riverofrainbows · 11 months
Rewatching Wynonna Earp and. Wynonna just slept with Doc just out in the woods presumably without condoms, and. Girl you're gonna catch 19th century tripper or whatever else was going around back then. And i know Doc has his deal but it just means he won't die or be sick not that he is cured of all the 100 yo wild west STIs that man probably has collected over the years.
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talas-first-lady · 4 days
Additional Wynonna Earp Vengeance thoughts
This is going to be all the spoilers. You have been warned.
First of all, things that brought me a lot of joy:
The first scene up until things went bad. Nedley. Mercedes. Being buddies. Everything Mercedes was wearing including her monogrammed fanny pack of fishing lures.
Mercedes being like “the face. Kill me if you must but do not harm the face.” And hey, props to Mina for listening?
Bunny Loblaw cameo. The woman just gets better every time.
Any and all Wayhaught physical activity.
The entire Wynonna and Doc intro in Tombstone. That was just pure 100% Wynonna perfection.
“No we will NOT be redoing those stairs. They are very important to me for reasons.” - Nicole Haught
Every comment from Wynonna about how drunken brawling is actually precisely what Mercedes would have wanted at her wake (although I think Mercedes would have wanted more male strippers tbh).
I am typing this as I walk my dogs and we just passed a gold penis-shaped piece of confetti on the sidewalk outside a bar. Mercedes Gardner: never truly gone.
There was some quality Earp sister time that I did enjoy although it was slightly off (see Waverly discussion).
I am very much not up on current music so I didn’t get 100% of the references but Doc talking to Waverly about Megan Thee Stallion is what I came for.
Wistful comment about friend from Arizona. Thank you, Doc. Sorry your new bf was a tool.
The conversation between Wynonna and Nedley at the cemetery was perfect and should have happened years ago.
The fact that no one for a moment doubted that the three people Wynonna loves most are Waverly, Alice… and Nicole. I will be a Wynnaught shipper till the day I die.
Wynonna going to hell was pretty badass.
Nedley hitting hellhounds with his truck.
No pyramid schemes!
Now for the complaints.
At no point did they convince me that Mina was actually worse than all the demons they’ve faced before. Really? Sure, she doesn’t follow Revenant rules, but they’ve dealt with Bulshar. She does not remotely compare.
I also didn’t really buy the backstory stuff: Wynonna trying to impress a bunch of mean girls by summoning a demon for them? Taking them to the homestead at all? None of that felt true to her. I also don’t know why the group home girls were just suddenly back in Purgatory. (Also Dawson’s Freaks is the STUPIDEST.)
I think maybe Mina would have worked with a full season of build-up, but this was just not enough time.
I’m really pissed off about Mercedes surviving everything just to be murdered as a plot device. I love her, ok? She deserves better.
I am less pissed about Doc because I think they handled it decently - one last epic shootout, burying him in the spot where he wanted to raise Alice, the symmetry with burying Dolls (on the same hill, I think?), letting him come to terms with aging and dying. But it was so unnecessary. And so rushed: we never got to see anyone’s reaction but Wynonna’s (and Jeremy’s wildly out of character non-reaction). He was such an important character and we never got to say goodbye properly.
Not enough Jeremy.
Nicole’s attitude towards Wynonna up until that big don’t tell Waverly moment just made me so sad. I love their dynamic. I don’t know what happened.
In general, it felt like Nicole majorly backslid.
Biggest problem, though: Waverly. And I’m going to be upfront here and say that I was never as enamored with Waverly as a lot of people are. But I did like her and this didn’t feel like Waverly.
I think it’s fantastic that Dom has come out and become more comfortable in their skin and that they didn’t force them back in the girly Waverly box for this.
But I think they changed too much. Physically, the hair, the nose ring, the tattoos, the wardrobe choices (the wifebeater? The bolo tie?). But there was also her behavior. Jumping into a bar fight aggressively after relatively minor provocation was a lot. There was nothing of the light, bubbly Waverly left aside from a craft room. It just felt like part of her died. Like something happened over those 5 years that traumatized her worse than the stuff we actually witnessed. And Nicole being so unconcerned about it.
Anyway, that’s most of it?
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valleydean · 1 month
who are your top 5 doc holliday performances?
ooooh. okay. buckle up, buttercups.
