#-stares at harumi-
I dunno if it's just me, but I've noticed your designs for Kung Jin and Harumi are super similar! I can only imagine how it would be in-universe!
Takeda just going about his day, and seeing Kung Jin, and suddenly noticing that he looks a LOT like his mom.
I’m assuming you meant Suchin bc I’ve never drawn Harumi 😅
I don’t think I draw them that similar but their noses are basically identical:
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Takeda keeps getting an uncanny feeling that something about Jin looks familiar, but no matter how hard he looks he can’t quite seem to place it.
Jin just wishes Takeda would stop staring into his soul. He has not blinked in over five minutes and Jin’s 80% sure he’s plotting his murder.
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Finally finished Team Pretentious (affectionate, and also not actually sdnkfdgsd) for the Royal!Legacy AU, and you can prolly see why they took longer than these guys :V
Lloyd is the High Central Prince, only son to the Emperor and Empress of the Central Kingdom. Their Province is supposed to be dedicated to communications and maintaining stable connections with the other kingdoms, given their perfect geographical positioning for the job, but his father has overly ambitious plans to expand their territory and unite all the kingdoms under one rule instead, which...Lloyd doesn’t entirely agree with. Does his best to maintain good relations with everyone despite his father pushing him to “prove that they’re superior”, and genuinely just doesn’t want to start trouble. He...doesn’t actually that big of a role in the romance side of things (or really at all) but I didn’t want to leave him out ;w;)/ 
Zane is the grandson of the elusive ruler of the Northern Kingdom, a Province that thrives on tactical strategy and battle maneuvers...but doesn’t actually use any of it, instead putting more efforts into just making sure everyone else leaves them alone. But with his grandfather and his father both recently passed, the current Ice Queen realizes that Zane is becoming quite lonely, and to mend the disconnect with the others kingdoms they embark to attend the Western Kingdom’s Spring Festival for the first time in decades...thus, it’s understandable that they may have gotten a little lost along the way. 
Harumi is the adopted Imperial Jade Princess of the East, torn between thriving on her power and despising the expectations that come with it. She believes in the High Emperor’s ambitions for uniting the kingdoms under his name (primarily because she believes it will dissolve the rest of the royals of any proper responsibility, and thus end the obsession with upholding old traditions/keeping up appearances), blind to exactly what the High Emperor would actually do. In the meantime, she’s known for studying up on Deception Magic, and winds up using it to assist Jesse in his pursuits for Cole (mostly to shake everything up a little, but who knows, maybe all the crazy people she gets involved with just might grow on her). 
Skylor is the Princess of the Archipelago, a kingdom that’s had bad blood with the Southern Kingdom in the past. Despite that, they’re also a nation of trade and export, even moreso than the South, leading Skylor’s father to amass a large amount of wealth via the economy + him marrying into royalty, and loves to flaunt it when he can...even by decorating his own daughter to the nines, shoving her off to the latest royal get-together, and hoping she’ll catch the eye of someone equally as influential and powerful. And, if not, he’ll probably send her off to the highest bidder. Too bad she’s already caught the eye of the current heir of the Southern Kingdom, although forced to keep their relationship secret...but, perhaps once she’s inspired by the other royals and one gardener, maybe she’ll make a move to change things?
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ninjas-and-coffee · 2 years
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lloydskywalkers · 26 days
moats and boats and waterfalls
Read on AO3
Post-Crystalized — after surviving apocalypse no. 2 (possibly 3, currently under debate) the ninja now face the unspeakable horrors of budgeting.
(Years late to the Crystalized party but here's part one of my seven billion fanfics about this season because there are Thoughts to be had about this one)
As it turns out, rebuilding a monastery is a whole lot more trouble than rebuilding the Bounty for the eightieth time. 
And by trouble, Cole means incredibly expensive.
“Re-installing central heating costs what?!” 
Kai’s horrified cry reverberates throughout the half-constructed monastery, the echo from the noticeably empty rooms only adding to insult. 
Oh, what Cole would give to have his bed back. 
“I guess we’ll have to use you during the winter,” Nya sighs, patting Kai on the back. “Lloyd, get ready to supercharge him.”
“Forget heating, do you know how much Wi-Fi costs?” Lloyd stares at the estimated summary like it’s personally kicked his pet. “Who even has that much money? God?”
“If god had money, he could’ve given Sensei Wu his inheritance and we’d all be loaded,” Jay mutters. “But noooo, ‘material possessions are the death of the soul’, blah blah blah, we’ll see whose soul is dead when the gas cuts out and he can’t make midnight tea anymore.” 
“It does seem a bit extreme, looking at it all like this,” Zane remarks. Somewhat ironically, as he’s taken one look at the bill then wisely retreated across the room. 
“Well, blowing up the entire monastery with us in it was extreme, so it figures repairs are just as bad,” Nya grumbles. 
They all shift, the mood dampening at the reminder. 
Lloyd opens his mouth. “I’m sor—”
“Do not,” Kai stabs a finger at him. “Even try.”
Lloyd slumps. “If I hadn’t gotten caught—”
“We all agreed to the plan, okay?” Cole says. “Also, no one knew we’d be sending you to Harumi, so the whole thing was doomed from the start.”
While he looks a bit miffed, Lloyd gives it up. Though perhaps that’s mostly in part because he desperately wants to avoid any more conversation about—
“So speaking of Harumi,” Jay starts. 
Lloyd springs for the window. 
Unfortunately for Lloyd, said window is currently boarded up by heavy-duty plywood, since quality window glass fell low on the list of priorities, which gives Kai plenty of time to tackle him before he can even raise his leg to kick it in. 
“No!” Zane cries. “We can’t afford anymore plywood!”
“Or like, Band-Aids at bare minimum, so don’t you dare!” Nya adds. 
“—overdramatic phase has gotta go, what are you, five — hey, no biting!”
Lloyd makes a muffled sound as he wrestles on the floor with Kai. Cole turns, very slowly, to glare at Jay.
“Oh come on, we were all thinking it,” Jay defends, reluctantly standing to help pry Lloyd from the floor. “Fine, hey, I promise we won’t talk about certain loser ex-princesses who are nice and cozy in their prison cells right now, okay? There, there, little gremlin, she can’t hurt you anymore—”
“I’ll bite you next,” Lloyd threatens, but he returns to his seat, wincing as Kai scuffs his hair. 
“Turn Oni again, and that might be an actual threat.”
Lloyd startles terribly, staring at Kai with wide eyes. “That’s — not — I wouldn’t—”
“Kai,” Nya hisses.
“Woah, hey, no, I didn’t mean it like that!” Kai says quickly. “It’s supposed to be positive reinforcement! Easing it into a normal thing, y’know?”
Lloyd growls. “Nothing about this is a normal thing—”
“Except none of us are normal, so therefore it is,” Kai interrupts him smoothly. “Also we already loved you when you were a tiny demon, turning into a literal one is nothing. Give us some credit.” 
Lloyd pulls his hood over his flaming face, thunking his head against the table. Kai pats him cheerfully on the shoulder. 
“Additionally, unless we can swindle someone by selling Lloyd in his Oni form on the black market for cold cash before stealing him back, I don’t see how this helps matters.”
Zane finds himself on the receiving end of five blank stares. Lloyd, successfully having been pulled from his hood, whistles. 
“I forget how evil you can be, sometimes.”
Kai gapes at him. “So that makes you feel better?”
“I mean, in terms of normalizing it—”
“Alright!” Cole slams his hands on the table, silencing them all. He glares them down. “Meeting room in five. We’re figuring out how to make this place livable if it kills us.”
There’s a brief silence, then Jay hesitantly raises his hand.
“Hey, so uh, we kinda don’t have a meeting room right now?”
Cole collapses on the table in despair. 
Twenty minutes and one session of shoving chairs into what could have been the living room later — it’s hard to tell, with all the construction markings and plywood still up — they’ve kicked off the official first meeting of the Finish-Making-the-Monastery-Livable plan. 
“Alright,” Lloyd announces, brushing his hands as he steps back from the chalkboard that may or may not have been stolen. “At the top of the list we have Wi-Fi, central air and heating, beds — huh, maybe those should go higher — running water, electricity — that one’s debatable, me and Jay can tag-team it if we get desperate — blankets-slash-pillows-slash-etcetera, stuff to cook with, actual food — y’know what, I’m putting that closer to the top—”
“So basically, we have nothing,” Cole says blankly. 
Lloyd glances at the list, then to the sliver of chalk left in his hands. “Uh. Yeah.” 
“Take the weaponry, sure, but all my albums?” Jay mourns. “I spent years collecting those.” 
“I lost the blanket we stole from that super fancy apartment we lived in for like five minutes when Lloyd was a kid,” Kai sighs. “That thing literally made it through the apocalypse, just to bite it now.” 
“Two apocalypses too many,” Nya says.
“Did the Preeminent count as an apocalypse? Like, a minor one?”
“Three apocalypses. It took three apocalypses to vaporize my closet,” Cole sinks lower in his seat. “Man, the hoodie you got me for my birthday was in there.” 
“All of our photographs are lost, too.” Zane stares at his hands. 
Lloyd murmurs something under his breath that sounds a lot like family pictures and figures. 
The mood plummets a bit more, after that. 
“Alright, this isn’t helping,” Cole claps his hands. “We can all cry again later. Lloyd, overall mission status conclusion?”
“Well, like you said, we basically have nothing,” Lloyd sighs. “So unless Zane wants to stop chickening out and abandon his morals so we can just hack into everything and get it free, we need to find some way to pay for all this.”
“Again, I cannot hack in to rebuilding an entire cooling unit throughout the monastery, much less make the latest clothing line from Gucci materialize,” Zane says. Kai swears. “Also, that is called stealing.” 
“You call it stealing, I call it a charitable donation,” Nya says. “I turned into the ocean for this city, the least they can do is cut me a check.” 
“Besides, even if it is stealing, what are they gonna do, send us to jail again?” Jay scoffs.
Lloyd jabs the piece of chalk in his direction. “Don’t jinx us.” 
“Too bad we wasted our chance at crime and didn’t even get rich,” Kai mutters. “All we got was Nya.”
He yelps as she punches him in the arm. “What, too soon?”
“You should be so lucky to have me,” she sniffs. 
“Hey, but going on the donation thought train — do we know anyone who’s rich?” Jay asks. “Why don’t we have any rich friends?”
“Hey, you know what’s rich? That coming from the son of a billionaire.”
“Hey, you know what else got blown up? My inheritance!” 
“Please, let it go,” Zane says. “We do have rich friends, I’ll remind you, we’re friends with actual monarchy. But we can’t exactly go and ask anyone else for money, since they all already helped out so much in getting the monastery rebuilt.”
There’s a moment of pensive silence. Lloyd draws a little sad face on the chalkboard next to ASK FOR DONATIONS. 
“What if we just…sued Harumi,” Cole says. “Like, there’s gotta be some law that could work in our favor here.”
“I don’t think the court would go for that,” Lloyd mutters. “Since they’re all morally corrupt frauds who hate us.”
“Yeah! Down with the system!” Kai punches his fist in the air. 
“Also, Harumi likely has very little in the way of money, either,” Zane says. “Considering she blew up any and all assets she might have had claim to.”
“Haha, what a loser,” Nya crows.
“What if we sued Garmadon?” Cole tries. “The courts have to hate him more than they hate us.”
Lloyd scowls, scrawling a large NO on the chalkboard. “Not worth the effort. Plus, I’m pretty sure he’s still couch-surfing at Vinny’s, which means also penniless.”
“We could sue Kalmaar,” Nya cracks her knuckles.
“Isn’t he dead?” 
“Oh, yeah.” Nya looks disappointed. 
“Did anyone survive that we can sue successfully?” Jay muses. “And actually get money out of?”
“Vangelis,” Cole snaps his fingers. “Wait. No, we ousted him from the throne, so he’s probably broke too.”
“Vangelis survived?”
As they dissolve into bickering over the status of enemies potentially living-or-dead, Kai squints at the chalkboard, where Lloyd is still scratching out letters despite having completely lost the room. 
“Well it’s true,” Lloyd huffs, finishing off his message with a flourish. “Tada. There’s my grand plan.”
“That’s not a plan, it’s a pessimistic estimation at how things are gonna go.”
“It’s extremely rude language, is what it is! I thought we taught you better.”
Lloyd simply looks pleased with himself at having recaptured the room’s attention. It is, of course, then that Sensei Wu walks into that room. He stops, looking from where they’re all frozen in place, then to the chalkboard. 
Lloyd pales. 
Sensei Wu pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingers and closes his eyes. 
“My dearest nephew, you have three seconds to make that disappear, or I’ll be forced to—”
Lloyd springs for the chalkboard in record time, wiping frantically at his writing with the sleeve of his gi. 
“People would kill for that thing, and here he’s using it as a chalkboard eraser,” Jay mutters. 
It isn’t until later, when they’ve all retreated to the collective mass of blow-up mattress and borrowed blankets they’re calling a bedroom, that anyone breaches the topic again. 
There’s a loud rustling as Cole turns over where he’s precariously shoved between Kai and Zane. 
“…can we sue the mayor?”
There’s a noted pause of silence, only broken by the whirring of the cheap oscillating fan. 
“You know,” Zane says slowly. “In terms of slander and defamation…” 
An evil, sharp-toothed smile spreads across Lloyd’s face. “I like the sound of that.”
“Hey, let’s sue the new ninja, too,” Jay grins. “Can Pixal retroactively trademark our vibe?”
“You cannot sue them based on vibe appropriation.”
“Yeah, but I can sue them for impersonation.”
They cannot, as it turns out, sue the mayor, because legal work like that costs even more money. 
They can, however, ruin his year by filing (and forging) every possible insurance claim under the sun, so they all walk out of the office a little more satisfied than before. 
“I hope all your socks go missing in the laundry!” Nya yells toward the building as they hit the streets. “I hope you have a rock stuck in your shoe for the rest of your life! I hope you’re plagued with a mildly inconvenient headache every waking moment and never fully enjoy anything ever again!”
“Alright, alright, we’re getting looks,” Cole grabs her arm. “Let it go.”
“As much as I appreciate it, I am not going back to jail,” Jay shudders. “Twice was enough.”
Kai frowns. “Twice? When else did you get arrested?”
“We all did, re—” Jay cuts off, suddenly aware of the absolute daggers Nya is staring at him. “Uhhh…aw, snap, another mental breakdown, haha!”
“Is this the whole ‘we all have missing memories you guys are definitely hiding from us’ thing again? ‘Cause I swear—”
“I said I’m getting to it, it’s a really boring story anyways—”
“Didn’t you say you lost an eye—”
“Oh look, a window!”
This time, Jay is thwarted by Lloyd, who’s simply jumped out enough windows to recognize when someone’s about to try it themselves. Except Jay is aiming to jump inside a window this time, so they both go crashing into Pixal just as she joins them. 
To her credit, she barely flinches. “I thought I heard clown noises nearby.” 
Lloyd stares at her in such utter betrayal, the mental breakdown thing might become valid.  
“Pixal,” Jay simply begs. “Please. Help your clowns scavenge our clown dinners.”
Pixel surveys them all, a fond smile tugging at her lips. “There is a nice pizza place down the block.”
The cheers she’s met with nearly succeeded at knocking her over where Jay failed.  
Dinner that night comprises of actual, warm, take-out pizza, which nearly moves Cole to tears.
“Definitely changing the priorities order,” Lloyd says blissfully through a mouthful of cheese. “Food goes at the top, no questions.”
“Seconded,” Kai mumbles. 
“I cannot believe, that after everything we’ve been through, we did not qualify for the post-apocalypse discount,” Zane bites out. 
“Well,” Jay says brightly. “Pixal hacked the card reader, so technically we got a hundred percent discount.”
Zane stares at her, in equally utter betrayal. “Pixal?”
She shrugs. “They can try to send me to prison. They will fail.” 
Two days later, Skylor cements herself as everybody’s most favorite person in the entire world by not only saving them from starvation by demanding they sit their butts down in the restaurant and eat for free, but also donating six pillows and a year’s worth of shampoo. 
“I know it’s not a lot, but I’m on the lookout for more,” she tells them. “I’ve asked other people to help chip in, too, so hopefully that’ll make things a little easier.”
“Skylor,” Cole nearly sobs into his new, beautiful pillow. “If Kai doesn’t marry you, I will.”
“No marriage necessary,” she snorts. “Consider keeping you all fed my way of saying thanks.”
