#(well she's really sensitive to my moods - if i'm annoyed or stressed it stresses her out too T^T)
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Miguel with a partner that is the Deadpool of some Spidey’s world (not his) that snuck into HQ and nobody can seem to get rid of (not that most people want to, they love her, and Miguel is secretly one of those people).
Going off of what I know of the Deadpool movies (Idk much about the comics) She’s chaotic, Goofy, loves to drop innuendos and be a general pain in Miguel’s ass, but she has a hidden little sensitive side.
She also has a lot of scar tissue that she hides under her suit that she’s super insecure about (doesn’t have to be as bad as Movie Wade Wilson, but up to personal preference). Miguel has dealt with enough Deadpools to know about the scarring and is so patient with her, waits for her to be comfortable with taking her mask off and showing herself to him, and she’s so grateful and loving, and shows it by not completely screwing him over (she likes to hide his things).
When they first meet, Miguel finds her infuriating and has no idea how she got there or why, and nobody wants to fess up to letting her through. But she just hangs around Miguel and messes with him enough that he falls for her and falls hard. Man’s doing paperwork one day and realizes just how much he misses her pestering him and teasing the life out of him.
She’s reckless as hell, being able to heal as Deadpool, and will often try to secretly do Miguel’s job for him by taking on anomalies while he’s doing paperwork or lab work. It doesn’t go well and she still needs his help, but he’s happy to do so at this point. It freaks him out seeing her get hurt even if she heals, and he has to remind himself that she’ll be okay.
At the end of the day, she’s his reckless maniac, and he’s her big grumpy teddy bear.
Gotta include some spice though :)
On days she really annoys him she better brace herself though, that man has one way that he likes to de stress and that involves her bouncing on his cock until she’s a whimpering mess, begging for more but unable to move. He doesn’t have to thrust his hips in time with her bouncing, but where would be the fun in that? He wants to watch her fall apart, lose that cocky attitude (pun intended).
Sorry if this is a lot, I’m in a mood, and while I want to start writing my own stuff I can’t get any ideas I would be able to pull off 😅😅
Oh you guys love torturing Miguel and I'm here for it. A sassy and grumpy reader is just what he needs!
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karusenka · 6 months
!Matchup info!
Female, she/her, ExFJ 2w3, Leo
Full typology: ExFJ 2w3 269 sp/so SLUAI FELV
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I love to help others and make them smile. When my helping and gets unnoticed I might get upset because I just want to be appreciated. Like I said before I want to be noticed and not ignored! I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I just want to be selfish and care about myself sometimes even if it sounds mean. I also love being mentioned/involved in things, it makes me feel liked!
People call me funny! Well it all depends because everyone has a different sense of humor! But I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyful, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes) Like I said before I love to make people smile and laugh with my jokes and overall make them happy with my presence.
My humor is definitely not for everyone, it's mostly the humor of a 12 y/o kid which can be annoying to some people lmao (sometimes it's funny how people are annoyed by it) and some other things depending on how I feel. When it comes to annoyance I also like to annoy people, it's so fun! But I never want to make them really feel bad! I often act like an asshole but this is just for jokes! (but sometimes I just want to be a real asshole but then I will feel bad anyways-) Like I said I don't want them to actually feel bad, if I do, I will feel very guilty! When it comes to it I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. Ah and I'm pretty dumb and I am not trying to insult myself I am just silly hehe and I'm okay with that. Oh and Im very clumsy
People know that I am horny 24/7, like I said earlier I have a humor of a 12 y/o so there are a lot of sex jokes. I am very interested in nsfw things, kinks etc, I am the "horny" friend
Someone can be mad at me a bit and I would about to cry already. Cute things makes me also want to cry... Overall like I said I am very sensitive. I feel guilty about everything 24/7 even if I shouldn't feel guilty
I also have anger issues and its very easy to make me angry.
Its probably because of my mental health issues but I tend to be unmotivated to even do simple things. I often procrastinate and its very hard for me to start doing things
My biggest love language is words of affirmation, I would say "I love you" and stuff like that very often. The second one is probably physical touch, but sometimes I might not be in a mood but otherwise I love hugs and kisses!
I LOVE LOVE horror and scary things, I can't imagine my life without it, its just a such interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued! I adore horror games and I'm mostly interested in them, however most of the time I am scared of playing them so I just watch gameplays and stuff like that haha. You can say I am obssesed with horror! (its funny because its easy to scare me haha)
I love to eat food! especially sweet things
I also love cute things! Plushies, pink, clothes and other cute things! I just love it so much!
