#(you can tell this is my first time drawing knockout and breakdown)
clownswithshoes · 7 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day <3333
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
HII I’m so excited to submit a matchup!! I’d like the MTMTE LL cons (or just anything besides autobots), and maybe Tfp decepticons? I love your writing..
Pronouns: any
Attracted to: all and everything
Zodiac: Aries if important
Appearance: long dark/almost black hair with bangs, same color eyes. I’m pretty lean and average height, always dress in dark clothing or neutral shades. Very into formal clothes, always dress like i have somewhere to go(i dont)
Personality: when meeting someone for the first time, I’m all awkward smiles, avoiding eye contact, and shy politeness. Ermm i tend to get attached to people to continue to look past that and continue talking to me. Anyways after being friends for a while, i get so much louder and more talkative, i like to annoy/tease my friends but will stop when they tell me to. Sarcastic, protective, loyal, and i also tend to make A LOT of jokes…sometimes during bad times. On the other hand, i can be quite irritable, gets overstimulated by my surroundings easily, awful memory, no motivation to do simple tasks at times, sensitive, sometimes does not know when to shut up. Stubborn AS HELL and erm,
Likes: all forms of art, fiction books, the night sky, quiet environments, rain, storms, loud music, spending time with people i care about, playing videogames, trying out new hobbies, having my own space once in a while. Love when people rant about their interests to me as well, like yes please keep talking
Dislikes: not doing anything for a long period of time, loud and crowded places, hot weather,
Hobbies: oh boy..drawing, writing, reading, tinkering with technology, coding, sculpting, 3d modeling, crocheting, storytelling. I also like collecting knives, rocks, figures, and toy cars :D
Pets: i have a puppy rn! I love him and he’s very energetic, sometimes cuddly, but very protective. Very playful and likes climbing on everything
Pet peeves: people that can’t take silly jokes…but also people that can’t take anything seriously. Need a middle ground! No communication/silent treatment habits, making fun of my interests or me in general. Treating me differently in front of others idk
I love your writing too, thank you! Sorry for only doing one of the continuities, but I’m not that far into MTMTE and just not sure who counts as a con/is a con. I’m matching you up with TFP Knockout!
After getting over the notion of having a human aboard the Nemesis, Knockout begins to admire you. The way you dress nicely, the colors you dress with, your hair, ect.
He likes that you’re shy at first, he can work with shy. It gives him room talk about the last human show he watched or what slag plan Starscream had the other day. However, Knockout wants you to ask questions so that he knows his rambling is appreciated (it isn’t by the vehicons he patches up).
He’s also sarcastic, stubborn, loyal and protective, Breakdown jokes that they have another mini KO on the ship.
Show him your toy car collection! He’ll love seeing different models and brands, colors, ect.
The medbay is usually very quiet, so you’ll spend most of your time with him there.
He would offer to take you to art museums, but until Shockwave fixes the human holoforms he won’t mention it to you.
Knockout can be a little bit dismissive about communication issues, but he will come around if you’re insistent enough.
He will never treat you differently just because you’re in front of someone else. Megatron? Optimus Prime? Unicron himself? He’ll still give you a little kiss.
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Optimus with an artist human s/o
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I must do the drawing is your always mood
But with art block half the time your chucking your shit out the window
He was there to actually pick up Jack, because Arcee was out on a mission with bulkhead you skipped class so you sat there sketching him, bee, and wheeljack
Couldn't get the grill right so you oh so casually went up and rubbed your hand against it
"Oh...so in....that looks right..."
Taking pictures for reference
"Can I help you-" "oh shit-"
It was just jack
"Sorry was taking refrence photos. Is this your truck?" "Uh...yeah..." "Can I get and interior shot?" "Maybe another day?"
Ayo Optimus not noisy but he kinda wanted to see them drawings
Turns out Arcee was out longer than expected and the next day you were there again and so was he because Jack was so nice and let you take some refrence photos of the outside you slipped a drawing through the open window with a thank you note and went about you way.
Hah. Not Knockout and breakdown thinking your an ally to the autobots and basically snatching you like they snatchin someones weave
"Ayo can I draw you-" "Bitch im litterally kidnapping you" "....okay so can I take some ref picks atleast? Please?" "...well shit you said please"
Not you having fun being kidnapped
"Damn I look good. Whats your name human?" "Y/n" "and why is such a fabulous artist with the autobots?" "The who?"
Oh. You- oh...oh shit.....
Not knockout dropping you off at your house and grtting your # ya'll buddies now
You despite being kidnapped for two days just show up again randomly and walk up to Jack.
"Yeah can I see the inside your truck no pictures no anything, just. Real quick?" "Sure?"
Oh shit your sitting in a transformer.
"Okay I know about your talking alien car that transformers into a huge robot"
Bam friends now now you go to the base everyday
Ratchet wasnt very Happy till he realized you were just extremely quiet. And YES he could work in peace
Often you sketch the autobots forms.
"Wow! Thats real detailed!" "Holy shit miko-"
You often let her go through your sketch book.
"This is a lot of-" "Shhhhh"
It was alot of Optimus: you dont know why to be honest it was like he your comfort person to draw
You've probably had every expression of his in your books, sketches of...well everything.
Mhmm those hip sketches somethin else dude
"I made my first art based Tarot card deck!"
Smokescreen realizes there based off them and is obsessed with his tarot card desgin (the sun card because come on its Smokescreen)
Optimus even compliments you on them and ask you about them you happily explain them to him
You tell him you based him in the Justice card and told him it was pretty explaintory
He told you he was honored that you seen him such a light, and there you go getting all flustered and complimenting him back
Arcee wants to know why shes the hanged man but your too busy being flustered
Now often he'll wander up behind you looking over your shoulder why you sketch away.
"What are you drawing today y/n-" "Ah! nothing! Nothing at all! Hah! Ha...."
Not more optimus hip images: they're just too fine not to draw
Despite being well Optimus he's very innocent and would simply see them as anatomy drawings
But they aint....you know that
For that reason: you refused to draw Optimus (or his hips) anymore and now your crying inside but tiding to have will power
HOT ANIME GUY POWER; drawing hot anime guys to leed your mind occupied but you just make Human Prime and your crying and screaming without the s.
Miko, knows because you forgot your bag at her house one time
"Damn man you got it bad." "I know..."
Luckily ratchet sees Vaule in your skills and ask you to draw out invention plans you say yes immediately
With Ratchet asking for help your around the base more often, sketching out plans for him
Which means you and Optimus talk alot more
He finds your conversations relaxing
You often fall asleep at the small table, after finishing plans and starting on your own work, usually homework
So that means he sees your litrle fifth grade crush drawings, you know with lopsided hearts and all luckily you know better to draw Human like alien robots in your notebook so he only sees the O + F/i surronded in hearts
He doesnt know why but now he's gotta talk to you more: its a now or never situation.
"Y/n-" "It wasnt me!-" "would you like to go home to rest?" "Um. Yeah that sounds great"
Optimus now drives you home everyday, and picks you up from school instead of you just riding with Bee and Raff
Litterally a dream come true on your part and on his part
Is it akward silence? Or do you both just think its awkward silence making it more awkward
Asking Ratchet to describe how the iacon archives use to look and sketching it out and giving it to Optimus
"Im not sure I got the file cases right. I had Ratchet describe the your world to me as best I could.
It was perfect to him, and he thanked you for it, it never leaves his glove box
Usually because your an artist your dressed in clothes that have paint stains, perhaps the back of your shirt is hand painted or your old converse.
