#i’d feel a little bit better if it was mixed up teams in whatever order for the ep art but here’s possibilities to consider lol
akkivee · 1 year
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are we one and done with these or we thinking they’re going to be a factor in the off arc???? 🤔
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farrawayfromthere · 3 years
Let’s Not Let A Year Pass By This Time
Pairing: Jordan Todd/Emily Prentiss
Word Count: 2k
Summary: After the family annihilator case that had been the last straw for Jordan at the BAU, they don’t see each other for a year.
A/N: for Day 4 of CM Fanfiction Week (Underrated character/pairing); tagging @simmonsmilf and @starry-eyed-spence (gif credit to @j3mily)
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Jordan’s in line at a coffee shop in DC, eyeing a chocolate chip muffin in the display case with her name on it.
She fidgets with the zipper on her wallet then wonders with a small sigh if she’d be better off ordering an egg sandwich for the protein.
Today, her team’ll be flying up to a small city in New Hampshire who’s two post offices have both received bomb threats in the last couple days. She knows she’ll be interviewing postal workers all day; she’s gonna need the energy.
“Jordan? Agent Todd? Is that you?”
It’s a voice she hasn’t heard in what feels like a lifetime.
Jordan looks over her shoulder and finds herself face to face with a woman she hasn’t seen in over a year, just a couple customers behind her.
Emily’s face splits into that same huge, brilliant smile Jordan remembers.
“It is you! My god!”
She looks.... really good.
“Agent Prentiss,” Jordan says, eyes growing wide, mouth dropping open slightly.
Emily’s grown her bangs out, pushed them to the sides.
Her dark, dark brown hair falls smoothly, elegantly just past her shoulders.
She’s wearing a black pantsuit, well-tailored. A black, silky looking blouse underneath and black, thick heeled boots that make her feel even taller than Jordan remembers.
She looks, really, really good.
The guy behind her clears his throat and Jordan realizes the line has moved along.
She gestures for him and the lady behind him to go ahead, and reaches for Emily’s sleeve.
“It’s great to see you,” Emily says.
Jordan’s laugh is a disbelieving exhale.
The other woman extends a hand to shake and Jordan feels a strange, subtle swoop in her stomach when their palms press against one another’s.
Emily’s is still cool; Jordan’s, still warm.
Jordan wonders if Emily’s one of those people who always feels cold, just like she’s one of those people who always feels warm.
Suddenly, all the turtlenecks and sweaters she’d seen her wear around the BAU make a little more sense.
Emily’s hand squeezes hers back, and Jordan blinks up at her.
Emily’s eyes are bright, and even through their automatic, habitual coolness, suddenly, a little shy.
“Um, hi,” Jordan says, the words a little breathless.
“Long time no see,” Emily says.
“You’re telling me.”
Emily blinks and gives her a rueful little half-grin.
“I never called.”
“Well, I didn’t either,” Jordan says, keeping humor in her voice, “I meant to, in that first month, but—.”
“We just got so busy after you left. I didn’t realize how much time was passing, I’m so sorry,” Emily says.
They’d told each other they would stay in touch, but the days and weeks and months had just—slipped by.
By the time Jordan realized that an unacceptable amount of time had passed and she’d yet to make good on her promise to grab lunch or dinner with the older agent, the mere idea of picking up the phone and dialing her number made Jordan feel antsy with unease.
It would’ve been too weird; too awkward.
“It’s okay,” Jordan says, “Neither did I.”
Emily blows air out of her cheeks, expression full of relief.
“So we’re good?”
“Yeah, Prentiss. We’re good.”
She allows herself to take in Emily’s new hair for a moment.
She gestures lazily at it with her index finger.
“I gotta say. I like the no bangs look on you. Very elegant. Very mysterious FBI woman.”
Twin patches of pink appear high in her cheeks.
Jordan smiles.
“You still look like you could kill a man with one stomp of those boots though.”
A grin breaks through Emily’s blush.
“Oh, so they’re giving off the energy I’d hoped they would when I bought them?”
“If the energy you had in mind was ‘don’t mess with me’, then yeah, I’d say so.”
“Next,” the young man at the cashier calls.
Jordan winks at Emily, then steps forward to order her sandwich and coffee. She’s surprised when she finishes and the cashier looks over her shoulder to speak to Emily.
Quickly and efficiently, the taller woman orders herself a medium coffee and an old-fashioned donut from the display case. She pays for both of their orders without a moment’s hesitation, before Jordan can even open her mouth to protest.
“Thanks,” Emily tells the cashier, while Jordan, stomach swirling with a deep warmth that’s startling in its suddenness, places a couple bills in the tip jar.
They sit at a small table for two by the window.
When Jordan looks up from skim milk and raw sugar into her coffee, Emily’s eyes are already cautiously on her.
“So how have you been,” the taller woman asks.
“Uh, good,” Jordan says, then after a moment, ”I’m where I belong.”
“I’m glad,” Emily says, grinning as she mixed cream and a Splenda into her own coffee, “You didn’t seem to like working at the BAU very much.”
“I didn’t,” Jordan says honestly, “But some parts of the experience were better than others. Plus, JJ and I have been friends since our time at the Academy so....”
Emily pushes her hair behind her shoulders, revealing small silver disk shaped earrings that glimmer as she takes a sip of her coffee.
Jordan hesitates just a moment before saying it.
“I’ve gotta say: You look good, Emily.”
Emily’s eyes twinkle; a pleased smile spreads across her face, so genuine that Jordan realizes, for the first time, that Emily Prentiss has a perfect pair of tiny dimples.
Her eyes take in Jordan’s pristine navy blazer, her well styled ponytail. They linger briefly on her mouth, today a deep plum.
“Well, you look better.”
Jordan almost spits out her first sip of coffee; She’s acutely aware that her cheeks have just gone very hot.
Emily‘s smile is a bit too smug for Jordan’s liking. She rolls her eyes.
“I know I do.”
“Oh, really,” Emily exclaims with a grin.
Jordan looks down at her egg sandwich for a moment, appetite suddenly non-existent.
The fluttering in her stomach, the smell of Emily’s perfume is making it hard to think.
She smiles a small, tentative smile.
“How’s life?”
Emily takes a sip from her coffee.
“You know. Chasing down serial killers most days of the week, coming home, watching re-runs of The Sopranos, passing out. Rinse... and repeat.”
Jordan tilts her head.
“No special someone or someones’ to keep things interesting?”
Emily meets her eyes.
“Well I don’t know about special.... Distractions? Sure... but... uh... nobody I care very much about, and definitely nobody who cares very much about me. What about you?”
Jordan snorts.
“I don’t know about special,” she says, repeating Emily’s earlier words before half-smiling and shaking her head, “No. Nobody.”
“That’s good.”
Jordan raises a brow.
Emily winces at herself.
“I mean.... hey, that’s... it’s tough out here?”
Jordan laughs, the sound loud and genuine.
Emily hums, taking a sip of her coffee.
“How’s JJ,” Jordan asks, “The rest of the team?”
Emily sets her coffee down and smiles a soft smile.
“Good. She’s good. We all are,” Emily says, then after a pause, “She loves Will and Henry very much. I think they’re what keep her going now... but... I also think they make everything much harder than it used to be for her. She sees them in every case, and it scares her so much, even though she’ll never admit it.”
Jordan nods, understanding.
“I bet it helps though,” she muses, “To have someone to come home to. People to hold you at the end of those long-ass days you all have over at the BAU.”
Emily’s smile grows more faint.
“I wouldn’t know,” she says quietly.
“Well,” Jordan says, just as quiet, “Neither would I. But that’s what I imagine.”
“Yeah, well... it didn’t work out very well for Hotch,” Emily says.
Jordan fixes her gaze on her coffee.
She’d been overseas during Haley Hotchner’s funeral; she’d wondered how her murder had affected the team at the BAU, how it had affected Emily.
They all already had trust issues... she wondered just how much more they all feared intimacy now....
Emily seems to return to her senses, eyes darting up to meet Jordan’s and startling a little when she recognizes the compassion Jordan can’t help but feel for her.
Emily had been the best part of her time at the BAU.
And okay, maybe Jordan had developed a little, truly tiny, irrelevant crush on her in that time, and maybe.... maybe it had been a little devastating that they’d never gotten in touch again after she’d left the BAU—
Regardless, Jordan wants the woman sitting across from her to be happy.
She smiles faintly at her, then her eyes catch sight of the clock hanging over the cafe’s entrance and she starts.
“Shit,” she says, standing up, “I’m gonna be late.”
Emily looks up at her, for a second panicked, then she’s scrambling in her bag for something.
“Uh—please wait.”
She pulls out a pen and takes the cafe receipt Jordan’s crumbled up and forgotten on the table.
“We’ve gotta catch up properly, Agent Todd,” she says, scribbling her number on the back of it, “New number.”
Jordan tugs her phone from her purse.
“Just read it out to me, I’ll add you in right now,” she says.
Emily does.
Jordan smiles at it, then hesitates.
“Can I snap a quick photo of you for your contact? I‘m actively working with four women named Emily on three different continents.”
Emily’s eyes flash with a hint of something Jordan can’t decipher, then she nods.
“Sure—uh—how do I look? You’re gonna have to deal with this picture of me forever.”
“You know you look good,” Jordan says, holding up the phone, “But I’ll allow you one retake if you don’t like it.”
“Just one?”
“Just one.”
Emily straightens her back. She gives a small, close mouthed smile for the picture, dark eyes looking deeply into the camera.
“One... two... okay, got it.”
Jordan shows the picture to her and Emily grimaces.
Jordan scoffs.
“Oh, come on. You look like an English rose or whatever. It’s a good picture.”
“An English rose,” Emily repeats, laughing.
Jordan glances down at her still open camera and, lips quirking, snaps another photo.
This time, she catches Emily, eyebrows drawn up in amusement, grinning. She’s looking warmly out at Jordan over the lens of the camera rather than looking into it head on.
“Oh, I’m keeping this one.”
“What? Hey. Wait, let me see.”
Jordan shows her and Emily groans.
“No.... no, no, no.”
“Too bad it’s your one retake, huh?”
“But I didn’t even know you were taking it!”
“My phone, my rules,” Jordan says, putting her phone away and looking down at her with a grin, “I guess I’ll talk to ya later.”
Emily’s still grumbling under her breath.
Jordan lets a hand fall on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze before making for the doors.
“Hey Jordan,” she hears behind her.
And Jordan remembers in that moment that she likes the sound of her first name in Emily’s mouth.
She looks over her shoulder.
“Let’s not let a year pass by this time, alright,” Emily calls.
Jordan laughs, “Let’s make it two!”
“Please don’t,” Emily calls back.
“Or three!”
On the train, she tugs out her phone again, smiling a little at Emily’s contact photo.
She dials her number and Emily picks up on the second ring.
“Well this is nice. You gave me your real number,” Jordan says.
Emily snorts.
“I see you have a very high opinion of me.”
Jordan hesitates.
“Well, I’ll be honest... I don’t know you very well. All I know....”
She takes a deep breath and lets it out in a gentle whoosh.
“All I know was that you were the only thing that made my time at the BAU bearable, Emily. You stood up for me when nobody else did. You cared enough to check up on me when I was having a bad day. Even when I just acted like a jerk in return. And I’ll never forget that.“
She stops to let the honesty of her words hang in the air, then:
“I honestly was a little bummed out that we never hung out outside of work like we said we would.”
Emily seems stunned into silence by Jordan’s honesty.
Jordan doesn’t care.
She’s happy she’s said it.
Happy Emily knows that she brought good into someone’s life, at least for a little while.
“I don’t know what to say,” Emily murmurs.
“You’re one of those people who can’t handle intense sincerity, huh,” Jordan jokes.
Silence again; she must be walking.
Jordan can hear the click of her thick heels even over the phone.
“Not on a daily basis, no,” Emily says at last, but there’s a happy edge to her voice, “Confession from me?”
“Go for it.”
“It bummed me out a little too, that we never got together like we’d planned. You were excellent company, Jordan Todd. And I... I guess I didn’t realize until now how much I’ve really missed you.”
Jordan finds herself smiling.
Emily laughs and Jordan chuckles in response.
For a second there’s silence on the line, then:
“Let’s get lunch this week,” Emily says, “Someplace good.”
Jordan bites the inside of her lower lip, trying to fight her own smile, knowing it’s a fight she’s going to be having with herself all day.
She knows today will be the day she’ll be called out for asking about bomb threat details with a glimmer of a smile on her face.
She doesn’t care.
“How do you feel about sushi?”
“Name the place and I’m there.”
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Breakdown’s & Bugatti’s| M|
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Reader (Ft a hint of Tae & Jin)
About- Namjoon just does what he has to do to keep you ....calm while at a charity gala!  
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**WARNINGS: **Semi public sex, Fingering (F receiving), Minimal prep, Light dirty talk, Light spit play, Choking, Spanking, Gags (Makeshift), Non protective sex (Creampie), light overstimulation
WC: 7K (This is a sneak peak so it’s 1.2k)
NON SEXUAL WARNINGS: (Fictional political background)  Hints at recreational drug use (Molly) Brief mentions of death, father issues, and panic attacks/anxiety (All of these topics are super minor but again, out of respect I’m mentioning them) 
The remaining “characters” will be introduced at a later date
This chapter hints at various future plots 
This is almost 2 years old, I reworked it recently 
If you’ve been following me for a while this is the original draft for “Club First Royale” 
FINAL NOTE: I haven’t been active in damn hear a year ( 8 months) So I am posting sneak peeks intentionally! No, not to torture you guys lol but to get my blog flowing again because I’m sure people aren’t really checking in anymore
FINALLY, fuck 36737 years later you spot your Kim!
Standing there in all his glory, in a Valentino slim fit navy blue suit, the jacket appearing to have some sort of paisley print, opting against a tie. Leaving his crisp white dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, teasing at his broad carnalized chest as he makes his way from the bar. Heading over to the table, which has an empty seat waiting right beside him with your name written all over it...literally!
Purposely dodging the old lady to your left in a coat that would have PETA ready to throw hands! Gaudy diamonds, terrible Botox, and smelled as if she showered in an entire bottle Chanel No. 5! 
Yeah, no, sorry, not in the mood for another meet and greet right now!
“Joonie” Squeals from your lips once you’re in close enough proximity, his dark piercing eyes cut over to meet yours. A playful smirk tugging on those sinfully thick lips of his, accompanied by those disrespectful ass dimples!
“There she is!” Eyes dripping with warmth, as he ushered you in with open arms ,and in these types of situations, Namjoon felt like home, he was your safe space. “You look fuckin good” The words hushed into your hair in a tenor meant for your ears and your ears only! A hint of something a little more than just friendly playing on his tongue. 
A small little “Thank you” leaves your lips, and if I didn't know any better I’d think the compliment made you a little flustered.
Namjoon was the definition of Ocean arm’s and goddamn if you didn't just love how big this man was! It literally felt like he was hiding you from the entire universe when he has you nuzzled into his frame! The whole interaction couldn't have lasted longer than 20 seconds in all actuality but god you needed it! 
Face flush to his chest, wrapping your arms firm around his waist, letting your eyes flutter shut briefly, a deep slow exhale flooded through your body. Inhaling the musky yet sweet scent of his cologne mixed with his natural aroma, which has grown to become a calming mechanism over the years. 
“You had me worried for a minute…” Placing a quick kiss in your hair, that you would have missed if you blinked but again, your in public soo...
Palms soothing up and down your back gently, as he breathed into your hair , pulling back a little so there was some form of personal space between the two of you.  
“Your late, even for you princess...I know you started early, I got your live(Instagram) notification, so what happened?” Head clocked to the side as he appraises you and fuck, the bass in his voice still has you all types of fucked up! Glancing over your shoulder briefly before leaning up to place a kiss on the hinge of his jaw, that tittered the line of passing as an “innocent” greeting. 
“I’m fine Jonnie it’s nothing, we just got held up in glam.., Ariel was flying in from Miami...we got a late start” Gaze intentionally diverted as you welcomed yourself to his glass of Scotch instead. Damn near inhaling the entire drink as we speak and you hated dark liquor so that alone let him know something was up!  
Merely resisting the urge to smooth out the crease he felt forming between his brows, a dry snort left his lips, rolling his eyes in response to your blatant stubbornness. Nevertheless, always the gentleman, reaching down to pull out your chair so you could take a seat next to him. Mirroring your actions just moments prior, quickly scoping out his surroundings before he brought those plush pillows he calls lips a centimeter away from your ear.
  “Right, so I'm just going to assume you don’t wanna talk about it right now! Or wait I’m sorry, have you just upgraded to insulting my intelligence straight to my damn face?” 
Brow quirked inquisitively, and you could literally feel every word, tone taking on a hint of seriousness the more he talked. Namjoon licked his lips and the tip skimmed the edge of your ear and I - . 
“For one you smell like an entire bottle of Heidsieck, I can almost taste the nicotine on your tongue and you've been crying I know you. ”  
Pulling back just enough to glare down at you above the brim of his glasses, which he always wore low along his bridge. Eyes daring you to look him in the face a lie again, teasing his fingers through his chocolate locks. Styled in the perfect semi grown out undercut, the top a little on the long side, while the sides tapered into a crisp fade. Sideburns outlining that extremely understated jawline of his! Though you had to admit the yellow gold diamonds dawning his ears were kinda stealing the show right now! 
“So again, do you just not wanna talk about it right now? Or have you forgotten that I have an IQ of 137, and can smell bullshit from here all the way to Gangnam!?” 
You're having very vivid day daydreams of your hand wrapped around this man's windpipe and for once it’s not even remotely sexual! 
Blatantly ignoring the strong twitch within Namjoon’s jaw and simply saying “I’m here, aren’t I!?” Face stoic, tone flat as all hell, in case it wasn’t clear that this conversation was more than over, you opted to eye his bourbon glazed salmon until he got the hint.
 “Oh, for fucks sake! ” Hissed from his lips without a lick of heat behind them, because as quiet as it’s kept ,your lowkey Joon’s baby, which is why he cares to begin with! Picking up a piece on his fork before essentially shoving it into your hand ”Your lucky I can’t have your ass getting sick on me tonight, we still have like, 3 hours left of this bullshit.”
More like he just can’t tell you no, but hey, whatever helps him sleep at night! Sliding his plate in your direction, completely giving up on eating at this point, he knew you needed it more anyway! Finally, starting to feel your mix of poisons hit your system so you knew you needed  to even it out with a little substance. I mean yeah, you could have just ordered your own plate but meh, this was easier! 
Namjoon started busying himself on his phone while you ate, scrolling through a couple contacts until he landed on a contact labeled under “Kookie”.
“Even though you were only late because “Your glam team ran late” There were air bunnies involved, and again you just really wanna choke his ass!  “What are you thinking tonight? He’s actually on his way here right now, but he already has a couple options on him...” 
The question was vague and for damn good reason...considering…
However you knew exactly what he was referring too.., and thank god!
Speaking over a mouth full of salmon, sounding utterly exasperated!  “Honestly, any fucking thing at this point…” 
Namjoon hums thoughtfully, sucking on a Bourbon soaked Ice cube “He’ll be here in 20, I just went with Smartees…always a safe bet...” 
Smartees, candy, Vitamin -E, Molly... Estcasy...it’s all one and the same, just depends on who you ask!
He leans back in, apparently keen on whispering tonight. “Maybe, if your a good girl and eat enough we can split one before we leave...chill you out a little bit. '' Voice thick and heady, lips curling into a grin with a hint of something wicked playing on the ends, as his fingers idly ghost over your forearm. Giving it a light squeeze and regardless of how innocent the skin-ship may seem to the naked eye, you’re well aware of all the underlying innuendos behind it! 
You make a noise of agreement, trying your damnedest to ignore the slight chill coursing up your spine at the pet name. Though before you could even dwell, Namjoon was sliding back in with another update, this one however wasn't as...arousing…to say the least!
“Fox 2’s been waiting for you to get here by the way...since the event was put together by council and all. They've been wanting to talk to us together about the fundraiser, just the same shit as last year.” 
Waving his hand dismissively idly twirling the various pieces of Bvlgari around his fingers, seemingly un-phased while you on the other hand...release the most exasperated huff! Reclining against your seat, eyes rolling to the back of your head in 30 different directions! Yeah, It comes with the territory, you know this, hints Namjoons reaction, or lack thereof!  But fuck you just really weren’t in the mood to do press tonight, It’s literally physically exhausting to pretend that you weren’t just PISSED! 
“Of -fuckin- course they do!” Stabbing your mashed potatoes in a way that's... somewhat concerning… 
“Baby.” It was a warning, though his voice sat barley above a whisper, his tone was crystal! Eyes cutting in your direction briefly before dropping back down to his phone….
You didn't have it in you to argue, there’s no way around this anyway, fuck it!  “What -the-fuck-ever!” Sliding the half empty plate aside “Well, you wanna just get it out of the way now? Because I’m really not in the mood for-”
“Y/n..oh my god! Hi, honey how are you!? You look beautiful as always…” Suddenly there was a human, a human wearing the wrong shade of foundation kissing your cheek. A human by the name of Caroline, one of the local news anchors...clearly her damn ears were ringing.
Hi guys, that’s all she wrote, well kinda, actually she finished it like 16 months ago lol but that’s all she wrote for now I guess....
_****Love you...see ya soon!!**
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
🗣Tues 15 Dec ‘20🙊
Anyone order their daily with EXTRA DISCOURSE today? Lucky you, I guess, I'd send it back to the kitchen if I had the option but this is more a 'you'll take what you get and like it' kind of establishment so here we are! EAT UP we got Liam and Lou Teasdale making everyone mad, Louis and Harry's teams forgetting they're supposed to be mortal enemies, and Zayn?? Getting papped?? Omg is Z3 really coming this time? I've been burned so many times before (flown too close to the sun) but what if....... So first Gigi and zaby stroller were papped, then Zayn was papped in his usual way-- 'if you can get a good picture of me in the seconds it takes me to walk from my front door to the car have at it, that's exactly all you get'-- and then a fan reported seeing Zigi and zaby at a pizza restaurant. Zayn's hair is bleached white blond and that's about all I can tell you except that Z NEVER gets papped (or spotted really) for nothing so I am excite!!
Liam's back! He did the postponed-from-last-Tues hour long live for Stand Up To Cancer (and raised $16k!) and he's got a show in two days so I'd say his extremely brief breather is probably done with, whether he got the time he needed to be happy about coming back or not. He seems in good shape for the live though, even if he does say “its been a really long day, you don't even know, REALLY long” and that what he wants most for Christmas is “to have a little bit of time to reflect.” But he says he is going to take some time out and go away and write music “for the first time in a very long time,” in the new year, nice! He mentions how he went up to Sweden for recording recently and says it ”went really well I'm really really excited” about the new music and, uhhh, “got something sent through from Mick Fleetwood while I was over in Sweden writing, some guitar stuff, which was amazing, and he was dressed like santa at the time!” I...what??? I'll just... leave that there?? About other bands, he says that he's become a big fan of the Wanted over time, that “someone Zayn-ed out,” of Little Mix but “Zayn left for pretty much the same reasons and I do feel for them,” and “are 5SOS still together? Did they pull an us I thought they pulled an us?” He said yes, it's so great about Louis' show, and “it was great, and do you know what, like listening through those lyrics, it’s really nice to hear the truth in his music because obviously I mean I know all of the full story about him, and [pause].. and uh... his relationship with his girlfriend and whatever else,” SKLDYSSKKJ.