“But you already helped out with the monastery,” Nya says, around the same time the rest of them assure her there’s no need for thanks, despite the fact that no one has the slightest desire to relinquish their food. 
“Fine, then,” Skyler huffs, her cheeks turning pink. “Make me say it out loud, will you — consider it my way of showing that I care about you all. Very much.” 
“Aww,” Lloyd says. 
Kai makes a face somewhere between melting and heart eyes. 
“I hate all of you,” she mutters. 
“We love you too, Skylor,” Cole grins. 
“Hate you!”
Despite her words, they all leave with six boxes of leftovers and free dessert. 
This, of course, brings another slightly-pressing issue to mind.  
They end up getting a refrigerator for a steal of a bargain, which is probably again influenced by Pixal’s criminal extremely generous activity. 
Given how enthusiastic they all are about getting it installed, Kai is half-expecting there to be no work left for him at all by the time he returns from the food run. 
He’s…not entirely disappointed when he walks into the kitchen, though he is rather baffled. 
The room freezes as if on record-scratch. Jay is perched on top of the counters, Lloyd has a sledgehammer raised halfway in the air, and Cole is on the ground beside the refrigerator crying. 
“What?” Kai asks, blankly. 
“The fridge…doesn’t fit…” Cole moans into the floor. 
“We didn’t leave enough space between the cabinets,” Jay informs him through a mouthful of gummy worms. “So the door can’t open.”
Kai looks at Lloyd. “So the sledgehammer is for…?”
“DIY home improvement,” he shrugs.
“Huh.” Kai glances at the cabinets. “Put some safety goggles on first, okay?”
Lloyd only gets about two swings in before Zane descends with the all wrath of the Ice Emperor and adds to the tally of times-the- Green-Ninja-almost-met-his-doom, but it’s fun while it lasts. 
They were ugly cabinets, anyways. 
While his love for his family could potentially fuel a nuclear power plant, Kai does grow tired of being the living team space heater rather quickly. 
The effort of keeping his power going all night just gets annoying (and exhausting) — so by the time he’s tagged in Lloyd to use his power to keep him going, they’re up to two moody ninja short on sleep, and no one wants to deal with that. 
While they’ve scrounged up a few dollar-store quality blankets, Jay takes the opportunity to highlight his accomplishments in arts-and-crafts.
“You mean your mom’s accomplishments.”
“Hey, we made it together! It counts.”
The it in question quickly gains the name “god-awful-t-shirt-blanket” simply because the blinding combination of all their cast-off shirts sewn together is impressively terrible. 
“I still think this is a waste of good clothes,” Kai grumbles. “It’s not like we have outfits to spare these days, you know.”
“Do you wanna keep heating the room at night or no?” Nya threatens. 
Kai quickly shuts his mouth and returns to sewing Cole’s old plaid shirt to one of Jay’s neon blue shirts that features a dolphin printed in enough colors to kill a man. 
“So, what do we think?” Lloyd steps back, wiping at his forehead with his arm as he surveys their masterpiece. 
Staring at the multi-colored mess they’ve patched together into a quilt, Nya announces, “It’s the ugliest blanket I’ve ever seen.”
“Hey, we did our best!”
“See if I ever sew for you again,” Lloyd huffs. 
“I didn’t say that was a bad thing,” Nya quickly interjects. “It looks a little like us!”
“Are you saying we’re ugly?!”
“Nya, no, our family genes are enough to carry us through this, I promise—”
They’re in the middle of figuring out how to steal Wi-Fi from the government when Tox drops by, Karloff in tow. 
“You really…need…to get an elevator…or something,” she pants, red-faced and sweaty as she hauls several large bags behind her.
In contrast, Karloff looks unfazed, casually toting a hideously floral-patterned sofa over his shoulder. 
“Skylor mentioned you need furniture, no?” he says. “It’s not much, but you need somewhere to sit.”
“Karloff,” Jay tells him, very seriously. “This is the most beautiful sofa I’ve ever seen.” 
“Haha! Karloff is right once again,” he brags to Tox. 
Tox stares at Jay in flabbergasted despair. 
“You can’t put that in your home,” she mutters. “You can’t. It’s a crime against eyes everywhere.”
“Well, it’s better than no sofa, and we’re literally turning down nothing these days,” Nya says cheerfully. She leans over to peer at the bags Tox has managed to drag up. “Speaking of…?”
“Oh, yeah.” Tox heaves the bags in front of her. “Skylor said you guys needed help interior decorating? So I brought a couple rugs. She also mentioned something about the ugliest blanket she’s ever seen, so we called up some of the other Elemental Masters and got like, six or seven together. They’re not exactly works of art, but they’re okay?”
Kai tears open the first bag, his eyes lighting up. “They’re beautiful,” he whispers reverently. “Hey, guys, we got blankets! Dibs on the one with a wolf.”
“Oh, no, not that one, it’s from my awful middle school phase—”
“What do you mean, dibs, I want the wolf one!”
“Oh yeah? Down to fight for it?”
“You’re on. Training ground in five.”
“Absolutely not, we are not fighting over a blanket we’ve been so generously gifted,” Zane snaps, snagging Kai and Cole by their collars. 
“Yeah, we also don’t really have a training ground anymore,” Lloyd says, half-buried in a blanket embroidered with countless bug-eyed fish. “It went ka-boom.”
Nya rubs her temples. “Zane?”
“Already factored into the expenses,” he sighs. 
“Oh wow, you guys weren’t kidding,” Tox says. “Do you want, uh, like a keychain? I have some mints here too I can donate…man, Karloff, help me out!” 
“Does the monastery need a metal helmet?”
“We’re really not that broke,” Nya says hastily, pushing away the offered mints. “But thanks.”
“Speak for yourself.” Lloyd snags the mints, clasping his hands together in prayer at Tox before slipping back into the emerging blanket battle. 
Nya sighs. “Do you guys want tea? We’ve got three whole mugs, now.”
Tox glances from the other ninja, where Jay has been successfully rolled into a blanket burrito and is in potential danger of being rolled right down the mountain, to Karloff, who’s the reason said danger is potential. 
“We can spare a minute, I guess.”
The t-shirt blanket is later relegated to the living room, where it lives as a throw blanket over Karloff’s floral sofa. They unanimously decide it’s the perfect home for it, and the only real critic is Skylor, who’s almost reduced to tears the next time she visits. 
They celebrate their achievement of having a living room by all eating dinner on Karloff’s floral-patterned couch. This comes with a good deal of kicking and squirming and the tragic loss of Kai’s fortune cookie, but they make it work. 
“This is kind of depressing, though. Sitting in the dark,” Nya remarks. 
A muscle in Jay’s jaw twitches. “Well, maybe if someone hadn’t melted all our candles—”
“You were the one who had the brilliant idea of trying to barbecue with them, genius!” Kai snaps. 
“It was a pretty spectacular fire,” Lloyd admits. Then, hastily, “In a really cool way!” 
“Perhaps a lamp should go next on the list,” Zane says. “Rather than relying on Kai as our light.”
“Hey, I’m a great light,” Kai scowls. “I’m the light of your life. I could light this place up all day!” 
“Yes, and I’m sure it would end similarly to the time you nearly burned down a building under the belief that you were achieving your true potential, but were, in fact, just dehydrated.”
Kai gapes at Zane in betrayal. “You said you’d take that to the grave!” 
Zane carefully laces his fingers together. “Technically, I did.”
“No you didn’t!” Jay interjects. “We never buried you, so you never had a grave! Ha!”
Zane looks affronted. “I didn’t get a grave?”
“You got a statue!” Kai quickly consoles . 
“Yeah, what’d you want us to do, pick your exploded pieces out of the street for half a year then toss ‘em in the ground?”
“Oh, as if that’s any worse than being left to pour your corpse out in cups of water.”
 “It wasn’t my corpse, I was still alive!”
“You were the literal ocean. Fish swam in you.” 
“Ew, does that mean—”
“Finish that sentence and I will drown you where you stand—”
“You’re all in desperate need of counseling,” Pixal mutters. 
“Tell me about it,” Lloyd says, leaning back on the armrest of the sofa. 
Cole shakes his head. “Lost causes, all of them.”
Pixal stares at them both, expression pinched, before deciding to respect the hopelessness of lost causes. 
“Hold on, I think Kai’s crying,” Lloyd moves to sit up, only to wobble, slip sideways, and go crashing to the floor gracelessly.  
“Just like when I fell to my doom off the Bounty,” Cole reminisces.  
 Pixal’s eyes glaze over. 
Later that evening, Pixal adds “therapy” to the list of potential expenses on the fridge door. Regretfully, it loses miserably in the debate against hot shower expenses, so it too joins the pile of repressed memories that will undoubtedly haunt them in the future. 
“But hey, a hot shower can cure depression on a good day,” Cole says, and that settles that. 
Hot showers, as it turns out, are a hard-won priority. 
It’s less so after Jay, Nya, and Pixal camp out overnight near the pipeline and perform their own less-than-legal maintenance, but one of Zane’s carefully filed insurance claims actually went through the other day, so they’re taking their luck as they can. 
It’s not until they get working on the bathroom itself that the true difficulty makes itself clear. 
“Hey, uh,” Kai stares down at the patch of rotted floor he’s ripped up, wiping at the fog that’s spread across his safety goggles. “Is the base layer supposed to look like that?”
“Look like what?” Cole abandons the tiling he’s been placing to glance over. His face drops. “Uh-oh.” 
“Is that all black mold?” Nya gags, nearly dropping her bottle of cleaning bleach.  
“FSM, no wonder we’re all crazy,” Cole mutters. 
“Alright,” Kai strips off his rubber gloves. “Nothing for it. Back up, guys, I’m barbecuing this baby.”
“Wait wait wait don’t—”
Ten minutes and a good deal of hacking and wheezing through teary eyes later, Cole murders Kai while they all look on. 
Well, he attempts to.
“You filled the monastery with chlorine gas, you absolute moron—!”
“How was I supposed to know that would happen, I’m not a chemist—”
Nya glares ahead darkly as Lloyd gingerly treats the reddened blisters on her hands. 
“None of you,” Zane says, through gritted teeth. “Are touching cleaning chemicals for a year.” 
“Not sure I wanna know how you pulled off poisoning yourselves, but I’m kinda impressed you did a better job of it than most criminals would,” Ronin tells them, once the monastery has been successfully de-chlorinated and the bathroom tiles firmly put in place, sans black mold. 
“Maybe we can hire ourselves out to them when we’re strapped for cash,” Nya sighs.
“We’re literally always strapped for cash. We’re broke.”
Ronin laughs, clapping Jay on the back. “Welcome to adulthood, kid.”
“I don’t think normal adulthood gets their home blown up on a regular basis,” Lloyd hisses.
“Fair point,” Ronin nods. 
“Well, thanks for saving us all from a slow and painful death,” Cole scrubs his hands over his face. “We can pay you back sometime in the next century. Maybe.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” Ronin waves them off. “It’d be like kicking a dog when it’s down, askin’ you all to pay. Besides, I probably owe you one.”
“You sure do,” Jay glares. 
“Hey, hey, I said I was sorry for the whole human sacrifice thing,” Ronin placates. “Want some good news, at least?”
“Is it actually good news?” Lloyd eyes him shrewdly.
“Lighten up, captain trust issues.” Kai barely snags Lloyd before he lands himself back in jail. “I looked into some more of those insurance claims you filed, and you actually got somethin’ out of it. I, uh, helped the bank along a bit, with the refund.”
“Bank?” Cole whispers.
“Refund?” Jay’s eyes shine. 
“Yeah, got you all your checks right here,” Ronin says, tugging six neat envelopes from his jacket. “Just don’t blow ‘em all at once, okay? Haha.”
Zane looks as if he might propose to him on the spot. 
“Hey, this isn’t too bad!” Kai exclaims. “We got money!”
“Guys,” Lloyd says, staring at his check. “You know we should probably pool all this together and spend it on necessities, right?”
“Yeah,” Cole sighs. 
“It would be the smartest course of action,” Zane adds. 
There’s a noted silence.
“Or,” Lloyd says. 
In their defense, they spend exactly two-thirds of their checks on household items. 
Whether or not these are needed household items remains a debate. 
“If we’re all buying lamps for the living room, can we at least attempt to match?” Zane sighs. 
“Booo, where’s your joy and whimsy?” Jay sticks out his tongue. 
“That isn’t even a lamp, it’s a light-up axolotl.”
“The heck’s an axo-lot—”
“It lights up, doesn’t it? Ergo, it’s a lamp.”
“Ergo, what are you, Sensei Wu—”
“We’re never having guests over again,” Cole remarks, as Lloyd and Nya maneuver a five-foot-tall rendition of Godzilla into the shopping cart that may or may not light up. 
“The monastery’s gonna look rad as heck, we’re forcing everyone to come over and look at it,” Kai corrects as he tosses a set of flame-patterned curtains into the mess. 
“Absolutely not.” 
“I actually might like them,” Zane muses. “They would capture the energy of our kitchen perfectly.”
Kai beams. “Flame curtains are a go!” 
In the aftermath, they total around six individual blankets, five mismatching lamps and one light-up axolotl, a table that no one knows how to put together, one set of flame-patterned curtains, another hideous couch, and enough cutlery and kitchenware that no one has to eat out of Sensei Wu’s incense bowls anymore. 
“Alright,” Lloyd says. “We’ve got three hours until the stores start closing. Everyone take the rest of your checks, don’t think about how much of a disaster the monastery still is, and start thinking about how valid retail therapy is.” 
“Aye-aye,” Kai salutes, before immediately booking it for the clothing outlets. 
Three hours later, Kai’s happily blown his entire check on a new wardrobe and exactly one pair of name-brand brand shoes. He’s unreasonably proud of himself for his restraint, until he catches Cole with three pairs of his own name-brand shoes, and immediately regrets being responsible. 
He spots Jay going off in the N-Pop section of a music store, Nya investing in a sinfully-priced espresso machine, and Zane walking toward the clothing outlets himself with a high-quality pair of noise-cancelling headphones. 
He doesn’t find Lloyd until well after he’s picked up his own clothes, already sporting an oversized hoodie he could’ve just stolen from Kai. 
He’s more concerned when Lloyd proceeds to blow the last of his check at the sporting goods section of the local convenience store. Considering how long Lloyd spent looking wistfully at the candy aisle, Kai is baffled by the decision. 
He’s even more baffled when Lloyd proceeds to box up his purchase for delivery instead of keeping it himself.
He’s utterly horrified when he sees who it’s addressed to.
“Are you serious?!” he asks shrilly, torn between ripping the box from Lloyd’s hands or immediately calling the mental health hotline. “You’re sending her gifts?”
“It’s not a gift, it’s — look, it’s a long story, you wouldn’t get it,” Lloyd grumbles, plastering another layer of duct tape over the box. “Just help me deliver it to Kryptarium and I’ll show you, okay?”
Kai very much does not help, because he’s not an enabler and he cares about his brother’s mental health, but he does follow Lloyd to Kryptarium Prison and lurk behind him as he eagerly watches the surveillance screens. 
Harumi stares at the box before her, looking every bit as baffled as Kai is. 
“Who would send me a volleyball—”
She freezes, her face going utterly blank. A muscle in her jaw twitches. 
There’s a brief flash of what could be amusement, a brief expression as if she’s eaten something sour, then a fury like no other eclipses her face. 
Lloyd’s still laughing by the time they’re escorted from the premises, hard enough that Kai has to catch him when he trips at the top of the steps. 
“What’d you even write on the note?” Kai finally asks, a bit in awe. 
Lloyd grins. “I told her good luck getting together her villainous volleyball team in jail.”
Kai blinks. “Do I…want to know?”
“Nope!” Lloyd says airily. “But I’ve made my point.”
Regardless of some behaviors, the mental health hotline remains a constant idea. It simply happens to come up at inconvenient times, such as when Cole drops a dresser on his foot halfway across the courtyard. 
He swears so loudly the whole monastery echoes with it. 
“Oh geez, Cole, are you okay? Why’d you lift the whole thing on your own?”
“We could have helped,” Zane rushes over. “You don’t have to do it all yourself—”
“Yes I do!” Cole yells. “I’m stronger than that, I’m supposed to be stronger, I have to be stronger or you’re all going to die next time—”
He cuts off abruptly. Zane looks heartbroken. Jay—
Is suddenly busy smacking Cole upside the head. 
“No, you don’t!” he snaps back, even louder. “You don’t have to do it by yourself! None of you do! Every time anyone tries to do something by themselves it all goes wrong and we lose someone, so we’re never — doing that — again!” 
