#(volleyball with danny. darlings.)
russellius · 6 months
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MOTOR SPORT: Never pushed harder: Russell seeks positives from miserable F1 season
I could comfortably lift my foot off the gas pedal and drive a percent below the limit and I could sit here right now and tell you that I wouldn’t make a single mistake. And probably when I sit through my championship years, I probably wasn’t being pushed as much as I’m pushing myself now. I’m purposely trying to push myself further and beyond, and I’m not satisfied with just being on par with my team-mate in qualifying or whatever it may be.
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nade2308 · 1 year
It was about time to do this for my newest posts because I cannot track all of my previous edits and gifs (there are many). Here I will post the links to all them as they go up.
If anyone wants to chance the tumblr search feature for all my previous posts, you can try searching for my gifs/edits using the words "my gif", "my gifs" or "my edit".
I'll group them by movie, tv show, and/or any significance the gifs/edits might have like cinematic parallels, some sort of a gif theme, etc.
Special thanks to @thethistlegirl and @malewifebillcage for giving me most of these ideas.
Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick
Boys staring at each other in the classroom
Canon bi Mav gifset
Walking the wire gifset
Ice and Mav volleyball gif
Whatever it takes gifset: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
The Oscar gifs
Top Gun Maverick: Mav gifset
"I love you will still sound the same" by Oh Honey: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Bonus gif
Icemav hug edit
Ice and Sli hug gif
Mav and Sli hug gif
Sad boy in the bathroom gifset: Part 1 || Part 2
Fond looks™ gifset (TG '86)
Mav and Wolfman and Hollywood hugs gifs
Mav's gorgeous eyes ("Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day)
Mission Impossible
Ethan in Ghost Protocol ("Eight" by Sleeping at Last)
Achtung gif (Rogue Nation)
Ethan in the payphone cubicle: Part 1 || Part 2
Ethan opening his eyes gif (Ghost Protocol)
Sad Ethan gifset (Fallout)
Ethan in hospital (Ghost Protocol): Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Ethan escape from the hospital (Ghost Protocol): Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Stealing boy (Ghost Protocol)
Luther tagging Ethan in Fallout
Ethan in the purple shirt gifset (Rogue Nation): Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Ethereal Ethan (Rogue Nation)
Edge of Tomorrow
BillRita gifset
War of the Worlds
Ray and the thunderstorm
Ray and Rachel gifset ("Have faith in me" by A Day to Remember)
American Made
Scared Barry in prison gifset
American Made gifset: Part 1 || Part 2
Barry's putting his uniform on
Gremlin gifset
Barry payphone gifset: Part 1 || Part 2
Jack Reacher 2012
Jack in the rain gif
Jack in the bathtub gifset
Jack and his scars gifset
"You give love a bad name" by Bon Jovi gifset: Part 1 || Part 2
Jack driving the Chevelle gifset
Jack Reacher: Never go back
Jack shower gifs ("Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man)
Sam and Jack hug gifset
Sam and Jack texting gifset
Rock of Ages
Boy on the pole
Introduction to Stacee
"Rock you like a hurricane" by the Scorpions gifset: Part 1 || Part 2
A Few Good Men
Danny handle with care edit
Black Sheep Squadron
My first Black Sheep Squadron post
Greg and Meatball gif in 1x09
Greg and Meatball gifs (1x16)
"We're getting into a rut, darling." (1x16)
More Greg and Meatball gifs (1x16)
Hair ruffle gif (1x16)
"Welcome home, Jim." (1x16)
Shaky hands gifset (1x16)
Still shaky hands (1x16)
Greg and Micklin tussle (1x16)
Greg gifs (1x16)
More shaky imp boy (1x16)
Greg "I'll just sit here and look handsome while I'm drinking coffee" Boyington (1x16)
Staring Jim (1x16)
Greg and Micklin gifset: Part 1 || Part 2
Greg sitting on the counter (1x16)
Proud Pappy (1x16)
Greg and Jim gifset (1x16)
Tongue action... Monday? (1x16)
TJ's moment of glory (1x16)
A whole squadron of kids gifs (1x17)
Crying Jim (1x04)
Shirtless Greg gifset (1x09)
More shirtless Greg gifs (1x04)
Thomas Magnum (OG MPI) and Greg Boyington (Black Sheep Squardon) parallel
Ethan in Ghost Protocol and Mav in Top Gun parallel
Parallels Ray (WotW) and Cage (EoT)
Nightmares gifset (Mission Impossible)
Ethan in Fallout and Mav in Top Gun Maverick parallels
Ethan in Mission Impossible III and Jack in Oblivion 2013 parallel
Uniform imp gifset
Miscellaneous Tom Cruise edits/gifsets
Tom Cruise on Jimmy Kimmel 24.02.2023
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Tony Stark X Daughter!Reader 
Warning: Child neglect, swearing, angst, death 
Summary: After being kidnapped by Hydra, Y/N does some reflecting on her home life. Especially her relationship with her father
italics = past pov
Bold= thoughts
Italic bold= ghosts 
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You never thought your life would end like this. Alone, trapped in a Hydra cell, full of anger and resentment for the one man who was never supposed to break your heart. Of course, up until now you had been pretty optimistic your father would realize the error of his ways and miraculously spend years making up for years of missed recitals, ignored achievements, and multiple other offenses. You always forgave him because, hey the man was a member of the Avengers, what should you expect having Tony Stark as a father? 
But right now, as you lay on the cold, damp floor, writhing in pain from whatever glowey nuclear shit those assholes injected you with, you can’t help but remember the mistreatment and neglect bestowed upon you by your father. 
It was, it was September Winds blow, dead leaves fall
You’ll always remember that September day. The day your entire life had changed 
You were only eight when Loki tried to take over New York. You and your mom were coming home from the store when all of a sudden, people around you started to panic. Looking up, you saw a large portal in a once clear blue sky. Creatures appeared out of no where, destroying anything in their way. Your mother, terrified, took you by the hand and headed for a near by building. But, it seemed that others had that idea as well. Before you knew it, your vision was overwhelmed by the bodies of citizens trying to escape the chaos outside. After a few seconds, you found yourself in a crowed parking garage and no idea where your mother was.
You never saw her again after that.
After three days of searching, the police declared her dead and you were sent to live with your godmother, Pamela Isely. 
She was good to you. She held you through nightmares, told you stories about how your mother and her met, and even taught you how to take care of plants. The only complaint you had was that she would usually leave you alone every once in a while and come back with a lot of money, and occasionally, a loud blonde woman in a clown costume would come through the window and pinch your cheeks too hard. Other than that, you got adjusted to your new life quickly.
