#*I think it's just great luck that quite a few of their concerts were professionally shot and are available to watch online AND
This is just a personal ramble about some of the bands I've gotten kinda deeply into over the past few years.
I feel like my experience of becoming a fan of Big Country is right in-between my experience of becoming a Pearl Jam fan and becoming a Sleater-Kinney fan, which is weird, I know, but I can explain: when I first started listening to Pearl Jam, over the first few months I slowly listened to their first three albums, and then it took me at least a year (actually, I think it was practically exactly two years) after that to listen to anything else by them, but I listened to those first three albums (the songs I liked on them, anyway - which has generally not changed) consistently for that entire time and stubbornly did not feel the need to listen to anything else by them or become a bigger fan; when I started listening to Sleater-Kinney, I think it took me only a couple months or so to exhaust their discography (and then of course I got the chance to see them live just a little over a year later; BUT WITHOUT JANET, WHICH I AM STILL SAD AND SALTY ABOUT even though the show was still great), and since finally giving them a chance in 2018 I've continued to listen to them on a frequent basis (although this year, I think I've only listened to them about 6 times a month, whereas for 2018-2022 I listened to them on a weekly basis...now it's slightly less than that, but when I do go to listen to them again I go 'oh wait fuck, I gotta hear...' hence the less than weekly basis, but still more than only a few times a month); now, as I'm discovering Big Country (discography, history, band members), I think it's been like 7-8 months or so since I listened to their first album, and I've only listened up to their fifth album as of today, but I'm, once again, consistently listening to their first three albums anyway. Like, this is not a speedrun like with S-K, but it's not quite the slow acclimation I took to Pearl Jam with, either...I don't know what it is yet. But I'm still very, very content to just listen to Big Country's first three albums, so maybe I'll hold off on listening to any others for awhile, although I am also (differently from many other bands and artists I get into) really enjoying watching some of their '80s concerts* that are on Youtube, so...yeah, maybe I'll just be content with that for a bit. Or maybe I'll get into them even more soon! I don't know. I'm just posting this here for posterity, because it's interesting to me what happens when I become a fan of someone new to me.
One last add-on...I also just realized that my fandom trajectory might actually be explained by these simple ideas: as far as I've heard so far, in my mind, Pearl Jam and Big Country became 'worse' (less exciting/innovative) as time wore on, so maybe I did and am kind of dragging out my experience of listening to their music because I consciously already know that and want to stave off the disappointment longer, but Sleater-Kinney got progressively better as they released more albums (and No Cities to Love, their "comeback" album after breaking up/being on hiatus, is one of their best in their whole discography) up until The Center Won't Hold (although I love that album), so I had to keep listening to more of their albums to hear the best stuff.
Huh. Haha. What an interesting thing to realize/think about. Thank god almost no one is going to read that because I really don't want anon hate for saying PJ or BC got worse or how I effectively compared them to S-K and that I am overall suggesting that S-K is better than either of them. lol A conversation I'm sure no one is ready to have! So neither am I!
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Hey There Delilah
Ivar x Slightly Deaf! Reader
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
This is a special reward for @xbellaxcarolinax​​ for having bought me a Ko-Fi!
I thoroughly apprecciate your support with every small cells in my body and I hope that you’ll at least enjoy this! It is rather a small thought for your nice gesture, but I hope that I was able to convey what you asked me to write!
Have a lovely reading!
SUMMARY: Faced with a concert of his brother, Ivar is soon forced to face much more than he thought to find.
WORDS: 2,7 K
WARNINGS: Talk of Disability, Use of The Word ‘Cripple’, My Scarse Knowledge About Classical Music, Insecurities, Brotherly Feuds.
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Ivar really hated Sigurd.
So, being brought to an exhibition that actually was made to honor his brother made him particularly nervous and annoyed, enough that he had tried to fake anything to avoid it.
But in the end he couldn’t say much.
His mother and more importantly Ubbe simply wanted a nice family day, where they could enjoy Sigurd’s talent, without risking Ivar attacking him to stop his ‘annoying sound’ (what Ivar called Sigurd’s songs).
Still this didn’t mean he had to avoid complaining constantly about everything, starting from the fact that they had had to split up in two cars and he hadn’t been able to take the one with the ramp that’d help him to lower himself down without creating a great fuss.
And the seats of the auditorium weren’t in the slightest comfortable, although his mother had warned the place a week before about his needs, to make sure they reserved some extra space for Ivar’s legs, meanwhile the most they had tried to do was to change his place with one in the front row, away from his family.
And eventually he had set himself up with Ubbe obliging Hvitserk to give up his seat which was on the start of the row to allow him more space on his side, although it undoubtedly was still uncomfortable.
He had wanted desperately to throw a tantrum, but he had soon realized that he was already dosed with the embarrass of everyone looking at Sigurd’s little crippled brother.
He already didn’t like the attention on him, eventually settling on disappearing on his seats, halfway through opening his phone to check out a few songs that he truly liked.
But as quickly as he had gotten it out, Aslaug had taken it and thrown it in her clutch, with a seraphic smile on her face and an obvious suggestion of ‘just enjoying the show’ to Ivar, meanwhile the presenter finally announced the start of the musical event.
It started with the youngest classes, moving to the true talents, divided in classical music, modern music and techno music, the only category for which Ivar was curious.
He didn’t have a very musical ear, unlike Sigurd, something for which he admired and hated his brother, at the same time.
Whereas Ivar had always been recognized for something like his battered legs, Sigurd had always had his music and as much as he continued on complaining about how much he was ‘the forgotten’ son of the family, Ivar knew that Aslaug appreciated his soft sound, stopping herself a few moments to enjoy her son’s songs, outside of his door, whenever he played.
Sigurd had talent.
Ivar only a shit ton of flaws.
That was why he had been so against going to his brother’s concert, but in the end, he was there so he could just enjoy it, and although some weren’t the absolute best he had ever heard, he certainly enjoyed a few, his brother included when he presented himself.
Thankfully after Sigurd’s exhibition, which had gone quite well from the uproar of applauses that had started at the end of the performance (although Ivar would have joked, later, with him that it wasn’t anything but gratefulness for having finished playing that damned instrument), was one of the last ones.
It was followed by a small girl, probably just a bit younger than Sigurd and her violin, looking sober in a black dress with thin straps and an updo that showed up her lovely neck, adorned by a few golden chains, thin and elegant.
You looked, determined in your stare and graceful as you bowed softly to the audience, before adjusting the violin, and as much as Ivar had observed you attentively, he hadn’t expected the musical piece to actually involve him or interest him, thinking that it would have just sounded like something expensive he couldn’t understand.
But he couldn’t deny that you got him hooked from the first note of the song, and the elegant movements of your wrist, as the attach was a tempestuous storm, slowly dissolving in a light sound of calmness, completely numbing Ivar’s mind as he felt like he was basically following a story of some kind.
Delving into the darkness and then slowly bringing itself to the light till it reached it, in a shining ending that caught him completely off-guard and he found himself clapping eagerly at the exhibition, much before of all his brothers, who sent him a look as if to say ‘what the heck?’.
But he ignored them, hiding his emotional face away from them.
After everything ended they were supposed to spend a bit of time at the small reception, and although Aslaug suggested that she and Ivar simply take off, the main reason why they had taken two cars, Ivar muttered that he could withstand the torture a bit more, surprising everyone almost as if he had said the Apocalypse would be soon coming.
But truly, he wanted to catch a few glimpses of you, as the classical assemble was supposed to accompany the small refreshment after the musical event and although your music was lightly shadowed by the other instruments he could still enjoy it, meanwhile Sigurd came to get the compliments, being surprised by the fact that Ivar was still there.
‘… I thought you’d have already come home, listening to whatever metal you like’ he had commented, but Ivar, on whose soul your music had somehow operated a change, just scoffed at the suggestion, but did tell Sigurd that his music had been ‘bearable’.
Although his stare was sneakily focused on you.
He had preferred it much more when you had played solo, not because you were any less talented, but somehow the other instruments shadowed your talent, obliging you to keep yourself caged in a soft sound, barely hearable over the mundane chatter and clinking of glasses.
He really didn’t want to sound like a stalker, but he hadn’t ever been one for classical music, so the fact that you could enchant him like that was quite surprising for him, so he just wanted to catch the secret of that music.
And you were quite the nice spectacle to watch, he wouldn’t have denied it.
But all his alarms started ringing when he saw Sigurd coming closer to you, as you finished your exhibition, a DJ in your place, the blonde boy exchanging  small talk with you, as you adjusted the violin back into its protective case, brushing your hands through your updo, lightly messed up by the movements of your arms.
You turned for a moment, as Sigurd probably told you that he had his family alongside him, watching them carefully, as you half-listened to what Sigurd said and for a moment Ivar thought you were his girlfriend.
Which was utter shitty luck.
But had Ivar ever been lucky?
And then you simply turned towards the classic group, excusing yourself, in an obvious rejection that showed up for a moment on Sigurd’s face, the boy clearly a bit annoyed by that but mostly saddened, and then he moved to meet his own group.
And then they had to leave,
And when Ivar looked out again for you, it seemed like you were gone.
Had you been a pretty mirage?
He got the answer when Sigurd excitedly talked about it over dinner, speaking about how cool it had been to performance with so many people, and explaining that they had even had an exchange student from Europe.
‘A true genius of the violin!’ he commented and Ivar’s ears raised up as ones of a dog hearing the steps of the postman ‘… (Y/N) (L/N) she is a professional at such a young age, Ivar’s age!’.
‘Are you implying something?’ Ivar had stroked the banter, eager after he had heard your name, glad to put a name to a face and have something to search up on Wikipedia.
He had said he wasn’t a stalker, but he might have to reconsider that.
Gosh, you were also an exchange student which meant you probably wouldn’t have stayed for much and if you had rejected Sigurd, who did look like an hurt mouse but with functioning legs, he certainly had zero chances for you.
Did it help his mind?
Certainly no.
The multitude of Youtube videos he had found of you playing, instead were nice and he even managed to catch a small interview, in which you looked quite younger, but your face held a strong determination and even more importantly a melancholy that certainly was showcased in your music.
And then he discovered the reason behind your excellent music.
‘… I am slowly going deaf’ you explained softly at the interviewer ‘… a problematic sickness from birth, and although I do know that playing an instrument request desperately a good ear, I don’t have the luxury of it, so I train the hardest to do my best’.
The fact that you had also a disability like him certainly made him reason why you played music so brilliantly and why he could understand it so well, although he hadn’t a single musical knowledge in his mind.
He could relate to your music.
And he fell asleep with one last song in his ears.
With all probability he was in for quite the horrid crush, one where he would have been left utterly broken on the ground, because he shouldn’t have crushed on somebody that had barely acknowledged him and was much more successful than him and that he wouldn’t have ever seen again.
But strangely… Destiny had a mysterious way of fooling us all.
The day after he had been sent by Aslaug outside for a few errands, mostly some at Floki’s shop, since he needed some new pieces for a new tech project and his mother preferred he went by myself, mostly because she wasn’t expert in that.
Floki worked mostly in the boat business, but he had actually opened a small technology shop to support himself when he couldn’t sail or when his boats had to be built, something that mostly his wife took care of, when he was with his boats.
He had been slumping in, having chosen a time where he knew the shop would be desert, entering inside quickly and greeting Helga with a soft smile, as the woman welcomed him warmly.
He passed her the list of what he needed and soon she disappeared in the back, to grab a few things that were in the magazine, suggesting that Ivar handled the shop in her absence, although not many clients would have come for sure, since it was lunch time and nobody…
… and then the door was opened.
And as if summoned by his mind, you walked in.
You didn’t wear the elegant dress you had worn at the musical event, but you still had some kind of grace in your ripped hoodie and giant sweatpants, evidently also not expecting to find anybody at the shop.
The whole concept was simply reinforced by the fact that you wore thick sunglasses.
And Ivar had a fanboy moment.
He honestly wished he could have come to you and congratulated with you, but not only it would have sounded creepy, but Ivar already had trouble with normal girls, think about the cute and talented musician, who made music that spoke to his soul…
He prayed Helga would be back, soon.
But then you quickly came to check out what you had gotten, a couple of batteries, your eyes moving awkwardly around yourself, not moving in any way to meet Ivar till he found himself doing the usual gestures of registering the purchase, since he knew how to do having worked there during the summer.
‘It’ll be 10, 99’ he found himself barely able to mutter, thankful for having basically memorized all the prices and avoiding to stutter and immediately gaining your attention, as your eyes, behind your sunglasses raised to meet Ivar’s.
He thought that you might have been shocked by the hefty price and was halfway through suggesting a cheaper type, although he was surprised you had money problems, but it wasn’t his job to judge…
“… excuse me can you repeat it pronouncing it slowly?” your voice was unsure a bit too high on some notes, clearly reminding Ivar of what he had heard on the interview, the fact that you had slowly been going deaf.
“Oh yeah, sorry!” he commented shyly, realizing a few minutes that he had rambled, but you simply smiled at him “… the price of the batteries is 10, 99”.
You nodded softly, getting your wallet out of your sweatpants.
“… sorry for the inconvenience…” your hands moved nervously in your pockets, probably because you were rushing to sign “… my stupid hearing aid device stopped working this morning, and apparently one can never pack too many batteries…”.
“Oh, don’t worry” ‘and please, for fuck’s sake, Ivar don’t mention that you admire her, she is in incognito mode and wouldn’t let to get recognized so make sure to stop your mind from speaking’…’ “… I am a fan of yours, actually”.
The fuck.
Thankfully you didn’t straight up run away, but instead a small smirk appeared on your face, as you pushed slightly down your glasses to show your eyes.
“… didn’t know that I had cute guys as my fans” you shot, making him blush as his eyes set up on the cash desk trying to remember the code, and his hands then moved to actually accept the money and give you back your change “… but it’s a nice discovery”.
He simply smirked tight-lipped, definitely trying not to say anything else.
But his mouth was too big for that.
And he was too stubborn even for himself.
“I was at the auditorium… my brother, Sigurd, you must know him… he plays at the school” ok Ivar, slow down your words and breath or you’ll pass out in front of her and it’ll be awkward “… I just… I think you are pretty amazing, I am not an expert, but…”.
“It’s always nice to have power of being able to convert people on the light side of music” you replied and he couldn’t help but appreciate the ‘Star Wars’ reference, showing definitely that you had much more than classic taste in your mind “… want to take a selfie together?”.
Ok, you must have totally thought him to be a crazy fan.
“… ah no, like no offense, but… I just…I am not the type” he muttered “… just wanted you to know that although I might sound creepy, I do feel like I can understand perfectly your music and I admire you a lot”.
Your smile became much more relaxed and genuine, almost as if you weren’t the magical musician, but simply a person talking with another.
Which is the way Ivar wanted people to treat him.
“… first of all, thank you for avoiding me the selfie, I am obviously in no shape for it” Ivar would have honestly disagreed, but again… just the strict necessary out “… and second of all, that is what I aim to do with my music and my story. I am glad it was inspiring”.
“It was” and although they were simple words, they were enough for him to express his utter emotion and you straight up smiled back at him, showing him that you had understood what he truly meant.
And in that moment, Helga appeared from the bag, just as he was handing her back her batteries, ready to wish her a good day and avoid thinking anymore about the fact that he had just met an amazing human being.
Helga looked confused but he simply explained that he was taking care of the cashier desk, the woman pushing what he had taken in a box, as if to leave the two youngsters a bit of privacy, and although Ivar’s soul was slowly readying himself for the ‘goodbye’s, you suddenly moved up and said:
“Do you happen to know a nice coffee shop in town? I have been here for three days and I haven’t been able to explore much”.
Now had it been said to any of his brothers, it would have been obvious you had meant to flirt.
But with Ivar…
… one might never know if it was out of pity.
Although he had to admit that she hadn’t seen his legs.
Which was a thing that he preferred to keep this way.
“… ahh there are a few ones, it mostly depends on how much you want to spend and what you prefer…”.
“There is ‘Princess Diana’ right down the road” commented tightly Helga, surprising them both, although you sent her a seraphic look of thankfulness.
“Oh right” added Ivar, not totally sending Helga an annoyed look, knowing that that coffee shop was his favorite for the vintage aesthetic and the enormous milkshakes, but knowing as well that his ‘aunt’ was trying to set him up with the pretty girl in front of him.
Who was way out of his league.
“… then I do think that I’ll pay it a visit but…” and your eyes twinkled over to Ivar “… would you mind accompanying me? I wouldn’t want to get lost!”.
It was obvious now that you were flirting with him.
Although Ivar saw no reason on why a talented and beautiful musician like you might be interested in a cripple like him.
A very rude cripple.
A very rude cripple who couldn’t take a hint.
“… ahem… I have to actually bring these things at home…” he tried the excuse, but Helga, who almost smacked his bum to make him reconsider his wording, moved to chip in sweetly.
“I can set them up on the side for Hvitserk to pick them up when he comes for a new videogame later this afternoon” she explained, as Ivar took in a quick look at the new pieces that he had chosen, insisting on at least paying, meanwhile you told him that you’d be waiting for him outside.
‘Gotta readjust the hearing aid’ you explained, with a bright smile that made Ivar blush.
And when you were gone, he turned to Helga, looking at her in her light eyes and uttering.
“I can’t do this” and then looking at the backdoor “… I need to escape”.
But right as he was moving for the door, Helga literally stopped him with her tiny but strong body.
“Ivar Lothbrock don’t make me slap you across the face” she reprimanded him, looking at him in the eyes to make him understand better what she was saying “… a cute guy that you obviously like, from that idiotic smile on your face, just asked you out and you won’t back off on my watch, understood?”.
“She literally doesn’t know me! And I don’t know her! She might be a psycho!” retorted Ivar, getting an eye-roll from Helga, who breathed out a loud huff “… and she is too much for me”.
“… that is something that she can solely decide” replied Helga, her tone quietening itself “… and you won’t ruin a chance simply for your own self-esteem issues, at least not on my watch, understood?”.
And he couldn’t help but nod.
Although inside he couldn’t help but want to riot completely.
And turn away and run.
But he managed to finally get out of the shop, with one last look at Helga, who held up both her thumbs.
Not reassuring at all.
But he still reached out to you, who had set down on the sidewalk, adjusting a small external hearing aid, in a way that told him that you were used to it as much as your braces.
The first thing that you noticed, as you turned around to him, coming to face with them.
He expected some comment about a problem having come up or probing for more info about them.
Once somebody had asked him if it was ‘infectious’.
But you surprised him again, getting up quickly, without sparing another look at his legs, making him almost confused, as he considered whether you would have run away or…
“… so, where is this ‘Princess Diana’?” you simply asked, a strange excitement coated with embarrassment in your eyes.
And maybe… just maybe he had the chance of making his own music, for once.
