#-that have the same songs i've listened to for the past 6 months and whenever i see a -
time-is-standing · 7 months
top 10 songs of february
//aka another hungarian best of list, I'll explain later.
1. Sánta Egyensúly by PETOFI
THIS song is the best song to ever exist. like literally. I'm 100% certain I've already written about it but I'm obsessed. and being the way I am, listening to the intro and seeing the old singer pop up on the stage on the first concert of their tour... it blew my mind. I am crazy about this whole experience.
2. Az idő esete by PETOFI, Kővári Gábor
this song has a verse, where the singer raps/screams his past tramuas. the backing vocals slowly get louder and louder singing "it doesn't matter" and it's such a clever way to remind you you cannot stay stuck in the past crying about it. you have to move on and move forward.
3. Én már soha többet semmiért nem fogok bocsánatot kérni by Nemecsek
this is my fav from this band. I was super sad, when they said they are having their last concert. we went to it a few weeks ago, and I enjoyed the concert so much. earlier I didn't think I listened to loads of their songs, but I knew more than half of the setlist. super energetic, fun songs with important lyrics.
4. Süket Füledre Talál A Vallomásom by PETOFI
I love the poetic verses, the smart, hidden messages in their lyrics. petofi is one of the best bands ever. I know they mostly have sadder songs but I'm deeply in love with the vibe they have. I've already written loads about this song, it's really special for me.
5. Szellemképek by PETOFI
pretty petofi-heavy month. I can say, I'm obsessed with them. seeing the old singer in action, singing, screaming, forgetting some words and having the time of his life... I'm real happy knowing, I saw him live as well. I'll always be the one to love the new singer more, but they don't have to know that lol
6. Holttestemen Át by PETOFI
this is such a gem. I don't know, how but these boys come up with so many masterpieces. the lines in the songs are creating a mindset you can hardly get out of if you're really listening.
7. Soha Többé Nem Iszom by Counter Clockwise, Téveszme
oh well, well, well. I am a lucky girl who has listened to this song live with every member performing. Viktor flew up to the stage, set the mood and left us screaming. I am starting to love this band more and more as time goes by.
8. Reményszenzorok by Téveszme
this song makes my whole body tremble. I'm so anxious & sad... but I love the lyrics so much at the same time. I've cried way too much listening to this song live. brings out so many emotions.
9. Fáklya by Nemecsek
another nemecsek one. I don't really know how to put it into words... I'll miss them deeply but happily we still have their music available to us. I know life sometimes gets in the way but whenever a band breaks up my heart aches for them the same way. I miss them already.
10. Akasszátok Föl a Királyokat by Counter Clockwise
this song has so much in it. our history, the current situation... I don't like to think about it much because it makes me so very angry. but somehow these songs help relieve some of the anxiety and the concerts make me believe there's still some of us who are ready to fight back if we're needed.
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beautifulcinephile · 2 years
10 Songs To Know Me Better
I've made this tag myself in the past, but I decided to update it because I don't listen to some of the songs included in there. The rules are: List 10 songs and how you got into them. 1. Orinoco Flow - Enya: When I was a kid, I used to have ballet classes and my ballet teacher had an Enya CD with this song. I was always hypnotized by this song, then one day I asked my teacher what was its name and who sang it. She told me it was Enya, but didn't tell me the name of the song. One day, when I was at my dad's house, my sister found it, and we both listened to it together. I smiled gleefully and to this day, I cherish this song a lot.
2. Stop Crying Your Heart Out - Another one from my childhood. Back then, my sister had a VHS tape with music videos she recorded from MTV and this was one of them. As a kid, I loved the music video, even though I was too young to understand it and when I understood it, years later, my heart felt crushed because I realized the protagonist died. But if I see someone striking a match, or even myself striking a match, I will automatically get reminded of the music video.
3. Whenever, Wherever - Shakira: OH, GOSH, THIS ONE! I think it's time for me to finally reveal the reason why I like this song. When I was a kid, for some reason, I started having recurring dreams that I was watching the music video, right at the beginning when Shakira comes out of the water and kneels on that rock. I downloaded the music video (It took days because, keep in mind, it was 2006, the Internet was slower back then and a download of a music video took days and not seconds as it is today), watched it, thought it was awesome at the time, now I know that it has aged kinda badly. I still love it, though.
Then, I started doing AI arts of Timothée Chalamet reenacting the music video because I thought: "Why not? He's in the desert, shirtless, barefoot, I need this. There are no barefoot pictures of him at the moment, so why not make ones?" And the song ended up helping me during one of the most stressful moments of 2022. I even have some memories of the real Timmy (to differentiate him from the AI-generated version of him) with this song involved, which are when I watched him at LFF and the "Bones and All" premiere in Milan.
4. The Safety Dance - Men Without Hats: I think I've never talked about this song before, it's one of my favorites. Well, I listened to this song in 2015, and my crush on Mark Hamill came back in full force because of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and there was a video of him in which this song played. It comforted me during a dark time in my life, which was ending. Listening to this song makes me feel like a 17 year-old which was coming out of a dark place to one of happiness again.
5. Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan: Compared to the others, this song is quite recent and I feel it represents my early 20s quite well. I started listening to it in late 2020, but it was in 2021 that this song came into my life. I was going through another dark moment in my life, luckily this one only lasted for a month as far as I remember. Bob Dylan's songs helped me through this moment, and "Like a Rolling Stone" was the song of his that I was really hooked into.
I remember one day that I was searching for an apartment because I was still in the process of moving, and this was the song that I was listening to the most during that day. Despite its dark lyrics, this song for some reason gives me a feeling of comfort, the same goes for "Positively 4th Street".
6. Shape of My Heart - Backstreet Boys: If I told you that I used to hate this song, would you believe it? Yes, I used to hate this song in my childhood, but somehow I kinda liked the music video. It was only when I was 15 years old that I took a liking to this song and the music video, I remember listening to this song on road trips.
But I only started loving this song after I had a dream that Timothée Chalamet and I were recreating the music video, more precisely, at the 2:43 mark of the song. I was wearing a gray shirt and blue denim, Timmy wore a black tank top and black pants, and he was barefoot, and during this part, I stroked his hair while the camera panned down on his bare feet (A dream in which I would never like to wake up from. A barefoot Timothée Chalamet with a blue tint, clad in black? IT WAS MY AWESOMEST DREAM EVER!) and everytime I listen to this song, I remember the dream and there's even fanfiction inspired by it (Thank you, @timottea!)
7. Safari Song - Greta Van Fleet: February 2019 marked when I listened to this song for the first time. This is the song that made me a Greta Van Fleet fan. I remember the countless times when I walked through college listening to that song while going to my classroom, or just hanging out during break time, or when I was ready to go home after classes. Nowadays I don't listen to Greta Van Fleet that much like I used to, but this song will always have a special place in my heart.
8. Paul's Dream - Hans Zimmer: I don't remember when I listened to this song for the first time, but I do remember lots of good moments with it, such as listening to it on my dad's car, so I could feel the bass kicking in and I closed my eyes in utter joy while listening to this song. And when my dad and I went to watch "Dune" in the theaters, we sang this song because we were completely in awe with the movie. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SONG.
9. Commuter Love - The Divine Comedy: I’ve only heard about this band because Neil Hannon will compose the songs for "Wonka" and I wanted to have a glimpse of what the soundtrack would sound like. When I listened to this song, I was immediately transported to a black-and-white music video set on a subway which is all about that person we see on the subway, have a slight crush on, and then we never see this person again (I had this experience, so I know how it is) and I consider this song to be one of the best of theirs.
10. Visions of Gideon - Sufjan Stevens: Well, I really love this song. It obviously reminds me of "Call Me By Your Name" and I remember that I was listening to it during a stormy night (Not rainy night. Stormy night. There were lightning bolts everywhere.) Initially I was scared, but I was listening to that song and thinking about Timmy, so I comforted myself and went home safely.
Tagging: @softhecreator @cocoamoonmalfoy @whole-other-layer
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ecl1pse · 5 months
i saw a chill kill album review that reminded me that it has become one of my favorite albums ever - yet it's an album i can hardly come back to. especially the song "will i ever see you again" which coincidentally has also become one of my favorite red velvet songs.
as some of you might know, last march i lost my grandma & she was essentially my mother figure. the first time i ever contemplated human mortality & grief was when i first paid attention to the lyrics of the song "te lo pido por favor" by jaguares. in the chorus the narrator asks their love what do they need, & if they need their life, they are willing to give it & only asks that in return they never leave them. i must have been like 6 or 7 years old when i considered the meaning of those lyrics & who did i love so much that i was willing to lose my life just so i wouldn't lose them & my immediate answer was my grandma.will i ever see you again gave me the exact same feeling i felt back then while listening to te lo pido por favor for the first time.
i never gave much thought to the afterlife, but i started to wonder that if there is one, will i ever see her again there? it was such an overwhelming feeling & one i continue to get whenever i listen to that song, that i have to skip it in order to not cry in public - again.
it's such a bittersweet emotion because in one hand, i'm glad she's no longer suffering, because I know in her last moments she was suffering & she had already suffered so much in life. but in the other one, life has just kept going without her & there were so many things I still wanted to share with her, that I wanted to learn from her. will we ever get to share that again?
over all, chill kill has been an album that made me consider the grief i had been setting aside for months in order to keep going in life. the song, chill kill, itself, talks so much about finding happiness -- or rather contempt -- in moments of hardship, & ironically that has been what me & my family have had to do for the past year. there's been so many times my dad & i would tell a funny story about my grandma & then suddenly one of us ended up crying. i've had many dreams of her in these months, yet none of them are sad or bad. usually when i dream of my mom i wake up perturbed & anxious, but never when i dream of my grandma. & in a way, that has helped me move on -- to a degree.
i really do love chill kill, but i think it's going to be a little while until i can listen to that full album from start to finish again without spiraling into a depressive episode. maybe soon enough i will figure out if these are just the emotions humans feel when they lose their most loved person or if it's just me.
