#*wheezing* w…………….. why isn’t it august yet……………….
akkivee · 1 year
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are we one and done with these or we thinking they’re going to be a factor in the off arc???? 🤔
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The horror on Wabash Avenue
Estelle: Good evening, Riverdale. I’m Estelle Ollier.
Omi: And I’m Omi Klyde.
Estelle: And this is Underneath The Surface, where we dive into the history of our town, Riverdale.
And today, we'll be talking about the horror on Wabash Avenue.
Estelle: Have you heard of this?
Omi: In passing, yes.
Estelle: Because, as I was doing research, I discovered that this isn't the only horrific event that happened in that house.
Omi: Oh really?
Estelle: Yes.
In 1978, on the night of August 21, Duncan Sasadeehee was murdered in his backyard by his brother Adam. On his chest, they found a dead snake.
Omi: Yikes. Serpent work?
Estelle: Not sure, the two brothers had a long history of hating each other.
Estelle: At first, they believed it was that same serpent whose venom they found in his body, but it wasn't a match. The snake they found had died two days earlier.
Estelle: So, it's possible that it was revenge.
I mean, I've only been in the White Wyrm once, and they do have snakes in there.
Omi: They have a whole live snake in the White Wyrm, like, in a tank and everything.
Estelle: They take the serpents thing really serious.
Omi: They really do.
Estelle: But before he left the house, Adam painted the front door red, to represent his brother's betrayal of his heritage.
Omi: That must’ve been a surprise to wake up to.
Estelle: It sure changed the whole mood in that neighborhood. I mean, it's close to Pickens Park. Kids hang out there.
Omi: Sounds like it.
Estelle: What if he was the neighborhood friend?
Omi: That would just be disappointing...
Estelle: (wheezes)
Estelle: Let's not speak ill of the dead, I'll just move on:
People who bought the house never lived there for longer than six months. Many residents claimed to have heard snakes hissing in the backyard, but exterminators never found any.
Omi: That’s gotta be a nightmare for realtors. Imagine having to keep goin back to that damn property.
Estelle: What if it was your first property you had to sell? You just never get ahead.
Omi: Probably wouldn’t last long in the business.
Estelle: Haunting, but in a different way.
Omi: Cursed in many different ways.
Estelle: Oh yes. I mean:
Some residents claimed they woke up to the entire house covered in red paint, but that disappeared as soon as they left the house. They also found bloody hands in the house many times, which turned out to be a Native American symbol for murder.
Estelle: I mean-
Omi: Hopefully they moved right after that.
Estelle: I sure hope they did. But the whole horror genre wouldn't exist if people were that smart.
Omi: Honestly if they’re that dumb, you know... survival of the smartest...
Estelle: And to make it even worse, the house next door began to experience hauntings as well.
Omi: How??
Estelle: Some residents claimed they saw a man standing in the backyard who matched the appearance of Duncan and that he sometimes carried a snake with him.
Others claimed to hear screams late at night. When they emptied the house, that Duncan used the basement as a torture chamber, and they found several humans remains.
Omi: Riverdale gets worse the more I learn about it...
Estelle: Which is why we're doing the lord's work.
Omi: Truly. Better than most detective work I’ve seen come out lately.
Estelle: And the cherry on top: all of the residents felt a looming presence whenever they passed by the house with the red door.
Omi: Must be a hit on Halloween.
Estelle: Oh yeah, there were a lot of visitors from other towns coming here just to see a glimpse of that house.
Omi: Increased tourism, I guess.
Estelle: But, somehow, a family had lived in that house for about twelve years.
Omi: Must not scare easily.
Estelle: Fast-forward to May 2003, the then-current leader of the Southside Serpents - who went by the name King Cobra - moved into the house with his family.
Estelle: (sighs) I know. Another serpent thing.
Omi: Surprising.
Estelle: Many neighbors objected to this since it was a Serpent who tainted the house, but after another murder took place - which we'll address in a separate episode - she had no choice but to sell it to the highest bidder, which lead to over half of the neighbors moving out.
Omi: That house really do be cursed, damn! Street must’ve been really quiet after that, though. Minus the screaming.
Estelle: What was in that red paint?
Omi: LSD probably. Or shrooms.
Estelle: (wheezes) That would explain a LOT.
Omi: Wouldn’t surprise me if the water was laced with that... But that’s another discussion.
Estelle: Also, what ghost would cover the entire house in red paint, and then scrub it off  as soon as they leave?
Omi: A polite one.
Estelle: (wheezes) a polite one...
