#* emily davis \ interactions.
wvsteria · 1 month
emily davis & ashley brown @vcndetta
"jesus, what's wrong with you?" emily asked as they approached the other. "did something happen?" they could see something was wrong with them by the looks of it, assuming it had to do with the murdering in the street.
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lavendaers · 3 months
@devilsmenu emily davis for chris hartley
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emily drew in a deep breath as she walked down the sidewalk. she'd stayed up practically all night studying and she still had a long day ahead of her. she needed caffeine and a lot. so she was making her way to a cafe to get some when she felt herself run into someone else. "sorry!" she exclaimed almost right away, apologizing as she offered them a small smile.
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jackienautism · 1 year
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linasyell · 2 years
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the chokehold this game had me in
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mysticwrit · 2 years
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        the question almost makes jess laugh, if only because it’s not really a question at all.  she knows emily well enough to know that nothing jess says is going to keep her from speaking her mind.  she also knows emily well enough to know that what she’s about to say is not going to be pleasant.  the girl she’d been a year ago might have avoided the confrontation, but this jess?  she has no intentions of backing down.
        “ oh, i’m sure you’re just dying to tell me, em.  be my guest. ”
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“ you wanna know what your problem is? ” (emily davis to jessica riley!)         ↳     @kardiaerasti​​​​        &&        memes
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darkstarsrise · 2 months
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@hargrove is gonna have to work harder for her attention than that...
❝ there’s quite a lot about me you don’t know. ❞ - for emily
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ㅤ"Yeah and I hate to tell you, that's by design," she snapped, already over the conversation and he'd only barely started with his 'ogres are like onions' routine. She didn't care how many layers he had because she'd been very obviously paying attention to her own problems and wasn't asking. "You realize if the cologne only costs $10, that doesn't mean use $3 worth, right? God, you're a walking migraine waiting to happen."
ㅤFuck, what if he was using that much cologne because he did smell like onions?
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shadysidcrs · 1 year
your muse roughly kisses mine || rough touch || @localdemonz
emily has never been your favorite of your brother's girlfriends. no, you'd say his taste has improved big time after whatever the fuck happened on that trip. you know the basics, creepy creatures (been there), trying to keep people alive (done that). he's so different now, like he died on that mountain and someone else came back wearing his skin, trying to pretend to be your brother.
you struggled with the new mike for a while... but you get it now.
he doesn't tell you much anymore, you don't even know the names of most of the people he hangs with... but you've met liv. she's good for him.
anyway, as you were saying, you're not a big emily fan. it's not like you were close when they were dating. it's not like she called you a couple names because you knew about jessica and you did nothing about it. what were you supposed to do? it's not like you can tell mike who to date.
so you were surprised to see her number pop up on your screen, a determined look on her face. you're not sure you've ever seen her look not determined. when she takes the seat across from you, you barely look up at her. truth be told, you still find her intimidating so you don't really try for some good old eye contact.
"uh... 'sup?" brilliant opening line, jacob. while you avoid her eyes, you try to discreetly look her over. she looks alright, physically at least. you remember mike saying something happened to her, but you're not sure about the specifics.
you're half-listening to her rant about mike and the mountain and a gun and wendy...goes? where did wendy go? who's wendy? was she on the mountain too? you have so many questions but you ask none. you just nod like you understand whatever she's saying.
maybe you should've paid a little more attention because now she's looking at you in a strange way you've never seen before. she looks almost optimistic... hopeful?
"wait, what?" you've agreed to something, you think. before you know it, she's pulling you out of your seat and pulling you close. and you are kissing your brother's ex.
great. this is great. this is exactly what you should be doing right now. everything about her is demanding. her lips push yours open, her hands are fists around the collar of your shirt keeping you in place, her body presses hard against you.
you just kind of stand there at first. then there's something, the way she moves, or her smell you're not sure. she bites your lip and you're back at the quarry for a moment. just before everything went to shit and it's emma kissing you.
you pull her close, hungry for one more moment. but it's only a moment.
when you finally push her away it's harder than you intended and she stumbles back.
"what the fuck? what the fuck, emily?"
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Dangerous Game Ch 16
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, hurt, angst, minor arguments, bad coping mechanisms. the usual bau type case work. i apologize in advance and will be taking invoices for therapy bills. know that i made myself cry too, we're suffering together.
Emily was genuinely surprised to see your car in the parking lot the next morning, she’d been fully expecting you to use a sick day, or at the very least that you would be late. A jolt shot through her and she was suddenly nervous about going inside the office and having to face you like absolutely nothing had changed.
“Morning.” Derek’s voice came from just behind her as he fell into step with her and she glanced up, mustering a smile.
“Morning.” She paused, pressing the button for the elevator, speaking again when the doors slid open, “hey, thanks for getting that system installed at Wilson’s”
“Don’t thank me yet.” He grumbled, running a hand over his face, “damn thing kept glitching. I was on the phone with the company for over an hour trying to reboot it but nothing wanted to work.”
“Can they send someone?”
“Yeah but they’re backlogged and understaffed, won’t be for nearly two weeks at the least.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much, she lives in a nice area, neighbour nosy as hell too.”
“Hmm.” Emily nodded as the doors swooshed open and the two of them went their separate ways, Derek beelining for the breakroom for a fresh coffee and she disappeared into her office.