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Ivar Taglist:
@youbloodymadgenius​​​​, @alexhandersenx​​​​, @lonewolf471​​​​, @flowers-in-your-hayr​​​​, @a-mess-of-fandoms​​​ @xbellaxcarolinax​​​ (I also did yours, and it’ll be out soon too!) @peaceisadirtyword​
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
Welcome to the Band - Harry Styles
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2.7k 🤩
“Welcome to Harry Styles Love on Tour.” Jeff grins.
“Thank you, I really couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity.”
I walk out of his office and notice Mitch sitting on the floor waiting for me to exit. I’m surprised he wasn’t sitting there with his ear pressed to the door.
“How’d it go?” He asks, suddenly getting up.
“I’m in!” I smile.
“Holy shit!” He pulls me in for a hug so tight my feet lift off of the ground, “Welcome to the band!”
“Yeah, I guess it’s paid off having to deal with you all these years.” I tease, punching his shoulder lightly as he puts me back down.
“Fuck off.” He laughs.
He knows I’m teasing, I owe him big time for this. I’ve known him for years, before he ever even met Harry. Once his world blew up and he became a more professional musician, I couldn’t have been more excited. He was finally living our dream.
Once they had an emergency with Adam, their previous bassist, where he wasn’t able to tour with them Mitch asked me to come in.
That random Sunday night I had no clue what I was walking into. I had no clue that I was going to be meeting Harry Styles and the rest of the band to see if we would mesh well together. I had no clue that I was going to be tested in my skill and in my personality. I’ve never been so nervous to be myself, but Mitch made it ten times easier. We spent hours talking and playing random melodies. I’ve never met a group of people that I felt so comfortable with so quickly.
It’s only been a few days since we had our little jam session and now it looks like I’ve got the gig. I know they looked into a few different people after me. Mitch said Harry was sold on me after I was there for ten minutes, but Jeff made them interview a few other people so they wouldn’t just be taking the first candidate and Mitch’s best friend. Mitch claimed no one else could compare, but I feel like he just has to say that.
I have only two weeks to find someone to sublet my apartment and pack so I can leave for a world wide tour. It’s so sudden and exciting, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’ve always been a fan of spontaneity.
“Congratulations.” A voice calls over my shoulder.
“Thank you.” I turn to face Harry and he pulls me in for a half hug.
“I’m really glad that you’ll be joining us.” He smiles, “We’re lucky to have you.”
Two weeks go by faster than you could ever imagine. Before I know it we’re hoping on a plane to go to the UK and officially start the tour.
“Nervous?” A voice calls from behind me.
“It’s that obvious?” I grin looking at him through the mirror in front of me. I set down the mascara I was about to use.
“No, I just had a feeling. I wanted to come check in on you. Plus Sarah and Mitch are already out the green room. You were missing.”
He’s so sweet.
“I’m fine, I’ve performed a thousand times, but never to quite this scale.” I stop talking and you can hear the crowd screaming loudly over King Princess. I can only imagine how deafening it’ll be when we’re on stage. “It’s a bit intimidating being part of your entourage if I’m being honest.”
He laughs and looks down at his shoes.
“Yeah, it can always be a bit scary going out there. It’s a bit higher stakes, but that’s higher reward. Just you wait until you hear them all sing along with you.”
“You’re telling me you still get nervous?” I turn in my seat so I can actually look at him.
“Everytime. In the best way though, just a bit of butterflies I guess.” He places a hand on my shoulder, “I wouldn’t worry. I’ve seen you practicing non stop to catch up, you’ve only been practicing this music for a few weeks, and we were traveling most of that anyway, and yet it’s as if you’ve been playing it for years. I have faith in you, Y/n.”
“Thank you.” I smile.
“I’ll see you out there.” Harry takes a few backwards steps towards the door, “Good luck, love.”
Harry couldn’t have been more right. I’ve never felt more a part of something than when Harry simply lets them sing while we continue playing. Their voices fill the arena and I look out on all of the smiling faces.
“Alright, I can’t continue this without introducing you to a few people.”
The crowd roars as Harry walks over to Mitch. He gives a little intro and moves on to Sarah until finally it’s my turn.
“Last, but certainly not least we have our newbie, Miss Y/n Y/Ln.” He rests his arm across my shoulder. I roll my eyes and play a small rift just like the other two did.
“It’s her first time playing a world tour, I have to say I think she’s doing quite a marvelous job. Don’t you?”
The crowd roars even louder than before, it’s all I can hear. All of the faces grinning back, waving at me once they notice my stare. The feeling is unmatched to anything else I’ve experienced. Harry looks back at me, my face filled with awe, a grin takes over his face as well. All too soon the very first concert of the tour is over.
“Oh my god!” I yell as soon as we’re off stage.
Mitch pulls me in for a hug.
“You did great.”
“That was crazy!” I say, still in shock.
“Well done.” Harry greets, “I told you, high risk high reward.”
“Thank you so much for bringing me along for this. I can’t even put into words how cool that was.” I leave Mitch’s hold to pull Harry into a hug.
“You’re more than welcome, thank you for joining us on tour.” He wraps his arms tighter around me.
After that we spend weeks on the road, nearly a different city every night. I couldn’t be happier, the high of each show has yet to wear off. I’ve grown more comfortable as we continue as well. Sarah and I are practically sisters at this point, we’ve bonded about having to be stuck with the boys all the time. Mitch and I were always close, I’m glad to be able to spend so much time with him now. And then there’s Harry. Probably the person that I spend the most time with on tour. Whether it is him taking me to his favorite restaurant in the city or just a rom com in his hotel room after a long night. We’ve become really close friends, even if sometimes it feels as if we could cross that line.
“This is Madison Square Garden!” I yell, walking towards the edge of the stage, looking out over all of the empty seats.
We’ve been back in the States for a while and it makes me happy. We’re officially halfway finished with the tour, which is crazy. It still feels like we’ve only just begun.
“Sold out.” Harry comments, talking slow steps behind me.
“And it’s not the first time for you either.” I roll my eyes with a smile. We have three back to back performances here.
“Hey.” He nudges my shoulder with his.
“Hey.” I nudge him back.
“What are you thinking?” He asks, we both take a seat on the edge of the stage. The crew works around to set up around us.
“This is crazy.” I shake my head in disbelief, “This time six months ago I was begging to perform in small clubs in L.A. I was a part of a band that literally no one had heard of. Now I’m here.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty crazy.” He agrees, “It wouldn’t have been much longer. Someone would’ve discovered you. I’m just glad I scored you when I did.”
“Is that so?” I absentmindedly swing my feet, bumping my feet into Harry’s every once and a while making us both chuckle.
“It is. I don’t even know what this tour would be like without you.” We both peel our eyes away from the empty seats. Suddenly we are much closer together than I remember. He leans in and I tilt my head up towards him, his breath warming up my cheek as both of us are nearly out of breath with anticipation. This is something we’ve been waiting months for.
Just as I’m about to close my eyes, I realize exactly where we are and what we are about to do. I don’t know if I can cross this line. He’s Harry Styles, I’m a part of his band. The crew is still setting up the lighting behind us, we aren’t alone and if things don’t end well I am stuck with him for several more months.
“Maybe you should start getting ready.” I smile pulling back ever so slightly. I quickly get up from the edge of the stage trying to put some distance between us, “I know how long it takes you.”
“Let me take you on a date.” He doesn’t even seem to hear what I say, or if he does he doesn’t care to change the subject, his smile never fades for a second. He stays in the exact same position, his eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips. Slowly he gets up and suddenly he’s towering over me at his normal height.
“Isn’t dating a bandmate strictly against band rules?” I ask.
“Only if you don’t want to fall in love with me it is.” He smirks proudly.
“Wow, the ego.” I laugh, taking a hesitant step back from him, “Are we sure that you’re not the one who’s fallen?”
“I never said that I hadn’t.” His steps match mine, until I stop taking steps back. I’m pretty sure if I back up anymore I’ll run into an amp. Finally he’s close enough where I can feel his warm breath on my cheek again.
“Really?” I arch my brow, leaning my head up towards his.
“Really.” He confirms, tilting his head down ever so slightly, “So what do you say?”
“Y/n?” Mitch’s voice calls out loudly from somewhere backstage.
“Saved by the bell.” I tease, finally escaping. I quickly walk off to find Mitch for whatever he needed. I don’t have the courage to turn around, but I can feel Harry’s stare as I go.
Once I find Mitch I discover he just needed help restringing one of his guitars for tonight. I haven’t seen Harry since earlier. We already did soundcheck so that means he’s off somewhere getting dressed and ready for tonight. Mitch and I hang out in the large green room snacking on everything in sight. Sarah has disappeared somewhere to flirt with someone from security.
“I need to talk to you about something.” I turn to Mitch.
“Is it about you and Harry?” He asks making my jaw drop.
“How did you-how? What?” I stutter out confused how he already knew what I needed to talk to him about.
“You two have been into each other since the tour started!” He laughs, “I was just waiting for you to come to terms with it. Harry told me about it weeks ago.”
“And you didn’t tell me?” I smack his shoulder.
“Ouch!” He rubs at the now sore spot, “You are both my friends, I wasn’t going to throw him under the bus. What happened? Why are you acting weird tonight?”
“I’m acting weird because we almost kissed and he asked me out on a date, but then I bolted.”
“You ran away? But you like him.”
“I know. It was dumb, but what am I supposed to do? So we go out on a few dates and then things are weird between us for the rest of the tour and then he doesn’t want me back to be in the band for the future. It’s not an option, I don’t want to go back to performing to people who don’t care.”
“Or maybe you go out on a few dates and things go amazing and then you get to finish tour with your boyfriend and finally be happy.” Mitch smiles.  “Harry is a good guy, you know this. Even if things don’t work out you two are mature enough to be alright. I have faith in you that you’ll be fine.”
“You’re right.” I nod.
“I always am. It doesn’t matter, you two are already practically dating anyway.”
“We are not-”
“So what do we think?” Harry asks, making an entrance as always, debuting a brand new suit courtesy of Gucci. Similarly to his first solo tour he was wearing exclusively Gucci outfits that look killer on stage and scream Harry.
“Looks good.”
“I like it, very handsome.”
Harry’s head snaps up to look at me after hearing my comment last.
“Thank you.” His cheeks tinted pink.
“Can I talk to you?” I ask, suddenly getting up from the couch.
“Yeah.” He starts to walk out of the room and I follow.
“Look, I’m sorry about earlier.” I apologize, “I do like you, but I’m just nervous what exactly comes with that.”
“I understand completely” He nods, “You don’t need to apologize either. I get it, you needed time to think things over. I can respect that. So, about that date?”
“I would love to go on a date with you.” I grin.
“Thank god.” He sighs and pulls me in for a tight hug. I relax into it, finding an unmatched amount of comfort of being in his arms. Wordlessly I pick my head up from his chest and look up at him, he tilts his head down.
“Guys! You’re on in two minutes! We’ve been looking for you!” Mitch yells loudly standing at the end of the hallway we had been tucked away in.
“I’m going to kill Mitch if he keeps talking you away from me right when we’re about to kiss.” Harry whispers, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that later.” I grin, pulling on his hand to follow me. I practically skip while dragging him as the adrenaline starts pumping, “But right now, we need to go out there and perform for a few thousand people.”
“You don’t sound too heartbroken.”
“Trust me, I am.” I say looking over my shoulder, “Watching you dance around and sing on stage tonight is going to kill me, the same way it does every other night.”
“Really?” He pulls back on my hand, no longer letting me lead him to the stage, “Does it get to you?”
I nod as he slowly back me into a wall.
“Because it bothers me too. Not being able to touch you at all. Not knowing how soft your lips are. Not knowing how you taste.”
“Maybe we could be a little late.” I pull his head down towards mine and finally we kiss. After all these months, it’s fireworks. My lips are buzzing and my whole body feels on fire once Harry deepens it. My hands thread up through his hair that I’m sure was perfectly styled a half an hour ago. His hands wrap around me, trying to pull me closer.
“You guys! Really!” Mitch screams, causing us both to scramble and pull away, “Seriously! We we’re supposed to be out there a minute ago! Let’s go.”
This time he doesn’t leave us, he grabs my upper arm to drag me to the stage. Harry and I can’t help but laugh as Mitch mutters comments to us about how are already the most annoying couple.
I go to my spot and slide the strap of my bass over and catch Harry looking at me from his spot. He grins a perfectly Harry smirk. I motion for him to wipe at his lips, catching a hint of lip gloss from the short distance. I roll my eyes as he blows a kiss back. Before I know it, the screen is lifting up and the screams get louder. And so the night begins.
let me know what you think below 💖 part two? 
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igotanna · 4 years
Smile for me
“And since it was so amazing can I request another one? Number 15 with Jackson and some fluff 🤗”
request from @smooshdelia​  I hope you like it hun!
prompts list here
15. “The evil queens are always the princesses that were never saved.”
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As long as could GOT7 members remember, their  life was tightly interconnected with group (more of an army) of make up artists, choreographers, assistants, cameramen, stylists and other dozens of professionals they couldn’t even count. It was sort of their team. Their assemble. They were the closest to them and still normal people at the same time. GOT7 as all idols were time to time very tired from all the other idols around, all the mc’s, all the famous people who thought the same way. It was nice to have down-to-earth people around. People who go home and no one wants selfie with them. They gave GOT7 most impulses and they were most fun.
As time went by and GOT7 grew, they had a closed  group of people around them that they brought everywhere with them. On tours, concerts, sometimes even to events where local stylist and make up artists were cavailable. But they liked to say that their group knows each member  and knows what fits him the best.
And since part of this team of theirs were women,  GOT7 couldn’t help themselves and flirt with them from time to time. It was natural and both sides thought of it as fun.With only one exception.
After one concert in Macao boys gathered in one hotel room instead resting on their own. It was idea of the managers – they were suppposed to do vlive. Boys liked to interact with fans but vlive after concert was tiring. They goofed around and wraped it up soon
„The fifth generation. In May.!“
„Mark, finnish with your trademark.“
„Peace out bro!“
After the camera was off the boys continued with scruming around in one bed and then Jinyoung asked „Who’s up for a drink?“ of course they all were.
They asked the staff to bring them some wine and beer and they started a private get-together.
Some of them were talking together, some was telling everyone some story nobody listened to and some were on their phones.
After 20 minutes she walked in „Guys I’m sorry to disturb you  but your coach said you all wake up at 8 tomorrow so you’d better to wrap this up and go to sleep.“ Her mouth twisted in something like sympathetic smile and turned around to leave the room. After all she was just make up artist, she wasn’t supposed to be there.
„Hey Y/N!“ cried Bambam to stop her. She turned back and raised her eyebrows „Could you wake me up in the morning?“ he was scolded and laughed by other members but she looked at him with blank face and shrugged „Of course. What time?“
„Uuuuuuu….“ „Buurn..“ laughed boys as she left the room cold as always.
„Man I tell ya,“ started Bambam, but he had to drink more to finnish his sentence „If anyone is ever going to get off with this woman,…“ pointing at the door.
„Then you have to lend him your fireproof coat.“ finnished Mark with more laughter.
„Cold as ice really. I never saw her smile or anything, did you?“ asked Yugyeom and drank his last drops of wine.
Boys had to think about that. No, never. When thinking about it they couldn’t recall when or if they ever saw Y/N to smile or laugh. She was imune to their jokes or pick up line or flirting.
„Maybe she doesn’t have sense of humour.“ speculated Youngjae.
„Naah, I saw her once watching dr.Phil on her phone.“ objected JB.
Maknae line laughed „What kind of proof is that??“
„Nobody without sense of humour watches dr.Phil.“ explained Mark and got up to clean up the table „It’s more comedy show than serious programme. He likes to pretend that but nobody actually takes him seriously.“
„I’m just saying that to pull her would take a man.“ Said Bambam with giving up gesture.
That was like a red flag for all of them. Jackson, Bambam, JB even Yugyeom started bickering about who is the real man here and who would be up to do it.
Jackson yelled louder than everyone „Wait! What kind of price for the one who takes her on a date??“
„Price is your life because before you take her on date she’s gonna take your balls!“ taunted JB.
„LET’S HAVE A BET!“ screamed Jackson again.
Jinyoung and Mark were the only one silent. Jinyoung still sat on his chair with crosses legs, wine glass rested on knee and smirk on his face as he watched his favourite show. Bickering with GOT7. Mark just shook his head and continued with cleaning up.Youngjae was laughing and sometimes commenting too.
„Wait, seriously?“ stopped Yugyeom.
„Yeah,“ shrugged Jackson and shook his hands and legs like he was preparing to fight or run a marathone.
„Okay,“ JB was up to the challange „Who takes Y/N on date is the man of this group.“
Few moments of silence. This was serious. It was question of honour. Jinyoung coughed and finally said something „I’m giving up to that title. I am more man than you all ever gonna be and I don’t need Y/N to prove it. You can fight over her without me”
„Yeah I’m not into this either.“ sounded Mark from the bathroom.
„Then it’s useless. How someone could be the man of the group if all of us aren’t participating?“ threw Bambam hands in the air.
Jackson frowned and then snapped his fingers with excitement „Let’s change the task. Whoever makes her smile will have the biggest rooms on the rest of the tour and the others will bring him breakfast to bed.“
After some more bargaining they agreed that this is maybe even harder task and the price is adequate.
It was obvious that Jackson is so ready for this and so when they were all leaving to their own rooms Bambam stopped Jackson pulling him by his elbow „Man you’re really into this right?“
Jackson grinned „Get ready to bring me breakfast for next 7 weeks. I like my chicken breast shake, you should work on that.“
„Why? You fancy her?“ attacked Bambam again with perv smile.
Jackson sighed rolling eyes „You know I’m up for any challange.“
„Yeah yeah yeah, of course…“ laughed Bambam and fake nodded „Well good luck with the evil queen then.“
Jackson gave up „Look, the evil queens are always the princesses that were never saved.” wink „She just needs her knight.“
After that started a proper combat that took place anywhere, anytime. In the waiting room. In the common dining hall. Next to the stage. During the rehersal. After concert. Between songs in the backstage. In the make up room.
Y/N was attacked, bombed, inclusived by compliments, jokes, attention, random pick up lines, unwanted stories, inappropriate notes, gifts and random kisses on the cheek „for luck“.
Jackson, Bambam, JB, Yugyeom (when picking up the courage) and sometimes Youngjae (for the fun) surrounded Y/N like bees nice flower and competed in who’s going to make her smile or laugh.
It was hard, maybe the hardest task they ever tried to acomplish. Not that Y/N was cold bitch or didn’t have sense of humour. She was just used to their foolines and it was part of her job. Don’t ever get yourself entangled with and idol. She knew very well that only one smile and her armour would break like glass.  She had to stay strong to resist.
Jackson got quite stimulated by her cold even indifferent attitude. Normally he would loose his interest, it was his nature – if somebody wasn’t up to play his game he just went to find someone who would. But teased by other members and the thought of competition made his competitive spirit work harder. He could fall over himself.