Omi: Cleaned up their mess. If ghosts were real, they could be polite, I’m sure.
Estelle: And yet, you don't hear that many stories about them...
Omi: Well, history is written by the victors, isn’t it? They all probably lost.
Estelle: Yeah, probably.
Estelle: King Cobra called an exorcist to cleanse the house before they moved in which seemed to have helped, until late 2012, when his 15-year-old daughter was arrested for a triple homicide and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Omi: yikes. That’s...yikes.
Estelle: Y-yeah. I think this is one of our heaviest episodes so far.
Omi: It really is. Murder, hauntings, snakes, dead snakes, cursed houses? The whole shabang.
Estelle: And it gets so. much. worse.
Omi: Hold on to your hats, folks, we in for a wild ride.
Estelle: In September 2014, King Cobra left for another mission by the US Army, but he was killed during an attack, leaving only two residents in the house: his wife and his 13-year-old son.
Omi: Oh no.
Estelle: I-it's like Duncan Sasadeehee's just crossing out their names on a list.
Omi: I guess so. It's like he had his own death note.
Estelle: Great story, but a terrifying concept.
Omi: Terrifying, indeed.
Estelle: So. Now that we've covered all of that, we cut to April 17, 2015. This is where it gets a little vague, since both the RPD and the hospital have never given the public the full story, and family friends refused to answer any questions.
Omi: It's speculation time.
Estelle: Only one neighbor spoke up.
Omi: What did they say?
Estelle: According to the neighbor across the street, she saw a strange man enter the house at around 8 PM, and she considered walking over there until she saw the son arrive with a family friend.
The boy went inside the house as the woman left, and about three minutes later, she heard a man scream. She saw the woman rush back to the house. The woman next door ran inside as well, as did another family friend.
She understood that something's wrong, and she called the RPD.
Both the strange man and the son left Wabash Avenue in an ambulance.
Both mother and son never returned, and the house has been vacant ever since.
Omi: Oh yikes. Poor family.
Estelle: The same neighbor refused to say what condition the man and boy were in, though. She literally just burst into tears, if I have to believe Mark's mom.
Omi: They must’ve been really messed up to get that reaction.
Estelle: I'm afraid so. The whole neighborhood hasn't been the same since. It's eerily quiet.
Omi: And quiet isn’t something Riverdale usually knows.
Estelle: Right?
Estelle: Also, no one seems to know where both the mother and son went. There are some theories, though.
The son died, and the mother left town.
The son left town, and the mother ended up in a psych ward. Rumor has it that she had a bit of a drinking problem.
Omi: Oh, that's never good...
Estelle: Another theory is that he still lives here but goes by a different name.
Estelle: So- so that could be anyone our age...
Omi: What??? You think they go to Riverdale High??
Estelle: W-well, it's the only school left in this town...
Omi: Interesting...
Estelle: We could always investigate...
Omi: I'm so down!
Omi: Do you think they’re a Serpent??
Estelle: At least on good terms with them, I suspect.
Omi: We can definitely look into it.
Estelle: We will.
Omi: This is exciting!
Estelle: (laughs) And with that, we wrap up this episode of Underneath The Surface. I'm Estelle.
Omi: And I'm Omi!
Estelle: Don’t forget to tune in next week, and join us for our next topic: the Martinez Murder.
Omi: See y'all then!
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thelastspeecher · 8 years
In Another World - Chapter Twelve: Yield to It
Prologue   Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three   Chapter Four Chapter Five   Chapter Six   Chapter Seven   Chapter Eight   Chapter Nine Chapter Ten   Chapter Eleven   Chapter Twelve   Epilogue   AO3
Holy cow, it has been over a month since I’ve updated, and I bring with me an oldie but goodie: One of Us AU!  And there’s only one more chapter until I’ve finally finished the fic, which I’m hoping to post sometime during spring break this week.  I don’t know about any of you guys, but I’ll be so relieved to finally be done.
“The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.” – Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
Date: August 25, 2012
Dimension: AH-7*T
Location: Gravity Falls, OR
Weather: Sunny and warm; the perfect summer day
Upon my arrival, I initially mistook this reality as being one of the few where Bill’s presence is not felt. After years allowing him to peruse my mind and body, I have formed a sort of “link” with him.  It is not one I enjoy (rather, I despise it), but it allows me to know when Bill is a current force wherever I am.  I did not feel that in this reality.  Due to that factor alone, I was tempted to cease my interdimensional travels here.  But I quickly learned that it would not be possible.  This reality has an active version of myself.  It’s for the best, really.  I must continue my search for my own home, as imperfect as it may be.
