oh-great-authoress · 2 months
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Happy, Happy Birthday to the best and dearest of sisters, @welsharcher !!!!
This year, we have a bit of variety, my sister, a little something other than the traditional moodboard/snippet…
After nearly a year, I finally managed to get you to watch Top Gun: Maverick, to my everlasting delight, and though we especially latched onto different characters/ships, I am so glad we’re sharing yet another fandom!
So, here is a lockscreen set I made for you, I hope you like them!!
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medicinelost · 11 months
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medicinelost-a · 1 year
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sailor-aviator · 3 months
By Its Cover: Chapter Two
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By Its Cover: Chapter Two
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader (Last Name: Sinclair)
Summary: The frivolity of high society has never much interested in you. You preferred to spend your time reading, something your sisters couldn't fathom as they spent their time shopping the latest dress styles. The youngest of five children and the fourth daughter, not much was expected of you. You knew you might be married one day, but you hoped beyond hope that it would be to someone that might understand your intellectual pursuits. You begin exchanging letters with a mysterious stranger, and what's more, your older brother's rakish best friend seems to find himself in your path more and more as the season goes on. What's a girl to do? (Regency!AU)
Content Warning: Disapproving Mother, Reader gets scolded, Lingering Touches, Suggestive Jokes, Supportive Dad figures, Overprotective Brother, Shameless Sister, Feelings of Inadequacy. I think that's it, but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 3.3k
Series Masterlist || Moodboard
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You had dozed off at some point in the evening, Mr. Mitchell’s copy of Pride and Prejudice sitting on your lap when the man himself finally came to find you.
“It’s getting late, Bug,” he had whispered, shaking your shoulder as you grumbled your way into consciousness. The older man gave you a kind smile as you blinked the sleep away from your eyes, gazing at him in confusion.
“The party’s just wrapped up,” he chuckled, resting a hand on your shoulder as you slowly remembered who’s library you were sitting in. You turned to Mr. Mitchell with concern clear on your face, and he held a hand up to stop you in your tracks.
“Don’t worry, your mother didn’t notice you snuck away,” he smiled, pulling you up by your hand and offering you his arm. You took it, looping yours through his as he gave you a wink. “So let’s hurry you on downstairs so we can keep it that way, hm?”
You let him escort you back down the stairs, several people still milling about as the ballroom cleared, the servants already beginning their cleaning duties as members of the Island bid each other a pleasant evening. Your mother was speaking with Mrs. Mitchell, a beautiful woman who must have been an even greater beauty in her youth you surmised. Georgiana stood off to the side with William and Lord Seresin, smiling and batting her lashes at the blond who seemed to be pointedly keeping his eyes on your brother.
“Oh, darling!” Your mother exclaimed, rushing towards you with a knit of her brow. “Where have you been, dearest?”
“I found her outside in the garden getting some air,” Mr. Mitchell supplied smoothly, giving your arm a playful squeeze. You shot him a small smile, thankful for his understanding of your dislike for large gatherings. You had never been one for them, if you were being honest, the judging eyes that seemed to follow you wherever you went a constant source of anxiety and discomfort. Your father had always understood, telling you once that he felt the same way about them, and you were glad for Mr. Mitchell during this time as well.
He seemed to be the only one other than your late father and Natasha that understood you, the real you that was. Your mother tried, you knew in your heart she did, but she never seemed to know what to do with you, not like your brother and sisters. You found yourself wondering some days if you should perhaps disappear into the night, start a new life where no one knew who you were or where you came from. You longed for a life where someone saw you for who you truly were, not who you were presumed to be given the Sinclair name. You had thoughts and ideas that only Natasha, and Mr. Mitchell on the rare occasion, seemed to understand, but you knew that the two of them wouldn’t be around forever. Were you destined to a life as some miserable lady of the house whose husband merely saw her as a means to procure an heir and maintain appearances?
“By yourself?” Your mother asked, positively aghast. “Dearest, why would you do such a thing? Think of what could have happened!”
Your cheeks warmed at her scolding, glancing down at the floor and wishing in that moment that it would open wide and swallow you whole. You felt the eyes of everyone on you as you stood there silently, and you chanced a glance up, not expecting to meet jade green ones first. Your breath hitched in your throat as your cheeks warmed even more, a feat you weren’t sure how was accomplished. Lord Seresin studied you, a frown tugging at his lips, but it was the look in his eyes that gave you pause.
No judgement shown in them. It was something you weren’t sure you understood. Curiosity, perhaps? His gaze met yours, and you could have sworn they softened as the two of you looked at one another, your eyes widening and lips parting on their own accord.
“It’s alright, Celine,” Mrs. Mitchell soothed, placing a gentle hand on your mother’s arm, drawing her attention away from you for a moment. The movement broke you from your trance, your head ducking down quickly to avoid making an even bigger fool of yourself than you already had. Though why you found yourself so eager to have the young lord’s approval, you weren’t quite sure, and you were irritated with yourself at the realization.
“I’m sorry, Mama,” you murmured, looking up at her through your lashes. She pressed her lips into a grimace before letting out a sigh.
“See that it doesn’t happen again,” she clucked, though you knew she wouldn’t stay upset with you for long - she never did. Mr. Mitchell gave your arm another squeeze before gesturing towards the now empty room.
“Well, as much as I do love seeing you all,” he started, mirth ever present in his tone. “The hour grows late, and I must insist that you all return home so that I may get my rest.”
“He is quite a crankly, old codger when he doesn’t get enough rest,” Mrs. Mitchell teased, smiling endearingly at her husband. He gave her an affectionate smile in return, beginning to steer you towards the exit.
“It was so lovely to see you all,” Mrs. Mitchell continued as the others began to file out as well, your mother on William’s arm and Georgie on Lord Seresin’s, though you couldn’t help but notice that it seemed his attention was entirely on her. “I’m afraid I can’t walk you out, though. There are some things I need to attend to around the manor.”
“It was lovely chatting with you as always, Charlotte,” your mother smiled, earning one in return.
“Please do come over for tea sometime, Celine,” Mrs. Mitchell said, already heading in the other direction. “I do so enjoy your visits!”
The October night sending a chill up your spine as you pressed a little closer to Mr. Mitchell for warmth.
“I knew I should have brought a cape,” you muttered, earning a chuckle. Your brother offered your mother a hand to step up into the stagecoach, ever the dutiful son. Your sister turned to Lord Seresin with a bat of her eyelashes and curl of her lips.
“I do hope we’ll be seeing more of you, your grace,” she purred, puffing her chest out more than was entirely necessary. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at your older sister, clenching your jaw at her brazen display. If that’s what it took to get a husband, then you most assuredly wanted no part in it.
Lord Seresin cleared his throat, giving her a polite smile that looked entirely too much like a grimace as he dipped his head to her.
“I’m sure I’ll be finding my way to your family’s estate just like old times, Miss Sinclair,” he responded politely, passing her off to your brother who helped her into the stagecoach. You moved to follow, but Mr. Mitchell pulled you back, a twinkle in his eyes.
“You almost forgot this,” he whispered to you, pressing something into your hand. You glanced down to see the book you had been reading in the library, your eyes alighting in delight as you gripped it tightly.
“Thank you,” you whispered back, turning to find your brother had taken refuge from the cold inside the coach. You saw Lord Seresin standing by the door, waiting for you. You nearly balked, but Mr. Mitchell placed a steady hand on your back and pushed you towards him. Your cheeks suddenly felt too hot as you walked stiffly forward, avoiding the Duke’s eyes as best you could. Once you reached the doors, his hand appeared in your vision. You hesitated, and you weren’t sure why. The moment stretched on in silence, and you could feel the awkwardness at your lack of action grow stronger.
“It’s alright,” he murmured, his warm breath fanning over you as he leaned forward. “I only bite when provoked.”
You glanced up at him, cheeks aflame and eyes widened as before. He let out a low chuckle, meeting your gaze easily as his eyes twinkled.
“I’m kidding,” he smirked, tilting his head in a disgustingly endearing way.
“Bug, get in the coach before we freeze to death,” harped Georgie, shooting you a positively venomous glare. You gulped, slowly placing your hand in Lord Seresin’s as he gripped yours tightly. His hand was warm, comfortingly so, and a spark shot through you as your skin made contact with his. You sucked in a sharp breath, eyes flickering up to meet his. A smile curled at his lips as he looked at you with a hooded gaze. You could have sworn the world tampered out around you as he held your gaze, lips spreading into a smirk as his thumb smoothed over the back of your hand. Your lips parted, eyes darting down to his own on their own accord. They looked soft.
“Bug!” Georgie nearly shrieked, pulling you from your stupor. You cleared your throat, turning towards the coach once more, but not before noticing how Lord Seresin’s smile faded into a frown as you moved. You sat in the seat next to your brother, across from Georgie who still openly glared at you. Lord Seresin still held your hand as you settled in the seat, giving it a squeeze as you turned to face him.
“Lady Bug,” he purred as his hand slowly slipped from yours, green eyes intense as they watched you. You swallowed thickly.
“Your grace,” you replied, voice barely above a whisper. You glanced behind him towards where Mr. Mitchell stood, a brow raised, but not in your direction. You turned to see your mother looking back at him, a mirroring brow arched as she glanced over at you with a knowing look. You felt embarrassed as you pressed further into the seat. You refused to look up, even as the coach door clicked shut, the driver spurring the horses into motion. Even as you still felt the Duke’s gaze lingering on you.
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You turned the page with a tired sigh, eyes flickering up briefly to watch as your sister paced around the large parlor. Morning light filtered through clouds and through the tall windows, casting shadows along the ornate, antique rug that had laid on the floor for God only knows how long. You were still tired from your night at the party, your sister refusing to leave until most of the crowd had left already. The sister in question was pacing haughtily across the carpet in front of you, shooting you poisonous looks as you buried your nose further into your book to try and ignore her. Your mother sat on the sofa across from you, her needlepoint in hand as she eyed your sister with exasperation.
“Georgiana, please,” she sighed, closing her eyes as if that might give her a moment’s respite. “Sit down before you wear a hole in my rug.”
“How can I sit still, Mama?” Georgie cried out, stopping in her tracks to spare your mother the briefest of looks. “She’s sitting there like nothing happened!”
“Because nothing did happen,” you muttered, which proved to be a mistake as your sister swung around to shoot you daggers once more.
“Right,” she scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest, “because you didn’t practically drool all over him last night. I saw the way you looked at him!”
“Georgie,” you sighed, setting your book down on your lap to give her your undivided attention, “you know me better than that. I have no interest in courtship, let alone marriage of all things.”
Your words seemed to placate her some as she arched a brow at you, but at least she no longer glared.
“Besides,” you continued, eager to have her ire directed at something other than you, “it was you who he danced with all night, was it not?”
That seemed to snap her out of her tirade, a large smile forming on her lips as she let out a dreamy sigh, twirling in place.
“Yes, it was,” she gushed, cupping her cheek. “Oh, we must have looked so wonderful together. Wouldn’t you agree, Mama?”
Your mother hummed noncommittally as she glanced up from her needlepoint.
“What?” She blinked. “Oh, yes, of course, my darling.”
She didn’t sound too convinced as her eyes strayed to you, that knowing look making your cheeks heat once again as you looked away. Georgiana didn’t notice your silent exchange as she giggled to herself.
“I wonder if we’ll have a long courtship,” she mused, sitting down next to your mother, jostling the older woman slightly. “We shall have a wedding befitting that of a Duke and Duchess, surely.”
“You mustn’t rush these things, my darling,” your mother hummed once more, and you could feel her eyes still boring into you. “Much can happen over the course of a season.”
In that moment, your brother waltzed into the room, a familiar blond following close behind. You felt your heart stutter in your chest, hands clenching the book in your lap as you did your best to try and act like his mere presence didn’t have a most peculiar effect on your senses.
“Good morning, all,” William chirped, leaning against the mantle, a brilliant smile on his face.
“William,” your mother scolded, setting aside her needlepoint hastily before smoothing down her skirts. “You could have warned us that you were expecting company!”
“Sorry, Mother,” William grinned his demeanor contradictory to his words. “It must have slipped my mind.”
“Lord Seresin,” your sister giggled, standing so suddenly as to startle you, your book falling to the floor in your fright. You bent over to grab it, fingers just brushing the cover as a much larger hand brushed yours. You glanced up to meet jade green eyes, a nearly silent gasp leaving your lips on its own accord. His fingers, so large compared to your own, brushed the back of your hand gently before you gathered your wits about you. You yanked your hand away, the book along with it as you leaned back up. Your cheeks were on fire, your eyes looking everywhere but at him.
“My lord,” you murmured apologetically, sparing him another glance. His face was unreadable as he watched you for a beat more, slowly standing straight from where he had bent over.
“Lady Bug,” he nodded, pressing his lips into a tight line. You noticed the flex of his hand at his side - the one he had just touched you with - and you felt a fluttering in your stomach.
“Your grace,” your mother began, but Lord Seresin held his hand up to stop her, a smile gracing his handsome features.
“Please, Lady Sinclair,” he said. “I much prefer it if you’d all call me by my given name. Like old times.”
“Jacob,” your mother amended with a bow of her head. “What brings you to our home this morning?”
“Jake was just regaling me with stories of his travels,” William chimed in, walking over to plop down on the sofa next to you. He reached up to tickle your chin, and you swatted his hand away with a vicious scowl. He grinned up at you, shooting you a wink before turning back to others. “I invited him to dinner tonight, I hope you all don’t mind.”
“Of course. You know you’re more than welcome here,” your mother smiled at the blond as your sister practically bounced in her seat from excitement. Your eyes flickered over to him of their own accord, and you were almost unsurprised to see him already looking at you. You blinked, eyes as round as saucers as you looked away. William gave you a look of curiosity, but wrinkled his nose as Georgie batted her eyes up at the duke.
“Jake,” she crooned, leaning forward, practically pushing her chest up for him to view. “Would you care to hear me play the pianoforte? I’ve become quite the good player since you were last here.”
Jake frowned slightly before putting on a charming smile.
“Please. By all means,” he said, gesturing towards the instrument in question. Georgie gathered her skirts before prancing over to sit on the bench. You had to admit, your sister was quite the excellent player. You wouldn’t say you were horrible by any means, but your sister had a knack for music. You were much more content with your books and paints. The delicate notes of her playing filled the room, and you smiled softly as she continued.
Your sister played for a while, and after a few minutes you turned to your brother to say something, stopping when you saw him. William didn’t seem to be paying attention to the music, no. His brow was furrowed, lips turned into a contemplative frown as he all but glared forward. You followed his gaze, stopping as you saw what had him so perplexed. Jake was already looking at you, that unreadable expression once again on his face. Georgiana finished her song, your mother’s clapping breaking you from your stunned silence. You began to clap alongside her, followed by the two men. Georgie rose from the bench, a coy smile on her face as she curtsied to the room.
“That was lovely, Georgie,” William smiled, the consternation having vanished from his demeanor entirely.
“Agreed,” Jake chimed in, and Georgie positively beamed under their praise.
“Thank you,” she gushed. The sun chose that moment to make its way through the gloomy clouds, casting bright light into the room.
“Oh, Mama,” Georgiana exclaimed. “Look! The sun is out. Might we go out promenading?”
Your mother cast her attention out the tall windows, taking in the sight of the almost crystal blue sky.
“It does look lovely outside,” she murmured. “Alright, yes, but be sure to grab your cloaks! Jacob, will you be joining us?”
Jake hesitated, glancing around the room before slowly nodding. “Yes, I suppose I shall if it’s alright with you.”