He seizes Cole around the arms, his wild eyes meeting Cole’s wide ones. “No one blames you for the stupid tunnel. I don’t care how strong you are. We’re all here and that’s what matters, so don’t you dare put that at risk.”
“But I—”
“Jay, I—”
“No!” A manic expression overtakes Jay’s face. “No, no, no! No one’s taking the blame. No one’s isolating themselves. No. One. Is. Going. Off. Alone. You hear me?!” 
The others are frozen, halfway outstretched hands caught as if suspended in ice. Kai’s expression is twisted painfully. Lloyd’s eyes are on the ground. Zane is as frozen as the metaphorical ice, and Nya looks devastated. 
“No more being alone,” Jay says, the fire in his voice giving way to something wetter and considerably more sniffly. “No more. Don’t — you can’t—”
“Okay,” Cole whispers. He carefully takes Jay’s hands from his shoulders, grasping them in his own instead. “Okay. No more going at it alone. I promise.”  
 The monastery courtyard seems a little colder, in the silence.  
“Anyone feel like circling back to the whole ‘suing Harumi’ idea?” Kai finally speaks up. 
Jay gives a wet snort. 
“Well, we’re probably gonna need to afford tissues,” Lloyd says. His own voice isn’t exactly dry, either. 
The downside to sticking therapy smack at the bottom of their priorities is that they all really are, in fact, not okay. 
Most of the time, they manage. 
There’s a solace in being together, a comfort in having the people you trust and care for most in the world right next to you when the nightmares get bad. When Jay awakens screaming for Nya or clutching at his throat for air, Nya is already holding his hand and Cole’s holding the rest of him.
When Zane lapses into silence too long, emotions a roiling mess that leave him paralyzed, Kai is there with one-two-three’s for breathing and Lloyd is there to draw little cats with him until the world subsides again. 
When Cole’s eyes shadow in training and his hits grow wild, Zane is there to pin him before he bloodies his hands and Jay is there to sing horrible off-key songs he loves until the panic ebbs.
When Nya stares at the water too-long, her eyes misty and her expression dreamy, Jay is there to hold her tight and Kai is there to talk until his voice goes hoarse and hers returns. 
There are other times, though, when it’s harder. 
It hits Kai this time about halfway through painting the walls of the kitchen a cheerful yellow, said paint splattered up to his elbows, courtesy of Lloyd. He glances down — to joke, to laugh, to not think—
And pauses. With the headband he’s stolen from Pixal in place, pushing back the mass of thick blond hair, Kai can just see the purple-red edges of the swollen, irritated wounds that scar Lloyd’s scalp. The twin marks are a better sight than when Kai first glimpsed them, bleeding circles that looked as if someone had drilled into Lloyd’s skull — but not by much. 
“S’fine,” Lloyd mutters, catching Kai’s devastated expression. “I can’t even feel ‘em. Not really.”
“Liar,” Kai rasps. “They look awful.”
Lloyd makes a face. “Gee, thanks a lot.”
“I mean it. What if they get infected, or worse, or — have you had Sensei look at them?”
Lloyd wraps his arms around himself, avoiding Kai’s eyes. “No. I didn’t really…I did what he asked. What they both did. And then screwed the whole thing up, so it was all useless anyways, so I—”
He bites his lip, hard enough to crack the already dry skin. 
“I don’t really wanna hear anyone telling me what else I’m doing wrong with myself, right now.” 
Kai is angry enough to feel sick. 
“That’s stupid. That’s so stupid, he should — it shouldn’t be like that, it’s — why didn’t anyone—” he shakes his head. “Why doesn’t anyone ever ask us if we wanna be — if we wanna—”
Lloyd’s hand closes around his wrist, gently tugging Kai’s own hand from where it’s clawed unconsciously at his arm, leaving ugly red stripes against his skin. 
“You asked,” he says, quietly. “That meant a lot.”
Kai looks away. “Lot of good it did.”
Lloyd’s grip tightens. “It meant the world to me,” he repeats, stronger this time. 
“But I couldn’t—!”
Lloyd abandons his hold on his wrist to wrap his arms around Kai entirely, holding tight. Bony and strong and familiar, Kai’s little brother to the core. 
“Thank you,” he says, fervently enough that Kai can feel the ache in his voice. “Thank you for looking out for me.”
Kai’s voice is a miserable mess of fought-back tears. “I couldn’t even do anything.” 
“You asked me what I wanted,” Lloyd says once again, and Kai can hear the edge of tears threatening his voice, now. “That was everything.” 
Giving in, Kai drops his head into the mess of blond curls and hugs Lloyd back. Lloyd’s hair smells like blood and paint and steel and the strawberry shampoo Skylor gave them, and now it’s gonna smell like Kai’s stupid snot and tears. 
“Hey, having another hug party without me is lame.” 
Kai gives a wet, broken response as Nya throws her arms around them both. 
“Idiots,” she murmurs, resting her head atop theirs. “I love you both, you know that?”
“Ew, gross,” Lloyd snorts wetly. “Hey Kai, Nya loves us.”
“Little jerk, who you callin’ gross? And here I thought you loved us too.” 
“Well obviously I love you guys back, who’s the idiot now—”
Kai simply clutches them both and cries harder, as if holding onto them will stop himself from falling apart.
It works, in the ways that matter, though it’s always because they’re holding back even tighter. 
Later that evening, Zane bathes Lloyd’s head in antiseptic and Jay forces them all to sit through the PowerPoint presentation he’s made with Nya titled “Every Super Cool Totally Good Character with Horns Ranked”. He loses them the minute he brings anime characters into it, as everyone suddenly develops incredibly passionate opinions about the rankees, but Lloyd’s laughing too hard to have his own opinion and Kai doesn’t feel like he’s drowning under inadequacy anymore — just choking to death under the weight of Jay’s elbow for daring to insult Re:Zero as an anime “since it actually has Oni in it, idiot, your opinion is trash—” 
They get things back to being okay, one way or another. 
Somewhere in the third month of renovations, they finally scrounge up six whole beds. It takes a good deal of dragging and cursing, but they finally manage to move into their own rooms, the once-empty spaces looking a little less lonely. 
“Now we don’t have to all sleep together in the same room anymore,” Jay announces. There’s no small amount of celebration at that.
The celebration lasts up until sometime around three in the morning, at which point the  consistent nightmares land them all right back in the pile of communal air mattresses. 
“Just for like, one more night,” Kai yawns, as Lloyd curls closer beneath his arm. 
“Totally, yeah,” Nya echoes, one leg spread across Jay, her arm sprawled over Kai. 
“Go to sleep already, FSM’ sake,” Cole begs, before slumping over Zane. 
For all Cole’s begging, he’s still the first to act when Zane suddenly lurches up from the bed, gasping for air like he’s drowning and giving them all joint heart attacks. 
“—hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s just us—”
Cole’s hands hover, non-threatening, as Zane buries his face in his palms, breathing ragged. The others have begun to get up now as well, the slow kind of approach that lets Zane know exactly where each of them are. 
“I despise this,” Zane spits, as his hand drags down to fist over his chest. “I hate feeling like this. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it—”
“I know,” Cole says. “I know.”
“This is why — it’s so much easier—“
“It’s okay, it’s—”
“It is not! I do not need to breathe, and yet I can’t!” Zane bursts out, frustrated and frightened. “I’m not supposed to break down like this, I do not, I do not—”
“You’re not a machine,” Cole says steadily. “You get to break down.” 
“But if I—”
“You don’t,” Lloyd murmurs. “You don’t have to turn ‘em off, Zane. You’re one of the strongest people I know.” 
Zane’s head lowers, his eyes shadowed. “It wouldn’t hurt,” he says, but it’s reluctant. 
“Yeah, you’d never hurt, but you’d never be happy, either,” Kai says. “And that’d suck.”
“It’d suck for us, too,” Cole speaks up. “We’d have to live without your laugh. Without your sassy remarks. Without your kindness.”
“We’d live without you,” Lloyd says, quietly. “And you wouldn’t really be living, would you?”
Zane crumples, his shoulders shaking as he allows Kai to pull him close. 
“If it gets too much, just come to us,” Jay says. “We’ll be more, okay? We’re pretty good at that.”
Zane gives a wet, stifled laugh. 
“Don’t go, even if it’s just your emotions leaving,” Nya murmurs, her head against his. “It isn’t worth it.”
With slowing shudders, Zane lets himself relax, the warmth of their little family pressing around him. Kai is an immovable barrier at his side, save for where Lloyd’s tucked beneath his arm. Jay’s legs tangle with Lloyd and Cole’s, his hand held tightly in Nya’s.  
“Leaving isn’t worth it,” Nya echoes. “Not in any lifetime.”
Bit by bit, the monastery comes together. 
The smell of new paint gives way to a familiar scent of mixing elements and laundry soap, one that’s followed them since the first Bounty. They comb through every online shop until they find the exact brand of sheets that feel like the first apartment they ever lived in together. Thrift shops and sales and birthdays stock closets once again, new hoodies that are quickly stolen and passed back and forth. The collection of CD’s and movies rebuilds into stacks once again through shared movie nights and pirated music.
And little by little, with the consistent passage of time, photographs line the walls of the monastery once again.
 A little older, a little worn, but a collection of family all the same. 
“Except we still don’t have damn central heating—” 
“Suck it up and light the fireplace, hothead.” 
“No respect in this city. None at all.” 
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Bi-han x confessing to a person who's been making ice puns at him since day 1 (+ him asking his brothers for guidance on doing so). He's so embarrassed to be in love with anyone and even more embarrassed that it's THEM, the lame pun guy/girl. Tomas and Kuai are literally howling with laughter at this whole situation. Their emotionally constipated brother and the person that thinks “underwhere/underwear” wordplay jokes are clever. The added dimension of hilarity added to Bi-han openly cringing at their jokes by the fact that Bihan wants to marry this person sends his brothers into borderline hysterics laughing everytime. Everytime they greet him with “*ICE* to see you again! :D ” it pushes bihans eventual confession back 2 days.
Love at Frost Sight
Yip notes: Yeah but this is the man who said "Freeze where you stand" before throwing ice. He has the tiniest funny bone in his body.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Gn reader
Warnings‼️: Bad puns, not proofread I’m tired (fixed it a little cause I can’t sleep)
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You made an impression the first day you joined the Lin Kuei. You were a skilled fighter who had the potential to be greater, even Bi-Han could see that. He needs people like you. Naturally skilled with a boost to perfection. You acted like the perfect candidate…
Until he allowed you in.
It was like shaking a poor sinner’s hand. Bi-Han had no clue what was about to hit him. Your true nature was exposed the moment he gave you your uniform as a sign that you were part of the clan.
“ICY that you like me.” You joked.
His eyes immediately widened in confusion, “…what?”
“Nothing. I’ll start getting ready. I’ll see you later.” You walked off quickly to put your uniform on and start your new beginning.
Poor Bi-Han, he sure will have a hail of a time.
Bi-Han learned quickly that you were quite the jester. You made every serious situation into a comedy skit.
You know how hard it is for the others to keep a straight face when they are being lectured and you decide to tell Bi-Han to “chill out”. The once quiet room that echoed your grandmaster’s voice was now disturbed by sharp exhales and snorts. It didn’t help that he’d go silent and everyone would try to figure out if he was mad or you actually made him shut the fuck up. The answer was there were so many thoughts running through his mind that if he tried to speak he would stutter.
You always have an ice joke ready for him. In every situation, you’ve managed to put anything ice into your sentence. If it’s not ice it’s cool, icy, or hail. How do you fit all those jokes into your head while focusing on your training? It’s almost mystical.
So why, WHY he screams. Why does he have feelings towards you? You’re so lame but he wants you. Heavens help him, he’s fallen in love with a loser.
The worst part is that his brothers are starting to catch on. They can see that Bi-Han is different now. He’s frustrated with his emotions. They’d hear him grumble to himself even when things were going well. He’d whisper under his breath about something being so idiotic and foolish. Not to mention he was daydreaming more. Blank stares, fist clenching, slow blinks, and cringing. Yes, cringing. He’d take a deep breath, give a little ‘eh’, and walk off. It’s clearly not serious if he’s acting like that.
Kuai Liang and Tomas discussed how they were gonna approach the situation. Clearly, Bi-Han doesn’t want to talk about his feelings. He never does. But this is different. He is reacting to something he has never felt before. That’s why he’s acting out.
Out of all the emotions they ran through they would have never guessed it was love. Bi-Han is supposed to be too cold for love. So when Bi-Han came to them in a tense mood they were shocked by his question.
“Kuai Liang, I know you have experience with…infatuation of a person.”
“I have never-“
“Do not play dumb we all know you like Harumi ever since you were a child.”
Kuai Liang put his head down slightly after being called out like that. Tomas was already thinking a million things. He caught onto what Bi-Han was going to ask. He slammed his hands down and blurted out a question.
“Who is it?!”
Bi-Han glared at his adopted brother for asking the obvious. He wanted to deny that he was interested in anyone, let alone you. But he came to them for a reason. He has no idea how to portray his feelings. He’s been stuck being this uptight, serious, cold-hearted person for a long time. You introduce a warm and tingly feeling and he doesn’t melt, he crumples like an iceberg. So if he wants a genuine he has to be honest and tell them who it is.
“The person is the one who gives me the most headaches.” He said quietly.
The reaction he got did not ease his awkwardness and embarrassment. Kuai Liang and Tomas were looking at him like he had grown a tail. Their eyes shifted as they tried to calculate the right words to say.
“Interesting…” Kuai Liang said in the most enthusiastic voice he could produce.
“Wow, I mean you two sure would make a lovely-“Tomas stopped himself when he snorted and had to cover his mouth.
Bi-Han immediately turned his back on his brothers and tried to walk out. Kuai Liang jumped out of his seat to catch his brother and let him know there was no shame in falling in love.
“Please, brother, we do not mean to offend you. We are simply surprised that it’s them.”
“Please, please, it’s fine.” Tomas was responding in a higher pitch as he tried his hardest to contain himself.
Kuai Liang was staring down Tomas and was mouthing to him to stop already. This is a moment in history, Bi-Han is in love! He’s in love with a person they would never expect. Tomas immediately contained himself and suppressed any giddiness he was feeling.
“Bi-Han, there is nothing wrong with your feelings. It would help if you sit down with us and tell us why you might like them.” Kuai Liang advised him.
“That is the problem. I have no reason to like them when they tell those horrible jokes.” Bi-Han’s anger was boiling up just thinking about his silly crush.
“Maybe you haven’t thought about it enough. You should take time to think about it and not be confused all the time.” Tomas genuinely wanted to help his brother figure this out. He even pulled out a chair for Bi-Han to sit in.
This feels more like an intervention than what Bi-Han originally came here for. He might as well put in the effort to figure it out. He hates leaving this a mystery even when it comes to emotions. Fine, he’ll bite, but they can’t laugh.
Tomas, hold it together for your own sake.
It may have taken 3 hours but they got a coherent answer from Bi-Han. His reasons are, well, reasonable.
As mentioned before you are a skilled fighter who has a lot of potential. You are graceful in your movements both in kombat and in general.
It’s not all jokes and lollygagging with you. You can sit down and have a heart-to-heart conversation with someone. You could take things serious, you choose not to unless it’s life or death. Even when you get a little silly it’s cute. The joy on your face when you make people laugh or smile can melt your grandmaster’s frozen heart. Not fully, don’t toot your horn.
It’s the jokes that kill him. The puns, fucking hail, they are so corny and cheesy. They are always directed towards him. A pile of ice puns just waiting to be thrown at him. That’s why he’s so embarrassed that it’s you. You have great qualities but puns are not your forte in his mind.
According to his brothers he shouldn’t change that about you. It’s your charm. It’s also the reason he noticed you more. So could he really say it’s a bad quality when it brought him closer to you?
“So you do want them to be your partner?” Tomas reiterated.
“Yes, yes, for the thousandth time. Are you imbeciles going to help me or not?”
“We will help. The real question is if you can confess. It seems like their jokes knock you off balance.” Kuai Liang had this smug tone to his voice because he knows what he speaks in the truth.
That struck a nerve. Bi-Han feels like he’s being called a chicken. If Kuai Liang were not his younger brother he’d be dead by dinner time.
Bi-Han’s hands clenched into fist that slowly turned to ice. He has to keep his calm to prove he can confess to someone like a normal human being.
