him out of this tent and make him bunk with his friends for the rest of the trip. He’s never been one for mean spirited pranks, but this is freaking you out.
“It’s probably just one of the guys-” or an animal, or the wind, or his own overactive imagination. You guys are out in the middle of the woods after all. 
“I’m gonna go out and check,” he whispers, pulling his hand from yours and pressing a quick kiss against your cheek. “Stay here.”
There’s a road, a long stretch of winding highway that you’d driven along for what felt like hours when you’d first arrived with your friends. There’s no possible way for you to know if you’re going in the right direction, but if you can just make it there, then-
The thick scent of smoke invades your nose and for you falter - just for a split second - searching for the source. There, maybe two hundred yards away to your left, you spot the orange glow flickering between the trees and your stomach lurches.
Dark figures flit through the clearing, maybe a dozen of them, half illuminated by the bonfire. You can hear their laughter, the shouts and drunken revelry as they party the night away. They don’t have a care in the world, and why should they? Real monsters belong in horror movies and scary stories, not lurking in the shadows of the woods. 
Leave them.
The vicious thought takes you by surprise, but for one awful moment, you consider it. The promise of fresh new toys to rip apart and break, drunk and blissfully unaware, surely that would be enough to tempt them away. You’re just one girl… 
(The truth, the one that sits heavy in your stomach, whispers that you know better than to believe they’ll ever let you get away.)
Your heart pounds against your ribs, your legs unwittingly slowing down. You don’t have time for indecision; it’s them or you.
If leaving them to the wolves meant that you walked away from this, if you could make it back home-
There’s a shout, a scream that rips through the crisp autumn night before it cuts off with an abrupt gurgle. A loud thud followed by a laugh you don’t recognise - one that sends a chill running down your spine. More voices, more screams. Footsteps and a splatter of something dark and viscous against the side of your tent.
There’s a hoot and a chuckle, closer this time, and you hear a sob that’s all too familiar. Pleading. 
Your friend begging for her life.
“Shh, shh, shhh. Aw c’mon sweetheart, don’t be like that.”
Another hiccuping sob. “Please… p-please I don’t wanna die…”
There’s a petulant huff, a loud voice interjecting, “s’no fun when they’re just sitting there.”
Kneeling frozen in your tent with one hand clamped tightly over your mouth to stifle your own terrified cries, you squeeze your eyes shut, not daring to draw breath. 
Somebody sighs - the first one, you think. “Y’know, I think Bokuto has a point… Do you like games, sweetheart?”
There’s no response - at least not one that you can hear - but she must have nodded, because the voice continues, “Glad to hear it! Tell you what, we’re gonna play a little game, and if you win, we’ll let you go! Sounds fair, right?”
“We’ll even give you a headstart, just cause we’re nice guys! Whad'ya reckon ‘Kaashi? A minute? Two?”
There’s a short silence, filled only by the sounds of her ragged whimpering. “Two,” the second one - ‘Kaashi - decides. His voice is deadpan, smooth, cold and blunt, but there’s an underlying current of something excitable - the barest hint that he’s not quite as disinterested as he sounds. “She won’t get away.”
You veer, sprinting towards the camp. 
The others died while you hid like a fucking coward, too scared to do anything to help them (it wouldn’t have made a difference, but you should have tried) you can’t do this again. 
You can only imagine how you must look, a strange woman sprinting out of the woods, barefoot, your nightgown torn and filthy, blood streaking your skin. You can pinpoint the moment that they catch sight of you, one of the guys doing a double take and jerking so badly he almost falls off the log he’s perched on. “What the fuck?!”
Another turns, eyes wide and gaping, “Dude, she’s fucking pre-”
“RUN!” you bellow, just in time to see an axe arc through the air beside you and embed itself smack bang in the centre of his skull with a sickening thud.
“Now that’s a bullseye!” Bokuto hollers, maybe thirty feet behind you and gaining quickly. “Didja see that, Akaashi?”
Screams erupt from the other campers, scrambling frantically to their feet as their friend collapses lifelessly to the ground, blood still spurting gruesomely from his wound. 
“Don’t go gettin’ cocky now, the night’s still young,” Kuroo drawls, swinging his baseball bat - the dark wood flecked with dried blood, rusted nails crudely hammered through the barrel - experimentally through the air a few times. “And last I counted, I was still two up on you.”
There’s no time to humour the fear that rips through you like wildfire. You grab the nearest camper - a girl not much older than yourself, staring wide eyed and trembling at the body in front of her - and yank her forward with you. “Run,” you hiss again.
The others scatter, drunk and clumsy - a split second too slow. 
A boot lands on the fallen tree stump, its owner springing gracefully over it. Akaashi’s machete gleams in the moonlight, sweeping gracefully like an extension of his arm as he slices downwards. Blood sprays, drenching his front, and another body falls to the ground - this one missing half a face. 
It’s brutal. Chaotic. 
You can’t look back, you can’t help them. The girl is screaming at you, yelling words you can’t hear, trying fruitlessly to tug her wrist out of your grip, but you don’t relent. You don’t slow down, not even as dread fills your stomach and tears burn unshed in your eyes. You can’t help the others - not as Kuroo’s bat comes swinging out of the darkness, tearing flesh and muscle from bone, not when Bo yanks his axe from his victim’s head with a foot planted on his chest, immediately giving chase to another with a wild grin, not when Akaashi’s machete, slick with blood, cuts through her friends like butter - but you can save her.
Just one person- 
“Kitten, come back and play!” Kuroo shouts after you with a sickeningly fond chuckle.
- so long as you don’t stop running.
The camp is eerily quiet, even the crickets have stopped. You have no idea how long ago they left to hunt down your friend, how long you’ve sat, sobbing in silence, too scared to breathe, waiting to see if they’d come back. 
Your friends are dead. Your boyfriend is dead. 
You don’t realise how badly you’re shaking until you try and move - almost falling flat on your face when your arms give out. They’re gone, but every noise, no matter how muted, feels deafening and you try not to flinch as you drag yourself towards the mouth of the tent. You don’t have time to prepare yourself for the carnage waiting for you across the camp ground, you can’t think about the fact that people you love have been torn apart and murdered while you cowered away frozen in fear.
The grip you have on your emotions, your sanity, is fragile, but in your terrified hysteria, you understand one very important thing - they could come back at any moment, and you cannot be here when that happens. 
You cannot stop and cry for your friends, you cannot afford to break down when you see their bodies hacked up and scattered around you - you won’t even look - you just have to take the car keys fisted in your right hand, get to your boyfriend’s truck and get the fuck away from this nightmare as quickly as those wheels can take you. 
Crawling on your hands and knees you slowly pry open the tent flap, biting your lip and wincing at the quiet hiss of the zipper. 
The cold night air hits you like a slap in the face, but it’s nothing compared to the overwhelming coppery tang of blood that settles on the tip of your tongue as you breathe it in. You bite down on your whimper, squeezing your eyes shut and forcing your leaden limbs to move - you can’t afford to stop now, you have to get away.
You won’t look, you won’t look, you won’t-
“I was wondering when you’d finally show yourself.”
Ice douses your system, your heart lurching. Your eyes shoot open, darting towards the source of the voice - there, leaning calmly against the thick trunk of a tree only a few feet away from you is a man. Tall and slender, with dark hair and delicate features, you’d probably go so far as to call him pretty if it wasn’t for the blood splattered garishly across his pale skin and the teasing grin tugging at his lips. 
Absolute terror renders you helpless as he pushes away from the tree and takes a single, calculated step towards you. “Kuroo and Bokuto won’t be long, they’re just finishing up with your friend.” His pretty smirk widens as your eyes well up with tears and a gasping sob finally rips its way free from your chest, “but I don’t think they’ll mind if we get started without them.”
You’re following the well trodden path, praying to god that it’ll lead you back to the road, to any kind of safety. The shouts and screams behind you died out a few minutes ago, but you can’t let yourself think about what that means - it’ll only slow you down and you’re so close.
“Wait, wait, stop! We ha-have to go back!” the girl cries, trying once again to pull you to a stop. “My friends-”
“I’m sorry,” you pant, glancing across at her - and you are. Her eyes are wide and terrified, swimming in a pain you know all too well. It’s selfish and cruel, and it’ll tear her apart just like it has you, but if you let her go now… “It’s too late for them, we need to keep-”
“Baby, you know you can’t hide from us!”
Bokuto. Your heart seizes just as the girl shrieks, and you risk a glance over your shoulder, slowing just a faction. 
They’re closing in, all three of them, less than twenty yards away.
Panic and desperation bite at your nerves - you can’t let them catch you, not now, not when you’re almost free. But your body is aching, your muscles on fire and your stamina is shot to pieces. You’re on your last legs and they know it. They don’t even have to run anymore, they’ve worn you down completely - it’s a miracle you’re still standing.
And it’s childish and petulant, but you just want to scream and cry and yell and beat your fists against the ground because it’s not fucking fair!
You were so close.
Your grip around her wrist slackens just a touch, and the girl takes the opportunity to rip her hand free from yours. You expect her to run, to flee like a bat out of hell and leave you crumpled in the dust, but instead she turns to you with a withering glare, “This is all your fault. You brought them here. You did this.”
The accusation hits you like a slap, but before you can even open your mouth to protest (she’s not wrong, you know she’s not wrong) she grabs you by the shoulders and with all the strength she has left, shoves you back in the path of your pursuers. You stumble from the force of the blow, not expecting it, and for a moment you feel yourself start to fall, instinctively curling in on yourself to protect your belly-
Strong arms catch you before you can hit the ground, pulling you against a warm, muscular chest. “Gotcha,” Kuroo breathes, his tongue darting out to lick at the blood splattered across your cheek.
Vaguely, you register Bokuto’s low, furious growl as he launches forward, his axe raised high. The sharp, piercing screams are cut off quickly - violently - as he buries it in her neck with a snarl. He swings again and her head tumbles clean off to bounce across the forest floor, but he keeps going, swinging again and again and again until her body is nothing but a bloody, mangled mess for the animals to scavenge. 
