#- I’m assuming
askfrancie · 4 months
Hooonnn,, :))
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☆→ “HOW ARE YOU IN MY PHONE?!?!?!?! GET OUT!!!!!!!!”
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babyspacebatclone · 1 year
*is next in the library line for the audiobook Legends and Lattes*
Huh, that was a long waiting list.
Let’s see how much this book earns it.
*Chapter 13*
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Rat image source
(and yes, I’m thoroughly enjoying the rest, exceptionally funny and gripping!)
Image Description below cut:
The “I’ve Only had Arlo for a Day and a Half” meme template, with modified text and images:
Panel 1: A woman is craddling a dog, modified to be a cute rat holding a large cinnamon roll
Text: “I’ve only known Thimble for half an hour.”
Panel 2: As above with only minor variation.
Text: “But if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
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westofessos · 6 months
So I’m making my way through the original X-Men: The Animated Series because I never finished it the first time I watched it, and you know I could’ve sworn I got quite a few seasons in last time (and also I generally know quite a bit of comic book stuff so nothing really surprises me), but I remember next to none of this. Because what do you mean Professor X and Magneto are in a dinosaur place and there’s a pterodactyl called Sauron?? SAURON. Okay. Sure.
I also forgot how obnoxious and unwatchable the Mojo episode is. A lot of them are actually not super great (I know, it’s for kids, but still). They do more than make up for it with their good episodes though. The Alpha Flight episode? Chef’s kiss. Made my Canadian heart happy. Anything with Rogue is great too, just because she’s my favourite. Anyway, I’m almost finished season 2, so onward we go.
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ask-bad-egg-bachinski · 5 months
Do you like ricky,talia or noah
I can’t choose yo!
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myreputation · 5 months
very excited to see another taylor swift directed music video
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worstlovesong · 7 months
It a triple dog dare!! You're a chicken, if you don't!! 🐔🐔🐔
You have me there, if it’s a triple dog dare
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beantothemax · 1 year
what happens if i drink the forbidden elixir
I… actually don’t know. never tried it
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ask-cloverfield · 9 months
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antvnger · 10 months
So The Bad Guys are getting a holiday heist film. Don't know if it's a short film or full length, but yeah, that's what I heard today.
Shut up are you serious? The Bad Guys are gonna pull a holiday heist? That’s one of my favorite kinds of heists ever!
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featherlouise · 1 year
speaking of angst. i'm cooking up something to make pk even more of a soggy cat spiritually - 👹
O H ? ? ?
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giggle-bee · 1 year
Awww you want me to fluster you?
Make you curl up and all melty
Can I flutter my fingers between your shoulder and neck. Give you a little tickle on the chin maybe. Or how about I slowly trace the edges of your underarms hmm.
Let’s see if you can keep your arms up for me while I mine for those cute wittle giggles of yours Giggleplum.
ummm ummmmmmmmm
60% (surprise factor added on an extra 10%)
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jaebird88 · 2 years
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Preach 🙌
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adiabat · 5 months
my phd supervisor is notoriously lax on fieldwork safety but he’s also 6’7 so it’s like yeah dude no wonder you’ve never had to worry about bears they see you coming and are like oh fuck it’s the slenderman
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luvrxbunny · 6 months
yesyes aesthetic over functionality is sooo real im so glad u understand 🙏🙏
ofc i do bb!!! 😌🙏🏾
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isawken · 2 months
was recently having talks about saving up for a several-week vacation with my partner and he said something that i seriously cannot stop thinking about and i need to Ask The Audience
this is not cumulative, you must have spent over 14 calendar days outside of your hometown in one stretch to be able to hit Yes
i’ve never asked for this before but if you could rb for reach that’d be cool, this is a straight up potential worldview-shattering revelation right here and i need data if im gonna shatter my dang worldview
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pangur-and-grim · 4 months
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oh Pangur….
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