5. Tim Rozon - Wynonna Earp (many of you will be shocked he's on this list. i am also shocked by it.) (superrrrrr inaccurate history which makes me only able to watch this show in small doses, and i have often screamed "what the fuck are you doing" at my tv, but tim seems to absolutely love doc and takes the role soooo seriously, and for that i am eternally grateful to him and i respect his hustle with what he's given)
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4. Peter Breck - Maverick (he was only in a handful of episodes but my god did he put his entire chest into that role. one of the funniest and probably theeeee sexiest portrayals of doc)
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3. Cesar Romero - Frontier Marshal, 1939 (entirely inaccurate movie but he introduced me to doc for the very first time so i'll always be fond of him. also the first person to portray doc on screen, so give it up for the OG)
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2. Douglas Fowley/Myron Healey - Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (together, they make a damn near perfect Doc Holliday. special shout out to mr healey for all that cuntiness, the sheer homoeroticism, and for letting the ghost of doc holliday take over his vessel for 13 episodes and 13 episodes ONLY because he was too powerful for anything more. i am in his debt.)
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Val Kilmer - Tombstone (king. scholar. gentleman. is there truly another contender in this fight?) (when no one got me, i know val kilmer got me) (probably my only real complaint is that they didn't let val stay blonde) (10/10 rewrote my brain chemistry)
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girl4music · 4 days
It just occurred to me that WayHaught had sex in Wynonna’s old bedroom because they turned her bedroom into a craft room. That’s kind of hilarious.
But then again - they’ve likely had sex all over the house because they tend to just go at it anywhere.
Mel was like “change it up - go outside and do it for once. Me and Doc do.” And Kat was like “we have class.” Sure. So much class. There’s not a single room or square area in that home that you and Waverly haven’t fucked in. Off the top of my head Haught…
Willa’s room. The kitchen. The hallway. The stairs.
Obviously your own bedroom. The Homestead barn.
Now Wynonna’s bedroom (aka - now a craft room).
If someone were to draw an interior diagram of that entire home, I bet you every single square area of it was christened by WayHaught sex at some point. 😂
And on those nights with Waverly working the police dispatch… and the Sheriff working overtime, I am very sure that they did more than make out in that office.
Class my ass, Kat. WayHaught are pretty crazy too.
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gabsword · 4 days
Little rant about Wynonna Earp: Vengeance.
I am someone who has a deep love and nostalgia for this show, it was a really important part of my coming out and discovering myself journey etc and I can honestly say I was obsessed with Wynonna Earp. With that in mind I did genuinely quite enjoy Vengeance and I’m so happy to see all the characters again so any of my criticisms are with that love in mind. That being said there were quite a few choices that frustrated me that I have to get off my chest.
Lowkey afraid to post this because I know so much of the fandom think Wynonna Earp is immune to any criticism (read: the whole racism debacle).
Also I’m sure a lot of my criticisms could also be levied at the show itself but tbh I haven’t rewatched it since it came out so I’d have to rewatch it and put on my critical brain.
1. I think the more the show puts Mercedes through the wringer the less of an impact it has. As awful as it sounds I kinda wish something happening to one of the other characters (eg. Nicole) but not necessarily death, could’ve been the catalyst. (I’m less strongly opinionated on this point I just thought it’s worth mentioning.)
2. I though the fight choreography was pretty shit, I felt absolutely no stakes during the hell hound attacks.
3. This might be a controversial opinion, but I think there WASN’T ENOUGH fan service. Considering this is a reunion almost entirely aimed at fans on a random-ass streaming service, intended to lean in to fans nostalgia. Unless I’ve missed it they only mentioned Dolls once (quite subtly and they mention Bunny Fucking Loblaw more than him) never mentioned Rosita, Robin, Chrissy, Rachel Valdez, Kate etc etc and again I might have missed this but they didn’t even mention Julian??? Glad Jeremy showed up at the end though
These next three are the most egregious in my opinion.
4. WHY TF DID THEY MAKE WYNONNA A COP??? It makes no fucking sense for her character. So much of her character arc is about distancing herself from her father and making her own path then she follows in his footsteps???? If they wanted to give her a job to show she was settling into the Purgatory community and still on the look out for demons she could have I don’t know, been a Park Ranger or a PI or literally anything else. Like I get that she has people she trusts and loves on the force in Nicole and formerly Randy but this still doesn’t make sense to me and feels like more copaganda than the show already has.