Your vision blurs, and it takes you a moment to realise that it’s tears welling up in your eyes as Kuroo’s hands run up and down your sides, drifting protectively across the gentle swell of your stomach. “You did good, kitten,” he coos, Akaashi and Bokuto coming up either side of you. “But it’s time to come home now, don’tcha think?”
A hand cups your cheek, drawing you to meet Akaashi’s twisted, lovesick expression, “Gotta reward our pretty little girl for playing her role so well,” he murmurs, his thumb gently stroking the delicate skin. 
“Maybe we can fuck another kid into her,” Bokuto adds with a grin, his previous rage all but forgotten, sated along with his bloodlust thanks to the butchered corpse lying a few yard away. His golden eyes, half lidded and burning with lust, flicker across your face for just a moment, drinking in every last drop of crushing defeat and despair before his lips crash down on yours in a savage, bloody kiss.
This was nothing but a game to them - one you never had a chance in hell of winning. 
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ibuki-loves-you · 4 years
hey !! i rlly liked your drv3 boys with a s/o who acts like mikan, i was wondering if you could do that with the trigger happy havoc boys ? tysm have a good day <3
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Trigger Happy Havoc boys with an S/O who acts like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: The support I got on the DRV3 with an S/O who is Mikan reincarnated is insane. I have a few more asks with this specific theme. Just, thank you. Thank you so so much! I'm so excited to write them.
You have a good day too, nonnie!
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Makoto is so caring
He always tried his best to make sure you were happy
If someone ever insulted or made fun of you, he'd be pretty angry
Specifically Junko, she likes to bug you
"S/O~ Can you show me what a cat looks like?" "A-Alright..." "No! S/O, please don't do that!"
He wants to be around you often
Just to make sure no one is bothering you
And that you haven't fell
Speaking of falling
If you took a fall in front of him he'd be incredibly flustered but quick to help you nonetheless
If it was a...difficult position, he'd cover you as soon as possible with the brightest blush on his face
"I-I'm sorryyyyy!" "Don't apologize, S/O. It was an accident! Accidents happen!"
If you ever thought he was mad at you he'd feel so horrible, even if he did nothing wrong
"I-I'm so s-sorry, M-Makoto! I'll repay y-you! Sh-should I take my clothes o-off?" "S/O, no no no! You did not make me mad at all! And even if you did you would not have to repay me! Never! Also, don't offer to take your clothes off for me when you genuinely don't want to. You should only show your body to those you want, when you want."
Very supportive boyfriend
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Your personalities clash but somehow you got together?
He's loud and doesn't give a single fuck about pissing anyone off and you are, well, the opposite
To say he's protective would be an understatement
No one, and I mean no one, could or would fuck with you
The one time Byakuya told you to speak up, Mondo flipped
"Oh for Christ's sake. Will you speak up? No one can understand you when you're mumbling incoherent nonsense." "The fuck you just say to my S/O you pompous piece of shit!?!"
Then he proceeded to break Byakuya's glasses and give him an almost broken nose
Yeah, no one bothered you
If you took a fall in front of him, he will either catch you or help you as soon as you hit the floor
If you fall in a suggestive position, he'd cover you AS SOON AS A VIEW IS GIVEN
No one, and I mean NO ONE, is catching a peak at you trust me
And if someone laughs, oh boy
They have an angry and very violent biker to deal with
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd immediately think it was his fault because of his anger problems
"I-I'm s-sorry! D-Do you w-want me to t-take my clothes off?" "Shit, baby no. Don't be sorry, you did nothin' wrong. I promise, I'm not mad at all. Don't offer to take your clothes off for me unless you want to, not because you wanna please me. That's not how I want this relationship to be, and I doubt you disagree."
Mondo cares so much about you and just wants to protect you through thick and thin <3
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Yasuhiro thinks you're adorable
Like you could do no wrong in his eyes
He wants to hug you 24/7
Don't think he won't either
If anyone tried to be mean to you, he'd be so confused and upset
"Why would you say that? They did nothing wrong, so why would you say something so rude for no reason? Uncalled for, man."
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he'd be so late
Like you'd be on the floor and he wouldn't notice until you whimpered or something along those lines
"S/O! How'd you get down there? C'mon, I'll help you, don't worry!"
If you fell in a suggestive position, he'd still be so late to responding
But when he does he blushes so much
"W-Why didn't I save myself the trouble and predict this?"
But nonetheless he is quick to pull you to his chest and hide you from the views of anyone else who may have been around
If you ever offered to take your clothes off just to please him, he'd be a little upset
"S/O, I don't want you to do that just because you wanna make me happy. That doesn't make me happy, especially because it doesn't make you happy. Please don't do that. You're body is too beautiful to be shown just for the sake of satisfying someone."
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd be confused as to if he did something or not
"H-Hiro! I-I didn't m-mean to m-make you m-mad at me! I-I'm s-sorry!" "Hey, look at me S/O. Do I look mad? I don't think I do. I'm not mad at all! Don't apologize for something you didn't do, alright? I love you! Wanna do a reading with me? Maybe it'll cheer you up."
Overall, Yasuhiro's a slow but loving partner. He won't let you down. Except when you fall. Then he does.
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Another protective one!
Leon is so so so protective
You are his baby, no one is gonna fuck with you
Or else he'll take his bat to their knees
But say an unlucky fellow does try to do such a thing
They're going to be limping around for a bit
"Hey, S/O! A little birdie told me you wouldn't mind giving others a little show. Mind doing so?" "O-Oka-" "No. S/O, don't. As for you, you asshole, I suggest you walk away before I knock your fucking teeth down your throat."
He never stops telling you about how you should only show your body to those you want to show
He hates that you'd offer just to make someone happy
"Baby, don't do that. It's gonna make you upset in the long run. You're body is way to beautiful and perfect to be shown to others freely. Only show it to people you want to show. Promise me you'll do that?"
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he'd help you up as soon as he sees. Which is pretty quick
He'd immediately grab your hands and tell you that it's okay
If you fell in a suggestive position, he'd be as red as his hair, but he'd still race to cover you up and make sure you're okay
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd be angry with himself for making you think that
"A-Ah! I-I'm s-sorry I-I made y-you angry! I-" "You know I hate interrupting you, but I just want you to know you don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong! Not a thing! I don't want you to think for a second you made me mad because you didn't. I don't think I can get mad at you, if we're being completely honest."
Leon wants you to know that you are absolutely beautiful and no matter what you will always have him by your side
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Chihiro is shy too, so he completely understands
He's seen first-hand what shy people go through, so he gets pretty worried when it comes to you
If anyone ever tried to mess with you, he'd step in immediately, even if it ended up with him getting picked on. As long as it wasn't on you
"S/O, stop pissing me off, will you? You're really getting on my nerves." "S/O didn't do anything to you. I d-don't even think they know you. S-So please leave them alone."
If you ever took a fall in front of him, he would try to catch you but end up falling with you
As embarrassed as you two were, you still found it a little funny
If you fell in a suggestive position, he'd be beat red but would cover you up as soon as possible
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for him, he'd be so upset
"N-No, S/O! You don't have to do that! I d-don't want you to offer to do that just because you want to please me. I w-want you for your personality! Your body isn't what I fell in love with!"
If you ever thought he was mad at you, he'd cry on the spot
"I-I'm so so s-sorry, Chihiro! I'll do w-whatever I can t-to make it up to y-you!" "S-S/O, y-you don't have to! Please, I promise I'm not m-mad! See? I'm not m-mad. Please don't ever think I-I am. I love you t-too much to get mad at you."
This boy loves you so much and just wants you to be as happy as possible
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Taka tries his absolute best to stop your people-pleasing ways
He believes it will hurt you in the long run, and he is right
Most things you do often result in you being extremely uncomfortable and sad
Taka doesn't want to see that! Taka wants to see you happy!
If someone ever insulted you, Atua help them
They will get detention for eternity
"Hey! S/O! You're really getting on my nerves!" "Ahh! I-I'm sorry! W-What should I do to repay y-you?" "S/O, that isn't necessary! You owe them nothing! If anything, they owe you an apology! So, apologize, right now! And you have detention for the month!"
Yeah, no one bothered you after that because no one wants detention
If you took a fall in front of him, Taka is probably the quickest to react
If he doesn't catch you, he is once again quick and immediately picks you back up
And if it's suggestive position you end up in, he will be redder than his eyes but still help as soon as possible
Taka might be the one that hates the fact you offer to show your body as compensation for potentially making someone angry the most
"S/O! Please don't do that! It is wrong for you to expose yourself like that just to please someone! You don't need to please anyone but yourself! So don't offer to show yourself unless you are positive that you want to!"
If you ever thought Taka was mad at you, he might cry
His voice would go down, a lot
"...I'm not mad...I promise. I would never get mad at you. I need you to know that. Please, don't offer to please me or repay me in some way. It...makes me sad. I love you."
Overall, Taka will always keep you safe. No matter what.
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Byakuya probably got annoyed with you at first
But as time progressed he slowly grew more attached
A protective instinct he never knew he had kicked into full gear
If someone Toko ever made fun of you, oh boy
He'd blast
"H-Hey, whore! I think y-you should r-really d-dress a little nic-" "I'm going to stop you right there. Don't utter another word. Someone as pathetic as yourself shouldn't bother insulting others. Maybe work on your own image before you try to 'correct' others."
If you ever fell in front of him, he'd probably scoff and offer his hand
He'd never admit it, but he worries every time you take a fall. So he always makes sure to ask if you're okay
If you fell in a suggestive position, he loses his composure for a moment and goes bright red
Once he snaps out of his little daze, he quickly takes your hands and pulls you to your feet
He covers you up immediately after you stand
One time, Toko was getting on Byakuya's nerves again and it was obvious he was over her bullshit
Because of this, you offered to take your clothes off to please him
To say he was upset would be an understatement
"How do you suggest such a thing so casually? Just because I'm in a foul mood does not mean I want you to remove your clothes just for my own personal pleasure. That's ridiculous. Don't offer yourself to me unless you want to. Put yourself before others."
