#*'s shipping shenanigans
chiquilines · 1 year
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Redraw of a comic i made a year ago for the villain!fuyumi AU!!
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Transmasc NSFW
Imagine your F/O putting you into a mating press. Your thighs held down by their hips, their hands holding onto yours. Them peppering kisses all over your face while you take their cock so good, so deep.
P.ro/c.om shippers fuck off. Read my DNI before interacting.
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
Taiga: okay, I know you're mad, but before you say anything, yes, I screwed up.
Taiga: and yes, you warned me.
Taro: . . .
Taiga: and yes I don't know where I'm going with this. but I do know this—I have reached the end of my sentence.
Taro and Hiroyuki: *facepalms*
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starlit-seadragon · 2 days
Day 19 - Taken
The Eorzean Alliance is yet young, though it has many allies.
Some of them are a little closer than others expected.
Set early post-SB
WC: 1453
Rated F for fluff?
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My FFXIV Write Masterpost here.
Nanamo was the first to notice.
Had she not been seated next to Lord Aymeric, she might have missed the exchange entirely. Though the mountains in which Ala Mhigo were tucked cooled the air significantly, the day was still hot. For their privacy, the doors of the meeting room had been closed, but the windows remained open, curtains billowing lazily in the desperately-needed breeze. Outside the palace, far enough away that they could not hear, people milled about, performing various tasks.
Beside her, Lord Aymeric straightened suddenly and looked away from the conversation. Nanamo fought the urge to stare. She had not considered the present topic to be an offensive one, but perhaps there was a cultural difference with Ishgard that she was not aware of. She had a mind to inquire about it afterwards─and then watched him break into a radiant smile that was gone from his lips a moment latee but remained in his eyes.
Curious, Nanamo followed his line of sight.
Out the window, the Warrior of Light was walking past. When she caught Nanamo's eye, she waved. Nanamo waved a small hand back.
On her other side, Raubahn leaned forward.
"I must apologize, Your Grace, for not being engaging enough company to keep your focus," he teased.
"Your apology is accepted, Raubahn," Namao replied archly. "Pray rest assured you have my full focus─I merely chanced to espy our friend Shirayume through the window and was returning her greeting."
The other Alliance leaders turned in their seats to peer out the window. Now red-cheeked and smiling apologetically, Shirayume waved to them all. The leaders of the Alliance returned the gesture.
"Perhaps a short respite is called for" Kan-E suggested. "We have been in council for an extended period─a little fresh air and movement might do us good."
The group assented, agreeing to return at the next bell. Slowly, they rose, stretching and making small talk. Nanamo remained in her seat. Raubahn stood just behind his.
"Do you mean to remain here, Your Grace?"
"For a time, I think. I'll follow soon, Raubahn. I'd like to walk the garden. Pray take your leave."
"I should be glad to join you, Your Grace, when you do."
Nanamo smiled. "Then I shall meet you there shortly, my friend."
With that, he quit the room. Nanamo sat back in her seat and sighed. Though the long hours could be wearying, to have so many in the Alliance warmed her heart; these meetings gave her far less headache than did those of the Syndicate. With a prolonged yawn, she hopped down from her seat and rubbed her eyes.
Upon opening them, she noticed the Warrior of Light was still outside the window.
As was Lord Aymeric.
Shirayume beamed up at him, and he mirrored the expression as he spoke. She listened attentively, almost enrapt, one arm crossed over to hold the other, tail swaying gently back and forth. He was inclined towards her, bent slightly at the waist, lessening the distance between them. They did not touch as they spoke, but they stood so near to one another that a breeze could have pushed them into each other's arms.
Nanamo blinked, breath caught. She could not remember when she had last seen Shirayume smile so.
Footsteps announced someone's approach.
"Your Grace?" Raubahn asked. "Forgive me if I've disturbed you; I just wanted to see if you were all right."
Evidently, she'd been standing here longer than she thought.
Raubahn approached her, looking to where her attention had been focused. When he caught sight of the pair outside, he inhaled sharply.
