jurassicsickfics · 2 months
Random character rant on Chris Hargensen from Carrie. I'll start off by saying that Chris absolutely had problems. I mean, I feel like that's obvious, but I wanna go a little deeper with it. It's just not normal for a teenage girl to be so downright evil. Chris was just a kid and according to some mentions of her in the book, she'd been that way since she was young. Seems to me like Chris may very well have been abused at home, by her father specifically, as this was alluded to in the end of her song "The World According to Chris" in Carrie the Musical. Also, we see Chris being hit and talked down to by her boyfriend Billy Nolan several times and she didn't seem fazed. I feel that a normal person would be shocked to be slapped and spoken to like that, unless, of course, they were well used to being abused and it was nothing new for Chris. Chris's response to others failing to understand instructions or master a skill (example, Carrie playing volleyball) was insults and and rubbing it in, making her feel bad about herself. What if this is how Chris was used to being spoken to when she herself struggled? Seems likely. Where else would a child learn that behavior? In the book, we see Chris's father visiting the school's, angry because of Miss Desjardin's treatment of Chris. You'll notice that the threat of a lawsuit was mentioned much more heavily than mention of his daughter's distress. Seems like he cares more about a big fat check than defending Chris. Maybe, he wasn't angry that the teacher upset his DAUGHTER, but that she upset HIS daughter.
I'd also like to point out that Chris was never shown any kindness or consideration at all during the film. You may argue that she didn't deserve it, but think again. It seems to me that a teacher would realize that a child acting out, especially to that degree, means something deeper is going on. However, miss Collins instead belittled and threatened her, and even hit her. The first phrase that comes to mind is, "you can choke on it [her gum] for all I care, just get it out of your mouth."
Chris wasn't doing anything wrong when this was said. Nothing makes a child, especially a hormonal teenager with an already rough home life, go even more on the defense that that kind of treatment.
Throughout the movie, Chris's behavior became more and more reckless and she developed a type of "I've got nothing to lose" mentality. From teasing, to sneaking onto that farm to kill the pig, to actually dumping the blood on Carrie, to literally trying to run her over even after she'd seen what Carrie was capable of. (On a side note I feel that Chris's final attempt to end Carrie may have been provoked mostly by the death of her best friend, Norma Watson). In some small way I feel like Chris knew she was going to die but at that point, after the only person she truly loved and cared about and who actually returned that feeling, was dead, she didn't care. One last desperate attempt at avenging her best friend, before she, too, could end her own hurting.
Anyway, there's my rant. Let me know your thoughts, Carrie fans!
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declanowo · 11 months
31 Days of Horror - Day 24 - Carrie: The Musical
As a child, brinking on my teenage years, I was heavily into musicals. Much like a newer wave of emo teens at the time, I was obsessed with them - I have several fond memories of listening to, or watching them! Whether it was refreshing Youtube every morning to see if there were any bootlegs of my favourites uploaded, getting excited when Hamilton was put onto streaming, or when I went to see Dear Evan Hansen in the West End for my birthday one year, musicals have had a huge effect on me and my growth as a person, for better or for worse. 
When I found out about Carrie: The Musical, I was incredibly excited, and even more so when I found out how easy it is to watch! Although it isn’t a film as such, it was on my Letterboxd watchlist, so I watched it :) 
Before moving onto the show itself, I do want to say that, while I haven’t read the book yet, I have seen the films, and I enjoy each of them for different reasons! Carrie is a film (or series) that I love, and I enjoy watching the way the adaptations differ from one another. 
Carrie works excellently in musical form, which I wasn’t exactly expecting when I first found out about its existence. In essence, the story is an anti-coming of age, resembling something of a tragedy. It has a perfect volta, as so to speak, allowing for the intermission too, which helps this story a lot. Not to mention that the story blends nicely into many teen musicals, which focus on the juxtaposition of the outcasts of high school, against the more popular students - Be More Chill comes to mind here! All in all, adapting the story for the stage is something that I believe to have been done excellently - both aspects from the book, such as the framing device of police reports, and elements introduced in the movies are used here, and I found it to be an excellent depiction of the story. 
Another aspect I loved was the characters! Surprisingly, I felt we saw very little of our titular protagonist, and in a sense, she is pushed away from us as an audience, which is entirely mimetic of her place in school. Yet, this didn’t upset me too much! We have three movies that follow Carrie’s perspective, and while I adore her, the time she did get felt sufficient for the most part. I still empathised with her deeply, and still wanted the best for her despite knowing the tragedy that shall strike. Despite one of my biggest gripes with this show coming from Carrie’s character, which I will divulge in a minute, I did still love her and the performance given. 