It was a slow day, which was making it even more intolerable, menial paperwork, and piles of it to get through. At least for Emily that just meant it was a quick read through to make sure her team had completed what they needed correctly, signing off on a couple of them before submitting them to the higher ups. She was spending the rest of the time looking through potential cases, begging to find one that would take the team out of town. She figured that was her best bet for when it came to keeping Dewald away from you, on the off chance the bug was broken or he didn’t think the fight was legit.
After lunch Penelope had the dire need for human interaction, bringing her laptop into Emily’s office with the hope for some girl talk or gossip. JJ had come to drop off her stack of paperwork completed with the hopes that she would be able to take a half day, lingering to chat for a little bit as Emily approved her papers. She had just reached the last one in the pile when there was a small knock on the doorframe and Emily glanced up to see you.
“Sorry to interrupt.” You huffed, keeping your gaze anywhere but on Emily, “statements from the Davis case, extraction summary for Randall, and the write up you asked for.” You dropped them into the inbox on her desk.
“Thanks.” She smiled softly in your direction, trying not to let the frown take over her face instead when she really got a look at you. You looked exhausted, the bags under your eyes puffy no doubt from crying most of the night and guilt surged through her. She could tell you’d been letting your anxiety win, your usually perfectly manicured nails were picked at, ripped apart, the polish peeling off a few of them. You turned to leave the awkward space and Emily stumbled over her thoughts right before speaking, “good work, if you want to call it a half day and head out, you can.”
“You sure?” You turned back to her, this time actually looking at her with a raised brow and the melancholy had left your eyes, a spite fire in them now, “what if there’s a case and I’m off galivanting across DC?” You didn’t wait for an answer, if she wanted to send you home she could do it later, you didn’t need a half day to go sulk by yourself at home, at least here you were semi distracted.
You were gone from the office before Emily even had a chance to comment on your response. Instead she let out a groan, hands rubbing circles at her temples,
“God… she fucking hates me….”
“You kicked her off a case, she’ll get over it.” JJ laughed, picking up her coffee mug and leaving the office, eager to get out of work for the day.
“I wish it was that simple.” Emily muttered, trying to keep her own emotions at bay. Silence over took the room for a moment as the wheels started spinning in Penelope’s head, surveying the other woman. There was frustration behind her eyes but also sadness as she fought back the slight shimmering of tears, ducking her gaze from the blonde.
“What?” She glanced up, catching Penelope studying her and the guilt washed over her again.
“You and Wilson had something, didn’t you? Something that meant something…”
“We were friends Penelope.” She laughed, putting the mask back on the best she could, “and I don’t like burning bridges with friends, especially ones that are on this team. We’re supposed to be a family here and now there’s all this tension. It’s not supposed to be like this…”
“Well… families fight sometimes.” She leant forward, squeezing at Emily’s hand across her desk, “and you know what else? They eventually come around and forgive too.”
“I’m really not sure there is a coming back from this…” Sighing, she dumped the pile of your paperwork into her outbox, turning to the pile of files beside her she handed Penelope a stack, “help me find a case?”
“Yeah.” The blonde gave her a bright smile, she knew there was more going on than Emily was letting onto, but she wasn’t about to push it, she’d simply be there to help her with whatever she needed.
A few hours later Emily glanced up to find your desk empty, though your laptop was still sitting on it, your blazer strewn across the chair. Her eyes swept through the room to find Derek missing too and she figured you’d gone upstairs to the gym to try and work off some of the frustration.
By the end of the day she hadn’t managed to find a viable case, even with Penelope’s help. There were a few calls into some local ones, but she desperately wanted one out of state. She needed you out of your house and it wasn’t exactly like she could just get you at her place anymore. She thanked the other woman for her help, dismissing her for the day and packed up her things, making her way out of the office.
Sergio greeted her at the door when she got home, meowing as he wound around her ankles. She gave him a little scratch, pouring some food into his bowl but he ignored it, sitting in the entry way staring at the door for a full half hour after she got home. He let out a loud meow, looking over his shoulder at her at the forty five minute mark and she let out a huff,
“Forget it. She’s not coming over anymore.”
Emily had a pint of ice cream for dinner that night.
Back at the BAU you certainly had been at the gym, though you’d stayed on the treadmill and extra hour after Derek had left. By the time you’d gotten back downstairs to grab your stuff, the room was empty and Emily’s office was dark, you’d at least managed to avoid another run in.
Getting home you took the worlds longest shower, trying to scrub away the past couple of days in the steaming hot water before changing into warm pyjamas. Your appetite was nonexistent, so you simply stared into the fridge for ten minutes before opening the freezer to do the same thing. Nothing was jumping out at you so you closed both, grabbing the bottle of bourbon from the liquor rack and a glass before you dropped onto the couch.
You thought the mind numbing sitcom that you’d seen a million times before would be enough to distract you from thinking about Emily. Then the two main characters started their romantic arc and you couldn’t help the tears in your eyes, or the way they started to roll down your cheeks. Feeling sorry for yourself, and angry at Emily, you turned off the tv, chucking the remote to the other side of the couch and headed upstairs.
Sleep managed to evade you for hours, you’d done laundry but the scent of Emily’s perfume still lingered in your sheets. Tears stained your pillows and when you finally managed to cry yourself out, exhausted and fall asleep, your dreams were plagued with memories of her, waking you up with a whole new surge of sadness and tears.
