#* 🛵  iii.  `  . ☆ミ  YOU SHOULD’VE PAID MY RENT ‚ GO GET A JOB !  ́ -  ヽ  isms .
evisconti · 3 years
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this  guy  ,  finally ,
      is  WHAT  I  WANT  ,    the  friend  i need  !
JUST  MATES  ,    no  chemistry !    i get him and HE gets me !
and there’s  NOTHING  more to it !
      he  just   CARES   so  much  ,   he’s  devoted !――
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         ―― he says we have a  ..     connection.
 .. i  thought  this  time  was  DIFFERENT ..
       but   it’s   never   ,    EVER   DIFFERENT   !!
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evisconti · 3 years
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BOLD    :    habits  that  your  muse  has.      
ITALICS  :    habits  your  muse  sometimes  has.
nail  biting.    throat  clearing.    lying(!!).    interrupting.    chewing  the  ends  of  pens.    smoking.    swearing.   knuckle  cracking.    thumb  sucking.    muttering  under  their  breath.  talking  to  themselves.    nose  picking.   binge  drinking.   oversleeping.    snacking  between  meals.   skipping  meals.   picking  at  skin.  impulse  buying.   talking  with  their  mouth  full. humming  /  singing  to  themselves.   chewing  gum.   leg  jiggling.    foot  tapping.  hair  twirling.    whistling.    jaw  clenching.    gesturing  while  talking(!!).    putting  feet  up  on  tables.    tucking  hair  behind  ears.   chewing  lips. crossing  arms  over  chest.   putting  hands  on  hips. rubbing  the  back  of  their  neck.  being  late.   procrastinating.    doodling.    shredding  paper.  peeling  off  bottle  labels.  forgetfulness.   running  hands  through  hair.  overreacting.   teeth  grinding.    nostril  flaring.   slouching.    pacing.   drumming  fingers.   fist  clenching.  pinching  bridge  of  nose.   rubbing  temples.   rolling  shoulders.
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evisconti · 3 years
today   i   thought   about   killing   you   ,      premeditated   murder you'd   only   care   enough   to   kill   somebody   you   love
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just   say   it   out   loud   to   see   how   it   feels people   say      “   don't   say   this,   don't   say   that   ” just   say   it   out   loud   ,      just   to   see   how   it   feels weigh   all   the   options   ,      nothing's   off   the   table
today   i   thought   about   killing   you   ,      premeditated   murder i   think   about   killing   myself and   i   love   myself   way   more   than   i   love   you the   most   beautiful   thoughts   are   always   besides   the   darkest
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i   think   this   is   the   part   where   I'm   supposed   to   say   somethin'   good   to   compensate   it   so   it   doesn't   come   off   ...   bad but   sometimes   I   think   really   bad   things really   ,      really   ,      really   bad   things and   i   love   myself   way   more   than   I   love   you
see   ,      if   I   was   tryin'   to   relate   it   to   more   people i'd   probably   say   I'm   struggling   with   loving   myself because   that   seems   like   a   common   theme   .. but   that's   not   the   case   here i   love   myself   way   more   than   I   love   you and   I   think   about   killing   myself so   ,      best   believe   ,      I   thought   about   killing   you   today premeditated   murder   .
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evisconti · 3 years
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one  word  from  you and  i  would  jump  off  of  this  ledge  i’m  on  ,   baby tell  me   ‘ don’t ’   so  i  can  crawl  back  in
and  i  was  so  young  when  i  behaved  25 yet  now  i  find  i’ve  grown  into  a  tall  child ..
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evisconti · 3 years
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jenny  ,      darling  ,      you’re   my   best   friend i’ve   been   doing   bad   things   that   you   don’t   know   of  stealing   your   stuff   now      *&      then nothing   you’d   miss   ,      but   it   means   the  world   to   me  ..
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i   wanna   ruin   our   friendship we   should   be   lovers   instead i   don’t   know   how   to  say   this   , because  you’re   really   my   dearest  friend  ..
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evisconti · 3 years
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the  pull  of  your  energy  is  palpable.    it’s  your  strongest  asset  ,    and  everyone  feels  it  the  moment  you’re  near.    but  at  your  core  is  a  fear  of  being  known  ,    truly  known.    you  attract  adoration  towards  you  ,    but  once  they  attempt  to  know  who  you  really  are  ,    your  violent  urges  begin  to  arise.    you’ve  grown  to    love    the    pain    that  you  cause  ,    sometimes  you  even  crave  it.    a  part  of  you  wants  to  feel  guilt  ,    but  you  smother  it  ,    because  you  know  the  truth.    they  are  nothing  compared  to  you.    their  suffering  for  your  sake  will  be  the    most    meaningful    thing    they’ll    ever    do.
