#elita one x Chromia
clownswithshoes · 7 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day <3333
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driftsart · 2 months
I just thought this was funny, I'm sry 💀
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hello again! Second request, I do hope I am not bothering you! I was wondering about a Bayverse A.U. where original events do occur but all is better and no one dies- (Maybe with extra characters like the twins and others) I was suggesting perhaps the reader (maybe female preferably), an agent if you will, is shy in a way, but is very sweet and charming to those around them. Maybe if O.P. is quite interested in how the reader makes him feel happy and do you know the song "Cloud 9" by Beach Bunny?- "But when she loves me, I feel like I'm floating When she calls me pretty, I feel like somebody"
What if the reader calls him that and speaks to him in a gentle way when they first meet and everyone else on the team is shocked with the way they became friends and how they treat one another. Bonus with their reactions and Ratchet being too old for this shit!
Bayverse Optimus Prime Fluff X Shy! Sweet! F! Reader
Hope this is okay! If either story wasn't what you wanted let me know and I can rewrite them! <3
While you wanted to be in the military to help others, you were never too good at the physical aspect. However the military did see your high test scores and strategic intelligence, so they still brought you in. Eventually, after a few years of hard work, you were assigned to work with the Autobots.
When you were first introduced to them, you were a little shy but smiled up at them and introduced yourself. When Optimus greeted you, you couldn’t help but say “Nice to meet you beach bunny!” 
Your face lit a bright red as you realized what you said. The room got really quiet as everyone stared at you- which only made your embarrassment worse. You wished you could implode on yourself, before Jazz slapped the Prime on the back harshly. “ Nice, beach bunny! You’ve gone and embarrassed the poor girl.” He leaned down to you and held a digit out for you to shake. “Hey lil’ lady, I'm Jazz” 
You took his digit and smiled. “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you!” 
Optimus took a que from Jazz and also held his digit out. “I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. It is good to meet you.”
You nervously shook his digit as well. “I look forward to working with you, sir.” You did your best to maintain your composure at being able to shake this handsome mech’s hand- er, digit. 
After a few weeks past, you began to get more comfortable around everyone in the base- especially Optimus. You had just become the base’s sweetheart that everyone got along with- even Galloway.
Optimus often invited you on long drives, where you both would listen to music and talk about what had bothered you that day. 
No one really expected you to become friends so quickly with the serious Prime- especially Ratchet, Ironhide, and Jazz, his oldest friends. They were all super glad that their leader had someone that he could really open up to. He often tried to hide his darker emotions- but now he’s super open about it with you.
It was clear as day to Ratchet what was happening when the Prime came to him for advice. Optimus told him that he had feelings he couldn’t pinpoint for you. Whenever he thought of you his spark would flutter and he felt as if he were floating. He told Ratchet that whenever you complimented him for being handsome, or for his intelligence he felt like they were the only two in the world. 
Ratchet shook his head with slight amusement. “You love her. Why are all the young bots these days so ignorant to their own emotions?
The terrible twins and all of the other trouble makers of the base are super happy you’re here too- you keep the Prime calm whenever they cause trouble, like breaking something really expensive. You always scold them but it’s in a much more gentle way. Everyone’s also pretty shocked that they listen to you. They try to be on their best behavior around you so you’re not disappointed in them. 
Bumblebee wasn’t too happy about you coming around the base at first. He sees Optimus as a guardian or father figure, so he sees you similar to how humans would see a new step-mother. Eventually he couldn’t resist your gentle charm and warmed up to you. You were a shoulder to cry on for him, and someone he could go to for advice when he was too nervous to go to Optimus.
All of the femme bots would pull you away every few weeks for a ‘girls night’ where they would interrogate you about how Optimus was to date. They always wanted to know how romantic he was, or how serious in the relationship he was. Every time you’d get a look of pure adoration on your face that they couldn’t help put coo over.
When Optimus was killed by Megatron, you felt something in you die. You couldn’t believe what had happened right in front of you and Sam. You felt like you were frozen in place. 
Sam had to pull you away to the safety of Bumblebee’s cab.
You all went on a mission to save Optimus, and you were guilty of punching Simmons in rage a few times. 