She wanted nothing to do with you anymore and you had never felt so broken.
The next three days Emily’s anxiety was skyrocketing each morning she pulled into the parking lot until she found your car. Despite having cut ties with you she was still worried that Dewald would continue to go after you, she was desperate for a case to take the team out of state. She’d already reached out to local PD, appointing Will lead on finding Dewald now that he was in the DMV area, knowing that he would treat the matter with the right severity. The faster the bastard was behind bars, the faster she could come clean and pray that you’d accept whatever feeble apology she could give.
For those same three days your chest was tight each morning you pulled up to the BAU, expecting that one day your access badge simply wouldn’t work, that there would be transfer paperwork sitting on your desk when you got in. You were starting to feel Emily didn’t want you on the team anymore, while other members got to leave the office to go into the field locally, you were always told to remain here, holding down the fort, working with Penelope or Reid. You understood this was potentially part of the reprimand but underneath it all you were doubting yourself more and more each day, feeling like you didn’t deserve to be on such an exclusive team any longer. And that certainly wasn’t helping you sleep at night or your stress levels.
Emily watched from her office as you slunk through the bullpen to your desk, dropping down into your chair and your head sunk into your hands. A moment later Derek walked passed, placing a warm mug of coffee on your desk, squeezing at your shoulder. You glanced up toward him, giving the best smile you could before picking up the coffee. He lingered for a bit and she wished she could hear what the two of you were saying, you nodded, then shook your head with a shrug and Derek squeezed your shoulder again before moving to his own desk. You took a heavy breath, wiping at your make up less face before cracking open your lap top.
She was more than well aware now that she wasn’t the only one laying awake at night and all she wanted was to be able to wrap you in her arms, telling you it would all be okay, leaving a soft kiss on the top of your head while you drifted off. She craved your touch, she missed your smile, the sparkle in your eye, hearing your laugh drift through the air, the way you would nuzzle closer to her even in your sleep. The way that you made her feel safe, cared for and appreciated in a way no one else ever had. She could feel the tears misting into her eyes as she watched you, wanting nothing more than to call you into her office and explain the whole thing. A tear was just about to escape out of the corner of her eye when her phone rang, jolting her from her thoughts.
Normally, you would have been able to feel her eyes on you, a smirk on your cheeks as you guessed what she was thinking as she stared. But today you were so utterly exhausted you didn’t feel anything. You were numb.
That phone call had been the saving grace Emily had been waiting for. They weren’t requesting the whole team, just a couple of agents to get further clearance and the experience of profilers. She worked her way through the team mentally as to who would be best suited and landed on Derek, figuring it couldn’t hurt that the two of you were pretty good friends and she knew he would keep an eye on you too. She managed to catch him in the break room, handing over a file and giving him a brief run down before she crossed back through the bull pen,
“Wilson? You got a minute?” She called, trying not to frown when you tensed at the sound of her voice, letting out a heavy sigh as you pushed back from her desk, following her into her office, closing the door behind yourself.
“What’s up?” You asked, lingering near the doorway while she took a seat behind her desk.
“Wheels up in thirty.”
“And the rest of the team?” You raised a brow, feeling the annoyance surging through your veins already, exhaustion not helping the situation, “or are you shipping me off to boarding school for me to work on my manners now?”
“Does everything have to be a fight with you?” She grumbled, huffing, “you and Morgan have a case, they don’t want the whole team, just some insight.” She held up a folder for you to take and reluctantly, you stepped forward and took it from her.
“Seattle? Seriously?” You asked and she nodded, you let out a sigh, doing your best not to roll your eyes, trying to keep your behaviour in check, “listen, I know I made a mistake and broke protocol but how long is this punishment crap going to last?”
“Excuse me?” She raised a brow and you took a deep breath.
“You booted me off a case that I was lead on five years ago, one that Jacksonville called me specifically to run point on. I seem to remember landing in Florida hearing you say, ‘this is your case, I’m just along for the ride’, what happened to that?”
“I think I’ve already given you a pretty good explanation for that.”
“Oh whatever.” You rolled your eyes, “just come out and say you hate me already. You break up with me, if you can even call it that considering we weren’t even together.” You choked on your words, the tears building in your eyes and you weren’t even sure if they were painful ones, frustrated tears or simply just your body aching for some actual sleep, “And now you’re shipping me off across the country so you don’t have to deal with me? So you don’t have to see me on a daily basis? Or is it because you don’t think I can handle seeing you every day?”
Emily could see just how much you were breaking in front of her and it was with every power she had that she was keeping the mask on, her stomach was churning, bile creeping up her throat when her lips moved.
“Agent Wilson, if you would like to keep this job, you’ll go get your bag and meet Morgan at the jet in thirty. And watch your tone, I don’t need you making the BAU look bad over there.” You took a shaky breath, eyeing her for a moment but you knew you were pushing you luck already, you didn’t want to lose this job.
“Yes ma’am.” You turned from her, taking a step toward the door before you suddenly turned back, “it really had to be Seattle? You could’ve shipped me off anywhere in the country…”
“They asked for you specifically.” She replied, it wasn’t fully a lie. She’d mentioned she had an agent who used to live and work out there and they said they’d appreciate being sent them; it would help if you already knew the city.
“Bullshit.” You shook your head, “if you want me transferred out so badly just fucking do it.”
