#*sees spidey hanging under a water tower* oh shit hey man did you see the game last night
milimeters-morales · 2 years
i like that part in this one comic where spider-man is walking down a building and gets some popcorn from this guy who’s chilling out the window, because it makes me think of people seeing spidey chilling somewhere nearby but impossible for a normal person and just chatting with him because they’re so used to him by now ^_^ peace and love and community
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His Legacy
Paring: Peter Parker X Stark!Reader X Platonic!Harley
Warnings: ☡ ENDGAME SPOILERS ☡, Slight language
Synopsis: The reader is concerned for Peter becoming the "new Ironman."
GIF NOT MINE: @tomhollandnet
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He was distraught. We all were. Anthony Stark's sacrifice destroyed us all in many ways.
Pepper lost the man she loved.
Morgan and I lost our father.
Rhodes lost his best friend.
But Peter. Peter lost his second father figure. And that hurt him in ways that his Uncle Ben's death didn't.
I was depressed for a couple weeks. Part of me felt that it was my fault. I helped Tony figure out how to fix the snag in the Time Heist.
--Flash Back--
"D'you want washing or drying?" He asked me as we both apprached the sink.
"Drying, definitely drying." I responded, already picking up the dish towel.
"Alright, but if you accidentally end up soaking, don't be complaining to me about it later."
And a few minutes later, he did "accidentally" spray water on me, the ceiling, and a collection of photos near us.
"Dad! Ugh, I'll get the mop." I carefully walked away.
He just smiled and looked at the photos. First observing a picture of his father. Then he pulled a different photo from behind it, taking the time to gently wipe away the water droplets on the frame. He looked hurt.
I walked back over to mess. I managed to sneakily catch a glance at what photo he had: the one of him and Peter getting his "internship."
It made me want to cry. I know he felt bad about Peter dying. It's just the way dad rolled. Everything is his fault.
"Maybe it wouldn't hurt to look into the calculations about Scott's Time Heist." I slowly suggested, now staring at the photo of Peter smiling. I missed him.
My dad constantly teased us on "being oblivious to one anothers' feelings." Feelings or not, I knew I missed him. When dad told me he hadn't made it, we both cried for an hour.
"What did I tell you about easedropping young lady?" He feigned suprise. He took a deep breath and cleared his voice of any emotion other than sarcasm.
He wrapped his left arm around me and kissed the top of my head.
" It's too bad you suck at quantum mechanics too badly to help with any of it."
I scoffed at his insult, knowing I was fully capable of keeping up. I was a Stark, it's in my blood.
So we went to work. Busting out every computation of every calculation we could think of.
"This is impossible. I told them Tiny's stupid hesit is physically impossible."
I chuckled at his codename for Scott. It helped relieve some of the tension in the room.
"Okay, so the calculus works, we can agree on that?"
He nodded.
"So we just need a workable shape to bend time around and to morph ourselves around?"
I layed my face in my hands and thought of the shapes we hadn't tested yet.
"Yes, Einstein, we do. But We've tried every geometrical postulate imaginable. I'm sorry kid, it's not hap..."
"Mobius strip." I whipped my head out of my hands and looked at him.
"FRI, can you run the calculations with the Mobius strip?" He asked, desperation clinging to his voice.
I didn't have the energy to make some snarky remark on how he took my idea. I just wanted to see if it worked
I moved to where my dad was standing, also waiting with anticipation. I felt him glance at me. He wanted this to work because he knew I needed it to work.
The moment we saw the green loop appear around the stip we both fell backwords into our seats.
"Shit." Be both said in unison, stares not breaking from the display.
"Shit!" We heard a little voice behind us.
We turned around to see Morgan happily sitting on the stairs, watching us.
Dad made some quippy remark about having important shit to do, which caused Morgan to frown/smile. He then took her up to bed, but not before getting them icepops.
I turned back to the display. The green line still surprised me. I half expected it to disappear in the time we looked away.
This was gonna work. We were going to get them back.
I blamed myself for it. I should've just let it go. We were happy. We had a family. We were good.
But then I remember the billions who dusted away. It was the right thing to do. It just hurts.
But Peter's pain was significantly worse. He was hard to trust. After Ben's death, he found it hard to trust people, especially any father-figure he became close to. Understandably dad's death destroyed his limited trust capacity.
We could tell it was destroying him, Happy and I. We saw it firsthand.
Fury was pushing Peter. What with his constant calls, and even him hijacking our Summer vacation. Fury wanted the new Ironman and he was deadset on it being Peter.