Instead of fixating solely on Carrie, we instead feel closer to fixating on the parallel stories of Sue Snell and Chris Hargensen, both of whom have similarly juxtaposing boyfriends. Their story matches the campy tone that comes hand in hand with musicals, and I liked their characterisation, and the shading added to their characters! A song like The World According to Chris shows not only her world view, but also her insecurities, her deepest fears and why she acts the way she does. Her character is far stronger in the first half, but I still enjoyed her, and found many of the scenes that split the stage in half to show two intervening stories relating to her very fun. Sue has always been one of my favourite characters in the movies, and here it is no different; her arc is simply enjoyable to watch, and the conflicts she has with other characters makes her even more enjoyable. Not to mention that I loved her relationship with Tommy Ross in this, who was also performed and written in a great manner, with the song You Shine portraying a lovely side to them. Tommy is another lovely character, and his presence is really something that makes the prom scenes, beyond the thrilling finale of course. 
Finally, onto Carrie's mother, who I find to be a deeply interesting character. Each film plays her differently, from solely abusive, to God fearing and loving with a harsh exterior. Sometimes, she is somewhat sympathetic, like in this version, while others see her being nothing but cruel to Carrie. Ultimately, I enjoy this depiction, which comes as a result of the songs allowing her to speak her mind! We find out more here about why she acts the way she does, and that her “tough love” is abusive certainly, yet in her eyes she is attempting to protect Carrie, and ensure she doesn’t get poisoned by the sin she did. 
While I enjoyed this depiction, it might be one of my least favourites! I think that comes from a few elements, one of which is the songs. Although I enjoyed some while they were playing, after finishing the show I haven’t got any rattling around, and the lyrics never caught my mind as something exceptional or different to what I have heard before. I didn’t think they ruined the show, not at all, but they just didn’t do much for me beyond moving the story along, with a few of them grating on me a little and feeling too cliche. Of course, I do take into account musicals aren’t my thing so much anymore, so the music may not capture me in the way it used to. 
My other largest gripe is with Carrie's powers, which feel like an add on to this version. Sure, when we do see her use them they are done in intuitive ways for the stage, such as a use of sound and lighting, or practical effects and physical acting, yet, they never felt all that thought out nor important here! Maybe this comes as a result of the tone and themes they were following with this adaptation, but it is a pivotal concept to the story and so it’s lack of presence until the final scene did feel a little weird to me. 
Despite some of my problems with the show, I did enjoy myself! Watching this was really a fun time, and took me back to the excitement I felt as a child, watching musicals for the first, or tenth, time! Maybe nostalgia for the musical archetypes makes me like this one more, maybe my changed interests make me enjoy it less, but I do think that it is a strong adaptation of this incredibly fun story. 
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bloodtized · 2 years
* tags !
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dxntloseurhead · 4 years
keaton whittaker singing “the world according to chris” ❤️
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meandmypagancrew · 4 years
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Make me choose: carrie or sue or chris ( @charlicpace )
"The world according to Chris is better to whip than get whipped. Even if somebody bleeds, please, nobody dies from a scar. And that’s the why things are."
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The World According to Chris is the best Mean Girls Song
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The wonderful Miss Veronica Lodge in all of her glory as Chris Hargensen in Carrie, the musical.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
What are the best villain songs in your opinion? Or your fav? 💚🎶
Oooooh, wow. Hard question!! Like, songs sung BY villains, or songs that remind me of villains? XD I'll go with the first one. These are my favourites! And, side note, this is the ruthlessly edited v e r s i o n of the list...
Be Prepared, Scar (The Lion King)
I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you are, pay attention My words are a matter of pride It's clear from your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught unawares
How Can I Refuse, Preminger (Barbie Princess And The Pauper)
It's a temporary setback It's a momentary lapse But conveniently my ego doesn't bruise And the moment that I get back I will show them who's the boss You can bet your bullion there'll be no "I do's"
In The Dark of Night, Rasputin (Anastasia)
I was once the most mystical man in all Russia When the royals betrayed me they mad a mistake My curse made each of them pay But one little girl got away Little Anya, beware Rasputin's awake
Love Is For Peasants, Queen Ariana (Barbie as the Island Princess)
Love is for peasants, which we're obviously not. Who needs a heart that's going to bleed? It's inconvenient and just makes you hot. Let Mama tell you what you need. Not just any clown—someone with a crown— And a happy life is guaranteed.
Mother Knows Best (Reprise), Mother Gothel (Tangled)
No?! Oh, I see how it is.
Rapunzel knows best Rapunzel's so mature now Such a clever grown-up Miss Rapunzel knows best Fine, if you're so sure now Go ahead, then give him this
This is why he's here! Don't let him deceive you! Give it to him, watch, you'll see!