If you ever thought he was mad at you, oh boy
For once, he'd completely lose his shit
"What on Earth made you think I was mad at you!? I don't understand, I just- no." Byakuya paused to take a breather. "No, I'm not mad. Not one bit. Just...just no. I know I don't say it much but I truly love you too much to be angry with you. I swear, I am not mad at you."
Togami doesn't mean to sound harsh, but he does get worried about you and your safety
He loves you too much to let anything happen to you
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goodnightmemes · 3 years
Lines taken from 2x07-2x12 of the show Dexter. Feel free to change pronouns or edit in any way to better fit your needs. Here is part one.
❛ I thrive on chaos. But this is good, too. ❜
❛ I had to do a little creative problem-solving at someone else's expense. ❜
❛ Pardon my tits. ❜
❛ Are you trying to fuck her or set her on fire? ❜
❛ Sometimes the truth speaks from a peaceful place. It's taken me a long time to find that place, but I think I have, and it's telling me you're not the right one for me. I'm so sorry. ❜
❛ Is that what I am? Clean? 'cause I don't feel that way at all. ❜
❛ No, I won't do that. I won't let you turn me into you. ❜
❛ Hope you don't expect me to comment on that so you can record it on your hidden tape recorder. I wasn't born yesterday. ❜
❛ Your past is a bigger mystery than fucking Jimmy Hoffa. ❜
❛ No matter what you try, no matter when, no matter how hard you work, I'll always be a step ahead of you for one simple reason. I own you. ❜
❛ When I'm alone and it's quiet, I get scared shitless, like I start hearing what's really going on inside. ❜
❛ 'Cause when you're around, I kind of feel like I can deal with anything, you know? ❜
❛ I've always worked best in the shadows, and that's where I have to stay. ❜
❛ You can't go back. You know that. ❜
❛ You are not allowed to talk about anyone I date as long as you're seeing little Miss "pardon my tits." ❜
❛ She is obviously a vampire. A gross english-titty vampire. ❜
❛ Can't change who I am. I'm crass and dirty, and...I have a very filthy mind. ❜
❛ Jesus Christ. They sell anyone a gun in Florida, won't they? ❜
❛ That man. He wasn't trying to rob you. He was trying to kill you. ❜
❛ Nothing you could do,___, would scare me. ❜
❛ Whatever comes, we'll get through this together. I'm not leaving your side. ❜
❛ I need to embrace who I am, who I've always been. ❜
❛ It's like I've been living underwater, holding my breath, and now I can finally breathe. ❜
❛ ___ almost had me believing it was possible to change, to become something else, as if that ever really happens. I've always known what I am. ❜
❛ I'm finding it's best to accept things you can't change, you know? ❜
❛ Is this the monster that you keep telling me about? ❜
❛ Trust me, when you meet the monster, you'll know. ❜
❛ Nice. My subconscious isn't even bothering with symbolism. ❜
❛ I feel...such regret, which is rare for me. But not that I don't mess up. I do...just never so stupendously. ❜
❛ If they're looking for proof, they won't find it. Not here at least. ❜
❛ Then maybe you should come with us, because who knows what secrets will come ❜ pouring out of me once the drinks start flowing. ❜
❛ I'm done with it and you. Did I not make that clear last night? ❜
❛ Those friends of yours, they didn't even know you. They just see the mask, but I see it all. ❜
❛ Can't live with her. Can't kill her. ❜
❛ Fuck! I'm talking about my feelings. What the fuck is your problem? ❜
❛ I've always sensed there was something... off about him. Like he's hiding in plain sight. ❜
❛ If you got in the middle of this and you got hurt… ❜
❛ The only way I can help you is if you turn yourself in. ❜
❛ Don't you disappear on me. ❜
❛ I want you to know that you meant a lot to me, more than you know, and... I just want to thank you for that. ❜
❛ If I never see her again, it'll be too soon. ❜
❛ Sleep would be nice, but there's too much to do. ❜
❛ Okay, I may be sleeping with him, but it doesn't mean he tells me shit or listens to me about anything, so stop asking! ❜
❛ That's right, motherfucker! It's over. ❜
❛ I knew there was something with you. But this shit? ❜
❛ What can I say? You were right about me. I never held it against you. I don't now. ❜
❛ It's a graze wound. Minor tissue abrasion. No hemorrhage along the bullet track. Sorry. I think I'm gonna live. ❜
❛ If you're not gonna let me go, then kill me now. Just get it over with. ❜
❛ You're a killer. I catch killers. ❜
❛ So it's okay to take a life as long as you get a paycheck for it? ❜
❛ Either kill me or set me free. ❜
❛ Taking a life is one thing, but the care and feeding of it is another. ❜
❛ I'm generally confused most of the time. ❜
❛ You ever care about anyone? Then you shouldn't have to ask. 'Cause when you care about someone, you do what you have to do. ❜
❛ I remember when life was easy, when the only question I worried about was "who's next?" Now it's: "How can I dodge my protective detail? "What should I do with my hostage?" These are not easy questions. ❜
❛ It's not about what I think. It's all about the evidence. ❜
❛ Hair-pulling may not be manly, but it's very effective. ❜
❛ If he wanted me dead, I'd be dead by now. ❜
❛ You are the only one I can count on, jackass. ❜
❛ It puts a pit in my stomach that I can only interpret as... sadness. ❜
❛ You working on an exit strategy? I'm afraid that's not gonna happen. ❜
❛ How come there's never a circus when you need one? ❜
❛ What was that shit last night? Some kind of fucking scare tactic? ❜
❛ Don't test me. I could have killed you. I didn't. ❜
❛ You're actually angry. I've never seen you angry. This is good. ❜
❛ I should warn you. You can't play on my feelings. I don't have any. ❜
❛ It's a tough job. It can wear on even the best of us. ❜
❛ I yell a lot...and bitch and complain, and I keep expecting people to guess what I want, but I never really say it. ❜
❛ And that was exciting, you know? The not knowing. What might happen, what could be. It was all possibility. ❜
❛ Your life is going to rest in the hands of the criminal justice system you put all your faith in. I wish you the best of luck. ❜
❛ You need help. Let me help you. ❜
❛ You don't have to do this! You don't have to kill this man! ❜
❛ Sorry it had to go down like this. But there really was no other way. ❜
❛ Stay away. Just stay away from me. ❜
❛ Did you happen to be stuffing a human leg into a garbage bag at that point? ❜
❛ There's that anger again. You got to let that out. ❜
❛ You're spinning. Let me help you. It's only a matter of time before you'll hurt someone else. ❜
❛ Take responsibility for who you are. ❜
❛ Why can't you just let me go? ❜
❛ If I got to choose a person... A real person... to be like, out of anyone, it'd be you. ❜
❛ Who joined who in the shower this morning? ❜
❛ For such a neat monster, I'm making an awfully big mess. ❜
❛ Maybe this is how evil works. Destroying everything it touches. ❜
❛ I've been held prisoner in a cabin for two fucking days. Fucking hellhole. ❜
❛ After everything we've been through lately, I just want... to be together with you guys. ❜
❛ You told me to take responsibility for what I am. You were right. ❜
❛ I can't live in this house of cards anymore, waiting for it all to fall down. I need to do something, you know? ❜
❛ If I do this, I need a day to get my affairs in order. ❜
❛ Mention that when they interview you for the story of my life. ❜
❛ Don't leave me in this cage, anything could happen. ❜
❛ I lie to everyone I know... except my victims right before I kill them. It's hard to establish much of a rapport there. ❜
❛ Sorry about the cage. ❜
❛ I've always been curious to try. Do you have any weed? ❜
❛ Love's a battlefield. Or in your case, a restraining order. ❜
❛ When a pretty girl smiles and bats her eyelashes, we're powerless to resist. ❜
❛ I met with a lawyer yesterday. He helped me prepare a living trust that gives you control of all my assets in the event of my death or... certain other situations. ❜
❛ God. Go away. This is creepy. ❜
❛ I'm free tonight, you wanna stop by? We'll have beer, a couple of steaks? I wanna talk to you about something. ❜
❛ I just need you to know that... you and the kids are very important to me. No matter what happens, I want you to always know that. ❜
❛ I know I've been taking things slow with us, but it's not because I don't have feelings for you. It's more like I have too many feelings, and I just wanna make sure to get it right. ❜
❛ I want you gone. Tonight. ❜
❛ I've spent a lifetime keeping up my guard, watching my back, wearing my mask. Relief was never in sight until now. ❜
❛ Lately, I was starting to feel like I had my head pretty far up my ass. ❜
❛ You decide who you are, who you want to be...and you hold onto that and ride it out. ❜
❛ I need some help! Just open the door! I'm being held captive. ❜
❛ Damn, it's good to see another face. I never thought I would. ❜
❛ When something beyond reason happens, it turns skeptics into believers. ❜
❛ If you believe that God makes miracles, you have to wonder if Satan has a few up his sleeve. ❜
❛ I can't exactly feel their pain, but I can appreciate it. ❜
❛ I kinda forgot who I was. I got it straight now. ❜
❛ The term is homicidal maniac. Not that I'm judging. ❜
❛ A public place. You thought I was gonna...That I would slip my needle into your neck? ❜
❛ You're afraid of me now, aren't you? ❜
❛ You're emotionally color-blind. You use the right words, you pantomime the right behavior, but feelings never come to pass. ❜
❛ You know the dictionary definition of emotions: longing, joy, sorrow...You have no idea of what any of those things actually feel like. ❜
❛ I created a monster of my own. ❜
❛ What did you do to make her so pathetically crazy for you? Does your dick dance? ❜
❛ What're we doing home in the middle of the day? She asked, hoping for sex. ❜
❛ Why? Why do I have to make up my mind? ❜
❛ I've never put much weight onto the idea of a higher power. But if I didn't know better, I'd have to believe that some force out there wants me to keep doing what I'm doing. ❜
❛ As it turns out, nobody mourns the wicked. ❜
❛ Am I evil? Am I good? I'm done asking those questions. I don't have the answers. ❜
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kohanayaki · 3 years
.:Time and Time Again:. (Marauders Era x Reader) Ch 2
As you reconcile with Sirius, he reminisces on how you came to be friends despite a rather rocky start (mostly told through flashbacks taking place in the Marauders era).
