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shining-gem34 · 26 days
The Majesty of the Dragon Reascent 
Summary: What happened to Dan Heng during his transformation after Blade stabbed him. Inspired by DHIL Character Story I and Samudrartha.
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Heavy steel pierces into his bones- cutting apart the chains of his disguise. 
The pain blooms and spreads, leaving him breathless and dizzy as he stumbles on his feet. 
Dan Heng struggles to keep his eyes open, the blurry figures of Yanqing and Blade are covered by black dots dancing in his vision. The blood pounding in his ears is too loud to hear their conversation except for one thing. 
The chains that once sealed away his power are coming undone. He can hear the metal snapping and rattling to the ground. He can hear the tides of the Ancient Sea rising; their hymns echoing in his ears. 
Finally, Dan Heng closes his eyes and lets the sea embrace him.
When Dan Heng opens his eyes, he raises a hand to block the sun's blinding light. A gasp escapes him once his eyes adjusts to the brightness.
It is not the Scalegorge Waterscape he is familiar with. No, he wasn't at Dragonprayer Terrace either.
A grand palace uprooted from the sea stands tall and proud. Their regal banners hangs from the palace walls. Branches of brightly-colored corals form a straight path to the gates. The luminescent bubbles float idly in the air, tempting visitors to touch their delicate shell.
"No. Something not right." Dan Heng whispers, turning around to find the exit.
Suddenly, his wrists are tugged back forcing him to stop. Turning his head, Dan Heng cannot make out the strangers who grabbed him. Their billowy sleeves dancing with the waves makes it difficult to see their faces. Between it all, he catches a glimpse of pointed ears and horns.
"Vidyadhara...?" Dan Heng questions, but gasps as the phantoms tug him again and guide him past the gates. He tries to wrench his wrist away from their grasps, "Let me go! I have to go back!"
Yinyue Jun has returned!
Our radiant pearl; the finest of white jade!
They ignore his demands and drag him to the stone stairs leading upwards.
Anxiety gnaws in his stomach. Dan Heng watches as the previously empty palace slowly return to life. More faceless phantoms appear with every step on the stairs, dressed in extravagant robes as they all turn in his direction. The only way he recognizes they are too Vidyadhara are their pointed ears and horns; High Elders.
His stomach sinks, nauseous at the realization these people were once High Elders of the Luofu Vidyadhdara. Now, they are ghosts of the past after returning to the cycle. The remnants of their identity becoming one with the Ancient Sea.
And just like the sea itself, they begin to move as one with a sweep of their arms and celebrate the return of [Yinyue Jun].
Yinyue Jun has returned to us!
Our moon to our seas; the azure dragon legacy!
"I'm not him! Now unhand me this instant!" Dan Heng shouts again, pulling his hand free only for them to grab it again. He winces at the bone-crushing grip. They drag him harder to the point he almost stumbled on the stairs.
The brief pause is enough for him to glance at his reflection in the waterfall surface next to him. His eyes widened in horror seeing himself with pointed ears and a pair of azure-colored horns atop of his head.
"No...NoNoNo. This isn't me! This is NOT who I am...!"
His struggles are drowned by the phantoms raising their voices. The same hymns Dan Heng heard before is being sung. Their pitches becoming higher like the waves steadily rising and transforming into storms. Soon, the might of the ocean will come crashing down to him.
Already, Dan Heng feels overwhelmed as if he's sinking deeper underwater and cannot breathe.
Yinyue Jun has returned to us- Their sacred home!
Our guardian, who quelled the [tainted giant tree], and protected our roots!
Why have you forsaken your duty and abandoned us?
"That wasn't me!" Dan Heng screams at the top of his lungs, panting to catch his breath. He repeats, shaking his head furiously, "That's not me. He is gone; dead. His sins are not mine to bear. I am...I am..."
The singing stopped abruptly. The grip on his wrist is gone. The phantoms are all gone except one.
It was easier to run away; to leave and never look back. This man sins has nothing to do with him. Why should he be the one to bear his punishment?
Yet Dan Heng, numb and tired, forced his legs to move forward until he reached the top of the stairs.
He arrives at a sacrificial altar and above him are dragon-shape roots. Their gaze intimidating, impassive, and so cold-
You, who have reached this place, have you finally decided to accept us?
Just like the phantom a few feet away, appearing too similar to that man, and silently observing him.
