#.     DASH  PROMPT .     ›     mirror  reflections .
khozmoh · 9 months
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. 𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 .
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚝
character’s full name: czcibor jakub stilinski
reason or meaning of name: to fight with honor, defender of honor, worshipping the fight. supplanter, seizing the heel, may god protect. good, god's plan.
character’s nickname: cosmo, czyk ( pronounced ' check ' )
reason for nickname: easier to pronounce
birth date: april 8
𝚙𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎
age: verse dependent , late twenties / early thirties default
how old do they appear: verse dependent , late twenties / early thirties default
weight: fluctuates , between 75-82 kgs
height: 5'11"
body build: athletic
shape of face: heart / diamond
eye color: warm whiskey brown
glasses or contacts: glasses
skin tone: pale, cool
predominant features: nose, it's an interesting shape and is his most noticable feature when first encountering him, his most memorable feature are his eyes. ringed by dark shadows and surprisingly intense, when he looks at people it can feel as if he's seeing more than just you
hair color: dark chestnut brown
type of hair: thick, wavy
hairstyle: longish, choppy, layered and unkept
voice: has a distinct croakiness / huskiness, sounds rougher and an octave lower than o'briens natural voice
physical disabilities: poor eyesight, mild light sensitivity
usual fashion of dress: casual, practical streetwear. a lot of sneakers, trackpants, graphic tees and hoodies. he layers up and often dresses in clothes a size or two too big for him and is always wearing a pair of black forearm bands
favorite outfit: comfortable pair of shorts, a graphic tee, and sneakers
jewelry or accessories: a vial necklace, a polished wood and ceramic ring, a watch
good personality traits: loyal, intelligent, observant, thoughtful
bad personality traits: irritable, rude, apathetic, combative
mood character is most often in: irritated and tired
sense of humor: dry and sarcastic
character’s greatest joy in life: hanging out with family / friends
character’s greatest fear: large bodies of water, the dark, and being alone
what single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: his brother being in danger and not being able to do anything about it
character is most at ease when: he's able to relax with people he trusts / is comfortable with
most ill at ease when: he's alone or is in a highly social setting without trusted company
enraged when: his family / friends are threatened or in danger
depressed or sad when: he's always depressed
priorities: providing for his family
life philosophy: what would [insert loved one's name here] do?, alternatively: what would [insert loved one's name here] want me to do?
if granted one wish, it would be: not to have his seer abilities
why? they make him miserable and have not once benefitted him or those he cares about
character’s soft spot: his family / friends, animals
is this soft spot obvious to others?: his soft spot for his family and animals is obvious to everyone, his soft spot to his friends is a little harder to notice because he's mean / harsh to them
greatest strength: his intelligence and his affinity for technology
greatest vulnerability or weakness: he's loyal to a fault, his devotion to people he considers close to him can be easily manipulated and abused by the wrong people
biggest regret: attempting suicide / not saving his brother from the nogitsune
minor regret: not seeing his friends as often as he wants to
character’s darkest secret: he hated his mother before she died
does anyone else know?: his former psychiatrist
drives and motivations: his family / friends, spite, hope that things can / will get better
long term goals: maintain the g1itch network that harbors, aids and abets preternatural beings
how the character plans to accomplish these goals: he's taken active steps to providing protection and sanctuary to many preternatural beings attempting to live their lives peacefully by supplying resources and concealing their movements from hunters
how other characters will be affected: they won't be, cosmo keeps his activities mostly secret unless someone has been referred to him by family / friends / allies
hometown: beacon hills, california
type of childhood: turbulent
pets: none
earliest memory: sunlight beaming through a high window, a room bathed in warm yellow light, he's on a window seat looking down at the street below
most important childhood memory: the day he found out claudia attacked stiles on the roof. his memory of finding stiles so shaken, ruffled and scratched up is so vivid, not a single moment has been forgotten.
why: it's a core memory, it's a memory that has shaped him into the person that he is. he loved his mum, idolized her, he thought she was perfect and safe and if someone he loved and cherished that much could do that to someone that she was supposed to love then anyone is capable of anything.
childhood hero: his dad. all cops are bastards . . . but he saw how his dad comforted people in the station, saw how he allowed perpetrators their dignity, how he didn't let his feelings cloud how fundamental respecting others was to him. he wishes he was more like his dad.
dream job: he's always wanted to work at nasa.
education: master's graduate in engineering, phd in computer science.
finances: lower working class.
current location: midtown terrace, san francisco
currently living with: he lives alone until he moves back to beacon hills.