 Although this reality may not currently be struggling with Bill, they have had some recent troubles.
Much of the town was destroyed shortly before my arrival.  Buildings are being slowly returned to normal, including my own home.
I saw some graffiti that suggests Bill was the source of the recent troubles.  It is impossible to mistake that eye.
The townsfolk of this reality are even more tightlipped than in other realities. Whenever I attempt to ask them questions, they shout “Never mind all that!” and run off.
My own twin brother is regarded as a town hero.  Clearly, something is desperately wrong with this reality.
Another hint that this reality is “messed up” (as I have overheard some teens say): I don’t appear to be human!
The times I have caught glimpses of this reality’s version of myself, I have seen a person I can identify, but do not recognize.  
This reality’s version of myself is constantly glowing, and I have yet to see him eat.
This reality’s version of myself randomly appears and disappears, and I have heard his voice in my mind twice.  Though those may have been my own thoughts.  
In this reality, I am a demon!  And not from birth.  Those are easily recognizable.  No, in this reality, Bill recruited me to join his gang of miscreants.  It is obvious from the aura this version of myself possesses, and his being tied to a token.  Truly despicable.  
What could possibly possess me to join Bill and his ilk?  Well, what could possess me, other than Bill, to do such a thing?
The people of the town clearly know of Bill.  It saddens my heart.  No one should know of him, let alone these townsfolk, who were an audience and unwilling participants to the apocalypse.  At least, from what little information I have gathered, this seems to be the case.
               “I’ll join you.”  He had no plan, but no options.  He was winging it.  Ford tried to ignore the voice at the back of his mind.  
               Improvisation is not one of your strengths.  What are you doing?  Bill blinked (or winked; it was hard to tell).  
               “What?”  He seemed taken aback.  Ford relished the feeling.  Very few people could surprise Bill Cipher.  
               “You heard me.  I’ll join you.  You’re right. With you, that’s the only place I’ll ever belong.”  Bill began to laugh.  Cold sweat broke out on Ford’s skin.  
               “Well, well, well, Fordsy, never thought you’d do it.  All right, you think you’ve got what it takes to roll with my crew?  Be my guest.” A beam of blue energy shot from Bill’s eye and struck Ford squarely in the chest.  Electricity rippled across Ford’s body, tickling his skin before digging in deeper, past his epidermis, immersing itself in every cell.  He gasped at the sensation of sheer power flowing through his veins.  Bill’s cronies laughed.  Or cheered. Or some combination of the two. Ford wasn’t quite sure.  Merely keeping his head was taking all of his willpower.
               “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  And even though Bill wouldn’t dare give me absolute power, he would give me just enough to be corrupted.  Ford grit his teeth and formed fists, his fingernails digging into the palms of his hands.  Think of Mabel and Dipper.  Think of your family.  Stay grounded.  For them.
               “It’s one heck of a rush, isn’t it?” Bill asked gleefully.  “Goes straight to your head.”  Ford continued to stay on the ground, prone.  “All right, that’s enough.  Stand up. You’re one of us now, you gotta act like it.”  Ford stood up slowly.  Bill rubbed the area where his chin would be if he had one.  “Not too shabby, Sixer.  You make a decent Henchmaniac.”
               “Bill!”  Ford’s blood ran cold at the sound of his nephew’s voice.  
               Is it blood? I’ve effectively sold my soul to Bill. Who’s to say he hasn’t replaced my blood with some other fluid?  He’s not even restricted to fluids, actually.  Maybe my heart is pumping plasma now.  Do I have a heart?
               “Now, isn’t this interesting,” Bill said, his voice turning ominous mid-sentence. Ford watched Bill close in on Dipper, dread mounting.  “My old puppet is back for an encore.  Or maybe he’s back to follow in his idol’s footsteps.”
               “I’d never join you!” Dipper shouted.  His voice cracked, but for once, he didn’t seem concerned about it.  He looked at Ford.  “Great Uncle Ford, what are you doing?”  
               “Joining my crew, isn’t it obvious?” Bill said.  One of Bill’s cronies put an arm around Ford’s shoulders.  Ford fought back a shudder of disgust.  “I hate to break it to you, kid, but the offer’s a one-time thing.  You’re not invited to this party.”  Dipper glowered.  “Heh. You’re cute when you’re angry. Hey, Sixer, how’s about you take care of the kid?”
               “W-what?” Ford stammered.  He was roughly shoved forward by the Henchmaniacs.  
