#-in u should at least have an understanding of that
puphoods · 2 years
Heeeeyyyyy i'm a big fan of your opinions and wanted to ask you a question; what is the pull of themes of cannibalism and flesh, specifically human flesh, and devouring it, in media? Like, what is its importance, or why is it so meaningful? Idk if i asked that properly, sorry if it sounds weird or isnt specific enough, but i hope youre having a lovely day <3
hi well this isnt going to be worded super eloquently probably its not something ive really read too much about (surprisingly) but
i think it depends what angle youre looking at it from really. first of all theres obviously a lot of horror media + notably cannibalism films that use the idea of cannibalistic isolated peoples (who are almost always nonwhite) which relates back to very real racist stereotypes that have existed that native people from various places in the world are cannibals bc they are savages
probably though u dont mean that. i think a lot of it is representations of desire which can come from a lot of different places (it being sexual/desire for ownership over another person/love as hunger etc.) which i think is pretty straightforward. desire for another person coming out as a desire to consume them for... whatever reason. so theyre a part of you as a metaphor for sex so noone else can have them stuff like that. and its also a lot of the time exploring the taboo and can be in a sexual sense (both literally cannibalism as a sexual thing or representative of other taboo sexual acts/subjects) or nonsexual reasons (again both literally cannibalism being a social taboo or representative of other things) which is explored in a lot of different ways (societies or cultures or religions where it is normalised is common + a lot of what cannibalism films do is this). sometimes it is representative of capitalism (overconsumption/exploitation of workers/about the meat industry for example) too which i think is interesting when its done right (noting the religion part im sure there is cannibalism media that uses catholicism + the eucharist/transubstantiation as basis for it but i dont really know any so idk if theres much i can say abt it >_<)
umm what else.... i think a lot of monster movies in particular zombies and vampires and "used to be human but isnt now" monster media isnt always necessarily seen as cannibalism but it kind of is really. not every time but i think a lot of the time you can view it that way. they eat people because they arent human anymore/they arent human because they eat people. plus i dont think this is necessarily anything but i do think something interesting could come from the idea that eating human flesh can make you very, very sick and the current pop culture zombie being spread through infection
i dont think i really have any authority for why its such a meaningful thing because people have been putting themes of cannibalism in their stories and mythos for thousands of years. but this is some of my thoughts on it
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nozomijoestar · 5 months
Asuka is a tragic figure, a figure of mystery, a wild card, all because the only thing she wants in life is peace and quiet for herself and to feel in control- yet her secret heritage that may be hidden from her for her own protection and the reality that life is unpredictable and will go on with or without you keep ruining that delusion, that vision of how the world is meant to work to her, and she suffers regardless of what she wants, what she does, and how little she understands anything
She was born into a family preaching peace and balance and order while being a creature of violence, and puts a dozen mental locks and excuses over this truth to justify giving into her impulse for fighting by pretending she's justice when she does it
She keeps trying to build a place of safety but she's using sand and life is a wave that destroys, yet she stubbornly persists rather than give up, not drowned to the point of self centered suicidal loathing like Jin- there's contrast, where Jin is cloaked in death Asuka stubbornly clings to life and humanity as a normal person in a terrifying world
She's not a fucking narrative clone for Jun's own purpose, Asuka's purpose must be determined by Asuka herself
#tekken#Jin is born of two worlds Jun walks between two worlds Asuka is at the crossroads of two worlds#Jin is broken by it Jun traded part of her humanity to reconcile it and now Asuka has to accept it yet persist- she is always persisting#that's her strength that no matter what she's always still herself#'For being so very Y o u' as Lili told her bc she sees it#she's an interesting character BECAUSE she's not Jun and she's not Jin and she's not aligned with them entirely#stop waiting for her to be something she's not#also i think it's GOOD she doesn't know everything or everyone in her family bc that builds mystery and suspense#it gives everything a tension in the background for when the normalcy charade will be broken by the bigger family drama catching up w her#what's happening to the Mishimas should be something no one is dragged into yet the one family member who's the least connected#is going to run out of time at some point and get hit by that trauma anyway and she doesn't even Know it's coming for her eventually#isn't it fucked up. how everything catches up with you in the end#and you won't even understand it until it's too late ie. her involvement in T8 global war now#also a character that wants peace and order but actively pursues violence ensuring she will never truly have those things bc of her nature#AND she's already been traumatized by T5 Feng and T6 Jin that just makes her retreat to seeking comfort in detachment- in the familiar#which only prolongs her avoiding the world outside what she can control- and then Lili won't let her live in ignorance not to punish her#but bc she wants to help her bc the Mishimas have already put their claws in Lili- they won't catch Asuka off guard#what is it with people sanitizing the messiness and humanity characters represent in favor of 'If they just acted logically the way I want#then they'd solve the entire story 1 2 3 and we'll have everything wrapped up easy' THAT'S NOT A STORY THAT'S A MATH EQUATION#FEEL SOMETHING INSTEAD OF ALWAYS NEEDING TO SOUND SMART AND HAVE PERFECT ANSWERS YOU STUPID FUCKS#IN TRYING TO MAKE EVERYTHING HAVE A PERFECT SOLUTION YOU'VE LOST SIGHT OF WHAT'S IN THE TEXT#AND ALSO ASUKA BEING VIOLENT BUT STILL CARING ABOUT PEOPLE AND DOING GOOD DESPITE IT#and AsuLili is about two similar people who've been traumatized finding safety in each other once they put down the trauma responses#this is all in line with T8's tagline of Face Your Fate btw this is literally what was always coming finding you & you face it
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 days
me: there's cinnamon in the tea? ugh I don't like cinnamon in tea.
