#*I'm going to call you now so answer the phone!*
httpswritings · 1 day
if you were my little girl: the series - part 4
alexia putellas x child!reader; this story contains mentions of traumatic experiences as drug addiction, child abuse and similar topics. don't read it if you find those topics triggering.
The Adult In Charge
You had suggested to draw and Alexia agreed.
Colored pencils danced across the paper as you and Alexia settled into a comfortable silence. She was lost in a world of vibrant blooms and playful hearts, while you meticulously built a scene with familiar figures.
It resembled the drawing she'd found in your room, only this time, the message was clearer. Empty beer bottles stood sentinel around the family, a shadow of worry draped over your grandmother's face, mirrored by your own.
The playful smile slipped from Alexia's lips as you presented your drawing. Your wide eyes and a finger pressed to your lips spoke volumes. A wave of guilt crashed over her – the sudden disgust of beer, the unexplained dip in your grades, the way you clung to her whenever she left… it all clicked into place.
Understanding brought no comfort. In fact, she felt even more adrift. You, so small and seemingly fragile, were carrying a weight far too heavy. Yet, beneath it all, a quiet strength flickered.
Without a word, she pulled you into a hug. It was an embrace you craved – warm, safe, the scent of her hair tickling your nose and drawing a giggle from your lips.
Tears welled in her eyes, spilling over as a choked whisper escaped her lips. "I'm so sorry," she said, her voice thick with regret. It wasn't the empty apology you were used to, the ones tossed out by your family like yesterday's trash after a night of chaos. This one felt genuine, laced with a pain that mirrored your own.
You wanted to comfort her, to wipe away the tears that stained her cheeks. Maybe, you thought, there was time. Time before you told her everything, about the turmoil at home, the battles you silently fought. You mumbled, "It's okay," your voice barely above a whisper.
With a newfound determination in her eyes, she grabbed a scrap of paper and scribbled something down. "I'm going to help you," she declared, her voice firm despite the tremor running through it. "I don't know how yet, but I will."
Folding the paper carefully, she placed it in your small hand. "This is my phone number," she explained. "If things get bad, if you ever need someone to talk to, call me. Any time, day or night. Even if I'm not in Barcelona, I'll find a way to answer."
A furrow formed between your brows. How could you call? You didn't even have a phone. But her concern warmed you from the inside out. "Okay," you agreed, the promise a weight in your hand almost as heavy as the one in your heart. "I'll keep it safe." Perhaps, it was a small step, a whisper of hope in the darkness. But with her number clutched tightly, you felt a flicker of connection, a lifeline thrown across the storm.
Alexia's hand trembled as it cupped your cheek, her touch making the tears welling in her eyes overflow. Here you were, barely seven, your innocence marred by the shadows in your own home. It felt unbearable.
Taking you away, whisking you off to a haven painted with butterflies, vibrant colors, and the warm aroma of cookies – that was a fantasy. A painful one that twisted at her heart. But she had to be strong. You needed her to be strong.
Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile, albeit a shaky one. "Alright, little one," she started, her voice thicker than usual. "I need to go now. I'm going to talk to Alba, see what we can do to help, okay?"
"Okay," you mumbled, your voice small. "I'm mostly safe. It's just… random days, you know? Like next week. We're having a barbecue day, and I already know things will get bad."
The way you said it, so matter-of-factly, about your "bad days," sent a fresh wave of anger and protectiveness crashing through her. She wanted to scream, to break something, to do anything to shield you from this reality. But instead, she squeezed your hand gently, a silent promise that she wouldn't rest until there was a better way. "I'll get your parents to invite me," she whispered, her voice firm despite the storm within. "And I'll be by your side all the time, let me handle it."
What It Takes To Raise A Child
The weight of the situation pressed down on Alexia as she hung up the phone after hours of talking to Alba. They had agreed to loop in Eli, hoping her wisdom and experience would offer a solution.
The next day, the two sisters arrived at her mother's house, a collective knot of worry tight in their stomachs. They poured out everything they knew, hoping Eli could find the missing pieces and a way out.
Eli listened intently, then sighed. "It's a tangled mess, girls. The legal system moves slow, and unfortunately, children in dangerous situations often fall through the cracks." She saw the discouragement cloud their faces, especially the deep sadness in Alexia's eyes.
"There might be an option," Eli offered tentatively. "If an adult becomes her legal guardian..." Her voice trailed off, gauging their reactions.
Alexia's head snapped up, her heart pounding. Becoming your guardian, your savior - it was a tempting solution. But could she truly offer the stability you needed? Did she even want that kind of responsibility?
Alexia loved being around kids, but it wasn't the same as having them full-time. Alba, the free spirit who yearned for adventure, wasn't cut out for such a commitment. And Eli, a mother who had raised two daughters while dealing with her husband's death, deserved a life beyond worry.
They all wanted to help, yet the hypocrisy gnawed at them. Each clung to their own life, hesitant to sacrifice the freedom they held dear.
"This needs careful thought," Eli began, suggesting a week or two to consider their options.
"No!" Alexia interjected, her voice sharp with urgency. "She doesn't have that kind of time. Her family reunion is next week, and she already knows things are going to get worse. A child who should be worrying about homework and toys understands danger – that's heartbreaking. I promised her I'd be there, but how can I help when she can't even call me? I've given her my number but she doesn't have a phone. She shouldn't be worried about having a phone!"
The room fell silent. The weight of Alexia's words hung heavy in the air. They needed a plan, and fast. You were running out of time.
The silence stretched, thick with the weight of the situation. Alexia's outburst had shattered the illusion of a simple solution. Eli, ever the pragmatist, finally spoke.
"Alright, let's not panic. We need a two-pronged approach. First, we figure out how to get you immediate contact with her. Maybe we can get her a very simple phone, that only has the option to make and receive calls."
Alba, ever the resourceful one, jumped in. "We just need to get it to her discreetly."
A flicker of hope ignited in Alexia's eyes. "And what about the long-term solution? Taking her in isn't an option for any of us right now, and I have to leave for camp in some weeks. I'm not going to be away for one or two weeks but for four weeks at least."
Eli stroked her chin thoughtfully. "There are other possibilities. Foster care, a safe house for at-risk children... We need to explore all avenues and see what resources are available."
"And in the meantime?" Alexia pressed, worry etched on her face.
"In the meantime," Eli stated firmly, "we do everything we can to prepare for the reunion. We need to have a plan in place, a way to assess the situation and intervene if necessary. We also need to talk to you, Alexia. Are you prepared to become a potential point of contact for authorities if things escalate?"
The question hung heavy in the air. Alexia knew the answer held immense responsibility, a potential life-altering decision. But the memory of your frightened eyes and the weight of your unspoken plea filled her with resolve.
Taking a deep breath, she met Eli's gaze. "Yes," she said, her voice firm. "I am."
The fight was far from over, but with a plan forming and a renewed sense of purpose, the women huddled closer, determined to be your shield in the coming storm.
The Plan
The days leading up to the family reunion were a whirlwind of activity. Alba had bought a Nokia phone that resembled those 2000s phones.
She had managed to make your parents believe that it was a present for you, as you would always play with Alba's phone, acting as if you were an important CEO receiving calls.
Alexia, ever resourceful, remembered your love for baking. She concocted a plan, suggesting to your mother you and Alexia would bake a batch of cookies for your family the day of the reunion, as your parents would clean the house, ready to host the barbecue.
Meanwhile, Eli started researching foster care options and potential safe houses. She contacted a trusted social worker, outlining the situation in careful detail. The social worker, sympathetic but cautious, promised to keep an eye out for any openings and offered guidance on how to report suspected abuse.
The weight of the situation pressed heavily on Alexia. She knew the reunion could be a tipping point. Every stolen glance at the calendar fueled her anxiety. Sleep was a distant memory, replaced by a constant barrage of "what ifs?" swirling through her mind.
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yaeverse · 3 days
Dinner Date | j.ww
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pairing: class president! wonwoo x playgirl!reader
summary: going on a date with your class president who actually have had a secret crush on you for a while
warnings: slight nsfw, fluff, a few wet kisses
a/n: helloo nyxies, i'm still new to writing so deepest apologies if there some grammatical errors found in my fanfic. anyways, enjoyyy
You could say you were hell ass surprised when he asked you out to dinner after winning the school art competition. Your class president, Jeon Wonwoo, also known as the campus heartthrob had a secret crush on you for sometime now. The man was undeniably handsome, hot, smart and basically a walking wet dream that had every girl or boy drooling over him
Walking and pacing around your room, figuring out on what to wear, making sure to not look like you're whoring yourself on your first date with Wonwoo, your mind brings you back to the moment he asked you out.
"y/n, will you go on a date with me..?" he asks as he looks at you with a stoic face. Wonwoo actually had this all planned in his head but things didn't really go as well as he thought it would, "I'll pick you up later at seven.." he continues, leaving no space for rejection.
(end of flashback)
"Dammit, Jeon Wonwoo.. you got me nervous over a date.." you sigh, deciding on wearing a turtleneck croptop partnered with a skirt. Yeah, you've had your past relationships and flings, but oh damn, did Wonwoo got you this nervous.
Hearing your phone ring, you immediately sat up answering the call.
"Hey.." you said,
"I'm outside.." he says in a husky voice, sending shivers down your spine,
"Alright, I'm heading out.."
This was absolutely the very first moment of you being nervous of stepping out your apartment. I mean, we are talking of Jeon Wonwoo, who wouldn't be nervous.
Stepping out your door, your eyes meet Wonwoo's gaze as he stands awestruck at your beauty.
"You look.." he stutters, "beautiful, y/n.."
"oh hey, we're twinning!" you smile excitingly at the adorable coincident
He stares at you, his heart fluttering at the sight of your smile. You had quite a reputation around campus, 'Playgirl Y/N', but couldn't care less. He just saw you for who you are.
The drive was comfortably quiet. Exchanging a few glances and questions to lift the awkward tension.
"so, congrats on winning earlier.." he says, glancing in your direction,
"thanks" you smiled back, "i never thought i'd win, i messed up a few paints due to nervousness.."
"what are you talking about?" he lightly chuckles, turning the steering wheel as he talks with you, "yours was the best one there, so of course you'd win.."
You can't help but smile at his words. "thank you, wonwoo.."
After a few minutes drive, you two finally arrive.
"We're here" he says, stepping out of the driver's seat to open your door
You can't help but your eyes widen and mouth drop in agape at how beautiful, and to say expensive the place looks. He really went all out for a first date, and you think you don't deserve this kind of treatment.
"Let's go..?" he asks, guiding you by your waist, "don't be nervous, y/n, be yourself.."
"Y-you didn't really have to do all this..." you look up to meet his gaze
"Well, I wanted to"
Dinner was mostly filled with a few exchanged talks and warm conversations. Getting to know each other, and finding a few interesting facts that none of the two of you thought to be possibly real.
Spending time and getting to know him made you realize that he is everything you could ask for a guy. After having failed relationships, and jumping from one guy to another, you finally conclude that Jeon Wonwoo is YOUR TYPE OF MAN. You now can see why almost everyone in campus say the he's the perfect ideal boyfriend a girl can ever ask. He's a complete gentleman, smart, handsome, hot, a walking wet dream, like everything. You just know that after this date, you will never be the same. You could already feel the effects this guy has over you.
"Did you enjoy the dinner, y/n?" he asks,
"Of course, I did," you smile, as you took out your wallet "Oh- I can pay the dinner-"
"You're not paying dinner, princess," he chuckled, gently pushing your hand back to yourself, "I already payed anyways.."
"Y-you're too much, won.." you smile warmly at him,
"Nothing's too much, y/n," he smiles back, "You ready to go home..?"
You nod and as a gentleman he is, he escorts you outside, holding your waist. The warmth of his palm on your waist was enough to send butterflies bursting to your stomach, making your heartbeat crazy.
"So, uh, this is goodnight i guess.." he mumbles as he walks you to your door, "good night, y/n..."
"wait-" you pause, realizing what you just said
"yes..?" he immediately looked back, giving you all his attention
he walks closer to you, leaning in as he sees your eyes laid on his lips, making him chuckle.
"my eyes are up here, princess.." he smirked, "may i..?"
No words came out but you just nodded. He slowly leans in. Your heart beats in anticipation as you close your eyes, ready to feel his lips on yours.
But, oh damn, was he soft like feather.
You tensed up feeling his lips on yours. 'Get a grip, y/n, it's not like it's your first time kissing someone' you mentally scold yourself. You then feel his hand settle on your waist as the other settles behind your neck, pulling you closer to him.
You two pause for a moment to catch your breaths as he rested his forehead on yours. You smiled, and you know he's smiling as well. He then leans in again with more affection.
"Mmhh.." you hear him moan to the kiss as he swiftly licks your lower lip, begging to get in. With pleasure, you open your lips partly and he slide his tongue in immediately.
You two get lost in the moment, feeling waves of pleasure and adrenaline rush through every inch of your body at the sensation of his tongue dancing with yours. His hand grip your neck a bit tighter as he pulls you closer to give him more access inside your mouth as he makes out with you.
The kiss slowly calms down as you two pull back, gasping for air, foreheads resting against each other.
"We're going for a second date then..?" he asks with a light chuckle, his thumb caressing your waist,
"You're a good kisser, by the way.." you laugh, "And yes, a second date would be fucking great.."
He pecks your lips as he replies, "Next time, you'll receive more than a kiss, princess.."
Your face becomes a blushing mess as he smirked at your reaction
"W-Wonwoo...!" you whine playfully as you hit his chest,
"God, I'll make you scream my name next time.." he smirked, chuckling in a low tone,
"See you around, princess..." he greets you goodbye as he drives his car away
You just know that there'll be no more next guy after Wonwoo.
And you just know that in the next date, you'll end up being unable to walk
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 days
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[2:14 pm]
(cw: cursing, reader is a lil teensy weensy bit toxic but it's fun!!!)
"Did you still want to go get food?" you ask from your position on gamer!Haechan's bed. The same spot you'd been in for the last, wow, almost 3 hours.
"Fuck off! Get my 6 motherfucker!" Haechan yells, before answering softly, "yeah, of course, baby."
You rolled your eyes, he wasn't even listening to you. He had been listening to you when you showed up 4 hours ago when he was very calmly showing you all the changes he made on his Animal Crossing Island. Then, and this was smart, he slid his Switch over to you and told you to make any changes you'd like. So you spent about an hour on his Switch, placing decorations and buying clothes to send to your own island before you realized he was keeping you busy so he could play Fortnite.
Just like he'd been playing last night when he insisted you call him to talk. That casual, and some might even call it cute, conversation lasted all of 20 minutes before he was screaming so loud, you heard him across the room even when your phone wasn't on speaker. Since he'd been so adamant about playing last night and played for so long, you thought today he'd be over it. WRONG! Apparently, there had been some update or something and that reignited his Fortnite obsession.
"Well, do you want to go out like we planned or do you want me to order something?" You asked, turning to lay on your side.
"Of course, my love- oh you stupid fuck! Get back here!" Haechan groaned as the keyboard clacking got even louder.
You pulled a blanket over your face to muffle a groan of your own. A groan of annoyance an frustration more than anything. You'd give him 10 more minutes and then you'd take drastic measures.
You checked the time, 2:14, perfect. You figured you could have at least a little fun while you waited.
"I think it would make you totally ugly if you shaved your head, but why not do it anyway? What do you think?" You asked with a smile.
Haechan nods, "Totally agree, babe. Someone come get this stupid ass little 10 year old that tried to steal my loot."
"And you should pay for our food! And dessert!" You added.
"Of course, baby! Oh, oh, dude! Dude! Headshot! That was a headshot! Holy shit! That was gold!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"And I was thinking maybe after dinner we can go sell your whole set up. Maybe to the first guy we see for like a dollar even less!"
"Yeah, definitely. Dude, I'm out. Fuck, I lagged. Let's join a new game, I'm tired of playing with these fucking kids," Haechan groans, running his hands down his face.
Perfect, you stood up and quickly moved to his computer, pulling at some random plugs until the screen shut off. You placed your hand over his mouth with a sickeningly sweet smile, "We're going to go eat now. Then, because you agreed, we're going to shave your head, you're going to pay, and then we're going to sell your little computer and the whole set up."
You could feel his lips moving beneath your hand, "But-"
You tsked with a fake pout, "Baby, you agreed."
"I wasn't listening! I don't remember what you said!"
"You don't listen when I talk?" You ask with an arched brow.
He opened his mouth and quickly closed it to take a second to think. He hummed, "I promise, the next time we have plans I won't get distracted by games." You gave him a look as if to ask, and? he cleared his throat, "and I won't try cheap gimmicks to distract you. And I will pay for dinner and for the rest of the day all my attention will be on you and no one or anything else. But I won't shave my head or sell my set up."
You smiled, "I was joking. I just wanted to see if anything would catch your attention. Now, let's go, I'm hungry."
You were both on your out when Haechan asked, "do you think I'd look good with a shaved head? Is that why you asked."
You couldn't even look at him, choosing instead to focus on the sidewalk beneath your feet, "yeah, baby. Of course..."
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fandoms-writings · 2 days
Let Go
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Pairing: DBF!Bucky x college!reader (Part 3)
Word Count: 6.9K
Summary: Enough is enough. It's time to put your foot down with Bucky. You're tired of being hidden, but that means a whole new dynamic to your relationship - and a hard conversation.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY , making out, fingering, p in v sex, subby!bucky makes an appearance, Mentions of past sex acts, angst (this one is SAD for a little guys sorry), reader standing up for herself, confessions, bucky being a big ole dummy, cuss words ( I think that's it lol)
Part 1, 2 || Bucky Masterlist || Masterpost
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Sorry! Can we raincheck?
Miles is down with a fever, can we reschedule?
I've got a surprise exam in the morning, I'll have to pass tonight.
The messages from your friends glared at you from your phone screen as you read them over and over. You hadn't actually opened them, they just sat in your inbox, one right after the other. 
Great. You sighed, glancing around the street corner where you were supposed to meet your friends for a night out. Your best cocktail dress clung to your hips as you shifted from heeled foot to heeled foot. You'd wanted to spend the night with your friends, finally taking a break from all the assignments and exams and responsibilities you had. 
But now, you stood alone outside the club, your uber already gone, and some guys eyeing you as they went in, giving you the wrong kind of chills. 
You huffed a breath and raised your phone back up, pulling up a number you haven't had the time to call - you were busy getting a degree - but that didn't stop him from trying to reach you. Bucky's name stared at you as your thumb hovered over the dial button. 
You took a breath to steady yourself as you pressed it and raised the phone to your ear. You hadn't seen Bucky in weeks, not that you didn't want to. You'd just been busy with classes and projects. 
And trying to get a hold over the feelings you had for him - the type of feelings you absolutely could not have for your fathers friend. 
He answered on the third ring, his voice and loud music coming through the speaker, "Hey!" 
"Hey, Buck," You couldn't help the way his voice made your heart start racing, even if he was just over the phone. "Are you busy?" 
"Not at all," His side got quieter as you heard a door slam shut, "What's going on?" 
"I was supposed to go out with some friends tonight, but they've all bailed. I was going to ask if you wanted to come out. I'm already downtown." You told him the name of the club you were standing in front of and he confirmed he knew of it. 
"I can be there in twenty minutes," He said and you could hear the smile in his voice, "Or ten if I run." 
"I'll wait inside for you," You smiled. At least you wouldn't be alone for the night and getting this dolled up wasn't a total waste of your time. 
You hung up before heading inside, letting the loud music rattle your bones as you made your way to the bar to order a drink and wait. 
The next fifteen minutes flew by faster than you thought they would've, nursing your drink and watching people dance against each other helped. But when those familiar hands landed on the bar next to you, you decided it was worth the wait. 
Bucky looked like he ran, his eyes clear and wild, his chest rising and falling at an uneven pace - though it was clear he was trying to steady it. 
"Where'd you come from?" You asked, a small smirk on your lips. 
"I was at the bar a few blocks down when you called. Started running as soon as you hung up," He said, sliding closer to your side, leaning to purr into your ear, "I've missed you." 
"Hm, have you now?" You fluttered your lashes up at him, and his smile grew.
"I have," His eyes flicked between yours then down to your lips and back up, "You've been so busy, I barely get to see you. It's a miracle I get texts back when I do."
You laughed at that, "Well sorry I'm trying to actually pass my classes with more than just C's"
He chuckled before smirking, "Did you miss me at all?" 
You let out a dramatic sigh, "A bit." 
"Ouch, only a bit, huh? Did I not make a lasting enough impression on you last time we got together?" The moment flashed in your mind - the dingy dive bar, the locked bathroom door, the cool mirror at your back, the counter under you ass, the arms holding your legs open, the way his lips felt on your neck, his hips snapping into yours - 
You pushed the memory from your mind as you felt your core go molten and your skin heat. Bucky knew as his smirk grew that he did indeed make a lasting impression, but chose not to say anything as you slid off the barstool, standing in front of him. 
"I want to dance," You downed the rest of your drink before lifting your chin at him. He chuckled before shifting out of your way, letting you lead the way to the dance floor. 
You didn't even get to take one step before a familiar voice called both of your names. Your heart dropped out of your ass and your skin turned ice as you turned to see one of Bucky's friends - one who also knew your father. 
"Sam!" Bucky smiled, clapping the other man on the shoulder, "What are you doing here?" 
"The wife wanted to have a night out dancing, and this was the spot her friends recommended, so here I am," he smiled, turning to you, "Hey you, I haven't seen you since that barbecue at your dads over the summer. How are you?" 
You pushed a smile to your lips, hoping it came across as natural as you stepped forward to give Sam a quick side hug. "Good, just needed the same thing your wife wanted - a night out." 
"I see," He glanced between you and Bucky, "So, did you two come together or. . ?" 
Your knees felt weak and you were glad you hadn't made it far from your barstool as you leaned on it for support. If Sam found out, there was no way he wouldn't tell you dad, and you dad sure as hell could never know about you and Bucky. But before you could respond, or even try to come up with something that didn't sound suspicious as fuck, Bucky's voice filled the silence. 
"No, I was walking back from the bar on 9th when I saw her standing outside," He smoothly said, putting a friendly hand on your shoulder, "She said her friends canceled so I offered to buy her a drink before she went all the way back home." 
It wasn't a total lie, but something about the way he said it made your chest tighten. The easy lie and simple dismissal of you two being there together, how it was just a coincidence. 
"Oh well I'm sorry," Sam looked at you with too much pity and you fought to keep your smile as you waved him off. 
"It's fine, don't worry," You took a breath, "I should probably go home though." 
"What? You just got here," Bucky argued and you shrugged. 
"My friends aren't coming, I'm not going to dance by myself." 
"Come hang out with us!" Sam exclaimed, adding a teasing, "Unless you think we're too old for you." Oh how wrong he was with that. 
"I don't want to be a bother," You said, "Really, I'll be okay." 
"No no no, c'mon," Sam got his wife's attention, pointed to you and you saw her face light up. "I think she wants to dance with you." 
"Okay, okay, I'll dance for a little bit," You laughed, following Sam to meet his wife on the floor, Bucky at your back. 
You tried to glance over your shoulder to get his attention, to convey how nervous you were - how nervous he should be, but he wasn't even looking at you anymore. His eyes were flitting around the dance floor. 
It was so easy for him to pretend nothing was happening between you two, to pretend like whatever you two had didn't exist. You fought off the uneasiness in that realization as you finally met Sam's wife on the floor and joined her in the music. Your body wasn't as fluid as it usually was when you danced, you felt stiff, but you couldn't help it. Especially not when another glance at Bucky dancing against another girl twisted your gut in ways you didn't know it could. 
Tonight was going to be a long one. 
Your feet ached in your heels as you quickly made for the exit. You needed air, you needed space, you needed to go home. 
You'd been able to stomach watching Bucky dance without you for the first couple hours - barely - but you couldn't take being ignored anymore. You didn't want him to fuck you in the middle of the dance floor for everyone to see, Sam included, but you would've liked if he'd offered to dance with you like Sam and his wife did. To join the group even or, fuck, just look at you once in awhile. Maybe smile. Or wink.
Instead, he gave you a wide berth, didn't look at you once, and didn't seem interested when you excused yourself to the restroom twenty minutes ago. You hid in the stall, gathering yourself before exiting, glancing out at the group to see not one of them bothered by the long time you took, and decided it was time to go home.
Pushing open the main door, you blinked in surprise at the rain that was now pouring down, and you sighed, shutting the door and stepping as far away as you could without stepping out from under the awning. You called an uber to take you home and watched impatiently as the car icon turned down various streets to get to you. The driver wasn't far, and would only take a few minutes to arrive, and you were hoping it was enough time before someone came out looking for you. 
But when the door next to you opened, and that familiar head of cropped brown hair peered around the edge, your heart sank. Your name fell from his lips in a confused tone as he took in the way your arms were wrapped around yourself and how you were basically hiding behind the door to stay out of the way. 
"What are you doing out here?" He shut the door and stepped next to you, his elbow brushing yours. You grit your teeth at the frustration that was brewing in you, the urge to shout and yell. You weren't normally someone who lost their temper, but you were so tired. Tired of not being enough, of being alone. 
"Waiting for my ride." You refused to look at him as he stared at the side of your face and you watched the road. 
"You. . ." He hesitated, tilting his head and leaning a bit, trying to get you to look at him, "You're leaving already?" 
"Yup." At the dismissive tone in your response, he straightened himself again, but still kept staring at your goddamn face. A sigh pushed past your nostrils as you glanced at the gps again, seeing the car was only two blocks down now. Thank god. 