"You." Dan Heng hisses darkly, glaring at the ghost as he said bluntly, "I hate you."
The phantom cocks his head, making it hard to discern if he's surprised or confused by his response. But Dan Heng continues to speak.
"My answer remains the same as always: No. No, I will not accept you. I don't care if you're real or not. But, I am not you, Dan Feng. I will not become you nor will I be associated you, a monster who hurt many in your arrogance."
Dan Heng watches the ghost cross his arms. He appears thoughtful, pondering over his response. He's still isn't sure if this is Dan Feng or not, but again what did it matter? Real or not, he loathed this thing for every wrong he did affecting everyone around him to this day.
Yet you cannot change who you are, what we are, for the crown you wear is proof of your lineage even if it's stained his my crimes: It is yours now.
His hands automatically reached for his head. The smoothness of the horns doesn't bring him comfort. Instead, it drives him mad for it's existence is a reminder of who he is behind his disguise. A broken dragon forced to bear the crimes of a sinner of a past life that is no longer his.
Determination fuels his next course of action.
Grabbing his horns, Dan Heng pulls them as hard as he can. His eyes shut tight in concentration, trying to ignore the uncomfortable pressure on his head. When he hears the ghost make a sound of dissent, he retorts sharply:
"If this crown is so important to ascertain my identity, then to hell with it! I don't need this to define who I am!" Dan Heng gasps at the pain, ignoring the blood trailing down his forehead. He glares hatefully at the ghost and tells him.
"I am not Dan Feng or Yinyue Jun- I am Dan Heng!"
The horns crack at the base, but at the same time he feels something else break inside him.
The chains that once sealed away his power are coming undone. He can hear the metal snapping and rattling to the ground. He can hear the tides of the Ancient Sea rising; their hymns echoing in his ears. 
Finally, Dan Heng closes his eyes and sees himself transforming into a brilliant azure dragon. The mirages of the past High Elder returns and parts a path like the sea itself split open. They welcome the birth of a new dragon, witnessing his ascension as he soared through the starry-filled skies with a tempest roar.
At the altar, the ghost watching this grandiose recalled his determination moments earlier. As this dream starts to fade away, he thinks with both fondness and sadness.
You have decided your path, but alas no matter where you go- This power, this lineage, and this past [sins] will always be a part of you.
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just-death · 27 days
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Under construction, naturally.
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as-above-is-moving · 9 months
Rolands cell starts to ring! It's an incoming text from Rachael.
"Heeeeyyyyy buddy! I got 2 questions for you. How would you define the word TWINK and does this dude I'm with fit into that category?"
A photo of Butch (@gunslinginnhogtyin) is attached for reference.
"Dignity and egos are on the line here. Don't sugar coat it!♡"
Of all the texts for Roland to get on his lunch break, THIS wasn't the topic of conversation he was expecting to receive; least of all from Rachael. Roland nearly snorted, one hand coming up to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter. Putting his mug of 'lunch' down, Roland typed out his reply.
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"Personally, I define a twink as someone with little to no muscle mass, and fairly skinny. Without meeting the cutie in question myself, I'd say he falls in line with that pretty accurately. But if he's got enough muscle on him, I suppose he could be considered closer to a hunk-ish twink at most, like myself ;)" "I do always love hearing from you, Rachael <3"
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muse-soup · 4 months
Another you + Pokémon. All muses!
Send “Another You” + a universe or media and for what my muse would be like in that universe.
((Oooohhhhh ho ho ho ho buckle up lmao this is gonna get long.))
Gyro's still an inventor, but he also has a particular interest in researching ultra wormholes, space-time distortions, and the Faller phenomenon. He's a freelancer, but he works closely with the Dimensionl Resarch Lab in Heahea City, Interpol, and a small group of researchers from Sinnoh-- including Champion Cynthia herself. His Pokémon team includes Klingklang, Joltik, Escavalier, Flygon, Kabutops, and Beheeyem. I don't really have backstories for his team, but I do have reasons behind why I picked them. Klingklang is there because he's Gyro GEARloose. Joltik, because of an ancient headcanon of mine that he thinks bugs are neat. Escavalier is there for similar reasons, but also because it's a knight. Flygon, representative of the dragon Gyro fought (and also because he thought Trapinch was, once again, a neat bug). Kabutops, because reviving fossils sounds like the kind of sci-fi bs he would do and I like Kabutops lol. And Beheeyem because ALIENS.