LINKS:   CH 1   CH 2   CH 3   CH 4   CH 5   CH 6   CH 7   CH 8
Ch 2 .:Pranks and Past Prejudices:.
“I was about to see if you were awake,” Sirius admitted with a small grin, “Seems we both had the same idea.”
He shifted his weight from foot to foot, stepping aside slightly so you could come in. If the Sirius Black from your school days had offered you into his room in the dead of night, you would have slapped him upside the head; but things were different now, and so were the two of you. 
However, as you glanced around the room you almost laughed at how remarkably unchanged it was, and why wouldn't it be? He hadn't lived here since he was sixteen, and he was only living here now because he preferred this house to an Azkaban cell by a small fraction. While the rest of the house was set in deep tones of obsidian and gray, save for the green Slytherin theme of his younger brother's room, Sirius' room was all warm shades of red and gold, Gryffindor paraphernalia covering every inch of it from Quidditch trophies and old banners to a tapestry he had stolen from the Great Hall when they'd won the house cup that year.
The room was littered with memories of your school life— a set of charred robes from when he and James had drunkenly lit the Quidditch field hoops on fire, an old Beater's bat that he had broken in half during the Cup finals, an old Gobstones set you used to play with in the courtyard, and stacks of classic rock records that you and Remus had gifted him for the holidays. A muggle toolbox sat in the corner of the room from when he'd made improvements to his enchanted motorbike that couldn't be done with magic, which you were certain his parents were mortified by.
Posters of bikini-clad women were plastered across the wallpaper, and you recalled the day he told you his mother had a fit when she realized he'd used a permanent sticking charm on them so she couldn't take them down. Said posters were still present, but mostly covered up by all the photos of him and his friends from their school and early Order days— the only noticeable sign of change you could see from his moving back in. It was truly like some sort of time capsule.
As soon as you tore your eyes away from the room and turned to focus on its owner, a tense silence fell between you two. This was the first time you had seen Sirius in over a decade. The last time you two spoke, he was in chains being led away to Azkaban. What was there to say? How could you possibly think things could go back to the way they were? 
“Sirius,” your voice cracked with emotion as you said his name, and when you saw the look in his eyes, so similar to the look he'd given you when he was in that horrible barbed cage during his trial, the dam just broke.
You practically threw yourself at him, sobbing quietly into his shoulder as the fabric of his shirt bunched up in your trembling hands
“I'm sorry,” you said, “I am so, so sorry I didn't believe you, Sirius. I didn't know, I didn't—”
“(Y/n), it's okay,” Sirius said softly.
You almost jumped at his gentle touch, his arm wrapping around your waist and one hand coming up to pet your hair. It hurt him to see you like this, that you went through this much because of him.
“There was no way you could have known,” he said, resting his chin on top of your head as tears continued to stream down your face, “There was no proof that I wasn't the Secret Keeper. We'd decided to make it that rat at the last second. Only James and Lily knew and, well, they couldn't exactly attest to my innocence.”
Hatred bubbled up in his chest at his own mention of Pettigrew, but he forced it down for you, his expression softening as soon as he looked at you. “That was bad judgment on my part, I suppose,” he said in an attempt to lighten the mood, although twelve years in prison was a difficult matter to joke about.
“I should have just believed you,” you muttered into his collar. Sirius' other hand reached out to cup your face, wiping the last few tears from your cheeks.
“Come now, even Moony thought I'd done it,” he said, a small smirk finding its way to his face, “I know what it looked like. . . I don't blame any of you for not believing me. So please, don't blame yourself for this, (Y/n). You're still my best friend.”
“Oh, now you've done it,” you sniffled, laughing despite yourself as fresh tears spilled over. Sirius laughed along with you and yo u could feel the sound reverberate through his chest, rich and melodic. Warm.
He wrapped both his arms around you, holding you tight as you two chuckled like a couple of idiots, standing there glassy-eyed in the middle of his room. If anyone else had bore witness to the scene they'd have thought you'd gone mad, but in that moment you couldn't care less. Your body had been buckling under the weight of your guilt and how much you had missed him. Hearing him say that he still considered you his best friend. . . that was more than you could have ever asked for.
Sirius swelled with pride as he saw he was able to make you smile, something he'd long considered a small victory. He couldn't believe how much your relationship had changed. If someone had told him all those years ago that you would turn out to be someone he couldn't imagine his life without, he wouldn't have believed them. But he supposed life was unexpected like that. . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1973  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ever since the day you'd stood up to him, James Potter found himself increasingly curious about you. Of course he and his friends continued to pick on Snape, but when you were around to fend them off it became more and more difficult to do so, something that the leader of the self-proclaimed Marauders decided was cumbersome.
James insisted that to get to Snape they would have to take you down too, since you were so keen on protecting him.
“We need to cut the head off the snake,” he had said.
And so, slowly but surely, James shifted the cross hairs of his mischief-making from Severus Snape to you. It started out small; a Bat-bogey hex here, some heat sensitive combustion power under your cauldron there. What he didn't expect in the slightest was for you to actually retaliate with pranks of your own.
Quidditch season had just ended as the year came to a close, and James, who was supposed to be helping clean out the Gryffindor tent, was lying on his back and fiddling about with a golden snitch he'd found wedged in the wooden scaffolding. His head perked up as he saw the Lily across the pitch, walking next to you and chatting. He clearly couldn't care less about what, as he had no problem interrupting your conversation.
“Hey, Evans!” he hollered, heading towards you two.
As soon as Lily spotted him she rolled her eyes.
“And now we're walking faster,” she muttered, grabbing you by the arm and tugging you along.
“Aw come on, I just wanna talk,” he said, quickly catching up with you. Before long he had jogged a few paces ahead, turning around to block your path. “Hey,” he said with a smirk. He was wearing his Quidditch practice uniform, broom in hand.
“Merlin, you are nothing if not persistent,” Lily huffed.
“What can I say? I'm a Chaser~”
“Goodbye, James,” Lily deadpanned at the pun, and he quickly moved in front of her again.
“Wait, wait! Just watch this, okay?” he insisted.
You bit back a smirk, grateful he hadn't paid you any mind until now.
“Trust me, you've never seen anything like this before,” James said cockily, willing his broomstick to hover a few feet off the ground and hauling one leg over to mount it. However, as soon as his arse hit the wood, his entire body phased right through it. He groaned as his tailbone made unceremonious contact with the ground, his broomstick now hovering above him. As soon as he looked up the stick dropped and plonked him on the head, solid again.
You burst out laughing, revealing your wand that had been obstructed from his view by your sleeve.
“(Y/n)!” Lily looked at you in shock, hitting you in the arm playfully but unable to fight the laughter that rose in her chest. It was nice to see him get a harmless taste of his own medicine.
“Well, you were right, Potter,” the redhead said, “I've never seen anything like that before.”
James' face flushed with embarrassment while you two walked away, gathering his broom and whatever remained of his pride. You wouldn't get the better of him again.
Or, at least that's what he told himself until the beginning of your fourth year.
James strode down the corridors leading to the Great Hall with a pep in his step. It had been an unusually peaceful morning; despite having slept in, he wasn't in much of a rush to join his friends who had already made their way to breakfast.
The real reason for his quick pace was because he couldn't wait to see your reaction to his latest prank. It was a classic, amped up a bit thanks to a tube of ink from one of the “magic” markers at Zonkos. He hoped you liked your new look, because you were going to be saddled with it for a while.
As he walked through the courtyard he shot a wink to a fourth year Hufflepuff girl he recognized from his Divination class and she covered her hand with her mouth, turning away from him slightly as she tried to hold back the giggles that spilled from her lips. He gave himself a pat on the back, oblivious to the fact that the laughter was directed at him, an unawareness that stayed with him up until the moment he threw the doors to the Great Hall open. The gasps and laughter that followed him only grew as he sat down at his usual spot. Even his friends were staring at him, wide-eyed and unblinking.
“What?” James ran a hand through his hair in confusion, “What are you guys—!!”
As his hair flopped in front of his face his peripheral vision was curtained with the brightest shade of neon turquoise he'd ever seen.
“No,” he said, “no, no, no way!”
He grabbed one of the food trays, dumping the pastries that were on top onto the table. Peter squeaked as he caught a few that were about to fall, setting them down quietly on his own plate.
James stared at his reflection in the shiny metal, and sure enough his once pristine brunette hair was colored the bright blue of the magic marker whose contents he'd dumped into your shower bottle the night before.
“Did you like the shampoo?” a voice behind him asked innocently.
He nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned around to see you, your hair colored the same bright blue shade. Now he was thoroughly confused.
“It smells nice, right?”
“How did you. . . if I. . . why is your hair—”
“A simple connection charm on the shampoo bottle,” you said, “anyone who touches it receives the same benefits and results of the next person who uses it within three hours. In this case, you landed yourself a dye job and a hell of a keratin treatment, so you're welcome. The spell was already on the bottle to begin with; pretty convenient when you have dorm mates that can all save on buying product, and besides it can be kind of nice to skip a hair wash day every once in a while. I suppose I should thank you, I didn't have to do any shopping or sneaking around for this one. You did all the work for me.”
You put your hand to your chin, pretending to study him for a moment.
“You should take care of that fast, though” you said nonchalantly, gesturing to his hair, “you don't look nearly as cute as I do in this color, Potter.”
To further prove your point, you waved your wand around the crown of your head, and with a quick utter of 'aufero hue' the blue in your hair seemed to melt right off the strands, leaving behind your natural (h/c) locks. The color swirled around the tip of your wand in an aqueous state for a moment before you flung it aside. It landed with a splat! against the Gryffindor table, staining a section of the wood that same shade of bright blue as if it had grown that way.