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evisconti · 3 years
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NAME :  ercole visconti
RESIDENCE :  portorosso ,  italy
TYPE OF BED :  king - sized
NUMBER OF BLANKETS :  plenty ,  including but not limited to a thick blanket he curls up in mostly ,  a 2nd blanket underneath ,  nd decorative linens.  fun fact he has a bed skirt too
NUMBER OF PILLOWS :  5 - 6 but some are just for decoration
TYPE OF CLOTHING :  more often than not he has expensive ,  silky ,  comfortable men’s pjs ,  similar to these and these ,  but he does often sleep full on naked for one reason or another
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY? :  he’d rather sleep on his lonesome in regular timeline.  even if he has to stumble and sneak back into the house after an eventful night for it ..
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY? :  not really ,  but in romantic ships specifically then he’ll sleep like a damn lovesick baby ... he can be cuddly and clingy
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP? :  yes ,  he refuses to sleep somewhere slobby or anywhere near subpar.  he only wants the best for himself <3
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP? :  try and entertain himself in his room ,  jerk off maybe ,  flip through his mags or sit outside on the balcony with a cup of coffee until he gets weary.
FREQUENT DREAMS,  NIGHTMARES :  he doesn’t dream or get nightmares frequently ,  but his nightmares usually only consist of reminding him of his trauma or things that he yearns for ,  or his deep inner fears
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS :  deep slumber ,,  get the beauty sleep baby
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP :  kind of whenever the gods decide /j he goes to bed relatively at the same time every night ,  but he doesn’t have a tight sleep schedule because it doesn’t matter to him  ( save for the maids waking him up around the same time every morning )  he has no reason to have on.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP :  smell of food ,  someone opening a door ,  someone being awake and moving / lingering near him ,  just saying his name
tagged by :  @chainsxwsmile​​​ thank u <3
tagging :  you
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evisconti · 3 years
Post five songs that remind you of your muse.
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ALL EYEZ ON ME  -  luci4 why   you   always  hate   when   it  comes   to   me ?    /    you   be   ridin’   dick  and  you   think   that   we   don’t   see    /    just   take   my   swag   like   some   fleas    /    you   not   on   shit   ,    you   can’t   hang   around   with   me
LOCKER ROOM BULLY  -  destroy boys i   don’t   like   being  mean    /    but   i   won’t   run   from   a   fight    /    just   cuz  you’re   unfulfilled    /    doesn’t  mean   you   need   to  take   it   out   on   me    /    i   see   right   through   you    /    locker   room   bully    /    everyone   has   their   story    /    and   somewhere   in   there   lies   the   truth    /    what   you   say   about   me    /    says   way   more   about   you
WORKING FOR THE KNIFE  -  mitski i   always   knew   the   world   moves   on    /    i   just   didn’t   know   it   would   go   without   me    /    i   start   the   day   high   and   it   ends   so   low    /    cuz   i’m   working   for   the   knife
STFU  -  pink guy you’re   a   fucking   dumb   shit   ,    you   don’t   even   run   shit    /    get   the   fuck   up   out   my   face   and   go   to   hell   and   eat   a   dick    /    come   and   catch   these   hands   boy   x2    /    i’m   not   crazy   ,    i   just   do   it   all   because   i   can   ,    boy
NOT A COMMON MAN  -  matt smith look   at   history   ,    open   the   books    /    there   are   statues   with   great   looks    /    there   are   gods   ,    there   are   kings    /    i’m   pretty   sure   i’m  the   same  thing    /    beyond   boundaries   ,    beyond   rules    /    i’ve   been   taught   in   the   best  schools    /    there   is   little   i   won’t   do    /    is   the   same   thing   true   of   you ?
tagged by :  @timberfell​ * passionately makes out */j tagging :  joe mama
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evisconti · 3 years
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    we   don’t   need   to   end   like   this   ,             look   me   in   the   eyes―
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        (  here  comes  the  hero  complex !  )
so   you’re   back   at   it   again  ,      twisting   and   manipulating   every   word   i’ve   said―
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  come   on ,   you   know   that’s   not   true ..
       i’m  just  trying  to  help  you ,
                             let    me    help    you   !
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   YOU   ARE   NOT   MY   HERO   !!!
                         ..   you  don’t  know  how  it  felt.
                 what  else  could  i  do       with   the   cards   that   i’d   been   dealt  ?
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  you  are  not  the  villain.
                 you    once    held    my    hand ..
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stand   up. get   out.                 sometimes  things  don’t  go  as  planned.