After two and half months later now in Singapore Jackson almost lost his patience. Y/N was doing his make up and he gazed into her eyes deeply. He had to- she became secret he just had to unlock.
„Y/N stop it.“ he begged.
Her brush pulled away as she stopped with his eye shadows.
„Stop playing hard to get.“ he finnished and pouted.
She sighed and rolled her eyes „So that’s what it’s all about. I‘m not playing hard to get for your info.“ She added.
„What then?“ he knew Mark is sitting next to them having his make up on too, but just now it was just Jackson and Y/N. Her eyes were quizical „Nothing. I’m not playing anything.“
„Well I noticed you’re imune to all my jokes and pranks I need to know why.“
Her lips twitched a bit but she didn’t smile.
„Have you ever thought about the option you’re not as far funny as you think you are?“ she asked and her soft touch on his cheek as she continued with shadows became itchy for Jackson. Suddenly she was more than a price to win, he had to conquer this badass lady.
He couldn’t even answer as she took his breath away. And at that moment he got an idea.
„Thanks.“ He jumped up and put quick kiss on her cheek just from force of habit he grew these past months. She didn’t even blink.
Jackson couldn’t think of anything else than his plan and her eyes the whole concert. He didn’t even know but he was loosing his distance.
„We’re very happy to be here again guys,“ started JB their goodbye speech. Jackson was holding his mic and smirking now and then to the backstage. When it was his turn he didn’t even cry as he sometimes did. He thanked all the funs and expressed how gratefull he was to be in Singapore.
„Now please, let me give some credit to people who you don’t know about but have a huge part on how we look everyday for you.“ He waved to the backstage and on the big screens projected a shot of camera man going through corridors to the make up room.
„I want to thank all our make up artists for making us look SO.AMAZING. THIS NIGHT!“ he raised his voice as the cameraman slowed down to shot Y/N and few others.
„Guys I know you can hear us, please wave and smile for our fans who thank you as well as us for your GREAT WORK!“followed by applause.
And as he planned, Y/N smiled and waved with her coworkers. It was bright, wide, heart warming and honest smile, thought her eyes were a popped with shock. Jackson melted as he saw her smile the first time. When he was supposed to talk again he stuttered a bit before he turned to Mark to continue.
His plank worked. He won. But he got to another conclusion – he has to see her smile more often. Because even the boys now brought him breakfast to the bed, even though he had the biggest rooms, he still couldn’t think of anything else than how she looked with that hearty smile.
When the tour was over he managed to get her phone number from her coworkers and wrote her a message.
Hi Y/N. It’s Jackson Wang here. I wanted to ask you if you’d fancy to have a dinner with me. And also if you’ll accopmpany us on our next tour. 🙏 thank you for your hard work 🙏
He never hoped for someone saying yes so much.
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taehyungiestummy · 4 years
Stuck -- Chapter Nine
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Masterlist     Previous     Next
Word Count: 3018
           “This brings back such amazing memories,” Emily smiles as our boys begin their performance. “New York was an okay city for you, right?”
           “Even if it wasn’t, I have moved passed my meltdown and all the sadness that befell me last year,” I twist around so I’m upside down on the couch. “This is about being close to the best boys in the world, and having a great time traveling.”
           “Look at you, stronger than I have ever seen you. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.”
           “Yes, yes, I know. I’m no longer a scared little girl,” I focus my gaze on the TV that is playing the performance. “I am sad you have to leave in a few days.”
           “Don’t worry about that now,” she shakes her head, patting my knee. “You’ll be fine anyways. Seven boys will be right with you the whole time.”
           “Yeah, and I am madly in love with one of them.”
           “It was fun to explore the city yesterday. Better than last year.”
           “I actually had fun shopping,” I smile at how much fun the boys are having on stage.
           “Oh, did you? What did you even get?”
           “Books and some video games. Tae picked out some shirts he thought I would look adorable in. I helped Yoongi and Jimin get some albums.”
           “You are such a nerd,” she chuckles.
           “Geek, “I tap her with my sock-clad foot. “That’s the word.”
           “Ah, my apologies then.”
           “What did you get while shopping?” I giggle as Taehyung pulls a silly face.
           “Mainly clothes,” Emily walks over to get a water from a container of ice. “Namjoon has amazing fashion sense. He helped me pick out some great outfits. Hoseok and Jin were fun to talk to as we walked around the mall.”
           “It’s always nice to have lunch together,” I smile as Emily places an energy bar on my stomach. “So many great places to eat in the city. Made me happy that we decided on a sandwich place.”
           “It was quite yummy,” she plops down next to me. “Are you excited for your dinner with Yoongi?”
           “Of course,” I grab my energy bar, flipping around so I’m sitting up right. “I don’t know what he wants to talk about, but I love hanging out with my brother.”
           “I’m sure some people will spread the rumor that you two are dating. Like they did very briefly last year.”
           I roll my eyes, “People will say any stupid thing to try and break apart relationships. I’ve posted multiple pictures of Taehyung and me clearly showing we are dating. Then sibling-esque pictures of Yoongi and I.”
           “Your Instagram is such a lovely account,” Emily leans into me.
           “Thank you. I spent a long time making it look professional. Lots of nice comments. Hate deleted in an instant.”
           “That’s good. Hate is just from scared people who are insecure. They want to take others happiness for no real reason.”
           “I know. The boys get it too. It makes me so angry and sad. Tae sees it directed at me, and he can’t stand it. He loves me so much, and wants everyone who calls themselves ARMY to do the same.”
           “They don’t have to love you, but if they are true supporters of the boys, they will accept their relationships. Just how it goes.”
           “I understand their reasons for it. Not saying it’s oaky, but I can get why they would feel hurt. Some of them really loved Taehyung. They wanted to get with him, but I stopped that from ever happening. I don’t feel bad that I took him from any of them. I just get why they feel hurt and the need to be hurtful. It doesn’t hurt any less, but it helps to know how they are feeling.”
           “I’m glad that I don’t have to deal with that. Even after the meet and greet, I am still hidden from most of the ARMY.”
           “I’d say lucky, but I love having my relationship public. Tae and I can go on dates without worry, and hold hands in public without rumors spreading. We can kiss in public and see the pictures later, which is actually so cool and interesting to see. It was an accident that it happened, but I am so glad it did.”
           We spend the rest of the concert in silence, watching our boys do what they love so much. Taking advantage of the drinks and snacks throughout the room.
           “That was so awesome,” I jump out of my seat as the TV goes black.
           “You’ll get sick of it eventually,” Emily chuckles. “You will see it so many times.”
           “Everyone is different though, and watching them have so much fun on stage, that will never get old.”
           “I guess I can agree with that.”            “Now come on,” I grab her wrist, pulling her towards the door. “We have some boys to go greet.”
           “How can you boys not be tired?” I giggle as I walk out of the hotel bathroom, looking around at Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung messing around.
           “Don’t worry, we will be out soon,” Jungkook flops onto the bed he has to share with Jimin.
           “Sure,” I chuckle. “I’m beat. I don’t know how you guys do it.”
           “No, jagi,” Taehyung rushes over to me, placing his hands on the back of my thighs. “We were talking, and we want you to dance what you know for ‘Fire.’ I know you can do it,” he gives me thighs a squeeze.
           “Tae,” I whine, feeling my cheeks heat up. “Always so touchy.”
           Taehyung gives me a quick kiss before heading over to settle into our shared bed. “Do you need us to sing?”
           I laugh, moving to an open area in the room. “I can do it.”
           “Singing and dancing, are you sure?” Jimin smirks.
           I roll my eyes, getting into my starting position.
           Rooming with the maknae line has been lots of fun. It’s hard not to smile with all the little games they want to play, and all the love they show for me. This is only the second night with them, but I never want us to not be traveling roommates.
           “Five, six, seven, eight,” I count off for myself, diving into the song.
           The dance moves are not too complicated, and everything flows perfectly. It’s an upbeat song, putting a smile on my face. Even if it is just me singing. My dance routine comes to an end, giving the boys their chance to clap and give compliments.
           “Your singing voice has improved so much,” Jungkook speaks up first. “And, you sung in Korean. Very adorable.”
           “You are too nice,” I fix the oversized sweatshirt of Taehyung’s that he is forcing me to wear. “I’ve ben practicing,” I nervously smile, feeling my shoulders rise to try to hide my burning cheeks. “Glad I don’t sound like a dork.”
           “Kookie is sucking up,” Jimin shoves the youngest boy.
           “Is my singing bad?” My shoulders fall, and I stick my lip out in a pout.
           “What? No!” Jimin flails his arms in a dismissive manner. “Your singing is quite lovely. Deeper than most girls, but that doesn’t make it bad.”
           I chuckle, “I was just teasing, Chim-Chim. It’s okay. Don’t worry.”
           He gives a sly smile, “You little shit. You almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were going to cry.”
           I giggle, “Sorry. That was not the intent.”
           “You are lucky you are so cute,” he winks. “Whit those legs peaking out of the bottom of that sweatshirt. You look so cuddly.”
           “Thank you,” I shuffle around on my feet for a few seconds. “I’ve learned to love my legs, so thanks for liking them as well.”
           “Jagi, your dancing is better than mine. You’ll have to give me private lessons,” Taehyung smirks, suggestively raising his eyebrows, sending a wink my way. His tongue teasingly running over his lips a few times.
           “What?” I skip over to my boyfriend, cupping his face in my hands. “No, you’re way better than me. I’m the one who needs more lessons. Maybe, tomorrow?” I place a kiss to his nose. “God, I love your nose.”
           “I love you,” Taehyung grabs me by my hips, throwing me into the middle of the bed.
           “Tae!” I squeal, laughter pealing out of my throat.
           “My princess!” He exclaims and then begins to attack me with his fingers.
           “Tae…Tae…babe…Tae…hyung,” I manage to breath out through the laughs that wreck my body. “Ple…please, stop.”
           His fingers stop, a hearty chuckle leaving his lips. “How can you be so beautiful?” His boxy smile is what I am drawn to.
           I’m panting as I come down from the high of being tickled. Happy tears stuck to my eyelashes and cheeks. My cheeks flushed because of the quick exertion, and from the blush creeping slowly due to my position. Taehyung has my hands pinned near my head, making my only movement the wiggling of my butt. My sweatshirt has ridden up to expose my tummy, lucking not any higher as I have no bra on. The shorts I have on have fallen to low on my hips.
           “How, jagi, are you so beautiful?” Taehyung asks again, pressing his lips against mine.
           I lazily smile, knowing that my hair is a mess around my head, and the acne clear to everyone’s eyes. “I am beautiful because you say I am.”
           “It’s true,” he releases my hands.
           “Good thing Amber took her glasses off already,” Jimin speaks up. “Because they would be broken.”
           I sit up, running my hands through my tangles to fix the mess. “That’s just what we need, a fuzzy vision Amber.”
           “It’s just far away, right?” Jungkook asks.
           I nod, “Correct. Now, my turn to ask a question,” I look right at Taehyung. “Why didn’t you tell me about your glasses?”
           “Always little secrets kept between you two,” Jimin shuffles under the covers.
           “I didn’t tell you because I don’t think I look good in them,” Taehyung is resting back on his elbows. “Just like you wouldn’t show me your glasses.”
           “You look so handsome with your glasses, Tae,” I ruffle his hair. “Very smart looking too.”
           “ARMY won’t know they’re real until you tell them,” Jungkook is now under the covers.
           “I’ll help you build confidence,” I fix my clothes before climbing under the covers.
           Taehyung smiles, following my lead to get under the covers. “You are an angel.”
           “Jungkookie, can you please turn off the light?” I hum as Taehyung wraps his strong arms around my middle, pulling me back to have my back flush on his chest.
           “Sure thing,” Jungkook quickly plunges the room into darkness.
           My eyes flutter close, feeling at peace.
           “I love you, princess,” Taehyung whispers right into my ear. “I should buy you a tiara.”
           I place my hands on top of his. “I love you, Tae. Don’t get me a tiara.”
           “That’s not up for you to decide,” he kisses the top of my ear. “I’m going to spoil you so much. Don’t you worry about that.”
           “Please, don’t go overboard. I’m content with just being with you.”
           “Excuse me, couple in love,” Jimin’s voice slices through the quiet. “Can you please stop whispering so we can get to sleep?”
           I chuckle, “Sorry Jimin-oppa. We will stop talking.”
           “Good,” his smirk is clear in his tone. “Night, cutie.”
           “Goodnight everyone!” I giggle as Taehyung places open mouth kisses on my neck. “Sweet dreams.”
           “This was a great idea,” I smile, sipping on my milkshake. “No crazy boys, nice music playing, and a pizza coming soon.”
           Yoongi grins, “It is very nice. Calming, to say the least. No yelling, and I get to spend a few hours with my favorite girl.”
           Yoongi and I decided on a small pizzeria on the outskirts of New York City. The ratings were high, and it looked to have a nice interior from the pictures. We are seated in a back booth; the lights are turned down for the evening crowd. Music is softly playing, and it’s actually good.
           “Am I really your favorite?” I feel my cheeks heat up.
           “Of course,” he sips his water. “Have I never told you?”
           “You probably have,” I shrug. “I’m just surprised there isn’t another girl in your life.”
           “I am too deep in my work to have a girlfriend to worry about. Besides, it’s enough work worrying about you.”
           “Shut up,” I giggle. “You don’t have to worry about me.”
           “I will. For now.”
           “Even with Tae being glued to my side and dating over me.”
           “Of course. I’m your brother, so I have other things to worry about than he does. Mainly, him.”
           I pat Yoongi’s hand that is resting on the table. “He’s been good so far. He is a gentleman, Yoongi, when with me at least.”
           “I know. Still, I worry. Tae is a loyal puppy, but can get distracted. I don’t mean with other women. He seems to focus on you when together, though. Very protective.”
           “He is, and I love it. When he gets jealous though, that’s when it can get kind of annoying and out of control when it goes too far.”
           “I thought you like hot jealous Tae?” Yoongi teasingly smirks.
           “Why would you think that?” I drink my milkshake to cool my face.
           “Taehyung blurts stuff out sometimes,” he shrugs.
           “Okay y’all,” our waitress, Ashley, bounds up to our table. “Here is your extra pepperoni pizza, and garlic knots,” she set sets the food down in the middle of our table.
           “Thank you so much,” I smile, speaking to the girl in the language, she can understand.
           “Oh, you are so welcome,” Ashley gushes. “Was the milkshake as good as I said?” The southern girl is sincere, and not just faking kindness for her job.
           “It is so good,” I tap my glass with my index finger. “I’m glad you talked me into it.”
           “Well, I’ll leave you two to enjoy your dinner. Such a cute couple.”
           Yoongi perks up at the girl’s statement, but says nothing.
           “Oh, oh no,” I look between Yoongi and Ashley, stopping on Ashley after a few seconds. “We aren’t a couple.”
           “Oh,” Ashley is genuinely shocked. “So, are you friends on an experiment date?”
           “No,” I shake my head. “It’s not like that at all.”
           Yoongi tears a piece off a garlic know, but continues to stay silent.
           “Then what is it?” Ashley curiously asks.
           “Yoongi, he’s, he is my brother,” I tell the stranger something only my close friends know. My heart beat speeds up, and I feel butterflies swarm in my stomach. It makes me so happy to tell someone outside of the ones closest to mee who already know.
           “Really?” Ashley breaks me out of my thoughts. “Like, blood related? I never would have guessed.”
           “Step,” I answer, like I’ve explained it a thousand times before. “My mom married his dad some years ago. We didn’t grow up together, really, but I’ve always seen him as a brother.”
           “That’s even sweeter than you being a couple,” Ashley places a hand over her heart. “I’ll leave y’all to eat then,” she smiles before rushing off.
           “What was that all about?” Yoongi asks, snapping me back into Korean.
           “What was what?” I innocently ask, taking a slice of pizza and placing it on my plate.
           “What you just told our waitress. It’s like you’ve thought about it before. Just for that kind of situation.”
           “Maybe I have, or it just came to me. I just didn’t want her to have the wrong idea. I never want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
           “Like that one girl at the fan meet. I understand. It was cute.”
           “It made me feel good, telling someone that you are my brother,” I take a big bite of my pizza.
           “Did it?” Yoongi shoves more garlic knot into his mouth.
           It takes me a few moments before I can speak again. “Yes. Like when I tell people that I am dating Tae. I love him, and I love you so much. It’s a different love, thought. With Tae, I want to kiss him, snuggle up to him as I fall asleep, live with him, build a family, and more. So much more. With you, I want to hug you, sip coffee or hot chocolate, and talk about mental health. I want to help you with music endeavors, read you my poems, read books with chilling in your studio, and do sibling things.”
           “I’ll make sure we will,” Yoongi grabs my milkshake, take a sip.
           “Why’d you do that?” I shove more pizza into my mouth.
           “Isn’t it what siblings do?” He smirks, setting the milkshake back in front of me.
           I smugly smile, “Look at you, being a big brother.”
           “Don’t tease me.”
           “Min Yoongi loves his little sister,” I giggle.
           “Little one, you are so testy right now. I will ground you or something like that.”
           Both of us laugh at how dorky we are sounding.
           “Really, Yoongi, you are the best,” I nervously push my glasses up my nose. “You have been a blessing.”
           “I try,” he leans over to shove some garlic knot in my mouth. “I think I will teach you to play the piano.”
           “Oh, will you now,” I say through chewing the garlic knot.
           “Swallow, then talk,” Yoongi gives me a disgusted look.
           “Sorry,” I wash the food down with some milkshake.
           “You’re forgiven.”
           “So piano then?”
           “Yes, it’s a love of mine, and I want to share it.”
           “I look forward to it.”
           “How has rooming with the maknae boys been?”
           “Good, good,” I think back to the craziness of yesterday. “Tae and I danced while the others were out. Private lessons at one another. Then when Jimin and Jungkook came back, video games for hours.”
           Yoongi chuckles, “That sounds fun. I just slept and wrote music.”
           “And worried about me?” I stuff pizza into my mouth.
           “Yes, and worried about you,” he slightly shakes his head. “Just shut up and eat, you little dork.”
Hope you enjoyed reading! A bit shorted but a slightly big think is happening next, and I want it to start a chapter. :)
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urflowersdied · 6 years
soft sounds from another planet
In which you get called in to help Harry’s writers block and become his new creative muse in the process.
A/N: Hello, hi, how are you? January’s been a bitch of a month for me, and even though I wanted to work on another part for Cold as Ice(d coffee), it just wasn’t happening. But I pulled myself together and wrote this 2.4k word one shot. I basically told dialogue to go fuck itself on this one, but I still hope you guys will give it a read! (Oh, also I guess this is mature-ish?)
Special thanks go out to the wifey @theasstour and writer extraordinaire @meetyourmouths for dealing with my insecurities while writing! 
Hope you enjoy!