“I'd do it for you myself, but I don't want to,” you smirked, “ Perhaps you could take a few remedial classes to learn the color-leeching charm. Have fun figuring something out!”
And with that you flounced away, leaving behind a very embarrassed, very blue, and very reluctantly impressed James Potter.
He may just have found himself a proper rival.
Sirius scoffed from where he sat.
“Oh please, the stupid charm can't be that hard to do,” he said, taking out his wand.
“Not that I don't have faith in you, mate, but I'm probably better off seeing if Slughorn has anything for this,” James said.
“Why don't you just soak your head in some Valerian water? That's what takes the color out of potions, right?”
“Peter, he might go bald if he does that.”
James would go on to land a few good jokes on you too. There was one night where you had snuck into the Prefect's bathroom and emerged with a mermaid tail, which was pretty awesome until you realized you had no way of getting out of the tub. From then on, you and James would continue to try and get the jump on one another, marking the start of your now-infamous fourth year prank war. It entertained the students and infuriated the faculty. Gradually, your pranks on one another became more light-hearted, meant to amuse the other person and make them laugh rather than actually hurt or humiliate them.
“Very funny, (L/n),” James said as he walked up to you, his body turned around 180 degrees from the waist up so he had to shuffle backwards to face you. You laughed, nearly choking on your pumpkin juice as you saw your handy work.
“What are you, five?”
“Right, because you're so much more mature stalking and bullying my friends,” you quipped back.
“I really don't understand how Snivelus is your friend.”
“Severus,” you said crossly, “and for the record, I really don't understand how Remus is yours either. He seems like a nice guy.”
“Har har,” James rolled his eyes, “Now would you turn me the right way 'round already? I've got Quidditch practice.”
“Nah, I think you're fine to play like this.”
“Honestly? Not a bad tactic. I can cover my blind spot and stare at my own ass while I fly.”
“Who's five now?” you grinned.
As the months went on, instead of storming over to each other and slinging insults, your interactions with James became more akin to playful banter. And frankly, Sirius didn't get it. You were a Slytherin, and a pureblood at that. Hell, you were a descendant of one of the 28 pureblood families. Everything about you went against everything he believed in and relished in getting away from each year when he would leave home to go to school. You were in the same house as those stupid blood purists, you probably were one yourself—
“You're glaring.”
Sirius blinked, snapping out of his stupor as Remus nudged him in the shoulder. He said nothing, slowly returning to eating his dinner as he tore his eyes away from you, sitting at the Slytherin table with Snivelus, Evan Rosier, and his younger brother of all people. He stabbed at his roast potatoes a little too harshly and his friends traded looks among themselves.
“You alright there, mate?” James asked cautiously.
“Fantastic,” Sirius said, shoving another forkful of potatoes into his mouth to avoid saying anything unsavory as he spotted you heading towards their table.
“Coming to the library today, Remus?” you asked the boy to his right who looked up at you in surprise.
“Oh, sure thing,” he said, “I'm off for the night.”
“Great, we can study for Arithmancy then,” you said. Remus nodded at your suggestion and you gave him a dazzling smile, walking off with your books.
“Since when did you two get so chummy?” Sirius bristled.
Remus rolled his eyes.
“We're just studying for the upcoming mid marks,” he said, “They’re proficient in Ancient Runes and History of Magic. As a study partner it's. . . refreshing.”
“Oi, are you calling us stupid?” James rose a brow.
“Your words, not mine,” Lupin grinned. He saw Sirius' bothered expression and sighed, collecting his things.
“You might get on if you bothered to get to know them,” he told Sirius out of the others' earshot, slinging his book bag over his shoulder before heading off in your direction.
You only continued to grow inadvertently closer to James throughout your fourth year, your prank battle coming to its epic conclusion with the two of you joining forces against some particularly nasty upperclassmen. Your practical jokes subsided, your quips and passing insults were traded for real conversations and walking each other to class. You hated to admit it, but he'd grown on you— especially with him letting up considerably on bullying Severus and annoying Lily lately.
All the while, the closer you got to James the more irritated his best friend became. In Sirius' mind, the more time you were spending with James the less time James was spending with him. They hardly hung out alone anymore. And since James started hanging out with you he started mellowing out, which made Lily start hanging out with him, which made him even more tame. Sirius just wanted his best friend back.
“You do realize that issue would largely be resolved if you weren't so bothered by hanging out with both of them together, right?” Lupin had brought up one night as Sirius was airing out his frustrations.
“I'm not going to bother making friends with someone whose family is so wrapped up in blood politics they forget to be human beings first. Trust me, I've met their mother enough times to know.”
“Have you ever asked them about it?” Remus pressed.
“I don't really need to, do I? They're a (L/n). Open your eyes, Moony!”
Remus' brow furrowed, a shine in his eyes akin to sympathy as he regarded Sirius.
“Perhaps it's you that needs to clear your vision, friend.”
A/N: Thank you all so much for the unexpected early support on this story! I have a lot planned for it~ If you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know ! 
Read chapter 3 here!
Taglist: @blackpinkdolan @sleep-i-ness @parker-natasha​
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diamond-coral · 3 years
The Heist (part 3/finale)
Steve x Reader
Chapter summary: Captain’s plan worked. Now you’re in for a lot of trouble after trying to break into his apartment. He’ll have you. Just like he wanted.
Warnings: 18+, explicit sex, dark, rape/non-con, forced orgasm, praise and degradation kink, kidnapping, mentions of strip club, mentioned anal, swearing, mild violence, slight Stockholm
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“You wanna be treated like a whore?” he seethed. “Fine. I’ll treat you like a whore.”
Steve wrenched you from the wall and let you fly back toward his bed, your feet tripping over themselves as well as the chain attached to the cuff secured around your ankle before you finally tumbled onto the mattress. Your breathing was heavy as you glared back at his cerulean eyes which were narrowed, daring you to try anything.
And you did. Because fuck if you weren’t going down without a fight.
You darted out to the right, arm reaching out to take grip of the lamp on his nightstand. You grabbed hold of it and pivoted your body around as your arm flung out toward his head. Steve simply intercepted the hit with a firm grasp, and you gritted your teeth as the two of you began an aggressive tug of war for the lamp.
“Stop. This. Now,” Steve scolded as if you were a child before giving a sharp tug, the lamp slipping out of your hand.
“No thanks.” You grinned, catching him off guard, before you grabbed both his shoulders as support and kneed him in the groin. Hard.
Steve let out a pained groan. He dropped the lamp, and you caught it by the handle before using all your strength to swing the base against his head like a baseball bat. He stumbled backwards while his hand reached up near his temple. He pulled it back and inspected the blood. You remained frozen, having hoped that the blow would have at least knocked him out. His broad figure compromised your escape route to the door of his bedroom, so running was not an option.
“We need to fix this fuckin’ attitude of yours,” he grumbled, and while you were lost in your predicament of all escape routes being impossible, he snatched the lamp, this time breaking it in half like a toothpick before tossing both ends over his shoulder to the opposite side of the room. “I wanted a kind and docile housewife. Not some ungrateful bitch.” 
He practically pounced on you, and you fought, pushing against his brick wall of body, before relenting with the knowledge he was far too strong for you.
“Well you’ve got the wrong person, buddy-pal,” you quipped, but your voice trembled in your compromised position..
“No. I don’t. Because I’ve already seen her, you, at the club. And I don’t know why the hell you gotta give me some attitude when I’m trying to save you from the shitshow of a life you’re livin’. Maybe you’re just scared. Scared of letting someone take care of you when you’ve been fighting for yourself for so long, so you put on the unappreciative bitchy exterior.” 
Was this man serious? How delusional did he have to be to think all of that after one encounter?
“Well guess what,” he whispered, face so close to you that his breath fanned over you. “I’ll fucking rip it apart. I’ll break you down. Shatter this pathetic wall you have up until I get back the girl at the club. Might take a couple good fuckings, but I’ll finally get it out of you.” His thumb stroked your cheek, brushing away the tears that had shed at his admissions. “Aww, baby, don’t cry,” he cooed. “This is for the best.”
You let out a small whimper, another round of tears flowing, at the sound of his belt unbuckling and fly coming undone. 
You began pounding against his chest and begged him not to.
You wouldn’t go down without a fight.
Easily holding you down, Steve let out a stuttered moan as he entered you slowly. You begging turned into sounds of agony as he stretched you out and filled you like no other had before. 
“I wanted our first time time to be special. Slow and loving,” he confessed as he stilled inside of you. He slowly pulled out before slamming his hips back in and muffling your shriek with a large hand. “Gotta say, this is still pretty special though. Might just love those big watery doe eyes lookin’ at me a little more than that cute smile of yours. You just look so pretty, all wrecked and crying for me, doll.” He moved his hand slightly aside to lick a strip of your tear stained cheek, letting out a hum of approval.
You thrashed under him, hands lashing out until one of his own came to wrangle both wrists above your head, so you resorted to bucking your hips in hopes of throwing him off. It was hopeless. 
But you wouldn’t go down without a fight.
The hand covering your mouth moved down to hold you hip down in a bruising grip. He just rutted into you harder and faster in response to your outburst.
You couldn’t bring yourself to make a noise. The searing of your walls was slowly melting into pleasure. You feared accidentally letting a moan slip and alerting Steve to your pleasure.
But Steve could tell how you enjoyed it. Although tears flowed freely from your eyes, your pussy squelched, the sound blending in with the clapping of skin each time he drove into you.
“Told you. I’d fuck you. Like a whore,” He managed to get out between thrusts. “And you fuckin’ love it too.” He let out a dark chuckle. “God you’re such a slut.”
You whined as he pulled out when he flipped you over, but he made up for it by beginning to drill into you harder than before. With every brutal thrust, his cock glided against your g-spot before the tip punched against your cervix, and your eyes rolled back into your head.