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked, following you as you stepped out from the awning and into the downpour, your dress and hair almost immediately becoming soaked through. "Or you can come over to mine, if you'd like?" 
"No, thanks." You declined, your voice beginning to strain, "I'm not in the mood to fuck you tonight." 
He flinched as if you'd hit him, but recovered as he sidled up to you again, "W-well, I've got a bottle of wine, your favorite brand, in the fridge unopened. We could have a drink and watch a movie? Or cuddle, or just talk? Whatever you'd like." 
You turned to him, surprisingly calm considering the way your chest seized and your eyes stung. His face fell as he took in the state of you, the misery lining your lashes and the anger pulling your lips thin. "Don't pretend like you actually care, James. Like whatever this is," you weakly gestured to the space between the two of you, "has ever been anything more than you wanting to fuck me," You turned back to the road, your voice dropping below a whisper, "and me letting you." 
His jaw went slack as he stumbled for words. 
A small car pulled up beside you, throwing its hazards on as the window rolled down. You leaned in, asking the driver for his name. The older man who was probably in his late sixties or early seventies introduced himself as Dominic, and after checking to make sure it matched your app, you pulled open the backseat door. 
Bucky's hand shot out to where yours rested on the car door, gently, "Wait. That's it? You're not going to talk to me about this?" 
You fought the tears in your eyes as you sniffed, turning your full attention to him. "There's nothing to talk about, James. I'm just stating how it is. I didn't ask you to come out with me just to ignore me all night, only for you to remember I exist when you want a good lay." The uber driver kept his gaze on the road, patiently waiting for you to get in, and pretended he wasn't hearing your entire conversation. You'd apologize to him once you were on your way. 
"You know why I - "
"Because of Sam," You calmly cut him off, "I know. But that doesn't mean you get to pretend that I don't exist. You wouldn't even look at me." You pulled your hand out from under his, climbing into the car. He held the door open, refusing to close it. "Close the door, James." 
"Can we please talk about this?" He begged, something you never heard him do - usually it was you begging him. You looked up at him, and you couldn't tell if your face was wet from the rain or the tears that could've fallen. It was probably both. 
"What's there to talk about?" You asked, your voice raw, "There are boundaries we can't cross, James. And I'm tired of being alone." You took a breath to try and steady the shakiness out of your voice, "And I'm tired of waiting for you to notice me." 
You leaned forward and grabbed the door handle, ignoring the way Bucky's face crumpled in disbelief. You tried to pull the door, but he held it firmly open. 
"Please let go," You asked. 
He shook his head, your name slipping from his lips like a prayer, "Please."
"Let go." 
He let out a shuddered breath as he looked at his feet for a moment. You were going to say it again, when he nodded and looked up at you, sniffling. 
"Okay," He muttered, "okay." His hand fell from the door, and you watched him through the window as you pulled it shut. 
"Please go," You gently asked your driver, who gave you a pitiful look in the mirror before he nodded, putting the car in drive. You didn't look out the window again, but you knew Bucky was still there, standing in the rain, watching you pull away. 
"Thanks, Dom," You gave the driver a small smile as you opened the car door. He hadn't asked about what he'd heard while waiting for you to get in the car, or about your tears. He asked if you were alright, if you needed him to stop anywhere and get you anything. You'd smiled, declining the offer, but it had warmed your heart. 
"Of course," He turned to give you a sad smile. "If you need anything, I'll be driving all night, so I'll be around the area." 
You smiled at him, "Thank you, but I'll be fine." 
He nodded, before saying, "Hey." 
You looked at him again, waiting for him to continue.
"I'm not trying to butt in on a situation I don't know," He started, "and you can ignore anything I say once you get out of this car. Just," He took a breath as if to steady himself, "Sometimes, it's worth listening to the other side. So you know the whole truth. So you don't sit there and wonder years later, if shutting them out was a mistake." 
"I appreciate the advice, but," you sighed, "there's a lot of story there that I can't get into." 
"And whatever you do, is your choice. Just. . ." He took a deep breath before his eyes locked with yours, and you could see the regret and the sadness swimming in his irises. "I was that person, once. And not a day goes by where I don't wonder what life would've been like had I just listened." 
You smiled, reaching forward to pat his shoulder, "Don't let the past drag down your present," you offered him a sad smile, and he reached up to pat your fingers with his old ones, "Have a good night, Dom." 
"You as well." 
You climbed out of his car, walking to where the doorman of your building greeted you and held the door open for you. He eyed your soaked clothes and hair with concern and you waved him off. 
"Got caught in the downpour. It's headed this way, but I'm alright." You plastered on a fake smile, as you passed him. 
The elevator ride was suffocatingly silent, the only noise being the dings of the floors you passed and you spent the time removing your heels, your sore feet thankful to be flat again. The ding of your floor filled the air and the doors whirred as they slid open. You were greeted by that maroon carpet, and cream walls of the hall, the little gold detailings of the light fixtures and door handles plentiful as you passed them by, aiming for your door. 
Your keys slid in and unlocked effortlessly, and you stepped into the darkness, shutting the door behind you and locking it before you slid down to the floor. Feet pushed out in front of you, your back to the door, you sat there in the quiet stillness of your apartment. 
In the dark, Dominic's words kept ringing in your head. Sometimes, it's worth listening to the other side. So you know the whole truth.
You sighed as your head fell back and thumped against the door. Deep down, you knew the old man was right. You don't have to let Bucky back in, but you should hear him out. But you knew by the way your heart constricted at just the thought of it, that you weren't ready, not yet. You needed to cool down and think and relax before that conversation.
So you stood on shaky legs and flicked on a couple lights before making your way to the bathroom. A hot bath to wash away the night and chase away the cold that was starting to bite at your bones was the best way to start. 
Nick, your doorman's voice echoed in your head as you stood at the buzzer of your door. 
There's a James Barnes here to see you. 
It'd been a couple weeks since you left him at that club downtown. Weeks of no contact, not even a text. You knew you needed to talk to him, but you didn't know if you were ready. You didn't even know what more could be said. What story he could try to spin you. 
But you remembered Dom's words from that night, and shook yourself from your stupor just in time to hear Nick calling your name through the buzzer. 
"Send him up." You hoarsely replied, "Thank you, Nick." 
"Sure thing," His voice came through the static before going quiet again. 
You took a deep breath as you looked around the apartment. It was a little messy - you hadn't really had time to clean these past few weeks with finals around the corner. Part of you wanted to rush to pick some of it up, but you knew deep down you didn't have time before Bucky knocked on your door, so you wrapped your arms around your torso and waited, trying to ignore all the awful ways your brain was coming up with for this conversation to end. 
The knock on that door couldn't come soon enough, and you had to steel yourself before pulling it open. 
Bucky honestly looked worse for wear, the bags under his eyes were prominent, his hair that was usually so well styled was unkept and in disarray. His normally well trimmed beard was longer than you'd ever seen it, though it wasn't by much. And in his hands, was a small bouquet of wildflowers. 
"Can I come in?" He asked, his voice gentle and somewhat hesitant. 
You stepped back from the door, silently holding it open for him to enter. He pressed his lips tightly together and quickly stepped in, watching as you shut and locked the door behind him. 
"I know that these won't fix anything, but I remember you talking about the flower shop two blocks over and how you really enjoyed the wildflower bouquets so I thought I'd stop on my way here to get you one - " He was rambling now, staring at the flowers in his hand as his free one came up to gently stroke some of the petals. 
You walked to the kitchen, with him blindly following you as he rambled on and on about the flowers and the specific bunch he grabbed reminded him of you and you had to push out the feelings that started to warm your chest down, down, down back into their steel box - the steel box you decided to lock them away in that night you left him at the club. 
After grabbing a small vase from the cupboard, you held your hand out for the bouquet. Your fingers entered his field of view that was still locked on those petals and his rambling tumbled to a halt before he nodded to himself. 
"Right, sorry," He gently handed them over to you and watched as you placed them in the vase and filled it with water. You'd worry about if you were really going to keep them later, and if you did, going through and properly arranging them. But right now, you had an important talk waiting to happen. And the sooner it was over, the better. 
"What do you want, Bucky?" You asked, pushing the vase away from the edge of the counter and looking up at him. 
"I was hoping we could talk." 
"I have nothing more to say to you." You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned your hip against the counter, eyeing him as he stepped up to the other side, resting his hands against the fake marble. 
"You don't have to say anything, but I have some stuff I'd like to say to you." His eyes were practically begging you to listen and Dom's words rang in your head again. Sometimes, it's worth listening to the other side. So you know the whole truth.
"Fine," You sighed, "out with it." You knew you were being a bit rude and cold. But after the past few weeks you've had, you didn't want him here longer than necessary. 
"Right, um," He took a deep breath. He seemed so uncharacteristically nervous. Whenever you were with him, he was always so sure of himself. So confident and cocky. To see him rambling and fiddling with the flowers earlier, and now struggling to find his words - it put a pause in your frustration. 
He straightened his back and took another breath, and you steeled yourself for what he was about to say. 
"I want to apologize." He started, "For everything. For starting this with you, pursuing you when I knew I shouldn't have. For making a mess of it." His throat bobbed as he continued, "When I met you two years ago, there was just something about you. Something that lured me in. You were - are so smart. You're so fucking smart, and beautiful and funny and witty and I just - " He sighed, "God, I fell so hard for you.
"But your father is one of my friends. And that's not right. What kind of man does that make me?" He asked, gesturing to himself. "What kind of man does that?" He all but fell into one of the barstools at the counter, "So, I kept you at arms length. Only saw you in secret, pretended you weren't there if there was even the slightest chance of getting caught - and for that I am so, so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. But," he sighed, taking a moment before continuing, "but I didn't know you felt any certain way about it. About me."
He looked up from the counter to you, across the kitchen with your arms still crossed, "I didn't know you weren't okay with it. With the hiding and the secrets. If I had known - "
"What?" You weakly asked. You didn't mean to cut him off, you meant it when you said you didn't have anything left to say to him, but your mouth opened of its own accord. "What would you have done?" 
He was silent and you shook your head, letting out a weak, sad laugh, "Exactly. You wouldn't have done anything, because you can't. Not with who we are." You swallowed down the lump that began to form in your throat, your next words coming out almost silently, "I don't just feel a certain way about it." 
"What does that mean?" He asked, his brows knitting together. 
"James," You sighed, "I've been in love with you for months now." His eyes widened as he watched you lean backwards against the other counter, "And what sucks, is that these past few weeks, all I've wanted to do was call my dad, or my mom, and get some advice on our situation," You felt the tears begin to build in the corners of your eyes. "But I can't ask them. And I can't talk to any of my friends about you because they know my parents." 
You ignored the way his face crumbled as your voice cracked and thinned as you fought the building tears, "I can't talk to anyone about you. I'm alone in this. And even if I were to have you, I'd be alone."
He was silent for a minute, watching the tears fall down your cheeks before he slowly stood and walked around the counter to your side. He hesitantly approached you, gently reached up with his hands and brushed away the tears from your chin. 
"What if you didn't have to be alone?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"What if," he breathed in, his eyes scanning every inch of your face as he caressed it with his thumbs, "what if you didn't have to be alone? What if we didn't hide?" 
A weak scoff pushed past your lips and you tried to glare at him, but you could tell it wasn't really there, "You're assuming there's still a 'we'." Though your words were meant to throw him off, the lack of bite in your tone kept him right in front of you, the tight concern in his face melting way to something you'd only glanced in his eyes a handful of times - something soft. 
"I would like there to be." He whispered and you felt that steel box inside yourself crack open. 
"What?" It felt like it fell between you, your question, but he caught it with his nervous grin
"I'm in love with you," he stated with such gentle conviction, that steel box starting to spring open further and further the more he spoke, "and I know I've made a mess of things, but I would do anything to make it right." His hands slid off your cheeks and ran down the lengths of your arms, softly gripping your fingers and pulling them away from your chest and to his own. "I want to be with you. I want to show the world that I'm yours. I want to openly be yours." 
That little steel box shoved deep down inside of yourself flung open. Everything you've bottled up the past few weeks came bubbling to the surface as you fought that wobble in your lips. You fought to keep it all in. To keep yourself composed. 
"I want to make this right," He continued, his own eyes watering at the state you were in, "You just need to tell me how." He sighed, "Or tell me to fuck off, and I will. You'll never hear from me again if that's what you want. And honestly, I wouldn't be offended if you did." 
The thought of never seeing him again didn't sit right with you. It made a horrible sense of dread fill your chest and you shook your head. 
"What about my father?" You asked, your voice straining against the words that were trying to get out. Against the confession that sat at the tip of your tongue. 
"We'll tell him. We'll find a way to tell him and it'll be okay," He gently pulled you, testing to see how you reacted and when you easily stepped towards him, he wrapped his arms around you, holding the back of your head with his hand, "We'll figure it out." 
The warmth from his chest seeped through his shirt into your cheek and you let it out then, the cries that you'd been holding in, the words you'd come to terms with days ago that you never thought would be voiced, the words you'd wanted to say to him in anger began clumsily tumbling from your lips. 
"You're an asshole, you know that?" Your lips scraped against the cotton of his shirt, "You can't expect me to tell you how I feel when you made it feel wrong to want more." You pulled back, weakly pushing against his chest before haphazardly wiping your eyes. 
You'd missed everything about him the past few weeks, no matter how much you tried not to. His warmth, his scent, the feel of his hands, the husk of his voice. God you missed it. And you wouldn't have had to miss him at all had the two of you just told each other. 
"The way you'd avoid me or act as if I wasn't there," You said, taking a step out of his arms, "How do I know that won't happen again?" 
His face fell as he looked at you, his hands dropping to his sides, "You don't, but I can promise you that it never did." He let out a sad chuckle at the confusion taking over the tears in your eyes. "I may have avoided getting too close to you, yes, but not once did I not notice you." 
He stepped forward, wrapping his hands around your waist to settle on your lower back, his fingers tracing invisible patterns into your shirt. 
"If we're in the same room, I always know exactly where you are," His eyes darted down to your lips for a split second, "When you leave the room, all I want to do is follow you, but I can't. So I strain to hear your voice and laugh over everything else. I practically hold my breath until you come back." He gave you a sad smile, "I know you probably don't believe me, but it's true. It's like my entire being orbits around you and when you aren't around, my soul doesn't know where to spin." 
You didn't know what to say as you watched him, noted the sincerity in his gaze - the tears beginning to line his own lashes. You weighed everything he'd told you, how he felt, how he was trying so hard to not lose you. All because you finally put your foot down, and then listened. 
You weren't sure if your brain could form the words you wanted to say - needed to say. Your heart was racing from his confession and the proximity of him. He was so close to you, you'd merely have to tip your chin up the slightest to catch his lips with your own. 
So you did.
His body instantly reacted - his grip tightening across your back and pulling you as close as he could, his lips moving in tandem with yours in the soft enticing way they always did, a sigh leaving his nose and tickling your cheek. 
The feeling of his lips on yours sent a warmth through your chest that you hadn't felt in weeks, and it quickly spread through the rest of you, tingles shooting out to your fingers as they reached for his chin and down to your toes as your feet backed you up into the counter. A small noise that sounded almost like a whimper escaped his throat, swallowed by your mouth on his, as your hands slid up from his chin into his hair, your fingers threading through the strands and gripping them. 
You knew there was more to talk about, more to figure out - there always would be - but right now you couldn't stop thinking about his lips on yours, his tongue gently asking for permission to play with yours as his hands slid from your back down to your ass, squeezing before sliding further to your thighs, his back bowing as he reached. His fingers pulled on your legs twice and in the spare second his lips were able to pull from yours, you felt him whisper to jump, so you did. 
He caught you, gently placing you on the counter as he stepped in between your legs, pulling your hips to the edge of the counter. His lips left yours and moved to your neck, softly nipping and sucking as he moved down to your chest, pulling your shirt, stretching the neck of it but at the moment you couldn't care less about it. He only pulled away to pull the clothing up over your head and out of the way, his mouth immediately going down to close around a nipple when he noticed the lack of bra in his path. 
A low groan rumbled through his throat and into your skin before he moved to the other one, giving it the same treatment as the first. Every little touch of his hands, the way they grazed over your skin or grabbed at your free breast, kneading it with his fingers, and the hot trail his tongue left across your skin turned your core molten. You needed him, you didn't want any of the teasing and edging he so loved to torture you with. 
So you tugged on his hair, his name falling from your lips in a whine and he looked up at you, his eyes glazed and his pupils blown. The look made you hesitate and you clenched around nothing - you'd only seen him that far gone in the feeling of your skin one other time. So, seeing it now, you knew you could ask him to do anything, and he'd do it. You could order him, and he'd obey. 
You pulled his face up to yours, making him stand up straight as you locked your lips with his again and slid your hands down to his belt. While you worked the buckle open, his hands wrapped under the shorts on your hips, pulling them down your legs and causing you to gasp at the cold counter meeting your skin. 
The buckle finally opened and your fingers immediately moved to the button and zipper of his jeans, his own moving to brush against the wetness there. Your lips swallowed the new whine that he let out as he gathered the slick, pushing two fingers all the way in.
Your lips broke from his at the feeling of his long fingers pumping in and out of you and your fingers stumbled over the denim, but finally you got the button open and the zipper down and you shoved at his pants, your lips moving to his ear. 
"C'mon, handsome," You whispered, letting your lips brush against the shell of his ear and grinning at the shiver that ran through his body, "Your fingers feel nice, but," Your hand reached past the waist, gripping and stroking him, his lips opening in a gasp and latching on to your neck again, "this is what I want." 
He groaned into your neck, thrusting into your hand, his fingers in your cunt stroking your walls, matching pace. 
"I need it, James," Your other hand pulled back to grip his hair, pulling on it to get him to look at you as you continued stroking him. When he pulled away from your neck, he already looked fucked out and you smiled, leaning forward to lick his lips. He tried to chase your lips with his own but when your hand didn't let go of his hair, he stopped. "I need you to fuck me, James," He groaned at that, "Can you do that for me?" 
He nodded, his voice thin as he responded, "Yes." 
"Good," You smiled at him, trying not to whine at the loss of his fingers as he pulled them out and pushed his boxers down just enough. His left hand settled on your waist as his other lined himself up with your entrance, gathering some slick before he pushed himself in, going all the way in one go. 
His head fell into your neck as he groaned, the sound of it combined with the sudden fullness pulling a moan from your lips.
"Oh, fuck," Your lips brushed his ear as you panted. "That's it - fuck -" Your hands come up to grip his shoulders and his back as he immediately set a growing pace. "That's a good boy." 
His lips again connected with your neck and you tipped your head to give him more access, his teeth dragging across your skin. His hips sped up, a loud moan breaking from you as he angled to hit that perfect spot, Your head falling back into the cabinets. 
"That's it that's it," You panted, "Oh, don't you dare stop." His teeth nipped just below your ear and you couldn't stop the grin that grew on your lips, "Mark me," You grunted, "I want everyone to know I'm yours." 
What you could only describe as a growl rumbled from his lips into your skin as he began working to leave a mark on that exact spot, the sensation flying through every one of your nerves, shooting down to where he was hitting that perfect spot over and over, and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to falling over that edge, faster than he'd ever let you before. 
His lips brushed the skin of your neck as he grunted out, "Please cum on me," His voice was breathless and he sounded so, so close to begging, "please." 
You let out a breathy sound, that band in you so close to snapping as you lifted your legs to wrap around his hips. Your fingers wound through his hair again, gripping the strands as you ordered him, your lips never leaving his ear, "Make me." 
"I will," He said between leaving marks across your neck and shoulder, "I promise I will." 
His hips never faltered as his thumb on his right hand came to press quick circles into your clit, your legs snapping around him at the sensation and your head again hitting the cabinets. 
"Shit, that's it," Your fingers gripped any part of him you could reach, scratching your nails down his skin and the shirt still covering his back. The band in your core snapped and your release washed over you, your body locking around his as you were sure you screamed into his shoulder. 
His hips didn't stop, still fucking into you at that brutal pace he'd set, his thumb still circling your clit and you could feel another orgasm quickly approaching. 
He grunted out, his only request this whole time, "One more," before his voice softened into a whine, "please give me one, pleasepleaseplease." 
You didn't fight the second wave as it crashed into you, stealing your breath. His hips thrust into you just a couple more times before he stilled and his hands gripped your hips hard enough to bruise, his long moan vibrating into the skin of your neck as he buried his face again. 
His legs shook as he stood there with you wrapped so tightly around him, but it was like he didn't dare move from your hold, or let you escape his. And you were fine with that. 
Once you got your breath back, you slowly dragged your fingers over his back and shoulders, threading through his hair before going back down his neck, his muscles loosening with each pass. 
His arms wrapped around your waist in a tight hug as he finally broke the silence, "Can there still be a 'we'?" His voice was so quiet, like he was scared to ask. You pulled his face away from your neck finally. "Are you going to ask me out? Like a real date?" You grinned at the flush on his cheeks. 
"Can I take you on a proper date?" 
You couldn't stop the small laugh that bubbled up in your chest and you nodded, "Absolutely." 
There was a feeling in your chest telling you to think about it more before agreeing, but you ignored it. You knew the risks, and you knew there was more to figure out and more to learn before it would be a smooth road - and that didn't even include telling your parents. 
But that was a problem for another day. Right now, you just wanted to stay wrapped around Bucky in every sense and enjoy the warmth that filled your chest as he looked at you like you hung the sky just for him. 
Yeah, you'd fix the rest of it later. 
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estellan0vella · 3 days
A Knight In Shining Armour Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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Sitting in the living room of Sukuna's apartment, you smile as you watch Yuji play with his toys on the soft carpet. The afternoon sun filters through the windows, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. Yuji's laughter fills the air, a sound that never fails to brighten your day. He's an energetic four-year-old with a boundless spirit, and ever since you started dating Sukuna, Yuji has become your little shadow, following you everywhere and mimicking your every move.
"Where's Suku?" Yuji pouts, his brow furrowing.
"He said he'd be back soon," you remind Yuji, who is currently engrossed in building a tower with his blocks. "He just went to get your favourite juice."
Yuji nods enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Suku always gets the best juice!"
You chuckle softly, leaning back against the couch. Sukuna, despite his rough exterior and sharp tongue, has a soft spot for Yuji. Being his legal guardian and older brother, Sukuna takes his responsibilities seriously, ensuring Yuji is well taken care of. You've seen firsthand how deeply he cares for the little boy, and it's one of the many reasons you fell in love with him.
As you relax, a sudden, familiar sensation starts to build within you. It begins with a strange, unsettling feeling in your stomach, followed by a dizzying wave of disorientation. Your heart races, and you realize what's happening. It's a seizure.
"Yuji," you manage to say, your voice strained. "I need you to do something for me, okay?"
Yuji looks up from his toys, his face scrunching up in confusion. "What is it, Y/N/N?"
"I need you to stay calm and remember what Sukuna taught you," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "I'm going to have a seizure."
Yuji's eyes widen with fear, but he nods, determined. "I remember. Stay with you, move anything dangerous, and call Suku."
You manage a weak smile, grateful for his quick response. "That's right, Yuji. You're so smart."
The next moment, your body begins to convulse, and you lose control. You're vaguely aware of Yuji moving swiftly, pushing the coffee table away and clearing the space around you. You feel yourself being gently turned onto your side, and through the haze of the seizure, you hear Yuji's small, trembling voice.
"It's okay, Y/N/N. I'm here. I'm calling Suku."
Yuji grabs your phone with shaky hands, dialling Sukuna's number from memory. He presses the phone to his ear, tears streaming down his cheeks as he waits for his brother to answer.
"Suku! It's Y/N/N! She's having a seizure!" Yuji cries into the phone, his voice a mix of panic and urgency. "Please come home!"
Sukuna's voice on the other end is sharp and immediate. "I'm on my way, Yuji. Stay with her and keep her safe. You're doing great."
Yuji nods, even though Sukuna can't see him, and he sets the phone down, keeping it on speaker. He returns to your side, his small hand resting on your arm as he whispers words of comfort.
"It's okay, Y/N/N. Suku's coming. You're gonna be okay."
Minutes feel like hours as the seizure runs its course. Yuji stays right by your side, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of your convulsions. Finally, the seizure subsides, and you lie there, exhausted and disoriented. Yuji's face is the first thing you see when your vision clears, his eyes are red from crying but filled with relief.
"Suku's coming," he repeats, his voice quivering as he pats your head. "You're okay now."
You nod weakly, tears of gratitude welling up in your eyes. "Thank you, Yuji. You did so well."
Just then, the front door bursts open, and Sukuna rushes in, his face a mask of worry. He drops the grocery bag he's carrying and hurries over to you and Yuji. Without a word, he kneels beside you, his hands gentle as he checks you over.
"Babe, are you alright?" he asks, his voice low and filled with concern.
You manage a nod, still too weak to speak. Sukuna's eyes soften with relief, and he turns his attention to Yuji, who clings to your side, refusing to let go.
"Yuji, you did great," Sukuna says, ruffling his little brother's hair. "But I need to check on her properly now. Can you give us a bit of space?"
Yuji shakes his head vehemently, his grip on your arm tightening. "No! I wanna stay with Y/N/N!"
Sukuna's expression softens further, and he sighs, reaching out to gently pry Yuji's hands away. "I know, buddy. I know you want to stay with her, but I need to make sure she's okay. It'll only be for a minute, I promise."