5. Wtf does Emily Andras have against Wynonna being happy with her child. At the very least even if it was unsafe for Alice to live with Wynonna they could show her visiting her and forming a relationship (which she so desperately wants). It also feels like a disservice to Doc to not follow that up. I wish the ending had been Wynonna sitting with Alice and telling her about Doc instead of just ‘hey welcome to the force! Congrats!’
6. Considering the show has such limited representations of First Nations peoples (I’m struggling to think of any), the only Native American character being a demon feels dodgy af to me. But that alone could theoretically be talked out of as ‘there are demons of every race’. Ok, then WTF would you have your main character making fun of the Native characters calling her ancestor a coloniser??
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spyridonya · 2 months
Lots of People You Want to Know Better
I was tagged by @arendaes, @yunessa, and @dujour13!
Three ships:
I'm going for canon ships! Even if I love my OCs, I don't want anyone to feel left out!
Clarice Starling/Hannibal Lecter - NOT THE TV SERIES!! Regardless of Hannigram aside, Clarice would probably stab TV!Hannibal five thousand times for the shit he pulled on every woman in that damn show. But in the books and in the movies? Their angst an UST is absolutely fantastic and treating down the Good Girl trope in Hannibal the novel is excellent in it's problematic glory.
Dispater/Erecura - Pathfinder did the funniest damn thing and made a goddamn Hades/Persephone love story. No, listen. Dispater is the Roman adaption of Hades. Erecura was an association for Proserpina, the Roman adaption for Persephone. They meet through work after Erecura is a goddamn badass and gets booted to hell, have a casual romance, and get married, and he is absolutely smitten with her. This isn't head canon, Paizo goes 'HE SINCERELY LOVES HIS WIFE'.
Nicole Haught/Waverly Earp - No, Wynonna and Doc Holliday were not the main romantic ship. It was Nicole and Waverly. It was love that began with flirting and grew, and grew, Nicole and Waverly overcame so goddamn much together and was the glue that kept everyone sane. Also, they were hot. Really hot. Oh my gosh were they hot.
Last Song:
RIELL - Wrecking Ball (Original Lyrics)
Last Movie:
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once - My second time seeing it but I wanted to watch it with my dad. The vibe fits.
Currently Reading:
Authority – Jeff VanderMeer
This is the toughest book in the Area X series, with Annihilation being the most accessible (Acceptance is a pretty accessible read but you need to get through Authority to not get overly lost). However, it's a great audiobook and it has two of the most horrific moments I've read in a while. The plot is good, but the way how it's written means you need to pay attention, and reading along with audio is absolutely worth it.
Currently Watching:
I've got so many series, but I'm trying some older TV series. Person of Interest has been my favorite so far due to Michael Emerson being opposite of what he is in Evil.
Currently Eating:
Nothing at the moment, but dinner should be pasta.
Currently Craving:
Jeans and cheesecake.
Favorite Color:
Favorite Flavor:
Lavender has recently become my favorite.
Current Obsession:
Baldur's Gate 3, though WotR isn't too far behind.
Last thing I googled:
'middle ages trapping'
Favorite season:
Mid-Fall, when the weather is nice and not ruining my skin, when it's not too cold, and there's a few fun holidays making the time go quicker!
Skill I’d like to learn:
I'd love to get back into painting and one day I want to take an anatomy class for drawing so I can do something other than portrait.
Best advice:
"Compete against yourself, not against others."
I am tagging (with no pressure!) - @chaosteddybear, @cassynite, @amatres, @tenmillionbees, @serenbach86 - Though if you've already done this, I wouldn't mind a link to see!
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hatchetsfield-arch · 4 months
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name: sydney
height: 4’11 and a half …. aND A HAL—
nickname / s: syd, pidge, beans, scout, roo, miss day, girl abed ( & grace, which is used sarcastically 💀 )
nationality: american
favourite fruit: bananas
favourite season: 🍁🍂🎃✨fall✨🎃🍂🍁 same as what my disabilities love making me do oop—
favourite scents: fresh laundry, campfire, old books, pumpkin+cinnamon , watermelon, toasted marshmallows, pine
favourite animals: PIGEONS, cats (ESP black cats), crows, rats, mourning doves & manatees!
tea, coffee, hot cocoa: hot choccy all the way
average hours of sleep: honestly there is no average it varies WILDY, like 5-11 depending on the day being chronically ill is fun
when my blog was created: beware the ides of march
# of followers: 102
random fact: i am a contralto profundo, meaning i have the same vocal range as a male tenor!!! it’s also one of the rarest voice types in the world!