No More Mr Nice Guy, Rothbart (The Swan Princess)
Vengeance is what I believe in I don't get mad, I get even Odette can't get to the ball 'cause I won't bring 'er So I'll zap up a date who's a real dead ringer
Only Girl In The World, Duke Monroth, (Moulin Rouge)
Do you trust me? It's time, my dear, to dress the part Let me make you rise Take you for a ride Let me make you rise (Only girl in the world) Take you for a ride (Only girl in the world)
Prince Ali (Reprise), Jafar (Aladdin)
So Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin Just a con, need I go on? Take it from me His personality flaws Give me adequate cause To send him packing on a one-way trip So his prospects take a terminal dip His assets frozen, the venue chosen. Is the ends of the earth, whoopee!
(The Legend Of) Miss Baltimore Crabs, Velma Von Tussle (Hairspray)
[AMBER, spoken] Oh Mother, not more ancient history! [VELMA] Oh, my God, how times have changed! These girls must be blind or completely deranged But time seemed to halt When I was Miss Baltimore Crabs
The World According To Chris, Chris Hargensen (Carrie; The Musical)
Guess what, Ever since the world began Same plot, everyone's been dumping on their fellow man Pounding people they feel better than I hope you're taking notes cause You feel everyone deserves a shot Get real Some of us have got it, girl And some got squat That's the truth, oh honey, like it or not
What The Fuck Now, Lizzie!? , Emma and Lizzie Borden (Lizzie)
Emma: My sweet little sister, what have you done? Lizzie: Well I wasn't gonna wait for an engraved invitation. Emma: Now I've got twice the trouble, got two for one. Lizzie: Stop your bitchin', can't you see a win-win situation? Emma: What the fuck?! What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck now, Lizzie?! Lizzie: Well he ain't crawling back into bed now is he? Emma: No
World Burn, Regina George (Mean Girls)
My name is Regina George Regina is a fugly cow Hey Cady, how ya like me now?
I wanna watch the world burn I got the gasoline I wanna watch the world burn And everyone get mean
Yodel-Adle-Eedle-Idle-Oo, Alameda Slim (Home On The Range)
Now listen up There are crooks in this here West Who have claimed to be the best, And think they wrote the book on how to rustle Well, as good as they may be, Not a one's as good as me, An' I barely have to move a single muscle They call me mean, boys Depraved and nasty too And they ain't seen, boys, The cruelest thing I do
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artzychic27 · 4 years
François-Dupont Performs Carrie... But with a boy?...
The drama teacher announces that the school will be putting on another Musical
Carrie! But instead, Carrie will be a gay trans boy
The girls are a little disappointed that they won’t get the lead role, but at least there’s Sue
Auditions are after school, Mme. Bustier and Mendeleiev’s classes are lined up and ready to audition for a role
Nathaniel goes for the part of Corey White, the protagonist. He sang ‘Why Not Me?’ Once again, his classmates were astonished that he could sing
Marinette auditioned for Sue Snell- The anti-hero. She sang ‘Once You See’
Alix may or may not have squealed when she saw that Marc was auditioning for Tommy Ross, the out of the closet captain of the futbol team, and Sue’s best friend
He sang ‘Dreamer in Disguise’, and Nathaniel nearly fainted
Aurore went for Chris Hargensen, the antagonist. She sang ‘The World According to Chris’
Kim tried out for Billy Nolan, Chris’ boyfriend. He sang Billy’s part in ‘The World According to Chris’
Kagami auditioned for Miss Gardner, the teacher looking out for Corey and defending him against bullies. She sang ‘Unsuspecting Hearts’
Alix wanted to audition for Miss Gardner, but she couldn’t compete with Kagami’s voice
Nino auditioned for Mr. Stephens, the principal. He auditioned with a monologue.
Alya auditioned for Margaret White, Corey’s overzealous religious mother. She sang ‘Eve Was Weak’
The rest who auditioned but didn’t get parts will be dancers
Cast List
Nathaniel Kurtzberg... Corey White
Marc Anciel... Tommy Ross
Marinette Dupain-Cheng... Sue Snell
Aurore Beaureal... Chris Hargensen
Alya Césaire... Margaret White
Lê Chéin Kim... Billy Nolan
Kagami Tsurugi... Miss Gardner
Nino Lahiffe... Mr. Stephens
Chloé Bourgeois... Norma
Rose Lavillant... Frieda
Mylène Harpele... Helen
Adrien Agreste... George
Max Kante... Stokes
Ivan Bruel... Freddy
Juleka/Luka Couffaine... Interrogating Officers
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fanfics4all · 6 years
The Northside Serpent: Part 15
Request: Yes / No
Request are open but ONLY if they’re Halloween<3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Keller!Reader
Word count: 2068
Warnings: Death
Y/N: Your Name
Summary: You’re Kevin Keller’s little sister when you’re mom left to go to war and your dad started cheating (I’m making it so he’s been cheating since season 1) You started rebelling; dying your hair, getting a nose piercing, tattoo, and hanging out on the southside.
