small-nb-yoda · 1 year
People who don't know that -emia means "presence in blood" make me sad.
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su-alteza-emia · 1 year
i woke up thinking "i wanna read regulus black x reader today" AND THEN I SAW YOU WRITE FOR HIM
can i pretty please have something with him? (gn reader)
idc what it is i just want something with him pls pls pls
Regulus Black x reader
Probably is ooc cause i don´t write for him since 2020 lol, i try to finish yesterday but i couldn't:(
Warnings: just my bad English.
i hope you like it and i love you<33
"Pandora's best friend"
Regulus Black wasn't what you expected.
You were Pandora's best friend and Regulus was Pandora's best friend too, but you two never really talked to each other yet.
And when Pandora noticed that, she was determined to make them meet, so she introduced you and Regulus and was kinda...
Very awkward.
Pandora told you wonders about him, she told you the good, kind, nice and warm person he was, and, for that description, you thought he was like his brother Sirius.
He wasn't.
He was just standing there, he was cold, he just death stare you, and then you remember he was a black and you were a half blood.
Pandora talked for the both of you, introducing one another. Regulus just looked at her and barely looked at you with a emotion or with _something_, you couldn't read him and that made you even more nervous.
After that you never talked to him again.
Of course, you saw him in your class, and Pandora still talked about him, he still was her best friend after all, but you didn't talk directly with him.
You were scared of him and he could feel it; he wasn't dumb, he could clearly see how you ran far from him in every chance you got.
He was interested in you, and he was trying to go against his beliefs to talk with you, but it was so hard for him, and he'd never ask help from Sirius.
Until he had to.
At first Sirius mocked and then, when Regulus almost punched him, he calm down and began to try to help his little brother.
So today was the day he's going to talk with you. Pandora and Sirius helped him, he can do it, he's gonna talk to you and apologize for the bad first met you two have.
He approached you and said almost in a whisper.
"Hi. So, you're Pandora's best friend?"
Pandora and Sirius looked at him with disbelief.
But you smiled a little.
He was satisfied with that.
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emiarainewrites · 3 months
Since (pretty sure) no one can disprove this, and in quasi-celebration of Pride Month, I’m headcanoning that Onyx The Fortuitous, Slayer Of The Bright Realm is both Autistic & Asexual!
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From the way he interacts with people and is extremely passionate about what he likes to a very thorough degree, I instantly related to him (being autistic myself).
Seriously, there were points in the movie where he was talking and making references to people that made sense to him, leaving everyone else kinda confused, and I was just sittin’ there like “oh my god…I do that” or “is this what it’s like when I try to interact with people?”
He’s socially awkward and straight forward, but if you get him going about his special interests or relate to him on some level, he’ll talk your ears off (something else I’m extremely familiar with).
Plus, his little vocal ticks seem very neurodivergent to me.
And I believe he might be asexual but just doesn’t realise it. Yes, he is shown to have private fantasies and gets upset over speculation regarding his virginity, but nowhere in the movie do we see him cozying up to anyone in any way that isn’t purely friendly. Also, for those unaware, some asexuals do experience forms of sexual desire and fantasies. Spectrums, baby.
And I’d say there tends to be a bit more pressure on men and a certain ridicule concerning their virginity, so he more than likely feels embarrassed for those reasons also. It may not necessarily be that he feels like he just can’t seem to quote-un-quote ‘lose it’ yet, but rather that he may not have any interest and doesn’t consciously think about it until someone else brings it up.
Even at the end when Farrah heavily implies a sexual union by him joining with her, he doesn’t immediately spring for the obvious answer. He guesses something more tame before she has to specify that there’d be sex involved. This could just be him getting shy or something, but I see it more as Onyx not feeling strongly about engaging in intimacy (particularly with someone that he probably doesn’t feel strongly towards). He’s kinda the same in the musical sequence, if I’m recalling correctly (where Farrah even goes as far(rah) as taking on the image of his personal fantasy to further coax him to her side - and it still doesn’t work).
Onyx The Fortuitous, Slayer Of The Bright Realm (as played by Andrew Bowser) from the movie Onyx The Fortuitous & The Talisman Of Souls (2023) is Autistic & Asexual. And he probably doesn’t even realise this.
I dunno.
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velaraffricate · 11 months
Been doing a bit more worldbuilding! This is a short description of Bokum, the god that reigns over bodies, health, medicine, and death, in ke'eloom. All deities are shapeshifters, so he can be depicted with multiple kinds of bodies.
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bokum vokon banuta vin foketa za. tse'e khir ndiil keze kil ŋaaba shanaŋa vin mbadëba ndiil dzhuba adzaŋa. tse'e sheil ndiil uhekhi kil zighaŋa, dëndë ael kil shtiŋa, rugobëŋ ño'onda she tshuufe. mbadëkhe uŋ ri'ikhe miata za ndisësoŋaŋat. ma miakhe mbor brofishë tshahalaŋa, godeka, otu bokum tshakh eghoŋashë. ma mia tshakh ŋaaba ŋgeŋa, banu ëfë vin ima oŋgo tshan sivaŋu. eshet nogh, ma mia dzhoe vin tshakh edzha shtiŋatam. fiŋ dzauba, tsharomafuk, daŋ ndish ŋaaba ŋgena.