Georgie practically squealed as she raced out of the room, your mother close behind. You rose to your feet, book still clutched in your hands as your brother followed suit.
“I’ll take that as my cue and meet you all outside, then,” Jake chuckled, casting one more glance at you before heading off in the opposite direction. You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding, feeling the stress leave your shoulders as they sagged slightly.
“Bug,” William said, and you turned to look at him. His expression was serious, brow furrowed once more.
“What is it?” You questioned, raising a brow at him. William seemed to mull over his words, teeth worrying at his cheek as he was prone to do when something was bothering him.
“Just,” he hesitated, “be careful. Jake is my oldest and dearest friend, but even I know his reputation is well earned.”
Your heart sank in your chest, but you schooled your features into one of nonchalance.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you sniffed, looking away and towards the wall. You weren’t stupid enough to think the duke had any interest in you, the strange youngest sister who had made it known she would never marry. You wouldn’t even know the first thing about being a duchess, and you weren’t about to start entertaining the idea. Not when someone like Georgie seemed so keen on it.
“Right,” William snickered, looking down at his shoes with a shake of his head. He seemed like he wanted to say more, but he must have thought better of it. He looked back up at you, gesturing towards the door.
“Go,” he shooed. “Grab your cloak quickly before we have to hear more of Georgie’s shrieking.”
You smiled at him, nodding before turning on your feet to do as he bid.
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A/N: Here it is! I didn't get as much done as I would have liked this week, but I'm proud of myself for getting two different updates out in the same week! That's a lot for me! Anyway, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my week off and look forward to my one in July. Please be thinking about what you would like to see from me next, and let me know what you thought about this chapter!
As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. If you would like to be notified on when I post updates, please follow my side blog (@sailoraviator-library) and turn on post notifications! My work is cross posted on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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shakespeareanwannabe · 4 months
As You Wish, Chapter 12
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, drinking, swearing, reference to an accident
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32nd Street Naval Station, 12 years ago
The situation was almost eerily familiar. He stood in his crisp khaki uniform, in line with Bob, Natasha and Javy, just like he had that day almost a year ago. The differences were marked, however. Not only was Rooster in line with them, waiting to be tapped out, but his ring now lay on her finger and his babies were growing in her belly.
Three months. They had been gone for three damn months, and that had been three months too long in Jake’s book. Would he be able to feel the babies kicking now? How close were they to coming? Would they remember the sound of his voice? And how had his Buttercup done in his absence? She had been so worried that she wouldn’t be able to handle his deployment so soon, only two weeks married and five months pregnant with twins in a city she didn’t fully feel comfortable with yet.
Communication between the two had been spotty at best; reduced to a handful of phone calls and one lowly Facetime call. He had received three care packages from her though, filled with his favourite snacks, ultrasound photos, and a couple of raunchy photos that had kept him up half the night with the desire to touch her and hear her voice. He thanked god every day that their mission had wrapped up relatively quickly and the aircraft carrier had been able to dock sooner rather than later.
Bob was the first one pulled out of line, tapped out by his mother, who had come to stay with Buttercup for the last two weeks. Then Javy, his sister smiling over at Jake, who waved her off. He would be tapped out by his wife and only by his wife. Nat gave him a mocking salute as she strode off with Yale, and Rooster flashed him a playful middle finger as Mav tapped him on the shoulder.
Finally, finally, he spotted her, waddling slowly through the thinning crowd. She had grown since the last time he saw her, the skin of her belly stretched tight as their babies grew, but still she looked thinner than he thought she would, especially in her face. And she was moving so slowly, both hands resting under her bump as she navigated her way toward him. Jake’s heart raced as he took her in. She was beautiful, of course, but she looked so…tired. Sad.
A spark of joy raced across her face when she locked eyes with him, and he felt a weight lift off his shoulders as she smiled brightly at him and sped up as best she could.
“Hey hotshot,” she whispered, standing toe to toe with him. “Kiss me.”
All it took was her hand tapping his shoulder lightly before he wrapped her in his arms and kissed a sweet kiss to her lips, his hands journeying downward to help share the weight of her belly.
“As you wish, darlin’,” he whispered against her lips. “As you wish.”
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Seresin Ranch, Clifton, Texas, Now
The drive back to the ranch had been…awkward, to say the least. Savannah, thankfully, had gone home with her parents, her mother claiming that she would be in touch in a few days, but Jake had never pictured being in his truck with his two daughters and his ex-wife, a rental car packed with their nearest and dearest trailing behind them.
Buttercup had been strangely quiet on the drive to the ranch, her sharp eyes taking in the scenery while her ears no doubt were honed in on the rapid conversation her daughters were having in the back seat. Not that Jake blamed her for her silence. They’d both been taken aback when faced with the blackmail their daughters had laid at their feet. The girls would tell them which girl legally belonged to which parent at the end of their seven-day trip to the ranch, during which they would go on the annual trail ride, swim in the pool, go to one of Javy’s football games, and probably have a backyard bash to celebrate all the birthdays and Christmases they had missed out on.
Jake couldn’t help but swallow down his nerves as he turned down the long driveway that led to the ranch house. The last time he and Buttercup had spent any extended amount of time together, it had ended with tears and a courtroom. He still woke up sometimes in the middle of the night, the sound of the judge’s gavel ringing in his ears and the sight of Buttercup’s gaunt and teary face flickering behind his eyelids. But the girls needed this, and, frankly, Jake thought he and Buttercup needed it too. Time to act like a family, co-parent without an ocean in the way, and, Jake reminded himself, time for both the girls to get to know their future stepmother and for Buttercup to feel secure in allowing another woman near her children.
“I missed it here,” he heard Charlie sigh, his eyes jumping to the rearview mirror to see if he could spot which twin had spoken, but both of their mouths were clamped shut, as though they knew he would try to suss out which one was legally his responsibility.
“It’s pretty…” Buttercup murmured beside him, taking in the fields and the trees that lined the driveway. “I thought you said your grandfather’s ranch was kind of run down?”
Jake felt a smile tug on his lips. She remembered. He’d only mentioned it once or twice, in conversations about how they could manage the holidays when they got married, but she remembered.
“Coyote, Rooster and I fixed it up,” he replied in a smooth voice, pulling his truck up to the side of the farmhouse. “Took a bit, but we got it done, and now it’s a pretty successful working ranch.”
“Tourists can come here too, mom,” one of the girls piped up. “There’s cabins for city people who want a dude ranch experience.”
“Or for people who just want to get away,” the other girl smiled as the truck was shut off.
Jake sighed and stepped out of the truck, watching the SUV full of their friends and family coast up the driveway behind him.
“Alright, Abby, you, Buttercup, your aunt and uncle are all staying in one of the empty dude cabins—”
“No, we’re not,” one of the twins (Charlie, maybe?) glared at him. “I already texted Claudia. She had Luke move the futon into the bedroom. We are staying together.” She linked arms with her twin and they nodded decisively at him.
“And mom isn’t staying in a dude cabin with Uncle Bob and Auntie Nat,” her sister added. “She’s staying in the guest bedroom. In the house. With us.”
“Girls, I don’t think—”
“Please?” they batted their eyes at them. “We just want to know what it feels like for all of us to wake up under the same roof. Like a family.” They pouted, their eyes shining.
Jake groaned as he crouched to meet their eyes, waving a warning finger between them. “This is emotional blackmail, and you both know it.”
They both shrugged. “And we’re okay with that.”
Jake couldn’t tell if he wanted to laugh or hit something. They were definitely his daughters. Only someone with his DNA could come up with a scheme like this. Only someone who grew up with Rooster and Coyote would even think of something like this. And he had no doubt that the two men had something to do with it as well.
“Are you okay with this?” he turned to Buttercup, a gentle look in his eye. She’d been quiet, too quiet, since they’d left the hotel. “If you’re not, we could always ground ‘em for manipulating their parents.”
She smiled weakly at him. “It’s fine. It’ll be fine. It’s only for one week anyway. If we can’t handle one week living under the same roof…” she trailed off with a sigh, and he could read her mind just as well as he always had been able to. They’d planned on living under the same roof for the rest of their lives. They’d planned on growing old together. If they couldn’t handle one week together, then it was just further proof of how badly they had failed their girls.
Before he could doubt himself, he reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “It’ll be okay,” he murmured. “I promise. No asshole-ish, condescending behaviour from me.”
She snorted, the tension between them breaking. “So, you’re saying that you won’t be yourself?”
He pressed a hand to his chest dramatically, gasping and groaning. “You wound me, Buttercup.”
The girls giggled, sharing a look between them before Natasha stomped between them, heading for the house like she owned the place. Jake turned and looked at the SUV in time to watch Javy striding towards his cabin, muttering under his breath and kicking at a weed that was in his way.
“Jesus, what happened there?” he muttered to Buttercup, who shook her head.
Rooster strolled toward them, his hands pressed deeply into his pockets as he shook his head, his usually tan skin pale.
He shook his head at them. “I’m surprised they didn’t kill each other, man.”
Buttercup bit her lip, concern spreading across her features as she turned to watch her friend walk into her ex-husband’s house. “What happened? Why are they at each other’s throats? I thought they—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Rooster griped at her, looking at Jake. “I’m goin’ to make dinner.”
Jake nodded before turning to grab the luggage out of the bed of his truck. “Girls, you know where your bedroom is. Buttercup…” he bowed with a flourish. “Right this way and I’ll show you to your room.” She raised a hand to take her luggage from him, but he turned before she could even think. “You know me better than that, Buttercup. C’mon now.” He turned to lead them inside. “Since Phoenix seems to think she can stroll into my home whenever she pleases, you can come with us and I’ll show you to your cabin later, Bob.”
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“You do put out quite the spread, Rooster,” Buttercup complimented as she dug into her mushroom risotto. “Everything is delicious.”
Rooster’s grunt had Jake aiming a kick at him under the table. Rooster shot him a sharp look in response, but Phoenix cut off any retort he might have been able to muster.
“What the hell, man? Why couldn’t you cook like this before? You nearly burned down the old apartment trying to make toast one time.”
“Needed something to keep me busy during retirement. And these two idiots would’ve let Charlie and I starve to death if I didn’t step up.”
“Are you self-taught?” Bob questioned, cutting up his baked chicken breast.
He shook his head. “Culinary school. Luckily for me, Uncle Sam was willing to pay my tuition since I was sinking all my money into this place.”
“I thought it was the Seresin Ranch?” Buttercup looked at Jake, who shrugged.
“Been a family ranch for decades. But Rooster and Coyote are equal partners with me. Mostly silent partners, but it was Coyote’s idea to turn the south field into a tourist trap. Ever since, we’ve been doing comfortably for ourselves.”
Buttercup looked around the cozy but elegant dining area. “Looks like more than comfortable to me.”
“Well, you’d know, wouldn’t you, Buttercup?” Jake smiled at her over his wine glass. “New York Times bestseller list? And I heard that you’re not one of those hacks who buys a bunch of copies of your own book just to make that list.”
Buttercup blushed into her rosé. “I’ve done okay for myself.”
“Better than okay,” Phoenix piped up with a reproachful look at her friend. “They’re trying to get her to host a TED Talk about creative writing and literary themes.”
Javy whistled under his breath. “Damn, kid. That’s awesome. What’s holding you back from sayin’ yes?”
Buttercup shifted uncomfortably. “There’s a reason I write under a penname, I suppose. I don’t really want to bring attention to myself. Or to my family.”
Rooster huffed under his breath. “And here I was thinking that it was because you didn’t want Jake to find you when you disappeared.”
Everyone froze, Jake’s laser glare slicing through the frosty air towards his friend.
“I…I…” Buttercup felt her eyes well with tears and she gripped her wine glass so tightly she was afraid that the stem would snap in her hands.
Rooster stood with a screech of his chair against the hardwood. ���I’m done,” he muttered. “Enjoy the rest of your dinner.”
Buttercup half rose out of her seat as though to follow him, but Jake’s gentle hand on her arm gave her pause. “Ignore him. He’s got his own crap to work out. It’s not your fault, darlin’.”
She sniffed but nodded. “I…I didn’t mean to disappear. I called you. A bunch of times. But you never answered.”
Jake nodded, the tension remaining thick, the girls watching them warily. “I tried to call you too. Finally got an answer once too. But it was some British guy yelling at me to stop calling him at 3 o’clock in the morning. Figured it was a new man in your life.”
Buttercup shook her head. “It wasn’t. I mean…I’ve been too busy to try to date. But I can see why you thought that. And why you’d stop calling. I guess maybe the court transcribed my number wrong?”
Jake shrugged. “Must be. Tried calling Bob and Phoenix too. But it would only ring once then send me to voicemail.”
Buttercup sighed and glared at her family. “You blocked him?”
Bob shrugged but Phoenix met her eyes. “Yeah, I did. I barely wanted to talk to him when I had to work with him. Why would I want to talk to him when I didn’t have to?”
Jake, Charlie and Abby flinched at the venom in her voice.
“Nat…” Bob murmured under his breath in warning, but it was Javy’s voice that caught her attention.
“Sure, Phoenix, keep blaming us for your problems,” he bit out, eyes on his food. “I guess being angry at the world is easier than being angry at yourself.”
Phoenix slammed her fork down on the table. “Are you saying that getting grounded was my own fault?”
Javy stood, looming over the table. “I would never say that. But we all tried to be there for you when you were forced into retirement. It ain’t our fault that you couldn’t handle it and pushed us all away. Now you’re all alone and you can’t blame anyone but yourself for that.”
Phoenix stood to retort, the hairs on her arms standing at attention, but another screech of a chair stole their attention.
“That is enough,” Buttercup hissed. “My children are present, and they have enough going on without you two having a petty argument. If you need to whine at each other, do it outside. Because they do not need to hear this. Be adults or get out.”
Phoenix blinked at her for a moment before throwing her napkin down and stalking out of the room. A second later the front door slammed shut and everyone flinched.
Javy’s head hung low as he leaned against the table. “I’m gonna go too. Night girlies.” He bent to press kisses to Charlie and Abby’s hair as he passed them and left the room after clapping Jake on the shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Buttercup whispered to Jake, resettling into her seat. “But that’s not the kind of argument they should be having in front of our kids.”
The girls were indeed picking at their food, skin ashen.
“Don’t worry about it,” he promised, reaching out to squeeze her hand before picking up his fork again. “It’s not the first time Rooster or Javy have been tossed out of here for having a temper. I doubt it’ll be the last.”
Buttercup nodded, clearing her throat. “Girls, why don’t you tell me about this trail ride we’re going on tomorrow? You’re so insistent on going on it, but you haven’t really given me details.”
Charlie smiled brightly. “We leave way before the sun comes up and we get back the next night in time for Uncle Roo’s famous chili. We go all over the ranch, through the forest, up into the hills. Sometimes we see the cattle! And we camp out in tents and eat smores and hot dogs and Dad lets me stay up way late and tells me stories!”
Jake bit his lip to hide his smile. That was definitely his Charlie girl, but he wasn’t going to call her on it. Not when he wanted his girls to stay with him for as long as they could.
“I started the tradition when Charlie was just a baby,” he smiled. “We didn’t have a whole lot of ranch hands back then, so my granddad and I went out to round up the cattle with Rooster and Coyote. Charlie rode with me, strapped to my chest. She came with us every year until we had enough hands to do it on their own. That’s when we decided to move the trail ride to the last week of summer. As a kind of celebration before school starts again.”