You were gone from her office before she had a chance to say anything else. God she really had dug the knife in deep, maybe even deeper than she’d meant to. She could chalk up your attitude to exhaustion, she’d excuse that for a week at the very least. Hopefully a trip out of state, getting somewhere different might help you sleep. At the very least she wouldn’t have to worry about Dewald having access to where you were.
She took a shaky breath, trying to hold it in but the disdain in your eyes when you looked at her now was a stab to the gut and she felt like she hated herself as much as she was sure you hated her. Tears welled up in her eyes again and this time she let them slip down her cheeks, the bullpen was empty and she was too tired of fighting it.
“You okay?” Penelope’s extremely soft voice came from the doorway and Emily quickly sniffled, wiping at her cheeks.
“Yeah, just… exhausted.”
“Anything I can do to help?” She asked, taking a few steps into the office and Emily took a couple of breaths, straightening out her shirt as she shifted in her chair.
“Uh, call Will. See if he has any leads on Dewald, names, addresses, links, anything. And you do whatever magic it is that you do to try and track the bastard down, check traffic cams in Alexandria. Cross streets of Mt Vernon Trail and Canal Center.”
“Any specific dates your thinking?” The blonde raised a brow slightly.
“Last Sunday night, say ten pm until eight the next morning.” She made a rough guess, knowing the cat had to have been placed sometime in that range. There was a small pause in the room before Penelope spoke, her voice quiet again.
“Wilson’s his main target isn’t she?”
“What?” Emily glanced up, trying to mask it, her brows furrowing but she knew it was too late, sighing, “are you gunning for a promotion or something?”
“No.” Garcia chuckled softly, “it’s just standard procedure to take an Agent off a case when they’re the main target. You know if you told her that maybe she wouldn’t be such a bitch to you.”
“I can’t tell her.” She started to defend her decision and Penelope cut in,
“Because she shares that same suicidal tendency you have? And she’ll immediately use herself as bait, going to him on her own to bring him out of the shadows?”
“And we both know how that ended last time…” Emily deadpanned, “keep this on the downlow please? I don’t need the whole team knowing.”
“Of course sunshine.” She stepped forward, squeezing Emily’s shoulder and pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “and don’t worry, Derek’ll keep an eye on her.”
You climbed onto the jet, tossing your bag down into a spare chair and dropped into one beside the window. You were in the midst of pulling out your headphones when Derek came wandering back from the cock pit, tossing a hoodie to you.
“Why?” You asked with a slight grumble.
“You always sleep better curled up in a hoodie, and you look downright exhausted.”
“Thanks I guess.” You mumbled, but admitted defeat, pulling the sweater over your head and curling up around yourself. Much to your dismay, he settled into the seat diagonally across from you, case file on his lap. After a few minutes of reading through it, the plane started it’s ascent and he turned to you with a smirk on his lips.
“You ever join the mile high club Wilson?”
“You have a girlfriend and I don’t swing that way Morgan.” You grumbled back, rolling your eyes as you adjusted in your seat.
“Hey.” He nudged at your foot with his own, “I’m just tryin to light the mood. You seem pretty down in the dumps this week.”
“Can you just let me be down in the dumps in peace then?” You asked and he could see the shimmer of tears in your eyes through the reflection in the window.
“Alright.” He dug through his bag for a second, pulling out a jar of gummy melatonin, “here, take one of these. Help you sleep but you won’t be too groggy when we land.”
You turned back to him, swiping at the corner of your eye with the stolen hoodie before picking up the jar and popping one out, “thanks.” You mustered up the best smile you could and he squeezed at your foot while you readjusted in the seat, pulling your legs up into your usual jet sleeping position.
 @mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots  @overtrred28 @hbkswife @happenstnces  @sapphicprentiss @baubeautyandthegeek
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interactyouth · 3 days
hello, do you have any videos or youtube channels recs to learn more about being intersex (that touch on any topic)? if you do, tysm!
I do, thank you for asking! I apologize that many of these are not closed captioned in advance, but I've compiled a playlist of SOME videos that I've seen online. I would like to add some clarification, though. Many forms of media that are available will use the derogatory word, "hermaphrodite", to describe intersex people. Due to its extensive history in medical pathologization, it is considered a slur and should not be used by perisex (non-intersex) people. Reclaimed usage of the term (similar to slurs reclaimed by the queer community) is only reserved for intersex people due to said history. However, medical contexts continue to use it as a diagnostic label, so many intersex people must use it when trying to receive affirming healthcare.
As a result, it's important to be aware of this information when many forms of media, both old and new, contain the usage of this word.
While the word is genuinely relevant for discussions of animal and plant biology, it does not accurately describe the anatomy of intersex people. Unlike animals and plants, human beings--whether perisex or intersex--are not capable of having two different sets of fully functioning reproductive anatomy. Sex (for humans) is a bimodal spectrum, and is not a binary. As such, bodies can look many different ways due to innate variations of sex characteristics!
Now, I'll highlight a few specific videos in particular below:
A 2016 TedxTalk by an important intersex scholar, Dr. Georgiann Davis. She has written dozens of extremely important publications over the past decade! Here is a 2011 publication and a 2015 publication discussing the pathological medicalization of intersex people , and a 2016 publication that additionally describes the medicalization of trans experiences.