Yet you had a presentantion you had to get dressed up for, for school, in a knitted pencil like skirt and a knitted sweater with some boots
He couldnt pick you up or drive you to school that day so Wheeljack went with you instead and Smokescreen picked you up
Not wheeljack bragging trying to get Optimus to confess that you look rather hot that day.
Turns out when Optimus returned to base he'd be blown away by your change in outfit.
"How'd it go!"
"All the energon secured. There was no doubt after all!" Wheeljack laughed, "Right Optimus."
You looked at him with such a big smile and eyes he only nodded with a smile
Wheeljack drove you home: saying the boss was tired and just like he had hoped you left your bag in his back seat
Now Miko and Wheeljack both have the power to tease you
Not Optimus seeing where you work and creating a holo form to go and see you
"Hm? Y/n?" The employee asked, "Yeah shes in right now there doing a study. Come on I'll take you there."
When he said study he thought idk maybe like with a book. Not figure studies, you know the ones where your naked
So he was not expecting to walk in with people surrounding you as you sat laid on a couch with a thin sheet covering your lower hips down, top bare and a hand propping your head up.
Poor baby had to stand there for twenty mintues attempting not to stare at you
But time was called and you got up going to dress again.
"Ayo n/n." "Hm?" "This guys here for you."
You only smiled hoping it was an art scout as you apologized for your current state and fixed yourself.
"Hello Im Y/n!" "I...I know..."
Voice sounded oddly familiar
"Do...I know you from....Wait a mintue!"
Pretty easy to figure it out, "stay there!"
He only listened as you rushed to your bag, flipping through the pages of one of your sketch books and lifted it up besides him.
"I believe Orion- would be a better choice sounds more human."
Your weezing; hes evern prettier as a human
"I had no idea...you could..." "its older technology but works well." "Ah... I see..."
Thank god for being 18...primus hes just so pretty
"Um...I have to go pick up my work bag...do you wanna come along?"
Not you guys having a moment in the locker room where you told each other your feelings.
Making out in the locker room super softly? Absolutely.
Making out in his Alt form? Even a bigger yes, especially if hes dropping you off at your house
But its best to keep it a secret
Miko and Wheeljack notices that the teasing doesnt get to Y/n anymore and Miko realizes you stopped drawing Optimus and some human guy now. What a bummer
They realize Optimus does seem to have a much brighter glow to him, and he always lightly smells like something fimilar.
*cough* your perfume *cough*
"Is Y/n okay?" "What would be the problem?" "Shes always in a daze these days."
It true, drawings and plans you offered to help ratchet draw out are completed but sometimes you dont even remember drawing them or the process.
"Hmm? Yeah....I don't really care....whatever you want Miko." "Um Im jack and Im asking for the science text book back." "What!? Oh- sorry!"
"Ah Miko! Isnt the world so bright today!" "Its raining outside Y/n-" "Lets go run in it!" "What-"
You've never been so happy, even around finals your kicking your feet like a schook girl
It causes everyone great fear,
Not Optimus sneaking out of base to help you sneak out of your house so you guys can go have fun in some forest.
Refused to go into your room, its your private space but you convinced him anyways and well...its chaotic organization.
You show him around, pointing out things to him that your super proud of.
Ends in you guys on your bed trying to be quiet as you laugh with each other.
Falling asleep in his arms for the first time is wonderful
Not he leaving a jacket behind for you to wear and you do just around the house it did have the autobot insignia on it after all.
Sleeping prime refrence photos if you wake up before he has to leave
Can dance surprisingly well, and he'll go dancing with you in abanded parking buildings
You couldnt find a more perfect boyfriend
Finds a way to go to every art gallery your in.
You often do peices based on the bots and there stories, like a verbal reference
Some of your paintings worry him: you always reassure him you cant always have a happy peice but your happy to have him
Old people think your both just the sweetest couple
Until your parents pull up and your not a couple anymore, you try and keep it a secret from everyone and ya'll manage
Your parents like him upon introductions that you are both friends
Your dad's actaully a greek philosopher, and gets along very well with Optimus, he did introduce himself as Orion after all.
Life is good for the both of you
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ezra-iolite · 2 years
Pirateformers AU: The Singer, the Doctor and the Warden
I've always wanted to try my hand at some pirate themed stuff, and after reading through some of @tigracespace's Pirateformer AU work, inspiration finally hit me through my writing block. 🤣
Tigrace's "evil trio" polyship really inspired this, so I hope you'll like this contender to their sneaky ways! But I promise, I'll get around to drawing them when I can, once I figure out how I want the human version of the "husbands" to appear in this awesome AU... But also because I'm just a better writer than I am an artist. 😭
For now, I'll do my best to make this as short as possible, since I know I have a bad habit of making REALLY long posts here. Hope you all enjoy this, and thank you @tigracespace for the amazing world you've created and one I hope to add to it with my land-pirating trio. Consider this trio the Team Rocket of the AU, the kind of annoying background presence who are just there to have some fun and wreck havoc. 🤣
All newcomers to those visiting shoreline towns and cities, be they merchants, seafaring folk or the common visitor alike, are all given the same warning upon entering the civilized shoreline for the first time... Beware the Mutheru Trio, the pirates of the shore and docks.
The mother hen and somewhat the leader of the trio is Asya Mutheru, a well known showgirl/singer amongst the regulars of shoreline based taverns and pubs who only works during the drunken hours after dusk, although she is only known during these hours by her stage name, Swiftwire. During the day, however, she'll either be recovering from her prior show/hangover in the tavern she'll be working at, or out and about dressed as a high-class gentleman due to the city based prejudice against those of her gender identity, taking on the name Andres to continue her public disguise, all while grumbling to her chaperoning "work friends" about how exposed and uncomfortable she feels dressed as a man.
Travelling alongside her on her late mother's old and small sailing ship, the Alstroemeria, are the rest of the trio and her husbands... The brains of the team, the high-class, fashionable doctor and former mass murderer Knockout, and the muscle of the team, originally hired to protect them but now turned a free convict and lover of the two, Breakdown. Together, they form the Mutheru Trio, sailing the seas to look for their next place for "Swiftwire" to perform under her husband's protective watch, seeking their next thrill for adventure, and a place to settle down and start a family, to grant Asya's deepest wish of being a mother despite her gender-based predicament.
However, when one of her husbands finds a good target for loot while on land... This is when she can fully embrace her true self, the real Asya; the claw-gauntlet wielding, thrill-seeking, flirty and athletic thief of nobles, banks and docked ships alike. Dolled up in her most glamorous dress and bejeweled wire bands adorning her dreadlocks, she'll begin the siege by being the seductive distraction to allow Knockout to sneak by and clear a path to the loot, before she'll make the call to summon Breakdown and let him rain hell on those about to attack her, and together all three will attack with flintlocks and blades raised to make their way through the remaining numbers to their prize. Be it the heavily guarded carriage of a noble, the treasury of a bank, or even an unsuspecting docked ship, not even a pirate is safe from their thirst for adrenaline and riches. And even when they are forced to flee empty-handed, they always take to the rooftops or dive into the sea with their laughter filling the air, never disappointed by their loss as long as they make it out together to tell their tale.
And should their eyes fall upon a legendary ship of cursed creatures, their shared thirst for adventure will surely lead them down a path of locked blades, a worthy fight between two giants, a dual of claws and fangs, and possibly an understanding to end their lifelong fight for survival and rights.
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Let's say Megatron wants to have his Bride and Knockout wreck him to Pit and back, but Bride is still feeling petty over the whole 'Knockout is pretty' incident. So when dear doctor comes fully prepared and with clear experience of what his liege likes best, the two of them get a bit... Competitive. ~G🏩
(what can I say, your KO x Megs headcanons have some amazing hardcore stuff💥 If you feel like it, go wild with the scenario)
Let’s do this, let’s fuck up tits mcgee up here.
