#* &. time for war / verse 10: war.
careol · 11 months
@wingfells cont. from here.
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               it   seemed   as   though   there   was   a   never   ending   sea   of   saviors.      one   outpost   destroyed,   three   more   exist   in   its   place.      the   task   of   defeating   negan   and   the   saviors   was   daunting,   but   it   had   to   be   done.      carol   knows   it,   she   knew   it   the   moment   morgan   told   her   the   truth.      if   she   knew   what   had   happened   earlier?      they   wouldn’t   be   so   late   in   the   game.      ❝   i   was   able   to   scope   it   out   with   jerry.      there   are   two   entrances,   both   guarded.      however,   there   is   a   five   minute   window   at   this   entrance   here   in   the   back.      it’s   like   clockwork,   every   day   at   the   same   time   this   guard   slips   away   inside.      what   he’s   doing?      i   don’t   know,   but   that   is   our   chance   to   strike.   ❞
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xhatake · 1 year
mmm maybe like this for an akatsuki au starter?
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NLRB rules that any union busting triggers automatic union recognition
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Tonight (September 6) at 7pm, I'll be hosting Naomi Klein at the LA Public Library for the launch of Doppelganger.
On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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American support for unions is at its highest level in generations, from 70% (general population) to 88% (Millenials) – and yet, American unionization rates are pathetic.
That's about to change.
The National Labor Relations Board just handed down a landmark ruling – the Cemex case – that "brought worker rights back from the dead."
At issue in Cemex was what the NLRB should do about employers that violate labor law during union drives. For decades, even the most flagrantly illegal union-busting was met with a wrist-slap. For example, if a boss threatened or fired an employee for participating in a union drive, the NLRB would typically issue a small fine and order the employer to re-hire the worker and provide back-pay.
Everyone knows that "a fine is a price." The NLRB's toothless response to cheating presented an easily solved equation for corrupt, union-hating bosses: if the fine amounts to less than the total, lifetime costs of paying a fair wage and offering fair labor conditions, you should cheat – hell, it's practically a fiduciary duty:
Enter the Cemex ruling: once a majority of workers have signed a union card, any Unfair Labor Practice by their employer triggers immediate, automatic recognition of the union. In other words, the NLRB has fitted a tilt sensor in the American labor pinball machine, and if the boss tries to cheat, they automatically lose.
Cemex is a complete 180, a radical transformation of the American labor regulator from a figleaf that legitimized union busting to an actual enforcer, upholding the law that Congress passed, rather than the law that America's oligarchs wish Congress had passed. It represents a turning point in the system of lawless impunity for American plutocracy.
In the words of Frank Wilhoit, it is is a repudiation of the conservative dogma: "There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect":
It's also a stunning example of what regulatory competence looks like. The Biden administration is a decidedly mixed bag. On the one hand there are empty suits masquerading as technocrats, champions of the party's centrist wing (slogan: "Everything is fine and change is impossible"):
But the progressive, Sanders/Warren wing of the party installed some fantastically competent, hard-charging, principled fighters, who are chapter-and-verse on their regulatory authority and have the courage to use that authority:
They embody the old joke about the photocopier technician who charges "$1 to kick the photocopier and $79 to know where to kick it." The best Biden appointees have their boots firmly laced, and they're kicking that mother:
One such expert kicker is NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo. Abruzzo has taken a series of muscular, bold moves to protect American workers, turning the tide in the class war that the 1% has waged on workers since the Reagan administration. For example, Abruzzo is working to turn worker misclassification – the fiction that an employee is a small business contracting with their boss, a staple of the "gig economy" – into an Unfair Labor Practice:
She's also waging war on robo-scab companies: app-based employment "platforms" like Instawork that are used to recruit workers to cross picket lines, under threat of being blocked from the app and blackballed by hundreds of local employers:
With Cemex, Abruzzo is restoring a century-old labor principle that has been gathering dust for generations: the idea that workers have the right to organize workplace gemocracies without fear of retaliation, harassment, or reprisals.
But as Harold Meyerson writes for The American Prospect, the Cemex ruling has its limits. Even if the NLRB forces and employer to recognize a union, they can't force the employer to bargain in good faith for a union contract. The National Labor Relations Act prohibits the Board from imposing a contract.
That's created a loophole that corrupt bosses have driven entire fleets of trucks through. Workers who attain union recognition face years-long struggles to win a contract, as their bosses walk away from negotiations or offer farcical "bargaining positions" in the expectation that they'll be rejected, prolonging the delay.
Democrats have been trying to fix this loophole since the LBJ years, but they've been repeatedly blocked in the senate. But Abruzzo is a consummate photocopier kicker, and she's taking aim. In Thrive Pet Healthcare, Abruzzo has argued that failing to bargain in good faith for a contract is itself an Unfair Labor Practice. That means the NLRB has the authority to act to correct it – they can't order a contract, but they can order the employer to give workers "wages, benefits, hours, and such that are comparable to those provided by comparable unionized companies in their field."
Mitch McConnell is a piece of shit, but he's no slouch at kicking photocopiers himself. For a whole year, McConnell has blocked senate confirmation hearings to fill a vacant seat on the NLRB. In the short term, this meant that the three Dems on the board were able to hand down these bold rulings without worrying about their GOP colleagues.
But McConnell was playing a long game. Board member Gwynne Wilcox's term is about to expire. If her seat remains vacant, the three remaining board members won't be able to form a quorum, and the NLRB won't be able to do anything.
As Meyerson writes, centrist Dems have refused to push McConnell on this, hoping for comity and not wanting to violate decorum. But Chuck Schumer has finally bestirred himself to fight this issue, and Alaska GOP senator Lisa Murkowski has already broken with her party to move Wilcox's confirmation to a floor vote.
The work of enforcers like DoJ Antitrust Division boss Jonathan Kanter, FTC chair Lina Khan, and SEC chair Gary Gensler is at the heart of Bidenomics: the muscular, fearless deployment of existing regulatory authority to make life better for everyday Americans.
But of course, "existing regulatory authority" isn't the last word. The judges filling stolen seats on the illegitimate Supreme Court had invented the "major questions doctrine" and have used it as a club to attack Biden's photocopier-kickers. There's real danger that Cemex – and other key actions – will get fast-tracked to SCOTUS so the dotards in robes can shatter our dreams for a better America.
Meyerson is cautiously optimistic here. At 40% (!), the Court's approval rating is at a low not seen since the New Deal showdowns. The Supremes don't have an army, they don't have cops, they just have legitimacy. If Americans refuse to acknowledge their decisions, all they can do it sit and stew:
The Court knows this. That's why they fume so publicly about attacks on their legitimacy. Without legitimacy, they're nothing. With the Supremes' support at 40% and union support at 70%, any judicial attack on Cemex could trigger term-limits, court-packing, and other doomsday scenarios that will haunt the relatively young judges for decades, as the seats they stole dwindle into irrelevance. Meyerson predicts that this will weigh on them, and may stay their hands.
Meyerson might be wrong, of course. No one ever lost money betting on the self-destructive hubris of Federalist Society judges. But even if he's wrong, his point is important. If the Supremes frustrate the democratic will of the American people, we have to smash the Supremes. Term limits, court-packing, whatever it takes:
And the more we talk about this – the more we make this consequence explicit – the more it will weigh on them, and the better the chance that they'll surprise us. That's already happening! The Supremes just crushed the Sackler opioid crime-family's dream of keeping their billions in blood-money:
But if it doesn't stop them? If they crush this dream, too? Pack the court. Impose term limits. Make it the issue. Don't apologize, don't shrug it off, don't succumb to learned helplessness. Make it our demand. Make it a litmus test: "If elected, will you vote to pack the court and clear the way for democratic legitimacy?"
Meanwhile, Cemex is already bearing fruit. After an NYC Trader Joe's violated the law to keep Trader Joe's United from organizing a store, the workers there have petitioned to have their union automatically recognized under the Cemex rule:
With the NLRB clearing the regulatory obstacles to union recognition, America's largest unions are awakening from their own long slumbers. For decades, unions have spent a desultory 3% of their budgets on organizing workers into new locals. But a leadership upset in the AFL-CIO has unions ready to catch a wave with the young workers and their 88% approval rating, with a massive planned organizing drive:
Meyerson calls on other large unions to follow suit, and the unions seem ready to do so, with new leaders and new militancy at the Teamsters and UAW, and with SEIU members at unionized Starbucks waiting for their first contracts.
Turning union-supporting workers into unionized workers is key to fighting Supreme Court sabotage. Organized labor will give fighters like Abruzzo the political cover she needs to Get Shit Done. A better America is possible. It's within our grasp. Though there is a long way to go, we are winning crucial victories all the time.
The centrist message that everything is fine and change is impossible is designed to demoralize you, to win the fight in your mind so they don't have to win it in the streets and in the jobsite. We don't have to give them that victory. It's ours for the taking.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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noneorother · 1 month
I bought Aziraphale's Bible so you don't have to.
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Am I insane? Yes. Was it worth it? Maybe. In most* of both season 1 and season 2 of GO, there's a very specific Bible on a bookstand next to Aziraphale's desk. It's a vintage illustrated plate book by Harold Copping, known as the Harold Copping Bible, published by the religious tract society in London in 1910. It features some of the most well known Old Testament stories, summarized and annotated by the Bishop of Durham at the time, and illustrated by Copping, who was freshly returned from a sojourn in the middle east. Ironically, It was meant as a lay-person's version of a comic book, short, exciting by use of exotic illustrations, and easy to read.