The entire time Optimus was in the allspark, he was thinking about you. How happy you made him. He never thought that he would fall for anyone, let alone a human- but there he was. He wished so badly to just hold you one last time, to tell you how much he loved you. 
When he was finally revived, you ran to him. You begged him not to fight Megatron, but he just kissed your head. “I’ll be alright, my dear.” 
Between sobs you got out “You better, my beach bunny.”
While Optimus fought Megatron, you were on his mind. He knew he needed to go back to you in one piece. When he finally won the battle, he went back to you and scooped you into his hands. 
You made him promise to never scare you like that again, you couldn’t take it. 
“I promise that if I can help it, then it will never happen again.”
You smiled up gently at him, making him fall for you all over again. “You better not, or we’ll have problems, beach bunny.”
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flamewar05 · 4 months
I just graduated high school everybody, please hold your applause.
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As a bonus here’s some photos of some TF ships.
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flilisskywalker · 5 months
Moonracer: Commander One?
Elita: It better be important, Moonracer, it's 5AM.
Moonracer: What do you do when the bot you like is taller than you?
Elita: If you like them and they like you back, then you make it work. Size is not the end of it all. Believe me, trucks bots can be really cute.
Moonracer: Oh, hmm... he's a plane.
Elita: ...
Elita: Ask Chromia. She dated a bot who turned into a microwave once.
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minniethemoocherda · 1 year
Iridescent: Chapter 5
Summary: When Jazz is promoted to Head of Special Operations, the last thing he expected was to have to work with a face from his past.
A/N: So yeah sorry this might end up more of a slow burn then I initially intended... Xxxxxx
Prowl had spent most of his allotted sleep time re-reading the autobot code to see if there was a way to legally remove Jazz from his position.
Unfortunately short of treason, there was no way to remove a head of command without input from the others and as they were fighting to uphold democracy, Prowl had to concede to the votes of his peers, even if he disagreed with them.
Ultimately all his late night research had resulted in was a four hour recharge cycle. Which was even less than the six hours he usually allotted for himself which he had previously calculated to be the minimum amount of sleep needed so that he could ensure that he was using as much time as possible to attend to his duties. And now his functionality was below optimum usage which in turn had increased his stress levels, as his battle computer helpfully informed him.
Despite the late night, he was still able to arrive fifteen minutes early to the fortnightly command meeting.
For once he was not the first person there, as sitting in what was usually his chair with their pedes up on the oval table was the source of all Prowl’s current problems.
“Good morning Commander!” Jazz cried with a wave. 
Prowl didn’t have the patience hold back a cringe at the loud audio volume.
“That is my seat.” He told him.
“Sorry mech, didn't know we had assigned seating.” Jazz said, although Prowl’s processor was willing to bet that it was no coincidence that the spy had chosen that seat, if the times he had previously happened to coincidently be busking outside his old station whenever he was on duty were anything to go by. Which they were.
"Here ya are." Jazz said, graciously getting off the chair and offering it to him with a bow.
Prowl had learnt more than he would have cared to know about pranks from the twins to fall for that.
“Whilst do not have assigned seating, normally I would sit there. However, today I have decided to sit here instead.” Prowl said, pointed sitting in the chair next to him.
If Jazz had been about to protest, it was cut off as the rest of high command started to arrive. The spy quickly started up a conversation with Ironhide and within a minute, the gruff old veteran was laughing along with whatever tales Jazz was spinning like they were old friends.
Prowl watched as Red Alert skittered around the pair and scanned their usual seat for explosives before sitting down, one optic trained on Jazz. Prowl was glad that at least not all of high command had fallen for his charm.
Thankfully it wasn’t long before Optimus arrived by which point everyone had settled down.
Optimus blinked when his optics landed on Prowl. Prowl felt a twinge of guilt as he just released that he was sat where the Prime would often sit, even though he knew that Optimus would not be upset by it.
Instead Optimus' optics moved from Jazz to Prowl. For some reason that his processor, hadn't quite worked out the meaning of yet, Optimus was wearing a similar tired look to when Bumblebee had decided to pick a fight with some of the older mechs for no reason.
