#-as her own version and was equally excited to see what all she had done with him
thebindingofdragonshy · 9 months
Me, vibing:
Me suddenly remembering that my one friend ("O") will always forever be biased against the way I play my blorbo because he already long ago formed his own completely different view of my blorbo and does not much care for the vision and unique tragedies I placed upon the blorbo:
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theunsinkableship1 · 2 months
The Soundproof Carriage
A fan fiction about filming the carriage scene.
"The carriage may have rocked on set, but it was their emotions that truly set it in motion."
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Disclaimer: This is for Lukolaland only. Do not read if you don't belong here. This is purely fictional. This a romanticized version based on the fact that a carriage scene was filmed and exist. This is not a true retelling. This contains a transcript and a description of the Season 3 Episode 4"Old friends" of Bridgerton.
Nicola and Luke had been close friends for years, their bond deepening with each season on Bridgerton. Despite being in relationships during this time, a mutual attraction simmered beneath the surface, never fully acknowledged. Those around them noticed their special connection, easily recognizing that they had a crush on each other, but Nicola and Luke dismissed it as just friendship. They had already shared two on-screen kisses, carefully rehearsed with an intimacy coordinator and performed in front of the crew and cameras. Both scenes were deeply emotional, as they were both nervous about making the kisses look authentic and of course having to kiss your” best friend” on camera was not an easy task even if you had done it multiple times in your thoughts and dreams. They enjoyed those moments, but they held back as the professional they were, unable to fully be themselves with so many eyes watching. The night before their highly anticipated carriage scene, both were restless. The scene required a level of intimacy they hadn't shared before, and the weight of their hidden feelings made sleep elusive. The carriage, offered something different, an intimate and safe place where they could act alone, allowing them to express their true feelings under the guise of their characters. Luke was a bundle of nerves and excitement, his guilt over his feelings for Nicola adding to his anxiety. Nicola, though equally nervous, was determined to remain professional and give her best performance. Both were committed to do their best, to make the scene unforgettable, not just for their characters and their “horny little devils”, but because it gave them a chance to channel the desires they couldn't express in real life. For Luke, it was a complicated mix of emotions. He had a girlfriend, and that relationship held him back from acknowledging the feelings he harbored for Nicola. He admired her deeply, her wit, her warmth, the way she made him laugh. But there was more. Seeing her embody Penelope stirred something within him. He couldn’t help but be drawn to her femininity, the way her presence captivated him, and the allure of her physicality, particularly her glamorous curves. Yet, with every longing glance, guilt gnawed at him. How could he juggle these feelings for Nicola while being committed to someone else? Nicola, on the other hand, had tried to keep Luke firmly in the friend zone. She adored him, genuinely loved his company, and saw him as a good man. But she knew he was in a committed relationship, and acknowledging her own attraction to him felt like a betrayal, not just to his girlfriend but to their friendship. Still, there was no denying the pull she felt. Being close to him, hearing his voice as Colin, feeling his presence, all that stirred feelings she had buried deep. She was drawn to his easy charm, his naiveness his strength, his manliness and yes, his looks. But more than that, she feared what it would mean if she let herself admit just how much she wanted him. The set was buzzing with a different energy as the crew prepared the carriage. The atmosphere was electric, the anticipation palpable. Nicola and Luke exchanged a few nervous smiles, their usual banter tinged with an unspoken tension. They took their internal deep breaths before they bravely stepped into the scene. She climbed into the carriage; he was standing by the door. the crew ensuring that they were comfortable and camera ready.
And Action.
The carriage began to shake, mimicking the motion of a moving vehicle.
In her carriage Penelope wears a tearful scowl.
Colin screams: Wait!
The carriage rattles and stops.
Colin stands at the open carriage door.
Penelope: I do not wish to speak with you.
Colin: Please! She glares at him.
Let me in.
Luke's voice was desperate, and his plea was not just for Colin's sake. He was pleading for a chance to express his real feelings.
She tightens her lips and sits back stiffly in her seat.
He climbs in taking the seat facing her.
She avoids his gaze.
The door closing them off from the outside world. Only the microphones and cameras were there to capture their every word and expression.
The lines between reality and fiction began to blur.
Penelope: We will stop at Bridgerton House first.
Driver: Yes, miss.
Nicola's heart raced as she delivered her lines, her character's indignation mirroring her own internal conflict. Nicola's stiff posture and avoidance of Luke's gaze were as much Penelope's actions as they were Nicola's attempts to shield herself from the intensity of her own feelings.
Penelope: What do you want?
Colin: Did Lord Debling propose?
He felt a pang of jealousy and fear. The thought of Nicola with someone else was unbearable, and this line gave him a channel to express his own turmoil.
Penelope: What business is that of yours?
Colin: I need to know did he propose?
Penelope: It is odd.
When I asked for your help in finding a husband,
I did not realize that also meant you might try to deny me one as well.
Colin: It is my business because I care about you.
You cannot marry that man.
He will leave you, and he is too particular.
And he is… He is just not right for you, Pen.
Penelope: He did not propose.
Colin tilts his head.
Penelope: In fact, he rejected me because of you.
The scene you caused led him to believe you have feelings for me.
An idea so preposterous, I do not know what to do besides laugh.
Now, will you please let us ride home in silence and leave me alone.
As Nicola spoke, she felt a sharp pang of irony. The idea of Luke having feelings for her seemed both preposterous and achingly possible. Deep inside her, she often fantasizes with the idea of being with Luke but those feelings had to be repressed each and every time.
Colin: I cannot!
Penelope: Please!
Colin: I cannot!
Colin: Because …
Luke hesitated; his next words filled with a longing that he really felt buttoned inside him. Luke's frustration and helplessness were palpable, his desire to confess his real feelings battling with his true fear of rejection.
Tears well in his eyes
Colin: What if I did have feelings for you?
Luke paused, his eyes locking onto Nicola's with an intensity that took her breath away. Luke's intense gaze made it difficult to stay in character; his eyes held a plea that was too real, too personal. Luke's voice was edged with a raw emotion that resonated deeply with Nicola. She felt her own resolve weakening, her feelings for him surfacing despite her best efforts to remain professional.
Penelope What?
Nicola's voice filled with genuine doubt, the lines echoing her own fears about their relationship. Hearing him say those words, even in character, was overwhelming.
He fixes her with a desperate stare he drops to his knees in front of her.
Colin: I have spent so long trying to feel less,
trying to be the kind of man society expects me to be.
And for a moment, I thought I had succeeded.
But these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings.
Feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you.
About that kiss.
Feelings like dreaming of you when I’m asleep.
And in fact, preferring sleep because that is where I might find you.
A feeling that is like torture.
But one which I cannot,
will not, do not want to give up.
Luke poured his heart into these lines. Every word was a confession, his true feelings for Nicola laid bare under the guise of acting. He was desperate for her to understand his torment. The vulnerability in his voice was genuine, his emotions raw and exposed.
Penelope: Please.
Do not say things you do not mean.
Nicola’s heart ached a little, Colin’s confession was so beautiful and Luke’s acting was so perfect , she would have wished it all to be true.
Colin: But I do mean it.
It is everything I have wanted to say to you… for weeks.
Luke's conviction was undeniable. This scene was his chance to tell Nicola the truth. His eyes shone with sincerity. Luke’s heart was pounding with fear and hope.
Penelope: But… Colin, we are friends.
Nicola delivered her line with a painfully delicate unsureness. Inside, she also felt the sting of her own unspoken emotions towards Luke. Every word she said mirrored the hurt she felt about their unacknowledged attraction. Luke hesitated; his next words filled with longing that he really felt buttoned inside him.
Colin: Yes, but we…
He searches her face with wild shining eyes.
Colin: Forgive me I do not know what I was thinking
Nicola felt her own desires mirrored in the script, her pulse quickening. Luke’s desire to kiss her had never been so strong and in a few seconds, he would be able to act on it. It was overwhelming, he couldn’t wait any longer. The line between friendship and love was blurring dangerously. They were about to kiss.
Penelope: But I’d very much like to be more than friends.
So much more.
He leans in close
Bringing his face to hers.
Luke wanted to kiss her more than anything. Nicola was so beautiful, with her lovely blue eyes staring directly into his soul. He needed to feel her lips, to feel her touch, to hold her body close and caress her breasts. The longing was almost unbearable. They started to kiss and the world outside the carriage ceased to exist. Their lips meeting in a kiss that was both a part of the scene and a release of their pent-up feelings. They were free to go as far as they wished they had discussed their boundaries and gave their consent about what they needed to do for the scenes. And they  were both happy to play within those boundaries. They had been holding back for so long, and now, through Penelope and Colin, they were finally able to succumb to their own desires. The kiss deepened, their hands exploring each other with a desperate urgency born after years of unspoken desires, the lines between acting and reality dissolving completely.
They share a scorching kiss, he wraps his arm around her waist, they separate for a brief moment and share several deep slow kisses
She runs her hands up to his face and down his chest, they pause regarding each other in wonder.
She brushes her fingers over the curves of his ear and wakes her hand through his hair. His open mouth curves upward in an ardent smile, he presses his lips to hers flattening her against the back of the seat. His hand slides up her skirt coming to rest at her hip. She grips his lapel as they kiss fervently .He pulls back in slowly ,slips one of her puffed sleeves down along the creamy skin of her shoulder, he brushes his lips over  her throat  and the yielding flesh below. He schemes his hand down and squeezes her lush breast through her sparkling bodice. She rests her hand on his, looking down with her pink lips parted. His hand slowly slides down to her thigh, she finds his mouth with hers . He pulls back, they lock eyes heaving. He looks down, he gently lifts the hem of her dress to palm the smooth curve of her calf. He meets her pleading eyes, she nods. He gathers the sparkling fabric in his fist, he softens his fingers as he slips them past her knee and beneath the folds of her skirts. They keep their eyes fixed on each other. Her mouth drops open, she moans, he growls, they were excited. Their eyes widen and they drift closed she clutches him convulsively he watches her flushed face their open mouths meet he catches her lip between his , she arches her neck and pulls him close Her lips find his, they share several long smoldering kisses
It felt so good, so natural, as they radiated love, contentment, and desire. They continued long after the director should have called "cut," lost in each other, lost in a "real soundproof fantasy." They were oblivious to the outside world, unaware that the carriage was now rocked only by their actions. Nicola was the first to return to reality, breaking their embrace.
Penelope: Oh!
Colin! We are at your house.
Colin: What?
Oh God.
Could the carriage driver not keep on driving?
They both burst into laughter
They were happy to have done justice to their characters and bashful about crossing a line their true selves couldn’t. Glad that they did it, their connection was stronger than ever. They exchanged a look, knowing that whatever came next, they would face it together.
She covers her grin with her hand.
Penelope: Do you think anyone saw us?
I was not paying much attention to anything.
His smile fades, they gaze deeply into each one another's eyes. They share a tender lingering kiss their noses brush as they open their eyes
He gently slips her sleeve back onto her shoulder, two fingers up and straightens a lock of her hair.
Penelope: What are you doing?
He studies her face with an earnest open-mouthed expression
He drops his gaze and swallows and looks back up at her, he lifts his chin.
Penelope: Colin?
He stands outside the open carriage door, he offers his hand
Colin: Are you coming with me?
Penelope: What?
Your… Your family will see me.
Colin: For God’s sake, Penelope Featherington. Are you going to marry me or not?
Penelope’s bosom swells, a smile blooms on her face.
As they were taping her close-up, Luke smiled back at her. Both knew they were actors, and no matter how great the take was, they would have to do it again.
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otherworldseekers · 1 year
Something’s Gotta Give: Chapter 4 Scene 4
Going to go ahead and post the rest of chapter 4 because I am SO EXCITED to get to finally post the final version of chapter 5. It’s something I’ve been working on for years. 