Sophomore albums were a difficult hurdle to overcome. Harry knew that. Had been warned by everyone - from his best friend and manager Jeff to artists he had been idolising since childhood which had now become wonderful mentors to him, even his mother, who had a weird knack for pretending to be some sort of music journalist, had tried to lower the expectations he had set for himself. And he had tried to keep all of their advice in mind when he travelled to Tokyo in late December to begin the creative process, but, staying true to his overachieving self, Harry quickly fell back into old patterns of stress and anger whenever he couldn’t quite get the sounds in his head onto paper and into the microphone.
Tonight was one of those nights. The kind of night where his hair resembled a likeness of Medusa rather than Cupid, and where his roots ached from the constant tugging his own hand had performed - and not, as he would have preferred, out of pleasure. Instead, frustration had fuelled his actions. Thomas, leaning back in a swivelling chair next to him, lit the end of a joint. The previous hours had not been productive in the slightest, and the collaborator was desperately looking for a way to get his artist… relaxed. Out of the prison his own mind had created for itself.
Tom knew that the weight of huge expectation was resting on the young man’s shoulders. Not necessarily pressure induced by his record company - Harry was basically another member of the Azoff family, and anything he would create would be received with welcoming arms and exclamations of love -, but rather from critics. Fans. Friends and foes.
For every admirer Harry had gained throughout his years in the music industry - and there were a lot of them - another individual could be found that was just waiting for him to fail. Anticipating for him to create something they could turn their nose up at. At least, that’s the impression Harry often got.
Inhaling puff after puff of smoke, Tom debated his next move. He knew the guy next to him well enough to be aware of how deep he could descent into minuscule cavities in his psyche. Once he had fallen, it was difficult to pull Harry out of these depths. “Think you shouldn’t stress about it, mate. Let’s just call it a night and then… we’ll try again tomorrow. One bad day doesn’t ruin the album.”
Of course Harry knew that. He was painfully aware that, in some weird way, an artist depended on these bad, horrible, dreadful sessions to create something even more vibrant the next time around. The issue was that Harry didn’t want to rely on them. Wasn’t too fond of needing to endure these kinds of emotions and feelings to create a musical experience. He had enough experiences to draw inspiration from. Ones that were difficult to revisit, but that he knew would ultimately help him create the vocal pictures he aspired to paint - with melodies serving as the canvas and words as paint. What he didn’t thought to be necessary was the grievance of writer’s block robbing him of these crucial tools.
Massaging the corners of his eyes with his right thumb and pointer finger, Harry let out a sigh. At the very least he could agree with Tom on one thing: it was time to let this downer of a day come to an end. “Yeah… Gonna turn in, I think.” Usually he would stick around, indulge in one of his bad habits with his friend - when Harry was in a good mood weed had established itself as a great way to unwind after a productive day, but he fears today the drug would result in a rather unpleasant outcome - and maybe even catch the sunrise casting a hazy glow on Tokyo. Right now, though, he just craved the comfort his bed could provide.  
After offering some more words of encouragement, Tom whirled his chair around to watch the retreading figure of a defeated man. As soon as Harry’s hunched back was out of vision he grasped his phone and sent a little prayer out to everyone that would lend an open ear. This little plan of his needed to be set in motion, immediately. Because if he had to deal with this version of his mate for much longer he might actually get bit by the same bug that had infested Harry’s trains of thought.
You were a godsend. Harry was sure of it. Whichever lightning bolt had sparked the idea in Tom’s mind to invite one of his wife’s acquaintances - nevertheless a simple university student currently on exchange in Tokyo -, he was grateful for that weird force of nature and had even toyed with the idea of sending a grateful letter to Thor.
Because it really shouldn’t have worked. When his collaborator first introduced you to each other it had taken all of the will power Harry could muster up to refrain from scoffing. Sure, you were in the process of following a musicology program, but he knew enough professional musicians and producers that he could have contacted. His problem really didn’t lay with the array of creative minds available to him, but rather with the barricade that had erected itself within the confines of his own head.
It only took a few short days for him to realise the purpose of your presence. How the sound of one simple giggle leaving your vocal chords chipped away at the frustration his mind had been housing. How the sheer joy displayed across your face as the inner workings of the music industry and the process of creating an album were introduced to you brought fresh wind into Harry’s own perception of his career. He really was grateful to possess a quite established name at his age, even if it brought some unwanted side effects like pressure and contempt.
But your mere presence in the studio hadn’t been enough - at least not in your own eyes.
It had started with a late-night trip to a small hole-in-the-wall karaoke bar in central Tokyo. You were absolutely certain spending a few hours not worrying about his own music, but instead imitating what other songwriters had created before him and singing his “pretty little heart out” - these were obviously your words and not his - would turn out to be restorative for his soul. And Harry thinks that, yes, perhaps that could have been the case… had you not been there to shift his focus from the stage and glaring stage lights to the way your eyes seemed to droop ever so slightly as you fought the exhaustion creeping up on your. He knew that your schedule was particularly busy nowadays, not only having to focus on classes, lectures and projects but now also on this nuisance of an artist who couldn’t seem to get his shit together companionless. So, the outing was cut short - Harry opting to get you safely back to your accommodation in lieu of downing another alcoholic substance in the karaoke establishment.
Then you had felt bad for “ruining his night” - once again, these were your words as he would never get the impression that you could ruin just about anything -, organising another get-together later in the week. Harry couldn’t really claim to be an avid concert goer. He loved taking time out of his days to treat him and his friends to shows put on by icons such as Paul McCartney, Fleetwood Mac or The Eagles, but being at his level of celebrity attending other gigs was more difficult. That you would actually drag everyone to the first random concert which took place in Tokyo that night was definitely not something Harry had expected. It was of course just his luck that it happened to be some kind of EDM show, but no matter how little the thumbing bass and flashing lights interested him, keeping a watchful eye on your enjoyment left him feeling thoroughly inspired by the end of the night.
It wasn’t as though Tom or anyone else that spent time around Harry and you in Tokyo didn’t notice. No matter how slick he thought he was, heart eyes were incredibly difficult to hide. So nobody could say they were surprised in the slightest when your visits to the studio became more frequent over time. And when you started keeping him company for late night studio session after everyone else decided to call it a night, none of them bothered to do a double take. Tom hadn’t necessarily planned this outcome - Harry looking at you as though you hung the start up in the sky and you being equally as infatuated by him -, rather just thought you would be a wonderful friend to a stressed out young man and knowing you had also been in need of a friend apart from all the stress university put you under, but he would not be caught dead complaining about the situation. His collaborators creative drive was back on track, and he was looking forward to his wife thanking him for keeping an eye out for her friend when he arrived back home.
So, here you found yourself. Sitting next to Harry on the couch that was placed in the studio space to offer its inhabitants a small sense of homeliness and comfort during close-to-frustratedly-ripping-your-hair-out moments. Earlier in the evening you had helped him record a demo version of a possible album song, humming the melody quietly into a second microphone as he sang some lyrics he was quite honestly still struggling with. Now you were just casually scrolling through your various social media timelines, completely encompassed in words written by one of your friends. Harry had attempted to get some shut-eye but no matter how often he tried to force himself to look at the inside of his lids, he couldn’t.
His eyes simply couldn’t not focus on you when you took up space in his vicinity. The way your hair fell in front of your face, but still didn’t completely succeed in obstructing his view of your features. How you continuously either hummed or whistled his previously recorded melody, so softly that he wasn’t even sure you were aware of your actions. Your fingers handling the mobile device, how soft he remembers them to be from previous interactions and how he longs for them to touch him. He was utterly intrigued by your whole being, no matter how hard he sometimes tried to deny it. Harry had already noticed the addicting feelings - whatever they may be - he harboured for you seeping out of multiple lyrics and chord progressions he had generated recently.
After weeks of struggling to keep emotions at bay, he felt like he couldn’t contain them any longer. And once you’ve noticed a shift on the couch cushion next to you and switched your line of sight from your device to his intense gaze, you weren’t sure restraint belonged to your vocabulary either.
There was no need for words between the two of you. Not in this situation. Not when this captivating young man was in such close proximity that you could feel the rapid puffs of his breath on your face, aiding the blood currently rushing through your veins in warming up your entire body. You were convinced you wanted to live in this moment for the rest of your life - but then his breath disappeared and you wondered how foolish you had been to long for the previous moment to last.
Because this one… this new scene you found yourself in surmounted the previous one by miles. This was the kind of moment motion pictures tried to recreate. The kind of moment authors longed to emulate. The kind of moment that stuck in your memories like taffy to teeth. Harry’s lips delicately pressing down on yours would serve as fuel for daydreams for the rest of your life, you were sure of it.
And Harry… well, he felt like he had won the jackpot. That you reciprocated his outpour of emotions, kisses and touches was a bewildering reality to grasp, but he welcomed it nonetheless. As his hands slid down the sides of your waist and helped you settle comfortable onto his lap - a space he had imagined your figure perched in for a while now - he tried to decelerate both of your movements. He wanted to make the most of this exact place in time, not knowing when or if it could be recreated.
The kisses exchanged between the both of you soon became too many to keep count. Even though the pace had slowed, the heat infiltrating the studio air rose quickly. Nothing mattered more than the other person participating in this encounter. Lost in fingertips tracing lines and shapes into skin, the gentle movement of hips trying to create friction, soft sounds escaping two sets of plush lips.
Harry was convinced that coaxing out sighs of pleasure from deep within your figure would become his favourite past-time activity. He experimented with every spot imaginable: enveloping your earlobe with his tongue, pressing passionate kisses down your neck, smoothing his ring-clad hands up and down your thighs to ultimately let them rest on your backside. And each time he discovered another part of your body you awarded him with yet another noise. Not before long he wouldn’t be able to remember the melody that had been established earlier in the evening, your sounds transcending any tune his mundane brain could have envisioned.
Just before he got too carried away, Harry forced himself to create the tiniest bit of distance between your physiques. He wanted to continue - god, did he ever want anything more? - but he was also set on gradually progressing with this relationship in its early stages. Giving both of you some time to get acquainted a little more instead of diving in head first.
Reaching his hands up to grasp your flushed face, he couldn’t prevent the boyish grin spreading across his own. While you were still attempting to catch your breath Harry racked his brain for a cheeky comment to break the silence which had seeped into the room. It wasn’t an awkward situation - far from it, because he felt incredibly comfortable right here - but if there was a way for him to tease out another onslaught of your giggles, then he would do everything in his power to do just that.
“A little out of breath, are we? There’s more where that came from, but we’ll save that for another time, love.”
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
A perfect holiday
For @say-hey-im-gay  Hope you like it! :D
“Hey…Dipper?” he said, making his roommate turn slowly to look at him with tired eyes “I… I made cookies, do you want some?” he offered while showing the tray he was carrying, which was full of slightly misshapen gingerbread men.
“Sure, thanks Wirt” he sat up and he smiled a little in his direction, patting the space in the bed beside him for him to sit as well.
Wirt almost sighed in relief. Ever since receiving the news of the airline suspending their flights Dipper had been devastated, because unlike Wirt that could visit his family every weekend if he so desired, distance made that practically impossible for him. It had been a year and a half without being able to see his sister (because studying in Italy made it hard for her to travel too often) and two without seeing his parents and great uncles. But that Christmas everyone had the time and money to reunite and spend the holidays together, thing that had Dipper almost bursting of happiness and energy, allowing him to take his finals head on and to smile despite everything bad that happened that year. And then the airline called, saying that his flight was canceled due to the weather. No matter how hard he tried to find another way to travel, everything had either been canceled or was full to the brim.
It wasn’t fair.
“Wirt?” he called, a headless gingerbread man in his hand that could easily be the eighth wonder of the world with how hard he was looking at it “I know you want to cheer me up, and I’m really thankful for that, but…” he sighed, turning his eyes to watch him instead “you don’t have to spend winter break with me, Wirt, your family is waiting for you”
And that was the thing, wasn’t it?
Dipper was completely right, his family lived two hours on car away and even with the snow and the cold wind it wasn’t that hard to go home on time. What was stopping him, then? Camaraderie towards his best friend? A lack of desire to see his family? A ‘better safe than sorry’ situation?
The real reason was the big crush he had on Dipper, and that spending a couple of days together without the pressure of school on their shoulders was too big of an opportunity to pass.
“I already told you” he faked a cough trying to pretend his voice didn’t sound an octave higher than normal “they are going to spend Christmas with Dad’s side of the family, and they don’t like me very much. Neither do I” he added with a whisper “So I decided to go until New Year’s eve or a few days before it. And hey, if that allows me to hang out with you in peace, then it isn’t that bad. Right?”
“Hang out with me”
“while the weather is this awful”
“And almost everything that we could’ve wanted to do is closed”
“Well… the ice ring the school has is open to students… and the coffee shop in front of the library is serving a delicious hot cocoa or so I’ve heard…”
A pause. And then a laugh.
“Well, how the fuck can I say no? You certainly know your way to a boy’s heart. What’s next, watching cheesy movies while cuddling?” Dipper said with a joking tone in his voice.
“If you’re lucky”
The blush on Dipper’s face was totally worth the embarrassment he had while saying that.
* * *
While it might look weird for a school to have a totally equipped ice ring at campus, no one at Ghibli College minded seeing as it allowed the hockey and the ice skating team to practice without trouble, just the same as the other clubs. And, even though all year long the entry was denied if you weren’t part of one of the teams, at winter break the ice ring was available to all the students staying at campus, as a way of making their stay more enjoyable.
Which was just so fucking perfect for Wirt, because while (almost) no one could argue his specialty were the poetry and playing the clarinet, he was also pretty decent at skating.
“Okay, okay, I think I’m getting the hang of this…” Dipper said, before slipping (again) and barely managing to grab Wirt’s arm on time to avoid fall on his face “Or so I thought”
“Well… it isn’t that hard, Dip. Just… think of it like stop being human for a second. And then, you are mythical being, freely roaming around the beautiful world Mother Nature has given you, gliding gracefully over…” he coughed, feeling how his cheeks seemed to go warmer by the second. What a way to ruin the moment “Sorry… I just…”
“No, it’s okay Wirt. I quite liked what you said” he smiled, a shy look in his face “It was cute. And really inspiring” he added with a wink “I might just drop out and go live in the woods like I’m mean to do”
“Shut up, Pines” embarrassed he gently pushed him, totally forgetting the lack of balance the other had “Oh God, Dipper!”
After apologizing over and over (and picking Dipper from the floor), they stayed an hour skating (or, in Dipper’s case, trying not to fall) before finally deciding that it was enough and they were cold, hungry and sore (and that last one wasn’t only in Dipper’s case, because he had gotten his sweet revenge pushing Wirt to the ice a few times).
As they made their way towards the coffee shop, Wirt couldn’t help but to watch Dipper from the corner of his eye. He seemed to be feeling better, his eyes shining the way they did when he finished a mystery book and a soft smile that he had only saw a few other times before. And considering that one of those times was the day he met his friend Soos’ daughter… well, could anyone really blame him for wanting to stop the world and bathe in the feeling the thought of making Dipper that happy gave him?
“So” said Dipper after a moment of comfortable silence where they cautiously sipped their drinks “where did you learn to skate like that?”
“You say that as if I were a professional and not just a person that doesn’t have balance problems” he laughed as Dipper punched him softly in the shoulder “Well… when I was a kid Mom was always encouraging me to try and make friends, and that included her taking me to different clubs or courses” he sighed and frowned a little at the memories “One day she took me to the ice skating club of the city, and I stayed because it was one of the few activities I enjoyed”
“I see…” he munched on his second cupcake before speaking again “my parents did the same. I hated it because they never gave me the chance to choose one, but thanks to it I discovered my passion for the piano so…” he shrugged and smiled with chocolate stained lips “worth it”
He smiled and took a sip from his coffee, his mind immediately moving from his childhood memories to the ones of Dipper playing the piano: his long fingers moving through the keys, his fingernails painted just like Mabel had done them in his first concert; his lips that tried to stay in a perfect line in order to look professional, but that if you payed enough attention you could watch them turn upward when he got lost in the feeling of playing or downward when he thought he had messed up somewhat; and the way the rest of his body seemed to connect with the piano, his entire being focusing on the melody and the melody only.
He wondered if Dipper would like to play with him someday.
* * *
“Okay, I have to admit” said Dipper before throwing himself over the couch “that went way better than I thought. Thanks” he turned to smile at Wirt, only to have a blanket thrown at his face “Hey! What the-”
“Hush. You have a lot of luck so I’m gonna put the first sitcom I find in Netflix and then we are gonna cuddle. Any questions?” he said faking confidence. Oh God, he really was going to do it, wasn’t he?
Dipper blinked slowly. Once. Twice. On the third, Wirt had to fight a wince.
And there it was, the cute laugh Dipper was so ashamed of, the one he always tried so hard not to do. But right now he didn’t seem to care, laughing as if he didn’t have a single problem in his life.
“Oh, my, I’m way too lucky, uh?” with a big grin in his face he turned and shifted until finding a position he liked “Hurry up! Come here and cuddle me, loser”
It wasn’t long before they were watching the fourth episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, their limbs intertwined and their bodies warm and comfortable. It felt so natural to be together that way, yet Wirt couldn’t help but think it could be so much better. He just had to take a chance.
“I’m in love with you” was mumbled into soft brown curls. A snort soon followed and arms tightened their hold around his body.
“I thought it was obvious that I love you too, dork”
The rest of their day was spend that way, with the two of them watching Netflix while cuddling and talking in low voices. Their Christmas’ eve dinner? A pizza they made with the few ingredients left in their pantry and that was miraculously comestible. Their Christmas’ gifts? The ones they already had for the other and a sweater exchange they thought of in the moment.
Looking around, at Wirt asleep by his side wearing the Doctor Who themed sweatshirt he gave him (it was the only one that fit him) and the rainbow blanket Mabel had gifted him two years ago covering them both, Dipper couldn’t help but think it was perfect.  
He might not have everything he wanted, but at least love wasn’t something he lacked in his life.
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hizashis-quirk · 5 years
Uh hi Yamada Sensei, can I get all the 200 asks for the ask thing...?
"Alright Listener, I did the 200 asks. Minus the ones I already answered before. Thank you for the ask!"