favourite food: mozzarella sticks
favourite t.v. shows: this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface but the tops are — the nanny, bob’s burgers, schitt’s creek, cunk on earth, fleabag, wynonna earp, dead to me & hot in cleveland!
favourite movie: scream (i was named after sidney prescott, it can’t not be my favorite movie)
sexuality: i like the wine not the label (aka: pansexual)
pronouns : she / her though i maaay or may not be considering going by she / they / he
favourite book series: once a warrior cats kid always a warrior cats kid 🙃
favourite video game/s: ACNH, nintendogs, FNAF, pokemon brilliant diamond & mystery dungeon, deltarune
favourite subject: i can’t pick just one so theatre, english, history & psychology!
guys or girls: gals (& bears)
last time I cried: like a day or two ago haha oops schwoopsie
what I should be doing: writing, sorting out doc appointments, learning more music theory & working in blender3D and resting
favourite fandoms: i gotta be honest fandoms shiver my timbers
tagged: kels!!! <3
tagging: @honeyedxhearts , @shadowedvales , @wwgcd , @witchwings , @nuks , @aur0ras , @daemondaes & you!!
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holyship-im30now · 5 days
As happy as I am to have them back, majorly disappointed in the movie 😔
Spoilers under the cut
Mercedes is apparently no longer a vampire???
Mercedes and Jeremy only get like 2 minutes of screen time??
The villain is not Eve??
No one even mentions Rachel or Eve or the garden or anything from S4 AT ALL??
Why haven't they brought Alice home?? All this talk about money to buy a home? THEY HAVE A HOME
Poor Doc just wants to settle down :(
The teen Wynonna plot honestly didn't make sense
Nedley acknowledged that Ward and Willa were horrible people and then told Wynonna "You're your father's daughter" ??? like WTF
Waverly seems OOC to me? More like Dom, less like Waverly?
The idea that Nicole is "holding Waverly back" is trash
They did a terrible job of hiding Kat's pregnancy
Too much cursing tbh
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abandonededen · 4 days
❛  are  you  sure  you’re  okay ?  ❜ from wynonna for doc?
𝑺����𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑫 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑯 𝑨 𝑳𝑬𝑨𝑫 𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺 - accepting!
‘ are you sure you're okay ? ’
time seems to slow to a crawl as those words reach him, barely audible over the rush of blood in his ears. oh, he is FAR more than simply ‘ okay, ’ if only he had the words for it. “ i am . . . simply sublime, ” he answers, each word a bit heavier, a bit slower, than the last. he knows what's coming ( and it has been a long time coming ) even if wynonna doesn't yet. and he is at peace with it. after all, doc holliday died a long time ago . . . and this time, well, he can't think of a better cause worth dying for than family, his family.
his breath hitches as he goes to take a step, and stumbles, the ground rushing to meet him as he falls to his knees in the frigid snow. his spirit may remain fierce as ever, but his body is beginning to fail him. “ it'll be -- ” a pause, a breath, “ all right, wynonna. ” his girls are safe. that's all that matters.
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telumendils · 2 years
it's been six years and i'm still so mad about the way wynonna earp handled wynonna's pregnancy in s2. like it was honestly some of the laziest, most misogynistic writing i've ever seen on tv and it drives me insane how some of the writers framed it like they'd done something revolutionary just by having a pregnant lead in their action show. as if they didn't write it in a way that completely stripped the character of all agency and choice in the matter.
and listen: i am glad they didn't force melanie to hide her pregnancy while shooting season two when she wasn't comfortable doing that! i'm glad she was able to continue working while pregnant in the way that was best for her body and emotional wellbeing. i'm happy the people in charge went out of their way to accommodate her needs.
but my god, do i hate the way they wrote her pregnancy into the show. it's so badly done and plays into some of the worst, most problematic scifi/fantasy tropes out there.
it's a mystical pregnancy because the family curse needs wynonna to reproduce so there will always be another heir. she doesn't even get to decide how/when to share the news, if at all, with the people in her life because some other magic puts her to sleep and accelerates time so she wakes up very obviously 8 months along, a plot point that also takes away the option of abortion. (not that i think it would've been necessarily ethical to make a pregnant person act out an abortion plot, just that they could've let the character decide against it instead of taking the choice away from her entirely.)
