elizavp-art · 1 year
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Modern Barista AU Zukka for Day 1 Zukka week!! Check out all the other cool art, hosted by @zukkaweek​
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[ID: First image is digital art of modern AU Zukka, with Zuko as a Barista taking a blushing Sokka’s order, Zuko’s dialogue reads: “Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon, can I take your order?” Sokka’s dialogue reads: “Do you sell Cactus Juice?” Second image shows Zuko only, with long suffering expression and dialogue reading: “Sir, that is an illegal substance”]
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zukkaweek · 1 year
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Day 1 - May 22nd
Modern AU | Family Drama
Day 2 - May 23rd
Second Chance | Turtleduck Pond
Day 3 - May 24th
Song Lyrics | Rivals
Day 4 - May 25th
Sun and Moon | Secret Identity
Day 5 - May 26th
Touch or Touch-starved | Tending each other’s wounds
Day 6 - May 27th
Historical AU | Royalty
Day 7 - May 28th
Enemies to Lovers | Engagement or Proposal | Divorce
[ID: On a dark blue background, the symbol of the Firenation from Avatar the last Airbender is overlapped by the symbol for water from the same show. The symbol for the Firenation is a black, stylized flame on a red circle. The symbol for water are blue, stylized waves, also in a circle. The two are layered over each other, so that you can see both. A text beneath it reads: Zukka Week 2023 Prompt List]
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sokkas-therapist · 1 year
Happy Zukka weeeeekkkk!! @zukkaweek
Zukka Week: Day 1 - Modern AU/Family Drama
I decided to use the “Modern AU” prompt and turn it into a Zukka Teachers au!
In this AU Sokka and Zuko are both fairly young teachers at a high school. Neither of them have worked there for very long, but their approach to teaching at a new school is very different: Sokka was very excited to meet his new coworkers and try to forge connections with everyone around. Zuko on the other hand, definitely kept to himself. He got to the building earlier then pretty much every sane teacher (including but not limited to Sokka who wakes up at the latest possible minute before he is officially late). He doesn’t really leave his room during lunch, and stays late after the school day ends to finish grading before he goes home. For all these reasons, Zuko is one of the only teachers in the building that Sokka hadn’t met yet.
One morning, Zuko’s just having a bad day and ends up getting to the school a lot later then he typically does, and in his rush he forgot to shut his door behind him like he typically does. Sokka, who is always in a rush, is also having a bad morning and is scowering the building for a working printer to use before his first class starts (the one by his classroom that he would usually use is now broken). Fun fact: Zuko’s classroom is right next to a room with a printer, so he always keeps his door shut to avoid chit chat from passerbys.
Sokka is in a rush and isn’t paying much attention, so he sees a sign that says “printer” and an open door and bursts in without much thought. When Sokka bursts into zuko’s room, thinking it’s the printer room, he is shocked to see…a person he hasn’t met before? They’re both equally startled by the interaction, Sokka because he’s quickly realizing that this is not in fact the printer room and almost dying from embarrassment, and Zuko because he’s wondering “who the fuck just burst into my room and why are you here??”. Sokka apologizes profusely for rudely bursting in and tries to explain his morning and how he was looking for the printer and oh my god this might be the most unorganized person Zuko has ever met. Zuko let’s him know that the printer is next door, and assumes that was the end of it….until Sokka came back to let him know it was out of paper, and to ask for a few sheets. Zuko gives it to him, and while he’s looking for his paper they finally get the chance to introduce themselves. Sokka jokes around a bit, and Zuko finds himself laughing at someone who isn’t Uncle for the first time in a while. He also finds himself - to his own suprize - a little bummed when Sokka has to go back to his room, and hoping that the chaotic teacher comes back sometime, because he was actually pretty sweet (and maybe a little cute).
Sokka was also left thinking about their morning interaction for the rest of the day, and if a slight blush painted his cheeks when he did…well that’s nobody’s business but his own.
A little over a week later, Sokka’s in need of a printer again. He considers making the walk over to Zuko’s printer (when did it become Zuko’s printer and not just the printer in the East wing??) but doesn’t want to seem weird or make Zuko uncomfortable…he decides to go anyway. When he gets there, to his disappointment, Zuko’s door is shut. But he goes on to use the printer anyway, and is a little confused when he turns to leave and sees that Zuko’s door is now open? (He totally didn’t see Sokka walk by and open it up in hopes that Sokka would pop in on his way out no definitely not) Either way, Sokka does stop in before leaving, and they talk until the bell rings. If becomes sort of a routine: Sokka goes to the printer by Zuko’s room, Zuko opens his door, and they talk. Before long it becomes their favorite part of the day, and Sokka starts finding other reasons to stop by, then comes in with no reason at all.