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Kevin made me come to school with him early to ask Jughead to be the videographer. I really didn’t want to go to school early but I didn’t have a choice. So I was also forced to go to the before school musical practice. I watched them sing and dance and I sat next to Fangs while they did this. After they were done everyone sat in a circle on chairs and Kevin smiled.
“Welcome to Carrie: The Musical.” He said and then Fangs pulled his chair into the circle, next to Kevin and Toni.
“Okay. Next, introductions.” Kevin said and I rolled my eyes. Jughead was behind everyone filming the behind the scenes.
“I’m Archie, I’m playing Tommy Ross. The boy next door.” Archie said.
“I’m Betty, I play Sue Snell. The good girl.” Betty said.
“Veronica Lodge, playing mean girl, Chris Hargensen.” Veronica said.
“I’m Cheryl Blossom, playing the iconic role of Carrie White.” Cheryl said standing up.
“Tone deaf.” Josie said with a cough and I bit my lip. Oh boy…
“Who’s playing your mom? Margaret White.” Ethel asked.
“I am.” Alice Cooper said walking in.
“Ah!” Kevin said with a smile.
“Mom?” Betty asked.
“Wait, seriously?” Ethel asked.
“Settle down. Yes, it’s untraditional but to me, there’s nothing more amateur than age-inappropriate casting.” Kevin said and I rolled my eyes.
“It’s a school play.” I said and Kevin narrowed his eyes at me.
“I’m really looking forward to getting to know who this woman is, you know, get under her skin. And, of course, to spend some quality time with my daughter, Elizabeth.” Alice said and Betty smiled.
“Uh, sorry.” Chuck said walking in and everyone rolled their eyes.
“I thought rehearsal were in the Music Room.” He said.
“No problem. All are welcome here.” Kevin said and I scoffed. Chuck sat down and they kept talking.
“Why am I even here, Kevin? I’m not even in the play.” I asked when they took a break.
“Because, you don’t have anywhere else to go.” He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Anywhere is better than watching you guys put on a stupid play.” I said crossing my arms.
“Dad wants me to keep an eye on you, so you’re staying here.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“Of course he does.” I said annoyed and just walked over to Toni and Fangs.
“Hey Quinny, how are you doin’?” Fangs asked.
“Eh, I’d rather not talk about this…” I said and Toni placed her arm around me.
“Forget about that, we’re talking to him. Besides that, how are you and Kevin?” She asked and I groaned.
“Ughhh, I still don’t want to talk to him or my dad.” I said annoyed and they sighed.
“He’s your brother, you gotta talk to him.” Fangs said and Toni nodded.
“Maybe when he gets his head outta his ass.” I said crossing my arms and they laughed. The break ended and I went back to sitting on the sidelines.
“Okay. Act one scene one.” Kevin told everyone as they looked at the scripts.
“Actually, before we begin…” Cheryl said standing up and putting her script down.
“I’ve heard whisperings that some of you ensemble-vultures don’t think I’m fit to play or sing-” She said and looked at Josie.
“No.” Josie said shaking her head.
“The role of Carrie White. So, to settle this matter once and for all. Maestro?” Cheryl called out.
“Okay, uh, Cheryl-” Kevin said but she cut him off by starting to sing. Cheryl finished and Toni stood up to clap. I also started clapping and soon everyone else joined in.
“Wow, I think I speak for everyone when I say that was undeniable, Cheryl.” Kevin said. Cheryl was walking back to her seat when a sandbag fell and almost hit her. We all looked at her in shock. After that happened Kevin decided to call it for practice. I stayed in the shadows throughout the day just like I have been for the past week. I just really couldn’t kick the horrible feeling I felt from Sweet Pea breaking up with me.
After school Kevin and I went home and he told me that he found a letter in his locker from the Black Hood. He said that the Black Hood didn’t want Cheryl to play Carrie but he wasn’t going to recast her. After he told me that I just stayed in my room until dinner where I ignored my family. I really didn’t want to talk to them since they literally ruined my relationship. During the whole Carrie rehearsals Kevin forced me to go with him. When I refused him he had Toni, Fangs, or Jughead make me come. They all claimed they wanted me to keep my mind of Sweet Pea. I watched as Betty, Archie, Veronica, and Chuck practice their scene where they were both wanting to help/hurt Carrie. Once it was finished Kevin told everyone it was finished and then we went home. The next day I was dragged there once again. Cheryl and Josie were practicing their scene and honestly this was probably the only scene I was excited to see.