Eyes still on them, he asked in a low voice, "Do you think they're...?"
"Without a doubt," Nanamo confirmed, turning her gaze back towards them.
"I must admit to some surprise. I never would have expected such a match."
Nanamo looked up at him. "No? Whyever not?"
Raubahn scratched his chin. "It feels somewhat foolish to say aloud, but given how long Ishgard had been absent from the Alliance, I expected it would take a longer period of time for them to 'warm to us,' so to speak."
Nanamo smiled. "They may still be warming to us, my friend. But I believe it quite apparent that Lord Aymeric has warmed to *her.*"
They did not hear other Alliance leaders approach until Merlwyb spoke behind them, "Well. That certainly explains the Grand Melee."
"Do you suspect it has been going on since then?" Kan-E murmured.
"For such a strong affection? It must have begun well before."
Kan-E nodded, brow pinched. "He seems quite taken with her."
"Can you fault him for it?" Merlwyb asked. "She has a way of disarming shuttered hearts."
"Has he the shuttered heart, or is it Ishgard who possesses it?"
"Well," Lyse drew out the word as she reached the group and joined their observation. Her cheeks widened with her grin. "I see their time apart has done very little to change their feelings for one another."
Nanamo, Raubahn, Merlwyb, and Kan-E all turned to look at her as one. The grin dropped off Lyse's face. A flush spread over her cheeks.
"...I don't suppose you could pretend you didn't hear that."
After a moment, Kan-E touched a hand to her chest. "Did they intend to conceal it indefinitely?"
Lyse huffed out a laugh. "Only from themselves. There's nothing happening between them. At least, I don't think there is. Though... Yume didn't really talk about what happened during their camping trip..."
"Camping trip?" The group echoed, brows raised.
A tense silence followed.
"Oh gods," Lyse muttered. She cleared her throat and raised her hands, fingers splayed in defense. Her eyes darted wildly between them.
"Look, it's really none of our business, is it?"
Merlwyb crossed her arms. "Ordinarily, I would agree. In this case, however, there is somewhat more at stake. The star can ill-afford its champion playing favorites."
Lyse's voice was hard and sharp as a blade. "She wouldn't. You know she wouldn't."
The silence that descended smothered like the heat.
Lyse scoffed. Her hands clenched at her sides "Has she ever given you cause to doubt her before? What of when she was an adventurer based in Gridania? Did she play favorites then?"
The other leaders exchanged a look.
"She did not," Kan-E conceded, slow and even-toned, "but this situation does not quite compare."
Lyse shook her head. "I don't believe this."
"Mistress Hext is right," Nanamo interjected. "We ought to trust in our friends and allies. We are all of us adults. Since Ishgard's rejoining of the Eorzean Alliance, Lord Aymeric has been naught but a staunch ally."
"A little before that, even," Raubahn admitted.
"And that aside," she continued, "Shirayume deserves our confidence in her. As our friend and hero, we owe her the benefit of the doubt."
Kan-E, Raubahn, and Merlwyb looked to the floor. Lyse leaned against the window sill.
"And... just look at her," Lyse said softly.
They did. Aymeric spoke with animation, and in response Yume laughed so heartily that a few other people around them turned to look.
"Even if it doesn't go anywhere..." Lyse said. "The Twelve know there's been enough misery lately... we can afford them a little bit of happiness, can't we? Just a little."
She threw them an imploring look. They acquiesed with tight smiles. Nanamo met Lyse's eyes with open regard.
"We should certainly make an effort to," Nanamo agreed. Lyse returned her smile.
The bell struck then.
All in the meeting room turned towards the open window to find Aymeric and Shirayume, looking back at them with disquiet. Only Lyse had the presence of mind to duck to the side, out of sight.
Their gazes held a moment longer before Shirayume's lips moved inaudibly. Aymeric turned to look at her and then nodded stiffly before walking away. Shirayume turned in the opposite direction. She did not look back to the window.
Moments later, Aymeric reappeared in the meeting room's doorway. His face was a mask of composure, the only sign of his discomfiture the redness in his cheeks.