in one episode, her personality does a weird turn where she suddenly starts behaving like a housewife, cooking dinner for doc and caring about what happens to her throw pillows. which isn't to say there's anything inherently wrong with being a housewife or caring about your home's interior design, only that it makes zero sense for this particular character to suddenly show an interest in these things just because she's pregnant now.
to be honest, i don't even know what they could've done differently to make this better. i'm sure they were pressed for time and they had to do something where it made sense for wynonna's character to be visibly pregnant on the show so melanie wouldn't have to hide it. it's possible there was no way to write this that i wouldn't have found supremely uncomfortable to watch.
because ultimately, i did not want to watch this deeply traumatized character be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, and that's exactly what the narrative did to her. wynonna does not want to be pregnant! she's using two forms of birth control in her effort to avoid it and she weeps in her sister's arms when it becomes clear she'll have to go through with it. i guess we're meant to believe she comes to terms and embraces the idea of motherhood by the end of the season, but i just don't buy that.
i would've preferred to wait an extra year for s2 than have them derail wynonna's character arc so thoroughly so early on in the show, but i realize that's not necessarily realistic from a tv production standpoint. it just bothers me so much that they took a character whose sense of autonomy is already so complicated by trauma and decided to strip it away entirely by putting her through a mystical pregnancy.
and i'm supposed to find it empowering because pregnant action girl.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Thank you so much, Winter, this is so kind 💜
I am, sadly, my own worst critic, so it's hard to pick and yet I have surpassed the limit of 5 with some I actually like!
Hold Me Till It Sleeps (Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton/Eliza Hamilton)
It starts with a bottle of cough syrup, and the flatline of a heart monitor
(angsty hamilton fic, but I recently reread it and it kinda holds up!)
when the earth met the sky (the 100, clarke/lexa)
She closes her eyes.
Lexa would have wanted that dignity.
She closes her eyes and then she leaves.
Post Thirteen, Clarke burns with hate and remembers Lexa.
(I don't think I'll ever do better than this one. It is by far the darkest thing I've ever written, and honestly still my fave, even after I moved on from the Clexa fandom)
regret takes hold (we grow old) (Riverdale, Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones)
It's been seven years, and they're as good as strangers. But when family calls, Betty, Jughead, Archie and Veronica answer. As they come back to Riverdale, they find themselves tied up in a new mystery, much more personal than it seems. The investigation will take all four of them on a journey, and old feelings rise to the surface.
Could they even find their way back into each other's arms, or is it too late?
(A monumentous achievement: I finished a multichapter plot fic!)
until then (listen for her song) (Riverdale, Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones)
His breath comes in fast pants that have nothing to do with the chill in the air. He doesn’t understand it, but he does not allow himself to think of anything but when he will see her next.
Soon. Soon, he’ll hear her laugh. God, he loves her laugh.
After an accident, Jughead learns to survive.
(again, the darkest things I write are my faves. This one I loved, and I still love)
i'm right up the road (i'll share your load)
Betty and Veronica meet when they are fifteen and have kissed within three days of meeting.
It’s such a radical departure from the pastel monotony of Betty’s days that she begins to mark her life into pre and post-Veronica.
(This was one of my non-romantic faves. It's a friendship love story, and I highly prefer it to the bullshit that is currently Beronica on screen.)
she is gone (but she used to be mine) (Wynonna Earp, Wynonna Earp/Doc Holliday)
Alice Michelle Earp is born on August 25th, 2017.
Her daughter is born in August, delivered by her sister, on a pool table at Shorty’s.
(You will notice a theme that Mom!Wynonna is my weakness and I needed this.)
life after life, age after age (forever) (The 100, Elyza Lex/Alysha Clark)
It would figure.
You think you should have expected it.
Not only was she right about reincarnation, you just happen to be reincarnated into another fucking apocalypse.
(I barely remember writing this one, but it apparently did very well? I think it's still one of my top ones for kudos and bookmarks)
a soft epilogue (Riverdale, Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones)
This is how the story goes.
Don’t pretend you didn’t know it was a story. It’s been a story since the beginning. Since their town, once wholesome and pure, woke up to the murder of Jason Blossom. Before then, even. It was a story, and this is the boy and the girl’s story. Betty and Jughead.
Two people. Children, teens, adults, against the world. They’re strangers, once. Then he breathes an “also,” and she weaves her fingers into his and their lives are never the same.