200: My crush’s name is: I don't have a crush, to be honest199: I was born in: That's a secret, just know I was born xD198: I am really: tired197: My cellphone company is: t mobile196: My eye color is: green195: My shoe size is: 11194: My ring size is: 8193: My height is: 6'1"192: I am allergic to: nothing191: My 1st car was: a red chevy impala190: My 1st job was: pro hero189: Last book you read: The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe187: My pet: I don't have one185: My favorite shampoo is: Tresemme184: Xbox or ps3: ps3183: Piggy banks are: cool182: In my pockets: my phone, a pen, post it notes, a spare pair of earbuds, my wallet181: On my calendar: my appointments and such180: Marriage is: valid179: Spongebob can: wash dishes178: My mom: is awesome177: The last three songs I bought were? 176: Last YouTube video watched: Neffex - Life175: How many cousins do you have? 1, her name is Akari174: Do you have any siblings? No173: Are your parents divorced? No172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes171: Do you play an instrument? Yes, guitar
[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight:168: Luck: no165: Aliens: yes164: Heaven: no163: Hell: no162: God: no161: Horoscopes: yes160: Soul mates: yes159: Ghosts: yes158: Gay Marriage: yes157: War: no156: Orbs: no155: Magic: no
[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: drunk152: Phone or Online: phone151: Red heads or Black haired: black haired150: Blondes or Brunettes: blondes149: Hot or cold: cold148: Summer or winter: winter147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples143: Curly or Straight hair: straight hair142: McDonalds or Burger King: burger king141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heels: High heels138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Buried or cremated: Buried134: Singing or Dancing: Singing133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Taylor hicks131: Small town or Big city: big city130: Wal-Mart or Target: target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure127: East Coast or West Coast: West coast126: Your Birthday or Christmas: My birthday125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: yankees
[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: Don't care for it121: George Bush:I could care less tbh120: Gay Marriage: I support it!119: The presidential election: it's important118: Abortion: Pro choice117: MySpace: ...is myspace even a thing anymore?116: Reality TV: it's okay115: Parents: they're cool114: Back stabbers: they're not cool113: Ebay: Ebay is where I live112: Facebook: Eh, dont care for it111: Work: I love it!109: Gas Prices: I'm fine with it108: Designer Clothes: They're too expensive107: College: Very important but very expensive106: Sports: I don't really follow sports105: My family: I love my family!104: The future: I look forward to it!
[ Last time I ]102: Last time you ate: This morning around 10am101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: uh...I can't remember tbh100: Cried in front of someone: it's been a long time99: Went to a movie theater: a couple weeks ago98: Took a vacation: never97: Swam in a pool: been quite a few months96: Changed a diaper: YEARS95: Got my nails done: a couple years94: Went to a wedding: A LONG TIME92: Got a piercing: a month ago91: Broke the law: a couple years ago. Got a ticket for speeding.90: Texted: about 5 minutes ago
[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Aizawa88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed87: The last movie I saw: Captain Marvel85: The thing im not looking forward to: waking up early84: People call me: Mic or Hiza or Hizashi or Yamada83: The most difficult thing to do is:82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: YES81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer80: The first person i talked to today was: Aizawa79: First time you had a crush: Never had one77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Today76: Right now I am talking to: Aizawa75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I am grown xD74: I have/will get a job: I have three jobs73: Tomorrow: I will work72: Today: I am working71: Next Summer: I will work70: Next Weekend: I will work69: I have these pets: I don't have any pets68: The worst sound in the world: nails on a chalkboard67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Nobody66: People that make you happy: All of my listeners, my coworkers65: Last time I cried: it's been a long time64: My friends are: awesome, amazing, wonderful63: My computer is: Razer Tomahawk elite 62: My School: is awesome61: My Car: is really nice and I wouldn't trade it for the world60: I lose all respect for people who: hurt others59: The movie I cried at was: Infinity war58: Your hair color is: blonde57: TV shows you watch: Supernatural, cake boss, the great english bake off, hell's kitchen56: Favorite web site: youtube55: Your dream vacation: a beach vacation in the bahamas54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when my nose got broken by Panda xD53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare52: My room is: comfortable51: My favorite celebrity is: don't have one50: Where would you like to be: a coffee shop49: Do you want children: maybe48: Ever been in love: no45: One thing that makes you feel great is: a hot cup of coffee during the night44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Aizawa43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yes41: Have you pre-named your children: no 40: Last person I got mad at: myself39: I would like to move to: the united states38: I wish I was a professional: i honestly don't know
[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Reese's36: Vehicle: Don't have one35: President: Don't have one34: State visited: California33: Cellphone provider: T mobile32: Athlete: Don't have one31: Actor: Don't have one30: Actress: Don't have one29: Singer: Neffex28: Band: Skrillex27: Clothing store: Hot Topic26: Grocery store: Target25: TV show: Supernatural24: Movie: White Christmas23: Website: Youtube22: Animal: Parakeet21: Theme park: Disney20: Holiday: Halloween19: Sport to watch: Soccer18: Sport to play: Fencing17: Magazine: Times16: Book: The Fire Within15: Day of the week: Friday14: Beach: don't have one13: Concert attended: Lady gaga12: Thing to cook: eggs11: Food: Chinese food10: Restaurant: That bubble tea place. They got a cafe too.8: Yankee candle scent: pink sands1: Did you answer all these truthfully? As truthfully as I could
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hypersensitiveheart · 6 years
Questions for fun
All about me  1: Full name: Duchess is the only name I give online 2: Age: 30  3: 3 Fears: Men, Pigs, bugs 4: 3 things I love: JJBA, sweet foods, Soda 5: 4 turns on: Intelligence, Common sense, Well Read, Sense of Humor .6: 4 turns off: Arrogance, Rudeness, Drug use, Drinking  7: My best friend: He-man ( My husband), And Wonder Woman (My mother) 8: Sexual orientation: Demisexual 9: My best first date: My first date with He-man, at our local mall 10: How tall am I: Tiny. Three inches over five feet. 11: What do I miss: My grandma. 12: What time were I born: 11 am. Which is weird considering I hate mornings and mostly sleep through them.  13: Favourite color: Blue  14: Do I have a crush: He-Man, Jotaro, Sabretooth, And many other fictional characters.  15: Favourite quote:  16: Favourite place: My sisters house.  17: Favourite food: Tacos  18: Do I use sarcasm: So often that I am always asked if I am serious or not.  19: What am I listening to right now: Motley Crue .20: First thing I notice in new person: Eyes. Height.  21: Shoe size: 9  22: Eye color: Greyish Blue 23: Hair color: Now, light brown, natural Blonde.  24: Favourite style of clothing: Comfy, or punk.  25: Ever done a prank call?: No.  27: Meaning behind my URL: Simply, my name for my blog.  28: Favourite movie: I have many so I’ll just pick one this time and say Boo York, Boo York.  29: Favourite song: True Colors- Cyndi Lauper, My idol.  30: Favourite band: Blondie 31: How I feel right now: Not great.  32: Someone I love: Opal.  33: My current relationship status: Married 34: My relationship with my parents: Great. We all love each other and live together.  35: Favourite holiday: Christmas.  36: Tattoos and piercing i have: 3 tattoos, 3 piercings. 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: I don’t want any more piecings, but many more tattoos.  38: The reason I joined Tumblr: My friend showed it to me, back in like 2009? 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: He didn’t love me, like at all, but I was crazy about him for years. I should have the word idiot tattooed on me.  40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: No.  41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Considering it was He-man, yes I did.  42: When did I last hold hands?: Walking with He-man Saturday 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I’ve never timed it. I wake up, Brush my hair ETC. I don’t wear make up and usually just put my hair in a pony tail.  44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: No.  45: Where am I right now?: My home.  46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: I don’t drink.  47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: I do both depending on what mood I am in.  48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Yes, and we couldn’t be happier to be together.  49: Am I excited for anything?: No.  50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: He-man.  51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: Not very often. I’m not the best at hiding my emotions.  52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: Like 30 minutes ago.  53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: Probably immediately die from a broken heart.  54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: No. I barley trust anyone. There’s a reason I don’t ever put my photo on the internet, and it is not what people would think it is.  55: What is something I disliked about today?: Everything. But I’m trying to turn a negative into a positive.  56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: A respectable Pastor, who is not a snake oil salesman like all the ones I’ve met, who I could actually talk to.  57: What do I think about most?: He-man, and Wonder Woman. Also I’m haunted. So that takes up a lot of time.  58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can bend my toes backwards.  59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Pigs. Bugs. Water, all sea life.  60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind. I refuse to have my photo taken.  61: What was the last lie I told?: I’m okay.  62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Neither. Texting or instant messenger.  63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts, yes I’ve seen them. Aliens, I have no clue, and don’t honestly care. 64: Do I believe in magic?: Certain types of it yes.  65: Do I believe in luck?: YES! And I only say this with such assurance because I have the worst luck in the entire universe.  66: What’s the weather like right now?: Sunny. It’s disgusting. Where is the rain, and dreary days I love so much.  67: What was the last book I’ve read?: Mara Wilson’s book.  68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: No.  69: Do I have any nicknames?: Yeah.  70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I’m having a complete hysterectomy, with removal of the ovaries and tubes so I’m assuming that will be it.  71: Do I spend money or save it?: I don’t have any to do either.  72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: The very bottom.  73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?:Yes 74: Favourite animal?: Swan 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Reading 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Sample.  77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Heart of glass- Blondie 78: How can you win my heart?: It belongs to He-man. Sorry. 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Finally Free. 80: What is my favorite word?: Pamplemousse  81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I don’t know.  82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Love each other. Be kind. Stop all the hatred.  83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: Yes, I also have quite a few that belong there, and have been in and out their whole adult life.  84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Flight.  85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: What do you look like.  86: What is my current desktop picture?: Monster high 87: Had sex?: Yes 88: Bought condoms?: Yes 89: Gotten pregnant?: No 90: Failed a class?: Yes91: Kissed a boy?: Yes 92: Kissed a girl?: Yes 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Maybe? It wasn’t anything romantic.  94: Had job?: Yes .95: Left the house without my wallet?: Yes 96: Bullied someone on the internet?: No.  97: Had sex in public?: No 98: Played on a sports team?: yes 99: Smoked weed?: Yes 100: Did drugs?: No 101: Smoked cigarettes?: Yes 102: Drank alcohol?: I have before, but I really don’t like the taste 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: No. I don’t like meat, but there is some certain types that I will eat.  104: Been overweight?: Yes.  105: Been underweight?: no. 106: Been to a wedding?: Yes 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Yes, I’m a writer.  108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: Yes 109: Been outside my home country?: No 110: Gotten my heart broken?: Yes 111: Been to a professional sports game?: A college basketball game. 112: Broken a bone?: Toes 113: Cut myself?: Yes 114: Been to prom?: Yes 115: Been in airplane?:no 116: Fly by helicopter?: No 117: What concerts have I been to?: I saw ted nugent play at our county fair. 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: No 119: Learned another language?:no 120: Wore make up?: Yes 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: no 122: Had oral sex?: Yes 123: Dyed my hair?: Oh god yes.  124: Voted in a presidential election?: Yes 125: Rode in an ambulance?: No 126: Had a surgery?: Yes 127: Met someone famous?: Locally famous, yes.  128: Stalked someone on a social network?: No 129: Peed outside?: No 130: Been fishing?: Yes 131: Helped with charity?: Yes 132: Been rejected by a crush?: yes 133: Broken a mirror?: Yes 134: What do I want for birthday?: I already had mine this year.  135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: None. 136: Was I named after anyone?: My grandmother and my aunt suzi and I all share the same middle name. 137: Do I like my handwriting?: no 138: What was my favourite toy as a child?: Polly pocket and my little pony toys 139: Favourite Tv Show?: Matlock 140: Where do I want to live when older?: Who knows. 141: Play any musical instrument?: No.  142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: I have one scar on my leg from when a dog ripped me open and took out a big hunk.  143: Favourite pizza toping?: Extra Cheese 144: Am I afraid of the dark?: Sometimes. 145: Am I afraid of heights?: Somtimes 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?: Yup 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: Story  of my life yo.  148: What I’m really bad at: Math 149: What my greatest achievments are: A happy Marriage.  150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: There’s too many of these to pick. I get told something like this every single day of my life.  151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: pay debt, buy a house.  152: What do I like about myself: I have good hair.  153: My closest Tumblr friend: Taima.  154: Something I fantasise about: Flying.  155: Any question you’d like?: No thank you. �㫲���kS�}
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kchatjjigae · 6 years
A great time was had by all. Is that enough to say about our BTS concert at the Staples Center? No? Somehow I didn’t think so. Let’s get this started! 
I’ve now had the opportunity to see BTS perform a few times, their first outing at KCon LA in 2014: 
The NY KCon in 2016:
The KCon in LA that same year: 
The Wings Tour at the Prudential Center:
  I’m so happy to say, they have never in any of those times, disappointed. The Thursday show at the Staples Center for the Love Yourself tour was no exception.
Coming into this concert, I had been a little concerned. The first two CD’s of the set made me concerned that they were moving away from the sound I came to love and expected and worried that they were bending to suit an American audience. This wasn’t what I wanted for them. But with the release of the third and final CD of the Love Yourself trilogy, the videos, and performances, it made you realize the spark of what I loved was still there. That they didn’t really care what we thought. They were going to do what they wanted, what made them happy. Which in turn, made me happy. That’s what I want for them. I love this group so much, I don’t care if this particular story arc wasn’t for me, if this is what they wanted to do? Then I’m all for it. I needed to see that sass of the final album, it’s what finally let me let go, let me breathe a sigh of relief and, in turn, allowed me to sit back and enjoy what they were sitting in front of me.
So, beforehand, it was a rollercoaster of emotions, but by the time the concert was there, I was on board, I was excited, I couldn’t wait for it to begin. We started out the day with a trip to the BT21 store (you can find the post on that here), we waved Alix and Liz C off to their soundcheck adventure (we weren’t jealous at all, no, we were happy for them….) and headed off to the Staples Center for our own adventures. Once we got there it was so cool to see the Staples Center bedazzled in BTS gear. They even got into the BTS spirit and bedecked all of their bronze sculptures with BTS jerseys. 
What the rest of the crew didn’t know was that LizC and I had whipped up some KCrafts before and trucked that stuff all the way from Colorado to LA. If you remember our KCON headbands, this time we pushed it a little further. I think it started out with a “Hey, let’s make flower headbands!” which quickly morphed into BTS headdresses which would put Busby Burkly to shame… 
(Yes, everyone was great sports about wearing them. We love our herd!)
From there we split up into our seat pairs, Cherry and Mystical Being of Unicorns, Molly and LizC, and Alix and I. Luckily, thanks to the super luck of LizC and Alix, our pairs had great P1 seats. Cherry and the MBoU had great luck for the Wednesday night show and this was an auxiliary night for them. We quickly found our seats, squeeed over the view, took our headbands off (as we’re not view blocking monsters) and waited for the show to start. 
Just like any Kpop show, they were playing music videos and the place was crazy singing along, just screaming in excitement when a popular song showed up. Everyone was also trying out the newfangled lightsticks. These 3.0 versions not only lit up, but, after being programmed to your seats, changed colors, flashed, and changed in time to patterns programmed into the night. Throughout the concert, it was crazy to see not just the usual sea of lights but a sea that was completely interactive with the program. 3.0 indeed.
I was a little bummed that Kpop is really hammering down the no camera policies. Before it was just no professional cameras but now, the last few concerts I’ve been to, it’s been a ban on all cameras in general. So these photos came with my phone. Hrm. 
The band came on to screams from the crowd. It was amazing. They started out with Idol. Actually, this was one of the first concerts I’ve gone into where I’ve cheated and went in knowing what the setlist would be. This time I needed to know, wanted to be prepared for what I would and would not hear, however, I didn’t cheat so far as to watch any of the performances — I just like to go in fresh to those. 
Like the Wings tour, the group not only did songs all together as a group but also did their own, solo songs. For some reason, Yoongi’s song Seesaw, all could hear in the lyrics was “I like cheesecake because cheesecake is yum.” sound funny? Listen to it again, and you’ll hear it for yourself. Luckily after the concert Cherry Cordial dug out the actual lyrics and explained he wasn’t actually singing about cheesecake but instead a really sad breakup song….I’m not entirely certain he’s not still talking about cheesecake. Who hasn’t eaten their feelings after a bad breakup? 
My favorite solo performance would have to be Tae’s. The song is not only so pretty, but he really has the drama to fill out that performance. his facial expressions, his movements, you can tell that he has that acting ability in him. I also loved the backup dancers he had, completely in black, dancing with the faces behind him? So added to the performance. Not sure if he needed the backup dancers who just danced with him after that though.
Actually. If I were to say one thing about the performances, there were a lot of backup dancers who weren’t really needed, not only during the solo songs but during the group performances as well. BTS are such strong performers, I’m not really certain they were needed at all! 
One of my other favorite performances was Truth Untold, sung by the vocal line. The more I hear this song, the more addictive it is. It’s just so freaking pretty! This set of CD’s it really seemed as though this was BTS saying “Your turn, guys.” and in this song, they knocked it out of the park. 
I was really excited we got a rapline song. I do miss my Cyphers and I hope to see them back in the next album. But for now? I’m covered.
Also a little bit mind-blowing? Seeing Mike Drop in person. Love this song and happy to say Hoseok KILLED it.
While I told you about the sea of 3.0 lightsticks, the other set design I could tell you about was the giant screens. yes, they are the norm for concerts this size, so everyone has a chance to see the members close up, and they had the great videos, during breaks, profiling the members, moving from one screen to the other, working together so it’ wasn’t just like a video playback, but the screens were also used to enhance the performances themselves.
Outside the large screens, they had smaller panels which moved around the stage, creating action and depth. it wasn’t just your standard static monitor, it became part of the act. 
I did send LizC a Message after seeing Jin’s jacket. Looks like their costume department shopped for florals at Dollar Tree too! Our headbands were just that much more on point. 
There was one song that, turns out, I’d never seen the choreo for. Airplane Pt 2 had members standing on chairs, carrying and dragging mikes around the stage. I’m not sure why I found it to be so fun…but I did! It was just so cheeky.
The costumes were….interesting. There are several times when you sit there looking at an outfit and go…huh. There didn’t quite seem to be an overarching theme in it. My favorite was Yoongi’s red solo top (which unfortunately I could not get a photo of). This actually gave the Herd quite the mystery to solve. We’d seen his solo outfit in pics from the Seoul concerts which had him in the red top and red almost sparkly pleather pants. Our concert? Same red top but plain black dress pants. After the concert, Cherry told us at her Wednesday show, he was wearing the red pants. So what happened? Did something happen to the pants? Did Yoongi put his foot down and say NO I’m not wearing sparkly red pleather pants? Did they accidentally get trashed backstage? Sometimes they change costumes for the US shows, but so far it was just these red pants that had a quick change. (Well, that and Jungkook’s cape shirt, but it’s entirely possible RM was wearing it.) Our friend Alexis came into town for the Saturday show and we begged her…tell us what color his pants are. Message sent? Black pants. All other US shows? Black pants. Our guess thanks to Cherry Cordial? During one part of the performance, he has to slide down this bench and in our concert, he makes it down to the bottom no problem, in hers? He slid to a point stopped, and hopped off. Her hypothesis? The pleather pants just couldn’t make the move and were swapped out.
I still vote for Yoongi “accidentally” tearing them.
Unfortunately, the show did, eventually, come to an end. The guys came back out for the encore, bedecked in the show merch and performed their last songs like Anpanaman
And said goodbye.