I like games very much (I suck at them), art, anime, drawing and psychology! When it comes to music I love energetic ones!
I also love voice acting and overall acting! People say im good at it :3 When acting I usually play comic relief characters. I can also make a "uwu cutesy" voice
I dislike slow music but there can be some exceptions.
I dislike cooking (I love when someone knows to cook however I suck at it
Around 156 cm height
brown eyes
chin length wavy hair with bangs
round glasses
My fav dynamics, tropes etc. (!cw dead dove!)
power imbalance, big age gaps, yandere x victim, abuse, noncon, opposites attract
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datingdonovan · 3 years
Hello Cece!! I just saw your new hq game and was thinking it i could join if its still open :)
My pronouns are she/her
Im an INFJ, 6w5 and a taurus, i would describe myself as an ambiverted because my mood changes a lot depending on the vibes i get from the environment, im also very independent but love to be with my close ones, i really like laughing too and im always trying to be nice to people, i also have a crackhead side and smile or cry very easily (im quite sensitive).
My relationships usually dont start bc i feel like something isn’t right, i have some trust issues and i need someone who is always there even if it’s bothering me but never pressures, the biggest red flags that cause me to not want to be with someone are 1. feeling too sexualised, 2. feeling pressured to things and 3. feeling that they don’t care about me, i tend to distance myself without realising so i need someone who is present and makes me feel nice about myself in all aspects
Neway, this game is quite fun and interesting since it makes you realise about how you feel and how you are so i really liked it!! I hope i did it right but if not please let me know through dm :) im also open for chatting anytime!! I hope you have a great week and please remember to hydrate yourself and stay safe <3
a/n: oh my word. took me a sec to think of who to pick but all I have to say is I feel like I have so many random vibes about this man that are maybe not canon compliant at all. I don't really know lol. but he is like, my comfort character ok???? and I feel like In my mind he really really does a lot of what you need and I just had this thought that he's it!!! he's it!! for you so here I give him to you take care of this boy <3 I hope you really enjoy!! im so glad you liked the game and thank you so much for your well wishes! come into my ask box anytime :):)
ok Elena I know it's been a while since you've felt comfortable enough to be with someone and I totally totally get it. I would NEVER try to set you up with someone unless I seriously knew he was a good guy, and I just feel like it's time. it's time for you to try dating again, and you need someone really safe to do that with. so... a little begrudgingly... im gonna get you in touch with my bff... koganegawa
I swear. he is the best. like, the best the best. like, I'm almost sad he'll be spending more time away from me if I set him up with you, but here goes nothing. okay, TOP of the list of why you two should be together: The man is the most easygoing, happy go lucky guy you will literally ever meet. he is so CHILL I swear he's literally so sociable and fun and kind and would never ever ever get annoyed or like frustrated if you were largely calling the shots on what you're comfortable with, the pace you want to go, etc. he's just so laid back he'd be cool with anything as long as it means he gets to spend fun times with a person he enjoys!! and FUN it will BE im telling you!! this man will absolutely indulge every silly and hilarious idea you have and he WILL crack you up on a daily basis. you can 100% expect him to be doing goofy antics with you and all your friends and enjoying every minute of it :):):) he's also super social and very very emotionally attuned to the people he loves, and I think a HUGE thing for him Is making sure that everyone around him is comfortable and having fun, so he definitely would take note of any nervous or stressed behavior from you and try to respond to how you're feeling without being weird about it. truly he just wants his s/o to be enjoying your time together as much as he is so whatever that means for you, he's willing to try it. oh my gosh I think you'd just love him I mean from the calm and comfortable and totally relaxed getting-to-know-you phase to the endless laughs and calming smiles and quiet low-key nights you'll share once you get closer to the totally attentive way he'll always take your feelings and your unspoken mood changes into account, he is truly THE GUY!!! I think you'd love him because he's always down to be funny and make new friends and try new things, but his way of interacting with the world is so welcoming and energizing like he is SO SO chill and stable and so OPEN to suggestions and new ideas and he has this encouraging laid back approach to anything that comes his way and nothing is gonna shake that openminded, open-armed, curious and awed way he lives his life. so like, he will match your energy when you're at your most extroverted and silly and carefree, but he's also soooo open and in tune and ready to help you and respond to your needs when you're feeling down in whatever way works best. like he'd be so fine if you need space or attention or you want him to try some different way of expressing his feelings like as long as you can communicate to him what you need and sometimes even if you can't he'll just figure it out lol perceptive MAN!! he will try it bc he just wants you to be comfortable and be yourself in everything you do including your relationship. never wants you to feel pressured or stressed about being with him. ugh he is a KING. anyway I love him. brb inviting him over to meet you now.
