#( this was important to me ok so *tosses @ u* )
bruiisedpetals-a · 11 months
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verse: an unmerciful design. [ WULFFRYD GOODBROTHER'S THOUGHTS ON REGNARRA'S ARRANGED MARRIAGE & DEPARTURE. ] (wulffryd is a secondary character / observer to this verse as a close relative & connection to my primary muse of this verse: regnarra drumm)
when LADY REGNARRA DRUMM left old wyk and the iron islands to wed PRINCE AEMOND TARGARYEN ( @vhgr ) it was undeniable by those close to wulffryd that he fell into somewhat of a sour depression. of their wider family (they are first cousins), they have always been the closest with wulffryd serving in many ways and times as a brother and father figure, and mentor. and regardless of his own voyages away from old wyk he always knew that she was back at their home; the iron islands. — but it's not only her physical absence... as a religious man himself (and one of regnarra's greatest supporters regarding her connection to the drowned god), not having her there to bless the bloody wanderer before they set sail, and when they return — a ritual of many years — nor help guide him with questions and understanding beyond his own mind ... that has been something greatly jarring to his person, and to his crew. they are all as fiercely devoted to their religion, and the iron way, and have revered and respected the lady bone-hand since her first test of faith. overall, he didn't truly realise that regnarra is such a fixed and integral person in his life that her absence is somewhat akin to losing a part of himself. he feels somewhat lost.
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he wasn't overly pleased to hear of the arrangement, and his general aversion to flames and fire (not a fear; he considers it second to the storm god... a product of lightning and destruction. whilst that is different than dragonfire, it still elicits a distaste.) in his dreams of late he is somewhat haunted by an image of regnarra being burned alive, or fed to a dragon for some perceived crime ... ranging from condemning her devotion to the drowned god, to the possibility of her being unable to produce an heir. none of which are logical, but his fears aren't logical when connected to someone he loves. when he learned of it wulffryd did try to intervene, but regnarra told him she had consulted with the drowned god and it was her path to go to the 'dragons den' as she called it, he settled himself. begrudgingly. wulffryd was there to send her off, and the bloody wanderer sailed most of the way with her before peeling off to leave — his crew, all whom are fierce supporters and believers in his cousin also, chanted "what is dead may never die!" until regnarra's vessel faded out of sight.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
*cracks knuckles* @paper-lilypie
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and brainrot. I've been sketching these ideas out for like, a year. And done nothing with them until this point
this has been festering. in my mind.
*note: I didn't get around to drawing it, but I imagine Sun, Moon, and Y/n say their vows at the Bell place thingie that I need to reread in the fic. Y'know, the place Moon climbs up to, to get away from y/n. Yeh they declare their love up there and smoochies*
I should really reread that bit actually lol
Before moving forward, I'm gonna rant about outfits
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this is the outfit that I base Sun and Moon's wedding look on because I just think it fits so well. I share this so you guys see the vision and forgive my inexperience with drawing these folds
Cool? cool.
Also, I went through several variations of what Y/n would wear before settling on this bc nothing that came up when I searched "gender neutral wedding gear" really fit
Wanted a mix between gown and suit and y'know this ended up being more suit but I like it a lot so we're going with that. It also came to me in a vision so that has to say something.
(Ok but I did envision Y/n having a dress similar to this one character's dress in Bad Guys but I couldn't draw it so I scrapped it)
(ok some details stayed but most of the concept had to go)
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so like- you see it right?
Btw. All of them (including guests) have pockets. just. to ease your mind.
ok back to actually drawn wedding shenanigans
Because, there are many, wedding shenanigans
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Y'know the trend of smashing wedding cake into the bride/groom/wedded partner's face right?
There's no way this wouldn't escalate and y/n wouldn't enlist their siblings in the chaos.
They'll get like- one or two good wedding pics before this.
the cake tasted good tho
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Let me just say. I am so proud of how I did these hands I'm oogling my own art I did so good GHGHHHHHHFDS
I like??? Want to do more?????
cuties shenanigans below they are obnoxious and they know it
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By the way by the way you may notice the flower dress
I WILL be getting around to Lily x DCA STUFF I WILL
Tho I got busy and had a really hard time drawing/finishing sketches when I did have time so. I chose to post what I have so far so it's out before November ends
well Ig u are safe
for nowwwww
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Bouquet toss real
fun fact I initially wanted to draw Sun, Moon, and Copper y/n tossing the bouquet together
but their arm lengths would NOT make that work kjfdkljsdklj
so y/n tosses the bouquet bc they are the specialest
(Or they won the round of monopoly)
(who's to say)
(we don't talk about game night)
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But all three of them are the criminal. masterminds. They planned this from the start. Holly and Chica HAD NO CHANCE after the role they played in getting Y/N AND SUN AND MOON together.
I think this video would also be something cute that I could see happening for their wedding lol
Y/n and the daycare attendants hand the bouquet to Holly and then she gets proposed to by Chica
Anyway I still have a whole list of wedding shenanigans I need to draw
Sarah and Yao being some because when I tried before I couldn't sketch them out to my liking.
And the more CCRT gets expanded on, the more I'm sure will be present in their wedding since there are only 3 chapters out so far and enough art for me to make my guesses dlkkldsf
I'm sure there are plenty of fun things that can be included into this wedding, or edited, once more is revealed of the characters and their relationships
and who would be wedding guests is a little more up in the air, for instance and... who'd be able to show up in the first place considering unknown state of... living
(*cough cough*-Glamrock Foxy-*cough cough*)
...and being on good terms! thats.. important too. y'know moon and foxy weren't really exes but it may still be a bit awkward if he got invited y'know yknow
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chemerr2 · 30 days
eyeless jack headcannons :O can be sfw or nsfw <3
thank you anon I NEED THIS MAN. i need all 4 of his legs in front of my face. -SEXYPAPINOQUE
SFW !!
ik this is probably one of the most popular headcanons but he’s warm. He’s THE heated blanket everyone needs during the middle of winter. He’s usually warmer in places people wouldn’t normally touch or go near. Like his armpits for instance but that’s ok cause he’s comfortable with you being THAT close to him and on top of that he’s not musty!! yay!
best head massages known to man. those longs nails of his make you foam at the mouth when he slides them through your hair, on your scalp and the back of your neck.
very clean. like VERY. he cannot stand having a cluttered space especially when it’s his work area we’re talking about. he doesn’t go batshit crazy tho if his room has like 2 socks on the floor 💀 just doesn’t like to be surrounded by complete filth. Even tho he can’t work well in small spaces given his physical appearance and amount of equipment— he reminds himself to clean as he goes.
responsible but only for himself and you ofc. His reasoning for this is because he’s grown, toby is grown and so is jeff plus the others so he shouldn’t have to tell a 23 yr old to clean up after himself or wipe the toilet after he pisses cause he didn’t aim in the toilet.
always pampers you and chooses you over anyone else. sometimes he end up favoring your priorities over his own and forgets to do important things for himself. You wouldn’t even have to tell him because he’ll snap back to reality once he realizes he hasn’t done a chore or task he told himself he’d do.