"you're so picky. you have to go to an unfamiliar house, so what're you gonna do if your mother-in-law likes cinnamon in tea? don't have such preferences. it's not attractive on a girl 😄"
yeah I'm busting my ass off and greying my hair and losing weight at an unhealthy rate for my degree so that a lady who I have never met in my life can dictate my life choices before I even meet her. okay.
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starburns · 1 month
i will neverrrr truly in my life ever understand transphobia...like why is someone just doing whatever they want to their OWN body hurting you what is YOUR problem i don't understand that's just another person like its not that deep
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ndostairlyrium · 2 months
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We did it Carla, you got avenged!
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 8 months
alright i have a mild dilemna that i need advice on
on my course we have to post these weekly self-reflection things responding to the themes of the week's class and some questions about it. i posted last week's and yesterday the course convenor replied to it in a way that implies i was wrong (in my SELF reflection) and just generally misunderstands my point/takes it in bad faith. i've shown these posts to others on the course and they agree that my original post adressed the things her reply asks about and that she has misinterpreted me, in quite a "cheeky" way
my issue now is: do i reply and try to explain myself better? or is it better to just let it go?
i don't want to dig myself in deeper if she's really opposed to my viewpoint, but at the same time i do feel like i answered the questions thoroughly in the first place and the things she's accusing me of aren't fair
#to be clear we were working on issues of identity this week#and we visited a specific gallery in the national museum of scotland and in our reflection we had to talk about how it reflected identity#and i talked about how all of my scottish friends loved it and it was really effective in provoking nostalgia in them#but that as a non-scottish person i wasn't able to access a lot of the exhibits because they assumed prior knowledge#and i said (or at least i thought i made clear) that i think it's good to have a gallery focusing on scottish identity#but that for a museum which aims to ''show scotland to the world'' this gallery doesn't do a very good job#and i finished by saying that i understand issues of identity are difficult and i don't have an answer for how they should be negotiated#these were just MY observations and feelings (which. again. is what i thought the SELF reflection was for)#and one of the other non-scottish students (a chinese girl) replied and said that she agreed#and that she even tried going on a guided tour of the gallery but she still couldn't really learn anything from it#and the course convenor (who btw is not scottish either so. take from that what u will) replies saying that#the gallery actually isn't MEANT for international visitors it's only meant for scottish people#and ''why can't scottish people have somewhere to express their identity in THEIR national museum?''#which. first of all were all points i made in my post#and second of all - if that gallery isn't meant for international visitors to be able to understand then WHY DID YOU ASK US TO GO THERE#WHAT DID YOU EXPECT US TO SAY??? bear in mind i'd say at least 60% of people on the course aren't scottish#anyway yeah. i wasn't trying to say that scottish people shouldn't be able to express their identity#and i thought i made that clear in the post but obviously not?#but the people i asked about it are all scottish and they all said they thought what i said was fine#and in fact they agreed with a lot of my points!!#ugh i just don't know what to do#bc my instinct is to defend myself and that if i just re-explain then she'll get what i'm saying#but maybe that's not sensible? especially bc i was pretty clear the first time#🧃
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yxkanna · 3 months
still thinking about cosmic horror and like. that horror is incomprehensible TO YOU. nick understands it just fine
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idk i just don’t trust ppl who say “billy is a racist abusive piece of shit” but then turn around and reblog jason content like. okay if u have that opinion that’s your prerogative but it’s MY prerogative to point out that it’s weird af to feel that way abt billy and NOT abt jason