“Tell me, tell me how to confess someone. I will do it today.”
“It is simple, brother. Just tell them what we discussed. Tell them about the qualities that you like about them and ask them to be your partner. It should not be hard for you.” Because who in their right mind would deny their grandmaster. That’s a death wish.
With that answer Bi-Han was already out the door, trying to find you. Ten seconds later he returned.
“I will do it tomorrow.” He said as he gritted his teeth.
Tomas’ jaw dropped as Kuai Liang rolled his eyes.
“Why did you change your mind?” He sounded so exhausted.
Bi-Han didn’t have to say anything. He just flung the door open and there you were with a shit-eating grin. You looked so giddy as you bit your bottom lip and looked up at Bi-Han. Anyone could see the sparkle in your eyes.
Bi-Han signaled for you to repeat what you just said to him. He needs his brothers to hear the shit he deals with every day.
“I was just saying how it was ICE to see him again!” Look at that proud smile on your face.
Tomas immediately let out a laugh before covering his mouth. He did not mean for it to be that loud but his mouth was already open. It was a chain reaction because Kuai Liang struggled to keep a straight face. He lowered his head and used his hands as a visor to prevent anyone from seeing his lips twitch. His heavy breathing gave away the fact that he was close to laughing. Bi-Han…he’s not entertaining. He was pinching the bridge of his nose and grimaced as the pun replayed in his head over and over again. It’s nothing new but it makes him react the same way every day you tell it to him.
“Aw, don’t be so COLD with me, grandmaster.”
Kuai Liang smacked the table as a plead for mercy. Don’t make another joke he might combust. Tomas could only produce a wheeze in his effort to stop a laugh. The best part, they were imagining the same things which didn’t help their laughter.
Picture this:
It’s you and Bi-Han’s wedding. It’s a beautiful winter wedding and you are ready to marry the man of your dream who was once your grandmaster. You both stand before the Lin Kuei and the ceremony goes on. You are both asked if you take each other’s hand in marriage. What is your response.
“Uh duh, I’m head over HAILS for him.”
The mind can create such funny things even from men who are assassins.
Yeah, no, Bi-Han can’t do this today. He grabbed your shoulders and turned you the other way. He ignored how you were raising your eyebrows continuously as a weird way of asking if he gets it. He pushed your back lightly and that was your sign to walk away. He does that often you know what he means. He closed the door and looked back at his brothers who looked like they were hanging on for dear life.
“As I said, tomorrow.” He emphasized.
They nodded their heads as they understood their brother’s reason. Tomorrow…yeah right.
Tomorrow came and passed. Then another passed. Then another. Another. Ah, he didn’t confess. But Kuai Liang and Tomas were sure having a hoot.
Their poor brother, why must you throw a pun at him just because he is a cyromancer?! He just wants to admit that he is in love with your lame ass. Every day when he gets the motivation to confess to you, you make another joke. He has a moment of clarity and walks away. In the morning that man is in need of you.
Do you realize the effect you have on that man? He can’t live without you or your pun. There was one day where you didn’t feel too well. You had a major headache that prevented you from thinking straight. When you saw Bi-Han and didn’t say anything he wanted to clutch his nonexistent pearls. He actually ask you if you were dying. You reassured him that it was just a headache and you’d be fine soon. Yeah, he knew you were fine when you told him “Boy, that sure was a HAIL of a headache.”
You’re gonna give me a headache. Please, have mercy.
Maybe today will be different. He’ll tire you out and catch you off guard to prevent you from saying anything. It doesn’t matter at this point he just needs to get this off his chest without walking out of the room. He went around, looking for you to bring you somewhere more private. You were just coming around the corner when you saw Bi-Han. Gosh, you were like a devious fly the way you rubbed your hands in preparation for your pun.
“Hello grandmaster! It’s ic-“
“No.” He replied bluntly as he covered your mouth.
You were actually shocked since this was the first time he’s tried to stop you. It was successful, all he needed to do was cover your mouth. He was quick to redirect you to one of the training rooms. Yes, his genius plan is to tire you out by fighting. Can’t speak when you’re too busy trying not to get your ass beat.
To his dismay his brothers were in the room. He wanted to tell them to leave but any sentence he constructs will give fuel to the pun flame. He grumbled before pushing you in.
“Today, I want us to spar. I need to see how you’ve improved.” He removed his hand from your mouth and distance himself from you.
He went into his usual fighting stance and was hoping on a star that you would follow along. His brothers were watching you both. They were watching like hawks. For once, you didn’t say anything. You got into your fighting stance, making sure you were properly balanced. But…
“Before we start I just have to say…”
Oh, oh no
“That you’re gonna need to take it ICE and easy. I fell yesterday and it hurt like HAIL. The way ICY it, it would be unfair to fight me at full force when I’m injured.”
“You ready for some more COOL puns?”
That’s a new face Bi-Han was making. He was wincing as if your puns physically hurt him. It hurt his soul. His eyes narrowed. His arms dropped. Today’s not the day. Tomorrow won’t be the day. This week won’t be the week. He needs to recover from all of that.
“Why do I like you?” He questioned out loud.
That was the breaking point for Kuai Liang and Tomas. They haven’t laughed like that since they were children. Tomas was on his hands and knees, dying of laughter. He sounded like a hyena. Kuai Liang was clutching his stomach. His body is not used to laugher so it’s a mixture of joy and pain. He was going in between laughter and coughing. He really wanted to support his brother, he did, but Bi-Han’s reaction was too good.
The tips of Bi-Han’s ears started to burn and turn a shade of pink. That color traveled to his cheeks. This was too embarrassing, especially because he knew you heard what he said. He had to walk away from this failure.
What did you do? Well you clearly joked around since you thought that would make him feel better.
“Wait FREEZE don’t go! Did you mean that?! We can make it work! I’ll fight tooth and HAIL to make this work between us! ICY that you like me a lot! It’s as clear as ice.”
Bi-Han’s words bounced off the hallway walls before he walked to his bedroom and slammed the door. All the clan members looked around to see what all that ruckus was about. All they found was you with a dopey smile on your face, Tomas cackling, and Kuai Liang coughing up a storm.
Well, I hope you are happy. You just drove your future husband crazy. I don’t know why he’s so mad. He should let loose and enjoy the ICE of life.
Yap notes: Sorry if the second half is a little messy, I don’t have my laptop with me. So I went swimming for a bit that was nice. I went into the 10 feet end like a dumbass but it was nice. Now I must rest and forget about my life. Adiós!
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izzabela · 3 months
Hello! I was thinking about what would happen if the female reader was first to say "I love you" to the Lin Kuei trio (different scenarios) and since their whole lives involved with training and counseling emotions that they freeze upon those words and trying to process but it causes the reader to think they don't reciprocate their feelings and walks away depressed and now the boys have to figure out how to tell the reader "I love you" back.
Up In the Air - Lin Kuei x fem!reader (scenario fic)
in which your brazen love confession leaves Tomas, Bi Han, and Kuai Liang speechless
ship[s]: tomas, bi han, kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): anxiety/panic attack mention, fluffy ends
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[why the fuck does kuai liang sit like that, straight back and arms tucked in his lap, ON A WOODEN BENCH]
"I love you," you tell Tomas softly, your eyes closed as you slipped your hands in his.
You two were walking around the compound, the Summer air and winds treating you two with a warm evening. Despite the warmth of both confession and evening, Tomas was at a cold still.
You and Tomas may have started as initiate and teacher, but as you climbed the ranks in the Shirai Ryu, you proved to be indispensable, unique, and talented. Grandmaster Kuai Liang appointed you as Tomas's second in command, and you two had begun spending more and more time together.
Tomas, despite being the ruthless and calculated ninja he is, was kind and soft with you. He spent nights with you when he couldn't sleep, spoke to you about his frustrations and fears, and even confided in you when he gets into arguments with his older brother.
He's your best friend, no doubt about it, but your heart yearned for more than what was available. You craved him to hold you longer than his hugs, do more than just pat your head, and even more than just walk side by side on an evening like this. In fact, you really hoped the confession you had planned would signify he felt the same way with you.
When you opened your eyes to see his expression, he simply stared back at you with emptiness. You were shocked at this response, since he was the most expressive one in his family- why was this any different? You were so sure of yourself, even talking to Harumi to see if she saw it as you did, and she assured his affections for you were mutual.
Your hopeful smile deflated faster than a clown's balloon, and you masked your broken heart with an awkward smile.
"I- I meant to say I love you... for the mission you sent me on!" you recovered badly, "Toughie, but definitely..."
You frantically let go of his hands and shuffle away from him, "Definitely worth... it... yeah."
Tears welled in your eyes as you realize your mistake. So stupid, for you to think he would love you the way you loved him. He was busy with his family drama, his new clan, and dealing with his newfound trauma- of course he wouldn't have room in his heart for you.
"Goodnight then, Tomas," you abruptly say, running away and retreating to your room.
Tomas watches as you leave him alone in the summer evening, your words hanging in the air and ringing in his ears.
When was the last time he heard those words? Perhaps before his sister and mother died back in Europe, or when Kuai Liang opened up his heart to him and accepted his brotherhood. Those words had lost meaning to him when Bi Han betrayed him and Kuai Liang that fateful mission at Ying Fortress.
However, when you said it, it was like all the color that had faded over the years came back. Sure, Tomas stared at you like he died inside (I mean, he kind of is), but it wasn't unwelcome.
As you rounded the corner of the compound, your stifled sobs echoing in his ears. Tomas leans back on a wooden pillar, hand clutching the patch of fabric that covered his heart. He grips his uniform tightly with that hand and runs his other through his hair. Tears burn Tomas's eyes as well and his breathing becomes labored, chest rising up and down as he puts his head in between his legs.
Kuai Liang and Harumi are chatting happily, but their conversations stop at the sight of the poor man on the verge of a panic attack. Kuai rushes to his brother's front while his wife is at his side, trying to bring the young man back.
"Hey, Tomas!" Kuai Liang yells frantically, "Tomas, look here brother. Stay with us, you can do it."
Tomas's head rises, chest still heaving as he makes eye contact with his sister-in-law and brother. Kuai Liang puts his hands gently on his shoulder as he coaxes him back to reality. Tomas matches his breaths while Harumi rubs his back gently and softly, like a feather duster on china.
"We are in Japan," he begins to list, "You are in Harumi's compound, it is Wednesday evening, and you finished a debrief with (y/n)."
At the mention of your name, Tomas looks at his family with worry, words sputtering like a struggling car, "Is she alright? She left crying after... after I..."
Kuai Liang looks at Harumi worriedly, "Tomas? What happened? Why is she of concern?"
Tomas is finally back to his usual self, ish. He sits up against the pole as he explains his dilemma to his family.
"So... you froze after she confessed to you?" Kuai deadpans, which earns a smack on the back of his head from Harumi.
"Tomas," she begins, "You must've been reminded of something, or perhaps letting her words register?"
"It's... It's been too long since I heard something like that," Tomas explains, "She said it with heart, brother and sister. So much I thought my own would explode."
Kuai offers his hand to Tomas, to which he accepts and gets put back on his feet. Kuai places a hand on his shoulder while Harumi holds onto her husband's bicep.
"And did you answer her? Give her your answer that you feel the same way?"
Tomas has loved you before he even knew it was called "love". He loved being able to talk to you, confide in you during his darkest moments, and just be around you. Normally, he'd say that his fire was his brother, but now it's you. You ignite something inside his heart, and it pushes him to put one hundred percent in everything he does.
Smoke follows your burning passion and dedication, and it's not just his magic. He wants to be with you more than command head and second, and more than people working to defeat evil, and definitely more than friends.
Tomas just stares at his brother before he shakes his head side to side. Kuai sighs and his head is down in disappointment, and Harumi nudges Tomas's shoulder.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Go on!" Harumi urges, "Come on, Tomas, before it's completely ruined forever!"
Tomas rushes to your room quickly, heavy steps padding on the wood in thumps. He finally makes it to your room, and unfortunately, he can hear your sobs past the thin material of the door. Tomas wants to slide the door to the side, but he simply announces himself with a knock.
"(y/n)?" he said softly, hand on the door, "By the gods, I am so sorry."
You stop crying, head turning to the door to see Tomas's silhouette past the door. You didn't want to come to the door, but you didn't want to sound like you were crying for a whole fifteen minutes. You wipe your tears and blow your nose into a dirty shirt before clearing your throat and speaking.
"Tomas? W-what are you doing? It's quite late, and you should be asleep."
You can hear him take a deep breath before speaking again, "(y/n), I..."
Your breath stops, your eyes watching Tomas's shadow fidget. Quietly, you walk closer to the door and press your hand and forehead on the door to hear him better.
"(Y/n)," he begins again, "I haven't heard those words in a long time- and I mean a long time. I lost my first family, my faith, my second family... I was so sure I could never feel this love again despite being surrounded by it.
More tears form in your eyes as he continues, "But spending time here, watching brother marry, taking Hanzo in, and meeting you... I realize that maybe things are turning up for me."
You carefully slide your door open, eyes meeting a tear-stained Tomas. He smiles weakly, wiping the tears away, but they keep replacing themselves as he continues speaking.
"(Y/n), you said you loved me. I hope I'm not too late in saying that I love you too."
You smile softly, taking his hands in yours and squeezing it. He's shocked, but he this time his eyes aren't empty. They're full of love, life, and hope- and there is no slowing down with the overwhelming emotions he was feeling.
The moon shines brightly over both of you, almost like the gods blessing you two with eternal happiness. There was also Kuai Liang and Harumi quietly stalking you two in the distance, but you two didn't care. Not when the confession isn't left hanging in the air.
Kuai Liang
"Oh my goodness," you say happily, "Thank you, Kuai Liang, I love you so much!"
It's the middle of the night, and you two were in Kuai Liang's room discussing battle plans and information over matters regarding the Lin Kuei. However, as you two were planning, you had lost a very special pen from your family. He stopped everything to help you find it since you were on the brink of tears. Your outburst, though, might make the dam burst.
"You... I beg your pardon?" Kuai Liang says with a bewildered look. Your face burns hot and grows pinky-red, you wave your hands around like a maniac, flailing as you try to explain yourself.
"I mean, I love you for finding my pen! I mean, I love how you found- Ah! Uh, agh..." you groan, sucking up your divine punishment and confessing, "I can't lie to you, Kuai Liang, not about how I really feel."
You knew them through Harumi, since they were childhood friends. And, like Harumi, you were the inheritor to your own clan, which specialized in tactical brilliance, weaponry, and manpower. You offered your support and frequented their compound, where your relationship with him grew from colleagues, to partners, to very close friends. You remember after a few months, you spoke to Harumi about your feelings towards him, and ever since that she's been doing her best to give you more chances to meet and talk.
This was no different. Harumi actually set this whole thing up, shoving papers into the already busy Kuai Liang's hands and telling him to work with you on it. Dutiful to his work and clan, of course he'd work on it, and Harumi made sure you could jump on this opportunity.
Now, here you were, spilling your heart out to your friend about the feelings you had been harboring.
"From the minute we began working together, you made me feel like I wasn't my clan's inheritor. You made me feel normal, like a person, and like a woman. Being a leader is tough, but being a female leader is harder- you grounded me. You made me feel... seen. And for that, I love you- very much."
He doesn't move, still like a marble statue. You look and search his eyes for any sign of reciprocation, any hint that perhaps that Harumi was right about the things she told you about your crush. But he remains unmoving, and your heart completely shatters. The dam in your eyes crumbles and you begin to let go. Finally, Kuai Liang reacts and robotically gets you tissues, trying to calm you down.
You look at him with a ridiculous "what the f#ck" face as he hands you a tissue, to which you knock the box out of his hands and storm out. All he can do, though, is begin to clean up quietly, leaving your sudden outburst in his head.
Kuai Liang kept his heart locked in a bulletproof, titanium metal, fire-proof, and multi-padded safe. He was loyal to his duty, family, and clan, emotions were good, yes, but they were unreliable to his mission. Yes, he cared for his friends and little brother, and yes he cared for the defense of Earthrealm, but that was duty- there's no heart in it. Hence, his robotic motions, however being with you slowly unlocked the layers that buried his heart.
He felt the same with you, truly, but with how tightly he locked his heart up, he was afraid. What if things don't work out? What if his heart overtook his mind? What if...
His thoughts were interrupted with Harumi stepping in his room, watching him clean up with a slacked jaw. She pieces everything together and puts two fingers on the bridge of her nose, sighing at the way her plan unfolded.