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a-moth-to-the-light · 2 years
Language Learning Challenge, Days 3-6
So I haven't done like anything for this challenge in the past few days (other than sing along to Tini songs a whole bunch--and that's more daily routine than anything, so I don't think it really counts). Hopefully I'll be able to rally over the next few weeks and do some more practice, but I'm trying to go easy on myself right now. After all, building habits is tough and all that! sighs, sleepy
3: Are there any apps you use to learn languages?
Spotify may not be intended for language learning, but, at least when it comes to Spanish, there's a whole lot of media (like music & podcasts!) on the app to practice with. Same situation for Netflix (so many shows have Spanish sub/dub!) and also for Webtoon--on Webtoon, if you change your content language to Spanish, there's less of a selection, I think, but still plenty to read! And there are other content languages available for folks who are learning others :)
4: How do you improve your listening skills?
Listening is my least favorite skill--speaking is a close second, though--because I have issues with processing audio in any language. However, if I listen to songs enough times (which of course I do, as I pretty much live off of Spotify), I start to pick out words & string sentences together. Since I listen to so much music in Spanish anyway, it's pretty good practice for me! I’m basically sneaking listening practice into my music time like vegetables into dessert. JENESAISPOP also has a podcast on Spotify called Revelación o Timo, and I've used that one as part of Spanish homework assignments a couple of times! I'll probably try to get back into it this month :)
5: How do you improve or practice your speaking skills?
I'm SO awkward about speaking in Spanish, but it's way easier when I talk to myself--luckily, I do that all the time, too. So I'll just have myself switch my English babbling over to Spanish (or Spanish with random English words thrown in when I don't feel like putting in the mental effort to practice circumlocution).
A side note: circumlocution is great for language practice! We learned about it in one of my classes, and the idea is basically that you describe or "talk around" a word you don't know in a language that's new to you. It's sort of like charades? I’ve found it really helps with practicing vocabulary, along with developing communication skills in a new language.
6: Are there any free online sources you use to learn languages?
JeneSaisPop (the content is in Spanish I swear!!), MondoSonoro, and IndieHoy are three sites with content in Spanish that I love keeping up with! I already enjoy music reviews in English, and these are sites that teach me new words & phrases in Spanish (and introduce me to new Spanish-language music!) as a bonus :) I follow Indiehoy on Instagram, too, so I end up microdosing on Spanish practice whenever I scroll through my feed!
SpanishDict is my go-to site for learning new words and finding the words I'm looking for when I'm working in Spanish--they have really detailed definitions that are super helpful for understanding unique, uncommon uses of words, though they don't always account for slang terms.
Today's Practice
Since I've been listening to "Pronto" by Repion nonstop like the edgyboy I am, I'll try to work on learning the lyrics over the next few days :) That chorus would be really fun for karaoke!
Word/Phrase of the Day
la pared -- wall
La mesa está contra la pared.
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trophygony · 2 years
@ people who use spotify....why not use youtube
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Fuck yeah let's do it
Time to get personal
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1) What song makes you feel better?
Honestly a number of songs make me feel either happy or pumped but Goldfish Crackers by Gold Revere and Sunday Best by Surfaces are the sure-fire way to kickstart the serotonin production
2) What's your favorite feel-good movie?
Honestly probably any Disney movie. They just remind me of simpler times
3) What's your favorite candle scent?
Anything that smells like flowers or nature! I especially love scents that remind me of water for some reason. My favorite perfume smells exactly like a lake and I ritually soak myself in it
4) What flower would you like to be given?
It's guaranteed that I will cry if anyone gives me any flower, but my favorites would have to be orchids or lilies
5) Who do you feel most you around?
Honestly my dad, we're pretty much carbon copies of each other and share the same humor so I feel 100% comfortable with him. I even recently came out to him that I was Bi and he was so supportive about it that I cried about it later that night. We're even planning on getting matching back pieces eventually
6) Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
Oh geez, my self worth is non existent so this took me a while
- my eyes
- my hair (when it's not overgrown like it is now)
- my calves weirdly enough
- my work ethic
- my humor
- my attention to detail
7) What color brings you peace?
Honestly blues and purples make me relax for some odd reason, bonus points if they're iridescent
8) Tag someone or multiple people who make you feel good
Oof obviously @thebo0knerd, @honestcactus, @prussianengel, @americanbeautea, and all of y'all
9) What calms you down?
Just being alone listening to music tends to calm me down, but the binging of Tik Tok and ironically creepypasta/scary story asmr helps too
10) What is something you're excited about?
My laptop! I'm almost able to buy it! It'll probably take a couple more paychecks but here's to an upgrade!
11) What is your ideal date?
Honestly just a trip to the mall followed by binging an anime, I'm a simple girl
12) How are you?
Honestly I've been in the dumps for the past month and a half. I've been working a lot with the public so that's always a fluctuating factor. I think I just need to move somewhere out of this godforsaken town and start somewhere fresh. Without the past constantly bringing me down
13) What's your comfort food?