Four months passed and your life changed again. It was a cold September day, and you had just got home from school. As you walked into the apartment, you immediately felt a tension in the air, and you saw a man at the table with your Aunty Pam, who looked extremely uneasy and pale. They stared at you until your Aunt spoke.
“Y/N...you’re going back to New York.”
Those words alone made the floor fall from underneath you. You had just settled down. You finally felt comfortable without your mother in the world and now this?? Then the man cleared his throat, causing you to snap back into reality. 
“Y/n, my name is Tony Stark”
 You knew that name, he was the man in the metal suit who helped save New York. You didn’t care at the moment though, you just wanted to know why you were leaving your aunt.
Ignoring Tony, you looked at your aunt and whispered,
 “ Did...did I do something wrong?” 
Immediately, Pams eyes filled with tears as she quickly gathered you in her arms and responded with a loud, 
“Oh no, darling of course not”, She then proceeded to tell you the uncomfortable looking man at the table was in fact your father, who up till now you had never met. In fact, you never even fathomed the idea of having a father as your mom had always told you that you were a gift from some fairies she helped. You turned to the man who quietly sat at the table and looked over the man who was said to be your father.
He was definitely a handsome man. He wore a fancy looking suit and some tinted glasses even though he was inside. His hair was dark brown and messy, as if he was tugging or running his fingers through it. His skin looked to be am olive color but it was hard to tell as he looked kind of pale in the light of the small apartment you called home. You thought it was odd he hadn’t said anything other than introducing himself. 
“ Is it true? Are you really my dad?” You asked in a quiet voice.
He finally spoke, “Yeah kid, I’m your dad”
To you, I did surrender
Two weeks, you didn’t call
It’s been two weeks since you were taken by Hydra. Two weeks since you were injected with that mystery substance. You didn’t die, at least you don’t think you did. But you didn’t exactly feel alive either. You were colder than usual, like your body temperature lowered. You slept longer than normal especially the first three days after you were injected. The guards had to wake you up just to get you to eat. But the most worrying symptom of all is that your eyes were the same shade of neon blue as the liquid that was injected into your body. And everytime your eyes turned blue, something weird would happen. 
For example, the first time you noticed your eyes were blue, you woke up from the first long sleep.The second time, you thought you heard voices, screaming in agony and despair.This was odd because you were the only one in that cell block. As you came back to reality, you realized that you could see other ghostly figures in the once empty cells, and that you were floating three feet above your bed. 
Within the two weeks you were in that cell, you learned that that day you were injected, your heart did stop for an hour until you miraculously sprung back to life with a loud gasp, scaring the absolute shit out of the Hydra guards that were tasked with disposing your body. That would go through physical changes as well. Your once brown skin would change to a pale ghostly blue. And your black kinky hair would change to a shocking neon blue to match the color of your eyes.
For two weeks, you learned the ins and outs of your newfound powers. Two weeks of being pushed to your absolute limits by power hungry scientists. Two weeks of learning the names of the dead around you in those cells. 
It took two weeks, to realize that your father truly didn’t care about you.
And looking back on it, you should’ve known
Your life, goes on without me  My life, a losing game
It had been a year since you had moved into the Avengers Tower with your father. It had taken you a while to warm up to the team and for the team to get used to having a child around. But once you all got to know each other, it was like having multiple aunts and uncles. Especially because you were around them more than your own father. 
Unfortunately, once you had settled in and gotten to know everyone, Tony had locked himself away in his lab. Tinkering on a new project for weeks on end, ignoring his responsibilities as a new father.
Now, this didn’t really affect you till you started school. Tony had forgotten to pick you up multiple times, causing you to wait for hours on end till either Steve or Pepper realized that you hadn’t come home and rushed to the school , only to see you waiting on the front steps talking the ear off of the unlucky teacher who had to stay behind to wait with you.
Of course word got around that Y/N Stark was being forgotten at school everyday, thus prompting the kids at school to taunt you everyday after school.
“Where's your daddy Y/N??”
“I bet he leaves you here so you can get kidnapped so he doesn’t have to look at you”
“Your own dad doesn’t even love you”
Once you got to middle school, you joined as many after school clubs to hide the fact that there was no one to pick you up. And a small part hoped that it would be enough to gain your fathers attention. But it didn’t happen.
“Daddy! I made the volleyball team!”
“hmm, oh that's great kid, can you pass me that wrench”
“Dad! I’m in the robotics club”
“Y/N I’m really busy right now”
“ Hey dad...can you help me with--”
“Not now, go ask Pepper”
No matter what you did, you could never get his attention long enough. Nothing you did was good enough. You never got so much as a “welcome home” or a “ have a good day at school kiddo”. And you were fine with that. You were, because you knew that even though he didn’t show it, Tony Stark really did love you.
But you should, you should not doubt me You will remember my name.
After learning the extent of your powers, which included; flying,the ability to talk and see the dead, energy blasts, floating through walls, and the ability to shut off your powers at will. You decided it was time for you to make plans to escape. 
You’d like to think that you were really good at pretending. 
You did it on a daily basis, really. You pretended to be happy, not to notice Tony’s neglect, like you didn’t see the pity glances the rest of the team gave you. So convincing your captors that they finally broke you down wasn’t really a challenge. 
“....fine..i’ll help you” You said in a tired weak voice.
The two guards were startled at first, not expecting you to speak so suddenly
“You..what?” The younger of the two asked in a suspicious tone.
“I said I want to help you” you repeated a little louder. 
The first guard looked to the second, obviously confused at your sudden change of heart. They had a silent conversation with their eyes, as if debating on whether this was a trick or not. Finally, the older of the two turned to you and said,
“This better not be a trick, Stark.”
And with that, he started to unlock the door to your cell. 
“Okay, now I can either fight them now  and make a break for it, or I can wait till i get to the--” 
Your thoughts were cut off by a loud wailing, piecing your ears and automatically giving you a headache. Wincing in pain you look around the empty cell blocks and try to locate the spirit that’s making all that noise. When you see it, your heart breaks. It’s a young boy, around your age. The first thing you notice about him is that he had white hair, kinda Danny Phantom. As you continued to stare at the boy, his head suddenly turned and you both made eye contact, the movement startling you enough to make you jerk in the hold of the guards
“ HEY, eyes forward!” shouted the older guard. “There's no way out, if that's what you're looking for’ He said in a smug tone.
“I said I wanted to join you, why would I want to escape?” You reply, irritation dripping from your words.
“Just don’t pull any tricks kid.”
God does he have any other lines, you think to yourself mentally rolling your eyes. Sounds familiar.