Something’s Gotta Give Masterpost
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Severia had found a shadowy corner in the Manderville lounge and retreated there with a book and a large flask of tea. Settling herself down on a well stuffed couch she took a quick look around. There were already a couple pairs of questioning eyes on her. Perhaps Nero was right. As much as she hated that thought, she took off her hat and slipped it underneath her seat. Then she resolutely stuck her nose into her volume on Allagan history, borrowed from Rammbroes, and ignored everything around her. 
It was some hours later when she was startled out of a doze by a worried looking Gold Saucer attendant. 
“Madam, my sincere apologies, but there is a matter which requires your urgent attention.”
Severia jumped up. “Oh gods, what has he done?”
“If madam would please follow me.”
The attendant took her through a well camouflaged door and along a warren of stairs and hallways. The decor was nearly as elegant as that in the public areas at first, but as they continued on it became more utilitarian and eventually they came to a passage that was simple cut stone with heavy wooden doors. Severia stared in surprise. The Gold Saucer had its own prison? And Nero had landed in it?
The attendant guided her to one of the doors where she found the Manager of the Saucer waiting to take over. He bowed and “Madamed” her and Severia was led into a cell-like room with a single table and two chairs. Nero sat facing the door with his elbows on the table. He wasn’t bound at least but there were two guards inside the cell with him, large Roegadyn with plain but serviceable armor. When Severia entered he looked up with a sheepish smile. 
“Ah, hero. You’ve come to my rescue.”
Severia folded her arms across her chest. “We’ll see about that. First I need to know what you’ve done.”
The Manager signaled to the guards to wait outside and closed the door behind them. “Please have a seat Madam. I would be happy to explain all if the gentleman does not wish to do so.”
Severia looked at Nero pointedly as she sat down across from him. He shrugged. 
“Very well, madam,” said the Manager. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, unfolded it several times and cleared his throat. “We have several counts of rule breaking against your companion. First, harassing the attendant of the Lord of Verminion games.”
“I did no such thing,” Nero scoffed. “I merely pointed out the glaring flaws in the way the game is run.”
“I see,” said Severia to the manager, ignoring Nero’s protests. “Please continue.”
“Second, making a nuisance of himself at the chocobo races.”
“Is ‘making a nuisance’ of oneself truly in your rulebook? Can you define it for me? Please, I would love to hear it,” Nero grumbled.
“To be more specific, attempting to extort the other spectators into placing bets with himself when at first they declined, shouting obscenities at the jockeys and protesting the results of the races when they went against him.”
Severia’s frown deepened. “I advise you not to interrupt him again, Scaeva.”
Nero gave an annoyed sigh and turned his attention to the blank wall.
“Thank you, madam. Third, refusing to leave the vehicle for the Air Force One event and thus preventing anyone else from being able to enjoy the event.”
Severia raised her eyebrows and caught Nero’s eyes with a questioning look. He merely shrugged again.
“Fourth, and finally, egregious cheating at the Triple Triad card game leading to a near riot in the Triple Triad lounge.”
This time she let out an audible groan. This was, in a way, all her fault. She had been fool enough to think Nero could act like a mature adult for an afternoon. “What does the Saucer usually do in cases like this?” she asked the Manager. 
“Madam, we have no case on record that quite equals this one. Normally in such a situation we would seek a decision from Sir Manderville, but this man claims to be your responsibility and in deference to your position…”
“Yes, I understand.”
“There is one final thing, Madam.” The Manager stepped toward Nero and deftly removed the headpiece he was wearing to hide his forehead. “Is Madam aware that her companion is a full blooded Garlean?”
For a moment Severia stopped breathing. Nero had the decency to look chagrined. There was nothing for it. “This man is traveling with me under conditions that require extreme secrecy, do you understand?”
The Manager shifted uncomfortably. “If Madam insists…”
 “I’m afraid I do. Can you leave me alone with him for a few minutes?”
“Certainly, Madam.” 
Maintaining a calm exterior came naturally to Severia. But the truth was that she was furious. Furious at him for acting like an child when she had asked him not to cause trouble. Furious at him for making himself her responsibility. Furious that sometimes he seemed like a decent human being and then turned around and did things like this. And most of all furious with herself for ever thinking there was anything even remotely attractive about the man. 
“Do you have anything to say to me, Scaeva?”
“My winnings, hero. Ask them what they did with my considerable winnings.”
“Your winnings, Scaeva? Are you serious? I brought you here, the most popular tourist destination in Eorzea, so you could entertain yourself without causing me trouble and you couldn’t even manage that. Is this payback? Because I destroyed your Praetorium? Is this…” Is this who you really are? She didn’t finish the thought out loud. Because then she might have to admit that she had begun to see him in a different light. That she had thought there was more to him. “Is this how you make your amends?”
Nero sighed in irritation. “This isn’t about you or any of that.”
“What is it about, Scaeva? Enlighten me.”
“It simply seemed amusing at the time.”
Severia let out a hollow laugh. “That’s it? You’re willing to risk revealing your identity, willing to risk my reputation and our reason for being here… because it seemed amusing at the time.”
Another shrug for answer. Severia stood suddenly and shoved the table across the room so that it no longer separated them. Even standing while he sat she could not look down at him, but she put all of her fury into her glare. 
“Beg,” she said. 
“Pardon?” Nero asked in surprise. 
“I want you on your knees begging for my help.”
Nero stared at her blankly. That was not what he had been anticipating. 
“On your knees, Scaeva,” Severia repeated coldly. “Unless you want to end up rotting in an Ul’dahn dungeon.”
It took only a moment for Nero to collect himself. “If that’s how you like it, hero.” He slowly lowered himself to the rough stone floor, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Help me, Warrior of Light. You’re my only hope.”
Severia put a sandaled foot on one of his shoulders and pushed him down until he was doubled over. “I didn’t hear a please.”
“Please, Severia.”
Nero’s cheek was pressed into the dust of the floor, but he still looked smug. Severia’s anger flared. Is he enjoying this? She ground his head down with her sole causing a satisfying grunt from her victim. Am… Am I enjoying this?
She pulled back her foot as if she’d been burned and turned away from him. “I’ll get you out of this because I really don’t have a choice at the moment. I can only hope that you’ve learned your lesson and won’t be such a bloody pain in my ass going forward.”
“Oh, I think I’ve learned something.” Nero stood up gingerly and brushed himself off. 
Severia ignored him and knocked on the cell door. When the Manager entered she told him, “I’m taking custody of this man. I assure you on my honor that he won’t cause trouble here again. Godbert will have to be satisfied with that.”
The Manager looked doubtful but acquiesced. “Yes, Madam. Allow me to escort Madam and Sir to the airship landing.” 
A not so subtle invitation to get the hells out of here. Severia couldn’t have been more eager to comply. They followed the Manager back through the warren and out into the Aetheryte plaza. They had almost made it to the entrance when a familiar voice boomed through the square. 
“Severia Zetsuen! My beloved son’s trusty companion!”
Severia turned in horror to see Godbert Manderville barrelling toward them. Whether intentionally or not, the large man knocked Nero onto his backside and came to a stop in front of Severia. At least he was wearing a shirt. 
“What an unexpected delight to find you in my establishment. Does this mean you’ve heard about our little get together this evening?”
“G- get together?” she stammered. 
“Just a small gathering of some of the most prominent and rich members of Ul’dahn society coming together to raise money to aid the widows, widowers and orphans left behind by the Garlean invasion.”
“Oh,” said Severia awkwardly. “I hadn’t heard. Um, unfortunately I’m in Thanalan on business-”
“But I’m sure you can spare a few hours of your time for such a worthy cause,” Godbert declared, clapping her firmly on the back. 
Godbert extended a hand to Nero and pulled him up so fast that Nero’s headpiece slipped to the side. “You are Mistress Zetsuen’s date?”
“Colleague,” Nero corrected, as he quickly adjusted his disguise. 
“I have every confidence that the Warrior of Light and her… colleague would not wish to cause trouble of any sort. This is a crucial time of healing for the Eorzean people with the threat of Garlemald in check. Your presence at tonight’s little party would be an enormous boon to all involved. Especially the victims.” 
Severia felt his eyes boring into her from behind his glasses. Did he already know about Nero? The trouble he had caused as well as his identity? Was he essentially blackmailing her into attending his fundraiser? Could she really afford to say no? 
Nero was curiously silent, waiting for Severia to figure her way out of this situation.
“I, um… don’t have anything but these old traveling clothes to wear, unfortunately.”
“Not a problem! The Saucer can provide evening wear for you and your colleague.”
“Severia Zetsuen, Warrior of Light, plus one.” Godbert stated with the tone of a man proclaiming law. He turned to the Manager that had been hovering around them in a state of near panic. “Get these two young people set up with bathing facilities and a choice of costume for the event tonight. Spare no effort.”
“Yes, Sir,” said the Manager, snapping to attention. 
“I will see you in a few bells, Warrior of Light,” said Godbert. He lowered his voice so only she and Nero could hear. “I advise you not to try escaping. Julyan has a new frying pan she has been just dying to break in.”
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hakimnassar · 2 years
These past couple of weeks had been… fantastic for Hakim. There were many words he could use to describe how his days had gone, but sometimes a simple word sufficed just as equally. He had realised that being open and vulnerable with his emotions had allowed him to enjoy life as it ought to he, and though he still sometimes struggled with his words and his feelings… he was happy. For Esme, he would always be happy.
They often spent a lot of their free time together, but recently? It had been a constant. She practically lived in his apartment these days, spending the night, cooking with one another, watching movies, becoming… intimate. Until Kiara had demanded to know where she was and Hakim had insisted that spending time with her best friend was just as important. Yet tonight, she had somehow wound up in his bed again, though this time they snoozed against each other peacefully. Under the bed sheets, the shirtless man had his arms wrapped tightly around the girl’s torso, the warmth of his body keeping her cozy, as he noticed she seemed to get cold a lot more easily than the average human did. But as Hakim slept, his mind drifted away to places he’d never been before, sights he’d never seen, versions of people he had never met. And though he would wake up and know it was just a dream, the stories his mind created that night? They felt so familiar…
To have lived for 231 years left little to the imagination. For a man like Hakim, stoic and serious, he had done almost everything a human could do in their lifetime what felt like a million times over. He had visited every country, witnessed the birth and death of the world’s more famous (and infamous) icons and built an empire of his own that was ever-growing. It sounded exciting, sure, but the way Hakim Nassar carried himself in this world these days was hardly something to be jealous of. He was… lonely, unattached, wandering the world with a distaste for humans, but also watching them with an envious eye, longing for the simplistic life he once had in Lebanon all those years ago. Forever in the shadow of his older brother who always seemed to know how to handle himself, the younger sibling often struggled with his mind. It was riddled with complexities. But he would not allow himself to succumb to such weaknesses. He was, after all, an original werewolf, feared by many in Boston who only knew him as a myth. He would not tarnish his reputation that way.
For a man that had witnessed it all… he still loved coffee. The liquid gold was something he’d never grown sick on, and in a strange and unexpected turn, he often found himself in those silly little human coffee shops. Strange to imagine such a huge, muscular man in a place like that, a thick beard and almost-black eyes, sipping from a coffee cup. But he was. Until a couple of weeks back… the most peculiar thing had happened. Even a man of his caliber could make mistakes, and on one day, when he had accidentally grabbed another woman’s coffee, she had proceeded to yell at him despite her rather pretty face. But that moment… he couldn’t get it out of his head. He’d never met the woman in his life, but the moment her fingertips brushed over his hand as she went to grab his cup… something unexplainable had happened. A feeling of nausea and instability had shaken him to his core, set his balance off completely, left him longing and desperate to find out who she was. He had never experienced such a sensation.