"How in the gods names did you mess it up?" Harumi seethes out to her friend, "What even happened?"
He sighs and sits down in front of the tissues and messy papers, "She, uh, (y/n), confided in me her feelings."
Harumi egged him further, "And? Did you respond? Did you say anything to her at all? You know, I see how you look at her and-."
Kuai Liang disassociates from her rant, processing your words even harder. By the gods, he does love you. He loves how you laugh when he tells you stories about Tomas, he loves your confidence, your leadership, and your very being. He, too, feels grounded, and being with you makes him forget the war he was fighting against his own blood brother. He would hate to see you drawn into this feud, but you already involved yourself by supporting him.
Funny, since love works exactly like that. You can deny it, bury it, lock it up as best as you can, but it always wins. Love is fun, fleeting, and scary, but when is anything in life not? Getting up, he towers over Harumi and asks for your location.
"Perhaps check the roof? I know she frequents the roofs when things become too much," she ponders, a finger on her chin.
Kuai Liang storms out and leaps on the walls that surrounded the compound. It's a huge plot of land that stretches far, right before a pine tree forest. However, he finds you atop the peak of a tower to the left of the main home. He sprints over to you, jumping, leaping, and climbing up to reach you. When he reaches you, you're eyes are wide and you try to scoot away from him.
"Go away, Kuai Liang," you hissed, "Just ignore what I said- it was a mistake." He doesn't listen, though, and walks closer to you while talking about his newly processed feelings.
"(Y/n)," he starts, "You are more than your clan's leader. You are the pride of your parents, the future of your people, and person that took my heart by storm."
You gasp, and he keeps talking as he squats to your level, "You cannot fathom how much your very being has helped me, but how I repaid your help, and love, was inexcusable. My heart has been locked up since... well, forever, and duty had really guided me for the rest of my life, for fear of losing everyone I know and love- including you."
Tears spill over your eyes, blurring your vision of Kuai Liang's face. However, unbeknownst to you, he too was holding tears back as he finished his confession.
"I love you, (y/n)," he whispers, "I love you more than anything. If you have me, my heart and duty is yours to command, yours to control, and for once I am okay with someone else taking control."
You nod happily, tears still streaming down as you bring him into a deep hug. The warmth of the evening and Kuai Liang's magic filled you with pure joy.
No, his fire did not waver. In fact, it burned brighter than any light in the entire universe.
Bi Han
"Thank you, Bi Han," you wince as wraps your bloody shoulder, "You did not have to do this." Bi Han grunts, but he does not halt any operations he has on you.
You had come back from a mission with Sektor across the world, in Japan to be specific. Sent to scope the possible locations of the Shirai Ryu base, you two were ambushed by a group of Shirai Ryu ninja and wounded pretty badly against the battle. There were losses, but you and Sektor came out victorious. Bi Han, though, was not pleased to see his second-in-command and familiar injured.
A cooling sensation came over your shoulder, and you sigh in relief when you realize it's Bi Han using his powers to relieve some of your pain. You lean backwards just a bit, your head hitting his lower abdomen area as you preen in the comfort. Bi Han flinches a bit, but it isn't unwelcome.
Bi Han was fascinated by you ever since you waited for him to wake up in the infirmary. In fact, you found him first while on watch duty, Bi Han's body sluggishly walking through the snow before passing out by the grand entrance. You were moved, the mighty grandmaster betrayed by his family and left alone. It angered you so much so that you began to train even harder than you already did, waking up early to get more reps in, more spars in, and more time to hone your deadly skills.
Bi Han saw your efforts, even offered to train with you (which was a big deal to your little heart). It was rare for him to spar with someone outside of his circle, even rarer for him to train with a simple soldier. He had you in his sights, though, ever since you waited for him in the infirmary. After his first spar with you, he concluded that maybe having you around would be nice.
Sometimes, you had breakfast with him after your spars. He would tell you all the places you needed to work n or improve in a scarily gentle tone. He would also send you on missions with people in his inner circle, your skills exceeding the expectation he held for his star pupil, Frost. But your favorite moments were when you two sat in comfortable silence, doing nothing but palace-temple chores, stretching, or walking around your home. This was something that solidified that he liked you too (although, delusions might have been taking over at this point).
As Bi Han kept alleviating your shoulder, your true feelings slipped out like buttery bread in a pan, "I love you, Bi Han."
The constant chill Bi Han's magic provided ceased immediately, and you don't realize the weight of your words until you feel the air grow chilly. You look at your crush's face and see a truly awful scowl on his face, his brows facing downward and the amount of lines that formed on his pale face.
You notice ice beginning to line his arms and growing around his feet as he grunts a command, "Explain. Now."
"I-It-It's, ah, uh," you stutter, his fear-mongering getting to you, "It was a mistake! I misspoke, Grandmaster, I was-," Bi Han wasn't buying it, though.
He barks the same order at you, so you give up and muster your courage to face your Grandmaster with a situation beyond his control.
"It wasn't a mistake, I apologize for trying to deceive you," you begin, "But what I am about to say is not a trick. I do love you, Bi Han, more than anything in the world, realms and universe combined. Your mentorship over me, and the little "friendship" we developed over the past couple of months has bubbled into this- I am in love with your firm leadership, quiet attentiveness to everyone within the palace..."
You looked in his eyes with unwavering confidence, finishing your last statement, "And I am especially in love with your comforting silence. The way your eyes spoke to me, the way we had mutual understanding while alone together, everything. I love it- I am in love with you."
You search his eyes for any sign of your feelings being reciprocated, but his pupils were small and his deep brown irises took over- there was no hope for any reciprocation. Your confidence shattered, and any pain you felt was gone as adrenaline forced you out of that room, sprinting away from the infirmary and somewhere else in the palace-compound. Bi Han, though, stood still and finally grasped the situation he was in.
Though Bi Han was no longer with his brothers, he recalled the memories of how he kept his heart so buried in ice and snow while he was living with them. Emotions were a liability, a weapon that could be used against him, and now that they were gone he thought he was safe- until you. You were his new liability, yet he wanted that risk, he wanted to have you because for the first time in a very, very, very long time, he was willing to put himself on the line for something, you.
The chilled air began to recede, and the ice that formed on and around him did the same. As he brought himself back to the real world, Sektor walked in on the scene. His cyborg-like helmet was off, revealing his aged face and hair wrapped in a tight bun in the back of his head. He carried tea, rice balls, and a content face, but it drops when he sees his leader.
"Grandmaster?" He asked carefully, "What in the realms happened here?"
Bi Han shakes off any remaining ice on his body, stretching his body in the process as he explains, "Nothing of your concern, Sektor. Leave."
He shrugs, not wanting to egg him on, but he departs with some useful information, "In case you were worried, (y/n) is in the training room. For what reason, I do not know, but she's been at it for roughly fifteen minutes now."
He immediately leaves the room, careful not to bump into his friend(?) and the treats he was holding. Quickly, he heads to the training room and finds you sparring with another assassin, completely obliterating them and sending them tumbling towards the wall. He huffs and jumps in the ring, watching your face morph into a foreign emotion he's never seen before- fury.
You taunt him, "I mean no disrespect, Grandmaster, but I am sparring. I never asked you to join."
He tuts his mouth, simply walking towards you to try and close the distance, "You are a strong-willed woman, that is certain."
Tears begin to well in your eyes, so you throw a punch at him to distract yourself, "Is that all, Grandmaster?"
The punch is easily caught by Bi Han's calloused hand, "Not yet, but let us see you work."
You grit your teeth, quickly letting go from his hand and throwing a roundhouse kick, which was caught again. He taunts you a bit more, "Closer, but you're close. One more, and I will speak."
Angered beyond compare, You unleash a fury of kicks, punches, and jabs to the grandmaster, all dodged by his years of experience. One of your punches was stopped, and he took you down on your back and pinned you to the floor. You wriggle and writhe under him, trying to get away.
"Will you allow me to speak? Or do you wish to cause more trouble?" Bi Han asks with a quizzical look and upturned brow.
You stay silent and turn away, the tears not stopping. He sighs, and beings to talk.
"You are strong, resilient in any task given. Kind, to everyone and not just me. But most importantly, you are a risk, and one I am willing to take," Bi Han says very softly, which differs from his usual demeanor, "One final risk, if you will take it with me, is that I do, truly, love you as well, (y/n)."
Your eyes widen and turn your head to him. The tears keep flowing as he gently pulls your head into his chest, raising you up with him as he cradled you in his arms. You hug him tightly, feeling his chill breath on your skin where it was exposed. He breathed softly, taking in this experience with all five senses.
The training room went eerily silent, the only sound being the footsteps in the distance and the gentle howl of the the winter wind. Yet, Bi Han kept you warm and safe with his embrace, perhaps another risk he didn't realize he was already taking.
if Bi Han didn't become an opp, maybe Harumi would help him bag a baddie too. also, when i described sektor, i used the mk9 version of him (best version of MK btw) to fill the gap. i discovered the power of the <s> button, and i will be using that to type my longer fics
i also understand the importance of tags and the specificity of them, so big ups and thanks to the accounts that told me!
thank you for reading, and i will see you in the next fic!
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iliketangerines · 3 months
Can you write a scenario where Smoke and his significant other are on a walk, spending time together but they both get attacked and Smoke does both of his fatality kills on the attackers, leaving the reader terrified because it's the first time they've seen someone get killed and Smoke calmed down, feels guilty and comforts the reader?
a gentle killing
a/n: i've been staying up too late lately...ugaghhg
pairing: tomas vrbada x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of violence and blood
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he really shouldn’t be looking for you, shouldn’t be meeting you, shouldn’t even be thinking about you, the sweet baker in the small village near the Shirai Ryu base
but when he had gone down to satisfy and ache of a sweet tooth and try to forget about the stress of leaving the Lin Kuei and starting the Shirai Ryu, he had walked into your bakery that was
and then there you stood behind the counter, happy and warm and so cheerful, the scent of fresh bread and lots of cinnamon wafting inside the cutesy little store
he had taken a seat after ordering and stared out the window, a heavy exhaustion settling into his bones, and then you had brought his food over with a tea he hadn’t ordered
you winked at him and told him it was on the house, he looked troubled and you wouldn’t want to add onto the stress anymore than you had to
that was the first step in falling for him, and then he had actually tasted the small cake he had ordered and by the elder gods, it was perfect and warm and moist in just all the right ways
Tomas startled as you plopped down in front of him, asking how he was doing and you tilt your head at him with a warm smile as you observe his stature
it the beginning of the end with how cheery and open and talkative you were
he started coming every week, buying him, Kuai Liang, and Harumi some pastries, but mostly it was to see and talk to you
and he always made sure to come in on the least busiest of times so that you would have time to talk and chat and flirt as you boxed up his order and handed it over to him
somehow, Tomas always managed to find an excuse to keep talking to you after you had given him his order, but you never waved him off or told him you were busy
sometimes, you would invite him behind the counter as you cleaned everything up, checked on the pastries cooking in the oven, planned out new pastries to bake with Tomas by your side
it was pleasant company, and he found himself falling for you hard, smitten with your every word and your cheerful voice and the soft curves of your body
you were so different from his life back at the Lin Kuei and even the Shirai Ryu, tough jagged, and hard lines that allowed for no mistakes
no matter how often Tomas fumbled over his words or how he stuttered when he talked to you, you didn’t care and always encouraged and waited for him
when you had invited him to the back after hours of the store and taught him how to make cupcakes, it had been a disaster
still, you didn’t laugh at him and said that everyone started somewhere before helping him clean everything up and then close up the shop
he hadn’t even realized it was a date until a week later when he heard you bring it up in front of one of the customers and referred to the activity as one
you shot him a wink and a smirk, and Tomas nearly melted into a puddle right then and there
after that, he came down every weekend to hang around the small bakery, very much abusing his privileges as one of the founders of the Shirai Ryu to come down so often
of course, he still kept up with his trainings and still taught the initiates and still helped Hanzo out with his own movesets
but every other minute of the day, he thought of you, your lips, your eyes, your hands
Tomas finishes walking down the mountains and finds you in your bakery, the lights still on but the shop closed for cleaning
he walks in nonchalantly, and your voice rings out from the back, saying that the shop was closed and to come back in tomorrow
his voice rings out in the empty store, and he can hear you let out a small gasp and then your head pops out from around the corner as you wave at him
you beckon him to the back, and he gladly listens to your orders and sees you hanging up your apron and washing your hands
slinging your bag over your shoulder, you turn off the lights to the kitchen and hook your arm with Tomas’s, saying that the pastries you wanted to give him were at your house
it was a new recipe, and you had to get him and his friend’s opinions
the lock clicks in place, and you pocket the key and complain to Tomas about the long day that you’ve had, that one of the customers in particular had been rowdy
he nods and listens along, staring at you with adoration as he walks you to your place underneath the pale moon
but it’s silent, sure the town was quiet as the moon rose into the sky, but there was almost always a constant murmur in the background from the houses
today, there is no noise, and Tomas forces himself to tear his gaze away from you and survey the surroundings
there’s movement in the corner of his eye, and Tomas hastily lets go of your arm to stop an attacker from stabbing him, their eyes ablaze with fury
they hiss at both you and Tomas, calling out something, and suddenly several more attackers come out wearing Lin Kuei colors
panic sings through Tomas as he pushes you behind his back, and you seem on the verge of tears as you clutch your bag tighter to your chest as you eye the sharp weapons
you’re just a civilian, never supposed to be caught up in this mess, and Tomas had dragged you into it by making you a part of his life
he lets out a breath, putting on the mask of indifference and years of training comfortably settles into his bones as he lunges forward
it’s quick and fast and brutal, blood splattering along the sidewalk and grass, and thunderclouds rumble up ahead as the first few drops of rain drip onto his face
no matter, the pounding water and dark growls of the clouds hide the pained grunts and shouts of the soldiers as Tomas disposes of them quickly
the batter is over faster than he can comprehend, and he heaves in breath, water cooling his body and washing away the blood on the sidewalk to somewhere else
he follows the trail of washed away blood, and you stand there shivering, frozen, terrified of the man before you
Tomas holds his hands up, trying to convey he wasn’t a threat to you, and you don’t move even as he hooks his arms with yours and guides you back to your home
you don’t speak, cry, or scream as Tomas unlocks your front door and guides you inside and finds a towel in your bathroom to hand to you for drying yourself off
he pulls his cellphone from his pocket and calls up Kuai Liang, telling him that he’s been attacked by the Lin Kuei and their bodies needing disposing
when he turns back to you, you’ve wiped the water from your skin and have changed into something drier, but you wrap the towel around you tightly as you stare at him
there’s no noise in the room, just the sound of the murmuring rain outside, until he breaks the silence and says that he apologizes for tonight
you nod and ask who he is, and Tomas grimaces and settles onto your couch, beckoning for you to sit down next to him
you obey slowly, curling up in the furthest corner of the couch away from him, and something pangs in his heart as he slowly starts to explain who he is and why those people were after him
as he finishes explaining, he waits for your answer, waiting for you to reject him and tell him this wouldn’t work out
if that happened, he would have you sign a contract swearing your silence, and he would never see you again like this, so intimate and close
the seconds tick on as you don’t answer, and finally, you stiffly stand up from your spot and walk over to the fridge, pulling out that familiar box of pastries
you tell him what you always do, if something was wrong with the taste, that he tells you, and then you playfully add on to not kill you if he didn’t like something
there’s a weak smile on his lips, and Tomas smiles back at you, setting the box to the side and saying that he swears that he’ll make it up to you
he brings your hand up to his lips and gently kisses the back of your fingers, and your face warms and your eyes dart away as a genuine smile creeps upon your lips
Tomas swears he would make it up to you, protect your village from the Lin Kuei and protect the careful existence you had carved for yourself here
he would protect you
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bunniekittiee · 11 months
What do you think if Titan Bi-Han had returned to that MK1 timeline by chance and met his counterparts lover who remains with Kuai Liang and Tomas?? How would either react to seeing each other?? And what if he had lost her in his timeline?? Or something.
Bi-Han x Fem. Reader
Oh my goodness I love this so much! Seriously, you are all so creative! I tried to make this as sweet as possible! :,) Sorry if this is kind of short and abruptly ending, im doing my best to get through requests and also sleep off my sickness
It was never easy to come to terms with Bi-Han's betrayal. The night the brothers arrived to Liu Kang's temple without her husband, she thought the worst. Her heart was in her throat. The brothers held solemn looks as Kuai Liang gently told her that Bi-Han had betrayed them for Shang Tsung. He was never going to come back.