Steve roped your hair around his palm and yanked your head back. Your back arched painfully to accommodate.
“Tell me you’re a slut. Tell me your my slut. Only mine. Only for me. Not that stupid fuckin’ club. Mine.”
“N-no. No,” you stuttered, barely being able to form words. You wouldn’t let him have his victory. You wouldn’t give it to him and bend to him.
Because you wouldn’t go down without a fight.
He once again yanked your hair, this time using the momentum to bring your body flush against him. His other arm came to wrap around your waist, and he secured your back to him, never once letting up on fucking you. The new angle made your body light on fire, and a moan escaped past your lips.
“Say it. Say you’re my slut and I’ll let you cum.”
You wouldn’t. You still had some dignity left. You’d be strong. You’d-
“Oh fuck, I’m your slut. Please let me cum. Please, please, I need it so bad. I’m your fucking slut! Only yours Steve!” you cry out. Humility and pleasure both burned your body.
“Atta girl,” he grunted, quickening his pace. “Cum now. Cum all over my cock.”
You did just that. Your cunt clenched around his cock while you gushed around him. Pleasure constricted around your entire body like fire. 
“Good little whore. All mine,” Steve chanted, but you barely heard him. All you could think about was Steve and his cock. You shattered. Your mind, your body, your will, all shattered to a million pieces.
You sigh, smoothing down the flowy pink skirt that stopped right about your knees. That was all six months ago but it felt like years. Steve made good on his word. Here you were, the good little docile housewife, waiting for him to return home from a mission that had taken him three days, a home cooked meal sitting on the table. Waiting to be devoured by the ravenous man who would return. Just like you.
You didn’t even attempt to escape this time. The first time you had managed to shatter the living room window with a lamp (ironic, huh?) while Steve was in the bathroom. You had made it down the fire escape before he intercepted you in the alley and dragged you quietly back to the apartment with a gun concealed between your bodies. When you got inside, Steve brutally took your virgin asshole. The second time, you tried the same thing, but Steve caught you before you even stepped foot out the window. After replacing the glass with a new bulletproof material from S.H.I.E.L.D., he starved you for five days, only allowing you water. He still made you cook for him though. It was a cruel joke to him, watching you make him a meal while your stomach was about to eat itself. He’d fuck you hard after, and your body felt like it’d break in half.
The third time was three months after that. You’d managed to gain his trust enough to let him take you for a walk in the park, and after a knee to the groin, you took off and hid yourself in a crowd of people. It wouldn’t be a good image for Captain America to be hunting down an innocent girl on the streets of New York. You managed to be away from him for almost 24 hours, but you couldn’t go to the police. After telling them you were a stripper that broke into Captain America’s apartment, you highly doubt they’d believe the rest of your story.
You were in the grocery store with some stolen cash when Bucky Barnes finally caught you. He muttered a couple words about how pretty Bella was and how he’d hate to put a bullet through her pretty head, and you followed him like a dog back to Steve’s building. Steve, as a thank you to Bucky and a punishment for you, let Bucky fuck you for hours till you passed out with his metal hand around your neck.
You smile to yourself, hoping Steve would be happy that you remained compliant and would be there to greet him as he returned home.
The sound of a lock turning snaps you out of your thought, and your head turns to the door as Steve enters.
“Sweetheart!” you say as you throw yourself on him, hands intertwined behind his neck.
“Hi honey,” he greets, smiling down at you, taking in the sight before he leans down to give you a peck on your painted red lips. You almost frown at your eagerness to return it. Almost. But your interest is directed toward Steve as he reaches into a paper shopping bag. “Got you a little something. Know how much you love to paint.” 
He pulls out a set of brushes, showing them to you, before handing you the entire bag. You look inside and gasp. So many colors and canvases. This was your life before he had trapped you, and here he was, giving you a piece of it back.
“Steve, I don’t even know how to thank you,” you begin. “I-”
Steve cuts you off with a deep kiss.
“Anything for my girl. Besides I figured you could use some practice.”
“For what?” you ask.
“Well, I bought us a house!” he announces, grinning. “That implant of yours will be wearing off in a couple months, and I’d love for you to paint a mural in the nursery. For our baby.”
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mollymauk-teafleak · 2 years
I can't believe what I've found (final chapter)
And it's done! A huge huge thanks to my wonderful beta readers @minky-for-short and @nb-fearne who are just my favourite people to write for in the world!
I really hope you've enjoyed this journey with me. it would mean a lot if you wanted to send this fic off with a comment over on Ao3!
TRIGGER WARNING: Descriptions of Caleb's past and everything that implies
Caleb sits and waits for his past to catch up with him. But instead, his future comes to find him.
He knew where to go, even if he didn’t know what to do.
Molly’s phone went off in his pocket again, as it had been about six times a minute for the last half hour. The erratic, frantic buzzing was mirrored by the heart hammering in his chest and the restless itching in his fingers. Each time fired off another spark of hope, burning painfully bright even though it only ever lived as long as it took to check his phone and see that it wasn’t Caleb.
It hurt even more when those sparks died.
Their friends were frantic. Each of them was off searching some other corner of Caleb’s little world for where he might have disappeared to. Beau was combing through the stacks at the library, Fjord and Caduceus had split every bookshop between them, Jester was at their diner asking every patron if they’d seen a red haired man, Yasha was doing the same at his favourite magical supply store, Veth was tracing the streets between each of those over and over again in a helpless loop.
But all of them carried the realisation that they didn’t know Caleb as well as they’d thought they did. That his world was so much bigger and darker than any of them had ever imagined.
“You know where to go, don’t you?”
Molly looked up at his brother, unsure if he was grudgingly impressed or exhausted by Kingsley’s ability to see what someone was wrestling with inside their mind and fearlessly blurt it out loud for them, no matter how little they might want to confront it. Regardless, it had been kind of him to come to Caleb’s apartment and sit with Molly while he waited pointlessly for the wizard to come home. He’d just said he didn’t want his brother to be alone.
“I think I know,” Molly admitted, rubbing his jaw for something to do with his hands.
“But you’re not going there. And you’re not telling any of them to go there either?” Kingsley was sitting in Caleb’s writing chair, one knee pulled up to his chest as he leaned back against the wall.
One part of Molly wanted to snap at him to get out of that chair, get away from Caleb’s things, get out of the place that had mattered most to him. But it would feel too much like senseless, grief-stricken preservation of a dead man’s possessions. It would feel too much like he’d given up.
“I…I don’t know if he wants me to,” Molly sighed, wrapping his arms tight around himself, avoiding his brother’s eye.
“Mm. Elaborate on that,” Kingsley hummed, drinking one of the two coffees he’d made when he’d arrived. The other was sitting on the side table by Molly, untouched.
“What are you, a fucking essay question?” he shot his brother an uncomfortable glare, “You know what I mean, King. When something like this happens, sometimes the best thing to do is just…run. And maybe that’s what Caleb wants to do and by going after him, I’d just be holding him down.”
“Is it the best thing to do?” Kingsley answered, “Or is it just what people wanna do? Is it just what we did?”
“Seriously, where the hell is all this coming from?”
“Therapy,” Kingsley lifted an eyebrow, “Exactly where you should have been going for the past few years too.”
Molly shot him a scowl before it relaxed into something more anxious, “But what if I go and he just…cuts me loose?”
Kingsley’s eyes gentled, “Then it’ll hurt. But he’ll know he has someone in his corner. Because if you try and tell me that you’re not going to bat for this guy, no matter what he’s done or what he says, then I won’t believe you, Molly. It’s not who you are, you don’t give up on people whatever they bring you. Even if it’s, y’know, a whole childhood you weren’t around for.”
Molly felt a smile grow on his face, a little weary and a little sad but a smile nonetheless, “I don’t need all those memories to care about you, Kingsley.”
“And I don’t need you to be Nonagon to care about you,” his brother’s voice was soft and young in a very vulnerable way, “Caleb sure as hell doesn’t. He needs you right now, whatever he’s told himself. And you need him, right?”
Molly didn’t hesitate, “I do. I really do.”
Kingsely raised his eyebrows and gestured like it was Mollymauk’s line and he was missing his cue to run on stage, “Well then? Off you go?”
Molly almost did. First he crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Kingsley, hugging him tight and hard in a way he wasn’t sure he’d ever done and would be doing a lot more from now on.
Then off he went.
Caleb’s hands had gone numb.
He realised it with a detached, eerily calm kind of acceptance, the same way he’d notice a stray thread on the collar of his coat, the same way he’d been noticing everything since he’d sat down on this park bench and stayed there as the night had gathered around him.
After all, his hands would only really hurt when he got warm again. And Caleb didn’t see that happening.
He’d made certain he wouldn’t be seen by any of the people passing him by. It wouldn’t be good enough for anyone looking, really looking, the way they’d come looking for him. But it was enough for a little privacy as the crowds thinned out the same way the sunlight did. Caleb watched, feeling nothing, as two fathers swung their little daughter between them, as two people in love left not an inch of space in between their bodies, as a little boy chased falling leaves and brought them proudly back to his mother. As life went on around him.
He could afford to go numb. It would only hurt if he warmed up again and it wasn’t as if he was going to live that long.
Caleb could run. He’d considered that, with a bitter, angry desire to go down fighting that surprised him with its existence. Just to show Ikithon that he was stronger, faster, better than he imagined and he’d done it all without his heel in his back. Just to see the look on his face when he realised he hadn’t won, not fully.
But he knew exactly who Ikithon would send after him, just to hurt him one last time, one final cowardly kick to someone already so broken. And Caleb honestly didn’t know if he could take his anger out on his old friends, no matter what they thought of him now. Astrid and Eadwulf didn’t deserve that, whoever they’d been turned into now, he would always think of them as the same hungry, hollow eyed kids who’d just wanted something more, the same as him.
And too many innocents had already been hurt in this.
Caleb closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The smells of the flowers around him were so much sharper after night fell, like they woke up when everyone else fell asleep. Just the act of breathing helped steady him, helped him stay in that detached, disconnected calm. He couldn’t afford to lose his mind now. Not when the last thing he could hope for was to go out with some dignity.