(This was a different style of writing, kind of an omniscient narrator, but I really liked it. We all needed some fluff.)
no one else is singing my song (Riverdale, Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones)
Betty loves Jughead. Betty hurt Jughead. But Betty swears she won't drag him down with this. He's going to do great things, and if she has to sit in the back of the metaphorical theatre to watch, and hold her tongue, she will.
(Multichapter but with less plot. First appearance of Georgina. The real Georgina, btw, is now 14. She is sweet, kind and smart. She is my desktop background and I miss her every day.)
the lion and the unicorn (NCIS:LA, Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks)
The lion beat the unicorn all around town...
(If you write what is essentially the same story for multiple fandoms, it's still not plaigarism, right?)
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strivia · 4 months
Gonna make this a big one—1, 2, 3, and 4 for Monk, DGHDA, Wearp, and D&DDads?
1. OTP?
Monk: It's gotta be Trudy/Adrian, lbr. Though I am also quite partial to Randy/Natalie. I just really enjoy their dynamic.
DGHDA: Honestly, I have more brotps for DGHDA than real ships. But my first thought for OTPs was Pantlas. I also like the idea of Tina/Farah.
Wearp: C'mon, you know me. It's Bobo/Jeremy. My little rarepair.
Dndads: YOU MAKE THE STRIV PICK? JAIL FOR RAE (I jest I jest) Listen, I'm a rampant multishipper, but despite not having written anything for it explicitly I gotta go with my OG: ✨Glenn/Ron✨ But really all my Ron shipping includes Samantha in the polycule unless its AU significantly
2. OT3?
Monk: Reading one of the spinoff books really got me into the idea of Randy/Natalie/Sharona. I should really try and write/draw something for it. I HAD THOUGHTS™.
DGHDA: Hmmm, I did quite like the idea of Farah/Dirk/Todd back in the day. I feel like most of my poly DGHDA are actually bigger than OT3s.
Wearp: Wyndolliday truther tbqh. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN REAL. But more on brand for me Jeremy/Doc/Bobo and Jeremy/Doc/Wynonna do things for me. Also, unpopular opinion but listen, Rosita/Nicole/Waverly.
Dndads: Glondie!!! Aka Glenn/Ron/Jodie. The vibes are insane are you kidding me?
Tbqh, I'm not sure I have NoTPs for any of these fandoms in terms of ships I viscerally dislike? They're more in line for the next question. More often me disliking a ship is due to oversaturation?
That said, as far as dndads, ships with the omega daddies kinda squick me out. Glad people are having fun shipping them but no thank you, I do not want to think about it.
4. Is there a popular pairing you don’t necessarily dislike but aren’t too invested in?
Oh boy are there!! As stated above, I can get easily oversaturated with a popular ship I just don't care too much about.
Oakson (Darryl/Henry) just kinda lost appeal for me from oversaturation. It's fine, I get why people like it. Not personally seeking it out. I also think I harbor a bit of bitterness towards Glenn/Darryl/Henry, or polydads that doesn't include Ron. Which, objectively it's fine that people don't want to ship Ron, I know this. He can have a meaningful relationship with them regardless, but just *sighs*.
I also don't personally see Sharona/Monk.
Waverly/Nicole also has a bit of an oversaturation problem for me, where I like them, but I get a bit tired of it being such a large amount of the fancontent.
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copiouscouples · 8 months
Wynonna Earp Thoughts
So I've recently been rewatching Schitt's Creek. And I'm obviously reminded of how attractive Mutt is. Then, I remember seeing YouTube videos/Tumblr posts about him in Wynonna Earp - something called WynDoc. I go down a little internet rabbit hole for a couple hours. I google where I can stream it and lo and behold it's on Netflix. So I give it a try, but I don't think I'm going to continue it.
I am just a little baby chicken when it comes to horror. The last season of Stranger Things I could only watch during the day. I had to skip some scenes as I was watching Wynonna Earp. I know it was campy but it was still pretty gory.
As I did my research, I realized Wynonna and Doc were part of a love triangle with the FBI guy. This is never a trope I will enjoy. I tolerate it on comedies because it's usually not that deep but in dramas it can really ruin my enjoyment of a show (like with Grey's Anatomy).
Side Quibble: Why tag something under a ship name that has nothing to do with that ship? I had to sift through so much content that was irrelevant to the WynDoc storyline. It took twice as long as it should've to get a sense of their whole story.