               “Think of it like hazing, only better!  To sign up for this frat, you’ve gotta punish the kid.”  Bill picked Dipper up by his shirt and set him down in front of Ford.  Dipper looked at Ford desperately.  Ford could see conflicting emotions warring in his nephew’s eyes.  
               He wants to believe that this is all an act, but he’s not sure if he does.
               “Go on, Sixer,” Bill said.  His voice dropped multiple octaves.  “Or do you wanna watch me handle it, and then handle you?”  Ford swallowed.
               I have to play the game.  I have to play the game.  He raised a six-fingered hand.  Dipper backed away nervously.
               “G-great Uncle Ford…”
               “I’d apologize, my boy,” Ford began, as his hand began to glow red with energy.  “But I’m not sorry.”  A blast emanated from his palm and stuck Dipper in the chest, throwing him into a tree. Dipper wheezed, the wind having been knocked out of him.  
               “A bit sloppy on the technique, but you’ve got potential,” Bill said, putting an arm around Ford’s shoulders.  “Some practice and you’ll be good enough for the big time.  But before that…”  Bill snapped his fingers.  The three journals, which had fallen out of Dipper’s bag, rose into the air and caught on fire.  Ford bit back a shout.
               My life’s work!  
               “The journals!” Dipper shouted.
               “Not much of a threat now, are you?” Bill taunted.  He turned back to his Henchmaniacs.  “Now, can anybody remind me why we came here?”
               “To get weird!” one of the monsters (8-Ball?) shouted excitedly.
               “That’s right!  VIP party at the Fearamid.  Oh, and 8-Ball, Teeth, you’ve earned a treat.  Have the kid for a snack.  Henchmaniacs, roll out!”  Pyronica (the only one that Ford could recognize easily) picked Ford up and threw him into the car that Bill had just conjured.  As they flew away, Ford watched Dipper run into the forest, chased by two demons.
               Good luck, Dipper.  
               Ford was leaning against one of the walls in the ghastly Fearamid when Keyhole ran up to Bill’s throne.  
               “Boss, we’ve got a problem!” Keyhole said desperately.  Ford continued to tap his toes to the beat of the godawful music, pretending to enjoy the party.  He focused on the muted conversation between Keyhole and Bill.
               Maybe it’s just muted because I’m getting hearing damage from these demons screeching. After all this is over, I might have to borrow Stanley’s hearing aid.  Ford choked back a groan.  Stanley…
               “What is it this time?” Bill asked, annoyed.  “I’ve already taken care of Mabel, and my new watchdog took care of Old Fezzy.”  Ford could feel Bill’s gaze on him.  He took a sip of the “time punch”, hoping his hands weren’t shaking.  
               “We can’t escape,” Keyhole said.  “We’ve tried everything!  There’s some sort of force field around the town!”  Ford’s cup slipped from his hands.  
               Gravity Falls’ Natural Law of Weirdness Magnetism!  This chaos hasn’t spread across the globe.  Not yet, at least.  He knelt down to pick up his dropped cup, continuing to listen.
               “I get the feeling that a certain six-fingered freak might be able to help out with that,” Bill said ominously.  “Ford!” he shouted over the music.  Ford swallowed and walked over to Bill.
               “Y-yes, Boss?” he asked, barely choking out the second word.  
               “We’ve got a problem, and you’re just the person to fix it.” Bill steepled his fingers.  “There’s some sort of force field surrounding the town, and my weirdness can’t escape to spread across this miserable little planet.”
               “That’s a shame.”  Bill’s eye narrowed.
               “Yes.  It is.” Bill crossed his legs.  “You’re the one who did all the research, Sixer. What’s going on?”
               Think fast, think fast!  Ford opened his mouth, but no words came out.  Damn!  Of course you couldn’t think of anything.  The last time you tried to improvise a plan, you ended up becoming a demon, and have had zero opportunities to try to take down this operation from the inside.
               “C’mon, genius, I may control time itself, but I don’t have all day,” Bill said impatiently.  
               “W-well, it could be-” Ford began to stammer out.  He was cut off by a loud crash and roar.  
               “Hey, I just fixed that door!” Bill shouted.  Ford spun around.  There was a gaping hole in the side of the Fearamid, through which a giant robot could be seen.  Ford fought back a grin.
               It must be Fiddleford’s work!  