Oh Ember, you will remember
Oh Ember, one thing remains
“Y/N I’m busy, go as--” “I know, go ask Pepper”
“Oh kid, I’m sorry I forgot” “ yeah, I know”
“You’re on the volleyball team” “ yes dad. For four years now”
“Y/N! I’m gonna be in the lab with Peter so try not to bother us.”
“Y/N me and Peter--”
“Good job, Peter”
“Hey Peter--”
God were you tired of that name. You never ever felt the feeling of envy and anger as much as you did when Peter came into your life. 
In fact, you were still healing from almost losing your family you found in the Avengers. Your dad didn’t want you around the “traitors” as he privately called them, so you were secluded. Watching them from afar and yearning for the comfort of hearing Steves pre-war stories, helping Clint pull off the most ridiculous pranks, helping Wanda teach Vision how to cook, and most of all you missed talking to Natasha. She reminded you of your aunt Pam, mainly because they both had red hair. You hoped that your father would understand this loss and step up now that you really needed a connection, but no. He decided that Peter Parker deserved all his attention. So you stopped trying as hard.
Oh Ember, So warm and tender You will remember my name
You walk into a room with a singular table and no windows. Sat at the table was a bald man writing in a notebook. The two guards lead you to the table and make you sit opposite of the bald man. He looks up at you and smiles.
“So, Ms. Stark has finally decided to comply?” He asks in a smug tone. You roll your eyes and answer back in a sarcastic tone,
“Yeah yeah, just cut the crap and tell me what you want me to do.”
The bald man just smiles and looks at you, as if trying to read your mind to figure out your motives. 
“Well”, he says, leaning back into his chair. “Lets get down to business.” He then proceeds to talk about the process of join his team and what you will be doing. But you don’t hear a word of it. Because you were going to escape this hell hole one way or another. 
“Well then, lets get you changed.” said the bald man. “Yeager, Jennings, take our guest to to her new room. 
“Huh so they do have names.” You think, as they pull you out of the chair and into the hallway. Walking back into the cell block, you make eye contact with that white haired boy again. He’s quiet as he watches you walk back to your room, then he disappears. 
You finally get back to your cell and notice a pair of black spandex, black halter top, grey boots and some black gloves on the floor. Changing into them, you take your hair into a pineapple with a hair tie they had given you. Looking into the piece of metal you used as a mirror, you changed into your ghost form. Suddenly, you hear a male voice behind you.
“Don’t let them know you can do that.” 
You startle and turn around, only to see none other than the white haired boy. He looked equally as startled as he realized you can see and hear him. 
“Why not?” you asked, changing back to your normal self.
“Because, they won’t ever let you leave.You’re already the first one to survive the injection. If they realize you can go ghost, they’ll do everything in their power to control you.”
Your mind flashed to Bucky. How Steve told you that they kept him. Brainwashing him over and over till he just became a weapon. You were not going to let them do that to you. You looked back at the boy.
“Can you help me get out of here?” you asked hopefully. The boy looked at you and said, 
“Well I’ve got nothing else to do.” You let go a sigh of relief. You were about to say something when you heard Yeager and Jennings walking down the hallway.
“They’re coming” You whisper, “ what do I do?”
“This base is small. All the people here are the only ones who know about it. They’re all going to be in the training room you’re being taken to. Wait till you get there, phase into the floor to the basement and blow up the heater. That should cause the whole building to cave in” 
You again don’t get to respond, as the two men finally get to your cell and unlock it. You walk out of the cell, head held high and allow them to lead you to the training room. Despite the look of confidence, you were dreading the next few moments. 
“So how come I’m the only one here?” you ask, even though you know the answer. The older guard looks at you and says
“You’re the only one who survived.” You fake a look of shock and look forward as if the news made you uneasy. And it did. It made you mad that these people didn’t care that they were murdering innocent people. They couldn’t hear the cries and the wails of agony these poor trapped souls emitted. In a way, it was ironic. Back at the tower, you were the poor soul nobody could see. And now you were surrounded by them.
Your heart, your heart is rendered Your loss, now bear the shame
This was the last straw. There was only so much you an take before you broke and this was it.
 Tony didn’t intend for you to hear it, but god did it hurt all the same. One phrase shattered your whole world. 
“You know Spiderling, your kinda like the kid I always wanted to have.”
An tense silence filled the common room. The first time in months you were able to see th eteam and they had to bear witness to this. Of course they did, who else would give you that stare full of sorrow and pity. You barely even noticed though. You were too busy looking at the “heartwarming scene.”
“that's such bullshit” Oh, how you wish you had a camera if only to capture the look of pure “oh shit” painted on Steve's face.
“What..what was that kid?” Asks your father. You turn to him, a fury in your eyes that nobody has ever seen.
Tony and Peter look at you in shock “Y/n..wha..what are you talking about?” Peter asks in a baffled voice.
“Oh eat shit Peter! You know exactly what I’m talking about! Do you not find it weird, that your new mentor spends every single second of free time he has on you and not with his daughter?? Or are you so needy for some sort of parental validation that you don’t even care??” 
Deep down you know it’s not Peters fault. Hell, you two probably could have been good friends if your dad wasn’t such a tool. 
“Hey kid, I don’t know what's gotten into you, but that was way over the line.” Said Tony in a stern voice. Your eyes harden.
“Oh, did I hurt your poor little spiders feelings?? I didn’t even know you cared about other peoples feelings Tony? Or is it just your daughters that you ignore ?”
“What are you talking about? I don’t ignore you, stop being so over dramatic.”
OVERDRAMATIC?? DO YOU REALIZE THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW ABOUT ME IS MY NAME??” You are now sobbing. “ Do you even know my favorite color? How old I am?” 
Tony looks at you, eyes wide.”Y/N...” You cut him off
“Just forget it. I understand now. I will never be important to you. Not like Peter apparently is. I just wish it didn't take me eight years to figure that out.” And with that, you run out of the room, tears running down your cheeks and ignoring the calls of your father, the team, and Peter. 
You run for a few blocks and cry in an alleyway. not the smartest idea but you were too upset to care. And as you cry, you don’t notice the dark shadow behind you before its too late and the world goes dark.
Like dead trees, in cold december  Nothing but ashes remain
The hydra base was now engulfed with flames.  Your body was tired from phasing through the walls, and your head hurts from those energy blasts. But one thing brings some happiness in your heart as you watch all the souls that were trapped there realize they are free. All but one, the white haired kid. He walks up to you. 
“So you did it.” He says with a smile. You smile back. 
“Yeah I did.  Thanks to you.”