Was it magic? Was she a witch? His attempts to find her had been left unsatisfied, searching and searching with no result. Until… another coffee trip. And there she was. Stood behind the counter, chatting to the other employees, a beautiful smile on his face. He’d been coming for some weeks now, to see what she was up to… and yet, nothing. She did absolutely nothing except be her absolutely delightful self. She was no witch, he could pick up her scent… new books, fresh bedsheets, sweet and milky tea. She was human. So why he feel so shaken every time he saw her? The man, maintaining his brooding and mysterious appearance, did what he always did, ordered a black coffee and sat hidden behind a book, waiting for something to occur. Anything.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
What are your opinions on Peach’s portrayal in the movie? Would you have written her any differently?
Overall, I personally liked it! Her portrayal was definitely very DIFFERENT than game!Peach, and I can understand why some fans can't really get behind this alternate characterization - I think Peach is the one character where the portrayals are SO different that you really have to think about them as separate characters VS the others where you can pretty easily bridge a gap between the movie version and the game version. Also, uh, most of the dialogue/writing for her was fairly bland, I will say. I think more time and longer conversations between characters would have done wonders here (lol my main complaint with the entire movie) but overall, the way they wrote her lines felt a tad...underbaked, to say the least. I hope they'll improve on that in a sequel!!
BUT! Ever since I was a very tiny child, I have yearned for scenarios of Peach fighting and saving herself and handling Bowser all on her own, and I am EXTREMELY grateful that this movie actually follows through with that and doesn't fully play into the more traditional damsel in distress scenario after setting Peach up as more capable and combat-experienced!!! Because one of my LEAST favorite modern tropes with portraying women is when a story sets up a female character as extremely badass and capable and able to kick all the bad guy's butts...but that's only in the opening scenes where it doesn't matter, don't worry, she'll be rendered completely helpless during the important stuff because, clear the way, the MAIN MALE CHARACTER/LOVE INTEREST (that she usually trained herself) is here to be the star now! And I was afraid that's where we were going here when Peach was captured - which is why I found it SO delightful that she had her own plan and we get this awesome scene of her not only taking Bowser out of commission (temporarily), but also fighting her way through a horde of enemies AND stalling the prisoners' descent long enough for Luigi and everyone to be saved! It is a MARIO BROS MOVIE, of course, not a Peach movie, which is why the rest plays out as it does and she does take a backseat, understandably, but the fact that they let her have this moment all to herself when they could have easily written something more traditional where Mario swoops in and breaks up the wedding meant a lot to me (and that younger version of me).
(And just to be clear, this is not me saying that this version of Peach is superior in any way to game!Peach. I have always loved Peach! I'm just glad the movie didn't try to have it both ways. Either make Peach her sweet, gentle, non-fighting focused self who is in need of rescue and there's nothing wrong with that OR make her much more combat-ready and follow through on that characterization to the logical conclusion (instead of having the character spout off "tough" ultimately empty lines while never actually getting to prove herself)!!! They chose the latter, and that works for me! But I know it doesn't for everyone.)
I also liked her being a little more excitable and silly while still having proper, delicate mannerisms in a lot of places (I especially like how she carries herself/doesn't back down when they arrive at the big Kong door) and her interactions with Mario. If it was me writing the movie, I probably would have punched up her sweetness and poise a BIT more and (again) fleshed out her dialogue to have more life and nuance to it than just Efficient Plot-Forwarding Information At All Times but overall, nothing major!
Again, I totally understand people who were frustrated by how at odds it felt with the games! I think I just see the character now as two alternate versions that I enjoy and appreciate pretty equally for different reasons. :)
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Even if there's plenty of problems with how the MCU writes women that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of criticism made in bad faith. Like, people where complaining about She-Hulk when the only thing out was the Logo. "Why does there have to be a female Hulk." Ask as if she wasn't a character who's been around for over 40 years.
Yes, it is important for women and girls to be their own heroes but there's nothing wrong with female counterparts. There can actually be a lot value in them. Sometimes it's good for children to see themselves in not just a hero, but THE hero. It's great that a black kid can see that they can be Captain America or Spider-Man, the hero everyone knows and adores. Same hold true for girls. That there's Carol Danvers is equal to her male predecessor. It's important that the Bat-Family is a family and that Kathy and Barbara wear the logo.
Anyway, point is that the Distaff Counterpart is simply a character that can be done well or poorly and that "Why girl version of guy character, but not boy version of Lady character" is not a real criticism. Jessica is going to be in n Spider-verse 2 and I'm so excited
There is a lot of criticism done in bad faith, I couldn't agree more with you!
The She-Hulk craze was a dumpster-fire in the worst possible way. I didn't watch the show and I only criticized her speech to Bruce regarding catcalling (mainly because it was a lost opportunity to introduce a new character and instead of talking about her personal experiences she went on a general rant on what all women go through + she invalidated Bruce's struggles), but a lot of the criticism I heard about her was ridiculous. Remember all that madness about her twerking? That was a post-credit scene meant to be fun, nothing more, but the amount of hate I saw made my skin crawl - and a lot of it was utterly misogynistic too.
And of course her obsession with Steve and his sexual experiences didn't help. You can't have a series that is supposedly trying to make a point of saying objectifying someone is wrong and then have the title character do just that and frame it as funny.
I'll be honest though and say that I'm not a big fan of female counterparts of male heroes unless they're done well. I didn't mind Kate because she has her own personality and story and she has a great arc throughout the Hawkeye series, but Captain Carter? She's absolutely terrible and she has no story of her own: her What If ep is a copy&paste of TFA where all of Bucky's scenes are given to her. I think the criticism of "this woman is only a male version" only happens when it's done badly, as we saw in Into the Spiderverse that when done well we're all big fans of the outcome.
With that said, reading people trying to pair all women in Phase Four together as something Marvel is doing out of "representation" and claiming they're all just the "female version" of a male hero gets on my nerves, especially when those fans include Shuri in all this. Shuri was introduced in BP1, she's her own character way before she took the Black Panther suit and put it on. It sounds like that type of criticism is in bad faith because it assumes those women need to earn their place on the screen whereas the men are accepted at face value.
As long as we're getting women written well, who cares if instead of Clint we have Kate? Why is it a problem now that it's a woman when it wasn't a problem earlier when the mantle had been given to a man? Or to claim Valkyrie is replacing Thor because she's the King of New Asgard (that's not how it works, she's not female Thor now that she's ruling). It's the same bullshit I read post-Wakanda Forever: if there are more than 2 or 3 women on screen some people start whining and claiming it's all an agenda. So, do we want more women on screen or not? 🤔
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
Sorry I forgot to add this to the last ask. But I think Philip gets so much hate because the show turned Eloise into a woman who hates marriage and children. So to many people, it is disappointing that she ends up happily married. But that's the show's fault cause that was not the Eloise from the book and honestly, I have no idea how they are gonna do that 180° turn with her character.
I have no idea also but I'm excited to find out honestly.
I still think that Eloise journey done correctly has a lot of potential. A couple of posts ago I compared it to what happened with Meredith Gray. Shonda does have a tendency of putting her characters in uncomfortable situations and then taking them in the opposite direction. In s1 Meredith had all this trauma associated with family and she didn't want to have kids and her mother had been abusive and gradually she built her own found family, when she met Derek she went through her own character growth to the point where she married Derek they started a family and she got to heal from all the trauma in the process.
I would love a more condensed version of that for Eloise honestly (we don't have 29 seasons for Eloise to go trough millions of episodes worth of growth). Also I think what people are most afraid of is that it would be another situation of 'Love cured her feminism' given the type of love interest that she was given. Since Chris Fulton's Phillip is the least problematic male that's ever been introduced in that show
To those people I say: don't worry she's not going to fall in love with the plant nerd and suddenly forget she also believes in gender equality and women's rights.
I look forward to seeing Eloise build something for herself as she sees her siblings experience love and begins to be more comfortable with the idea that she also deserves to have happiness the way they have with their spouses. to the points that she begins to seek a match for herself without her mother or her siblings pressuring her into it. It will be very interesting to see because she's not going to become the opposite of what she is she's just going to grow out of her old preconceived ideas about marriage and children. And find a better version of it. In the example she sees around her with Kate and Sophie and Penelope.
And that's the tea
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plaindangan · 2 months
Tsumugi inviting Fujiko over a livestream until it devolves into them arguing over what’s the best anime out there.
Somehow it leads to them cat fighting ripping their clothes off while livestream chat goes crazy over what they’re seeing
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"--And today we have our surprise guest!! Give it up for Fujiko Yamada, creator of the popular 4koma Tara☆Spa!!" It was a collab both wanted to do for a while. Tsumugi, rising streamer and famous cosplayer/avid geek, interviewing one of the most famous indie release mangaka out there was serious boon to both her show (which was currently at 5K watchers so far) and Fujiko, who would gain even more recognition of her skills and work. It was a win-win that both saw the benefits from! In the comfort of Tsumugi's equally geekish room, Fujiko sat on the right of
"Hey, heeeeey!! How's my favorite group doing?!!! I'm so glad to be here!!" Said Fujiko, her sharp teeth grinning almost madly at the camera. The chat was already abuzz with Fujiko's presence (and sort of getting derailed with people wanting the alleged sadist to punish them), so, seemingly, there was nothing much to do other than go up with this event.
Why did you start doing manga?
What was your inspiration for doing so?
What advice did you have for people wanting to go solo?
What do you think of your 'excited' fanbase?
The questions went on and on and on...
All was well...until that seemingly innocent question.
"Alright, on the count of three, we'll both say at the same time - what is the best current anime adaptation out there."
"Sure, sure, sure!!~ I don't mind!! Keehahaha!"
"Tornado Sentai Spin Ranger!!!" declared Tsumugi!
"Pure Family Companion!!!!" Fujiko declared.
"A...sentai? Really? Those are kinda a dime of a dozen. C'mon, you're yanking my chain with that! Keehahaha!" Fujiko said, chuckling snidely at such a choice. Defensively, Tsumugi shot back.
"Y-yeah?!! So what? You can still make a good show even with an old premise! They play around with old group dynamics very well - like making the leader the Sentai Spin Yellow or making the main vil-"
"Already done that two seasons ago - the only unique thing Spin Ranger does is how fast it can use up old tropes." Oh that does it! Tsumugi pouted and took a jab at Fujiko's favorite.
"And like Pure Family doesn't with its gratuitous fanservice and overly busty schoolgirls?!" Now this had Fujiko seething, though her version of that is smiling even more insanely than usual. But Mugi continued. "That writer is operating with one hand in their pants and you know it!!"
"It's called being a comedy type of show! Something I thought you valued Tsumugi!!"
"There's a time and place for ecchi, even in comedic sort of stuff! Then again you did make that 54th issue of-
"We don't talk about issue 54."
"Then don't talk about Spin Ranger like that!!"
"Awww, is someone's feelings a bit hurt because their show might as well be normie trash?~"
"And what if I diiiiiiii-!!!! H--h-heeeeeey!!!" Without warning Tsumugi suddenly ripped open Fujiko's top button, exposing her violet bra and her own busty set of knockers.
"If you like your horny scenes so much, why don't you live it?!~" The cosplayer said smugly...only for a chill to run down her spine as she saw Fujiko's smirk turned all warped and dangerous~
"...Ohhh, so this is how you wanna play, bitch?~"
"Take it back! Take it back! Take it back!!!"
"Fuck no!! YOU take your bullshit back!!!"
It was hard to believe that an interview could go so wrong...and so right for the audience~
On the ground, both girls were grappling each other like mad. From Tsumugi yanking at Fujiko's pigtails and having her squeal in pain, to Fujiko constantly tugging forward at Tsumugi's long silky hair to hear her cries, both were really letting each other have it...and so engrossed in their fight, they didn't realize two things.