“In this scene, gym teacher Mrs. Gardener is being a friend when out girl has none, out of sheer kindness.” Kevin said, I was sitting behind him and Fangs.
“I’ll fake it as best I can.” Josie said with a sigh and Cheryl looked her up and down. The music started and Josie was the first one to sing.
“Stop, stop, stop.” Cheryl said and everyone stopped.
“Okay, Cheryl, I’m the only one that’s allowed to stop.” Kevin said and I rolled my eyes. God he’s taking this too seriously.
“I can’t do this! I can’t have you hating me while we’re singing a song about friendship.” Cheryl said and my brother shook his head.
“I know everything I did was legit crazy, Josie, but I was wrestling with some dark, Carrie White-like demons, and I’m so, so sorry. So please, please forgive me.” Cheryl said and they started singing again. I sighed and watched as they both were making up. Ugh, I wanted some drama… After that was done Veronica was up to practice her World According To Chris scene. God could Kevin cast anymore obvious? Betty the good girl, Veronica the bad girl, it’s a little on the nose. She finished and everyone clapped.
“Okay, Veronica, I am obsessed with everything that just happened.” Kevin said walking up to her.
“Thank you, it helps to be off-book and in full costume.” Veronica said with a smile and Betty laughed.
“Don’t be so modest. You are the literal embodiment of Chris.” She said and I smirked, guess I’ll be gettin my drama after all.
“Never has a role been so perfectly type-cast.” She added.
“Betty…” Archie said trying to stop her and my brother sighed.
“What was that, Betty?” Veronica asked.
“I mean, think about it. Spoiled rich girl, check. Major daddy issues, check. Bad to the bone, trying to control everyone around her, including her boyfriend and best friend. Check, check, check.” Betty said and I smirk nudging Jughead.
“Looks like your girlfriends finally figured it out.” I said and he shook his head at me. Kevin told everyone they could leave and they did. I was stuck with Jughead and he was watching as Archie was talking to Betty in the back.
“A little jealous are we?” I asked him.
“Shut up Quinny.” He said shoving me.
“How are you anyway?” He asked turning the camera off.
“I’m doing as best as I can be after my first boyfriend broke up with me because of my family.” I said sitting back in my seat.
“Hey, we’re talking to him okay? Toni said you made him happy so he’s not just gonna throw that away.” Jug said giving me a side hug.
“He already did…” I sighed. I could feel a wave of tears ready to escape. I got up and walked over to my brother who was with Fangs.
“Hey Kev… I’m gonna go home…” I said and he looked at me worried.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah… I’m just tired. I’ll see you at home.” I said and walked out. I walked home and locked myself in my room. I took out my phone and started going through mine and Sweet Pea’s texts. Why was I torturing myself like this? We haven’t talked in weeks, hell I haven’t even seen him besides in class. Maybe Toni was wrong and I didn’t make him happy… I cried myself to sleep again that night.
The next day I was yet again forced to go to rehearsals but this time Cheryl wasn’t there. I looked at everyone confused. Where was she? She wouldn’t be late, she wanted to play Carrie more than anything.
“Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Cheryl will no longer be playing the role of Carrie White.” My brother said and Fangs tried to place his hand on his shoulder? Did Fangs have a thing for my brother? Good luck with that.
“What? Why?” Toni asked.
“Let’s just say that Penelope Blossom isn’t much of a stage-mom.” Kevin said and I scoffed.
“I think Cheryl’s by the gym bleachers.” He told Toni and she grabbed her stuff and left.
“In the meantime, Cheryl’s understudy will assume the role.” My brother said.
“Understudy?” Ethel asked.
“I appointed one after the sandbag incident. Midge Klump!” He said and everyone clapped. After that announcement everyone took their seats. Midge and Alice were going to practice one of their scenes. Everything was going well until Alice said Betty instead of Carrie..
“Mom?” Betty asked.
“Don’t leave me, Betty. Don’t leave me like all the others.” Alice said while crying then ran off. Betty got up and followed her.
“Am I directing a train wreck? And where’s my tea?” Kevin asked Fangs.
“Yeah you are. What did you think was gonna happen?” I asked rolling my eyes.
“Shut it you!” Kevin said looking at me.
After what felt like forever it was finally the night of the play. Kevin made sure we were dressed nice, so I was dressed in black lace dress, black and silver flower earrings, a black and silver flower necklace, and some black heels. For makeup, I up on a dark red lip and black and silver eyeshadow with a wing. I also curled my hair and put a bow in the back.