“Blue suits you.” he says with a blush. You squint at him for a second and let out a chuckle. 
“Thanks” ,You’re both silent for a few seconds, watching the souls leave. You speak up again. 
“Why aren’t you leaving like them” You question him.
“I don’t know, I guess my time here isn’t up.” he says looking out at the horizon. You nod and look at around trying to figure out where you are. 
“So, what are you going to do next” he asks. Your body stiffens as you are filled with resentment.
“I’m going to visit my father.” You say, eyes glowing a neon blue.
You will remember my name.
A/N: HI!so this is my first ever fanfic! i hope anyone who reads this enjoys it!! Let me know what you think and what i can improve on!💕
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sommer-girl · 2 years
This Grief Has a Gravity | Danna
Anna hadn’t even known Eric, but she still felt sick to her stomach every time she thought about it. A tragic accident... How could a kid her age be here one moment and gone the next? 
It didn’t make any sense. Anna had cried when she received the email, and then she had felt silly, because surely plenty of people had it much worse, people who actually knew him, like Danny, who did volleyball with him... Which told Anna that, after many instances of Danny helping her through various crises, it was time to be there for Danny.
Everything Anna knew about loss told her that people cooked for each other when they were grieving, but Anna couldn’t really cook that well, so she just made Danny a stack of mini waffles and a mug of tea. She brought along her Bluetooth speaker, too, in case he wanted to listen to music, and an extra blanket. It all felt so inadequate. But Anna couldn’t do nothing!
“Danny!” Anna knocked on his door. When it opened, Anna felt suddenly shy-- totally out of her depth. “Erm-- I, well, I made you these.” She held out the plate of waffles. “Can I, erm, come in?”
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It’s A Hard Bump Life || Danny + Eric
The gym was quite sparse that afternoon. The inside of it, anyway. The sun was bringing warmer weather as spring had started to thaw away winter and it seemed everyone was going to enjoy it. The outside courts and equipment were the things in his demand, so when he and Danny got there the indoor volleyball courts were up for grabs. Eric didn’t mind since that’s where they usually were.
He set his bag down, doing the preliminary I’ve been on my feet all day stacking shelves stretching of his arms and back to get all the snap, crackles, and pops out. (It wasn’t that bad in comparison to the I’ve been sitting at a desk hunched over all day ones.) 
“Feels good to be back.” Eric snapped up the ball from the floor, spinning it around between his palms. He hadn’t been gone as long as he had since his leg (that had been torture) but waiting to get cleared from his concussion had felt like a lifetime since he was fine. 
“I was supposed to be back last week but apparently a doctor telling Grim that I was okay wasn’t good enough.” He rolled his eyes, tossing the ball up and hitting it over to Danny. “You get one minor concussion and suddenly the world has come to an end.” 
Of course, Eric had told Danny how he had gotten said concussion, but he didn’t think it was all that big a deal. Rockslide shmockslide, accidents happened. 
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
When You’re Ready Ch. 20
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x f! MC (Eleanor Bloom) x Ethan Ramsey.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Angst, PTSD, anxiety, suicidal thoughts.  Rated M
Taglist @utterlyinevitable @binny1985 @shanzay44 @choicesficwriterscreations  @starrystarrytrouble @lahellacute @lucy-268  @cinnamonspongecake @romewritingshop @freckles-spangledvampire​@mercury84choices​  @curiousconch​
Chapter 20. I’ll Stand By You
I'll stand by you
Take me in, into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
 Whatever cloud of anxiety and fear had been following her since she got out of the quarantine room, now it seemed in suspension. Right above her head, waiting for the proper moment to come back and shower her with the consequences, with the realizations that inevitably death brings in.
Her family was being like a dome, a bubble protecting her from hurt and pain, and from any damage she could do to herself with her mind. With her thoughts. With the memories, the guilt, the I-should-haves. She could see everything outside, wandering, waiting for any nook to sneak into, but somehow her family managed to catch them before they could reach her.
  No one had doubts that there would be aftermaths, that at some point she’d have to face them, but they wanted to delay it as much as they could.
Bryce had identified the anxiety she felt at the thought of being alone, so now everyone was attentive to not leaving her alone.  
Her mother had identified the guilt was slowly consuming her. It was the sadness in her eyes, her fingers fidgeting distractingly. It was sometimes just a mother's instinct.
But despite all the effort everyone was making, no one could stop what happened inside her head at night. Somehow, she felt like she was in that quarantine room over and over again. The same heavier sensation on her chest. The feeling of being scared and tired. Of wanting to leave. But someone was pleading her to not go, something was pulling her back to the ground.
When Eleanor went to see Rafael the next morning, it made everything worse, even if she was happy that he had survived.
He was fragile, it would take him a long road to recover, and it was all her fault.  Why she had to let him accompany her? Why she had to put him in such danger? Why she ruined his life like that when he had plans? When he wanted to start over?
The only thing she had managed to do was screw his future up. His life.
Verónica knew what was happening. She saw the pain in her eyes, the rage brewing inside her, she saw her knuckles turning white over her knees, her hands grasping the blanket over her tights, the imploring look she gave Rafael while he was speaking. She had seen it so many times. The guilty look. It wasn’t the first time that she was taking responsibility for something that was completely out of her hands. And it wouldn’t be the last time either. But she knew how to handle it. Mothers always know.
 As Verónica knew when she was feeling bad, she also knew the best ways to put her out of her misery, to distract her, to not let her mind sunk in guilty and self-deprecation. “Honey, is that true that Bryce braided your hair?” she asked, while she was combing her hair after returning from Rafael’s room.
She felt the exact moment her body relaxed at the mention of Bryce. Then, she chuckled, and a bright smile rested on her face. “Yes, he did. And I still can’t believe it.”
“I have to say he’s pretty good at it. It barely loosened overnight, and you have amazing waves in your hair now.”
“Heh. Please repeat this in his presence. Or not. He won’t shut up about it for a week.”
“He deserves to be proud of that talent. Well, more than a talent, this is a skill. A very useful skill. Now you don’t have to worry about doing your daughter’s hair all by yourself because he’ll deal with it pretty well. Maybe even better than you.”
Eleanor glanced back at her, flushed, “Mom!”
“Oh, sorry, darling, could be a son too, there’s nothing wrong with boys having long hair.”
“Well, maybe you don’t want to have kids, and that’s respectable, sorry for being too intrusive.”
Eleanor giggled, amused, “You really liked him, uh?”
“Is there any other alternative, Ellie? He’s too likable. Too charming. And he’s been an angel with you.  I don’t feel nothing but gratitude towards him.”