This long live also had him responding to screen comments he would usually ignore (though thank GOD he only reads but doesn't answer 'what happened with Niall in Japan' please tell me the questioner wasn't trying to get him to comment on the 'violently masturbating' story), anyway so we got Liam on touching his hair if larry is real-- “of course that's not going to happen don't be silly,” and on whether he thinks 'larry is disrespectful' “sometimes I do... actually that's not true, all the time I do.” Well he's not wrong though I'd expand that to 'all the fans' but if I had to wade through a million “touch your nose if larry is real” comments every time I was promoting my own material, for ten years, I'd probably get tetchy too! He didn't say it was or wasn't real, as he himself pointed out he never WILL do that for REASONS; tbh I'm with Liam can people PLEASE stop being so embarrassing on main and let him live? ANYWAY, moving on, his Advent Alarm clock today is the sleep story edited down to be just Liam laughing for like 30 seconds, aka the exact edit that I suggested they should make a couple weeks ago, which I find frankly extremely alarming (ALARMing HA) are they... listening to me?? Well if Liam's management are looking for ideas BOY HAVE I GOT SOME FOR THEM hit me up fellas PLEASE.
Harry and Louis both announced further postponements of their UK and Europe tour shows, like really the same announcement and just fully back to back, I can only assume that after weeks of intensive hashing out to match up dates their teams have arrived at some kind of plan and were like cool let's announce! Louis has added some new shows, while Harry's new schedule is undisclosed as yet. Harry says “I really hope to play these shows and will have news for you in the new year on when they will take place.” Louis' new dates include previously omitted countries (Iceland! Austria!), and those tickets go on sale Friday. Harry did not respond to Rob Sheffield's awkward attempt to link Watermelon Sugar and WAP as being similar but he did like Megan Thee Stallion's post celebrating her successful year, and Vulture ranked Adore You in its top 5 videos of the year with a much better take on what Harry is all about, saying that it “highlights one of the singer’s best traits: his willingness to be delightfully weird.” Kid Harpoon said that he and Harry “wrote a song in Japan that may yet see the light of the day,” and Harry continues to roast him, disputing his songwriter of the year award-- “they found 8,000,000 opposing ballots in a bin behind his house! FRAUD!”
And last but most discourse-y-est of all, The Sun made waves today, pulling the most salacious parts of a Lou Teasdale interview with the Sex, Lies and DM Slides podcast from last week and bringing it to wider attention. In the interview she talked at length about systemic discrimination against women working in the music industry and her own work experiences, which naturally include (very briefly) touching on her highest profile job- the years she spent traveling with 1D. In this context she says “you kind of can’t sleep with them [the band]- it’s quite important to keeping your job... some people would come in and like you know assistants and stuff and I think they would really think... that it was love and obviously it’s not,” and “it’s just the quickest way to lose your job- because then they’ve got a new girlfriend and she’s there and they don’t want you in the room.” She did not sell her story to The Sun she mentioned this in passing as part of an interview about her work experiences; she herself says, “I didn’t do an interview [with] the sun. I’ve never done that. I did a podcast with friends about loads of things.”
There is nothing remotely unlikely in this story, either in the concept that members of the band slept with girls casually (we know that certain of them did and there isn't even anything wrong with that in a situation of consent, the denial of it is as bizarre as scribbling out the beer bottle in a 28 year old man's hand), or that low level members (“assistants and stuff”) of the 150 person+ crew appeared and disappeared on a regular basis. The band were, to my guess, probably simply not paying very much attention to the serious ramifications of this carelessness and the consequences rather than demanding that people be fired, but I do very much hope they've learned over the years to be responsible for the kind of power that they have over other peoples' lives (something I really doubt they understood the extent of yet as very young people being dragged from one place to another who felt powerless themselves).
#liam payne#harry styles#louis tomlinson#zayn#lou teasdale#listen: people talk about wanting the 1D tell all but I don't think you guys do want it at all tbh#you know the whole point of that is that it will destroy the 'perfect angels' front that was created around the boys?#loving and supporting someone even though you know they are imperfect and flawed is not something to be ashamed of though#so I say bring it on#Liam has SO MANY reasons to be cranky right now and coming back online to everyone clamoring for him to comment#on Louis' record breaking veeps stream... honestly think it through?? have some fucking tact#Liam also said Freddie and Bear facetime which is just such clear nonsense I have no comment he just wants to make people happy#I DON'T KNOW if the Mick Fleetwood thing is real like – he seems dead serious??? I think it's serious?#How fucking Liam is that right he is as ever the most unrealistic I'm bringing back that tag:#Liam is a Gary Sue#Zaayyyyn is Z3 coming??? listen may I suggest sir-- LIVEZTREAM??? PLEASE?#I know you won't tour and wouldn't want you to but just consider how PERFECT this would be?? PLEASE SIR#lost in the shuffle: Lou Teasdale also addressed the old quote about keeping the 1D boys from looking 'too feminine'#(assumed to be @harry) saying 'it’s taken totally out of context. A clip from male grooming interview talking about grooming men.#I have no problem with men wearing make up or looking feminine it’s my profession. I apologise it sounds like that here.'#I feel like the truth is somewhere in between but I very much doubt she- the MUA- had final say over their images#and might well have not been the only thing standing between harry and his nail art and eyebrow grooming#I don't like her but like- dislike her for better reasons!#There are plenty she's very annoying but talking about sexism in the workplace and telling her story isn't one of them#Liam said he was very drunk watching Louis' show#I have a lot of things I'd like to say to Liam's management but mostly not publicly and some of them very rude#but I will say that while I guess the acknowledgement that young girls are the real drivers of the music industry and should be courted is#cool the continued obsession with only marketing these guys to that demographic was always ridiculous#and gets worse every year and Liam's team is simply throwing away money and fans by not marketing him so hard (heh) to out gay men#long post
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
All Over Again - Chapter 8
Summary: What was lost can be found. 
Warning: 18+ Smut, Language, Violence. 
Here’s another holiday chapter. Happy New Years to all! Enjoy!
Ch. 7
* * * * * *
You tap your fingers against the side table, eyes on the tv but not actually paying attention to what’s playing. 
Due to the carpeted hotel floor, you don’t hear her approaching, which gives her the perfect opportunity to take you in. Green eyes roll over your seated form, a simple yet classy outfit on your body, tones of silver and black coloring it. 
Her stare broken when her gaze lands on your face and she finds you already looking back at her. 
Through a smile, you tell her,“ Miss Luthor you are breathtaking.”
You push yourself up off the couch and round it to stand in front of her. A gentle hand raises, your thumb running over the pink tint of her cheeks.“ Ready?” You ask softly. 
With a nod from her you both turn to leave. Only for Lena to shake her head and tug on your hand. She drops your hand, leaving a frowning you at the door of her room, and then returning a minute later. 
“I’ve noticed you aren’t a fan of coats. While that’s fine in NC, it’s currently snowing and I’d hate for you to be sick if you aren’t already.” She teases even though she’s serious. 
Over the past few days, she’s seen the way you leave without even considering grabbing a jacket, as if it isn’t winter in New York.
Smiling sheepishly, you mutter a thanks, and shrug into the coat she’d offered. You don’t dismiss how it fits your overall style perfectly and it’s your size. Then again, you aren’t surprised, Lena pays a great attention to detail.
“Now we’re ready.” As you’re leaving out Lena can’t help but smile at the slightly embarrassed look on your face, nor can she help leaning up to press a kiss to your warm cheek. 
It’s not a long walk from her hotel to the restaurant. You thought it’d be nice to take in everything tonight as opposed to driving by all of it. 
New Years Eve always gives an exciting and contagious air to NYC and it would be a shame to miss that, especially since Lena isn’t here often. 
When she notices the big group of people heading down the sidewalk, she uses that as an excuse to press closer to you. Her arm loops around yours, other hand lacing with your fingers. You smile down at her, a feeling of pride growing inside you at the thought of making her feel safe. And you make sure she sticks close even when they’re long passed, until you’re at your destination that is.
Confirming your reservation with the host, you wait for him to pull it up and then guide you both back to a table. Admittedly you’re noticed by a few people, some who recognize you as an Avenger and others who know Lena. You both ignore the looks, though it isn’t hard when the only people you care about in this moment are each other. 
Luckily your waiter arrives quickly, giving you water and taking your drink orders. 
The sound of loud cheers and noise makers grab your attention. A group of people then walk by the window, just like the ones you’d passed, there are gold and silver hats on their heads, the number of the new year decoratively placed on each. Their laughter and conversation loud as they pass by.
Your eyes moving away at the soft touch on your fingers. E/c lifts to green and you smile.
“Sorry,” you’re quick to say. Shaking your head and giving all your attention back to the woman across from you.
Lena’s smile matches yours as she says,“ it’s okay. I imagine it’s hard not to be at least a little distracted.” She glances out the window as well, taking in everyone outside and all their festive spirits. 
Still looking at her, you remember when Lena told you she’d be staying for the week you couldn’t have been more thrilled. Especially seeing as the news came on the back of Bruce’s and Natasha’s engagement, which you have yet to decide how you feel about. Honestly you hadn’t had a chance to think about it really. Instead, you’d been soaking up every second you could with Lena. 
Over the last seven days, outside of you handling Avengers business and her handling L-Corp business, you’d been on a total of four dates. Taking her to your favorite coffee shop, to the restaurants she wanted to try and the ones you loved, and the ice skating rink the city seasonally sets up at the park not too far from the compound. 
Which all brought you to now, your fifth date, on New Years Eve. Lena would be leaving early in the morning but you’re choosing not to think of that until necessary. 
“Where do you go?” 
Pulled from your thoughts, you look to the CEO with a sheepish smile,“ sorry.”
She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she watches you, her smile still in place.“ You don’t have to apologize. I just wonder what’s on your mind sometimes. You space out a lot.”
“I- well, I was thinking about you,” you absentmindedly twiddle with her fingers, her eyes glancing down at the action as you continue to look at her,“ I couldn’t have imagined a better way to spend the last few days.” 
Lena saves the comment that instantly pops in her head. It’s far too soon in your relationship to be making suggestive comments. She chooses, instead, to say,“ me either. I’ve loved getting to know you, like this.”
Your eyebrow quirks, a little smirk tugging on your lips,“ like this? How is this exactly?”
The blush that rushes up Lena’s cheeks is incredibly cute. But it doesn’t stop her from replying,“ romantically. This side of you is-”
“Unbelievably charming?” You wiggle your eyebrows playfully making Lena giggle. You’re sure that sound alone could save your life.
“Not what I was going to say but true. As much as I love all of you, your new found romanticism is one of my favorite parts. While I knew you were sweet before, admittedly, you’ve taken it to another level-”
Lena’s statement continues but you’re stuck on those five little words: I love all of you.
Did she mean that? Or was it just a random choice of words?
Do you love her? 
Honestly, you’re falling. There’s no way you could act as if you weren’t, if you did that’d just be denial. 
Since the beginning it’s been something about Lena that drew you in, each passing second with her led you to the realization that it’s not just one thing. Everything about her left you speechless and completely taken. 
Is it far fetched to think that you both love each other? The romantic aspect of the relationship may be new but you’ve known her for months now. 
When you pull yourself from your thoughts this time Lena is already looking at you, her lip settled between her teeth. 
“Did you mean to say you love me or am I reading into that?” You blurt, no longer wanting to be the type to push things aside or avoid them.
Lena’s mouth opens and snaps shut quickly. Green eyes take you in: your soft e/c eyes full of uncertainty and a love you hadn’t verbalized, fingers of one hand still absentmindedly playing with hers as the other picks at a napkin, all the while the tablecloth moves just a bit as your leg bounces. 
Her shoulders relax as she understands why you asked, then she smiles,“ I meant it. Truthfully I’ve felt it for some time now.”
“I love you too.”
She jokingly asks,“ was it at first sight?”
“Nope.” Her loud laugh, at your quick and honest response, grabs a few people’s attention. You couldn’t care less. Not when Lena looks so incredibly happy.“ I’m just saying. I found you very interesting and very beautiful. But there was far too much going on with me to even consider loving someone at the time.”
“Did it have to do with whatever your relationship was with Miss Romanoff?”
Of course Lena hadn’t missed the awkward stares between you and the ex-assassin during the proposal. 
Chuckling quietly, you nod,“ I had yet to let go of hurt feelings. But we’ve talked and I’ve learned to move on.”
A look flashes through Lena’s eyes. One you recognize almost instantly, as it’s how you looked at her when you first saw the way she and James interacted with each other. She looks away, the bread plate in front of her suddenly more interesting than anything else. 
“This isn’t-” she cuts herself off to think, settling on asking,“ I’m not some rebound am I?”
“God no.” You give the hand you’re still holding a gentle squeeze, leaning down just a bit to catch the CEO’s eyes, then offering the most sweet and reassuring little smile you can,“ I would never do that to you, or anyone for that matter. I know this is still new but it’s real.”
Maintaining eye contact, you raise her hand to your lips and press a gentle kiss to her knuckles,“ I’m very serious. You are not a rebound, in any way.”
Finally, you get her to smile again, and it’s like a breath of fresh air. 
The smile stays in place over dinner as well. Stories are traded between you two about the team, her friends, and your family. Lena learns, from the bit that you mention, that your mother wasn’t really around. Why? You have no idea and you never talked to your father about it. It’s now one of those things you wish you’d done before he was gone. 
After dinner, as opposed to having dessert at the restaurant, you decide to make something for Lena back at her hotel. So you make a quick stop at a little grocery store and get back before it’s too late. 
With the Time Square ball drop on the tv, and both of you in some more comfortable clothing, you set to making the dessert. 
Lena rests against the counter, arms crossed as she watches you and sips from a glass of wine. 
“I must say, I’m surprised you didn’t want to be down there yourself.” She speaks of the ball drop.
You shake your head,“ no. We would’ve needed to be down there incredibly early and even then it would’ve been chaotic. And most importantly, I’d rather be spending this time with you.” A slight smirk forms at her blush.“ Taste?” 
She nods, ignoring the spoon in the bowl, and instead swiping her finger through the mix. E/c follows the way her lips wrap around her chocolate covered finger, hollowing in the slightest as she sucks the sweet mix off. 
At this point you’re openly staring, the emotions her actions stirred inside you clear in your eyes. The thought to mask it crosses your mind but it’s flittered away just as her tongue runs across her bottom lip. 
Clearing your throat, you force your gaze away from her. With you looking at the bowl, you miss the way Lena smirks at you. 
She saw the look in your eyes, quite honestly it did something to her. Something that made her shift just to get a bit of friction between her legs. One look from you and she was ready to risk it all.
Then again one little action from her and you were ready to do the same. 
However you both manage to control yourselves. Your distraction coming in the form of making the dessert and Lena’s coming in a phone call from Kara. 
Lena’s blonde friend is obviously at least a little intoxicated. Her excited voice sounds loud through the tiny speaker and you chuckle. 
“She’s wasted.” You mention to Lena who immediately nods, moving to your side and holding the phone between your ears.“ Heyyy Kara.”
The woman gasps,“ Y/N!!” A small chuckle comes from you at the woman’s excitement.“ I miss you! When are you coming back to NC?”
A grimace covers your face,“ I’m not sure KD, might be a minute, but I am going to come back.”
“You better,” her pause makes you and Lena frown, but it doesn't last long,“ since you and Lena are dating now.” She giggles. 
The look that passes between you and Lena is pure amusement. Plus the slight blush on Lena’s cheeks. 
Using the last few minutes it takes you to finish up the dessert, Lena talks to her best friend, making a promise to something before hanging up.
“All done?” The brunette asks, pocketing her phone and facing you fully.
With a sprinkle of powdered sugar and the decorative placement of strawberries, you tell her yes. Chocolate lava cakes in hand, you go with Lena into the living room. 
“I’ve only made these a handful of times so, if it’s not as good as my cheesecake, I’m blaming it on that.” 
Lena laughs softly at your words,“ I’m sure it’s incredible.” She accepts the spoon from you and settles on the edge of the couch. 
For a number of reasons, you watch her take the first bite, and your heart legitimately skips a beat at the low moan she gives. She had to know what all her little actions have been doing to you tonight, right?
“5 minutes.” She speaks, pulling you from the trance she’d pulled you in. 
“Okay, one second,” you hop up, doing a short jog back to the kitchen to grab the single bottle of champagne you’d bought.“ Can’t possibly bring in the New Year with anything else.” 
In no time at all, you have the bottle of champagne open, pouring the bubbly alcohol in two glasses, and handing one to Lena. 
Suddenly you pause after sitting and the CEO notices. Her eyes take in the look in your eyes. 
“Hey,” her hand rests just above your knee,“ what is it?” 
Your eyelashes flutter as you blink a couple times, gaze finally focusing on Lena. Truthfully you’d been a little up in the clouds. Holiday’s always make you think of your father. It’s not like New Years was some huge deal to him either, but just having spent it with him every year for most of your life is enough. 
“I was just thinking about my dad. Something about the holiday’s makes me miss him more than usual.” 
She nods along,“ did you have any special traditions for New Years?” 
“Not really,” you shrug,“ mainly, we would make one resolution with each other. It was our way of making sure we went through with it.”
Lena’s eyebrows raise expectantly, a little smile appearing,“ let’s do that then. Share your resolution with me and I’ll share mine.”
From the look on her face you know she’s one hundred percent serious about it. And quite frankly you’re more than happy to be doing that again. 
“Okay, um,” it takes you a moment to think of something,“ my resolution is to get the power core working smoothly and help at least one village or tiny town.”
As if she wasn’t already taken with you, your words remind her of how incredibly generous you are, and she falls further. 
“Mine is to travel, for fun. I haven’t been on an actual vacation in years.” She admits and for just a moment you can almost see the stress she’s under. 
In that moment you decide that if you can find the time to take Lena on a vacation, you just might. 
Your conversation leads you right up to the last 30 seconds of the year. Through the tv and the walls, you can hear the loud counting down of other people. The ball inches closer and closer to the bottom with each second. 
With the final second of the year: Happy New Year is shouted loudly, the ball finishes its descent, cheers and noisemakers sound through the streets of New York. All while you lean over and press a lingering kiss to Lena’s soft pink lips. 
The feeling of her lips pressed to yours and her hand cupping the side of your neck makes warmth spread over you entirely. That coupled with the obvious love passed through the kiss, you couldn’t imagine a better way to bring in the New Year, nor anyone you would rather be with.
* * * * * *
Taglist: @username23345 @depressed-bi-bitch @fayhar @trikruismybitch @marvel-wlw @aznblossom​ @chicken-wang09​ @bitchtits15 @coxmicbabygirl​ @blackluthxr @starlingelliot
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Too Close To Home (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
Request: Hi! I'd like to request a Malcolm Bright x reader or OFC story. Malcolm and the reader know each other since a few years. The reader has grown up in an abusive family and also has anxiety. They spend more time together cuz of a case. When the reader gets into danger, Malcolm saves her. He guides her home afterwards. First he doesn't want to come in but then they spend the night together (smutty or not, whatever you prefer). Afterwards they experience the most peaceful sleep they've had in ages :) (by @angelicastiel), [Prodigal Son-Masterlist]
Summary: Another case you & your team got to work on. This time, though, the backstory of the killer hit a bit too close to home. Still, you wanted to get the job done & arrest the murderer. There would have been a better, less dangerous way, but you could not change your actions anymore. And maybe you got something out of it. Something you had been wanting for the longest time.
Words: 3,827
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, angst, language, probably spoilers for season 2, father figure!Gil, little kidnapping situation, talks of murder (I mean, it’s Prodigal Son), first time writing for Prodigal Son (even though I do feel kinda confident writing for it, idk…let me know what you think)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Being part of Gil Arroyo’s team was a dream coming true. Your years in college were spent working your ass off in order to end up in a job like that. Not only did Gil give you a place to work, he also took you under his wing. Talking about your past was something you dreaded but somehow you found yourself opening up to him. He knew about your parents & could tell when things started becoming too much for you. Throughout your time at the NYPD, you got closer with your team. Dani & JT had become your best friends. Malcolm, on the other hand, had been a different case. While the two of you sure were friendly with one another, you slowly developed a little crush on the profiler. Who were you kidding? You had the biggest crush, it was kind of embarrassing. Especially because Dani & JT teased the living hell out of you. Luckily, Gil had yet to notice. You did not want to bring private business into your job.
This case had been a tough one. Not only that but it hit too close to home for your liking. The killer you had been looking for left you a letter at the crime scene. It was a man who had been abused by his parents when he was younger. In that letter, he explained why he did what he did. Like, yeah, you came from an abusive household, too, but you were not running around, murdering a what looked like innocent man. Like, chill a bit. Gil pulled you a few feet away from the scene after you all had finished reading. This left Dani, JT & Edrisa alone with looking for more details. Malcolm was still nowhere to be found, even though all of you had tried calling him a couple of times.
“Maybe you should sit this one out.” Gil’s hand was on your shoulder, keeping you an arm’s distance away to take a look at your face. He knew right away that you were thinking about your own parents & sometimes things could be messy if private stuff got mixed up with work stuff. Again the reason why you kept your feelings for Malcolm at bay.
“Gil.” you sighed. “I’ll be fine. Besides, you guys need me.” Gil hated to admit it but you were right. The team was lost without you & nobody knew if your killer was planning another crime while you were inspecting this scene. A voice interrupted your conversation & both, you & Gil, looked at where it was coming from. Would you look at that. Malcolm, everyone. Fashionably late, as always. Why did he have to look so good though? Ugh…
“I heard there was another murder? What have we got?” Malcolm, being his usual self when it came to crime scenes, directed his questions at both of you.
“You would know if you decided to show up sooner.” Gil gave him a tight lipped smile & you could hear the sarcasm in his statement. Yeah, nobody could ever stay mad at Malcolm for a long time. Except maybe JT. But he seemed like he was just pissed off by whatever Malcolm did. That was why they were such great friends.
“The guy left us a letter, kind gesture, right? Edrisa should have it.” your arms crossed over your chest to hide how bad your hands were shaking. The action did not go unnoticed by Malcolm, though. He could tell you were uncomfortable. Your anxiety seemed even worse than usually. It was not like you ever opened up to Malcolm about your struggles. You had found it hard to talk about your feelings, even when you talked to Gil. But since Gil had become some sort of father figure to you, you found it a little easier to open up to him. The thing was that Malcolm was working even when he was not working. Which meant that he was profiling others even outside of work. It was not hard to notice your trembling hands, your bouncing legs, your struggle to keep eye contact. He could tell that your anxiety was bad. Most days, you hid it rather well, he had to give you that. A normal person would have never noticed anything wrong with your behavior. Malcolm, though, knew better & while he did not know what had happened to you in the past, he knew you were struggling nevertheless. But he could worry about you another time, for now, he had to focus on the crime scene.
As Malcolm walked over to where Edrisa was standing, you pulled at Gil’s hand, motioning him to follow you. Edrisa handed over the letter & explained briefly what they had found so far. You knew what was about to come. As did everyone else, so you quieted down & let the profiler do his job.