It made me mad a first. Fury believed I was envious of the offer being given to Peter. But it was more concern than envy. Peter was Spiderman, not Ironman. He can't be both. And nobody could ever replace my dad
Plus people overlooked the obvious choice here: Harley Keener.
He was 16, and a new student to Midtown Tech. He was the perfect choice to carry on dad's legacy. It's not like Harley had other heroic prior commitments like Peter or I did. Plus we got along great.
My dad connected us one year when we all went down to vacation in Tennessee and met his family. I immediately gravitated to Harley. Seeing as he was only one year older than me, a sort of summer fling also sprouted between us. It ended on good terms. We kept in touch, agreed to hang out every once in a while, and had a fun tendency to provoke my dad.
But when I apprached Fury about this he struck it down before I even got to mention Harley. He insisted that Peter become the new Ironman. Which was weird.
The next step was to try to convince Peter which I felt wouldn't be too difficult. He was cracking under the pressure.
But seeing as we were currently going head to head with a giant water monster in London, I figured it'd be best to table the the discussion for a later time.
So we did. Just at a different time when Harley showed up at the rebuilt HQ (the old Stark/Avengers tower) just after we got back from vacation. It was 9:30 and we both just wanted to sleep for days.
Peter went into full defense mode the moment he saw Harley sitting in the corner. In Peter's defence, Harley did look pretty shady.
The whole squabble was resolved when I pushed past Peter and welcomed Harley with open arms.
"Hey, if it isn't my second favourite Stark!" He exclaimed as we embraced.
Though he kept it silent, I could sense Peter's jealousy.
"Hey, Keener, nice suprise, but what are you doing here?"
"Well, I thought we were going to talk to Fury today, so I just figured I would come in. I heard you guys were getting back today." He smiled.
I smiled back. It was truly nice to see him again. The last time I saw him as a few days after the Funeral when he dropped the news that he'd be attending Midtown Tech. I wasn't exactly a happy time, but it was mosty better now.
"Um, I'm sorry, but can you please explain who this dude is, (Y/n)?" Peter broke our little bubble of joy.
I noticed Peter even gave Harley a side glance of disgust and distrust. This should be interesting.
"Peter, play nice. This is one of my old friends, Harley Keener. I'm not sure you two met at the funeral, but basically he was a fellow mentee my dad sort of trained. He just moved here, and he'll be a Junior at Midtown Tech in a couple weeks." I politely explained to the disgruntled Spiderboy.
"And she wants me to be Ironlad."
Oh, this can't be good.
"Ironlad?" Peter questioned, now meeting Harley's gaze. Posture suddenly taller. Was he challenging Harley?
"Yeah, (Y/n) here called me about it a while back. I already have prints for a suit and she said she'd help me with it." He replied rather egotistically.
Peter looked hurt. He looked to me and back to Harley with definative anger. He began to walk away.
I quickly hit Harley's arm in frustration.
"What the hell, Keener? I was going to tell him gingerly!" I whisper-yelled at him as I began to follow Peter. He started to suit up.
"Peter." I called to him.
"Peter!" I called a little louder.
"Peter Parker!" I jogged up to meet his fast paced walk and pulled his arm.
He pulled away forcefully. He looked pained. His eyes were showing early signs of crying, but his actions showed anger.
"Leave me alone, (Y/n)." He proceeded to walk briskly to the edge of an open window.
I followed him to the edge.
We made brief eye contact before he jumped out.
"Spidey, don't make me do this!" I shouted in his direction.
No response.
"Alright, he forced my hand." I muttered to myself.
"FRIDAY, do me a favor and don't send my suit after me, okay?" I asked the A.I, knowing she'd be listning.
So I jumped out. Completely suitless. Pepper was going to kill me.
Either I end up on th street as a not so pretty decoration, or Peter'd save me. We'll find out soon enough.
I felt the wind swishing through my hair and my clothes puffing in weird directions around me. I saw the points on the ground becoming more clear. I was getting to close for comfort. This was it. Peter was actually going to let me die because he's mad at me. Talk about petty.
Suddenly I felt a familiar tug on the back of my shirt. He really waited until the last last second to web me up.
I braced myself for the intense g-force I'd experience while being pulled back to the sky.
Before I knew it, Peter and I stood on the roof of a building near the tower.
"Do us a favor and don't throw yourself off of any more buildings." He said not even prying his eyes off of the ground. He was about to take off again.