*this WILL include rough shit. Maybe overloading in wounds, maybe a shock stick up the valve- I’m making it up as I go along. But this isn’t for everyone, this is what MEGATRON would want. You have been warned.
You could feel your vocal processor strain under your screams. You thought Megatron telling Knockout he was pretty was just him being an absolute dick bag. But no. Megatron had the gall. The NERVE to actually invite the medic to your berth. Knockout wasn’t even THAT attracted to Megatron. He just liked the big, powerful mechs giving him compliments and making him feel good. It’s why he just sat there and watched as you threw yet another vase at your sparkmate. This one hit him square in the chest, making him swear. He found you gorgeous while you were angry, but he knew better than to push it when you were in the throwing stage.
“You said I could invite ANYONE to the berth, so long as you were here too!”
“Not HIM! I’m a SEEKER, he’s a GROUNDER. You shouldn’t even be LOOKING at him!”
You threw a plate this time, barely missing his face. You were known for your tantrums, and while he found it stunning, he was also terribly fearful of getting too close. Hell hath no fury like a seeker scorned. You were looking around for something else to throw, before Knockout stood up, hands gently raised in hopes of getting you to stop, just for a moment.
“As much as I’m into watching a meltdown, why don’t we cool it down, just a bit? There’s no need to be jealous. Starscream is just as prideful as you, but even HE concedes that I’m pretty much a piece of art.”
You turned to look at him. This red tricycle actually had the nerve to say YOU were jealous. Your anger turned towards him now.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m saying there’s a reason why he wants him to frag him stupid. I’m gorgeous, I’m small, I’m quick witted, I can bring him to his knees in a sparkbeat- really stop me at any time.”
This ground pounder HONESTLY thought he could hold a candle to you. You couldn’t believe it. You folded your arms across your chest, arms perked all the way up, just in time to catch his attention.
“You think fragging him is just so easy, don’t you? It isn’t. He’s nothing but a hog in metal skin.”
“I just don’t think you know what you’re doing. Watch. Big M, on your knees. Now.”
Knockout suddenly brought out his shockstick, and jammed it right into Megatron’s bust. After a cry of pain, he was brought to his knees, lightly swearing. You were about to kick his aft for hurting your Megatron (as much as he deserved it), when Knockout grabbed a hold of his chin, forcing his gaze upon him, and him alone.
“Pay attention, my liege. I don’t want to repeat myself. Now, be good, and open up that panel for me.”
Megatron obeyed promptly, and you watched as his shockstick was used to slowly rub against his big spike. Knockout looked at you, looking almost bored as the warlord slowly grinded against the weapon’s end.
“See, you really think I can’t do what you can do. You don’t think I can’t be pretty AND fuck his processor out. And all without wings. Take a gander. He isn’t even looking at you. It’s funny, how I could be his little bride, all without the tantrums and rules. I’m the medic. I know exactly what his body needs. You wanna cum already, don’t you big M?”
He looked down at the mech on the floor, and he nodded furiously. You had your wings spread out and everything, yet, this medic had ALL of his attention. Knockout tore his weapon away, before slamming his pede right on that spike. Megatron threw his helm back in a loud swear, and he overloaded, right over his pede. You wanted to throw Megatron out like yesterday’s garbage. How DARE he overload so quickly and easily? Knockout snickered as he dug his pede into him, forcing more beads of overload to dribble out of him, all with him groaning in clear satisfaction. Knockout lifted his pede up, and pushed it towards his drooling face.
“Clean me. Now.”
Megatron held onto his pede, and like the slut he was, he lapped up all of his overload clean off his pede. He did so hungrily, eager to satisfy. Knockout looked towards you, and had the nerve to fan you away, like some service drone.
“Why don’t you go and yell at some Steves? I’ll take care of him. Clearly you can’t.”
You couldn’t believe it. Megatron even went so far as to KISS his pede once he was finished. And Knockout didn’t even look mildly aroused. That was when you had an idea.
“Alright, how about this, you absolute stain. Let’s BOTH make this loser overload. Then, once he’s all dried up, we’ll see who HE likes best.”
“Megatron admitting I’M the fairest con on board the Nemesis….what bragging rights. Alright, deal. Just don’t scratch the paint once you lose, ‘bride of Megatron’”
He snapped his servos, finally making Megatron stop with the pede kissing. You both decided that as your ‘guest’, Knockout could go first. Knockout helped himself to your berth, sighing as he sank into the sheets.
“Oooh that is some soft stuff right there. Megatron, buy me these pillows once we’re done here, Breakdown would love these.”
And you thought Megatron was a whore. Knockout was here, toying with another mech, while he already had a hunk of a mech at home, waiting for him. Greedy. Megatron looked over at you in almost permission, before Knockout jabbed his shockstick right into Megatron’s neck, really getting throughout his frame. Megatron turned to look at him. Knockout shot him a grin, and after exposing his valve panel, made a ‘come here’ motion with his servo.
“Get over here. Show me what the pits of Koan have to offer~”
Megatron didn’t even hesitate. He was on that berth like a fly to shit, and his spike was in him faster than you could say ‘slut’. Megatron thrusted into him in a hungry, forceful fury, much to Knockout’s delight. It was funny, despite the fact that Megatron was on top, Knockout was the one in charge.
“You feel SO good-”
“Less talking, more fucking me. Make your little bride jealous~”
He even had the ballbearings to shoot you a wink as he said this, right before Megatron adjusted his stance, and REALLY started slamming into him. It didn’t help that Knockout was not only smaller than you (making his valve smaller), but the fact that he was using Megatron’s back as a scratching post; tearing through his metal enough to draw energon. All while he threw his helm back and offered such loud, slutty (and totally fake) moans of ecstasy. All while Megatron was eating it all up. You couldn’t believe the ‘yes, fucking scratch me’, and the ‘shove it all in me, big mech’ you heard between the both of them. It was like a shitty porno. And Megatron was enjoying every second of it. The berth rocked from the force of his thrusts, fluids sullied the sheets, and drool dribbled down his tratorious grin.
“You’re gonna overload, aren't you? I can feel you fucking throbbing.”
“I am. I’m g-gonna overload, let me just pull o-”
“No no no. Go on, overload in me.”
You stomped your pede on the floor, damn near ready to tear his helm off.
“Don’t you overload in that waste of paint.”
Megatron hesitated, only to have Knockout chuckle.
“No no no. Overload in me. Come on, stuff me. It’s nice and tight for you. I know you want to.”
Knockout then managed to hook his pedes around his shoulders, and with a good, tight grab of Megatron’s aft, he overloaded. He didn’t even try to hide it. He swore, he groaned, held onto the wall and everything. All while Knockout snickered. With a snap of his servos, Megatron slowly pulled out of him, revealing a full valve, slowly spilling out fluids as he rubbed at his node. All while Megatron stood there, holding onto the headboard, panting in clear content.
“I do believe it’s your bride’s turn.”
“You….might have to give me just a second, dear.”
You wouldn't believe your audials. Megatron needing a BREAK? Knockout smiled smugly, spanking Megatron right on his node, all while meeting your optics.
“Aw, was I too much for you, big grey? That’s fine. You take your time. Nothing important you need to do anyway.”
You were going to kill him. Completely and totally.
