#cfa posts
Best thing about mkx was Takeda's ass shots
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felinefractious · 7 months
speaking of high smokes, have you heard about "merle effect"? where high smoke cats have patches of regular smoke pigmentation. so far we know this can be caused by combination of high smoke + wide band + high white spotting and can be replicated pretty easily from what i've seen.
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(cats from Viktoria Pride cattery)
Yes, I’ve heard of them but haven’t seen very many. It’s fascinating!
Messybeast has a page with examples from other breeds as well and speculation as to what the heck could be going on. So it’s very possible there’s different genes or gene combinations which result in a similar phenotype.
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knightofspades · 1 month
so depressing when u know only 2-3 people irl who can play vanguard and you know they don't wanna/can't play with you 😭😭
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philologique · 4 months
HOLD UP do people not associate chick-fil-a with homophobia anymore??? bc I was under the impression that if you're over 25 in the US then you're familiar with their homophobia regardless of how online you are
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transsexualutopia · 1 year
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Thinking back to when my ex-boss posted this on her Facebook and my bootlicking manager was like "yeah no I don't think u and ur bf are being discriminated against in this workplace maybe y'all r being dramatic"
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barrygeuse · 2 years
charles deetz for the life of himself cannot manage to keep ahold of the house or car keys at all. he constantly loses them. lydia always makes jokes about it (sometimes he does, too, on a good day)
what really gets to him though is that delia seems to have a sixth sense for finding them. she always knows where the keys are. it makes no sense to anyone in the house, because delia is constantly forgetting where she put something right after she puts it down. charles will pat his pockets and make an exhasperated noise and she'll look up from the couch and say, "They're on top of the fridge!' or, "You left them on the upstairs bathroom counter!" it's uncanny
[bonus: sometimes adam will move the keys around, just to see if she still notices. she does. it baffles him.]
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the2amrevolution · 1 year
On Stray Kids' FNF
The song was already on my "songs that might make me cry (depending on my mood) playlist," but with the video, I'm now a sobbing mess
The song was written by Chris and Felix after the bushfires in 2019-2020 and the feelings of loss of so much of the native environment of their home.
I was okay until it cut to Seungmin riding a bike and enjoying being outside.
I miss outside. I want to be out exploring and finding all sorts of plants and animals I've only seen in photos. I want to run along a trail and climb over rocks and ride down a river again.
I want to be able to take photos of things I find beautiful. I want to be able to sit in the park and paint the scenery like Hyunjin. I want to explore new cities and sit outside at a cafe like Lee Know. I want to read a book in the sun like Felix. I want to have fun with my friends on the beach.
I started having trouble keeping up with my friends' activity levels when I was 12. If I tried to run and climb and keep pace with everyone else, I'd go into bronchospasm. I started getting left behind. When I was struggling to climb the stairs back up Tallulah Gorge at 13 years old because I couldn't breathe, one friend lagged behind to stay with me so I wouldn't be completely left behind.
I was treated like I just didn't do enough in my free time. Like I just wasn't outdoorsy or just didn't try. It didn't matter that I loved animals and the science of nature or that if you gave me access to a pool I would spend all day in it. It was my fault that I couldn't breathe or started to feel sick or started having difficulties with heat that would make me nearly pass out even though I had the same activity level as most of my friends and drank the same amount of water or more or ate the same amounts of food. It didn't matter that I met getting launched from a raft or stuck at the bottom of a waterfall with laughter and eagerness to get back on the river. It didn't matter that I always wanted to see the snake or the bug or the weird thing someone found in the woods.
I just wasn't "outdoorsy."
When the outdoors makes you sick, its easier to not be outdoorsy.
In Japan I had more chance to be outdoors again. I still struggled to climb up the "easy date outing, women in low heels, and children can gmdo it mountain," but I figured that was because I was used to the flatness of Tampa and Middle GA, not mountains.
I was able to go to parks and enjoy the outdoors a little more over time because I was walking all the time. I did get a little more heat acclimated, but I also knew how to correct for the amount I was sweating and could control when I got into air conditioning more than I could at a band practice. Running still wasn't an option (I pretty much stopped running outside of emergencies at 13 because of the bronchiospasm) so I couldn't play soccer with my friends, but I could still cheer them on. I was unfortunately dealing with too much anxiety to do all the things I wanted to be able to do on my own.
I continued at that level of able to be outside and okay walking and at a casual pace for a while. I could do shorter, strength based work like carrying things across camp or setting up a tent, and I could walk for miles with just normal muscle fatigue.
Then late 2015 the ability I had started to fall away. I've been trying to get it back since then. Chasing after the ability I did have and longing for a life where I could just walk my dog around my neighborhood without having to plan the whole day around it. Wishing I didn't spend 75% of my time on a queen size mattress.
Ive been trying so hard. I've looked for any answer. Any remedy. Any experiment I can run on myself to try to claw some of my life back. Since November 2021, I have gotten some back. A tiny bit, but some. I have proper diagnoses. I have more science to try to piece together my medical puzzle. I've struggled with my body and my brain, trying to understand so I can try to make things better. I have a sleep study coming up that will hopefully lead to improvements. I have an experiment next week that could really help or it could be a really awful waste of time.
I'm trying so hard to catch up with the life I wish I had.
"I run and chase after you, even if it's impossible."