“Our dear murderer wrote the letter after he killed James here. The ink is too fresh & some of the letters are smudged. The printer in the office was still running when you got here, right?” this earned him a nod from Edrisa. “No fingerprints, though, he was smart enough to wear gloves. Which brings me to my assumption that he had planned this long beforehand. The bruises show that he was strangled & while we still have to wait for the autopsy, I’m almost entirely sure that he was killed because of that. I believe the stab wounds were caused after he died. The way his words were written sounds way too passionate for an accident. No, this guy, he was enjoying it. If it were an accident, he would have left the scene way sooner. But he took the time to type a letter & print it, to complete his mission by laying it right on top of our victim’s chest.” Malcolm finished & looked around to find everyone rolling their eyes except for you. Whenever he started rambling & piecing evidence together, you simply stood there mesmerized. This time was not different. His eyes met yours & he shot you a little smile which you copied.
“Anything else you wanna tell us? Like, why you’re way too excited about this entire thing?” JT spoke up. You gave him a little slap & chuckled.
“Don’t act like it’s something new.” laughing when you looked at his face.
“Okay, guys. Wrap it up here, we need to continue this at the precinct.” Gil’s authority voice came through & you all knew better than to mess with him.
Malcolm, Dani & JT were already in one of the offices when you & Gil came in. Usually, you asked Gil to take you everywhere, mostly because you got rather shaky during cases & you did not trust yourself enough to drive on your own. Gil told you he did not mind at all.
“Found anything useful?” you asked when you entered & looked over JT’s shoulder to make out what he was doing on his laptop. Malcolm stood at the front of the room, right in front of the whiteboard & was too busy sorting his thoughts to even notice you. Dani told you that they had no luck just yet & soon you found yourself helping them with research, something you were incredibly good at. Gil had left for a while but when he got back, he brought each of you a cup of coffee, knowing it was bound to be a long night without much rest. Being the stubborn person that you were, you declined his request of you calling it a night & heading back home. You were onto something & could not stop right now. Gil let the topic die down with a long sigh. The five of you spent the entire night looking for clues & connections & by the time the sun started rising, you had a plan filed out to catch the killer.
After hours of research, mostly from you, you found out that the victim had very wealthy parents. Parents who loved their kid like nothing else. Parents who would do anything for their kid. Checking his social media profiles, you could tell that he was not silent about his wealth or the love he felt for his parents. “Enough to get our killer started.” Malcolm had said. It took you a while but after checking James’ classmates, you had a suspect & after checking his social media accounts, you knew where you had to go to catch him. Sometimes, things could be so easy, so clear to see. Probably a bad idea to expect you were right with everything but you had a good feeling. Yet, you could not quite understand how someone could kill just because of envy. Just because they did not have what someone else did.
Your suspect spent almost all of his evenings in a local pub, not too far away from the precinct. It was a small pup, not a lot of people, but since it was Friday, you expected it to be filled tonight.
“Why does (Y/N) have to be bait again?” Malcolm asked after discussing the plan yet another time.
“Because she looks more like a guest of a pub like that. You would be out of place, so would Dani & JT.” Gil reasoned. He did not like the idea either but it was probably the best shot they had.
“Right, because if I make an effort I can actually look like an alcoholic. Is that what you’re saying?” despite your chuckle, you found yourself growing more & more nervous. Malcolm noticed right away, didn’t comment on it though.
“What I’m saying is that we all want this asshole locked up & I don’t want you to look like an alcoholic. I want you to go there as if you just got done with work for the day. Take a seat at the bar. We’ll be connected with you this entire time, we’ll hear your conversation. Wait a little & if he doesn’t approach you then you will. Understood?” Gil looked around the room, kept his focus on you, though, & when you nodded he told you all to head off & get this party started.
 “You’re nervous.” you flinched when you heard a voice beside you. Malcolm. Of course.
“I’m not. Just preparing myself.” you did not mean to sound this harsh but he did not really pay attention to that.
“So your shaking hands are a form of preparation?” he teased but you could not focus on his way of calming you right now. Your anxious mind was killing you.
“Look, Mal, I need to go, okay? We’ll talk later.” & before he even had the chance to answer, you were sprinting off.
Ordering a strong drink at the bar in the hopes of it calming your nerves, you tried acting as if you did go out every night. In fact, you were highly uncomfortable. Crowds made your anxiety act up & pubs were usually worse. Drunk people wanting to get laid or whatever. It just was not your world. Anyway, you had better things to focus on. Your suspect had already walked up to the bar & took, much to your dismay, a seat too far away from you to start an actual conversation. Quickly informing your team, an idea popped into your head. He would start taking an interest in you if you got him to grow envious. So without overthinking, you grabbed your phone from your purse & pretended dialing someone.
“Hi mom! How are you?” as much as it hurt saying those words, you felt accomplished when you noticed the suspect’s eyes on you. “Great, as always! We still on for lunch tomorrow?...Perfect! Actually, I wanted to thank you for the purse you got me! I found the package earlier today, you are crazy. That’s way too much.” if it were not for your job at the NYPD, you would make one hell of an actor. Deep down, your heart was breaking a little more with each word you said. “Oh? I’m your favorite daughter? I’m your only daughter, mom, but thanks.” you gave a genuine, or at least you hoped it sounded genuine, laugh & continued. The man had already made his way over to you & took the empty seat next to you. You had him, not fully but almost. Just keep going, you thought to yourself. “Tell dad I miss him, too! I’ll make sure to meet up with him soon. A much needed father-daughter weekend. It has been too long…Alright, I love you too, bye.” you ended your call & placed the phone back into your purse. Gil would kill you after you finished this case. Once again you were improvising but at least it got you here, sitting next to a possible killer. Possible killer? No, you knew it was him. He made it rather obvious after that fake phone call. Thinking about what you had just said on the phone got cut short by the man beside you speaking up.
“Sounds like a nice mom.” a drink in his hand, his gaze not focused on you but on the liquid in his glass.
“Oh, she’s the best. I’m lucky to have her. Same goes for my dad.” these words hurt so bad & if you were not so focused on arresting this asshole you would have started breaking down right in the middle of this bar.
“I’m Enrico, by the way.” he held out his hand for you to shake which you did.
“(Y/N).” faking another smile at him, you were surprised that your silly plan actually seemed to work. This dude was desperate. And it made him extremely dangerous.
“(Y/N), wanna head out & catch some fresh air? This pub is filling up.” he placed money on the counter, paying for not only his but also your drink. Thanking him, you got up. When his hand grabbed yours, you slightly flinched but did not pull away. The thought of your team waiting outside with handcuffs made you breathe easier. Arriving outside did not exactly put your mind at ease. Where was your team? Just when you wanted to turn around, you felt a strong grip around your waist & a cloth being held in front of your nose & mouth. There was not even enough time to scream before you were met with darkness.
Loud voices woke you up. A gunshot. Shit, why could you not move? Where the fuck were you? Looking down at your wrists, you saw them being chained tightly to a chair. Suddenly, a person was kneeling in front of you & you were surprised to find Gil helping you out of the chains. His mouth was moving but your heartbeat was too loud to make out any other noises.
“Have you got him?” Gil rolled his eyes at your question but soon after, nodded. This could have ended badly for you & he was just happy to see you alive & breathing.
“You hurt?” this time his voice was more serious. He looked you over but besides the bruises on your wrists, you seemed fine. Shaking your head no was enough for him to drop it for now.
“That was stupid, (Y/N). We could’ve walked in there & just arrested him in that damn pub. Why did you think it was a good idea to start this whole pretending thing?”
“Could we please not do this today, Gil? I’m tired.” you felt ashamed, embarrassed that you did not handle the situation better. Usually, you were way more careful when it came to other cases. You could not even tell why you thought you needed to act out an entire scene. It felt like the right decision at the time.
“Malcolm? Come over here.” Gil decided to let you rest for tonight but he sure as hell would teach you a lesson tomorrow. He could not have another person risking everything & acting irresponsible. He already had Malcolm. No need to have another one like him.
“(Y/N)? Oh, thank God.” Malcolm came jogging over to where you & Gil were. A small smile started forming, signaling that you were fine.
“Take her home with you. She shouldn’t be alone tonight.” & with that he left you & Malcolm alone.
Two hands came into view & you let yourself be pulled up into a standing position. Malcolm still held onto you since your legs were on the verge of giving out. After a few seconds, though, you felt steady enough & thanked him for helping you. Without another word, he took your hand in his & dragged you outside to his car. Any other day, you would have blushed like crazy but your exhaustion was overpowering your crush. Malcolm opened the passenger side for you & helped you in. Then, he got around to the driver’s side. His body turned towards you & when you noticed that the car still had not been started, you found Malcolm staring at you. Your eyebrows shot up in confusion. After a long pause & a deep breath of his, Malcolm’s voice broke the silence in the car.
“That was-“
“Stupid, I know. Gil already told me.” usually, you would have sounded sarcastic but tonight, you did not have the strength to try & act like you were fine. Because if you were honest, everything that had happened got you thinking. Not that you could have died but everything that had happened with your parents. How awful they treated you. How abusive they were. Not trying to start another conversation, Malcolm started the engine & drove up to his apartment. Gil’s order, after all. Though, he had to admit that he liked the idea of you being close to him. Hell, he could have lost you today. He could have lost you & you still had no idea about his feelings for you. Simply because he was too much of a coward when push came to shove.
The car ride was silent & the tension could have been cut with a knife. Once or twice you almost started talking, wanting to explain yourself. Why you were so exhausted. It was not the first time you got close to death but it was certainly the first time where your past came catching up. Each time, though, you chickened out.
“I’m sorry.” it was you who spoke up first when you entered Malcolm’s apartment.
“What for?” Malcolm turned his focus back to you.
“I made this case unnecessarily hard for you guys. I should’ve handled it better. It’s just…this thing with this fake phone call, it was…fuck, how do I say this?” the last part you mumbled to yourself but when Malcolm spoke up again, you knew he had heard you.
“It’s okay. Gil told me about your parents. I get it, I do. I probably would’ve done the same thing & then it would’ve been you & Gil telling me I was stupid.” you chuckled lightly & Malcolm was happy that you were not mad at him for knowing about your past. He had been aware of your struggles before, now he could finally tell where they were coming from.
Strangely, you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders, now that Malcolm knew. At least you knew he would never judge you, he had his own…familial issues after all. Tears started forming in your eyes & you tried blinking them away angrily, frustrated that you were losing it now even though the situation had been dealt with.
“Come here.” Malcolm opened his arms & you gladly accepted the invitation. Throwing yourself onto him like your life depended on it. His arms wrapped strongly around you. Not in an uncomfortable way, more like in a comforting way. The two of you simply stood in the middle of his apartment, not saying anything, he let you cry it all out & in that moment, it was all you needed.
“Thank you. Sorry for messing up your shirt.” a quiet laugh escaped you. It was not much but it was a good start.
“It’s no problem, really. Here, I’ll bring you some clothes to sleep in, I’m sure you don’t wanna sleep in work clothes?” Malcolm opened one of his drawers & grabbed a basic t-shirt & some sweatpants. Not much but definitely way more comfortable than what you were wearing right now. This was not your first time being at Malcolm’s home so you helped yourself & moved into his bathroom to take a quick shower & change into his clothes. It only took you about ten minutes, you were craving sleep.
“You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” Malcolm was setting up his couch to sleep on when you came out of the bathroom.
“Nope, forget it. I wont let you take that couch.” you argued.
“Hey, it’s a comfortable couch!” he defended his way too expensive piece of furniture.
“What about your restraints?”
“Don’t need them when you’re around.” Malcolm let slip without much thought. Only when you tilted your head & raised your eyebrows did he realize what he had just said. “I mean…I don’t know. I’m usually much calmer when I’m with you.” It was funny to see Malcolm trying to explain himself. He was embarrassed but you were putting a stop to it right away.
“Okay, so I guess it would help even more when you’re right next to me, am I right? Your bed is big enough, Mal.” your sweet smile was convincing enough & soon you found yourself laying on one side of the bed while Malcolm was occupying the other.
For a few minutes, neither of you moved or said anything. The silence was not uncomfortable, the situation was still new for the both of you. Yet, you knew what you wanted. What you needed. So you grabbed one of Malcolm’s hands, turned around & let his arm fall around your waist. This action caught him off guard but he relaxed into the new position quickly. While the both of you still had not confessed, this felt like a step into the right direction. You felt safe in his embrace & knew you could be your true self with him. No hiding whatsoever. That thought made you smile. Exhaustion soon took over but the last words you heard before falling into a peaceful slumber were: Sleep well, (Y/N). I’ve got you. Afterwards, he pressed a light kiss on your shoulder & fell asleep himself. Tonight, your struggles could be forgotten. At least for a few hours until morning came around. Then, you still had enough time to deal with whatever was happening between you & Malcolm. Tomorrow, you could deal with your past some more. But right now, all you wanted was to have a peaceful night & Malcolm could give you just that.
Published (03/25/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @fandom-queen67, @cons-tit-ution, @where-thesundoesntshine, @itsanemu0101, @chill-fangirl, @angelnyx, @octopus5555, @the-unknown-fan-girl (thanks for your support <3 - sorry if I tagged you mistakenly/please let me know if I did)
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cierrabiscuits · 4 years
Miya Atsumu X Fem Reader : Eligible Bachelor Alt route.
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Word count: 5.4 K
Warnings: Some suggestive content, harassment, alcohol consumption, Nightmares, and a dab of angst. Happy ending :) 
 AN: I felt awful for breaking his heart in Sakusa’s route, but I’m atoning for my sins today. I went with a new approach and the ending is very fluffy! Also a big shoutout to @ambershaydeoffical for helping me edit and giving me some ideas! I hyper linked all the songs used! I hope you guy enjoy.-CB
Find Sakusa’s route here
Find Bokuto’s route here
 “Why did I ever agree to let you pick me up?” Your hand was gripping the support bar In Atsumu’s car for dear life.
 “Because you love me and you know I’d get lost without my lovely Y/N.” Atsumu gave you a goofy smile as he shifted the gears. 
 “First off I’m your manager, second can you please go the speed limit. I’d like to make it to this charity event alive and in one piece.” You looked over to see him giving you a devilish smirk. 
 “You said we were late, therefore I’m making up for the lost time.” You rolled your eyes at him, but knew he was right. 
 “Maybe I should have let Omi take me, at least he would have driven the speed limit.” You said smirking at the setter.
 “Oh yeah? Well yer stuck with me, besides I play good music.” He spun the volume button on the console all the way up. ‘This is what you came for’ started to boom through the speakers. 
 “Baby, this is what you came for Lightning strikes every time she moves And everybody's watching her But she's looking at you, ooh, ooh-” His thick accent attempted to sing along. You couldn't help but break out laughing.
 “Tsumu I love you, but there is a reason you're a setter and not a singer.” You turned the music down so he could hear you.
 “So you do love me?” He whipped his head to look at you. Your face ran hot, but panic came right with the rush of heat.
 “Umm-TSUMU WATCH THE ROAD.” You screamed as he swerved a bit. Your hand found refuge yet again on the support bar. “Thank God we're almost there, you're an awful driver. Maybe worse than Bo.” 
 “I was kind enough to offer you a ride since your car is messed up and this is the thanks I get.” Your car’s transmission decided to go out, leaving you without transportation until it was fixed. But it ended being a blessing and a curse. Blessing being you get to hang with Atsumu alone and not to mention how sexy he was driving the standard shift. Curse being he was a crappy driver and your transmission broke your savings account.
 “In all seriousness thank you Tsumu, you're the best.” You knew you were feeding his ego by saying that, but you were truly grateful. But he didn’t speak or even give you one of his normal cheeky comments. You looked over to see his cheeks glowing red,. You wish you could take a picture of the blushing athlete, but the venue was the next turn off.
 “Tsumu, turn left at the next light.” You could see the huge venue center, the picture you saw online didn’t do the justice.
 “You really sound like a GPS Y/N. Cute.” He turned the wheel with one hand and pulled into a parking spot.
 “You have reached your destination.” You tried to imitate a GPS voice, but failed. 
 “I hear ya, wait here.” Atsumu unbuckled and hopped out of his car. You sat confused but then realized he was coming to open the door for you. He opened your door and offered you a hand which you gladly took.
 “What a gentleman. Tsumu you're spoiling me.” You could get used to this side of him.
 “No fair, Omi didn't open the door for me.” You turned your head to see Bokuto pouting. 
 “You're lucky I even drove you here, quit pushing it.” Sakusa rolled his eyes. “That goes for you too.” He then shot a death glared at poor Hinata.
 “Okay guys less fighting more walking, Now pick those feet up, I need to meet with the event coordinator!” You lead the boys towards the venue. It reminded you of a  Roman colosseum. It was stunning.
 “Wow this place is huge! I bet there's a lot of people in there!” Hinata looked up at the venue it awe.
 “How dreadful.” Sakusa  said, adjusting his facemask. You had to beg him to come. After a little persuading he finally said yes.
 “You already agreed to come Omi, please don’t back out now.” You pouted at Sakusa, causing him to roll his eyes. “Besides we’re already here.” You pointed at the large doors that led into the venue. They all looked excited to be here (Minus poor Sakusa). 
 “I know yer just itching to letcher us. I can tell by the look on your pretty face.” Sporting a smug look, Atsumu leaned on the side of the building. He never missed an opportunity to make your heart flutter. 
 “You know me so well Tsumu.” You smirked at the setter. You turned your attention to the rest of the group. “As you already know this is for charity, so keep it classy. You will also be auctioned off for a date, so whoever gets you, please be nice and respectful. You have a little time to kill so explore the place a bit and put yourself out there.” 
 “We'll be on our best behavior!” Bokuto chimed in giving you a thumbs up.
 “I know. Now let's head in.” You went to open the door but Atsumu beat you to it. A heat tried to crawl its way up your neck, but you pushed it down. There was a time and place to dwell on the way Atsumu made you feel giddy. Now was not the time, sadly. It was hardly ever the right time, being the manager was a demanding position, their public image was one of your main concerns, which meant having an unprofessional fan girl moment was out of the question.
Once inside, you couldn’t settle your eyes to any one spot. To say the venue was packed would be an understatement. It was a flood of designer dresses and fancy tuxedos. It made you feel severely under dressed, but you're not here for fun. As much as you would love to dance the night away with the boys, specifically Atsumu, you were mature enough to realize how important tonight is. 
 “Bokuto let’s go eat! Atsumu isn’t your brother catering some of the food?” Hinata asked, eyeing the onigiri.
 “Yup, he worked all day to make enough onigiri for tonight.” Atsumu said proudly. He and his brother may fight and quarrel, but they are both so supportive to each other. 
 “We better hurry and get some!” Bokuto grabbed Hinata by the arm and ran towards the food.
 “You know where I’ll be. Just come get me when it’s time.” Sakusa walked towards a secluded corner.
 “Now what do you plan on doing Tsumu?” You asked looking around the crowded room. 
 “I don’t know. I’ll probably bother Omi-Omi at some point.” He glanced at Sakusa sulking in his designated corner. 
 “Leave him alone! I need him to stay cooperative.” You wacked Atsumu in the back.
 “Whatever you want doll. I have some orders for ya too.” Atsumu’s bright hazel eyes met your tired ones. Could he tell how nervous you were for this event? What could he possibly order you to do?
 “What would that be?” You looked up at him, ready to deny his request.
 “If you're gonna dance, make sure it's with me. We killed ‘Down on me’ at the last gala we went to.” Atsumu wiggled his eyebrows. You will never forget that night, you were full of liquid courage and danced on him all night long. 
 “Tsumu you have to dance with whoever bids on you. I’m in manager mode tonight and I’m staying sober this time.” You glanced at your watch and it was almost time to meet with the event coordinator. “ I doubt I’ll have time to dance at all. Oh snap, look at the time,I have to go to Tsumu.” You turned to walk towards the stage but he grabbed before you could get too far.
 “Don’t worry, I’ll make my way to ya. Count on it.” He spoke right next to your ear, causing your hair to rise up. He released you and disappeared into the crowd. Your face was burning from the bottom of your throat, to the tip of your ears. Damn that Miya.
 “Y/N thank you for coming!” The coordinator extended her hand for you to shake. 
 “No problem, I look forward to working with you.” You shook her hand and smiled. The flashing lights of the dance floor blinding you for just a moment. You wished you were dancing instead of working.
  “Same here! Now let's get down to the plan. We’ve got a good line up tonight, I’ve got everyone lined up by group size, with yours being the smallest we will have your guys go last.” She scanned the clipboard in her hands. “Have them here in an hour please! I better get going, the rugby team is next and they have a lot of the team here! Ciao Y/N.” She made everything sound easy enough, but the hard part was rounding the boys up.
 The music was booming, and the vibrations went through your body like an electric current. You wanted to dance so bad, but you remind yourself you have things to attend to. You try to spot the boys in the sea of people. You went to the food bar first but it looks like Hinata and Bokuto attacked it already considering there was nothing left. You began to walk towards the dance floor and heard the ‘cupid shuffle’ start playing. It was an iconic dance song, and a fun one to get a crowd going. People began to line up and make room to dance. You notice the tips of Bokuto’s hair, Hinata was on his right and Atsumu was on his left. You needed to reach them before the song really kicked in but It was too late.
 “Just in time Y/N!” Bokuto beamed down at you.
 “Guys we need to get lined up. Plus we still have to grab Sakusa.” You semi yelled over the music.
 “Come on Y/N one song won’t kill ya, well get rounded up quick after this okay?” Atsumu wrapped an arm around Bokuto and Hinata. “Now get beside me, you always mix your left and right up.” He wasn't lying, you loved to dance but sometimes became uncoordinated.
 “Fine.” You accepted defeat and got beside Atsumu, you took the chance to check him out. He looked so good in his suit, he had a grey tux that fit him like a glove. The white shirt underneath was unbuttoned and his tie left loose around his throat. He was too pretty for his own good. The music finally reached the start of the shuffle, and it pulled you from your thoughts. You followed the music with the rest of these boys in perfect sync. Tsumu nudged you in the right direction every now and then, but no one could see his hand lingering on your side. You smiled from ear to ear, it felt so good to dance some stress away and it felt even better to be so close to Atsumu. You watched his smooth movements, he was calculated on the court and on the dance floor. You could tell he was catching the eyes of women besides yourself. But right now it was you dancing next to him and that's all that mattered. The song came to an end and everyone tried to catch their breath.
 “Okay now let's go get Omi.” You lead them out of the dance crowd and toward where Sakusa was. You find him exactly where you left him. He had an intense aurora surrounding him. If looks could kill you would be six foot under right now.
 “Omi It's time to go lineup, are you ready?” You asked and he nodded his head. “Follow me guys.” You lead them to the side of the stage. 
 “So who’s going first?” Hinata asked nervously. You could only pray he wouldn’t puke on stage.
 “Hmm good question, lets have Bo go first, then you, then Omi and Tsumu last.” You felt nervousness creep on you, this was really about to happen.
 “Y/N you really saved the best for last hmm.” Atsumu flipped his hair dramatically. You rolled your eyes at him.
 “Do I have to take my mask off?” Sakusa gave you a pleading look.
 “Whatever is comfortable with you. I’ve put you through enough,” Sakusa sighed in relief at your words.
 “Okay now, make sure to make a good impression and run these rich ladies pockets up.” You smacked your hands together. “I better get going, remember I’m counting on you guys.” You gave them one last thumbs up.
 You got a seat in the front so you could take some pictures of the boys. You were definitely going to get some good ones for the teams Insta. You know what the fans want and you feed them. You were to caught up in getting your phone ready you didn’t notice someone sit next to you.