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haus-of-wu · 4 years
in celebration of zhoumi’s starry night being released,
buckle in kids, here’s the crash course to super junior M (cue airhorns)
SJM (M standing for Mandarin) was formed in 2008, and was SM’s first group to directly target the Chinese(-speaking) market. Similar to the way other Korean artists had made debuts in Japan and released Japanese content, SM wanted to do the same but in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other Chinese-speaking markets. (yum capitalism)
If Super Junior’s original rotating/graduation concept was the predecessor to NCT, Super Junior M was the precursor to SM’s younger Chinese-facing groups, EXO-M and WayV. The key difference I’d point out is that SJM is perhaps the most intentionally multilingual in terms of their track releases; they always record a Korean version of their mini album title track, and Perfection also had a Japanese version. Meanwhile, EXO-M was separate from EXO-K at the beginning because they had two distinct groups of 6 promoting the same song in two different languages, while WayV only (so far) releases in Mandarin (barring the English version of Love Talk).
The original lineup consisted of Hangeng, Zhoumi, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and Henry. After Hangeng left SJ/SM, they added in Eunhyuk and Sungmin to round the group out to 8 members.
There was a ton of controversy surrounding the addition of Zhoumi and Henry, because they were not part of the original 12-13 members (RIP kyuhyun for not being part of Twins/Knockout LMAO) that made up Super Junior. K-ELFs were worried that adding new members would take the spotlight away from current members and hurt the group as a whole. This “conflict” was handled very poorly, which lead to SM drawing a line between Super Junior and Super Junior M membership. Zhoumi and Henry were officially confirmed to be SJM-only members, and would never promote with SJ proper.
Video/track list for the uninitiated, and for those looking for a trip down memory lane (I’ve mostly picked live performances bc the MVs and lyric vids are fairly easy to find) below the cut!
SJM’s discography mostly falls into two easily distinguishable buckets: the SJ funky sound (think Sorry Sorry, Bonamana, Mr. Simple, Sexy Free & Single), and (Chinese) ballads.
I was also noticing while compiling their signature songs that SJM’s lyric content is generally heavily centered around love and relationships
Super Girl
You’re my super girl, I’m your super man
He can’t see your beauty, the magic hidden behind your ordinary appearance
I’d do anything for you
If he says he likes you, he would wait on you even if he’s busy
(TLDR SJM said dump your subpar man who doesn’t give you the time of day)
Their OG title track that made me fall in love with them go feral in 2008 - it’s a bop. This video also gives us leader/center Hangeng.
(this is also the song Donghae was singing during that one clip where suju pretends to forget how super clap goes)
If you watch the MV, you get SNSD’s Jessica making a cameo appearance in the house party scenes.
It won’t do to be too rushed, love with shatter under (brute) force It won’t do to go too slow, so I’ll move at your speed
Just for you, I constantly give and I give Is it right for me to love you like this?
My heart keeps pounding, I want to see you My heart keeps pounding, I like you My heart keeps pounding, it’s all you My heart keeps pounding, I love you
Tell me you miss me Tell me you love me
I really have to thank Perfection for giving us the longest all-English rap in Super Junior history...even if the SM English is quite c r i n g e (it didn’t hit me till recently that Suju’s love for singing “boom” and “clap” started with Perfection)
something about this title track also makes me go feral (is it minor key? is it the ending verse/breakdown?)
My cold front breaks down for you All of my (facial) expressions reveal the way I worship you
Even if I’m covered in scars, I won’t mind if it’s for you
Maybe you think I’m too crazy (yeah you can call me crazy) In fact, I also agree with this (but I can’t stop loving you)
I specifically picked this performance because it’s the only one where they switched it up and sung the Korean verses with the Chinese chorus (VALID! because honestly...if you look up any of the Korean versions of their songs...they are very obviously subpar because the flow of the phonemes is clunky)
The general gist of the lyrics is a “cheer up, you can power through” message that’s fairly similar to Mr. Simple
The latest hit from SJM, all the way back from 2014, because SJM literally has not had a comeback since before Label SJ was an entity.
Even though it’s not my favorite track, Swing is important bc it was the first comeback they had a slew of Korean promos for (music shows, radio slots, variety show appearances), and they also placed first in China’s first ever music show broadcast.
Blue Tomorrow
By tomorrow, you will have left my side By tomorrow, I’ll be wishing on shooting stars alone Just like the ending of a movie
SJM also released a decent number of very on-brand love ballads. Blue Tomorrow is that lovely bittersweet breakup ballad you didn’t know you needed.
My Love for You
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, baby I’d give you whatever you’d want Wipe away your tears, the sky would never be dark I’d be by your side everyday
An A+ sappy ballad, 10/10 would listen to again (i’ve run out of video embeds so i’ll leave it to you to find)
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crystalconjunx · 5 years
Love your writing! Do you think you could do some tfp mega/orion pax nsfw? Im such a sucker for them pre-war 😩
Orion sat comfortably at the small desk Megatronus had found for him as he proofread the gladiator's latest speech. 
Today Megatronus was fighting his first offworlder. It wasn't terribly uncommon for offworld mechs to test their mettle in the Pits of Kaon, but Megatronus had only just begun to fight in the upper leagues. He told Orion Pax that he intended to become champion, and Orion had faith that he would succeed. But offworlders in the upper leagues were incredibly dangerous. They had weapons and techniques that even Megatron had yet to encounter.
Normally, Orion insisted on attending such important fights. He couldn't bear to watch Megatronus get hurt. Each of his challengers were deadlier than the next and this offworlder, Killer-watt, would undoubtedly be a nasty fighter— he was a murderer and a snake, known for killing his opponents even in low-level fights. 
But this time, Megatronus had asked him to instead begin helping him with his next speech. He insisted that it would be one of his most important ones yet and that Orion needn't worry about today's fight.
The archivist found it difficult to concentrate with the worry that consumed his processors, but he put his all into reading through Megatron's work.
It was full of wonderful, brilliant, world-changing ideas, just as much as his last ones had been. Orion's spark soared in joy as he sat down the datapad. Megatronus was an excellent writer and a revolutionary idealist, and Orion couldn't believe that he was the one who got to help him with his works.
He was finishing his final notes when the door to their suite pinged and two large mechs walked in.
"By the spires!" He shouted in surprise, "What is th- Megatronus? Are you alright?"
The gladiator was leaning heavily upon the frame of Breakdown, one of his brothers-in-arms as the mech gently deposited him onto the side of his berth, handed him a small package, and left.
"Megatronus! What happened? How badly are you hurt?" Orion asked, fretting over the gladiator's frame as laid down. The archivist could see a large, freshly-patched weld on the warrior's left leg and some savage denting along his right arm.
"I'm fine, Orion, though perhaps not in the best shape I've returned. The offworlder certainly proved a challenge. A challenge that I overcame, of course. Although perhaps at no small cost... I did not mean to alarm you, Orion. Knockout has informed me that it will take a few days for my nanites to repair my internal communicators."
"I am sorry that I wasn't there, Megatronus. I should have been. I-" the archivist said, trying to keep his voice calm and his optics clear.
"Don't worry about that, Orion. I asked you to stay home, remember? Did you get the chance to review my writings yet? It's alright if you didn't. I know you tend to worry."
"Of course," Orion said. "I wrote a few notes on my pad for you to check later. I think it will be a wonderful speech, Mega."
Megatronus smiled fondly up at him, but winced when he tried and failed to move his arm. Orion stepped closer and leaned down to kiss him instead.
"Would that I could hold you, my little archivist. You are a gift to me from Primus himself." He sighed miserably. "What I wouldn't give to have your touch. But know that your presence is more than enough, I promise you. I am glad to have you here with me, my love." He assured Orion fondly, giving him the safe, contented smile that the archivist knew was reserved for him and him alone.
"Well, Megatronus..." He began, "I can, I mean we could... If you were interested, maybe I could be the one to touch you?" He finished.