“S’cuse me. I don’t want to be rude or anything but…are you okay, Caleb?”
He wasn’t surprised. But he was sad.
“Little overwhelmed,” Caleb admitted, his voice cracking, not opening his eyes.
“Yeah,” he could hear the smile in Molly’s voice, it hurt his heart to picture it, “I get that. Can I sit down?”
Caleb sighed and made himself look at the man he loved. He needed Molly to see his eyes, to see how seriously he meant this, however little he wanted to say it.
“Molly, you have to go, you shouldn’t be here. It isn’t safe,” he rasped, the single tear that escaped hot on his cheek.
“If that’s true then you shouldn’t be here either,” the tiefling countered, sitting down next to him anyway, his gaze soft and somehow grateful just to be beside him, “Come with me?”
Caleb didn’t know how to answer that in a way that would make Molly happy so instead he asked, “How did you know I’d be here? I’ve never mentioned this place.”
Molly pulled his embroidered coat tighter around himself- he always got cold so much easier than Caleb- and gestured slightly apologetically to the flower beds around them. The ladders of deep red, bell shaped blooms looked vaguely skeletal in the low light.
“I’ve been painting these flowers for months, Caleb. And I’ve only seen them in two places. In your story and here.”
Maybe it was the surprise that Molly had read him so succinctly and effectively that brought the next words out of his mouth. It certainly didn’t feel like his own idea.
“They grew back home,” Caleb rasped, his throat tightening, “In Blumenthal. That means ‘flower valley’ in Zemnian, you know. They would come up every summer and the fields would turn red and you’d know things were getting better. That maybe you’d still go to bed hungry and you’d still have blisters on your fingers and the plough would still break every three minutes but it would be sunny, at least. And that would make everything better, somehow.”
Molly, who had spent the last couple of months bringing the Flower Valley to life in the pages of Der Katzenprinz, felt his hand inch closer to Caleb’s, desperate to wind their fingers together. Caleb noticed but made no move to unclench his shoulders.
“It sounds like a wonderful place,” the tiefling murmured, “It must have meant a lot to you. But Caleb…don’t you think that you might have put all this into your story because you wanted to talk about it? You wanted to face this?”
It was getting harder by the second to stay detached. Caleb felt like a rapidly hollowing clay doll, like the slightest touch would make him crumble inwards and collapse. Or not even touch, just the weight of Molly’s eyes on him, so sad and close and full of love, enough to cripple Caleb.
“I just wanted to make some kid read it and feel like they could get better,” his voice cracked clean in two, “That if they fucked up, it didn’t mean they were a bad person.”
“Like you want to?” Molly murmured, the heartbreak resounding through his voice.
“Like I can’t.”
And there it was. The inevitability in all of this, the wall they’d always been heading for but somehow he’d managed to convince himself they’d avoid. Because maybe in amongst it all, he’d actually started to believe that he really was Caleb Widogast.
And he’d forgotten Bren Aldric Ermendrud.
If Mollymauk couldn’t see sense, if he was really going to follow him into the hell he’d created for himself, he would show him why he shouldn’t. He would succinctly slam his heel down on any chance of happiness he might have grown and save his artist by making him as disgusted with him as he should be, as the world should be. He’d show him Bren, though he’d need to turn his face away. He couldn’t meet the tielfing’s eyes right now.
“I don’t know if you read the letter or how much Percy told you,” his voice came out flat, like he was reciting equations from a blackboard, stating dry and immutable facts, even as tears poured down his cheeks and the detachment crumbled as his past came rushing up to meet him, “But the man who wrote that letter was Trent Ikithon, though he’d never sign his name to it. He’s an archmage of the Cerberus Assembly and he found me when I was twenty.”
“They…they’re meant to be the good guys, aren’t they?” Molly said softly, clearly having heard the same stories everyone else did. Powerful mages with impeccable judgement and strong morals, keeping the empire in check.
Caleb swallowed hard, “I thought the same…not many kids from Blumenthal get into the Soltryce Academy. We were poor, worse than dirt poor, though my parents did everything they could to give me a happy childhood. They were so happy when I showed enough magical prowess to earn a scholarship, not just me but my two best friends as well. Even though it would mean less hands on the farm and money for uniforms and books and travel that we just didn’t have, they told me they were so proud of me. That they loved me. And I loved them.”
Molly knew Caleb had never mentioned parents before. If he was already starting to put the pieces together in his own mind, he kept quiet and let Caleb speak. But those fingers edged ever closer to the wizard’s tight fists, still eager to clasp them.
Caleb wondered how close they’d get before they retracted in disgust.
“I loved the academy. It was everything I’d ever dreamed of. I could be myself for the first time, I could start to see a future where I lived rather than just survived. I met Percy there too, I realised I could love who I wanted and didn’t have to be ashamed of my background because there would be better things ahead. I had my dearest friends, a boyfriend, I learned new things every day and I was good at what I did. It didn’t matter that my brain was different to everyone else’s because I was good at magic and that’s all anyone cared about. Especially Ikithon.”
Caleb’s throat felt tight and a tremble edged into the outskirts of his voice, “I saw us a mile off, of course he did. Farm kids desperate to get themselves out of poverty who would do anything he asked, believe anything he told them. He pulled us out of the academy, told us we didn’t need formal study anymore because he’d take over our training personally. He’d turn us into something more than what the Soltryce turned out. And we believed him. Even when the training left bruises and made it so we couldn’t move without pain, even when I couldn’t make time for Percy any more and he told me he was frightened for me, even when I stopped writing letters home, I just believed Ikithon. I believed I was special. I was pathetic.”
He almost slipped but caught himself. He wasn't done and what kind of storyteller would he be if he didn’t finish his tale?
“The more he hurt us, the more we became devoted to him. When he sewed shards of residuum under our skin so we wouldn’t need spellbooks, we offered our arms freely. When he made us hurt each other just so our bonds together would never be stronger than what we felt for him, we did it without pausing. And…and when he told us there were spies everywhere who wanted to bring down the empire, who wanted to hurt innocent people and who it was our job to bring down, no matter the cost…we did.”
Caleb’s fingernails dug painfully into his palms, “He sent us home first so the false memories would stick more easily. I spent a weekend back in Blumenthal, remembering how beautiful it all was. My mother and father weren't even angry. They said they understood why I’d been so busy and they were just so glad to see me. I…I remembered the smell of my mother’s hair when she hugged me. I remembered the sound of my father’s laugh and how he’d call me Katze. I remembered the cardinals on the field. But I remembered other things too. I remembered hearing them talking in the night, talking treason. Saying things that just couldn’t stand before the Volstruker. So…when Ikithon told me what needed to be done, I…I didn’t hesitate.”
His mouth kept moving and words kept coming out but he didn’t feel them. He only smelled the smoke in his nose, felt the heat of it blackening his insides, heard the mocking chatter of flames snapping beams and crunching old, dry thatch wood in their jaws.
“My great grandfather built that house. It was old wood, rotting in the summer and damp in the  winter. It burned so easily. One spark and it all went up. And it was so easy to bar the door. It had never fit right in the frame, Father and I always said we would fix it but never got around to it. They couldn’t get out. Not even my cat.”
The back of his head throbbed. His lips cracked with heat that wasn’t there.
“They were looking for me. I heard them calling my name, thinking only of making sure I was safe even as their house burned around them. It was hearing my name, over and over, that’s what broke the hold on me. Even in their last moments, even after everything I’d done to them…they saved me. I broke, I remembered, I tried to run and save them and only stopped when someone stoved my head in with a rock. But it was too late by that point, I was already a monster.”
He didn’t dare search for those fingers. He didn’t want to know.
“Everything is hard to place after that. It’s painful to live with false memories in your head but not know how to tell where they are. It drives you mad, not that I needed help. I was remanded, Ikithon saw he could get no further use out of me and threw me in a mental hospital on the other side of the continent where he assumed I would die. And I should have done. I deserved to. But…someone, I still don’t know who, they fixed my memories. They cured me and for the first time I could feel the enormity of what I had done. The pain I’d caused. The lies I’d believed. And…still being too much of a fucking coward to face the consequences I deserved, I escaped. Bounced around the country, living rough, making up names as I went, being arrested for drinking in the streets and put in different shelters and hospitals and jails but the time would always run out or I’d escape and just keep going. One foot in front of the other. Until one day I was put in a group for recovering addicts- they always assumed substance abuse when they saw me- and I met Veth. And by some miracle, she wanted to help me. And…and I was so far from the person I was, I mistakenly believed I was allowed a second chance. So I let her. She helped me discover writing as a way to live with the venom in my veins. She found me friends. She found me Percy again who is enough of a kind man to not ask what happened between me disappearing and turning up with a different name. I never did deserve him. And for a while, I…I was Caleb Widogast. And that was fine. I wrote my book, not the ending I got but the ending I wished I’d been brave enough to take. The redemption I didn’t earn but hoped someone else might learn from. And…and you. You, Mollymauk. Of course that was going to tip the scales. How could someone like me deserve the love of someone like you?”
He sighed, unsure of what name he had in this particular moment but unable to see that it mattered.
“This is just me paying the price I’ve worn on my head for a long time, Mollymauk. It’s okay, I’m sorry, if that means anything to you. You can leave. This is how the story should go.”
He was still turned away, enough of a coward that he didn’t want to watch the man he loved leave him, that he didn’t want to see the horror on his face, however much he knew he deserved it. It was right but that didn’t mean he wanted to see it.
So it was a surprise when he felt the fingers close over his own.
“Caleb Widogast.”
Shocked at the sound of his name, Caleb turned. Molly’s cheeks shone in the low light but he’d closed the distance between them, gripping the wizard’s calloused hand like he was never going to let go.
“I don’t know what story you think you’re in,” Molly’s voice was heavy with tears, “But I’m not going anywhere. I am so, so sorry that those awful people did this to you and they hurt you so badly. But you’re not the monster here, Caleb, they are. And I absolutely will not leave you to them.”