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sunaluvr · 4 years
Congrats on your 100 followers!!!
Can I have a male haikyuu matchup?
Mbti: ISFP-T
Some other personality description: very cold to new people but wild and weird around close friends. always act tough but actually very sensitive and cry baby and always bottle up my feelings. stubborn, determine and independent and always too afriad to ask for help because too scare to bother people. My mood changes really quick so I'm quick to lose my temper and get annoyed easily. Tend to run away from stressful situation because i can't cope well under high pressure situation. Will pour my heart and soul into a relationship even will change myself if it means they will "like me more". Get awkward and cringe at myself easily (even if it's just me having a music jamming session all by myself). Can be very very very clingy but I'm kinda bit tsundere
Love language: words of affirmation, physical touch, action and quality time
What i look for in s/o: loyalty, sweet and caring, protective/dominance, able to accpet every part of me
Hobbies: listen to songs, play video games, watch pro players stream playing video games or watch esport tournament
Pronouns: she/her
Random facts about me: very picky eater. Love wearing skirts and dresses. Tend to lose my temper and scream at my teammate in video game lmao. Always say weird weifd stuff when I'm lacking sleep even tho i can still function normally.
Fav place: i am not sure about fav scenario so i will just write out one of my favourite places which is the ocean. I went on a cruise trip once, and i literally just spent most my time sitting on the deck and looked at the waves and ocean and feel the wind and sometimes you will get to see jellyfish swim passed the cruise. And not to mention the amount of stars you get to see at night 😭
Thank you for doing my request!
ur v welcome anonie!!
i ship u with.. kuroo tetsurou ♡
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he's the biggest simp for skirts and dresses-
u wear that in front of him and he's gonna go 😳💣💥🪦
he helps u pick out which ones to buy
because he tags along when u go shopping fhkfjf
he says it's because the mall has good pretzels but rly he has fun watching u try new clothes on
thinks ur gorgeous and he's weak for you
always like "hmmm i think u should try on one more"
PLS he's not slick </3
you and kuroo have the kind of love where you can be ur authentic selves with each other
so there's no need to change yourself for this boy
i think he'd also be able to handle situations where ur mood changes really well and help calm you down!!
and he's not gonna let you bottle up your feelings
it hurts him to see you not expressing how you feel
so he's gonna make it 100% known that you can always come to him
no matter what's up, he's gonna listen and try to make it better
he also makes sure to let you be your own person
also!!! he takes u on night dates to the ocean
he brings a blanket for you guys to sit on :')
and he holds you so close while you listen to the sound of the waves crashing
n look up at the night sky
he gives u a little science lesson on the stars hfjf it's inevitable
headcanon is that one time one time u guys were having a jam out session and dancing n he shook his ass and was actually really good at it LMAO
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misophoniadiary · 5 years
Does misophonia affect yourself? There are times where sometimes if I'm stressed out the sound becomes unbearable. I explained to my mom about because she's a doctor and all she told me was that I have anxiety. She thinks that I should be annoyed by the sounds I make for instance. Humming, or chewing or typing. I don't know how to get her to understand.
I wrote out a really eloquent response to this and then it somehow got deleted so I’m gonna try my best to replicate it :(
My misophonia really does go along with my mood. If I’m super stressed out or tired I will not be able to handle any trigger noises. I feel like misophonia and just general anxiety both have sound sensitivity but in different areas. With generalized anxiety, it’s more repeated noises. Misophonia is solely soft sounds that usually go unnoticed. If I am very tired, I will absolutely snap if I hear a trigger sound. My misophonia causes me copious amounts of anxiety as well, and I’m sure other people will agree. But you can have anxiety without misophonia. Now I’m no medical professional and I’m also speaking as someone with misophonia so my information may be incorrect. This is just based off of my personal experience and conversations I’ve had with friends :)
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