Hokay, SO: funny enough Starchy already has a Pokémon AU that I never really used. To rehash from my old blog, it's a pretty standard "what if X setting had Pokémon in it" type of deal. I wouldn't really call him a trainer, but he does have a few Pokémon he keeps around. All of them more or less adopted him. First of all is Absol. She showed up one day because this man is a walking disaster, and has made it her duty to save him from himself. She's never far from his side. Next is Minccino. He used to watch Starchy clean from afar, but managed to get into the castle one day and quickly asserted himself as Starchy's little helper. He takes a small fee of snacks from the castle larder. Third is a blue Floette. There's loads of them living in the gardens, and this one happened to take a liking to the feather in Starchy's hat. She's a silly little thing, but she's good company. Last in the original lineup is Petilil, which are also a common sight in the castle gardens. She's sort of Absol's sidekick, offering her healing leaves to Starchy whenever he gets himself into a scrape. I've also toyed with the idea of giving him an Appletun that hangs out down in the kitchens. Starchy's not keen on dragons, but the stubborn thing doesn't want to leave. Starchy's not much of a battler, but he will do it if pressed. Sometimes he thinks about joining contests, however.
Sawyer is, as in most universes, Just Some Guy™. You can probably find them loitering in an underpass or doing some urban exploration in an abandoned building. They're not an especially tough trainer, but they still battle recreationally. Their tiny team consists of Togedemaru (because I associate them with hedgehogs). Toxtricity (Low Key Form), and Rotom (Frost Form). I don't think they know that Rotom's base form is a Ghost Type lol.
Three Meat
Three Meat is... often mistaken for an Ultra Beast. Like in most universes, he tries not to be seen by the general public. To assign him a team just for fun though... Definitely gotta get a Scovillain in there. Maybe a Hoopa, for all the dimensional travel shenanigans. Paldean Tauros (Blaze Breed), Combusken, and Grumpig to represent his three meats. And maybe Bruxish because of the funky colors.
Gourdon, like Three Meat, would probably be mistaken for an Ultra Beast... unless he traveled in disguise, as he often does. He would toy with people and Pokémon alike, dressed as a gambler, a beggar, a prince, or what have you, leading them astray or tricking them out of their valuables. His team would be a Pumpkaboo (Supersize) because obvious choice is obvious, Grimmsnarl because Dark/Fairy, Crustle because Gourdon has a friend in his canon who is a giant crab with an island on his back, Mime Jr. for its silly jester aesthetic, Zoroark because it's a master of disguise, and Gimmighoul (Chest Form) because it's the classic mimic.
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backmaskcd · 9 months
💭 narcissa/xavier
Send 💭 for one thought my muse has had about yours
"You're gusty I'll give you that.... but if you steal my title as Sam's sidekick I have to push you into the crack." (Affectionate)
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chilledadversary · 8 months
Well, since it's up an allat... I'm Fisherman Sorbet. Er.. Sorbet, fisherman's mah title. I've been out ere on Artic Avenue tryina mind my own business, y'hear? But... There's been this strange thing goin on. Nobody really listens ta me 'bout it, they think I'm a huge fibber! But I ain't, I tell ya... There's somethin out here, mark my words.
I'm gonna get rid of it, I got a baaaad feelin about lettin this thing roam around the streets...
Signed, Fisherman Sorbet
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mistressdiabolica · 9 months
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xxx testing... testing...
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eluxoroma · 10 months
Legal name:  Lukai Hwei
Most known as: Hwei
Nicknames: The Visionary
Date of birth: Release date... I'm gonna guess around December 3rd
Gender: Male, uses he/they pronouns
Place of birth: Koyehn, Ionia
Currently living: Koyehn, Ionia
Spoken languages: Common, Ionian
Education: N/A
Hair color: Emerald green
Eye color: Shifts between three sets of colors: magenta, firy orange, and sky blue
Height:  5'7"
Siblings: N/A
Parents: N/A
Children: None
Pets: Doesn't own any, but does enjoy scorpions and beautiful moths
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Relationship status: Single
Since when: Yeah
Tagged by: @seekslight 💖
Tagging: Whoever sees this and wants to do it 🤷
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pinkbcrett · 1 year
and just like that. stan and wendy have broken up again. raven knows what they did.