“He’s been amazing. Not just now. He has always been this way…”
Suddenly a knock on the door interrupted her, “Can I come in?”
Eleanor looked at the door where Keiki was standing with a mix of shyness and surprise, and for a brief moment, she thought she saw pain flashing her eyes, “Keiki! Yes, come in!”
The girl walked towards her and, in a surprising act, hugged her, “Ella! I’m so happy you’re okay!”
She had never done that before. Hug her and speak to her with such sincerity. The had become close by the weeks, but she never had shown any spontaneous affection towards her, not even to Bryce. “Keiki! Oh! Thank you. And I’m so happy to see you again! I missed you.” She said, her eyes glimmering with emotion at the gesture,
“Me too.”
Eleanor smiled at her and then Keiki looked at Verónica, standing at the other side of the bed. “Oh, let me introduce you to my mom, Verónica. Mom, she’s Bryce’s sister, Keiki.”
“Hi, Mrs. Bloom, nice to meet you.” She said, giving her a brief nod.
"Hello, Keiki, nice to meet you too. I’ve heard so much about you!”
“You have?”
“Oh, yes, Ellie has mentioned you lots of times! She says you're incredibly smart and sass and she loves spending time with you. Must be she misses the role of elder sister.”
Both girls laughed in agreement. Then, Verónica got up from the bed and walked towards the door, “I’ll leave you to it, girls, I’ll call mom.”
“Okay send her and Tata a kiss, please.”
“Sure, honey,”
“How are you feeling?” Keiki asked once Verónica closed the door behind her.
“Still a bit tired, but I can’t complain.”
“Bryce told me Rafael woke up this morning.”
“Yes! And he’s doing fine. Now we are waiting for Danny to wake up. You can go to see him too, I’m sure he will be happy to see you.”
“My volleyball buddy.”
“The biggest treason you could’ve done to you brother.”
“Oh, please. We both know how much he loved kicking my ass that day.”
“Well, yeah.”
Suddenly, Keiki chuckled, “You should’ve seen him yesterday at lunch. Freaking out.”
“Freaking out?”
“Yes, he told me he would meet your parents at night, and he didn’t know what to do, what to say… It was hilarious seeing him freaking out when… he usually doesn’t freak out with anything… Well, if not involves cooking, of course”
“Why didn’t I notice? To me he looked pretty composed when he came back.”
“Well, at home he was rambling, saying he would screw it up, wondering what he would do if they didn’t like him.”
“No way! He was really freaking out! I would’ve never imagined he would be nervous about that, I mean, he’s the King of Smooths.”
They both laughed, “He told me he wasn’t in that situation since he was seventeen, and… well at that moment the situation was very different because our dad was already in jail, so it’s understandable the bad experience.”
“But now nothing of that matters, he’s a very accomplished young man.”
“Now he’s Mister Imaginary Boyfriend.”
Eleanor snorted, “Oh god, he told you?”
“Yeah, he told me every second since he met your parents. He woke me up when he got home and had me until 3 am gushing about it.”
Eleanor and Keiki laughed and kept catching up and laughing for a few hours until the teen decided to visit Kyra and then Rafael, so Eleanor could have some rest.
The following days weren't very much different. Benjamin returned to Detroit, but her parents would stay in the city until she was discharged.
Danny woke up two days later. He’d have to remain in the ICU for a long time, but he’d be fine. Even if Eleanor had seen Sienna happy for Rafael’s and her recovery, just when Danny woke up she was the same Sienna again. With hope in her eyes, with the glimmer that characterized her kind and sweet smile. Her happiness was now complete.
The next day after Danny woke up, she was discharged, just in time to attend Bobby’s funeral.
The dome she’d been in the last three days couldn’t protect her from what was coming. Even if her parents and Bryce tried to convince her that she didn’t have to attend Bobby Gunderson’s memorial, she insisted that she had. That she was fine enough to attend.
Physically yes, she was. But the moment she set a foot in the memorial, Eleanor realized that emotionally, she wasn’t. She would never be.
It was so tangible how the dome started to vanish. How the pain, the guilt, the regrets, everything, was coming to get her.
And the guilt… the guilt soaked her to the bones.
Seeing the pain in the other person is painful. But seeing the mix of gratefulness and envy in the family is hard to manage. Because Eleanor can’t help but think that Bobby’s wife was glad that the rest survived but can’t help but wonder why her husband had to die,  why he was the only one who’s gone, why he was the only unfortunate. Why just him and not Eleanor, or Rafael, or Danny. Why she wasn’t as lucky as Verónica and Robert, who had their family complete.
 And Eleanor can’t blame her.
Why it had to be him when she was the responsible one? The Senator was her patient, she had discovered that Travis was poisoning him, she should’ve informed Ethan, and Banerji, and the police, and not deal with the situation by herself, let alone involve innocent people.
If someone deserved to die, was her. It was her fault what had happened. Mrs. Gunderson didn’t deserve any of the pain and sorrow she was feeling, nor her family.
The rest of the afternoon went in a blur. She lost track of time and space for periods. Sometimes she focused on the conversation she had in front of her, sometimes her mind wandered. Sometimes the guilt was too big she couldn’t think about anything else. Sometimes she couldn’t think about anything.
She wasn’t alone any minute. Whether she was with Bryce, her parents, or her friends, she was wandering through the service and reception like a wave in the middle of the sea, moved by external impulse, and not by her own will.
A couple of hours later, while Bryce and Eleanor were talking to Jackie and Aurora, her parents approached to say goodbye. They gave a grateful hug to her friends and thanked them for the umpteenth time for all they did for their daughter. Then, Eleanor and Bryce led them outside, where the taxi was waiting for them. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay here, sweetheart?”
Robert and Verónica gave her a worried glance. She was paler than when she got out of the hospital, and Verónica could read the haunting in her eyes.
Even if Eleanor knew her mom probably read her, she gave both her parents a reassuring smile, “Yeah, mom, don’t worry, I’ll be staying with Bryce and Keiki so she’ll keep me company while Bryce is working.”
“Okay, but if you need anything, please call us, okay?”
“I promise,”
Robert pulled her into a hug while Verónica did the same with Bryce, “Visit us soon, Sunny. You could stay with us if you’re getting bored here, you know? We will always be happy to have you."
“I’ll keep it in mind, thanks dad,”
“And of course you too, Bryce, visit us soon with Keiki, I’m sure she’d be delighted with the lovely spots that we have in Cincinnati to take pictures of.”
"Thank you, Veronica, we'll plan a trip for sure. Hope you have a safe flight."
Then it was the time for Bryce to say goodbye to Robert, “I know there’s no need, but take care of my Sunny, alright?”