Buttercup was smiling softly into her glass. “That sounds wonderful. I’m sure you’ll all have a wonderful time.”
Both girls made a sound of protest, and Jake chuckled. “Oh, c’mon now, Buttercup. You’re not gettin’ away from me that easily. You’re coming too.”
Buttercup bit her lip and looked pleadingly at him. “Jake, you know I can’t ride. And I’m an indoor human, not an outdoor one. I don’t do camping. I hate the outdoors, except for the beach. And I’m way too old to be sleeping on the ground.”
“You rode well when you took me out riding on the beach for my birthday,” he smiled. “And you came to the Daggers camp night, when we all slept out in Mav and Penny’s backyard. And you’re not old. You’re just as young and beautiful as you were the day I met you.”
Buttercup felt her cheeks blaze with heat. “Jake, please?”
The twins leaned forward and jutted their lower lips out. “Please mom?”
“For us?”
Buttercup shuttered her eyes. “No! Please, no more puppy dog eyes!”
Jake leaned in and gave her a similar, pleading look. “C’mon, Buttercup. You can’t say no to all three of us, can you?”
Buttercup groaned when she saw the look on his face. “You’re incorrigible, and their puppy dog face is clearly all your fault.”
The three of them cheered.
“You won’t regret this, I promise,” Jake murmured in her ear before sitting back in his chair and finishing his dinner.
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Buttercup arose to the sound of a car door slamming, and thought, for a moment, that she was back in her flat in London. But the bed was unfamiliar and pale blue walls were not the lilac of her own bedroom. The distant sound of a horse whinnying brought back the flood of memories from the day before.
Jake. She was at Jake’s ranch, with her daughters. Both of them. Rooster was there too, and angry as all hell at her. Javy and Natasha were at each others’ throats. Bob was silently stewing out in a cabin somewhere on the property. It all felt like something she would write in one of her books, not live out in her real life.
With a sigh, she rolled out of bed and stretched. The girls had told her that they left for the trail ride before the sun even came up. Well, Charlie had told her, but she didn’t want to call her out and ruin the deal they had made. Jake had been right when he said that they all needed this. They needed to learn how to co-parent, and the girls deserved to spend more time with both them and each other. And part of that would be going on the trail ride as a family.
Slowly, Buttercup dressed in her oldest jeans and a cotton t-shirt, draping the flannel Jake had leant to her over her arm before hoisting the backpack Jake had helped her pack with camping essentials onto her shoulder.
Despite the arguments from the night before, Buttercup had enjoyed her first night on Seresin Ranch. Both her girls were clearly enamored with their father, and their father with them. Though she loved her family dynamic in London, she had to admit that their family meals were few and far between. Bob was flying more and more flights with overnight layovers, and Natasha would be out with friends more often than not. So, it would just be her and Abby around the dinner table. And she loved that, she really did, but she couldn’t help but feel that her daughter felt a little lonely in their small bubble.
Her girl wasn’t the biggest social butterfly (a trait she had undoubtedly inherited from her mother), though Buttercup knew that she had a few solid friends at school. Her girl got good grades, enjoyed her riding at the local arena, and loved spending time with her aunt and uncle when they were available. Still, Buttercup had always wanted to give her daughter a huge network of people she could rely on. Charlie clearly had that on the ranch, and Buttercup wanted to stick around long enough for at least some of those people to adopt Abby as their own as well.
Buttercup treaded softly over the hardwood floor and down the stairs, only stilling when she heard a sweet, feminine voice echoing off the walls.
“I told you, sugar. All is forgiven. I don’t blame you for not talkin’ about your other little girl. It must’ve been so painful for you to even think about her,” the voice simpered.
“I know it’s not ideal, Savannah,” Jake’s voice replied as Buttercup crept closer to the kitchen. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to reconsider everything. You planned on becoming a stepmother to one child. Not two.”
Buttercup leaned against the wall next to the kitchen doorway. From her angle, she could see Jake standing in the kitchen, his strong hands resting on Savannah’s hips.
“Oh tush, sugar! It’ll be twice the fun with two little girls runnin’ around here. I’m sorry I fainted. I was just overwhelmed. But it’s not going to happen again. I promise.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to take some time to think about it?”
Buttercup watched as Savannah leaned in and planted a deep kiss on Jake’s lips. Her stomach roiled and Buttercup took a few steps away. She had no reason to feel nauseated at the sight of Jake kissing another girl. He was going to marry this woman. She would be the stepmother to her children. Sure, nobody but Jake seemed particularly keen on Savannah, but the same could be said about Buttercup herself, given Rooster’s reaction to her the night before. Whatever she was feeling, she would have to just get over it. That social network she wanted to build for her daughters would include Savannah, and it was Buttercup’s job as a mother to help build that bridge between them.
“Oh!” Buttercup looked up and found Savannah in the doorway, staring at her. “I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t realize you were there.”
Buttercup forced a smile onto her face as she tamped down her nausea. “No, no. It’s my fault. Jetlag, you know? I was feeling a little dizzy and had to take a minute to breathe.”
Savannah smiled brightly at her. “Oh, that’s a darn shame. Jakey was tellin’ me that you’re an author?”
Buttercup blinked at the sudden change in topic but nodded. “That’s right.”
Savannah squealed. “That gives me the best idea ever! You should write my vows for me.”
Buttercup fought hard to keep the damper on her nausea as her stomach threatened to roll over. “I’m sorry?”
Savannah’s smile twitched, the sugary sweet smile changing to something predatory and feline for all of a second. “It’ll just sound so much better coming from a professional writer,” she simpered. “All those words of love and commitment, from me to Jakey,” she sighed. “It would be ten times better than whatever I could come up with.”
Buttercup bit the inside of her cheek hard enough to bleed as she smiled faintly at her. “I…will think about it.”
Savannah squealed again. “Ah, just think about how much it would mean to your girls. Havin’ their mother help welcome their new stepmama into their lives. It would be so sweet.”
Buttercup rolled her shoulders and nodded kindly. “Of course. I’ll think about it.” A sliver of an idea formed in Buttercup’s mind as she considered the saccharine woman in front of her. “You know what? While I think about it, why don’t you try to get to know your future stepdaughters more?”
Savannah blinked at her, the too-white smile on her face dimming as she stared at her. “How would you want me to do that?”
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Jake stood in front of the four horses he had tacked up that morning. His own horse, Firewall, stood with the majority of the camping equipment stored behind his saddle. Lovebug had saddlebags full of food and water. The other two horses, a sweet chestnut gelding named Starburst and a black mare named Angel, would carry their other bags as well as Abby and Buttercup.
“C’mon you two punks!” he called as Charlie and Abby raced out of the house. “Let’s get a move on! We’re burning daylight!”
“Sorry dad,” Abby panted, moving towards Starburst. “Our bathroom is way too small for two people.”
“Where’s mom?” Charlie patted Lovebug as she stared toward the house.
Almost like she had been cued, Buttercup emerged from the house, dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a tank top.
“That what you’re ridin’ in, darlin’?” Jake called. “I don’t know if that’s the best getup for a trail ride.”
Buttercup shook her head, cradling a cup of coffee between her hands. “I talked to my editor this morning. I have a deadline coming up and owe her a hundred and fifty more pages.”
Jake felt his heart sink as the girls bemoaned the news.
“But mom—”
“—you promised!”
Buttercup smiled softly at them over her mug. “I know, my darlings, and I’m so sorry. But I figured you could use this time well anyway.”
“We already know dad, Mom,” Charlie griped.
“That’s not what I’m talking about, baby,” Buttercup grinned, an almost wicked look on her face. “I thought you could get to know your new stepmother on this trail ride. After all, she’ll be part of the family too.”
Jake’s heart sunk even lower as Savannah strode out of the house, looking like a model for a horse magazine, all dolled up in the latest riding gear.
Abby and Charlie stared at their mother with an unreadable look on their faces as Buttercup winked at them. “Enjoy!”
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Tags List: @jessicab1991
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Hopelessly in Love
My first angst?? This is based from an Indonesian song I've been listening to lately. Some part of the dialogue will be based on the lyrics
(Not Wandanat angst, no. Those bitchess stay happy. Not reader tho, reader gets heartbroken-)
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Reader description: Gender-neutral pronouns, leans more towards masculine style, childhood friends with Wanda.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (Requited love), Wanda Maximoff x Reader (Unrequited love).
Summary: Wanda and Y/n has been best friends since childhood, they were the same age and live in the same neighborhood. Y/n have always had feelings for Wanda, but they never act up on it. Upon entering High School they finally decided enough is enough. Unfortunately for them, their older sister also took a liking on Wanda. The rebellious, well-known 'Heartbreaker of Westview High', Natasha Romanoff.
Upon learning that they both have their eyes on the same girl, Y/n and Natasha made a silly bet. Who can steal Maximoff’s heart first?
Wanda was obviously oblivious towards the Romanoff sibling’s little game. Natasha was sure of herself as she tends to have her ways around the people she fancied, Y/n was equally confident as well because they’re Wanda’s best friend since childhood.
Their little bet went on for months until eventually Wanda did developed romantic feelings. For who you may ask? For our very own, Natasha Romanoff. Some would say that Wanda simply fell for Natasha's flirty demeanor, but in reality, Wanda was really hard to get. Even for someone like Natasha Romanoff.
So overtime, Natasha started to see Wanda not as one of her little game. Rather, someone she genuinely wanted to spend time with romantically. Perhaps it was that change in her intentions that made Wanda fell in love with Natasha Romanoff.
So by the time Y/n decides to just simply confessed to Wanda, instead of flirting and dropping hints, It was far too late. "Y/n... I only see you as a friend, I'm sorry."
"I- Wanda I've liked you since first grade." Y/n pleaded.
"Stop it. I told you before I only see us as friends."
"Please, just try to get to know me better-"
"You're my best friend, of course I know you."
"I meant as a lover, Wanda. Not your best friend, or childhood friend." Wanda shook her head, unbelievable. The last thing she wanted was to have her own best friend confessed their love for her while her heart belonged to another.
"Before you spit on my confession. Before you rip my heart in two. Please, Wanda give me a chance."
"Y/n enough, I'm in love with Natasha-"
"And I can make you fall in love with me if you had just let me!" In truth yes perhaps that's what Wanda has been doing. Maybe she had brushed off Y/n's attempts at flirting as friendly banter, for what purpose she herself doesn't know.
"Y/n, I didn't know. I thought you were just being friendly because we jokingly flirt all the time!
"Even if you don't love me, I still want to try."
"I just can't see us being more than friends-" Wanda tried to reason once again.
"Just give it a little time." Christ, Y/n was just as stubborn as Natasha. "Let the love comes to you, eventually you'll get used to it."
Wanda sighed in frustration, maybe Y/n had a chance after all. "Please get out, I have a date with Natasha tonight. I need to get ready."
The younger Romanoff's heart shattered in two, "Wands-"
"Please?" Wanda requested softly, she may be frustrated. But they were still her dearest friend who's been with her through ups and downs.
As stubborn as they are, Y/n had to respect Wanda's decision. Reluctantly, they approached Wanda's door to take their leave. "Don't uh... Don't forget to bring a jacket, Tasha would probably pick you up on her bike." You can tell they were holding back tears.
"Thanks for the heads up."
"See you around, Wanda." With one last nod, they leave Wanda's house.
- The song -
The song is called Risalah Hati - Dewa 19
It's basically about being hopelessly in love with someone who doesn't love you back. (I made some slight variation to fit the dialogue)
Original lyrics: Kenali aku dulu Sebelum kau ludahi aku Sebelum kau robek hatiku Aku bisa membuatmu jatuh cinta kepadaku Meski kau tak cinta kepadaku Beri sedikit waktu Biar cinta datang karena telah terbiasa
Translated: Get to know me first Before you spit on me Before you rip my heart in two I can make you fall in love with me Even if you don't love me Give it a little time Let love come because you're used to it
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biffybobs · 11 months
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Greetings from Granite Falls 🌈
Dearest Valentino and Natasha, Your Father and I have found the most adorable lakeside cabin for a nice relaxing break. I've discovered I am completely terrible at fishing but I kind of love that for me, haha. There is also a wonderful spa retreat that offers some amazingly bone crunching massages. Of course your sister decided to tag along and hates absolutely everything about the place. Don't be surprised if she turns up on your doorstep again soon! I hope the food stall is going well. Save some of those berry waffles for me. Love and hugs, Mum xx p.s. when are we getting grandchildren, we're on short lifespan remember ;)
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sleeps-au-bag · 3 months
i still haven't finished penacony yet, please don't put any spoilers about it on here.
he's been dancing a lot in his dream lately. he's been dreaming more frequently lately. ever since the astral express the luofu, actually. there's been rumors of them returning soon but yanqing has never been one to entertain rumors. right now, he's dancing all by himself in a garden.
it looks like... fyxestroll garden. except without the mist and with more colors. there's a river going through the garden that surrounds the little pavillion he dances in. the moon is large and shines its light down upon him.
he wonders why he's been dreaming about dancing lately. could it be because of the upcoming war dance. the general has talked about finally introducing him to lady yunli. whenever he talks about the two of them meeting, it feels like he would like to set them up on a date. perhaps he and the general of the zhuming are planning a future elopement between the two?
he can't help but feel sick to his stomach whenever the general talks like that. it makes him dread meeting lady yunli. his heart is already taken, he knows this. he dances by himself until those who own his heart take their places in this dance.
a hand touches his hip while another touches his shoulder. he is now being led by another. he wasn't panicked at all, he felt at ease. yes, this was one of those who owned his heart. he looked up to see blue hair and purple eyes who looked at him as though he parted the clouds to let the moon shine upon them. his hair feels longer than usual.
they danced a simple little waltz, no words spoken between them. there didn't need to be. they were at peace. that was all that mattered.
unfortunately, dreams must come to an end.
"did you have a good dream, my dearest moon?"
that same boy sat in the chair beside his bed. he looked at him with that same look as before. the world was tinted in green. he didn't have time to speak before the boy spoke again.
"our dearest sun will be arriving soon, i wouldn't want to delay your reunion. soon we shall see each other again."
the world returned to normal and the boy disappeared.
right, the representatives from belobog will be arriving in some system hours.
clara dances around with mr. svarog. he twirls her around and guides her to another part of the ballroom. right now she's a princess who is celebrating her birthday. everyone she knows is attending and also dancing.
ms. bronya and ms. seelee bicker about something as they dance. luka is trying so hard not to bump in to mr. gepard. big sister dances beautifully with big sister march. the moles are holding hands and spinning around in a circle as ms. natasha watches over them. the robots are having their own little dance circles.
the sun shines through the windows, casting a beautiful light in the room. she's been dreaming this dream a lot lately.
mr. svarog twirls her again and she's caught in the embrace of another. she looks up to see a boy with blue hair and purple eyes that looks at her as though she's the reason the sun shines down upon them. he gently guides her in their waltz and no one pays them any mind. it's peaceful. her hair feels shorter than usual.
no words had to be spoken, just smiles and dancing. this dream might be her favorite yet.
unfortunately she has to wake up.
"how was that dream, my dearest sun?"
the boy sat at the foot of her bed with that same look. the world was tinted in green. he spoke again.
"our dearest moon is awaiting your arrival, i cannot wait to see your reunion. do not worry, we shall all see each other again soon."
the world returned to normal and the boy disappeared.
right, she's on her way to the xianzhou luofu as one of the representatives of belobog.
all he can think of when he sees her is
"our dearest sun."
all she can think of when she sees him is
"our dearest moon."