"Peter Parker, I will keep launching myself off of buildings until you and I talk!" I yell at him.
He looked at me like I was insane. Which, jury's out on that one. I might be.
"What." He stated, again not looking at me.
"You can't be the next Ironman." I said simply.
This caused him to look up. Again, he looked like I just told him the worst news in the world.
"Peter, you can't be the next Ironman because nobody can be the next Ironman. He's irreplaceable." My voice began to crack. I was definitely going to cry. No preventing that.
"Tony Stark was an enigma. He was the best and worst man. Did I ever tell you the reason he took on Scott's Time Heist was because he looked at a picture of you two? Peter, he wanted you to live, not to crack under the pressure of being the next Ironman. If he could see you now, he'd..."
"Hey, (N/n)," He began to interrupt. But I wasn't having any of it.
"Peter, I don't even know what he'd do, but I just know he would disapprove of you trying so desperately to be the 'new Ironman.' Damn what Fury says, all he cares about is finding replacements! He wants you because he knows he can control you. Hell, he already replaced Natasha with another former assassin. He doesn't care about our wellbeing. I just know you would've been too excited to recognize you were being used, so I thought if I brought Harley in, he'd help me show my point. Peter, trust me he's great, and..."
Peter shut me up by pulling me into a tight hug and shushing me. This caused me to let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.
"I get it. I miss him too. And you know he wouldn't want to be jumping off of buildings." I felt his chest vibrations. They were oddly soothing.
"Excuse you Peter, he's the one who taught me that trick." I smiled and sniffled. He wiped my tears away and just held my face.
We both jolted around to see Harley, now decked out in his Mark I Ironlad suit.
"I hate to break up this tender moment my ex and my soon to be best friend are having, but you guys SUCK at the whole secret identity thing."
"Ex? So you two have a history?" Peter asked, looking at me awkwardly.
"I was 14, I had bad judgement."
This caused an offended noise to leave Harley's mouth, but a laugh to exit Peter's.
Yep, these two were going to be good friends.
"Alright, we should probably all head home and sleep. School starts soon." I, being the mature teenager I am, suggested.
Harley took off.
Which left me and Peter on a roof.
"So." I smirked. "You should probably get going. May's gonna be worried."
"Yeah, well sure, but do you like need a lift or..?" His question trailed off. Suddenly it clicked when my dad would tease him about being awkward with me. Does Peter Parker like me?
Instead of a response, I tapped the edge of my glasses and watched Peter watch as my suit began flying out the tower and to me.
"I'll be fine, Parker." I smiled, though it was hidden from him.
"Tell May I said hey." And I took off towards our house.
When I landed Pepper was out, waiting for me.
I tapped the edge of my helmet and the suit began to return to its nano form.
"What's this I hear about you jumping out of the tower?!" She yells at me, obviously playfully.
"What? I needed a way to get Peter's attention." I breezed past her.
"I swear you are jus like your father! You're aging me prematurely."
"How premature can it be?" I quip back sarcastically.
I hear an offended gasp followed by a chuckle.
I went up to my room, deciding I was too tired to take a shower. I just wanted to go to bed. So I proceed with my Nighttime routine and in no time was cozy in bed.
My window curtains were drawn back. As I began to close my eyes, I swear I saw the outline of the infamous red snd blue suit watching me...
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and sent a quick text to Peter.
He almost fell from the roof he was on. But recovered quickly. He stood and waved goodbye as he swung off into the night.
I just wanted to make sure they made it home alright. I knew Mr. Stark would never let me live it down if I didn't. Besides, I knew they were beat after the vacation, so I was afraid they would mess up the directions home, or something; but part of me just wanted to see them one more time before I called it a night. So I sat on a roof parallel to their bedroom window.
I waited until they got into their bed, and was tucked under the covers. They looked ready to go to bed, but they suddenly grabbed their phone off their nightstand.
I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out, suspecting it was them.
'My hero, making sure I got home safely. Go get some sleep Peter, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight x.'
I slipped when I read it. The 'x', that meant a kiss, right? Oh my God. They called me their hero. This is so much to take in.
I looked up again to see their beautiful (E/c) eyes one more time and waved them goodbye.
I jumped off of the roof and began swinging home, thinking about what adventure we'll have tomorrow. Hopefully a good one.
A/N: Hey, so here's a thing. I got the inspiration of the Far From Home Trailer. I'm trying to get rid of some of my lost Endgame depression, but this actually made it worse wow.
Anyway, hope you enoyed this crappily slopped together thing I wrote during school.
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