“Of course, Robert. With my life.”
“Please call us if you need anything, if you need help or if something is happening with Ellie. You have our numbers now.”
“I will.”
Hours later, when they arrived home, Eleanor went directly to bed. Her head was bumping and couldn’t handle another word with anyone. Bryce decided to join Keiki in the living room and watch something on the TV. She’d been alone most of the day.
Now that she was out of the hospital, the idea of being alone wasn’t as hard as it was at Edenbrook. She was alone in the room, but there were people near. And Bryce’s room didn’t remind her of the attack, and she didn’t feel like someone would appear from anywhere and would threaten her life again.
In fact, now she was relieved of being alone, at last. Now she could let all her feelings flow.
Her mom had been filling her with questions, comments, and ideas to not let her think about the attack, and even if Eleanor was grateful for the help she had given her, somehow that just had made her accumulate things. Accumulate thoughts, feelings, anger, guilt.
She buried her face in the pillow and cried, anger exploding in her core like a balloon that can’t hold any more air.
She was so mad. With the world. With herself. Above all, with herself.
 She deserved misery, pain. A man had died because of her and her irresponsibility.
She didn’t deserve people worrying about her.
What was her purpose after this? Why had life decided that her life was more worthy than Bobby’s? How could she live with his death on her back? With the suffering Rafael and Danny will have to endure to recover?
It was all her fault.
She didn’t know how much time she cried, but after a while, she started seeing flashes of that horrid night. The night she should’ve died.
At first, it was calm. Bryce was lulling her to sleep. For a moment, everything felt fine. But then it was all darkness and pain, and a voice breaking the silence in the middle of the darkness, pleading. “Please protect her. Don’t take her away. Don’t take her away from me. Please. Please,” she could hear while a tight grip was pulling her by the hand.  
 She was floating in midair, tired, ready to go. Her whole body was aching. But the grip on her hand was like an anchor, it wasn’t letting her go very far. Something kept pulling her to the ground. She didn’t know what or who. It was dark.
But then she saw Bryce’s face over her, his arms around her, and he was sobbing incessantly. Tears spilling down his cheeks and to the window of the hazmat suit, “Please, stay with me, stay with me” he begged, pulling her life like a kite flying away in a storm.
“Bryce…” She tried to whisper, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t move or speak. She was exhausted. But she could see him, she could hear him.
She had never seen him like that. So broken. So… desperate.
It was in sorrow. Desolation. But it wasn’t real, isn’t it? It was just a dream.
“Stay with me, please. Babe, don’t leave me, please. I don’t know what I’d do without you, please.” She could feel the lump in his throat aching with every word. The desperation in his grip, the fear with every inch he pulled her against his chest. She knew it was a dream, but something about it felt so real. So familiar.
“Bryce…” She tried again.
“Please don’t leave me.”
She wanted to go. She was tired. She deserved to die. She was the one who should’ve died.
But Bryce didn’t let her.
“Elle, babe.”
Why didn't he just let her go? Couldn't he see the pain was too much? That she couldn't live with herself after what she did to Bobby?
“Babe… Love, wake up. Wake up.”
And then she opened her eyes and found Bryce, no hazmat suit, no tears, just a concerned look on his face in dim light, “Babe, what happened?”
She looked around, trying to distinguish where she was. It was his room. The lamp on his nightstand was turned on, there was absolute silence in the apartment. Bryce was sitting at the edge of the bed with boxers and a shirt on, his hair disheveled. They both had been sleeping.
“I was… dreaming…”
And as she remembered her dream, rage suddenly started to boil inside her. Unstoppable, unbearable. All the rage and guilt and anger that had been brewing inside her, was unleashed now that she knew it had been him, “Why didn’t you just let me go?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why you held me and begged, and prayed to keep me alive… When I was so tired and I…” Eleanor covered her face with both hands in exasperation, “I… I wanted to go but you didn’t let me, you pulled me to stay with you, but I shouldn’t be here, Bryce… I should be the one... I don’t deserve to be here”
Bryce’s face disfigured at her words and shook his head instantly, “Don’t say that,” his voice was indignant.
"But it's true. I'm responsible for this. Bobby shouldn’t have died. I should have. He didn’t deserve to die, I was the stupid one who thought I could deal with the situation…”
“Elle, you’re not responsible for this, the only one to blame here is Travis. He wanted to kill the Senator, he brought the canister. You just tried to save him.”
“But I… I did it all wrong. I should’ve called the cops, he was dangerous, I put everyone in danger… And an innocent person died.”
“And just for that you think you should’ve died?”
“I-, if there was someone that should’ve paid the price, that was me. Not Bobby, or Raf of Danny. I ruined their lives.”
“No, Eleanor. The only one who should’ve paid the price was Travis, and he paid it with his life. It should’ve been in jail, but he did pay.”
Bryce’s words made sense. But that didn’t stop her from feeling all the rage she had inside.
But the rage wasn’t actually towards Bryce, she realized. It was towards herself, for wanting to live, for fighting for her life and succeed, when she didn’t deserve it. Bobby deserved to live. “I don’t know. It’s just that… I can’t stop feeling guilty, all the time, Bryce. When I see Raf, Danny, suffering, when I saw Mrs. Gunderson, her daughter, all his family suffering, I feel terrible. I am responsible for this, and I’m here, alive, safe. I’m the least affected of all. I don’t deserve to be here when I brought so much pain with my actions.”
Bryce gave her a sad look as his eyes started to glimmer, then he laid down beside her and pulled her towards his body, “Babe how could you say that? You deserve to live. What you did not deserve was to die, to die because of some stupid psycho who didn't give a damn about anyone else but his revenge. He's the only one who should've died, and he did. Unfortunately, Bobby died too, but that’s not on you.”
Eleanor shivered at the feeling of his touch, of his comforting and soothing touch. She looked deep into his amber eyes and for a moment, things weren’t as horrible as it seemed. “But how… How can I live after this? What can I do with all this anger I have inside? How I stop feeling anger towards you for… For not letting me go? Towards myself for surviving?”
“I think that’s something you have to figure out with time, babe.  I know this is all dark and horrible right now, but with the proper help, it will get better. Soon you’ll understand that this is not your fault. Just don’t give up.”
Eleanor nodded, and then she nuzzled her face against his chest, his lips brushing her forehead as his arms enveloped her in a tight and warm embrace.
After a few seconds, she couldn't help but whisper, "Was it real?"
Eleanor parted from him a few inches so she could see him in the eyes, “What I dreamed? You really said those things and… held my hand… like you were trying to hold me to life?”