We were sad to see them go. Especially since they’re just getting started on this world tour so it’s going to be a while before they come back. But they leave us with these great memories. They gave me back my BTS mojo. Thanks guys, see you next time.
You can see my whole collection of pics here!
    The BTS Experience: Love Yourself Tour A great time was had by all. Is that enough to say about our BTS concert at the Staples Center?
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lovelysincerity · 6 years
Durch Leiden Freude
[[Yes I know this is random but I got inspired at work and figured this was the best day to throw it at you. Have some emotions. They’re good for you, probably.
Here’s my hand at writing Reiji, hope you enjoy this dose of angst.]]
(Alternate version Ai’s All Star Love End if Reiji had found a certain trio after the Song Festival, plenty of spoilers)
After hearing that performance, Reiji already knew who the winner of this year’s Song Festival would be. And strangely enough, underneath the initial disappointment he felt… satisfaction.
Watching the much younger idol maturing over the past six months had been a delight. Just a half year ago Ai wouldn’t have smiled at him to save his life, and now, shortly before the concert began, Ai had smiled at him and told him good luck. Good luck. Just hearing that left Reiji momentarily flabbergasted; when he recovered, the grin he took onto stage was huge and came with what he was certain was one of his best performances ever.
And yet, when the next performance began and Ai opened his mouth to sing, Reiji felt certain that this would be the winning performance. He could only hear it over the monitors backstage, but that was enough to convince him.
“Ai-Ai… you’ve really grown,” murmured Reiji to himself. His eyes had closed to listen better, his fists tight at his sides. “Kouhai-chan was the best medicine after all, huh? … Haha, I didn’t think it’d be this satisfying to lose.”
But if it was Ai, the frustration and disappointment that his performance hadn’t been good enough could be pushed aside. Longing clenched Reiji’s heart in their place as he wondered if he could ever sing like that- but none of that now. Ai and Haruka had come so far and he was proud of them. Now would be the time to congratulate them.
… So where were they?
Reiji took a casual look around after Ai left the stage to compliment him on his performance. No luck on the other side of the backstage, nor in the dressing room. This didn’t bother him since Reiji figured he could wait for Ai to show up for the award ceremony at the end of the event.
Except Ai never came on stage, even when his name was called as the winner. As confused whispers swept over the audience, Reiji bit his lip. Something seemed off when Saotome announced that an important engagement had come up and Mikaze Ai had needed to leave right away. What kind of ‘important engagement’ could trump this event in Saotome’s mind?
Time to take another look around. Haruka, along with Ai’s mentees Syo and Natsuki, were still here. He could ask them what happened.
Of course Reiji was concerned about Ai. It had nothing to do anymore with Ai’s similarities to Aine- that couldn’t have been the reason for his unease at this sudden disappearance. This… disappearance.
And fear, unbidden, gripped Reiji’s heart. That wouldn’t happen again, would it? Ai wasn’t Aine, Ai wasn’t suffering, Ai was happy- that song just now had been proof enough. Why, then, were Reiji’s footsteps picking up in his search for those three kouhai, and why was it hard to keep his worry off his face?
A familiar voice caught his ear and turned Reiji’s feet towards a door he wouldn’t have thought to look in, an unused dressing room. When had he gotten this far down the hallway? He brushed that thought aside and, after fixing his smile on his face, gripped the knob and flung open the door.
“Kouhai-chaaaan~! And Nattsun and Syo-tan too!” he proclaimed, the sudden entry and exclamation greeted by gasps for surprise. “Ai-Ai’s performance today was just incredible! Congrats, you guys! Now Kouhai-chan’s debut is a guaranteed-”
He stopped. Or rather, his throat had clenched and refused to let him say any more. The three younger ones were huddled in a circle on the floor, Natsuki with his arms around the other two, and all three were hastily brushing away tears.
A cold stone dropped into Reiji’s stomach. Instead of celebrating, they were crying. Icy fear chilled Reiji’s legs and froze his feet to the ground; his outstretched hand fell to his side.
What had happened to Ai?
One, two shaky breaths in, out, in, out, as Reiji fought to make his blank mind and numb tongue work, to come up with something. Finally he opened his mouth-
“Thank you, Kotobuki-senpai! W- was there something you needed?”
Haruka spoke first, startling Reiji back into silence for a moment. No, that wasn’t it. It was the shaky yet kind smile she’d forced on when she greeted him, and it snapped him back to his senses.
‘Get your act together, Rei-chan! This isn’t the time to let your fears get a hold on you!’
He wrenched his feet from the ground and strode forward. In the next moment Reiji dropped to his knees in front of the trio and pulled all three into an awkward hug. Maybe it wasn’t about Ai, maybe it was something else. Comforting them took priority.
“… Don’t bother trying to hide those tears, kiddos,” Reiji told them softly. “I’m good at spotting teary faces, y’know! … So what’s the matter?”
Unbeknownst to them, he was holding his breath, afraid of the answer. Afraid of what he might learn- or not learn.
Syo was the first to answer. “We’re just- maybe we’re just so happy we’re crying!”
Nope, not flying. “Sorry, I’m not buying that,” Reiji told him, his hand gently knocking Syo on the back of the head. “I know the difference between happy tears and sad tears.”
“Hmph… sniff…”
“Go ahead and cry, it’s okay. You can talk later.”
“We’re… we’re okay,” Haruka tried with another smile that was more watery than the previous. She looked ready to break down again any second. “Don’t worry, we’ll… we’ll be fine…”
“Nanami,” whispered Syo, his teeth clenched. Natsuki hadn’t spoken, or maybe he couldn’t with his jaw trembling that badly.
Reiji’s heart went out to them. They weren’t just sad, they were grieving. And that was enough to send his worried thoughts into overdrive. What were they hiding?
“Hey,” he murmured, fighting to keep his voice from shaking. Time to try distracting them and calming them down. “What’s this sudden business Ai-Ai had to leave for? He missed the awards ceremony, that kid, and now he’s not even around to… comfort you…”
They’d flinched at his question. Ah… this was related to Ai after all… No, no, he needed to stay calm. He was a professional, he could easily hide things from them, he had to hide his fears.
Guilt swirled in the pit of his stomach with his concern. In truth Reiji knew he’d been cruel to ask that question, for he’d posed it as a test as much as to hopefully calm them. Their reaction gave him the answer he hadn’t wanted to hear yet had expected.
“- Where is Ai-Ai?”
This time, the worry leaked unbidden into Reiji’s voice. He cursed himself in his head. How could he be so immature as to act this way? Especially while they were grieving whatever had happened. ‘Keep your hands from shaking, Rei-chan, they’ll feel it…’
None of them would look at him, somehow avoiding eye contact from this close distance. “Is it something secret?” Reiji pressed, his anxiety winning out. They all knew what had happened, that was certain. “I’m just worried about you three and about Ai-Ai.”
“… Hngh…” Haruka turned her head away when a choked sob left her throat. Immediately Reiji felt guilt again.
“I’m sorry, Kouhai-chan. Forget I asked. You can go ahead and cry about whatever happened, it’s okay.”
“Rei-chan-senpai…” For the first time Natsuki spoke, softer and more forlorn than Reiji had heard him even in acting. “I’m sorry. This is… this is one thing we can’t talk about. Thank you for worrying, and we want to say, but… we can’t talk about this.”
Couldn’t talk about it? Reiji wanted to protest, to say that he just wanted to be sure they were okay or something (in contradiction to his own words before, he knew), except he couldn’t. Not when he had too much he couldn’t, no, wouldn’t tell them.
And so Reiji defaulted to the easiest, hardest, most typical response for him: he put on a smile and agreed. “Okay, I understand. I won’t ask anything else. It’s okay.”
“S- sorry,” Haruka sniffed, Reiji only chuckling in reply and patting her back.
“Aww, don’t be sorry! I should be sorry for bugging you with questions! Go on and let it all out, I won’t tell anyone. Tell you what, I’ll treat you kiddos to something good later!”
He wanted to add, “To celebrate Ai-Ai placing first,” but held off.
Held off on quite a lot, in fact.
At some point, it became common knowledge around Shining Agency that Mikaze Ai was studying overseas for a while. Everyone accepted this and moved on. He was famous but still young enough that no one thought twice about a teenager in the industry taking an opportunity to learn more.
The movie Ai had starred in would be released soon. Reiji thought he might see if he could view it on the opening day. Ai had done a fantastic job, especially towards the end. Acting alongside him in that movie had been a great experience and Reiji wanted to know how the finished product had turned out.
He hadn’t moved on. Try as he might, Reiji couldn’t disregard this. The end of the movie and filming that scene where the mermaid had disappeared into the water had been hard enough; then Ai himself went and vanished? It was like his nightmares all over again.
He got a call from one of the staff members asking if his schedule was free in a few days. Apparently the entire staff was gathering together to watch the finished product the day before it would be released in theaters. Since Reiji’s schedule had mysteriously opened up that day, he went for it.
Maybe this could give him some closure, although Reiji doubted it. It was worth a try and he already wanted to see the movie anyway.
The day came and found Reiji at the theater last minute. He slipped in moments before the theater darkened and the opening credits rolled. In the dim lighting from the projection he could just see Haruka a short distance away. Her gaze was fixed on the screen, her expression one of longing… and hope.
That sent a pang through Reiji’s chest. Hope? Did he even feel that anymore? That girl was so pure still, holding onto hope.
Hope for what, though? Was it the same thing he hoped for? … Did he hope for something?
That question had bothered Reiji these past few months. What did he hope for, if at all? That Ai was okay? That he really was just studying overseas? He just couldn’t bring himself to believe it, not when the teary faces of Haruka, Natsuki and Syo kept cropping up in his mind.
Reiji wrenched his thoughts back to the movie unfolding onscreen. He came here to watch this and he would do just that.
At the scene where the mermaid boy, Ai’s character, reunite with the human girl from his past, someone near Reiji whispered to another, “Man, that scene brings back memories,” to which both quietly chuckled.
Reiji, too, found himself smiling. It had been the first scene for Ai to stumble, the first time he hadn’t gotten a scene perfect the first take in fact. The memory of both young actors sprawled on the ground from colliding foreheads made Reiji want to chuckle and wince at the same time.
The movie continued, and so did the memories. He wasn’t seeing this as what Aine could have been, he was remembering all the effort Ai had put into the filming and Haruka’s dogged persistence at helping out. The flubs, the successes, the tears everyone had shared as the last scene finished filming. It had been an unforgettable experience…
As the final credits rolled at last, applause broke out across the theater. Congratulations and well dones sounded over the ending music. Reiji ignored this and leaned back in his seat, melancholy rolling over him again.
‘What could I have done differently?’
He asked himself that a lot as an actor when looking back on shows he’d been on or recordings of events he’d been in. Thinking back on those and studying what he’d done helped him improve. This time, though, that wasn’t what he was thinking about.
Was there something that could have prevented the tears from those three? Had he missed something from Ai? Was it really okay to move on and let himself believe that Ai really was fine?
These thoughts continued to swirl in Reiji’s head. And then-
The screen lit up again. Silence quickly fell over the theater again, this time of confusion. Everyone was looking at one another with the same silent question: “Was there supposed to be something after the movie?”
Reiji’s eyes locked on the screen. He became aware that his heart was racing. For what, he didn’t know, except he knew he couldn’t look away from whatever unfamiliar scene would unfold.
Blue, blue sky. Endlessly clear blue sea, crystal waves. A familiar sandy shoreline: the location they’d filmed the final scene at.
Then, a voice.
“I’m right here. Where are you?”
“��� Ai-Ai…” The shaky whisper escaped Reiji before he knew he was speaking. When had this scene been filmed? If anything, the clear sky and the green trees in the distance made it look recent.
A rustle and sound of pattering feet yanked Reiji’s attention from the screen when it went black. He turned his head just in time to see Haruka racing down the side aisle towards the back of the theater and then out into the lobby. For a moment Reiji was struck with an urge to follow her, one he forced down.
‘… Hope, huh?’ That was exactly what Haruka’s hurried form had been declaring, the same feeling rising in his own chest.
Haruka was excited, and now Reiji was too.
Two days later, for the first time in months, Ai replied to Reiji’s text. Reiji had sent them almost daily, his usual rambling chatter about things that had happened during the day along with various queries about how Ai had been doing. As time went on he’d begun asking more and more if everything was really okay, even messing up once and letting slip that he was worried.
“Though he probably picked up on that already, sharp as he is,” had been Reiji’s dry laugh to himself at that time.
This time had been no different. All Reiji had gone on about was the same mostly pointless things as usual plus a cheery question of if they could hang out when Ai got back. He’d posed that question a couple times before, not that he’d expected any responses for a while now. Why, then, he had continued to send those regular texts was beyond him. Maybe that was some kind of hope? Or maybe he was just bad at giving up?
Regardless Reiji had sent that most recent text during a pause in his most recent job and had put down the phone a moment later to continue working. When he’d gotten back to the break room and spotted the notifications light flashing he’d assumed it would be something about work or perhaps a text from Otoya or a work friend.
When he read the name of the sender, for a moment Reiji’s heart seemed to stop. Four familiar katakana spelling out a nickname. A reply… from Ai.
Reiji fumbled to check it, almost dropping his phone in his haste. The message that opened up on screen was short, as per Ai’s usual, but it was enough to make Reiji smile.
<Okay. Tomorrow afternoon?>
Not only had Ai replied, he’d agreed. What should he reply now? No, wait, that was obvious. He’d make room tomorrow! >Tomorrow afternoon at 3pm! Your studio!< Ai would counter that if he didn’t like it, Reiji didn’t really care.
He didn’t have a chance to put away the phone before the next reply came, even shorter than before: <Okay.> Even to that, Ai had agreed.
“Haha… ahaha…!” A grin had spread over Reiji’s face, quiet laughter of relief and delight coming with it. Somehow, just those few words had lifted a weight from his back. His fingers shook as he typed out one more text. >All righty~! See you then! Been too long and I hear what you’ve been up to!<
… No, not quite the last. For a long moment Reiji’s thumbs hovered over the keyboard. Should he ask one more thing?
>And I want to know why Kouhai-chan and the others were crying after the Song Festival and where you went.<
This time the reply took much longer, though Reiji had the strangest sense that Ai was debating his reply as well. At last…
What was he so anxious for this time? Ai had agreed to see him and explain things, so why did Reiji feel nervous about this? Was it because he hadn’t seen the other in several months? Because he felt silly for worrying all this time? Something else?
There he stood, one hand lifted, unable to knock on the door before him. This was Ai’s studio, it was 3 o’clock, he’d said he would be here for crying out loud! All Reiji had to do was knock- wait, there was a bell, should he ring that instead-?
The door opened while Reiji was still fretting over what to do. He jerked back a step, his thoughts flailing. “Um, uh, ummm-!”
“For crying out loud, Reiji, how long as you going to stand there?”
Ai had one hand on his hip and the other on the doorknob, his brow knitted in a very familiar frown of exasperation. As Reiji looked on, dumbstruck, Ai went on, “You’ve been standing there for several minutes. I was going to wait until you rang the bell but you just took so long I got fed up.”
“Hm?” Ai met Reiji’s gaze with his head tilted. His expression softened into a small smile. “Well? Don’t just stand there, come in.”
“Uh- r- right!” ‘Snap to it!’ Reiji scolded himself. He barely kept from stumbling when he hurried past Ai into the open studio room that Ai lived in.
As Ai shut the door behind them, Reiji caught a glimpse of silver around his wrist. ‘That’s the bracelet Kouhai-chan got him for his birthday, isn’t it?’ Somehow, seeing that Ai was wearing it set Reiji’s mind at ease. ‘He’s still the same. That’s right. Ai-Ai is still the same.’
“So, you wanted to talk?” That question from Ai startled Reiji just a little. He chuckled weakly.
“C’mon, Ai-Ai, aren’t you going to at least offer me something to drink? Hospitality, hospitality!”
Instead of sighing the way Reiji expected him to, Ai considered it. “You’re right. It’s been a while and I rarely have to host anyone, so I didn’t think about it. I’ll go get-”
“No, no, don’t worry, I was just joking!” Reiji cut across hastily. “I didn’t know what else to start with, that’s all!” He trailed off, just staring at the younger boy.
“… What is it?” Ai’s brow furrowed again. “You’re acting kind of wei-”
“- Whoa?!”
Everything he’d considered saying before he got here had fled Reiji as relief had taken over. Without even thinking about it he’d flung his arms around Ai, not minding that Ai stumbled just a little.
Of course Ai protested. “H- hey, Reiji! What the heck-?! You almost knocked me over, geez…!” Yet he made no attempt to push Reiji off and just heaved a sigh. Again he muttered, “Geez,” followed by what Reiji was certain was a quiet laugh.
“… You didn’t forget, did you?” Reiji’s question was soft, a little muffled. “What I asked yesterday?”
Ai was silent; when he didn’t answer right away Reiji let go and took a step back to see his face. “You didn’t, did you?” he pressed. “You of all people wouldn’t forget.”
“No, I didn’t, you don’t have to get all worked up like that,” grumbled Ai. Again Reiji laughed, louder than before.
“Haha, of course not, you wouldn’t forget!”
“I wouldn’t… again…”
“Hm? What was that?” Reiji missed part of what Ai mumbled there. “Something- again?”
A sigh from Ai, who folded his arms. “It’s… hmmm. I’m not sure where to begin.”
Then Ai wasn’t going to pass it off with “it’s nothing?” That was a surprise. Unless it had something to do with what Reiji had asked him yesterday.
Silence fell for about long ten seconds. The one to break it was Ai, in an unexpected way. He heaved another sigh, looked right at Reiji, and said, “I wanted to see you. And thank you.”
Reiji was floored. He gaped, floundered for words, and at last came out with a breathy laugh. “Wha… ahaha! C’mon, you’re gonna make me blush~!”
“I’m serious, Reiji.” Ai was smiling again, not widely but a real smile. “Haruka told me you were worried about me and that you comforted her, Syo and Natsuki the day of the Song Festival. And all those texts from you- well, frankly, they took forever to look through when I was finally able to read them, and at first they were annoying… but after a while I realized you were just worried. I’m sorry about that, and thank you.”
Again, speechlessness silenced Reiji. He only managed a few stutters. “Y- you… so… sorry…?”
“Hey, is it that shocking? Even I can be sorry about things.” Both disappointment and irritation had Ai’s cheeks puffing out in unusual childishness. The sight and his words stirred some sense back into Reiji.
“Haha, yeah.” He took a deep breath. Now was his chance to say some of the things that had been weighing on his mind before things got awkward.
“Phew… Listen, Ai-Ai. You know that Kouhai-chan and the other two have been worrying about you the whole time you were gone, right?” A suddenly serious question, but Reiji needed to say it. If not now, maybe not ever.
Ai’s gaze dropped. “… Yeah. I’ve already talked to them and apologized.”