"Oh?" Megatronus asked, cocking an optic ridge at the unexpected offer. "And how might you do that, Pax?"
"W-well, I..."
"Don't explain it, Orion," he growled suddenly. "Show me."
Orion's fans kicked on at the dark excitement laced underneath the command. Either Orion would show him and go through with his idea, or Megatronus would likely risk re-injuring himself to find out.
The whole point of his idea was to prevent that, so he supposed he had no choice. He moved down the end of the berth and climbed up to straddle Megatron's hips.
"This doesn't hurt, does it?" He asked. He had to make sure.
"No, Orion, I'm fine," he said. "I'll tell you if anything hurts."
They both knew that to be a lie, but Orion took comfort in the fact that his hip and thigh plating appeared to be relatively uninjured. He just wouldn't be able to move around much.
"Open your panel?" Orion asked, already opening his own to reveal his own wet valve.
"Orion? Entertaining yourself without me?" Megatronus growled, engines revving as his interface panel shifted open and his spike pressurized between them.
"You left so early this morning, we didn't get a chance to finish what we were doing." Orion answered under the scrutiny of the warrior's optics, turning his head away as energon rushed to his face. "You just looked so handsome in your war paint, I-"
"A discussion for another time," Megatronus interrupted with another revv so fierce it threatened to knock Orion off of him. "Keep going. Please." He begged.
Orion quickly nodded and inched his hips forward— Primus, Megatronus never begged— steadying himself on Megatronus's uninjured waist before lining his valve up with the large spike and finally lowering himself down.
After they first began interfacing, it was a near painfully tight fit. Megatronus took great pleasure in teasing his calipers open, no matter how long it took.
It had paid off. The fit was still tight, but the stretch had become manageable enough that Megatronus no longer needed to worry about breaking him every time they interfaced. He could be harder, faster, rougher.
Now his calipers only twinged a little as each ring gave way to clutch around Megatronus's spike. In less than two kliks, he was fully seated against him.
"Orion, are you alright?" Megatronus asked through sharp, gritted dentae.
"Y-yes, I'm fine."
"Then move," the silver mech demanded with a small, impatient thrust of his hips. He hissed as obvious pain fired into his circuits.
"D-don't, I'll move." Orion promised. "Just hold still, please?" He asked, punctuating the request with the first roll of his hips.
They both groaned in unison. This was Orion's first time on top of Megatronus, and it was wonderful. He could control where and how the spike inside him moved as he raised and dropped his hips.
But this wasn't for him. Not this time.
This was for Megatronus.
He dropped down, bottoming out again and squeezing his calipers around the huge mech's frame. He began following a steady rythym: a few thrusts quick and hard, another set deep and slow and tight, but Orion found himself chasing his own overload before he knew it.
"Mega, Mega, so close-" Orion panted, scrabbling against the gladiator's paneling as he chanted the warrior's name again and again, riding him as fast and hard and he could manage. He had to make Mega overload first. He had to!
Then Megatronus's least damaged arm had managed to reach for him, a silent permission.
It wasn't the same like this, wasn't gentle touching and kissing and soft words, wasn't nearly as good as when Megatronus would come back from a good fight and frag him into the berth for hours until he cried for mercy.
It wasn't the same, but it was enough.
"Megatronus!" He cried, unable to stop his own overload. His calipers cycled down as charge skittered across their frames.
He felt Megatronus's claws on his thigh again, intending to pull him away. He pushed them off and started riding the mech again, drawing out a choked moan from the warrior as his valve began moving over him once again.
Blessedly, it didn't take much longer for Megatronus to reach his own overload. His vents roared as he shouted out Orion's name and fought to keep still against the calipers that clenched down on his spike as he filled the archivist with his transfluid.
Orion slid off of him, quickly closing his panels to prevent making any more of a mess on their berth as he made to get up.
Orion yelped when Megatronus grabbed him again with his less-damaged but still powerful arm and dropped him onto the berth beside him.
"You are too good to me, Orion," he said before pressing a kiss to the smaller mech's helm. "But just wait until I am recovered, my little archivist. I intend to pay you back tenfold."
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Raising A Sparkling Together (And Apart)
Chapter One
It didn't take long for Knockout to finish patching up the rest of the vehicons with Breakdown's help. They had just recently boarded The Nemesis and were instantly put to work. Knockout huffed and mumbled to himself about his finish.
"What was that, Knockout?" Breakdown asked from across the room, checking a restarting Vehicon's sparkbeat and energon levels to make sure nothing went wrong. Knockout really only kept him in the medbay for his company, the mech was obviously meant for field work, and Knockout couldn't tell if "field work" meant laboring or fighting at this point. The war had been long and tiring, Knockout could barely remember the last time he had been to a spa to get his finished touched up in the finest place in all of Cybertron. Ah, those times were nice. "Knockout? Knockout? Knockout, you in there?
"Hmm?" Knockout hummed absentmindedly, turning his head to his partner with dimmed optics. "What?"
"I was calling your designation for a while, Knockout. I was wondering where your mind went off to," Breakdown responded while setting a datapad next to the sleeping vehicon beside him.
"Aw, was my partner getting worried?" Knockout cooed while turning to face Breakdown completely. He rested against a nearby wall, careful of the finish. "Or are you too mechly to admit to such things, my lovely hunk of metal."
"I'd admit anything for you, mechly or not," Breakdown confessed while rechecking the vital signs of the resting vehicon.
"I know, that's why you asked me out first." Knockout said teasingly while strutting forwards, moving his hips back and forth slightly to draw attention to them. Once he made it right behind Breakdown, he rested his servos on his shoulders and pulled himself up to be leveled with his Conjux's audio receptors. "Isn't that right, Darling?"
"No, it's because you kept on teasing me—just like what you're doing right now—until I couldn't take the sexual tension and I fragged you." Breakdown huffed out before turning around and planting a quick but gentle kiss on the other mech's derma. "Anyways, you would've cracked sooner or later. I'm irresistible."
"Oh, I’m sure I would have, Breaky." Knockout said while rolling his optics and moving his hands down his conjunx's chest slowly, teasingly.
"I have no doubt you would have. Had I waited any longer I thought you would have jumped me in the halls, Knocky."
Knockout scoffed and went to respond before—
"Knockout!" Megatron yelled from the halls. "I swear if you and Breakdown are fragging in there again, I will not only take your buffer but break it!" At Knockout's quiet, "No!” Megatron continued. "In. Front. Of. You."
Knockout quickly pulled away from Breakdown but staying at his side. "I-It's okay to enter, My Lord."
Megatron seemed to almost hesitate before letting the doors slide open. He looked around the med bay suspiciously before straightening up and holding his hands behind his back. "Knockout, Breakdown," he started with a frown. "There's been a cybertronian pod landing nearby, you are to find it, and bring whatever is inside it here. Understood?" He growled out the last word and Knockout almost took a step back but stayed in place. Breakdown rested a servo on his lower back comfortingly.
"Understood, Lord Megatron," Breakdown responded with a nod. "Do you know if the pod is of Decepticon origin?"
"No, that is why I need you to retrieve whatever is in there. No matter the cost," Megatron said. His voice had a chilling edge to it that made Breakdown move his servo and tighten his grip on Knockout's waist. This was war, he had to remind himself. Anything could happen. To either of us.
"Got it, Lord Megatron," Knockout said with a smile as he bowed slightly. "We won't let you down."
Megatron muttered something along the lines of "You better not," before turning and swiftly leaving the med bay. Knockout was kind of offended on how quickly he wanted to leave, although he couldn't blame the mech. Megatron had caught them interfacing multiple times in the med bay, and those were just on the odd days that he had been in here.