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It was definitely too dressy for a school play but Kevin was making us so we had to. I was sitting next to Cheryl and Jughead and he was sitting next to my brother. We were watching the play and everything was going great. Alice was singing one her songs where Carrie was locked in the closet and everyone was loving it. They set looked amazing too.
“Alright Carrietta, it’s time to come out of your closet.” Alice said and the set lifted. What everyone saw was horrific.
“Uh, Kevin, did you re-block this scene? Why isn’t she on her knees singing?” Cheryl asked.
“I-I…” Kevin just stuttered, he didn’t know what to say. There on the wall was Midge Klump stabbed with multiple knives and with things written in her blood…
“I am back from the dead all those who escaped me before will die. B.H.” I read and we all just stared in shock, not processing what was happening.
“I don’t think that’s part of the show.” Jughead said shocked.
“Oh my God!” Kevin said.
“Somebody should help her! For God’s sake, help her!” Cheryl yelled and Alice finally turned around. She screamed and everyone started screaming and freaking out. We all got up and Kevin grabbed me pulling me to the stage but I got out of his grip and ran for the door. Two people stopped me and I looked up to see Fangs and Sweet Pea. Fangs grabbed me and pulled me out of the school with them.
“What the hell was that?” Fangs asked shocked.
“I don’t know, the Black hood must be back…” I said scared and Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around me. I froze not really knowing why he was doing this.
“Don’t worry, we’ll keep you safe.” Sweet Pea said and they took me on their bikes to Sunnyside Trailer Park.
Tag list: @54fangirl @southsidehufflepuff @xrosesareredx @cvvlxx @skeletalwolfcat @demigodofthesun @depressed-octopods-art @nalayrene @yourfavouritefuckup @staygoldsquatchling02 @sataninsatin @im-socialy-awkward-no-joke @dark-night-sky-99 @aframeofbones @jojokoko0717 @nixdunbarhale @wanderlust-and-poetry @theyouthfulmoon @seasiren96 @nixdunbarhale2 @misskarynie @emo-godess-loves-you @serpent-stan @a--smallgirlinabigworld @ohlookmybed @everheart12 @sailorsolar12 @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear  @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @blueandgoldaus @southsidefandoms @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @jjkingston @k-is-cray @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @blueberry-lipgloss @ayeitsjaz @nadiagazecka @mysticrebelwerewolf @tht1wrdo @thegirlallthebadguyswant  @widowsgirl
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nelasguide · 4 years
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Carrie is a young woman with telekinetic powers. An outcast at school, where she is bullied viciously for her differences, Carrie is also lost at home, with a fervently religious mother whose love traps her in its maw. When PE teacher Miss Gardner, kind classmate Sue Snell, and boyfriend Tommy Ross reach out to try and help Carrie, it seems that for once, Carrie might have a shot at being accepted. But Chris Hargensen, the class’s most vicious bully, has other ideas. Pushed to the brink, Carrie’s powers threaten to overwhelm her, and devour everyone around her in flame.
Open Your Heart
And Eve Was Weak
The World According To Chris
Evening Prayers
Dreamer In Disguise
Once You See
Unsuspecting Hearts
Do Me A Favor
I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance
A Night We’ll Never Forget
You Shine
Why Not Me?
Stay Here Instead
When There's No One
Prom Arrival
Unsuspecting Hearts (Reprise)
Dreamer In Disguise (Reprise)
Prom Climax
Alma Mater
The Destruction
Carrie (Reprise)
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Unfortunately, the musical version doesn’t create the effect as the movie did.
Nela’s Ranking:
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musicalssorted · 7 years
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Chris Hargensen: Slytherin
This week’s Slytherin is Carrie the musical’s HBIC, Chris Hargensen! I briefly mentioned her on this blog once before, when I sorted the Heathers into Slytherin, stating that she also sorted there, and I still stand by it.
For starters, let’s look at The World According To Chris:
My daddy taught me you get nowhere being nice,
So now I’m sharing his advice:
The world according to Chris is better to strike than get struck
Better to screw then get screwed,
You’d probably think it’s bizarre
But that’s the way things are!
Chris comes out on the offensive before anyone else has even attacked. It’s a decisive way to keep and sustain power, which is a rather Slytherin trait. Another thing that Slytherins are known for is their problem solving, they’re the type to come up with solutions that other people would never think of, which I believe Chris demonstrates and we can see from the way Billy speaks to her. Two examples.
Example one:
“Who are you calling stupid shit? This whole thing was your idea!”
“Damn straight it was. And it’s going to be good.”
Example two:
You always amaze me with the way that you think,
If I was your daddy, I would buy you a shrink.
Chris is also shown as being very determined- throughout the show, multiple people tell her to just let it go, to forget about it, and yet she stays steady and stable throughout the entire show, her eyes set on getting Carrie back for the humiliation she experienced.