“Good, because they were pretty darn torn up when you… disappeared.” At those words Ai’s eyes snapped back to Reiji; although he said nothing, the unasked question was obvious: “What do you mean?”
Reiji went on with his gaze locked on Ai’s, “Maybe that’s not exactly what it was. All I know is that I couldn’t find you after you were up on stage that day, and immediately after I found your partner and two kouhai crying. No one saw anything of you from then on. It was like you just- just vanished.” He paused. “Frankly, worried as I’ve been, I want to sock you one too for that. So, Ai-Ai… could you tell me what’s been going on?”
No answer came immediately. Reiji waited, trying to slow his racing heart. He was anxious, he was excited, he was scared. This wasn’t like several years ago when he’d first met Ai and had gotten such a shock to see someone so identical to Aine standing before him. This was Ai, with all Ai’s memories and experiences and connections. Could he hope that he’d formed enough of a bond that Ai would trust him?
When Ai next opened his mouth, Reiji held his breath to hear. “I told you I’d tell you, so I’ll tell you what I can. No… I’ll tell you what I want to, as much as I want to. But… just answer one thing first.”
“Hm? What is it?”
“Can you promise that you’ll tell me what you know about Kisaragi Aine?”
Goosebumps rose along Reiji’s arms. He sucked in a shaky breath, his mind reeling. No, he had to calm down. There was nothing strange about Ai asking about Aine. A good number of people knew they looked and sounded alike, he could have picked it up from anyone. Perhaps even Haruka, who had asked Reiji directly and who knew that Aine and Reiji had been friends.
The steady seriousness in Ai’s gaze told Reiji that this wasn’t an idle question, that whatever would come from it and from each of their answers would be deep. And Reiji let out a long, slow breath and smiled.
“Yeah. I’ll tell you what I know.”
Ai examined him for several seconds, and then smiled as well.
“Thanks. Okay. I’ll tell you… everything.”
He lifted a hand and tapped the side of his neck…
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unwoundvisions · 5 years
Cayla Stark Info Fill (1982)
My crush’s name is: Tony Stark
I was born in: 1949
I am really: Happy
My eye color is: Hazel 
My shoe size is: 7.5 UK size (I think)
My height is: 5′7
I am allergic to: Certain ingredients in antibiotics. 
My 1st car was: I didn’t get a car until Anya was born. It’s nothing like Tony’s fast cars. It’s just a Range Rover. Not flashy at all but it will fit all four of us which is all I care about.
My 1st job was: Doing makeup for people. 
Last book you read: The Lion, The Witch and the Woredrobe 
My bed is: Comfortable.
My pet: We have a Coker Spaniel named Lady (yes, after Lady and the Tramp). We also have a white cat named Marie (Yes, after the Aristocats).
My best friend: Tony Stark (but also John Decon and Rachel Boyton).  
My favorite shampoo is: Anything that smells fruity.
Piggy banks are: Very cute (my kids actually have them).
In my pockets: I’ve got reminders scrambled up in them, candy for kids, probably a couple of hair ties and maybe money.
On my calendar: Birthdays, vacations, and lots of business related things.
Marriage is: The best.
My mom: Supportive. 
How many cousins do you have? A lot I think.
Do you have any siblings? No (in this universe).
Are your parents divorced? Yes
Are you taller than your mom? No 
Do you play an instrument? No but Brian has tried to teach me guitar. It never goes well.
What did you do yesterday? After some work stuff, Tony and I picked up the kids, ran errands, ran into Rachel and Rog, eventually came home to eat dinner, watch tv and get them bed.
[ I Believe In ]
Love at first sight: Not really. 
Luck: Yes
Fate: No.
Yourself: Kinda.
Aliens: Yes.
Heaven: Yes.
Hell: Yes.
God: Yes.
Horoscopes: Kinda (but they suck for the most part).
Soul mates: Kinda.
Ghosts: Yes.
Gay Marriage: Hell yes. 
War: Fuck no. 
Orbs: Like the orbs ghost show in pictures sometimes? Kinda?
Magic: Kinda. 
[ This or That ]
Hugs or Kisses: I really don’t have a preference.
Drunk or High: Drunk
Red heads or Black haired: Red heads (I’m biased).
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.  
Hot or cold: Cold.
Summer or winter: Winter.
Autumn or Spring: Autumn.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
Night or Day: Night.
Oranges or Apples: Appels.
Curly or Straight hair: Both.
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King.
White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Both.
Flip flops or high heals: Flip flops (just because their more comfortable and I’m lazy).
Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke. 
Buried or cremated: Cremated.
Singing or Dancing: Singing.
Small town or Big city: Big city.
Manicure or Pedicure: Both but my least favorite is pedicure.
Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas.
Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate.
Disney or Six Flags: Disney.
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
War: Is good for absolutely nothing. Pointless and it’s the worst.
Gay Marriage: Should be legal everywhere.
The presidential election: Rarely turns out the way it should. 
Abortion: The woman’s body, her choice.
Parents: Can be the worst sometimes but they usually mean well. Unless their awful.
Back stabbers: Conniving assholes.
Work: Has become more about supporting your life than doing what you love.
My Neighbors: Probably hate how loud me and the kids can get in the back yard.
Gas Prices: Always too high. 
Designer Clothes: Are a luxury but I don’t need need too many.
College: A lot of work but fun sometimes.
Sports: Confuse me.
My family: is my world.
The future: Looks very bright. 
[ Last time I ]
Hugged someone: I hugged quite a few people yesterday, my kids, Tony and Rachel.
Last time you ate: This morning, Tony made breakfast.
Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Elton came over a couple of days ago and it was the best.
Cried in front of someone: I took the kids to see E.T and properly cried when he had to go home. They were confused.
Went to a movie theater: Actually went a few days ago with Tony, Roger and Rach.
Took a vacation: We’re trying to plan a proper one but we did take a short trip to New York with the kids.
Swam in a pool: A good while ago. 
Changed a diaper: Thankfully, Anya has been out of diapers for a couple of years.
Got my nails done: Way too long ago but there’s always more important things to do.
Went to a wedding: We went to one a year ago for one of Tony’s clients I wasn’t too familiar with but it was nice.
Broke a bone: Thankfully, never.
Got a piercing: I got my ears pierced when I was a teenager but I never wore earrings enough so the now are filled in now.
Broke the law: I haven’t really. I’m boring.
[ MISC ]
Who makes you laugh the most: Tony Stark 
Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My kids. 
The last movie I saw: E.T
The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: A weekend with my family and no work...hopefully.
The thing I’m not looking forward to: Having to cross paths with Paul or fucking Quentin.
People call me: Cayla.
The most difficult thing to do is: At the moment, answering tough questions kids ask.
I have gotten a speeding ticket: No, and somehow my husband never fucking has despite his driving. One day he will and I’ll finally be right.
My zodiac sign is: Pisces.
The first person i talked to today was: Anya Stark, she woke me up to tell me that Tony made breakfast.
First time you had a crush: Was when I was super young and didn’t realize what it was. It was actually a girl who lived near by.
The one person who i can’t hide things from: Tony Stark
Last time someone said something you were thinking: A couple of days ago when Tony told me to stop worrying about the kids. They were at home with a babysitter we trust but I still worry.
Right now I am talking to: Peter, he’s doing his homework while I fill this out.
What are you going to do when you grow up: I’m grown up so my goal is to stay young with my kids until they grow up and get annoyed.
I have/will get a job: As a manager for Queen but I’m also producing movies now when I have the time (which is rare).
Tomorrow: is Monday
Today: is Sunday 
Next Summer: Queen’s Hot Space tour 
Next Weekend: Family time.
I have these pets: Lady and Marie.
The worst sound in the world: I’m going to say it’s a tie between listening to Quentin speak or newborns crying.
The person that makes me cry the most is: I’m gonna say myself because I’ll get myself worked up over nothing.
People that make you happy: Tony, Peter, Anya, Rachel, Deacy, Roger, Freddie, Brian, Elton...and so many others.
Last time I cried: Not long ago due to the E.T fiasco.
My friends are: Amazing. 
My Car: Perfect for what we need it for.
I lose all respect for people who: Those who don’t treat people with common decency and respect.
The movie I cried at was: Again, damn E.T. Stupid little thing. Making me cry in front of my actual children who did not like him because of his ugliness.
Your hair color is: Auburn
Your dream vacation: At the moment, I want to take the kids to Disney World. They’ve seen much cooler places but maybe they’d like it too.
The worst pain I was ever in was: Emotional pain? When I was a teenager. Physical? Childbirth was just as bad as I imagined. Worth it though. Just won’t be doing it again if I can help it.
How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat red meat very often. If I do, it’s medium well.
My room is: Has lots of kids toys in it. I really don’t know how they keep getting in here.
My favorite celebrity is: I’ll go with Elton.
Where would you like to be: I’m happy at home at the moment.
Do you want children: I did and I got them. A bit sooner than I expected but they’re here now and can hold conversation which is fun. 
Ever been in love: Yes.
Who’s your best friend: Tony Stark 
More guy friends or girl friends: Guy friends.
One thing that makes you feel great is: Tony.
One person that you wish you could see right now: Freddie, he’s always so busy.
Do you have a 5 year plan: Not at all.
Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope.
Have you pre-named your children: Anya was sort of prenamed because I had thought of the name before but she was almost named Amelia for a while.
Last person I got mad at: Tony, for working through the night and not letting me come help out.
I would like to move to: We’re happy here.
I wish I was a professional: Singer and director.
[ My Favorites ]
Candy: Sour gummies
Vehicle: Range Rover
State visited: New York 
Singer: Freddie Mercury
Band: Queen
Animal: Tiger
Theme park: Disneyworld, though I haven’t been but it looks really nice.
Holiday: Christmas
Sport to watch: None but Peter likes football so I’m trying to learn a bit about that.
Sport to play: I’ve played some football with Peter but he’s way better than me.
Book: The Hobbit.
Day of the week: Friday
Beach: I don’t have a preference. 
Concert attended: Queen in Montreal, 1981 
Thing to cook: Pasta
Food: Greek or Italian.
Restaurant: Italian.
Perfumed: Anything thats not too strong.
Flower: Roses.
Color: Red.
0 notes
lindsay36ho · 5 years
News From the Past: Can We Play Like Schubert Did?
Christina Kobb is a Norwegian pianist and researcher, specializing in Viennese fortepiano performance. Her research now focuses on practically reconstructing piano technique from the early romantic era. How did Schubert, Chopin and the other masters manage before the free-arm-technique became the norm?
It was different 100 years before when Mozart was making a world tour as a youngster. Instead of being hunched over the piano crashing one’s weight down upon it, performers were required to sit ramrod straight and keep their arms and elbows at their sides. Most playing was finger-driven with supple wrists that were raised and lowered with great delicacy. Tchaikovsky’s racing octaves, Rachmaninoff‘s gigantic block chords and Liszt’s monumental tonal constructions were notably absent from pieces composed at that time.
Christina Kobb, who is heading up a project to promote 18th-century playing, such as might have been practiced by Mozart, notes that it is easier to play running 16th notes faster. It’s also simpler to play chords more accurately and smoothly. She maintains that pianists should, at the very least, familiarize themselves with the techniques to get better in touch with the thoughts and aspirations of the composers of the time.
Piano Street met up with Christina to talk about her research.
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Piano Street: Since we last spoke about 18th century piano playing your continuous research has has been dealing with about the execution of basic motions in piano playing from the early 19th century. Can you tell us a little bit about your work?
Christina Kobb: In 2008, I began my PhD project on historic performance practices at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. I had already been specializing in historical keyboard instruments for several years, and was eager to understand more about piano playing in the 1820s – one of the most successful decades in the history of the piano! In a quest to find out more about how Beethoven, Schubert, Hummel and other great pianists of the early 19th century may have played, I studied the piano treatises of this time. Penned by leading pianists like Johann Nepomuk Hummel, these pedagogical works offer insights into ideals and preferences for performance. What I did differently than most other researchers, however, is that I focussed on the instructions for basic body posture and arm/finger motions.
PS: Which were your conclusions?
At first, it seems rigid and exaggerated to follow obsolete rules like sitting bolt upright, keeping the elbows close to the body while playing and moving the fingers only from the middle of the finger. Nevertheless, since even my very first attempts produced a much better tone in the fortepiano – and even in the modern piano. In the years since, I have reconstructed the basic piano technique described in Viennese sources of the 1820s and used myself as a lab rat by retraining my body to comply with the old instructions. Most interestingly, though, these changes have also encouraged a change in how I play the music – even how I shape each phrase. To me, this is the most fascinating discovery: How a pianist’s body, hand and finger motions directly translate into sound. Does this mean that I now play exactly like Beethoven? Probably not! However, one might well argue that a piano technique reconstructed from the sources of his day will bring us much closer to the ideals of his time than what any modern piano technique will.
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PS: When listening to historical instruments performances, I have a feeling that we forget the professional and social context of the keyboard player. The ”concert pianist” – in the sense that one player is on stage playing works by other composers – aren’t really invented until Franz Liszt and Clara Schumann. Also concert halls were smaller. Which were the requirements for functioning as a pianist performer in the 1820s?
CK: I love this question and your very good point, which I find is asked way too seldom! The problem is, unfortunately, that I do not have a satisfactory answer. But to name a few things – firstly, it would have been unthinkable to play just one instrument. Professional musicians could sing, conduct and play strings and keyboard instruments. Secondly, the theoretic schooling was extremely thorough (in the German-speaking area), and the integration of aural skills a matter of fact. Just think about it, many composers never got to hear their greatest works! Yet, they knew exactly how it sounded and how to orchestrate. Their musical imagination must have been so fine-tuned and highly developed that we, “mere pianists” of today, would probably be regarded amateurs in their eyes. To make it as a pianist composer in the 1820s, you would have to compose pieces in your own unique style, and sell copies of the scores to your fans – who would do their best to play it at home. And to really win the hearts of your audience, you had to show great improvisation skills. It was highly valued to create something for the moment – be it in improvisation or in the rendering of a composition. But sadly, the art (or even attempt!) of touching the listener is often lost in modern music making, even on historical instruments. Personally, I find this loss far greater than missing a few slurs or playing a “wrong” ornament. Lack of emotional depth makes us lose interest in actual listening. It would be both historically correct and of timeless value to re-emphasize touching performances of classical music!
PS: How can ”modern piano playing” benefit from knowledge about old style piano playing?
CK: First of all, playing historical pianos makes us aware of diversity of sound. This is quite an experience, compared to the current “standardized” sound resulting from the Steinway-dominated market. Nevertheless, we all know that a piano can sound strikingly different under two different pairs of hands. How a piano is played is at least as important as how it is built. Pianists nowadays typically play with much weight, passion and brilliance, – qualities encouraged by big concert halls, large sonorous grand pianos and modern repertoire. Nevertheless, the core repertoire of most pianists (and most concert programmes) still tends to be classical and romantic piano works. The intimate feeling often required in these pieces thrives on a lighter touch, elegance of phrasing, exploration of sound colours and softer dynamics. My reconstruction of the old Viennese piano technique offers all of this, and can, to a great extent, be used in modern piano playing as well. Knowing how piano playing once looked like, and what kinds of sound and phrasing it fostered, will enrich interpretation. Performing solo piano works is demanding, and we need all the tools we can get! I do hope that my research can make people aware, once again, of what we have nearly lost, and use it to create more beautiful, more interesting performances. I should also mention that one important bonus of the upright posture required in 19th-century technique is disappearing pain. Unfortunately, many pianists struggle with arm and back pains, and I was no exception. However, a decade of improving my posture seems to have solved the problem completely! Good posture simply allows for more practice without ruining your body.
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PS: You have investigated historical piano playing and the development of the piano as an instrument is a consequence of how it was needed to be played. In your opinion, what was gained and lost in our musical conception during the trip from the fortepiano to the modern concert grand?
CK: The question of changes in musical conception is probably the most important question, and the instrument change may only be one indication of the overall change in aesthetics.
I’m afraid we have lost improvisation, and with it, the touch of creation while performing. We have gained standardisation in keyboard building as well as in playing, but sadly, lost delicacy and nuance, as well as clarity of tone and phrase. We might have gained exactness in the metronomic sense, but I’m afraid we have lost rhythmic definition and the ‘speaking qualities’ for which renowned masters of the fortepiano once were known. Intimacy was lost with the big concert halls – volume was gained in the attempt of filling them.
For me, so enthralled by 19th-century music and pianos, I must admit that I feel we have lost more than we have gained. But even so: During all of this, we have really established the piano as a solo instrument as well as the instrument for music lovers all over the world. This is something that Mozart and Beethoven could only have dreamed of! For us pianists, it is a major gain that so much of the music we play is commonly known. And if we really want to, we can bring back the elements that have been lost and bring about a new era of beauty in piano playing. I do think it is possible, even on the modern piano – which I attempt to demonstrate in this video:
PS: Thanks for the conversation and good luck with your continuous work!
CK: You are welcome!
Read more on musicandpractice.org
from Piano Street’s Classical Piano News https://www.pianostreet.com/blog/articles/news-from-the-past-can-we-play-like-schubert-did-10233/
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bloomsburgu · 5 years
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The sound of success
Enrique Josephs was cooling his jets at LAX waiting for a flight. A call came in on his cell from his agent. A quick trip to the men’s room where he opened up a suitcase on a changing table to reveal his mobile recording studio. Ten minutes later ... mission accomplished. Spot recorded and delivered to the client.
For a voice-over artist, working in strange locations at all hours of the day and night is part of the business. It’s a career that Josephs, better known to his friends as EJ, never even knew existed if not for a chance meeting at a summer event on campus.
It’s already been a meteoric journey for the 26-year old with many big dreams still in his future. Among his credits is work for NFL Films, the History Channel, MLB Network, ESPN and the Emmy-nominated Harry Connick Jr. television show. Along the way though, there were lots of twists and turns and a bit of luck.
Josephs was a highly-recruited football offensive lineman from West Chester. One of his high school teachers, John Adams, the father of a former BU football player Stefan Adams, suggested he give BU a serious look for both its football team and its strong mass communications program.
“The late Mr. Adams really influenced me to attend BU,” said Josephs. “I loved playing football and had dreams of becoming a news anchor. He thought Bloomsburg University would be good for me with both a strong football team and mass communications department.”
“My early goal was to be a news anchor,” said Josephs. Those dreams of being an on-camera celebrity soon changed. “I realized I liked being behind the scenes as an editor or on the radio more. I could let my personality come through without being worried about the camera.”
After his football career ended due to injury, fate would intervene for EJ when former teammate Franklyn Quiteh recommended his friend to the BU athletic department for a job as a PA announcer at the school’s home games. Once the staff heard him on the microphone, Josephs was quickly hired.
“Working as a PA announcer taught me how to make adjustments on the fly in a stressful situation,” EJ continued. “Initially I was fearful of what people would think of my voice, but I grew into enjoying the interaction I had with the fans as well as still being part of a sport without actually playing.”