One, both uniforms were an utter wreck. Fujiko top and bra had been ripped to shreds and so her bare, jiggly, boobs were showing off...and the fact she had them pierced~ As for Tsumugi, while at least had her dark blue bra on (which still gave the viewers ample look at her fatty tits), her skirt had been ripped to shreds. Meaning Mugi's bubble booty and blue lace panties were making their stream debut too.
As they fought, chat was going wild with Tsumugi's moderators making a poll over who would win, and many donators giving the cosplayer thousands over the 'great show'. Something that, when the dust finally settled - with both mangaka and cosplayer realized they were getting filmed (and promptly shutting off Mugi's stream in a heartbeat) - an idea came to both. That, once a month, both would participate in a 'sexy showdown' with each other, in a more official setting. Sometimes it'd be dressing in skimpy cosplays, other times its just in bikini - but always both would be wrestling with each other. For the sake of their opinion....
And that pervy yen~
(Hope you guys enjoyed Fujiko here - it's always a treat to get some of the more underused girls, so feel free to send more for others like her if you want/can!)
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
It laughed wild and frenzied. The blood rushing down its arms of little importance now. This male would die like all the others had in this space station. It saw galaxies die faster then this one had but that was fine. This was what it was meant for, this was it was born for.
It brought the blade down cutting off his arm. It grinned as it screamed, his agony only funneling it's own magic. He lurched with his good hand swiping its head off.
The magic burst forward shattering the windows and corrupting the devices. The energy swirled and coalesced into a egg as black as the night, with gold veins. They pulsed to a rhythm all their own.
The constructs were winged abberarations made of dripping shadows. They descended on the male tearing and feasting on him.
The control of it on them would only last a couple minutes. Then they'd depart to go to any clans who would have such things.
Or they'd destroy each other, such was the way of these things - of their people. The spy moved swiping the orb and dissapering.
It could be swallowed or placed in a Thrall to gestate. If this casing was destroyed it would be born naturally at some point.
He needed to get to his Queen, to give her the greatest weapon their people had. He just needed to get out of this -
His form was thrown off course and he was sucked into a nearby star to die. The casing exploded shredding him before the light could.
Vaatu and Raava had finally put an end to the most devasting war their people had. They'd had finally given their people some modicum of peace.
Their clan was gone but it lived on in them, in their children. As was their custom they kept them away from the eyes of court. They will not be debuted till they came into their names.
Their daughter had already a few summers ago, Adva. A beautiful name that called on the waves of their home, of the ripplies of galaxies and time.
Their son had not yet, his powers hadn't manifested. Vaatu was sitting in the courtyard watching him dig in the dirt. He inhaled as saw his son rot the small hole he'd dug and grow a flower. He did it over and over again seemingly finding it enjoyable.
Vaatu shut his eyes. Reshaye would always come back, a gift or curse from their ancestors perhaps. Perhaps it was their version of a god? Perhaps it was just an anomaly. Perhaps it -
"Perhaps we can try to change it - his perspective?"
He looked to Raava.
"We've done more outlandish things. But you know how all the stories end."
With violence, death and madness.
Vaatu picked their boy up and went inside. They'd both already decided on a name hadn't they?
Reshaye was always easy to spot it didn't have the Hallmark marks of the stars that their people did. It could manipulate life and death. It could give rise to new kin. In a lot of ways it was their great equalizer.
Their son beamed up at them shifting on his feet. He was excited for a name, he'd done it! He'd become a big boy to earn a name now!
Raava held the stone out to his older sister, the name ascribed on it. Vaatu looked to Adva and brushed a hand through her hair.
"Will you read your brother's name darling?"
//birth of Abhaile??//
Some would say that the birth of her little brother was the greatest gift she could ever receive, even from a young age she had been doting upon the small boy. Always caring, always promising him that one day he would find his gifts. Even when she had finally gotten her own name, she promised him that she wouldn't leave him behind.
They had years of adventures to accomplish, they had things to do and people to see. Even when she had become more focused on tending to their people, she always promised him time.
Her eyes shone when she saw her brother being brought inside, she could almost feel the change in the atmosphere as she rose from her studies. She smiled when she met her father, she always did love her family so much. Her parents had loved and nurtured her, her brother was important to her.
She gently took the stone, turning to look towards her brother as she looked over the name engraved. It spoke loudly to her, how fitting it felt. Honest, homely. "I think it is a beautiful name, and it suits you well," Adva knelt before her brother, gently placing the stone in his hand. "Abhaile, you will always be my Abhaile."
0 notes
waitineedaname · 3 years
8- gordon at Benry
“I can’t believe you told them you were my fiancé.”
“Huh? You didn’t say no, though.”
The moms of Joshua’s soccer team were an impenetrable clique. Gordon had no idea why, but for whatever fucking reason, they’d decided they hated him. Maybe he had brought the wrong snacks to practice, maybe they didn’t appreciate Joshua teaching all their sons swear words, maybe he cheered a little too loud at games. Whatever, he could deal with a little pettiness and false politeness from a bunch of housewives. He’d dealt with worse.
It was one of the first games of the season, and it was Gordon’s turn to bring drinks for the team. He was almost at the soccer field, hoping his pack of mini Gatorades would appease Joshua’s teammates, when he realized he was bringing an additional unknown variable: Benrey. The former security guard tagging along to all his outings had become such an expected occurrence at this point that he’d completely forgotten that Benrey had never gone to one of Joshua’s games before. He grimaced to himself as he pulled into the parking lot. Benrey had gotten a lot better about not doing blatant alien shit in public over time, but he was still a rogue element. Gordon could only hope he was in a chill enough mood to not make a scene on the soccer field.
Joshua had taken off running in the direction of his friends the moment the car parked, and Gordon and Benrey followed a distance behind, Gatorade packs in hand.
“Gordon, you made it!” One of the soccer moms waved at them as they walked over. “We were worried you might be late again.”
Gordon tried to turn gritted teeth into a smile. “Just because I was late one time, Katie, doesn’t mean I’m always going to be late.”
Katie gave him an equally fake smile and turned her gaze on Benrey, who was setting his pack of Gatorades down next to the cooler. “And who’s this? I don’t think we’ve met!”
“Hm?” Benrey glanced up at her, then reached out for a handshake, his hand still damp with condensation. “Yo. Benrey.”
“Katie,” She said, shaking his hand for as short a time as possible. She glanced between him and Gordon, trying to make some kind of connection between them. “Are you Joshua’s… uncle?”
“What?” Benrey squinted at her from under the rim of his baseball cap. “Nah, I’m Gordon’s fiancé.”
Gordon promptly choked on air.
Katie’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. “Oh!” She exclaimed. “I didn’t know Gordon was engaged!”
“Aw bro, you didn’t tell them?” Benrey turned his version of puppy dog eyes on Gordon, which was really just an intense stare since he’d never quite figured out how puppy eyes worked. Gordon thought he could see mischief behind the stare.
“Man, can you blame me? It happened pretty recently.” Gordon tried to convey ‘what the fuck are you doing?!’ without giving them away to Katie. Benrey just grinned and grabbed Gordon’s hand, doubling down.
“Well! I’m glad Joshua’s new stepdad could make it to one of his games!” Katie said, clasping her hands together.
“Yeah, I’m excited. Joshie’s gonna kick your kid’s ass, gonna make all the touchdowns.”
“Um.” Katie faltered, and it took all of Gordon’s strength not to snort. Never had he been so pleased by Benrey’s ability to throw anybody off their rhythm. “Well, our boys are on the same team, and it’s soccer, not f-”
“Huh? What? Sucker? What’re you calling me?”
“Okay! Well! We better go get our chairs set up!” Gordon yelled, dragging Benrey away before he could make it worse. Which led them to where they were now, sitting in lawn chairs on the side of the field, Gordon struggling not to completely break down into laughter. Benrey looked impossibly smug, slouched beside him.
“What was I supposed to say, man?” Gordon continued to protest. “I panicked! God, I’m so fucked. How am I supposed to explain that we aren’t engaged without sounding like a lunatic?”
“Just don’t? Easy.” Benrey shrugged.
“No, you don’t get it. She’s gonna be watching us like a hawk to see if we actually act like a couple.”
“Okay. Guess we gotta act like a couple now.” Benrey raised an eyebrow at him. “Unless you’re chicken? Baby chickenshit? Too afraid to act like he wants to smooch his best friend Benrey?”
“I’m not afraid, asshole.”
“Yeah? Prove it.”
Oh, a challenge, huh? Well, when he put it like that, there was no way Gordon could back down. Gordon leaned over and put his hand on Benrey’s shoulder. “You’re on,” He said, rubbing his thumb affectionately on the side of Benrey’s neck for good measure.
Pretending to flirt was way more fun than it should’ve been. It felt like second nature to lean in a little closer to talk than they would normally or to throw around obnoxious pet names to make each other laugh or to initiate extra physical affection. It felt so natural, in fact, that Gordon almost forgot why he was doing it as he got more distracted by Joshua’s game. Joshua’s team only needed one more point to win, and Joshua had control of the ball, and Benrey and Gordon were absolutely riveted. They were holding hands, but both of them weren’t even paying attention to that, far more concerned with being the loudest people cheering from the sidelines for Joshua’s success. When Joshua kicked as hard as he could and the soccer ball shot to the back of the goal, Gordon shouted “yes!” at the top of his lungs. Giddy with excitement, he turned, grabbed Benrey’s face, and planted a kiss directly on his mouth.
He hadn’t even realized what he’d done until he was already on the field, hugging and congratulating his son. Mortification shot through him like a spike. Oh shit. It was only a dumb competition, he definitely took it way too far, Benrey was never going to let him live this down-
Benrey’s head bonked heavily against his shoulder, an established form of affection Gordon had gotten used to over the past several months. Gordon leaned away from Joshua to give Benrey room to ruffle the kid’s hair and give him congrats of his own. If he hadn’t been so focused on the two of them, Gordon might have missed the sidelong look Benrey sent him and the slight smile that accompanied it.
Joshua was momentarily distracted by one of his friends running over and talking about something a mile a minute, which gave Benrey the chance to nudge Gordon in the side. “Hey,” He said. Gordon looked over at him just in time to receive a kiss on the cheek. Benrey grinned at Gordon’s dumbstruck expression, then scooped Joshua up onto his shoulders like nothing had happened. “Yo, Joshua! Your dad is gonna buy us ice cream!”
“Wh- I never said that!” Gordon protested, following them as Benrey and Joshua chanted ‘ice cream!’ over and over the whole way to the car. He laughed and shook his head. Well, at least he wouldn’t have to deal with the soccer mom clique on his own anymore.
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Here’s the thing: After 15x18 - after Castiel’s confession - I will be devastatingly heartbroken with any ending less than a full, explicitly romantic relationship between him and Dean.
Let’s be clear: If they hadn’t had Cas confess, I wouldn’t be terrified about what they’re going to give to us on Thursday night. We’d all made our peace with Destiel never going canon. We never, ever in a million years expected to actually get it. All of us shippers were content to live with what we got on screen, determined to see it live on in our fanfiction, with faith in the fandom to tell the story of Dean and Castiel. We were fine. We were excited! The ending of any show is a momentous occasion, but the ending of this one? With this fandom family? After this long? No matter what happened, it was going to be something we’d cherish forever.
Instead, in the third-to-last episode of all time, Supernatural gave us a confession of love from one of its most beloved characters to the hero of the story. And we all lost our minds. Quite rightfully! We never, ever thought it would happen - no matter how much sub there has been in the text over the last 12 years. You know why? Because of Disney.