And they'd only been on the ship for a week.
Talk about some sex-crazed cons, am I right?
Knockout released a breath he had been holding in and relaxed against Breakdown, resting his head against the bigger mech's shoulder and nuzzling against it. "Primus, Megatron is terrifying."
Breakdown wrapped his arms around Knockout's waist and lent down to nuzzle the top of his helm affectionately. "I know, but he's only in here to give us missions and get medical help. Which he doesn't need often, considering he's a massive War Lord who's been battling in the pits before that. He can handle himself."
"Says you," Knockout grumbled annoyingly. "Since I'm his new physician, he comes to me for the littlest problems," he paused to roll his optics. "Knockout, my arm hurts when I do this. Knockout, my pede doesn't feel right, check it. Knockout do this Knockout do that." Knockout groaned and threw his head back to look up at Breakdown with his anger filled optics. But not towards Breakdown, instead it was towards every time Megatron came in for useless things that didn't matter and wouldn't 'heal' with any help from a medic. Any medic would want to kill someone after all those questions.
Breakdown chuckled and simply held Knockout closer. "It's okay Knockout, you'll live. Now let's get going, the Autobots are probably already on their way to the space pod already."
Knockout nodded and they let go of each other to head out to the communications center. After a bit of walking, they both stopped in front of Soundwave. Who simply opened a groundbridge without speaking. Which, honestly, no one was expecting him to. The mech never spoke and everyone assumed he couldn't.
Knockout smirked before stepping through the groundbridge with Breakdown following beside him protectively. Once they made it through, they saw a small path engraved into the ground from the space pod. They glanced at each other and shared a knowing look. It was small, so it probably held an item rather than another cybertronian. Breakdown began to step along the path, with Knockout following after him closely. Once they made it to the crashed pod, they both look hesitant steps towards it. Breakdown's pedes were heavier than Knockout's, so Knockout went to the pod first while his conjux stayed slightly behind.
Knockout walked closer and noticed a scanner on the front of the pod, and rested his servo against it. He cleared his throat before speaking clearly. "Officer Knockout requesting access to escape pod B-18." When nothing happened, he rolled his optics and lifting his servo and setting it back down to restart the process. "Medic Knockout requesting access to—" he was cut off by the pod flying open. Knockout jumped back in shock as the doors flew open and paused to stare into the dark pod. He heard Breakdown step closer but he held his servo up to stop him. The pod opened when he used his medic title. Something was wrong, something was very wrong.
Knockout quickly stepped closer, his medic coding taking control as he reaching into the pod blindly. He gasped as his digits grazed against metal, and something pulled at his spark. It felt like when he and Breakdown had bonded for the first time. Something had made a connection to him, however weak it may be.
Knockout swiftly grabbed the object and pulled it out, and the second the object was pulled into the light he gasped loudly. From behind him, he heard Breakdown step closer and start the cannon on his back. Knockout pulled the object closer protectively before slowly turning to face his conjunx. He heard Breakdown gasp in shock as he turned off his cannon and changed his hammer into his servo again.
"I-is that a..?" Breakdown was cut off by Knockout shakily nodding. Sitting silently with wide optics staring up at him was a sparkling. A sparkling who just claimed Knockout as its carrier.
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kpoprambles00-blog · 6 years
CLC (씨엘씨) - No.1 (8th Mini Album) [COMEBACK REVIEW]
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2019 already seems to be the year of underrated artists finally hitting it big in some shape or form. It started with Chungha, and the trend has (thankfully) continued with CLC. These girls have been on the go for 4 years, and after the addition of two new members and a drastic concept change, they've FINALLY got their first music show win alongside some mainstream success. And it's about damn time, if you ask me! CLC have been a group I've kept an eye on since the start; I vividly remember listening to "Pepe" when it came out, and falling in love with Yeeun's rapping pretty much instantly.
But that was then - what about now? Does "No. 1" live up to the calibre of their past albums in terms of quality? Let's take a look and see!
This song is so good I couldn't wait to cover it - and I didn't! I've already talked about it in my winter comeback review. But every single point I made in that review still stands; "NO" is a fantastic dance-inspired track that shows just how far these girls have come. Every single member of CLC is at her most confident here, and it shows. It also helps that Soyeon's composition and lyric writing skills are excellent, and she managed to help create a super successful song for CLC. Good on her! Good on CLC too - I feel like they've finally reached their full potential with this concept, and I can't wait to see where it takes them in the future.
Since I've already talked about this song, though, I figured I'd draw some attention to a REALLY good dance cover I came across on YouTube recently! (Cause why not?)
[Unfortunately I can’t include the dance videos in this post because of the video limit! Here’s the link though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdMOU7zjWn8]
I've never heard of RISIN', and I'm not sure how popular they are, but if this is the standard they have in the rest of their covers, I may have a new favourite cover crew. And I'm someone that likes accuracy in cover dances - hell, it's why I like East2West so much. These girls are talented as hell, and I'll definitely be checking their other stuff out! 
Back to CLC, though. Now we're getting into what is (normally) unfamiliar territory for me. CLC have always been a group whose title tracks I've loved, but I never normally listen to their side tracks. That's a habit I normally reserve for my bias groups only. But hey, starting this blog has helped me broaden my horizons a bit; I listen to a lot of full mini albums and EPs now, including this one! So what do I think of "Show" as a song itself?
...okay, since when were CLC's sidetracks THIS good, 'cause if I'd had known sooner, I would've listened to them ages ago.
Like jeez. I wasn't expecting much from "Show", but after liking the short preview in the highlight medley, I got excited to hear the full thing. And aside from the bubbly/wub wub sound effect during the verses that I really don't like (seriously, who let 2012 Skrillex into CLC's recording studio), it's certainly an impressive song! It's got some real momentum to it, and it was the sort of song I heard potential in the minute it started up.
The melody is catchy, the choruses pack a huge punch, and all of the members sound fantastic. Especially Yeeun, and that's not just because she's my bias - I feel like she REALLY stands out here. Her raps have momentum in and of themselves, and when you pair them with a great song like this, everything comes together to make a damn good track. Eunbin's spoken adlib towards the end and Seunghee and Sorn trading high notes are probably my other favourite parts here - there's a lot of great elements to "Show".
The lyrics are... surprisingly sexy, actually. But what makes them interesting to me is that there's this strange sense of vulnerability in them as well - yes, this girl is confident, but there's a layer of delicacy underneath that most people don't see because they can't get close to her. They're very refreshing!
Before falling in my sharp gaze I want you to hold onto me for a little [longer] [...] Now in this feeling, [we can] be more honest with each other
What surprised me most about "Show", though, was that we actually have a choreography to look at as well! But is it as good as the song itself?
[Unfortunately I can’t include the dance videos in this post because of the video limit! Here’s the link though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSUhJC_0Wuw]
I'd say it is, actually. It immediately reminded me of Melody Day's routine to "Kiss on the Lips" - graceful and elegant, yet with a great deal of complexity hiding underneath. The formation changes are silky smooth, and it's honestly a really well put together routine! Every move flows into one another and nothing feels disjointed, which can be hard to achieve when you've got so many position changes. It's very impressive, especially for a side track - they didn't have to go all out on a routine, but they did and it makes me insanely happy.
Overall, "Show" really managed to surpass my expectations. Like I said, if I had known CLC's side tracks were as good as this, I would've checked them out ages ago! After listening to it for the first time, "Show" got me thinking - "if the rest of the songs on "No.1" are as good as this, I'm in for a treat!"