But my (expensive) gain is now your gain! As I've collected here every visible page in both seasons for your reading and viewing pleasure.
Season 1: All episodes Adam & Eve Genesis iii (1:3) / HCB page 10
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Season 2: Episode 1 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E1 14:21, S2E1 17:41, S2E1 39:45
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Season 2: Episode 2 Jacob's vow Genesis xxviii (1:28) / HCB Page 22
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S2E2 5:49
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Season 2: Episode 2 Joseph known to his brethren Genesis xlv (1:45) / HCB Page 28
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S2E2 13:38 (see S2E1 above)
Season 2: Episode 2 The Brazen Serpent Numbers xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E2 16:12, 43:40
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Season 2: Episode 2* Bible on the desk, Magazine on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E2 22:10
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The French L'art pour tous industrial design periodical will have to be a story for another post. For now, just enjoy this 1880 edition copperplate of cherubs discovering a microscope...
Season 2: Episode 2 Imaginary page from HCB, Job KJV Job (18:1) / HCB N/A
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S2E2 22:29, S2E2 40:05 Obviously, the plate illustrations and text look different here than in the real bible, because they were created for the show. But there are a few more particularities here. For one, this layout with the thin grid around the text, as well as the paragraph symbol next to the first title, indicate that this would have been a printer's proof copy, not a finished book. It shows you the layout grid and can be annotated for changes. Second, there seems to be a war going on between fonts. Where the "chapter" of Job begins, we get a font and a style similar to the original bible, which gets rudely interrupted by a dropped capital (from the real book) and a Gothic-style font/verse numbers like in the original King James version of the printed Bible.
Season 2: Episode 3 The Brazen Serpent NUMBERS xxi (4:21) / HCB page 36
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S2E3 1:18 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 5 By the Rivers of Babylon Pslam cxxxvii (19:137) / HCB page 52
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S2E5 21:20
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Season 2: Episode 6 Bible missing, L'art pour Tous on the stand Annuel L'art Pour Tous, Cover (1861-1880 most likely)
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S2E6 10:21, 17:21, 18:15, 34:28 (see episode 2)
Season 2: Episode 6 Closed HCB, L'art pour Tous on the stand behind HCB page 0
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S2E6 37:58, 44:20, 48:08
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thesirencult · 8 months
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Discussing your feminine's general aura and characteristics. Friendly for both men and girls/theys who like girls. You can also pick it to see how your aura is as a feminine ❤️
Book your reading by sending me a private message xoxo S.
Pile 1
7 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, 10 of swords
Your DF has the aura of a sweet herbal witch. She lives in her little cabin in the woods and like a fairy she works on perfecting her craft. Greens and purples look great on her.
This is a slow and steady energy. This is someone who loves taking their time. She loves learning and implementing her skills. Making coffee becomes a daily ritual and same goes as washing the dishes.
Her attention to detail is immaculate and that can drive you crazy sometimes but you know that with all that good comes some bad. Very well presented, you can take her anywhere and all eyes will be on her. Very earthy, stable and focused on building a foundation for all things practical before she jumps onto commitment.
Her steady "working on myself" attitude stems from getting backstabbed one too many times. She knows that she has to build herself up and after that all her dreams will manifest. She is into self development and may love going through that tag on Tumblr. She may even be a blogger herself.
She is investing in herself and doesn't shy away from learning about accounting or law. Nothing will stand on her way to that cute fairy cottage *aggressive cute walk* 😉.
Pile 2
9 of pentacles, queen of swords, the magician
Whoever has this DF as a counterpart or has that aura, WOW. Miss Independent. A handful. We love seeing that *sprinkle, sprinkle* here. CEO. That's C-Suite energy!
This woman is someone powerful and dominant. Like a race horse you will always bet on because you KNOW, it will always come first 😉 (pun intended). She works very very hard for what she wants and similar to pile 1 she can be in accounting, finance and law. Good with numbers and her hands. I bet she has a dirty sense of humour.
From the first moment you see her you will know she is the real deal. Others blend in the background while she power walks in the room. Penetrating stare and red bottom high heels, her allure is different. She doesn't have to show dominance, others feel that she is the boss. Mami energy. Ferocious when someone comes for her loved ones. She could even be in law enforcement.
Red and brown. Symbolising high energy that's still grounded and serious. Do not cross her.
Pile 3
King Of Swords, Knight Of Wands, Ace Of Swords
Now, this one? A handful ! Try to tie her down. You just can't. A brat.
This person is very fluid. They don't care about terms and conditions. They are highly intelligent and her mind walks a thin line between spirituality and logic. The most unconventional, they will find a solution no one sees yet it's right in front of them. Highly intellectual and well versed in philosophy and math.
This reminds of a movie with James Franco where he played a start up founder who was into spirituality. A crazy genius. A party is a party and they will be there.
Partying in Ibiza? They've done that. Phuket for a Muay Thai Camp? That did that last year! Eiffel tower to try a croissant with pistachio filling? They just got back yesterday and guess what? They hate pistachios.
This person is the type to run a start up company focused on clean energy and when shit hits the fun they will call an astrologer and ask for recommendations. They respect everyone. They will listen to your mom and dad when they talk about their days and take mental notes of great ideas. They know great ideas come from the most unconventional places and fields.
Pile 4
Page Of Cups, Page Of Swords, The Fool (5 Of Swords + 8 Of Swords + 5 Of Pentacles flew out)
This can be my age difference pile. They will run you to the ground lol.
This is someone with lots of mental capacity. You ask them about World War II and they will tell you how Nazis and Churchill used astrology and why the war happened and after 5 hours you will be listening to them about Ancient Mesopotamia. "How did we get here?" You will think.
Well, it doesn't matter cause you love listening to their voice and their warm heartfelt laugh. They look innocent and pure and even if they try to intimidate you you will let them think they can but in reality they look like a cinnamon roll and they are a cinnamon roll. Their life was not the best and they have lots of trust issues. They may look innocent but their eyes hide a painful past. Like a kitten thrown out and left out in the cold they feel lost and unappreciated.
You listening to them means the world and you will be shocked at how appreciative they are and how loving with you. They are very romantic and they may have great expectations and daydreams about their love life.
I get that you might start off as friends and meet in a very random way on a daily run or while getting groceries or a tire changed. You will immediately fall in love with them and they will seem like they don't suspect a thing. Let me tell you, they know, they are just too scared to show their feelings and until you grab them and kiss em you won't know how much passion is brewing underneath this innocent and clever facade. They might turn into pile number 2 in a few years lol.