Emily Quinn's 2018 TedxTalk and her 2018 Ted WOMEN presentation (the second one is captioned). She also has a YouTube channel!
Pidgeon Pagonis has a YouTube channel, and they have been featured in several different interviews across the years during their ongoing advocacy work. They have a 2019 documentary about their experiences, and they have a website.
Here is an archived video from 1997 of intersex people discussing their experiences with other intersex people at a gathering held by Intersex Society of North America, whose work is currently continued by interACT.
In collaboration with Human Rights Watch, interACT worked on a 2017 report and video to raise awareness of the harms of medically unnecessary surgeries performed on intersex children without fully informed consent. The video is captioned.
Activist Sean Saifa Wall has spoken extensively about his experiences on media platforms, and he is a co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project, which focuses on empowering Black and Brown intersex people in advocacy work.
There is a 90 minute documentary that was released in 2023 called Every Body, and it details the life experiences of three intersex people.
While not a video, there is also the personal experiences of intersex youth as documented in a 2023 doctoral research dissertation done in collaboration with interACT: “'Support the shit out of them:” Intersex emerging adults’ socialization experiences and recommendations for caregivers of an intersex child".
Overall, I hope this is suitable resource, and thank you again for the question!
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‌Emily Davis x Jessica Riley
1. You can't tell me there's a straight explanation for their argument in the cabin. There's more sexual chemistry there than between Matt and Emily the whole game
2. bad bitches on some hot girl shit tragic best friends to enemies they just needed to kiss and make up
3. besties to girlfriends, can’t say more. they could bond again after traumatic experience why not
Ashley Brown x Chris Hartley x Josh Washington
1. personally?? personally. they just Are the best ship the seance scene single handedly conveys such an interesting and complex dynamic between the 3 of them in little under 10 minutes, tbh Every interaction they all have before shit goes down paints a picture of chemistry and friendship that could Very Easily transition into romantic it feels wrong to seperate the 3 of them into pairings... feels Unnatural
Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan (Jerin)
1. my beloveds okay, i was in pleasant shock when saw a "young love" plot line (i didn't know anything about TDiM when i started it so didn't expect to get lesbians)
2. Jamie and Erin already have such a wonderful dynamic to begin with, having bounced around each other before taking the leap after enough flustering and teasing. They care so deeply for each other, and one losing the other is beyond heartbreaking. Erin even admits how much she doesn't want to lose Jamie, which makes my heart scream and yell and cry and oh my god
3. They're sweet, they're cute, they're canon! Supermassive finally gave us an official queer couple that can get together and Jerin deserves some recognition for that. <3
4. I mean, its Jerin! They're relationship is so cute and interesting even if they don't get together, its so clear when they don't they still very much love and adore each other and have so much more to say. And when they ARE together they are just so cute and gentle to each other. The perfect couple <3 (also they are a very rare non-white biracial lesbian couple that aren't toxic or weird so the representation they hold is just <3)
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bombsquad9 · 3 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝗼 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞
Hello! I am Ro, and I am 18-21 year old trans man. I write for many fandoms (which shall be listed below). This is indeed my second account, I deleted my last one because I needed to refresh everything (feed, posts, etc). I will try to post frequently, and if I do not then please be patient with me, because it probably means burn out or poor mental health. I also have a new Wattpad account, which the username is also bombsquad09 (it will also be linked below, along with a tag list). Every fandom and character within will be in alphabetical order. Some of the fandoms I do write for will not be listed, and that is due to me not taking requests for those specific fandoms. Thank you!
✞Apex Legends
—> Character(s): Catalyst, Caustic, Fuse, Horizon, Loba, Mirage, Octane, Revenant, Seer, Valkyrie, Wattson.
✞Fallout 4
—> Character(s): Cait, Codsworth, Deacon, John Hancock, Nick Valentine, Porter Gage, Preston Garvey, Robert MacCready.
✞House of Ashes
—> Character(s): Eric King, Jason Kolchek, Joey Gomez, Nick Kay, Rachel King, Salim Othman.
✞Mortal Kombat
—> Character(s): Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Noob Saibot.
✞Resident Evil
—> Character(s): Ada Wong, Alcina Dimitrescu, Albert Wesker, Ashley Graham, Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Finn Macauley, Jake Muller, Jill Valentine, Karl Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Nikolai Zinoviev, Piers Nivans, Sherry Birkin.
✞The Quarry
—> Character(s): Abigail Blyg, Dylan Lenivy, Emma Mountebank, Jacob Custos, Kaitlyn Ka, Max Brinly, Nick Furcillo, Ryan Erzahler.
✞Tomb Raider
—> Character(s): Lara Croft
✞Until Dawn
—> Character(s): Ashley Brown, Chris Hartley, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley, Joshua Washington, Matthew Taylor, Mike Monroe, Sam Giddings.
✞Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Sexism, Fetishizing, etc will not be tolerated. If you do anything related to any of those topics you will be blocked from my account.
✞Do NOT request things such as pedophilia, rape, zoophilia, etc . If anything you are requesting is like that you will be blocked from my account.
✞If you send hate in my anonymous inbox then you shall be ignored, and your message will be deleted. If you're going to be hatefully, don't be a pussy and hide behind an anon.
✞Minor shall interact with anything that is not labeled 18+/MDNI/smut. I can't stop you, nor am I going to carry out an investigation to find out if you're 18+. If you're a minor and you interact and see something you don't like; THATS NOT MY FAULT.