Mozzarella sticks! In particular Denny's mozzarella sticks. My father would take me to Denny's as a treat whenever he got me for the weekends. He knew how bad it was when I was living with my mother and there's just a lot of comfort in those little artery cloggers
14) Favorite feel-good show?
Honestly a few animes! Right now its Haikyuu, Fire Force, and now Avatar. They're all just so inspiring and funny; they're all a great mood lifter
15) For every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word
🥺 @1a-imagines Direct Ray of Sunshine
🥺 @honestcactus Mood of 2020
💕 @americanbeautea Deity Goals
💕 @awkward-tension Angst Lord
💕 @desperatelittledemon CEO of "Shut Up Val"
16) Compliment the person who sent you this number
All of y'all mean the world to me and I'm always here to listen if y'all want to talk 🥺💖
17) Fairy lights or LEDs?
Why not both? I feel like LEDs are nice but nothing can beat fairy lights above your bed on a stormy day
18) Do you still love stuffed animals?
Of course! I still have most of my childhood stuffed animals and I still mourn my favorite one my mom threw away when I was 9
19) Most important thing in your life?
Oh jeez, I'm not trying to sound edgy or anything but I don't think I have anything important in my life. Obviously I value my sister friends but depression makes shit hard
20) What do you want to do most in the world right now?
Launch all the boomers and Karens into orbit
But honestly I want to start living for myself.
Like I feel like I've only been doing what people tell me to do and going wherever they go and I'm tired of it.
It's time I forge my own path
21) If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
"Blood doesn't bind you, friendship does"
22) What would you say to your future self?
"Ayo bitch good luck"
Just kidding
"It's okay to give yourself permission, no one is holding you down anymore, it's okay"
23) Favorite piece of clothing?
Honestly nothing yet, all of my clothes are either hand me downs or plain clothes. I'm planning on doing a complete wardrobe change so I can dress how I want
24) What's something you do to de-stress?
I'm an avid gamer so I'm always playing some game, anywhere from PS4 to switch, to phone games. They just help get my mind off of things
25) What's the best personal gift a person could give you? (Playlist, homemade card, etc.)
Honestly anything! I've never really gotten anything that was handmade, Book made me a couple paintings and I treasure them
26) What movie would you like to live in?
Avatar tbh (AND YES IT UNFORTUNATELY COUNTS) just the idea of a simple life with a bit of elemental powers is just appealing to me, I feel like I'd be a water bender
27) Which character would you like to be?
Oof all of the dead ones
I mean
Ms. Kobayashi
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A normalish life with dragon waifus? Sign me up!
28) Hugs or hand holding?
Hugs, honestly I'm so touch starved I'd probably cry if I got a genuine hug
29) Mornings, Afternoons, or Nights?
Late nights and early mornings, basically times where everyone else is asleep are just especially peaceful to me
30) What reminds you of home? (Things that remind you of the feeling of home)
I've got a very fucked up idea of home. I was raised in a military household so home was never a location, neither was having long-term friends. Not to mention after I lived with my ex for a year I've got an even more corrupt understanding of home.
But if I had to summarize it just anywhere I feel the safest, which generally means my bed
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mykpopwire · 4 years
interview: D-CRUNCH is back and ready to fly high with Across The Universe!
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D-CRUNCH is back with a new mini album, 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe”.
Let’s have a look at what the members have to say about the album and more.
1. Please introduce your latest mini album, 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe”.
O.V: One year and five months after our last album, we are back with a new mini album which consist of powerful and energetic title track – Across The Universe, a ballad specially for our fans – Calyx, a song from D-CRUNCH’s heart – One Word and lastly a song where you can enjoy D-CRUNCH's cute charms – H.A.G.Y (Have A Good Young)
Hyunwook: This mini album is about how D-CRUNCH can fly off to anywhere whenever we are with Diana even when we are in difficult situations and an album where you can always listen to D-CRUNCH's various voices.
Hyunho: D-CRUNCH is taking a step further with this mini album. We worked hard to show you the more mature and cool side of us, so please look forward to it.
Hyunoh: We prepared many good songs for the album including the title track where we want to spread our wings and fly with our people who are going through a hard time and also a fan song with the lyrics written by ourselves. The members wrote the lyrics just as sincere as when we are writing our hand-written letters.
Minhyuk: Just like the title track of this mini album, 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe”, it means let’s fly, let’s go across the universe.
Chanyoung: This mini album is an album where we want to show D-CRUNCH's various charms! I think it's an album where we can fall in love with our better selves, better than before!
Jungseung: 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe” is an album with a title track where we will show a powerful performance and it also includes other songs with different charms! We worked really hard on it, so please listen to it a lot!
Dylan: The title track gives out the vibes of D-CRUNCH’s intense charm and energy. There’s also songs with sincere lyrics in this mini album.