Ready for everything, you will always be a warm embrace and their home when they come back from exploration. You will love how they yawn while reading a book and how they stretch when they wake up showing revealing their tummy. They are cute to you, even if everyone else sees them differently, that's how you view them. They might be a black mysterious cat but you think of them as a tired little kitten waiting for a safe home that will accept them as they are.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
a list of some spring movies/series 🌷
spring is here!! and so is your friendly neighbourhood little organisation freak of a goblin to give you a list of some spring movies and series. as always, just close your eyes and point somewhere on this little list, or even put the numbers in a generator and go with whatever the result is ♡
summer | autumn | winter
🐝 ‧₊˚ ⋅ movies ⋅˚₊‧
mary poppins (1964)
the sound of music (1965)
aristocats (1970)
alla vi barn i bullerbyn (1986)
my neighbour totoro (1988)
kiki's delivery service (1989)
a league of their own (1992)
the secret garden (1993)
pride and prejudice (1995/2005)
whisper of the heart (1995)
clueless (1995)
my best friend’s wedding (1997)
parent trap (1998)
10 things i hate about you (1999)
notting hill (1999)
she's all that (1999)
but i’m a cheerleader (1999)
bring it on (2000)
miss congeniality (2000)
spiritied away (2001)
the wedding planner (2001)
legally blonde (2001)
princess diaries (2001 + 2004)
spy kids (2001-2003)
maid in manhatten (2002)
bend it like beckham (2002)
tuck everlasting (2002)
school of rock (2003)
how to lose a guy in 10 days (2003)
something’s gotta give (2003)
13 going on 30 (2004)
finding neverland (2004)
howl’s moving castle (2004)
saving face (2004)
the notebook (2004)
imagine me and you (2005)
nanny mcphee (2005)
penelope (2006)
miss potter (2006)
step up (2006)
she’s the man (2006)
bridge to terabithia (2007)
enchanted (2007)
atonement (2007)
stardust (2007)
ps i love you (2007)
wild child (2008)
made of honour (2008)
ondine (2009)
bride wars (2009)
valentine’s day (2010)
tangled (2010)
leap year (2010)
easy a (2010)
from up on poppy hill (2011)
jane eyre (2011)
crazy, stupid, love (2011)
what to expect when you’re expecting (2012)
remember sunday (2013)
saving mr banks (2013)
about time (2013)
now you see me (2013 + 2016)
love, rosie (2014)
testament of youth (2014)
kingsman (2014-)
paddington (2014 + 2017)
far from the madding crowd (2015)
burnt (2015)
brooklyn (2015)
cinderella (2015)
the man from u.n.c.l.e. (2015)
lady chatterley's lover (2015/2022)
creed franchise (2015-2023)
me before you (2016)
mother’s day (2016)
this beautiful fantastic (2016)
the light between oceans (2016)
paterson (2016)
how to be single (2016)
hidden figures (2016)
gifted (2017)
dunkirk (2017)
ocean’s eight (2018)
life itself (2018)
peter rabbit (2018)
christopher robin (2018)
tomb raider (2018)
set it up (2018)
crazy rich asians (2018)
spider-verse movies (2018-)
1917 (2019)
the art of racing in the rain (2019)
can you keep a secret? (2019)
booksmart (2019)
someone great (2019)
endings, beginnings (2019)
emma (2020)
enola holms (2020-)
the last letter from your lover (2021)
the world to come (2021)
🌼 ‧₊˚ ⋅ series ⋅˚₊‧
little house on the prairie (1974-1983)
moomin valley (1990-1992)
greys anatomy (2005-)
gossip girl (2007-2012)
skins (2007-2013)
the great british bake off (2010-)
new girl (2011-2018)
brooklyn nine-nine (2013-2021)
the fosters (2013-2018)
the 100 (2014-2020)
jane the virgin (2014-2019)
outlander (2014-)
grace and frankie (2015-2022)
poldark (2015-2019)
critical role (2015-)
howards end (2017)
girlboss (2017)
she's gotta have it (2017-2019)
the bold type (2017-2021)
mr. sunshine (2018)
queer eye (2018-)
crash landing into you (2019)
the witcher (2019-)
dickinson (2019-2021)
sex education (2019-2023)
bridgerton (2020-)
ted lasso (2020-2023)
nevertheless (2021)
the falcon and the winter soilder (2021)
flatshare (2022)
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wolfie-1221 · 11 months
some rhaenicent fic recommendations
grey ridge (ríl liatroma) by molter ( @molter-writes ) - married with kids; business drama; they’re sickeningly cute; arguably the best thing ive read in the fandom; 10 out of 10; read it like 6 times; if you haven’t read it dude what are you waiting for
ride the dragon (and do it quickly) by molter - the #roadtrip fix it 
love is complicated by molter - Alicent is an actress and Rhaenyra is her rich best friend; they idiots and they’re in love; Laena is featured and she is fed up
leaf and blade by molter  - it’s summer; they’re hiding their relationship; they’re teachers; and my all time favorite tag ‘harwin gets a whistle’ 
cleopatra by dontaskmedude   - divergence from episode 4; Joffery does not die; Laenor and Rhaenyra do everything right; Alicent and Rhaenyra raise their kids together 
someone to watch me die by dontaskmedude  - this is just, this is just depressing; good but depressing; like if hurt/no comfort is your thing this is for you; it’s just so, so sad; Alicent in chains/Rhaenyra half year queen era but no happy ending; do not read this if you want them to be happy 
Untouchable by mylordshesacactus - young rhaenicent; if Aemma never died and if Alicent never married viserys; i love this story so much you dont get it
Blame it on Fate by Lumyart ( @lumyart ) - they’re rival co hosts; well, actually, they’re rival co hosts in Alicent’s mind; Rhaenyra is thoroughly enamored (as per usual) 
you don't know what love is (if you don't put up a fight) by tansymeadows - viserys manages to last a couple extra days and Rhaenyra returns after Alicent blinked her pretty brown eyes and said “you’ve only just arrived”
The Silver Queen and the Lady in Green by WanderingFan - idk how to explain this; honestly just read it; it’s really good; slow burn; like incredibly slow burn im on chapter 26 rn and they’ve only just become friends a couple chapters ago but god is it worth it 
is it too soon to do this yet ('cause I know it's delicate) by Arvedui - episode 1 divergence; it’s cute; they’re cute 
would it be enough (if i could never give you peace?) by Arvedui  - Jeyne Arryn my beloved; you and Laena would get along splendidly when it comes to these two nitwits ( i say with affection) 
Midnights Like This by pure_black_wings - based on Taylor’s album; college setting; slow burn
Duty and Sacrifice (A History of Rhaenyra the Blessed by Archmaester Gyldayn) by TheIronDragon10    (@theirondragonrants) - now when i say i love this story i mean i LOVE this story; if you ever wanted to know what the House of the Dragon looked like thoroughly united then LOOK NO FURTHER; top tier; it’s wonderful; it has angst, it has joy, it has family and sibling vibes, it has slow burn, it has pain and healing and love everything i could ever want from a realistic version of canon where my girls can be happy; emphasis on realistic because the irondragon does not pull any punches 
Cleaving to Rhaenyra by WanderingFan - another episode 4 divergence 
you’ve got your demons (darlin’ they all look like me) by geralehane    ( @geralehane ) - the reincarnation au 
lying (in the hollows of your heart) by wakesiren ( @wakesirens)  - read this for the last scene of chapter 3 and thank me later; update: READ THIS FOR CHAPTER FOUR AND THANK ME LATER
towers and dragons verse by beepboop (permanganato) - Alicent is one adorable nerd okay and Rhaenyra just loves her 
what is it good for? by bluebaric ( @viscountcrow ) - arranged marriage au; Rhaenyra is a war hero; Alicent is perpetually terrified for her life  
tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart by alphayamergo   ( @sydneysageivashkov ) - this was just, this was just hilarious; like picture Corlys and Otto snarling at each other from across the council room trying to convince Rhaenyra to marry either Alicent or Laena and that’s what this is
thine is the queendom by liadrell ( @lesbianalicent ) - this was an excellent read, really good character dive on alicent
Ember to Flame by CrowSaint (@ dayneonychus ) - intriguing concepts 
our shadow over the sea by queensmooting - sigh
Long Live Our Queens! by WanderingFan - they’re gonna kill their fathers and they’re gonna rule together and it’s gonna be great
blood in your mouth (I wish it was mine) by dontaskmedude - this made me shed some tears
Of Our Own Accord by 99bad_habits ( @99bad-habits ) - can’t wait to see how this turns out; canon divergence at 1x08; Viserys lives long enough and Rhaenyra returns on dragonback and our girls get to co-rule
and i'll still see it, until i die by irridescence - h e a r t b r e a k i n g; starts around the winter fever and goes backward from there
by choice by alicents - co-parenting rhaenicent my beloveds <3; family fluff told in segments in a non-linearly fashion; it's cute; they're cute; something to read while canon is breaking your heart
good luck, babe! by  somebodytoundress ( @somebodytoundress )- based on the song by chappell roan; they're friends reconnecting after 10 years about to play lead love interests in a movie. give the song a listen and give the fic a read
am i making you feel sick? by  somebodytoundress - rhaenyra is a vampire. need i say more
fault lines by rogueorbit ( @rogueorbit ) - 1x08 canon divergence; rhaenyra returns on dragonback and her and alicent make peace; alicent plays otto like a fiddle while rhaenyra stands back and chants "i'm in love with you"
there’s more i just got tired so feel free to add your own; there are also other stories by these authors (Wandering and wakesiren to name a few) which I have not put here that are also enjoyable so you can check them out 
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yesimwriting · 8 months
⋆。°✩ yesimwriting's masterlist⋆。°✩
Below the cut is a full list of all my work :) (updated 10-10-23)
*pls limit interactions if you’re a pro ED/ana acc :)*
Final Girl 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 
Chapter 10
To be continued.
Final Girl fic-verse:
First Impressions 
Sick Day
Final Girl fic-verse blurbs:
Drunk Y/N 
Stu saying the L word
Billy saying the L word
Little Rituals  
Time of Need
Talking about Y/N
Stu’s thoughts about Y/N and POV
Billy Loomis x S/O with Panic attacks 
Stu waiting for Y/N and Casual Intimacy
 Billy and Stu with S/O who cries a lot 
Billy and Stu Scaring Guys Away
People noticing their friendship 
Driving with Stu 
Ethan Landry 
One of Them
Ask about Ethan 
Noticing they like Y/N
Joel Miller
First Rule
What Follows
Y/N gets hit on - Protective Joel 
Pulling Away
Pulling Away similar story
More Than This 
Tate Langdon 
Modern day fic
Jason Todd
Slow Nights
Business Practical
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Steve Harrington
Movie Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Times Have Changed
48 Hours
Chapter 1
A Red Widow
This Time it’s Different 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TASM Peter 
Domestic Assertiveness 
Hobbie Brown 
Ask about Hobbie
Bloodroot in the Suburbs 
Chapter 1: The Babysitter 
Chapter 2: Kill Habits, Not people 
Searing Starlight
Searing Starlight Chapter 1
Searing Starlight Chapter 2
Searing Starlight Chapter 3
To be continued.
Kaz Brekker:
Blurb series: The Promise of Rain (i define a blurb series' as a series with shorter chapters where each chapter correlates but can technically be read as a stand alone)
The Promise of Rain (blurb 1).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 2).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 3)
To be continued.
Falling Angels:
Falling Angels Chapter 1
Falling Angels Chapter 2
To be continued.
Anastasia (Prologue) 
Bookworm reader 
A Knife in the Back
The Darkling:
Solace (part 1)
Solace (part 2).
To Be Alone (smut).
All the Good Dreams (might be getting a part 2)
The Needs of Pain (part 1)_
The Needs of Pain (part 2, smut).