 “Hey Y/N.” Osamu adjusted himself beside you.
 “Oh. Hey Osamu! Your onigiri was a hit tonight I heard.” Too bad you didn’t get any, you thought.
 “They paid me good for catering tonight, I wanted to make sure it was the best. I even had Tsumu come and try new recipes. He ate so much I thought I'd end up taking him to the ER.” He chuckled. You knew Atsumu loved his brother's cooking. “But enough about that airhead. You looked a little sad earlier when I saw you walking around, Is something wrong?”
  “Everything is fine, I’m just stressed. Plus I want to dance and can’t.” Your hands fell to your lap in defeat.
 ‘Why can’t you dance? Are you hurt?” He gave you a concerned look.
 “No I’m fine.” You smiled up at the twin. “I have to take pictures of the boys with their dates and make sure everything goes smoothly. Plus my dance partner will be taken anyway.” You let out a laugh to hide your disappointment. You really wanted to dance with Atsumu, but he will have fun with whoever gets him. 
 “Oh I see.” He seemed to have a small smirk on his face. “It looks like it’s starting.” The lights of the stage turned on and an upbeat song came on. 
 “Welcome to the annual Valentines day date auction! We are so glad you all could come out and join us. We have a great  line up or should I say roster. This year our theme was sport team singles! Ladies if you plan on bidding tonight just raise your hand when you see the man of your dreams. Shall we get started?” The announcer said hyping up the crowd of women young and old. Neither your or Osamu paid any attention to the stage, instead you made small talk and showed him embarrassing pictures of Atsumu. Your favorite one being his face pressed up against an airplane window fast asleep. You sat beside him on that flight and ended up falling asleep on his shoulder. You remember him covering you up with his blanket at one point, he was a sweetheart when he wanted to be. Time flew by and it was finally time for the boys to get on stage.
 “Next up we have the MSBY volleyball team!” Bokuto was called up, you got some good pictures of him flexing and just being his goofy self. Hinata came on stage and was more collected than you thought he would be. Sakusa came out and was stiff as a board the whole time, but you wouldn't complain considering he was kind enough to even come. And now it was Atsumu’s turn. You saw him walk on stage and your stomach began to feel like a merry go round. His wavy hair bounced with every confident step he took, he was hot and he flaunted it. Your eyes were glued to him, and once he found you in the crowd his eyes locked onto yours. He winked right at you and gave you one of his shit eating grins. You felt the embarrassment creep up on you, your attention went to your phone to take pictures of the cocky setter.
 “I wonder what poor soul will get Tsumu.” Osamu stuck his tongue out at his brother.
 “Hopefully someone who can put up with him, and keep up with his erratic dancing.” You laughed out. If you were being honest you wished you were the ‘poor soul’.
 “I only know one person who fits that description.” Osamu smirked at his brother
 “What?” You looked up at him confused. “Who?”
 “Alright for 175,000 yen, going once , twice...” You eyed Osamu and he reached his hand out and tickled your side, causing your arm to shoot straight up in the air.
 “We are now up  to 180,000 yen! Going once, twice, and sold! That concludes the auction! We hope you all have a wonderful night and a Happy Valentine’s Day.” Astumu gave you one last smile before exiting the stage. You were still in a state of shock as the stage lights dimmed.
 “I know what yer thinking Y/N, but it will be easier if you go talk to the dumbass. He’s a watin for ya.” Osamu got up and left you in a state of shock. You stood up quick and  made a beeline towards the large crowd of athletes. You could feel your heartbeat pick up the closer you got. You just had to know why.
 “Y/N over here!” You heard Hinata’s familiar voice over the crowd. You made your way to him and noticed the rest of the team standing with him. You wanted to congratulate everyone before you interrogated Atsumu.
 “You guys did so well! I’m proud.” You smacked Bokuto and Hinata on the back. “Your dates should come get you soon, remember to have fun and be kind to them!” Sakusa was standing nervously against the wall, you hope someone tame got him. You looked over at Atsumu and he mouthed ‘Let’s go to the lobby.’ You nodded your head and you left the team to find out what was up. He led you through the crowd and into the empty lobby.
 “I hope you're not mad at me Y/N, truth is I had something planned for you this Valentine’s Day, I wanted to surprise you,  but we ended up having to do this which ruined my plans. Kinda.” Your eyes widened at his words. “You may be the team's manager and I may be the setter. But tonight let’s just be Y/N and Atsumu. You won me fair and square so either way you're stuck with me.”
 “Okay, I’d like that actually. But I still have to check on the other every now and then.” You felt your heart rate pick up again. “But I have to know, who paid for you really?”
 “Samu did. He was going to give most of his earnings back to the charity anyway.. I didn’t want just some girl beside me tonight, I wanted my girl. So after some begging he agreed to do it. But In return I must refer to him as the superior twin for the rest of the year.” Atsumu had you dumbfounded. You would have to thank Osamu later. 
 “Tsumu what do you mean by ‘my girl’?” Your knees felt like jelly. You knew what he meant, but you needed to hear it.
 “Exactly what I said. I think we both know about each other's feelings. I love you more than Omi loves flu shots and lysol.” This was the oddest declaration of love, but it still made your heart melt.
 “That makes you mine too, right?”  He nodded his head and began to rummage through his pockets.
 “Yes It sure does darlin’. I’m glad to get that off my chest. I got you a little something, close your eyes and hold your hand out.” You closed your eyes and felt his hands clasp something around your hand. “And open.” You looked down at the tennis bracelet you’ve been eyeing for a long time.
 “Tsumu how did you..” You were at a loss for words, the bracelet was something you’ve been saving for. It was a pretty bracelet with a pretty big price tag. You couldn't help but smile.v
 “When we all went to the mall a few months back I went to find you and saw you trying it on at the jewelry store. You looked sad when the cashier put it back in the case. As soon as you left the store I went right in and bought it. And before you say a thing, that smile you have on is worth every penny I spent.” 
 “Tsumu thank you, but I’m sorry I didn't get you anything.” You felt guilty but he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
 “Having you with me right now is plenty enough for this fool. Now let’s go check on everyone and get on the dancefloor.” He began to walk you back into the ballroom. You spotted the boys talking to their dates. Bokuto was with a shy curvy girl, she was absolutely stunning and she was definitely his type. You knew he would treat her good. A volleyball player from America bided on Hinata, they were talking about receives. She was a perfect fit for him. Sakusa was with an older woman, she seemed to be very respectful and calm. She mentioned that he reminded her of her late husband. All was well. They left with their dates and now it was time for you and yours to hit the dance floor. Atsumu grasped your hand and led you to the center of the dance floor. 
 “Tsumu wait.” You stopped a server and downed a glass of champagne.
 “Oh my, here we go again.” Astsumu rolled his hazel eyes. You and drinking never ended good.
 “I won’t go overboard. Now let's go dance.” You began to speed walk to the dance floor. The DJ was playing some straight up bops, you felt the music take over your body and you began to dance. As soon as ‘hips don't lie’ began to play you both went straight feral. You pulled away from him and swayed your hips side to side. Atsumu's eyes stayed glued to you as you let Shakira guide you. You came to a stop when you felt a lingering presence from behind you. You felt an unfamiliar pair of hands linger over your hips. You felt a wave of panic wash over you but Atsumu was quick to react, he wrapped his strong arms around and spun you away from the creep.
 “Don’t even try, she obviously ain’t yours, now screw off asshole.” Astumu held you as close to him as humanly possible while telling the creep off. The smell of his cologne grounded you. The man flipped Tsumu off and disappeared back into the crowd. “Are you okay Y/N?”
 “Yes thank you, but I need a drink to loosen back up.” You said eyeing the bar. You swore sobriety tonight, but you were feeling yourself. “But just one.”
 “Sureee just one,  I know better than that. You’ll be plastered by the end of the night.” He leaned down and whispered in your ear. His thick accent made your hair stand up. You rolled your eyes and led him to the bar. Bokuto was with his date at the bar, he was talking her head off, but she seemed to be interested in what he was saying. You didn’t want to disturb them, but Bokuto called you and Atsumu out.
“Tsumu! Y/N! Drink with us!” Bokuto ordered him and his date another shot.
 “I’m not drinking tonight, I’m the DD tonight. But our manager here is feelin bold.” Atsumu waved down the bartender and ordered your favorite drink. 
 “Don’t get too drunk Bo, Sakusa will kill you if you get sick in his clean car.” You downed your drink. The champagne from earlier already making your head buzz.
 “Yes ma’am, now me and this cutie are going back to the dancefloor. Have fun.” Bokuto held the girls hand and guided her back to the dance floor. They looked so cute together. 
 “I’ve got to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” Atsumu left you alone at the bar. Bad idea. You waved the bartender down and ordered two shots of tequila. You needed to get loose and the sugary drink he ordered for you wasn’t gonna cut it. You downed the shots and felt the warmth in your cheeks. You ordered one more for safe measure. With the evidence gone Atsumu didn’t suspect a thing when he came back.
 “Ready to get back out there?” You nodded  and headed back out. You noticed Bokuto was absolutely throwing it back on that girl, she looked so embarrassed but was definitely enjoying it. Sakusa and the older lady were enjoying a conversation at a secluded table. Hinata was hyping up the volleyball girl as she slowly dropped on the dance floor. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. 
 “Now let's get back down to business.” Atsumu spun you around and pulled you close to him. “You have no idea how happy I am right now. I’m so glad your with me ” Atsumu planted a kiss on your forehead.
 “Me too, I figured it would be another lonely valentines day, but this was a pleasant surprise.” You kissed him back on his cheek. Under the flashing light you could see the blush spreading on his cheeks. 
 “You won’t be lonely as long as I’m around Y/N. And that is a genuine Miya promise.” He crossed his heart as the upbeat music came back over the speaker. “Now let's get busy.” You two danced with your bodies hot and heavy against one another. It felt like heaven the way your bodies swayed under the strobe lights. It was like no one else was on the dance floor but you and him.  You were fine and then all at once the tequila from earlier hit you like a train. The room was spinning and your spirit was rising. The liquid courage strikes again. You pulled away from Atsumu and stood in front of him.
 “Tsumu you  are so freakin sexy did ya know that?” You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his neck.
 “Well yeah I am pretty sexy, but what’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” He quirked his eyebrow up.
 “Tsumu, I had a little extra alcohol while you were in the bathroom. Don’t be mad please, but I’m feeling greatttttt.” You slurred out your words. “But don’t *hic* worry *hic* I can still dance, I’ve got a ton of songs left in me.” You looked up to see three Atsumu’s looking down at you. Between the alcohol running through you veins and the bright lights flashing your head went dizzy. The only thing you remembered before passing out was Atsumu saying something along the lines of “ARE YOU KIDDIN ME Y/N.”
“Next on the stage we have Miya Atsumu, he is the setter for the black jackals! He is single and ready to mingle.” You watched Atsumu walk up on stage, your body felt frozen. You watched him but his eyes never met yours once. You heard girls screaming out his name and bidding on him. But he's yours, right? You were unable to move, unable to speak. You wanted to scream out to him, but no avail. 
 “Going once, going twice, and sold.” You watched Atsumu jump off the stage and ran to the girl who won him. He picked her up and spun her around. This can't be right, he was yours. He wanted you, why is he going after her? He looked so happy to be with her, but he was yours, he even said it.  
 “Tsumu why?” Your voice came out finally.
 “Your not good enough, you never were.” He began to laugh at you as the girl pulled him by the tie and kissed him on the lips. 
 “NO!” Your body jolted up. You could feel your heart rate skyrocketing. You realize you had a nightmare, but it felt so real.
 “Y/N what wrong? Baby are you okay?” You heard Atsumu's voice but couldn’t make out where it was coming from.
 “Tsumu, where are you?” You felt hot tears run down your face. You see a lamp flicker on and spy Atsumu wearing a white fitted shirt and boxers. You realize you are in his bed, you could tell from the sheets and comforter you helped him pick out a few months back.
 “Hey, hey It's okay, tell me what's wrong.’ He came over and sat down beside you.
 “Tsumu am I enough for you? You could do so much better than me.” You sobbed out, he gave you a confused look.
 “You’ve always been enough, I don’t need better when I already have the best. Tell me what has you sayin these things.” He began to rub soothing circles on your back.
 “I had a nightmare, you told me I wasn't enough and there was another girl and she kissed you.” Atsumu looked sad as you explained your nightmare to him.
 “It was just a nightmare Y/N, yer my one and only. No one even compares to you.” He kissed your tear stained cheek. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
 “Kiss me.” You blurted out, you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. “Tsumu you don’t have t-” Your body fell back on the bed and Astumu hovered above you. 
 “Ask and you shall receive.” He leaned down and gave a kiss that made you lips tingle. He pulled away and look down on you with a gentle smile on his face. “Better?” 
 “Umm.. yes.” You lifted yourself back up. “Not to kill the mood, but what happened, how did I get here?”
 “You blacked out on me princess. I had to get Bokuto to help drag you out of there and load you in my car. I was going to take you home, but I brought you here to make sure you were alright. No more drinking three shots of tequila back to back, Sakusa saw you and ratted you out.” Atsumu handed you some aspirin and a bottle of water he had on his nightstand. 
 “Sorry Tsumu.” You lowered your head in shame. You felt guilty for making him go through all the trouble.
 “Don’t be, you were kinda cute clinging to me.” He got up from the bed and walked towards his dresser. 
 “Uh, Tsumu what is this on the floor?” You asked looking at a pile of pillows and blankets scattered beside of the bed.
 “That is my makeshift bed, I was going to sleep on the couch, but I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He rummaged through the dresser.  “I’ve got some of your spare clothes from the last team sleepover. Do you want to shower?” He handed you the clothes.
 The hot water felt like heaven on your tired body. You lather yourself in Atsumu body wash and tried to remember what happened exactly. You can remember Bokuto and Atsumu gilding you to his car at some point. You also remember Sakusa  dragging a drunk Hinata to his car, at least you weren't the only one. You remember a little bit of the car ride, Atsumu drove alot smoother thankfully. You stepped out of the shower and dried off. You felt like something was missing. You changed into your clothes and looked into the foggy  mirror. You reached up to fix your hair and noticed the tennis bracelet Astumu had given you was missing. You slammed open the bathroom door and ran to Astumu’s bedroom, he was laid back playing on his phone.
 “Tsumu my bracelet is missing!” You began to look around the room in sheer panic.
 “It's here, I took it off ya when we got here.” He pointed at his nightstand and you see the bracelet shine under the light of the lamp. You grab your chest and sigh with relief. 
 “Thank God, I thought I had lost it. I would be devastated if I lost the first gift my boyfriend gave me.” You eyes widened when you realized what you said.
 “Boyfriend huh? That’s got a nice ring to it.” Atsumu turned his phone off and plugged it into a charger. “Are you ready for bed, my girlfriend?” That did have a nice ring to it. You nodded your head and climbed into his king sized bed. Atsumu went to get back in the floor but you grabbed his wrist.
 “I’d feel a lot better if you slept next to me. Please.” You averted your eyes.
 “Anything for you, I’m relived you asked really. The floor is not very comfortable.” He lifted the comforter and crawled in beside of you. He kept a distance from you, despite what people may think, he was a true gentleman. You inched you way to his side of the bed and it didn’t go unnoticed. “Your making it obvious you want cuddled, come on over, I don’t bite.” You scooched over and laid your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you securing you in place. Your could hear the soft beating of his heart lulling you to sleep.
 “I love you Y/N.” He softly whispered into you ear and gave your forehead a feather light kiss. 
 “I love you too Tsumu. You’ll be here when I wake up right?” Your eyes struggled to stay open.
 “Yes I will, I will always be here. Sweet dreams my pretty girl.” You smiled and slowly fell asleep feeling safe and loved in his arms.
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aficwhore · 4 years
As I Lay Dying...(Part Two)
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Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary: After an argument, Spencer and the Reader stop talking while on a case. With tension and feelings in the mix, Y/n goes undercover, but do they make it out?
Word Count: 2,119
Warnings: angst, language, violence, near death experience?
A/N: Took me a while because the plot I wrote was very similar to another writer’s, so I rewrote it, but here’s part two! yay!!! How’d you like Part one? What would you like to see next?
(Part one ending: “When were you going to tell me?!” He forcefully asked.
“Tell you what?” I attempted to answer.
“That you were going undercover! That you were going to put yourself in harm's way?!” He slightly shouted.
This angered me, “I didn’t realize that I had to run my OWN decisions by YOU! Last time I checked, I was a grown woman. This is for the better, to stop this murderer! You are NOT my father, you are NOT my owner, and last time i checked, you are NOT my boyfriend!” I exclaimed back.
Spencer seemed taken back, his face showed shock and dismay. He was speechless, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“What? NOW you don’t say something? Unbelievable Spencer.” I exaggerate, turning on my heel and leaving him to himself in the hotel lobby.)
Reader’s POV:
Storming off, I found my way back to our room upstairs to grab what I needed for the day, my keys, badge, and wallet. My phone in my back pocket began to buzz, frustratedly I answer it as I locked the door and headed back down to the cafe. “Special Agent Y/l/n.”
“It’s Emily, we’re headed to the SUV’s, why’s pretty boy upset? Were you being mean to him?” she joked.
“No Em, he tried to boss me around, and I wasn’t going to let him.” I huffed, quickening my strides towards the front of the hotel, attempting to catch up to the team.
“Hmm, okay we’ll talk about it later just get your butt out here.” Emily muttered and hung up.
Now jogging through the doors of the lobby, I hop into the back seat of one of the two SUV’s, landing me in a seat next to the genius himself, Spencer. He stayed silent, not bothering to look in my direction.
“All ready back there?” Hotch questioned from the front seat.
“Uh yea I think so.” I breathed.
Derek slightly turned in the passenger seat to make eye contact with me. He quirked his eyebrow, as a silent way of asking what the deal was between Reid and I. I held up my phone and pointed to it, suggesting that I’d text him the deeds. He nodded and swiveled back around.
ME: “Spencer and I got into an argument about going undercover...Which was SUPPOSED to be confidential…”
DEREK: “Oh. I see. I may or may not have let it slip in front of him. I’m sorry Y/n.”
ME: “It’s okay, but he overreacted and tried to stop me. I get it, he’s worried, but why, I’ll be fine.”
DEREK: “It’s because he’s in love with you kid. He’s smitten lol.”
ME: “Whatever Morgan.”
I typed the last message as we pulled up to the police department. Quietly getting out, a hand grabs my arm before I make it fully out of the black car. I look back to see Spencer pleading with his eyes.
“What do you want.” I exhaled.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I just have a bad feeling about this Y/n. And I’m telling you not to go through with this, there’s other ways to catch the unsub.” He whimpers.
I retort, “I already made up my mind Spencer! Stop telling me there’s other ways. I know that, but this is our best shot.”
“Just listen to me for once!” Spencer raises his voice.
“Fuck you.” I spit, tearing myself from his grip and slamming my door closed. The rest of the team stand feet awake in shock and confusion. I walk past them and through the doors, in hopes to get this case over with so I can get away from Spencer for a while.
After what seemed like hours going over evidence and coming up with a profile, we finally are ready to start the undercover part.
“Alright, we need to make sure you look the part.” JJ smiles at me while ushering me into a small locker room with a bunch of clothing and shoes.
“Oh great, a makeover.” I playfully snort.
“You betcha, so all the women had been reported wearing red dresses, take your pic,” She explains while holding out two wildly short dresses. One was a low v-neck, leaving hardly anything to the imagination, and the other was strapless, an accident waiting to happen.
With a cringed face a reach out and take the low cut dress, at least it has straps. “Definitely this one, I don't trust the other one to stay up.” I giggle while slipping the red fabric on.
“Safe choice, now we have to pin up your hair. Give the unsub what he wants, something to easily grab onto. Hopefully he won’t get that close before we get him.” JJ’s demeanor shifts from playful to what seemed like nervousness or even a bit of fear.
“Jennifer Jareau, I am a big girl and can handle it if something happens.” I reassure her.
“I know I know, just Spencer said he had a bad feeling, and when is he ever wrong?” She voiced and she finished combing my hair into a slicked back ponytail.
“JJ, just give my shoes so we can get this over with and all go home, please?” I extended my hand out. She nodded and handed me a black pair of pumps. Slipping them on and standing, I take a deep breath. This was definitely not what I was used to wearing. How was I going to survive the pain in my feet AND fight bad guys?!
JJ and I walked out, only to be surrounded by the team.
“You remember the plan? Go in alone, mingle, catch people’s attention, when the unsub approaches you, calmly accept his invite to leave, follow him out to his car, get in and go to his house. We will be right behind you, nothing bad will happen. He doesn’t do anything to his victims til after you go inside and have a drink. When he offers you a drink, say the code word and we’ll grab him. Got it?” Aaron briefs me yet again.
“Yes, I got it, are we all ready? I just want to get this done, because I need a fucking drink after today.” I [proclaimed with a smirk, earning laughs from Emily, JJ, and Derek.
“Alright, we’re all suited up, lead the way Y/n,” Derek motions towards the doors.
Cracking my neck and rolling my shoulders, and I stand tall and glide to the black car waiting for me. As I slide into the driver seat, Hotch holds my door open and mutters to me, “We’ll be there the whole time. Just play it calm and collective, okay?”
I nod while slowly shutting my door. I take a deep breath and turn the key, the car engine coming to life. The drive to the club was short, but felt like ages. What was going to happen? Will I know who the unsub is? Will the team respond in time- I don’t doubt their abilities, my nervousness is just getting the best of me right now. I need to breathe, I got this.
After parking and making sure I look fine, I get out and strut as much as possible to the club entrance. Grabbing the attention of the other’s in line, I walk all the way up to the bouncer and give him the code, “I’m here for Vinnie’s party.”
“Oh yes, go ahead ma’am.” The tall man realizes and steps aside, just enough for me to slip into the dark and crowded bar. The smell of cigarettes and booze fill my senses. Heading to the bar I bump into a few people.
“Order a drink, sit at the bar for a little, then go dance, make your presence known.” Emily’s voice sounded from the small device planted in my ear. 
“Hey can I get a vodka cranberry please?” I tell the bartender. She nods, grabs a few things and mixes a couple drinks. While I wait, I glance around, no one in particular stands out. 
“Vodka cranberry,” the girl smiles, sliding it over to me. Handing her cash she shakes her head, “Don’t worry about it, the man over there paid for it.” She winked and turned to help another person. I look down the bar to find a beautiful man, blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a pearly white smile. He lifts his drink to me, to acknowledge it was him who bought my drink.
Grabbing my drink and striding over to him, I smile, “Thank you, for this.” I gesture towards my glass.
“Of course, just had to let you know that you are the most beautiful woman here tonight.” He smirks, making my stomach flip. 
“So, what is a handsome bachelor like you doing here, all alone?” I pry, hoping that he may be the unsub.
“Just looking to make friends and meet a nice gal like you.” He winks, taking a swig of his beverage.
“Well, what do you say to a dance? Or do you not know how?” I mused, seeing a flash of anger in his eyes. The unsub had been profiled to hate women who underestimated him.
“Oh you’re going to regret that.” He said harshly, grabbing my wrist and yanking me onto the dance floor.