We’re used to the Disney version of LGBTQ representation. The kind where about a month before a movie comes out, we see a flurry of articles published about how there will be a “gay character” in it - somehow always for the first time. And the character is always gay; nobody cares enough to draw any distinctions within the community. All of human sexuality that isn’t purely straight is purely gay. *cue the eyerolls* And maybe the first time we got a little excited. (Probably not, but go with me here for a sec.) Maybe for Beauty and the Beast, we thought, “Oh, LeFou was kind of a fun character in the cartoon version. Maybe it’ll be cool to see him have a crush!” But always and inevitably, the “representation” is one of two equally hurtful things: 1) the character’s sexuality is bluntly on display, but it’s a source of ridicule for the person, and the audience is encouraged to laugh at it “with” the character (o hai, LeFou); or 2) the scene is less than two seconds long, or the character is unnamed, or the circumstances of the “representation” are such that they can easily be cut from the project for foreign audiences or swept under the rug in the minds of viewers who’d rather not admit that queer people exist (what up, Star Wars and Endgame?).
And that shit really fucking hurts. We’re told to shut up and be grateful, even enthusiastic that mainstream fiction media noticed we’re here at all. But we’re never main characters. Our stories are never told. This part of our identity is not only left unexplored; it is so exploited for woke points as to be made the single most defining thing about us. It’s offensive, over and over again, to have us included solely because of how we are different.
It fucking hurts.
Things are changing, slowly. We’re starting to get some deeper, three-dimensional representation in television and film. It’s not all starting out in 2005 on the same network that brought us 7th Heaven anymore. My niece is 14-years-old and out, and she will never remember a time when she had to scour the Internet to see queer versions of her favorite characters; she just has them. But all of us adults, well... chances are, our journeys have the potential to look a lot like Dean’s. We didn’t get to come out in high school. We didn’t let our younger selves think too hard about what we knew in our hearts would make us happy. It took us longer to arrive at a place of security and safety in order to be able to admit to ourselves and others who we are. Hell, the whole damn process of recognizing human sexuality is fluid might have taken us years!
Us queer adults - the ones who have been watching and loving Supernatural for longer than its younger audience - can now taste the possibility of seeing something that probably looks a lot like our very own romantic and personal experiences in Dean Winchester. We’ve been celebrating bi!Dean for years on our own, picking up the crumbs the writers give us and clutching them tightly, because what a gift it would be to see this good man, this hero as one of our own! And now... we’re so close to actually seeing it. On screen. For real and for sure.
These last two weeks have been incredibly difficult. We’re ecstatic! Wildly so! What other kind of reaction would we have to the writers allowing Castiel to admit these feelings we’ve all thought would only ever exist in our heads? But we are equally anxious, wary, and - quite frankly - battling hopelessness. Supernatural doesn’t have a great track record with these things. Everyone on Tumblr - even those that don’t watch this show - is well aware that this one is the master of queerbaiting. And then there’s Disney banging around in our skulls, a psychological trauma sounding again like an alarm. We’ve been burned so many times before, by other mainstream media and by Supernatural itself. It feels crazy to hope. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the confession scene; I still can’t believe it’s real. A male-shaped main character said “I love you” to another male-shaped main character. It can’t be cut out and ignored, or brushed aside as platonic. It wasn’t a joke at the expense of queerness. It happened. It was big, and it was right there.
And now we are so, so close. Fuck.
That’s why if Supernatural doesn’t follow through and give us Dean and Cas unequivocally in love in the final 42 minutes of this beautiful, ridiculous, wonderful, preposterous, absolutely WILD show, it’ll just completely fucking break me. It will be the worst kind of tease, the deepest cut buried in the briniest salt. If they hadn’t given us Castiel’s confession, we’d have no expectations. But they did. And now, if they don’t deliver after all that’s been said and done...
...it will utterly shatter my fragile little bisexual heart into a million fucking pieces.
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mc-lukanette · 4 years
42 More Lukanette Thoughts
Marinette making a lucky charm bracelet for Luka, but being afraid to give it to him since Adrien also has one and she doesn’t want Luka thinking that he’s just a replacement for Adrien. Luka finds the gift eventually and naturally does not think that at all.
Luka being a morning person (or at least more of one than Marinette) so he helps Marinette’s sleep schedule by calling her to wake her up in the morning. This also leads to late-night calls between them where they both check if the other is sleeping at the right time (which can lead to either good or bad things; good because they’re checking on each other, bad because they clearly don’t have self-control and might just keep each other up).
Luka ends up hurting one of his hands and proceeds to avoid Marinette, knowing that his lack of ability to play music might affect him emotionally. He doesn’t want her to see him vulnerable. Marinette inevitably figures it out and frets over him while also thinking up ways to help him out.
Marinette being miserable every time she hears the ballroom music that she used to associate with her (former) love for Adrien. She was with Luka once and he got to witness her shouting angrily at the speakers playing the music that she has a boyfriend who is NOT Adrien and she doesn’t appreciate this reminder of Adrien’s existence.
Marinette struggling to confess to Luka, but then having no problem rambling off praises for him to other people.
Marinette tries on Luka’s highlights once and surprises Luka with it. He’s so caught off-guard that he reaches up and touches/feels her hair himself, earning a blush out of Marinette. Now she has to try his looks more so he’ll initiate physical contact more.
Luka getting his own version of “Copycat” (not him being jealous, but just an akuma who’s out to make him look bad). The name? Lukalike.
AU where Marinette isn’t technically into Adrien, but has been brought up/grew up to plan and schedule for the future to an obsessive degree (in line with all her scheduling in canon). She actually wasn’t romantically in love with Adrien but saw him as a viable option and he was “already in her plans” by the time Luka showed up. Marinette cut Luka off in a panic after realizing she was in love with him, but realizes her mistake later on and absolutely drops an emotional bomb on him when she reveals that she returned his feelings this whole time and had to get over her obsession for planning/organization first..
Luka still being the calm, collected individual he is, but he’s actually really excitable and “loud” over text. Marinette learns that after they exchange numbers and it’s adorable.
Vagabond (Homeless) Luka who travels all around, playing music for people. Marinette loves his music and will happily walk around to find him playing, even if she’s crunched for time. He provides lots of inspiration for her though it sure is weird how long he’s been around??? what could he possibly be sticking around for? (bonus if he sticks around so long that it leads into winter and obviously she’s not letting him stay outside)
Luka and Marinette meeting as Viperion and Ladybug, falling for each other, and they want to date but they also don’t want people to know so cue superhero dating.
AU where Juleka either wasn’t born or she and Luka simply didn’t grow up together, so Luka didn’t have to grow into the “big brother” type. He’s also bad with physical contact, as his mother isn’t a very physically-affectionate person, so he seeks out a way to be better with being touched. In comes Marinette and she happily offers to get him used to physical contact. Bonus if she starts feeling jealous at the idea of him eventually being able to touch other people and Double Bonus if she just ends up being the exception more than anything else and they’re both okay with that.
Pre-dating, Luka and Marinette knowing full well what they do to each other and going out of their way to make the other blush.
“Felix” divergence where it turns out that Marinette was still pursuing Adrien because she was convinced that Luka wasn’t actually crushing on her (thought it was her overthinking/hoping for too much because she “is used to being disappointed” by now, plus the fact that he confessed and then walked away without saying a word), but she realizes that he is when he makes the comment about “being there for her.” She explains it to him in relief and Luka’s heart is sent on a ride because he was convinced that she didn’t feel that way about him. Bonus if now Marinette is panicking about the video and will later be glad that it didn’t go through.
Sass “challenging” Marinette and teasingly saying that he’ll take Luka if she doesn’t want him. Cue Marinette being very jealous of Sass hanging around Luka all the time and she eventually gets fed up to the point of confessing to Luka outright, then being all smug to Sass who had planned this from the beginning so he’s not complaining.
Rose gets a cold, so Luka temporarily takes over as Kitty Section’s singer for practice. Marinette isn’t ready.
Childhood Friends AU where Marinette grows up believing that Luka and Juleka must have the same romantic orientation because they’re twins and she doesn’t know how orientations works. Thus, clearly Luka is gay which means that he doesn’t return her feelings obviously (she’s very wrong).
Marinette wanting a song to replace the ballroom music she remembers when she was still crushing on Adrien, so she non-subtly tries to find a song that Luka would like that they could slow dance to (either pre or post dating).
Post-battle, Viperion asking Ladybug if it’s okay for him to hang onto the snake miraculous for a little longer, then going on to explain that Marinette, a friend of his, seemed really sad that day and he figured it’d help to be visited by a hero. (Ladybug is screaming internally because she knows that she’s not supposed to let them keep them any longer than the battle but his request is so pure and sweet and he’s doing it for her--)
Viperion setting up for Second Chance. During the battle, he and Ladybug end up bonding and/or kissing, but Viperion ends up needing to go back, thus erasing it from the timeline. However, while Ladybug doesn’t seem to remember the specifics or what happened, she seems to have vague feelings that he used Second Chance and even touches her lips at one point with a thoughtful look.
Marinette learning how to do her own make-up to try and look closer to the age that Luka looks. She very much doesn’t need it to impress him/make him think that she’s pretty..
Marinette getting into bouts of being extremely lame and romantic, like texting Luka things like, “I was just thinking about you,” and then regretting it when he responds with something equally lame with no hesitation.
Fu being okay with Luka knowing Ladybug’s identity, as Luka is someone who keeps to himself, is able to keep a secret, and actively supports Marinette.
One day, Marinette accidentally catches Luka working on a love song that’s clearly written for her. He’s embarrassed for once, partly because he’d never intended for her to hear it, but she assures him that it’s okay and she’d like to hear the full thing. She shows up occasionally to listen to his progress, Luka suspecting nothing, then cut to when the full song is done and she ends up singing it alongside him without warning, essentially confessing back to him.
Event where Marinette is put in charge of selling custom-made “Ladybug Fan” and “Chat Noir Fan” T-shirts. And then in comes Luka with a white shirt and a shoddily-but-lovingly-written “Marinette Fan” on it (bonus if he tried to draw her pink flowers).
Marinette drawing something for Adrien in her sketchbook and keeps abandoning it to spend time with/visit Luka (a metaphor for her slowly getting over Adrien and falling for Luka instead). She’ll end up making something for Luka instead in the end.
At some point in adulthood, Marinette admitting to Luka that she’s been crushing on him for a long time, but was afraid of saying anything. Luka assures her that there’s still a place in his heart, but Marinette needs time to accept that (out of guilt and being convinced for so long that he’d never forgive her) and/or Luka needs time to really confirm to himself that she means it (not that he doesn’t believe her but he’s thought for so long that she didn’t like him that way). Cue awkward dorks slowly working their way into a relationship with hand touches, cheek kisses, and finally the full acceptance that they’re willing to forget about what they thought before and just love each other.
Luka and Marinette being married with kids. Whenever Marinette has to let Luka sleep, he’ll wake up later but with their kids telling him that she told them to tell him that she loves him (she also might’ve skipped breakfast because she doesn’t like having it without him and Luka will definitely be going to meet with her for lunch, complete with kisses for giving him so many feels in the morning).
someone: Marinette, don’t hide your face in your hands. [Marinette proceeds to use Luka’s hands to hide her face instead]
Marinette and Luka, having never met, being in a pet store and buying a pet mouse and snake respectively. Unexpectedly, the two pets escape from them at some point before they leave the store, and after frantically searching, they find the mouse and snake next to each other and actually seeming to get along as if they’re friends. The store owner confirms that the two animals frequently escape to see each other and they have no idea why, but Luka and Marinette acknowledge it and decide to exchange addresses so their pets can still see each other. Meeting up “just for the sake of their pets” quickly becomes an excuse.
Luka is definitely the type who wouldn’t wash off Marinette’s lipstick kisses for the longest time. Marinette ends up having to clean them off herself (which really just encourages him not to do it himself more).