Corridor Moments
darkling x shy! reader HC
Comforting the darkling HC
Playing Vices
Darkling x anxious! Reader
Kirigan x Soft Girls/Similar personality 
Crossing Lines 
Darkling x Pregnant! Reader 
Nikolai Lantsov:
Handmaid reader x nikolai. childhood best friends to 
lovers fic
Enemies to lovers Nikolai HC (i'm thinking of making a series based on this
The Problem With Light Chapter One
To be continued.
Maven Calore:
Dying Starlight
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leviathanspain · 1 year
i just saw your guidelines , thank you!! sorry it flew right over my head, i appreciate you for directing me to the page when you responded :D
i have two ideas but you may choose which one interests you the most!! thank you again so much, i love your writing <3
would like a kylo ren x reader please, pronouns can be whatever you'd like but i prefer she/her. the point of view is up to you! i prefer second but i think you prefer third and/or first and i don't mind either or!
the first idea is kylo and y/n have been together for two years but it was kept within the first order and not public because kylo knew people (like the resistance) might use it against him. maybe during a fight between the first order and the resistance on a planet, y/n would get kidnapped by the resistance. this was finn's idea because he knows kylo has a significant other. what the resistance does with y/n is up to you, whether it be to lead kylo into some sort of trap, or to get information out of her, a mix of both... it's all up to you! finn knows that she's his only weakness. eventually kylo will save her. bonus points if she's in rough shape and in bad physical condition. kylo gets really upset because he thinks he’s doing a bad job keeping her safe and that he failed to protect her. angsty , self-loathing kylo but y/n trying to make him feel better.
the other idea has a bit of angst aspects as well but less action. it’s been about half a year or maybe even a year of kylo and y/n dating. everyone knows of his anger issues and tantrums. not even stormtroopers will want to be within 10 feet of him when he’s having an “episode”. the only person who would go up to him is y/n. one time kylo was so upset that he didn’t think before acting. when y/n went to calm him down he hurt her. nothing too physically harming , it hurt more emotionally than it did physically. maybe he yelled at her a lot and said things he didn’t mean , he could do anything. then she gets super upset and runs off to their shared quarters. he ends up finding her crying.
he’s never seen her cry or show weakness before.
you can pick one of the two!! thank you so much again and please , if these topics aren’t interesting , please tell me <3
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kylo ren x reader
synopsis: in your captivity, all you can think about is him, in love and in hate
a/n: anything in italics is a past memory, and i just combined the two into one, so i hope you like it!!
you had wondered when you’d be interrogated. it was inevitable, you had been through enough war and fighting to know that whenever someone was kidnapped and held captive, they would be interrogated.
you had done it before, multiple times.
you couldn’t say that you hated it. the only dark part of your morality let you love what you’ve done. of course, having the pleased eye of kylo ren staring at you was also the encouragement you needed whenever you felt doubts.
the door had opened unexpectedly, you could hear the woosh, and immediately you closed your eyes in anger, “what is it?” you heard the footsteps of heavy boots, most likely a trooper or a knight.
you turned around and saw the opposing figure of one of the knights of ren. you raised your eyebrow and the knight cleared their throat, “master ren has been acting strange,” again they cleared their throat, anxiety waved off of them, “he’s been..” they trailed off and you inhaled slightly.
the knight exhaled, their shoulders dropping with relief at your reaction. this was nothing new. kylo had his fits of rage or tantrums where he was practically inconsolable.
after working with him so closely and developing more than just a friendship, you were well versed in the game of calming down kylo.
you waved the knight away, “i will be right there.” the knight nodded, gave a respectful bow and walked off.
there was a loud slam against your cell that awoke you. the pathetic excuse for a blanket fell of your shoulders as you sat up, wiping your eyes as you heard the cell door creak open, “let’s go.” a hand came up to your arms and pulled you up onto your feet. you would protest, but you stayed silent, keeping a calm face. but the man’s fingers dug into your arm, making it hard for you not to cry out.
you were hauled out of the cell and practically dragged to another room, nearly as small as the cell, you were pushed inside, made to sit at one of the only two chairs in the room.
you looked around, there was no sign of the rest of the resistance members. perhaps they were hiding their prisoners away from the others, obviously on purpo-
“you can stop trying to figure out where everyone else is.” he was tall, a younger looking man, his face whispered familiarity.
he pulled the chair out opposite of yours and sat down carefully, his eyes grazing over your face. you looked at him, not willing to break eye contact.
he smiled hard, almost menacingly, “isn’t this odd? we’ve met, many times before..i know you, but you don’t know me..” he trailed off, “y/n.”
your name peeked your attention. hardly anyone outside of the order knew your first name. only kylo, a few officers, and the knights knew your true name. but you were always referred to as iza’re, or iza’re ren.
you narrowed your eyes at the man, “get to the point. what do you want from the first order?” you were getting bored, and if this is how it’s going to be, you needed to cut it short.
“you don’t know who i am?” the man looked surprised to see you so nonchalant. as if your true name was supposed to be the key to everything.
you shrugged again, leaning your elbows on the table, you got close to his face, “you say that like i’m supposed to care. i won’t repeat myself again,” you hissed, “what do you want from the first order?”
“get out. all of you!” kylo ren’s anger exhibited itself in his voice, a large hand outstretched itself towards the door, the metal door heaved open with the force and the rest of the troopers filed out, quickly as can be.
fn-2187 stared at kylo ren. even under his mask, he could just imagine his expression. fn-2187 knew that the moment you had walked in, that this wasn’t going to end well.
he followed the rest of the troopers out to the hallway. there was a large window that allowed people to see in, and fn-2187 had walked slow so that he could end up in front of the window.
“you need to calm down.” you had been talking to kylo through the force the entire way here. he was being stubborn, unresponsive to your usual tactics, you realized that maybe this wouldn’t be like other times.
“kylo.” you called his name, his back was turned to you and you were dying in the silence.
“why can’t you ever just stay out of it?” kylo turned around on his heel, the dark fabric of his cape followed him, and he began to stalk towards you, “hmm? why do you always think that you can save the day? you’re pathetic. a pathetic excuse for a force user, a pathetic excuse for a soldier of the first order..” he listed off all your weaknesses in a cruel list, “i cant stand to look at you. you make me fucking sick.” he had stopped you cold against the wall. even just arms length away from you, you could feel the rage, feel the truth to his feelings radiate off of him.
you wanted to cry. right then and there, you wanted to ball yourself up and sob on the floor.
but you scrunched your face slightly, as if not to lose the nerve, “find me when you’re done being an asshole.” you didn’t even look at him as you stalked past him, glancing at the open window towards the troopers, who were all facing away from the window.
except for one.
“what do you mean you ‘think’? we’ve been holding her for days and you’ve been in there for hours, and that’s what you’ve come up with?” poe had been overseeing the interrogation, and it was clear that it was going nowhere.
“threatening to blow up starkiller base would get us somewhere if we actually could.” poe rubbed his face, the feeling of a headache was coming on.
“why can’t we?” finn stared at poe, and poe laughed, realizing that finn was being serious.
“are you sure it’s her? it couldn’t be someone else? another trooper, perhaps?” poe looked at finn, who sighed, “she’s the only one i’ve ever seen that close to ren. it’s gotta be her.”
kylo hadn’t thought to apologize. but you had been ignoring him for days, even going as far as having stormtroopers deliver messages.
he had had enough when he had tried to talk to you through the force, and felt nothing in response.
“are you done?” the sound of the metal door opening had you turning your neck to see kylo ren, helmet off, hair dishelved, stalking in.
he set his helmet down on your dining table and kicked his shoes off, “i asked you something.” he stared down at you, his eyes searching you for something back.
“really?” you come in here after the way you talked to me a few days ago and expect us to be fine?” you looked up from your data log and stood up, “you yelled at me, tore me apart, called me pathetic many times over-“
“i’m sorry.” kylo interrupted you, and his face softened. this was utterly unlike him.
“what?” your own voice sounded distant and you blinked. a hand flew to your chest to feel the beating heart inside, “did you just-“
“yes. i am sorry.” kylo walked over to you, and watched as your face broke, tears spilling as you walked into his arms.
silence and the sounds of your sniffles filled the room. all that you ever wanted from him was an apology, and he had finally done it.
“i swear to you,” kylo broke the silence, the quiet was drowned out by his husky voice, “that i will never do that to you again.”
“and you caught them..?” poe’s eyebrows knitted together with confusion. his pilot uniform jacket hung on the chair beside him, as he paced the room, “let’s rewind,”
finn nodded, and poe sighed, “you were sent down to give her a message,”
“it had something to do with the knights.” finn had tried to remember what exactly the message was about but it had been nearly two years since then.
“and instead kylo ren answered the door?” poe repeated the events and finn nodded. “are you sure it wasn’t his quarters and you’re just an idiot?”
finn’s expression fell and he rolled his eyes, “stormtroopers are supposed to know. it was her quarters, her name was in a blazing plaque outside the door.”
a knock at the door had interrupted you. kylo had stripped off his clothes, leaving only the thick black sweatpants on, but even then, they hung dangerously low on him.
you, on the other hand, barely had anything on.
“fuck.” you cursed, and stuffed whatever shirt you could find off the floor. just by the scent of it, you knew it was kylo’s, but you still shrugged it on. you got off the bed, trying to find some shoes but kylo grabbed your arm, “i’ll get it.”
he was already getting up, and even with your protests, it was too late.