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 months
Marvel Master list
Bobbi Morse
Breaking Point
Sibling Duty 2.5
Being the SHIELD Ladies' best friend
Bobbi, Hunter, and the team helping you after a nightmare
Carol Danvers
The Time You Have Left (Platonic)
Impact (Platonic)
Carol helping you with your emotions as she gets her memories back (Platonic)
R&R Part 1 Part 2
Cassie Lang
Happiness (Platonic/Familial)
Daisy Johnson
Moving on
The Void
Bonds That Never Die
Who you used to, and still can, be
The Loyal Sidekick
Choices Not Made
Proof Not Necessary
Sibling Duty Series: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Before and After; After and Before
Control Z
The Past That Bled Into The Present
The Little Things
Being May's daughter and an older sister to Daisy
Love, Hate, Acceptance, and the in-between
Sell and Repurchase
Daisy being a protective older sister
Being the youngest and Daisy helping you after a mission gone wrong
A helping hand or three
Clean Slate
Legacies and the people behind them Part 1 Part 2
Remember that time you scared me?
Being Daisy's best friend and May being your SO
The Way Things Moved On
Daisy and Jemma, your sisters, helping you through a depressive episode
BUS Team helping with your sleeping disorder
Forgive and Forget what happened in another time
The BUS Team celebrating your birthday
Ward capturing you and trying to turn you to his side
I got you
Daisy and the team helping you with your passive suicidal thoughts
Daisy trying to help with your troubled blood family
Being Jemma and Daisy's sister, and getting hurt
The SHIELD team saving you from the Watchdogs
Daisy and Fitzsimmons helping you when you discover your powers
SHIELD team finding you and your shadow self fighting as you try to seal the fear dimension
Getting injured on your first SHIELD mission
Healing and Time
A Spy’s goodbye, for now
Defending Skye when she gets her powers
Gwen Stacy
Family, no matter where what
Jemma Simmons
Being the SHIELD Ladies' best friend
A helping hand, or three (Platonic)
On Your Mind (Platonic) 1 2
Daisy and Jemma, your sisters, helping you through a depressive episode
BUS Team helping with your sleeping disorder
The BUS team celebrating your birthday
Jemma helping you after a mission gone wrong (Platonic)
Coming out to Jemma and Fitz as Asexual
Being Jemma and Daisy's sister, and getting hurt
Going to Maveth instead of Jemma
The SHIELD team saving you from the Watchdogs
Daisy and Fitzsimmons helping you when you discover your powers
Getting injured on your first SHIELD mission
Kate Bishop
Being Clint’s oldest child who survived the blip and being an older sibling to Kate
Being Kate’s Adopted Younger Sibling
Being Kate's younger sister, who is taken to the red room, being close to Yelena and Natasha, and reuniting with Kate
Leo Fitz
Being his sibling
A helping hand, or three (Platonic)
BUS Team helping with your sleeping disorder
The BUS team celebrating your birthday
Coming out to Jemma and Fitz as Asexual
The SHIELD team saving you from the Watchdogs
Leo Fitz helping you with your suicidal ideation
Daisy and Fitzsimmons helping you when you discover your powers
Being a big brother to you and helping with a panic attack
Forgive and forget what happened in another time
Melinda May
May helps you come to terms with your powers
Being Daisy's best friend and May being you SO
Being May's Daughter and an older sister to Daisy
May comforting you, Ward's twin, about his betrayal
The SHIELD team saving you from the Watchdogs
May comforting you after the HYDRA uprising (Platonic)
May helping you through your first mission
Rise Together (Platonic)
Cycle of life (platonic)
Natasha Romanoff
Forgive me, little sister (Platonic)
Sister, Dearest (Platonic)
Yelena and Natasha helping you find your blood parents (Platonic)
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🪢 KH-OC Week 2024 🪢 - Day 4 Package
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Prompt: Based on Natasha's and Erika's MBTIs, which Kingdom Hearts / Disney character would they resemble the most? Do this for other teddies too if you wish.
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Not so much the older Xehanort, but Natasha gives off very Young Xehanort vibes. In times where she would speak to Cricket [Dinh-Yu], she can be quite cordial and welcoming, or very helpful, but she can quickly become foreboding or ominous especially if she wants to get a point across. The scene I’m reminded of is in Kingdom Hearts 3 when Young Xehanort appears to Sora and says that there is a high price to pay for misusing the power of waking. This is a stunning parallel to how Natasha gets Cricket in the past when he’s had a really nasty mood; how she tries to correct him as it were. Secretive but way more knowledgeable than people first assume, and speaks very much in riddles at times. Also like Young Xehanort, Natasha has this quite but scary confidence about her, and she says she’d rather do a lot of things by herself. Fun fact; she only got a partner later (Erika), because Young Cricket got to a ‘boiling point’ as DG. But until our hand was forced, Natasha took the job by herself for numerous weeks and did quite well. Just like how Young Xehanort kept a particular focus and managed Sora quite well in the sleeping worlds until Xemnas came at a later stage.
Fun fact; I thought Natasha was more like Ansem The Wise at the start. But as I got to weed her out a bit more, she has stark parallels to Young Xehanort.
And now that I think about it, I can envision both Natasha and Erika at the Scala ad Caelum chessboard in place of Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus.
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I was trying to compare Erika to one of the female ESFJs in Kingdom Hearts, but I just couldn’t match her properly with any of them. But then I found that she may resemble Goofy in her mannerisms quite a bit. They’re both ‘people’ that we don’t really know, yet they burst forth in enthusiastic presence wherever they go and seem to make everyone feel comfortable around them almost immediately. As Erika did come a bit late, it’s hard to have a really fleshed out personality for her, in terms of how she acts around her nearest and dearest like Natasha and Young Cricket, or even her older sister Sierra. But, again, she seems to be manifesting into a ‘Goofy’ type. She’s very loyal and has started to actively lighten the mood in Young Cricket’s dwelling, just like how Goofy tries to cheer up the group, even though sometimes mistakenly at the cost of Sora. She would also be the talker of the group when it came to introducing them into social situations, or even sustaining the conversation with others. I also believe that the sisterhood between Sierra and Erika may even replicate the relationship of Sora and Goofy, even if with some slight differences (obvs no one is a carbon copy of anyone else).
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I originally wasn’t going to do anyone else besides the two instructed by the prompt, but then one for Sierra was screaming at me ever since I started.
Even though Sora and Ventus are both apparently ENFP, Sierra is more like Sora, and is a female version of him all the way. She’s always laughing and even screaming at times, and she even makes for the ‘group clown’ on some occasions. When situations get extreme, she can be spun into an emotional panic or go off at others, but it’s never due to sheer anger without some kind of love or other heart-centred emotion in the background; and she’s usually always happy until she’s not. When centred, she is very wise and witty and can challenge others on their thoughts and beliefs with some sharp concepts and even curveballs.
Fun fact; even though Selvian is the ‘poster-boy’ for the KH trio (and EVERYTHING admin), Sierra outshines him in a social sense and is very well seen as the outgoing extrovert of the trio and the de-facto poster-girl.
Fun Fact 2: Riku is always speaking to Selvian, rarely Sierra. But when he does, he’ll respond with the same light-hearted language as if he were talking to Sora.
Extra note: Riku has become an exceptional father-figure to Selvian and Sierra (besides to me) and advocates for them and integrates them seemingly into the Kingdom Hearts world and its societies/communities. Terra appears to give intimate emotional support and inclusion, playing a more ‘motherly’ role as it were, but Riku’s more like the patriarch and chief protector under the whole umbrella. Summarily; Riku acts in the ‘darkness’, Terra acts in the ‘light’, although this is not absolute.
After Day 3, a realisation has set upon me that we barely know who Nasha and Sibella are, as again, they have mostly ONLY functioned in the background for the last 3 years. So a last minute decision has been made to also find a MBTI comparison for those two. And this will really put them under the microscope.
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When looking at Nasha, she has changed just a bit since Year 10 in 2021. Back then, I’d say she was more like Vanitas, or at least what people seem to have him head-cannoned as; as she didn’t do her homework, was very ‘lazy’, got into trouble in class, etc. She was also very cliquey and perhaps a party animal.
Ever since being put at the Land of Departure with Terra and the others, I’d say she’s cooled down slightly and is now like Demyx. There is actually a reason for this change.
Back in Year 10, Nasha didn’t want to go with Terra and was unfortunately quite nasty about it (this is where my mind was leading me with her) and let’s just passively say… Looked down on him. I don’t remember the exact event, but Nasha saw Terra get emotional and she felt bad. In that spur of the moment, she locked herself into being with him, for better or for worse.
In the KH-OC Week – Day 3 conversation, you can also see more bits of Demyx in Nasha. When she calls out and then argues with Sibella; this reminds me of the scene where Demyx and Vexen/Even are in Radiant Garden before meeting with Ienzo as they have just a slight quarrel before settling on the plan. And then when Selvian comes to interrogate the girls, I see Nasha pacifying the situation and then trying to explain things as Demyx does to Riku with the replica in the Keyblade Graveyard.
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Despite having a Greek surname, it appears that Sibella takes more after her mum as she speaks as if she’s Spanish, Mexican or Latino and also has that appearance (if you can imagine a human version of her); not so much Greek. Like with Donald, Sibella can be quite sociable, but then she can also become quite hot-headed and impatient with others, and may come across as condescending. To me, her and Donald also seem to be quite sassy and entitled. The way Sibella spoke to Terra in that Day 3 tidbit in a way resembles how Donald would tell off Sora or Goofy, as if he knows more than them (even if he doesn’t); and like Mickey, Selvian was made to neutralise the situation even though the two ESTJs may have had good points.
I was originally seeing Sibella as a more passive and helpful ESTJ like Eraqus, and NOT when he crushed Terra. But when I was channeling them in the book, Sibella made the situation become quite nasty very fast unfortunately, and Terra was becoming less and less comfortable with defending himself. As a parallel, think as if Donald was just throwing his weight around in-front of Terra 🥲💔
Summary; can be passionately loyal, but can wreck a situation very fast if not careful.
Unrelated admin note: In the time between writing the Day 4 post and its release, further discoveries have been made about Terra and his current teddy partners. It's too late to reveal the decision in Day 4's post, but Terra will have a happy ending.
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skygxl · 1 year
Andrea looked at the girls in front of her. All of them the daughters of her brother and her dearest friend.
Luke was gone. He just… he had suffered too many injuries. Palpatine had hurt him too badly.
Had hurt them all too badly.
Luckily, if her plan was agreed to, everything would work out and Luke would be back.
All it had taken was a few words from Ahsoka to convince her of this plan. A few words about the world between worlds and Andrea was hooked.
She had studied the World Between Worlds, as a Padawan. Anakin had never seen any point in it. Time travel was a myth.
Not so much a myth anymore, huh Ani?
Andrea snapped herself out of her musings. "Natasha?" She says softly. "Can you come here?" She asked.
They had a plan. It was supposed to go well. And it did, for a time. Leia, Han, Lando, and Chewie, accompanied by Nakia, Reva and the Rebels would be on Endor. Together they’d take out their base and save the ewoks. Natasha, Andrea, Luna and Ellie would be on the Death Star, stalking it’s halls like shadows, getting rid of imperial guards and troopers alike before they’d eventually reunite with Luke in the throne room. To rid the galaxy of the Emperor and save their father once and for all. But it went south.
She felt it. She felt them. Luke and Leia. Their deaths. It felt like the centre of everything had been ripped out. They’d been born together in a time of despair, separated to shield them from darkness, reunited in light, only to be torn apart once more in death. Natasha’s heart shattered. Her knees hurt with how she collapsed, throat burning with how she screamed blue bloody murder. And the anger, the fury she felt as she ran and practically threw herself across the room towards Palpatine before her father had any chance to get a hold of him himself.
She fought like a savage, a sister and daughter scorned, weakening the old Emperor. But not enough to kill him. Andrea prevented her from committing such a blow, and the consequences of her actions resulted in them once again having to go on the run.
“What is it?”
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justwannaflex · 8 months
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(—) ★ spotted!! ARTEMIS GOLDWYN on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 24 year old looks like GRACE VAN DIEN, but i don’t really see it. while the ACTRESS is known for being GENTLE my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be DIMWITTED i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song POCKETFUL OF SUNSHINE by NATASHA BEDINGFIELD {she + her / cis female}
I'm walking on sunshine, wooah. I'm walking on sunshine, woooah. I'm walking on sunshine, woooah. And don't it feel good!
name: artemis goldwyn
alias : artemis könig
age: 24
nicknames: tba
date of birth: 1999
place of birth: New York (USA)
nationality : german & american
gender identity: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: heterosexual
family : scott goldwyn (father), laura könig (mother), madeline kennedy, amity goldwyn, kaya khalid (half-sisters), atticus goldwyn (half-brother)
occupation: actress
career claim: merritt patterson (hallmark credits) & tba
net worth : tba (it's daddy's money)
spoken languages : english and german
positive traits: gentle, energetic, benevolent, flexible, insouciant, loyal
negative traits: dimwitted, gullible, predictable, dependent, passive, shortsided
characters/celebrities inspo: tba
zodiac sign : tba
Artemis is the quintessential nepo baby. Born to an actor and a model. Never struggled a day in her life. She is very sheltered and lives in her delulu reality.
She was born to superstars Scott Goldwyn and Laura König. An american actor father and a german model mother. Artemis might have been an accident and the product of a short and tumultuous relationship but her parents still loved her. They hated each others but they loved her. Which made for an interesting childhood. Scott and Laura acted like her friends and not her parents. They competed for her attention and love. Each one wanting to be the favourite. In result, Artemis never wanted for anything and was barely faced with the word no. Had she not been good-natured, they would have made a spoiled monster out of her.
Her real parental figures were her maternal grandparents in Germany and her parents' staff. They were the ones who actually had to educate her while Scott and Laura played the good cops. Artemis was homeschooled to be able to follow her parents' lifestyle. She moved around constantly between Germany and the US. While she never went to school, she spent plenty of time with other children : her neighbours, half-siblings and family friends or entourage's kids. A social butterfly, she hated to be alone and would always cling to someone.
Artemis was kind and pretty. She had that going for her and never cared about being anything else. She knew that she was not smart nor athletic nor gifted. She was just the nice one and she was content with that. As it was enough for her parents, she did not need to be more.
At fifteen, she decided that she wanted to be an actress and follow into her father's footsteps. She told everybody about her wish and got mixed reactions. After hearing many people say that she would have it easy and get roles thanks to who her dad was, she decided to use an alias. She picked her mother's name König to try to have an acting career of her own. Her parents were very supportive of her choice, even if Scott wanted to help her. They both agreed to let her do it her way.
Only it did not work out of her. Perhaps she was not hungry or hardworking enough. She did not need the money. Neither did she crave stardom. As a result, her imdb page credits were extra, guest-starring and tv movie roles. She did not really understand why her career was not picking up. The people around her were getting their big breaks. Most of her siblings and friends were doing great but not her. She was stuck playing big city girl falling in love with the lumberjack.
After watching her tenth holiday movies, her dearest daddy stepped in. He had had enough. And her nepo baby era began. Now Artemis gets cast in the movies her father produces or he uses his connections to get her roles. She let go of her alias and proudly introduces herself as Artemis Goldwyn. The media both love the cute father/daughter red carpet moments and slams her for being someone's daughter or someone's sister.
Her entourage does a wonderful job at blocking the negative press, allowing Artemis to mostly live in her perfect little world where everyone love her and is proud of her.