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝗺:
⚠︎︎Requests are currently open⚠︎︎
✞If you are requesting please be specific about what you want. This includes characters, setting, whether it's ship/xreader/headcanons, and other criteria you want. I can't make it what you want if you don't tell me.
✞I will write smut, fluff, and angst. Headcanons, ships, x readers, preferences, etc are all acceptable within reason.
—> When it comes to smut I will write quite a bit, even somewhat darker themes (Again; I draw the line at things like rape). I may not be good due to having lack of practice from where I didn't write for awhile, my apologies.
—> When it comes to angst, I will write almost anything. I will write (TW) suicide, self harm, alcoholism and other addicts, etc. Though, I won't write EDs or anything related. Similarly to smut, it may not be good due to lack of practice, my apologies.
—> Anything out of reason would be minor x adult in a pedophilic/romantic way, human x animal (no, this does not include monsters) in a zoophilic/romantic way, etc.
✞Be patient, I will want to take my time on requests for various reasons. Sometimes I need breaks, sometimes I don't have any ideas, sometimes I will have writing sprees. It depends on the minute, so again, be patient. If you complain about how long it takes your request will be deleted and ignored.
✞If you want to be tagged for any specific character(s), then put your username in an orderly fashion on the Google doc that I will have linked below.
✞I will mostly write m!reader (AMAB and AFAB), but if you do want f!reader or gn!reader just let me know in your request, and I will do. If you do not specify I will either do m!reader or gn!reader by default. The only exception to this is if it is a lesbian/sapphic character.
✞ Any requested content will be Tumblr exclusives! Anything that is requested on my Wattpad will be Wattpad exclusive.
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭/𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝:
✞Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/BombSquad09?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_profile&utm_campaign=invitefriends&wp_page=home&wp_uname=BombSquad09
✞Masterlists: Pending...
✞Tag List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ZsBcfr3GOyd3p2r2iJaf_jtLlpnMWjzOPIAstF6b2I/edit
✞Upcoming Works: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10_Oqn6twstO545rBCmSJLUgCBclezaJ4jLroZdUnh0c/edit
⚠︎︎This post was last updated: 4/20/24⚠︎︎
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wvsteria · 10 days
emily davis & sion palpatine @mischiefxmuses
"wait you know ashley?" emily asked with a raised eyebrow. knowing that ashley's memories were messed up now, they were wondering how the other knew her. "she's my.. we were friends."
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lavendaers · 2 months
@grcycosmcs emily davis for violet parr
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emily walked slowly down the sidewalk, a sigh falling from her lips as she glanced around. "you're not planning on attacking me or anything are you?"
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
Carrie watches Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep. 5-15
okay i’m just gonna start a running list of highlights of my breakneck-speed binge of Fantasy High: Sophomore Year for myself here (warning, this is gonna be just riddled with spoilers)
the “I disguise myself as him” disruption of that one dwarf’s attempted hate crime is a thing of beauty far surpassing the Hilda Hilda incident to me. just the whole thing. this is clearly something Brennan had plans for, and instead he just triggers Emily’s fight, flight or insanity response and gets bulldozed. you can fully see him break it’s the funniest thing in the world. and everyone is SO ready to immediately jump in with even wilder shit, like the moment Ally comes in with “yeah you’ve been dead this whole time!” they all start gaslighting this guy (and Brennan) in complete unison. Also Brennan’s desperate “is it me?!!” is directed at Murph which makes it even funnier, “it’s me right you can’t possibly live like this??”
the group has two reactions to Emily’s bs which are “what are you doing no one asked for this and this is the worst possible thing to ever happen” and “oh okay we are derailing this train!” but this may be the first time they’re all on the same page
unrelated but Bill Seacaster running a full-on demonic MLM from hell is the most incredibly in-character thing I’ve ever seen
The Friendship Section
maybe my favourite episode ever
the librarian. his whole deal. the book in a chain holster keeping the flesh on his bones?? his resignation with the issue of trying to run a library in a town of pirates where all the books are stolen but also keep being stolen
everyone is doing serious and intense research and Gorgug is just wandering the halls looking for a book on how to cheer up a friend??
the Friendship Section being this whole secret room full of books behind a lacklustre little shelf?? with the little poem?? and it clearly being the secret pride and joy of the librarian?? NO WORDS
for real i love how much this whole campaign is just a story about friendship
the ultimate pirate tip on how to be nice to your friend is to give them an orange. so they don’t get scurvy. obviously.
The Row and the Rumption
the whole concept of this openly bar-brawl-based political system tbh
the Davy Jones rip-off villain
how terribly this fight goes for them, especially Ally and Lou, will never not be funny
Emily, whose modus operandi so far has been to interact with Riz least of all the Bad Kids, getting incredibly anxious at the thought of having to pick between saving her husband’s PC or her character’s NPC mum before it even happens
enough so that Murph preemptively goes “hey you absolutely shouldn’t help me over your mother it’s fine”
met with immediate outrage “I’m taking you up!!”, and her getting talked out of it but not without fully breaking kayfabe twice to really emphasise how much she hates this. which is entirely unnecessary because Murph is second only to Lou in terms of “I *see* the correct strategical answer but will make the absolute worst choice because it’s right for the character”.
Adaine!!! The bravest of girls!!