2. Please introduce the title track, “Across The Universe”. Any special points Diana must pay attention to?
O.V: You need to pay attention to the powerful performance, but I also want you to focus more on the reason why we wrote this song! As you can understand from the lyrics of this song, no matter how hard and difficult it is, we can always fly if Diana is with us. It's a song made from the heart of being able to get across the universe, so I'd appreciate it if you could always be with us. ^_^
Hyunwook: There’s some really fancy dance moves for the title track. We put a lot of efforts and practiced hard to show you this! I hope when Diana see the special dance, they will think that we’re cool. Haha
Hyunho: The key point of this title track is the members' strong appearance and performances, and also the chorus part.
Hyunoh: It's a song about a dream of flying together with wings that my people have attached. It also contains D-CRUNCH’s earnestness to repay all the love that Diana has given to us.
Minhyuk: If I were to say the special point of this song, I think everything from start to finish is the special point!
Chanyoung: I think you can find D-CRUNCH’s sexiness in this title track and please pay attention to the powerful performance!!
Jungseung: The title track Across The Universe is a song that means let's fly away and get over all the difficult situations together! We practiced hard for the song, of course a song is yet another song but we practiced a lot, like a lot for the song performance. I hope you will watch the dance practice video a lot, too!
Dylan: The title track Across the Universe has a message that if D-CRUNCH is with Diana, we can fly high into the sky even in the difficult situations. 
3. Renowned producers and lyricist are involved in the production of 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe” album. How do you feel working with them?
O.V: I think I've learned more about the perspectives on composition and lyrics. I also learned a lot about expression and realized the differences. While working together, I can feel they were giving lots of consideration and I’m thankful for it and it was such a good experience.
Hyunwook: Since we're still in the learning process, it was such a great opportunity to learn while working with these great people. I think we should continue to improve in the future.
Hyunho: They are very kind and I got to learn about lots of things, so it was a precious time.
Hyunoh: There’s certainly that sense of professionalism. I was able to see, feel and learn a lot while producing together with them. They were being considerate and gave a lot of advice and I’m happy we gained such good outcomes.
Minhyuk: We worked with really cool and famous producers this time. I learned a lot of things that I didn't know and received a lot of help too. I hope we can work together again next time!
Chanyoung: I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this album. I think I should work hard on this album and repay you with good results!
Jungseung: It was such a great honour and as great as the song they had made, I think we should achieve great result too.
Dylan: I was so glad they led me well and it was an honour to work with them and I was happy that I got to learn a lot.
4. G.I.G has been involved in D-CRUNCH album production since debut till now. Has your song writing style change or improve since then?
O.V: Since I’ve been working more systematically, I think my targets are definitely changed. I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to say and how I’m feeling about Diana and I think I need to improve more. Hahahaha
Hyunwook: We surely have improved a lot. When I debuted, I mostly worked using my senses and feelings rather than professional knowledge. But now I’m glad that I've grown more professionally by learning from many people. But I always think that I need to improve and learn more.
Hyunoh: In the past, the three of us used to brainstorm and come out with ideas together. These days, we only discuss once the certain topic or goal been given. We've seen a lot of improvements. There are pros and cons, but we always communicate with each other while trying to make up for the shortcomings.
5. Could you share a funny episode while preparing for 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe” album?
O.V: Rather than funny, I’d like to share a quite dangerous episode. In the ‘Across The Universe’ choreography, there is a move where Hyunwook do a lift. And when he was practicing the move in the beginning, he fell. All the members are nervous for that part. So, please keep an eye on us!
Hyunwook: I had a lot of difficulties preparing for this album. Among them, I think dancing in the sand during the music video shooting was the hardest. There's a part where I have to go on top of Minhyuk and there’s a lot of sand went onto him. Minhyuk had sands all over him, I'm sorry Minhyuk!
Hyunho: When we were shooting the music video, the location itself was a little scary because it was located in a place where there were only few people. We also had some horror experience. Haha.
Hyunoh: While preparing for this album, when I thought of the fans who are waiting for us, every moment was exciting and fun. There is another funny episode, during the jacket shooting, there is a shot where we must jump. A funny situation where we were photographed in the air with frighten looks on our faces.
Minhyuk: The interesting episode while preparing for the album reminds me of the scene where we dance in the sand during the music video shooting. The members fell because it was slippery and deep. But it was also cute and fun. Fortunately, we didn't get hurt!
Chanyoung: Interesting episode while preparing for the album! I think it was in the water-hit scene at the jacket shoot. We were all got hit by the water, so the pictures came out well, but we were all shaking in cold. Hahaha
Jungseung: Dylan and I got the vocal line for this title track and the note is higher than I thought. I remember having a hard time and my voice cracked while recording. Haha! I also remember I was sweating while working hard for the recording!
Dylan: I went into a building with O.V where all the lights were off to do horror experience at the music video shooting site. It was really scary but also fun.
6. Your favourite song from this album?
O.V: Hmm... I think it’s the song that I tried to be a vocalist for the first time, Calyx...? Please give it a lot of love, everyone ><
Hyunwook: I personally think One Word is perfectly matched for my preference.
Hyunho: Mine is Across The Universe. I like the addictive performance and chorus the most because they are impressive.