For the most part the meeting carried on as normal. It was their monthly briefing with the rest of command at the MacCadam's base so Elita-One, Ultra Magnus and Chromia joined them via holo-call. Prowl's mood was not improved by Chromia and Ironhide spending most of the meeting blatantly flirting even though he should have expected it by now.
By the end of it, not much had changed and nothing new had been learnt. Megatron was still a threat and Elita-One didn't have anything new to report. The only thing that had changed was the pain behind Prowl's processor which had gotten even worse.
He headed straight for his office when the meeting was over, not wanting to indulge in pointless small talk that he knew the others, especially Jazz would try to force him into.
However, when he got there, he found a package waiting on his desk. Once again, having learnt from previous experiences with the twins, Prowl was not going to entertain the idea of opening that.
He also made a mental reminder to book a meeting with Red-Alert to re-evaluate his office security as he put the package in his draw to be tested by Wheeljack later.
Prowl had barely opened the morning reports when there was a knock on his door. He had no meetings scheduled and if it was an emergency then someone would’ve hailed him over his internal comms by now.
His processor ache worsened tenfold when he opened the door to find Jazz standing behind it.
“Hey Prowler did you like your present?”
“I haven’t opened it.” Prowl stated.
“Saving it for a reward for when you finish all your paperwork eh?"
Prowl had no plans on ever opening that present but he did not mention that as Jazz continued.
“Anyway, I was just passing by on my way to the rec for mid-day rations if you wanted to join me?”
Prowl knew that his office was not on the way back from the rec room as he deliberately selected it to be as far away as possible. But again, he decided not to mention that.
“Sideswipe brings me my rations as part of his current punishment detail.” Prowl also didn't mention that by the time the Lamborghini was done chatting the audio receptors off everyone, it was usually half spilled and lukewarm but it was preferable to being in the rec room where the constant bombardment of noise irritated his battle computer and nobody wanted him there anyway.
"No worries! Maybe some other time then?"
"Maybe." Prowl replied, shutting the door before he could be roped into agreeing to a specific time.
Frustrated Prowl tried to finish his reports, but thanks his processor ache he kept falling further and further behind schedule. Until there was another knock at his door.
As Sideswipe was not due for another hour, Prowl ignored the request for entry, his processor having already provided a 87% chance of who was most likely at his door and carried on with his reports.
A few moments later, despite being locked, the door beeped open.
Prowl startled as the black and white form of Jazz strolled into the room.
“So I thought, I would save Sideswipe the trouble of getting your rations. Plus I added something a little special.” Jazz said, winking at the unnaturally purple liquid that had been adorned with decorative rust flakes.
“I do not drink high-grade during office hours.” The and neither should you went unsaid. Besides, the texture of sprinkles irritated his intake port.
"Your loss Babe." Jazz shrugged.
“Babe?!" Prowl exclaimed incredulously.
“Yeah mech, everyone is either a bot or a babe and you tall, pale and serious are definitely a babe.”
Prowl bristled as Jazz’s optics roamed his plating.
"If you drink that in front of me, I'll report you." Prowl stated, having to hold himself back from flipping his table out of the way and shoving the spy out himself.
Jazz took the hint, sauntering back out, raising the glass to his lips just as the door closed.
Prowl commed Red-Alert an order for new security codes.
Sideswipe came and went with his mid-day and evening rations and Prowl finally felt his fuel pressure return to near acceptable levels as he worked through his meal breaks to catch up.
Then there was a beep at his door as despite having got new codes, it slid open.
Prowl's fault pressure skyrocketed as Jazz once again waltzed in, this time with an electro-bass in his hands.
“Aww you just missed one pit of an impromptu party!" Jazz cried. "And since you missed our little shindig in the rec, I thought we could have our own private party here instead!”
Jazz had barely started strumming when Prowl marched out from behind his desk. Yanking the instrument from his hands.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Prowl yelled, throwing the base across the room.
A flash of emotion slashed across Jazz; faceplate as it crashed into the wall. It was too fast for Prowl’s processor to recognise it, but if he hadn't been designed to look for the details that most bots missed, he probably would not have seen it at all.