like the cool older brother or the older brothers cool friend who takes you to the store and buy things for your mom when she’s cooking dinner
speaking of cooking, he can’t make anything past a traditional american breakfast dish (eggs, bacon, toast, grits or rice) other than that he’ll warm up a corn dog or reheatable pancakes in the microwave
if he has tomatoes on his burger snd he knows u like tomatoes he’ll give them to you. He’d give you a whole jar of pickles and drink the pickle juice (vice versa if u love pickle juice as much as me)
he stands in front of the tv likes he’s made of glass💀
DRAGS you by your arm, shirt, or ear if he even slightly thinks ur gonna get into an argument with anyone, For the sake of you and himself because 1. doesn’t want u to fight anyone AND 2. don’t want you to get ur feelings hurt. yep
rmbr when i said i need all 4 of his legs? 🤭 yeah he’s got 2 FATASS DANGLING COCKS.
ok let’s keep it realistic, he’s inexperienced but he’s not a vulnerable virgin, he knows what boojaina is, he knows what ur cervix is— he knows all of it and how much the female body can take.
his dick is wide so 1 inch of his demomic- hybrid 8inch cock takes up the full capacity of ur hole ifykwim.
it looks like he’s always had a boner but it’s just his thick and heavy cocks finally getting a good nights rest when you aren’t around.
Loves when you trace the veins on his cock and kiss his ugly circumcised scar on both his cocks. See i can get all into detail about the scar but y’all probably would get turned off. ANYWAYS
humps you. dry. all night, every night. Your smaller than him, even if someone says your big— to HIM your a delicate feather in his hand and he tosses you like a salad gently. He proceeds w caution when he gives you the nasties backshots
idc idcccc ur butt may not be big but when he gives u backshots it sounds like poseidons trident causing hell on sea.
horny dog?? nah horny bear. He literally locks you both up in his room or office and breeds you heavily like he’s trying to form a football team.
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no-one-at-all75 · 3 months
hi!! I’m so glad that you’re back and reviving the cypher love :’)) I have a cypher request!!
I was wondering if you could write a cypher x reader fic based on the song “older” by isabel larosa?? reader will be 18+ obvi but i always think abt cypher when listening to the song :p I’d prefer female reader but am ok with gn!! thank u again <3
You know I had to listen to the full song before answering this... AND I LOVE IT! I can definitely see why you think of Cypher when listening to it. Your wish is my command! Requests are open :)
Important note! There are some bits in here that go back to the past, those are in ~italics~. Present day will be normal.
Someone Older (Female Reader) (Implied NSFW)
Cypher x Reader implied smut
Warnings: Age gap, implied being used in past relationships, touching, slight sexual content
Word Count: 2,381
Being a 20 year old woman in the dating scene in this day in age absolutely sucked. You felt like you were being tossed around, never listened to, only being used for your good looks and sex appeal. You finally had enough, and decided to run away from your hometown and joined The Valorant Protocol because you'd rather be shot than ghosted for the 20th time.
Upon arrival, you could basically sniff out the fuck boys from the group. Phoenix would always call you sexy in the hallways. Chamber would invite you to his yacht so he could have a 'private chat' with you. Gekko would pester you about teaching you some new dance moves which may or may not involve limited clothing. You'd always turn everyone down, of course. No one, and I mean no one, could get you to date ever again.
You were sitting in your room relaxing and playing music on your phone when someone knocked at the door. You rolled your eyes assuming it was another boy asking you to teach him how to shoot a gun. You dragged your feet to the door and opened it with an unamused face that quickly dropped when you saw who was at the door. It was your senior, Cypher. You always felt a little intimidated by his masked appearance, always wondering why he hides his face. You've, of course, imagined what it looks like and secretly hoped he was as attractive as you imagined. But, you've never shown any interest in him, trying to keep a cold exterior to ward off fuck boys. You slightly lean on the doorframe in a relaxed appearance, a small smile gracing your lips.
"Well well well. What brings you to my room?" You ask while your eyebrow lifts in question. He clears his throat a bit before speaking.
"We have a mission soon (Y/N). I would like to plan with you on what we should do and how to execute it." His gravely voice sang a song in your ears. You quickly dispel any thoughts before speaking again. You cross your arms across your chest.
"I'm game. Where are we meeting and when?" You get straight to the point so he can go away as quick as possible so he doesn't see the small blush making its way to your cheeks.
"Just meet me in my lab in about an hour. We can go over lots of details in there." He leans on the same side of the doorframe as you and slightly leans in. You could feel his breath fanning over your nose as his bright blue eyes stare into your (E/C) eyes. You look down and stand straight up. You look back into his eyes with confidence.
"I'll be there old man." You say with a smile. He lets out a chuckle before grabbing your chin with his hand and squeezing it slightly. All of the impure thoughts came flooding back in. You knew the blush you were desperately trying to hide was back now. You feel his breath on your face again before he speaks.
"Old? I think you mean experienced little one. See you in an hour." He swiftly let go of your chin and shut the door. You stood there dumbfounded as to what just happened. You feel your face burn as you walk over to your bed and sit down. You couldn't stop one thought that took over your mind quickly.
I think I need someone older...
You look down at your feet as the boat gets closer and closer to its destination. A gun in your hands, ready to attack your doppelgänger. You let out a small breath as you feel the boat slow down and pull into a port. You raise your eyes up and look at your team. You were confident that you will win this fight. As soon as the boat stops, everyone files out and begins to go to their stations as planned. You followed Cypher as he guided you to an optimal sniper position where he would be watching. You were to protect him at all costs. Your eyes dart around making sure no one is near when his voice breaks the silence.
"Stop being so tense little one. I know it's stressful, but I know you can do it." His words sink into your ears. Your eyes focused on him as he leads the way to the sniper nest.
Once there, you set up a few traps just before the entrance so you are alerted if anyone is coming. When everything is set, you go up to the nest with Cypher and sit down, your back against the wall he is looking out of. Your eyes focus on the ground, then wander to him and his position. You watch as his hands skillfully build the sniper rifle he is using, almost mesmerized by his fingers. A chuckle breaks you out of your trance. You look up at his eyes with a questionable look.
"What? Why are you laughing?" You ask trying to sound serious. His chuckle dissipates and he sighs.
"I know how much you love my hands and what they do for you little one. It's cute." He teases. Your mind is replaying what happened that night when you and Cypher were talking about the mission.
You were both lounging around his lab talking strategies and plans for almost 5 hours now. Everyone else who was involved with the mission left to go to bed already or got bored and left. Currently, Cypher was telling you stories of his past missions, some of which made you laugh. After a laughing fit, his mask bore into your eyes.
"Why did someone like you join Valorant? I know it's not my place to ask but I'm genuinely curious." His voice was soft like silk and sweet as honey when he asked that. You gave a faint smile back.
"Well, I was tired of my old life. Same thing, different day, it got repetitive. I wanted to escape. Feel worthy of something again. Not just cast aside like I always was." You put your arms behind your head and stared at the ceiling, letting your answer sink into the air. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Cypher look down, in thought, then look back at you.
