#*loudly sniffles*
terezicaptor · 4 months
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im rewatching tubbos first day with sunny vod bc i miss my daughter and just. ohhhhh. ohhh. theyre both fresh off egg island, both so so scared, both so unprepared. but they love each other so much. tubbo would never hesitate to do anything if it made sunny happy. ohhh
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cupiidzbow · 5 months
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oughhhhh heart aching over him so bad…( yearning) miss my guy ……….
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m--bloop · 1 year
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my sister's boyfriend asked me to discreetly find a time that my dad is free for A Talk and I feel like I've been given a huge secret mission. he was clearly trying to be cool and subtle about it so I just was like sure thing I can do that I won't say anything :) but. aaaaAAAAAAAA
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When Neung hugged drugged out Palm with the saddest expression on his face, knowing he wasn't going to see him for a long time, knowing he was walking away from the happiest thing in his life right now, knowing how much he loved Palm and how badly he wanted to not let his life hurt Palm anymore?
I have many feelings
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linkvcr · 4 months
Gooood sky is so funny. He's so expressive 😭😭😭 love him
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Imagine Clarke and Lexa dropping off Madi at school and yelling the same embarrassing goodbye to her 🥺
First day off to college 👀
Finn and Clarke and, of course, Lexa are there. She's not exactly a stepmom figure but she is important in Madi's life by then. It a chaotic day; a rag tag team effort to move Madi out of Clarke's old house that's mostly sat empty now and into her dorm.
Lexa being the only one of the 3 who went away to college in her youth really enjoys experiencing everything from the other perspective. The whole dropping someone off on the beginning of this news chapter of their life. Madi may not be her kid but she loves her, and wants to help her get settled, but God, more than anything she absolutely 110% enjoys helping her girlfriend embarrass the living shit out of that kid 💕🥰
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
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It simultaneously feels like its been 4 months and 10 years since the show came out MSNDMSNDMN HOW is it the 1 year anniversary???? Where does the time go????
not to be sappy but. scrolling through the IJ tag and seeing so many ppl talking about the show is SO!!!!!! <33333333333 AAA IDK IT JUST FEELS WILD. I remember when I first made this blog and the fandom was like. 3 ppl standing in a circle making excited gestures at each other snsmdns. A year ago I could NOT have imagined how many ppl I would have met and friends I’d have made.
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rivalsilveryuri · 3 months
how do we (pokespe yuri fans) feel about green/crys is there a general consensus about this
Heehee the name for this is lazurite ... ive seen likr. SOME posts out there, but not a lot... since yellow pairigns are more popular.. tbh i think they could actually have a very fun dynamic, but they interact likr. Under five times and its SO sad. Canonically, they seemingly have a good relationship by the time of... emerald-ish? since Crys seems to respect her a lot, and Blue's helped her with the pokedex, but theres not really a. Regular Conversation between them. (Which is kinda a bummer tbh i wish there was more on crys' dynamics with gen 1 dexholders aside from yellow, because i think theres a lot of potential but WHATEVER..)
Since Crys kind of has a very strict black n white view of the rules and authority and. What she perceives as . Wrongdoing, for a while, i think there'd probably be a bit of headbutting at first tbh. Especially since Blue would absolutely not give a shit. So i doubt Blue would take her seriously at first. But I do think their personalities clash in a way thats very fun? Beyond the whole, goodytwoshoes and a con artist thing.
I think they would get along after getting over the initial problems though. But I'm kind of ass at describing HOW.... Likr, Blue isn't the Most open person and imo i don't think she's been in a relationship before either, due to having a LOT of shit going on..... But Crys is pretty honest about her care for people close to her, and i think she'd be understanding of the act she sometimes puts on. While Blue would push her to stick up for herself more, and to take more time for herself. I DO think they could work, they'd just have a couple problems to work through........ also blue would find her loser fail nerd tendencies endearign i think.
I think it's cute! Some other people seem to think similiarly, since there's some art of it out there but it's like. Really rare
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weezeryuri · 5 months
it already is you 😳
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terezicaptor · 6 months
Can we get a pepito and sunny play playdate please........... I need to see pep happy even if it's for just 1 hour
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frascospecimen · 6 months
God. I cannot stop thinking about the fucking laika update today. Death grip on my brain
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ectoplasmer · 4 days
did you guys know i loove ymy boyffriendss orr
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chaotictomtom · 6 months
she started like a week ago to paw at my arm rest whenever she wants some scratches and hugs 😭 wahhh my wee bébé.....
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dalvs-wife · 2 months
OOMFIE I'm bringing you dalv plushie. i care you
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laulo821 · 3 months
ka-chow! marc verrue propaganda!!
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self-made man <3 his sign was griefed to read "marc-ass" (wordplay)
also, a lil (canon) comic:
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Bapstisdoof: Ah, Marc Dubious! [translator's note: wordplay based on sounds]
Marc: Marc Verrue.
Baptisdoof: Dubious.
Baptisdoof: Dubious.
Marc: I'm positive you meant to say "Verrue".
Baptisdoof: Of course, mister Verrue!! What else?
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