Prowl watched Jazz approached the electro-base. The spy knelt beside it, cradling the instrument in his arms like a wounded animal. With his head bowed, his expression was hidden from Prowl's view.
Prowl didn't know much about instruments but to him it looked as though one of the strings had broken. But what he did know was that on their barren wasteland of a planet the probability of them finding a replacement was near to zero.
Before Prowl could even think about what to say, Jazz left without even looking him in the eye.
Feeling himself slip into autopilot, unsure what else to do, Prowl returned to his paperwork, failing to force his brain to focus on his work in an attempt to not analyse the impending guilt.
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Being in a polycule with elita one chromia and arcee
hehehe dear lord that'd be interesting
That would be so interesting
The possible interactions would be so fun (for us) (perhaps not always for them) (but things always work out in the end)
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k----a27s · 1 year
Chromia and Ironhide shippers come get your juice! (Thought of this at around 10:35 P.M)
(While listening to this)
As someone who doesn’t really like canon ships in some shows Chromia and Ironhide are canon and i am a multishipper so Chromia and Ironhide start off as friends because they are both trigger happy and somehow after a rough start they end up civil. And when they got separated they didn’t realise their feelings yet but they did miss each other and no matter what they promised to always come back to each other. Chromia meets him again once on Cybertron and on Earth (for whichever continuity) and she says, ‘Hey there cannons, been a while huh?’ because I headcanon their interaction started off rocky because he accidentally almost offlined her with his precious cannons that she threatened to strip from him.
Then another conversation, ‘Good to have my best friend back’, she says as she looks at him.
He responds with a raised optic ridge, ‘I thought Elita was your best friend’ either that or
‘Damn, ’Hide. I surpassed Prime?’, one way or the other one of them says the best friend line first and the other responds in turn.
This hints to Camiens starting off asking their beloved to be their Amica Endura then Conju(n)x Endura. After a while, they ran to each other and embraced as the others were suprised at Ironhide hugging someone like his life depended on it. Then at their ceremony, they dance and kiss and he honours her with a dance as Camiens grew up dancing despite her disliking the ruling of her former planet. (I think she's secretly a really good dancer to get lost in her movements)
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Hello ^^ kind of new here saw a piece of your art in the Arcee tag and lost your art style is SO PRETTY and uhm I have like two questionsss
First question What do you think of the female autobots the ones led Elita I think there's Greenlight Moonracer Lancer Firestar and Chromia likely someone else I'm forgetting- tho if you don't know who I'm talking about pls just ignore this question :'D Second question what are the ships that you ship? I already saw your a Arcee x Hotrod/Rodimus shipper which I love :) but what other ships do you like/ship? This is way longer than it should have been I'm sorry TvT
Oh no! It's okay! Don't apologize, I love when people ask me things about Transformers ^^ and thank you so much for liking my art! I love drawing Arcee so much lol, I think I've done her over ten times on this blog so far.
So, to answer the first question, I've heard of some of the female autobots, Chromia and Elita 1, and a little of Moonracer. I like them a lot. I'm actually rewatching Transformers series and trying to delve into the comics so I can get some of their mannerisms and quirks to implement into my own AU. I love the different types of female bots, especially ones that lean into cultures like Windblade does.
Some of the ships I like are related to my AU and some aren't.
I like seeing Skystar or Jetstar, which is Skyfire/Jetfire x Starscream. But I also love a platonic fluff between them as well. Both are just adorable.
Like you've stated, I do ship Hot Rod/Rodimus x Arcee. I just thought they were adorable, especially since I grew up watching my father's copy of the Transformers: The Movie ever since I was 5.
Oplita, Optimus x Elita, is undeniably the cutest one I've shipped, and the most heartbreaking one at that too for reasons I won't disclose to not spoil my fic.
I like Megoplita, Megatron x Optimus x Elita too for the drama.
Starscream x Arcee is also a ship I've delved into here and I don't mind the dynamic, but it's situational to the continuity. I like tfp Starcee if I'm being honest.
Arcee and Springer in g1 was also cute.
Windblade and Starscream was also a dynamic I thought was interesting.