Likewise, Marinette forgot her gloves once while it was cold and Luka warmed her hands for her, so she continued “forgetting them” after that.
Luka and Marinette end up getting a pet and Marinette struggling between finding Luka playing with their pet adorable and being extremely jealous because now the pet is stealing her Luka time.
Post-dating, Marinette having self-esteem issues over being as short as she is (maybe having gotten rude comments from models before). She keeps trying to kiss Luka from above and insisting on being the big spoon.
Kitty Section getting a singing game and Luka getting to hear Marinette singing for the first time. Now he has to hear it so much more. Bonus if their voices blend well together when they sing together.
Marinette wanting to give Luka promise ring but being convinced that he’d hate it because he “already has so many accessories” (as if Luka wouldn’t enthusiastically wear anything she gives him).
Luka being an exhausted rock star who flees from paparazzi and his fans. Marinette ends up seeing him and letting him hide in her house, being a huge fan of him but not getting to star-struck levels since she grew up with a famous model friend and knowing celebrities. She allows Luka to hide at her place whenever he wants and eventually worries about him seeing her as “just like his fans” when she realizes that she’s crushing on him.
Marinette breaking up with Adrien in adulthood, which starts a lot of rumors from people about how Marinette will just turn down any guy she sees because who in the right mind would break up with the sunshine model??? Then, cue Luka (who may or may not have met Marinette yet) coming in and seeing all the distance people make from Marinette (and not getting it), so he happily approaches her and strikes up a conversation because he doesn’t care about rumors or anything like that.
Marinette getting a two-seater bike for Luka and trying to be subtle about it like
Alya doing a scheme by inventing some sort of game where someone gets chosen and has to shout out the person they love because, “Girl, you blurt things out all the time! You’ll totally say Adrien’s name,” and then Marinette blurts out Luka’s name because she loves him and not Adrien, shocking everyone.
If Marinette and Luka (i.e: the “thinkers” of the hero group) were akumatized together, Paris - no, the world - would be officially screwed.
Fashion Designer Marinette and Rock Star Luka. Marinette has been trying to confess to Luka for a while, but things usually go wrong or the timing is always off. She finally says “screw it” to subtlety, and waits for them to have an interview together (as Luka wears Marinette’s clothes constantly and they’re best friends), then unzips her jacket to “get comfortable” while they’re sitting next to each other, revealing an, “I Love Luka Couffaine (yes, romantically),” shirt. The interviewer and audience notice immediately (especially due to the large screen in the background that shows an enlarged view of the interviewer, Luka, and Marinette) and then it’s just a matter of waiting for Luka to notice (probably after he stops gushing about Marinette’s amazing clothing choices).
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meigh-day · 3 years
Meet Cute (Tendou x F!Reader)
Title: Meet Cute
Pairing: Tendou x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff!
Status: Complete
Word Count: 2.1k
"I can do this..." You mumble to yourself, eyes focused on the single page menu in your hands. The words scrawled across the page wanted to seem familiar but only a couple managed to find their meaning while the rest just sat there taunting you. Maybe choosing to eat out was a bad idea. It had been only a couple of weeks since you'd uprooted your whole life and moved to beautiful Paris. Sure, your apartment wasn't the prettiest or the biggest and yea maybe not actually speaking a word of French prior to moving wasn't the brightest idea but you couldn't say you regretted the decision. Not yet anyway. A kind looking waitress approached your table, pen poised to take your order as she spoke to you. Her words came quick and left you staring up at her with an awkward smile while she stared at you, expectantly at first and then confused when you said nothing.
"Oh... uh... un moment..." Is all you finally manage to stammer out in your very limited French. She sighs a bit but nods and disappears back inside, leaving you to stare a bit longer at the menu as you worry your lip between your teeth. With a sigh you place the menu flat on the table. Resting your chin in your palm as you stare out at the bustling street before you. People wandered by, laughing with friends, arms full of shopping or flowers, hands intertwined as soft words passed between them. It seemed familiar in a way, watching others pass by on their way to or from some place. Yet, that familiarity only seemed to make you feel all the more alienated, amplifying that feeling of loneliness that was starting to creep up on you. You let out a soft hum of acknowledgement, your train of thought derailing immediately after as you realize someone was talking to you and you'd absentmindedly acknowledged them.
"Ah, sorry!" You sit up, turning your attention towards the source. An amused smile greets you as a pair of sharp red eyes catch your own. For a moment you sit stunned, mind stuck on one word: pretty. A short chuckle brings you back and you clear your throat as you try to think of something, anything to say to this stranger. "Uhm... Ah... P-pardonner monsieur." You offer up a stammered apology, though you aren't sure if you are sorry for not hearing what he said or for deciding to grace this café and the city with your inadequate French. Both maybe?
He laughs and shakes his head before pointing to the seat across from you as if to ask permission. You nod, offering him a somewhat nervous smile as you watch him take a seat. He was tall and thin with the prettiest red hair you had ever seen. He squints his eyes at you a moment before plucking the menu from the table and reading it over. With nothing else to occupy your attention, you watched him, curious why he had decided to approach a complete stranger.
"Hmm, do you like sweet stuff?" He questioned, eyes peering at you from atop the menu, not a hint of French accent in a single syllable.
You smile and nod, humming in affirmation before your eyes widen. "Wait... You speak... You're not..." A sigh of relief passes your lips as you relax in your chair, grateful to not have to stammer and stutter through the minimal French you'd managed to remember. The red headed man snickered at your obvious relief, hiding his smirk behind the menu.
"Geez, you poor thing. I admire your courage."
"Yea. I didn't try my hand at dining out for like the first 2 or 3 months." He lowered the menu, his smirk now visible to you as he placed the menu back down on the table.
"Oh, heh, yea probably not the smartest move. It just smelled really good and my stomach overruled my brain."
He nodded, almost as if to say he understood the feeling before glancing back up at you. "I know we just met and all but do you trust me?" He taps the menu as he asks, indicating the reason behind his question.
"I might be inclined to trust you a little more if I knew your name..." You chuckle, watching his eyes widen in the realization that not a single word of introduction had passed between you. The smirk that had been on his lips is replaced by a sweet smile, his squinted red eyes soften as his whole express shifts from that slightly mischievous one he'd been wearing to a rather warm one.
"Ah, yea. It's Tendou, Tendou Satori."
Several minutes later, introductions now over and your order placed by the very gracious man before you, you two sat chatting back and forth. Both curious what had brought each of you to Paris, almost equally as unprepared. You found out Tendou was attending school to get his associates degree in bakery and pastry arts with the intent on training to become a chocolatier after. You stared at him, eyes wide with excitement as he spoke very animatedly about his latest project.
"But yea, not super exciting or anything." His own excitement dwindled a bit, nervousness settling in as he realized he'd been prattling on about himself for the last ten minutes.
"That sounds incredible!" You finally say. It had been so fun watching and hearing him talk about something he clearly loved.
"What about you?"
"Me? Ah..." The main reason you'd come to Paris was school. Well that's what you told people when asked and it was true. Though you couldn't deny to yourself the underlying reason for moving halfway across the word was to get away from your family. They had wanted you to stay local, go to college and work at your uncles company when you graduated. What a nicely planned future, all neat and packaged with a bow. It wasn't what you wanted though and you expressed that on many occasions. In the end you decided that if you were going to go to school for what you wanted you might as well do it as far away as possible while you were at it. Not wanting to unpack any of that though you gave him a very watered down version of why you'd come to Paris.
Tendou could tell as you spoke that something was missing from your story. Maybe it was the way your eyes shifted around as you spoke, or the stiff smile on your lips, but it was clear to him you maybe weren't telling the whole truth. Though considering he was more or less a perfect stranger, he couldn't fault you for that. Just as you were wrapping up your food arrived so any further talk regarding your coming to Paris halted in favor of eating whatever deliciousness Tendou had kindly ordered.
"Ah, that was so good." You breath out happily, leaning back in your chair in an effort to alleviate the fullness in your stomach. Tendou gave you a wide grin as he set his empty cup down. "I did a pretty good job guessing at what you'd like then?"
"Mhm!" You agree enthusiastically. "God knows what I would have ordered if not for you. So.. uh..." You sit up a bit, fixing your eyes on him as your smile softens. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."
He shakes his head, waving off your gratitude. "Nah don't worry about it." The waitress comes back around and leaves the bill, just the one, but before you can even think about how to fix this, Tendou has paid for the both of you.
"Oh no you don't have.. "
"Consider it a welcome to Paris gift." He stands and smiles down at you before slowly turning, a bit of reluctance in his step.
This was not how you had anticipated your lunch going. If anything you thought you might order something, hopefully delicious but at the very least edible, in your awful broken French and then go home. You couldn't fathom you'd end up meeting someone so kind and generous, who you maybe also thought happened to be the most beautiful person you'd ever seen. Yet you had, and now you were sat in your chair like a complete idiot watching his back grow smaller and smaller, he'd be lost in the crowd by now if not for his lovely hair.
"What am I doing?!" You harshly mutter to yourself as you stand, grabbing up your jacket and bag before breaking out into a run.
Tendou chewed on his lip as his feet carried him away from the small café. It wasn't like it was totally unusual for him to talk to strangers but he'd never just invited himself to eat with a complete stranger, pay for their meal and then leave. Yet here he was, having done all that, though the latter was being done rather reluctantly. Part of him wanted to turn around and go back to you. You'd only spent the better part of an hour together but he was curious about you. There was something that had drawn him towards you. At first he thought he'd gone to you out of the desire to help, and that was part of it to be sure, but maybe there was more to it. Sure your wobbly French had drawn him over but that wasn't why he stayed. Was it the way you had smiled up at him? Or was it the way you sat and listened to him ramble on with actual interest? Perhaps it was the gentle look on your face when he'd caught you staring off into space. Whatever it was, it had his already slow pace halting.
"Tendou!" His eyes widen at the shout of his name, turning to see you waving at him as you run, reaching him a moment later half out of breath.
"Miss me already?" He jokes, watching as you lean down, bracing your hands against your thighs while you attempt to catch your breath. He isn't kept waiting long as you stand upright, a nervous chuckle finally coming out in response to his initial reply.
"Kinda, yea."
"I-- uh... What?" Tendou falters as he tries to process what you just said, not trusting his ears.
"I know we really don't know each other but it seems like such a shame to just... ignore this."
"Ignore what?" He asks, genuinely confused.
"This!" You state as you frantically motion between the two of you. "I mean what're the odds we'd even meet. Besides, I don't know about you but I don't really know anyone around here and it'd be really nice to change that..." You end with a shrug, starting to second guess this whole endeavour as you watch Tendou stare down at you. His dark red eyes were wide at first, surprised that you had even bothered to run after him but even more so that you wanted to be...well friends or at the very least friendly. His look of surprise softened a moment, a smile on his lips before he narrowed his eyes at you, a glint of mischief in them.
"Sounds pretty suspicious to me but I suppose I can show you around or whatever." His smile widens, almost curling at the ends. "But it'll cost ya."
"C-cost me?" Oh no, maybe this was a bad idea. Perfect stranger remember?! "W-what?"
"Whoa now." He chuckles, holding his hands up in as if the action would ward off whatever dubious thoughts were drifting through your mind. "Just your number... It'd be pretty hard to show you around if I can't get a hold of ya."
"Oh... OH, yea right." You nod, cheeks tinged pink from embarrassment. You pull out your phone and enter his details, not really sparing him a glance, too mortified by the assumptions that had sprung to mind.
"I'll text you so you have my number too." You mumble as you type a short message and hit send. A moment later you hear a ding and Tendou pulls out his phone.