In the mass comm department, EJ was actively involved in many areas. “I started volunteering more for projects the mass comm department was working on with Jason Genovese, now chair of the department, and Mike DiGiorgio (former assistant in the IT area),” Josephs added.
“EJ always had the talent, the golden pipes, but you need more than that, and he knew it,” said Genovese. “He had a work ethic that has already carried him to great heights in the television industry and will continue to do so.”
“As a senior I attended the first Confer Radio Institute held at BU,” said Josephs. “I met Pat Garrett one of the top voice-over guys. I never knew doing that kind of work could be a career. Pat let us use his equipment to record demos and also told us to keep working and not give up. It was great advice that I never forgot.”
But a journey from ‘keep working hard kid’ to NFL Films doesn’t just happen. Along with skill, EJ needed some luck and a few breaks.
By day Josephs was working as a video instructor at the Glen Mills school for troubled youth. By night he was interning for an independent baseball team, the Camden River Sharks, learning as much as he could and getting tips from the public address announcer Kevin Casey, now the voice of the Philadelphia Union professional soccer team.
On a career day at Glen Mills, an engineer from NFL Films was on site. A co-worker of EJ’s introduced him to the engineer. After a brief conversation, EJ was asked to send in a demo.
“I scrambled that night at home to put something together and quickly sent it in,” Josephs continued. “The company surprised me by calling me in for an interview. It went so well, a few months later I was offered a job as a production assistant, ironically just a few days after landing a full-time position with the school.” (He quickly quit his job at the school.)
EJ’s big break came just months later when he was tabbed to be the voice of the post-game spot announcing the opportunity to purchase gear and a highlight DVD of the Super Bowl. Later he worked
on a highlight film of the Super Bowl becoming the first seasonal production assistant hired for that role.
“I had to sleep at NFL films multiple nights to meet the deadline,” said Josephs. “The same producers who recorded his demo gave him a shot to do the narration on the Super Bowl 50 highlights. It was huge. They loved it.”
Later that year EJ caught another big break and landed a spot as the voice of the NFL’s Top 100 when the original voice of the show was arrested. “I was working with the show’s Emmy Award-winning producer doing some training. After the original voice-over artist was dropped, the producer hired me to be the new voice that year. We had to re-record two episodes which had aired already and now I am one of three regular voices of the program.”
Most recently Josephs did the narration for the History Channel’s summer show “Evel Live,” which was the most-watched live show outside of a sporting event on television in 2018 with more than 3.5 million viewers.
“The production company for the show, Nitro Circus, had heard some of my work and asked me to audition,” Josephs said. “A short time after sending in my audition, my agent called me to tell me I got the job.” Of course, that day was also his first day of vacation in Virginia.
“I had to call a friend, who called someone he knew, and I landed time in a studio. In all, it took about two hours to record all the narration so I didn’t lose too much of my vacation.”
While the profession may seem simple to an outsider, just like an athlete, EJ has to train, practice and of course take care of his most valuable asset…his voice.
“Each week I work with a voice coach because it’s easy to strain the vocal chords if you’re not careful,” said Josephs. “Recently, I went to a concert, but couldn’t scream. I also drink a lot of water, tea with honey, and eat lots of apples. I’ve also stopped drinking milk because lactate creates too much mucus. And, my girlfriend’s grandmother put me on to echinacea and I haven’t been sick in more than three years (knock on wood),” said Josephs laughing.
“Originally I was very hard on myself and would critique all my work,” Josephs continued. “I don’t do it as much now. Now I’m just interested in making sure my clients are happy with my work.”
So what’s next for the guy who originally was hoping to be a news anchor?
“It’s been an amazing few years for me, but I do not want to be complacent,” said Josephs. “I see my future in promos, commercials and narrations. It would be great to be able to do a long-term series for Nat Geo or the Discovery Channel. I’d love to be synonymous with one show.”
“Ultimately, the Olympics for voice-over artists are movie trailers. Right now two guys have most of the work in this area. I’m not rushing things; I’ve still got a lot to learn about the industry. But movie trailers is where I hope to one day land.”
Despite his growing status in the voice-over world, EJ still finds time to give back. “I’m mentoring three young men at my church in the voice-over business and recently spent an hour on the phone with an intern from NFL Films answering her questions. “For me, it’s about helping others on their journey,” said Josephs. “I learned a lot by trial and error. My goal is to help others achieve their dreams.”
Dreams. We all have them. For some, the dreams don’t always come true. For others, like EJ, each day is a dream come true and more exciting than the last. Where that dream takes him, only time and his voice will say.
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myselfinserts · 5 years
i’m fated to be lonely and i’m destined to be hated
The castle was far grander than anyone anticipated. Large, shining, brilliantly built. There were beautiful spires and elegant towers, all locked within a giant gate that, based on the set up, was usually open to the public. There were people at the gates, looking in and waving, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever was on the other side. There were guards performing their usual duties, and with every guard was a cat. Some large, some small. All adorable and dressed prepared for duty. 
The civilians seemed enthralled when the carriage appeared, all of them getting excited. Children were pointing, Surely whoever was in there was of royal ilk, or perhaps of great importance such as a politician. 
They were close. The ones in the carriage were of great importance. 
“This just keeps getting more and more exciting,” L said. “Don’t you think?”
“Never seen so many cats in one place,” Phoenix muttered. “It’s almost creepy.”
Regi’s eyes were wide in awe. “If I got a job setting up a security system here, I’d be set for life…I could pay for Tanith to go get a PhD if she wanted. Hell, I could probably go to school myself for once…”
“Tanith’s a full grown adult, Reginald,”  Étienne scolded, “and really close to graduating school. Start focusing on your needs a bit more.”
Phoenix leaned toward the window, smiling and letting out an excited yelp. “We’re here!”
As the carriage pulled up to the front of the palace and the gates closed, the weight of everything finally began to set in. They were about to meet a king. A KING. Regi was nearly shaking. If it weren’t for L and Étienne’s steady hands on his shoulders, he’d probably have passed out. Never in his life did he ever think he’d end up someplace like this and not be expected to be a guard or on assignment. This time he was a guest. 
“Just relax,” L assured. “We’re going to be fine.”
The door to the carriage opened, and the group stepped out. Their bags were already being carried inside to their rooms. A man dressed in a deep blue suit with gold detailing and a rather bold cravat stood in the middle of the doorway, bowing politely to them as they approached. For some reason, he seemed just as regal as the building. Maybe he was royalty too and wasn’t too pleased with them.
Though that might just be the nerves talking, Regi thought. 
“Welcome to Estmund,” the man greeted. “My name is Alto Graceworth, secretary, head of personal research for his Majesty, and musical director for charity concerts. I’ll be your escort for the evening. If you’ll please follow me, I’ll take you to the parlor room.”
The group looked at each other, a clear level of distrust shared between them. Not that they had any reason. It was just a feeling. One that they certainly weren’t going to take lightly. L and Phoenix walked slightly ahead of Étienne, with Regi coming up right behind him. Quietly, they followed their escort, keeping a close eye on their surroundings. 
The further along they went, up stairs and down hallways, he couldn’t help but feel smaller with every step. And that was saying something, since he was the tallest of the group. The ceilings were so high, you’d need several ladders to reach them. The windows were clean, clearer than spring water. He saw the paintings of royals past, most of whom looked rather stern or sorrowful. 
But then there was one painting that caused him to stop dead in his tracks. A woman sitting in a garden holding a bouquet of sunflowers, with light tawny hair that fell from her head past her shoulders in intricate tight curls. Unlike the others they’d passed, she was dressed in relatively normal clothing. Or at least what would probably pass as normal in the kingdom. She had freckles, warm sun-kissed skin, and one of the sweetest, most hypnotic smiles he’d ever seen. 
And her eyes. He knew those eyes. A deep, romantic shade of pink that reminded Reginald so much of spinel stones. The same eyes he prayed to wake up to every morning. 
Luci’s eyes.
“Regi?” L called. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”
Regi was snapped back to reality, turning to see the others hurrying back to him. “N-nothing, I, I just…uh…” He pointed to the painting, trying to regain his composure. “This one just seems different from the others.” “
They all looked up, observing the painting closely. Phoenix nearly let out a gasp. Étienne seemed relatively unaffected, though Regi noted the small twitch of his brow. L seemed almost enthralled. Or at least that’s what he thought, given her posture and smile. Regi could never tell what she was thinking under the mask. 
“She’s beautiful,” L sighed. “I wouldn’t mind asking her out to dinner.”
“She is really pretty,” Phoenix agreed. “There’s just something nice about her.”
Étienne nodded slowly. “Seems almost…happier than the other paintings. More in love with life.”
���I would hope so. I did paint her after all.”
Everyone stood stiff, slowly turning toward Graceworth, only to find him standing at attention, eyes focused at the wall as a man dressed in a dark navy suit strode toward them. His hair was long, a slightly darker blue than Luci’s, but the face was unmistakable. The only thing differentiating them were the man’s eyes, which were narrower and a snow white hue. 
And of course, the crown upon his head.
“I-I’m so, so sorry, sir,” Regi stammered. “I-I, mean, you, uh, your Majesty, Highness, sir. I didn’t-”
Davis raised a hand, smiling fondly. “Relax. Formalities are not needed. You may address me as Davis if you’d like. It’s a privilege to finally meet you all.” He looked them over, nodding slightly as his gaze washed over them. “From my understanding, I have three heroes and a designer I’ll be hosting. One of those heroes also being a designer?”
L nodded, giving a polite bow. “That is correct.”
“Reflective mask, strong, ethereal presence.” Davis held out a hand to her. “You must be Lady Lazarus. Your reputation precedes you. Though the stories of your charm certainly don’t do you justice.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” L said, accepting his hand. “I must say you are quite the charmer.”
“I am no such thing,” the king chuckled, turning to the others. “This lovely young lady must be Phoenix then?”
Phoenix let out a snicker. “That’s me.”
Davis shook her hand, his smile quickly fading to concern. “Are you alright, my dear? You’re looking a little red.”
“It’s nothing,” she assured. “Just a little overheated. That boat was unusually warm and the carriage was a bit stuffy. A nice ice bath and some ice cream and I’ll be fine-”
Without missing a beat, Davis nodded to Graceworth, who clicked his heels and quickly faded through the floor. “One ice bath coming right up. Should be ready in a half an hour but if you need to cool off sooner we can have the pool ready. And we’ll have ice cream for dessert.”
Phoenix looked at L with a shocked expression. “Can we adopt him?”
L giggled. “No, love. We can’t adopt the king.”
Davis’s smile returned, though Regi couldn’t help but note the flicker of regret in his eyes that just barely passed. Almost lonely. 
Reminded him of someone else he knew. 
“Monsieur Allard,” the king greeted. “Its a privilege to finally meet you. Thank you for agreeing to see me.”
“I just happened to have a dropout,” Étienne said. Regi had to stifle a laugh. By ‘dropout’, he meant he recently cancelled a few mediocre heroes who had pissed him off one time too many. Left his whole week open.
“Luck favors us then.” Davis motioned for them to follow. “I’ll show you to the parlor-”
Étienne glared at him, his voice echoing through the halls. “Your Majesty, why in the ever loving hell are you covered in hair?”
Everyone froze. Étienne was bold, sure, but to speak that way- no to SHOUT at the king? Well, Regi had to admit that was absolutely one thing his best friend would probably do. King or no, Luci’s father or no, Étienne Allard prided himself on being professional and clean in any environment. And he held other professionals to the same standards during work hours.
And as much as Regi wanted to enjoy this, this trip was 100% business.
The king shifted on his feet, tugging at his sleeves nervously as he tried not to blush. (God he’s almost exactly like Luci, he thought). Davis let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“I’m terribly sorry,” he said. “I was spending time in the cat room playing my dulcimer for them and then the new mama cat arrived and I had to help feed the babies-”
Oh my god he rambles like me!
“Cat room?” Étienne interrupted.
“Yes, cat room.” Davis’s eyes lit up. “Because of my quirk I’m fated to be lonely and destined to be hated by most of the world. But cats aren’t that judgmental of quirks. They judge character, and that’s why I like them. They’re honest. The cat room houses cats without owners or in need of extra care for whatever reason. It’s the second largest room in the house, beating out the throne room and the dining room and just barely missing the #1 spot because the ballroom is bigger.” 
L leaned forward, no doubt batting her eyes behind her mask. “What’s this about babies?”
Davis chuckled. “A mama cat, I call her Vera, she just had a litter of ten kittens and the littlest one is this cute little blonde tabby that needed extra attention-”
Étienne stormed up to him, getting as in Davis’s face as he could with the nine inch difference between them. 
“Your Highness,” he said sternly. “I absolutely cannot begin any sort of work until you show me this ‘cat room’. I request you show it to me immediately.”
Davis blinked a few times, trying to process what was happening, but soon managed to recompose himself and turned around. “It’s this way. I’d be honored to share with you.” He stopped for a second. “Though do avoid the large box castle in the corner of the room. That’s Leona’s domain and she’s a bit prickly.”
Regi let out a sigh of relief and followed the others down the hall. All the tension was gone, but he still felt anxious. 
This plan has to work. It just has to.
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morningrainmusic · 7 years
Makin’ it feel like summer: Whitney brings chill vibes to Milwaukee
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Whitney is a Chicago-based band comprised of two dudes who used to be in other high profile indie bands. Pitchfork has dubbed them “Sons of Summer” and called their debut album from last year “profoundly enjoyable.” I agree wholeheartedly with the latter but think the former is sort of a shitty title for a feature article. Anyways, I’ve wanted to see these PBR-chopping Jeeepsters in concert for a while now, so a quick drive up to Milwaukee to catch them at Summerfest was a no-brainer.
Quick note before I go on: a Marquette undergrad named Lily Wellen wrote a pretty straightforward review of this show for OnMilwaukee.com. She does a nice job describing how the stage lighting “really made it feel like summer” and drops the word “chill” a couple times. I’m going to refrain from including a lot of the details she covered to avoid being redundant. Read her piece here.
On Friday I spotted the lead singer, Julien Ehrlich, in Logan Square shortly after I got off the el. Feeling bold and acting on impulse, I quickened my stride to catch up to him and tell him I’m a fan. He was very nice and I mentioned that I was going to see them at Summerfest the next day. “What time are we on again, 8:00 or something?” he asked. I said that sounded about right and asked if the band was excited for it. He said they just came off a lengthy tour so they were feeling a bit run down, but that it’d be a good time. Then I decided to be annoying and ask for a photo and he very kindly obliged and I took a selfie of us. Julien threw up deuces.
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So that was cool.
On Saturday afternoon I headed up to Milwaukee and met up with my friend Joey Burns to eat some delicious flatbread pizza he and his girlfriend Kelly made, I believe from scratch. Kelly is a bit of a health nut and has a food blog. It is far more professional looking than this one and presumably more interesting. Check it out.
I digress. We entered the venue, grabbed a couple $8 16-ounce Coors Lights, and got a decent spot for the show. This was my first Summerfest experience at one of the stages with benches. For those who don’t know, some of the stages at Summerfest (like Johnson Controls where Whitney played) have rows of benches in front of them. And what do audiences do at these stages? You guessed it, they stand on the benches. I have a feeling this has been common at Summerfest for some time but somehow I missed it/didn’t recall it. My initial feelings were mixed, but once we stepped up and landed on a solid location, I found that I quite enjoyed standing on those benches.
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Whitney was still soundchecking when we arrived just before 8:00. Folks cheered as Kakacek strummed the opening bars of “Dave’s Song” and Ehrlich sang the first few words of “Polly” to check levels. This was, as far as I could tell, a predictably easygoing, polite crowd ready to enjoy some soulful rock tunes on a warm summer night. I don’t want to veer into gushing territory, but I mean come on, we’re approaching idyllic here. They kicked it off with “Dave’s Song,” and we pretty much immediately reached peak mellow status. Ehrlich’s signature falsetto sounded great, Will Miller masterfully wielded his trumpet, and Kakacek stoically fingerpicked his guitar, the same no-nonsense, functional attitude he adopted in his old band, Smith Westerns (RIP).
Ehrlich’s between-song banter was pleasant and humorous. He was the only band member to speak the entire show, occasionally telling the crowd to “stick around” for the remaining two of three covers they played, or don’t stick around and go see Migos instead. “This song is about depression,” “this song is about dying of old age”—he had a little intro for almost every tune, some surprisingly enlightening to me.
Burns and I had one semi-noteworthy crowd encounter that warmed the heart. A couple probably late teenage/early 20s guys made moves right in front of us about 20 minutes into the set. One of them, a long haired, boyish-looking lad wearing a tie-dye Grateful Dead shirt, skimmed past us while stepping over the rows and accidentally slid my flannel shirt off the bench where I’d set it. He picked it up from the ground and handed it to me. Was I mildly irked by these kids at first? Yes. But again, it’s Whitney at Summerfest on a July Saturday night. It’s going to take a lot to harsh anyone’s mellow.
Anyways, these kids managed to sneak into a spot on the bench directly in front of us and slowly their friends started showing up and sharing hugs/hellos. They had great luck in capturing a wide space in front of us, and they genuinely seemed like a solid, good-natured crew. So much so that after the show wrapped up, I told them as much. We chatted briefly, one said he thought Burns looked like someone he knows, and we went our separate ways. Perhaps I saw some of my younger self in these carefree youths. Leave it to the music of Whitney to bring out traces of nostalgia and wistfulness.
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The three covers Whitney played included their version of “You’ve Got A Woman” they released this year, 45 seconds of “Thank You For Being a Friend” by Andrew Gold (AKA The Golden Girls theme song, which is what Ehrlich referred to it as), and a song called “Magnet” by NRBQ. Those songs are from 1975, 1978, and 1972 respectively. Fitting, coming from a band so frequently noted for their 70s sound—each almost sounded like the band could’ve written it. “Magnet” was a highlight of the show. Sort of a quirkily-worded take on “Hello, Goodbye,” it’s a fun song. Kakacek broke into a tasty guitar solo, which transitioned seamlessly into a trumpet solo provided by Will Miller.
Around 9:00, they closed with “No Woman” and said farewell. I speak for the entire crowd when I say it was one of the best concerts we’ve seen this year. We descended from the benches, feeling satisfied and optimistic. The “Sons of Summer” had delivered the goods and then some. Then we all went to Migos.
Here’s a tasteful photo of my dog laying in a groundcover bed today:
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^taking a note from “The Kelly Diet”
1. Dave's Song 2. No Matter Where We Go 3. Polly 4. Red Moon 5. You've Got A Woman (Lion Cover) 6. Golden Days 7. Light Upon the Lake 8. On My Own 9. The Falls 10. Follow 11. Untitled new song (”as the days go by”) 12. "Golden Girls" theme song 13. Magnet (NRBQ cover) 14. No Woman
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