I've recently been seeing Jazz and Prowl everywhere and I think it's fucking hilarious so obviously I love that too.
When I first watched g1 when I was younger, I shipped Nightbird and Megatron together from g1. I still kind of do, but in a more.. toxic work boss and doll baby employee kind of thing. Like a more tame version of Megstar.
Wavewave or Shockwave and Soundwave interested me for a bit, but I doubt it would last much due to the lack of physical emotion from both of them. It would most likely be for strengthening power and transactional reasons.
I'll have to really watch more transformers media to look more into ships, really. But I'd love to hear your ships personally. I'm always open to learning what other people like.
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jazz-miester · 2 years
Just As Stubborn And Twice As Dense.
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Pairing: Knockout X Breakdown x Reader
Reader Type: Mech Autobot
Song: Sweet Dreams- Borns
Warnings: N/A
An: First time writing for these two. And a male reader. Killing two birds with one stone lol. After writing this I think I might actually make this into a few parts. We'll see.
Tags: @rawmeknockout
You were positive there had to be a million and one rules and regulations about this. There was no way there wasn't when there was a mech like Ultra Magnus with the Autobots. Honestly? You pretty sure that this would be the reason Ultra Magnus would quit.
It didn't help that your spark was constantly trying to outrule all logic to your processors. Nor did it help when the cherry red mech flirted in the middle of battle of all places.
Sure he did it to everyone. Even to Optimus. It was a good thing Elita One wasn't here. The poor mech wouldn't have been around for much longer and it would make a huge buzz kill for your dating life.
Granted. An Autobots dating life shouldn't include the enemy.
And despite all of that here you were. Neck deep in Vehicon blaster fire with the red devil himself.
"Come here often Sweetspark?" Oh you for sure were going to throttle him the moment you got out from under this energon crate.
"No." You spoke bluntly.Knockout lent against the cave wall. Tilting his helm and gave you a fanged smile.
"Really? And here I thought you snuck into Decepticon territory just for little ol me."  You gave another push upwards on the crate. The thing had been full to almost bursting before you had been thrown against it from a stray plasma shot. Your aching chassis was a testament to that.
"Y'know con? You could make yourself useful and lift this thing off of me." Knockout gave a laugh that had your spark fluttering. 
"And quit watching you use those strong arms of yours? No thanks. Besides, this is a fresh coat of wax, Mon Beau."
"Mon what?" Your helm scrapped against the stone floor as you tilted your head back to look at him. Just in time to see him wince from both the sound and the paint you had just lost.  
"I. You know what? Never mind that. I'll have Raf use the. The. Fragit!" You had lifted the crate a brief few inches before it came crashing back down. A hiss of pain left your lips when it hit your chassis. You were not a small mech by any means. And with your larger size came strength. But all that meant nothing with how low on energon you and the others have been. That's why you had risked coming down here.
Even the smallest amount of energon would have meant something.
A white face hovered over yours. Knockouts brows furrowed as he looked down at you. He tilted it to the left. Then the right. You swore if he look any longer he'd be able to start reading your very spark.
"You see somethin' ya like con?" At that he smiled.
"Oh. Very." Slag. There was a certain tenor in his voice that had your processors stalling. You gave another attempt at lifting the crates instead of thinking about the growing warmth in your chassis.
"Don't you have a conjunx? Don't think he'd take it kindly that your flirting with an Autobot." Frag it. The blasters fires had went silent and clearly Knockout wasn't going to kill you or help you.
"Hmm?" Two clawed servos press at the side of the crate above your helm. "Breakdown yes." Knockout looked down at you. His lips curled into a grin that reminded you of the look Chromia would give Ironhide before they'd ditch on you for at least four hours. 'And believe me, Mon Beau. He doesn't mind very much."
The crate hovered above you chest and you took that moment to push as hard as you could.
The crate went flying to the left of you. Hitting the stone floor with plume of dust that had you reseting your vents a few times.
A quick roll had you on your knees. Servo pressed to your chassis as you took in just how badly you had been hit. You heard rather than saw Knockout hiss as you stood up.