He spun me around fast with the beat of the song, in an attempt to discombobulate me and throw me off my game. But I kept up, trying to beat him at his little game. His hand on my waist tightened, pulling me impossibly closer.
He leaned down to my ear, “The gig is up Ms. Agent. I knew from the moment you walked in. Dressed up, perfect to my liking, easy going, and very charming.”
My ear rings, “Y/n? Can you hear me? Have you seen anyone?” He sees the small device and rips it from my ear, throwing it to the ground.
His grip on me, getting impossibly tighter. “So here’s what’s going to happen. We take a nice stroll towards the bathroom, you follow MY lead, and maybe nobody gets hurt.” He sneers.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat with a nod. As he gives me a sinister smile, and begins to push me towards the back door near the bathrooms. I frantically look around, searching for any familiar face in the club, in hopes someone would catch on. But no luck.
“Wait, they-they’ll see us.” I try to lie as we make it out the doors and towards his car.
He lets go of my waist and grabs me by my hair yanking my head back, “Then we must be quick then, KEEP MOVING.” He shoves me into the side of the vehicle, throwing me off balance. He swings the door open and pushes me inside.
“They’re going to follow us. They know all about you.” I bluff, challenging him, but it only makes him angrier.
“SHUT UP. I have different plans for you.” He yells.
I yank on the backseat door handle but it doesn’t budge, some stupid child lock. The windows are too dark for anyone to see me in here. As he speeds off I search around for something to use. His car is completely empty.
He mutters angrily to himself as he drives faster. He’s distracted, perfect. Quietly sitting directly behind him, I reach for the knob on the side of his seat to adjust it. Thinking quickly, I pull it and throw my body against the chair, causing him to slam into the steering wheel. The car screeches as it loses control, swerving to the side, throwing me against the opposite seat. The wheels catch on the pavement, sending us rolling. All I see are blurs outside the window, until I’m thrown against the windshield from the force, causing me to lose consciousness.
I feel heat rising above me, I feel wet, and I’m in pain. All I can hear is the faint yells, the sound of a fire crackling, and sirens far away. Though I want to open my eyes, it’s impossible. As I slowly drift to silence, I think about Spencer, how he was right and how much I loved him...
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whereflowersbloom · 4 years
Damian found his girlfriend standing out on the lovely vine-shaded balcony, dressed in civilian clothes and staring out into the city. Night turned Gotham into an endless sea of luminescence. Skyscrapers around the city glow with the light of thousands of residents inside, creating trails of brilliance that ascend up towards the starry sky. It is quite beautiful, in its own way. The soft evening breeze caressing her ebony hair, creating wafts of lavender and rosemary in the air. Had she always been this breathtakingly beautiful? Slowly, Damian set his gaze towards the stars above. The precision that Raven studied the sky with passion, it fascinated him. It was as if she was reading lines from a story book, but instead there was a mass of speckled lights as she was connecting them, tracing invisible lines.
Raven took a deep breath of fresh night air and sighed, a mix of contentment, and something else, she couldn’t point it. “Have you ever considered what your life would be like If you had taken a different path?” Her breath hitched on the last word but her eyes had glance sideway to his large calloused hand still in hers, for someone who appeared to be controlling and unapproachable, Damian was surprisingly gentle and affectionate. The question caught him off guard. He felt a bubble of longing as he remembered her words that night at the carnival when she had called him kind and generous, nobody had ever spoken that way about him. That night something inside him changed, high and fenced walls began to crumble down.
Soaking in the view a little longer, Damian waited a few minutes before deciding to speak. He supposed that the saying that one’s life flashes before their eyes must hold some kind of truth, though he was not dying, and yet he had been dangerously close to the gates of death several times. Raven was his anchor amidst the unpredictability of their life as titans, always bringing him back from the turbulent waters. He couldn’t stop himself from recalling the most memorable moments of his unusual and complex life. He exhaled a long audible breath as he begins.” My life had been long decided before I was born into this world.” He murmured to the whistling wind, his words sounding faraway, even to his own ears. He would rather not relive any of the horrors he’d seen, the terrible acts he had committed in order to build a new world, make it better. What a blind and naive child he had been. At some point he had been ready to surrender his sword, his Robin suit, his claim to fight for others, offer her perhaps a normal life if that’s what she wished for. He would give her anything she asked for in a heartbeat. He squeezed her small hand tighter, Raven immediately noticed way he’s gripping onto it, like she’s the only thing keeping him tethered to this world. “After some time coming to the tower, I contemplated a rather uneventful, ordinary life. If my parents had conceived me under very different circumstances. If mother loved me more than her own insatiable ambitions. If father wasn’t the eccentric, mysterious millionaire Bruce Wayne or a vigilante consumed by his thirst to serve justice.” There was a tone of melancholy in his voice, the promise of a different retelling of a story. His story. “It wasn’t all bad. Mother…she used to read to me, every one now and then, nights like these. Tales about the greatest leaders in history, others about the origin of the Al Ghul dynasty. I treasured those moments.” He looked over at her, and he didn’t seem to recognize her for a moment, like the memory had been so strong it had actually confused him, taking him back to that instant. This was the most he’d ever really said about his mother. His past as an Al Ghul. Sure he’d shared some stories, about certain things he enjoyed and disliked. But he never spoke about Talia with such profound emotions. This was personal and precious to Damian. It saddened her. Saddened for the pain in his emerald eyes that he was trying to hide. Another long breath was blown between his full lips, and he deflated again, like he was accepting the undeniable truth. “Perhaps I would have met Jon at a local school and we would play basketball after classes and Greyson would be the team’s coach. Maybe we would have crossed paths at the extensive and valuable Gotham Public Library. I would have offered to treat you a cup of Earl Grey tea. A part of me believed I’d have picked Veterinary medicine as my bachelor degree.”
She looked at him with such intensity and Damian thought her violet eyes grew deeper, darker, more reflective. She was weighing her own reflection in his eyes, trying to see through him like she always did. And they both were visualizing, a different life consisting of trivialities, a simple lifestyle, maybe in the countryside, a rather nice and quiet house, perhaps similar to the Kent farm with some slight but substantial improvements. “What about you?” He abruptly asked her, startling her. Oh she had never been sure about her own future. “As the daughter of an inter-dimensional demon. I didn’t think a future was possible for me. A happy family, a stable romantic relationship, loyal friends. Everything was endless blackness when I was trapped by Trigon. What I have right now is more any blissful future I could have imagined.” She muttered softly. This companionship between them, the mutual care, the tender loving, the sense of equality between them, the feeling of belonging to each other beyond any outer interference because they chose one another. Their family and friends. Everything was more than enough. Damian was unconsciously too absorbed at how she looked at the whole world as one precious thing, values life in every form and shape. Her unnatural powers gave her the ability to look into something and see what others can’t. It was fascinating. He was thankful too, sincerely appreciated what he had. His father, troublesome siblings adoptive or not, his teammates and Raven. He is product of the flames which burnt him, his actions, his choices and the will that made him grow formidable instead of breaking. They both were. This woman was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his human days with.
“There’s something that wouldn’t change. You. It’s always been you, Raven.” He’s got a dazed look in his eyes, a familiar bright gleam to them that hadn’t been there earlier, but he flashed her a dazzling smile at her, one that make her insides jump. Raven let his words sink in. He wanted her even if things were different and joy seeped through her whole body.
She just felt greedily wanting more time with him, every moment and experience. She loved him, from the possessive way he held her or how he kept on touching her the instant they are alone and he felt he same. They have been together for a few years now, it took them some time to announce it to their significant others. No matter how things turned out, they have this genuine, real and consuming love. That emotion when you felt like your lungs are out of air when your lover is away from you, everything was so intense and yet so tender, you were worried it would break between your fingers like crusty autumn leaves. She focused on him.
Damian looked out of his depths. He’d always been so controlled and measured, knew the weight of his every word and was completely unflappable despite whatever life threw at him, but now he didn’t. He seemed as if he was nervous, unable to spell out his own feelings. Hesitant. Could be her imagination but she sensed a slight agitation awakening in him.
“Marry me, Raven.” The words are said with his whole heart. They are genuine and honest and very him. He couldn’t hold back the words any longer. Why wait anyway? theres simply no time when you’re busy saving the world day-to-day. There’s no question to calculate when is the right right or your fated person, no formula for the correct time. Timing. There’s no use reminding about the past or the life they would have dreamed to have. The present was a gift and ultimately what matters the most. They have been romantically involved for 4 years now. He knew she was the one the moment he gathered courage to ask her out, court her properly the way he had been taught. Initially, he planned to propose differently but it felt right. This conversation only strengthened his resolve to make a Raven his wife.
“Damian.” She breathed with astonishment.
“No buts. Marry me.” He commanded with an eyebrows raised stopping her from coming up with an unnecessary excuse, content filling his veins and the marrow of his bones, flooding him with a blanket of warmth and hope. He didn’t want to wait anymore. He wanted her, now and tomorrow and the rest of his existence, and she loves him. Like he knew she’s always had her doubts on if she could be loved or she did before they started dating.
Her bottom lip trembled momentarily. She felt a bit like she can’t breathe properly, but then Damian is reaching up and gently cupping her cheek, and she exhaled shakily as he runs the pad of his thumb over her lips. He was looking at her dead serious, asking her to marry him. “I’m not taking the chance to wait too long.” Damian whispered urgently. His tone more serious than before. Her heart was hammering in her chest. They moved in together about a year ago. Were they ready to take the next step?
It felt too real all of a sudden. Too damn real, and she wants to drown in it this moment, in this bottomless sea of feelings for him. She wanted to pretend that this is real and more than that, she wanted to say yes. Damian Wayne didn’t take a no for an answer. When he was determined, he did everything posssihke to get it, one way or another. And she loves him nonetheless. Raven felt her heart flutter, her chest tightened ever so slightly as she finally exhaled. “Yes. I’ll marry you, Damian.”
“I love you.” Her voice breaking as tears are rolling down her cheeks and the small smile on her lips. It was easy to find herself gravitating toward Damian, falling back into that wordless sync they had. To feel herself being pulled into his personal space as he crowded hers. Until they faced each other with barely inches between them and her breath hitched as he snaked his arms around her, emerald eyes softened, glowing against the moonlight, they didn’t leave her, and his arms made the distance between them disappear. Their lips are barely touching but he can feel the softness, the plumpness of her mouth, like an overripe fruit. She brushes her lips against his and Damian rapidly kissed her fervently. His lips breathing silent ‘I love you’s. The low giggle that rumbled up through her could not be contained though she tried. She knew several language but no words could describe this ecstatic happiness.
Damian is overwhelmed by the sweet taste, the delicious scent, the warm feel of her. He was intoxicated and drunk off their hungry kiss. He trailed his hand on her waist up her back and feels her heart hammering against her ribs and wonders for a moment if she’s feeling as consumed by the kiss as he is. If she is as incredibly happy as he is right in this moment. He didn’t need a different life, this one was exactly what he wished for.
Damian made a mental note to ask Jon to accompany him ring shopping tomorrow. Tonight he had plans to celebrate his engagement with his gorgeous fiancée.
His lips brushed hers in a soft, tender rhythm once again. Once. Twice. Thrice. Harder, and a little bit hungrier than before, until her fingers are intertwined in his hair and his solid body is pressing against her frame. He lifted her up effortlessly, taking a few steps back, taking her back to their bedroom. Two figures bathed in tranquil starlight disappeared.
Oneshot because I need fluff. Final edit
Thank you to @chromium7sky @ravenfan1242 @deep-in-mind67 and all my readers for motivating me to write. This might be the last chapter for a while. 💜💜
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writingjoycebyers · 4 years
Jopper Enzo’s hc
Ohhh a classic!
Jopper - Enzo's
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Joyce gets ready at home and takes a nice long bath. She uses the occasion, the feelings of nervousness and excitement, to take a little time for herself: She wants to take care of herself, feel good in her body, ease her mind, make it special.
Hopper is at the cabin, trying to pick a decent outfit cause man, she‘s gonna look great and he does not wanna fuck it up
He pick‘s her up that Friday night, 7 pm, and although the front door is open, he rings the doorbell.
She‘s as good as ready, but not fully ready, when she runs to the front door, throwing her coat over her arm and slipping into a pair of fancy, black shoes she hasn‘t worn in ages. She wears a dress. It‘s black, simple and embraces her curves, and she feels all dolled up. Her cheeks start to match the red of her lipstick when she opens the door and Hopper stands there, dumbstruck, because he wants to greet her, kiss her cheek or hug her, but all he can do is stare.
„You‘re..:“, he mutters and she laughs, and leans up to him for a quick hug. „Hey, Jim.“, she says, and it‘s a gentle whisper.
The drive is short, the music on the radio is decent, and she can feel him stealing a few glances at her whenever the traffic allows him to losen his gaze from the road for just a second.
Enzo‘s is packed when they get there, and he tries to be all gentleman, taking her jacket, pulling the chair back for her. It‘s a weird feeling, she thinks, but she could get used to it.
They share some wine, until Hopper tells her the truth - he wants to order a beer so badly. She finishes the bottle off on her on then, and it makes her light hearted, and giggly, and gets her into the mood for a little walk down memory lane.
There‘s this short moments between conversation, when they look into each other‘s eyes for a second too long, and Joyce‘s heart starts to beat a bit faster, and warmth starts to radiate from her core. For the first time in a long time, she feels light and happy.
The date ends with them walking home, with great food in their stomachs and a little too much alcohol in their veins. They chat, and no one mentions anything supernatural, anything dark.
In front of her house, she‘s about to say good night, he takes her hand and pulls her close.
Lips meet lips, a soft goodnight kiss, a mixture of beer and wine, a mixture of feelings. She holds onto him, kisses back gently and ...feels at home. In more than one way.
Bonus: A chapter from my old, first Stranger Things Fic Back and Forth in Time. It used to be the fourth chapter. Called Friday Night. I took the story down some time ago, because it needs working on, as I said, it was my first fic ever and the writing style can be improved. Nevertheless, the fic had about 25 chapters and if you want, I could post more? Let me know. It was a good mix of flashback chapters to high school jopper and then post season three stuff. It was a bit off canon tho. Loads of fluff, slow build and friends to Lovers. And a good ton of angst x comfort. My fav.
Have this chapter as a sneak peek (there are way better ones though) and...
Let me know what you think. I'd love that...
Anyways, here you go, give it a read under the cut:
Joyce stood in front of the mirror. She couldn't decide whether she should wear her hair up or down. She was just combing it once again, when Will turned up in the doorframe, grinning.
"Down, Mum. Just leave it like that. You look pretty. And plus - Hopper has probably seen you with the most messy hair ever so - you can't do anything wrong tonight."
"Oh thanks, Will!", she said to her younger son. "It's just been a long time since I - well I actually never dated, you know. I met your father in high school and Bob... he was more of a movie night at home person."
"And what kind of person is Hopper?", Jonathan asked as he turned up behind Will. He was also getting ready for a night out with Nancy. Jonathan chuckled. He was obviously a bit amused by the fact that his Mum was driven crazy by the idea of going out with Hopper. He had never seen her make such an effort for a man ever.
"Well ... Hop is... he's a surprising kind of guy. He might not look like an Enzo's kind of person but originally it was his idea and yeah, he's probably in for some dating once he feels better and I mean...", Joyce started muttering nervously, "we're friends of course. Friends can also have dinner at Enzo's together, right?"
Will and Jonathan looked at each other and then started mimicking Joyce: "Hmm we're just friends!". The two boys couldn't stop laughing.
Jonathan was the first one to catch his breath again. "No, Mum, seriously. You picked a really nice dress. Have fun tonight. I'm staying with Nancy at her house, if that's alright? And Will's having a sleepover at Dustin's place. So don't worry about us, just enjoy the evening with Hop."
Joyce felt touched by how much her son cared. She stood there in front of her mirror in a simple black dress, her hair down and some light make up on her face and she could not believe how fast time had passed since her Jonathan had just been a little baby she had to care for.
"Thank's, Jonathan. Take care and you know what I've told you about staying over at Nancy's: It's fine for me as long as it's fine for Nancy. Will - have fun, and if there is anything wrong, tell Dustin's mother or call at Enzo's, alright?"
"Yes, Mum." , Will answered, knowing that whatever would happen that night, there was no way on earth he'd disturb that date by calling his mother in the restaurant.
In that moment the Byers family was interrupted by the ring of the doorbell. For a second, Joyce froze, and her heart skipped a beat or two.
"Hey, Joyce!" Hop said when she opened the door. Joyce noticed that he looked way better than the last time she had seen him. He wore jeans and a colourful buttoned shirt, he had shaved his beard and might even have seen a hairdresser. He even smiled at her.
"You look great, Jim. Shall we?"
The two sat down in Jim's car and talked about this and that during the short card ride to the restaurant. Having arrived there, they were led to their table. They both opted for white wine, so they decided to share a bottle, just the way they used to do it during their last year of high school, stealing alcohol from Jim's dad's wine cellar.
"Just like the olden days.", Joyce chuckled as they were half into their first glass of wine.
"Yeah, it was a nice time back then, you and me. We were so carefree those evenings in my room.", Jim smiled. He loved thinking about those times. They used to sit on the floor in his room, share a bottle of wine and smoke cigarettes. Joyce was to bring the cigarettes, Jim stole the wine. The perfect team. They used to do this once in a while back then, on weekends before all the bad shit happened. The shit none of them liked to talk about.
"Jim, I just wished we could have stopped time. But...", Joyce seemed to be interrupted by her thoughts. Jim knew exactly that she was thinking of the way her life went shortly after. All the bad shit. She quickly changed the subject. "In middle school we used to love playing outside, climbing trees. In high school we exchanged that for cigarettes and wine. That was a fun game too. And then... that one night we danced around your room and your mother nearly caught us."
For the next fifteen minutes, Joyce and Jim took a deep dive into memory lane. Joyce had done this on purpose. She wanted Jim to think of happy times, times that had nothing to do with the upside down and it seemed to work. His old smile was back, he even burst out into real laughter once when Joyce mimicked their old teacher, Mr. Cooper.
"Hopper and Horowitz, detention!", Joyce said, imitating the voice of their teacher when he caught them smoking at school between fifth and sixth period.
Jim laughed until their food finally arrived. Joyce had opted for pasta while Jim had ordered a pizza and a small salad. "You know, Joyce, I'm happy we finally made it here. A real date, I mean, after all those years."
Joyce looked him into the eyes, long and deep. He could see the sparkle in hers. "Me too.", she just said, their hands slightly touching on the table. For the rest of the evening they were in a good mood, both feeling relieved that they were both walking down the dating lane. It had cost both him and Joyce a lot of courage to be ready to turn their friendship into something more.
Joyce loved that evening. She loved having Hop around and she loved talking to him. They had called it a date but she knew she was no easy person. She had anxiety issues and although she was in a fun mood she felt doubts creeping up: Did Hopper see her the same way? They had gone through so much together, in high school and in the past years. Did shared trauma help them fall in love ? Or would it eventually get in their way?
Joyce tried to wash away those thoughts while Hopper was telling some funny story about Flo at the police department. She smiled at him and tried to focus on his story again. No bad thoughts tonight, she thought to herself.
After dinner, Hop felt like he should not be driving anymore. They decided to leave the car in Enzo's parking lot and walk home.
"I'll take you home anyways.", Jim said.
It took them about 15 minutes to walk to Joyce's place. The air was fresh and clear. It was a bit cold and cloudy but still bearable. There wasn't much talking on the way home. Both knew the evening was coming to an end and they were both not sure how exactly it would end.
They shared a cigarette on the way home, but they did not touch each other. They were just kissing through that cigarette.
"I had much fun tonight, Joyce. Thanks for making me.... for stopping my sadness.", Hop said as they stood in front of Joyce's house.
"I just couldn't see you like this anymore. Broken. It made me happy to see you smile again.", she replied. And it was true. The purpose of this date had been fulfilled, although there had also been another reason for them to meet up: She had been wanting that date for years.
Hop pulled her close and hugged her tight. Oh God, how often he had hugged her this way during all of those years of friendship. Friendship and ... Love? Friendship and confusion fitted them better. He kissed her gently on the forehead. "Night, Joycie. We should repeat this.", Hopper said softly, nearly whispering into her ear.
"Yeah, we should.", she sighed, as Hop walked out into the dark night.
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am-imagines · 4 years
Legendary 4.5 Morgan!Reader.
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Being up at night is kinda your thing. It was like that even before everything.
Still, things became worse after the accident. Sometimes you lay awake in bed, feeling lost and unable to breathe. You don’t really cry, but the pain consumes you like a fire until your lungs burn. It’s then you wish with everything you are to wake up, to be in a world where she’s still there. It hasn’t happened yet.
Sometimes you wake up gasping, the remnants of a nightmare mixing with the real world in a blurry mess. The pain turns into rage, endless anger against the world. Those nights you need to walk or work out  in order to avoid the downward spiral. Many times you’ve stared into the abyss, fully conscious that a bad decision can take away whatever is left from you.
Finally, there are nights like tonight. You wake up and the world is too quiet while your mind is too loud. Your phone says it’s barely past two am. You only managed a couple hours of sleep and exhaustion is still very much present. Nor a surprise really, but you won’t be able to sleep again. There’s practice in the morning so unless you find a way to rest, things don’t look particularly exciting.
“Scoot over.”
Your head snaps up towards the voice of your best friend. You can only see her silhouette in the darkness of the room. There’s no need to see her face to know she’s rolling her eyes at you with your lack of understanding.
“Move, Morgan. I’m not gonna stand here all night.”
Apparently, your body complies before your mind can process exactly what Janice wants. You move and she slips under the covers, pulling you close to her before you can try to complain. This is something you haven’t done in a long time; a hand on your waist is enough for your shoulders to relax a bit and you sigh in contentment.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper after a second, “didn’t mean to wake you up.”
A scoff is the thing you get as an answer. Janice knows you don’t do it to bother her. There are some things you can’t control, and she has always been there to make it better one way or another. Her slight annoyance is at your need to apologize, to take the blame for things you can’t be blamed for.
Still, she holds you tighter.
Your bad sleeping habits aren’t something new, but they haven’t been this bad in a long time. So, she worries. She does so because Janice is your best friend; you’ve been attached by the hip since you were born and it’s no wonder she knows you better than anyone else.
“What’s going on, Y/n?” She asks quietly.
Right then and there it’s the two of you with no one else to judge you. You’re safe and comfortable enough to open up to her, to share what’s in your mind and the things that make your heart heavy.
“I’m trying to let go.”
At some point everything you’ve been bottling up was bound to come crashing down on you. Crying on Sonnett’s shoulder can’t fix everything, you’re aware of that. But it’s a breaking point, the realization that you can’t keep going as you were without it taking a toll on you.
You built walls to protect yourself, to not feel the pain even when you were choking on it. And instead of keeping the sorrow out, you were drowning on it.
Your team came knocking on the door then. They threw you a lifesaver and opened a window to let all of that pour out. Taking care of the aftermath is on you, to put the broken things back in place and get rid of those that simply can’t be fixed.
It’s not easy, but it’s necessary.
Trying to process your emotions during the World Cup is perhaps the worst timing. It messes up your already screwed sleeping schedule, but well, it’s not always too bad. You’re learning things about yourself you didn’t know before, and rediscover those you forgot.
You’re becoming a better you instead of the shell you were so adamant on being.