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shadowzgather · 9 months
❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜ { Daisuke @ Arata From 🐝  *  ―  𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑻𝒀 𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺. }
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"Yeah, I got this." Arata said as he brought up the source code and started tampering with it. Daisuke should know him well enough to know how proud he was though and that he didn't like asking or admitting he needed help. It was one of his more stubborn traits that caused more problems for Jude than Arata would admit. Thankfully, he didn't protest when people did help him though he might grumble a bit about being able to handle it, he was always grateful for it.
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griffongrey · 1 year
Aldric LaPointe - Character Sheet
Directory | Character Sheet | Codex Entry | World States
Basic Information
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FULL NAME: Aldric René LaPointe
TITLES: Senior Warden of Ferelden, Lord (formerly)
RACE & ORIGIN: Human, Orlesian Noble
GENDER & SEXUALITY: Male, Homosexual
CLASS: Warrior
SPECIALIZATIONS: Weapon and Shield, Guardian, Champion
AFFILIATIONS: Grey Wardens, Orlais, House LaPointe (formerly)
FAMILY: Henri LaPointe (grandfather), Marc LaPointe (father), Renée LaPointe (mother), House LaPointe (ancestry)
Physical Information
BUILD: Stocky, muscular, somewhat short
EYES: Dark blue-gray, crinkles at the edges
HAIR: Auburn brown, fashionably tousled, extravagant beard and mustache
VOICE: Heavy Orlesian accent, deep rich timbre
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: His signature flashy facial hair, a thin scar running from the corner of his right eye to his lip
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BASIC TRAITS: Warm, loyal, humorous, jovial, vain, caring, adventurous, protective, dependable, generous, insolent, unassertive, curious, emotional, understanding of others, unforgiving of himself
IDEALS: Commitment, candor, service, kindness, forgiveness, fealty, sacrifice
FERELDEN The idea of someplace free from the superficial civility and labyrinthine social mores that plagued him in Orlais always appealed to him, and he found that place in Ferelden. He fell in love with the land and the people, and he can't imagine ever leaving.
LOGHAIN Aldric has considered Loghain a friend ever since his days with the Orlesian Wardens, especially since Loghain's tales of Ferelden were what convinced Aldric to transfer there. Now, after all he went through at Adamant, he owed Loghain his life. He'd sided with Clarel against Loghain at great cost to the Wardens, and it was a mistake he vowed to never make again.
ADRIENNE As freeing as life in Ferelden was, he didn't feel like he truly belonged there until he bonded with a Mabari, who he named Adrienne. Moreover, the Fereldans didn't truly accept his presence there until they saw how he respected and cherished Adrienne as only a true countryman would (though they still took offense to her very Orlesian name). He was utterly devoted to her, and her to him.
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as-above-is-moving · 11 months
💦 "Would you indulge in pain, human? What would your threshold be, hm?" // Ashes to Kairi.
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"....I'm sorry--who are you?? In what context are we talking about here?!"
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Guide to my tagging I guess? Warning it’s for me so it’s a bit mumble jumbled
masterpost- masterposts
RPG- role playing games
Augusts dumbassery- I’m August. This is me being stupid
As seen on Pinterest- loathe as I am to admit it, I was a Pinterest gal for many years. These are posts I originally saw on Pinterest
About me- a bit about me as a treat
links for later- links I wanted to reference later/ resources in link form
save for later- same as above but not in link form
witch resources- witch stuff I guess? I hoard knowledge like a dragon hoards gold
Witchcraft-other witch stuff
Green witch- plant witch stuff
Jewish- I am Jewish and this is all the Jewish stuff I reboot
Tags pending- I have not tagged this yet
I always have image IDs on anything I post and I try my hardest with things I reblog. I have vision struggles so sometimes I’m not able to
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backmaskcd · 4 months
🧡 ORANGE HEART — our muses' friendship (chandler / yoel / essie)
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chilledadversary · 8 months
Oh I... Really don't remember makin' this blog. Has mah login stuff an allat... Weird. One time I decide to stay up late...
Signed, Fisherman Sorbet
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
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Okay, so I left this note in my "Operation: Birthday Takeback" liveblog:
omg, Dev needs his godparent to stand up for him against Vicky and Peri's having a MELTDOWN and hiding behind his mom. Um??? Holy cow, I've never seen him break like this, except maybe when he gained his fear of the dark in "Lights Out."
I decided to go check if I was right and... Hm.
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Good to know!!
Bonus pics
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