Yuji bursts into tears, his small body trembling. "I don't wanna leave her!"
Your heart aches at the sight of Yuji so distressed, and you muster all your strength to reach out and touch his cheek. "It's okay, Yuji," you whisper. "I'll be right here. Sukuna just needs to help me. Can you be brave for me a little longer?"
Yuji sniffles, his eyes filled with uncertainty, but he nods slowly. Sukuna lifts him gently, setting him a short distance away where he can still see you. Yuji watches with wide, tear-filled eyes as Sukuna examines you, checking your pulse and making sure you're not hurt.
"You're alright, baby," Sukuna murmurs, his touch reassuring. "You scared us there for a minute."
You manage a faint smile. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," Sukuna replies, his voice firm. "Just rest now."
Once he's satisfied that you're okay, Sukuna allows Yuji to rush back to your side. The little boy hugs you tightly, his tears soaking into your shirt.
"I'm sorry, Y/N/N," he sobs. "I was scared. I tried to be brave"
"You did everything right," you assure him, holding him close. "You were amazing, Yuji. So very brave. Like a knight in shining armour"
"Really?" Yuji sniffles out between his sobs and you nod. 
Sukuna watches the two of you, a rare, soft expression on his face. He sits down beside you, pulling both you and Yuji into a protective embrace. For a while, the three of you just sit there, finding comfort in each other's presence.
Eventually, Yuji's sobs quiet down, and he looks up at Sukuna with big, pleading eyes. "Can Y/N/N stay with us forever?"
Sukuna chuckles softly, ruffling Yuji's hair again. "I think that's up to Y/N/N, buddy. But I wouldn't mind it."
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest despite the lingering exhaustion. "I'd like that too."
Yuji's face lights up with a big, beaming smile, and he snuggles closer to you. "Then it's settled! Y/N/N stays forever!"
Sukuna smirks, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Looks like you're stuck with us, babe."
You laugh softly, the sound filling the room with a sense of peace and happiness. Despite the scare, you know you're exactly where you belong. With Sukuna and Yuji, your little family, you feel safe and loved. And that's all that matters.
As the evening progresses, Sukuna keeps a close eye on you, making sure you're comfortable and well-rested. Yuji stays by your side, his little hand holding yours tightly as if he's afraid to let go. You can see the concern in his eyes, but also a fierce determination to protect you, just like his older brother.
Sukuna heads to the kitchen to prepare dinner, and Yuji follows him, still reluctant to leave your side. Sukuna senses this and pulls a chair close to the kitchen counter, allowing Yuji to sit and watch while he cooks.
"What's for dinner, Suku?" Yuji asks, his voice a mix of curiosity and lingering worry.
"Something easy and comforting," Sukuna replies, glancing over his shoulder at you. "How about some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches?"
Yuji nods eagerly, his earlier fear slowly dissipating. "Yeah, I like that."
You watch the interaction with a smile, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for both of them. Sukuna is a natural in the kitchen, moving with grace and confidence that never ceases to amaze you. Yuji chats animatedly, his mood lifting as he helps his brother with small tasks.
Once dinner is ready, Sukuna brings a tray over to the living room, setting it on the coffee table. He hands you a bowl of soup and a sandwich, making sure you're comfortable before he sits down beside you with his own meal. Yuji nestles between the two of you, his small hands carefully holding his bowl.
As you eat, the conversation flows easily, the earlier tension slowly melting away. Yuji shares stories from his day, his enthusiasm contagious. Sukuna listens attentively, occasionally teasing his little brother in a way that makes Yuji giggle.
After dinner, Sukuna takes care of the dishes while you and Yuji cuddle on the couch, watching one of his favourite cartoons. Yuji's eyelids grow heavy, and he eventually falls asleep, his head resting on your lap. You gently stroke his hair, feeling a deep sense of contentment.
Sukuna joins you after a while, his presence a comforting weight beside you. He wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "How are you feeling, babe?" he asks softly.
"Tired, but okay," you reply, leaning into him. "Thank you for coming back so quickly."
"Of course," Sukuna murmurs, his lips brushing against your temple. "I always will."
You smile, feeling the warmth of his words wrap around you like a blanket. In this moment, surrounded by the people you love, you know that no matter what challenges come your way, you'll face them together. And that's all you need.
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zepskies · 1 day
Every Second Counts - Part 2
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Pairing: Russell Shaw x F. Reader
Summary: One date with your best friend’s brother leaves you wanting more, even though his questionable job and vagabond lifestyle make you want to guard your heart. When your brother falls into trouble, however, Russell is the one you trust to help you find him. 
AN: I decided to put this chapter out a bit early due to some Father's Day stuff tomorrow. I was blown away by the response from you guys on Part 1!! Thank you so much. 🥰 I had some trepidation writing a new character, but I'm so glad you guys seem to enjoy where this little series is going so far. It makes me even more excited to bring you the next chapter of ESC! 💜
Song Inspo: “Too Late” by The Paper Kites
Word Count: 5.3K
Tags/Warnings: Shaw family feels, a bit of mystery, tinge of fluff and mutual pining, and a twist…
💜 Series Masterlist
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Part 2: “Family Reunion”
The next day after he left, you finally managed to get Charlie on the phone. He implored you not to try and find him.
He claimed he was staying with a friend for now, and was picking up some odd jobs through a connection at the museum—another security guard who knew how to get extra work. 
“What kind of extra work?” you asked. You sunk back into the couch in your living room and held a hand to your aching head. You had already lost sleep over this, worrying about where he was and what the hell he was doing.
“It’s better that you don’t know,” Charlie said.
He really knew how to frustrate you to the nth degree.
“Charlie, just come home. Please,” you said. Tears burned in your eyes, choking your words. “I’m sorry for what I said, okay? We’ll figure this out together, I promise.”
You heard him sigh.
“You had a right to be mad,” he said. “I’m the big brother, remember? But I’m…I’m a fucking mess. You shouldn’t have to take care of me.”
“We take care of each other, and you know that,” you said sharply, wiping at your eyes in frustration.
“Listen, I’ll come home when I can, okay? Be good.”
“Charlie! Ch—” The call ended, and you nearly tossed your phone in aggravation.
“That stubborn fucking idiot,” you muttered.
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Four months later, your worry was eating you alive.
Charlie refused to come home or tell you where he was staying. The only time you got to see him was when you visited him on his night shift at the museum. You tried to talk him into coming home, but your brother remained stubborn.
“You get that from Dad,” you’d told him once, while watching him eat some leftover meatloaf you’d made for him. The two of you stood outside the museum on his break.
Charlie had smirked at you. “Yeah, well, you share the disease.”
You’d rolled your eyes at that.
But just when you thought you were starting to get through to him, now, he’d stopped answering your calls. For that matter, the museum hadn’t even seen or heard from him in a week or so.
So here you sat, in the living room of Dory’s apartment, crying into a jar of Nutella that you’d long ago stopped spreading over the strawberries she’d laid out. You had a chocolate-covered butterknife in one hand and a used Kleenex in the other.
Dory was sat next to you on the couch, rubbing your back with sympathy and concern in her own eyes.
“You should call the police,” she advised.
You’d thought of that, but if Charlie was doing something he wasn’t supposed to, then depending on what it was, you didn’t want necessarily want him locked up in a cell. He wasn’t a bad person, he was just…lost. You wanted him to get help.
You set down the butterknife beside the jar and turned to her, after drying your eyes the best you could.
“Do you think your brother would be willing to come back to Wyoming?” you said. After a beat of hesitation, you specified:
“Colter, the tracker.”
You hadn’t had a chance to meet him when he dropped in a couple of months ago, but she’d told you about his brief visit to find a graduate student who had been kidnapped, and nearly killed by a professor in the Sciences department for uncovering a flaw in the man’s research. That flaw would have costed him his entire grant, and possibly his career and reputation. 
The terrible incident had caused an uproar on campus. Students were released from their classes for an entire day after the professor was arrested. 
Now, Dory considered your question with a thoughtful nod. “I’ll call him.”
You were grateful, but your face became pained as something occurred to you. You held up a hand.
“Wait, I just realized I can’t pay him,” you said. You didn’t have more than a thousand dollars in your savings account, and that was for emergencies. Like the time Charlie nearly burned the house down after a lighting mishap with his bong.
“Oh, sweetie, don’t worry about that,” Dory said. She laid a comforting hand on your arm. “He’d do this as a favor to me.”
“I don’t know,” you replied, your brows furrowing. “That’s a pretty big favor.”
She’d told you what some of Colter’s fees could run up to, but she tried to quell your reservations and promised to call him regardless.
However, the more you thought about it, you already had a phone number in your cell…for the one person who would understand the part of your brother that you might never be able to. 
After you left Dory’s apartment, you debated the idea in your head for the entire drive home. 
And when you got to the house, you picked up your cell, and you called him. Your nerves had you pacing back and forth across the living room as it rang. 
“Hey, sweetheart.”
You couldn’t help smiling just at the sound of his voice, smooth and pleased, and a hint surprised.
“Hey,” you replied, biting your lip. “How are you?”
“I’m good. You’ve got good timing too. I just came off a job,” he said.
“Oh really? Where are you?”
“Well, I’m states-side now. Just got back from South America.”
“Oh, wow,” you said, blinking incredulously.
What the hell was he doing there? you had to wonder. Maybe he was protecting some Latin American emissary. Or maybe, he was doing things you didn’t want to think about. Your brother had filled you in a bit about civilian contract jobs in recent weeks, as he’d considered going after those himself.
“They can pay very well, from what I hear,” Charlie had said. “The problem with that is, it kind of defeats the purpose of leaving the military.”
Despite that mildly troubling thought, you tried to focus on the fact that you had this man on the phone at all.
A smile formed across your lips. “Did you get yourself a nice tan?”
“Eh, not really. Was more of a night job,” he said. “But uh…how are you doing? Not gonna lie, I’m surprised to hear from you.”
“Yeah, I’m…I’m not all that good, if I’m honest,” you said.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. You heard the concern in his voice. You steeled yourself before you answered.
“Russell, I’m sorry, but I need to ask you for a big favor.”
“Hmm, this sounds serious,” he said.
“Yeah, it is,” you agreed. When you next took a breath, it came out unsteady. “My brother’s missing.”
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It was a bright Saturday morning when you welcomed Russell Shaw into your house. He looked around, finding family pictures, bookshelves, paintings, candles, all things that began to shade in who you were in the comfort of your home.
“It’s nice,” he said. “It’s uh, homey.”
You smiled and closed the door behind him.
“Well, it’s the house we grew up in,” you replied.
You and Charlie had of course inherited it after your parents’ passing. Their life insurance policies had helped pay off the three-bedroom house while you two were still in school. Your grandparents helped a lot back then too, and had even moved in for a time. Now they each had plots beside your parents at Grandview Cemetery.
“You want some coffee? I know you had a long drive,” you asked.
“Sure,” Russell agreed. He followed you to the kitchen, where you put on the coffee pot. You made a discreet glance at him. He looked virtually the same, with that familiar green jacket, jeans, boots, and a Jimi Hendrix shirt. You'd had a feeling he was a classic rock guy.
“Look, not that I wasn’t glad to get your call,” Russell said, “but you do know that I’m not the tracker in the family, right?”
“Dory did offer to call Colter, but I can’t afford to pay him,” you said.
“I could help with that,” said Russell. You raised up a hand to stop him there.
“I don’t want that kind of help from you,” you said firmly. “I didn’t call you for money, Russell. I called you because you’ll probably understand where Charlie’s head’s at. Better than me, anyway.”
He hesitated, but nodded in understanding. When the coffeemaker dinged, finished percolating, you turned to make him a mug with cream and sugar, as per his request.
While he waited for the coffee to cool, he admired you for a moment. Even in a plain V-neck shirt and a pair of jeans, your hair swung up in a ponytail, you were still a sight. (Your lipstick did match your shirt though. That made him smile.)
And Russell could admit, it was good to see you again.
“Me and Colter reconnected recently. Did Dory tell you?” he said.
Your brows raised high in surprise. “Oh yeah?”
The two of you found your way back to the living room with your mugs.
“Yeah. We talked for the first time in…shit, over twenty years,” Russell laughed, raking a hand through his hair.
Not only had he been able to say his piece to Colter about their…family issues, they’d also solved a case of their own, with Colter agreeing to help him find his friend Doug, who worked for the same black ops contract agency as Russell. The Horizon Group.
The aftermath of that still left Russell with a bitter taste in his mouth when he thought of how Horizon would’ve left Doug to rot, if it hadn’t been for him and Colter pressing their luck and digging deeper into who’d taken his friend.
That whole mess had also made Russell begin to wonder if maybe he needed a new line of work after all. But, because the money was just that good, he’d ended up on a new job by the end of the month.
Your voice soon broke him from his thoughts.
“I’m glad to hear that,” you said. You reached over and touched his arm, with warmth in your eyes. 
Russell gave you a smile. The closeness between you brought up memories of that dusty bar, and the taste of lime and tequila on your soft, supple lips. But you subtly cleared your throat and took your hand back. He hid a twinge of disappointment.
“So what’s going on with your brother?” Russell asked.
Get back on track, he reminded himself.
You sighed. “Damn Charlie.”
Over coffee, you explained that Charlie took off a few months ago, the night you got back from the bar. You had seen him only briefly, whenever you were able to catch him at the museum after work. He’d been keeping in touch with you on a weekly basis, but now, he hadn’t called in almost two weeks. You couldn’t get ahold of him on any of the numbers you had. They all seemed to be burner phones. Plus, he’d been let go from his job at the museum after not showing up for the past week. 
“What’s he into, extracurricular-wise?” Russell asked.
“I don’t know. He wouldn’t tell me,” you said in frustration. Tears prickled at your eyes, and your lower lip trembled. “He said it was safer that way.”
Russell laid a supportive hand over yours, earning your watery gaze.
“And you haven’t gone to the police?” he asked.
“I think he’s gotten into something…dangerous. I don’t want to get him in more trouble than he might be already,” you said. “I just want him to get help for his problems. Physically and mentally.”
Russell nodded. He understood that you wanted to protect your brother. Sometimes though, getting into “trouble” was the rock bottom someone needed in order to face their problems.
“Does he have friends?” he asked. “Some kinda crowd he hangs around with?”
“Not anymore. I think he’s lost touch with his Air Force buddies,” you said, though you tried to think. Your brows furrowed as something occurred to you. “He knew someone at work, at the museum. Another security guard on his same shift. After they cut his hours down to part-time, Charlie said the guy knew how to get extra work.”
“Okay, that’s definitely where we start,” said Russell. “Let me just give Dory a call. If I don’t let her know I’m in town, I don’t even wanna know the consequences.”
You laughed through your tears and tried to brush them away. 
“Yeah, do that. I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.”
Russell took one look at you, and he tightened his hold on your hand.
“Hey,” he said.
You glanced up at him, as tears clung to your lashes. His heart couldn’t help but clench for you. He really didn’t like to see you like this.
“We’re gonna find him. You’ve got my word,” he said. 
You were desperate to believe him. So you nodded, sniffling as you tried and failed to keep yourself together. You were scared, for the first time in a long time. 
“All right, come ‘ere,” Russell said. When he guided you into his arms, you went willingly. You pressed your face into his chest to hide your weeping. His hold was warm and strong enough to make you feel secure. Just for this moment, you didn’t have to pretend you had everything handled.
“He’s the only family I have,” you reminded him. He nodded.
“I hear ya. We’ll get him home,” he said. “And I am going to call Colter. Don’t worry about the rest. I’ll square it up with him.”
“Russell—” you protested, but he just squeezed you playfully. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll pull big brother rank. He’s got no choice,” he joked. 
You shook your head, but you allowed him to comfort you for a bit longer. Because all too soon, you’d have to steel yourself again. You’d have to be the version of yourself that you always had to be, ever since you were fourteen years old.
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You invited Dory over to your house, where the three of you were soon joined by the last of the Shaw siblings: the one you had yet to meet.
Colter made it in time for dinner that afternoon. The tall blonde took up your doorway with his broad shoulders and offered you a polite smile, along with his hand. 
“Hi, I’m Colter,” he said. 
You mentally tripped up a bit as you shook his hand and gave him your name. Did all the Shaw siblings have to be so damn attractive?
“Uh, yes, please come in.” You ushered him into your home and led him into the living room, where Russell stood from the couch. 
“Ahh, there he is,” Russell grinned, slapping his younger brother on the shoulder. 
“Here you are,” Colter gestured at him. “Where the hell did you take off to after last time?”
“Ah, you know. Argentina was fun.”
“I’m sure it was.”
You paused in the doorway, just watching the brothers in mystification. Dory shot you a questioning look as she came over from the kitchen. You met her with raised brows. 
“What?” Dory asked. A smile played on her lips.
“Do all of you have to be so unbelievably pretty?” you whispered over to her. Dory smirked and bumped your shoulder, nodding at Colter. 
“What, you wanna make out with him too?” she teased. 
Your mouth dropped open in disbelief. Dory just laughed and moved on to say hello to the other blonde. She pulled him down into a hug, and he reciprocated warmly.  
Russell then laid a hand on Colter’s shoulder, as well as Dory’s. He wore a big, proud grin.
“Hey. Look at us, huh?” he said. 
Dory sniffed as tears welled up in her eyes, looking up at both of her brothers. Colter wore a more reserved smile, but he did wrap an arm around his sister and thump his older brother on the back.
You smiled. You were lingering by the kitchen doorway. If nothing else, you were glad that this whole mess had been able to bring Dory back together with her family. 
You decided to give them a moment, and you wandered back into the kitchen. There you took a beat for yourself, mainly to breathe.  
When you again thought of Charlie, you had to wonder just what the hell he’d gotten himself into.
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Later, the four of you sat in the living room so you could explain everything you knew so far to Colter. He took all the information in with a pensive expression that didn’t reveal much to you. 
“So you said he was struggling?” he said. 
“Yes, after he got out of the military,” you confessed. “He had a hard time figuring himself out. I got him the job at the museum, but I don’t think it was enough for him.”
“Why is that?” Colter asked. He saw that you were reluctant to explain. “I need to know the full picture of who Charlie is if I’m going to be able to figure out his probable moves.”
You sighed. “Well, he was seeing a VA psychiatrist for a while. They wanted to put him on antidepressants, but he stopped going. He…started self-medicating instead.”
That part was hard to admit, but it was the truth. You couldn’t pretend it wasn’t any longer. 
“What substances?” Colter asked. 
“Alcohol, mainly,” you replied. “At his worst, there were hard drugs, but I got him to tone it down just to weed every now and then.”
You bit at your thumbnail out of habit, but you forced yourself to stop, folding your hands in your lap. You didn’t see judgment in Colter’s eyes, just him taking in the information. You couldn’t help but glance at Dory, where you found her sympathy. She knew enough about what you’d been dealing with for the past few years. Russell seemed understanding as well. 
“Anything else I should know?” Colter asked. You shook your head. You felt bad about revealing Charlie’s business like this, but you knew it was the only way to help him. Still, you felt you had to defend him a little.
“Look, my brother has his problems, but he’s a good man,” you said. “He, um…he basically half raised me, after our parents died.”
Dory also knew this story. She rested a hand on your back, and you gave her what smile you could. 
“How old were you?” Russell asked. He earned your attention, and you met his sympathetic gaze.
“Fourteen,” you answered. “It was a car accident.”
He took that in, nodding slowly. “I’m sorry.”
The way he met your eyes when he said it, you believed him. You subtly cleared your throat and directed the conversation back.   
“So, I don’t have a lot of money. But I can give you something for your services,” you said to Colter. Both Russell and Dory met you with similar looks. 
“I’ve got it,” Dory says, before Russell had the chance. Colter waved her off though.
“In this case, it’s not necessary,” he said, focusing on you again. “So Charlie was working at the local museum?”
You breathed a note of relief at his generosity. Dory, Russell, and now Colter…they were all good people in their own way. You felt emotion rise in your throat.
“Yes, it’s about ten minutes away,” you managed to reply. “It’s closed now, but his coworker could be on shift. They always have security in place.”
You grabbed your purse to go with them when Colter and Russell stood, but the former raised a placating hand. 
“It’s best if you stayed here,” Colter said.
Your brows rose. “I don’t think so.”
Colter’s mouth parted, and he blinked, like he hadn’t expected you to push back quite like that; calm and matter of fact.
“Ah, well, it’s really for your safety—”
“I’m not going to sit and wait,” you said. “That’s all I’ve been doing for months. I may not be an expert tracker, or have been in the army, but I do know my brother. And we are going to find him.”
Behind you, Dory was giving Colter a warning shake of her head. She knew just how stubborn you could be. Meanwhile, Russell came up on your other side with a smile.
“What’s the harm in her coming along to the museum?” he said, sliding his brother a teasing look. “Unless the T. rex wakes up all the mummies, Ben Stiller style.”
You wanted to point out that that wasn’t exactly the plot of Night at the Museum, but you held it in with a smile. You gave Colter an expectant look.
He sighed at Russell’s antics, but he turned to you with a nod.
“Okay, let’s go,” he said. 
“I’ll head home then,” said Dory. “Call me if you need anything.” 
You gave her a hug after she gathered up her purse. 
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“It’s going to be okay,” she said, rubbing your back. “Colter’s the best.” 
“All right, fine. And what am I? Chopped liver?” Russell remarked, gesturing wide with his hands. You all filtered out of your house, and you locked the door behind you.  
“Oh, you’re special, all right,” Dory quipped back, but she gave her eldest brother a warm hug as well, then patted Colter on the arm before she left.
Russell shot Colter a playful smirk. “I got the hug.”
Colter rolled his eyes and pointed over to his big pickup truck. 
“Just get in the car, please.”
You had to smile at all their sibling teasing. It reminded you of how you and Charlie used to cut up, when things were good. On your way down the driveway, you hesitated by the Chevy Chevelle parked next to your own car. She was still black and sleek and beautiful.
You happened to glance up, and there was Russell, getting into his brother’s pickup. He winked at you across the driveway. You turned your face to hide your smile (and your blush) as you climbed into your car.
Colter noted the exchange when he buckled up into the driver’s seat. He watched Russell do the same on the passenger side, all while wearing a certain smile on his face. When he noticed how Colter was looking at him, his brows raised.
“What?” said Russell.
“What was that?” Colter asked.
“Yeah, right,” Colter chuckled. He began to pull the car out of the driveway after you in your car, so he could follow you. “What, do you two have a thing or something? Is that why she called you before me?”
Russell shrugged, but his smile was telling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mhmm. Convincing,” Colter said, but his lips tugged upward as well. His good humor diminished though, when he considered the last time he saw his brother. “How’s the arm?”
Russell gave a thumbs up with his left arm—the one that previously had a bullet run through it. It was still healing, even now.
“It’s good,” he said.
“Did you see a doctor?”
“Sure did.”
Riiiight. Another thing Colter wasn’t sure was the truth, but he’d give Russell that one.
“And that unfinished business?” Colter asked.
Russell’s smile faded, but he nodded. “Finished.”
After a moment, Colter nodded as well. 
“Okay,” he said. 
Something occured to him then. He paused, and he reached into his pocket. He held up a small, closed pocketknife with a wooden handle, and he gave it back to Russell. It had the man's name carved on the side.
Russell's smile returned as he flipped the old keepsake through his fingers.
"Thanks for keeping it safe for me," he said.
Colter smiled back. "Thanks for trusting me with it."
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Colter parked next to you at the museum. It was closed, but the security guard, Jimmy, did know your brother. 
“I haven’t seen Charlie since he quit last week,” Jimmy claimed.
“He quit?” you said. “They told me he just never came back.”
“Yeah, well, same thing,” he said.
The front doors of the museum opened, and out came Dr. Feinman, your former boss, and the Head Manager. You left Jimmy’s questioning up to Russell and Colter with a meaningful look, and you went to intercept Feinman.
“Hi, sir, how’re you doing?” you asked. Your name fell from his lips in surprise. 
“My dear, it’s good to see you, but why are you here after hours?” he asked, his British accent lilting.
“I’m trying to find Charlie. He’s been missing, well, officially for about a week,” you said. “I was actually surprised to see you here so late.”
The man cleared his throat. He smoothed a hand over his tie and suit jacket.
“Yes, well, we could’ve used Charlie’s help. We’ve had to double our security efforts,” he said. “We’re currently dealing with a sensitive issue, so the museum will be closed until it is resolved.”
“You’re doubling your security efforts… Was something stolen?” you asked. 
Feinman clearly didn’t want to tell you this, but you knew you’d hit the nail on the head by the look on his face.
“Please, keep that information to yourself,” he said. 
“What was stolen?” you asked in concern. 
“I’m afraid I cannot disclose that information. Not even for you, dear,” he said. “I do hope you find your brother though.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that, and as a matter of fact,” you began, but Feinman waved an apologetic hand.
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m in a terrible rush just now. But call my office tomorrow and Brenda will help you with whatever you may need,” he said. “Good evening.”
“Wait, Dr. Feinman,” you tried, but he was already breezing past you and heading toward his Mercedes in the parking lot.
Meanwhile, Colter and Russell weren’t having much better luck with Jimmy. 
“Look, I really don’t know where Charlie is,” he said. “Haven’t seen or heard from him since he took off.”
“He said you connected him with someone who could give him some work on the sly,” Russell said, leveling a hand at the man’s chest. “Who did you connect him with, and what kind of work are we talking?”
Jimmy blew out a breath, like this was really inconveniencing his day. (Or night, at this point.)