"When you escaped, you must've left someone behind, right? A pretty thing like you must've had someone." He quizzed as he lifted up his mask slightly to sip on tea he made. You look back at him and shrugged your shoulders.
"Nah, not really. One of the reasons I left actually. I was getting treated like shit and was tired of it." You sat up fully now, your shoulders slumped as you looked at your senior with doe eyes. He hummed in acceptance as he placed his mug to the side, but not putting down his mask like he usually would.
"I'm sorry (Y/N) that no one has treated you fairly in the past. If I'm honest, you're quite the catch." He said as he stood up and walked over to your seated position. "I think, you need someone who will see you for who you are. Intelligent, funny, cute, and inspiring." You could see his smile when he said this. It almost made you completely melt.
"That's what I've been looking for, but, it never came." You looked up at him, his hand connecting to the side of your face and cupping it.
"My dear." His sultry voice rang out. "I think you've been looking in the wrong places."
You feel your face burn up as you hear him laugh. You quickly hit his thigh with your hand in playful anger. He lets out a breathy 'ouch' before chuckling again.
"This isn't the time or place Cypher! We could get shot any minute!" Your worries pushed the unclean images out of your head. He hummed before looking down his sniper scope.
"In this line of work my dear, it's never the right time. That's why we take advantage of the opportunities we are given." He smiles and looks back at you, you give him a small smile back before you drift off into a day dream again.
His lips on yours felt heavenly. Something you've never felt before with guys your age, but he wasn't your age. He was something different entirely. He breaks off the kiss to check in on you. Your eyes open a bit and your face flushes. He lets out a small chuckle, a smile adorning his face as he leaves you in a chair to go close all the blinds.
"I must say, you have me excited. Who knew a girl like you could fall for an older man hmm?" His voiced laced with a teasing tone. The room progressively gets darker when the blinds are shut. Soon, it is almost pitch black in the room. The only exception being the blue lights coming from his equipment and computer. You internally panic before you feel his hands on you again, but this time, theres no gloves. You mumble out a confused sound before you feel lips on your neck kissing you trying to find your sweet spot.
"I apologize for the lighting. I'm not ready for you to see all of me yet. I hope you understand little one." He continues to kiss down your neck. You give out a small moan when he hits your spot. You can feel his lips curl into a smile before sucking and nipping on the spot. Your moans grow as he abuses it.
"W-What am I to you, a secret?" You ask in between moans. You feel his hands explore your body. You feel when they go under your shirt and grasp onto your breasts.
"For now, yes. I don't think people would like someone older like me with someone younger. Let this be our little secret, mkay?" His voice gets rougher the more he touches you, the more he feels you. You nod your head and let yourself enjoy the moment, alone with him. His lips catch you in another kiss when you feel his wandering hands snake their way into your pants.
You feel a slight nudge on your shoulder. You tumble back into reality, your face a burning red. You look up at your superior, he is gazing down at you.
"Replaying that night again my dear?" You could hear the smile on his face. You huff and place your forehead into your hands.
"I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be serious and all right now. But, I can't help but think back to that night you know? I've never been treated that way before." You answer honestly, still avoiding his gaze. You lift your head up out of your hands and stare at the floor for a moment to focus. You look back at Cypher expectantly, hoping for an answer from the older man.
"Well, I'm glad I can take the weight off of your shoulders my dear. I hope you know it wasn't a one time deal. I crave you too. I always think back to that night." His voice tapers off as he focuses. "We can talk about it later, for now, we have company." His voice turns cold, as if he was an entirely different man. You take a deep breath and focus, so you can go home with Cypher.
You suddenly wake up to someone jostling you. You slowly open your eyes to find that you were back. Your hands meet with your eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them, before looking at who shook you awake. You blink a few times before noticing a comrade, Neon, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you more.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) you passed out on the ride home. (Y/N) come on wakey wakey!" Her energetic voice seemed to bounce off of your brain. You sat up and gave her a small scowl.
"Come on Neon! I was in the middle of a dream." You complained as you pouted your lips.
"I'll say, you were moving around a lot there (Y/N)." Your blood almost froze when you heard Cyphers voice. You turned to him with shy eyes, a small blush flooding your cheeks.
"I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you Cypher. It won't happen again." You profusely apologized to keep your secret. He got up and ruffled your hair, making it a mess.
"Don't worry about it little one. It's my pleasure to be your pillow." His cheerful voice dissipated as he left the boat. Neon stood there with her hands on her hips, looking at you like a Golden Retriever.
"Soooo now that that's over, wanna go get food?" She asks you, a smile gracing her lips. You smile back before standing up and stretching.
"Food sounds great right now. Let's go!" You say as you run off of the boat getting a head start. You can faintly hear a 'NO FAIR' from Neon as she quickly catches up with you.
After eating your way into a food coma, you lay face first down into your bed and let out a groan before flipping over. You stare at the ceiling, wondering if you should go to Cypher's lab or to just sleep. You opt for sleeping and sit up a bit before theres a knock at your door. You look at the door puzzled as if it just asked you a question. You get up from your soft mattress and drag your feet towards the door groaning as you open it keeping your eyes closed.
"Whoever you are go away, I need sleep more than anything." Your eyes remain closed not caring who it is.
"Aw, does that include me too my dear?" His gravely voice revives you as you open your eyes wide and stand up straight.
"C-Cypher! Hi. I didn't expect you here. Right now. In this moment." You say embarrassed as you look everywhere but his eyes. He chuckles then pushes you back into your room and closes the door behind him. A small click can be heard signifying the door is locked.
"Ah I see. Well then, let's cut to the chase then hm?"
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buoyantsaturn · 6 months
i have so many talented friends are you jealous
when the evening pulls the sun down (and the day is almost through) by emi @thelordofshrimp
the temptation to include rcau. however: spiderman reference and also elbow drop are undefeatable <3
professionalism is a social construct by katherine @yrbeecharmer
bc its the one non-exes au fic from this year and also bc just bc winning best au in liz's fic awards isnt making you work on this any faster then maybe me reminding you of it now will <3
FAR GALAXIES by rosy @rosyredlipstick
god. the toss-up between this and it's a scream was insane. genuinely i do not know how you do it rosy you are so talented i am in awe of you always and i am SO excited to see where this fic ends up <3
What if I Told You None of it was Accidental by alfie @lordstormageddidnt
comes out of alfie's ao3 page covered in blood. so much destiel. please. take this solangelo fic. i risked my life for this.
training wheels by ethan @ethannku
ok. we can have some valgrace instead of the solangelo fic ethan wrote this year. and NOT just bc i beta'd this fic <3
i hope that we meet in another life by becca @thebhorror
sorry. yall KNOW i had to pick the saw trap fic.
whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am home again by lori @sunflowersandscreams
omg hiiiii i actually found this one while searching for which fic i wanted to post and its so short and sweet that i couldnt resist <3
you keep pushing love away (and you fall in head first) by niamh marie @ikeasharksss
hiiii not to post the most recent fic published BUT im a sucker for royalty aus <3
Distant Early Warning by marblebee @marbleheavy
thank u my beloved marblebee for giving me an easy option by only posting one fic this year <3 sorry about ur foot tho
With this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful by dreamy @dreamyzworldlove
the thg au has captivated me. what i can i say.