She started her career as Artemis König. She could not land anything major. She was never the lead, nor even the supporting actress. She spent years as pretty girl #2, hospital victim, bully or yoga instructor. Eventually, she got her "big" break with Hallmark. She became a lead in television movies but nothing that would make her step on a red carpet or win an award.
It became obvious that her career was not going to be a prestigious so her father, actor and producer Scott Goldwyn stepped in. Artemis changed her name back to Goldwyn and stars in the movies her father produces. He also uses his connection to get her roles.
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sailor-aviator · 5 months
By Its Cover: Chapter One
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By Its Cover: Chapter One
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader (Last Name: Sinclair)
Summary: The frivolity of high society has never much interested in you. You preferred to spend your time reading, something your sisters couldn't fathom as they spent their time shopping the latest dress styles. The youngest of five children and the fourth daughter, not much was expected of you. You knew you might be married one day, but you hoped beyond hope that it would be to someone that might understand your intellectual pursuits. You begin exchanging letters with a mysterious stranger, and what's more, your older brother's rakish best friend seems to find himself in your path more and more as the season goes on. What's a girl to do? (Regency!AU)
Content Warning: Anxiety, Anxiety attack, Debutante presentations, Sibling not being supported, Spoiled sibling, Self doubt, Negative self talk, Catty girls will be catty girls. I think that's really all, but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 4.6k
Series Masterlist
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“Dearest, you must stop squirming.”
“This dress is uncomfortable.”
You picked at the skirt of your gown, an off white in color, as your mother let out a heavy sigh as she pursed her lips. You stood outside the throne room with a gaggle of other, more eager, debutantes waiting to present themselves to the queen. You couldn’t think of a worse punishment if you tried, if you were being quite honest.
The thought of parading yourself around for all to gawk and inspect had your skin crawling, and while you weren’t proud of it, you had even attempted to feign illness in order to escape the mortifying spectacle of it all.
“Enough,” your mother huffed, grabbing your hand and jerking it down to your side as several of the other ladies of the Island turned their scrutinizing gazes towards your direction. Your mother gave them a polite, cheery smile, never taking her eyes off of them as she turned towards you. “I know you are nervous, darling, but this is something that must be done. Your sisters all had to do it, and I before them. It is simply something one must grit their teeth and bear.”
You let out a heavy sigh, signaling your reluctant understanding of the situation, and your mother’s shoulders visibly relaxed. You mustered up your best smile, one that you were almost positive looked more like a grimace, and stood up a little straighter as one of the palace attendants walked briskly up to where you stood.
“My lady,” he nodded at your mother, sweat beading his brow as he gave a quick bow before turning to you with a look of distress. “You are next. This way, please. Hurry, hurry.”
You sucked in a breath, sparing your mother a half panicked look as you were ushered towards the towering doors that led into the throne room. Your brother and sisters were in attendance, you knew this. Most of high society was behind those doors, and the ones that weren’t stood behind you, eagerly awaiting their turn. Your fingers trembled with nerves, and you were vaguely aware of your mother glancing at you just as nervous.
You were sure you looked as worse a state as you felt. Your skin felt clammy, tight against your face as you sucked in deep breaths through your nose, letting them out through your mouth. The hum of conversation sounded behind you, and you felt your pulse quicken as you heard the attendant announce your name behind the ornately carved doors of white and gold.
The whispers behind you hushed as the doors slowly opened to reveal the crowd of nobles and well-to-do families gathered in the spacious room. Your eyes roamed over the familiar faces, clinging to where your siblings stood in the middle of the room, your brother giving you an encouraging smile as your sisters looked on. You spotted Natasha not too far off, an encouraging smile on her face that stood in stark contrast to the concentrated grimace that pulled on your brother’s lips. You gulped, taking a shaky breath as your mother cleared her throat quietly behind you, signaling for you to start walking. Your eyes snapped forward, meeting the stunning green of the queen’s.
Queen Penny was a most beloved monarch, having been the figurehead of the royal family for decades since she married the king. Her quiet grace and beauty was apparently a strong compliment to the wisdom and discernment of the king, not that anyone your age would really know considering he had kept himself cloistered away in the palace for almost an entire decade. No, very few had seen him, rumors of a prolonged illness following his name with every mention—something the queen was quick to make her displeasure known about, and so mentions of the king were kept hushed between stolen whispers and curious glances whenever she showed up to an event alone.
Now, her attention was trained solely on you, the look of terror on your face must have seemed a sight to the dignified woman as you took a tentative step forward. A perfectly manicured eyebrow raised slowly as you took your second step forward, slowly picking up pace as you made your way down the makeshift aisle. All eyes were on you as you strode across the room, doing your best to hold your head high and shoulders back, vaguely aware of your mother keeping pace behind you.
“Smile, dearest,” you heard her whisper quietly. You inhaled sharply, stiffening at her words. You willed yourself to pull your lips into a smile, cringing at the forced feeling of it and knowing that it looked as awful as it felt. You could have sworn you saw the queen’s own lips twitch, but still her face remained stoic as you came to a stop in front of her. You were barely conscious of the fact that you managed a curtsy, dropping your head slowly before rising once more.
The room was quiet, silent enough to hear the scampering of a mouse. You waited with bated breath for something, anything. A dismissal? A laugh at your awkwardness? An ill-tempered comment at your utter lack of decorum?
Another beat of silence passed before the queen rose from her seat, eyes staying fixed on your near trembling form. Her lady-in-waiting stepped forward, but was quickly waved off as Queen Penny took slow, measured steps down to where you stood. You held your breath as she stopped in front of you, green eyes scanning you from head to toe before moving back up. She said nothing as she circled you slowly, her eyes studying you for any sign of weakness or perceived imperfection. You heard her state your family’s name with a thoughtful hum.
“Your sister was the season’s diamond not five years ago, yes?” She asked from behind you. You swallowed thickly, not daring to turn and look as you nodded.
“Yes, your majesty,” you replied, surprised at how even your tone was given the panic coursing through your veins in that moment. You were surprised you even remembered you had sisters.
“Yes, I remember,” she agreed. “Married an earl, if I remember correctly.”
You heard your mother murmur her assent, and you assume the queen had looked to her for confirmation.
“The youngest of four girls,” Queen Penny continued, “you must have had your hands full, Celine.”
“No more than any other mother, your majesty,” your mother replied with a nervous chuckle. The queen hummed in agreement as she rounded your other side to come face to face with you once more. You glanced up at her with trepidation, waiting for her verdict. Her face remained impassive before her lips pulled into a regal smile.
“You show promise, my dear,” she said, placing her fingers below your chin to raise it as she looked down at you. “You may just be the season’s greatest surprise yet.”
And with that, she turned and made her way back up the steps to her seat. Your heart stuttered in your chest, frozen with the shock of the encounter before snapping out of it as your mother’s gentle touch pulled you back into the moment. You looked back to see her with a tight smile on her face as she gestured for you to step to the side so that the presentations could continue. You felt your cheeks warm at your slight blunder, allowing yourself to be led off with the other debutantes.
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“But Mama, why her?”
You rubbed your temples to try and soothe the headache you were currently trying to fight off as Georgiana screeched her displeasure throughout the manor. Georgiana had been so proud of the smile and nod the queen had given her the year prior, boasting about it to anyone who would listen for a solid week after it had happened.
“Georgiana, my darling, you must calm do-”
“She doesn’t even deserve it!” She screeched once more, whirling around to fix you with a glare. You winced, shrinking back into the settee with a grimace. Though you loved her dearly, Georgiana was perhaps the most spoiled out of all your sisters.
She had been the perfect image of what it meant to a young lady of one of the oldest families of the Island. Her hair was always poised in elaborate updos with her dresses styled in the latest fashions. Her outward appearance, however, was no match for the ugliness she kept inside in your opinion.
While beautiful in outward appearance, earning many interested suitors in the season prior, she was determined to have nothing but the best.
“I think I’d like to marry a Duke myself,” she had commented one day once her many suitors had left. “The only thing better would be a handsome prince.”
You had snorted at the idea. You loved your sister dearly, but her expectations of the lavish life she should lead left you with a sick feeling in your stomach. A quiet life surrounded by family and friends suited your tastes quite well.
You were ripped away from your silent musings as your older sister stomped towards you, wrath consuming her features as you pressed yourself further into the seat.
“What makes you so special?” She huffed, crossing her arms with a sneer. “Why would the queen show such an interest in you of all people? You’re so…boring.”
You bit back the angry remark that threatened to leave you at the insult your sister hurled your way. Just because you didn’t delight in the latest fashions or take part in the favorite pastime that was gossip, didn’t mean you were boring. You spent your days strolling through the gardens or park with Natasha or in the parlor with your latest read. Did you loathe the idea of going to parties or finding yourself stumbling along the dance floor? Of course you did.
You weren’t stranger to the fact that you had been compared to your elder sisters from the moment you were born. Of course your parents had treated you all with equal kindness and love, but those outside your family were not as forgiving of your faults or perceived imperfections. Now you were beginning to wonder if the judgement had been following you all along.
“I don’t know, Georgie,” you answered her quietly, glancing towards your mother for help. “Perhaps she was bored. You know how she likes to stir things up for her own amusement.”
Georgiana seemed to mull this over for a moment, and you could see the frown that tugged at your mother’s lips as the words passed through your mouth. Before any of you could say anything more, the doors to the parlor opened to reveal a familiar older man strolling through with a smug smirk adorning his face.
“Good afternoon, one and all,” Pete Mitchell drawled as he sat down on the settee next to you. Mr. Mitchell belonged to a wealthy, respectable family, albeit as the second son tasked with making his own way in the world. He had been a dear friend of your father’s since boyhood, and was practically an uncle to you and your siblings.
“Peter,” your mother sighed, looking relieved as the tension in the air was cut by the cavalier aura that Mr. Mitchell seemed to exude everywhere he went.
“How lovely to see you,” she smiled, sitting across from you as Georgiana took up space in one of the armchairs, a small pout still marring her features.
“And you as well,” he grinned back at your mother. He turned to face you, the smirk falling back into place as he regarded you. “I heard you made quite the impression on our dear queen, Bug.”
Georgiana stiffened noticeably, and you waived him off with a scoff.
“I’m sure the queen was merely bored with all the humdrum of the day,” you offered stiffly. The room fell into an awkward silence as Mr. Mitchell glanced between the three of you as you looked everywhere but at Georgiana.
“I believe I’m sensing some tension,” Mr. Mitchell spoke finally.
“Nothing ever gets past you, does it, Peter?” Your mother sighed.
“No matter,” Mr. Mitchell grinned, looking between the three of you excitedly, “Charlotte and I are hosting a ball tonight, and I wanted to come by to invite you all personally as the family of my dear, late friend.”
“Oh, Peter, how lovely,” your mother smiled. “Of course we will be in attendance. Won’t we girls?”
Georgiana clapped her hands excitedly as you felt a wave of dread wash over you. Mr. Mitchell leaned closer towards you to whisper in your ear.
“Don’t you worry, Bug,” he said. “I’ve already got the books laid out for you in my library when you’re ready to sneak off.”
You offered him a thankful smile as he turned his attention back towards your sister and mother. Perhaps there were people in this world who understood you after all.
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The Mitchell’s manor was as ostentatious as any of the nobility’s homes as far as you were concerned, and it was a wonder that they weren’t mistaken for the actual ruling class more often.
Your carriage stopped in front of the steps leading up to the entryway, and an attendant moved forward to open the door and offer his hand to your mother to help her out, followed by Georgiana, with you stepping out last. The cool, night air was abuzz with excitement, laughter, and the sound of general revelry from those in attendance that evening. It already felt suffocating as far as you were concerned.
“Smile, my darling,” your mother murmured to you, resting a gentle hand on your arm to steer you towards the front doors. “It is a party, after all. You should at least try to have some fun while you are here. You’ve already caught the eye of several suitors.”
Your head whipped around, spying a group of men assessing you from across the yard. A frown tugged at your lips as the feeling of dread came back in full force. They weren’t unattractive by any means, but you weren’t thrilled at the idea of being appraised like a piece of meat either.
“I think I’d rather pluck my eyelashes out one by one then entertain that lot,” you muttered, earning a sigh and a sharp look from the older woman.
“Bug, please.”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a moment before casting her an apologetic look.
“I am sorry, Mama,” you said, defeated. “I will try to make the most of our time tonight.”
Her disapproving look morphed into one of kind understanding. “That is all I ask, my darling.”
Georgiana walked a couple steps ahead of the both of you, eager to fawn in the attention of the available suitors in attendance that evening. William had gone ahead of your little group to arrive earlier in the evening whilst Lydia and Theodosia would arrive with their husbands throughout the night if they hadn’t arrived already.
Several men appraised Georgiana as she passed, a pleasant smile on her face as she sauntered into the ballroom. Her pale, pink gown swished about her as she greeted old friends and passed demure smiles to the men she walked past. You felt more and more out of place the further into the room you wandered, pressing closer and closer into your mother’s side.
You turned to see Natasha making her way towards, purple skirts in hand as a grin spread across her face. A smile of your own broke out across your lips, and you abandoned your mother’s side to rush towards your best friend.
“Nat!” You exclaimed, grabbing onto her hands as the two of you met in the middle. “You cannot believe how relieved I am to see you.”
“You?” She laughed. “I had to go through a whole year of this without you! It’s me who’s relieved.”
She pulled you off to the side, glancing around the room as she did so.
“I see Georgiana has already started her ritual,” she snorted, nodding towards the middle of the room. You turned to see your sister surrounded by a group of potential suitors, their gazes never leaving her even as her friends attempted to garner attention with a well timed comment here and there.
“Let her have her pick,” you scoffed. “Everyone will be so busy with her and her future husband, I’ll slip beneath their attentions and escape for the season.”
The two of you began to walk the side of the room, avoiding collision as you chatted arm in arm.
“You don’t want a husband?” Nat inquired, arching a brow at you in amused curiosity.
“Not if I can avoid it,” you chuckled. “I enjoy my freedom too much. My sisters have set the standard of the perfect housewife and lady, and as we both know, I am anything but. I am far too well read for any of the young men here for them to feel secure in the fact that they’re the smartest person in the room, and any other man who would want me is simply not worth having.”
“Honestly, Bug, I don’t know how you manage it,” she smirked sardonically.
“Manage what?” You asked slowly, giving her a curious look.
“Manage to make something as fun as courting and the attention of men seem absolutely barbaric and grim,” she quipped with a laugh. You rolled your eyes with a smile, moving to say something but you were stopped as you ran into a wall.
You stumbled back with a grunt, resting a hand on your chest as you glanced up. Not a wall, no, but a solid chest of warm muscle.
“Is this what we’re stooping to now, ladies?” Drawled the man as he turned around with a tired sigh. He was handsome, you’d give him that. Blonde hair cut short that still seemed to dance in front of his ivy green eyes. A chiseled jaw that clenched in irritation as he regarded you with a raised eyebrow.
“I beg your pardon?” You asked him, brow furrowing in confusion. He rolled his eyes with a scoff.
“Are you that desperate for my attention that you need to assault me in order to gain it? Did you think I’d rush to your side and play the gentleman? I can assure you, many have already tried that approach, and they’ve all failed. You’ll have to come up with something new, I’m afraid.”
A muscle in your cheek twitched with your growing irritation at the arrogant man in front of you.
“What?” You asked him flatly, face already hardened into a glare. Nat rested a hand on your shoulder to keep you calm, all too familiar with your temper.
“I’m sorry, sir,” she said politely, offering him a placating smile, “but I’m afraid we have no idea who you are.”