Bokum is the bringer of health and death. His right hand takes our pain away and puts it in his body instead. His left hand closes our eyes when our time has come to fall into eternal sleep. He can have the body or head of a cat. If you see a brown, striped cat, know that Bokum is watching you. If the cat chases you away, good health and a long life await you. It is a bad omen if the cat is friendly and lets you come close. In that case, you must be the one to chase it away.
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wife-of-the-crane · 1 year
my microwaveable besties
juno 🌟- @madwickedawesome
bella 🎢 - @luckynature
artemis 🦌 - @radio-silent-city
sophie 💖 - @larsgoingtomars
moth 💐 - @inapercueandabitleeway
penny 🧸 - @dimesheep
ghost 👻 - @ghastlyfl0wer
monique ⭐️ - @sugarcoated-dandy
anja 🌹 - @manuscripts-don-t-burn
luka 💫 - @luka-love-drop
monty 🦢 - @a-feather-in-my-hat
bea 🐝 - @the-other-woman-cries
connor 🦋 - @regularbadthing
jess 👑 - @cowboyrickypotts
hearty 🐈 - @hearty-an0n
goober 🪼 - @gooberdude101
evelyn 🪽- @likefolksong
emia ⌛️- @su-alteza-emia
marlee 🎸- @spaceagebachelormann
maddie 🪷 - @whattheworldneeds
ivory 🐚 - @https-witchcxre
sav 🎉 - @trendyshadowqueen
ash🗡️ - @brovrizzski
ali 🍀 - @try-cry-why-try
i will keep putting more of you in the microwave so be ready
want your emoji changed? send me an ask/pm me what emoji you would prefer (it cant be one already taken)
you can also tell me if you want the name changed
Back to main
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boruhesu · 7 months
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Now I made friends so Yuta doesn't feel alone
If you want to know more about them go to my Instagram
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
Congratulations for the 800 followers🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
╰┈➤ 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 , (if u do this i’ll love u forever) give me headcanons for me and a character/tell me who you ship me w and i’ll do it for you !
I gonna do both, I already told you I ship you with Christine daaé so much, in my mind she ends up with you instead of Raoul or Erik, and my headcanon again, it's that she always give you smalls gift, usually flowers that remind her of you<3333
╰┈➤ 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋 , (if u do this i’ll love u forever) give me headcanons for me and a character/tell me who you ship me w and i’ll do it for you !
WJKAJAKANWJW <33 guys i actually love christine soooo much she’s my gf. i coukd treat her so so well ALSO TYSM EMIA U GET IT
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lakelake-art · 1 year
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Someone decided to use big dog humor on the bird
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juneberrie · 1 year
We're kinda the same
You're Peter Parker gf and i'm Peter Maximoff gf, we both fell for a Peter🤑
(i have an au where they're besties)
peters are js better 🤷‍♀️
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storyofaromance · 1 year
i also know a bit of spanish but i’m not fluent
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What are the things you like the most???????
this is….a very big question, but i shall do my best
writing, sewing, designing clothes, fuzzy blankets, silky pajamas, my antique book collection, silk flowers, historical fashion, crystals, being one of those people that when i say i listen to “anything besides rap and country” I actually mean it (Peter Pringle my booiiii), my dior perfume that i wear a single spritz of everyday because i like it when it lingers on the cuffs of my sleeves, oversized flannels, how big my bed is, russian novels, the sudden moments i remember that i used to be almost fluent in spanish when i was little and can randomly understand things (Amor Prohibido has been stuck in my head for 2 hours), Wes Anderson films, anything Keira Knightly has ever done, and pomegranates, I love pomegranates
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ask-auntniki-blog · 2 days
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I drew Emia
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su-alteza-emia · 1 year
ricky potts x gn reader where reader dies on the cyclone while dating ricky and ricky can finally talk to them :)))))
Ricky Potts x reader
Hii, this is short so sorry:(
Warnings: Just my bad english!
I hope you like it and i love you!!
"The most beautiful sound"
You died.
You got on that cyclone with your friends, and now you and your friends are dead.
You and your partner were dead.
The only good news about being dead is now Ricky can talk to you, like finally you can hear his voice and how wonderful it is. You're happy, fuck the death, who cares? you're finally listening Ricky!
Ricky told you everything and you happily listened, you were almost hypnotized by his voice, Ricky was telling you the Zolar lore once again and you've never been happier.
The others were talking or screaming, you're not sure, you're not paying attention to them; you were in your little bubble with Ricky always. The others were complaining and lamenting about their deaths.
But you can proudly say that you've never been happier than when you die.
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emiarainewrites · 4 months
Just scrolling through this app when I was suddenly met with a ‘Jesus Loves You’ ad about a shirt or something.
As a self-respecting Satanist, I feel personally attacked and offended.
I’m gonna go party with my demons to feel better
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ask-emia-blog · 2 days
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PRIMA PAGINA Il Quotidiano Del Sud di Oggi sabato, 21 settembre 2024
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