If you love me... by ember @gatesofember
JASICO!!!! this fic makes me so insane <3 love jasico <3
but of course these are all just fics. also very important to check out all of the insane art posted by liz @sclangelc and also remi @pinkerpick and i guess leafy @gayleafpool if youre into cats
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
my insomniac ahh had to make this, so imagine:
the atsv babes with an insomniac partner (part 1 !)
miles would probably not have been bothered if you texted him in the middle of the night, well a little disoriented because he was in the middle of sleeping peacefully, but when it came to you, nothing was a bother. he would be worried though, like you messaging him at that time? it had to have been important. so he checks your messages and just chuckles to himself when you text him, "miles bb i cant sleep tell me a story :(" he'd text you back, "want me 2 swing u round nyc? make u feel better (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡" you'd always giggle at the cute little kaomojis he'd send, they always cheered you up no matter how irritating your insomnia would get. "ngl i think i cant sleep bc of u" you text him. he raised an eyebrow and texts you back, "wdym?" as he waits for your message, miles' mind began to think that, lately, you did seem pretty lethargic and tired at school. you were caught sleeping in class once and tried to cover for you that you were both studying up late at night for your geography finals or something, when in reality, you were struggling to sleep at night. he sighed, he felt bad he couldn't help you fall asleep right then and there, but he really wanted to do something to ease your burden. it wasn't long until you texted him back a selfie of you curled up in your bed, smiling, with dark circles under your eyes and with disheveled hair all the while from all the tossing and turning. you had a caption there that said, "bc when i finally sleep i find myself missing u, dont leave me while im sleeping ok?" he blushed as he saw your cute face, even if it was tired and sleepy. he took a bed selfie of his own, the same fashion as yours--disheveled and smiling as he's tucked in, with the caption, "ofc not ill even visit ur dreams if u want me to ( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩)"
gwen would probably be doing her rounds as spider woman when she noticed a faint light still on by your room. she decided to check in on you, the last time that light was on, you were overworking yourself on a group project you carried all on your own she kicked those slackers' asses the next day. the minute she got there, she noticed you were tossing and turning a whole lot in your bed, clearly struggling to find the right position and spot on your bed to sleep in comfortably. she winced, you seemed really stiff and uncomfortable, you didn't look like sleep was coming to take you away to dreamland any time soon. she lightly knocked on your window, which made you get up immediately. you smiled when you saw her, and you opened the window for her. "hey," you said, clearly tired but unable to sleep. "hey." she replied with a grin as she sat by your windowsill. "can't sleep?" she asked and you nodded slowly. "that... really sucks." she said, taking her mask off to look at you. she was sorry she couldn't say anything better to help the situation, but whatever you were going through, she didn't want you to go through it alone. you laid back down on your bed, "what about you? any plans to sleep tonight, spider woman?" you asked her, to which she chuckled. "not when you're new york's only defender. and especially not when my partner is struggling to sleep on such a fine night." "well... can you maybe sit down next to me? it's not gonna be anything weird, i just... i have a feeling i couldn't sleep because of everything that's happened to us lately–i just really missed you." you say as you look up at her, now in front of you as she hopped off the windowsill and walked toward you. "like how we used to do at sleepovers?" she asked as she gently pulled up a chair and sat across from you. you smiled. "yeah... just like how we used to do at sleepovers." you said as gwen took your hand in her own. even with the suit on, it was warm. you could feel her pulse, the life in her veins and the love she had for you. "i really love you, gwen." you say as she leaned over to kiss your forehead. "love you, too. i hope you'll sleep well tonight." she said as she brushed a few stray hairs away from your face as you closed your eyes, smiling and holding her hand all the while, with her not intending nor planning to ever let you go.
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somanyfandomsblog · 5 months
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Ok my full episode 6 commentary 🤣
“Toss it, Seaweed Brain” oh so Annabeth you want me dead?
“When did you turn into an old married couple?” Luke clocking Percabeth, speak on it Luke!
“You were like two seconds ahead of me…” yes ok once again giving the married couple energy thank u!!
Percy opening up to Annabeth about his dreams🤧
“There are things I don’t know” — Percy is like … well if you don’t know we’re fucked. Lmaoooo. I can’t I love my son🤣
Percabeth yet again giving married couple energy while talking to Hermes … yeah! And let’s speak on it!!!
“Do you know what that feels like? To be so close to someone you love, knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other?” — obvs Hermes was talking about how Percy feels about Sally but damn foreshadowing with Percabeth too for reals 😳
Ok pitpocket Annie!!!! 👏🏻
“Who’s Grover?” PERCY THAT HURT !!!
Percabeth giving mom and dad energy to Grover when they found him I am dead lmao
“Are we late because of me?” 🤧 it’s ok pookie bear you didn’t know!!!!
Hermes note … ok so maybe he’s trying to help… slay…?
“I killed a Minotaur on my first try, right? How hard could this be?” Oh no… baby that’s not…
No bc why would Annabeth let Percy drive though fr cmon now😭😭
When Percy thought he was home free and looked over at Annabeth and then scratched the whole ass right side I was sobbing lmao😭
When Grover remembered them🥹 ah my precious babies
“We weren’t alone. It’s easy to forget what’s important when you’re alone” so true Annie so let’s stop splitting up for my own mental health ok!!!
Ok I’m not gonna lie the whole underwater scene threw me off bc what do you mean the solstice passed and they’re “released from the quest” this is bonkers ? And 4 pearls right off the bat…. Interesting!!!!! I’m hooked!!!
Overall I really enjoyed the episode and I like the changes they made, they keep it fresh and interesting as a book reader but still true to the story! (And I loved Lin as Hermes lol he killed it!!!)
I can’t wait for next weeks episode!!!!! Ahh
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Please ma’am could u explain to me what stereoisomerism is in biochemistry?? I don’t know what’s going on anymore 😭😭
Ok so basically molecules have the same molecular formula/ constitution but when you’re looking at them in 3D their structure is different!
And that’s either as enantiomers (which means they’re mirrored) or as diastereomers.
Example for enantiomers:
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Same formula, same constitution but they are mirrored images! You can toss and turn them but they won’t be the same! Just like your hands. When talking about enantiomers, you use S/R to tell them apart (has something to do with the chiral centre and it’s pretty easy to figure out once you get it.)
Diastereomers aren’t mirrored! They can be cis/trans isomers:
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Same formula, same constitution but not a mirrored image! Here, the substituent is in a different position.
Diastereomers can also be conformers:
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These molecules have different shapes because of their rotation! That’s important because different conformations have different energies!
Basically — molecules are different, even if they have the same amount of atoms etc. It depends on their 3D structure. I remember my professor talking about the “Contergan”-scandal in the 60s:
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Definitely very important and interesting!
(Also I know this is very short because that’s a HUGE topic but I hope I could help you a little!)