You weren’t alone after Alex died, but the place you had considered your home was nothing more than a house. Suddenly, soccer was the sport Alex loved and little more. Sure, it was an escape, but also a prison; leaving you stuck between a rock and a hard place.
You want the world to see you as more than just her daughter. At the same time, you don’t want them to forget her. Not when she did so much to inspire a revolution for equal pay, respect and overall appreciation for the sport. Not when her name is associated with the highest honors; world cups and Olympic medals, golden balls and boots and MVP’s.
Not when she means everything to you.
“You don’t have to let it all go.”
Some things might not be perfect now or ever, but they’re still worth holding onto.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
“I know it’ll take some time still, but...you’re alright, Y/n. I promise.”
You mean to keep the conversation going, instead you yawn and rest your head on Janice’s shoulder. If her arm gets numb, she’s gonna have to shut it, or unceremoniously shove you off at seven am as you realize when you wake up abruptly.
You only open your eyes long enough to glare at her.
“Jerk,” you mutter lovingly.
“Go back to sleep, Morgan,” she retorts with a good natured laugh.
It’s a very, very, tempting offer, but you fight it off for another second.
“Thank you.”
Your words are almost silent, but you know she heard you when she pats your head. You’re already half asleep when you hear her answer.
“Got you.”
“Oh my God! Is this how a fully rested Y/n is like?” Janice pants while trying to keep up.
After practice ended, you stayed behind with one of the coaches for some extra work. Then Janice decided to join along with Press, Long and Krash. Before you knew it, the whole team had additional training. However, all but Janice yielded at the forty-five minute mark; too tired to keep going.
“I’m so not sleeping with you again then.”
“You could’ve left with the others,” you taunt.
“As if. Someone has to keep you in check here. Otherwise you’ll work out till tomorrow.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
You doubt anyone can last that long, but you’re one of those that would probably try. It’s not the hill you wanna die on so you smile sheepishly at Janice when she makes another remark.
“Last five minutes?” You ask.
“Yes! Thank God!”
You can’t help but laugh at Janice’s antics. She’s still her usual self, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You slow down in those last minutes, to get your breathing and heartbeat slowed down gradually before stopping.
“We should visit the zoo.”
“Pretty sure I’ll only be visiting my bed after this.”
“Not today, you moron.” You say rolling your eyes. “But you know, next day off?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
Finally getting off the stationary bike, you stretch before downing the rest of your water battle.
“Come on. It’s time for the ice bath.”
“Hasn’t this been torture enough?” Janice asks dramatically.
“Hurry up, O’Hara. You’ll thank me in the morning.”
“If I don’t kill you first.”
“Oh, shut up. You love me.”
“This is the most challenging match this team will face in the group stage. Germany was a tough challenge, but going against the host of this World Cup will tell us the chances to advance through the next round. Australia has grown while the USA went to less, and they’re the contenders for the title. If the USWNT wants to win it all, they have to go through this team first.”
“We must also consider the player rotation the USWNT will have on this game. That will certainly add to an already complicated game.”
Your heart beats along with the music in your earphones. It’s a way to keep your nerves at bay before you can finally make it out of the locker room. You’re on the bench for the day, but that doesn’t dwell your excitement of the game.
“Listen, guys!” Sonnet calls as you group around her and Pinoe. “We know the Aussies are good but so was Germany. So was Brazil, but we got the results we wanted. This won’t be different. We’re part of the group of death, and we’re conquering.”
All of you nod and cheer in agreement while Pinoe takes the lead.
It’s wild to say but you’re the underdog of this competition. However, this position allows you to be the dark horse.
No one expected you to win the first two games.
No one expects you to win against Australia.
No one really believes that you can win the World Cup. Not yet.
But you’re here, ready to fight to the last minute and the last breath.
“You already know what you gotta do on the field, now it’s time to do it.”
Five minutes later the team has elected Krash as the captain once again. With one last cheer, the starting lineup make their way to the tunnel while the rest of you head to the bench.
   “The final fixture of the group phase is here! And what a match it is. I think we can all agree that not having Morgan in the line-up is a surprise. Even with the much needed rotation on a tournament this important, you’d expect to see their best scorer on the field.”
“If there’s nothing stopping Y/n from playing, she should be in the game. Australia is far from an easy match, and maybe this is a sign of overconfidence from the USWNT. Their group is the group of death and even when they’re practically through with a tie here, they can’t get complacent now.”
“There’s only one way to find out. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for some soccer!”
The pace of the game is fast, so fast that some players can barely keep up.
Australia is the home team, they have all the advantages here, but even when they press high and seem to have the USWNT team cornered, they can’t get anything past Harris.
The goalie proves time and time again why she’s the captain. She brings security to the back of the field, and it’s there where everything begins. The defense get their heads on the game, stand tall to every onslaught and soon enough just a few balls make it through; none of them dangerous.
Then, the midfield does the same, pressing and recovering before launching forward. The game generation starts in a moment’s notice, guided by Sonnett giving instructions from the sideline. Everyone follows the plan, and soon enough they’re playing at top level.
Australia can’t get close enough, but neither can the USA.
At some point, Megan calls you to sit next to her. You do so without a word and for a long moment neither of you say anything. You watch the game in content silence.
“You remind me a lot of her,” she suddenly says.
The unexpectedness of her words forms a knot on your throat and you have to swallow harshly. Pinoe pretends not to notice, giving you a moment to compose yourself. She rarely talks about Alex; this is hard on her too. You can see it in the way her jaw clenches.
“It’s not just how you look or how you play. I know Harris is the captain, but you’re the heart. You help your team when they need it most, and they listen to you. More than that, they believe what you say.”
You listen silently, suddenly overwhelmed by emotion, but it’s the good kind of emotion.
“Alex had this fierceness in her, not a bad bitch like Kelley,” she adds, making you chuckle. “But she had a fire about her. Sure, we all wanted to win every game. But not like her. I was there in her first World Cup and I knew, I just knew, she would be something special. And I’m sure she would have been so, so proud of you. You have that same fire, Y/n. And just like I was in her first, I am in yours. You’re also meant to do great things, something special.”
“Coach, I...”
But you have no words. You struggle not to break down in the middle of the match, but you manage. Barely.
“Don’t care about what the fucking world tells you, kid. You are every bit her daughter. But you’re also every bit yourself.”
Those two concepts are not exclusive, you can be both. You are her legacy, but that doesn’t stop you from creating your own. It starts here, with this World Cup. You have to prove, not to others, but yourself, that this is where you want to be.
No, this is where you belong.
“Whatever happens, you’ll enter at the sixtieth. After half time, you’re up to warm up right away, understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Now, let’s keep pushing.”
“That’s the end of the first half! It’s been a rocky game so far. Australia is a very competitive team. They have speed, agility, and a lot of talent on their ranks. But I think we’re seeing a USWNT that knows how to play each match. Even without Y/n on the field, they were able to keep the game even.  I see potential on this team, but will it be enough to win it all?”
“Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. They’re not losing, but they’re not winning either. There’s still forty-five minutes to go, and several matches on this World Cup if they want to do something really meaningful. There’s a long road ahead if they wanna be anything like the Golden Team.”
You take a deep breath once it’s your time to warm up.
The rest of the world fades away as you crack your neck and Janice soon joins you to start. You’ll be the first two substitutions. You wanna strengthen the midfield and push forward with absolutely everything you have.
Maybe Alex isn’t physically there, but she’s in everything that ultimately makes you, you.
You warm up and remember when you joined your first little league team, with Alex holding your hand as you jumped around in excitement. You remember your first cleats with the same colors you wear now; a Christmas gift that made your eyes shine with awe.
You remember training with her when you had an important match in highschool and going out for dinner no matter the result.
Alex always had your back and now it’s not different; her number is now yours. As yours is the responsibility to continue what she started more than two decades ago.
She gives you strength and when you finally wait by the sideline to enter the game, you let go of the fear. You let go of the anger and even most of the pain.
It becomes a dull ache that you doubt will ever go away completely. But it’s better than the overwhelming grief you’ve carried on your shoulders all this time. You let go of the doubts and accept that they’re looking at you hoping to see a bit of the magic she had.
You’re not completely sure if it’s the same even after Rapinoe words. But you have magic, not just as individual players but as a team, and you’re here to prove it.
You look at Australia and don’t see them as the host anymore.
This is the World Cup. This turf is your home. You came here to stay until the end. And it wouldn’t matter if the World Cup was in Russia, South Africa, Japan or Argentina. The World Cup is your place. Soccer is your language, and lucky for you, is universal.
“Morgan has entered the game. What can she do with limited time?”
Australia’s defense is solid like a wall.
You…you are a wrecking ball.
A fistbump is exchanged with Janice and you take your place waiting for action to resume with a corner kick in their favor.
The whistle blows and the ball soars straight into Krash hands. You exchange a look and a nod with her before rushing up.
You enjoy the rush of adrenaline, pat one of your teammate’s shoulders on your way to the midfield and they understand to follow as you run past them. It’s something simple, quick and effective that draws the entire team into action.
The best way to wreck their defense is to use their offense against them. A high speed counter attack and they have no time to react. You see Long with the ball on the far right, she sees you on the left and you know exactly what’s going to happen.
Her pass is flawless as you enter the box from the left into your mother’s favorite definition zone. You see the last defender get lost in the play while the goalkeeper tries to close the angle. And she closes it, if you were to shoot with the right foot.
However, your mother had a saying.
Practice the left.
The goalkeeper has zero chance to stop the ball as it finds its way into the net.
  “That’s a goal! And what a goal it was. A magnificent shot from Morgan that could simply not be stopped.”
“She had created the space, and she didn’t waste it. It was a fantastic play from end to end that gave Australia no time to react. And I think we all saw a goal in true Morgan fashion with the first ball Y/n touches after being subbed in. With only fifteen minutes to play, I feel that this team is close to being group leaders.”
“What will this mean for them?”
“In the big picture? Little. But it’s a better chance facing the next round. They have some big names, and they got some big results. However, for a team with so much story as the USWNT, nothing but the title of Champions can be considered a Victory.”
“Do you think they have what it’s needed?”
The team is all around you in a matter of seconds and you jump into Harry’s arms. Her assist was just sublime and you wouldn’t have had a chance otherwise. So you hug her tightly while everyone else cheers.
It’s just one goal, but in a game that has been so close and with little opportunities, it can very much mean securing the last three points.
But you keep pushing. You keep trying. There’s no way you’ll leave victory to chance when you’re close enough to grab it with both hands.
In the end, one goal is enough. The game ends and you get the win to go into the next round as group leaders. More than that, you feel like titans in a world of heroes. You’re ready for the glory, and there’s absolutely nothing and no one that can get in your way.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
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Interesting interview with CW President Mark Pedowitz. Roswel, New Mexico is not mentioned, but he talks about programming decisions, straight to series orders, the next fall schedule etc. Another thing he mentions is, that he's happy that The CW will air a few more "family oriented" shows (like the Kung Fu and Walker reboots, and Superman & Lois). If you squint, RNM's very much a "(found) family oriented" show - with aliens. ;)
Pedowitz also mentions, that they have several slots to fill for the upcoming fall, and the 2022 spring schedule, but they haven't made all the decisions yet. While we might not hear about a S4 renewal very soon, this gives me a fairly good feeling tbh. RNM's an established show, it's comparatively "cheap" to make, they have great tax incentives in New Mexico, and the show is doing overall well enough in ratings and international sales.
Mark Pedowitz, broadcast's longest-tenured chief, has no regrets about delaying the start of The CW's fall season.
His network (like Fox), made the decision last summer to wait until the new year to bring back scripted originals like Riverdale and All American. The late start afforded productions more time to get used to filming during a pandemic, where episodes take longer (and cost more) to complete. It also.
While the January fall launch gives the network a backlog of originals to air without interruption (provided the pandemic doesn't have other plans), it also delayed decisions like the network's traditional mid-January slate of early renewals.
Now, as The CW prepares to formally launch its fall season on Sunday with the returns of Batwoman and All American, Pedowitz talks with The Hollywood Reporter about how the network is plotting a return to business as usual, including more straight to series orders, developing shows with heart and, yes, the future of all things DC.
Let's pretend we're at TCA: When will you bring Supernatural back?
If they boys want to come back, we're ready to have them. (Laughing.)
The CW traditionally hands out early renewals during this time of year. Where are you in those conversations, especially since your season doesn't formally start until Sunday with Batwoman.
I'm just getting into those discussions. I came from a studio background and understand the importance of early pickups — it allows for better preparation. We're a few weeks away but I need to finish up some internal discussions.
ABC, NBC and CBS all returned originals late last year. In hindsight, any regrets holding the season start to January
No. Once we said it, we felt it was the right thing to do. It would have been too patchworky. At this point, it gets longer and longer and you're waiting to get back into some form of what's your finished product going to look like? I have no regrets. I just wish it didn't take this long to happen.
How much has The CW's late start to the season — originals return next starting Sunday night — impacted the way you conduct business, both in terms of renewals and the negotiations for pilot orders, etc.?
We did this strategically and made choice in the summer because we were concerned with misleading affiliates, the consumer and the ad sales community that we were going to have a fall schedule in the fall and felt that wasn't the right thing. We found some successes with some of the acquisitions, like Stargirl, Coroner and World's Funniest Animals. Some of those are good linear, a lot of them were great on digital. Our digital presence was kept alive because of that. That said, our fall had Supernatural. And once that came back, we were doing [ratings] numbers we were doing pre-pandemic.
We are interested in seeing how people react. It's not just a covid issue right now; it's also the uncertainty in the country with news being as much of a viewing choice as anything else. We're going to have to see how it all plays. We're getting a little colder of a start than we would have if we rolled out of summer. On a digital basis, we're fine. On a linear basis, it's gotten harder.  On the development basis, nothing has really changed. I think straight to series [orders] will be done again this year — just for financial purposes so people can get going as quickly as possible — by the end of January. That could change because the surge could change. But there is a bit more flexibility to it. We're still on the same schedule: we have to talk to advertisers in some form in May about what things look like for the following fall. We're hoping that the following fall is closer to a normalized fall — like 2019 was. Do I think it will be completely that way? No. Do I think it will be much more that than not that? Yes.
So, you'll be focused largely on straight to series orders instead of pilot pickups this season?
We haven't seen a lot of development yet. Lost Boys and Maverick [ordered to pilot last year], because of what occurred, are back in contention as development, not because they got picked up to pilot last year. They're in the mix with many other things, including dramas from Ava DuVernay, Black Lightning spinoff Painkiller, Wonder Girl, PowerPuff Girls, The 4400. The scripts are coming in slowly. Right now, I've seen just a handful of scripts and I'm waiting for others to come in so I can make some decisions. They're in contention for how we pick up pilots or direct to series.
Last year, you went straight to series on Superman & Lois and Walker largely out of concerns that there could be a WGA strike. Why is this an attractive model for some development this year?
A lot of is dependent upon what we're dealing with in terms of production needs with ongoing series in a sense. The other is what's the economic impact. Bypassing pilots is short-term less money than going straight to series. We look at the economic impact and if we believe enough in these shows and that will determine the decision.
With two veteran shows — Supergirl and Black Lightning — ending, how much more room on the schedule do you anticipate you'll have? You're making straight to series decisions based on a slate that will have just gotten under way.
We'll have space for three or four shows for next season, 2021-22. We're sorry to see Supergirl and Black Lightning go, but we're happy to have Naomi, Wonder Girl and Painkiller in the hopper right now. From The CW-DC/Arrow-verse — whatever we're calling it these days! — I think we'll be OK for the next generation. The Flash is new leader with Arrow gone and we're hoping Superman & Lois and Batwoman step up there for a new grouping of shows.
How much more life is left in veterans like Flash and Legends as you develop the next wave of the Arrow-verse? Especially when you have Greg Berlanti doing a big-budget Green Lantern and DC world at HBO Max and J.J. Abrams doing Justice League Dark for the streamer?
And they have Matt Reeves' Gotham PD there, too. It always makes me feel good when we're copied. (Laughing.) There's a lot of life left. Greg and I speak quite frequently. I'm not that concerned.   You recently passed on Green Arrow and the Canaries. Why? Timing. We couldn't quite figure out a model similar to Stargirl and couldn't quite get there. We were hoping to have it start at HBO Max and take a second run on The CW, but we couldn't figure out how to do it and couldn't make it all work.   Last year's pilots Lost Boys and Maverick are back in the development stage. What's the status of The 100 prequel?The 100 prequel is still in discussions at the studio level. I'd like to see it happen. I'm comfortable with where the prequel spinoff episode we did this past season. It's not a pilot; the earliest that would happen would be probably summer 2022, if that happens. We may end up deciding that we can't put the pieces together and it won't happen.
Speaking of the studio level, Warner Bros. is in the midst of a massive change as Channing Dungey is replacing Peter Roth. How does the changeover at Warners — which co-owns The CW alongside CBS Studios — impact the network? What kind of conversations have you had with Channing about their content pipeline since Warners is your main supplier?
Peter and I had remarkable partnership and relationship, and that will be missed. Channing worked with me when I ran ABC Studios and we've known each other for a long time. She's very supportive of The CW and the shows that go on The CW. There are shows she'd like to keep there and get on the air there. Obviously, her priorities may be a little different than Peter's. We are all working toward the same goal.
How has the pandemic and our current state of the world changed the types of programs you're looking to make? Can you do a show like Maverick, set on a college campus, during a pandemic? Do you still make dystopian stuff, especially if it's expensive?
Maverick is still in contention. I just had this conversation with our development team. I've come to the point right now about hope. About safe havens and a place where you can just ease your tension a little bit. One of the nice things about Superman & Lois, Walker and Kung Fu is at the end of the day — despite all the superhero/genre and Texas Ranger stuff — all three shows are about family, which is an important aspect going forward. You'll see Superman in a way you've never seen him before. And you'll see Jared Padalecki in a way you've never seen before. After watching all eight of Wentworth, I switched to Bridgerton because I wanted something light and fluffy. And I found Ted Lasso a worthy successor to Schitt's Creek — it gave me a hug and made me feel good. It made me remember that the human condition is not always bleak. That's where my head's at these days and I'm hoping development is more hopeful than it is dark and dismal.
Have you considered keeping production on your scripted shows going through the summer given the current covid surge that's happening this winter and the uncertainty in terms of vaccinations and new, more contagious strains? 
We work with the studios on episodic orders and when the shows would end, when they can revert back to a normalized schedule — some can do more easily than others — so we could be there for next October with a more normal schedule. We've sat with the studios and our production partners and have figured this out. Barring catastrophe, we think we're in good shape.
The CW is a joint venture between Warner Bros. and CBS Studios. Since both studios have prioritized their own studios, how much longer does it make sense for them to operate a linear network?
That's a question for them. for the moment, both parent companies are happy with how this is set up. They recognize the value of The CW brand for selling their shows in digital aftermarket.
Interview edited for length and clarity.
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meetthetank · 4 years
Rating: General AudiencesArchive Warning: No Archive Warnings ApplyCategory: F/M Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Relationships: Steve Burnside/Claire Redfield, Steve Burnside & Alexia Ashford (kind of) Characters: Steve Burnside, Claire Redfield, Alexia Ashford (kind of), Jill Valentine Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Touch-Starved, Post RE Rev2, Therapy Group - Freeform, Read A/N for more context, Steve is a sad sad man who missed out on A Lot, Angst, Subtle love languages Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29232369 Summary: Months after being rescued from his second island prison, Steve Burnside tries to adjust to a normal life while dealing with the scars left both physically and mentally. Luckily, he has some help. Notes: Sooooooooo here's the thing. There were worms in my brain. Real bad. So this is like... a manifestation of a longfic that I want to write later down the road. Some things to know before going in. 1) Steve revived on an island meant to store "failed" B.O.W. experiments that was left abandoned. He was there for a year and some change. 2) Allie is a child clone of Alexia who was in the same facility and befriended him. They live together and Steve is her legal guardian. 3) Jill runs a victims of B.O.W. experimentation which includes Steve, Manuela, Sherry, herself, and some others. I think that's everything but if yall have anymore questions feel free to ask. This is incredibly self indulgent to write but I hope you guys enjoy it too. 
“Please stop pacing,” Allie sighs, “You look like a caged beast.”
Steve glares at the child, a clone of the insane woman who killed him, as she sips her tea at the other side of their flat. She glares back, her hazel eyes sharp as ever. She’s waiting for him to retort so she can shoot him down with a smart ass remark like a shark circling a drowning bird. When all she gets is an indignant huff she sips her tea and rolls her eyes.
“You do this every time she comes over. If she didn’t run away at the first sight of your ghastly visage she’s not going to run now.”
Steve sighs, “Yeah, but-“
“What absurd thing are you putting in your own head this time?” Allie snaps, setting her dainty pink teacup next to her stuffed dragon, “You’re going to stink up the room if you think too hard.”
He tunes out the insults with a scowl, but Steve knows the kid is right. He’s thinking way too much about this. Claire didn’t run away screaming the first time they met since he came back, she’s not going to do it for the seventh.
Even still, as Steve passes by the mirror in the front room he jumps at his own reflection. The person inside doesn’t look like him, it doesn’t feel like him. Their ginger hair isn’t wild and tangled, it’s washed, brushed and tied up in a small ponytail. Their shocking green eyes aren’t sunken into their sockets, and there’s a splash of red sunburn on their skin. He can even see a smattering of freckles across their nose and cheeks. They look like a stranger, but the deep, ragged scars across his face remind him of his past. The biggest and ugliest of the marks starts well above his hairline, drops down over his right eye and curls over his lips. A few smaller ones run across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, but they aren’t nearly as deep.
He always thought scars were sexy when he was a kid. Manly. The marks of some action hero or badass. Now they just… Make him look tired and scared.
A small hand grabs onto one of his. “Did you take your medicine today?” Allie asks without a trace of her previous vitriol.
Steve shakes his head. “I’m out of the anxiety pills. Ms. Valentine said she’s going to bring them over when she comes to pick you up.”
“Okay.” Allie says with a curt nod.
“You got everything for your field trip?” Steve meanders over to the kitchen again, eager to change the subject.
“Can I have some spending money?”
He raises an eyebrow, “How much and what for?”
“Fifty for museum books.” Allie puts her hands on her hips and glares up at her guardian with defiance sparkling in her eyes.
Steve crosses his arms over his chest, “Twenty.”
Allie lifts her chin, “Forty-five.”
“Forty-five and I buy you a cool rock from the Natural History Museum.”
With negotiations done (and Steve down forty-five bucks) the only thing left to do is wait. He switches the tv on to drown out his own thoughts. Some hockey game. It’s not his team so he doesn’t care too much, but it’s a comforting familiarity. At least sports didn’t change too much since ‘98.
Steve let’s himself zone out as much as he can to the game. At one point he thinks about getting a beer but decides against it. He’d probably have one or two with Claire at dinner. That, and his meds don’t mix well with alcohol if he hasn’t eaten. So instead he bounces his leg, bites his nails, and busies his hands with whatever he can reach.
Did he used to be like this? It’s hard for him to remember past his awakening and even harder to think past Rockfort. He was a neurotic mess out of necessity on the Storage Facility Island, a place where any sound could be death, and Rockfort was a similar story with the addition of his teenage bravado, but before he was taken? He barely remembers what his parents looked like, let alone what social masks he had to put on. Steve lets out a long, quiet sigh. It doesn’t matter anymore. He’s like this now, and that’s all he needs to know. At least now he has a support system.
