#* bella swan \ interactions.
Going to be completely honest here, but the twilight saga should have started and ended with just twilight
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i very honestly and wholeheartedly love the fanon interpretation of emmett and bella as 'the chaos twins' and i will always need more of them™
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lunastwilightblog · 1 year
Bella: Was that really necessary?
Edward: Well would you rather I’d have let you die?
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mvndrvke · 7 months
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@wastheheart : i’m here, nothing can harm you.
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“It’s not me I’m worried about.” Bella looks down at Maria, curled up asleep in her arms. She’s so small. She’s terrified any little movement she makes will break her. She listens for a moment to her daughter’s heartbeat before she looks at Esme. “I’m so scared I’m going to do something wrong. That I’m gonna’ raise her wrong, or something bad will happen and I don’t know what to do. She’s so little, Esme.” She looks back at Maria. “I don’t know how to do this.”
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empathiie · 2 months
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain | Bella & Doom.
"I think self defense classes might be a good idea for me," Bella thinks aloud, "Though I'm not sure that classes would save me from vampires. Probably just from other humans."
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mcrcki · 11 months
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she was already the villain, already being blamed for things that she had never actually done, and victoria was tired of it. she was tired of being played as a villain when she was only acting on instinct. but after she'd lost nearly everything, she decided there was no fun in trying to be anything but the villain. coming across bella at this point, eyes nearly black from the lack of hunting, when she was ready to give up on trying to be anything but the monster she knew they all saw her as... the opportunity was too perfect to pass up. "darling little bella. what a surprise." she purred, stalking up behind the woman as closed the distance between them. "don't be shy, turn around and look at me."
@lavendaers for bella swan ( prompt 11 - one character gains control over the other without meaning to. the person under their control is incapable of doing anything other than talking without explicit commands from the other person )
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fearlessmuses · 11 months
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🩺 ───── he could understand she was figuring things out, of course she was. it was something of a large adjustment to get use to being a vampire. to the bloodlust, the powers, and everything else. it was complicated to say the least. he wished to provide bella with anything andeverything he could to help. because not only had she become a vampire and joined their family but she also became a parent, a mother and he imagined that weighed heavily on emotions that were already complicated enough. "is there anything i can do for you, bella? to help you?"
@denydefeat ♥ for a starter from carlisle cullen for bella swan
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nightwhispcrs · 7 months
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she'd known of course that the entire cullen clan would be at this event ; it was one of the reasons irina almost stayed home . but she'd forced herself to attend anyway and not let the cultish family that she'd once been a part of rule her life . even still , seeing bella in the flesh for the first time hit a little harder than the rest of them . "bella , we don't have to do this . you can go your way , and i can go mine . i don't really have the energy for another cullen lecture tonight ; i want to enjoy my holiday just like anyone else ." / closed starter for @empathiie
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lavendaers · 11 months
@bcrncoldx bella swan for carlisle cullen 2. after coming around a corner the corn stalks grow higher and are covered in a thick layer of blood that drips on characters as they pass through. it is difficult to see but it appears as though there might be bodies on the top of the stalks. the smell is thick in the air and stains are unavoidable.
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bella looked around, the confusion settling in as a smell filled the air that she couldn't quite name. "sorry.." they started as they walked forward, "do you smell something?" they questioned, walking around the corner but froze the moment they felt something drop onto their face.
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ner0ticmemories · 8 months
hit the like if you want an interaction with : bella swan
memes, one liner starters, starters, etc.
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theirdiaries · 1 month
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[ diana silvers ] i just saw that ISABELLA "BELLA" SWAN arrived in mystic, ct ! they're TWENTY-ONE and a CANON character from TWILIGHT. however, you might want to check first because while they've been here A YEAR they DO NOT BELIEVE they have been here their whole lives. make sure to make them feel right at home.
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mvndrvke · 7 months
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@wastheheart : ❛  i'm here, nothing can harm you.  ❜ (for Bella?)
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Bella nods, gaze remaining fixed on the ground even as Esme speaks. "I'm not afraid of becoming a vampire," she murmurs. "I'm not afraid of the Volturi. I want to become a vampire. I'm just scared that if I do, Edward will hate me. Then I'll be alone. I feel like I always end up alone."
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empathiie · 2 months
@mastcrmiind | Bella & Riley.
"Riley? Is that you?" Bella asks -- a dumb and obvious question, she recognized him instantly. Of course she did, after what he had done. Still, she felt bad for him. "Are you okay?"
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wvsteria · 8 months
rosalie hale & bella swan @empathiie
"walk with me." rosalie offered bella before walking outside. it was a bit chilly but nothing too bad. "how've you been here? anyone messing with you?"
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roshale · 1 year
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     ROSE HAD made her boundaries clear ; there was nothing to be done , now , about the fact that bella was a vampire . her eternity had been determined , despite any relentless warnings . but rosalie was blunt about her feelings -- and her desire to be as uninvolved as possible . the rest of her family would be jumping at the chance to answer her questions , so why bella still chose to come to her was an enigma .      of course , there was the obvious reason . rose , out of pure loyalty to her true family , had offered to accompany bella on her hunt that afternoon . she was one of the best choices , given her level of self control , though had expected the rules to stay the same .      ❛ a year , most likely .  ❜ had no one explained newborns to her ? it wouldn't surprise rosalie . they seemed to just allude to any difficult parts of vampirism , and there were many parts that were challenging . ❛ but you have to try , and make an effort . watch more closely when i do it .  ❜
@bittenlamb continued
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fearlessmuses · 10 months
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🚓 ───── his gaze was looking towards his daughter as he tried to figure this whole thing out. the idea of this world was ... was it suppose to be an easy process. was it suppose to be easier to process the idea of his daughter .... dying? because she was here and not exactly dead, she still died. was this suppose to make it better? he rubbed at his face and let out a breath that he had felt catch in his throat. not to mention the whole vampire thing on top of all that.
he watched her and sat back. "i'm not sure what to say here, or what i'm suppose to do here, bella." he paused a second and shifted his hand across the surface of the dinner table before him before he was leaning back and looking towards her again. "this is a lot." he confessed. a lot seemed an understatement but even as he processed trying to digest the information he was thankful even if it was hard to understand. bella, in whatever form, was alive. alive in a sense. she was going to live some sort of life, that's something. even if it was not the life he would have imagined.
@b4didea ♥ for a starter from charlie swan for bella swan
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