“What, you’ve got somewhere to be?” Colter said. “You’re getting paid to stand right here, and we have no problem sharing your shift all night. You might as well just tell us what we want to know.”
Jimmy rubbed the back of his neck in annoyance.
“All right,” he snapped. “I hooked him up with this guy I knew through a mutual acquaintance, who just needed some muscle. I guess you could call it private security.”
“A mutual acquaintance?” Colter repeated. 
“What’re you, James Bond? Who did you connect him with?” Russell pressed.
Jimmy was reluctant to talk. You came back over to join them, and the security guard became even more tight-lipped.
“You guys should go. I don’t have to talk to you, and I’ve got a job to do,” he said.
When he tried to continue his patrol around the museum, you stepped deliberately in his way. You didn’t have the patience for this, and you would no longer be a doormat, letting the Goldsteins and the Feinmans of this world push past you.
“Look, Jimmy, if you don’t give us something we can go on to find my brother, you know where I’m going to go?” you asked. But you spoke before he could respond. “To the police. And your name is the only one I have to give them. Now, if you don’t want that to be you, then give me a different name.”
Jimmy looked down at you, and then over at your intimidating shadows, Russell and Colter. Jimmy sighed.
“Eddie,” he gave, finally.
Russell raised his hands, as if to say, Is that it?
“What, Eddie Vedder? Eddie who? Come on,” Russell said.
“Eddie Mendez,” Jimmy replied in a lowered voice. “I don’t know where he lives. I don’t have his number. And that 'mutual acquaintance' is doing some time in lockup. But Eddie hangs out at a bar called Howley’s.”
You and Russell shared a meaningful look at that. You turned back to Jimmy. 
“Okay. What was stolen here at the museum?” you said. “That’s why it’s been closed, right?” 
“I don’t know,” Jimmy said. “I wasn’t on shift, and Dr. Feinman keeps a tight lid on that kind of thing.”
“We’ll need to get into his office then,” Colter said. 
You blinked wider at Colter. Wait, was he really suggesting you guys break into the museum?
Jimmy pointed to the black device attached to the ceiling above them. 
“See the cameras?” he said. “That's not happening on my dime.”
Colter looked up, and he saw the cameras strategically installed across the front of the museum. 
“Then take us where the cameras don’t see,” he said.
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You, Colter, and Russell were able to break into the museum via a storage unit door, thanks to Jimmy’s texted instructions. You couldn’t believe you were actually doing this, but it was for Charlie, you reminded yourself.
You remembered where to find Feinman’s office. You paid for a lot of your undergrad expenses, namely your books and tuition, by working full-time as an office assistant here, and the occasional tour guide. 
You led them to the room where the inventory records were kept. Colter gave you his gloves so you didn’t leave prints, and you were able to pinpoint what was labelled as missing from the latest shipment. 
“Oh great,” you muttered. 
“What was taken?” Colter asked.
“A collection of Native American weapons. Dated almost eight hundred years old,” you said, shaking your head. “The collection is valued at $1.5 million dollars.”
Russell and Colter shared a look. 
“That’s some big motive,” Russell said. 
“When did they go missing?” Colter asked. 
“Almost two weeks ago,” you said. Your brows furrowed the more you read, as you realized something. “Just a few days before Charlie left the museum…” 
The timing wasn’t lost on anyone. But if Charlie was a suspect, Feinman hadn’t let on to that at all. You checked the exact date the artifacts went missing again: a Tuesday night. Charlie didn’t typically work on Mondays or Tuesdays, you realized. And he’d left after the artifacts went missing. So maybe they hadn’t thought to question him yet. One small blessing.  
You sighed. With that information gathered, the three of you put back everything you uncovered and left the building the same way you came in. Jimmy was nowhere in sight, probably patrolling the other end of the museum on purpose.
When you all made it back to the parking lot, you turned to Colter and Russell.
“Okay, what’s next?” you asked. “Howley’s right? To find Eddie.”
“Actually, I think it’s best Russell and I take it from here,” Colter said. “We don’t know what kind of character Eddie Mendez is, but from how reluctant Jimmy was to tell us, it doesn’t sound good.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but Russell drew closer and touched your arm. You could see in his face that he agreed with his brother, even though he hadn’t said anything yet.
“Look, you’ve been a huge help,” he said. “But let us work on this, okay? We’ll call you when we find something.”
Still, your lips pursed. “Russell, he’s my brother.”
“I know. Punching out drunks is one thing, but this might be a little different,” he said, grasping your arms gently. “Will you give me some peace of mind, knowing you’re home safe?”
He brushed one of his thumbs along your skin. Already you had goosebumps. From the cold chill on the air, or from him, you weren’t sure. But that simple touch, along with his earnest, imploring gaze broke you down.
“All right. I get it. I’m not the Special Ops guy,” you said. “But call me afterward so I know how it went.”
“Okay, will do,” Russell agreed. He let you go so you could go to your car. You shot the brothers one last look before you climbed in and peeled out of the parking lot.
Russell expelled a sigh of relief. He got into the passenger side of his brother’s pickup while Colter started it up.
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Thanks to the late hour, and how little traffic there was on the road, it didn’t take you long to get home.
You’d debated whether you should just go to Howley’s anyway, but you didn’t want to get in the way, or make Russell worry for that matter. You smiled, despite yourself.
His touch had tingled across your arms, and whenever he absently laid a hand on the small of your back, supportive or guiding.
Thinking about him just made your heart ache. Because after this was over, he’d be gone again—on a new mysterious job, perhaps on the other side of the world.
You’d been regretting how you left things with him at the bar for months, but now you were glad you hadn’t gone any further with him that night. Your heart was too easily ensnared, it seemed, and Russell didn’t seem to be a “strings attached” kind of guy.
When you parked in front of your house, you let out a tense breath. Russell and Colter would find Charlie. You believed in them. You just hoped your brother was all right, wherever he was.
You pulled your cell out of your purse to call Dory as you headed for the front door. You wanted to give her an update and let her know that you were back at home.
The call began to ring just as you slipped your key into the lock. Unfortunately, you never got a chance to open it.
A strong pair of arms wrapped around you from behind and yanked you back, and a firm hand over your mouth smothered your scream.
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AN: 🫣 *Whispers* Sorryyy. But hey! What did you think of the reader's reunion with Russell, as well as the little Shaw Family Reunion? Plus, we got a bit of the reader working with Russell and Colter on the case.
Now, the real timer starts...
Next Time:
You were led into what sounded like a warehouse. You couldn’t know for sure with this musty bag over your head and your wrists bound together with zip ties, but you clenched your teeth and tried to stop sniffling. Your fear made your heart pump fast and loud in your ears.
Voices echoed around you, arguing, yelling about shipments. You were shoved hard to the ground, and you gasped, instinctively throwing your hands out when your knees hit the hard cement. 
That voice was all too familiar. 
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Series Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Russell Shaw Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Russell S. Tag List:
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007
@wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373
@brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @globetrotter28 @charmed-asylum
@waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady
@leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy
@kmc1989 @jackles010378 @emily-winchester @waynes-multiverse @jessjad
@my-stories-vault @deans-spinster-witch @syrma-sensei @stellasfictionalworld @ultimatecin73
@jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @pieandmonsters @lhymer1995 @taehyungxjungkookistaekook @lovelystoriesaj
@nicksalchemy1 @spnwoman @onlyangel-444 @sexyvixen7 @illicithallways
@wolkenprinzessin007 @alwaystiredandconfused @carpenterswife @cheynovak @grilledcheeseandtomato
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109 notes · View notes
heavyhitterheaux · 2 days
Treat You Better
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Synopsis: You are Urban's godsister and have been in Jack’s life ever since he was six years old. Urban would always mention how you were off limits, but it didn't stop Jack’s feelings for you. When your boyfriend cheats on you for the second time, Jack is determined to prove to you that he can treat you better than he ever did.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Do not engage if underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack was growing more worried by the second as he peered over at you next to him with tears still streaming down your face. This had been going on for the past hour and a half with you showing up on his doorstep at one in the morning. You still hadn’t said a word and Jack couldn't figure out for the life of him what could have happened in a matter of fifteen minutes after all of you had gone home from being out the majority of the day for you to come to him crying.
“Baby girl? You’ve been crying for almost two hours. Are you going to tell me what happened?”
All he got in response were sniffles as you held out your hand and he quickly put another kleenex in it so that you would be able to wipe your face.
That was when he decided to call Urban if you weren’t going to talk.
The two of you would talk a lot seeing as though you have always been close. You were Urban’s godsister, but Urban simply saw you as his sister since 85% of the time when you two were growing up, you would be around each other. Your parents often traveled for work, so you spent a lot of time in Louisville with Urban and the rest of his friends.
Once Jack’s career started to take off, Urban was always with him, but since he is extremely protective over you, right along with Jack and the rest of Private Garden, Jack decided that you should be his “personal assistant” even though all you really did was travel with them and helped out when it was needed. A lot of Jack’s fans thought that the two of you were in a secret relationship or were friends with benefits, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. But if it was left up to Jack, the two of you would be in a relationship at this very moment. Jack has always had the biggest crush on you, but refrained from making a move since Urban has said time and time again how you were off limits.
So, what did he do?
Watch on the sidelines how your boyfriends would treat you like shit and when your heart got broken, he was the one to pick up the pieces. He knew you deserved better than that and would honestly do anything to be able to show you. He knew that he could treat you better than any of your boyfriends have and was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pursue it.
He knew that Urban was going to be pissed at him, but he would just have to deal with it. For the time being, he spent time with other women for simply a distraction in order to take his mind off of you. But, it never lasted long and by the end of the night, you would be slowly creeping back into his thoughts.
“Y/N, either you tell me or I’m calling Urb.” Jack said while looking at you anticipating some type of reaction, but he got absolutely nothing.
“You have to meet me halfway here. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s happening.”
All you did was give him more sniffles in response as you laid your head in his lap and attempted to drift off to sleep.
So, he knew the next step was to call Urban.
“We have a situation.” Jack answered as he looked down to see you now wide awake and scrolling on your phone.
“Oh shit, what is it?”
“What’s wrong?!?”
“She showed up on my doorstep fifteen minutes after we left crying. She’s been crying for almost two hours and hasn’t said a word.”
All Urban did was sigh in response.
“I'm on my way.”
20 minutes later, you still hadn't said a word as you now helped yourself to Jack’s pantry full of snacks. He simply sat at the island in the kitchen watching you as you opened a bag of doritos. You heard the front door and knew that Urban would soon be making an appearance but all you did was continue to eat chips and poured yourself a glass of Arizona iced tea that Jack kept in his house specifically for you.
“Y/N….” You heard Urban say as you sat next to Jack.
He got nothing in response and sighed.
“This has been going on for two hours.” Jack told him as you had now laid your head on his shoulder and started to once again scroll through your phone when Urban snatched it away from you which led you to pout and immediately try to grab for it.
“No. I'm not giving it back until you talk.” Urban said, leading you to roll your eyes and sigh.
“He cheated on me. Now give me my phone back.” You answered and tried to grab for it again, but Urban put it further out of your reach.
“I…. Not again.” Jack said as he sighed and shook his head and Urban looked at him dumbfounded.
“What do you mean not again!?”
“He did it before and I only told Jack because I knew you already didn't like him and didn't want me to date him. And when I told him we were in a different country so he couldn't do anything.”
“I'm beating his ass.” Urban muttered as he started to get up from the island, but you immediately stopped him by moving to grab his hand.
“No! absolutely not!”
“Why’d you tell us if you didn’t want us to beat his ass? He CHEATED on you. I’ve never liked his ass anyway. My instincts were right from the beginning.”
“I just want to sleep and not think about it. I broke up with him and it's over and done with.”
“Can we drop this? I'm tired and don't we have to be up at like nine in the morning?” You asked as you got up from the island.
“We could have been asleep if you would have said what happened from the beginning.” Urban said and all you did was roll your eyes.
“Jack, can I sleep here? I need to borrow a shirt. Second drawer?” You asked as you made your way towards the steps knowing that he wasn't going to say no since this happened often.
“Not you inviting yourself over and then now taking over this man's bed and clothes.” Urban said and you simply shrugged.
“Jack loves me and lets me do whatever I want. Not my fault the bed in the guest room is so comfy.”
“Have at it, but you owe us breakfast for all this.” Jack said as he put your cup that you used in the dishwasher and put the chips back in the pantry while you snatched your phone from Urban.
“Sure, sure.”
Once upstairs, you heard the front door open indicating that Urban had left and you went to Jack’s dresser and opened the second drawer grabbing one of his shirts and quickly changed into it before making your way down the hall to the guest room. When you got settled, you were scrolling on Instagram since you weren't tired when a text from Jack came through on your phone.
Favorite White Boy 💖- You deserved better than him and the way that he treated you. I'm always going to be here for you and just want you to be happy. But the offer still stands if you want me and Urb to kick his ass
You- I love you bunches. I'll be okay, promise. At this point, he's not even worth it.
Favorite White Boy 💖- I love you back tenfold. Get some sleep so you have enough energy later to deal with me bothering you
You- I don't think there's enough energy in the world for that
Favorite White Boy 💖- 🙄
Over the next several weeks, your ex-boyfriend had been blowing up your phone non-stop and Jack saw how frustrated it made you and quickly made a point to grab your phone and block his number and questioned why you hadn't done it already.
But that was when you had an idea.
“Jack, you know how you're my favorite person in the world?” You asked while batting your eyelashes and he just looked at you and laughed.
“What is it this time?”
“I need you to pretend to be in a relationship with me to make him jealous.”
“Wait, what?” Jack was taken aback because that was the last thing that he expected that you would ask him. How was he supposed to pretend to be in a relationship with you when he was actually in love with you and wanted for this to become reality?
“I just don't feel like he's going to leave me alone unless he sees me with someone else. And you're the perfect person for it. People already think that we're in a relationship anyway. I can’t even tell you how many times that people ask me that when I go out by myself.”
“That's what restraining orders are for, stink.”
“Jack, please? I need you to make this work.”
“And what are we supposed to tell Urban? You know he will lose his shit.” Not that he cared at that point even though that was his best friend.
“We aren't telling him anything. I have an entire plan to make this work.”
“Sweetheart, that's…”
“Just trust me on this.”
“And Urb is still going to ask questions.”
“Just let me worry about him. So your answer is yes?”
Jack sat there for a minute as he looked at you and sighed.
“I feel like this is going to end up coming to bite me in the ass, but okay.”
“You always say that you would do anything for me!”
“Not you trying to guilt trip me.” Jack replied as he laughed and shook his head.
“It's what I'm good at.” You said while shrugging.
“But if we want to make this believable, we need to go all in.”
“What do you mean?”
“Get your phone and open the camera.”
You followed directions and was caught off guard as Jack kissed your cheek and realizing that this was what he was talking about, you quickly snapped the photo.
But you also couldn't help the intense amount of butterflies that had erupted in your stomach.
“Damn, we cute. Okay send this to him. Making this my contact photo too.” Jack said as he stole your phone and opened it up to your contacts to see that your ex had in fact been messaging you multiple times since you broke up with him.
“He's a pathetic piece of shit, but it's his loss. You're mine now. Well at least for the time being.” Jack said as he winked at you and handed you your phone back.
If only this could be real was the only thing he thought as you took your phone back.
“Uh, shouldn't you mention this to Neelam? I don’t want her bombarding me.” You asked as you placed it back down on the table as you saw yet another Instagram notification.
“It’s only for a little while, right? I don’t think we need to.”
Weeks had gone by when you decided to actually post a picture on social media because your ex boyfriend didn't seem to be understanding that you weren't taking him back. You were out of chances and fucks to give and he needed to deal with the consequences of his actions.
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Liked by jackharlow, shloob_, neelamthadhani, taylorrooks, saweetie, claybornharlow, and 971 others
y/n: nothing compares to those late nights with him 💕
urbanwyatt: WHO IS THIS?
saweetie: 👀👀👀
urbanwyatt: answer your phone, NEOW
Comments on this post have been limited
After you posted the picture, Urban had been blowing up your phone trying to figure out who the mystery man was, but you honestly didn’t know what to tell him. You and Jack had taken it a few days ago when you had gone on a late night food run and the kicker is the fact that your ex was still blowing up your phone despite you posting pictures of you and Jack on a weekly basis. Now as for Urban, you guess he was confused because the only other pictures you posted would be on your close friends story that he didn't know existed because you blocked him from seeing certain ones not being in the mood to give him an explanation. Now you didn't care.
However, you weren’t sure if you just wanted to come clean altogether and tell him that this was all fake in order to get back at your ex, simply because you were starting to feel things for Jack as much as you wanted to deny it. No, not starting to, they've been there.
You weren’t even sure if you could call this a fake relationship anymore.
The stolen glances
The brushing of fingertips against each other’s skin
The late night phone calls and good morning texts (sometimes Jack would even facetime you before he started his day in order to hear your voice)
The kisses that Jack would give you on your cheek that were dangerously close to your mouth
You were honestly scared of what Urban was going to think, but you had to remember that you weren’t a little girl anymore that he always had to protect. Your judge of character had obviously failed you in the past, but this was different.
Jack was different.
You wanted this and you wanted Jack. All you could do was hope that he felt the same.
The two of you had always spent time together, but even more so now that Jack was back in Louisville trying to plan for Gazebo Fest and you were helping him with some ideas and different things that he should include for the entire weekend. The two of you had been brainstorming well into the night when Jack noticed that it was around three in the morning. The texts from Urban had gone unanswered and you decided to text him back when you woke up later in the day. 
“I didn’t even realize what time it was. You want to pick this back up later?” Jack asked as he got up from the couch and stretched. It took everything in you not to stare as his hoodie lifted up and you could see a peek of his happy trail.
“That’s fine, do you remember where I put my keys?”
“Now what makes you think that I’m going to have you leave by yourself at this time of night?”
“It’s morning, Jackman.” You replied as you got up yourself to stretch and laughed.
“You know what I mean. Just sleep upstairs with me. Well not with me… I….”
“Yes, I got it.” You said as you laughed from Jack turning a bright shade of red.
Oh, how much you did want that to become a reality.
“Did you ever respond to Urb?”
“No, I’ll do it later. Sleep is more important right now.” You replied as you headed up the stairs first with Jack slowly coming up behind you. He was doing everything in his power to not stare at your ass in your leggings, but was failing miserably. Since he was so close to you, he could tell that you weren’t wearing anything underneath them and the thoughts that were running through his mind were quickly silenced when you spoke up.
“Gazebo fest is going to be amazing and I’m so happy that you’re doing it. I can tell that your heart is in this and I’m going to do anything I can to help you.” You confessed as you made your way into Jack’s bedroom and made a beeline for the second drawer.
“Thank you, I always appreciate you helping me. And I need to make you your own drawer for when you come over here. I think a pair of your shorts are in there too.”
“Well, I mean I do live here when I’m not with Urban so it’s only right.” You replied as you found the shorts and the t-shirt that you were looking for.
“Okay, Harlow, to be continued later.” You said as you reached up to kiss his cheek and your arms immediately went around his neck. He returned the hug as he squeezed you tightly and kissed the top of your head.
“Goodnight princess.”
Tossing and turning in your sleep and waking up every few minutes, you couldn’t get comfortable and knew that getting any type of rest was not going to be a reality but when it started to thunder and lightning outside that took the cake. Ever since you were small, you were terrified of them and although you've gotten better since you've gotten older, a lot of the time you still found yourself going into Urban's room.
So, your next best solution was to go and bother Jack.
However, once you opened the bedroom door in order to go to him, he was standing in front of it looking as if he was about to knock.
“I was coming to get you because I know that you don’t like thunderstorms and I wanted to talk to you about something. I can’t wait any longer.”
“Umm, okay.” You quietly said as he grabbed your hand and led you back to his bedroom, once inside, you stood with your back against the wall near the door suddenly becoming nervous.
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
“I can’t do this anymore.” Jack blurted out, but it didn’t come out higher than a whisper.
“Can’t do what, bubs? What’s wrong?”
“Pretend to be in a relationship with you when I’m completely in love with you and have been for the longest time. I just….”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“From the time we were younger Urban has always said how you were off limits, so all I did was distract myself and fill the void with talking to other girls even though you were the only one I wanted. If you don’t feel the same way….”
“Who said that I didn’t feel the same way?”
“Oh, you do?”
“I see the way that you treat me and the people around you and I just want a relationship like that. Someone to love me, which I already know you do. Listen to my dreams and my fears, remember my favorite color and what I want to order from my favorite fast food place, falling asleep on the phone with each other, being able to satisfy me because he definitely couldn't do any of those things despite how long we were together.”
Jack was quiet as he thought about what you had just confessed to him.
“I promise if you give me the chance that I’m not going to waste it. Let me show you how you deserve to be treated.” He said as he stepped closer to you. You felt as if your voice was going to fail you so all you did was nod your head.
“But for now, why don't you let me take care of that for you?” Jack asked as he stroked your face.
Your heartbeat increased as you had suddenly become nervous. I mean this was Jack that we were talking about and you had been around him since you were six years old. But now almost 20 years later, you saw him in a different light than before and that was terrifying. Terrifying because the feelings that you were having weren't supposed to be happening and yet they were, making you more nervous. So nervous in fact that you still hadn’t answered Jack’s question.
“Y/N, sweetheart you haven't answered my question.” Jack asked again as he leaned down to kiss the shell of your ear as you were pinned against him and the wall.
Jack then placed a finger underneath your chin to lift your head so that he could see your face.
“I…” You started to say, but you stopped yourself.
“You told me how he never satisfied you as long as you two were together and you have someone in front of you at this very moment that wants to make you feel good and do everything that he didn't. Are you going to let me?” He asked as he searched your eyes for an answer. When he still didn't get one, he leaned down and softly met his lips with yours and your heart fluttered as you slowly kissed him back.
“This might not be your first time, but it's your first time with me and I promise to take my time with you. I don't plan on this being the last time it happens either.” Jack whispered in your ear as his right hand snaked underneath the back of your shirt and unclasped your bra in one swift movement.
Since Jack had you pinned against the wall, his right hand reached up to massage your breast as his other hand made its way lower to cup your ass.
“You never gave me an answer, Y/N. I want you squirming underneath me, begging me to let you cum.” Jack had now moved his attention to focus on your neck as he tilted your head to the side and kissed upward starting from your collar bone. As he made his way higher, he softly bit down on your warm skin and soothed it by gently sucking on that same spot which led to a moan escaping your lips.
If this was your reaction when he had barely touched you, you knew that you were going to be in for it when he had you underneath of him.
“Yes.” Was all you had the strength to breathe out as Jack smirked before kissing the side of your mouth.
You gently pushed Jack away from you as you gathered the material of the bottom of your shirt in your hands and gently moved it up over your head. Since your bra was already loose by Jack’s doing, it simply fell from your shoulders and landed at your feet.
Capturing you in a kiss, Jack’s hand slipped into your shorts and discovered that you weren't wearing anything underneath. He gently grazed his fingers over your folds as you were growing wetter by each second that was passing. 
Soon he began to kiss down your neck and made a trail down your entire body until he was on his knees in front of you. Hooking his thumbs in each side of your shorts, he slowly pulled them down and tossed them behind him.
“I need to taste you. Spread those legs for me.”
An opportunity didn't present itself to do as you were instructed by Jack and he slowly spread your legs himself as he placed one of them on his shoulder and took one long painfully slow lick across your folds earning a moan from you.
He slowly licked again and you couldn't help but to grab a fistful of his curly hair as he continued to use his mouth to pleasure you.
“You taste so good, baby. Keep still for me.”
As difficult as it was, you tried your best as you felt one of his fingers slip inside you. He was moving painfully slow as you bucked your hips towards him, but all he did was keep the pace the same.
“Be patient, princess. I want to take my time with you and we have all night. There's no rush.” Jack said as he lightly kissed the inside of your thigh and his mouth immediately attached back to you.
A minute later, you were caught off guard as Jack moved your other leg to be placed on his other shoulder and was now holding you up against the wall. 
“You taste so good, baby. Just like I knew you would.”
You glanced down to see your juices all over Jack's face as you let spit dribble from your mouth and onto your chest to immediately begin pulling and massaging your nipples. You had gotten them pierced a few weeks ago and they were still a little sore, but the sensation and pleasure that it gave you led to you throwing your head back and continuing to do it as you planned on cumming all over Jack’s face.
He looked up and saw you with your head thrown back, eyes closed and letting out soft moans which was music to his ears. He was getting bricked up by the second as he watched you and planned on putting you in every position that he possibly could before both of you tapped out.
Since Jack had been enjoying his view in front of him, he decided to step it up a bit and now put all of his attention onto your clit knowing that you would soon come undone in front of him.
As soon as he began to suck on it, you loudly gasped as your hands went back into Jack's Hair to pull him even closer if that was possible.
“Oh, fuck. Baby stay right there. Shit, that feels so good.” You breathed out as Jack began to suck harder, making you squirm.
However, there was nowhere to go seeing as Jack was holding you in place making sure that you would stay where he wanted you.
A string of curse words erupted from your mouth as you finally came all over Jack’s face, but that didn't stop him from still eating you out and keeping a tight hold on your legs.
“You gonna cum all over my face again? Hmm, baby?” Jack asked and he got a nod in response as your juices once again made its way onto his face.
Your breathing was erratic as Jack was now kissing along the insides of your thighs again in order to give you a chance to catch your breath.
Once you did, your hands cupped his face as he set you back down on your feet and immediately brought him down into a kiss as your hand snuck underneath his shirt and your nails were scratching along his abs.
