hederasgarden · 6 hours
I can’t help but really want a cross over with these two characters and a reader. They both work for the CIA after all…
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Imagine being August’s analyst at the CIA, working alongside him for years. Before you, he burned through analysts quickly; not everyone could handle his biting personality and exacting expectations, but you can. Over time, you earn his respect, even though he never articulates it in words. The most you get from him is a throwaway promise to buy you dinner the next time he’s stateside. You don’t expect him to follow through, even though the thought secretly thrills you. You’ve developed a longstanding crush on him, despite never having met in person.
Recently, you started working with Six and the Sierra program. You quickly fall for his charm and wit, and the praise he heaps on you for your good work leaves you smitten after just one mission. Then, one day, you’re tasked with delivering intel to Six in person, and sparks fly. Nothing can come of it, but you still keep in touch through back-channel communications.
Lo and behold, one day August makes it stateside, determined to finally make good on his promise to take you out for dinner—and perhaps something more—only to arrive at the same time as Six, who had the same idea.
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Why Most Relationships Are Doomed to Fail
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idekwtf-is-happening · 15 hours
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hunkhauler · 18 hours
Welcome to the Guild of Anomaly Redistribution Security and Experimentation employee website
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Anomaly ID: 919 A.K.A: Manes of a Milk Maiden Description: Like most humanoid ghosts 919 resembled her living self as ____ ______, a woman with a heavy bust and purple hair that covers her eyes, who worked as a wet nurse for the heir of the ________ Estate before being fired after becoming obsessed over the heir and was later sentenced to death after attempting to kidnap the heir. Despite her confirmed death she soon reappeared years later on the heir 18th birthday and proceeded to stalk him until his apparent disappearance around his 35th birthday. Years later she reappeared and began to stalk random humans who were later discovered to be the relatives and descendants of the heir, attempting to seduce and then devour the descendants via her ever growing bust. Anomalous Abilities: Aside for her abilities as a ghost what makes 919 so notable is her resistance to being banished, captured, or destroyed. Be it holy, demonic, witchcraft, fae or technology in nature all efforts seemed to be temporary as 919 would soon return to haunt her target, furthermore she was able to manifest in several different locations and haunt every adult descendant simultaneously. This eventually resulted in the disappearance of several descendants as well as a few civilians who attempted to intervene with the haunting. Eventually 919 was secured by getting every living descendant together and capturing every instance of 919 as they appeared, this op was suggested by and carried out by Anomaly Agent Raymond and was later deemed too dangerous to keep around and was approved for destruction via digestion. Her artifact appeared soon after. Danger Level: High (Targeted) Low-Medium (Collateral) Status: Currently Destroyed, Contained via Artifact Artifact Description: A carafe of seemingly endless milk, drinking this causes the user to experience breast growth as well as temporary manifestation the ghostly abilities and personality of 919. Due to the mental and obsessive personality changes it causes to the user it is not approved for recreational employee use. It may be used on test subjects in heavily monitored tests.
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kelperings · 1 day
you're in a dark cave and see this running at you wyd (aka i went on minecraft for the first time in months and now have a new fear)
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telling a trusted adult.
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sena-02 · 2 days
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thoughtlessarse · 2 days
The French cement giant started operating in Syria just before the civil war erupted. When Islamic State took over the region, Lafarge paid them protection money so it could keep trading. The consequences are still playing out Again and again, Bruno Pescheux made one point to his colleagues: no one must know what their company was up to. Secrecy was paramount. In 2013 and 2014, Pescheux ran the Syrian subsidiary of Lafarge SA, the French company that was then the world’s biggest cement conglomerate. As a civil war caught and spread, the company struck a grim deal: to pay millions of dollars to Islamic State (IS), the world’s most notorious terrorist group, treating it as a strategic ally. These payments bought IS’s blessing so that Lafarge’s factory in Syria could keep making and selling cement – even as its European executives left the country, its local employees got kidnapped, and bombs and gunfire tore up the region. Lafarge bought raw materials from IS-approved vendors, supplied IS with cement, and paid them to squeeze the competition – in this case, cement imports coming over the border from Turkey. In mob jargon, this was more than protection money; in MBA jargon, the company optimised for IS. The managers in Lafarge’s Syrian subsidiary knew all too well what they were doing, and they tried hard to hide it. Once, while referring to vehicle passes that IS issued Lafarge’s trucks, Pescheux emailed a go-between to say that “the name of Lafarge should never appear for obvious reasons in any document of this nature. Please use the words Cement Plant if you need but never the one of Lafarge.” At the time, the factory, in the town of Jalabiya, was one of more than 1,600 that Lafarge ran in 61 countries. But this was no distant outpost going rogue, unnoticed by headquarters. Executives in Lafarge’s offices in Paris were complicit in the relationship with IS, as dozens of internal emails and documents show. On such evidence of wilful collaboration with IS, the US Justice Department filed criminal charges against Lafarge. (The company merged with the Swiss cement giant Holcim in the summer of 2015, not long after IS finally annexed the Jalabiya factory for itself.) Lafarge pleaded guilty to conspiring to provide material support to terrorist groups – the first successful criminal prosecution of any company on this charge in the US. In the autumn of 2022, the Justice Department fined Lafarge $778m. One prosecutor described Lafarge’s acts as a “staggering crime”. The penalty threw open the doors to still more legal trouble. A group of more than 800 Yazidis, represented by Amal Clooney and other lawyers in the US, is suing Lafarge for its aid to IS, which murdered, kidnapped and raped thousands of members of this religious minority group in northern Iraq. Others who have suffered IS’s violence have filed separate lawsuits, including US journalists, aid workers, military service members and their families. “None of the $778m fine imposed by the Justice Department went to any of the victims,” a lawyer in one of these suits told me. “And this is a deep-pocketed defendant – not a random front company for al-Qaida.” These are civil cases, though, so even if Lafarge loses them, the consequences will be all too familiar. A corporation pays an affordable sum in damages. The court issues a stern scolding. Onward to business as usual.
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hederasgarden · 12 hours
How does Scott act when drunk?
@clairewritesandrambles is working on a prompt like this at my request and I just know it’s going to make me and everyone else unwell. Go give her a follow!
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stormbreaker-290 · 3 days
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kawaiibarty · 3 days
me when you deny wolfstar is canon:
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islamicworld5 · 3 days
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sena-02 · 3 days
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notchainedtotrauma · 4 days
Okay. Now how are you (you know who you are) tell (lie to) people about how Kamala Harris is going to be the champion of all marginalized people over the land ? Because this happened after she got endorsed...by Dick Cheney (and accepted the endorsement to boot)
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syedahmedsabrina · 4 days
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🍁🍂 fall is cool in Turkey🇹🇷😃
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hederasgarden · 12 hours
#need to annoy and piss scott off so bad and then tell him “you want me so bad it makes you look stupid” when he gets in my face
I mean, it’s the dream anon.
I’m not a brat (I’m a good girl who prefers praise and gentle correction) but I’d be bratty as hell to rile Scott up. Or maybe I just need to take him down a peg or two intellectually to get him fired up. We all know he hates being corrected.
Either way, he’s putting his hands on me and I’m getting exactly what I want. 😉
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