               “So the mortals are trying to fight back, huh?  Adorable!” Bill said, leaning back in his throne.  “Henchmaniacs, you know what to do!  Take ‘em out!”  Ford began to move toward the door.  “Uh-uh. Not so fast, Fordsy.”  A glowing blue chain manifested out of thin air and latched around Ford’s neck.  He looked back.  The chain was hooked to Bill’s throne.  “I know you’ve been trying to play me, Sixer,” Bill said ominously, over the sounds of battle. “You’re a scientist, not an actor. You’re staying here until I get the secret to world weirdness out of you.  And I don’t care about damaging you in the process.”  Ford swallowed nervously.  
               Shortly after Bill had joined the fight, Ford heard the sound of screaming.  But it didn’t seem to be coming from the battle between the robot and Bill.  It was much too close, and getting louder by the second.  He looked up. People were descending from the sky into the Fearmid.
               Mabel is truly something else, if she can turn her sweaters into parachutes.  He watched Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Soos, Stan, and people he didn’t recognize hit the ground.  They stood up slowly, looking around the room.  
               “Great Uncle Ford!” Mable shouted.  She began to rush towards him, but was held back by Dipper.
               “No, Mabel.  He betrayed us.  Don’t you remember?”
               “Yeah, he stuck me in that bubble,” Stan said grumpily.  “Last time I go outside during the apocalypse to get the newspaper.”  
               “But he’s- he’s chained!” Mabel said.  “If he was really working for Bill, he wouldn’t be tied up like that!”
               “It could just all be a trick,” Dipper said.  Ford’s heart sunk.
               “Dipper, please, believe me, I’m on your side.”
               “I’m having trouble believing that,” Dipper said.  “Maybe it’s the glowing demon eyes!”
               “Please, Dipper!  I know how to take down Bill!”
               “Well, duh, you’re a demon, too,” Wendy said.  Ford looked at Stan.  
               “Stanley, do you trust me?” he asked quietly.  A million emotions crossed Stan’s face.  
               “That’s a heck of a question, after everything you’ve done,” he said gruffly.  “Causing the apocalypse, turning my own family against me, not even thanking me for bringing you back.”
               “But you’re not lying,” Stan finished.  Ford blinked in surprise.  Stan glowered.  “Don’t think I’m going soft on you.  You’re just not a lying demon like that dang nacho chip.”  He walked over to Ford and dug a bobby pin out of his pocket.  Stan began to pick the lock on Ford’s collar. “You’re a normal demon, and the only sentient thing here that knows how to stop the world from ending.”  The collar fell away from Ford’s neck.  “And you’re my brother and junk, too, I guess.”
               “Thank you, Stanley.”  Stan’s facial expression softened.
               “Yeah, whatever,” he said.  “Now, how do we save the world?”
               Stan tossed the journal back and forth between his hands.
               “Let me get this straight,” he began, “your ‘essence’ is linked to this now?”
               “Yes,” Ford said.  “It’s one of the side effects of being a demon.  To remain on this plane of existence, I need a token.”
               “So then I probably shouldn’t burn it,” Stan said.  He sighed.  “Soos, put the gasoline back in the closet.”
               “You got it, Mr. Pines!”
               “Isn’t that the same closet the fireworks are kept in?” Dipper asked.  
               “Your point being?” Stan said frostily.
               “…Never mind.”  Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford, and Soos were back at the Shack, making plans.  For Dipper and Mabel, the plans were for their joint 13th birthday party.  For Stan and Ford, the plans were for their seafaring trip.  Soos didn’t need any plans.  He just liked being there when plans were made.
               “Yes, Stan, I would greatly appreciate it if you could avoid burning my only tether to this particular reality,” Ford said snippily.
               “Why didn’t Bill have one of these?” Dipper asked.  Ford adjusted his glasses.
               “Well, there are different classes of demons.  There are dream demons, which Bill was, there are possession demons, which Bill was, there are-”
               “Yeah, yeah, we get it, there’s lots of demons,” Stan said.
               “What kind are you?” Mabel asked.
               “…I have yet to figure that out, my dear.”  
               “Ooh, so it’s a challenge!”
               “Yes,” Ford said with a smile.  Dipper frowned.
               “Wait, Great Uncle Ford, you said that the journal was the only thing keeping you on this reality.  Does that mean you can visit other realities, then?” Dipper asked.  
               “Theoretically, yes.”
               “Whoa,” Mabel said.  Her eyes shone.  “You could visit a reality where everyone’s a dog!”  Ford chuckled at his niece’s optimism.
               “I think I’ll stay in this reality for some time, however. I’ve done the dimension-hopping thing before, and I desperately need a break from it.”
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