Bryce couldn’t hide the conflict in his eyes, how reluctant he felt about responding to her, but after a few seconds, he nodded, “Yes. I didn’t leave your side, and I didn’t let go of your hand for a second. I was scared that you would go if you… If you felt alone.”
 “Would have been that difficult if I had died?”
“How… How can you ask me that, Elle?” His voice broke all of a sudden, as if the last source of strength had crumbled inside him.
“It’s just… you were so desperate. I… I’d never seen you like that. I could have never imagined you could break like that.”
“I broke a lot of times that day, actually, but I didn’t want you to see me like that. I wanted to be strong for you, but at that moment… You were so fragile, so in pain… that the idea of losing you was… too much, more than I could handle…” Bryce sighed and wiped the tears streaming down his cheeks. Eleanor stroke his hair, looking pensive at him.
Then his eyes looked at her for a few seconds, deeply and thoughtfully, like he’d never done before.
It was with a vulnerability that had never seen in him, not even that night at the quarantine room, not even in the shower while she was crying her fears away, not even the night he told her about his parents and Keiki.
It was raw vulnerability, and not by chance or by the circumstances. He was choosing to show himself like that in front of her. He was opening a door that had never been opened. And it was heartbreaking. Her heart ached at the sight of it.
“Eleanor you… You’ve been the only person that has loved me… That has loved me for who I am. That has seen the broken pieces of me, my past, my mistakes and… and even still has kept loving me.” A shiver cursed down her spine as the words reached her ears, just as it happens when a heartbreaking truth is revealed. How? How this could happen? “Even before you said you were in love with me, you loved me like no one else ever did. Without judging, without wavering.” His voice was tremulous, his eyes threatening with tears again, but he looked so, so earnestly at her that for a moment she didn't recognize him. And in fact, she didn’t know him. She was meeting Bryce for the first time. The real Bryce. The Bryce under layers and layers of protection built over the years. The Bryce she always wanted to meet. Where she wanted to dive in.
Her brain couldn’t process such truth. She could’ve never imagined that no one… No one had loved him unconditionally. How? How so many people could miss him?
  “It took me years to come to terms with the fact that I lost my parents. I never did with my sister for some reason, and now she’s here. I always thought I’d be alone my whole life… But everything changed when I met you.  I could trust someone for the first time. I could love someone for the first time. That's why I was so scared at first when you met Keiki. Because it would've been extremely difficult for me to overcome our breakup in case you choose Ethan, or simply because you didn't want me. But then I chose to let you in… And… is it beautiful as it is frightening. The fear of losing you is worse.  I would’ve never overcome it if you’d gone, Eleanor.  That’s why… I was so… desperate. So hopeless, because I don’t know what I’d do if I lose you. You mean too much to me.” He couldn’t go on. The lump in his throat was too painful.
Eleanor pulled him into a hug and kissed his temple, “Bryce, my love… I…” She couldn’t continue either. The truth hurt too much. So she simply held him and pulled him towards her chest, stroking his hair, kissing his temple, letting him know that she was there for him.
 “I’m sorry, it’s just I… I can’t stop thinking about that day, about the moment I found out you were in danger, when I saw you there, scared. When… when you started crying because the pain was too much. I still hear your screams sometimes, and it breaks my heart every time I think what you went through” He shook his head, trying to suppress the memories but he needed to let all out. “And… I can’t stop thinking about the moment I held you in my arms and suddenly you felt so heavy that for a moment I thought you were…” He needed to say it. The word had been eating him alive all those days, and he knew he needed to say it to find some kind of closure, to face this idea with reality. "I thought you were dead."
But the reality was that she wasn’t dead. She was with him.
“I thought you were dead and I…” He held her like clinging to life. Almost like how she clung to him in that quarantine room.
You never know when the roles can be reversed.
For the first time in days, Eleanor felt thankful for being alive. Even if she still felt guilty about Bobby's death, at that moment she realized how much more damage would've done her death. The pain that could've caused her family and friends. The pain that could've inflicted in Bryce. How devastated he would've been. And she didn’t want that. He didn’t want more suffering for Bryce. She wanted her happiness.
So, somehow, somewhere between all that pain, all those fears, all those tears, and late-night confessions, Eleanor found some sense of purpose. A reason to stay alive, to stay positive, a reason to heal.
She knew it wasn’t a definitive solution, that at some point she would find her path again, her own sense of life, but right now, when all was dark and painful, Bryce was pulling her back to life again.
“But I’m here, I’m here my love, I’m with you. And I’ll always be, I promise.”
His love was saving her again.
A/N: This chapter was larger, but I decided last minute to cut it because I honestly didn’t want another chapter with more than 6k. Who knows if I’m going to keep my own promise next chapter haha
Thank you so much for reading! ❤
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The Sydney Entertainment Center (Demolished)
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Sydney Entertainment Centre (later known as Qantas Credit Union Arena) was a multi-purpose arena located in Haymarket, Sydney, Australia. It opened in May 1983, to replace Sydney Stadium, which had been demolished in 1970 to make way for the Eastern Suburbs railway line. The centre was owned by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, which administered the neighbouring Darling Harbour area, and managed under a lease.
It was one of Sydney’s larger concert venues, licensed to accommodate over 13,000 people as a conventional theatre or 8,000 as a theatre-in-the-round. It was the largest permanent concert venue in Sydney until 1999, when the Sydney Super Dome opened at Sydney Olympic Park. The venue averaged attendances of 1 million people each year and hosted concerts, family shows, sporting events and corporate events. It was demolished in 2016.
As part of a redevelopment of the Darling Harbour precinct, the Sydney Entertainment Centre was demolished in late 2016. The Darling Square residential development replaced the Centre. Replacement facilities were built closer towards the harbour surrounding the Darling Quarter and contains a larger theatre with a seating capacity of 8,000, an exhibition centre and convention centre that is expected to be the largest in the world. The opening of the new facilities occurred in late 2016.
It was originally to be demolished in 2013, along with the surrounding buildings, but was granted a reprieve. The final concerts were played by Cold Chisel and Elton John on the weekend of 18/19 December 2015. Demolition began in January 2016 and was replaced as an inner city venue by the nearby 9,000-seat International Convention Centre Sydney Theatre, as part of a $3 billion redevelopment of Darling Harbour.
In December 1983, Cold Chisel played its final Last Stand concert.
In April 1985, Queen performed four shows as part of The Works Tour.
Elton John has played numerous concerts there over the years, including eight dates in 1986 with an orchestra at Haymarket Arena. The latter shows were the last he performed prior to throat surgery. He has played 46 shows at the venue and was final artist to perform at the venue before its demolition in December 2015.