Just as Steve starts to calm down, the doorbell rings.
He jumps out of his chair and bolts to the front door, heart in his throat and stomach upside down. His hands begin to shake as he reaches for the knob-
“Hi, Steve.”
“Oh,” Steve sighs, a bit too loudly judging by the way the visitor raises an eyebrow, “Hey, Jill.”
She gives him a warm, knowing smile as she fumbles with her shoulder bag. “Claire coming over today?”
“Yeah.” Steve scratches the back of his neck, “That easy to tell?”
Jill laughs, “Careful now, Redfields can smell fear.” She hands him a paper bag from the local drugstore, “Here. I know you said you were out of the anxiety meds, but I got everything refilled for you.”
“Oh! Uh, thanks!” He tosses the bag across the room to the chair he had just left. “So what museums are you hitting today?”
“All depends on our little cruise director.” Jill says with a small laugh, “Speaking of-”
Allie brushes past Steve, the charms on her backpack jingling with each step. “Air and Space and Botanical Gardens! Oh, and Natural History too. I promised I’d buy Steve a cool rock.”
“Easily bribed, I see.” Jill smirks at him quickly, then turns her attention back to Allie, “Sounds like a deal, kiddo.”
Eager to get on her way, Allie all but jumps out of the door and runs to where two more members of their little therapy group, Manuela and Sherry, wait. Both women greet her with smiles and hugs, and she wastes no time in launching into sharing things she had learned since the last time they had spoken.
“I’d stick around,” Jill says as she backtracks to the group, “But I feel like if I wait any longer there’s going to be a mutiny.”
The rumbling of a motorcycle echoes down the street, and Jill turns back to Steve with a quick smirk.
“Besides, you have company.”
Jill darts over to the group, casting a wave back to Steve and over to the biker before motioning to the ladies to begin their trek. Steve watches with wide eyes and a thundering heart as the biker dismounts and pulls off their helmet, revealing short auburn hair and stunning blue eyes. She gathers up a few plastic bags from her bike before jogging over to him, while he stands there like a deer in headlights.
“Hey, Steve!” She says with a bright, radiant smile and shoves some of her bags in his hands.
“W- Hey, Claire.” He fumbles with the grocery bags, “What’s all this?”
“Dinner. Figured making our own burgers would be better than ordering out.” Claire explains and shuffles inside the door as Steve moves aside for her. “And more fun.”
Though Steve can’t deny her claim, he also can’t fight the apprehension that coils in his stomach. He can cook, sure, he had to or die on the island, but he has no idea how to use any of the kitchen gadgets Jill’s group and Terra-Save set him up with. None of it is as simple as a slapdash firepit and some scraps of metal. Maybe if he’s lucky Claire will know what to do and he can just chop vegetables or something. The last thing he wants to do is make more of a fool of himself.
“Uh, sure!” He blinks his thoughts away, shuts the door and retrieves his bag of medicine from the chair.
By the time Steve turns back towards his kitchen, Claire is already busy setting up groceries and making herself at home. He watches her take off her heavy bomber jacket, revealing a thinner red and black flannel, and set it on the back of a chair at the kitchen table. She drops her plastic bags on the counter and grabs a beer out of his fridge; she looks like she’s been coming here for months. Something about the image before him makes Steve’s chest tighten. He’s not sure if it’s a bad feeling or not.
“Huh?” He snaps out of his stupor with a jolt.
Claire wiggles the opened bottle in her hand, “Did you want one?”
“Oh, uh, sure.” He stammers and rubs the back of his neck but walks across the room to take the beer. Maybe he did need something to settle his nerves after all.
Claire smiles at him like she’s known him all his life, like she knows what’s going on in his head and she understands why he’s so awkward and nervous around her. What was it that Jill said before? Redfields can smell fear? He knows it’s a joke but the way Claire seems to understand his fidgeting and hesitation leaves him wondering if there’s some kind of truth to it. A few gulps of beer (technically a hard cider, his first beer made him vomit) gives him enough bravado to at least go into the small kitchen with her.
Thankfully, she doesn’t ask him to work any of the gadgets. Claire’s hands glide over buttons and knobs, setting temperatures on his stove and placing pans. She directs Steve to break the ingredients out of the bags. Ground beef, cheese, brioche buns, vegetables, and a myriad of spices.
“This is a lot for just burgers, isn’t it?” He asks, mouth full of stolen tomato.
“Come on now, you know I wouldn’t do just burgers.” Claire laughs a bit, a sound that makes Steve’s heart stop. “This is an ancient Redfield family recipe.”
“Should I be worried?” Steve can’t help but smile back. She has this way about her that makes him feel lighter, like everything takes a backseat to just… being around her. He can joke, come out of his shell a little. She won’t hurt him.
Claire giggles at him, “It’s the way our dad used to make them. Chris held onto the secret ingredient till he was… Thirty something I think. I basically had to interrogate him for it.”
He raises an eyebrow and grins devilishly, “So...what’s the secret?”
“Oh, just a blend of spices.” She shrugs, “Nothing that inventive. But it’s special to Chris, so don’t go telling him I told you.”
Claire winks at him then turns back to mashing the ground beef into patties, leaving Steve to gawk at her. She’s delightfully impish when she wants to be, he can see himself getting into all sorts of flirtatious teasing matches with her… if he weren’t so weird. She directs him to chop up the tomatoes and onions after she catches him staring, again with a playful smirk and slug to his shoulder.
Something he had to become good at while on that remote island, alone aside from Allie and the wild B.O.Ws, was how to observe. The more he watches Claire out of his peripheral, the more she reveals to him. He watches the way her face falls as she focuses on the burger patties, as if she gets lost in her own thoughts and forgets where she is for a split second. It isn’t hard for him to see the sadness she hides from the world, it’s the same kind as one he carries. The reason Steve still roots for his hockey team, or even still watches the sport is because it reminds him of his dad. It’s the last connection he still has to his late father, and of a time mostly lost to him. He feels more special than he should that Claire would choose to share something like that with him.
Suddenly a sharp pain shoots up Steve’s arm. He drops the knife, now streaked with red and pulls his hand close to his chest with a hiss. His heart races and his eyes dart around, searching for other dangers in the area. Anything might be lurking in the shadows waiting to take advantage of his weakness. He scans back and forth for threats, eyes wide and alert. Nothing catches his attention except-
“Steve?! What happened?”
Claire drops her own knife and rushes over to him overcome with worry, but stops in her tracks when Steve backs away from her. He looks like a frightened animal, eyes wild and darting to anything that moves even the slightest bit.
“Did you cut your hand open?”
Her voice is soft and gentle as she approaches, hands low and outstretched to him. She doesn’t step closer, she waits for him to bridge the gap. Steve can see the caution in her face. Like she’s trying to coax a stray kitten out of hiding.
It works.
“Y-yeah,” Steve says, dropping the tension in his body a little. “I uh, wasn’t paying attention and… I guess it slipped.”
He opens his hand enough for Claire to see the small streaks of red that pool beneath his thumb. It’s superficial, barely deep enough to scar. The virus would already be hard at work stitching the burst blood vessels together, but he should still clean and bandage it. He has a bad habit of picking at the scaly scabs that form over wounds.
“Are you okay?” Claire asks, taking a small step forward. The gap between them is barely a foot wide. “That looks like it’s bleeding a lot.”
As Steve starts to relax further, Claire’s fingertips brush against his hand for a split second. The shock is enough to send him reeling back, his heart leaping into his throat. His instincts tell him to run and hide or fight his way to a safe place. Somehow he finds the self control to speak.
“No!” He yelps, loud enough to startle Claire. He lowers his voice but takes another step back. “No, I got it. It’s fine.”
He doesn’t stick around long. He can’t bear the worried, somewhat hurt, look on Claire’s face. Steve hurries into the bathroom around the corner and shuts the door before the fear and guilt tear him to pieces from the inside out. With trembling hands he turns on the sink faucet and lets icy water run over his open wound. It stings a little, but nothing he can’t endure. The excess blood trickles down the drain and vanishes in seconds. Just as he thought, the cut isn’t deep at all. That eases his anxieties somewhat, but not enough to stop the oncoming panic attack. Before it overtakes him, he wraps a washcloth around his hand to contain the blood as best he can.
Steve sinks to the floor and puts his head between his knees. It’s a struggle but he forces himself to take deep even breaths, just like Jill had taught the group. Though his head still spins, it helps to calm his heartbeat enough that it doesn’t feel like he’s about to have a heart attack. The trembling stops once he lets his consciousness fade to survival mode; he only thinks about his breathing and that he is safe.
Claire isn’t going to hurt him. No one is. He’s safe here. He’s safe with her.
Claire isn’t going to hurt him.
The world slows down, finally. Steve isn’t sure how long he’s been here but it can’t have been too long. Claire hasn’t come knocking on the door looking for him yet, and the savory scents of meat and spices being seared drifts in from the kitchen. His stomach tightens at the smell, helping to distract him further. Though his whole body feels heavy and drained of energy, Steve finds the strength to push himself to his feet once again. He cleans the now dried blood off of his hand, sloppily wraps his hand with a bandage, and dumps the rag he was holding into the wastebin before leaving the sanctuary of the bathroom.
When Steve returns to the kitchen, he expects Claire to rush at him and assault him with questions, but the only question is in her eyes. Wide, blue, and deeply worried about him. She doesn’t say anything or move to approach him, she only watches and waits for him to be ready. The way her brow creases and turns upwards at the ends make her look guilty, and that sends a pain through his gut he can’t identify right away.
“All good.” He announces, showing off his slapdash bandages. “It’s not deep. Just wanna keep it from getting dirty. And keep myself from picking at a scab.”
Claire looks at him with such intensity that Steve almost shrinks back from her gaze. It’s like she’s staring right through him.
“You sure?” she asks, keeping her voice low and gentle.
The genuine worry throws Steve for a loop. “Yeah.” He flashes her a wry, lopsided smile full of false confidence; as if he didn’t just have a panic attack. “I’ve had a lot worse.”
Claire studies him for a moment, then scoffs and shakes her head. A small grin finally appears on her face and it takes his breath away. “Yeah, I was there for some of those.”
She turns back to finishing up dinner. A shadow crosses her face as she grills the burger buns as a final touch, but it’s gone in a flash. Steve busies himself with getting drinks and plates, and thinking of something to say that might distract Claire from whatever sadness is eating away at her.
“You’ve had a lot worse than that.” He says with a grin, and immediately regrets it. Why did he think it’d be a good idea to bring back those kinds of memories?!
But Claire turns around and smiles broadly at him. “Oh you have no idea.” She drops a plate of burgers and a plate of toppings on the table, then as if to give Steve another heart attack, she props her leg up on the chair and rolls up one of her pant legs. A long, wide scar follows the length of her toned calf. Tan with age and wear, it stands out against her pale skin.
“This was from the Tyrant in Raccoon City.” She smirks, almost proud of her scar. “I was lucky it didn’t hit bone with how deep it was.”
There’s an edge to her voice, testing him. Teasing him. Steve grins. If Claire wants to have a scar battle, then he’s more than happy to show off.
He points to the largest scar on his face, “I got this from-...” Shit, he can’t tell her it was from falling down a mountain. That’s not cool. “...I got it from this big… Turtle thing.”
Claire raises an eyebrow at him, “Turtle thing?”
The lie spins out of control in his head, faster than he can stop. “Yeah! It was like...a big armored reptile B.O.W. Had these nasty claws for diggin’ in the ground. I got too close to it and it swatted at me. I’m lucky I didn’t lose this eye.”
He puts his hands on his hips and puffs out his chest a bit. He can’t pinpoint why showing off his trauma like this makes him happy. Maybe he’s just happy to share it at all. It doesn’t matter to him now. Claire is smiling. He’s smiling.
They go back and forth, showing each other their scars and places where bones were broken while eating homemade burgers and fries. Claire shocks Steve with just how many scars and injuries she suffered over her years of fighting bioterrorism, and he astounds her with his stories of his misadventures on the B.O.W. storage island and his encounters with all manner of beasts. Watching her listen to him with such fervor and interest almost makes him forget how horrific it all was. It helps in a weird way.
But that changes in an instant.
When it’s his turn to point out a scar and tell a story, he stops thinking. He lifts up his shirt, exposing the most gruesome scar on his body with an excited grin. A scar that stretches from his collarbone and disappears beneath the waistband of his pants, with dots alongside it on either side. Instead of a jagged outline like the scars left by accidents and B.O.W’s, this one is straight, clean. Surgical.
“This one was from when they autopsied me.” He explains, far too excited about the grim display he presents Claire. “It still itches like hell where the staples were-”
Steve snaps to reality once he looks up to see Claire’s awestruck face. Instead of excitement, it’s horror. Her hands cover her mouth and her eyes, brimming with barely restrained tears, lock onto his stomach and a wound so old he had almost forgotten about it. Beneath the autopsy scar, beneath the scars from man-made beasts, there’s a circular mark a similar color to the scar on Claire’s leg. It’s old, faded, but still aches from how deep the tissue reaches inside him. The gravity of the old wound may be lost on him, buried under the countless others that mar his body, but it’s fresh and raw to Claire.
He hastily pulls his shirt down, “Shit- I’m sorry, I didn’t-... I forgot that…” There’s nothing he can say that will ease her mind. He reaches out to her with one hand, stopping just by her arm before pulling back and sinking back into his chair. Another muttered apology falls from his lips as he hangs his head in shame.
He doesn’t notice Claire get up and cross the gap to him. Not until she takes a knee in front of him and brushes his unruly hair out of his eyes.
Claire’s touch is feather light and tender, but even that sends shocks through his skin. It jolts him out of his shamed stupor, and Claire pulls her hand back a few inches. Her expression is something he can’t make out. Somewhere between pity, sadness, and guilt. Before Steve can properly figure out what she’s thinking (something he’s never been good at) Claire runs her thumb across the large scar on his face, slowly and gently. He doesn’t flinch away from her this time. Then, something mundane yet earth shattering to this broken man out of time happens. Claire cups his scarred, stubble covered cheek in her hand.
Something breaks within him. A dam he didn’t know existed anymore that kept everything back, every trauma, every broken piece of him; some of which he didn’t even know were broken. Claire’s hand, her warm hand marred by callouses but still soft despite it all, molds to the contours of his face. There’s such tenderness, unrestrained kindness in her eyes and her touch and he can’t fathom how it can be directed to him. He doesn’t notice the tears in his eyes until they spill over.
Steve tries to calm himself with deep breaths but they come out stuttered and shaking. His shoulders heave, a lump in his throat chokes him. He screws his eyes shut, trying to shut out the vision of someone caring about him that deeply, but she’s still there. He can still see those piercing blue eyes boring into his soul and reading him like an open book. The moment Steve opens his eyes he sees the blurred outline of Claire Redfield wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
He wants to yell at her to leave, to tell her that he’s a lost cause and there’s no helping him. He’s too damaged, too broken. He’ll never have a normal life. He’ll never be able to pretend he isn’t a monster. He will never be able to have meaningful relationships. But all that comes out of his mouth is a broken, choked sob. Someone is touching him, someone cares about him. And he can’t understand it.
Despite himself, Steve pulls Claire into a tight embrace and sobs into her shoulder. Her fingers run through his hair, while her other hand rubs his quaking back. Steve can’t stem the tears, that’s a feat that even a mighty Redfield can’t achieve, but he can’t deny that simply being in Claire’s arms replaces despair with a strange warmth. For the first time he can remember, he feels...safe.
Eventually, the tears stop, and Steve is able to breath easily again. Claire doesn’t let him go for a minute and for that he silently thanks her. It isn’t until he begins to pull away that she too lets her arms down and pulls back from him.
“I’m sorry…” he mutters, wiping the stray tears from his eyes, “I don’t-”
“Shut up.” Claire commands and takes Steve’s hands from his face. “You have nothing to apologize for.” Darkness crosses her face for a moment. “I should be the one apologizing… I know you-... It’s hard after a while, not being… Not having human contact like that for a while. It’s not something they tell you about in therapy.”
Steve shakes his head, “I needed it. I really… Really did.” He sighs, “I...I didn’t know how much I...everything… still hurts.”
With that same kind smile, Claire leans forward and kisses his forehead. “It takes a lot of strength to admit you’re hurting that much. Give yourself some credit.”
“Maybe…” he says with a sad smile. “... Thank you, Claire. For everything.”
She takes his hand in hers, tracing the callouses and scars with her thumb. “Thank you for coming back.”
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
i will never be over the way this show has continuously tried to frame bellamy and clarke as heroes and good people, or the way the fandom has almost completely embraced and supported that narrative
the amount of times i’ve read “[clarke] saved everyone’s ungrateful asses” makes me seriously consider turning evil. like aren’t y’all bored? don’t you have a different sentence you would like to say for a change?
i want to talk about this but i probably don’t remember a lot of the details of this show so if im forgetting something or get something wrong i apologise, but i never have any desire to rewatch past s2.
clarke isn't even the hero of her own side, she took power of them using the military force of the grounders, someone else’s people, she’s forced them into alliances without their knowledge that weren’t in their best interest (while she literally had no idea what they were even going through because she’d abandoned them after upsetting their entire political structure, and this leader she’s bowing to is responsible for the slaughter of their children, has broken an alliance previously with them, has hung the threat of genocide over their heads, and who isn’t even wanted in power by her own people- dragging skaikru into that conflict, too), she’s sacrificed them and what’s best for them in order to cater to/concentrate on the grounders newest demands or pursue her own personal mission, she’s lied to and patronised them, she’s abandoned them and surrendered them to die while they were under her protection and responsibility, and in Book 2 (and these aren’t her people but in canon she’s their leader anyway apparently despite trying to blow them all up a few days before...) she’s abandoned them again, and is speaking for them without consent or any connection to what’s happening with them again,.........her inner circle/her ‘friends’ have to be extremely careful to remain important to her or on her team or they’ll be sacrificed, harmed or become acceptable losses to whatever her newest goal is too (but hey at least she says she cares about them) all while acting very ‘woe is me’ about the whole crushing weight of responsibility she shouldn’t have.
but she’s the hero, she’s beloved, she’s special, she has relationships that were never built, she and only she saved everyone again and has all the lines telling us so no matter how dishonest those statements are.
like this is where i personally see what you said in your ask most: when it concerns clarke.
bellamy on the other hand...i don’t place him at all on the same level as clarke when it comes to this. clarke has privilege that bellamy just never had as a character. and i think that does probably play into why i like him.
him being a hero to the delinquents/the 48 is completely believable to me. he was the original leader, he got them through a tough time, he chose to put himself on the line for them, and he’s the one who stayed. i also think it’s reasonable that fandom might romanticise him this way because he is one who has been shown to value the one life as well as the many of his people, a guy doing his best and making big mistakes along the way, a mixed complex bag of good and bad, i find him very likable and i love the toxic/pained/vulnerable ones lol but more than anything i find him to be one of the more interesting/entertaining characters on the show (Book 1).
we also see him torment himself with his own mistakes instead of just having other people do it for him/remind him like we see happen with clarke- and we all know fandom loves equating that with a “redemption arc” and as much as i personally dislike seeing pity parties i do like self-awareness and responsibility in characters that goes beyond a 3-second-long puppy dog look or straight dismissal of someone else’s pain, and for the most part bellamy’s expressions of this don’t come across as demanding sympathy from others but from genuine self-loathing and an honesty to himself, internalising the effects of his actions/childhood.
i know i personally prefer The Flawed Protector over The Tortured Saviour nobody asked for (same white male hypocritical moral hero in a woman’s body).
i don’t believe in assigning “hero” to any of them though like that’s the whole entire point of the show lol “there are no good guys.” and i also think a major chunk of fandom/shippers have warped bellamy’s character so much that it isn’t even him anymore, so this man they’re celebrating as a hero/good person isn’t even bellamy sometimes.
all of the genuinely “good” and kind people are dead.
i don't think i'd say bellamy was ever framed as a hero. like he was just never important enough to be, he’s just not put into those positions (despite being the male lead), clarke is. as the protagonist ig. bellamy...he’s the protector/knight of the heroes, but not the actual hero himself (applies to octavia too i think, where she acts and he reacts).
like take mount weather, clarke becomes empowered by her “wanheda” status, bellamy’s (and monty’s) part in that is lost...clarke is “bearing it so they don’t have to” (rme) which simultaneously strips the other boys from claiming the ‘victory’ of saving the 48 while still leaving them with the guilt, like it suits how i see clarke perfectly that she’s the only one to refer to the genocide (and shutting down the CoL, i realised) as “i” while monty and bellamy say “we” and it was clarke’s actions that got them to that point in the first place, but this is one of those times she’s clearly The Protagonist. if that makes sense lol.
bellamy is on the opposite side to clarke in s3 and s7 and he needs to be moved to her side in order to be on the ‘right’ one. now i don’t agree with that one bit mind you (when it comes to s3, idc about s7 lol) and i didnt see it that way but imo that’s how the show wrote it, to the point he was either demonized endlessly by fandom or woobified in a way that denied him his own agency. during s5 i don’t i think anyone was framed in a good light. i can see this applying in s6, though- where he was his absolute worst self yet, betraying his own development, failing at every point to “do better” despite claiming it, but still was given that reasurring line that they did better and saved people and was in that “heroic” position i guess? but is that because he was back to being clarke’s “good little knight” tho? (but do we claim s6??? do we really??? do we claim it ladies???)
s6 was 100% dedicated to making clarke look good/like a 'good' or sympathetic person. the bodysnatching plot (and the s6 sheidheda plot because if it was supposed to be about bellamy and address his s5 actions he would’ve been present to experience/observe those consiquences himself but he wasn’t lmaoooo. instead it was to tell the audience ‘actually clarke was right last season and here’s another reason to feel bad for her and how those ungrateful bitches were treating her’) has no other purpose for existing. clarke's character has consistently been elevated at the expense of everyone else's. but im not sure the writing did a very good job convincing me she was a good person if it was trying to do that LMAO like my interpretation of her is so fitted to canon, and no amount of throwaway lines telling me how good she is did anything to change what i saw yk? and in s6, combined with being patronised by the writers, i found her to be at some of her most obnoxious.
i don’t agree with placing bellamy and clarke in the same boat tbh. like they just come from completely different places and come across differently, especially in the way they interact with other characters.
in my experience this fandom (on tumblr) is extremely skewed in favour of clarke, like ive never seen a fandom so obsessed with their protagonist. there’s A LOT of clarke stans who stan her for being one of those “deserves better :(” characters, selfless and heroic, and support that view that she’s the superior character, entitled to other character’s devotion, love and validation yet doesn’t have to reciprocate any of it. the CL/BC ship war was just a bunch of people fighting over clarke, who deserves her more, which character is more toxic to her, which other character would 100% be her bff supportive of that relationship, treating her as a passive whose actions don’t take affect. im not sure how much i blame the writing for that because if so many of us are capable of recieving her character in this way then...why aren’t so many other people? how is there such a massive disconnect between the ways we see her?
and imo a lot of the bellamy love in this fandom comes from shipping him with clarke too rather than being because of who he actually is.
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years
Stumbling: Chapter 10
Pairing: Raihan X Reader X Leon
Your life hadn’t gone exactly as you planned…
This is why when an old rival walks into the coffee shop you work at he gives you an offer you just can’t refuse. Finally, a chance at the League. Suddenly you are thrust into the spotlight and a world you thought you had left behind. Dreams aren’t always what they are cracked up to be though, especially when you find yourself the tangled up with the champion and a certain gym leader.