It takes a while, but eventually Sokka works up the courage to ask Zuko out… and of course he says yes
*** Bonus: once they get together they become the teachers that are always in and out of each other’s rooms, and as a response there are 2 distinct groups when it comes to how students perceive it:
“wow they’re such close friends…cringe.”
and, “oh my god they’re totally gay”
It’s always one or the other. Those who think they’re gay have a whole conspiracy theory going with a PowerPoint and everything. At one point, someone bumps into them together outside of school and the whole conspiracy gets even BIGGER ***
Ok that is all, I hope you enjoyed!! Wishing a very happy Zukka week to all who celebrate <3
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winged-paki · 1 year
“Got any other ideas?”
Zuko manages to produce a bottle of the fanciest wine Sokka has ever fucking seen. “Stole this from my dad on the way over, so we might as well put it to some use.”
And somehow, Sokka finds himself sitting on the uncomfortably slanted roof with Zuko, sharing sips of fuck-you expensive wine straight from the bottle and staring up at the cool autumn sky. The light pollution from the surrounding neighborhood means only a few stars are visible from between the yellowing canopies, and the pounding music inside creates a dull, warm roar in the back of Sokka’s head. The conversation comes easier with each swig from the bottle, and Sokka finds himself stealing longer and longer glances at this stranger next to him until he’s just staring, full-on staring, at the flutter of Zuko’s lashes and the sculpt of his jaw as he talks. And maybe just a little at the bob of his throat as he takes the bottle from Sokka, fingers brushing fingers, and takes a slow sip."
(Or, Sokka and Zuko fall in love under the cover of night and the caress of alcohol, but the past and the future threaten to tear them apart.)
@zukkaweek day 3 - song lyrics!
i listened to high school in jakarta by NIKI enough times to develop brain worms about teenagers in love despite the whole world seemingly working against them, and trying their best despite being broken messy people who collide together in big, explosive ways. song lyrics aren’t inserted in the fic, moreso the fic is about the plot of the song.
angst with a hopeful ending, modern au, getting drunk on rooftops, ill-advised kisses, the gaang as chaotic spies... you know, the works. <3
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uitzinnigmp3 · 1 year
family dinner
Sokka had been so excited for today, and he was convinced everything would be fine. But it was not fine. Actually, it was horrible. And the worst part was that it wasn’t even that bad. No, Sokka realised, his father and his boyfriend were just extremely stupid.
or, zuko thinks hakoda hates him. hakoda thinks zuko hates him. sokka is so tired.
[read on ao3]
written for @zukkaweek day one: modern au | family drama
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zukkaweek · 1 year
Zukka Week 2023
Welcome and welcome back all artists and avid spectators!
The mods have been planning a lot in the background, and now is the first time you can get involved. Since tumblr has a new poll feature, we thought it might be fun for you guys to have some input in the prompts.
You have the opportunity to decide whether you would want to have a poll to decide the 7th and final prompt for Zukka Week 2023.
You can also decide whether you'd want to have the choice to submit prompts for the poll yourself, or if the mods should provide them. Both is fine and we are well prepared ;)
Additinal info: We would release the other prompts for the week beforehand, so you could decide within the context of the week's other prompts.
We'll leave this poll up over the week, all votes and reblogs are much appreciated!
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zukkaweek · 1 year
Day 7 Prompt Poll!
Hello Zukka nation! We’ve got a little less than a month to go until Zukka Week begins, so now’s the time to finalize the prompts for Day 7. You guys said that you’d like to submit prompts for Day 7 and vote for your favorites, so that’s what we’re doing. Out of all the awesome prompt suggestions submitted, we narrowed them down to 10 options to choose between. The results will be tallied in 72 hours.
Vote for your favorite prompt, and the two highest-voted options will become Zukka Week 2023’s Day 7 prompts!
For reference, here’s a link to the prompts for the other six days.
P.S. Thank you all for submitting! We will be posting the unused suggestions along with the prompts from our list that didn't make the cut, so please know that all submissions have been seen and will have their chance to inspire someone.
We are open about any questions for full transparency in our ask box
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zukkaweek · 1 year
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Zukka Week will be from 22nd -28th of May 2023
Each day will have 2 prompts - one more general, and one more specific. You are welcome to choose one, or combine both. You are also welcome to post one consecutive work, using the prompts accordingly (e.g. a fanfiction or art piece with 7 parts, and one part per prompt, with an ongoing story.)