Brennan has really tapped into some weird mirrorverse Elrond
both FH and EXU: Calamity are really reminding me how much I love not just characters from a totally different genre in a fantasy setting but specifically pseudo-noir detective characters in a fantasy setting. Riz is handling this whole situation terribly and it’s hilarious
Gorgug has never got this worked up about anything, not even physical harm. He’s so mad because the elf talks weird.
giving a guy named Fathethriel a lisp is a truly cruel character choice
The Dangerous Mind of Aelwyn Abernant
“the boys are having a WEIRD day”
Aelwyn secretly trusting nobody but her sister to a) try and rescue her b) try and salvage her mind and c) be a good enough wizard to do it is incredibly sweet despite everything
Revelations & Revivifications
them just straight up forgetting Gilear for over an episode
Crustaceans & Crushes
Ayda just in general. She is SO intense I love her.
Everything she says to Fig is so sweet. Honestly just God tier compliments. And their interactions, despite all the legal paperwork involved, just feel so perfectly teenage drama without being cliché or condescending in any way
Observing the table during that whole scene is the BEST. Lou and Ally are so here for it. Delightful.
Also, when Ayda is giving her little speech about how she doesn’t get why Fig enjoys being other people because she is so exceptional as herself, the looks on everyone’s faces are so soft and I invite you to pay attention to the eyelines: Emily, Siobhan, and Ally all looking at Brennan (whose character is speaking), Lou and Murph looking at Emily (whose character is being spoken to), and Zac just... watching Murph watch his wife.
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The recurring bit about the increasingly absurd crustacean party cutting in and out of this heartfelt scene is excellent. Many bonus points for whatever Gorgug is doing (”I’m a little crab!”), Zac is being PEAK drunk himbo this entire time
Excellent character work with Murph’s drunken bit actually: Riz is having a full meltdown that starts with “I’m a small creature and shrimp are small creatures and we just kill them by accident this is fucked up” (Riz is working through all the racism he’s encountered), dips briefly into “No I’m not gonna kiss the shrimp, Kristen! it’s dead!” (Riz is getting very frustrated with how stuck everyone is on making out), and ends up at various versions of “Fig is dead” or “Fig has left us” (Riz is terrified everyone will lose interest in him and/or the friend group and leave) and finally “I’ve always been the shrimp and I really just wanted to be the crab king” (Riz can’t always tell if he’s being lovingly teased or bullied because he’s so anxiously protective of his friendships, also his self-esteem is Not Great). That is so clever and also how I’ve felt at SO many parties and also I’m genuinely wondering if this is where Brennan got his cues for the upcoming Baron scene now.
the cutest kissing scene. Big fan of Fig running (but not far) and Ayda calmly asking if that’s like, normal
When Fig comes back from her makeout sesh in the woods and is like “I’m... gonna go into the hot tub for a while” and everyone loses it at very tellingly different speeds and degrees except for Lou who stays in character by sheer force of will to start some more shrimp party lore
Brennan is so disappointed they’re all going for “What does the fox say” like that wasn’t BOUND to happen with this group
Gorgug being the only one who doesn’t speak any Elvish is still funny
also I love that he tinkers now. A true Thistlespring!
for once, Murph is the one to try and start shit by investigating Fig, and still gets immediately out-chaosed. Brennan watches in horror and despair. This whole dynamic is such a gift.
Kristen maintaining her cool under pressure but having a mild panic attack right after is very relateable, and honestly i’ve been in scary situations with friends and immediately dogpiling on the ground to calm down sounds like a very valid strategy
the Kalina mystery is SO COOL. Obsessed.
“The fucking research squad fronting one of the missions is so funny” it IS though. Everything from Riz being so hungover he’s fully failing at social interaction to Adaine being the world’s worst improptu liar but then somehow salvaging it and also trying to bail Riz out with “hey have you ever seen a frog this round”. them being so socially inept they pay over 20 gold just to get a room number out of a pretty chill barkeep
then they stumble onto a horrific crime scene and are both like “oh thank God. that’s better.”
Brennan forgetting to shut the jaunty background music off for the Se7en-style crime scene
“You explain to them sort of loosely how a cell tower works.” “Yes... of course...”
Adaine and Riz spending some non-horny non-emotional silent co-working quality time <3 I love them so much
Lou watching Siobhan and Murph work in awe is adorable. “Y’all are smart as hell, I’ve heard all the same information and synthesised NONE of the same conclusions.”
Also the contrast of this scene where they’re immediately picking up giant chunks of what Brennan is putting down and the scene with Gorgug where Brennan keeps being like “okay so we’d just need a satellite. A Satellite. So if we could somehow connect your phone to a satellite, if that was a thing that you had access to.... somehow.... if only you knew people who would maybe know about satellites....” is excellent comedy (though I have no idea who Brennan expected anyone to remember that minuscule detail, it rang the tiniest of bells with me at the third repeat and I’ve finished season one this week)
“Brennan, it seems like there’s some dice back there that you’ve been waiting to eat.” that is the most threatening tone Zac’s voice has ever taken
Brennan having to give that big info dump with a huge chunk of sharp-edged hard candy in his mouth
Brennan trying to get out of Siobhan rules-lawyering him “Because the Van cannot ambulate itself [it isn’t a sentient creature]” and getting hit with “that’s ableist”
“Oh, we’re cool with devils.” “Well, we’re not super cool with them.”