The man studied her for a moment before his emerald gaze flickered back to you curiously. Something seemed to have clicked in his mind because his irritation morphed into a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
All three of you turned to see William approaching you, a look of pure excitement on his face as he fast approached. He let out a laugh as the other man gave him a grin.
“My god,” your brother exclaimed, pulling the other man into a brief hug before clapping him on the shoulder. “It is you! It’s been years, hasn’t it? You’ve been off gallivanting across Europe for God only knows how long.”
“I see you haven’t changed a bit, Will,” the man laughed. Your brother’s gaze flickered to yours before doing a double take.
“There you are,” he said, moving towards your side. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Seresin, you remember my younger sister.”
The man turned to you once more, and your cheeks warmed at the feel of his eyes roving over you.
“Come now,” your brother chided. “Surely you remember Bug.”
The man’s eyes alighted at your nickname, a smile curling on his lips that made him look much more boyish and mischievous than before. It was the smile of a familiar face, and suddenly you remembered a friend of your brother’s from when you were small. A handsome boy with golden hair and green eyes that spent nearly every holiday off from the prestigious boarding school at your home with your family.
“Lady Bug,” he breathed in what appeared to be disbelief, and you scowled at the nickname.
“You’re the only one who still calls me that,” you griped, causing the blond’s smile to grow.
“I suppose it’s a name that can remain between us then,” he suggested, taking your hand in his and placing a lingering kiss to the back of it. The heat in your cheeks grew, and you quickly snatched your hand away, clearing your throat and gesturing towards Natasha who still stood at your side.
“Nat,” you chirped, waving between the two. “This is Jake Seresin, Duke of Austin. Your grace, this is Natasha Trace.”
“A pleasure,” Nat smiled politely with a small curtsy.
“Miss Trace,” he nodded, eyes darting back to you. You swallowed thickly, looking anywhere but at the man in front of you. It was then that you caught Georgiana’s eye as she made her way across the room to your little group. She tossed her hair over her shoulder as she sidled up in between your brother and the duke, a coy smile sliding onto her face as she batted her eyelashes at the latter.
“My, I was wondering where you were, brother,” she sighed, casting William a look over her shoulder before fixing her gaze back onto the handsome man in front of her. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”
“Georgie,” William started, clearing his throat, “don’t you remember Jake? He spent quite a few holidays with us growing up.”
Recognition lighted in her eyes.
“Oh my!” she exclaimed with a laugh. “It’s been so long that I hardly recognized you, your grace. We were just children last we met if memory serves, but it would appear that we are children no more.”
“Yes,” he agreed, eyes straying towards you. “It would appear we have all grown up.”
Georgiana turned to follow his gaze, a scowl creeping onto her face as she realized he was looking at you.
“Of course, this is Bug’s first season,” she commented with a hollow smile. “I even wonder if she was ready to make her debut. She’s still so much like the little girl we all knew.”
You pressed your lips into a firm line, willing yourself to stay calm in the face of Georgiana’s blatant baiting. Her gaze met yours, daring you to speak up, but you knew better than to give fuel to your sister’s fire. Instead, you turned to look at the dance floor, choosing to ignore her rather than play her silly, little game.
“I recall being rather fond of that little girl,” Jake remarked, and you felt your lips twitch into a smile before schooling your features once more.
“Yes, well,” William interrupted with a clap of his hands. You turned to see him offer his hand to Natasha with a small smile. “Miss Trace, would you care to accompany me to the dance floor?”
“I would be delighted, my lord,” she smiled, taking his hand as he led her off to join in the next dance.
“Oh, I do love to dance,” Georgiana sighed, looking up at Jake through her lashes. “Do you like to dance, your grace?”
Jake offered her a polite smile. “I suppose there are worse pastimes.”
“Bug much prefers to have her nose shoved inside a book, I suppose,” Georgiana remarked, barely concealing her sneer. “I have no taste for them, as I find them dreadfully boring. When I’m not waltzing, I’m practicing my pianoforte. I’m quite accomplished, you know, but I’ve always said I would have liked to make a career out of dancing were such a thing possible.”
“You don’t like dancing, Bug?” Jake asked, turning to look at you with curious eyes. You opened your mouth to answer, but Georgiana cut in.
“Oh, she can’t stand it!” She giggled. “Ever since we were little, I’ve always been the dancer. You’ll hardly ever find her on the dance floor.”
You supposed you were used to being talked over, being the youngest of your siblings—the quiet one, even. You had your opinions, of course, but being the fourth daughter and sister of an earl made it so that you flew under the radar more often than not. You were simply forgotten at the best of times and ignored at the worst. What could the fourth daughter possibly have to contribute to a conversation that the others before her had not already offered?
Still, it surprised you when Jake paid little mind to Georgiana’s comments on your nature, opting instead to maintain his focus on you. Like he was still waiting for you to answer.
“I don’t…dislike dancing,” you started carefully, glancing out on the dance floor. “I suppose what I dislike is having to pretend that it doesn’t hurt when boys step on my feet during it.”
A grin broke out on the blond’s face, and the scowl Georgiana shot your way did not go unnoticed by you.
“I suppose that would dampen anyone’s attitudes towards dancing,” he joked with a wink, and you felt a stirring in your stomach as your cheeks heated once more. Perhaps it was nerves from the unexpected attention.
The song ended, and Georgiana let out an exaggerated sigh as she shot a longing glance at the dance floor. Jake grimaced before schooling his features into a more placating look as he offered his hand to Georgiana.
“Would you care to dance with me?” He asked her politely. Georgiana gave an excited gasp as she placed her hand in his, shooting you a triumphant look that you chose to ignore. She was the clear choice between the two of you, so why she seemed to think this was a competition was beyond you. Still, you couldn’t help but notice the glance back the duke did as he accompanied your sister out onto the dance floor, and for a split second, you wished it was you instead of her.
You shook your head to rid yourself of your thoughts. You were lucky to be in the position you were in. You were the youngest daughter, an afterthought. You had the freedom to do what the others could not, to disappear without ever marrying if you so chose. You could live your life in solitude with the freedom of expanding your mind and not having to worry about playing lady of the house under the authority of your husband.
You lifted your chin, watching as your best friend danced with your brother and your sister danced with the duke. You could be content on the sidelines, away from everyone else.
Silently, and careful not to attract attention, you slipped out of the ballroom and into the foyer, padding up the stairs to Mr. Mitchell’s private library. He had promised you a new menagerie of tales, and as you crept higher and higher up the stairs, twisting and turning down the halls, you came upon the quiet stillness of the library. The fire was already lit, as if your surrogate uncle knew you’d make your way up sooner rather than later, and as you ran your fingertips on top of the leather-bound books, the dreams of a different life faded into memory.
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A/N: Chapter one is done!! What did we all think? I'm so excited to see who Regency!Jake turns out to be and who Bug will grow into as a character. As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. If you would like to be notified on when I post updates, please follow my side blog (@sailoraviator-library) and turn on post notifications! My work is cross posted on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
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CRIMINAL (18+) - you met a woman from a penpal website and began to form a relationship with her, until you suddenly got comfortable with her and began to share fantasies that she had also dreamt of.
MYSTERY OF LOVE (18+) - your teacher has an affair with you, until it grows so much deeper than just doing it for the grades. but sometimes, nothing lasts forever. or does it?
GIVE ME HEAD (18+) - natasha was desperate for your mouth, so you give her head.
MOMMY’S DEAREST (18+) - you and natasha decided to have a little fun in her room while having guests downstairs, possibly hearing your innuendo acts with the older woman.
HER MOMENTS - you and natasha are having a fight until you’ve come to the point where you have thoughts about leaving her; she opposes the idea, and begs for you to stay.
NEVER ENOUGH - you come back home, only to see natasha crying as she clings to you with desperation.
MY BELOVED NATASHA (18+) - you meet a gorgeous green-eyed woman in the same alley where you no longer see a man who was your “friend”, only to know about the dark secrets from the woman herself.
MOMMY’S LITTLE GIRL (18+) (pt. 2) (prt. 3) - you met a woman through an online app and began to make a relationship with her. until one night, she masturbates about you on the phone.
STAY (18+) - you’re a babysitter of natasha’s daughter and everything takes a huge turn once she touches you.
LABYRINTH (18+) - your sister cheated on her wife, so the broken wife takes an interest in you instead. was everything just a rebound between the two of you? or is there something more?
BREAK ME (18+) -
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subwaysurf45 · 2 years
The Time of the Prey (1)
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Summary: The younger sister of the most talked about princess in the kingdoms really can’t do much except smile and nod. When Natasha, your sister, finally goes to moves all of you to Shieldshire to marry her beloved Prince Steve you are left with your art, all alone. But one Knight took it upon himself to keep you company, and that company was all you needed to get through wedding season. Will that company last or will it be ripped away from the both of you? A war is starting and it seems targets are being made.
Pairing: Knight!Bucky x Princess!Reader
Words: 4.4k
Warnings: nothing much, fluff and setting the scene
Series Masterlist      II      Series Playlist  
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Smile and nod. 
You crouched in front of your trunk and gently placed the clothes you were taking on the trip in, pushing them down to make room for the other dresses you were also packing. The rain pattered against your window as you hummed a tune, though you can’t remember where it was from, it seemed to be the song you hummed most often. 
The trunk was made of strong wood with brass hinges and locks, it had been dented and repaired a few times due to your clumsiness. The brass isn’t as strong as gold, you found this out from comparing it to your old sister’s trunk she took on trips; if Natasha, your older sister, would dent the trunk she’d immediately get a new one rather than repair it. 
Natasha’s room was also bigger than yours, she had more windows and more vanity space. She had two handmaids as well, which was two more than you. Right now, as you packed she was most likely sitting on her chair and telling her maids what to bring and where to put it, not even lifting a finger. Natasha was most likely sitting with her back straight, holding a mirror as she brushed her red hair. Or she was squealing like a child over another letter from her future husband, Prince Steve. 
The door flew open, “let me read you this!” Natasha had run in and jumped on your bed, “it’s a letter from Prince Steve, he’s so excited to see me tomorrow!” 
You looked up and smiled at her, nodding your head. 
“Well,” Natasha whispered, “can I read it?’ 
“Sure,” you sighed and continued packing your things. 
“My dearest, Natasha- ugh, he’s such a prince,” she gasped, “anyways, my dearest, Natasha. As you know tomorrow is an important day for the two of us, we will finally meet. I receive and read your letters almost every other day, they are the height of my waking moments, but I feel as though nothing will compare to how I’ll feel when I finally see you tomorrow. I’ve been sent small paintings of you and you’ve described what you look like, your red hair will flow like water as we run to each other, I’ll finally feel your warm embrace which is all I’ve ever wanted.” Natasha took a deep breath, “and he finishes with: I’ve been dreaming about this day since I was a child, I can not fathom that this will be true, but I can’t wait to spend my life with you- he’s so poetic…” Natasha sighed and stretched out on your bed, almost as if that letter had taken her breath away in the literal sense. 
“That’s a very lovely letter, sister,” you nodded as you finished putting in your clothes. 
“When will you marry?” Natasha asked as she sat up, “we are only three years apart and you are of age, what is taking so long?” 
“Well, Natasha,” you sighed and sat back on your calves, “mother can only do so much, she is spending her time on you because you are the oldest, I don’t know when I’ll get married but it’s not like it’s going to matter.” 
“It will matter,” Natasha scowled, “it will matter to you but not the public.” 
“Our entire existence is for the public, Natasha,” you were beginning to get aggravated, “I was not born out of love, I was born out of politics. Knowing that I must do the same makes me sick,” you crossed your arms. 
“I find it romantic,” Natasha whispered, “I can’t wait to be a mother and marry Prince Steve, one day I’ll be the queen of Shieldshire,” her eyes drifted away as she daydreamed. 
“It’s a mouthful,” you muttered.
“Well, you are obviously sour,” Natasha stood and walked to her door, “I’ll just go talk to mother about princess things because it is obvious you don’t want to be one,” she turned on her heel and quickly left, closing the door behind her. 
“Glad someone notices,” you rolled your eyes before closing the truck. Being unladylike was something of a specialty for you, over your life you had found ways to do it behind your mother’s back but still in front of Natasha so she’d lose her temper. 
Though your room was small with a window you managed to capitalize on the space on the walls. Your art hung everywhere around your room, with different size canvases and different ways of art filling the space. You had sculpted the head of someone from a sketch you drew, it was the hardest piece but the most fulfilling. Paintings of lakes on royal grounds, the queen’s guard, and the massive ballrooms filled with different people were scattered everywhere. You had made sure to make room for a small palette and canvases, taking out a few dresses which didn’t matter to you. 
Tensions were high throughout the royal families, Shieldshire and the Southlands- your land and Prince Steve’s lands -were not fighting at all, the two families that ruled had been allies for years on end, always a safe bet to marry into each other’s family. There hadn’t been a wedding between the Southlands and Shieldshire in many generations, there had been other politics to be taken care of. But Hydra’s Hill and Red River were about to start a war, whispers travelled through every meeting that took place in the throne room at Southlands, you had always been the one to fill Natasha in later. 
You didn’t know if it was a land dispute between the two smaller kingdoms or something else that had never been explained before. All you knew was that Red River and Hydra’s Hill never liked one another, never married into each other, and never liked how the little land they had shared a border. There had always been tension but with the number of allies and weddings happening you knew everything was about to snap. 
That was why Natasha was going to marry Prince Steve, not because they will fall in love. 
But because Shieldshire can provide food to the common folk if a war breaks out. 
And Southlands can provide an army.
“Thank you,” you muttered to the driver of the carriage as you stepped in, your mother and Natasha were You could hear the two horses that were going to pull the carriage getting antsy, they were stomping their hooves and making the occasional sound. It was a very hot spring day, out of the ordinary for the season but it meant that summer was close. Natasha would get married in late summer, it had always been her favourite time of year. Through the open windows, you could see the buds beginning to show on the trees around the courtyard, you watched as a light breeze moved the thin branches.
“Let’s go!” Natasha cheered as she jumped into the carriage.
“Natasha,” your mother, Lady Melina, scolded as she stepped in, “you can’t be this unladylike when you’re meeting Prince Steve.”
“Sorry mother,” Natasha muttered.
“Y/N,” your mother looked at you, “did you pack your easel and canvases?”
“Yes,” you nodded, you hadn’t packed all of it.
“I got you that trunk for your art supplies, why is it not in the back of the carriage?” Your mother knew that you never wanted to be a princess, she was happy you had fallen so in love with art. She had told you once it was always easier to raise someone who didn’t know they were a princess rather than one who did; though Natasha was her favourite, you were easier to raise.
“There wouldn't be enough room,” you said it like that was common knowledge, shaking your head a little.
“There’s room back there, I’m not bringing a lot.” Lady Melina got the driver's attention, “check the back to see if there’s room, please.”
“There isn’t,” the driver shook his head, “it was hard to close it, there’s a lot of baggage back there, Lady Melina.” the driver walked away with a bow, and soon the carriage began to move.
“How much did you pack?” your mother turned to Natasha, “I hope you know all your gifts will be fabric and dresses, you could have packed nothing and you would have a full wardrobe by the end of the week.”
“I love all my dresses,” Natasha said as she played with her hair, “I couldn’t leave some behind.”
“Yes you could have,” your mother gently smacked her thigh, “very few people are going to gift Y/N anything, you know this,” you didn’t think your mother would get so upset, “art is her favourite thing, you could have left room for her.”