Please do not post any submissions to prompts before its assigned day (you can stick to your time zone though). Entering a submission at a later time than its day is fine.
Any medium is welcome! - fic, art, edits, crafts, etc.
No whitewashing (lightening skin tones, giving characters white features, erasing their cultural identity, etc.)
No racism, no misogyny, no transphobia, no homophobia, no ableism, or any other harmful content/ tropes.
Tag any and all potential triggers and use appropriate ratings/ warnings on AO3 (if applicable.)
Include an image description for any visual works and audio transcripts for audios and videos. Here is a great resource for writing IDs.
Add a readmore if posting a fanfic on tumblr. Here is an explanation for the how & why.
NSFW is fine as long as characters have been aged up to be 18 or older.
How to submit your work:
Use #zukkaweek2023 and tag @zukkaweek on tumblr so we can reblog your work. We will be looking around for zukkaweek content, but please make it as easy as possible for us to find you.
Add works to the AO3 Collection (voluntary)
If we haven’t reblogged your work 24 hours after you’ve posted it, please reach out to us in an ask or private message! Tumblr’s activity feed probably ate it alive, so we didn’t see it. We’ll reblog it as soon as we find it.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask! 
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zukkaweek · 1 year
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[ID: On a dark blue background, the symbol of the Firenation from Avatar the last Airbender is overlapped by the symbol for water from the same show. The symbol for the Firenation is a black, stylized flame on a red circle. The symbol for water are blue, stylized waves, also in a circle. The two are layered over each other, so that you can see both. A text beneath it reads: Zukka Week 2023 Masterpost]
All links you might need for Zukka Week 2023
Poll 2
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zukkaweek · 1 year
The poll is closed and the final prompts for Zukka week are decided! Thank you all so much for participating!
We have closely followed the developments of the poll and have decidied to officially grant a third prompt for the last day, so we have three winners:
Enemies to Lovers
Again, thank you all for voting, submitting and participarting! The official list will be updated shortly, and we are excited to see all your creations for Zukka week 2023.
Please feel free to send us any questions you might still have!
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zukkaweek · 1 year
Zukka Week 2023
Day 7 Prompt Submission Form
The poll on whether we should let the community vote for prompts for the last day of Zukka Week is still going, but seeing that the majority want to submit prompts, we are already opening the submission form. This way, things can move as swiftly as possible.
Click here to get to the prompt submission form. It is a google form, but we will not save anyone's email address. Voting between the submitted prompts will begin in a few days.
Happy submitting!
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zukkaweek · 1 year
That’s a wrap! <3
Zukka Week 2023 has come to a close, and we couldn’t be happier with the turnout! So many of you shared gorgeous art and incredible writing with us, highlighting everything this community loves about zukka, and proving once more that this fandom is one of the most creative and talented out there. We couldn’t have made it such a smashing success without you guys - artists, writers, cheerleaders, and more.
Final housekeeping notes:
We’ll continue reblogging late submissions and answering asks throughout the rest of May/June, but after that, this account will largely become inactive.
We will start adding all AO3-hosted Zukka Week 2023 fanfiction to the bookmarks of our AO3 collection. If you’d like to post your fic directly to the collection, feel free.
If you posted a Zukka Week 2023 work but have not had it reblogged by this blog yet, reach out to us via ask or DM. Send us the link to your post and we’ll happily reblog it! Most of the time, your @mention of us got eaten by tumblr and never made it to our notifications.
We’re happy to give a boost to other ATLA ship weeks or big bangs, just reach out in our ask box. Zukka-compatible ships (eg. kataang, mailee) are especially encouraged, because much of this blog’s audience ships those, too.
Any remaining questions and comments are welcome in our ask box. If you have any feedback or suggestions for next Zukka Week, please share with us! We’d love to hear your ideas and make next time even better.
That’s all we have to say for now. Thank you again for a fantastic Zukka Week 2023, keep your eyes peeled for any late submissions we might reblog, and we’ll see you next year!