“Now why am I the only one without clothes on?” You playfully asked him and in response his shirt was now on the floor.
“We can't have that, now can we?” Jack asked as you shook your head no and he grabbed your hand to lead you to the bed. Once in front of it, he backed the two of you up until your legs had made contact with it and kissed you before he gently laid you down.
“Move to the top of the bed for me.” Jack said as his shorts and boxer briefs came off in one swift movement.
Your eyes went wide as you saw how big he was and he slowly began stroking himself as he peered down at you.
There was no way that you were backing out now.
Jack was admiring you as you began to notice the precum leaking from the tip and your mouth instantly watered.
“You're so beautiful, baby. You ready for me?”
Thinking that a simple nod would do, that was your response as Jack shook his head.
“Need to hear you say it.”
“Yes, what?”
“I'm ready for you.”
Smirking, Jack climbed on top of you and began nipping and kissing at your skin making the river in between your thighs increase.
“Still sore?” He asked as he began playing with your breasts and you let out a quiet yes, but at the same time gently moved his head lower to take one of them in his mouth.
He lightly sucked going back and forth between both of them as he had inserted two of his fingers in you in order to get you ready for him. 
You were caught off guard as he slipped himself inside you and captured you in a kiss at the same time earning a gasp to escape from your lips.
As he slowly moved in and out of you, his mouth found its way back to your breast as he sucked harder and bit down on the sensitive skin making you gasp.
Your arms immediately went around his neck as he increased his pace and his hold on your hips became tighter.
That was probably going to leave a bruise, but you were entirely in too much pleasure to care.
“Jack…” You softly said as you tried to reach down to massage your clit. 
He gently pushed your hand away and he stopped mid stroke to peer down at you.
“That's my job, baby all I want you to do is cum for me. Put your legs on my shoulders.”
“I… I'm not that flexible.”
“Trust me, yes you are. And didn't I just have them on my shoulders a little while ago?” Jack replied to you as your legs were actually now behind your head as he pushed them forward and resumed pleasuring you.
“How good am I making you feel, baby? I need to hear it.”
“So good, so so good.”
“Better than touching yourself as you thought about me? Because I know you have.”
“You imagined me eating you out, sucking on that clit and giving you this dick? Because I know I have thought about having you underneath me moaning my name.”
“Mmm hmm, baby don't stop.”
“I don't plan on it, look at that pretty pussy creaming for me.”
Jack quickly slid out of you and took a long lick across your folds as you whimpered underneath him. He stayed there for a few more minutes before sliding himself back into you earning a moan to escape from both of your mouths.
That was when your phone started ringing on Jack's bedside table and promptly told you to ignore it as he saw you look in that direction.
“Ignore it, baby.”
“What if it's Important?” You asked as Jack grabbed it before you could to see who it was.
“Only important thing right now is me making you cum, but if you insist.”
He quickly answered it by putting it on speaker phone as he smirked.
“Y/N? Hello?”
You recognized that voice of being your ex-boyfriend's and had no idea on why he would be calling you and you were obviously too focused on Jack to respond. You had blocked him when you first broke up with him so had no idea how the call even went through.
That was when Jack increased his pace once more earning a loud moan to escape your lips.
“Hmm, Jack, baby don't stop, don't stop. I'm almost there.”
“Then cum for me. Cum all over my dick.”
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks as you yelled his name and Jack hit his peak soon after you did. As he was peppering kisses along your entire body, he grabbed your phone that he had put beside you and spoke, surprised that he hadn’t hung up yet.
“Do me a favor, Matt and don’t call my girlfriend’s phone again.”
Jack tossed your phone to the side as he leaned down to place several kisses on your lips which you gladly accepted and once you two broke apart, Jack promptly laid his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair.
The two of you listened to each other’s breathing before Jack attempted to get up, but was pulled back by you.
“I’m coming right back, I promise.”
You nodded your head as he made his way into the bathroom and emerged with a warm wet cloth to wipe you off. Once he was finished, he put it in the hamper to lay back down next to you. Picking up his phone and glancing at the time, it was close to five in the morning and neither of you had been to sleep.
“Princess, it’s almost five in the morning and we need to go to sleep.” 
You moved to lay on his chest as his arms wrapped around you before answering him.
“It’s Saturday.”
“Fine, I’m ordering your french toast, but after that we’re sleeping.”
Every Saturday since the two of you were thirteen, you and Jack would always get french toast whether it was his mom making it or going out to a restaurant to get it.
As Jack picked his phone back up to order breakfast for the two of you, you suddenly had a realization.
“I can’t believe you answered my phone.”
“I had to let him know that you were spoken for.”
It was around noon when Jack heard a knock on the door waking him up out of his sleep. He glanced down at you to see that you were fast asleep on his chest and not wanting to disturb you, he slowly moved you over in the hopes of not waking you up and found some shorts for him to put on.
He made his way downstairs and opened the door to see Urban staring at him with a pissed off look on his face.
“Where the hell is Y/N? And why aren’t you two answering your phones?” Urban asked as he brushed past him and went into the living room.
“She’s sleeping. We were up until like five in the morning planning for Gazebo Fest so she just stayed over.”
Urban was quiet for a second and then put two and two together.
“You two have been spending a lot of time with each other.”
Oh, shit was the first thing Jack thought as those words left Urban’s mouth.
“Uh yeah? We always do.” Jack answered, trying to downplay it.
“Like more than usual. You were the one she posted on her instagram, aren’t you?”
“We just went out for food, it was no big deal so why are you trying to make it one?”
“I’ve said it from day one that she is off limits because I know how yall are.”
“Urb, here me out. Why are you so against this? I like Y/N and I'm 98% sure that she likes me back and I'm good enough for her! I'm not like these other dudes out here that don't deserve her. I know and you do too that I'm going to treat her like she deserves.” Jack expressed as he pleaded his case. He knew that it would eventually come down to this. He wasn’t quite ready to fully tell Urban that the two of you were in fact together. 
"You are literally the biggest WHORE that I know of. Ain't no way in HELL. She's been off limits from the beginning and you know that."
"Look who's talking! We're adults now and she can decide for herself who she wants to date." Jack quickly shot back looking at his best friend in disbelief.
"Her track record says otherwise. She's my godsister and I'm going to do what I need to do in order to protect her."
"But from me? Protect her from me? Do you hear yourself right now? So you’re going to shelter her for the rest of her life?”
"Especially from you. I've seen your track record too with relationships and she's not someone that you hit it and quit it. And I’m not sheltering her. I’m protecting her from no good assholes.” Urban replied, keeping his voice low in the hopes that you wouldn't hear him.
"I'm not going to do that with her and did you low key just call me an asshole? You know how important she is to me!” Jack was now fuming and shaking his head at him in disbelief.
"Like I said. She's my baby sister and I said no. I don't give a fuck about how you feel. End of discussion.”
“The fuck it is. We can agree to disagree.”
As Urban was getting ready to respond, you walked in the room beaming, wearing Jack’s clothes and holding Jack’s dog CoCo in your arms.
“Jack Jack, are we ready to go? I still need to find something to wear though.” You asked as you scratched behind her ears.
“Where are you two going?” Urban asked while getting a slight attitude.
“Jack promised me an ice cream date with just the two of us. Since we couldn't do it yesterday.” You responded and Urban shot Jack the evil eye while all he did was come closer to you.
“Are you two okay? You both look tense.” You asked looking at both of their faces and Urban couldn't help but to blurt it out.
“I don't want you dating Jack.” Was all he said and you looked at him dumbfounded.
“Well Urby, that isn't for you to decide. I can date whoever I want. But I would at least think that you would approve of me dating your best friend.”
“I don't want you to get hurt.”
“Jack would never hurt me in a million years and you need to get that through your head and get over it. We mean a lot to each other and I would think that you would be happy. You don't want to see me happy?”
“Yes! Of course I do, but…”
“But what, Urban?”
“He thinks that I'm going to use you essentially and when I get what I want, leave you high and dry. Oh and also said that I'm the biggest whore he knows.” Jack finally spoke up and you looked at Urban who simply shrugged.
“I've seen him do it countless times before and he's not a relationship type of guy.”
“Urban, I love you with all of my heart, but until I ask you for your opinion, stay out of my love life. I am tired of you coddling me like I can't take care of myself. I'm not a baby anymore.”
“Fine, but when he cheats on you and breaks your heart remember that I warned you. Oh, and don't come crying to me because all I'm going to do is say I told you so.” Urban replied as he walked away bumping Jack’s shoulder on purpose but he decided to ignore him.
“Nope, don't want to hear it.”
“Enjoy your date.”
As he walked off, you turned back to Jack Who could tell that you were clearly upset.
“Just give him some time. He'll come around.” Jack told you as he kissed your forehead, but he wasn't quite sure if he believed those words himself.
Urban was avoiding Jack as well as you at all costs unless it was absolutely necessary. You were starting to feel guilty and you felt as if this entire thing was your fault and the last thing that you wanted to do was come between them. Gazebo Fest was approaching fast, and you knew deep down that Jack wanted Urban there, but because of what was currently happening, you highly doubt that it would happen unless you gave him a little push. 
After a few weeks of pleading, Urban finally agreed to go out to lunch with you, but made it clear that Jack was in fact not invited. This was your opportunity to fix what was going on between the two of them.
You and Urban were sitting across from each other scanning over the menu when he was the first to speak.
“Y/N, out with it. I know you’re here to convince me to talk to him, but I still don’t want to.”
“Urby, Jack has been your best friend since forever and you are being a little dramatic and acting like a diva. I love you and I love him and we are in a relationship together because we make each other happy. Will you please just talk to him?”
“Urban! He needs you.”
“There are a lot of things that I can fix for him, but trying to fill the void of his best friend is not one of them. Gazebo is literally next weekend and he needs you to be there and support him.”
“Yeah, support him as he went behind my back and fucked my little sister?”
You sighed and massaged your temples because you were getting absolutely nowhere with him.
“If I knew that you were going to be this much of an asshole when I finally got with the person that I wanted to be with, I would have never done it. I don’t want to come in between the two of you so I’m going to break up with him. Have fun supporting two broken hearted people because you couldn’t stand them to be happy. I’m leaving.”
“Y/N, baby girl, hold on.” Urban said as he grabbed your hand from across the table, but quickly snatched it back. 
“No, you’ve made your opinion known and I hear you loud and clear.”
Getting up from the table, you made your way outside to Jack’s Jeep and climbed in making your way back to his house.
You weren’t going to break up with Jack, but needed something to get a reaction out of Urban to make him show up next weekend.
One thing that Urban did not want to deal with was a broken hearted Jack. He’s gone through it too many times and he sat there with his thoughts running a mile a minute as he weighed the pros and cons of the two of you being in a relationship with each other. 
He wanted for you to be happy as well as his best friend so who was he to get in the way of it?
The following weekend, Jack couldn’t contain his excitement as the weekend for Gazebo Fest was finally here. Although Urban hadn’t reached out to him, he was still going to try and make the best of it with the support of his family and other friends and of course having you by his side was a plus.
The two of you were holding hands as you walked side by side behind the Gazebo stage when you caught the sight of Urban out of the corner of your eye. Jack was talking to Vince Staples and didn’t realize that he was there until he turned his head and saw him and you saw his eyes light up making a small smile grow on your face. While Vince went to get ready for his set, Urban came over to the two of you and Jack immediately embraced him as he let your hand go.
When they broke apart, Urban shoved his hands in his pockets and had a solemn look on his face.
“I’ve been an asshole to both of you and I’m sorry. You are two of the most important people in my life and if this is what you two want to do then I’ll support it.” He said as you also hugged him and he kissed your forehead.
“About time you came to your senses.” You replied when you moved away from him and pinched his cheek earning him to swat your hand away.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Jack asked, wanting another confirmation and Urban slowly nodded his head.
“I hope you two didn’t think that you were getting rid of me that easily.”
“Our next step was to kidnap you in the middle of the night and hide your weed.” You blurted out which instantly made Jack laugh as Urban rolled his eyes.
“Hold on, wait a minute. I thought you told me that you were breaking up with Jack because you didn’t want to come in between us?” Urban asked as Jack’s eyes went wide.
“Urban, I literally only told you that to guilt trip you and get you to show up today and look, it worked! Oh look at that Mama Maggie is here! Bye!” You said as you started to run after her.
“Y/N! GET BACK HERE! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT PART OF THE PLAN!” Jack exclaimed as you got further and further away from him. 
When the two of them were by themselves, Urban took this as an opportunity.
“Look, I know that you’re going to take care of her but I will seriously cut your dick off if you hurt her. Best friend or not, your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower.” Urban said as he looked over at you talking to Maggie and Brian.
“Hmm, what kind of ring do you think she wants?” Jack asked as he followed his gaze. 
“RING? What?! The two of you have been dating for six minutes and twenty five seconds!”
“I’m thinking princess cut.”
“Look as long as I’m the best man.”
“Y/N might want you in her bridal party so we probably have to rock, paper, scissors for it.”
“I… seriously?”
“But on a real note, I’m happy you came. I really needed you.”
“And that’s exactly what Y/N told me.”
“I can’t explain it, Urb but she makes me better and makes me want to be better.”
“That’s just the type of person she is and I’m happy that she’s with you.”
“Oh, this might be TMI, but her ex called when we were….”
“Ew, spare me the details please if this is going where I think it is.”
“Right, but I answered and all he heard was her moaning my name as she came and I told him not to call my girlfriend’s phone again.”
“I thought I said spare me the details? But I know you gagged his ass.”
Making your way back over to them, you hugged Jack and then reached up to kiss him.
“Gag me with a spoon.”
“Urban, you approved this so get over it!” 
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lucy90712 · 4 hours
Hey so for Jude Bellingham can you write like Jude cheating on reader, he is very distant with her and she tries to make plans or asks him things like how has ur day been but he either just gives her blunt replies or just completely ignores her. Reader finds out he cheated on her via his phone and she confronts him and she admits it. Then reader leaves him and moves on with someone else (not a footballer just someone random) and Jude regrets what he has done but it is too late. Like pure angst and please make it long! Thank you!
A/n: the timeline on this doesn’t really work but just ignore that
Sitting in a restaurant alone waiting for someone to show up is embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing when people know who your boyfriend is and are very clearly judging you and thinking about what might be going on in your personal life. Then the most embarrassing part of it all is having to leave after sitting there for an hour. 
No text no call and no answer. After getting home from the restaurant I stayed up for as long as possible to try and wait for Jude to come home so I could ask him why he didn't show up to the date he planned and invited me on but by 3am he still wasn't home. The next morning he wasn't in bed but he had clearly been home and then left for training but he still hadn't even read the texts I sent him last night. He did post on his Instagram story which explained where he was, he was at a party with all of his friends. I'd love to say that's the first time he's done this but it isn't in fact he's done it countless times in the last few months. 
Valentine's Day
Two hours ago I got ready in a cute dress and did my makeup ready to go out to dinner with Jude. He's been so busy recently so we haven't spent much time together but he promised me we'd spend Valentine's Day together, he got us a reservation at my favourite restaurant and told me to dress up. That's exactly what I did now I'm sat here still waiting for him to get home two hours after when he said he'd be home. 
It hurts to be left just waiting I was looking forward to tonight and getting to spend some time together as I've missed having him around. He made this move to Madrid out to be the best thing for us but ever since things just haven't been the same. He's always busy and when he's not he chooses to spend time with his teammates instead which I understand but at the same time he's neglecting me and our relationship. I tried to bring this up but he shut me down and promised to spend more time with me which is how we ended up with this date but clearly it's not that important to him. 
Close to 3 hours later Jude finally came home and looked at me incredibly confused when he saw me all dressed up. 
"Where are you going?" He asked 
"On a date with you remember you said we would go out for dinner because it's Valentine's Day" I said 
"I'm so sorry baby I completely forgot this week has been crazy I promise I'll make it up to you another day but I'm so tired is a movie night instead ok" he said 
"Yeah its ok" I lied 
As always I woke up to an empty bed and Jude having left for training. Today isn't any normal day though it's my birthday so all my friends are coming over and we are going to go out for lunch together then hopefully Jude and I can do something together this evening even if it's just watching something together on the sofa. When I grabbed my phone from my bedside table I had loads of messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday and my social media was filled with edits done by Jude's fans which were all so sweet. The only notable missing thing was a text from Jude but that's ok he might've been running late and forgot. 
I forgot about Jude as soon as my friends arrived as they all spoiled me far too much but I had so much fun with them. It was nice to be distracted from real life and stop worrying about when Jude will be home, if he will remember it's my birthday or if he still cares about me at all. Once I got back home Jude's car was already in the driveway so I smiled and happily made my way inside to see him. I wasn't expecting Vini and Eduardo to be over but there they were sat on the sofa playing video games with Jude. 
"Hey y/n happy birthday" Vini said 
"I didn't realise it was your birthday Jude didn't mention it but happy birthday" Eduardo said 
"Thanks guys" I said 
"Where have you been babe?" Jude asked still not saying happy birthday 
"I was with my friends they took me to lunch" I said 
"That sounds fun" Jude said going right back to his game 
His friends tried to leave saying he should spend time with me but he said it was fine and that I wouldn't mind so they stayed. While they all sat down stairs having more fun than I was I did some work with tears streaming down my face. My own boyfriend doesn't care about my birthday his teammates cared more than he did. 
"Happy anniversary love" I said when I found Jude in the kitchen this morning 
"Happy anniversary" he said 
I tried to give him a kiss but he dodged it and went to start packing his things as he has an away game later today so he's leaving soon. 
"I'm sorry baby I've got to go I'll see you later though" he said as he left leaving me all alone yet again 
Today is a day I always like to forget. Both of my parents died in a car accident two years ago today so it's always an emotional day for me and my siblings, we would like to spend it together to distract ourselves but as I'm in Madrid we can't do that. Instead my friends invited themselves over so that I'd have someone with me which made me feel so much better. They came over early so early that Jude was still here as he hadn't left for training yet. He was doing his own thing as the girls all sat with me and let me get out all my emotions now by telling them memories I have with my parents. 
"You know they'd be so proud of you" one of my friends said 
"I just wish they were here to see all the things me and my siblings have done all thanks to their constant encouragement" I sniffled tears still falling down my face 
"Why are you crying babe?" Jude asked as he walked down the stairs 
"Just thinking about my parents it's the anniversary of their death so I'm just a bit emotional" I said 
"I'm glad the girls are here to make you feel better then I'll see you later ok" he said 
With that he left and my friends all looked at me with an expression I didn't quite understand.
"How long has he been like that?" My best friend asked 
"Like what" I questioned 
"Like you don't matter he didn't even hug you before he left even after you told him why you were upset which he should know anyway dates like this are important for partners to remember" she said 
"I mean it's been a good few months he missed our Valentine's Day dinner he didn't wish me a happy birthday until like 5pm and we didn't do anything on our anniversary" I said finally thinking about how badly he's been treating me
"Girl he doesn't deserve you he's taking you for granted and you don't deserve that" one of the girls said 
"I hate to say this but you need to break up with him clearly he's given up on your relationship and now I might be wrong but wrong but it seems to me like he's found someone else" another said
They were right for months now I've been at the bottom of his priority list and he's nowhere near the Jude I used to know and love. There is no affection there anymore it's like the love we once had is gone. He also has definitely been distant and he's never home so there is a possibility that he could be cheating on me. That's a thought that I'd put in the back of my mind and didn't want to think about but now that someone else that has mentioned it I can't let the thought go. Whether he's cheating or not things definitely aren't how they used to be and I need to get out of this relationship before it's too late. The girls all offered their support and said I can stay with them for as long as I need which gave me the confidence to actually talk to Jude later today. 
When Jude arrived home all the girls left and they wished me good luck which I definitely need as I'm nervous to actually have this conversation even though it needs to be done. Jude went straight to get in the shower so I decided to look at his phone because he told me the password but I have never used it as I trusted him at least until now. It took just seconds of looking for me to find texts between him and this one girl who he had clearly been seeing for months now. He kept saying he would break up with me but the time wasn't right yet and that he wasn't in love with me anymore which hurt to see. I wanted to cry but I held back my tears and instead just sent myself screenshots of everything and then deleted the evidence so he wouldn't know that I knew. 
After his shower Jude took ages to come back downstairs but when he finally did he was looking at his phone and smiling it made me wonder if he was talking to her the girl he'd apparently fallen for. He quickly noticed me staring at him and he just stared back not having a clue what was going on. 
"Jude we need to talk" I said 
"Oh ok is everything alright?" He asked 
"I'm just gong to say it I know what you've been doing and don't lie to me I have screenshots I just want to know when you fell out of love and why you did this instead of just ending things" I said barely holding back tears 
"I don't know it all just happened I'm sorry I should've handled this better I didn't want to hurt you but clearly I haven't done a good job of that" he said 
"Yeah you really have hurt me I should've known when you forgot about our valentines reservations but I was foolish and believed that you were just busy now I know you were with another girl" I said 
"I'm sorry" he said 
"I don't believe you Jude if you were sorry you wouldn't have let this go on for so long it's safe to say we are over I wish you well but please don't try and contact me again I need to just move on" I said 
With that I gathered my things and just left. I left my key, the memories and what felt like half my heart but it had to be done I had to get out of there before I got hurt any more. It's time to move on and start a new life with people around me who truly care about me. 
1 year later 
"Come on amor let's go" Carlos called from downstairs 
"Coming" I said running down the stairs 
"Oh wow you look gorgeous" Carlos said 
"Thank you you look good too" I said 
He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand so we could head out to the car that was outside to pick us up. Just a few days ago Carlos won the French open so we are going out to celebrate. I met Carlos not long after I broke up with Jude I wasn't even looking to date but I just happened to meet him on a night out with my friends and we just clicked. He understood that I wasn't ready to date properly but he didn't give up on me so when I was ready we went on a date and the rest is history. My plan definitely wasn't to date another athlete in fact I wanted to just have a normal life and date a normal guy but I couldn't just let Carlos go and I'm glad I didn't. We have been together officially for 6 months now and they have been the best 6 months of my life he always treats me right and he makes it known how much he loves me. 
Carlos has a lot of friends in Madrid so he decided to come here and celebrate his win with me and my friends as well as his before he goes back home to be with his family. There wasn't really any time to prepare anything so we are all just meeting at a club in town that isn't just open to the public so there shouldn't be lots of people there. All our friends were already there when we arrived as we got caught in a bit of traffic but they didn't seem to mind our lateness they congratulated Carlos on his win and we all went inside. 
As we walked down the stairs all my friends turned to me at once and I wondered what was going on for a second until I saw what they had seen. Jude was right there along with a few of his teammates. I haven't seen him since our breakup which is somewhat of a miracle seeing as I still live and work in Madrid and he has become part of the city. I knew one day we'd meet again I was just hoping it wouldn't be in a day like today I don't want to be thinking about him or to talk to him while celebrating Carlos as tonight shouldn't be about me or my past relationship. Carlos knows everything that happened so once he saw Jude his hand reached for mine and he gave it a comforting squeeze which made me feel a little bit better. The thing is I don't miss Jude at all I'm so much happier now but what he did still hurts me so seeing him for the first time since is a bit painful. 
"We can go somewhere else if you want" Carlos said 
"No it's ok tonight is your night plus he shouldn't affect my life now that's the past you are my present and future" I said 
"Ok as long as you're sure but you are sticking by my side all night" he said 
Jude's POV
"Is that y/n?" Vini asked 
Him saying that caught my attention so I looked in the same direction as him and there she was with all her friends and a guy by her side. I recognised the guy as Carlos Alcaraz the tennis player who just won the French open and a the guy y/n has been dating for at least the last few months. I found that out when late at night after we lost a big game I stalked her Instagram and saw a photo of them together on her private account that she forgot to remove me from. Since that night I have kept an eye on her Instagram I usually check it at least once a week to see what she's been doing and how happy she is without me. 
Since the night that she broke up with me I regretted making all the dumb choices I made that led to that point. Within days I broke things off with the other girl I was seeing and I have been alone ever since I just can't bring myself to see anyone else because they aren't y/n. It sounds stupid because I'm the one that ruined everything I'm the reason she's with Carlos and not me but she was the one I just didn't realise how much I loved her until she was gone. My mum has always told me not to take things for granted as once they are gone you'll realise their true value and that's exactly what I did with y/n I didn't realise just how important she was to me until I made some stupid decisions and let her go. 
I watched her with Carlos for a while and she seemed genuinely happy which made me realise that she hadn't been that happy with me for a long while before we broke up. It was clear to see that she loved him and I could tell that he loved her too because he looked at her the way I did when we first got together. It hurt to see her so happy with someone else because I know I could've had that but now I won't get to share any moment like that with her ever again. I deserve everything that has come to me I made bad choices and as much as I regret them now it won't change anything. 
I have to let her go because for her to be happy I need to not be in her life as much as that hurts. They say if you love her let her go and that's what I need to do let the one go because as much as she might've been the one for me I'm not the one for her. 