"Shall we proceed?" he asked calmly as he took his seat. Without another word, he took up a quill and scanned the parchment in front of him.
The other Alliance leaders remained standing, staring at one another.
Finally, in strode Lord Hien, whistling an airy tune. He stopped short as he took in the scene before him.
With a hint of confusion, he spoke, "I... trust all had a pleasant and refreshing recess?"
Nanamo chuckled as she retook her seat. "Some of us more than others, I expect."
Aymeric froze, quill mid-air. Lyse smirked.
"But pray," she said. "Let us return to business."
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star-critter · 2 years
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Why are so many of my ships like this??? I feel called out.
[/nm /rhe]
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Old men whose descriptions of their sons don't prepare you at all for what they're actually like (OR: "You're going to Starfleet academy and I don't want to hear another word about it!")
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mikurulucky · 4 months
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Making myself the taller one was a challenge since the taller person's clothing was intended to look like a male love interest. But Tochiro is shorter than me, so I figured it was more fitting to switch the usual roles here.
If anyone wants to make themselves and their f/o with this, here's the link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/399481
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dullahandyke · 4 months
and like sidenote if i can make a post with a target audience of zero. i feel like fhsy was to d20 what aa3 was to ace attorney but aa3 pulled it off better for reasons i cannot explain
#it is. the amatonormativity#^ guy who was REALLY pissed about the sandra lynn stuff#like yknow that bit in the first ep where brennan is like 'oh this drama is going down' and so like the pcs investigate it#probs bcos they think itll like kick off their new quest#and then it turns out to be like. petty romantic drama.#thats kind of a microcosm of the entire season for me#not to say there werent parts i liked (looks at the picture of baron i printed out and hung on my wall)#(and most of the leviathan stuff was brilliant and ayda is a role model for me)#but its all so tied up in the rest of that shit that i dont rlly wanna rewatch it the way ive rewatched fy 6+ times#likening this to aa3 bcos of the rlly noticeable uptick in romantic content in it compared to the rest of the trilogy#like prior to that all that rlly comes to mind is like. 2-3 and pearl's shipping shenanigans and larry existing#but in aa3 both mia and phoenix have past lovers who play big parts#theres a married couple theres tigre and viola (who sidenote i ENTIRELY missed as romantic my first playthru. i am dense)#there's the business with fawles#like it felt like romance played a large part in every case in aa3#where even when it came up in 1 + 2 it was usually ancillary (2-3 excepted but like. ppl regard that case as a fluke in most regards)#you COULD argue that maggey and adrian also inject some romantic presence in the story#but idk it just doesnt feel as central or prevalent as in aa3#like i saw a post abt adrian and celeste being cousins in the aa anime being not just the sailor moon 'best cousins' thing#but like. reinforcing the themes of familiar devotion as aa2's core. and that was rlly foundational to my understanding of the game#even tho its a change that comes from an adaptation#whereas you Couldnt make that change in aa3 without it changing A Lot of shit#where was i going with this. shrug.#the zelda and tracker relationship drama was entirely manufactured as punishing the pcs for not centering npcs#whose relationship issues were ancillary to the overarching plot they were focused on and which hadnt rlly been brought up beforehand#'why didnt gorgug call zelda :/' do u want zac to pause the kalina mystery to roleplay good relationship communication with the dm??#like its one thing looking at sy as a narrative but looking at it as a ttrpg campaign with limited time and a need to split character focus#i dont see what it did for the story besides give gorgug something to angst abt. didnt rlly feel like there was character growth or an arc#sigh. MANDATORY DISCLAIMER its been at least a year since i watched sy and longer before that since ive played aa3#but at the time my feelings were strong and have only calcified. romance as a theme in something not generally abt romance
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Okay, but Latino Fang HC meets Fimic|Mimack dynamic be like :
Fang saying "I love you" in Spanish to Mimic because he's aware that Mimic doesn't know much spanish and is taking advantage of that to express his feelings for him without actually confessing.