#d speaks#st#billy hargrove#jason carver#like if u hate billy that is your prerogative esp as a black person. that said#these are white ppl i’m seeing who’re like billy is so racist!!!! btw here’s my blorbo jason#it’s just like ??????? does not compute#like if we’re comparing things that got said in canon. saying ‘there are types of ppl u stay away from and that boy is one of them’ and#saying to a black kids face ‘i thought u were one of the good ones’ like. those are. very on par with one another#like there are 4 characters on this show who made racist comments: troy. mike. billy. jason.#as far as i remember at least those are the Big Ones#and while i understand not liking billy and having his racism be one of your driving reasons behind that#i do NOT understand turning around and liking jason?????#mike okay! yes he was fully microaggressive to lucas but yeah he’s a protagonist#and the show does a lot to try and make u like him. he was younger than billy & jason and they also played that moment off for laughs so#like i get if you can sit there and be like i have no reason to dislike mike wheeler for his racism#troy tbh just doesn’t get any talk in the fandom so idk how ppl feel about him. he IS the only one to fully use a slur but#he’s also 13 and i’ve seen many ppl in the fandom who define morality based on this middle schoolers are learning high schoolers should have#already learned and should be better narrative so i wouldn’t be surprised if i saw ppl defending troy#but billy and jason are. very on par with one another in terms of the micro aggressions they committed and the level of antagonism#so i am just very thrown by seeing ppl hating one and praising the other like#it’s almost like they…… don’t actually care about racism and are in fact nowhere near as anti racist as they believe themselves to be#and instead just use the term ‘racist’ as a trump card to try and win arguments abt characters they don’t like without ever actually#putting any critical thought into this show and the way racism is intertwined into every aspect of it#because surprise!!!! it was written by blatant racists lmfao#fandom wank#i suppose lmao. wank in the tags at least#also to clarify. i think both billy AND jason are compelling and interesting multifaceted characters#they’re both good antagonists and they both present very good looks at The Type Of White Boy You Meet In Small Towns#stranger things
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mikoriin · 2 years
maybe this is a controversial opinion but like....some of yall are getting Way too comfortable at the idea of killing another human being just because theyre “problematic”
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bleu-sang · 8 months
I wish I had someone to talk about how much amatonormativity traumatized me
Not only when I was a kid and grew up scared that my parents would abandon me because people would keep asking me if they "started a new life" but didn't get it was romantically speaking and really thought they were gonna leave town and forget about me
Or not just because as a teen everyone started dating and caring about romantic shits that I couldn't understand and I felt this suffocating pressure that I had to become like them if I wanted to be accepted/normal
But mostly because I am terrified to be seen as an object that can be used and discarded without my consent because I "just don't know" what I'm "missing out" or I "just didn't find the right person yet" or I "just had bad experiences and need to get over it with someone new"
The only message I seem to get from amatonormativity is that my life is worthless if I don't have someone to share it with (romantically & sexually) and that romance and sex can be forced upon me if I don't act like I want them
And it's so scary. It's so so scary.
To know that my life has no value and that I deserve to experience traumatic stuffs to "cure" me
To know that anyone could want that from me and that it wouldn't be acceptable to say "no" because my body is disposable and belongs more to others than it does to me since I just "don't know" that I want to say "yes" yet
And all I'm left with is a bunch of trust issues because anyone I meet could turn on me at any moment and it would be socially acceptable.
Anyone could discard me to "start a new life" with someone that want the same things as them (romance and sex)
Anyone I meet could hit on me and ask stuffs from me that I cannot give them and I would almost always be the bad guy for rejecting them and I know that they could force me and that I wouldn't be taken seriously if anything happened
I don't know, maybe it's just the invisible poc aroace trans neurodivergent otherkin fem-looking ghost in me who's too used to be not acknowledged talking but I think something is deeply wrong with this society and I will not feel safe until it's done right.