Hyunoh: I like all D-CRUNCH’s songs, but I think the best song in this album is the fan song, Calyx. I'll make lots of good songs so that my favourite song can always be updated.
Minhyuk: It’s Across The Universe. It also means let's fly! and when I listen to the song, my heart beats fast and I get excited!
Chanyoung: The title track in this album, Across The Universe is my favourite. This is because I like the magnificent sound of the chorus the most.
Jungseung: I like One Word the most. The reason is that there are many meaningful words in the lyrics. I like them because I can relate to them a lot. The song expresses my true feelings for the love that have been given by Diana.
Dylan: My favourite song in this album is a song called Calyx. I watch a lot of dramas and this song feels like a drama OST. It was a great song since I first heard it. I have this song on repeat in my playlist!
7. If you can go across the universe, where would you go? Why?
O.V: Everyone, do you know this?! It’s said that there is a planet in the universe that has the same environment as the Earth. We can't reach each other because it's too far away, but I want to go there!! I’m really curious. I wonder how the people there are like and if there's a parallel universe.
Hyunwook: I want to go to the planet Gliese 581, which is the most similar to Earth. I’m really curious how it’s like to live there!!
Hyunho: I want to go to black hole. I want to get sucked into a black hole and look around it!
Hyunoh: I will float in the universe freely and go to a place where I can see everyone who loves me.
Minhyuk: I want to go where Diana is! I want to go where D-CRUNCH can meet Diana and spend time together across the universe!
Chanyoung: If I were to go across the universe, I’d like to go across Diana’s heart~ Because no one knows what's on the other side of the universe, I think there's something beyond of what you think!
Jungseung: I want to go to the moon. Since it's close to the Earth, I really want to go and play there!
Dylan: If I could go across the universe, I’d like to go to the moon. I also want to go outside of the galaxy and see what’s around the galaxy.
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8. Anything you would like to achieve or do for this comeback?
O.V: More than anything else, I hope D-CRUNCH will not get hurt, always be healthy and get to be known by more people! I also want to reach people through more contents!
Hyunwook: I’m sure it’s the same for every album, but I think our goal is to let the public know D-CRUNCH and to have good influence on our music.
Hyunho: I want to let more people know about D-CRUNCH.
Hyunoh: To let many people know about the group called D-CRUNCH and to listen to our songs. I hope those people will give a lot of love, receive a lot love and care for each other.
Minhyuk: Honestly, it's a big dream which is to win first place on music programs. I really want to achieve it!
Chanyoung: Through this comeback, I hope more people will notice that D-CRUNCH is this kind of group.
Jungseung: Of course, my big dream is to win first place in music programs! But I think it would be enough to show that we're better than our previous album without any members getting hurt!
Dylan: Through this comeback, I want to show Diana our mature and cool side through the stage performance. 
9. Because of COVID-19, you have not been able to meet Diana as often as you want to. Are there any activities that you surely want to do once the situation get better?
O.V: Definitely the concerts. I can feel a lot of energy from Diana whenever we performed. I hope to have happy concerts with Diana soon.
Hyunwook: I really want to have concerts with Diana. Being in the same space with Diana. Diana have been watching us through the online concerts, but Diana is not in front of me and I can’t see them. That’s definitely something I'm sad about. So, I really want to have face-to-face concerts!!
Hyunho: I want to have concerts the most. Because it’s where I can meet and get close to Diana!
Hyunoh: I want to do concerts and stage performances too, but I really want to have fansign events or fan meetings where I can communicate with Diana. I want to express my feelings to all my people who are still supporting us and waiting for us even when we can’t meet due to Corona.
Minhyuk: Urm… There are a lot of things I want to do together with Diana, but what I want to do first are fansign events, fan meetings and concerts.
Chanyoung: When Corona situation gets better, I want to do everything~ concerts, fansign events and fan meetings ㅜㅜ
Jungseung: I really want to perform in front of Diana when the Corona is over. I miss those cheering and screaming from Diana. ㅠㅠ
Dylan: When the situation gets better, I want to do various activities such as fansign events, fan meetings and performances with Diana!
10. You will never leave home without?
O.V: AirPods!!! Whenever I walk around, I always listen to music according to the weather or the atmosphere of the place.
Hyunwook: It's definitely handphone. I'm restless without it!
Hyunho: It's a hat. I like hats so I always carry them with me when I go out.
Hyunoh: I always take my handphone, earphones, wallet, perfume and also good attitude.
Minhyuk: Mask, handphone, earphones and also clutch, perfume and wallet!
Chanyoung: Every time I go out I must bring mask and handphone! It sounds like an obvious answer, but it's a must these days!
Jungseung: Mask, handphone, wallet and AirPods. I will definitely bring these four with me whenever I go out.
Dylan: Nowadays, I always take masks, AirPods, wallet and handphone. Even with just these four, I can do anything and go anywhere. Haha.
11. Any dish that you can cook well?
O.V: Fried rice! It's a dish that I recently cooked. I think it's delicious!! (Of course that’s my personal opinion.)
Hyunwook: Kimchi fried rice...? Haha. Actually, I'm not confident in making any dishes.