You stumbled backwards as your processors rebooted to keep you upright. You looked like slag twice over from helm to ped. Every inch of your paint job had been scratched in some shape way or form. You were full of dents and dings. A few stray plasma burns had already half healed from your nanites. The worst was your chasses. Energon sluggishly drained out. Staining your grey servos blue.
"Slag it ta the pit n'back." You muttered. With Knockout very much being the last thing on your mind at the moment you sat back on he crate you were previously under.
You jumped when White servos pressed at your shoulders to get you back.
"Watch it con." You pulled his servos away. You ignored the fluttering your spark gave at you being this close. And a very familiar stirring of heat when you realized just how much your servo engulfed his.
"I am a medic you know." Knockout made a swinging gesture with his free servo. You let his go after a moments thought.
Knockouts digits brushed around the burnt armor. Tutting and fussing as he bemoaned your ruined paint job.
"Y'know? I planned to throttle ya when I got out from under that thing." He gave a hum and began quickly cleaning debris out of your wound.
"My safe word is crystal." Of course it would be. You couldn't help the soft chuckle that left you. Or the sharp yelp when he dug just a little to deep. Knockout pulled back a bit of shrapnel that had been the bulk of the problem. You chassis went from a sharp pain to a dull rhythmic ache.
"Why are you helpin' me?" The question slipped before you had fully thought of it.
"Do I need a reason?"Knockout asked you. Pulling away after he had plastered some temporary mesh bandages to your chassis.
"Being my enemy? A little." Knockout held a servo to his chassis. A soft white against a cherry red.
"And here I thought we were becoming friends Mon Beau." Again with that slagging word. You cursed the fact that you were to far down to access The Google as the kids called it.
"Hardly." You voice was flatter that the wild plains of Praxius.
"You wound me." Knockout was quick to clean his servos off with a rag he pulled from his subspace. He was also quick to eye you up and down as he did so. "Then again. I shouldn't have expected much out of an Autobot. " Ouch.
The two of you were quick to turn your helms when another mech spilled out from the open hole the you made before coming down here.
"There you are Knockout. Been looking everywhere for you." Breakdown. You were quick to pull yourself up a bit higher. Sitting up straighter as you flexed your hand. Waiting for the moment you would need to turn it to a blaster.
Knockout really had no intention on hurting you. Breakdown on the other servo.
"See you've finally cornered Y/n. How's that going for ya?" Knockout waved a servo before turning away from you to walk to his conjunx.
"About as well to be expected. The mechs more stubborn than you were. And about as twice as dense."
"I'm right here." You spoke mostly to yourself.
Breakdown laughed and you found yourself looking away when the two shared a tender moment. Every warning bell in your head was firing off at once when you did this. A millennia of war and battle having long since drilled into you never doing that to your enemy. And certainly not when you were injured.
You looked back after a few klicks. Glancing up and down as the two looked at you. Then each other. It was obvious they were talking through their spark bond. It ended when Knockout smacked Breakdowns upper arm then left through the gaping hole in the wall.
Breakdown sent you a look that had you leaning back. Everything that had happened this cycle had went against everything you knew about the Deceptions and then some.
"Primus mech." Breakdown shook his helm. "Despite you being an Autobot we like you. As in "Hey. Be my conjunx like.". He pointed a thick digit at you. "And yes i'm telling you that because I overthought that when Knockout told me. I don't expect anything to happen." He gestured above your helms were the battle once was.
"But your a good mech. Even if your an Autobrat. As long as your with us nothing will happen. Just." He looked to where Knockout had left. "Don't hurt him."
After Breakdown had gone it left you with more questions than answers. Often you were lost in thought after coming back to Base.
How would that even work?
Was there anything else like this in the history of the war?
And what in the frag did Mon Beau mean?
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eashgirl · 6 months
Ship bingo for transformers : what are your takes on MegOp, IronChrome and Starblade?