While Doc Holliday is still hot and his character seems very amusing, I can't justify eye candy as the only reason to watch a show. I will watch a show for the romantic elements of it but after finding out what I did about the plot - I can't watch it for that reason either. I'm all about the whole once you meet The One - everyone else fades away (that's just my Cory and Topanga, Nathan and Haley, Bridgerton series loving heart). I don't like watching people play musical chairs with their partners as they try to avoid the one they're meant to be with. I'm very old-fashioned that way. If the genre was more my wheelhouse, I'd probably still watch it, but the plot just isn't doing it for me.
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melkyt · 2 years
Im a gal who loved Wynonna Earp and Doc Holiday
But i just watched SurrealEstate and did not at all recognize the actors being the same xd
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Anyway, he is so expressive with his features
I am going to do face studies xd
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girl4music · 5 months
DOC: “You had no right!”
WYNONNA: “I did what was right!”
DOC: “Right woulda been shooting that thing and us running for it.”
WYNONNA: “He wasn’t always a thing, Doc. And if I’m gonna keep killing them and not go crazy, I need more than revenge…”
DOC: “Goddammit, Wynonna! They’re bad people.”
WYNONNA: “So I just ignore they’re people at all?”
DOC: “I spent over 100 years in the dark, at the bottom of a dried-up old well. Do you know what thought I turned over and over in my head? What I lived on? The sheer knowledge that I would pay back the bitch that made me what I am. This monster.”
WYNONNA: “You’re not a monster.”
DOC: “But a lesser man than Fish. I saw her today. At least I think I did. And she… her power… I couldn’t.”
WYNONNA: “That’s why you stayed. Not to help us.”
DOC: “I staked that man out there. I knew what would happen to him and I staked him still. Even worse, I would stake every revenant in this world and most of the humans too if that’s what it takes to destroy Constance Clootie.”
WYNONNA: “Well, I need rules, Doc. A code. Otherwise I’ll end up just like you.”
DOC: “Oh, stop kidding yourself, Wynonna. You’re exactly like me.”
This whole conversation. Damn it’s deep. It’s probably one of my favourite character interactions in the entire show. And the fact that this is the interaction between Wynonna and Doc that makes them kiss and fuck for the first time. Oh,… it’s all so good and so well done!
There’s some very good writing in this show that really justifies the motivations and choices and actions of the characters. It’s like soap opera levels of drama but it’s like it gives you higher stakes and consequences.
That’s another reason why I love supernatural/fantasy so much. Because the melodrama just hits differently.
Here the attraction and desire between Wynonna and Doc is amped up because they’ve admitted they’re just like each other. They both have deep jagged edges that cut and saw and the pain is mutual.
Unhealthy, sure. But it is a way of finding a deeper connection beyond that attraction and desire and so it fuels the heat they feel for each other in the moment. You know, that sudden recognition of “You’re dark - just like me”, “You’re in pain - just like me”, “You’re lost - just like me”, “You’re an outsider - just like me.”
They’re very Spuffy-like actually. Except Buffy would have never offered Spike this much faith when he was soulless. And Wynonna and Doc are not exactly enemies-to-lovers but they have the same passionate but rocky rollercoaster of a journey to navigate through and overcome based on the type of people they are. And they’re virtually mirror reflections of each other. Anti-matter equivalents. That push-and-pullness to them where they’re so toxic to each other they shouldn’t be good for each other. But that’s exactly what makes them work. The fact that they shouldn’t because they’re naturally opposed. Now Doc was always supposed to be on the same side but due to the brutality and cruelty he was dealt by Bulshar and Constance, and the rejection by Wyatt, it made sense that he chose to stand on the other side initially but then grew to love his crazy found family once again. They always were meant to stand together as heroes rather than against each other as enemies.
And how you know that’s 100% true is because they do a 180 at the end of the show and it really hits because by that point it was Wynonna that was shut off and shut down to the power of love and forgiveness. That was driven by vengeance and violence and that had to open her heart to Doc.
I’m so SO glad Andras chose to play it that way. To have her chase after him instead of the other way around even if that does seem like she’s desperate. Because she had already proven that her vulnerability didn’t outweigh her power or make it seem less than. If anything - it did the opposite. Made her even more. And I loved that so much. I really fucking loved that!
She’s always been the black sheep of society and of her family. So has he. And that’s why they worked. Something that you would think would not work at all because it’s contradictory is what makes those jagged little pieces not only fit - but also function together. When you find that deeper connection - as mad or bizarre as it might be - it’s still a deeper connection and it will still tell a deep and beautiful TV love story.
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the-random-factor · 3 years
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