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silviakundera · 1 month
Joy of Life S1 Ep 39 liveblogging
wow Yan Bingyuan is such a fun guy to be around, and so cheerful too 😝
lmaooooooo I like this girl, just tossing Fan Xian's arm around her neck with the knife. Hilarious. She's too good for sourpuss over there
ok I will actually like Bingyan if it turns out the 6 Department heads ARE spies 😆
this girl repeatedly trying to get captured and ML delicately handing back the knife is a great bit. Let's bring her home instead! (So what if she's maybe a spy, nobody's perfect)
"I'm popular" lolololol I love him
Hi Saintess! Missed u bb 😘
So Shen Zhong is willing to defy the emperor's mandate but not the Dowager Empresses' ... yet
Adorkable bodyguard is still going at it! What # is he on?
So the wild rumor about the saintess and & Fan Xian is gonna be a cover for the alliance w the emperor
We keep being reminded about how scary Long Tao, so this will be interesting
finally some emotion from Yan Crankypants! "Is Xiao En still under your control?"
Fan Xian's face journey: 'er do u mean literally or in that way I high key collect frenemies like they're pokemon?'
They really do make an amusing duo. FX the nonchalant rogue, Bingyuan the morose & rigid patriot. Can FX chill him the fuck out by the time they reach home? Only time will tell
hah, mr doth protest too much Fan Xian IS planning to kill Shen Zhong for lil emperor. The rescue is ON.
Bingyuan wants me to care that He Daoren is gonna die due to this favor but idk why he expects FX or me to care that much. Dude is a powerful weapon on the enemy's side who was blackmailed (?) to perform 1 act and was clear he wouldn't help in the future. Plus he simply wasn't very interesting
Now if he murders the lil sis, I'll be sadface
Yan Bingyuan: and like nobody would believe you have any relationship with Shang Shanhu
Bodyguard enters, 'hey Shang Shanhu sent someone to ask when we're making a move.' FX, " Go back and tell him we'll respond in the next few days" 😂😂😂
Why would Ugly Beard think FX can find his dad? well idk Bingyuan but he found your cheerless ass
lol yeah what I just said. me & FX are like this 🤞
wheee more Saintess! They make a great frenemy pair. Same with the emperor.
"Xiao En was once an important official of Beiqi. Shang Shanhu is Qi's renowed general. .. So you formed a secret alliance with my county's famed general to break into prision, and you're letting His Majesty hear this?"
Fan Xian: "I'm not saying this to let His Majesty hear it, I am asking for help."
Beiyi emperor smiles.
FX, "We can be considered accomplices."
Honestly, FX have you considered just defecting from your united qing uncles and just settling down in beiqi? Clean house and you'll feel right at home. OH RIGHT THE GIRLFRIEND. Fine she can come too.
shouting to His Majesty's back and saluting, "congratulations your majesty, we can now be considered accomplices!" emperor points a finger at the sky lmaooooo I love these 3 together.
Is Shen Zhong gonna figure out the plot?😱
omgggggggg Fan Xian leaping on the back of Ugly Beard's horse and hugging his waist Im dying he's iconic
so Shen Zhong also has A Clever Plan 😬
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dinosaursatemymom · 11 months
Hi!! I just wanted to respond to your question if kyman is a proship or not.
I definitely don’t think it is, at least if we’re going on the “updated” definition. This newer definition that people think is “proship” is being ok with or even supporting minor x adult, incest, abuser and victim, and other illegal or immoral ships.
This doesn’t really apply to kyman because Cartman isn’t a nazi - and I’m glad you pointed out that you don’t think he is because it’s evident that the things he says and does is to get on Kyle’s nerves. (And also he’s stated that nazis are lame in SOT and Post-Covid literally proves he’s not a nazi or at least has the ability to mature and not be a bigot - along with when he was dressed as hitler it was Liane’s doing).
But if we’re going off the base definition of “pro ship” it’s someone who “supports romantic pairings that are deemed problematic, as well as supports creating fanworks of this nature.”
And literally so many ships could apply to this sooo😭
The definition has been tossed around so much that it’s not really clear what the current meaning is. But I think most people think pro shipping is the first definition mentioned - which as a kyman shipper - I definitely don’t agree with.
And as stated, kyman doesn’t really apply because Cartman isn’t a nazi. Obviously they fight a lot and go to the extremes, but this is also a comedy show. (And also it’s totally ok if you don’t like their dynamic or ship it - it’s just important to realize it’s not illegal.)
But anyways, I wouldn’t worry about pro shipping unless an artist literally draws or voices their acceptance of the aforementioned illegal and immoral things 💀💀
Sorry for this long response, I didn’t want to just direct message w/o warning
But I hope this helped a little!! And dw about responding to this if u don’t want to - I just wanted to explain some of the confusion around the term bc theres so much lol
Thank you so much!!! This is probably one of the best answers I have gotten, and explains a lot. (Also kyman is growing on me and the only reason I haven't shipped it is because I have been concerned about it being called a proship)
Also, of course I'm going to respond to this, this is one of the best explanations of proshipping and answers to my question that I have seen. Again, thank you so much!!!
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wrestlezaynia · 3 months
ok bestieeee
this was not what i had planned but OK so I
wrote u a little thing a little suprise for your birthday hope u enjoy it
a quietly loud confession
Kevin and sami Loved each other oh yess that is love with a capital L  everyone knew it everyone saw it.. that is everyone except the most important people Kevin and sami themselves were oblivious to it .
Honestly it was getting to a point that there group of friends just wanted to lock em up in a room until they figure it out . but as one of them put it the prizefighter would find a way to break down the door leaving a sad yet smiling Sami ... sooo noo they had to let the idiots figure it out for themselves.
Idiots both of them.
So as they were driving to the next town riding together as they've done for as long as both could remember ,,, both were uncharacteristically quiet only having the low sound of the radio playing in the background . Kevin had let Sami take the first part of the journey it gave him time to look at the scenery outside and steal some glances at Sami .. His sami .   Sami of course felt Kevins gaze but he was trying not to let his thoughts cause an accident .  Sami deep down was afraid to speak his feeling  afraid to be wrong  afraid of being right and having Kevin  love him back .  As soon as He lost the battle with his brain over this  he yawned to indicate to Kevin he was ready to switch over .
Oh theres a rest area at the next exit Sami  Kevin said
Yep on it Kev replied Sami
Now as soon as they reached the rest stop its like for a moment time stood still . Like when u watch a movie and pause it but surely this was no movie this was real life for a moment  sami and kevin just stared at each other as quickly as this moment happened it was over and they both got out to stretch.
As it had been Kevin's new custom  He walked in the opposite direction to look out to the distance ... Sami had asked him once and he came up with a  i just need a moment to clear my mind then called himself stupid for the half fast excuse and well hoped Sami would just buy the excuse .
So as Kevin was looking out to well at the moment a giant field of nothing breathing trying to calm down before  continuing onto the hotel for the night  he could feel  Samis eyes on him  Sami who as much he did not like having kevin far from him was enjoying these moment where Kevin had his back turned to just stare at his beautiful Kevin ( see i told u Idiots).