Ooh sure MegOp
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These two are a package deal one can't exist without the other but I don't really ship either of them with anyone romantically to be honest, I get the appeal but I don't ship even Optimus with Elita I'm neutral towards that ship as well,so this is more of a ship I'm completely okay with reading in fanfiction I just don't actively ship it
But if it's MegOpLita then maybe
Chromia x Ironhide
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One of my first tf ships actually it's just generally so wholesome, gives married battle couple vibes, you just know they spar with eachother(or just have an overall great time beating up decepticons)for an ideal date activity, probably not a hot take but I want to see them appear as a couple again in any series.
And Windblade and Starscream
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I'll be real here this ship has potential but I have a very specific dynamic for them in mind and if anything goes outside of that dynamic I don't think I would've liked it as much, I liked the whole thing with IDW where Windblade unironically inspires Starscream (who's kicking and screaming the whole time)into being a somewhat better person while she also gets influenced by him. They bring out the best (and worst)in eachother but logically speaking it would take mad writing potential for it to actually work in anything canon without being toxic
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kagebros · 2 years
So I’ve been adding more to the Optimus Prime screenplay and so far I’ve added these things:
more TF women, Elita One, Moonracer, Firestar, Chromia and Greenlight all are a squad stranded on Cybertron and have a full length scene
Elita One x Optimus Prime divorce scene real
Clint Faireborn and Haley Chase are characters and are a fun duo
Megatron and Optimus beat the shit out of each other
Dockworker Optimus is real and canon and referenced many times
Elita One x Orion Pax actually being a couple together on screen
Andddd that’s all the updates I have so far for the Optimus Prime solo film.
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randomthefox · 1 year
My list is complete:
Sonic x Optimus
Tails x Bumblebee
Knuckles x Ironhide
Amy x Arcee
Cream x Ratchet
Vector x Jazz
Espio x Prowl
Charmy x Wheelie
Big x Grimlock
Mighty x Snarl
Ray x Swoop
Bean x Sludge
Bark x Slug
Honey x Windblade
Shadow x Barricade
Rouge x Slipstream
Omega x Brawl
Blaze x Elita One
Marine x Chromia
Silver x Ultra Magnus
Gmerl x Hot Rod
Fang x Breakdown
Jet x Starscream
Wave x Thundercracker
Storm x Skywarp
Eggman x Megatron
Metal Sonic x Soundwave
Orbot and Cubot x Laserbeak and Ravage
Hardboiled Heavies x Terrorcons (Abominus)
Sage x Shockwave
Infinite x Lockdown
The Deadly Six x Constructacons (Devastator)
Eggman Nega x Galvatron
The End x Unicron
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ut-girl666 · 3 years
Ironhide: Femmes, when you get mood swings, do you want some space, or-
Optimus, lovingly smiling at Elita behind his mask, head rested on his hand: -or do you want our attention?
Chromia and Elita in perfect unison: Yes.
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flilisskywalker · 3 months
Tumblr media
Some of the Autobot couples from my Transformers AU
Elita and Optimus. The story of a warrior with a dark past who fell in love with a dork.
Moonracer and Rodimus. The story of a nerd who pretends she is not in love with a scoundrel.
Chromia and Ironhide. The story of two best friends who fell in love during their time in the Elite Guard.
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minniethemoocherda · 6 hours
Across This New Divide
This will be a Masterpost to links of all the Transformers fanfics in my Across This New Divide series. All of them are set within the same continuity, with Iridescent being the main fic. But each fic can be read individually. They are set in a mostly G1 inspired but non-specific continuity. Ao3 and FF.net links are bellow but you should be able to find them on my tumblr blog as well if you search the tag Iridescent. I hope you guys enjoy them! Xxxxxxxx
Iridescent When Jazz is promoted to Head of Special Operations, the last thing he expected was to have to work with a face from his past. Ao3 FF.net
Give Me Reason If Red Alert could go to their therapy sessions for Inferno, take their medication for Inferno and be willing to die for Inferno, then the least they could do was to try going to one of his stupid Chess Club games for him too. Ao3 FF.net
Five Times Sunstreaker Didn't Tell Bluestreak What he Wanted to Say, Plus One Time that he Did. Sunstreaker wasn't sure if Bluestreak remembered their first meeting. To be fair he could barely remember it himself. But what Sunstreaker could never forget, was the beauty of that smile. Ao3 FF.net
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