“master ren!” the robotic voice of a trooper met your ears and you cringed. troopers talked, and this was definitely something to talk about. there was an exchange of words between the trooper and kylo, until finally, “you are dismissed, fn-2187.”
“that’s kind of hot, no?” poe had been staring a little too long at the wall, clearly imagining what finn had described.
finn’s face turned into a picture of disgust, “there is something wrong with you.”
“iza’re to starkiller base. iza’re to base, does anyone copy?” you were falling, and fast.
the resistance had been chasing you for almost an hour. you had tried to lose them in some astroid graveyard but they were on your ass, until they shot your ship.
“fuck! someone! iza’re to base!” your hands clutched at the controls as you felt your chest rise and fall with fear.
kylo was right. you should have never gone off alone.
“kylo! im just off the astroid chunks by naboo.” just as you had finished telling your location, the ships power shut off, and you felt yourself blackout as the ship began to fall harder.
kylo had them playback your voice. over and over again.
the fear in your voice had been seared into his mind for days. he had tried to reach you over the force but was met with nothing. the usual thrum of your power would at least let him know you were alive. but he felt sick when he felt nothing.
“and no one heard this until when?” kylo looked around at the table filled with officers and military personnel. they all had this look of stupidity on their faces that made kylo want to knock them all out cold.
“this morning-“ a staff spoke up, “we believe she was taken by the resistance.”
kylo’s hands smashed against the table, “this morning?! find her!” he yelled at the officers. he raised his hands and suddenly they were all clutching at their throats, “find her now or i will murder every single one of you until someone does.”
“she’s loyal.” rey had observed, watching you through the glass, she wondered if you could see them all, gawking at you.
“of course she is. she’s sleeping with the supreme leader of the first order.” poe commented, rolling his eyes slightly, “i say we just lie.”
finn turned towards poe, “didn’t you just say that we shouldn’t lie? you got all mad-“
poe shrugged, “i was a different person then. say that ren is dead, and the first order is ashes-“
“oh like she’ll believe that-“ finn replied sarcastically. he had his hands on his hips and stared at you.
you were looking off into the distance, totally unaware of them on the other side staring at you.
“she’ll know. you said she’s a force user, correct?” rey peered at you and finn nodded, “yes. why?”
“she’ll know we’re lying. she probably also knows that we can see her,” you turned suddenly, meeting their eyes, “-right through this glass..” rey trailed off, and poe whistled lowly.
“wow. this is embarrassing…” poe laughed nervously. finn laughed, patting his friends shoulder as he walked off.
kylo was close. he hadn’t realized until now that it was the distance muffling your power. he could feel you, a quiet thrum in his head, he knew you were close.
“kill anything and everyone. i don’t care- just get her out alive.” his instructions were incredibly clear to the knights and troopers. he wanted you more than he wanted the resistance gone.
“so..” he had been trying to get you to talk for almost thirty minutes now. unlike his friend, this one seemed to be a little dull. “what’s between you and ren?”
you raised your head, and narrowed your gaze, “you mean my superior, the supreme leader kylo ren?” you were so serious that poe had to think about it before nodding weakly.
“nothing. bring me the trooper. fn-2187, is it? at least he knew what kind of questions to ask..” you waved a hand, dismissively towards the man and turned away, hoping he would leave.
“oh my god.” poe let the words escape as he shut the door behind him, “i don’t know what he sees in her-“ he looked at finn, “she’s asking for you. like specifically for you.” he raised his eyebrows at finn, who laughed in shock.
rey looked at the men, “don’t tell me you’re going to go in there.” she held up a hand to finn and he shrugged, “what else should we do?”
rey sighed, “give her up? she’s clearly nobody to ren, maybe finn was wrong.”
kylo ren had blown up half of the resistance base. he had felt nothing as he did so, and nothing more as he stepped off his ship, and hauled ass to wherever the hell you were.
he tried to use his own force powers to try and locate you, cutting down anyone that tried to fight him.
but it was worth nothing. nothing drove kylo ren more than you, and he would find you even if it killed him.
the argument between poe and finn had barely lasted before the emergency alarm had gone off. shouts echoed down the hall and they all began to run.
troopers were all over the place, blasters were shooting at everyone and they knew this was kylo.
“maybe finn was right..” rey looked at the men with a sheepish smile, and finn rolled his eyes, “get down!” he shouted at rey, who just barely ducked the blast that was shot towards her.
“if it’s him then shouldn’t someone go fend him off?” finn stared at poe and rey, as if waiting for one of them to volunteer.
poe shrugged, “i don’t think she’s worth it. barely talked.” finn didn’t even bother arguing when rey began to agree.
you could hear the sounds of a fight through the door. you couldn’t see through the glass window, but you could just imagine it.
the door opened and you half expected to see one of the two guys who had been interrogating you. but instead there he was.
wearing his usual all black, kylo cut down the room and immediately opened his arms, pulling you into them. “y/n..oh y/n.” there was a sigh of relief as you wrapped your arms around him.
you were crying.
this entire time you had forced yourself not to cry, not to show emotion. perhaps you had saved it for this moment. “kylo.” his name rolled off your tongue, “im sorry.”
kylo shook his head, “don’t. it’s all my fault. i should’ve just gone out there with you.” he scolded himself, shaking his head as he thought back to what he could’ve done.
“no. don’t. you always do that, you take responsibility for a decision i made.” you hugged him even tighter, “don’t. okay. just don’t.”
kylo didn’t even protest, he just held you all the more tighter in his arms.
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
You know what that means! It means a long post by me! :D
Cant wait to be excited about my blorbo for like 30 minutes, so sit get some popcorn and like some earplugs cause i will try to contain my screaming but I've been waiting for more Sky stuff and I'm so excited!!!!
For point, and because I keep forgetting, all the panels I'll be talking about belong to JoJo and @linkeduniverse
Let's do this!
Alright lets get this out of the way first, I love some parallels right, So as per usual, if I need a panel from anything prior I'll let you know where it's from!
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So what do you think he asked him.
Hey sir! Have you seen a guy with a big flag on his back going way to fast come through there?
Man is just like, oh yeah he went that way past the forge that your other weird fellows were at earlier.
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He run, Then he hero stop. Power pose activated, target acquired. Then he run some more
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Run my blorbo run!
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Genuinely interested in what exactly this is, Is it a map? Is it a list of places? Is it a paper with time shift shenanigans in it?
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I'm not versed in the postman, Is this normal, or did he do this cause he heard Sky and wanted him to think he was waiting?
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This face has be dead. (/pos) I love him so much my dear blorbo its been too long since we saw you last.
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Putting this together for 1 reason
Postman is a dick, Sky was so close, That can't be more than 10 or so metres at most. Poor man ran across Town out of town to catch up to you for you to go sprinting off into the woods, and my man is full on Olympic sprinting to deliver this mail geesus.
Also, the compulsory return of the king 🧍, Sky is the king of this pose and will not be beaten. Although Legend comes pretty close.
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God the expressions in this update are top tier, Sky is just so expressive. Right now, Man is thinking why he does this to himself.
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I'm fucking cackling, this art is amazing and Jojo's sister did an amazing job. Like I feel like I can hear this picture with that teasing tone that my siblings would use on me when we were younger. God I love it.
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So even though Sky is looking towards Legend here, so I'm totally under the impression that Legend said Wahhhh, and Hyrule said I cant run. As Hyrule was with wars When they got split up initally. Poor Sky, man has become the butt of jokes. Im glad Four is giving them a look, He doesn't look impressed. Its okay Sky, you've got a friend in Four behind you. :D
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War's is the real MVP of this arc in my opinion, Man has been in charge of the ragtag chain while Time has been out of action looking over Twilight. He's at the end of his tether.
Part of me wonders if this is going to impact his fighting going forward? Maybe he'll slip up because he's so stressed. He knows not all of them are knighted. These heroes he is with are NOT soldiers and he can't treat them as such.
And this sentence. Don't Interrupt! sounds like he is scolding rowdy recruits, rather than fellow heroes.
Which if you think about it, Sky is giving essentially a scouting report here, He scouted ahead and has returned to speak about his findings. War's is a captain, in his era he's a commanding officer. He's taken reports of this kind before.
Having a panel with Time, Wild and Twilight in Gives me more life than i think i give it credit for. (I am in the crowd that there's a family connection between these three.)
It's also nice to see Wild, like genuinely smiling.
Moving on
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Hero pose again! :D
I love this man
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These panels are very important to me so give me a moment while I explain.
Sky probably has her words engrained in his mind. You can see the questioning look, and thinking. "Is this going to work?"
That eternal dream That he's talking about, he knows her power is faded, but he's going to try anyway. I just didn't think he would use it to track what I can only assume is the postman.
It's really nice to have Sky's relationship with the master sword put on display. It means a lot to me and has brought me great Joy through this update.
He cares about her. And even if she can't talk to him anymore. He still trusts her to lead him true.
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And this panel breaks my heart! Something inside of him probably really hoped Fi would speak to him or give him more of an indication. Sky looks so sad.
I just wanna hug him, and tell him it'll be alright. He's probably thinking about turning around at this point. Maybe he's thinking about how some members of the chain perceive Fi.
A soulless weapon.
(Or maybe im thinking too much into this)
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The way his faith is restored!