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sokkas-therapist · 1 year
@zukkaweek Day 3: Rivals/Song Lyrics
Helloooo, I’m back for day three with a Zukka academic rivals au :)
Sokka and Zuko both went after being Valedictorian for basically their entire high school careers. Sokka took an AP class, Zuko had to take an AP class. Zuko applied for an academic award, Sokka applied for an academic award. They were always chasing each other, making themselves a better student along the way. When the 2nd semester of their Senior year comes they get more competitive than ever, with their only goal being to beat the other man out of getting Valedictorian. It gets to the point where they’re litterally checking the class GPAd every single day to see if they’re ahead of each other (no it’s not stalking Katara)
When the time finally comes for the school to announce the class Valedictorian, and they both get called down the the office. Great, they both think, they can rub their win into the face of their opponent right there in the moment. But as it turns out it’s..a tie?? Like literally they’re tied, right down to the hundreds place, and it’s too late to do anything about it, so they will be co-Valedictorian. They throw an absolute fit and start fighting and yelling at each other (and the principal) right there in the office. Once the staff gets them to calm down, they inform them that not only do they have to share the title of Valedictorian, but they have to walk up together and coordinate a speech together. Zuko thinks he might burn down the building. Sokka thinks he might scream. They’ve worked so hard for THIS?? But they bite the bullet and decide to just make the most of it and pretend - as much as they can - they the other boy isn’t even there.
As much as it pains them to do so, they exchange phone numbers and set up a day to meet at the library and work out what they’ll do for their acceptance speech(es)…and honestly? It isn’t that bad. But of course they would never admit that to any living soul or each other. After they get over a bit of the awkward tension they start to realize how much they have in common, aside from their drive for academic excellence. They meet up a couple more times before graduation and each time it becomes less and less about the speech, and more and more about getting to know each other. At one point it comes out that, for both of them, their feud with one another and their desire to be valid Victorian came from feeling the need to prove themselves to their fathers. After that, they’re able to provide some comfort and understanding to one another in a way that nobody else could.
By the time Graduation rolls around they’re actually becoming pretty good friends, and don’t mind walking up and giving their speech together (mostly…it still stings a little bit but they’ve build an appreciation for one another and their hard work). Once everything’s over they’re suprised at how it kind of makes them sad that they won’t be seeing one another anymore, and that they’ll kind of miss the strange excitement they felt at the prospect of meeting up again (excitement which they refuse to name)
After the ceremony they say what they think will be a quick goodbye to one another. It feels kind of odd, like an empty place now without the weight of their rivalry. In passing Sokka mentions which University he’ll be attending in the fall. As fate may have it, Zuko is set to attend the same University, and neither of them have found roommates yet.
If they decide to be each other’s roommates in the fall, it’s only because it will give them perfect access to annoy each other and continue their rivalry ( this time in good faith), no other reason…<3
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zukkaweek · 1 year
Two questions: is there a discord attached to zukka week at all? And regarding the general no bigotry rule, does that mean that the story has to avoid it even if the character acting that way is clearly written as being in the wrong? I'd like to post the story I'm writing, but a character does make a couple ableist comments (and then immediately gets his nose broken for it).
We do not currently have a Discord server! If there is substantial interest in such a community, we might consider setting one up.
The "no bigotry" rule chiefly applies to situations where the work is encouraging hateful mindsets/behavior in real life. So as long as someone viewing your work can't reasonably conclude "the author hates X group" or "the author wants me to view this marginalized group as bad," you're in the clear. Tagging/warning for bigoted behavior, clarifying in author's notes that you don't share the views that a character/group is espousing, punishing or critiquing bigots in-text, etc. are all good ways to ensure that readers know you don't share those beliefs, which would make your work perfectly OK for Zukka Week :) So in your case, I think your fic is good to go. If anyone has additional questions, please reach out! We're more than happy to help. And sorry for the late response OP, mods have been a little swamped.
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zukkaweek · 1 year
could y’all please request image IDs as a guideline of participation and/or provide them for images you post/reblog?
Yes, we will be asking for image ID, thank you for reminding us to add these on our reblogs too!
The rules will be posted within the next few days.
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zukkaweek · 1 year
Wait, the phrasing on your poll is a little unclear so just to clarify- are the mods choosing all the prompts themselves except the last day which will be up for a poll? So there’s no general submission of prompts and then voting on them for any day but the final one?
Yes, that is the idea!
We decided to choose most of the prompts ourselves because there were tons of great ideas + because working through lots of suggestions and voting brackets would take a while. Our main goal is to finalize the prompts as soon as possible so people have lots of time to work on their art/fic.
We want there to be voter’s choice as well, though, so we released the poll to see if people would like to choose the prompt(s) for the final day. And it looks like people really want to! In the coming days we’ll release our mods’-choice prompt list and more info on how voting for day 7’s prompts will work.
Thoughts, comments, etc. are welcome in our inbox!
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