Musicalssorted official stamp on Chris Hargensen is that she is a Slytherin! We’re off on Wednesdays, but come back on Thursday for a Ravenclaw!
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a-year-of-musicals · 6 years
Day 199/365 - Carrie: The Musical
By Lawrence D Cohen, Dean Pitchford and Michael Gore
Sue Snell, haunted witness and tour guide to our story, struggles to recount the incidents leading up to the tragic night of May 28. As she's questioned about the past, figures from her life in high school appear. Whatever their differences – be they good girl Sue, her varsity-athlete boyfriend Tommy Ross, her spoiled-rotten best friend Chris Hargensen, Chris' trouble-maker boyfriend Billy Nolan, or perennial misfit Carrie White – they are all wrestling with the same insecurities and united in their desire to belong (In).
After gym class, Carrie experiences her first period in the shower. Her terrified screams for help and seeming ignorance about what's happening to her amuse and inflame the girls. With Chris as ringleader, Sue and the others encircle Carrie, gleefully chanting names and savagely taunting her. As gym teacher Miss Gardner races in at the height of Carrie's hysteria, an overhead light bulb inexplicably explodes. When the girls are reprimanded, they dismissively rationalise, "It's just Carrie," the butt of their jokes since childhood.
Miss Gardner and guidance counselor/English teacher Mr. Stephens send Carrie home for the rest of the day. But even as she leaves, her classmates' hurtful insults and name-calling ricochet in Carrie's mind until she cracks in fury (Carrie). Tommy and his pals discuss the upcoming senior prom as Billy roars in on his skateboard, clowning around. Carrie passes by and he jeeringly ridicules her. But when she turns a furious glance in his direction, he goes sprawling. Angry and embarrassed, Billy tries to blame his seeming clumsiness on Carrie, but the other guys just laugh.
At the White bungalow, Carrie's mother Margaret works at her sewing machine and sings along to her favorite evangelical radio program (Open Your Heart). When the still-troubled Carrie arrives home, she reluctantly joins in the hymn. Carrie summons the courage to tell her mother about the day's traumatic event. The realization that her child is now a woman throws Margaret into a God-fearing panic. When Carrie resists, Margaret locks her in a closet to beg for repentance (And Eve Was Weak).
With her parents out of town, Chris throws a party at which she recounts to the kids the details of that day's incident with Carrie in the locker room. When Sue – confused and upset about her role in the hazing – protests that it wasn't funny, Chris perversely instructs her in the natural order of things (The World According to Chris). Upset by Chris' toxic message, Sue turns her back on her best friend and leaves with Tommy.
Back at the White household, Carrie is still locked in her prayer closet surrounded by religious icons. Margaret, meanwhile, pleads for her own divine guidance. As Carrie puzzles over this new sensation she's been feeling, she grows more agitated. Suddenly, a little figurine of Jesus levitates, leaving Carrie to wonder if this strange power might possibly be coming from within her. Margaret releases her from the closet and tearfully apologizes for her actions, prompting Carrie to beg for forgiveness as well. The two find solace in each other's goodnight embrace (Evening Prayers).
In English class, Mr. Stephens praises a poem Tommy has written, and has him recite his work (Dreamer in Disguise). When the teacher asks the unruly students for reactions, Carrie volunteers. Her heartfelt emotion only provokes the other kids' mockery. After class, Sue acts on Tommy's advice and tries to apologise to Carrie but, thinking it's some kind of trick, Carrie explodes at her and storms off. Shaken and shocked into awareness, Sue muses on their encounter (Once You See). Miss Gardner rebukes the girls for their reckless mistreatment of Carrie and demands that they apologise to her – or else. They all do, except for Chris, who instead hurls a vicious invective at Carrie, causing Miss Gardner to kick Chris out of the prom. Frantic, Chris tries to rally the girls to join her in defying their teacher until Sue shouts defiance. Battle lines are drawn; the best friends are now enemies. When Miss Gardner apologises to the sobbing Carrie for what just happened, Carrie surprises her by insisting that she's got to let Chris go to Prom. Carrie points out that for girls like Chris, Prom is like a dream. When pressed, Carrie admits that she herself is not going. Moved by Carrie's lack of self-esteem and her need for support, Miss Gardner assures her that things can change (Unsuspecting Hearts).
Determined to do right by Carrie, Sue asks Tommy for help with a plan she's devised. Similarly, Chris, blaming Carrie for her humiliation, interrupts a make-out session with Billy to get his help in her plot for revenge (Do Me A Favor). Alone in the library, Carrie reads about telekinesis from a book. Concentrating intensely, she succeeds in moving chairs across the room without touching them, startling herself with this newfound power. In retrospect, the exploding light bulb in the shower and Billy's tumble from his skateboard start to make sense.