"Ah, is that the time?!" He practically yells as the screen lights up, his carefree smile replaced with panic. "Shit, I gotta go!" He offers you an apologetic smile before hurrying away, leaving you a little startled by his sudden departure but overall happy with the outcome. Your grin down at your phone only to see it light up as it buzzes in your hand.
(02:37pm) Y/N: Hey it's Y/N :)
(02:41pm) Tendou: You Free tomorrow?
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saturnsummer · 3 years
your headcanon was so cute!! could you also do their night routine version starting when the come off of work? 👉👈 the morning routine was so cute that it made me wonder what your thoughts on their night routine 🥺🥺
hi anon! wow, a night routine seems really fun hehe
here’s the link to what I imagine a solhwi morning would look like! it’s longer than expected, but i hope everyone likes it!
a night routine with solhwi
joon hwi would pick sol up from her office, despite her saying she can take the bus and train. joon just loves picking his girlfriend up from work on a daily.
he would be so excited to see her after a long tiring day at the prosecution office that once she enters the car, his face lights up and he smiles so bright, sol can’t help but to suppress a laugh cause it reminds her of him back in law school when they first met and he would consistently tease and smile in succession whenever she’s irritated.
joon hwi, being much more affectionate, would kiss her lovingly, before sol reminds him to drive because there are other cars waiting to pick up other passengers.
on usual days, they would park their car at their apartment complex before walking out to nearby local shops to dine in. they tried to steer from the usual delivery and ramyeon, knowing how they are growing older and would love to start caring for healthier foods. however, on some days, it was unavoidable to eat ramyeon, especially if they were pressed for time.
and so, they would have a nice meal somewhere nearby, at a shop they love eating at. sol would chat up with the local owners there while joon hwi would just nod and smile as he watches his girlfriend engage with the old halmeonis and halabeojis. she would always remind them to take it easy and remind them to take care of their health.
joon hwi would witness this compassionate side of sol on a daily, and on some peak days, he would rush to help the old folks running the restaurant to clear the plates and carry them to the kitchen for them. sol would help out equally, but always smile at how her boyfriend was helping because he picked it up from her.
the old folks would always tease the two regulars, asking them when is their marriage and all. sol and joon hwi would only shake their heads and laugh, telling them they weren’t ready yet, and they wanted to settle their careers first.
when they are done, sol always makes sure to buy extra kimchi and pickles from the shops that sold them, and promised to recommend them to her friends and colleagues at work. (indeed, she did. that’s how the shops in their neighbourhood started gaining 6 more customers.)
when they were done, they would stroll back to their apartment and ask about each other’s day. sol would let him interlock his fingers with hers, and allowed him to kiss her lovingly.
when they were back, whoever went into the shower first would be on a rotational basis as well.
sol would take longer in the shower, so when sol is out, joon hwi would have already prepared her a cup of tea and her favourite book on days when she wasn’t preoccupied with her cases.
joon hwi would take a much shorter time, and so sol would take that time to just attend to her own things instead and get her files out if she needed them.
on most nights, they tried to limit their time on their work to a maximum of two hours. they would sit in their small office (which is basically just a small room big enough for two desks and chairs facing opposite ends of the wall) and do their cases and reports.
if sol has to work late, joon hwi would insist on staying up with her till she finished, but sol would push him to bed instead, telling him it wasn’t like law school and she knows her limits. when sol’s done, she would choose the desk as her sleeping place to avoid waking joon hwi up since he’s a light sleeper. 
when joon hwi works late, sol would debate about her staying up, even opting to sleep at the desk while waiting for him. instead, he brings the laptop to their bed where she will sit and watch him study and take down notes. when joon hwi is done and sol has drifted off to sleep, he would carefully place the laptop on the floor (since they don’t have bedside tables anyways) and fall asleep, with sol’s head on his chest.
sol would ask joon hwi on some occasions, and she still had that habit of putting her hair up with a pen or highlighter, no matter how long her hair was. joon hwi would always take the stationary out of her hair and only return it if she gives him a kiss or two. 
when they are done, they would head to bed together after doing some house chores around the small empty apartment. 
sol would insist to sleep with his hoodie on some nights, especially the hankuk university one. joon hwi would give it to her, and she would act like a kid with a ice cream and candy in his hands, looking all happy and smiley. 
joon hwi loved their nights, for they would spend the time in the dark talking in hushed voices about their day, their friends, any interesting stories. more than that, they would cuddle and joon hwi treasured the feeling of her against him every night. since they only see each other in the morning and night, they can never share so much skin ship on a daily.
their bodies would be tangled up together, and they would whisper their ‘i love you’s back and forth, before falling asleep with their arms around each other loosely. 
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heliads · 4 years
When Y/N L/N is paired with Draco Malfoy for a Potions assignment, she assumes it’s just her bad luck. However, the two may have more in common than she’d thought.
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The sky is a brilliant blue, dashed with the occasional white puffy cloud that looks like it came straight out of a picture book. It’s a beautiful day, by far one of the nicest days you’ve had in a while. And instead of enjoying it, you and your friends are walking down to the dungeons for Potions. Just perfect.
Glancing over, you see your same lackluster disappointment on the faces of Harry and Ron, two of your closest friends. Even Hermione, who’s usually keen to get to class and learn some new and exciting piece of information, seems reluctant to trade in the golden glow of the sunlight for the dim, dull, and distant dungeons. 
It turns out you’re right to be unhappy- Potions class has barely started when Snape announces that you’ll be starting a project that will last about two weeks or so where you have to research and come up with your own potion alongside a partner. Most of the work will be completed outside of class, but on the final day of work the two partners will both have to successfully brew the newly created potion. Each partner will drink from their partner’s cauldron, and if you don’t immediately die or the potion works, you pass. You’ll be working in pairs of two, but just as you look eagerly to Hermione, Snape informs the class that he will be picking the partners.
Ron groans quietly. “So I guess I won’t be working with you, Harry.” Harry chuckles. “Not a chance. He’d never let the two of us get our way.” Hermione shrugs. “At least you know you won’t be working with Malfoy. He doesn’t hate Draco enough for that. Honestly, Y/N, I’d be worried about yourself. You’re a Ravenclaw, not a Gryffindor, so it isn’t outright treason to be paired with Malfoy.” You nod slowly. “That’s what I’m worried about. He won’t put any of you with Draco, and he probably won’t put Draco with Crabbe or Goyle either.”
Ron frowns at you, confused, and you clarify. “If Draco has to drink from Crabbe or Goyle’s potion, he’ll die. Snape wants to make sure Draco doesn’t get poisoned, so he’ll pick someone who’s actually competent.” Harry grins. “That would be good to see. Killed by his own best mates.” The rest of you dissolve into laughter that is just a hair too loud, as Snape glares at the four of you and a reprimand is issued from across the classroom. “Quiet, Potter! Ten points from Gryffindor!”
Ron makes a face once Snape’s back is turned. “Why didn’t he deduct any points from Y/N? She was there too!” You laugh at that. “It’s called the perks of not being in Gryffindor. Very helpful.” Across the room, Snape continues assigning partners. “Parkinson and Zabini, Thomas and Bulstrode… and Malfoy and L/N.”
You freeze in place. Snape clicks his tongue impatiently, and after a beat, you gather up your things and walk over to sit next to your partner just like everyone else in the room. Draco is evidently annoyed by this too, and he hisses something to Snape in a hushed voice. “I don’t want her as my partner! She’s Potter’s friend!” Snape just eyes him coolly. “She may be an associate of Potter, but as of right now both she and you are students under me, meaning that I and I alone have full jurisdiction of which partners you have. I would suggest you hold your tongue, Mr. Malfoy.”
Draco leans back in his seat, clearly vexed. Snape moves on to other students, and Draco mutters under his breath. “He can’t talk to me like that.” You smirk at his annoyance. “He can and he will. Welcome to the real world, Malfoy. He’s like that to everyone.” Draco flashes you a glare and you hold your hands up defensively. “Hey, I don’t want to be here anymore than you do. Don’t think for a second that you’re anywhere near my first choice for partners.” Draco shakes his head. “Nor you for me. At least I know you won’t kill me- you are a Ravenclaw, after all.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Such glowing compliments. I’m touched.” Draco rolls his eyes. “All we have to do is get through two weeks and then I never have to see you again.” You toss him an obviously mocking smile. “Sounds perfect. I can’t wait to pretend we’ve never met.”
Snape switches to lecturing directly after he finishes assigning partners, so you don’t have any time to work on the project. Once he announces the end of class, you turn to Draco, expecting to talk about research for the potion you’re supposed to come up with, but to your surprise, the Slytherin boy is already walking quickly out of the room. You heave a frustrated sigh, then grab your things and follow him out resolutely.
You catch up with him in a courtyard on the grounds, and walk in front of him, forcing him to stop. He looks at you, bored. “What do you want?” You raise an eyebrow. “To talk about the project? If we want to get this done in two weeks we have to start research immediately.” Draco waves a hand at you dismissively. “Then go do it.” He moves to start walking again, but you step to the side and block his passage. “You’re joking if you think I’m doing all of this myself. We are both doing it, or nothing is going to happen.”
Draco folds his arms across his chest. “Do you know who I am? I’m a Malfoy, one of the best pure-blood families in the Wizarding World. I certainly do not have to do research with some Ravenclaw.” You laugh incredulously. “I don’t give a damn about your family. I mean, are you really going to cling to some false notion that your family is going to get you everywhere in life? We don’t all revolve around you, and your family certainly doesn’t either.”
Draco glares at you. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You stare at him in determination. “There’s going to be a time when you graduate from your final year at Hogwarts and you have to figure out just what to do with your life. A name can only get you so far out there, stop relying on it here.” Draco pretends he’s unaffected, but you can tell you’ve struck a nerve. 
“You’re wrong, L/N. My family can bring me more than you could even dream of in your wildest imagination. No matter where I go, I could have things handed on a platter to me while you have to work away all your life for half of them.” You consider him. “But what if you didn’t have to live like that? What if, for once in your life,  you were actually yourself instead of hiding behind your father’s shadow, scared of everything that he hasn’t briefed you on beforehand?”
Draco flinches, and you realize you’ve gone too far. “Do not disrespect my father like that. He is a good man, and you cannot talk about him like that. Why are you saying all of this, anyway? Because you’re mad at me for not wanting to study?” You shake your head softly. “I’m saying this because I know how it feels, to be trapped in between your family and your life. Let down your guard just this once. I promise you’ll be all the better for it.”
Draco looks at you, and for a second you think you’ve ruined everything, and that you’ll have to just go find yourself another Potions partner because he will never speak to you again. Then he nods, and holds out his hand. “Maybe you’re right. To being equals?” You stare at him for a second, then a smile starts to slip onto your face. “To being equals.”
You and Draco don’t meet up again until tomorrow, when you find yourself sitting opposite him at a table in the library. There are books on potions and potion ingredients in front of you, and the two of you stare down at them as if looking at them hard enough will automatically teach you how to brew a stellar potion.
Draco taps something on a newly turned page. “What about this? A Self-Switching potion? It seems easy enough, and we just make a simple version of it where you have the ability to change a few things about yourself. Like being a Metamorphmagus but only when you drink the potion.”
You nod slowly. “That sounds really good, actually.” You clasp your hands together, eyes starting to brighten with excitement as you consider the project ahead of you. “I think we could do it. I mean, it’s a basic chameleon potion so we could definitely do it in time. As for ingredients, I’m thinking some bicorn horn, dittany, maybe boomslang skin? Oh, we’d obviously have to have some essence of comfrey… Does a foxglove extract sound right, or is that more for other potions?”