Every time Mimic tries to ask Fang what he's saying, he dodges the question, lmao
[ /silly ]
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anoddopal · 10 months
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Rescue effort at Im.pel Down! But what’s this— a detour further into the depths of hell? It seems Silva’s pet lapin Stratus has an agenda of her own: she’s on the hunt for bigger game. 🪝 🐊
Ft. @mothlover69’s sona, Jinx!
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piketrickfeet · 4 months
Critical Role!
The first character I first fell in love with: I wanna say Pike, but probably Vax lol The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Scanlan The character everyone else loves that I don’t: there are still tiberius stans? The character I love that everyone else hates: love the delilahs or whatever their name was The character I used to love but don’t any longer: this is not something that happens The character I would totally smooch: keyleth The character I’d want to be like: pike The character I’d slap: taryon A pairing that I love: vax/keyleth but mostly polymachina A pairing that I despise: no
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dragonfruitghosts · 4 months
I really need to post more about my selfship stuff
the issue is that I am full of anxiety for no good reason
I’ll probably get to posting most of my s/i’s at some point unless the ship involves fictionkin shenanigans then at that point I’m kinda fucked lmao
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TW // Mentions of abuse, violent F/O (not towards you)
Imagine your F/O cradling you in their arms, promising to protect you. Imagine them holding you close and promising to destroy your abusers. Imagine them cuddling you to sleep... and then safely leaving you sleeping, cuddled in blankets and their scent... to make good on their promises.
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selfshippingtrinity · 2 years
Imagine sitting on your f/o's lap while tongue kissing them 😳
• dont tag this as ns/fw btw
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
Sawyer Brothers Takeover
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The ask box is now open to Bill Sawyer (that's me) and my cousins, Bubba, Drayton, and the twins, Chop-Top & Nubbins!
Feel free to ask us anything you're curious about, from family dynamics to our favourite things!
A brief description of each family member:
🍳 Drayton is the oldest brother, the head of the household, and the cook. He is often crabby, bossy, and stressed out, but best assimilates into the general public, besides Bill. He also handles all of the family's finances, so he's the only one (again, besides Bill) who is largely literate in English and math.
📷 Nubbins & Chop Top are the middle brothers. Nubbins is usually the one who draws in victims to be slaughtered. His hobbies include photography and craft-making, like his brother Bubba. He is energetic and unpredictable, and is often causing trouble with his twin. Him and Chop get on Drayton's nerves the most.
💿 Chop-Top is Nubbins' twin. His interest is in music and fashion, he loves to sneak out and steal records. He also has a habit of stealing signage and graffitiing the town. Much like his twin, he is also loud, energetic, and outgoing.
🥩 Bubba is the youngest brother and the butcher, the one who slaughters the victims brought in by Nubbins and Chop-Top. As he is the biggest, Drayton is often relying on him to do manual work around the house/farm. He is, overall, well-meaning to those who are not to be slaughtered. He is often misunderstood and bullied by his family members, usually Drayton but the twins can't help from picking on him from time to time either. He is closest with his cousin Bill. He is a creative soul who takes what isn't eaten and turns it into crafts, i.e. furniture. He owns and cares for several chickens and a pig he won at the fair.
☠️ Bill is the brothers' cousin from the city. He moved in with them, feeling bad about them dealing with the droughts out in the country, and quickly adapted to their precise appetite. He doesn't talk much about his life in the city and is the most rebellious family member. While Chop-Top is definitely the stand-out of the brothers, he's usually content to conform to Drayton's rules if it keeps him from getting the broom. Bill actively fights Drayton's rules and wants to educate the younger brothers to be on the same level as him. While him and Drayton often spat, at the end of a long day they can manage to see eye to eye.
The takeover will last from now (roughly 1:00pm CT, 6/10) to 4:00pm CT 6/10, and may resume tomorrow at the same time. Y'all play nice now, y'hear?
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star-critter · 1 year
Incorrect Fimic / Mimack quotes because I'm bored.
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Incorrect Quote Generator
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