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toestalucia · 2 days
guy whos gonna feel like a fraud whenever they end up supporting someone to move on
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bunnihearted · 2 days
#im in such a bad and low mood :<#it's not just my period hormones 🥴#my wireless headphones worked fine all of yesterday and today when i wake up they're blinking#they're liked fucked up... i turn them off but they constantly turn themselves back on. when i connect them to my ipad they constantly#keep disconnecting and shutting off and turning on 🙃 it makes me so angry bc i need to wear them basically all the time#bc all the noise from neighbors and my family and outside is driving me crazy#but they just dont work anymore?? plus i cant afford new ones... esp now which brings me to my next point#bc of my mom having troubles w school and loans and work etc she was like yeah u guys might have to pay for me this summer so we'll be#proper poor 😄 she doesnt WANT that either but it just sucks bc i got $300 every month and i can barely afford anything as is#yeah so there is no chance of me buying new headphones until at least august or september ......#then im annoyed bc my sisters are passive aggressive 24/7 and hate my existence and my mom is depressed lol#and i have no one to talk to or be with. it's summer and i wanna do stuff but i just dont wanna do it alone lmao#and then im just sad bc of many things.....#also i hate myself bc im a loser failure piece of shit but like yeah that's normal for me to feel#i just hate everything and it's so hard to endure this lame ass existence skskskskks#why cant ANYTHING be good ever in my life??#i am garbage and im surrounded by bad things lmao... anyways can i just stop breathing now pls#and it's not just a 'tiny' thing like my headphones not working like it might seem to others#but when u live a life where NOTHING is good or NOTHING works everything just piles on#ppl dont seem to understand that normally bc most ppl have some good things in their lives#so they just cannot comprehend what it's like when nothing works on any level in your life lok#ofc im depressed ofc im angry and bitter and dejected. i have no good things or moments at all in my life. that tears u down#i mean ofc i could be living in an active warzone and that'd be .. pretty awful i can imagine. but yeah... my situation is still not ideal#like i mean i do actually try to practice gratitude of having a roof over my head my own room water in the pipes and food so i dont starve#i am thankful for that bc many ppl dont even have that#i still feel depressed tho <3#idk what im talking abt now i just feel SO bad and i have no one to talk to#i have nothing to do... no help no treatment... everyone hates me and wants me dead......#why should i fight when no one cares abt me anyway... well.. i mean i do wanna experience more nature but like idk#im just so exhausted... why cant i ever have smth good in my life that also dont go away after a short while lol
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potatobugz · 1 year
biggest problem with writing is that I have all the ideas and themes I want to express in my head, but when I try to write it down the words come out. wrong
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string-cheese-cake · 1 year
Nobody asked but white supremacy is the reason why white women are obsessed with true crime.
So when chattel slavery was becoming cemented in the United States and other European areas, the idea of biological race and racial hierarchy emerged to justify the generational enslavement of Africans and the genocide of indigenous people. Africans and other non-whites were labeled as less developed, more susceptible to their "primal urges" and committing sex crimes and therefore needed to be controlled by white men. Specifically to protect white women.
White supremacy is typically framed as necessary to 'protect' (read: control) white women, the mothers of the next generation of whites. They must be protected from "sexually voracious black men" (read: miscegenation and mixed race children). So white supremacy operates on the myth that white women are constantly under threat of sexual violence and must be protected by white men.
That myth becomes baked into the public consciousness, many unaware of the origin or even that the idea is there. It even becomes less racially based, but there is still a common belief that white women are inherently vulnerable to violent crime. Especially among white women. To be fair, it's difficult to not internalize an idea that you are not exactly aware of but is still seeped in every interaction and bit of advice. Don't wander off, don't talk to strangers, don't go out alone or late at night, cover your body, hold your keys between your fingers, take self defense, watch your drink, don't be under the influence. Your body is soft and valuable and delicate and you must protect it.
This idea of vulnerability is reinforced in the news media, which chooses to focus on stories which fit this particular narrative of white women's vulnerability. Missing white women syndrome. This subconscious belief has saturated society. White women develop an outsized fear of death by violent crime. So what do they do? They embrace it. They eat up stories of families like theirs and the deaths of women like them.
It's been suggested that experiencing that fear of violence in the controlled environment true crime provides can be cathartic, somewhat like watching a horror film. There is also a sense of justice and closure felt when the perpetrator of that crime is punished.
In conclusion; White women love true crime because it's a coping mechanism for their deeply embedded fear of violence which was established and is upheld by white supremacy.
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astrxealis · 2 months
hiii :333 i think i am alive !! ( small update in da tags )
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scaredofthetimes · 1 year
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So this is my sister (covered her face and name for obv reasons) she doesnt identify as anything other than a woman and it’s really sad to see her (and other women) post these things so openly and never read into their feelings on it any deeper it’s just ok time to put some makeup on!! ,, >:( it’s frustrating when women lie to me with the same lies they tell themselves like we’re not the same and i haven’t told myself the same lies and have watched the women around me tell themselves those lies too. I watched my sister sink into materialism and vanity always chasing this unattainable ideal and getting ever further from the image she’s obsessed over while never stopping to think of where she got this image from? it didnt just pop into her head one day that she NEEDED to look *specific way* or else she had no real worth or value. The bare face and natural state of being for a woman is not masculine to say that is entirely contradictory.
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