As Kevin was enjoying the fresh air and well failing to keep his thoughs pure (because yess he knew Sami was checking him out ... secretly he enjoyed it but  Kevin Owens would NEVER  admit thaaaat .
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a familiar touch
Kev we need to  get moving we have an early call tomorrow and some one gets angry if he doesn't have his  8 hours of sleep
Me  Kevin  said in his most shocked mad voice
Well ok Sami said perhaps we are both captain grumpy pants sami said laughing tossing the keys to Kevin and walked back to the car but going to the passengers side instead .
Once they both got in the car the weird silence returned but Kevin could not take it anymore
SAmi I  hmmm  I need  to say something ok
Sami turned in his seat yess Kevin
At that moment Kevin lost his nerve getting lost in sami eyes
His words may of failed him in that moment  but his body now had a mind of its own
Kevin Cupped Sami face with his hand  his heart nearly leaping out of his chest when  sami leaned into his touch ... in the end it was Sami who took the final step and brought there lips together in a kiss that said soo manyy things
I love you, i care for u , i want u  , im scared but willing to fight for you. 
hope u enjoyed thisss bestieee and HAPPPYYYY birthday hope u have an amaaaazing dayyy
The last line resonated with me: "I'm scared, but willing to fight for you." We often interpret "fight forever" as them wrestling, but what if it holds a much deeper meaning? I love this, thank you so much! 😍
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icedmetaltea · 1 month
Lil update, today is a lot better (just journal ramblings, gonna delete yesterday's nonsense cause I'm gonna guess sleep deprived Metal rambled a lot)
OK FINALLY GOT A SOLID 8 HOURS OF SLEEP, it's raining today so no more damned housework thank FUCK
Emailed the supervisor of the therapist last night (cause she said I could if things got bad and they may be able to get a substitute to talk with me this week) and he was nice enough to get me in for a talk today, just being able to talk through stuff with someone helped a whole lot ;- ;
Found the form I need the doctor to fill out (was buried under tons of letters), confirmed it was the one I need, called doc office to confirm someone else can take the form to be filled on my behalf (or SHOULD, unless they're also wrong) so my sister should be able to bring it over for me bc again I can't go anywhere in car atm
I think it's kinda funny cause lately things have been so bad I've literally been fighting with my imaginary friend. We haven't done that since like highschool!!! Do you even know how stupid it feels to have a screaming match in your head with someone who isn't even real?? Dear lord. But yea we're doing a lot better now thank fuck cause do u even know how jarring it is to have an imaginary friend give u the cold shoulder, like damn even the person you made up won't speak to u. Kinda is important when u depend on said person to take care of things like dissociation when anxiety gets bad
Today is a lot more "lucky" according to OCD brain so I'll savor it while it lasts (OCD brain also wants me to believe the nail polish I wore yesterday made the day go so badly and like... honestly tempted to toss the bottle out after all that shit, I was literally taking the polish off as fast as I could while on the phone realizing the telehealth appointment wasn't gonna be a thing)
Think I may have some kind of nut allergy cause I did notice last night I got that awful lump-in-throat strangle-y feeling in my throat after eating an energy bar with nuts and I had that panic attack on Tuesday after eating nuts. Maybe it's a very mild one??? But then how would I just not notice till now. I've eaten energy bars and had peanut butter sandwiches many many times and never noticed it. But at the same time it's worth a try to see if it prevents the choking feeling, who knows
On the bright side of things, was able to do a lot of drawing for the game! Almost entirely Jack stuff cause I wanna focus on one character at a time 1. so I don't overwhelm myself 2. so I can help idk make them more fleshed out as I'm able to put my all into just one for a while
Gonna play more Anchorhead and maybe read some more moby dick + 20,000 leagues :> (I'm like 40% through 20,000 leagues which makes me sad already... I just wanna read 200 books where it's just nerdy old scientists gushing about marine biology)
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queenseneca · 2 months
Oh GOD this was a disappointment. And yeah, spoilers or whatever. I don't really care.
Get it out of the way, this was not the Knuckles show, this was the Wade show. Too much Wade. Too much. Way too much. It's annoying. Look, I liked him in the movies, he did a good job there because he wasn't the main focal point, and in the first couple episodes I could excuse how he acted.
But no. OH NO. After episode two, he just got so bad. Taking the spotlight from, frankly, the MUCH better character. Episode one set a perfect precedent for how the series could have gone. But nope. They threw it all away.
Then by episode five, they've literally made Knuckles a side character. In the show that's NAMED AFTER HIM. Oi vey.
This really should have just been named Wade. But no, if they named it that, it wouldn't get the people watching it. Because no-one likes Wade. He's a side character; keep him as such. He went from ok in he movies, to tolerable in the first two episodes, then 3-6 he became full on egotistical.
I wish Knuckles had been the main character. I wish he'd been given the spotlight. I was so looking forward to it. I was looking forward to watching something about him, learning about him and how he interacts with the world, how he comes to terms with his inevitable home in Green Hills. I wish he'd had more interactions with Sonic and Tails. But they're thrown out after episode ONE. After that, it's random unimportant person after random unimportant person. Seriously think this show had been written and voiced by AI. Because it's just that bad.
And I haven't even gotten to the lackluster villains. I know they're supposed to be important and everything, raise the stakes, but they're really not. Just generic "bad British woman and coloured man to show diverse cast". I mean, they literally tossed a man, who was white and blonde, into the Mushroom planet with no reason whatsoever than political stuff, I'm sure. And they tarnish the good name that Jim Carrey made playing as Robotnik. Even if he isn't in the show (thank god), they treat him like he's nothing more than a commodity, someone to link to every bad thing that G. U. N does.
Oh yeah, haven't mentioned that yet. They're using THAT G. U. N. Y'know, the one that's supposed to be super powerful and secretive that, for hopes of Sonic fans, will be treated with respect in the 3rd movie? The one that offed Maria Robotnik and drove Gerald crazy and started Shadow's entire character arc? That G. U. N. They aren't even given that much screen time. Two episodes, then they're tossed away until episode five. And the woman is all "oh woa is me, I wasn't listened to because I'm a woman and the place I work for is misogynistic and I was given a desk job to keep me safe waaa"
And the ending. Oh boy. Ok, to put it in simple terms, I'd call the ending of season one (and hopefully the series), stupid. For 6 episodes, they had a chance to grow genuine chemistry between Wade and Knuckles, to give them a chance to get along. To give them a reason. And you'd think with a series like Sonic whose games are rife with dark and mature themes, they'd explore it. But nope. It's just the first movie, remade with Knuckles and Wade, but done so much worse. The Jewish stuff wasn't important. The dad abandonment wasn't needed. It's important to Knux, I know, but Wade didn't have to have it too just to find a way to relate.
And guess what? His dad is another white blonde man! Because they're just the devil in the media these days! I'd say he's British too but it doesn't contribute to the story. He's treated like a narcissist, an uppity person (like apparently all people are when they're repeat winners in a certain sport or game). god forbid a man be proud of himself.
They also did that one scene from the Sonic movie where they faked Knuckles' death, and Wade made an attempt to stand up but failed because he's a useless character. Then he said some stupid crap that he apparently "learned", even though he really didn't.