Her legs gave out on her as Kuai gripped her tighter, sobbing while she buried her face in his shoulder. The sounds of grief. How could he do this to them?
They were family. A somewhat happy family.
But that was never enough for Bi-Han. He always wanted something more.
Tomas and Kuai held her all night long while she cried. She cried like she was mourning Bi-Han, and in a way, she was. Mourning the Bi-Han she loved and cared for more than her own being. The Bi-Han that would never come back to her. It broke her, and everyday she reminisced about her life with him. How he would kiss the tip of her nose before he went to make plans, or how he would pull her in by her waist and softly sigh into her neck when he was behind closed doors. She missed him dearly.
As much as she wanted to be with Bi-Han, she could not leave her dear 'brothers' behind. Bi-Han had already abandoned them, they would be devastated if she left too. So she stayed. She was there when the Shirai Ryu first began their mission of protecting Earthrealm. She was there when Liu Kang had their swearing-in to take on the task that the Lin Kuei had abandoned. She was there with Kuai Liang and Harumi married each other. She was there when Hanzo Hasashi, not their Hanzo, invaded their timeline in search for a Harumi. She was there for many events after Bi-Han's betrayal, events that he was not there for.
Bi-Han never came back for her, and it made her depressed. Even though she would not leave the Shirai Ryu, it made her sorrowful that Bi-Han had forgotten all about her. In her locket, she still held a picture of him. Although his face was unsmiling, his features were softened. A look of love. She often looked at this photo, gently twirling the chain in her other hand. Sometimes she smiled at the picture, sometimes she stared at it sadly. She could never see the love of her life again, and she had to come to terms with that.
She often prepared their lunches and the boys were very thankful for that. She knew what their favorites were and how to make it correctly. Sometimes for lunch, they would all sit together and talk about old memories with the Lin Kuei. Often times, they were good memories. Ones that you could never forget.
However, by the end of the lunch hour, they would be sad. Sad that it had to be this way. And they hoped that maybe in other timelines, they were happy together. Without Bi-Han’s betrayal.
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The morning was fresh yet cloudy and the smell of rain was beginning to clash with the smell of breakfast for the boys. They sat at the table as they sipped on tea and talked amongst each other. She cooked as quickly as she could so they could eat in enough time.
“What a depressing day.” Tomas sighed as he glanced out the window. “Sometimes days like this make me feel sad.”
“I understand, brother.” Kuai Liang replied with a small frown. “I like the sunshine.” They both looked at her.
She caught their glances. “I don’t mind it. Bi-Han always preferred rainy, depressing days. Even though most of the time it was snowing.”
Tomas snorted. “That’s about all we could get was snow.” They all giggled quietly as they resumed back to silence. Once breakfast was ready, she served them heaping amounts of food. As fit as the brothers were, they sure ate a lot. They definitely cleaned house when it came to food. But she didn’t mind. She enjoyed cooking very much as it made her feel helpful. Although she had duties to attend to, they were not significant like the brothers, so sometimes she felt like she was not doing enough. They always reassured her.
Scarfing down breakfast, they helped clean up their messes and said their goodbyes to start on their day. She sighed quietly as the door shut. As much as she wanted to stay inside all day, she knew she could not. When there were rainy days, Bi-Han insisted on her staying indoors and every once in a while, he would come home early to cuddle in bed. Kissing her neck and shoulder as he buried his head in her neck. Sometimes his hands trailed lower as he kissed parts of her body. Most of the time, that initiated a long night.
Shaking her head with a small smile, she took one last sip of her tea and began to start on her day. Most of the work was fairly easy. It was not that Kuai Liang believed she could not do hard work, he believed that she was one of them. So she deserved to have lighter duties. Their warriors had to prove themselves, Y/N did not have to prove anything.
After about two hours of working, she took a break to take in her surroundings. She breathed in the rainy air, feeling her lungs expand further. But in the distance, she saw a glowing light that pulsated. Tilting her head, she slowly got up until Tomas ran up to her.
“Get inside now!” He said firmly as he grabbed her.
“What’s going on?” She asked with worry.
“Just get inside please.” He replied as she began to make her way back inside her chambers. She was confused. What was happening? What was that light? There were many questions she had that could not be answered.
She waited, pacing around the room as she so badly wanted to go and see what was happening. Was it Bi-Han? Was it Shang Tsung? The possibilities were endless.
That was, until Tomas rapped his knuckles on her door once again. She opened it, immediately opening her mouth to ask a question but he grabbed her wrist again. “Come with me. There is something to show you.” He looked excited. Her brain ran a million miles per hour as he lead her to the temple. She was confused why Tomas looked so happy.
That was, until she saw who was standing in front of them.
Wearing a lighter blue uniform with clean, black locks secured in a bun and his face softened, was Bi-Han talking to Kuai Liang. Her world began to spin as she stared at him. He did not look angry or upset. He looked content. That was an emotion he had hardly shown unless he was secured in his own home. His eyes were not hardened. They were gentle. His eyes swept over to her figure and they locked eyes, his own widening at the sight of her.
“My firefly…” he said breathlessly as he began to quickly approach you. She felt herself begin to tear up as he engulfed her in a bear hug.
“Bi-Han.” She croaked as her tears fell from her face. “Is it truly you?”
He pulled his face away to look at her. “I am not the Bi-Han of this timeline, but I am still him.” His eyes were full of love and joy. She felt her heart slightly sink. “Then who are you?”
Sighing as he pulled away, he began to explain the history of his timeline. Where Bi-Han was never that hard on his brothers. Where he loved them both and never tried to shun Smoke. Where he did not kill their father. Where he did not betray them and pull away from Liu Kang.
But as he continued his story, his face began to fall. “However, when Shang Tsung came to fight with us, it costed much more than I anticipated. And he,” he looked as if he was struggling. “He took you away from me. He killed you.”
Taking his hands within her own, she looked at him. “I am truly sorry for that. We both lost our significant others it seems.”
He hugged her again. “I am happy to be reunited, even if it is for a moment. My beautiful girl.” Her heart swelled up hearing those words slip past Titan Bi-Han’s lips and her eyes watered once more. He was so sweet. It was a little surprising to see him this affectionate in front of his ‘siblings’, but she had to remind herself that this was a different Bi-Han. Which meant he was raised somewhat differently. He wasn’t the same as her Bi-Han, but they were sure alike.
All three of them spent the day with him, ignoring their duties as they relished in their happiness. Kuai Liang was standoffish at first, but he warmed up quickly to Titan Bi-Han. How could he not? This Bi-Han was so much more affectionate and friendly compared to their Bi-Han that they had grown accustomed to. The coldness was replaced with warmth.
He was so sweet, always complimenting Tomas and his fighting skills as they all trained the ninjas together. Tomas felt his heart swell with every compliment Bi-Han had given him. This Bi-Han was so much more pleasant. It was as if Kuai Liang had possessed the form of Bi-Han.
Their day together had been an eye opener for Bi-Han’s family. They realized how much they missed out on with their Bi-Han. How much he took away from them. They wished to have this one in their timeline, but they knew he could not stay forever.
Eventually, the brothers said goodbye and let her be with her ‘husband’. They figured they both needed the time to be with each other.
“My beloved,” Titan Bi-Han said as they closed the door to her chambers. “I have missed you for an eternity.”
Leaning into his embrace, she gently kissed him on his lips as they laid onto the bed. Bi-Han caressed her face with one hand while the other held her hip. His kisses were cold but the way he held her radiated warming love. He pulled away from her and rested his forehead against her, his dark brown eyes looking into hers. “I don’t want to lose you again.” He whispered. “I don’t want to leave you.”
She felt her eyes water again for about the hundredth time today and he wiped them away with his thumbs. “Do not cry, my firefly. I will always be around.”
“I wish I had him… you back. I wish I had you back, Bi-Han.” She said quietly as he laid a kiss on the tip of her nose.
“I am here for now, my love.” He replied as he kissed her again. “Live in the moment, it’s okay.”
She wondered if it was considered adultery for making love with Bi-Han’s Titan counterpart, but she reasoned with herself in her head. He was slow and passionate, always giving her kisses and soft touches down her body as he became one with her. It was as if their souls were colliding and becoming one within each other. It was sensual. She had not made love with Bi-Han for a very long time, let alone another man.
He held her all throughout the night as their bodies intertwined with one another, basking in their warmth and adoration. He did not want to let her go. She was just with him for a moment, and he didn’t want to let it slip past his fingertips. But he knew he had to leave. But for now, he could enjoy his time that he had with her for now.
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fandomzwriterk · 3 months
Can you write about Smoke and the reader celebrating their 1 year anniversary together as a couple?
A/N: of course my friend I’ll do it! I’m in a lovey mood as well since my bf and I love playing MK1 together (rip me I play Smoke and he plays Liu Kang/Scorpion) It’s a “date” thing for us 💖
Warnings: none. Just fluff (and use of Y/N) plus Hanzo being an adorable little brother
Smokey Love
“Hey! Raiden! Toss me up there won’t ya?!”
Y/n’s eyes opened to stare at the ceiling, feeling the weight and comfort of someone sleeping next to her. The voices outside the wall were loud, the walls thin enough to hear the footsteps from feet away.
“It’s too early.” Tomas mumbled next to her
“I know but we have to get up. Come on love.”
You pulled on Tomas’ arm, holding his hand while he played dead so he could go back to sleep. Nobody, except usually Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny, and Kenshi would be up at this hour.
“Love, come on, get up. Kuai is looking for us.”
Tomas was not a morning person, he’d much prefer laying the day away with you in his arms or maybe even made her something to eat. But today, today was different, and you had something planned.
“My sweet I need to find Liu Kang. He’s been wanting to speak to me about something.”
Tomas sat up, rubbing his eyes was a yawn. He had been to bed late, way later than usual. Maybe that was because of his brother, or maybe it was because of Hanzo, the little boy who lived with you all at the Shirai Ryu.
“I’ll be back dear.”
So you walked out the door, throwing over a grey and white kimono quickly, making sure to look presentable for Kuai and his wife Harumi. Apparently, they had a plan for you and Tomas for today.
Little Hanzo came running down the hall, almost colliding with you, almost making you stumble. He was happy to see you, maybe that was because Hanzo either saw you as a big sister or maybe even a mom.
“Good morning Hanzo how did you sleep?”
His smile was wide, his eyes shining with that childlike joy as if he got the best news ever. He was a kid, and he’d even said Kuai and Tomas were like his older brothers. Finally, Tomas wasn’t the youngest, at least that’s what everyone kept joking about.
“Oh I had the best dream! It was me and Scorpion and Smoke and we went on an adventure. You were there too! And we fought some bad guys. You and Smoke were so strong! Scorpion was too, but not as strong as you Miss Y/n!”
Hanzo was bright for his age, very determined to do right by everyone living at the Shirai Ryu. Even you would forget that he’s still a kid, but his childhood ended when he became an orphan, so the four of you decided to try and make his life easier.
“Hanzo are you bothering Y/n again?”
Harumi appeared from another room, dressed in comfortable clothes but similar to a warriors outfit like when she goes off into battle.
“The boys woke you up again?” She teased
“When do they not?”
You both laughed, remembering how young Raiden and Kung Lao were too. Not that much younger than you, but the two of them were like children. And what were they doing at this very second? Oh that’s right they were helping Johnny shoot something on the roof.
“Now you see here gentlemen if I can do this properly and have Raiden shoot me with lightning, then it’ll look like he pushed me off.”
“This is stupid Johnny.”
“Come on Kenshi this is genius!”
“You two are the stupidest guys I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.”
Kung Lao and Johnny wanted to do whatever this was, meanwhile Kenshi and Raiden were not on board.
“Hey! You four! You better not let me catch you slacking!” Harumi yelled at the four men
Their heads perked up, immediately running the opposite direction, back to wherever the other initiates were.
“Boys will be boys I guess.”
“At least Kuai is more well behaved than them.”
“Not when his brother is messing with him.”
Some time later…
Madam Bo’s restaurant was a relaxing idea for a dinner between the five of you. Of course you brought Hanzo along, he’s your family too! Just two couples on an evening out with a kid as well. Hanzo was well behaved out, but maybe that’s because he’s shy in unfamiliar places, but he didn’t bother you and your friends tonight.
“So… how is the search for Bi Han?”
“Not great. Every time I get close, I suddenly lose him.”
“It’s alright Kuai I’m sure we’ll find him again someday.”
Kuai just nodded, sitting next to Harumi while you and Tomas sat across from them. Hanzo was with Raiden and Kung Lao somewhere in the restaurant playing around.
“Speaking of which… how is he going to take it that… you know all four of us are in charge?”
Harumi was right. Now that Bi Han was gone, that left Kuai in charge and Tomas second behind him. Bi Han wasn’t considered Grandmaster anymore, that title now going to Kuai instead.
“We’ll be right here to protect you both. He’s never going to lay a finger on either of you.”
“You both are Ladies to the two Masters of the Shirai Ryu. It’d be a death sentence if anyone would put a hand on either of you.”
“Plus it’s our duties as not only your husbands, but as leaders to protect you both from harm.”
Oh yeah did I forget to mention you’re married? Well I guess you know now. But yes, you’ve been married to Tomas for about half of the time Kuai has been married to Harumi.
“But what if he comes back and tries to kill you two? What are we going to do then?”
Tomas grabbed your hand, holding it tight as it laid resting on the table, Kuai holding Harumi close as well. You stared into Tomas’ grey-blue eyes, those same eyes you’ve come to love staring into whenever you wanted, getting lost in them as you felt his presence next to you.
“I swore to you Y/n that I would love you and protect you, no matter the cost. I made an oath on that day you said yes to being my wife that I would never let anyone hurt you. I’m never going to let my brother hurt you, not ever.”
His grip was tight, his thumb running over the small silver ring you wore. You could see his, almost invisible on his hand with how much grey he wore, but you knew your husband’s ring was there, never coming off as long as he lived.
“Miss Y/n! I have something for you!” Hanzo said cheerfully as he slowly walked up the stairs to the four of you
Raiden and Kung Lao walked behind him, supporting what looked like a massive cake in Hanzo’s hands as he slowly made his way to the table. With the help of both older men, Hanzo slowly put it on the table and pushed it towards you and Tomas.
“Happy Anniversary Y/n and Tomas!”
You both smiled at the little boy, Raiden and Kung Lao ruffling his hair as Kuai and Harumi giggled between themselves. You looked to Tomas, seeing him smile and a twinkle in his eye that wasn’t there before.
“I’ve never seen you smile like that before Tommy.”
His face changed quickly, his cheeks red and the tips of his ears dark red as well.
“Y/n don’t call me that in front of my brother!”
And you couldn’t help but laugh as Hanzo, Raiden, and Kung Lao sat to down celebrate a very special evening for you and your husband, almost forgetting with all the chaos from Bi Han leaving months ago.
“I love you Tomas.”
“And I love you Y/n.” He answered giving you a quick kiss
A/N: ohhhhhh my gawdddd anyways I hope you enjoyed! I forgot to say this and I just remembered now but if there’s ever a oneshot or request that you think needs a part 2 or continuation, then I’ll do it considering how much I have to keep cutting to fit in these posts. Hope you like it!
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page-yerin · 1 month
hey!! ( if your still taking requests) could we please have some Lloyd Ninjago dating headcannons? Ty!!
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genre(s): fluff
pairing: lloyd garmadon x reader
trigger warnings: mentions of insomnia & anxiety
a/n: YESYESYES OFC I’M MAKING THIS ANON, I HAVE BEEN WAITINGGGG FOR SOMEONE TO REQ THIS (I usually have no motivation if ppl don’t ask for them) 🥹
anyways, here you go! hope the two of you and anyone else reading enjoys!<33
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☆ omg he’s the absolute cutest :((( (you can probably tell he’s basically my fav by now but i love them all, ANYWAYS)
☆ i feel like lloyd would be really shy and nervous at the beginning
☆ would try really hard to make the relationship work out bc it’s his first time and he had no idea what he’s supposed to be doing
☆ especially after harumi.. ahem.. happened, just give him some time to heal and figure out how a (hopefully) healthy relationship would go
☆ would probably go to kai and/or jay about advice—even nya sometimes (please don’t trust kai with these things, lloyd sksjdjsjs)
☆ would’ve had no idea he was in love with you until the ninjas pointed it out directly
☆ once he starts to get more comfortable with the relationship, he starts let out his more childish side
☆ would absolutely prank you (as a joke obv) just for sillies :p it’s his love language in a way
☆ would not be a pda or physical affection person in general, but my god he is definitely touch starved, PLEASE HUG HIM :’(( (not before i do/j)
☆ he would be so nervous to initiate hugs or cuddles or anything, just let him know that he can if he wants to and that he doesn’t have to be so nervous ushauhajaijaoa
☆ omg please take care of this poor baby :(( you will have to force him to get sleep (insomniac lloyd is so canon) or take a break
☆ on the more serious side, i think he would rant/vent to you sometimes about stress and his anxiety :((((
☆ back to fluff, he would 100% stare at you. not in a creepy way or anything but he’s just admiring you<33 would sososo have heart eyes for you
☆ unconsciously cuddles you while sleeping, he’s such a cutie :((
☆ first to wake up bc of training and yk
☆ honestly think he would be a nose or cheek kisser (just based on a feeling)
☆ oh yeah, and going back to his love language, he would be a more words of affirmation and/or acts of service type<333
☆ guys i love him sm like i cannot, TREAT HIM WELL BECAUSE HE WILL ABSOLUTELY DO THE SAME!!