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coolprettyleo · 2 days
i need to forget - gabe perreault au ☆
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wc: 1.1k
tw: depression, mommy issues, daddy issues, mean summer.
gabe perreault x oc
summer walked through campus looking like like a train wreck.
the always put-together girl was now seen only pale and with under-eye bags.
she had been going through a lot and the feeling of helplessness was the number one feeling in her mind.
her parent's marriage was falling apart, and every day, she woke up to calls from her father ranting about her mother.
she wouldn't wish this feeling on her worst enemy.
her mother had always been lonely. with her father traveling for work she always found herself a 'companion' as she would call it, in other words, she was committing the act of adultery.
she had been doing it since summer's eighth-grade year, or that's when she finally got caught.
her father always forgave her, but it looked like her mother had finally burnt out her father to the stem.
summer felt completely helpless, and the stress of trying to keep her family together was on her shoulders, even if it was across the country.
she shook off the thought as she entered the library and spotted the boy she was least looking forward to see right now; gabe perreault.
the boy knew how to get on her nerves like a leech, and it always resulted in the two bickering for no end. usually, she liked to be back, but with everything going on, she was not looking forward to it; at all.
"your late," he said as a matter of factly
"sorry, I woke up late," she mumbled as she sat next to him.
gabe observed the girl, noticing the bag under her eyes and the burnt-out look she carried, far from the usual persona summer held.
"are you okay," he mumbled, as if he didn't want anyone to hear that he cared.
"don't act like you care, perreault. let's just get this done so we can both go on with our days," she said moodily.
"there she is" he said grinning as she rolled her eyes and began her part of the assignment.
the two teens had been working for about half an hour before they were pulled out of concentration from the buzzing coming from summer's phone.
she declined it before it kept buzzing,
"are you gonna answer that" he asked not being able to concentrate with the buzzing.
"nope" she said as it finally stopped buzzing, before it began to buzz again.
"i can't concentrate"
"it's not my fault you have the attention span of a bee," she sassed as he bit his tongue. gabe could see she wasn't well, and he wasn't an asshole. he wasn't going to annoy her today, but she seemed to be making that challenge quite hard for him.
"what, you're afraid your boyfriend will be mad you're studying with me" he smirked with a bit of a spark in his eyes.
he had seen her with a guy last weekend and they seemed awfully close.
"just shut up. please" she huffed as she shut off her phone.
gabe decided to drop it once again as they got to work.
"i'm going to head out. you just need to fill out the last slide of the portfolio and turn it in" she told him as she stood up.
"we still have another hour,"
"correction, you have another hour, I'm done," she said, crossing her arms and walking out.
leaving gabe to shake his head and watch her walk out.
"she was overly mean today" he mumbed to himself as he began to pack his own things. he'd be damn if he was going to stay in that library alone.
he turned the corner to hear a voice arguing on the phone; as he neared, he heard it was summer's voice, and although he didn't mean to eavesdrop, he still did.
"i don't see why you can't just stop seeing him," she said to whoever was on the phone
"It's lust, Mom," he heard her say with a voice that was raw with emotion.
she was arguing with her mom?
"please don't do this, please," he heard her beg before he watched her lower her phone from her ear. her mom must have hung up.
she let out a choked sob as she leaned back onto the wall. Summer could care less that she was in public; her mom was leaving her dad, claiming she finally learned was 'love' is.
gabe watched her for a moment, fighting with his thoughts on whether or not he should announce his presence.
"summer?" he said acting like he had just arrived.
the girl's head whipped up to see the last person she wanted to see her like this standing in front of her. She wiped her tears and rolled her eyes before trying to rush past him.
"you didn't see anything, perreault"
"are you alright," he said blocking her
"move" she told him
"please, gabe," she said beggingly.
"you don't have to tell me what's wrong, just let me take you to get some food or something, I doubt you've eaten today," he said seriously.
summer did not expect him to say that. she was honestly expecting him to start mocking her and call her a spoilt princess.
"if I go, you won't tell anyone you saw me having a mental breakdown outside the library?" she said sniffingly.
"I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways" he told her.
she observed him, looking for any hint of jokingness, but he looked wholeheartedly genuine. she could use some food, but with gabe?
she decided against the alarms that were going through her head and agreed to join him.
"sorry i've been mean to you, i've just been going through a lot and it's not your fault at all, i'm sorry" she mumbled as they started walking towards the closest ihop.
"it's fine, i kind of got you weren't up to play today" he chuckled
"you call what we do playing," she said with a raised eyebrow
"well, I'm playing most of the time, but then you go deep, and I actually get mad," he said, smiling, seeing as he was finally pulling a smile out of the girl.
"im sorry it's just really funny when i piss you off" she laughed
"why," he said throwing his arms up
"same reason you do" she smirked as he playfully rolled his eyes
the two walked into the closest IHOP, not knowing the relationship that was beginning to blossom.
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reyreadersblog · 2 days
Averyjameson x angst
Pairs: Avery Kylie Grambs x Jameson Winchester Hawthorne, the imheritance games.
Synopsis: Avery was worried because Jamie dissapeared for a while and he wasn't picking up his phone or answering her masseges, then he comes back home bruised and injuried and they have an argument.
A/n: this is based on my Averyjameson headcanons, i asked if y'all wanted fic about one of the hc and you guy said yes, so here you go.
Taglist: @jkriordanverse @reminiscentreader @sophiesonlinediary @lxvebelle @mariamluv @s-rosie @lyrakanefanatic @f4iry-bell @tornqdowarnings
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AVERY'S POV:
Enidburgh, 8 p.m.
I was used to Jameson Hawthorne dissapearing for hours and not returning home on time. That's what he's been doing ever since we started traveling together. But i have never been this worried, he would never even try to make me this worried for him. And yet here i was calling him for the 15th time, and he still wasn't answering.i have left him 20 massages, asking where he was, what was he doing, when would he be home...he didn't answer any of them.
Now, i wouldn't say i am a paranoid person. In fact, i'm a complete opposite, but Jameson Hawthorne would bring even a devil out of a person. We haven't even talked about what happened in Prague, he doesn't want to tell me, and i don't want to force him.
But this is different. I tried to remember everything that happened before he left.
...he didn't even kiss me before he left. He always does that, always kisses me on the lips. But this time he forgot...
And now he's gone for 8 hours. I don't want to panic, but all i can do is panic.
I even called officer Dezz, who, thanks to Jameson for ending up in jail quite a few times, i know great. He said he wasn't aware of anything.
I put my phone down on the table. Sit on the couch, and put my face in my hands.
Then suddenly i heard a knock on the door.
Jameson, i thought and rushed to the door to open
"Jame-" i stopped after i saw Oren's face.
"Avery, he still hasn't returned?" He asked. In the most emotionless way possible.
I shook my head as a sign og no.
"I could call his brothers or search-"
"No need for that, yet, Oren" i inturrupted him
Oren was quiet for a second.
"It's Jameson, he's probably out there messing with someone or betting his whole fortune on something" he said.
"I know, i know he loves taking risks...and that's what i'm afriad of" i said. "I just hope he is careful"
Oren left, gave me some privacy.
"What could he possibly be doing right now in Edinburgh?" I mumble to myself.
It was getting, i decided to go to bed, but i felt..incomplete, like i was lacking something..or someone, Jameson beside me.
Where are you mystery boy?
Edinburgh, 4 a.m.
There is blood everywhere, on my hands, on my, recently, broken nose, on my suit.
I've escaped papparazzis. escaping security guard to get into my apartment shouldn't be that hard either. I could easly just walked down and entered the hotel...but my apparence now, would cause a lot of questions? And answering questions, is the last thing i'm in the mood for.
I pulled out my, freshly broken, phone and dialed the main security service. Some phone near by was ringing.
Go on answer you wanker.
He turns back and enters the security office.
And this my chance.
I take my card out, and rush to the hotel door.
Everything hurts, jesus.
That damn neckless, i really hope it's worth it.
I really shouldn't have messed with the last guy.
I hold on to the door handle, and then all of a sudden i remember something, rather someone. Avery.
How could i forgot about her? The whole day...
I pull out my phone and check the contacts.
17 missed calls and 27 massages.
I felt a sudden guilt, and i was mad. Mad at myself for forgetting about her. I am such a fucking idiot. She must've been so worried, and i was there competing with those jerks.
I enter the room, light were turned off.
Avery must be sleeping.
i go into the kitchen and drink a glass of water.
And then i felt someone behind me, the lights switched on, i turned around and Avery was standing there. I could never exacly describe her face the moment she saw me.
Fear, worry, anger and joy.
All of the emotions at the same time.
I didn't say a single word, neither did she.
She just came closer to me and then suddenly her arms were around my neck, and my hand were on her back.
I kissed her forhead and she looked me in the eye.
Edinburgh, 4:25 a.m.
His face was bruised, mostly his left eye, his nose was broken, his lips were swollen, and his kunckles were injured.
I was so mad at him. I was so realived that he was here, in front of me, that he didn't left me like my mom.
I looked at his hands. This needed to be treated immediatly.
"Heiress, i-"
"Shut up" i cut him off and rush him to the bathroom.
I found first aid, and first i tried cleaning the injury with water.
Fifteen minutes passed. His hands were bandaged. Now i needed to take care of his eye.
In the span of this 15 minutes, he hasn't said anything, he didn't even made a sound. He was wierdly silent for his own self.
I put ice on his eye, and i tired so hard to get rid of the worried face, but i couldn't.
"It's not that serious, it's just a cut" Jameson said.
I felt rush of anger growing inside me. I put the ice cube down.
"It's not that serious?" I said mockingly
"You come back home, bruised, injured, hurt, after almost a whole day, without answering my calls and returning my massages, and you're saying it's not that serious?" I say, with a hard strict tone.
"Heiress, i never meant to worry you, that's the last thing i want to do." He says, looking worried.
"You know what Jameson, you might be careless and negligent, but some people are not. I am not. I care about the people i love deeply, i always look out for them, and when they dissapear without contacting me the whole day, i do think is serious." I say, as much as i try to control myself, i can't.
"Are you impling that i don't care about the people i love?" He asked me. His green eyes staring into mine, oh, it was cruelty..to make me feel this type of way for him when i was mad at him.
"Coming from the way you behaved today, yeah, you do not care" i say.
Suddenly i feel everything stopping.
He looke..hurt.
For a few moments he is silent, looking up and down.
Then, he pulls out a neckless from his pocket.
It can't be...
Sun shaped emerald neckless.
"Do you remember this?" He asks me.
"That's...my mothers neckless.." i couldn't finish the sentence, i was confused and shocked.
"She gave this to you, on your 15th birthday, your last birthday with her, but you lost it, and you couldn't find it"
I didn't say anything, i just waited for him to continue.
"I read your diary, or your leather book..whatever you call it. But you must forgive me it was for a good reason...i..your birthday is coming up, actually it's next week, and i thought Jameson this girl is special, she deserves more than..hidden picnics..or races..or hot air ballons..you really do Avery, and i read the book beacuse you'd never tell me what you wanted, even if i said tahiti. I read all about this neckless and how special it was for you.."
For a moment he stopped and then continued
"I decided to get it for you, heiress, i looked for it, and just so you know it's not just some random neckless, it is one of the rarest, and it may have been stolen from you sometime you didn't realised..."
He stopped and asked me
"Why do you this i wanted to come here so badly in the first place? Because the neckless was here, kept in a museum, illegaly, and u tried so hard to get it back, sure i went through some..painful stuff and some assholes to get it, but i did it, and i would've done it billion times for you Avery. "
Edinburgh, 4:53
Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.
My heart was pounding.
My eyes were watering.
He did this, all for me.
I hurt him.
I told him he was careless and negligent.
I told him he didn't care about others.
"...i wanted this to be your birthday surprise..but it oka-" he stopped talking and looked at me.
I was crying, hot tears were steaming down my cheeks.
Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.
He rushed to me and put my face in his hands.
"Hey, hey, hey..heiress look at me, it's me, your mystery boy, and everything is alright" he tried to calm me down.
He hugged me and whispered shhh, shhh, shhh
We were like this for a while.
I pulled away and he washed tears out of my face.
"I'm sorry" i whispered.
He kissed my forhead.
"I should be the one to say sorry for making you worry." He said.
"Yes heiress?"
"Can you help me clasp the neckless?"
He gave me his usual devilish grin that was worth to die for.
"What's this mom?" Asked a 15 years old girl..who has just turend 15.
"This is a special neckless, for a special girl, like you, Ave"
The girl smiled and laughed.
"Mom can you help me clasp it?"
"Of course i can my little girl.
Jameson clasped the neckless, it was just as beautiful as the day i first wore it.
He came and hugged me from behined.
"You are the most beautiful human i've ever seen" he whispered in my ear.
I turned my head to him, he turned his to mine.
"I love you, Jameson Winchester Hawthorne"
"I love you too, Avery Kylie Grambs".
OHH boy this took forever.
Btw not read proofed, so sorry for the mistakes.
Hope you enjoyed.
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Your answer to my Charlie angst was amazing, I wasn't sure which way I wanted it to go but I loved what you did. Any chance for part two? See if we can forgive her 😅
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(I took some inspiration from some of y'alls ideas in my asks. Thank you for that.)
Forgotten II
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It felt oddly quiet when Charlie arrived back at the hotel. Like there was something missing.
"Is something the matter, Charlie?" Vaggie asked, noticing Charlie's expression.
"I don't know, something feels off," Charlie replied. There was something that was supposed to happen today. But she couldn't put her finger on it.
While she was deep in thought, she flinched when her phone started to ring.
Why was her Dad calling?
As she picked up the phone, she heard her Dad's eager voice, "Sooooo? How was your anniversary dinner? Did you like it? I mean- of course you did. I helped organize it, after all."
"Anniversary dinner?" What anniversary dinner. She only had went out with Vaggie, and she didn't-...
"Why do you sound so confused? Weren't you out with (Name) just now?"
"No?! I was out with Vaggie all afternoon! I didn't know that today was our anniversary!" Charlie exclaimed, panic clear in her voice.
"Charlie....," That's the most disappointed Lucifer has ever sounded to Charlie. "Where is (Name)? You need to go find them and apologize immediately. They've been planning this for months! You have to make it up to them somehow."
Lucifer had a point. Charlie needed to find (Name) and apologize at all costs!
"I will, Dad. Don't worry," Charlie said as she hung up the phone.
Immediately running up the stairs towards their shared room, calling out (Name)'s name.
As she looked around the room, she spots a letter among a few other things on her bed. Picking up the letter, she read its contents.
(Name) left? Forever?! How can this be?
Charlie immediately called her father again, and started to tell him everything.
Lucifer was conflicted. He loved his daughter. Of course he would, he’s her father. But she can do really stupid things at times. He wants to comfort her even though she’s in the wrong. (Name) has come to him with their issues of how Charlie was being neglectful, and inattentive. He advised (Name) to talk to Charlie about it. But it seems to have been a fruitless endeavor. Charlie persisted with her less than stellar behavior, and it seems to have been their relationship’s undoing. He doesn’t blame (Name) for leaving. They confided in him with such thoughts. If (Name) was going to leave then he wasn’t going to stop them. He just hopes that they keep in contact with him. He really liked them. They were like a bff he never had. Truly an unfortunate thing to have happened.
(Name) decided that staying in the Pride Ring where Charlie lived was too much. So, (Name) had decided to go see some old friends in the Lust Ring, and see if they would let them work at their company. Namely, Asmodeus and Fizz. They know the reason why (Name) decided to come back. (Name) already sent them a message previously to let them know of their arrival and their reasons to leaving the Pride Ring.
Asmodeus obviously didn't mind, "Of course, bestie! What are friends for?! Been a while since we've seen each other anyway. Isn't that right, Froggy?"
"Totally! Ooooooh we can have sleep overs like we used to! Oh! And pillow fights! I missed those!"
(Name) chuckled. They really missed those guys.
Fast forward a few days, (Name) gets a visitor at their office.
Knock knock
"Come in!"
The unknown visitor steps through the door to reveal themselves.
"Charlie." (Name) says, tone cold. "What do you want?"
Charlie flinched at (Name)'s tone of voice.
"I'm here to apologize. For the way that I treated you. I know I had forgotten and unintentionally ignored you sometimes, but it wasn't my intention! I swear! I'll do anything you say! Just, come back with me?" Charlie exclaimed, with tears running down her face, "please?"
(Name) looked at Charlie with indifference. (Name) is already comfortable with their new life here. They weren’t going to leave that for anyone else ever again.
"Is that all? If it is, then please leave my office. I have much work to get done."
(Name)'s response broke Charlie's heart.
"I see." Charlie whispered is despair. She was too late. As she turned to leave, she looked back one last time, "For what it's worth, I'm really sorry."
"I know," (Name) said, already viewing their documents that they needed to finish.
Charlie, seeing as (Name) was busy, closed the door as she left.
Seems she wasn't able to convince (Name) to go back with her. Even through all the trouble she put her father through to help her find (Name). It was all in vain in the end it seems.
At least (Name) seems happy here.
Even though (Name) left, them and Lucifer still send each other memes and silly pics ((Name) memorized his number). No break up with Charlie is ever gonna stop (Name)’s friendship with their friendly neighborhood King of Hell.
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Thanks y’all for waiting for this part 2! Was racking my brain to try to complete it. I’d like to thank some of you in my asks, I used some of y’all’s ideas and managed to incorporate some of it in this story, and came to my rescue.
(Please nobody ask for part 3. Idk what I’m supposed to do after this.)
Ne ways!
Lots of love to everyone out there!
Till next time babes!
And as always, stay healthy and keep hydrated!!
-DebonairPrince ∠(ᐛ 」∠)
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lunamochii · 10 hours
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cw; thirdyear osamu miya x f!reader, smut, yep. That's all.
Even though they have just comeback from nationals, voleyball team were no exception to the upcoming finals especially the third years.
All Osamu wants right now is to be laying down in bed with you at his side but instead his stuck here at the library trying to understand equations, trying to find the right solution so he can get the right answer
"Mhn, this sucks!"
He heard his twin groan as Atsumu finally drop his pen and rest his head on the table, as much as Osamu wants to meet up with you, you're busy with the exams too. Why do you have to be on the other section?
"I'm gonna go buy foods. Osamu, you coming?" Suna said, finally giving up too "Sure. Tsumu' whaddya want?" Instead of answering, his twin only shook his head and proceed to fiddle on his phone, the two of them shrug and made their way towards the canteen
"Wanna go karaoke today?"
Exams are just right around the corner and your friends have the audacity to go karaoke later, very nice.
"Karaoke? We need to study."
"My brain is going to explode! I need a breather!"
You laugh at them, others may say that they are only exaggerating but exams are really hard because it the grades you'll be getting will determine if you can go to a good university and hell, you want to go to a good one
"Hmm what's this? Karaoke today?"
You quickly turn around upon hearing the voice of your boyfriend, you two only met the day he return after being in Tokyo for the nationals but ever since that day, you guys stop seeing each other. Too busy with the exams.
He quickly catches you when you practically throw your body to him, Osamu hug you tight and bury his head on the crook of your neck. You could hear the snickers and giggle of your friends.
"I miss you so much, baby."
"Miss you too, baby."
Osamu smiles warmly and leans in to kiss you on your cheek, he wrap his one arm on your waist and face the others
"Hey! Why don't we go to Karaoke after exams?" One of your friends suggested "Seems nice, a reward." Suna agreed, after that it was decided that you guys will be going to Karaoke together with the vb team, well, if the others agreed.
"Your house later?"
Osamu whispered and you look up at him, he have this annoying smug smile on his lips which made you rolled your eyes
"Yeah yeah."
"This was your plan all along huh?"
You groan when his hands traveled down again and grope your ass. Both of you were really studying while ago but Osamu couldn't stop himself from kissing your neck.
"Sorry, I just miss you so darn much that I can't hold back myself.."
"Oh baby..."
Osamu kisses you once again but this time his using his tongue, you could feel the coldness of the floor on your room as your boyfriend have his way with you. It would be a lie if you say that you didn't miss him too.
He unbutton your uniform and trail his kisses down, letting out a groan, Osamu expertly unclasp your bra and his mouth quickly latch on your nipples. Sucking and licking them while his other hand is pinching your other expose nipple.
Your boyfriend won't admit it to your face but he likes keeping his mouth or head very close to your chest. He loves your breast, okay? The way his hands couldn't hold it because it spills out. The softness of it is what make him crazy. But what if...
You snap back to your sensws when Osamu stops and just towers over you, his eyes staring at your boobs. Now what's gotten into him?
"Osamu?" You called his attention "If I get you pregnant you're gonna lactate and if you're gonna lactate..."
You almost let out the loudest moan when he grope your boobs, his gray eyes found yours and you know what he wants. You gulp and held on to his arm
"You can only do it inside once we graduate!"
Osamu scoffs and leans down to kisses you, you can hear the sound of him unbuckling his pants and when the kiss broke, you can feel your pussy tightening at the site of his hard cock. Fuck, his precum is leaking.
"Y'know we're very close to yer bed but I wanna fuck you here on the floor. Yer bed makes too much noise that yer parents might hear us fucking."
"It's because you do it so rough!"
He laughs at your reaction and grab his bag that is place not so far away from where you guys are, he grab a box of condom and took out one.
"You brought a box?!"
"Baby, when was the last time we fuck? Ya don't know how much I miss yer pussy."
You felt yourself blushing at his bluntness, Osamu is a great dirty talker in bed. It helps you get to your high faster, you moan out his name when his fingers starts to do a slowly circular motion on your clit.
"Mhm yer wet though I wanna stretch you more.."
He covered his two fingers with your own slick and slowly insert it inside you. You huff and tried[keyword here is tried] not too moan out loud. He began thrusting his fingers in, at first it was low as if he was getting you to know the size of his fingers. Then, it got faster that you use your free hand to cover your mouth.
"M'gonna cum at this rate!"
"Uh-uh can't have that. Wanna feel ya cum on my cock."
He took out his fingers and inserted his cock, heck his fingers didn't do any justice on just how big he is. Did all the training from their practice went to his cock?! You swear that he felt bigger and longer that you feel full inside.
"Hold on tight, baby. We're just getting started."
"Winter uniform? Stockings? Aren't you hot?"
It's Osamu's fault. You specifally told him not to leave a mark on your thighs but that asshole left a mark everywhere on your body! To think you'd be wearing your winter uniform and stocking under the blazing sun!
"Heya guys!"
Speaking of the devil
"What the- why are you wearing turtle neck underneath of your uniform? Wait...."
You quickly covered the mouth of Atsumu before he can even open his mouth and utter such embarassing words. Osamu texted you to come to the gym since he said that he brought the notes that you guys did after some hours of fucking.
"Osamu- you little shit!"
Let's just say that everyone on the voleyball team figured it out.
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dianawinchester03 · 5 hours
Season 2, Episode 5 - Simon Said
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
A middle aged African American man, Dr. Jennings gets a phone call in the middle of the town square. "Hello? Yeah" He answers happily but his smile drops when a voice compels him to do something terrible. "Alright" he takes the order before hanging up. A Blue Ridge bus passes in-front of him in the crowed street.
He then smiles again and begins walking down the square to the local gun shop. "Afternoon, Dennis" He approaches the man behind the counter reading a magazine about guns. "Hey, doc" Dennis greets Dr. Jennings with a smile. "I'd like to look at a gun" Dr. Jennings says to Dennis, earning a chuckle from him.
"Yeah right, doc" Dennis chuckles but Dr. Jennings wasn't joking. "Seriously?" Dennis asks surprised as the doctor nods. Dr. Jennings then points the shotgun he's like as Dennis goes round the unlock the chain from it. "That one" The doctor says. "Okay" Dennis says unsure, unlocking the gun. "That's a turkey hunter. Twelve-gauge, pump action" Dennis lists off the profile of the gun before cocking it.
He then hands it to Dr. Jennings, "Don't leave enough turkey behind, if you ask me" Dennis's jokes as Dr. Jennings takes the shotgun. "What sort of shells does it use?" The doctor asks, examining the gun. "Dennis the. Takes out a case of bullets for the gun. "I'm taking the boys up to the cabin this week, if you're uh..." He pauses when he sees the doctor examining the bullet.
"I mean, if you think you'd like to take up the sport" Dennis chuckles, Dr. Jennings then smiles, chuckling before he shakes his head, "Thanks but no. You know guns make me nervous, always have" He laughs before loading the gun, "This one goes in here, right?" He asks before coming the gun.
"Hey, whoa! Doc, no no! You can't load a weapon on the premises. It's illegal" Dennis tries to warn doc, panicking when he loaded the gun. "It's okay, Dennis" Dr. Jennings says calmly. "Nono" Dennis tries to stop him but puts his hands up. "It's okay, Dennis. It's all gonna be..." He then turns to Dennis, pointing the gun in his direction.
"Doc!" Dennis pleads, "....okay" Dr. Jennings then shoots Dennis point blank in his chest, sending him straight back into the glass window of the door behind him. Patrons in the gun shop scream in terror, "No, no. It's okay...It's okay. It's all gonna be okay." Dr Jennings assures everyone calmly before putting the gun below his chin.
Blowing his head off himself, his blood splatters on the roof above him.
Y/N gasps awake in the backseat of the Impala, cold sweating furiously. She tries to catch her breath as she frantically searched for a bottle of water in the bag of snacks Sam got in the gas n sip. She uncorked the bottle and gulped it down. The cool water calming her chest heaves as beads of sweat flowed down her neck, drenching her tshirt. The car was empty because Sam went to the bathroom and was taking forever so Dean went to go check on him.
While Sam held his head in pain, soaking his face in the crappy gas stations bathroom. Gasping for air similarly to Y/N, having had the same vision, "Sam, come on, zip it up. Let's hit the....road" Dean paused in concern when he saw his brothers state. "What?" He asks Sam concerned, Sam gripped the sink, his mind flashed to y/n, thinking she's probably having the same vision.