Has all your dreams come true?
Or is this your worst nightmare?
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Chapter 10: Hit Me with Your Best Shot You gaze into the sunrise taking in the colors with your sweater wrapped around you for warmth. Zuko lays curled next to you as a source of heat and protection, the little fire lizard yawns and stretches as he blinks up at you. You glance down at him as you giggle to yourself and pull a few berries out for him to eat. He happily snatched them from your hands and eats them as he too watches the colors dance across the morning sky. You had been up for a couple of hours now, allowing the guys to get some sleep. 
You watch as the quiet is broken by the Pokémon in the tall grass and the little pond slowly stirring to start their day. You are a little surprised when an apple is suddenly sitting next to you, also gazing up into the sunset. You blink as you look down at it and it turns to look at you. 
“An Applin…” you mutter to yourself. 
“Your Applin,” says a voice behind you. 
You whip your head around and you’re surprised to see Raihan sitting in the entrance to the tent. 
“My Applin?” You ask turning to fully face him.
“I caught him for you yesterday, I figured he would be a good addition to your team and…”
“And I wanted you to know that I’ll always be here for you. I know you have a lot going on right now so I don’t expect you to…”
“To what, Rai?”
“Return my-“ Raihan is interrupted as Leon shoves him aside and walks out of the tent yawning. 
“Hey what was that for?!” Raihan yells after his friend and rival. 
“You were blocking the exit of the tent,” Leon says innocently, maybe a little too innocently.
You glance back and forth between the two of them in confusion. 
“What is going on between you two?” You ask in exasperation.
“Nothing!” They both exclaim a bit too forcefully. 
“Whatever, let’s eat breakfast and get going,” you grumble to them. 
The air is filled with the sounds of Raihan packing up the tent, Leon feeding the pokemon and you fixing breakfast for the three of you. Oatmeal is your breakfast of choice today, so while it’s cooking you chop up some berries, get the seasoning ready as well any other topping you have on hand. 
“We’re going to need to grab food while we are in Hulbury,” you tell the guys. 
They just grunt in answer as they continue to focus on the task at hand. You have a feeling that whatever is going on between the two of them is a big part of the silence. You ignore them as you complete your task and announce that breakfast is ready. They finish up quickly before they rush over to grab their respective bowls. 
The three of you set out towards Hulbury the minute that the dishes are washed and put away. You gaze up at the blue sky as you walk along a little behind the duo. The clouds in the sky lazily float over the sun casting shadows every once in a while. Your newest team member is resting on your shoulder while he chirps up at the sky, clearly happy to travel along with you. 
“What are you going to name him?” Raihan asks, clearly enjoying the sight of the Applin he got you resting on your shoulder. 
“I don’t know… I’ve been thinking about it all morning.”
You think you hear Leon huff from in front of you and Raihan but you decide not to pay him any attention. 
Raihan sends him a look before he returns his attention to you. 
“So Raihan…” you start glancing over at the Dragon trainer beside you, “You know about the rumor for Applin right?” 
He glances over at you, “Sure do.”
You just nod with a soft blush on your face, “Okay I wanted to make sure…”
“Don’t worry princess, I gave him to you on purpose, but things are crazy now and…”
“I know…”
“It’s cool if you don’t feel the same you can still keep him…”
“I don’t really know how I feel… things have been very overwhelming recently.”
“I understand.”
“How about… once the League challenge is over we… talk about this more?” You ask hesitantly.
“I’d like that… Plus I technically can’t get involved with competitors soooo…”
You laugh, “So what was the point of this?”
“I want you to know that you’re supported and no matter what you have someone even when this is all over.”
“Thanks, Raihan. I needed to hear that… I’ve been doing everything on my own for so long that it’s nice to know that I have someone there for me…”
You share a smile with Raihan as he slings his arm around your shoulder. You notice how stiff Leon’s shoulders are and you wonder what has gotten into him lately. 
Hulbury is upon you by the afternoon and you head to the pokemon center to get your Pokemon healed up. You notice a few shady characters loitering around the alleys as you exit the center and head towards the gym. A crowd outside of the arena blocks the entrance and you raise your brows as you watch a kid rush out and smirk at the crowd. 
“Fan favorite?” you wonder aloud as you watch the kid sign autographs and give an interview to the reporters standing by. 
You continue your way toward the doors and you’re surprised when shouts of “There she is!” rise up among the crowd. Before you know it they are rushing towards you and you are surrounded by a group of fans and reporters are shoving a microphone into your face. You blink in surprise as you are bombarded with questions. You can feel yourself being overwhelmed as you stumble back. 
“Hey!” A forceful voice cuts through the crowd and everyone stops to stare in shock at Nessa standing on the front steps of her gym. 
“Could you give my challenger some room please?” she asks in an icy voice as she approaches you, the crowd parts like the sea as she does so.
You heave a sigh of relief as you smile at your friend, “Thanks,” you mutter as you step in line beside her. 
“Don’t mention it!” She says as she makes her way into the gym the reporters and crowd following closely behind in order to watch the battle that will soon unfold. 
You head over to registration after waving bye to your friend and get signed in. You find out there are a couple of challengers in front of you so you head to the locker room to wait your turn. 
Sitting on the bench watching the battles take place on screen you almost don’t notice the person that plops down next to you. 
“Well look who it is!”
 Turning you to your right you see Sonia sitting next to you.
“When did you get there?!” you exclaim in surprise. 
“A minute ago! Nessa has been helping me with some research but when she texted me that you were challenging her I knew I had to come to see you for myself!”
You chuckle as you gaze up at the screen showing the battle taking place before you. You sigh as you look down at your team on your belt. 
“Nervous?” Sonia asks. 
“Yeah… Things have been a lot lately… And Raihan kinda just confessed to me…”
“Raihan?! Really? What about-”
“Challenger (Name)! You’re up next please take your place,” a referee interrupts. 
“I’ll talk to you later okay? I have a battle to win.”
You don’t pay attention to Sonia as you rush to the starting area and race to complete the puzzle to get you there. 
By the time you make it to the arena, your clothes are sopping wet and you basically feel like a drowned Ratatta…  
You shiver as a gust of air from the interlock doors assault your senses before you make your way down the hallway towards the field. Once you step out onto the green you feel yourself straighten up as you head towards the center at the same time that Nessa is. You meet in the middle and shake hands before turning and walking towards your respective sides. 
“I’ve been waiting for you, you know…”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“You’re Leon’s chosen one, so clearly you must be good! Don’t worry though, I’m better,” she says with a smirk while she flips her hair over her shoulder. 
“We’ll see about that…” you smirk as you ready your first pokemon. 
Nessa sends our Goldeen as you release Axel your sweet baby throwing his fists onto the ground as he regards the fish Pokemon before him. 
“Axel, are you ready to play? Acid!”
“Goldeen! Use Agility then Water Pulse!”
You see sparks jumping from Axel’s skin before he sprays the general area with the acid. Goldeen dodges just in time and hits Axel with a blast of water. He Flails about out of habit hitting Goldeen and sending her to the ground. 
“Nuzzle!” you yell as the fish pokemon leaps up. 
Axel throws his arms out and wraps them around the fish Pokemon sending electric currents through her body. 
“Whirlpool! You have to get away!”
“Acid! Spray the water!”
You watch as the poison from Axel’s Acid attack mixes with the water swirling around the two of them. They both get swept up into the current, however, due to the paralysis and the poison now running through Goldeen’s system she is rendered useless. Once the whirlpool has subsided both pokemon lands harshly on the floor and you wait with bated breath to see if one of them is getting up. 
Axel sits up and shakes his head, water flying everywhere with a look of confusion. 
“Round one goes to (Name)!”
“Yes!” you exclaim as you throw your hands up and Axel throws his fists into the air. 
“Not bad… Let’s see how you handle Arrokuda!” Nessa releases her next pokemon and you know that Axel can’t survive this battle as well. Hopefully, he will be able to paralysis his opponent before you switch him out. 
“I know what you’re thinking!” Nessa says, “And it’s not going to work!”
“You don’t know what I’m thinking…”
“Don’t I? Aquajet Arrokuda!”
You curse under your breath, “Acid then Nuzzle, Axel!”
You know that Axel’s speed isn’t anything near this Arrokuda’s so your only hope is to slow it down. 
Dodging the acid from Axel Arrokuda slows down enough for Axel to catch him right as he’s hit with a Nuzzle. Axel falls backward knocked out from the move and you frown as you call him back. 
“Great job sweet boy… you deserve a nap.”
“Not bad… you still managed to get me…”
You frown, “I was hoping he would have survived at least one attack, your Arrokuda is stronger than I thought…”
“Serenity! Let’s go!”
Serenity readies herself as she glares at her opponent. 
“Bite Arrokuda!”
“Oh no, you don’t! Confusion then Magical Leaf!”
The attack knocks Arrokuda back as the paralyzed pokemon attempts to get up leaves whip up from nowhere and fly towards the fish pokemon. She takes a direct hit and is down for the count. 
“Oh, I’m just getting started…”
“Now we’re talking! Drednaw, go!”
“Return Serenity! Go Arum!”
Arum your Steenee dances across the field as the Drednaw roars.
“You ready?” Nessa asks.
You can hear the music pick up and the fans are already going wild for the Dynamax battle about to happen. 
“Let’s do this…”
Your bands activate and both of you return your pokemon before the Pokeball enlarges and you throw it behind you. Arum is released and grows about 10 times her normal size. She thrills as she glares at the roaring Pokemon before her. 
“Max Overgrowth!”
“Max Geyser!”
Both Pokemon release their moves simultaneously. You watch as the root-like vines fight to cut through the cannon of water blasting at it. You smile as the floor becomes grassy and flowers blossom right before your eyes. 
“AGAIN!” you yell hoping that Arum has what it takes to overtake the Drednaw before her. She dances around missing another blast of the Geyser just as it begins to rain. She sends the vines across the field with a direct hit sending out a shockwave of explosions as the Drednaw shrinks to its normal size before returning to its home. 
You laugh as you leap into the air in excitement before you turn to Arum who is shrinking to regular size again. She runs up to you and jumps into your arms as Serenity pops from her Pokeball to join in on the hugging as well. 
“We got our second badge!” 
“Great job, (Name). I knew that Leon’s original rival had to be something. Looking forward to battling you in the finals!” 
You take the badge from Nessa and the two of you shake hands as you give her a watery smile. Suddenly overcome with emotion you hide your face from the cameras as you make your way off the field. You throw your fist into the air one more time and grin as the crowd goes wild.
You inhale the sea air as you step out of the gym. You aren’t surprised when several people flock to you and for once you’re prepared for the onslaught. Kids ask for your autograph and you’re surprised at how many young women call you an inspiration. Young men blush as they ask for your autograph and several ask how Davine and Hades are doing. 
“When are we going to get to see them battle!?” a little girl of 10 asks. 
“When they are ready. Davine went through a lot and while she’s definitely improving I’m afraid the arena may be too much for her, same with Hades. He can’t see so loud noises still disorient him. They both need more training before I bring them out for a league battle.”
“That makes sense… I didn’t think of that… But they are doing good?”
“Yes! They are doing well!”
“You should put up videos on your trainer account!” says a fifteen-year-old girl. 
“Huh? My what?”
“Your trainer account! All trainers have one! It’s connected to your ID number so that fans can keep track of you on social media! You can upload pictures and videos of you and your pokemon!”
“Oh… Can you show me?”
 She takes your phone and shows you the app and how to use it. She asks you to pull out your badges so you hand them to her. She holds the ring up to the sky, so the blue is the background and snaps a picture. You watch fascinated as she captions the post and tags it before she posts the photo. 
“Seems simple enough…”
“Here! I’ll follow you!” She says happily as she pulls her own phone out, “The names Sunny!”
“Me too!”
“Post great updates!”
You’re surprised when the entire crowd pulls out their phones to follow you and you’re pretty surprised to watch the count go up right before your eyes. In less than a minute you have about 50 followers. You chuckle when you notice both Leon and Raihan’s username float across your screen. 
“She’s being followed by the Champion! And Raihan!”
“Hey look! Nessa too!” 
You chuckle as Raihan comments, “About time!” on your photo. 
“The second badge already?!” comments Leon.
“They’re commenting!!!!” squeals one of the girls. 
You laugh as you turn back to Sunny, “Thanks for your help! How do I follow you back?”
She happily shows you how to follow people and you smile as you follow back everyone in the area and thank them for their support. 
“We’re rooting for you!”
“You’re going to crush them in the finals!”
You giggle as you walk away from the fans and head towards the hotel that you are staying in. You are greeted by Leon and Raihan as you walk in through the door. 
“TA-DA!” They exclaim as they show you the celebratory spread they bought. 
“Wow!! So much food!”
“We wanted to surprise you, plus the seafood here is the best!” Leon says. 
“And what if I had lost?”
“Food always works both ways! In celebration or in comfort! It’s always a win-win!” Raihan chuckles. 
“True! Let’s eat!” 
You all sit down at the table and eat to your heart’s content. For the first time, the past few days things between Leon and Raihan seem to be at least at peace. You decide not to question it and just enjoy the moment. Right now you are victorious and one step closer to being the champion. 
“Kabu is next, you think you’re ready?” Raihan asks. 
“I need to get Nile ready for that battle.” 
“Do you think Nile can take Kabu’s team by himself?” Leon asks. 
“Not right now… I may have to test the waters with Hades or Serenity.”
“You’ll figure it out!” Leon says encouragingly. 
“I know but I think it would be good to take some time and train a little before we head to the next gym.”
“Whatever you need Princess…” Raihan says with a smile. 
You feel yourself blush remembering your earlier conversation with Raihan. 
“Whatever I need? What if I need an Ice stone?” you joke.
“Then your wish is our command.”
You chuckle at him. 
Glancing up you notice the way that Leon seems upset and refuses to meet your eyes. He’s playing with his food and you can’t help but wonder what is bothering him. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. You get up and open the door to find Sonia and Nessa on the other side. 
“Hey! We heard there’s food!” Sonia says as she makes her way into the room. 
“Plenty for everyone!” Raihan exclaims as he pulls you back down beside him, “Even if my plans to seduce you are ruined…”
“Raihan!” you yelp as you swat at him. 
He laughs as he lets you go and you notice the look that Nessa is sending you. 
‘Get that,’ she mouths before taking a bite of the shrimp on her plate. 
You roll your eyes with a shake of your head. 
You all fall into easy banter and you have to admit it’s nice having the girls around. 
“You know when I’ve had enough of the testosterone, the three of us should go on an adventure. Girls only!” you joke as you take a bite of the kale salad before you. 
“Hey, that’s a great idea! You can help me with my research!” Sonia exclaims.
“Plus the challengers will be finished in a month or so I could use an adventure!”
“Plus the guys are going to eventually have to back to their duties, Raihan’s going to have challengers to battle,” Sonia reasons. 
“Are you two suggesting that I leave my favorite girl to fend for herself?” Raihan asks with false outrage. 
“She can handle herself!” Nessa exclaims, “We’ll be there too!”
“No. It’s too dangerous,” Leon says in an angry tone. 
You all look over to Leon, who had been quiet up until this moment.
“Leon…” Sonia starts. 
“I said no,” he says before he gets up and storms from the room.
“What just happened?” asked Nessa looking after the champion. 
Sonia frowns before she gets up to follow behind him. A moment after she disappears behind the door you all hear the two of them arguing before Sonia bursts from the room looking angrier than you’ve ever seen her before. 
“Let’s go, Nessa,” She says as she makes her way to the door, “I’ll call you later (Name).”
You and Raihan blink as you look from one door to the next. 
“What the hell…” you grumble as you begin to clean up the plates. 
“Hey, I got it… why don’t you go check on grumpy? I have a feeling he wants to talk to you…”
“I don’t think so…”
“He does… Go talk to him.”
You frown before you knock hesitantly on the door before you enter. Leon is sitting on the bed with his back to the door. 
“Leon… what’s wrong?” you ask in a small voice. 
He heaves a heavy sigh, “I’m sorry… I ruined your night…”
“I don’t care about that… I just want to know you’re okay…”
“I’m not…”
“Why? What happened? Is it you and Sonia? Did you break up? What just happened?”
“Break up? Sonia and I are just friends…”
“What do you mean? Aren’t you two together?”
“No! I don’t see her like that! She’s like my sister!”
“But… when we were younger…”
“I lied…”
“You lied?”
“That day you asked me who I liked I lied to you because I was too afraid to tell you how I felt.”
“How you felt?”
“I had the biggest crush on you when we were younger… I regretted not telling you how I felt after I set out on my journey so I promised myself that once we faced one another in the league that I would tell you how I felt…”
“But I never made it…”
“No… And then when I came back home you weren’t there and no one knew where you were… Your parents didn’t even know…”
“I remember that year… You wouldn’t have liked me very much then… I didn’t like me very much then…”
“I would have liked you… I have for a very long time.”
“Raihan confessed… If you want me to leave so that…”
“No, I don’t want you to leave! How could you say that?”
“Don’t you want to be with him?”
“I don’t… know what I want…” 
“I made this whole thing worse didn’t I?”
“No… I just want us all to be together… Things can’t change right now, there is too much at stake.”
“You’re right… We have a band of thieves to apprehend and you have finals to get to.”
You chuckle as you look away…
“I had a crush on you too…”
“I thought you liked Sonia! I thought you wanted to be with her and you finally got what you want so I don’t really know how to feel right now.”
“If I could go back and tell young me…”
“Stop… We wouldn’t be who are today if anything had happened any differently. Our paths have shaped us and it’s not always been an easy path, but I love who I am in this moment with the people that I care about supporting me. I wouldn’t change my shitty life for anything ever.”
“Only you…”
You just shrug as you smirk at him, “Good night Leon. Oh and apologize to Sonia for yelling at her.”
He winces as he recalls his earlier actions, “Will do… Good night…”
You step out the door and Raihan is waiting on the other side. 
“So now you know our secret…”
“That’s what you two have been fighting about? Me?”
“We both like you, but we both want to make sure you’re safe. So we’ve just been co-existing while trying to get you to figure it out. You’re kinda dense when it comes to flirting you know that right?”
“I literally thought you were joking this entire time…”
Raihan chuckled, “Nope! Dragons always go for what they want Princess and believe me when I say I want you. I know you have history with Leon, but trust me when I say I’m not giving up to a man who didn’t have the balls to asks you out when he had the chance.”
“I believe you Raihan.”
“Good, now let’s head to bed, you’ve got training in the morning and I have to prove I’m the better man for you.”
You roll your eyes as he winks at you, but you can’t help the giggle that escapes as you head to your own room. When you pull out your forgotten phone from your bag you notice two text messages one for Sonia and one from Nessa. 
Sonia: You know that Leon likes you right?
Nessa: You know that Raihan likes you right?
You heave an exhausted sigh, “Thanks for the heads up ladies…”
You flop back onto your bed and close your eyes vaguely wondering what the future will hold now that everything is out in the open.
Notes: So a lot happened... Thoughts? Opinions? Concerns? Names for our sweet Applin? What does this mean for our crew? Things are probably going to get worse before they better... I’m just saying... BUT you should like and comment and reblog! As always if you want to be tagged drop an ask! I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Also, this isn’t fully edited... I was excited to get it out tonight...
@Ichigokage @pinktowne @marina-and-the-memes @ssskeletonsoffun @secretly-a-weeb @duizhangdeluxe @swiftly-heart @invaderbekk @crowkie @narees17 @skinklady @nerdyeldritchhorror @wthyuta @serendipityseoul @crescentrax @ninjarose23 @chiizwiz @cherryrocks505 @just-a-dregular @bonniestreet @theofficialkanekibarbie @maryry24 @zea-is-amazing @loch-monsta @artisticchihuahua @hadeselegy @rociomz @emeraldluna
@shinsvu-talks @eeveesjourney @cherryrocks505 @exoticxchicken8 @spilltheearlgrey @marydragneell @quincymaru @zebrabaker @ct9ner
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apex-academy · 3 years
Chapter 5: Caring Is a Hazard to Your Health (#26)
I end up hanging around long enough for some interested people to finish their breakfasts, but then it’s off to the races. I end up in a group with Ichiriki, Kaichi, and Aidan to raid the library and game room. 
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Maybe it’s easier to ignore what happened in here with so many people around. Or maybe it’s because I have something else to focus on. Maybe both. Doesn’t really matter when I won’t be coming back here for days.
Either way, I pick out a decent selection of books, and then we’re off to the next room. Aidan directs us to the few single-player board and card games available, though I guess we’re free to do something multiplayer if we get three to five people gathered in somebody’s room. Or something like that. I’m a little hazy on the details already, but no point asking if I’m not planning to host anything. About three of the games in here I’ve actually heard of, and they’re not my favorite of all time, so. No reason to get anyone’s hopes up.
We meet back up with the other group, mix and match again as needed, and gather up what laundry we have for one last wash. All very exciting. Lunch basically ends up being a whole other meeting, primarily over what food should be easiest to prepare in advance, how many of us can fit in the kitchen in the morning, et cetera. I can certainly see why we were given the rest of the day to get things in order before starting our lockdown. You never really realize how many things involve leaving your room until you can’t.
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A lot like not being able to leave the school... But anyway. We’re working on that.
Afternoon is more laundry, followed by divvying up supplies from the Nurse’s Office and Kokoro’s study hall. Feels like this would be a lot more efficient with someone besides Yuki handling things. I soon find out that still beats the “efficiency” of three people having to chase a six-foot-whatever Ichiriki around as he insists on giving everyone drawing paper for some reason.
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Every day’s an adventure.
The next time we meet to switch up groups, I end up throwing a pool tournament into our suggestion box for sports-whatever. May not be sporty enough for everyone, but at least you can play fine with a limp. And then...
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“Kogamino? May I have a moment?”
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“Ah? Sure.”
At least he's been doing better today than yesterday, but that’s not a high bar to clear. 
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“Were you still wanting to investigate Kishaba’s room?”
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“If you need lifting strength, Yuukei would make a good choice for a third person. Ah, though I suppose we need four now?”
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“Right...” I’d kind of forgotten about that, to be honest. But today’s as good a day as any, right? Mahavir sure won’t feel helpful locked up in his room all day, so might as well get one more ego boost in while we have the chance?
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“Yo, did I hear my name?”
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“Ah, yes. We were going to look through Kishaba’s room...”
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“We don’t have to.”
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“...I’m quite all right.”
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“Like, aight. I’m always good to hang out.”
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“Should I bring Kaich in case there’s more math?”
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“Probably a good plan.”
That makes four.  All nice and neat and good enough for me.
We have to wait a bit since Kanagi and Kaichi are still talking sports, but that just gives Mahavir time to rest a little. I hope.
Either way, we manage to group up and head out before anyone else can steal our team members for their own ends. 
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I unlock the door without trouble, and we head inside.
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“Just tell me where I’m needed.”
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“I’ll start over here. Feel free to poke around wherever else you want.”
I don’t know where I’m looking on account of not knowing what I’m looking for, but I at least claim Itsurou’s desk. Mahavir drifts off towards the wardrobe. Kanagi and Kaichi seem content to sit on the foot of the bed and strike up a riveting conversation about sand.
And so I start digging through a dead man’s stuff for lack of any better ideas.
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