John Farnham finished his run of a record 76 concerts at the venue over three decades with a farewell gig December 16, 2015. He joked he got to take home the 6-foot entrance sign to the green room, dubbed ‘The Farnham Room’.
The Wiggles gave 84 performances at the venue, including the classic lineup’s final show on 23 December 2012.
In 1986, Dire Straits finished its 1985–86 world tour by playing 21 consecutive shows at the venue.
Also in 1986, Elton John performed the last leg of his Tour De Force with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra at the venue, playing 12 shows. Part of the last show, (performed on 14 December) was to be made into his next album, Live in Australia with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
Genesis played nine dates at the 1986 leg of the Invisible Touch Tour (25–27 November and 15–20 December). Some of the songs were performed with an Australian string section. Archives 2 – disc 2 holds a version of “Your Own Special Way” recorded at SEC.
Billy Idol performed here in September 1987 as part of The Whiplash Smile Australasian Tour.
David Bowie recorded his performances on 7 and 9 November 1987 from his worldwide Glass Spider Tour for release on video and CD at the Entertainment Centre.
In 1990 Belinda Carlisle performed her Runaway Horses tour at the SEC.
On 16 and 17 November 1990 Eric Clapton two sold-out concerts in front of 26,500 people during his Journeyman World Tour.
On 12 March 1994 Depeche Mode performed their last show from the Australian Exotic Tour/Summer Tour ‘94, as of 2015, it has been their last concert in the country.
Janet Jackson performed on 10, 11, 12 and 15 February 1995 for her Janet World Tour, and again on 16 December 1998 for her The Velvet Rope Tour.
American rock band Pearl Jam played two nights in 1995 (10–11 March) during the Vitalogy Tour, three nights (9, 11, 12 March 1998) during the Yield Tour and another three nights (11, 13, 14 February 2003) at the venue during the Riot Act Tour.
Two of The Beatles have performed at the venue, Paul McCartney for three sellout shows in March 1993, and George Harrison made a surprise appearance at a Deep Purple concert in 1984.
Gloria Estefan performed 4 shows in November 1991 for her Into The Light World Tour and on 10, 12 and 13 April 1997 for her Evolution World Tour.
On November 16 & 17 and December 17 1998 John Farnham, Olivia Newton-John and Anthony Warlow performed sold out shows as part of their combined nation-wide tour The Main Event.
Mariah Carey performed on 2 and 6 February 1998, for her Butterfly World Tour, a one off concert in January 2013, and again on 10 November 2014 for The Elusive Chanteuse Show.
Shania Twain performed there on 12 and 13 February 1999, for her Come On Over Tour.
The cream of Australian music, almost every major music act of the time, including INXS, The Angels, The Divinyls, Dragon, The Saints and Roger Waters performed two shows during his In The Flesh Tour on 5, and 6 April 2002.
Cher performed three shows during her Living Proof: The Farewell Tour on 3, 4 and 7 March 2005.
Kylie Minogue has played 25 concerts there, she finished her On A Night Like This Tour, after playing 11 nights there and kicked off her Showgirl: The Homecoming Tour in November 2006. On 20 March 2015, Minogue performed as part of her Kiss Me Once Tour.
Pop rock superstar P!nk performed (a then record-breaking) seven shows there during her 2007 I’m Not Dead Tour. In 2009, with her Funhouse Tour, in support of the number one album, she played a record 12 shows. She recorded her current live DVD at the SEC.
It also hosted international circuses and shows, such as Disney on Ice and Hugh Jackman's The Boy from Oz.
Billy Thorpe’s (Billy Thorpe & the Aztecs) Memorial Service was held here on March 4,2007. A crowd of 7000 family, friends and fans gathered to hear Speeches and bittersweet yarns from the musician’s friends and musical tributes came from Max Merritt, with a rendition of Slipping Away from Me and Olivia Newton-John with Over the Rainbow.
It was used annually for the Schools Spectacular, which features over 3,000 young performers from across NSW as well as the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge.
Asian pop legend, “God of Songs" Jacky Cheung on 1 October 2011, as part of his Jacky Cheung ½ Century World Tour.
In 2011 and 2012, it played host to the Sydney judges’ audition stages of the Seven Network singer search programme The X Factor.
In June 2013, the venue was host to four sold out performances of the Andrew Lloyd Webber Rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar.
In December 2013, the Centre was to host a Bon Jovi concert. It was the band’s first show in the Sydney Entertainment Centre after many stadium concerts across Australia.
In January 2014, Canadian indie rock band Arcade Fire performed the second headline show of its Reflektor world tour at the venue to a sell-out audience.
On 8 March 2014, American pop star Bruno Mars performed at the venue in front of a sold out crowd for his Moonshine Jungle Tour.
On 12 and 13 of September 2014, American rapper Kanye West performed at the venue for his The Yeezus Tour.
On 14 February 2015, Laura Pausini made her first visit to Australia with The Greatest Hits World Tour.
As a sporting venue, the SEC was best known as the home venue of the Sydney Kings who play in the National Basketball League (NBL) over 3 stints. The Kings moved from the smaller (5,006 capacity) State Sports Centre in Homebush in 1990 and remained until moving to the Super Dome in 1999. The Kings then returned to the SEC in 2002 and would enjoy immediate success winning the NBL championship in 2002–03, 2003–04 and 2004–05. The team remained until 2008 when they folded due to financial difficulties, but when the club returned to the NBL in 2010 they again made the SEC their home which lasted until the centre’s closing in 2015.
In 1995, the Entertainment Centre hosted Game 4 of a 5-game international basketball series between the Australian Boomers and the Magic Johnson All-Stars in front of a sellout crowd of almost 12,000 fans. Despite the All-Stars being a collection of former NBA players, and with Magic Johnson not playing due to a calf injury, the crowd was actually behind the All-Stars on the night. They were treated to a game that went into overtime with the All-Stars keeping their unbeaten record intact with a 97–94 win. Before the game Magic Johnson apologised to the fans from centre court for not being able to play and called the SEC "A good sized gym that they can be proud of”.
Other sports such as boxing, professional wrestling, tennis and indoor motor-cross have also been held. Australian boxer Jeff Fenech won a number of World title matches at the centre during the 1980s, While in July 2011, the IBO Cruiser-weight title match between Antonio Tarver and Danny Green took place at the SEC.
The SEC hosted the 1991 World Netball Championships, as well as games during the 1994 FIBA Women’s World Championship including all Finals games and 3rd place playoff game.
In the 2000 Summer Olympics, the SEC was the venue for volleyball.
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