Fi did lead him! She did! She's still there somewhere, and his shock! Oh my boy. My sweet blorbo,
And having used like super zoom on that last panel, MY BOY IS SMILING! :D
(Also appreciation for the full body shot's we've got of Sky from this update, I love it so much I love him so much.)
Did I go hunting for the references, Yes I Did.
I think the following area is the area where they pull Twilight too, rather than the battle field and he then moved on from here to get to the battle field.
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From sunset pt4
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The pillar behind Sky has the only slant I can think of. It looks to be the same angle, but that could just be me.
If it is that location, it might be closer to that battlefield than we originally (Or at least I originally) assumed.
(If you've got any other places let me know!)
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God i love him
Blorbo beloved! Is about as shocked as i am with the whole Mailman thing.
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The confidence of this man is unreal. He's ready, he's moving he's going. He's going and ain't going to stop.
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Me absolutely yelling at how this portal looks, it so ANGRY, But we know the Shadow is pissed right now. And if the shadow is making these portals and he's angry. I think the chain might be in for a surprise as they move on to the next location.
Which if I have to be honest. I think is going to be Skyloft. I think we are moving into a Sky arch, having had a Twilight Arc. (I also really want to see Skyloft in this universe, and there's an opportunity here. We've had more master sword things. We've had Sky content. who knows where Jojo will take this next, but I'm excited either way.)
Finally back to the chain! :D
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The gremlins return :D
Wind's little 3:< face as he's thinking is giving the energy of an upcoming detective arch, He is thinking and he is thinking HARD okay.
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Poor Sky. Man has been running around doing all the hard work while the rest of them just enjoy themselves. Hyrule especially is kinda like 'Ohhh... our bad...'
It's actually a kinda guilty look, maybe he feels a little bad about the teasing from earlier?
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Now i gotta mention the potion thing, cause its just so damn funny not too. Sky my blorbo slow down you are gonna choke on the stamina potion.
I want to focus on War's here.
And Wild too.
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These two. These two are important.
Wild has gone from happy and chill vibes to Oh shit real quick.
After everything he put into the Shadow, while the shadow was injured and watched as the thing exploded. It just decided to come back or something. And Wild, here I imagine is thinking, "How was that not enough..."
Now Wars.
War's is Stood not looking at anything, In fact, I think he's looking past Time. The last thing he said was a two word scolding but apart from that he's been awfully quiet. Now he looks like he's thinking. He's closed off, protective.
The only time I can see where he does this is when he's in what I'm going to call, 'Captain mode.' So, When he's flicked something in his head that tells him he has to be a knight.
He dosent do it often, in fact from what I can see he does it 4 other times.
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In order
Devine dark reflections pt 8 - when he's talking about knighthood with Sky and Hyrule
Sunset pt11 - When talking about Wild, and the fact that he's left
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Sunset pt13 - When speaking to Twilight about pulling his own weight
Dawn pt 2 - when Twilight is talking about the team they are.
And now here in Dawn 7 - Where they are discussing the fact that an enemy they fought escaped or survived.
All conversations I would assume a captain would have to have with his men at one point or another. I wonder what He's thinking here. It's got me thinking.
Woah, So this took me longer than I thought. I am on the 4-hour mark now. Lmaoooo
Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for listening to me ramble for like 20 minutes.
And just remember
Sky is the sweet bestest blorbo beloved and I love him. :D
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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Writeblr Intro
Hi everyone! I'm starting a new blog to chronicle my thoughts as I work on my current WIP. I've been on tumblr for a while but this particular blog is brand-spanking new. I'm really just doing this for me but I wouldn't mind making some writeblr friends to gush about our wips together. So without further ado...
My name is Kate (she/her) and I mostly write fantasy with the occasional sci-fi project on the side. I love epic high fantasy (in the vein of LotR or Wheel of Time) and YA fantasy romances equally.
Funny enough, my current project is none of those things. I thought I was writing a YA fantasy for the longest time but once I finished writing my first draft I realized I hadn't included a single fantastical element.
It's more like a YA twist on a Shakespeare comedy than anything else -- if I had to pick a genre. Something like Twelfth Night, Cymbeline, or As You Like It. It's got a young women running from an arranged marriage, a b-plot to prevent a war, forbidden love, mistaken identity hijinks, a forest setting, bandits, a fairy-tale High Medieval backdrop, and it wouldn't be truly like a Shakespeare comedy without cross-dressing and queer characters.
I have several other wips on the go but this is the one I am furthest along on. As of yesterday I was 10% of the way through my second draft!!
I won't be posting full chapters of the wip because I am hoping to query it one of these centuries... but I will definitely be posting about the process (the good, the funny, and the tufts of ripped out hair) and sharing my favourite lines.
I write each draft in one giant MS Word doc. My first draft for this wip clocked in at 112 572 words (163 pages in 11pt Times New Roman) but I am trying to cut it down to around 80 000 for the second draft -- a feat, seeing as I am a chronic over-writer.
I would love to chat with fellow writers, particularly anyone writing in a similar genre but sci-fi, fantasy, YA romance writers and anyone really --writer or not -- is welcome if you are interested in watching someone else go through the revision process of writing a novel, or if the concept itself intrigues you. I am also happy to answer questions about first drafts and writing in general.
I'm not as well-versed in Shakepeare as I pretend to be so any avid fans of his comedies who want to talk about them are most welcome too!!
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careol · 3 months
@corignem said: ❛ We start down that road, where do we draw the line? ❜ ( listen,, im emo,,, from glenn bc i've been on that survival au shit )
               she   feels   like   she   has   whiplash,   from   herself.      going   from   insisting   on   killing   all   threats,   to   not   wanting   to   kill   anyone,   to   being   back   to   killing   the   threats…      why   couldn’t   she   have   a   normal   mental   state   instead   of   this   back   and   forth?      however,   in   this   instance   she   really   does   believe   their   only   answer   is   killing.      kill   or   be   killed,   that’s   the   world   they   lived   in   right   now.      considering   glenn   had   nearly   been   killed   by   the   saviors,   shouldn’t   he   want   to   end   their   reign   of   terror   too?      he’s   always   been   good   though,   wanted   to   see   the   best   in   people.      sometimes   though,   there   was   no   good   in   a   person,   just   evil.
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               ❝   there   hasn’t   been   lines   for   a   long   time,   glenn.   ❞      a   sigh   escapes   as   she   holsters   her   pistol.      sooner   or   later   the   saviors   will   be   down   this   road,   and   they’ll   have   to   be   ready   to   ambush   them.      ❝   sometimes   we   have   to   do   bad   things   to   keep   the   people   we   love   safe.      if   we   don’t   fight,   if   we   don’t   kill   the   saviors?      think   about   it,   is   that   really   a   world   you   want   for   your   kid?      you   have   to   face   facts,   you’re   going   to   be   a   father.      a   world   where   negan   controls   us   is   not   a   safe   place.   ❞
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theconstantsidekick · 18 days
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (10)
Pairings: Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Genre: Angst with a sprinkle of happiness?
Summary: Goodbyes are a bitch, aren't they? Especially when you the future better than the people in question.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma
a/n: i wrote this before the entire fucking series
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (9) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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“I have been thinking. I do that these days. I think a lot—all the time. You’ll be surprised to hear that it started long before whatever this shitshow was… I have been thinking a lot and I have to tell you, I hate thinking.” Tony’s sitting in his workshop at the compound as a hologram projection of his sister’s recorded message plays in front of him. He watches as she shakes her head with something akin to sorrow.
“It makes me heavy. It bogs me down with the weight of my thoughts—which inevitably turn into feelings. And you—you, Anthony Edward Stark, know better than any man who’s ever lived that my feelings are so. very. big. Humongous. Ginormous. Brobdingnagian.” Y/n laughs then, a broken small little thing, and shifts in her seat where she’s manspreading like she owns whatever place she recorded this message in.
“I think… I think about friendships. I think about you, and Nat, and Rhodey, and Howie, and Maria, and Peggy. Then I think about Thor off in space somewhere. I think about Bruce too and wish he’s miraculously found Thor and is on his way home, hopefully. I think about Sam, I think about Wanda and Vision and Happy and Pep and—it…it makes my heart heavy. Because sometimes I think about family and somehow all the same names pop right back into my head. It makes me feel warm.” She smiles, and his heart—his cheating, broken, angry heart—takes some solace in knowing that at least that was real.
“I remember when Maria handed you to me after she had spent hours screaming for you to just get the hell out of her in that hospital room. I wasn’t in there—in the room, I mean… I was too scared to go in—private moment and all that… Until your father came barging out, all sweaty and scared, like he was about to shit a brick. He walked past me at first but when he did, I got up on my feet and he turned and looked at me and his face went slack. I have never felt that kind of fear. But it was gone as quick as it came cause Howie was shouting at me, asking me where the fuck had I been this entire time while shoving me inside the delivery room. The moment I went in, your mother fucking screamed ‘thank fuck you’re here’! And that was that. If there was a doubt about it before, it was gone now. I was a Stark, through and through. Alien blood be damned. This was my little family.” Her eyes seem misty, Tony notes. She’s all dressed up in a spectacular all-white three-piece suit, with her blazer laid carefully on the back of her seat.
“I held your mother’s hand and watched as the most important person of my life came into existence. We were all crying by then, tears of joy. 