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restinslices · 7 days
This one's majorly because I want your funny take on it bc my mind can't decide LMAO. Could I request LKBS when their daughter or kid is being flirted with/asked out. I majorly think Bi-Han would tweak tf out but pretend he isn't buuut- I'm here for your take on it!
My bad for the wait anon. I've been sick for over a week and I was tryna wait for it to pass but it's still here sooo imma stop waiting and thug it out. My body hates me. I'm typing this on my phone and tumblr is so glitchy on here. Imma start biting my walls-
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Bi-Han is for sure tweaking on the inside
It's not even just the fact that his daughter is being flirted with. It's the fact that this is happening IN FRONT of him
That gif is what he wants to do
Now do I think Bi-Han is like "oh my little girl can NEVER date?
Do I think that he thinks dating shouldn't be their priority?
She should focus on other things he deems important before getting distracted and dating
Bi-Han would just be standing there like the Hash Slinging Slasher while this rando is flirting with his daughter
If she starts flirting back, which she probably would, I could legit see him walking over and making his presence known
The poor teenagers-
"Bàba this is Dylan" "Hi Mr-"
Bi-Han grabs his daughter by the top of the head and starts walking away
It doesn't hurt. He just has a very firm hold and is like "we're going this way"
The absolute audacity to flirt in front of him? What happened to respect? Decorum?
Back in his day, he would NEVER do such a thing in front of his father. And he let that bitch die.
"Hey! Why did you do that?" "That boy is no good for you" "You don't even know him!" "Look at his arms. They're skinny. He can't protect you. He'd be dead weight"
Wow. I always love our talks Bi-Han :D
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I don't think Kuai Liang would start tweaking, but I think he shares the same views as Bi-Han
There's just certain things he thinks is inappropriate to do in front of parents
And by "in front of parents" these two mean "in the same area". Doesn't matter if they're on the other side of the room
"Harumi, who is that boy?" "That's Dylan! Him and (name) are rather close" "Oh so she told you about Dylan but not me?
I don't think he necessarily wants to pull her away, but he would wanna make his presence known
Y'all know how some dads are with their daughters. She's his Princess and the thought of her growing up tugs at their heart
He wants to go over and stop the whole scene but Harumi tells him no
So instead he pretends he's not staring but definitely is
This mf has the most intense gaze as he's watching them. Harumi got a tight grip on him. She needs a damn leash
At some point his daughter and Dylan (idk why this name is sticking-) look over
He's just standing there... menacingly!
"Um, Dylan, I gotta go. I don't think my dad is happy"
Meanwhile "See what you did?" "I'm just standing here"
Exactly. You're just standing there and being a creeper
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If this mf dies in Khaos Reigns, y'all are never seeing me again
Moving on-
I'm not exactly sure how Tomas would react
On one hand, he's grown up with Kuai Liang and Bi-Han, so he probably shares some of the same ideas and mentality
On the other hand, I just don't see him having a strong reaction
He prefers if this wasn't happening in front of him, but he kinda knows that teens don't be thinking fr
One thing's for certain though, he better not see SHIT become physical over there
No shoulder touching, no hand touching, no kissing, no hugging for too long-
It's just a bit too much
Tries to act like he's doing other shit but his eyes keep darting
Like bitch you're never pretending to be counting leaves. Didn't think this through, did you?
I can imagine his daughter looking over and being like "Hey papa! What are you doing?
"Nothing. Me? Haha... just hanging around"
"Would you like to meet Dylan?" "Well if you insist"
Actually talks to Dylan
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swervybeans · 6 months
Smoke x sick female reader
A/N: pulled this out my ass but I think it's cute so here you guys go. Also I am like half asleep so... yea I proof read it but I also zoned out like 12 times so... yea. Anyways requests are always open and I hope you enjoy.
Description: short story about reader having the flu and Smoke aka Tomas from Mortal Kombat 1 taking care of them.
Word count: 931
Type: SFW
Tomas stands alone in the dinning room of the Shirai Ryu main temple. He collects the plates and silverware from dinner occasionally humming. the light glow of the moon adding a soft comforting feeling to the room and a soft rustle of leaves could be heard outside from the wind brushing against the trees made him feel content Normally clean up was a task Harrumi, Kuai, Tomas, and you did together but unfortunately you were sick with the flu and Harumi joined Kuai Liang out on a mission. So he was on his own for a couple days, it's not like it bothered him though. The constant movement felt good and kept his mind at ease.
When he finished up he decided to check up on you. It had been about a day since you started to feel sick and he was concerned about you. The thought of you being sick made him feel unwell too. You were one of his closest friends and he saw you as the light in his darkness.
"Come in..."
You heard a small nock on your door and knew who it was without even opening your eyes
Your voice was raspy and barely louder than a whisper, but he heard anyways and came into the room.
He looked at you with a frown as he closed the door behind him. You were curled up under your blankets your hair was everywhere, and your face was pale. You looked like shit.
"Hey, you."
Tomas walks over and sits on the edge of your bed. He was cautious not to make too much of a ruckus.
"How are you feeling?"
He says gently as he looks at you with worried eyes.
Before you can finish your sentence you sneeze. Tomas see's the box of tissue on your nightstand and takes a tissue out to hand to you.
You grumble as you wipe your nose. When you're done you decide to finish your previous sentence.
"I feel...like shit."
He sighs and nods understandably.
"I'm sory."
He said as he put his hand on your forehead to feel your temperature.
"Feels like a low grade fever."
You just give a slight nod in response as you sniffle.
Vrbada picks up your water bottle and feels that it's empty. Without a word he fills it up and puts it back where he found it.
He asked softly and looked down at your zombie like state .
"When was the last time you had medicine?"
Tomas sighs and nods.
"Be right back then."
He leaves and goes to make tea. He finishes up quickly and then returns to your quarters.
An arm wraps around you as he helps you sit up to drink the tea.
You say as you take bird sips from the mug.
"Tastes like shit."
"It'll make you feel better."
He says Patting your head and laughing slightly.
You just sigh and slug the tea back as quick as possible. When you are done he takes the mug and sets it aside.
You sit there and just stare at the wall with a blank expression. Not really thinking about anything.
After a few minutes of silence he speaks up.
"Want me to rub your back?"
It takes you a second to process what he is saying but you eventually nod and move to lay on your side so your back is to him.
Calloused hands slowly lifted your shirt and started to rub up and down your spine. His touch is slow as he scratches gently on all the right spots. Who would have thought the hands of an assassin would be so warm and caring.
You sigh contently and let him work his magic. It had starred to drizzle outside and you could hear the rain thumping against the window. The dim lighting in the room made you sleepy and your eye's started to heavy. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that you felt like you were run over by a semi truck...
A few coughs and a sneeze later you finally started to slowly slip into sleep, Toma's hands still running up and down your back.
When he realized you fell asleep he smiled and slowly pulled your shirt back down over your back. He covered you with the blankets making sure you'd be warm throughout the night. He blew out the candles that lit up your room, but decided to leave one lit on your bedside table.
He started to walk towards your door when he heard you mumble.
He immediately turned around and came over to you kneeling down in front of you.
He whispered softly
However you were asleep and it was you sleep talking. When he realized this a small chuckle left his lips and he gently stroked your hair.
"You dreaming about me?"
He said softly
"... love ... you...."
You whisper.
He smiles and kisses your head.
"I know you do...but telling me in the dream world doesn't count"
After that you were completely quiet and your breath became even as you fell into a deep sleep. Tomas stood up and took the empty mug from earlier but before he left he spoke softly and said.
"Love you too, beautiful, and I hope you feel better soon."
A/N: well if you made it this far it couldn't have been the bad. Thank you for reader.
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 9 months
Sweet Decadence || Part 1 of 2 || Bi-Han/Sub-Zero
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A/n: This is the sequel to 'The Bitter Truth'. I have separated it into 2 parts for my reasons, but I want to thank those who read TBT and supported the story.
Please enjoy.
Warning(s): obsessive behavior, female reader, reader uses magic, kidnapping, fights, sequel, post-game.
No Minors Allowed!!
There is something magical about the rain that makes the colors of nature seem much more vivid to you. Though perhaps it is just the blissful mood you are in, altering your perception of things. A rare sight these days, considering how inconsistent your thoughts have been since your heated run-in with Bi-Han.
Hiding away in your room at the newly set up Shirai Ryu compound, you stare out at the forest beyond your balcony in a dazed state as the summer rain pelts the trees and earth. 
It feels like nothing but a dream now, and to be honest, you sometimes yearn to close your eyes and return to that moment again. You do not want to be reminded of the past; of the anger and the betrayal that comes with it. No. You just want to remember the feeling.
He was right, that much is clear now. 
“You are in denial. It's clear to me where your loyalty lies, and until you come to terms with the bitter truth, I'll leave you with that reminder.”
A phantom pain seizes you, but you ignore it. Just like your morals at the moment. No, you are not an idiot. You know what Bi-Han desires is immoral, but you can not put aside your sentiments for him; sentiments that became clear when he fucked you. 
For fuck’s sake. That sounds bad. 
It is true though. Not a day has gone by since then that you haven't thought about him; about the way he made you feel, unintentional or not.
Tilting your head back, you rest it against the doorframe and stare up at the ceiling with the sound of the rain in your ears. Your mind is a labyrinth and you do not necessarily care. This ebb and flow of thoughts proves that you have not yet lost your standards. 
So long as you avoid Bi-Han in the future, you should be fine.
A sudden knock pulls you from your thoughts and you tilt your head to the side, glancing at the door to the far left of you. 
“It's unlocked,” you announce. 
A moment later, Harumi Shirai saunters in. You sit up to address her properly, but she raises her hand to stop you. 
“There is no need for such formalities, not when it is I who came to see you.” 
You grin. 
“As the soon-to-be wife of my Grandmaster, it is indeed needed.”
It is strange to address Kuai Liang as Grandmaster, but after all that he has been through and done to build the Shirai Ryu, he deserves the title. He even found time for love. 
Harumi offers you a kind smile. 
“It is our secret.”
She wanders across the room and sits in front of your vanity.
“Are you faring well?”
You hum.
“For the most part.”
After you came back from the fortress you reported to Kuai Liang about your run-in with Bi-Han, though you opted not to mention the fact you fucked him. The brand he left was hard enough to explain, but it could not be avoided; you needed medical attention. 
Kuai Liang viewed it as a failed attempt to lure you back to Lin Kuei, but it was apparent that he was curious about what dark agenda his brother had regarding you. 
In truth, you should be dead for denying him. 
“And your wound? I can have someone take a look at it if it still pains you,” Harumi mentions. 
You decline her offer. 
“Though appreciated, that is not necessary.” You subconsciously rest your hand against the brand on your side. “The pain went away months ago…yet it sometimes still burns.” 
Harumi frowns. 
“If it begins to bother you, I suggest you tell me.”
You snort. It is no wonder Kuai Liang loves her; she is considerate, yet stern.
“Yes, Madam.” 
Harumi nods her head in approval and then stands. 
“I will see you at lunch. You missed breakfast.”
You are aware. But you suppose that is what warranted this visit. 
“The rain has put me in a strange mood,” you lie. “But I will be there.”
Harumi seems unsure, but she does not voice her concerns. Instead, she wishes you a good morning and leaves you to your thoughts again. 
You understand. Kuai Liang and Tomas are worried about you. But it is not their problem, it is yours. 
Your obsession with Bi-Han is yours to bear.
Shifting your eyes, you stare in a haze at the forest again. Perhaps soon this fixation will pass. For your sake, it had better. 
At noon, you tear yourself away from the comfort of your bedroom, following the briny scent of fish to the dining room. A spread of rice and vegetables accompanies it, making your stomach twist in hunger. 
Before you sit across from Tomas on the left side of the table, you bow in respect to Kuai Liang, who nods his head. 
“I am pleased to see that you joined us.”
You grin and turn your eyes to Harumi beside him. 
“I was encouraged to.”
Kuai Liang glances at her, then returns to his lunch. You follow suit, however, you notice that in attendance, there are only the four of you. 
“Where are the others?” You ask as you pick up your drink.
“Running exercises,” Tomas answers. “Though some are spread out in the nearby villages.”
An unsure look from Kuai Liang makes you pause a moment. You raise a curious brow. 
“What is it?”
The Grandmaster sighs. 
“Nothing concerning as of yet…but we have heard rumors of hostiles.”
Hostiles. A neighboring clan perhaps. This is the first time you have heard about it, but you suppose the brothers have their reasons.
Focusing on your lunch, you hardly notice the injured ninja stumble in until he collapses to the floor in a bloody mess. In shock, you rush over to him, followed by Tomas who carefully checks over his wounds. He is in bad shape, but thankfully alive.
“Who did this?” Tomas asks in anger. 
The ninja raises his trembling hand. You notice a thin metal plate in the palm of his hand and upon further inspection, you notice a familiar symbol etched into it. Your stomach churns in dread. 
“Lin Kuei.”
Here of all places.
Tomas widens his eyes and takes the plate from you. He stands just as Kuai Liang approaches with a healer, handing the plate to him. 
“Where?” Kuai Liang asks the injured man. 
“W-West,” he manages to say. 
Clutching the emblem in his hand, he shifts his eyes to Tomas. 
“We shall go.”
Without a word, the latter rushes off. You feel a bit shaken, but despite this, you stand. 
“If you are unwell, then stay and protect Harumi,” Kuai Liang interrupts.
You understand his concerns, but you can not just flee from the cryomancer’s shadow every time it threatens to consume you. 
“I can fight.”
He gives you a nod and with a bow, you rush back to your room to change clothes. With your gear on, you retrieve your mask from the vanity, looking at yourself in the mirror. The sanguine look in your eyes is not something to be proud of.
A short while later, with the brothers in tow, you arrive in the village to the west. The earthy scent of petrichor mixed with death permeates the air. Multiple bodies are strewn across the dirt road, all Shirai Ryu. You find it strange. How is it that there are no Lin Kuei among them?  
A scream echoes through the but before the three of you can move, a pair of Lin Kuei descends from the rooftops of the nearest house. Their appearances are unfamiliar.
“Is that armor?” You hear Tomas ask.
It is. Each of them is decked out in similar armor akin to what Sektor and Cyrax wear, albeit they are dressed in Lin Kuei colors. Why, though? What is Bi-Han thinking? 
Another scream from the far side of the village rings out and Kuai Liang grunts irritably.
“We must aid those in need.”
You agree with a nod.
“I can take these two,” you suggest. 
Tomas looks unsure but Kuai Liang seems to agree. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
“Be on guard.” 
You nod. This should be no problem. You have dealt with the Lin Kuei before. Suits or no suits, it makes no difference. Tomas and Kuai Liang separate, leaving you alone with the two assassins. 
“Two-on-one seems kind of unfair,” you state. 
Neither of them comment. That's fine. You adjust the plates on your mask, then take a deep breath, releasing a sonic scream that should disorient the two. However, it has no effect.
What the hell? 
One of them suddenly teleports behind you and kicks you in the side, knocking you to the ground. It feels as though you have been hit by a truck. And to make matters worse, the assassin struck you right where the brand is. 
Fine. If they want to play rough. 
You stand and take a fighting stance. The assassin lying in wait teleports behind you while the other aims a kick at your chest, but you manage to dodge them by shifting to the side. Grabbing the latter by the plates on their shoulders, you yank them off balance and use their momentum to sweep them off their feet.