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evisconti · 3 years
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full  name :  ercole visconti
nicknames  /  aliases :  erc ,  signor vespa ,  ‘ that jerk ’
moody |  short-tempered |  emotionally unstable(!!) |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive  | paranoid  |  liar(!!)  | impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  | greedy  |  lazy  | judgmental  | forgetful | impulsive(!!) |  spiteful  | stubborn |  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  | absent-minded |  abusive  | addict(!!)  | aggressive |  childish  |  callous |  clingy |  delusional  | cocky  | competitive |  corrupt  |  cynical |  cruel  | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive |  lustful  | delinquent |  guilt complex  |  reclusive  | reckless |  nervous  | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful |  caring |  brave |  patient  | selfless | ambitious  | tolerant |  lucky  | intelligent |  confident(!!)  |  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  | wise  |  clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic |  decisive  | adaptive |  calm  |  protective  |  proud  |  diligent | considerate |  compassionate |  good sportsmanship  |  friendly  |  empathetic  |  passionate  |   reliable  |  resourceful  |  sensible  |  sincere  |  witty  |  funny
art  |  acting (technically)  |  astronomy  |  animals |  archery  |  sports  |  belly dancing  |  bird watching | blacksmithing  |  boating  |  calligraphy  | camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing(!!!)  |  chess  |  music (moreso music enjoying)  |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  |  swordplay  |  fishing  |  gardening  |  ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic |  engineering  |  building  | inventing  | leather-working |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  | people watching  |   swimming  |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading | collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing  |  storytelling  |  writing  | traveling |  dancing | singing
tagged  by :  stole it tagging :  u
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evisconti · 3 years
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the   pining,   the   aching,   the   wishing,   and   hoping   ;   it's   what   you   whisper   to   yourself   under   the   cover   of   darkness   as   you   fall   asleep   thinking   of   them.   it's   the   text   you've   typed   out   and   deleted   before   sending   at   least   a   dozen   times.   it's   the   countless   pictures   of   them   you   have   of   them   on   your   phone,   the   home   screen   image   of   their   smile   that   you   know   will   give   you   away   the   next   time   they   jokingly   swipe   your   phone.   it   sits   restless   and   suffocating   at   the   back   of   your   throat.   rip   dude,   i   know   how   that   is.
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evisconti · 3 years
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bold what applies, italic what sometimes applies and strike what never applies feel free to add on!
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬.    being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laugh lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬.    tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breathes. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. running makeup. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫.    furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫.    wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline.  face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
𝐄𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.    constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying their tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
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evisconti · 3 years
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someone   hurts   you   or   pisses   you   off,   and   you   don't   do   anything.   at   first.   but   you   hold   that   feeling   of   rage   in   your   chest   for   weeks   after   the   fact,   acting   nice   but   silently   hating   their   guts,   pretending   like   all   is   forgiven   until   you   can   ruin   their   life   and   hurt   them   the   way   they   hurt   you.   it's   calculated.   but   when   you've   executed   your   revenge,   will   you   be   satisfied?
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evisconti · 3 years
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you   do   what   you   want   ,      when   you   want   ,      and   without   regard   for   the   law.      you   keep   yourself   out   of   jail   by   keeping   everyone   around   you   off   -   balance.      no   one   knows   what   you   want   ,      truly   ,      or   what   you   plan   to   do   with   all   this   power   you've   accumulated.      your   crimes   range   from      "   harmless   "      pranks   to   murder.      anything   for   a   good   laugh   ,      huh   ?      you   refuse   to   let   anyone   kill   you   ,      so   you   plan   out   your   own   disappearance.      its   a   great   spectacle   -   tickets   are   $10   dollars   per   person.      some   people   speculate   that   you've   died   ,      but   most   know   the   truth.      they   all   saw   you   escape   through   the   back   door.
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evisconti · 3 years
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today  i  will  wear  my  WHITE  button  -  down i’m  tired  of  WANTING  MORE  .. i  think  i’m  FINALLY  WORN.
for  you  have  A  WAY  of  promising  things and  i’ve  been  a  forest  fire  , and  I  AM  a  forest  fire  , and  i  am  the  fire  and  i  am  the  forest and  i  am  a   WITNESS   watching  it i  stand  in  a  valley  watching  it
and    you’re    not    there    at    all.
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so  today  i  will  wear  my  WHITE  button  -  down i  can  at  least  be  NEAT  ,  walk  out  and  be   SEEN   as   CLEAN and  i’ll  go  to  WORK  and  i’ll  go  to  sleep and  ALL  OF  the  littler  things
i’ll  love  some  littler  things  ..
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evisconti · 3 years
the   feeling   is   creeping   in   slow it's      feeding      my      need      to   be   known and   giving   me   nothing   back   ,      heart   attack
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so   now   i’m   on   my   tip   toes trying   to   see      past      my   ego reaching   for   something   more   than this   feeling   of   being      important
leaving   my   heart   behind   ,      it's   bleeding but   still   my   pride   is   screaming my      future      will      listen      to      me listen      to      me      ,            listen      to      me
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will   i   always   know   this   divide   ? living      host      to   this      war      inside take   this   ghost   of   me   with   the   tide   to   die and   release   my   heart   to   come   alive   .
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