It was now nightfall and they were all driving down the dark road. "Rock in Nebraska, your source for the classics, all night long" The DJ on the radio deck blared. "I don't know, guys. Why don't we just chill out? Think about this?" Dean suggests to the two clearly shaken younger hunters. Y/N, who was riding shotgun now, turned off the radio. "Whats there to think about?" Sam pipes up from the backseat.
"I just don't know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea" Dean tries to defend. "Dean. It's another premonition, we know it. This is gonna happen and Ash can tell us where. " Y/N says determined. Dean is still unsure, "Yeah, sweetheart but-" Dean sighs but Sam interrupts. "Plus, it could have some connection with the demon. Our visions always do" Sam adds defensively.
"That's my point. There's gonna be hunters there, I don't know if going in and announcing that you're both supernatural freaks with a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?" Dean argues, his words came out harsher than he meant to. This triggers something in Sam and Y/N, "So we're freaks now?" Y/N scoffs offended, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I knew it." She sighs disappointed, shaking her head, turning to face the passenger for. Her gaze was trained outside the window in shame, guilt raising in Dean. "Princess, I didn't mean-" Dean tries to apologize but Sam comes to their defense, "Just shut up, Dean!" Sam barks back. Deans mouth snaps shut, knowing he was in the wrong for his statement.
CE, Nebraska
The trio finally made it to the roadhouse, the second they entered, a couple of hunters glanced their way in suspicion, having not seen them there before. Rock music was blaring through the bar, "Well look who is is" Jo smiles at the three, "How you doing, Jo?" Dean chuckles. "Where's Ash?" Sam asks urgently. "In his back room" Jo tells him. "Great." Sam says before rushing to the back.
"And I'm fine" Jo shouts sarcastically to Sam. "Sorry, he's- we're kind of a bit on a timetable" Y/N says to Jo apologetically, Dean then turns to Y/N, "Come on princess, let me buy you a beer" He says to her sweetly, linking his arm in hers. She just glares at him, snatching her arm away as she shakes her head, "I'm fine" She grunts before following behind Sam.
Dean sighs in defeat as Jo takes in the interaction. "Trouble in paradise?" Jo asks Dean in a teasing tone. "You have no idea" Dean chuckles awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck before walking around Jo to head to the back with Sam and Y/N.
Meanwhile Sam and Y/N are banging on Ash's door, a sign up on it saying, 'Dr. Badass is in'. Sam knocks again, "Ash?" He calls out to him. Y/N rolls her eyes and bangs harder with her fist, "Yo Billy Ray! You and your mullet need to wake up!" She yells a bit louder. Dean then approaches and knocks, "Hey, Dr. Badass!" He calls out and instantly the door opened. Dean and Y/N rolled their eyes at this.
A shirtless Ash appeared at the crease of the door, "Sam, Dean, Y/N." Ash says before taking an exasperated deep breath, "Sam, Dean and Y/N" He smirks, scanning y/n's frame. "Hey, Ash. Um...we need your help" Sam says calmly. "Oh, hell, then. Guess I need my pants" Ash grins widely as Y/N's eyes glance down to see he was only in his boxers.
Ash then closes the door as the trio groan in annoyance.
Ash, Sam and Y/N were sat at table in the bar while Ash was on his computer, looking for matches on the logo Sam drew from the bus that passed in their shared vision. "So, I got a match. It's the logo for the Blue Ridge Bus Lines. Guthrie, Oklahoma" Ash tells them. "Okay, do me a favor. Check Guthrie for any demonic signs or omens or anything like that" Y/N asks him. "You guys think the demons there?" He asks them.
Sam and Y/N share a look at this, "Yeah...maybe" Sam says. "Why would you think that?" He asks them curiously. "Just check it, alright?" Dean groans from behind him, approaching with two beers in his hands. Dean and Y/N share a look, he gave her a little pout, still guilty from calling her and Sam freaks. He then hands her the beer with an apologetic look.
Y/N sighs, reaching out to take the beer. Dean smiles softly when she takes it but she gives him a small glare, basically saying 'This doesn't mean you're forgiven'. He still smiled, taking a sip of his own beer simultaneously with her. "No, cupcake. Nothing. No demon" Ash tells her. Their heads drop in defeat, "Alright, try something for me." Sam begins while scratching the itchy cast on his wrist.
"Search Guthrie for a house fire. It would be 1983 or 1984. Fires origin would be a baby's nursery, night of the kids 6 month birthday" Sam finishes. Dean and Y/N's gazes snap over to him while Jo, who was behind Dean wiping the bar counter, and Ash looked beyond confused. "Okay, now, that is just weird, man. Why the hell would I be looking for that?" Ash asks bluntly.
Y/N then leans over and snatches Sams unopened beer, "Cuz there's a PBR in it for ya" She smirks, plopping it down infront of Ash. "Give me fifteen minutes" Ash instantaneously responds.
The bar was now empty. Ellen was behind the counter while Jo cleaned the tables. Meanwhile, waiting for Ash to finish doing his digging, Y/N was sat at the bar sipping on her sixth beer and dragging from her cigarette. A light buzz humming through her brain as the alcohol slowly makes its course through her veins. Her mind still stuck on the fact that Dean called her and Sam freaks.
She felt as if though she was overreacting, as if she shouldn't be hurt by it but she still was. I mean, maybe he was right. She excepted it but at the same time, it hurt to hear. Y/N knew she wasn't perfect, she had her moments, her breakdowns and whatnot. Usually whenever someone tells her crap, she pays no mind to it. Yet a simple zinger from Dean had her scruffing down six beers and a half pack smokes.
She was growing too attached to him, too sensitive to anything he says. And boy did she hate it.
Dean was across the bar, losing to pool against Sam. Still filled with guilt. Sam noticed that Dean was barely interested in the game because his sorrow-filled eyes kept flickering over to Y/N. His gaze trapped on the faint glow of her cigarette, tucked between her fingers. Sam sighed and then took up his pool cue and pointed it at his brother.
"Go. Apologize. To. Her. You. Idiot. " Sam nudges his brother with the stick in his ribs with each word. Dean jumped slightly from the pokes, usually he'd argue and defend why he shouldn't but he was wrong once again. "Alright, alright. I'm going." Dean grumbles, slapping away the cue his bratty little brother was poking him with before waking over to her.
Dean pulled out the stool next to y/n who was finishing up her beer, settling in the seat as he rested his beer mug next to her, "Hey, princess" He says softly, breaking her train of thought with his voice, her eyes flickered over to him, "Hey, charming" She responded a bit dull, feigning a tight smile as she crushed her cigarette bud in the ashtray. "Look, I'm really sorry for calling you a freak" He apologizes sincerely, resting his hand on her thigh.
Her body stiffens initially at his touch but almost immediately relaxes, "It's fine, really" She slurred slightly, finally making eye contact with him. "No, it's not. I shouldn't have said it. Not after everything you've went through. I'm not good with this sentimental shit but..." He chuckles awkwardly, moving his hand to scratch the back of his neck.
"Apology accepted." She cuts him off with a small smile, her heart warming at the fact that he apologized for calling her a freak. "If it means anything, we're all freaks in some way" He jokes, his hand resting his hand once again on her thigh. A heartfelt chuckle escapes her throat, making his heart swell that he earned a laugh from her again.
Jo takes in the interaction as a mischievous thought crossed her head. Smirking to herself, she made her way over to the jukebox.
"Amen to that" Y/N laughs, raising her empty beer glass. "Amen" Dean chuckles, toasting with her. "You want another?" He gestures to her empty glass, gently caressing her thigh. "I've had enough" She chuckles, still a bit buzzed, pushing her glass aside. A heat started to rise up y/n's southern region as his calloused hand made a light friction through her jeans, she turnt away and bit her lip to calm down her stupid hormones.
'I knew I should've stopped at three beers' she thought to herself.
"You okay?" Dean asks her concerned, taking his hand off her thigh because he thought she was having another vision from the way her face turnt up before she looked away. Alcohol always seemed to bring out the horny bitch in her and Dean's hand pressing against her thigh did not make it any better. If it was just a couple inches higher up, she would've lost all control right there.
Self respect would've gone straight out the window. Her cheeks was almost beet red, luckily Dean couldn't see much in the dark bar and because she had her head turnt away from him, or else she would've swollen with embarrassment, "Yeah, I'm o-" She goes to say but the sound of REO Speedwagon's song, Can't Fight This Feeling, blurred through the bar. Startling them both with the irony.
Well that sure sobered her up.
Their eyes snapped over to Jo's direction, a smirk plastered across her face. "What? I love this song." She said innocently as she took up a tray of glasses, resting it on the counter.
'I can't fight this feeling any longer'
"REO Speedwagon?" Y/N scoffed a chuckle. "Damn right, REO. Kevin Cronin sings from the heart" She winks smugly at Y/N, walking closer to them. "He sings it from the hair. There's a difference" Dean retorts.
'What started out as friendship had grown stronger'
Their eyes meet each other while the song plays before y/n meekly looks down back at her empty glass. Jo glances back at her mom to make sure she can't hear their conversation before turning back to them. "That profile you've got Ash looking for?" She asks them. "Hmm?" Y/N hummed.
"Your moms died the same way? A fire in Sam and y/n's nursery?" She asks them. Their eyebrows raise at this, "Look, Jo. It's kind of a family thing" Dean tries to dismiss it but Jo nods, "I could help" She offers. "I'm sure you could. But we gotta handle this one ourselves" Y/N lets her down gently, Jo sighs in defeat.
"We have a match. We gotta go." Sam approaches them urgently with a light brown manila folder of papers in his hands from Ash. "Alright. See you later, Jo" Y/N says sweetly to her before they all walked out. "Thanks Ellen" She thanks Ellen before locking the door behind her.
"And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight" Dean sings as he drives down the road, Y/N infront and Sam lounging in the back. Their heads slowly turn to him in confusion and disbelief, "You're a candle in the window. On a cold, dark winter's night" Sam smirks as his lovesick brother's horrid voice echos through the Impala.
Y/N's heart is pounding through her chest, a smirk rising in her face also. "And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might" Dean still sings. "You're kidding, right?" Y/N chuckles loudly, cocking her eyebrow. "I heard the song somewhere, can't get it out of my head" He winks at her smugly, earning an eyeroll from her to cover up the fact that she's blushing. "Yeah, sure" She nods still laughing.
Her mind then strays to the fact that maybe Dean was thinking about Jo when singing it. I mean, Jo did put the song on. They were real chummy last time they were at the roadhouse. He sure seemed into her. She reminded herself that she's probably just being delusional about any chance between her and Dean and decided to just discard the hopeful thought from her head.
She's not gonna lie to herself though, if Jo seemed to have any kind of interest in her, she'd jump at the chance too. The girl was smoking and clearly intelligent. Plus she nearly took down y/n when they first met, she had to give Jo her brownie points for that. Jo was also eager to hunt, which is something y/n can definitely relate to when she was Jo's age.
"What do you got, Sam?" She changes the subject, looking at Sam through the rearview mirror. Sam shakes his head at the banter between the two, "Andrew Gallagher. Born in '83, like us. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly six months later, also like us." Sam reads from the file Ash printed. "You think the demon killed his mom?" Dean asks.
"Sure looks like it" Sam sighs, his eyes trained on the folder. "How did you guys even know to look for this guy?" Dean asks them. "Every premonition we've had, if they're not about the demon, they're about the other kids the demon visited." Y/N tells him. "Like Max Miller, remember him?" Sam adds. "But Max Miller was a pasty little psycho" Dean says chuckling.
"Point is, he was killing people. And we were having the same type of visions like him" Y/N cuts in. "And now it could be happening again all over again with this Gallagher guy" Sam adds. "How do we find him?" Dean asks. "Don't know. No current address, no current employment." Sam reads from the file as they listen. "Still owes money on all his bills. Phone, credit, utilities" Sam continues to list off.
"Collection agency flags?" Y/N asks. "None in the system" Sam responds. This surprises them, "They just let him take a walk?" Dean asks confused. "Seems like it" Sam shrugs. "There's a work address from his last W2, about a year ago. We'll start there" Sam tells them, they both nod in agreement.
The next morning they were at the old diner Andrew used to work at, the trio are dressed in suit and ties while y/n had on a white blouse and dress pants. Currently his former coworker. "You won't get anything out of Andy, guys. I'm sorry, but they never do" The girl says to them as she pours Dean some coffee. "They?" Y/N asks curiously. "You're debt collectors, right? Once in a while, they come by. I don't know what Andy says to them, but they never come back" The girl tells them, slightly impressed by Andrews skills of persuasion.
This sends up red flags in their heads. "Actually, we're lawyers, representing his Great-aunt Lita. She passed, God rest her soul, but left Andy a sizable estate" Dean lies smoothly. "Yeah. So are you a friend of his?" Sam goes along with the lie. "I used to be, yeah. I don't see much of Andy anymore" Yhe girl says a bit sadly. "Andy?" Another male coworker asks, taking a seat at their table.
"Andy kicks ass, man" The man brags. "Is that right?" Y/N cocks her eyebrow. "Yeah. Andy can get you into anything. Man, he even got me backstage at Aerosmith once. It was beautiful, bro" The man rambles on while the girl looks annoyed. "Uh-huh. How bout bussing a table or two, Webber?" The girl sasses him.
Webber looks between them nervously, "Yeah. You bet, boss" He chuckles before getting up to do just that. The trio share an amused look at this, "Look, if you wanna find him, try Orchard Street. Just look for a van with a barbarian queen painted on the side" She tells them amused. "Barbarian queen" Deans eyebrow cocks at this. "She's riding a polar bears. It's kinda hard to miss" The girl says ironically.
They were now all sat in the Impala on Orchard Street, parked across from Andrews van with the barbarian queen riding a polar bear painted on, staking it out. Stonehenge by Spinal Tap blasting through the radio on Baby's deck.
'Stonehenge. Where the demons dwell'
"I'm sorry. Im starting to like this dude. That van is sweet" Dean blurts out, gawking at the van. He turns to see Y/N giving him an unimpressed look along with Sam. "It's a douchewagon" Y/N huffs. "What's wrong?" He asks them, noticing their grim expressions. "Nothing" Sam says plainly as y/n shakes her head. Dean is unconvinced and judging by the looks on their faces, they were stuck on something.
"Guys, you look like you're sucking on lemons. What's going on?" Dean pressed. Sam sighs, "This Andrew Gallagher guy. He's the second guy like this we've found, Dean" Sam says blankly. "Demon came to them when they were kids, now they're killing people" Sam continues. "We don't know what Andrew Gallagher is. Okay? He could be innocent" Dean tries to assure them.
"Our visions haven't been wrong yet" Y/N argues. "What's your point?" Dean asks. "Our point is, we're like them" Sam huffs. "No, neither of you are" Dean rolls his eyes. "Dean, the demon said he had plans for me and Sam, and children like us" Y/N points out. "Yeah?" Dean sighs. "Yeah, maybe this is his plan. Maybe we're all a bunch of psychic freaks. Maybe we're all supposed to be- " She exclaims  in frustration but Dean cuts her off.
"What? Killers?" He huffs. "Yeah!" Sam and Y/N shout in unison. "Okay. So the demon wants you two out there killing with your minds, is that is?" Dean asks sarcastically. Their faces drop at his tone, "Oh give me a break. Your not murderers guys! Neither of you have it in your bones" Dean grunts agitated. "No?" Sam cocks his eyebrow at the irony.
Dean shakes his head in frustration, "Last I checked, we killed all kinds of things" Y/N counters. "But those things were asking for it. There's a difference" Dean retorts. Sam and Y/N sigh, still stumped on the fact that they're connected to possible murderers in ways they can't explain. She spots a man with scruffy hair and a light stubble, wearing a robe exiting the apartment building the van was parked next to. He was around her and Sam's age,
"Got him" She leans forwards and nudges the boys from the backseat. Their heads turn to his direction, their eyes widen when they see a gorgeous blonde girl in the window above, wearing a similar robe. Waving at Andrew flirtatiously. Andrew waved back, meekly smiling before walking over to a man on the street carrying a cup of coffee. With just a simple exchange of words, Andrew points to the coffee and the man hands it to him without hesitation.
Andrew then greets Dr. Jennings, the man from Sam and Y/N's vision. Their jaws drop, "That's him. That's the older guy. That's him" Sam nudges his brother. "What?" Dean asks confused. "He's the shooter" Y/N tells him a bit panicked. "Alright. You two keep on him. I'll stick with Andy" Dean instructs the younger hunters.
Sam and I followed Deans order and jumped out of the Impala to follow the man from our vision. When we made it to the sidewalk, I heard the Impala ignition start, we peered our heads to see Dean following behind Andrews van that pulled out of Orchard Street. We continued to follow the man.
After a couple minutes of walking, the man's phone rang and he took the call. Sam and I shared a panicked look when we saw the same bus from our vision. "We gotta get to that gun shop before him" Sam says urgently. I nod and we bolt into action, running towards the gun shop. We paced our stepped when we reached the door to the shop.
"I'll go in. Stay here" I say calmly to him. Sam nods as I push the door open. I greeted one of the patrons with a smile, looking around for a fire alarm. My eyes landed on Dennis, the man that the 'doc' shot in my vision who was behind the counter reading a magazine, just like my vision. I turnt to see right above the door had a security alarm. I thought quick and triggered it, pulling it down to activate it.
Everyone's eyes landed on me so I exited the shop normally as if I didn't do anything. "I hope this works" Sam says a bit on edge to me as I walk out. "Yeah, me too" I sigh. The shooters face drops when he hears the alarm, me and Sam breath out relieved when he was walks away. "Thank god" Sam breathes out.
"For r-" My mouth falls agape before I could finish my sentence because I saw Andrew in the Impala driving down the road past us. Sam's eyes widen in absolute shock at the sight. "No fucking way" I gasp, still shocked. "What the fuck?" Sam is agape like me. I quickly fish my phone out of my pocket, dialing in Dean number.
I pressed the phone to my ear and Sam pressed his ear against the back of my phone to hear. In two two's, Dean answers the phone. "Hello?" Dean answers. "Dean! Andy's got the Impala!" I tell him urgently. "I know! He just sort of asked me for it and I let him take it" Dean tells us. Our eyes practically popped out of our heads. "You what?!" Sam exclaims in disbeliefs. "He full-on Obi-Wan'd me. It's mind control, guys!" Dean tells us.
The bus horn honks loudly, then when we looked across the road. We saw the shooter stuff his phone into his pocket before step in-front of the moving bus, our eyes widen in terror at this. Before we could stop anything, the bus came barreling straight into him, killing him on spot. People around the area gasp and scream in terror, my phone slips out of my hand and onto the ground. A sick churning in my stomach.
Sometime later, paramedics showed up and pronounced the 'doc' dead on the scene. Dean showed up before the paramedics came after walking back from where he lost the car. Sam and I haven't uttered a word, still traumatized from what we just witnessed. We were sat next to each other on the edge of the sidewalk, watching as the paramedics covered up the dead shooter, his blood soaking the sidewalk.
Dean rubbed our backs comfortingly as we watched on. "We kept him out of the gun store. Thought he was okay" Sam says sorrowfully, taking a deep breath. "I thought he was past it, at least- we should've stayed with him" I shake my head, burying my face in my hands, my elbows propped on my knees.
Since Dean didn't have his car, we all had to walk back. We decided to head back over to the diner Andrew used to work at, Dean cheered in excitement when he saw Baby parked out infront of the diner. "Thank God" He exclaims, hurrying over to her. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll never leave you again" He coos, leaning down to press a kiss to her hood.
Lucky her. What? Who said that?
"At least he left the keys in it" Dean sighs, "Yeah. Real Samaritan, this guy" Sam scoffs ironically. "Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose. He's gotta use verbal commands" Dean says to us. Something clicks in my brain, "Doctor had just gotten off his cellphone when he stepped in-front of that bus" I tell Dean before taking a shakily deep breath.
The image of that poor man dead on the ground like a dog still in my head. "Andy must have called or something" Sam says. "I don't know, maybe" Dean mutters. "Beg your pardon?" I cock my eyebrow at him. "I just don't know if he's our guy" Dean responds honestly, shrugging. Me and Sam scoff, "Dean, you had O.J. convicted before he hit out of his white Bronco and you have doubts about this?" Sam remarks sassily.
"He doesn't seem like the stone cold killer type, that's all. You know? And O.J. was guilty!" Dean retorts defensively. I rolled my eyes at him, "Either way, how are we gonna track this guy down?" I ask. Dean thinks for a second before saying, "Not a problem." With a smug smile.
He then took us to where Andrew mind-control-carjacked him, his weird ass van was still there. "Not exactly an inconspicuous ride. Let's have a look" Dean pumps his eyebrows at me before reaching into his jacket to take out his knife. Me and Sam keep out out as he picks the lock to the back of Andrews van, Dean chuckles impressed when he opens it up.
The inside of his van was coated with what looks like fur, a painting of a tiger on one wall and a big shiny disco ball in the middle. I grimaced at the interior designing as Sam cringed. "Oh, come on. This is magnificent, that's what this is" Dean mutters dazzled. "This is a douchewagon. That's what this is" I quip back. Earning a chuckle from Sam.
"Not exactly a serial killers lair, though. There's no clown paintings on the wall or scissors stuck in victims photos. Like the tiger" Dean retorts smugly as Sam and I examine some of the books he had in the back. "Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein?" I mutter to myself a bit impressed by the choice range.
"That's some pretty heavy reading, guys" Sam comments. "Yeah, and, uh, ahem, Moby Dicks bong" Dean clears his throat, pulling out a two foot long bong from below a blanket. A smirk on his face, he wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Don't give me any ideas, hotshot" I retort with a snort which causes his to chuckle.
We were all now back in the Impala, Sam was reading through the files Ash gave him as Dean was chowing down on a burger. I sat to the back, smoking a cigarette, my elbow propped on the window as Dean groaned in disgust, "Blech. You know, one day, I'd love to just sit down and eat something I didn't have to microwave at a minimart" Dean crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the back by me.
"You're preaching to the choir man" I agree, blowing out the smoke from the corner of my mouth. "What I don't get is the motive. I mean, the doctor was squeaky-clean. Why would Andy waste him?" Sam thinks out loud. "If it is Andy" Dean comments. "Dude, enough" I huff, earning a questioning look from Dean. "What?" He turns to me, chewing on his food.
"The doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math!" I point out the obvious a bit agitated as Sam nods in agreement. "I just don't think the guys got it in him, that's all" Dean says. I roll my eyes mid-drag, "Well how the hell would you know? I mean, why are you bending over backwards defending him!" Sam exclaims in frustration.
"Because you guys are not right about this" Dean quips back. "About Andy?" I huff, flicking my cigarette out the window. "Hey! You think I haven't seen you three!?" A males voice from Sam's side of the door startles us. We turn to see it's Andy, our eyes widen like deers in headlights. "Why are you following me?" He asks us. "Well, we're lawyers. See, a relative of yours has passed-" I go to cover for us but he says,
"Tell me the truth" He orders us, I cock my eyebrow at his tone. "That's what she's telling y-" Sam goes to feed into my lie but Dean blurts out with a straight face, "We hunt demons" Me and Sam's heads snap over to him in shock, "What?" Andy gasps. "Dean!" Sam and I mutter to him with gritted teeth. "Demons, spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here, he's my brother. And this is our friend, Y/N" Dean continues to ramble on.
"Dean, shut up!" I growl at him, "I'm trying" Dean almost strains, "They're psychic, like you. Well, not really like you. Y/N is more the psychic of the group. See, they think you're a murderer. And they're afraid they'll become one themselves because you're all apart of something that's terrible. And I hope to hell that they're wrong, but I'm starting to get scared they might be right" Dean admits fully with a tight smile.
Panic takes over Andy's face as we glare at Dean, "Okay, you know what. Just leave me alone" He orders us again. "Okay" Dean grunts painfully, pressing his palm to his forehead. Me and Sam jump out of the Impala, following behind Andy. "What are you guys doing?" Andy asks fearfully as we continue to walk towards him. "Look. I said leave me alone" He orders again, putting his hands out to stop us as he backs away but we don't let up.
Still walking towards him. "Get out of here. Just start driving and never stop" His tone faltering in fear, I open my hands out with a shrug, "Doesn't seem to work on us, Andy" I shrug, still walking towards him along with Sam. "What?" Andy says confused as Dean jumps out of Baby. "You can make people do things. You can tell them what to think" Sam points out the obvious.
"Look, that's crazy" Andy tries to laugh it off as it's madness. "It all started about a year ago, didn't it? After you turned 22. Little stuff at first, then you got better at control" I call him out on everything me and Sam had been experiencing, Andy's face drops, putting his hands up in surrender. "How do you know all this?" His voice lowers, dropping his hands.
"Because the same thing happened to us, Andy. Our moms died in a fire too, we have abilities too." Sam tells him. "You see, we're connected. All of us." Andy looks like he's gonna have a full on panic attack at this point, his hands buried in his hair. "You know what. J-j-just get out of here! Alright?!" Andy yells at us but it doesn't work, once again.
We continue to press, "Why'd you tell the doctor to walk infront of a bus?" I growl at him. His face drops again and that's when my head starts to pound again. A familiar white flash appears infront of my eyes before an image does.
A woman, fire, a car.
My eyes flutter open again, I held my head because the pain still throbbed. Sam was in pain just like me, grimacing, struggling to keep his eyes open, "Why did you kill him?" Sam growls at Andy. "I didn't!" Andy pleads, I go to press on it again but the vision fully takes over.