Shit like this makes me wish that the movies didn't exist.
0/10, don't recommend.
Please, for the sake of your sanity, don't watch this. Or if you do, have a pallet cleanser handy. (The jokes are awful, you'll definitely need it)
And for the comments that'll say it's for kids, the characters use a huge amount of swear words, so that rebuttal holds no ground.
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insecuregodcomplex · 1 year
i posted these tsats theories before i actually read it — following up after reading
i’m planning on:
trogs are definitely coming back, nico mentions their help because hades has forbidden him going to the voice in ToN and also there’s this from the preview (x) — yes correct ✅
nico will at least have to acknowledge his solo tartarus trip which will make me yell and scream i hope he gets to share details of how fuckin horrible it was alone and without the mist ok (x) — yes correct ✅
general theories
maybe it’s not Bob who wants out, maybe it’s someone else (Michael Yew?) (x) — wrong, also, Michael Yew is mentioned but not much more ❌
helm of darkness appearance (x) — not how I meant but it’s included (but not how I meant)
parallels to HoH scene (i have read the first five so like i do know about the cupid reference but i also mean the other parts included in the reblog here x) — yes, it was less of a direct parallel I was thinking of but these points were circled back to imo. Love is a choice love is hard etc
because we know we’re getting information about will and nico getting together, could the marked flashback chapter(s?) have something to do with that?? (x) — wrong flashback chapters lol
Mark and that character they said deserved more attention (? I’m butchering the quote probably) — Michael Yew and Ethan Nakamura are my top candidates for that but much moreso expecting and hoping for Michael Yew — which?? character?? was it??? (Nyx?) neither Ethan nor Michael were stars ❌
the idea of Nico telling the truth to will makes me excited and nervous…just had a thought about what if it’s like. the truth of how deep his self hatred goes/how scared he was/etc?? ouch (continuation of the HoH post) — um. actually. yeah? he had to tell the truth about his experiences and his fears and when he Tells The Truth it’s about that so ✅
so when I read the leaked preview I had this idea — Nico dreaming in shadows maybe is Styx, and then his mom would be his lifeline. Her calling to him would be her going to tell him to let go/move on/move forward and leave his past behind him…which would be something of equal/important value as Bob the Titan. Like Nico’s whole backstory/life/who he was. — and leaving Nico’s memories has definitely been tossed around at least, and I’d be curious if my first theory for this book was realized at all — yeah to Nico moving forward, leaving memories/backstory/who he was to an extent, no to the Styx moment, I think what I was getting at was what Nyx ended up being
i’m hoping for
acknowledgement of will losing siblings, other campers too but will siblings <3 Michael Yew love u (river acheron post) — Will acknowledged patients he’d lost but not really mentions of Apollo siblings especially in Acheron
Nico (and Will) and Small Bob (comic of this) — yes correct! ✅
will not keeping his shit together (x) — with all of my love this boy hardly kept his shit together for most of the book ✅
partially prompted by Percy saying this in SOH I hope there’s a Melinoe feature especially to explore both Will and Nico’s ghosts — the win here is pretty much River Acheron stuff, no Melinoe feature
some sort of nod/s to will and Nico knowing of each other before they got together (like the Apollo cabin fighting with the Ares cabin in TLO, callbacks and their POVs on stuff like that) — YES CORRECT. this was a big win ✅
Solangelo/Hades interaction (would also love any apollo feature and can’t decide if TOA makes me think it’s more or less likely to happen) — Hades and Nico!! Will talking to Persephone doesn’t really count but does get at the idea I was going for. Also Will and Nico future trip to Hades palace (mostly a win but technically not so no green check)
i’m excited by the idea of:
will getting injured and talking nico through how to save him (from this post) — Nico actually learned from Will enough to take care of him, taking that moment as fulfilling this ✅
similarly – “character seeing their SO being fatally wounded and reacting” (see: “will’s grip was very weak”) (tagged this post as TSATS) — oh wait this actually. is fair? less of a fatally physically wounded but they do fight for each other as they go through various pain (emotional/mental especially)
michael yew dream sequence!!!! (x) (as i tagged in that post…maybe what nico has to tell will the truth for?) — sad. no ❌
reverse octavian situation, where will says someone can’t be saved type of thing (x) — no role reversal although I made note with Amphithemis for a realization for Will that not everyone can be saved, just because he thinks he’s giving someone a chance at life doesn’t mean it’s the right move type of thing (also we got some conversation about Octavian)
learning more about will’s tattoo and maybe the reason(s) for getting it (x) — YES although it’s like. a paragraph but ✅
“let me see Nico cross the border of life and death only to emerge then as the most stunning, gorgeous existence this universe has to offer…Or Will. The sun is a star anyway. I’m not picky about it.” from this post — ok yeah tell me this isn’t what happened. ✅
will being afraid of snakes (this post) — unconfirmed ❌ did get to see he’s afraid of Stymphalian birds and backstory slay
simply characters talking about being queer!!! would love piper to be in this <3 — yes! queer discourse will never be perfect for all audiences however I wanted this acknowledgement and I am glad to have gotten it ✅ also Nico Piper besties agenda ALSO MORE CANON QUEER RIORDANVERSE CHARACTERS
potentially bianca didn’t go for rebirth and was just hiding from Nico trying to bring her back (in TSON he says that’s what he was doing when he found Hazel) — OK WELL. WHO KNOWS IF BIANCA TRIED FOR REBIRTH RICK AND MARK DONT???? (Bianca is in Elysium according to this book)
i wonder if…
Rachel says the prophecy has repeated itself twelve times and how twelve is an important number for Olympus and the Doors of Death (mine) — ok the point is this wasn’t acknowledged as something in that vein but also ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno, hades sent it, feeling like there’s something (tldr this wasn’t a plot point)
georgina parentage confirmed at all? (x) — lmao nah my TOA focus recently made me too excited ❌
also seeing as we’re going to learn about how they got together…if anyone wants to read either of my two fics about it lmk lol they’re on ao3 — honestly I still stand by them the one I worked hard on hits on some of the backstory we got but also ofc it’s different
it was also interesting because things I thought of and saw conversations about from an early point were not far off — the darkness in will/light in nico and how they learn and grow from and with each other especially by the end of the book, nico leaving that which has burdened him behind, things like that.
