#(yeah no shit)
thestarsarecool · 9 days
GEOFFREY: Do you think you were ever Paul McCartney's best friend?
DENNY: I don't know. I felt we were friends. Whether I was his best friend ...
GEOFFREY: Well, there wasn't anyone else who was around anymore, was there?
DENNY: No. But I mean he had his brother, he had his family.
GEOFFREY: Was he very close with Mike?
DENNY: Yes. But in an elder brother sort of way. I mean he certainly wouldn't spoil Mike, but he'd still buy him a car once in a while or help him out. I don't think they were the best of friends all the time. There's a competition there, but then you get that in a lot of families.
GEOFFREY: Personally, I think Mike is extremely talented and his McGear allbum was brilliant. I always look on that LP like a Wings album.
DENNY: Yes. Well, we all played on it. Paul was very much the main man there, the producer.
GEOFFREY: I don't quite understand why it didn't do anything.
DENNY: I know. That's always upset me as well. Let's put it this way: if Paul had pushed that like he did his own albums, it would have been big, and it deserved to be. Frankly, I was a little bit disappointed that Paul didn't get behind that. I think he mainly left it to Mike. We all know that Mike hasn't got his kind of money and couldn't have promoted it properly.
GEOFFREY: It's funny how he never drew Mike into the family business.
DENNY: Mike might not have wanted to, you know. There's that brotherly rivalry there.
Source: Geoffrey Giuliano Interview with Denny Laine, 1989. Transcribed in Blackbird: The Life and Times of Paul McCartney.
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anotherkindofmindpod · 4 months
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apocketfullofpoesis · 5 months
And so it seems I must always write you letters that I can never send.
Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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ultravioletrayz · 10 days
my mum and I went out yesterday (celebrating our respective sobriety and my upcoming birthday) and she insisted on buying me a supernatural calendar for 2025 💀💀
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totallyredacted · 1 year
can someone else please make raynebow content please im begging im in my joker arc i changed my pfp im lonely and tired and only seeing rajbow stuff and that’s it please i am so autistic about this i swear to god
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enomaru-k · 10 months
Wait a fuckin minute...
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oddstone · 3 months
Like no hate (but big judgment) to like the ppl who put Revy in extra scandalous get ups and have her coochie out like in fan art and shit. And before you get ur panties in a bunch yeah yeah yeah internet shit let people have their fun I get it. but like I hope you know in the back of your mind she would shoot u in the face. she would absolutely shoot a new asshole right between your eyes.
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konfizry · 2 years
abspolutely eveyrhtiung is fake in sylvarant the. theres a fake chosen running around scamming people theres a fake sacred relic that your dad made that you gotta use to scam some old fart, the guv’ner’s daughters fake also FAKE DESIANS????? we also got a fake summon spirit thats scamming people as well oh and the elves are fake and so is the sky meanwhile we’re paying Kratos REAL. FUCKING. MONEY.
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excalirebagel · 6 months
college pisses me off sooooooo much like 99% of all the stress and mental health problems and shit would be solved if they just added like… a two week spring break instead of one. Also add a fall break you sadists.
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novelist-becca · 8 months
Disney+ not translating foreign languages my beloathed 🙄
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victhesmallestclown · 24 days
everyone secretly hates me I fucking know it
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gender-euphowrya · 27 days
you turn on any french news channel at any moment of the day and you have a 90% chance on landing on a debate with a large banner saying "ARE MUSLIMS DANGEROUS CRIMINALS THAT WILL BRING RUIN TO OUR SOCIETY ?" and there's like 5 people speaking and none of them are muslim
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industrial-meat · 11 months
Whenever I read one of these "nobody wants to work" whinges in a trade magazine (which isn't often, on account of me only flipping through them at work whire I procrastinate on paperwork), it always makes me laugh bitterly.
Like, yeah, of course no-one wants to Work!
Who the fuck wants to come into an industry championed by clowns who brag about: 80-hour weeks, missing all sorts of family and social events, missing their kids growing up, working themselves to their absolute ragged edge of exhaustion on a regular basis, poisoning themselves with petrochemicals, or otherwise injuring theirself and just going "walk it off", working for erratic easily-angered clowns who turn everything into a screaming match (then 5 minutes later expect you to have forgotten all of that and be back to smooth sailing again), and having to spend a lot of money on tools just to be able to do the job in the first place
Is "this generation" going soft; or are they looking at an industry full of idiots who keep happily throwing themselves into the meat-grinder, and quite sensibly going "fuck that"?
These are all problems that can be solved, the industry isn't some magical special child; but unfortunately it's largely headed up by the sort of person who sees all the problems as selling points.
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janille23 · 4 months
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
listening to my sandray playlist like “wow this song is so sandray coded”
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ohhtobeagooner · 1 year
i’m curious. obviously ignore all factors such as money or contracts or competition if there were a free for all who would you choose
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