#*rubs hands over face*
guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 4.18 In Sickness and In Health
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typicalopposite · 11 months
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This is really not talked about enough!
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bigassbowlingballhead · 8 months
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The colorrrr
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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9x04 | The Obliged
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thefrsers · 1 year
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cerberus253 · 7 months
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da fuq with that face-mask tho
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binah-beloved · 5 months
Decided to look at meltdown binah again and I kinda want to cup her face not gonna lie
that is the correct response
reach for her, in all her glory, her last moments as a true Arbiter. she's taller than you, taller than everyone, but you still try to extend a hand up as the rest of your coworkers scream and run and explode into viscera. there's a moment of silence as the Arbiter stares down at you, expressionless, before she slowly leans closer and presses her masked face into your palms. there's a peculiar, mechanical murmur as you tenderly cup her cheeks, almost a sound of contentment as the Arbiter pauses, then completely leans into your touch. the glowing golden markings on her segmented body dim as she relaxes, the meltdown slowing and quieting, and you're left with Binah in your arms once more
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fruityindividual · 22 days
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jojo-schmo · 2 years
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The first duel between rivals
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kedreeva · 2 years
Lady on FB: What's the dose for X med for peafowl?
Guy on FB: 3ml for 3 days
Me: That's a huge overdose
Guy: been doing it for years with no problems
Me: the fact you have had to do it for years suggests there may be a problem
I continue to be tired
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peachyqueenly · 2 months
For the record I don’t find the bond story for Lily and PV’s costumes funny I don’t think his fairy subjects essentially drugging him is very funny, but what we are not going to do is suggest it was Lily’s fault when it wasn’t.
She literally knew he was drugged and so kept him at a distance even if she didn’t want to outright reject him. It’s a parody of the tragicomedy genre and of a specific play that the name of the bond story references. I don’t particularly like the fact this is parodied cause I find it more weird that the fairies did this than tragic for Lily and PV, but it isn’t Lily’s fault. Also connecting it back to the love potion item in the guild museum when we have been over how it’s weird to imply it was used by Lily or PV when there is no evidence of that is fucking weird??
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arsenicflame · 2 years
i constantly flip between izzys face tattoo being eds signature or polaris but either way, its emotionally devastating to me
if its eds signature, it's an act of ownership, of claiming, of a permanent, unbreakable bond. a reminder of what once was and is now gone
if its polaris, then someone loved him enough to mark him as their north star, a constant light to guide them home. has that light gone out now? are they looking to a different part of the sky?
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justghostthings · 10 months
I've been sorta seeing someone lately n I think I'm gonna officially ask them to be my partner soon
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patchworkcloud · 1 year
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*motions aggressively at face* HIM
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parme-san · 4 months
what do i do what can we even do
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violexides · 2 months
starting to think you guys don't care about the lesser of two evils or whatever vote blue always people have been trying to say. starting to think you guys genuinely will believe whatever the Democratic party says if you think it's going to buy you another day on this earth. are you even watching what is happening in America right now. are you even watching what is happening across the world. i am genuinely so fucking sick and tired of you at least pretend like you care. just PRETEND. like you care about people outside of yourself. pretend like you care more about what is materially happening to people overseas than what you think might possibly happen in the future if you get a republican in. white boy 20000 is going to be fine. the people of Palestine won't and if you really think Kamala Harris' words are the best it's going to get in terms of foreign policy you lack every drop of political imagination that will lead to liberation. you cannot envision a better world than this. you can't even muster up the energy to act like you want to demand for something better, you're saying shut up don't complain this is enough otherwise you're giving the vote to Trump. any revolutionary voting blue in november are not going to sleep at night for weeks after, it will be the most miserable decision of their life and they will spend every breath acting after. so i'm glad to see you guys hopping and cheering and excited for Kamala Harris even as she calls protestors for Palestine "pro Hamas". are half the people on this site only pretending to care about political dissent. you can vote for Kamala, go ahead, but actually make your vote have leverage. actually put power behind your words. or is that too scary. are you too scared. do you think you're more scared than a Palestinian right now? as Kamala labels the people fighting for their freedom in the belly of the beast terrorists? i hope God gives you the mercy you refuse to give to others. i hope, genuinely, that you act in some way.
actually taking out the disclaimer .
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