“Mother,” you sighed, “it’s fine.”
“That’s very selfish, Natasha.” your mother rolled her eyes and looked out the window.
You were sitting on your own on one bench, and your mother and Natasha were sitting across from you. No one was talking after your mother’s scolding, you really didn’t think it was that big of a deal because it wasn’t the first time Natasha only thought about herself, she was your big sister who grew up with a spotlight on her, she wanted to keep on her and you couldn’t blame her.
As the country land passed by, you found yourself tuning out the muttered conversation between Natasha and your mother, Natasha had asked a question which lead to a civil conversation. There were a few farms as you passed, people recognized a royal carriage and waved as you passed, and you leaned out the window and waved back.
The driver leaned over, “there’s a farmer up ahead with food, should I stop?”
“Yes!” you yelled, turning around to see the driver.
The carriage came to a stop and you leaned out the window, waving the farmer over.
“H-hello, your royalty,” he was very shy and his daughter was hugging his leg, “we heard you were coming down this path, I-I have some fruits if you’d like?” he held up a small basket, “you don’t need to take any, just thanks for all you’ve for us folk on the farms, thank you, Lady Melina.” your mother was the one who made the laws for your kingdom.
“Of course,” she smiled and took the basket into the carriage, “thank you for your hard work, sir.”
You and Natasha smiled, you leaned over and looked at the small girl who was still very shy, “what’s your name?”
She slowly looked up, “m-my name is Betty.”
My grandmother, you thought, “such a pretty name.”
Soon enough you were back on the road, making your way to Shieldshire with food to keep you all awake. You sketched in the book you brought in the carriage, trying to capture the budding trees and clouds in the sky. Your mother was stitching while Natasha sat and was still with only her hands rubbing one another.
You knew she was nervous, her time writing to Prince Steve was over and now she had to meet him in real life, which would make anyone nervous.
“So, Natasha,” you placed your book down, “what colour do you think the curtains in your room will be?” it was a very specific question but making her think about something else while relating it back to the castle would calm her down.
She just looked at you for a moment, “maybe a dark red?” she asked, “I will have to see what the inside looks like, if it’s a light grey stone then it will be dark red but if it’s dark grey stones than I don’t know what it would be, they shouldn’t have too many darks.”
“But you will like it all the same,” your mother chimed in.
“We know,” you spoke for Natasha, “she will love everything, Natasha is beyond excited, the colour of the curtain won’t make her run back to the carriage, I’m just…” you twirled your hand around to try and find the word, “distracting her from being stressed out, mother.” you quickly glanced at Natasha and she nodded towards you with a smile, she might be a hassle but she was still your sister.
As the castle began to show on the horizon Natasha became extremely nervous, constantly asking if any hairs were out of place or if her makeup had smudged anywhere. You stayed calm, telling her she was beautiful as always. Your mother stayed composed as well, sitting there like nothing was happening.
When the carriage turned into the courtyard you leaned over and grabbed Natasha’s hand, “you’ll make a great wife, Natasha, Prince Steve is lucky to have you.”
Natasha nodded, a smile growing on her face. Before the carriage stopped Natasha jumped out of the car, running with her arms wide to meet the man who stood at the top of the steps. He was also running down to meet her, a smile wide on his face. When they met they embraced for a while, swaying in the middle of the massive staircase to their castle.
With the number of letters Natasha had read to you, Prince Steve was a pretty decent match to his descriptions. He was taller than her with short blond hair that curved to one side at the front, you could see his blue eyes from the carriage. He was dressed in his nicest clothes, a heavily detailed tunic with form-fitting pants as well.
As you opened the carriage door your mother grabbed your wrist, “I know you are younger than her,” she spoke quietly, “but you are wiser, I also know you do not wish to participate in the…political act of getting married,” she looked out the window again to see Natasha and Prince Steve waiting for the two of you, “just tell me if anyone meets your eye.”
You smiled and nodded before getting out of the carriage, helping your mother out as well. Both of you took your time as you walked up the step, your hands gently holding your skirt up to make sure you didn’t embarrass yourself in front of Natasha’s suitor.
“Lady Melina,” Prince Steve slightly bowed his head, “it is beyond a pleasure to finally meet you and your daughter. And you, Princess Y/N.”
“The honour is mine,” you spoke as if it was second nature; because it was.
As the Prince talked you looked around the setting, seeing six knights standing by the entrance, three on either side. They all had their helmets off and did not wear armour, just their sword on their belt. The only reason you knew they were knights was that they wore chainmail over a tunic with the family crest on it, an eagle. After scanning the knights once you looked at the height and intricacy of the castle, seeing its massive towers and flag.
You didn’t look for too long because the hair on the back of your neck stood up, the feelings of eyes on you weren’t new, but the intensity of the stare was. You looked over your shoulder to see the carriage driver working with the servant of Shieldshire to bring in the many trunks your sister had packed, when you looked forward again your mother had her arm out, a sign for you to take it.
“Are you alright?” she whispered as Natasha and Prince Steve walked in front of them.
“Yes,” you patted her hand, “don’t worry about me.”
Before you walked into the castle the feeling intensified, your eyes feeling the tug to look to your left. You had finally found the source, the third knight was looking at you. When he noticed you spotted him the knight slowly blinked and bowed his head, a gentle hello. You did the same and couldn't help but smile a little.
The knight stood tall, his long brown hair falling to his shoulders. His eyes were like crashing waves, pulling you in. you didn’t get a good look at his face but you saw enough to know he was your type, strong and beautiful. When you looked over your shoulder before the door closed you caught his eyes again, this time he had a smirk on his face before you looked at him.
When you looked forward a gasp left your body without thinking. The castle was grand and beautiful, you had always known your castle was on the smaller side but compared to this beast of a building your home looked like a shack.
The first and main room you walked into was open, there were benches everywhere with people walking around. It seemed as though common folk of the higher class could come and go as they please, there were knights at every corner and doorway. The walls were textured and carefully placed with light grey stones, as you walked around the outside of the common room your hand felt the wall as you looked up to the tremendously high ceiling. Each window in the common room was made of different shards of stained glass, casting colourful shadows below it. As you walked on the reflection of the ground a laugh escaped your lips, no one was paying attention to you so you jumped from each chunk of red reflection to another. There were red, blue, green, and yellow shards placed together to make an oval window.
Most of the guards stayed in the common room once you passed through the threshold to the royal areas. Each room seemed to be larger than the one before, the throne room was massive.
“Weddings, funerals, any celebration is held in here,” Prince Steve said as he looked at Natasha, “most of the space goes unused but when there is something to celebrate we seem to feel squeezed.”
“I bet it will feel that way when we marry,” Natasha said to Prince Steve, “so many people,” she gasped to herself. “Can't you believe it, Y/N?” she turned to ask you but you were elsewhere, still in the same room as Natasha but your mind had wandered.
“Y/N,” your mother scolded, “listen to your sister.”
“Sorry, mother,” you bowed slightly and looked at Natasha who repeated what she said, “yes, your wedding will be grand, I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.”
When Natasha looked content with your answer you went back to looking at the small details of the room, I could paint this, you thought to yourself. Though most of the flooring was grey and stone you found everything was so different. The floor was sleek and had such shine you thought they were wet, the walls were still textured you bet you could paint the way they felt. Behind the golden throne, there were three massive stained glass windows, casting colourful light everywhere in the open space.
“The windows-” you began to ask but found no one was listening, your mother and sister were walking towards the throne and the knights followed Prince Steve and Princess Natasha.
“What were you saying?” a voice came from behind you.
You turned around to see the same knight who smiled at you before, his chain mail slightly rustling as he leaned down to whisper. When he was up close you could see a few scars on his face, one ran right above his eyebrow. His smile was shining, you could see his slightly crooked teeth.
“The stained glass,” you pointed around, “it’s beautiful.”
“Yes it is,” he nodded and stood tall, “they’re all around the castle, your chambers will have a window.” he walked with the group, “you are Princess Natasha’s younger sister, am I correct?”
“Yes I am,” you slightly bowed, it was second nature. “You are, Ser…?”
“James,” he quickly filled in the question, “Ser James.”
“I am Y/N,” you smiled at him, looking forward for a second to make sure you were still with the group.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you looked down for a moment, his gaze was too intense.
You walked with the group as Prince Steve showed off the rest of the castle, eventually, he and Natasha broke apart from the group and left their handmaids and knights to escort you and your mother to their quarters. Two knights left and walked with Prince Steve and Natasha, two went with your mother, Ser James was the only one left with you; as well as a handmaid.
“Wait here, I'll find another guard,” James was about to walk away but you quickly stopped him, grabbing his wrist.
“I don’t need an escort, I’ll be fine with you and…” you looked at the handmaid.
“Bellona,” she squeaked.
“Bellona,” you repeated, “I’m awfully tired and I want to explore.”
Ser James just nodded his head and began to walk in an opposite direction than where your mother or Natasha went, he took a few turns before heading up the stairs. Bellona was walking behind you and Ser James was in front of you, he kept looking back to make sure you were still with him.
When you reached your room he opened the door for you, letting you walk in and take in the room. It was bigger than the one at home, the first thing you noticed was the stained glass window. You quickly walked up to it and pressed your hand against the blue shard, and then the yellow, and then the green.
“They really are everywhere,” you whispered.
“I do not lie,” Ser James took a step in.
“I never said you did,” you turned around a smirked, “why don’t you Knights wear normal shiny armour all the time?”
“Because,” Ser James shrugged, “Shieldshire is very…relaxed when it comes to formality, if we were being attacked I would be ready in less than five minutes.”
“But what if five minutes is too long?” you walked over to him, taking your sketchbook from Bellona who picked it up from the carriage.
“Then I will be dead,” Ser James looked above your head, checking the room, “I would have died in honour of the castle.”
“And you’re okay with that?” you asked, wondering how someone could.  
“You don’t need to know that answer,” his eyes flicked down to you, “are you satisfied with the room, Princess?” his tone had turned sharp, you had been royal all your life and you knew when someone turned to extra formality they were upset.
“I-” you placed a hand on your chest, “I’m sorry, I said too much.” you shook your head, “I shouldn’t have asked that, my apologies, Ser James.”
“That’s alright,” he tilted his head to look down at you, “you’re forgiven,” but you didn’t know for sure, “the rest of your baggage will be brought up soon, is there anything else you need?”
“Just need to make sure you aren’t mad?” you asked slowly, trying to break out a smile to see if he will copy you.
A breathy laugh escaped his lips, his eyes travelled up and around before coming back down to you, “do not worry yourself, I am not cross,” you giggled at the word ‘cross’, “what?” he laughed, showing the creases near his eyes.
“You sound like my mother,” you laughed.
“She’s one scary woman,” he muttered out of the corner of his mouth, his face dropped, “don’t tell her I said that, please.”
“Let's just act this like conversation never happened, I didn’t step on your toes and you didn’t insult my mother, agreed, Ser James?” you stuck out your hand.
“Agreed, Princes Y/N,” he took your hand and shook it, “and you don’t need to have the Ser, by the way, call me Bucky.”
“Then don’t call me Princess,” you tilted your head to the side.
All he could do was give a bashful smile, “have a nice night, Princess Y/N.”
“And you, Ser James.”
When the door closed and you were left alone in your room, Bellona was nowhere to be found, you twirled around for a moment, letting out all the feelings you were trying to keep hidden in front of James. He was a very attractive man and when he talked to you it sent shivers down your spine, he looked at you in a way no one had; he actually saw you.
After jumping up and down a few times with a squeal you jumped onto the large bed in your room, hugging yourself as you closed your eyes and replayed the conversation again. His smile and his laugh, the way he held your hand when he shook it. Part of you wanted to run and tell Natasha but you also knew she was probably drooling after her actual suitor.
Your room had light stone walls without any curtains because the stained glass deflected some of the light. The bedding was a light yellow colour with poles sticking upon each of the four corners of the bed, holding up a cover on your bed which had light yellow hanging off of it; giving you some sort of cover if you chose to let it fall to the ground. Your clothes hadn’t been brought up but they would go in the large cabinet which would be your closet, there were already three dresses waiting for you; Natasha probably had ten waiting for her. The vanity was a sleek piece of wood that looked to be stained to make it look darker, there was a mirror with a very intricate gold frame. A few makeup products sat on the desk as well as a hairbrush.
“Here are your things, Princess Y/N,” someone had walked in with your trunk, “I was told to let you know your art supplies are in transport now, Lady Melina asked me to tell you,” you nodded as you opened the trunk, “there are also shoppes and vendors very close to the castle walls if you so chose to see them.”
“Will I need to be accompanied?” you asked.
“No,” he shook his head, “the vendors are close enough you would be in a guard's eyesight all the time if you’d like a guard with you and I can arrange that.”
“I’ll be fine, thank you though,” you smiled.
“Of course, Princess Y/N.”
When he left you fell back on your head, falling hard enough that the silk of the left side of the canopy fell down and touched the ground. You knocked the others down and laid on your bed in your own little world, holding your hands to your chest as you went back to thinking about Ser James. A smile slowly grew on your lips as you thought of what your mother said.
“Just tell me if anyone meets your eye.”
Taglist: tag list: @maybeimart​ @imtherain @jackiehollanderr @redneckstrash @tylard-blog1 @readingbooksdrinkingtea @linzc-reader @honeybunchesofbucky @sky0401 @striving4averagegirl @seybox @yaszx @happyt0exist @honeybunchesofbucky @munsonettee @searchf0rtheskyline @aya-fay @emi11ie  @prettywhenicry4 @theluvcafe​ 
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
The Other Side of the Door
Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Besties)
Sad Beautiful Tragic (MW x Taylor Swift Series)
TW: Perceivable cheating, Lack of proper communication, Gaslighting, Non-Sexual nudity, Non-Consensual advances/touching
Angst with an open ending. | 3,906 Words
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Yelena was tired, like genuinely exhausted after the month she'd just had, full of nonstop missions with her sister. Tonight, all she'd wanted was to enjoy a night out with her girlfriend and accompanying friends. Instead, she had an hour of blissful conversations over a delicious meal before it all went to shit. Her dearest friend—Kate Bishop, decided to laugh far too loudly at her joke, and place her hand on her chest for longer than necessary.
"Y/N! I'm allowed to spend time with my friends!" Yelena groans as you both enter her apartment, her patience with this repetitive argument now wearing thin.
"Yeah, Yelena, you are, but not when said friends are literally undressing you with their eyes. Literally getting handsy right in front of me, and to be honest you didn't seem to really mind it at all!"
"Y/N, I love you, you're the one I choose to come home to."
A loud scoff falls from your lips as you can't find it within yourself to hold back anymore.
"You've been back from your week long mission for less than five hours Yelena, and instantly you were planning a night out for us. Not to mention, inviting the girls who are clearly infatuated with you. All I've wanted was to cuddle up with you and Fanny."
"Jesus Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that you're all that I want before you believe me!"
"Maybe when you do something that lets everyone else around you know that too!"
A tense silence falls around the both of you, Yelena's gaze is glued to the ground, and her lips are clamped shut.
"You know what, I've had enough Yelena, you're just disregarding my valid concerns, attempting to placate me with baseless phrases of affirmation, but you know actions speak louder than words Yelena, I'm going home!"
"Detka, please don't leave, we can still work this out..." She dejectedly whispers, attempting to grab at your arm, but you manage to slip right passed her.
You stood outside of her apartment door, anxiously anticipating her to run after you, to wrap you up in her strong arms and show you just how much she really does want you.