Hyunho: Actually, I'm not good at cooking. But since I like ramyeon a lot, I think I'm good at cooking it!
Hyunoh: There’s nothing that I can’t do, cooking too. I think I'm pretty good at everything~ Haha
Minhyuk: I’m not really good at cooking, but the dish that is approved by my family is ramyeon!
Chanyoung: The best dish that I can cook is ramyeon. I still don’t know how to cook well yet, so I want to learn a lot. Haha
Jungseung: Fried rice, fried eggs, etc. I'm not really good at cooking, but I like to cook so I do it often.
Dylan: The most confident dish to cook is kimchi fried rice. The reason is I once made kimchi fried rice for my younger cousin and I remember he liked it because he said it was very delicious!
12. What is your best and worst subject in school?
O.V: My best subject... English?? I think it’s English. My worst subject is science. Science is too difficult...
Hyunwook: I was good at liberal art’s subjects, such as Korean, history and society. On the other hand, I think I was really bad at natural science’s subjects, such as math and science. Math is still too difficult for me to study…
Hyunho: My best subject is physical education and the worst subject is art.
Hyunoh: I'm good at all arts and physical education classes! But I can't do math or science. Hehe...
Minhyuk: My best subject is physical education and my worst subject is English...!
Chanyoung: My best subjects are math and physical education and the worst subject is social study.
Jungseung: I think I was best at Korean language subject. I like Korean language because I think there is always the answer in the sentences. My worst subject is math. I think math is one of the subjects that I always got wrong answers because there are so many formulas to memorize and the answers vary depending on how I write them.
Dylan: The subject I’m best at is English and the subject I’m worst at these days is math.
13. Dylan is the youngest member but is there any members that always behave as the youngest instead?
O.V: It’s definitely Chanyoung. The youngest member in my heart is also Chanyoung. The reason is when I first joined as a trainee, Chanyoung is the youngest then. He did a lot of aegyo to me and he acted cute a lot as well.
Hyunwook: This member is Hyunoh isn’t it? He has a lot of aegyo and cute, so sometimes I think he’s the youngest.
Hyunho: It’s Chanyoung. He’s a very mischievous boy.
Hyunoh: I think Minhyuk has a baby-like charm. How should I say this? Like a baekchimi…? (someone who is ignorant but somehow charming)
Minhyuk: I think it's Hyunho. He looks quite scary and strong on the outside. But when we talk, he’s cute like a baby.
Chanyoung: I think it's Hyunho. Unlike his appearance, he’s soft-hearted and shy. So, I think Hyunho is very cute!
Jungseung: Chanyoung haha. He has lots of aegyo and sometimes he’s cute too.
Dylan: I think it’s Chanyoung. We share the same room and compared to me who is the youngest, he’s cuter and loves snacks so much like a kid!
14. Can you share other member’s hidden charms which would make Diana fall more in love with D-CRUNCH?
O.V: Minhyuk’s hidden charm that cannot be hidden is his cuteness. Once you fall for his charms, you will get lost in his cuteness. Diana~ please know that from now on
Hyunwook: I’m the same age with Hyunho, but I can learn a lot from him and he’s a reliable person. Whenever I asked something from him, he always do his best to help and you can trust him. We’re the same age but I really respect and like him.
Hyunho: Dylan is young and cute, but sometimes he can be more mature and manly than me. So, I’m surprised.
Hyunoh: He looks like a mischievous boy. But when he’s leading the team, his hidden charisma is very cool. He’s good at making songs, good at talking and exercise hard too. O.V is very charming, isn’t he?!
Minhyuk: Jungseung’s charm is that he usually looks like a Binggumi (silly but cute and lovely), but whenever he’s working he’ll change 180 degree and I think that is very attractive.
Chanyoung: Hyunwook sings very well and he's so handsome. He has a good heart. He's good at everything and he's good at taking care of the members. ❤️
Jungseung: When on stage, Chanyoung is very sexy and he looks so cool while dancing. But off stage, I think he has the same personality as me. I think Chanyoung’s hidden charm is that he looks a bit like a fool. Haha
Dylan: Hyunoh is very sexy when he’s on stage. But off stage, he’s a very warm and cute person.
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15. If you had to pick just one D-CRUNCH’s song to introduce to others, which song would it be?
O.V: Urm… I want to introduce all of the songs but I can’t. So I’d choose I’m OK. Since everyone is going through hard time these days and wish to be comforted, I hope you can cheer up and find strength by listening to our songs!
Hyunwook: I want to introduce this album title track, Across The Universe. Haha
Hyunho: I want to introduce One Word. I hope this precious One Word will give you a lot of strength.
Hyunoh: Well, it depends on the person's preference. But if I had to introduce according to my preference, I’d like to recommend Calyx, the fan song in this album.
Minhyuk: A song in this album which called One Word. This song makes me feel comfortable and I've been listening to it all the time these days!
Chanyoung: I'd like to recommend a song called One Word. This is because it has a unique charm that you can't find in D-CRUNCH’s title track!