Yeah. Looks like I WAS in for a treat, after all. Let me just say that slow songs/ballads are not generally my thing; I'm much more of a fan of the upbeat, energy-fuelled title tracks. It's why I'm always so trepidatious when listening to an artist's side tracks. The ballads always tend to feel like letdowns to me. But I'm glad to report that that's not with the case with "Breakdown". Not at all, actually!
To sum up my thoughts, "Breakdown" is a GORGEOUS song. It's a smooth R&B track, which I wasn't sure if CLC would be able to pull off. But yet again, my expectations were met and surpassed almost immediately. This, to me, is what "Where Are You?" should've been - and I don't mean any offense with that! I like "Where Are You?" for what it is, but I really prefer this style of ballad overall.
"Breakdown" has a little bit of a sexy vibe to it, and it ends up working in its favour if you ask me. The shattering glass was a great choice as well, since it conveys how broken the relationship the girls are singing about has actually become. They're tired, and very much ready to move on - the song's slow pace conveys that excellently. On top of all this, the brief key change doesn't feel out of place or jarring in the slightest, and THAT'S a major mark of quality to me.
The lyrics are, as you'd expect, focused pretty heavily on a breakup. And yet... they're very impactful. You immediately get the sense that this girl has tried to change herself and her appearance to meet her partner's expectations. She thought that was the problem; what she didn't realise what was the relationship itself was flawed, not her or her appearance. Now that the entire thing is over and done with, she's finally able to rest easy. They're a class above what a song like this would normally have in terms of lyrics, and they're a really welcome surprise. A change of pace is always good!
I just thought I was tired of [my] long hair [I] just [cut] it off and [changed] the atmosphere Knowing that I'm different because of you, [...] I have nothing to say
"Breakdown" really sets the standard for what I look for in ballads. It's not just a nice slow song to serve as a change in mood for the album; it's got some real depth and interesting features to it. If these are the kind of ballads CLC are going to have, I'll listen to every single one of them if they're as good as this!
It's rare for me to like a side track more than the title track. When it does happen, I'm grateful for it nonetheless, but it's incredibly rare.
"Like It" is not only title track material for CLC, it's... honestly just as good as "NO". I like it even more than "NO", personally! "Like It" has got a huge sense of presence, and that's mostly thanks to the commanding bass and brass elements that are scattered throughout the instrumental. That little whistle melody is also incredibly addictive, and it just adds a cherry on top to what is one of my new favourite CLC songs. This is one of those songs that had my jaw on the fucking floor from start to finish, honestly. It never once falls into the trap of feeling overcrowded or messy, either - the choruses feel just right, and all of the instruments and elements of the instrumental work together perfectly. It's a real knockout for me.
The lyrics are nothing to gloss over here either! They're again very confident and kinda sexy, yet full of this sense of curiosity at the same time? They're very commanding, which is only fitting considering how powerful the song itself is. I like them a lot! (No pun intended.)
My greed is ample, [I'm curious about] this emotion You're one and the same - tell me, be honest [...] If you want me, don't stop
But as if THAT wasn't good enough as it is... we have choreography to look at here, too. WE'VE BEEN BLESSED, Y'ALL.
[Unfortunately I can’t include the dance videos in this post because of the video limit! Here’s the link though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJbDVjkgZTw]
Blessed, indeed. This is fucking great! Those choruses go way harder than they have any right to, let's be honest. Every move matches the song's energy and momentum beat for beat, and I really don't think I could ask for much more here. A fantastic song, some good lyrics, and a great dance? I'm very much happy with that.
I hope CLC come back with a song like "Like It" in the future, 'cause if they do, I'm there day one. This is one of the best side tracks I've heard in a while! 👏👏👏
To close out the album, we have "I Need U" - an uptempo dance track that's completely in English! That surprised me, honestly. Of all the groups to do an all-English track, I didn't expect it to be CLC; I mean, yeah, Sorn speaks English pretty damn well, but I wasn't sure if the other members would be comfortable with it. Yet here we are!
And hey, the song's not half bad either. It's full of some bouncy synths and guitar melodies that sound pretty good when combined together. I do feel like the choruses are missing a slight bit of punch, but that gets fixed within the song's closing moments thanks to some additional brass elements and adlibs. It's quite funky, which I like! There's a great sense of energy and catchiness throughout, and the song itself is a lot of fun.
The lyrics are pretty standard love song faire, albeit with some nice details thrown in here and there. They're pretty repetitive honestly, but that works in the song's favour. It's not meant to be overly complex or deep - it's just a good time. And I'm alright with that!
I got lost in your eyes from the first look It's a universe full of explosions Feel excited, we're rising, the earth shook
I feel like "I Need U" was honestly a great way to wrap up the album! It's a nice closer, for sure. And hey, when the album is as good as this, I was almost disappointed to see it end. "No.1" really managed to surprise me in more ways than one, and it has me excited to see what CLC will do from here on out. It can only be up from here, surely. My fingers are crossed for them - they were successful this time around, and I hope it continues! So long as we keep getting some good mini albums (or even a full album) like this, I can't wait to see where their success takes them.
COVER IMAGE SOURCES: CLC PNGs: PufffyCake on deviantArt Background: mycutegraphics.com No.1 and CLC 8TH MINI ALBUM logo PNGs: MissCatieVIPBekah on deviantArt
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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𝔾𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠 𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕨...
Fever Queen.
Fever Queen is the music and moods of Chicago-based songwriter Eleanor Rose Lee. On her debut album, The World of Fever Queen, Lee conjures up stark, psychy sounds and knockout melodies that cohere into a singular, one-woman vision of love, dreams, and hesitations.
Lee prizes emotion above all else. And through her work as a songwriter and adept multi-instrumentalist, she elevates life’s emotions into a vibrant, and palpable, psychedelic world. The World of Fever Queen is Lee’s intimate journal made into sound.
Fever Queen's new single ‘Night Vision’ is about 2.5 minutes of driving guitar/drums accompanied by Eleanor's melodic musings. We had a quick chat with her about the song, the album, her influences and more. Read the Q&A below.
Hi Eleanor! Please tell us a little bit about Fever Queen. Who/what influences your sound?
"Hi! Fever Queen is me, my guitar, keyboard, and drum machine getting weird in my room!
"Singer-songwriters are a big one for me because I think it’s powerful when just one person has the courage to amplify their thoughts on their own. I feel like that’s where shit gets the most raw. I’ve always been inspired by artists that have a lot of heart and honest, down to earth lyrics and I enjoy hearing a good mental breakdown on sound. One of my favorite musical artists is Lady Lamb. She’s got so much heart and her voice is so unique and guttural. Every time she opens her mouth there’s no doubt she’s giving it her all. I love Bill Callahan as well. He is such a mood and character and draws so much mystery. I’ve always listened to a lot of punk, so I love punk guitar and always crave good simple power chords. As a mid-westerner, I love the Replacements and their early stuff. Broncho is another band that makes me feel like I’ve died and gone to guitar heaven. Overall guitar is always the instrument that can get me the most amped up and feel like a 10 year old who’s had too much sugar, and I love that feeling. Vocal wise, I grew up loving musicals and singing in choirs, so harmonies and classic melodies have always felt really chilling and powerful to me."
You've just dropped your latest single 'Night Vision'. What's the story behind the song? What does it mean to you?
"So I’m really into the fact that your pupils dilate in response to darkness. It feels like a super power. I saw an astronomer speak once and the way she talked about space felt really poetic to me. She described looking at the night sky as “opening up” since the longer you stare, the more open your eyes are. She also brought up how when you look up at the night sky, you are actually looking back in time, because a big red star could already be burnt out and dead, and since its light takes a millions years or so to reach us, you are actually looking into the past. Taking that a layer deeper, I feel like night time has always made people open up. That’s why the best secrets come at slumber parties and people go on dates in dimly lit bars at night. Night time has this openness and vulnerability to it and I started thinking of night vision as being in this state of openness where you can see deeper into yourself than you normally can."