After ten minutes though, you'd officially lost hope and instead chose to walk home. Paying no mind to the incessant pinging of your phone, or the torrential downpour that had been soaking you through your clothes.
In the heat of the fight I walked away
Ignoring words that you were saying
Trying to make me stay
I said, "This time I've had enough."
And you've called a hundred times
But I'm not picking up
'Cause I'm so mad I might tell you that it's over
Going home had been the original plan, but then you worried she'd show up there, you weren't necessarily ready for that so you instead settled for the bar.
Johnny saw you walking in, and had immediately began to pour out a set of shots for you, having been through this with you many times before. A silent nod of appreciation is thrown his way before you throw the collection back, then make your way to the restroom to assess the damage.
The people of the bar expecting to have access to the all inclusive single stall would just have to wait. You crouched, careful not to allow your clothing to drag across the floor of the bar's restroom, while allowing the hand dryer to at least lessen the dampness of your locks.
Once satisfied enough you took a good look in the mirror, wincing at the returned reflection, before fixing your outfit, and reapplying your products in an attempt to hide your clear misery.
You pulled your phone out to find out that she'd gotten Natasha involved, and that just pissed you off further. Nothing could ever just remain between you two, it's as if dealing with you alone was too much of a hardship. Messages and voicemails were left ignored, and it seems she'd given up about twenty minutes ago, so now your phone was dauntingly silent.
"Why so glum my old chum?"
You groan at the familiar voice, looking up to see the long line of people outside the door, and your redheaded best friend staring at you with a comforting smile.
"Your sister is an idiot, and by the sounds of it, so are you." You grumble as you push right passed her and make your way back to the bar.
"Hey... I thought I was being kind of cute... Also yeah—she is, but you knew that when you got with her." She teases, then orders two old fashioned's and settles her hand on your back for comfort while you wallow in your own pity with your face on the bar.
Natasha sips upon her drink, cringing lightly at your choices to place your face on such an unclean surface, but just this once she chooses not to scold you. Instead she listens to you complaining about her little sister, and her odd ways.
"It's just, she tries to make me think I'm crazy, but I know crazy—that's not what this is at all. Kate Bishop, and Ivanka are literally infatuated with her and she just tells me I'm over exaggerating the matter."
"Typical deflecting, it's what we were trained to do. Also, Y/N/N, you have to remember she's not great with context clues when it comes to the heart. Remember how long it took for her to see that you wanted her? Or to even acknowledge that she'd wanted you?"
"Not an excuse Nat. Kate laughs at all of her jokes, especially the unfunny ones, and she's always got her hands all over her. Ivanka's even less subtle, going as far as sitting on her lap and kissing her cheek. Yelena might be clueless when it comes to affairs of the hearts, but she's not that fucking dumb."
"Yeah, I honestly have no defense for that Y/N, but maybe you should just sleep it off, then try and talk it out tomorrow?" She suggests with a pity smile.
"I'm tired of talking..." You sigh, lifting your glass to your lips and Nat's eyes nearly bulge out of her head when you uncharacteristically down the drink in one gulp without so much as a wince.
Natasha's phone was nonstop buzzing so she'd excused herself to handle her business, leaving you to mope at the bar. The alcohol in your system was making you exceptionally sad, so naturally you pulled your phone out to reminisce. Tears caught in your eyelashes as you stumbled upon photos from when everything between you and Lena had been picture perfect.
When the love she had for you burnt brighter than the sun, and nobody could come between the two of you. The adoration was clear in her eyes, but now her eyes just seem dull, as if you're more like an obligation to her than anything else. Natasha stood behind you silently, agitation for her sister only intensifying as she hears your sniffles, and now begins to form for Steve for pulling her away from you for an impromptu mission.
"I remember that day." She muses, as she hugs you from behind and places her chin atop your shoulder to peer down at the photo.
It was one she took of you asleep on the couch at the compound, she'd left you alone while going to a scheduled meeting with Fury. When she'd returned she found you peacefully asleep, which wasn't shocking because you would sleep just about anywhere. What surprised her was finding Yelena sleeping on top of you, with her face smushed against your bare abdomen where your shirt had ridden up.
"Yeah, you mean when you mercilessly teased Yelena until her face was practically the same shade as your hair?" You laugh out while reminiscing about the good old days.
"Funny to think that she was still very much unaware of her own feelings for you."
A simple silence falls between you two as you continue to scroll through your photos, resulting in the occasional awe to fall from Natasha whenever she sees a photo of the both of you, or you with Wanda—her girlfriend.
"You have to go right?" You knowingly sigh, suddenly breaking through your comfortable bubble of silence, and Natasha groans, lightly digging her chin into your shoulder as she confirms your statement with a nod.
"Yeah, I was supposed to leave immediately, but I like to live on the edge." She jests, and you genuinely chuckle at your little rebel.
"That and you don't like being told what to do."
"Exactly... This is why you're my best friend."
"Now, don't stay out too late, and call Happy for a ride home, stay safe dorogoy." She instructs, slightly shaking your body by the grip she has on your shoulders.
"Yes mom..." You playfully groan out, turning to her with a small smile, and Natasha's nervous heart settles at the sight of your slightly improved mood.
Alone again...
Your fractured heart continues to ache the longer you sit there at the bar, wondering if Yelena would ever show up for you herself. Eventually all seals require breaking, so you slipped off to the restroom, and in doing so missed the collection of women entering the establishment.
Me and my stupid pride are sitting here alone
Going through the photographs, staring at the phone. I keep going back over things we both said, and I remember the slamming door and all the things that I misread.
So babe if you know everything, tell me why you couldn't see, that when I left I wanted you to chase after me.
Yelena had paced the length of her apartment trying to get you to answer her, anxiety consumed her entirely when the weather turned torrential. In an honest fit of pure desperation she contacted her sister, who had been your best friend since far before your relationship with her. Natasha scolded her, then told her that she'd find you, and the stress of your safety was instantly gone.
Left with the remaining ache from your fight ironically led her to contacting the sources of your tension. Kate and Ivanka agreed almost instantly to meet her at the bar, so she'd taken to changing into something far more casual then set off for a night of disassociating.
Once she reached the pub her friends were already stood there with wide smiles on their faces. Instantly they pulled her to the bar for shots, and Yelena's heart skipped when she caught wind of your familiar scent.
"What's Y/N's problem again?" Kate shouts over the booming music, as she sips from her mixed drink and stares into the blondes eyes.
Yelena cringes internally at the slight disdain in her tone when referencing you, but she chooses to overlook it as her friend just supporting her.
"She picked another fight with me over me spending time with you two, she's insecure, and mistakenly thinks you guys want me."
"What a fucking bitch, you should dump her Lena. Clearly she's making you miserable." Ivanka confidently exclaims, while throwing her arms up in the air along to the beat before slyly dropping them down to Yelena's waist.
Yelena's honestly never felt a rage like the one she felt right now at the words that fell from her supposed best friends mouth. They know just how much she loves you, and to think calling you a bitch was okay was bad enough, but to then encourage her leave you over something so small was beyond her. Before she could come to your defense the grip on her hips tightened and she found herself silenced as she was pulled against the black haired woman.
As you exited the bathroom you decided to take Nat's advice, so you returned to the bar to drink some water and then close out your tab. However, you were not expecting to be met with Johnny's nervous smile; following the trajectory of where his eyes had just been moments prior, you stood frozen in place.
There stood your girlfriend, lips locked with Ivanka in what appeared to be an intense kiss, and she hadn't looked to be pushing her away. Your heart stopped beating, you're absolutely certain it genuinely stuttered in your chest for at least five seconds, and the sound of shattering glass brought you back.
Your heart fluttered painfully, but the ache in your hand suddenly took precedence when you felt a towel pressing firmly against your hand, and then you noticed the glass and blood.
"Ow.." You weakly mumbled, and dropped your gaze as a new wave of tears began to trail down your cheeks.
Yelena was completely thrown by the initial contact, truthfully—she was disgusted; her reactions were severely lacking though due to her inebriated state. An immense wave of guilt coursed through her as your supposed insecurities were clearly based in truths.
She'd gasped when Ivanka's hands lowered, and the woman thought that she should deepen the kiss. Yelena had an immediate bitter taste in her mouth, and she went to shove the woman off of her at the same time that a loud crash pulled her from her daze.
She went to shout at her, possibly even punch her, but her attention was pulled away as she peered over her shoulder and was met with the sight of your trembling form at the bar. You could feel her stare on you, so you decided to let her see the pain she was causing you by locking gazes. Then it became too much and you quickly ran out of the bar in search of your chariot, as if it would turn into a pumpkin by the strike of midnight.
"Chertov ad." She groaned under her breath, then aggressively shoved passed the obliviously giddy woman before her to attempt to intercept you from leaving.
(Fucking hell...)
Kate was honestly stunned—sure, she had a crush on Yelena, and maybe it was obvious. The difference though is that she would never cross such a boundary, because she actually valued her friendship with the blonde assassin. Truth be told, she also didn't hate you, she just mostly envied you for meeting the blonde first.
You're noticeably shaking from the influx of overwhelming emotions consuming you as you attempt to look all around for Happy. Intentions proving rather fruitless as your vision is clouded with tears, your shaking increasing tenfold under the downpour that apparently means to drench you for the second time tonight.
Yelena was usually quick on her feet, but the alcohol's effects, mixing with her terrifying emotions slowed her down. Then she was met with the nearly pitch black streets as the storm was muffling the street lights effects. The slamming of a car door shifts her desperate gaze down the street and she runs when she sees the familiar Rolls Royce Phantom.
Happy notices her, standing guard by your door to prevent her from getting the chance to reach you. He'd just stood there with you under the harsh rain until he'd been able to calm your ragged breathing down just enough to feel you were safe enough to drive home.
Yelena quite literally shoved him out of the way without a care in the world though, obviously still having her strength and dexterity above all else.
"Y/N! Detka! Open up! Please, it's not what it looks like..." She pleads through her sobs, while hammering her fists against the window, and cringing at the cliché statement.
"GO AWAY! I can't even look at you Yelena!"
"Please... I-I, I need to talk to you, to explain, because I promise it's not what it seems.”
“There's nothing you can say to make this right again! I mean it, just fucking leave me alone!”
"No! Don't say that! I'm in love with you Y/N! Only you! Please, just hear me out... I’m not willing to lose you, so I’m not leaving, I’ll never leave… Detka, I can’t do this without you…" She shrieks, voice cracking the entire time, while she has to simultaneously gasp between words.
The obvious desperation in her voice made your heart ache with an almost natural need to comfort her, so, against your better judgment you opened the door, and shimmied over so she could climb in, then Happy begrudgingly drove you both back to her place.
And I'll scream out the window
"I can't even look at you!"
I don't need you but I do, I do, I do
I say, "There's nothing you can say to make this right again! I mean it, I mean it."
What I mean is I said, "Leave," but baby all I want is you
To stand outside my window throwing pebbles
Screaming, "I'm in love with you."
Wait there in the pouring rain, come back for more, and don't you leave 'cause I know:
All I need is on the other side of the door
The ride was silent, as you kept your eyes focused on the passing buildings, and Yelena's body never ceased in its sobbing. When the car finally came to a stop outside of her place your emotions were no longer containable as the entirety of the night flashes before your eyes.
Happy kindly opened the door for you, and you honestly would’ve crumbled to the floor had he not caught you. Yelena pulled herself together just long enough to scoop you up and carry your sobbing form in through her doors.
Once you’d made it through she sat down on the couch, and the two of you sat there surrounded by the sounds of each other’s unsteady breathing, and honestly, if you’d listened close enough I’m sure you’d be able to hear the hearts breaking.
After about ten minutes your mind finally returned to you, and Yelena’s sobs only increased as you recoiled from her touch by jumping to your feet and creating distance between the two of you. Yelena jumped to her feet and immediately stumbled towards you until she had you backed against her door.
“Detka… You have to believe me, please.” She whimpers, as she reaches out to cup your face, sighing gratefully as you don’t recoil this time.
Truthfully you do believe her, but that changes nothing. The problem is the unwanted kiss never would’ve happened had she just listened to you. Had she stopped dismissing you, taking in the obvious signs, then these tears would’ve never fallen, and both your hearts would be intact. Completely lost in your thoughts you failed to see the way her booze clouded gaze fell to your lips, nor did you seem to notice her leaning in, but as soon as her lips touched yours it was over for you, as her taste was currently tainted.
"No! Don't, God, I can taste her on your lips." You spat, while attempting to choke down the rising bile as you forcefully shove her back.
Yelena nearly trips at the sheer force in which you push her off of you, then she hurls into the trash can at your words. Body crumbling to the floor in a fit of sobs, with the despair written all over her face, and visible through her body language. Your love for her overrules the logic telling you to keep your distance in your brain and you take a shaky step towards her in an attempt to extend an olive branch of sorts.
Yelena shimmies over to you on her knees, desperate to have you close, as she wraps her arms around you from the front, linking her hands upon your lower back and clings to you.
"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you..." She sobs against your abdomen, and if you weren't already drenched you're sure you'd be able to feel her hot tears soaking through.
"I know..."
"I didn't want to kiss her, I swear it..."
You hum in response, not having any words for her in the moment, pretty much urging her to continue on.
"The alcohol messed with me Y/N/N, I couldn't fucking move, it was like I was frozen in place. Once she shoved her tongue down my throat it finally registered in my mind what was happening. I hated it so much... I’d never cheat on you. You’re the absolute love of my life. Please forgive me..."
You continue to say nothing, but your hand settling on her head is enough for her in the moment to know that your love for her remains.
“I made you think you were crazy, because I actually thought you were being it. I’d never noticed their advances because honestly I didn’t see anyone but you. I know that sounds like a cheesy attempt to seek forgiveness but it’s not. It’s my truth Y/N, you’re the first person I’ve ever loved like this, and I’m set on making you my last.”
Her head turns as she settles her chin against your abdomen and cranes her neck so that she can peer up at you. Glossy eyes full of love, despair, and hurt meet, and for just a moment it’s like everything stills for them.
“Please, forgive me…” She pleads once more, and you can see that distant look in her eyes; as if she’s one second away from shutting down, so you say the words you know she needs to hear, even if you don’t fully mean them yet.
“I forgive you…” You whisper, while using the pads of your thumbs to wipe away at her tears that settled upon her cheeks.
Yelena jumps up on shaky legs and catapults herself into your embrace. Yelena’s only ever been like this once before—when Natasha had been severely injured, and the aftermath of it all was terrifying. Having to fight to bring her back out of those dark places in her mind was tedious, and required a lot of patience, that with which you have none of currently. Something you’ve noticed over the years, that tends to help to calm her, was skin to skin contact.
You began slowly working on removing both of your wet clothes while still holding her firmly against you. On e you’d finished stripping the both of you, you then took her to the restroom to handle the bare minimum of your hygiene routines before finally settling the both of you down in her bed. Taking your rightful place in the center, as Yelena grabbed the duvet, then silently crawled on top of you, bringing the cover with her.
With your face and the beautiful eyes
And the conversation with the little white lies
And the faded picture of a beautiful night
You carried me from your car up the stairs
And I broke down crying, was she worth this mess?
After everything and that little black dress
After everything I must confess, I need you.
Her content sigh tells you that your preventative plan is somewhat working, which you’re truly grateful for, because you’re not entirely sure what tomorrow will bring. There was still so much left to be said, and in turn to unpack, but for tonight the blonde needed to rest, and you needed the silence to think.
You’re not entirely sure love is enough, and you’re wondering if your happiness instead lies on the other side of the door.
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