“After it was over, she wanted to get some rest. Howard had apparently shat that brick he was so desperately holding onto by his perky asshole and was therefore already deep in slumber… which by the way—typical Howard. So anyway, Maria wanted a well-deserved nap so she handed you off to me. And I will never forget what she said. ‘Look after him, will you?’ It might have been framed as a question, but a question it was not. It was an order, as clear as day, written in blood and tears and leftover placenta liquid.” It makes Tony wonder how many more stories he has yet to hear. He’s known this woman his entire life, quite fucking literally and yet, in moments like these, the moments that matter the most, she always has a new story for him. 
“I held you in my arms and I had a purpose. From that point on, I would have a purpose for the rest of my cunty god-forsakenly long life—watch out for you. To have your back, no matter what…” She exhales as her head falls, seemingly too heavy with thoughts for her to carry with any ease at all. “I had a duty of care.”
He watches as she brings her palms over her eyes, pressing them in to try to relieve whatever pain she can… None of it lifts, he knows. He’s speaking from experience.
With a deep breath in, she sits up once again. “I am not telling you all this to say that I would have chosen differently. I wouldn’t have. I never could have, I hope—I just hope one day you can understand why that was. I am, however, telling you all this in some twisted way to explain perhaps? All your life you have been used to the idea of me having your back no matter what happened, and this—this fucking cock boggling mess was the first fucking time I ever faltered. And for that… For that, I am deeply sorry, Anthony. My intention has never been to hurt you, ever. I said a lot of things. Really shitty stuff. I said those things in the heat of the moment—I couldn’t fucking stop it, Stark. I just couldn’t. Try as I might, they kept spilling. Th—there was a fucking hole in my chest, burning and itching and drilling deeper still. I couldn’t control it, it ached and hurt and burnt and I just… I couldn’t stop. Because it was fear. Because I was scared. I was—I still am. I am so fucking scared, Tony. I am always so goddamn scared, you know?” She’s a mumbling crying mess now, and Tony feels like absolute fucking shit. 
“The life I had before all this, before you—it was horrid, Tony. It was so bad. I woke up every day hoping it would finally be the day I’d meet the bullet with my name on it and it would be my last. And every fucking day it wasn’t. Which was worse… but it was also better because I didn’t want to die, you know? I didn’t want to die without knowing what it—what it fe—felt like to be happy.
“I kept living in that filth.” There is so much fucking disdain in her voice as she speaks, his own blood starts curdling. “I kept going, kept doing The Orphanage’s dirty work, then I did HYDRA’s dirty work, then I did S.H.I.E.L.D.’s. Because I was scared. And as badly as I wanted to die, I wanted to live way more. I wanted—” She’s out of breath and she looks so fucking distraught, he doesn’t even know how to fucking react. He has never seen her like this. Years and years of living with his sister, an entire life’s worth of memories, and never did he know she was hurting this badly… How the fuck did he not know?
“I just wanted to live. I wanted to escape… one day. And back then, when I was in the fucking thick of it, it never felt like I could. You have to understand, up to that point, I had lived my entire life in what was the equivalent of one fucking jail cell after another. Never in my wildest dreams did I even think of having a room with a window, let alone a view. Even when I thought of it all ending—when I thought of my freedom, I thought of the ways I could hide, of where I could get passports, of what supplies I would need while being on the run from whatever organization had control of me at that time. I just wanted to own myself—and that would have been freedom enough.” 
She composes herself.
“So, when you came to me with all your, honestly, very good intentions of getting us to sign the accords I was—” Her composer slacks, “I was back there again! I was back in a small tiny room, with an open fucking toilet and a bed that made you want to sleep on the floor. I was back to being controlled and tortured and experimented upon and I was back to being played with like a goddamn machine!” She’s almost pleading now, tears running down her face. 
“I would do anything for you, Tony. You have to know that.” There is a seriousness in her words that scare the shit out of him, cause she says, “I would do anything for you. You want the world? It’s yours. I will burn it to the ground if you asked me to, not even question it. You want it whole and pure? I will conquer it for you in a fortnight. But–but,” she breaks once again, “But I couldn’t—I cannot do this. I cannot go back.” She wipes away her tears.
“I have tasted freedom now. I didn’t know how sweet it was before. I didn’t know what it felt like to have a family, to have friends who love me. I didn’t know what it was like to have a room with a view… I didn’t know what it felt like to have a choice. I can’t give it up now, Tony. Please, you have to understand, I can’t. I can’t go back. Please.” She’s fucking begging him now, she’s so desperate that it rips him apart. Is this what went on in her head when he talked about it all? She seems so fragile and afraid… he did this to her? He wasn’t aiming for this. He was never aiming for this. He just wanted to make up for his sins but… at this cost? At her cost?
“You know why I got the cruelest fucking missions they had? The ones that would rot you from the inside out? Cause they knew my past. They’d see my record, and they’d send me off to missions that were soul-sucking, motherfucking shit that made me puke my guts out the moment I was in the clear. Because jobs that filthy belong to people of filth. I got the jobs that couldn’t be done by someone with a soul, done by a man who was whole. It didn’t matter if it was The Orphanage, HYDRA, or even S.H.I.E.L.D. I got the soulless job because they knew I never had one, to begin with…” 
Fuck him.
He’s the most selfish asshole out there.
She exhales then… a pause, a beat, and a moment of soft introspection. He can practically pinpoint the moment she decides to compose herself. It happens between the nervous bite of her lip and her jaw clicking in place. He knows her at least that well…
She sits up straight. “But that was then, and this is now. Now I have. Now I want. I won’t even let anyone touch my freedom, not even in death.” She clicks her tongue. “So it just makes me think, you know? I think about things like this. About you and your parents, and my friends—my family. I think about them. I think about these things when I wake up, when I fight, when I dream. All that is to say… I’m not callous about this life. I am not callous about the decision I made. It weighs on me heavier than you know. It wretches me apart, with every breath…”
He doesn’t want to hear the part that comes next.
“But—but I can’t stay, Tony. You know I can’t… and for that too, I am sorry.” 
He’s never really spent a day in his life when he couldn’t reach out to his sister. He’s a fairly old dude, so you have to pardon him if he’s quite scared of it. He doesn’t know how to do it. He just doesn’t.
“I didn’t know about Barnes. Fuck, I didn’t have the faintest clue. And I absolutely did not know about that traitorous bastard who I won’t even dignify by naming. I—” Her fist clenches as she brings it up to cover her mouth. Her anger is so fucking palpable that Tony thinks he might just be able to sense it, that is until the footage starts glitching and he realizes, it’s cause her anger is making her emanate power. He thought he could hear static because there is fucking static, it is coming from her. She’s trying to calm herself down.
She breathes in, the footage settling. “He doesn’t matter,” She says with cold unfocused eyes and he can see how deep that secret has dung into her. “This isn’t about him. This is… this is about me, pleading with you, urging you to—to” she pauses, long and hard, with a small smile on her face. It’s the same one she wears when she knows she’s about to do something profoundly fucking stupid. Consider Tony terri-fucking-fied. “This is me urging you to, at a much later date in life—try and forgive Sergeant Barnes.”
“Woman, have you gone fucking crazy?!?!! Did you hit your fucking head when you decided TO DROP A BUILDING ON US?!” Tony knows he’s screaming at a holographic projection but it’s not for naught.
Because his sister is waving away his screams with an annoyed face, “Don’t fucking freak the fuck out. Just like, listen to me! TONY!” His tirade stops. She—her recording, somehow just knows. Cause then she exhales. “I am not saying now, and I am certainly not saying you have to. I am just pleading with you to consider it… Because—well because there are countless people out there in the world who…” she bites her lip. “I am to them what Barnes is to you. Except, unlike me, Sergeant Barnes never even had the chance to rebel, he was brainwashed and tortured, and broken down to be used.” And before Tony can begin to protest, her hands fly up to stop him. “That was all I wanted to say about that. I am done, the decision is completely up to you. Just you, and there is absolutely no right answer, just the one you choose. This was just…” she smiles, “something for you to think about.” 
He can’t help the corner of his mouth from curling a little as well.
She kicks back then, hands crossed in front of her as she looks around wherever she is. “That, yeah. I think that was my grand speech. I know it feels like I’m leaving you behind somehow, but I promise you I am not. I’m just a… actively hunted fugitive of the state.” She shakes her head from side to side in consideration before adding, “And I have a few dues to pay… I’ll be back once they are cleared.” 
She looks up at him then. It almost feels like she’s in the room with him.
“But no matter what happens, I’m here, Tony. You know how to reach me. And I will always come when you call. I will always be there for you. Even if you don’t see me there, trust me. I am there. I will always have your back.”
Something catches her eye, she pulls out her phone and checks it.
Rolling her eyes, she pockets the device and looks back up at the camera.
“Ugh, yeah. I think our time here is up…” She finally smiles, happy and true. “You just pulled in, so I gotta run.”
He runs back to his station, “F.R.I.D.A.Y. run diagnostics on the recording, analyze it top to bottom, tell me where it was taken.”
Meanwhile, he watches as his sister stands up. 
“I love you, kiddo. And I’m always right behind you.”
More commotion on the recording as F.R.I.D.A.Y. responds, “Sir, the footage was taken here, at the Avenger’s compound.”
“That cocky bitch,” Tony curses, almost in awe of her. Cause fuck! Even Rogers had the good sense to courier his fucking apology. What was this woman thinking? “Tell me when F.R.I.D.A.Y.!”
