cocoabats · 5 months
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the winners
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in-the-multiverse · 5 months
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Every season has a distinct feel, I tried a new style to tell their stories through distinct shapes (and rl is like that for funsies)
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prisma-palace · 6 months
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so new life series guys whatre our thoughts 😁
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bugsdraws · 2 months
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dream girl 🪲
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thesixthduke · 1 month
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untouchvbles · 6 months
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Acura NSX (NA1)
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esotheria-sims · 2 months
Long Overdue Life Update
Whew, the title sounds kinda ominous, doesn't it?
Lemme say right off the bat that this isn't some Big PSA post or anything to that effect. I'm only checking in because I've been quiet for a while and figured an update is the least I can do. 🙂
Nothing major or life-changing is happening on my end; I've just been shitty at finding the time for sim-blogging these past months due to work and other day-to-day rl stuff, though I have been simming a bit in the background. Mostly going on download sprees and sorting cc, but I'm also about two-thirds through my next BaCC rotation and have a few new hair and handswap wips that are share-ready save for previews.
Oh and also: I got a new puppy! She's a 3-and-a-half-months-old Jack Russel mix and the main culprit for the abovementioned lack-of-time for simming. The cute lil' attention hog wants ALL the cuddles! "PC time? What PC time? Pet me instead, hooman!"
Everyone, this is Lucy!
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Other things of note in my life, in no particular order:
We've had relatives from Croatia visiting last week with their kids. The kids are super smart and super cute but with the energy levels of a medium-sized nuclear reactor. It's been fun.
I finally went to see a Rammstein concert!!! 🤯 The experience of a lifetime, holy shit. I literally have no words to describe how mesmerizing that stage was. Like, I shit you not, I have 3 GBs worth of concert footage.
Speaking of metal: Gojira KILLED IT at the Olympics Opening! Also: Turkish Shooter Guy and Norwegian Muffin Man are living rent-free in my head. I'm the worst, I only follow professional sports for the memes.😆
I've been moved to a new division at work and am currently sitting in a small office with the two biggest goobers in the entire institution. Between that and me finally having accumulated enough knowledge + experience to have a clue what I'm doing, work's been pretty stress-free for once.
Conversely, my colleagues from the old division are struggling due to lack of staff, too much work, mismanagement, internal strife, and pressure from both within and outside the institution. I feel so bad for them, but at the same time, a selfish part of me is grateful that I'm not there to suffer the shitshow on my own hide.
I have unanswered asks from (probably) months ago and am Very Ashamed of the fact. I'll get back to you guys, I promise! 😰
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cyravillaria · 9 months
"Someday, my memories of her will fade. Her voice, her actions - I might forget them as well. But even then, I will always remember that I loved her."
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glorious-spoon · 2 months
my daughter has decided to teach herself to crochet, which is very admirable, but she has also recruited me to be a part of this. which is challenging both because i don't know how to crochet at all, and because she is left-handed and i am not
the upside of it is that nothing gives a 10yo confidence like watching their parent fuck up something very basic from a children's youtube tutorial
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elythegardeningbard · 4 months
Many of you asked for me to wear the set so I did a photoshoot after work.
My mom helped me with the pictures, so she said I have to help her do grocery shopping
This is me helping
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I am Totally Normal about this woman
spoiler, im not
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yankaze · 2 months
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that's how popee the performer zine i worked on together with other amazing artists look in my copy of it
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bugsdraws · 2 months
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girl dinner
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thesixthduke · 1 month
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untouchvbles · 5 months
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Acura NSX (NA1)
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