I think that covers the theories, at least what comes to mind 🤩👍🤪
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bearsgrove · 1 year
✨ oc tag game wahoooo! ✨
aight so here's the tag game i wasn't tagged in but wanted to do and @gwynbleidd and @graveyaird convinced me that i should 😔 along with u two i tag @werecanidae and @sylkana and anyone else who feels like doing this 🐏
favourite oc - ok thats a very difficult and unfair question, i love all of them so so much, they all mean a lot to me for different reas– ravell. its a toss between ravell and kaz tbh but. ravell. ravell means Everything to me.
newest oc - probably avery? whom i dont talk about a whole lot because they are from the [redacted] Duology 🙃. if we consider an oc from 2 and a half years ago new lmao. listen, i havent been making new ocs much, i just had a period of time when i made a bunch. so avery is a very rare exception of a new oc. im honestly surprised she sort of.. stuck around and i genuinely love her a lot. she was made out of the need to play as a new h*wke because ive been playing as the same one since the dawn of time. she gave my game experience a much needed fresh air and some nuance too.
oldest oc - ravell. or the version of. ravell in sk/rim was very much based on an already existing original character and those two characters still somehow intertwine to this day. there are subtle differences but they are more or less the same person. but when it comes to ocs i talked about on here, which are usually just ocs for this or that game, excluding any original story ones then yeah its ravell.
meanest oc - lyrhis? i know i still present her on here as a dos2 oc but she is an original story oc and i only put her in dos2 because 1) it felt like it would fit her 2) she is important to me and i wanted to be able to still talk about her on here without feeling like she doesnt fit in because she isnt from a game lol. i think her being "mean" is more about her being generally very otherwordly, inhuman and therefore aloof - which can get interpreted as mean i guess - because her perception of things is very different. calling her "mean" even feels weird because that word implies this sort of.. human meanness, spitefulness, generally being malicious for some reason. if anything calling her "mean" is maybe an understatement. she is just kinda cold-blooded, cruel, ruthless. ok you know who is actually a mean oc. evan. he is the opposite of what i just said about lyrhis. he isnt cruel or cold-blooded, but he is spiteful, malicious and can cause a lot of harm with only his words and need for revenge or simple spite. i think that to be mean one still has to be human, its a human trait. and he is human, there is a reason for why he is like that. lyrhis isnt human in the first place.
softest - hera 😔 literally my only normal oc. and she spends a lot of time in the sewers, talks to her rats and overall is a bit Odd but. she is the least evil out of my ocs and carries the least amount of baggage lmao. sure she has been through shit but she is the only oc that turned out "fine" after her personal trauma. but other than that she is very compassionate, considerate and has a strong moral code
most aloof/standoffish - well idk. its a toss between lyrhis i guess for reasons i already mentioned and then wren. which is quite a difference lmao. those two come to mind first but then also ravell, ives and avery. eh, most of my ocs probably seem standoffish, its one of their most common traits. but in conclusion i would say wren? if only because wren is actually a lot like hera, my other more or less only normal oc with an actual moral code and someone who has other people's interests and feelings in mind. but unlike hera wren outwardly appears very cold and most people would describe them as aloof. they are simply distant and keep to themselves but definitely are not internally aloof, they feel a lot, they simply don't show it. but the aloofness of others (ravell, ives, avery…) definitely comes from a lack of emotional intelligence as well as simply being a reserved bunch in general
dumbest oc - probably ravell :( if we compare their general Knowledge about things with my other ocs they are definitely the dumbest. but they are not Stupid. i think them being dumb can just be summed up into them not Knowing many Things and acting/speaking without thinking. they dont do much thinking. which can lead to them making mistakes because they most often act on impulse. they are rational, they can be very smart and cunning, but also they do strike me as the dumbest of my ocs sometimes
smartest oc - hmmm. cant decide between lyrhis, evan, nate and kaz. leaning towards kaz fsr, even though outwardly he would appear as the dumbest out of this group. but i think the other 3 while being smart are also just generally very learned and academically smart. but kaz has that natural smartness about him. idk how to explain my brain power ran out half way into this tag game ngl
horniest - evan.
oc you'd bang - hmmmmm i cant decide between "all of them" and "none of them". like. i know most of them are very hot and right up my alley (i mean I made them) but at the same time. they have way too many similarities with me for me to be able to comfortably say that i would fuck them lmao. i know who i wouldnt tho 100%- ravell. i think over the years they became too much of their own person. like ravell is real to me ok. and i respect them too much as a person to say something like that lol. ok well. i just realized something. i change my statement to "all of my ocs that are women". i figured out why i didnt feel comfortable saying "all of them" lmao. because not all of them identify as women!
oc you'd be best friends with irl - kaz. kaz has unironically been my best friend for as long as i can remember. i think that even when i was making him at the back of my mind i would think "ok who do i need? thats who this character is" and back then i needed a friend! as cringe as it is. one good friend. who would be just my person. and no one else's. ok my abandonment issues are showing again and recently i'm noticing way too many past signs and patterns
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squeakheart · 7 months
what's Bebe's dynamic with the Blackbeard crew like? Obviously you ship her with Blackbeard but is she also shipped with the others?
ok insane rambling and some nsft soooo .. this post is going under the cut but
i mainly ship her with blackbeard buuut .. i feel like a lotta casual sex goes on in that crew so stuff w the others inevitably just happens lol? never planned to make bebe polyamorous bc i am very much not polyamorous irl but it just sorta started making sense once i started making bebe less of 'me' and more of her own character
bebe and blackbeard have a little lovey dovey thing going on bc i really like the gap moe of a big scary guy like him having a soft spot for my little mouse ^_^ not that hes not also rough and dominant with her too but. yknow. they have a special bond bc when they first meet he says some stuff that makes a big impact on her aaaand she baked him a real nice cherry pie so hes totally ride or die for her lol. i dont feel like retyping my whole ass backstory so heres bebe wiki screenshots
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needless to say. important to her.
slightly less going on with the others but i would say yeah i still ship her with them
burgess and her sleep together for SURE bc um. hes hot as fuck. his huge muscles and confident charisma have captivated her .. hes an irresistable guy. i think her dynamic with him is more playful than her dynamic w teach and theres a lot of likeee him tossing her in the air and chasing her and pinning her down 🥰🥵 shes a weak little mousey but she really enjoys it
doc q and bebe are like genuine bffs bc theyre both sick forever .. chronic illness solidarity. their dynamic hovers somewhere between "platonic" and "holding each others cocks while they pee" its a special bond. they definately fuck nasty style but only when theyre not both too unwell lmao. bebe/doc started out genuinely just platonic but every day i realise more and more how fucking handsome he is so uh. call me in a week and ill probably tell you shes in love with him
van augur .. hm .. yknow i dont actually think about him and bebe that much bc i know a couple of people who ship their ocs with him already and their ocs usually spring to mind for augur before bebe! a lotta the stuff i have for her and augur is just her teasing him for being a big nerd hehe .. but sitting down and thinking about it .. sure. bebe and augur can kiss with tongue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if i do think about bebe/augur i usually think about my husbands transfem augur AU bc something about augur with tit growth does it for me lol
laffitte and bebe are mainly like. gossipy brunch friends who meet up for coffee and make fun of everyone else lol. also passive agressive to each other constantly. hes my least fav so they probably have the least romantic tension out of the original crew. something sexual going on tho. i think laffitte gets a little jealous of anyone who's close to blackbeard and they have weird sex about it where laffitte makes sure to let bebe uhm. know her place on the crew. hes taking his "chief of staff" position very seriously i guess
i have some stuff brewing for the later additions to the crew too but our household rewatch is only just up to impel down so i want to let myself mull them over more before i commit to any dynamics hehe
thanks for reading if u read this far. take this post timeskip bebe from my sketchpad as some kinda reward
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