He watches as his sister puts on her blazer and fixes up her suit.
“17 minutes ago, sir,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. answers.
“There was a gap in the security footage, it was cloned to play in a loop. It’s almost seamless sir, except this,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. presents the footage on the screen in front of him.
Meanwhile, the hologram of his sister walks up close to the camera and leans down to look at it face-to-face. She presses a kiss to her fingers and presses the fingers to the camera.
“See you, space cowboy.” With that, the holograph is gone.
Tony falls onto his chair in complete surprise and an unwitting smile on his face, as he watches his sister on the CCTV footage waving at him with a wink.
“That fucking—”
Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
tag list: @aryksworld @freeflyingphoenix @arikarapli @just-anotherstan @justab-eautifulmess @ceo-of-daichi @roxannejblack @liketearsintherainn @paintballkid711 @starkleila @heyitsmereading @fairlygothparents @euphoria-svt @sidepartskinnyjeans @mini-kunoichi @third-broparcelicito @siwiecola @haleybutnotthecomet @mvaldez7821 @iamspeed16  @ashpeace888 @hopeofwinter @percabethfangirl987 @lilfuturescars @hailqueenconquer
i post at weird times, please join the tag list to get notified. DMs are open
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Y'all Hate Teens Tourney Bracket
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76 teens who are unfairly treated by the fandom for being teens. Who has it worst?
We tried our best with the matches, but sifting through several unique submissions does get to us... We apologize for any unfavorable matchups.
Please let us know of any name corrections. For Japanese names in particular, we denote long vowels and put given name first.
No guarantees on when the tourney starts, but we'll try to get it started within a week. We'll start by setting up the propaganda posts, which will be separate from the poll posts this time around.
Round 1 and 2 matchups under the cut. Color-coded schedule here; undescribed. Note that the listed order is not the same as the schedule.
Round 1
Alicent Hightower (House of the Dragon) vs. Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
Amy "Panacea" Dallon (Parahumans (Worm/Ward)) vs. Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Lady Kenna (Reign) vs. Lisa "Tattletale" Wilbourn (Parahumans (Worm/Ward))
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa V3) vs. Scott McCall (Teen Wolf (MTV))
Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo) vs. Sophie Foster (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Breezepaw (Warrior Cats) vs. Winter (Wings of Fire)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck) vs. Yanqing (Honkai Star Rail)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs. Haru (Beastars)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck) vs. Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday (Netflix)) vs. Sylvester Ashling (Epithet Erased)
Yukine (Noragami) vs. Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) vs. Soyo Nagasaki (Bang Dream! Girls Band Party!)
Round 2
Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs *1
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) vs. Fatespeaker (Wings of Fire)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones) vs. Charlotte Pudding (One Piece)
Olly (Game of Thrones) vs. Penny Carson (Bojack Horseman)
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. *2
Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Peril (Wings of Fire)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. *3
Steven Universe (Steven Universe) vs. Gohan (Dragon Ball Z)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. *4
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Muu Kusunoki (MILGRAM) vs. Misa Amane (Death Note)
Chloé Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)) vs. *5
Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man : Into the Spider-verse) vs. Dovepaw (Warrior Cats)
Damian Wayne (DC) vs. *6
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Kyuusaku Yumeno (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. *7
Shuuji Kayama (Digimon) vs. Gon Freecs (Hunter x Hunter)
Asuka Langley Sohryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Youko Nakajima (The Twelve Kingdoms)
Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Uzi Doorman (Murder Drones)
Akito Shinonome (Project Sekai) vs. *8
Ena Shinonome (Project Sekai) vs. Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai)
Katsuki Bakugou (My Hero Academia) vs. *9
Yuuma Tsukumo (Yu-Gi-Oh) vs. Megumi Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Wesley Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs. *10
Ezra Bridger (Star Wars: Rebels) vs. Theresa "Scary" Marlowe (Dungeons and Daddies)
Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII) vs. Tohru Honda (Fruit Basket)
Severa (Fire Emblem) vs. Taimi (Guild Wars 2)
Yukari Takeba (Persona 3) vs. *11
Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4) vs. Kotone Shiomi (Persona 3 Portable)
Goro Akechi (Persona 5) vs. *12
Yuuki Mishima (Persona 5) vs. Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
Phew, that was a lot.
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Can I live in your brain?
Can you directly inject your steddie dads stories into MY brain?
Can you just... help a girl out? With that? Somehow? Lol I cannot consume them fast enough.
I love them so much. Thank you (and I'm not sorry for the spam likes - you deserve them)!
dear god i wish you could bc i literally cannot stop thinking about this 'verse and then at least i'd have some company in the madness
anyways thank youu <3
have a double post on this fine friday
so anyways 2008-2011 are what Steve and Eddie refer back to as the war zone. Why do they call these years the war zone? Because it's the brief stretch of time where they have three fully autonomous children (i.e. not babies) all under the age of 10.
It is total pandemonium. Neither Steve nor Eddie get a full breath of air until the day Moe turns 11. Naturally, it is also a period in their lives where Steve and Eddie don't get to spend as much time together as they would like, because they're a little busy wrangling little girls.
Thus, to make sure they get at least some semblance of face time during the week, they call Friday nights (after the girls are asleep and while Steve and Eddie are getting ready for bed) their Friday Roundup.
The purpose of Friday Roundup is to recount the insanity they each had to endure that week and confirm that they aren't living in an actual fever dream.
"You missed us celebrating opposite day," Eddie tells Steve one night as he's midway through brushing his teeth, "I had to tell them they couldn't flip all the furniture over and it was like I told them Christmas was cancelled."
"Moe got mad at me because we had expired orange juice in the fridge and I wouldn't let her use it to fill water balloons," Steve replies.
"Well, that's just common sense."
"Not to Moe. I think her words were we shouldn't let it go to waste."
"Dear god, she's getting too smart for us," Eddie shakes his head, "Hazel cried the entire way home from dropping Robbie and Moe off at school because the sun was following us."
"She got mad at me the other day when I made her a peanut butter sandwich," Steve replies, and he holds a hand up when Eddie raises a questioning eyebrow, "Wait - because what she wanted was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...without the jelly."
"Jesus Christ."
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taylovelinus · 7 months
every single time i see some goober on instagram (or here on tumblr for that matter) demonizing jews and israel, all I want to ask is:
1) what is your opinion on indigenous rights?
2) are jews white?
3) have you read hamas’ founding document (their 1988 charter)?
because these really get to the root of their hypocrisy. these so-called leftists always claim to support indigenous rights and land back movements until it comes to jewish people, because they have a fundamental lack of understanding of jewish history, jewish ethnic and racial ancestry and identity, and the relationship between jews and that land. (also it shows how American-centric their worldview is that they see this conflict almost exclusively through an overly-simplistic lens of color, wherein they see jews as white/white europeans and palestinians as a generalized, vague group of people of color who are only ever victims instead of as a complex group of people with their own history, culture, and identity). and you KNOW they haven’t read the charter because they sincerely believe this is all solely about “liberation from oppression” and have no idea about the very real and very violent direct, explicit antisemitism that is the very basis for Hamas’ ideology. their original charter completely denies that jewish people originate from the very same land they claim to originate from; they say that they only way for the three abrahamic faiths to coexist peacefully is under islamic rule and regulation (which if you know literally anything about how jews and christians were treated under dhimmi status you’d know that they were treated as second class citizens at best); They directly cite this verse from the quran as justification for a holy war against the jews — "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” (and don’t even get me started that the charter also explicitly states that women are valuable to the movement... but only “because they are makers of men” and because they stay home and rear the children.) I’ll concede that their 2017 revised charter states that they have “no problem with the Jews”, however this is moot when you can easily find video after video of young children saying explicitly that they want to kill Jews (yahood) and eradicate them from the land. these kids aren’t being taught to separate Jews and Israel/Zionism like Hamas leads people to believe (like they have convinced you westerners to believe); make no mistake, it’s not about cleansing the land of only "zionists", it is about eliminating all jewish people, denying their equal claim to the land, and denying their autonomy and right to self-determination.
i strongly, STRONGLY disagree with israel’s policies towards palestinians. i fucking hate Netanyahu, i hate his cronies, i hate that they court the far right in israel, i hate everything regarding how they have handled and continue to handle this entire conflict. and EVERY single other jew i know feels the same way. but jews have been stepped on and abused and slaughtered by their muslim/christian/pagan neighbors for literally thousands of years at this point. they were murdered en masse within living memory (and updated estimates put the death toll of the Holocaust at somewhere between 10-12 million, by the way. we are still finding mass graves in eastern europe all the time). jews deserve to govern themselves and live in their historical ancestral homeland. palestinians also deserve to live in peace and security, and israel has a responsibility to ensure that. but i will never ever support the complete erasure of the state of israel because i fundamentally believe in jewish sovereignty and indigenous rights, regardless of how much time they’ve been away, especially considering they were forced out and into a diaspora -- their leaving the land was not their choice. if the notion of jews standing up and making a space for themselves and ensuring their security upsets you, then perhaps the world should have actually treated them as human beings instead of slaughtering them. if we say that antisemitism is part of this conversation, and that the antisemitism should be condemned, and your first instinct is to either deny or deflect, you really need to examine your own antisemitism and how you have been thinking about this.
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