Jungseung: I think most of D-CRUNCH’s title tracks are strong and powerful and many of the non-title tracks are the opposite and good to listen to, so please listen to them a lot!
Dylan: I think I will introduce the title track, Across The Universe. I want to show them our stage performance video too. Ha ha.
16. Few months left for 2020. Anything you wish to accomplish before the year ends?
O.V: I'd like to read the book that my mother bought me. Hahahaha. I think I'll read a little bit more if I write it down like this!!
Hyunwook: It's a pity that 2020 went by so quickly, without many memories. For the remaining two months, I want to make happy and good memories with Diana.
Hyunho: I want to meet, communicate and make memories with Diana.
Hyunoh: With this album we will definitely fly~!!!
Minhyuk: I want to show you that D-CRUNCH is growing into a cooler side.
Chanyoung: I want to go on a trip with the members before the year ends. I hope more people will know about D-CRUNCH with this album.
Jungseung: I hope we can finish our promotion without any injuries until the end of this year. I want to make a big dream and be in the music program ranking!
Dylan: Before the year ends, I want to go to the amusement park and fly just like the name of this album.
17. What is your goal or wish for the year 2021?
O.V: Rather than looking forward to many things, the things that we’re doing now, this comeback! It's my wish that this life will continue smoothly and my goal is to do my best and be satisfied with the outcomes!
Hyunwook: I hope the bad situation ends. Once the situation gets better, I hope we can meet many overseas’ fans, communicate with them and do performances too. Through this, I realized how precious ordinary daily life is and I hope in 2021, it will be as what we wish to be!!
Hyunho: I want to meet with Diana from various countries!
Hyunoh: As always, my wish is to spend a healthy year while cherishing my people and love each other. Everyone, I love you >_<
Minhyuk: My goal for 2021 is to win first place on music shows, and my wish is to let the public know more about D-CRUNCH! Also, I hope all our members are always healthy and won't get hurt!
Chanyoung: My wish for 2021! D-CRUNCH to be number one on music shows!! 👍👍👍
Jungseung: My wish and goal for 2021 is that D-Crunch will grow more and be more mature.
Dylan: My goal for 2021, since it'll be the year that I become an adult, I want to do more activities and I want to be a broad-minded person like the broad world. I want to make more memories with Diana. Everyone, I love you and I Dylang you!!!
18. How do you want Diana to remember D-CRUNCH?
O.V: Cute idols who are chasing their dreams…? When I think about us, I think that is the closest!! All of us are the kids who are working hard to achieve success. Please give us a lot of love, Diana~~
Hyunwook: I want to be remembered as a group that works hard and also as a great group. I will put a lot of effort to achieve that. I also want to hear that we are a group that create something with our fans.
Hyunho: I hope you will always remember the passionate D-CRUNCH.
Hyunoh: Not only as a group who is good at singing and dancing, I hope we can be remembered as a group that cares and cherishes everyone. So, I will continue to work hard.
Minhyuk: Not only the good songs, but I hope you remember us as a team that is cool on every stage, has a distinct individual colour and has excellent teamwork.
Chanyoung: I hope you will remember us as a team that works hard in everything they do, always outgoing and bright, has great skills~ and great teamwork too! ^^
Jungseung: I hope whenever D-CRUNCH appears in Diana’s playlist, they will think, “Ah, I love their songs!”, “Oh, they are good at dancing!”. These kinds of thoughts.
Dylan: I’d be happy if you remember us as a team with good visual and performance, and good teamwork. ^_^
19. It has been one year and a half since your visit to Malaysia. Anything that you miss or something that you wish you had done back then?
O.V: I'm sure it's the same for any performances, but I really miss the way you cheered and sang along every time. It’s unfortunate that... I can't show you the current me...? Hahaha, I'm kidding. I can't wait to see you again!
Hyunwook: The sky walk in Penang was so memorable and I was so happy that Malaysian fans cheered and responded so much. So, I think I remember and miss every day I spent in Malaysia.
Hyunho: It would have been nice to make more memories with Malaysian Diana, but it was disappointing that time went by so quickly. I hope to see you longer next time.
Hyunoh: I miss everything. From the performances to the fan signing events, the fun corner and the anticipation of going to another country really made me excited and happy. What's sad is that I always feel sadder about the day I left, “Couldn't I have been nicer to the fans?”, “Couldn't I have shown a better side?” with that in mind, I wanted to go to Malaysia again.
Minhyuk: I think the time we spent together with our fans. I want to go to Malaysia again to meet and talk with my fans. ㅜㅜ!!
Chanyoung: Next time I go to Malaysia, I want to perform more! I want to look around the shopping malls too!
Jungseung: It has been a year and a half since I visited Malaysia, time flies... First, I want to meet with Diana! I also want to visit the shopping malls again! There are many things to see and lots of delicious food. So, I have good memories.
Dylan: I really miss Diana in Malaysia and the next time I go, I want to do a lot of performances and make lots of good memories with Diana.
20. Lastly, can you say a few words to Malaysian Diana?
Watch and rewatch D-CRUNCH’s latest MV here!
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