You realize you’ve been chattering on for a while, and glance up from the book to see Draco looking at you with the most peculiar look on his face. There’s an easy smile crossing his lips, one you haven’t seen on him in a very long time. Perhaps not ever. You tilt your head at him, confused. “What?” Draco blinks slightly, coming back to reality. “Nothing. Uh, that sounds good.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him, but turn back to the book. Your eye catches on some diagram depicting the proper brewing of the Polyjuice Potion. “Wait, we could use that wand movement there! It’ll actually work out just the way we want it to, but way easier than just brewing Polyjuice.” Draco grins suddenly, the flash of his teeth in the dim atmosphere of the library catching your eye. “Are we actually doing this?” You smile back at him. “I think we are. Look at us! Legitimate potion-brewers!”
The two of you start to laugh, the happy sound breaking the stillness of the library and earning you a swift glare from Madam Pince, the librarian. This act of discipline just makes the two of you laugh even harder, until you’re forced to quiet yourselves at the risk of being kicked out of the library. Once the study session is over, you start walking back to your dorm, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione catch up with you once you’ve barely taken a few steps.
Hermione clasps your arm. “I saw you heading out of the library. I can’t believe you have to work with Malfoy, that’s just awful. Tell me, is it that unbearable? I don’t know how you can stand it.” You smile lightly. “Actually, it’s not that bad. He just seems like another student.” Ron frowns, bewildered. “But he’s not just another student. He’s Malfoy.” You shrug. “I don’t know. He’s nice to me.” And, you suppose, he was. In fact, other than that one incident yesterday, he’s been friendly and even kind to you. Strange.
Before you know it, the two weeks have flown by and it’s time for the in-class Potions assessment. You and Draco work side by side, working effortlessly as if you’d been brewing potions together all your lives. At the end, your cauldrons contain identical liquids- the same swirling, mulberry color, the same light, almost white smoke. 
Snape arrives at your cauldrons, taking a quick glance inside to check that the contents appear roughly the same before gesturing languidly at the two of you. “Drink the other’s potion. You had best be correct in your brewing, as I don’t want any more trips to the infirmary.” You and Draco look at each other one last time, then you dip a cup into his cauldron, drinking it down as he does the same. The potion isn’t sweet, nor bitter, just a smooth liquid with a slight hint of spice.
Now to test if the potion works. You concentrate for a second, willing your hair to turn a different color. Pink, maybe. After a second, you glance at a mirror in your hand and smile to see the light rose locks taking the place of your formerly H/C ones. You look at Draco, and grin to see that his eyes have changed color from the usual ice gray to a dark emerald, reminiscent of the Slytherin colors adorning his robes.
You let out a quiet laugh, relieved, then will your hair to transform back into its usual color. You feel better once it does, and when Draco’s eyes return to normal. Snape considers the potions for a second, then nods slowly. “Acceptable work, both of you. You’ve earned yourselves an Outstanding.” Snape steps away to interrogate another pair of students, announcing that once you’ve been graded you can leave class, and you beam at Draco. “We got an Outstanding! I’m so proud of us!”
Draco smirks at your enthusiasm. “Let’s head out. I think I’ll become unconscious if I have to spend another second next to Finnigan’s potion.” You giggle quietly at that, and gather up your things to leave with him. The two of you walk out of the dungeons and into the courtyard. You tilt your head up to face the sky, basking in the sudden brightness of day.
Draco laughs at you, then his voice slowly starts to die off. “Well, I guess you got what you wanted, didn’t you? The two weeks are up. You never have to see me again.” You glance up at him, but Draco doesn’t give you a chance to speak. “I know how it is. You’re best friends with Potter and the others, they despise me. You probably despise me too.”
You walk over to him, gently taking his hands in yours. “I think I’m expected to, but I don’t. I think you’re a genuinely good person, Draco, you just have to give yourself the chance to see that for yourself.” He lets himself smile at that. “In that case, would you like to give me the chance to go out with you to Hogsmeade? The trip’s in a few days.” You beam at him, feeling your eyes light up. “I’d like nothing more.”
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fiveisnumber1 · 3 years
Blast to the Past - A Timeless Side Piece
Here’s like a somewhat short little piece, my brain just decided to come up with this concept after a conversation with @oceanspray5 so I wrote it down. If you read it, let me know your thoughts, I’d love to hear them! Thanks ❤️
August 6th, 2043
Like most mornings, you sat around the kitchen table having breakfast with your family. Typically all of the Hargreeves siblings would be present but they had gone out for their own breakfast this morning to celebrate Vanya’s promotion as conductor of the local orchestra, leaving you, Five and your children to have breakfast without them. Your darling husband, Five, sat to your right and held your hand as he drank his morning coffee. And across the table sat your two beautiful children. You smiled as you listened to your daughter Lia detail how she and some of her cousins were going to go shopping for first day of school outfits this coming weekend. On the other hand your son, Penn, was quiet. He pushed around the meal on his plate as he looked between his food and his father. You couldn’t tell exactly what was going on in his head but you knew that it had to deal with Five. Giving Five’s hand a squeeze he looked towards you. With a slight tilt of your head you gestured towards your son just at the right time for Five to catch his eye.
“Is something wrong buddy? You’ve barely touched your breakfast.” Five questioned
Penn stayed silent as he looked at his dad. Something was wrong and it had been weighing on his mind for a while. Straightening his posture he put down his fork as he took a deep breath. The rest of the family looked on quietly as Penn turned to Five and asked,
“Hey dad, you think I can try traveling back in time a few minutes?”
Five knew this topic would come up at some point when he started trying to teach him to time travel. He was his son, so of course he’d want to do more than what were in his capabilities. It just wasn’t feasible to move up to minutes given that he barely had control of traveling for seconds. Regretfully, Five looked at his son as he answered,
“Not yet, we’ve only hit going back in time 30 seconds.”
Penn’s face dropped as disappointment spread across his face. Seeing the change in demeanor Five tried to brighten things up by adding,
 “Y’know what though, I’ll let us shoot for 45 seconds today. How about that?”
“Dad, I’ve been practicing seconds for the past 6 months, I want to do more.” Penn complained
Five looked at you and saw the concerned look on your face. Five was trying to be reasonable in terms of his son’s feelings. He knew that getting to start learning to time travel was exciting to him given that he was only able to start learning those six months ago, but excitement did not equal experience.
“Penn, I appreciate your enthusiasm but your mom and I have explained on multiple occasions how dangerous time travel can be.” Five elaborates
“It’s taken your dad years to get to the level of control he has now.”  You added
Penn could feel frustration build up inside him. He wanted to time travel in the same way his dad could. It wasn’t fair that he couldn’t move up to minutes. He definitely had mastered seconds so what was the hesitation with bringing up the amount of time? Standing up from his seat he gave a pointed look as he exclaimed,
“I’m ready to make that jump! I’m not asking for years just a few minutes!”
Five was shocked at his son’s outburst. He had never seen his son this upset and even in times where it came close he still had never shown this much. He knew it would upset him, but Five was doing this for his own son’s good. Sitting up straighter, Five looked at his son.
“Penn, I’m sorry but the answer is no.” Five firmly replied “We need to start small so there are no large consequences.”
The beginnings of sparks started to fly off of Penn as a blue glow whirred around his hands. You and Lia winced at the minor disturbance Penn was causing due to his anger. Instead of saying anything more though, he jumped away from the kitchen and with a flash of blue he was gone. Wanting to help her obviously distraught brother Lia quickly stated,
“I uh...need to make a phone call...”
“Who do you need to call at 10 am?” You questioned
“Oh y’know...uh...Spiderman?” Lia replied confused before quickly adding “Anyway bye.”
And just like that your daughter had also flashed away to follow her brother. With both your children gone from the table you and Five sat in a silence. Pulling his hand from yours, Five dropped his head into his hands.
“Ugh, I feel like my father right now.” He lamented
Your heart broke at his statement. You knew that Five was nothing like his father and constantly loved and cherished your children. He would give the entire world to them if he could. Having him compare himself to that shitty excuse of a man was so saddening because you knew he was only trying to keep Penn safe. Placing a hand on his back you leaned in closer as you tried to comfort him,
“Hey, you know you’re not your father. You didn’t say no to him, just not yet.”
Five looked up from his hands and over at you, the pain in his eyes was on full display.
“I know but it’s like staring myself in the face. I got mad I couldn’t time travel like I wanted during a meal with my family and here he is doing the same.” Five elaborates
“Darling, he has wanted to time travel just like you ever since he could comprehend the subject. He wants to be just like his dad.” You try to affirm
“I just don’t want him to make the same mistakes as his dad.” Five commented looking away from you
He knew the decision was the right one but nevertheless he felt so awful not being able to make his son happy. Placing a gentle hand on his cheek you bring his gaze back to yours. Giving him a slight smile you reply,
“I know. Maybe if we just give him a few minutes to cool off everything will be okay.”
“I hope so. I hate saying no to our kids.” Five stated
Your smile widened as you brought your face closer to your husband’s. Taking on a less serious tone you commented,
“You hate saying no to anyone in this family,”
You could see a smile start to reappear on his face. Oh how he loved you so dearly. Closing the space between you two, he placed a soft kiss to your lips. Pulling back he smiled as he responded,
“Especially you, ma chérie,”
Quietly, the two of you sat back in your chairs sipping you coffee as you patiently waited for your children to come back to the table. Upstairs though Penn flashed into the living room as he paced back and forth talking to himself,
“Ugh, it’s no fair. I wan’t to time travel more than just seconds. I’m ready for minutes!”
Flashing in a second later, Lia leaned against the living room door frame as she listened to her brothers rant. Crossing her arms over her chest she commented to him,
“You know you’re lucky you even get seconds. I can’t learn time travel for another two years.”
“Thats’s because you’re 13. you’re too young.” Penn retorts “Me on the other hand, I’m 15 which means I’m old enough to learn,”
Flashing away from the door frame Lia reappears closer to her brother floating upside down in the air.
“Just because you’re old enough to learn doesn’t mean you’re smart enough to do it.” Lia remarks before sticking her tongue out
“This is none of your business you car floor french fry.” Penn replies pushing her face back
Walking away from her, Penn makes his way towards the side of the room the piano was one. Transporting herself from her molecules from her position in the air Lia appears sitting criss-cross on top of the piano. 
“It totally is my business,” Lia explains catching her brother’s attention, “You had this conversation in front of me dumbass,”
Penn rolled his eyes at his younger sister before using his powers to knock her off the piano top.
“Hey! You can’t just do that!” Lia complains 
Standing up from the floor, Lia looks towards her brother who hard turned away from her again. Watching him she had noticed that Penn had taken up a position as if he was about to take off running.
“What are you doing?” She asked
“Just leave me alone, so I can jump back in time a minute.” Penn huffed
“But dad said no.” Lia reminds
“Lia, I can do a minute. It’s just 30 seconds more, I can’t fuck up 30 extra seconds.” Penn states still not looking back
“But dad-” Lia tries to say again
Penn was done with this. Whipping around he narrowed his eyes on her as he exclaimed,
“Forget what dad said alright! I’m doing it!”
Quickly he whipped back around as he took off on a running start, blue energy starting to form around him. Trying to stop her brother, Lia flashed to him attempting to tackle him to the ground. The two of them felt as the whirring of energy stopped. Both children stood up from the ground as they brushed themselves off. Annoyed that Lia had ruined his time travel practice he angrily scolded,
“Why did you do that? Something could’ve gone wrong.”
Lia didn’t reply. All she could manage to do was stare with wide eyes and mouth agape at something behind him.
“What’s with the stupid expression?” Penn questioned
Instead of saying any words she slowly raised her hand as she just pointed to whatever she was looking at behind him. Turning around, he looked in the direction of what his sister was seeing and was met with a sight he never expected to see. A depressing portrait of a younger version of his father staring down at him from over a fireplace. With the sudden realization of what had happened slipping in all Penn could manage to say was,
“Oh fuck.”
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