A blonde woman inserts the gas pump into her tank.
Her phone rings so she fishes it out of her pocket and presses it to her ear.
"Hello?" She answers cheerfully, her face then goes stoic.
"Sure....I can do that" She responds obediently before placing the phone back into her pocket.
She walks back over to the gas pump, pulling it out of the tank.
She then begins to douse herself from head to toe with the gas from the pump before tossing it aside.
An onlooker gas station attendant sees what she's doing and panics, "Hey! Lady what are you doing?!" He shouts.
She then reaches into her car and pulls out the auxiliary power outlet.
"It's gonna be okay" She assures him calmly, mimicking the doctors words.
The man's eyes widen when he realizes what she's about to do, "Lady, no. No!" He screams fearfully, shielding himself as she presses it to her gas soaked clothes.
She bursts into flames as the man watches in terror, the blonde woman the falls to the ground, dead.
Sam and I held onto each other when the vision was over, Dean came rushing to our sides when he realized we were having a vision. "Sam?? Y/N?? What is it??" He helps us hold ourselves up but we fell to our knees, groaning from the pressure in our heads. "Look, I didn't do anything to them" Andy defends. Dean crouches in-front of us.
The heat from the concrete ground seeped through my jeans as I tried to recollect myself. "A woman...a woman burning alive" Sam breathes out. "What else did you guys get?" Dean asks urgently. "A gas station. A woman is gonna kill herself" I tell him, gripping my head. "What does she mean 'going to'? What's is- what are they talking ab-" Andy stutters
"Shut up!" Dean cuts him off harshly. "She gets triggered by a call on her cell" Sam gasps as we both look over at Andy with glares. "When?" Dean asks. "I don't know" I say, putting my hand out along with Sam for Dean to help us up. "As long as we keep our eyes on this son of a bitch, he can't hurt her" I growl at Andy, my gaze deadly.
"I didn't hurt anybody" Andy tries to defend himself. "Yeah, not yet" Sam snaps back. That's when the sounds of sirens and a fire truck honking filled our ears. The truck drove right past us. "Go" I instruct Dean. He nods before obliging, going over to the car. Andy goes to follow behind him but me and Sam stop him. "No, not you. You're staying here with us" Sam growls at him.
Not long after, my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket to see it was Dean. I answer it, putting it on speaker. "Hey, it's me. She's dead. Burned up, just like you guys said" Dean tells us quickly. We share a sorrowful look as my heart drops, "When?" Sam asks. "Like minutes before I got here. I mean, the smell hasn't even cleared" Dean informs us, my gaze drops to the ground.
"What's up with your visions, guys? This wasn't even a head start" Dean asks us confused. "I don't know, okay. We can't control them. I don't know what the hell going on" I tell him stumped. "Listen, you two were with Andy when this whole thing went down. So it can't be him. It's gotta be somebody else doing this" Dean points out the obvious.
My eyes flicker over to Andy, "But that doesn't make any sense" Sam mutters. "What else is knew?" Dean quips back. "I'll dig around here, see what else I can find" He tells us before hanging up. Me and Sam share a look before turning back to Andy, "We gotta tell him" Sam says. "Yeah, we do" I sigh as we both step towards Andy to give him 'the talk'.
"So, you guys get premonitions of people about to die?" Andy asks us, then turning to me. "And you could move things with your mind?" He asks me. I nod along with Sam, "Somewhat, it's a work in progress" I shrug. "That's impossible"'Andy scoffs a chuckles, not convinced by what we're telling him. Sam and I cock our eyebrows at the irony of his. "A lot of people would say the same thing about what you do" Sam scoffs.
Andy shrugs, "Death visions and telekinesis?" He asks. "Yeah" Me and Sam respond in unison. "Dudes, that sucks. The telekinesis rocks but death visions sound like hell" Andy's says a bit sympathetically. Sam and I sigh because he wasnt lying. These visions are a curse. "I mean, like when I got my mind thing? It was like a gift, you know? It was like I won the lotto" Andy chuckles.
"But you still live in a van" I scoff, his face drops at this. "I don't get it, I mean, you could have anything you ever wanted." I add. Andy smiles a bit, "I got everything I need." He says cheerfully. This guy really doesn't have a killing bone in his body, Sam and I share a look. "So you're really not a killer, huh?" Sam asks making Andy chuckle. "That's what I've been trying to tell you guys" He laughs.
His laughter was contagious, earning chuckles from me and Sam. "That's good. That means there's hope you all of us" I say softly. The Impala pulls up next to us right after. We all get up and walk towards it as Dean jumps out, shutting the door behind him. "Victims name was Holly Beckett, 41, single." Dean tells us all the information he got on the woman from our vision. "Who is she?" Sam turns to Andy.
"Never heard of her" Andy shrugs. "Called Ash on the way over here. He came up with a little something." Dean begins. "Apparently Holly Beckett gave birth when she was 18 years old back in 1983. Same day you were born, Andy" He then turns to Andy as he gulps. "Andy, were you adopted?" I ask him. "Well, yeah." Andy answers as if it were obvious.
"You were? And you neglected to mention that?" Dean scoffs sarcastically. "Never really came up" Andy says defensively. "I mean, I never really knew my birth parents. And like you said, my adopted mom died when I was a baby" He says and then thinks for a second, "Wait, do you think this Holly woman could actually be my- ?" Andy stutters.
"I don't know. I tried to get a copy of the birth records. But they're hard copy only, sealed in the county office" Dean tells him. "Well, screw that" Andy sighs. An idea pops in my head and a smirk rises to my face, "Maybe we've got something that can help" I cross my arms over my chest, all the boys give me questioning looks as my smirk widens.
"I probably shouldn't have let you kids in here" The security guard says to Andy who has his hand on his back, guiding him out of the room. We're now in the county office and thanks to my brilliant plan of using Andy's mind controlling power thingy, we got into the office undetected. "No, it'll all be fine. Alright, just go get a cup of coffee. Alright?" Andy tells the guard as he exits the room.
"And these aren't the droids you're looking for" He adds earning a chuckle from Dean. "Awesome!" Dean exclaims, bringing a box over to us while me and Sam are sat at a table in the office, sifting through files. "Got it" Sam says. "Yeah?" Me and Dean ask. "Yeah." Sam responds, handing me the paper. I sigh as I read over the file, "Andy, it's true. Holly Beckett was your birth mother" I tell him apologetically.
Andy scoffs in disbelief, "Does anyone have a Vicodin?" He asks ironically. "Dr. Jennings was her doctor too. I mean, he oversaw the adoption" Sam adds, shaking his head. "You have a solid connection to both of them" I say, looking over at Andy. "But I didn't kill them" Andy tries to explain.
"We believe you" Dean assures him. Me and Sam look over at him before nodding, "Yeah" Sam says. "But uh, who did?" Dean asks the pending question. My eyebrows raised as I read the file further, "Here's an idea" I said out loud, handing Sam back the file. His expression mimicked mine, "Holly Beckett gave birth to twins" Sam mutters, Deans face drops as Andy jaw practically touches the ground.
We decided to go through the record of the adoption, Andy leaned back into his chair still stunned from the discovery. His hands rested above his head as his internal panic session progressed. "I have an evil twin" Andy mutters fearfully. Me and Dean were leant against the printer, waiting for a picture of Andy's evil twin to be printed but it was jammed. My arms were crossed over my chest, Dean next to me, his arm resting behind me, propped on the printer.
Sam came over with a file of the adoption in his hands. "Holly put you and your brother up for adoption. And you went to the Gallagher family, obviously. And your brother went to the Weems family from upstate" Sam explained. Resting the file onto of the box infront of Andy, leaning against it. Andy closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Hey, Andy. How you doing?" Dean asked him when he noticed his clear discomfort.
"You still with us?" I ask him calmly. Andy snapped out of whatever trance he was in, taking his hands off his head as he leaned forward on the table. "Uh...what was my brothers name?" Andy asks Sam. "Here. Um...Anson Weems" Sam reads off of the file but Andy doesn't seem to recognize the name. "He's got a local address" Sam says. "He-he lives here?" Andy stutters panicked.
The printer behind us beeps, indicting it's ready. "About to get a look at him" Dean tells him turning around to face the printer, "There's a picture coming over from the DMV right now" Dean adds, pulling the paper out of the printer. His face drops when he takes a look at the picture, he then hands the paper to me and my stomach sinks from the familiar face.
"Hate you kick you while you're freaked, hun" I say sympathetically to Andy. He scoffs shaking his head as I hand him the paper. "Take a look at that" I tell him, Andy's eyebrows shoot up in surprise and disbelief when he saw who Anson was. His jaw was practically on the ground. Anson was Webber from the diner, who was bragging about Andy and kept trying to make conversation with us.
We were all now headed to the diner in a rush to stop Webber from hurting anyone else. Sam was riding shotgun while I was in the back with Andy, behind Sam. "Alright, Andy. Tell us everything you know about this guy" Sam says. Andy had his hand and chin propped on the front seat backrest, leaning forward. I was leaned back because my head would not stop killing me, it felt as though another vision was coming on and I could see Sam grab his head too, cringing in pain.
"I mean, not much. Webber shows up one day, like, eight months ago. Acting like he's my best friend in the world. Kind of weird, like trying too hard. You know?" Andy explains. "He must've known you guys were twins. But why did he change his name? Why not just tell the truth?" Dean queries. "No idea" Andy mutters.
I gasp loudly when the sharp pain in my head expanded, Sam did the same groaning. Sucking in breath between our teeth from the agony. "Sam? Y/N?" Dean calls out for us concerned. I winced in pain, pressing my palm to my forehead as the familiar white light flashed over my eyes.
Tracy, the girl we questioned in the diner, was walking barefoot on a dam, tears streaming down her face.
She went to the ledge of it before taking a look down at the empty trench below, only concrete down the dark steep.
She begins to sob again before looking behind her. She then shakily climbs up onto the ledge, as if she's being mind-controlled.
Extending her arms out, taking a deep rugged breath before jumping off the ledge of the dam.
The pain worsens when the vision was over, tears formed at my eyes as me and Sam screamed and grunted from the agony. "Sam?! Y/N?!" Dean yells concerned before pulling over the Impala, getting out and rushing over to our sides, Sam opened the door as I pressed my throbbing forehead to the front seat backrest to support my weight while Dean held Sam by his shoulder to keep him from falling out of the car.
After we told Dean about our vision, we made him turn back and head to the dam we saw, using Sam's map to find the only one around the area. We finally made it, hopefully in time. Dean put the Impala in park, both him and Sam got out and I did after, shutting the door behind me. Our eyes were trained on Webber/Anson's car. Dean got his keys out to open the trunk, leaning down to unlock it.
"Dean, you should stay back" I suggest as me and Sam walked over to the trunk. "No argument here. I've had my head screwed with enough for one day" Dean mutters back in response, lifting the trunk up. Sam leaned down and got out two guns, handing me one. "I'm coming with you guys" Andy says determined after getting out of the car.
Sam and I share a look at this before shaking our heads. "Andy, no" Sam denies but Andy presses. "If it's Tracy out there....then I'm coming" He said shakily, taking a deep breath. He seemed pretty broken up about the whole thing. I sighed before nodding, "He could help, Sam" I say to him. Sam turns to me, "We could break the car window, hold Webber at gunpoint and Andy could grab Tracy" I suggest.
"Yeah, that could work" Sam nods in agreement. "Dean, you got duct tape?" I turn to Dean. "Yeah, one sec" Dean replied, digging through the trunk before tossing me the tape from his duffle. I hand it to Andy, "Gag the sucker" I tell him firmly. He gives me an obedient nod before we cocked our guns, slowly approaching Webbers car, we give each other a look before nodding firmly.
Andy walked slowly around to the passenger's side before Sam shattered the drivers side window with his gun, startling both Webber and Tracy. The glass coated Webbers jacket. "Get out the car! Now!" I shout loudly at them, our guns cocked at Webber. "You really don't wanna do this" Webber tries to mind control us. I scoff, rolling my eyes before right hooking him in his nose, through the broken window.
Andy then opened the passenger side door, "Tracy. Come here, come here"'Andy helps her out of the car. "Andy! I can't- I couldn't control myself" She squeals fearfully, sobbing uncontrollably. Sam roughly pulled Webber out of the car, tossing him to the ground. Webber tried to break out of Sam's headlock but I gun butted him to the eye. "Don't move! Don't move!" I order him, pressing the barrel of my gun to his temple.
Andy ran over and duct taped Webbers mouth, he then started to kick him in his stomach and face."No! No!" I yell as I try to hold Andy back to stop him from damaging Webber further. "I will kill you!" Andy screams at Webber vengefully. Andy was stronger than me so Sam stepped in to help. "Hey, let us handle this, alright?!" Sam tries to calm him down but Andy screams, "No!".
"We'll handle this! We'll handle this!" I assure him loudly. "I will kill you!!!" Andy screams at Webber with pure rage and hatred. "Andy, listen to me. Listen to m-" Sam suddenly stops with a grunt, due to being knocked with a log from Tracy. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. Sam's limp body hit to the ground with a thud and I turned swiftly to Tracy with wide eyes, my instincts told me to shoot Webber, but when I went to do exactly that, I was welcomed to darkness by a sharp pain in my own head.
Third Person POV
After Webber used his mind control to compel Tracy to knock Sam and Y/N unconscious, Andy's eyes widen with fear when he saw Tracy wielding the log in her hands sobbing uncontrollably. "Tracy stop!" Andy exclaims before using his verbal commands. "I said, stop it" He ordered, compelling her.
Tracy's posture changed, dropping the log. Andy then turned to his illegitimate twin brother. Webber grunts, peeling the tape from his mouth, blood dripping from the side of his eyes from when y/n gun butted him and Andy kicked his face in. He spits blood from his mouth, grunting painfully.
"How did you do that?" Andy gulps fearfully, realizing Webber compelled her without using words, even with the tape on his mouth, he still mind controlled her. "Practice, bro" Webber shrugs smugly, "If you'd just practice, you would know" He adds, opening his arms wide. He tosses the tape on the ground, sniffling blood, "Sometimes, you don't need to use your words. If you have to.." He walks closer to Andy.
Pointing to his temple, "...all you need this this. Sometimes the headaches worth it" Webber says as if it's normal. Andys hateful gaze narrows at Webber, "You son of a bitch" He growls, going to attack him. He snatched him by his collar but Webber pushes him back. "Back off, Andy, or Tracy's gonna do a little flying" Webber warned him menacingly.
Andy turns back in fear to see Tracy standing on the ledge, just like Sam and Y/N's vision. Tracy shakes in visual fear from being on the ledge, inches away from sudden death. "Aren't you, Trace?" Webber mocks. Andy turns back to Webber with pleading eyes, "I'm stronger than you, I can do it" Webber warns him, gritting his teeth.
Andy lets go of him and puts his hands up in surrender, backing away, "Okay, okay. Okay" He agrees hesitantly, turning back to Tracy and then to Webber. "Alright, just please don't hurt her" Andy please to his brother. "Don't be mad at me, okay? I know, it's all wrong. I didn't mean for this to happen. It's just..." Webber tries to explain, taking a deep breath.
"Tracy, she's trying to come between us." Webber says. Andy looks at him in disbelief, "You're insane" Andy mutters, shaking his head. "She's garbage. Man, they all are. We can push them. We can make them do whatever we want!" Webber defends. Andy is so taken back by this, he chuckled at his brother's idiocy, "Are you- are you really this stupid? Is it-?" Andy chuckles unamused, his hands still up in surrender.
"Yo-you learn you got a twin, you call him up. Y-you, you go out for a drink. You don't start killing people!" Andy exclaims at the irony. "I wanted to tell you for so long, bro. But....he didn't let me. He said I had to wait until the time-" Webber tries to explain but Andy is confused. Sam and Y/N begin to come to, their heads pounding from the log lash.
"Who?!" Andy exclaims again as Y/N holds her head. "The man with the yellow eyes" Webber tells him. Sam and Y/N share a terrified look on the ground. Their hearts dropped, "He came to me, in my dream. He said I was special" Webber explains to Andy, stepping closer to his brother. Andy was even more confused and terrified, horror etched on his face.
"He told me he's got big plans for me." Webber smiles excitedly, grabbing his brother by his shirt. "Wait till you see what's in store for us, Andy, for both of us" Webber informs him, Andy backs away in fear, putting his hands back up as he glares at Webbers hands on his shirt. "See, he's the one who told me that I had a brother. A twin" Webber says lovingly, now grabbing Andy's face between his palms, but his face was blank.
Unbeknownst to them, Dean was on the other side of the dam with his sniper, he crouched down to camouflage himself in some bushes to get a clear shot at Webber.
"Why did you kill our mother?" Andy asks, Webber scoffs, pulling away from his brother. "Andy why Dr. Jennings?" Andy presses. "Because they spilt us up!" Webber bellows, causing Andy to flinch. "They ruined our lives, Andy! We could've been together this whole time." He adds angrily, his tone pained. "Instead of alone. I couldn't let them do that, I couldn't let the get away with that!" Webber defends.
Andy's face was still blank, yet fearful. Not knowing how to feel in this entire situation. "No" Webber sniffles, shaking his head.
Meanwhile, Dean had set up his sniper, a clear shot at Webber. His eye peeking into the scope. But somehow, Webber knew. He felt eyes on him, similar to how y/n feels. He turnt around and narrowed his eyes in Deans direction, though Dean was camouflaged, Webber still saw him. "I see you" Webber whispers, his control traveling the distance.
"Bye-bye" Webber smirks, compelling Dean to kill himself. Dean then turns to sniper to himself, pressing the barrel of the gun below his chin. A loud gunshot rings out but it wasn't Deans. Andy stood behind his brother who fell to the ground with a thud, dead. A smoking gun in between his hands. When Webber wasn't looking, Andy took Y/N's gun from the ground.
Killing his own brother, his own flesh and blood. Who had become a monster, killing and terrorizing innocent people. Tracy, who was still on the ledge, sobbed as Andy shook with fear and distaste at the fact he just killed someone.
The next morning, police and ambulance was crowding the dam. The coroners were wheeling Webbers dead body out as Andy 'talked' to the investigating officers. "He shot himself. And you all saw it happen" Andy compelled the three deputies. "Yeah, we did" One of the officers nodded as Sam, Dean and Y/N sat not too far from the scene, leaned against the ledge, amazed.
"Look at him. He's getting better at it" Sam says a bit proud, shaking his head as Andy smirks to himself. He then began to walk over to them, he spotted Tracy who was by an ambulance, she didn't dare look at him and it broke his heart but he couldn't blame her. He gave her a small sad smile before approaching the trio.
"Won't even look at me" Andy sighs, speaking about Tracy. "Yeah, she's pretty shaken up" Y/N says sympathetically. "No, it's- This is different. This is, uh..." Andy stutters. "I never used my mind thing on her before last night." Andy admits, earning sympathetic gazes from the three hunters. "She's scared of me now." Andy sighs pained. The three share a look before Sam decides to break the silence.
"Andy, I hate to do this, but, um...We have to get out of here." Sam says honestly. Andy scoffs a chuckle though understands, y/n then digs into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, handing it to Andy who accepts, "Here hun, I wrote down my cell and Sam's. You don't have to be alone in this, alright? If anything comes up, you call either of us up" She instructs him gently.
Andy nods, as they walk away, but he's stumped. "Wha..what- what am I supposed to do now?" He scoffs chuckling, at a complete lost. The three turn to him. "You be good, Andy. Or we'll be back" Dean lightly warns him. They begin to walk back to the Impala as Sams one's swirls, "Looks like we were right" Sam says. "About what?" Y/N asks. "Andy" Sam responds as if it's obvious.
"He's a killer after all" He adds, sticking his hands in his jacket pockets. Y/N looked down, hating the fact that she felt the same way. Dean cocked his eyebrow at this, "No, he's a hero. He saved his girlfriend's life, he saved my life" Dean defends. Sam and Y/N scoff, "Bottom line, last night, he wasted somebody"Sam retorts. Dean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but he's not a foaming-at-the-mouth psycho. He was just- he was pushed into that" Dean adds.
They look at him in disbelief. "Webber was pushed too, in his own way. Max Miller was pushed. Hell, I was pushed by dad's death and Sam was pushed by Jessica's death" Y/N lists off in a counter attack. "What's your point, guys?" Dean scoffs, turning to them, stopping from their stroll to the Impala. "Right circumstances, everyone's capable of murder. Everyone" Y/N points out as Dean listens.
"Maybe that's what the demons doing, pushing us, finding ways to break use" Sam rambles on. "Guys, we don't know what the demon wants, okay? Quit worrying about it" Dean says calmly, patting them both on their shoulders. They still can't believe how nonchalant he's acting but they know deep down he's scared. "You know, we heard you before, Dean. When Andy made you tell the truth. You're just ask scared of this as we are" Sam calls him out of his bullshit as they approach the Impala.
"That was mind control" Dean exclaims defensively. "It's-its like being roofied, man. It doesn't count" He further defends pointing at them, y/n cocks her eyebrow, shaking her head, "What?" She scoffed. "No- no. I'm calling do-over" Dean lamely shuts it down. Y/N rolls her eyes, "What are you? Seven?" Sam scoffs in disbelief at Deans childishness.
"Alright, look. We just gotta keep doing what we're doing, find that evil son of a bitch and kill it" Dean says causally, the ringing of his phone cuts their conversation. "Yeah, I guess" Y/N mutters, sharing a look with Sam. She jumps in the back as Sam rides shotgun while Dean answers his phone. "Hello?" He answers, pressing the phone to his ear.
"Ellen, what's going on" He responds to Ellen on the other line. He listens for a bit , his face dropping. "Yeah, we'll be right there" He clears his throat, jumping into the Impala.
The trio ended up back up at Harvelle's Roadhouse, the Impala parked outside, infront. "Jo" Ellen calls out to her daughter who's carrying a tray of plates. "Go pull up another case of beers" She orders her, "Mom-" Jo groans but Ellen cuts her off. "Now, please" She says firmly, wiping her hands with a bar cloth. Jo sighs, doing as told while Ellen walks up to the trio, sat at the bar.
"So you, uh, wanna tell me about this last hunt of yours?" She leans against the counter, her tone suspicious. They all share a look before Dean shakes his head. "Nope, not really" Dean says honestly, sipping his beer. Ellen glares at him, causing him to gulp a bit in fear. While Sam and y/n glare at him because of his rude tone. "No offense. It's just kind of a family thing" He reassures her kinder.
"Not anymore" Ellen says, tossing a folder of papers infront of Sam and y/n. "I got this stuff from Ash." She says suspiciously, turning to Dean. "Andrew Gallaghers house burned down on his 6-month birthday. Just like your houses." Ellen points out what's in the files as the look down guiltily. "You think it was the demon all times, don't you? It went after Gallaghers family?" She questions. Dean smirks, not wanting to answer.
"Yeah, we think so" Sam admits. "Sam" Dean warns him. "Why?" Ellen asks Sam. "None of your business" Dean retorts to Ellen bluntly. "Dean" Y/N warns him, her eyes widen from his defensive and brutal tone. Ellen's eyes flicker over to Dean, "You mind your tongue with me, boy." Ellen warns him firmly, his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
"Now, this isn't just your war, this is war. Something big and bad is coming and it's coming fast. And their side holds all the cards. Now, at best, all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half truths here" Ellen lays all the cards on the table out for them. They all share a look before Sam begins. "There are people out there. Like Andy Gallagher..." He says lowly. "Like us" Y/N adds, noticing Sams somber look.
"And um...we all have some kind of ability" Sam says. "Ability?" Ellen questions. They nod, "Yeah. Psychic ability" Y/N gulps, earning a displeased sigh Dean. "Me and y/n/n, we have, um, visions. Premonition. And y/n/n could move things with her mind. Telekinesis. She can also sense spirits and demons. But we think those came from her mom. I don't know, it's-it's different for everybody" Sam explains sighing as Ellen listens.
"The demon said he had plans for people like us" Y/N tells Ellen, this catches her attention. "What kind of plans?" Ellen asks. "We don't really know for sure" Y/N shrugs. "These people out there, these psychics. They dangerous?" Ellen questions. "No. Not all of them" Dean chimes in. "But some are. Some are very dangerous" Y/N adds. "Okay, how many of them we looking at?" Ellen asks.
"We've been able to track a clear pattern so far" Dean answers, leaning against the bar counter. "They've all had house fires, the night of the kid's 6-month birthday." Dean continues. "That's not true" Sam cuts in. "What?" Dean asks confused. "Webber, or Andron Weems, or whatever his name is. Me and Sam looked at his files and there was no house fire" Y/N tells him.
"There's nothing out of the ordinary" Sam adds. Dean is taken back by the breakage of pattern, "Which breaks pattern. So if there's any others like him, there'd nothing in the system. No way to track them all down" Ellen voices his thoughts as her daughter comes besides her. All their heads were bowed in defeat, "And so who knows how many of them are really out there" Dean mutters.
"Jo, honey" Ellen says to her daughter. "Yeah?" Jo responds. "You better break out the whiskey instead" She tells her. Jo does so as they all say there, stumped. A sense of defeat at the fact that they don't know how many freaks are out there. Unsure what to do or how to proceed in finding the yellow eyed demon.
Authors Note: I know, I suck!😭 I've just been swamped with so much crap, it's a shit storm over here lol. But I made sure to finish up so I hope you guys enjoyed!
Thank you for your patience and thank you for reading, have an amazing week❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19 @deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28
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