“But…I…” Caleb couldn’t find the words but they must have shown on his face.
“You did awful things because you were forced to. You were put through fucking hell by a vile excuse for a person. You made no choices in this situation but the one to walk away and try to give kids some hope. This was not your fault.”
“But…” Caleb shook his head, completely unsure what to do with words he never thought he’d hear from anyone, “But…I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to do this.”
Molly’s smile was tired, exhausted, wrung out. But it was ready to get up and keep going.
“You let me help. You let your friends help. Because if there's one thing you’ve taught me, Caleb, it’s that everyone deserves a happy ending. So let's go get you yours.”
He still gave him the chance to pull away. Of course he did, he was Mollymauk. But as the tiefling stood, as he felt that tug on his arm, Caleb stood too. From there it was such a simple thing, to move into Molly’s arms and hold on tight.
“I’m so scared,” he murmured against his soft shirt, shoulders finally starting to shake as he gave himself over to his tears.
“Me too,” Molly’s voice was a low, comforting murmur in his ears, “But don’t worry. This is how the story should go.”
Caleb wasn’t exactly the sort of author who used his online presence to any great effect. He didn’t even know the password to his account, he had to ask Jester what it was. And she gave it over happily, even though technically she was the only one still in the running to win their bet.
The post was very simple. No words, just a close up photo of rough textured sketch paper and the drawing on it, the picture of Die Katzenprinzen. One little orange cat wound around a strange purple cat. The picture was captioned with a tag to Mollymauk Tealeaf’s page and a heart next to it. As simple as that.
For all they’d worried about his image, very few people actually took notice of the post or understood what it really meant. Though that was rather understandable.
It would be rather overshadowed by what Caleb Widogast did next.
“I think we’re really testing the limits of ‘all press is good press’.”
They were all back in Percy’s office. It seemed like the easiest place for them all to gather, made for quite an impressive war room and, besides, he had the nicest coffee.
Caleb was making full use of that, maybe to distract himself and maybe to have another justification for why his hands were shaking so badly. He stood by the enormous windows, hands wrapped around his latest cup, looking out over the expansive view, the city he’d made his home. Where there were cardinal flowers, if you knew where to look.
He’d been listening to Veth, Percy, Beau, Jester and Molly talk for nearly an hour. The statement he’d put together had sparked a lengthy conversation where he’d needed to say surprisingly very little. It was all in the statement, anyway.
“We’re not doing this for any reason other than to take this asshole down,” Percy answered Beau’s usually dry and accurate observation, “Whatever this does to our numbers, I couldn’t care less. This is far more important.”
“But what if he’s powerful enough to make this go away? We can be as right as we want and fuckers like this still have the money and influence to turn fact into lies, believe me,” she curled her lip as she spoke.
“Well, it won’t just be Caleb’s word if that phone number he gave you works out?” Jester said with her usual boundless optimism.
“They’ve been under Ikithon’s thumb far longer than Caleb was,” Veth’s fingers danced anxiously up and down her braid, “How much can we really rely on them?”
“If they’re in, they’re in. If they’re out, we’re still in,” Percy said firmly, “We have the chances we have. I’m not letting this one go, it’s this or a bullet between Ikithon’s eyes. Let’s see if I have enough money to make that go away.”
Caleb had always loved that resounding note in his voice, the one that reminded you Percival de Rolo had grown up always getting his way. He was a good person to have on your side.
They all were. Caleb was going to start crying again if he thought about it too much. He’d been doing a lot of that over the last day.
He must have zoned out a little because the next thing he was aware of was a hand, lightly placed on the small of his back.
“Hey,” Molly smiled softly, pitching his voice under the battle planning happening behind them, “You okay?”
“I’ve drank too much coffee,” Caleb admitted in a low murmur, looking into the dregs of his cup.
Molly chuckled at that and turned the light touch into a full arm around his waist. Grateful for the stabilising presence of his boyfriend beside him, Caleb leaned his head onto the tiefling’s shoulder. He would have closed his eyes but he liked looking at the ghostly reflection of the two of them together on the other side of the glass, suspended in mid air.
“You know you don’t have to do this,” Molly whispered, “We’re all behind you, whatever you choose. If this is going to be too hard…”
Caleb sighed softly, “It is going to be hard. But necessary. This is a fight I need to have, I suppose.”
Molly’s grip tightened reassuringly, “And you’re not fighting alone.”
Caleb looked over his shoulder at this army, growing by the minute as Jester called for Yasha, Fjord, Caduceus. All these people who knew what he’d done and loved him all the same, who’d seen someone worthy of forgiveness when he’d seen a monster, a hero when he'd seen a villain.
“I’m not,” he smiled, turning back into Mollymauk’s shoulder to enjoy this last moment of calm before the storm.
“And they all lived happily ever after,” Molly whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Caleb’s head.
“Well,” Caleb smiled in spite of himself, “We can certainly hope.”
Caleb didn’t read his own interviews anymore. But his husband did.
Molly knew he had somewhere else to be but he lingered at the kitchen table just to finish the end of the article, enjoying the warm feeling of pride glowing under his skin. Just five more minutes to read it one more time. Not like he’d already done that about ten times since it went up that morning.
He’d gotten a lot better at reading, the way Caleb had set up his laptop for him with the special font and the larger spacing and the pastel background really helped. He knew he still moved his lips as he did, he could feel himself doing it right now as he scrolled slowly down the news site, but he didn’t mind. Caleb thought it was cute.
When asked about the outpouring of support for him and his fellow victims in the wake of Ikithon’s conviction last month, Caleb Widogast said, “It has been wonderful to know how many people this is a victory for. After fighting so hard for the last few years, to see such a high profile abuser face consequences gives so much hope to anyone else who has faced something similar. It shows things are changing and people like Ikithon can’t hide behind their power anymore.”
Widogast has also announced that the sales of his latest book will go to the founding of a charitable organisation, under de Rolo Enterprises, whose mission will be to aid the victims of magical abuse. It will begin by focusing on academic settings, where the years of torture began for Widogast and his two, still anonymous fellow victims. “Ikithon is in jail but that unfortunately doesn’t mean this isn’t happening all over the country. We need to make sure vulnerable people have somewhere to turn when people use their station to take advantage of them. They need to know someone is here to listen to them,” Widogast explained.
So it would seem the future looks bright for the well known and now well loved author and activist. When asked if he was glad to return to the relatively stress free life of writing bestselling novels, Widogast simply said he owed his children a few bedtime stories first.
Mollymauk closed his laptop, killing the soft blue light and leaving himself in the dark kitchen. Their kitchen now. It was still strange to think of it that way, even years after he’d moved in. Strange but lovely. For a few moments all he could do was cover his face with his hands and smile wide enough to hurt.
He needed to kiss his husband immediately.
Fortunately, he knew exactly where he’d be. He’d be keeping his promise.
The side room that Caleb only ever used to use for storing things he didn’t know how to tidy away had been converted into a nursery easily, even with the short notice they’d been given. It had been converted into a nursery for two babies on even shorter notice with a little more effort. But with all of their friends helping, while shaking their heads and saying only Caleb and Molly could go to the hospital to have one baby and end up adopting another on top of that, they’d got it pretty perfect.
It was full of warm light when Molly gently pushed back the door, courtesy of some moonlight dancing lights conjured above the tiny toddler beds. Caleb sat between them, carefully equal distance from their son on his left and their daughter on his right so neither child could complain that papa was closer to the other. So they both could reach out and touch him, the way they liked to do when he read to them. He was wearing an oversized, hand decorated shirt they’d made together at Art Club with the kids, his hair was messily pulled back with a claw borrowed from Molly, there was less stubble on his chin than usual as he tried something new. The dancing lights cast shifting shadows on his narrowed face and in moments like this he looked so different. In moments like this, the journey they’d had showed as clearly on his face as a map.
He looked so beautiful to Mollymauk. He always would.
Caleb had always had the perfect voice for reading aloud. Deep and slow and lyrical, he turned the pages even though he knew every word by heart. He said it was because he liked to look at Molly’s art.
“And one day, when he was older, he had someone else too. He met his own prince and he fell in love and they ruled the Flower Valley together, side by side…”
“My cue?” Molly smiled playfully from where he’d been hovering by the door just to listen.
Trinket burst out from the cocoon of his blankets, gasping brightly, upsetting his sister who’d curled up beside him, “Daddy! Daddy’s here for story!”
Molly shot Caleb an apologetic look for his interruption but received only a warm smile in return. As he edged past, Caleb caught his husband's hand and kissed the back of it, giving him a wink.
“Don’t let me interrupt, darling,” Molly waved him on as he sat down on Trinket’s bed, his son and daughter immediately gravitating to him like eager satellites.
Trinket, a lighter purple tiefling with rusty red hair and a few distinctly human touches, cuddled in with his head resting on Molly’s leg, where he could gently rub the itchy bumps of his horns coming in. Una, a goblin, took advantage of her much smaller size and curled right in his lap like a cat, which earned her an exasperated look from Frumpkin, who had to settle for stretching out beside them.
They had been part of his life for three years now and still, Molly couldn’t believe they were real sometimes. He loved them so much it still ached.
And he’d never had models he liked half so well. He drew very little else these days.
Caleb paused, taking a moment to watch them with eyes that said everything, before turning back to the page. They’d written other books together since but, still, their babies asked for this one more than any other.
“The little orange cat and his own little purple Katzenprinz who could make him laugh even on those bad days. So the Katzenprinzen lived happily ever after. Because everyone- no matter how many bad days you might have- everyone deserves that.”
Caleb glanced back up and found Molly’s eyes again. They knew they were both thinking of the same things, the same things that always came to mind when they read this story. The long, hard years of fighting, the eventual, exhausted victory, the home they’d made with each other along the way, the two new characters who’d joined them. And everything they still had to come. All of it faced together.
They said the last words in one voice.
“The End.”
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