'Night Vision' is taken from your upcoming debut album The World Of Fever Queen. What can you tell us about the record? What was your songwriting process?
"This record sort of served as my home base in a time of my life that was full of movement and change. Most of it I wrote in 2019, but there’s a few old songs that had been in my pocket for a while that I came back to, ‘Night Vision’ being one of them. I lived in 3 different apartments in 2019, so like, a lot of physical movement as well, and I really enjoyed just coming into my little music nest and having that catch up time with myself.  A lot of these songs started off as voice recordings in my phone. I was walking down the stairs of my apartment when the ‘You, You’ melody came to me. I was pissed off about something and the melody of the teasy chorus I guess was my retort to dealing with that situation. ‘Gravities’ I started singing in the shower. ‘Demolition’ I was doing the dishes. When I sit down in my music room, I either have a phone memo melody I’m stoked on, I start fiddling with the guitar til I find a vibe (‘Charmer’, ‘Good Mistake’). Or I have lyrics I’ve written in my phone at some point that I love and I start with those until I can make something work (’Cerulean’, ‘Steam’)."
What do you hope listeners will take away from The World of Fever Queen?
"I hope they sit down and enjoy it all as one record and flow. I feel like every song is really different. I’ve had a hard time describing it genre wise. So I hope it keeps people on their toes and makes them excited to hear more."
Finally, what do you have planned for the remainder of 2020? I expect you're excited to tour the album when it is safe to do so?
"Touring safely still feels far away, so I plan to keep recording and writing, which is ideal. I definitely look forward to performing live at some point to see how the songs evolve in a group. I’ve always done everything myself, so I feel like bringing others into the mix and doing the harmonies with some back up babes would be really fun."
‘Night Vision’ is out now. The World of Fever Queen is out September 10 via First to Knock.
Photo credit: Eva Jenkins
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haus-of-wu · 4 years
i’m new to suju ( i started stanning them last year) so i don’t know much about them. what’s sjm?
buckle in kids, here’s the crash course to super junior M ( 📢 cue airhorns 📢 ) 
(but seriously thank you for entertaining my desire to literally never shut up about the group of talented idiots that have been part of my life for 12? years)
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SJM (M standing for Mandarin) was formed in 2008, and was SM’s first group to directly target the Chinese(-speaking) market. Similar to the way other Korean artists had made debuts in Japan and released Japanese content, SM wanted to do the same but in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other Chinese-speaking markets. (yum capitalism)
If Super Junior’s original rotating/graduation concept was the predecessor to NCT, Super Junior M was the precursor to SM’s younger Chinese-facing groups, EXO-M and WayV. The key difference I’d point out is that SJM is perhaps the most intentionally multilingual in terms of their track releases; they always record a Korean version of their mini album title track, and Perfection also had a Japanese version. Meanwhile, EXO-M was separate from EXO-K at the beginning because they had two distinct groups of 6 promoting the same song in two different languages, while WayV only (so far) releases in Mandarin (barring the English version of Love Talk).
The original lineup consisted of Hangeng, Zhoumi, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and Henry. After Hangeng left SJ/SM, they added in Eunhyuk and Sungmin to round the group out to 8 members.
There was a ton of controversy surrounding the addition of Zhoumi and Henry, because they were not part of the original 12-13 members (RIP kyuhyun for not being part of Twins/Knockout LMAO) that made up Super Junior. K-ELFs/OT13s were worried that adding new members would take the spotlight away from current members and hurt the group as a whole. This “conflict” was handled very poorly, which lead to SM drawing a line between Super Junior and Super Junior M membership. Zhoumi and Henry were officially confirmed to be SJM-only members, and would never promote with SJ proper.
I’ve always been OT15 - just because members came later doesn’t mean that the team doesn’t love them any less.
They’re all adults and capable of making lineup decisions themselves, so I honestly don’t know why “fans” get so worked up about individual members and whether they should or shouldn’t be in the group and etc. The ELF fandom can honestly be a shit show in that respect. Cue substitute-leader!Eunhyuk angrily scolding ELFs (and urging present supportive ELFs to record this ment and share online) during SS6 for their disrespectful behavior towards Henry and Zhoumi during their solo stages.
like literally in 2020 all I am asking for is to let Zhoumi come out of the basement and make music with his family g o d
Video/track list for the uninitiated, and for those looking for a trip down memory lane (I’ve mostly picked live performances bc the MVs and lyric vids are fairly easy to find):
SJM’s discography mostly falls into two easily distinguishable buckets: the SJ funky sound (think Sorry Sorry, Bonamana, Mr. Simple, Sexy Free & Single), and (Chinese) ballads.
Super Girl
You’re my super girl, I’m your super man
He can’t see your beauty, the magic hidden behind your ordinary appearance
I’d do anything for you
If he says he likes you, he would wait on you even if he’s busy
(TLDR SJM said dump your subpar man who doesn’t give you the time of day)
Their OG title track that made me fall in love with them go feral in 2008 - it’s a bop. This video also gives us leader/center Hangeng.
(this is also the same song Donghae was singing during that one clip where suju pretends to forget how super clap goes)
If you watch the MV, you get SNSD’s Jessica making a cameo appearance in the house party scenes.
It won’t do to be too rushed, love with shatter under (brute) force It won’t do to go too slow, so I’ll move at your speed
Just for you, I constantly give and I give Is it right for me to love you like this?
My heart keeps pounding, I want to see you My heart keeps pounding, I like you My heart keeps pounding, it’s all you My heart keeps pounding, I love you
Tell me you miss me Tell me you love me
I really have to thank Perfection for giving us the longest all-English rap in Super Junior history...even if the SM English is quite c r i n g e (it didn’t hit me till recently that Suju’s love for singing “boom” and “clap” started with Perfection)
something about this title track also makes me go feral (is it minor key? is it the ending verse/breakdown?)
My cold front breaks down for you All of my (facial) expressions reveal the way I worship you
Even if I’m covered in scars, I won’t mind if it’s for you
Maybe you think I’m too crazy (yeah you can call me crazy) In fact, I also agree with this (but I can’t stop loving you)
I specifically picked this performance because it’s the only one where they switched it up and sung the Korean verses with the Chinese chorus (VALID! because honestly...if you look up any of the Korean versions of their songs...they are very obviously subpar because the flow of the phonemes is clunky)
The general gist of the lyrics is a “cheer up, you can power through” message that’s fairly similar to Mr. Simple
The latest hit from SJM, all the way back from 2014, because SJM literally has not had a comeback since before Label SJ was an entity.
Even though it’s not my favorite track, Swing is important bc it was the first comeback they had a slew of Korean promos for (music shows, radio slots, variety show appearances), and they also placed first in China’s first ever music show broadcast.
Blue Tomorrow
By tomorrow, you will have left my side By tomorrow, I’ll be wishing on shooting stars alone Just like the ending of a movie
SJM also released a decent number of very on-brand love ballads. Blue Tomorrow is that lovely bittersweet breakup ballad you didn’t know you needed.
My Love for You
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, baby I’d give you whatever you’d want Wipe away your tears, the sky would never be dark I’d be by your side everyday
An A+ sappy ballad, 10/10 would listen to again (i’ve run out of video embeds so i’ll leave it to you to find)
🙏 But yeah! I’m gonna continue holding out for an SJM comeback in 2020. 🙏
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