“A long time ago I stole a first aid kit, and Gilear got actually pretty mad at me for stealing the first aid kit. But, um, check this out, Gilear!” *brings Gilear back from the brink of death*
Ayda and Adaine! What a stellar combination, I love their dynamic
“If I don’t get to smell Fig’s hair again I will incinerate myself”
Daddies & Demons
“I might just not sleep.” “Noooo! You should definitely sleep! ...I mean if you want to stay up all night that’s also cool.” In which Emily worries about Murph’s PC not getting enough sleep? In the first circle of hell? And he looks so charmed by it
“I haven’t really been paying that much attention to the lore so I’m just gonna run this by you” oh that dynamic definitely checks out on every level
Riz getting bullied by his friend, the creature made from a drop of her blood, and a motorcycle for listening and knowing things, and immediately missing Adaine
i love how proud the players are of themselves whenever they do something that makes Brennan have to think about his own Shadow Cat mechanic
Fig “I am so closed off and hard to read” making a point of checking in with Riz about how weird it is they parade the picture of his dead father around the whole quest <3 she is so sweet. Also “no no it’s great, I like seeing my dad, he’s been gone a long time” ugh
I love that Riz falls for Kalina’s offer. It makes so much sense, he misses his father and clearly has *not* processed that shit, and yeah, he’s violently paranoid but he also needs to know things. And this isn’t endangering his friends, just him, so of course this boy and his nonexistant sense of self-preservation or self-worth are fully hooked THIS IS SO SAD
“frankly, bringing up the rune in this context would be homophobic”
when the girls all bring up the hot tub thing from earlier and none of the guys get it
“this dude is an informational sti”
“Hi Mister - Doctor - Professor - long time no - anyway.” I adore Siobhan
Brennan still being pissed that Aguefort dropped the two most important hints of season one in his speech in the first episode and nobody caught it
Fabian purports trickle down economics of course, and of course Brennan immediately jumps in fully out of character to argue with him
“Is this loud, do I hear this?” “Well, I’m gonna say no because right next to that there are thousands of screaming souls plunging into the abyss...”
why is the villain giving Riz a help action so scary
Riz impulsively hissing at people is my favourite new-ish thing
“We are in hell. But I trust that they will find me, if something goes wrong here.” ugh
“I will. I will.” ooooooh they’re out to get me this episode
“You’re special. You were born with me.” big yikes
“All for you, Riz.” “Please don’t say that!”
Riz, fully sobbing, holding out a demonic legal text: “See, solving clues helps! Solving mysteries helps!”
the fun thing about live games versus a fully pre-written thing is you can see the moving parts. Like Siobhan and Zac voice a few theories and you can see Brennan suddenly get very animated and busy while they’re talking. Uh oh.
Garthy and Adaine the Fish
Ayda and the group post kiss revelation are so heartwarming. “Life is significantly better around you all.”
“That is actually the first step in any first queer relationship. Just a blanket warning to all the world -” “Multiple worlds!” “Yes.”
the inexplicable and hilarious dynamic of two people who have been married for several years playing two very good friends where one is lying very badly to the other’s face and the other is deeply paranoid but also failed the roll to figure out the lie so he’s now convinced she’s telling the truth. It’s incredibly funny and they’re having a ball with it
Fig blowing the majority of her very tight character limit to be weird and cagey about her crush and then failing to communicate anything useful is peak teenage behaviour
“Is she king of like a weird shrimp party, is this some weird brag, or...?”
“We’re gonna call our principal here and... jump him?”
“She lies about being middle-aged women sometimes, maybe she’s lying about being okay!”
Gorgug giving the Agueforts impromptu and very deep family therapy??
“Don’t buy Gilear a panini press...”
“Hiss at her, litigator!” “Motion to hiss.”
“My legal advice is that this would be super rad.”
the Goldenrod
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kokomos · 1 year
-ˋˏ *₊°。𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦, 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩. ✿˖° ˎˊ-
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welcome!! my name is honey, i'm 20, bisexual, and go by she/her.
i mostly write headcanons and drabbles, fluff and hurt/comfort are my favorite. angst and smut are definitely still on the table, though! i can write for any gender reader, but will typically lean towards feminine and/or gender-neutral unless otherwise specified in the work itself or request.
here you can find the games i write about plus the characters in 'em. below are characters i can confidently write for, some are not listed because i lack passion or interest in them.
1. do not interact if you ship joel/ellie, travis/laura, hank/connor or anything else in that ballpark. 2. fetish content, character x character, or certain dark topics are discouraged for requests. 3. i'm not entertaining any homophobic, transphobic, racist, or misogynistic ideas.
♡ requests are open, send an ask in!
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mysticwrit · 2 years
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        “ mhm, ”  the blonde hums, the sound dripping with skepticism.  jess doesn’t even bother to look up from her magazine as she flips a page, lips pursed.  “ i seem to recall you saying something similar to a few of the other people you’ve dated. ”  if any of this had been serious, she might actually take offense to emily’s words;  as it is, jess can only find amusement in them.  “ anyway, it’s obviously your loss, em. ”  jess smiles brightly as blue eyes find her friend, her voice taking on a sing-song quality.  “ i’m a catch. ”
[ FIVE ] “ please, i would rather swallow shards of glass than ever date you. ” from em to jess         @flovraelies​        &&        meme tag
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