Lying on their back, you raise your leg in an attempt to axe-kick them in the face, but the other assassin grabs you around the chest and holds you in place as the one on the ground stands. It lifts its hand and an intense heat sizzles from within. You can feel it on your skin. 
It has a flamethrower. 
You grunt in annoyance and lift your lower body, using your feet to push off the fire-wielding assassin, striking them hard in the face and chest. The one holding you falls back onto the ground from the force, giving you the chance to free yourself and roll into a squat above them. 
Adjusting your mask again, you increase the volume of your voice. Then with a deep breath, you release a sonic scream point-blank into the assassin’s face. The metal vibrates at such a speed that it short-circuits, sending bolts of electricity shooting out. The smell that follows is nauseating. You wave away the plume of smoke that pours from the mask, but you are not given a moment to rest as the fire assassin shoots a jet of flames at you. 
Barely able to escape its range, you roll out of the way and onto your feet. Heat licks at your leg, but you manage to put some distance between you and the assassin, hiding behind a house, before you put out the small flame. 
These suits are no joke. You hope the brothers are faring better than you. It is like they were built to withstand your magic. You are not even certain there is anyone inside the suits. But how else are they moving?
When the flames stop, you dart out from behind the house, but to your shock, the assassin is gone. Before you can search for them, the whir of jet boosters catches your attention, and when you look up, you see a familiar warrior in red armor hovering above you.
What is she doing here? 
“This is a sight, running into you like this,” she states. “I should be upset that you managed to demolish one of my suits, but there is always more room for improvement.” 
You turn up your nose as you look at the smoking hunk of metal lying on the ground. So she is the one controlling them. 
“Bi-Han let you make that thing?”
“The Grandmaster has thoughtfully embraced my ideas for the future,” Sektor states. 
You snort.
“I'm sure he rewarded you well too. Tell me, does he like it when you spit or when you swallow?”
Sektor laughs.
“You are just as direct and spirited as ever. It’s too bad he considers you a waste.”
It shouldn’t have but her words make your blood boil. Your defiance must have switched the cryomancer’s opinion of you.  
“Your potential is wasted with Kuai Liang.”
The brand he left on you felt spiteful, a mark of shame.  
“Let's see who is the waste.”
You take a fighting stance but to your irritation, Sektor flies off toward the far end of the village. Where is she going? You tighten your jaw and chase after her. Her defeat will deal a massive blow to the Lin Kuei, should you catch her. 
Chasing her around the side of a nearby house, you do not consider calling for backup. All that is on your mind is beating Sektor within an inch of her life. But as you cross in front of a side alley, something akin to a net shoots out and seizes you, knocking you hard to the ground. 
You groan in pain, arching your back as the rock-littered street bites into your skin. What the hell? You struggle but the neon yellow net will not loosen. 
“Do not fight it. The energy net will only grow tighter,” a feminine voice orders.
You tilt your head to the side to see a familiar figure in a yellow suit approach from the side alley. 
“Cyrax. I should have known,” you sneer. 
She is never far from Sektor. You did not think that in your pursuit of her, she would ambush you. It is irksome.
From above, Sektor flies by and then lands beside her. Both of them ignore your attempts to test the net. 
“Are we done here?” Cyrax asks. 
“I have all the data I need,” Sektor answers. She pauses, then motions with a finger toward you. “All that is left is dealing with our friend here.” 
What is that supposed to mean? 
Cyrax removes a spherical gadget from her chest plate and approaches you. 
“This isn't personal,” she states, sounding as if she is about to put an end to you. 
Leaning down, she yanks off your mask, much to your displeasure, and then presses a button on the side of the gadget. 
So this is it. You sneer at her. 
“Tell Bi-Han he can rot in hell.”
“You can tell him yourself,” Cyrax states.
Before you can figure out what she means, the device beeps and then pops open. From inside, a sweet colorless odor sprays out and consumes you. Instantly your throat tickles, making you break out into a fit of coughs. You attempt to hold your breath but it does no good. Whatever the gas is, its fast-acting properties take effect and everything fades to black.
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n3ptoonz · 1 year
mk1 dialogues with the earthrealm guys!
a/n: most of these are pre-made in my notes, i'm choosing the ones that are more broad rather than targeted towards my oc! i hope it's to your guy's liking!
some of these lines are flirtatious
reader being an assassin mentioned a few times
Johnny Cage:
you: you are the last man i would ever court.
johnny cage: sooo i have a chance
johnny cage: i'd be lying if i said i didn't wanna be dominated by a warrior
you: i think i'd rather just kill you instead
you: what does "finish me johnny" even mean?
johnny: ohoho, allow me to demonstrate, sweet thang
johnny: i don't think you realize how seriously i take competition
you: i can guess from how you almost cried when kung lao outsmarted you in poker three times
Kenshi Takahashi:
you: you ever been asked how many fingers was being held up?
kenshi: it seems you haven't met our world class comedian johnny cage
kenshi: you look like you have something to say.
you: i was just wondering how often you wash your blindfold
you: you make that blindfold work, takahashi
kenshi: though welcomed, flattery won't get me to go easy on you.
kenshi: i still can't believe there's billions of other timelines outside of this one.
you: believe it, i had to fight off a combo of you and scorpion, not pretty.
Kung Lao:
kung lao: don't you like...kill people for a living?
you: says the man with a hat that could easily slice through a crowd
kung lao: an assassin huh...you work for general shao?
you: i would rather gauge my eyes out with push pins
kung lao: i can see you staring at my dimples
you: i was actually looking at your pressure points, but whatever helps you sleep at night
you: normally i cheer you on, but im going to take you down this time
kung lao: hah, you are certainly welcome to try
raiden: is it so obvious...?
you: raiden, you literally smile ear to ear at the sound of kitana's name
you: "i am nervous" my ass
raiden: i'm glad you think so highly of me, but i really was!
raiden: loser has to pay the next check at madam bo's
you: i didn't know you had such money in your pockets, champion
you: what's with all the fine men wearing hats around this place?
raiden: i...wow, you've really managed to catch me off guard
bi-han: your flattery is not welcomed here.
you: aw, i was just getting started too
you: you said you think i'm so hot and cool and sexy?!
bi-han: [groans dramatically and tiredly]
bi-han: not surprised you're on the wrong side.
you: i dunno, something about not fucking with an evil sorcerer that could kebab me if i breathed wrong helped me make up my mind
you: so i'm assuming a double date with kuai and harumi is off the table
bi-han: i was considering it until you uttered that traitor's name.
you: where did "get over here" come from?
kuai: if i told you, i'd have to kill you.
kuai: how would you even like my hair if you've only seen it tied up?
you: i have a very sufficient imagination, kuai liang
you: ouch, that's one nasty scar
kuai: it gives me a story to tell my new clan, should they ever ask.
kuai: don't you dare say it...
you: ..."come here!"
tomas: is it true? you find me handsome?
you: what can i say, men in uniform have my heart
you: if i didn't know any better, i'd think you're flirting with me
tomas: well...uh...i'm not particularly good in this field...
tomas: your bravery knows no bounds, you really flirted with bi-han?!
you: ah...i may have shit my pants a little when he almost froze my head off the other day
you: johnny's right, you'd be great on the big screen
tomas: thats... thats really nice of you to say!
Liu Kang:
liu: before you ask, yes, it is possible you are also a keeper of time in another timeline.
you: now i wanna ask how many people bombarded with that question
you: so, what was i like in the last timeline?
liu: there's not enough time to explain, maybe after this. maybe.
liu: i would heavily advise against trying to court a god
you: what? me? trying to- you speak madness!
you: i have to know...was i styling in the previous timeline or no?
liu: not even i had the time think of things like this as a mortal.
a/n: this is an experiment post, hopefully this has reach cause i miss posting on here😭
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izzabela · 4 months
Solace in Silence -Tomas x fem!reader
in which Tomas comforts you as you remember the pain your former husband, Bi Han
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You wander outside the compound aimlessly, the only companions being the light winds that kissed your cheek, and the sound of rustling leaves.
Fall in Japan was near its end for you and the Shirai Ryu, the new clan Kuai Liang and Tomas made. Of course, with the help of Kuai's bride, Shirai Harumi. Without her, you all would have been destitute, so it made sense Kuai named the clan after her.
You were happy for them, even the bridesmaid for Harumi on their wedding. Yet, you envied them. The joys of married life you once knew were nothing but a bygone memory. Thrown away by your husband's feeble mind and blind ambition- Bi Han's corruption haunted you.
You stared at your right hand, the ring finger empty and devoid of the symbol that once defined yours and his undying love. Like Kuai Liang, he thought his bond with Bi Han was strong and stable. He may have been thick in the head, but he was noble, kind (in his own way), and dutiful. Those qualities, plus the undeniable fact that he was handsome, made you fall for him.
Where did it go wrong?
Was it when Cyrax and Sektor entered the picture? Or perhaps when Father-in-law had passed? You knew the answer though- the betrayal at the old fortress.
Swayed by the snake, Shang Tsung, his nobility fell and became tainted. The man you knew was gone, and he completely disappeared when he attack his own blood.
You sigh sadly, sitting down on the wooden edge of the compound, leaning on one of the poles that held the roof up. A calm came over you, and you closed your eyes as you listened to nature's voice.
You dozed off for a bit, because you felt a light fabric cover you, and the creaking of wood by your side. You wake and lock eyes with Tomas, a small and kind smile on his face. His eyes crinkle as he offers you a cup of tea.
"I got your favorite," he said, "It's a bit chilly tonight, so please, drink up."
You smile, "Thank you, Smokey."
He blushes at the nickname, "I am not five, you know."
You chuckle, "I know, it's just fun to see you react."
You take a long sip of tea, the flavor resting on your tongue as the heat of the liquid warmed your body.
For a ninja, assassin ninja nonetheless, Tomas reacted more than his brothers. He was kind and caring, and wore his heart on his sleeve. He loves his brothers, even if one of them had hurt him, he wishes for nothing but reconciliation.
You both sit in a comfortable silence, doing nothing but stare at the stars that bring light to the eternal darkness of the night sky. It grows a bit chillier, the wind aiding in the task, but the blanket Tomas provided proved useful.
He looks at you sadly before returning his eyes to the sky, "You're thinking about him again, right?"
Perceptive as ever, you thought.
"Is it that obvious?" You ask and set the tea down.
He smiles sadly, "It's a decently chilly night. Autumn is almost finished, which means snow and ice is bound to follow."
You bring your legs to your chest, curling into a ball as you think of your past. You were assigned the mission too, accompanying him and the rest of his brothers to take down Shang Tsung and bring him to Liu Kang. Confronting them was easy, but you three were quickly overwhelmed by the opposing side's forces.
The memory was still fresh, like fallen snow, even if it had happened many years prior.
Shackled and on your knees, Shang Tsung began his siren's song, tempting and winning your husband over with his empty promises. The look of horror on your face when he told you to obey him.
Your heart broke there, but he did not relent.
The horrid confession of the truth of Father-in-law, and how he left him to die split your heart more. The man who treated you like the daughter he never had, the man who beamed happily at his eldest getting married.
You agreed with Kuai Liang, he would indeed turn in his grave.
But the breaking point that destroyed your heart, broke it into pieces finer than sand, was when he attacked you and Kuai Liang. You offered your support to take him down, denouncing your marriage, and he surprised both of you. Tomas, who backed away at the right moment, fought back against Bi Han, taking you into his arms to hold you back from joining the battle. You tried to fight his grip, even scratching his arms to get him to release you, but he would not let go.
Leaving the past memories, you eye the current Tomas in front of you. He stared at you with concern, but you were looking only at his body. His arms exposed, you could see the deep, but healed scars from that day, the countless nicks and cuts from training, and more. His chest was barely exposed with the deep v-neck of his attire, and his legs were completely covered, though you could see the muscles hugged his shin guards.
"Tomas," you ask gently, "Is it wrong for me to miss him?"
He shook his head, "No, it's not. There isn't a day where I wished our relationship was better, a day where fate and destiny could change for him."
Tomas's relationship with Bi Han was... rocky, to say the least. But it did not stop him from treating him kindly, respectfully, and with high-regard. Even now, he still loves his brother.
"However," he continued, "Bi Han is different now, and I do not see a semblance of his former self. I wish dearly to help him, but I believe he is no more."
You sighed, your mouth beginning to wobble and tears lining your eyes. You hide your head in your legs as you sniffle, eyes releasing the tears.
"Oh Tomas," you cried gently, "Where did I go wrong?"
He inhales sharply, unsure if he should hug you, hold your hand, or let you be. He scoots a little closer to you, the wood creaking a bit more as he sat by your side.
"I don't think you made any fault," he says, gently saying your name, "He made his choice at the fortress that day, and you made yours. He miscalculated your love, dear."
Your body begins to shake, sobs racking your chest and shoulders. You lift your head and begin to cry loudly, no one hearing but the night and Tomas (and perhaps Kuai Liang and Harumi). You scream, shouting senseless why's and how could you's into the night scene of Japan. Tomas knew it wasn't towards him, but he couldn't bear to see you like this.
Distraught, pain, anger, and more negative emotions did not suit you. Tomas loved you most when you were smiling, laughing, or at peace with a content look on your face. It had been a while since he had seen those emotions on you.
Tomas gently took your shoulder with one arm, using his other to cup your cheek and face your face to his. You saw a look of sadness and a twinge of frustration on his face, his brows furrowed.
"Please, dearest, how can I help you? How I wish nothing more but to remove this pain from you, from all of us, but only of you tell me what I can do."
You barreled into his chest, holding onto him in a deathly tight hug. Tomas's arms remained in the air before you began to cry again, muffled by the fabric of his shirt. Your sobs continue, and Tomas brings his hands down to hold you in a warm embrace.
Tomas doesn't speak for the rest of the night. He simply holds onto you, allowing your tears and snot to cover his shirt. You heave in and out, your cries not stopping even as you feel yourself lulling into sleep.
You stay locked in his arms, hoping, praying, that your pain would leave you.
For now, though, you find solace in his arms and the darkness of the night, the silence bringing you temporary peace.
Hello! First minific done and I must tell you all.... I wanna give Tomas the world and muffins. My cutie patootie.
I'm also thinking a trademark of my writing could be using the title in a line of dialogue, or anywhere in the stories I write. I used to write like that in my other fics, so i'll take it with me here.
thank you guys so much!
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dragon-watcher03 · 11 months
Some headcanons on concubine!reader & Kuai Liang’s wedding/wedding night? I’m obsessed with this 😩❤️
Yep, you got it.
Kuai Liang x Reader x Harumi
Note: This wasn't in the ask but I'm adding Harumi x Reader in this as well.
Bi-han and Tomas were the best men at the wedding obviously and the theme of the wedding was "Fire and Flowers." So you wore a white floral wedding dress and he wore a typical tuxedo but with an orange tie. He also had his hair up but his bangs were hanging in front of his face.
He almost started crying when he saw you walking down the aisle. He had been waiting for this moment ever since he fell in love with you. And Harumi was standing next to him in a pink Sakura blossom-like wedding dress since she was also getting married to you as well.
She actually started crying silently when she saw you in that wedding dress. Both of them couldn't take their eyes off of you as you said your vows. From that day on you would no longer be Kuai Liang's concubine, but his and Harumi's wife.
During the afterparty, Kuai and Harumi were attached to you by the hips. And during the dance, they would take turns dancing with you and each other. It was a very beautiful dance to watch. They both had such looks of adoration in their eyes when looking at you.
During your wedding night, they would definitely take advantage of it. They'd tag-team you the entire night, and you woke up sore the next morning and sandwiched between the two of them.
Kuai Liang never felt happier to finally have you by his side as an official partner. He's very tender with you and does all the wholesome husband things you'd think of: Hugging you from behind, dancing with you at night, staring at you in the morning while you sleep peacefully, etc.
Harumi is just as tender, if not more. She's also happy that you are a part of the family now and she can't wait until the three of you have children. She loves leaving lipstick marks on your cheeks and loves dolling you up for a date night with you both and Kuai.
Both of them love sandwiching you between them during cuddle sessions, but Harumi has a special liking for laying on top of you. Kuai also likes picking both of you up with one arm each and spinning you both around. Kuai Liang thinks of having children a lot more than Harumi does, cuz Baby fever go brrr-
Overall, they are both really amazing lovers and would make an excellent husband and wife. They are glad you are no longer labeled as a concubine, and if anyone dared to say otherwise they'd meet a firey and painful death.
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