Nervous but honoring Sue's request, Tommy arrives at Carrie's front door and asks her to Prom. Wary, she repeatedly refuses, until Margaret calls her in for dinner. Worried that her mother will find her with Tommy, Carrie hurriedly accepts the offer to be his date. As he leaves, she calls out a joyous "thank you" as it begins to rain. While the storm outside intensifies, Carrie excitedly tells Margaret of her Prom invitation, triggering Margaret's own tortured reverie (I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance). When she orders Carrie to tell Tommy that she can't go, they battle and, as rain starts to blow in, Margaret walks away to close the windows. "I'll get them!" Carrie shouts and uses her mind to slam them shut. Horrified by this display of power that she's certain is the work of the devil, Margaret cowers in fear as Carrie calmly finishes her dessert.
Preparations for Prom and the news that Tommy's taking Carrie preoccupy everyone at school, including Chris and Billy, who sneak into the gymnasium with a bucket of pig's blood and set their own nasty prank in place (A Night We'll Never Forget). Miss Gardner, suspicious of Sue's motives in having Tommy invite Carrie, warns them both that if they hurt Carrie in any way, they'll have to answer to her. Sue worries that Tommy is mad at her too, but insists he's merely disappointed, wanting to take his girlfriend to Prom. To make up for the event they're going to miss, he takes her into the half-decorated gym to share a private romantic moment (You Shine).
It's finally Prom Night. The kids are electric with nervous excitement, and Carrie, no less anxious, resolves to make the most of the evening (Why Not Me?). Frantic with worry, Margaret tries to undermine Carrie's confidence (Stay Here Instead). Just then, Tommy arrives, and Carrie, looking ravishing in the gown she's made herself, departs with him. Alone, Margaret struggles with fundamentalist scriptures. "She must be sacrificed. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." Her duty – however horrific and tragic – is clear (When There's No One).
At the gym, the psyched kids show off their Prom finery and pose for yearbook photos. Tommy enters with Carrie, and the crowd's reaction to her stunning transformation turns from initially hostile to unexpectedly welcoming (Prom Arrival). Miss Gardner, surprised and delighted by Carrie's new self-assurance, shares her own recollection of Prom, and teacher and student trade notes on this timeless high school ritual (Unsuspecting Hearts – Reprise). After much coaxing, Tommy leads a hesitant Carrie onto the dance floor where they're observed – first by Sue, who's felt compelled to sneak in and see how her plan has worked out, and then by Chris' partner-in-crime, Norma (Dreamer in Disguise – Reprise). Chris and Billy, hidden high in the rafters above, prepare to unleash their prank, as Sue comes upon Norma switching real Prom ballots for fake ones, arousing her suspicions (Prom Climax).
Votes tabulated, Mr. Stephens and Miss Gardner announce Tommy and Carrie as Prom King and Queen. While the assembled salute them with the school song (Alma Mater), Sue spots the bucket dangling above the coronation area, confirming her worst suspicions. Frantic, she tries to warn Miss Gardner, but the teacher, who's been wary of Sue's motives in forgoing her Prom in favour of Carrie, pushes her out of the gym. Chris cues Billy, who yanks the bucket and drenches Carrie in blood. As the Prom-goers' stunned silence turns to derisive laughter, her unimaginable humiliation turns to fury – and then madness. Lashing out with her power, she exacts a terrible revenge on friend and foe alike (The Destruction). Powerless, Sue watches her classmates all perish. She alone survives. As emergency whistles sound and sirens wail, Sue follows the path of destruction that leads through the street to Carrie's house.
Carrie arrives home in her bloody prom dress and finds momentary solace in her mother's arms (Carrie – Reprise). Just as she's lulled into a sense of safety, Margaret – fulfilling what she believes to be her biblical duty – plunges a knife into her daughter. Wounded and trying to defend herself from further assault, Carrie uses her powers to stop her mother's heart. Sue stumbles into this horrific scene and, hearing Carrie's anguished cries, rushes to her side to comfort her. But she's too late. As Carrie dies in her arms, the figures from Sue's memory provide a final, haunting testimony of redemption (Epilogue).
Favourite Songs: In, Carrie, And Eve Was Weak, The World According To Chris, Dreamer In Disguise, I Remember How Those Boy’s Could Dance, Why Not Me?, Stay Here Instead, When There’s No One, Prom Climax, Alma Mayer and The Destruction
Favourite Characters: Margaret White
She’s a perfect example of how you can love someone too much. She wants to protect Carrie so much that she ends up hurting her, partly due to her blind belief in the evils of Christianity, and lack of trust in the goodness of her religion.
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