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lovealexhunt · 2 years
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karmaphone · 3 months
did you know
you can shit on chick-fil-a without calling fast food workers 'untalented' and 'unskilled' and otherwise implying their labor is unnecessary or somehow Not Real Labor 😃
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towardshope · 2 years
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I’m tweaking
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tekniblog · 1 year
Movsmm - Devasa+
Instagram is a great way to reach out to your target audience and build a strong network of followers. But it can be hard to get noticed without enough likes or engagement on your posts. If you're looking to buy 200 instagram likes, then look no further! We have the best rates and packages for you. But what does cfa mean on instagram? It stands for 'Comment Follower Schemes', which are often used to boost engagement and increase followers quickly. A cfs meaning instagram is when you request for a comment or follow-back from one of your followers, in exchange for a like or follow from you. If that's not enough, then we can also help with boosting your YouTube presence! Through our online music promotions buy youtube views, you can buy YouTube views, subscribers and more. By buy 10000 YouTube subscribers, you'll have a greater chance of getting seen by potential fans and customers. No matter what your goals are on Instagram or YouTube, we've got the perfect package to help you reach them.
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ursiday · 9 months
Okay im being so real do you mind if I use your art of cats as a reference? I’m trying to relearn on how to draw cat faces and I’m using your art to help me out. I’m not sure if you would be okay with that???
If you'd like to sure I don't really mind, but if you post anything referencing specific pieces I've done I'd appreciate credit! Though I'd be cautious in general about primarily relying on art when learning to draw something, especially any particular artist. I get that it's easier to reference drawings a lot of the time since they're already broken-down/stylized more than a photo, but you'll also be referencing whatever quirks and inaccuracies the artist has intentionally or unintentionally put in the drawing, and my cat drawings are certainly not perfect and also tend to be anthropomorphized lol
If anyone is interested in good sources for cat reference photos these are some of my faves :-)
(CFA and TICA have a bunch of pages of top cats from the last decade, as well as galleries for each breed)
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iamthemess · 7 months
Coat theories!!! Akutagawa's turn!!!
Now you knight think, Akutagawa has one coat and he wears it all the time.
He does, but he doesn't. He has his coat, but on occasion, he gives it up.
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His black coat is given off to Atsushi, leaving him with a white shirt.
I do not remember where I was going with this, I've been thinking about it all day and idk what my original thought process was.
These images are just chillin in my phone tho.
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Something about ying and yang. Black and white. Morals and changing allegiances for the good of thw world or somtjinf.
And now my auto correct is on cfa m FUCK. *crack
I will just post this and try to fix the mess later. Enjoy
Also something something Atsushi despite being against the pm values using the power associated with death to do good + Akutagawa using his death ability to further the actions that Atsushi takes and trusting atsushi completely.
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cosmowes · 7 months
Planning Ahead
this is something i'm still working on, actually. keeping a visual log of everything i need to do has been really useful, but it's still a pretty new habit for me.
the issue is that i really, really hate taking the time to have those things be nice- because then i get unmotivated when the load gets heavy and i can't keep it that way. no cute advice, this is my planner for solely function.
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SHORTHAND. i use shorthand for everything. a list of my favorites:
ESP - spanish, or FR - french (really works for any foreign language class)
ENG/ELA - english language arts
MT (math) - CALC (calculus) - PCLC (precalc) - STAT (statistics) - ALG (algebra) etc
GEO/HIS (geography or history)
SCI (science) - BIO (biology) - CHEM (chemistry) - FNS (forensics) - PHYS (physics)
GFX (graphic design) - DRM (drama) - HLC (healthcare) - BSN (business) etc... for whatever electives you have, lol
PJ (project)
HW (homework)
CFA/QZ (common formative assessment/quiz)
SD/SG (study/study guide)
PKT (packet)
SM (submit)
UG (ungraded)
SUM (summative)
FORM (formative)
PG _ (page _)
NSR/EC (not school related/extra curricular)
DNO (due night of)
DIC (due in class)
DEOC (due end of class)
i combine these for little nicknames like ESPPJ, MTPK, GFXPJ, etc. or DRM (info) NSR, GFXPKT EC
DESCRIPTION. i add a quick description of the item, just so i know what it is. usually just the actual assignment name or what it entails. if it's at home reading for english, it'll say "ENGHW Reading PG __-__". a drama script might say "DRM Script DEOC"
DATE. i always add the due date. i write it as a fraction so that it takes up a tiny bit less space. if i know, this is where the time it's due is added too.
URGENCY. i had another post about how i decide an assignment's urgency here, so i throw one of these numbers on the end.
DON'T CARE ABOUT CUTE! the point of this is to keep info. build the habit for a while, and once you have logging things as a habit, you can make it cute. but if you're already having trouble building the habit, adding more work will make it more difficult in my experience. always add onto your habits that already exist.
USE IT! i've also seen people have full planners that are so so cute and then just. never use them??? you're making this so that you have a way to keep track. making it, and then just throwing it in your bag to not be seen until tomorrow is defeating the point. use what you made.
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images from pin 📌 - search white study aesthetic
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ohnoitsoak · 2 months
Back from the Montreal The Crane Wives show and GOD DAMN. What an insane energy there. Specific shoutouts to the elf guy, the one with the butterflies in their hair, the two with the crowns, and that one person with the flower crown with eyes. I also apologize for anyone on the right side of the stage whose videos I might've fucked up with my screaming haha.
I did take an audio recording of the full show, just gotta edit and add the encore into it because I stopped to take photos briefly. Yet another recording I gotta post online (the other being the full live recording of CFA I took out in Gander a summer ago). Anyway setlist under the cut for anyone. I'd upload it to setlist.fm but i'm lazy/its 12am/i'm bald etc.
Main Show; The Garden [INSANE OPENER I GOTTA SAY] Allies or Enemies Scars Pretty Little Things Take me to War Keep You Safe Never Love an Anchor Arcturus Beaming Not the Ghost Bitter Medicine The Moon Will Sing Hand that Feeds Nobody Steady Steady Curses
Encore; Queen of Nothing Tongues and Teeth
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