pets: later in life he gets a rescue pitbull called moo.
religion: none.
occupation: computer and technical analyst.
finances: upper working class.
color: green, deep earthy greens, dark cool greens, pale mint greens.
least favorite color: vomit yellow.
music: r&b.
food: venison.
literature: the expanse by james s.a. corey.
form of entertainment: live music performances, theatre productions, stand-up comedy, street busking.
mode of transportation: skateboarding.
hobbies: brazilian jujitsu, working out, geo-caching, skateboarding, exploring cities, food stall tours, seeing live bands / concerts, going to threatre productions, stand-up comedy or watching street performers.
plays a musical instrument? he used to play guitar for a while, could probably still remember how to play a few things.
plays a sport? no, or kind of? he doesn't compete but has been a sparring buddy for a few fighters in san fran.
how they would spend a rainy day: miserably in-doors, probably working on random personal projects if it's a weekend.
spending habits: he doesn't like spending money frivolously, he's very minimal, buying only the essentials. the things he might splurge regularly on is eating out and good coffee but typically prefers to hunt down free entertainment. he'll save for a single vacation a year but most of his income either goes to the family home's mortgage, paying his, his brothers, and his fathers schooling / medical debts.
smokes: no, thankfully.
drinks: yes, in all verses save for ones with @volatilehearted, he drinks excessively.
other drugs: yes, he has prescription sleeping pills that are monitored quite heavily by his gp due to his past and which he will only take sparingly as when he takes them it's almost impossible to wake up until they've worn off and considering the kind of nightmares / dreams, premonitions and visions he has that can be dangerous for him. he also indulges in weed every now and again. used to smoke it, now just takes gummies.
extremely skilled at: computer programming, cybersecurity, encryption.
extremely unskilled at: socialising, communicating his feelings, being emotionally vulnerable / understanding.
usual body posture: slouched / hunched over himself, closed off body language, hands in pockets, facing away from others, head down.
optimist or pessimist? pessimist.
introvert or extrovert? introvert.
daredevil or cautious? cautious.
logical or emotional? logical.
disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? methodical and neat.
prefers working or relaxing? prefers working.
confident or unsure of themself? unsure.
animal lover? absolutely.
one word the character would use to describe self: tired.
what does the character consider their best personality trait? reliable. once he's assigned a task he'll get it done and then some, typically goes above and beyond and is extremely dependable, sometimes to his own detriment.
what does the character consider their worst personality trait? apathetic. it's hard for him to care unless it's about someone he has a personal and strong connection to. he thinks it makes him a " bad " or " unsafe " person.
what does the character consider their best physical characteristic? if he absolutely had to pick something, his hands. they're not super soft but they're not too harsh / calloused either. good for handholding, good for working, good for combing through someone's hair.
what does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? literally everything else, he is deeply uncomfortable in his own body.
how does the character think others perceive them: he thinks he comes across as an awkward weirdo loser that people think could have been a s.chool sh.ooter.
what would the character most like to change about themselves: he wants to be kinder, he wants compassion and empathy to be natural instead of something he has to consciously convince himself to be.
𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜
opinion of other people in general: very low. he has a bitter outlook on most people, thinks they're selfish cowards, is always expecting the worst from people and acts accordingly.
does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? yes and no. he is very honest about his negative opinions and emotions towards others. he will actively lie or hide his positive opinions or emotions towards others behind sarcasm and insults unless he is extremely close to them and they need a pep talk. he will rarely if ever expose his romantic feelings towards others.
person character most hates: gerard argent, th.eo raeken is a close second
best friend(s): Lol
love interest(s): Double Lol
person character goes to for advice: his dad
person character feels responsible for or takes care of: his brother and his brothers assorted friends that are content at stressing him the fuck out.
person character feels shy or awkward around: everyone and their uncle ( probably derek though ), in some cases scott.
person character openly admires: his dad, also chris argent.
person character secretly admires: scott.
most important person in character’s life before story starts: stiles.
after story starts: stiles lmao
tagged by : nada, seen on @lazaruhs i think ?? tagging : this is actually insanely long so if you see it, i challenge you to save it to drafts and plug away at it when you're bored.
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takhalaa · 1 year
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—  howlite .
you  thirst  for  knowledge  with  a  one  track  mind.  goal  orientated  and  focused,  it's  always  been  easy  for  you  to  drive  ahead.  you  won't  let  anything  stop  you  from  obtaining  your  goals.  and  you  want  those  around  you  to  succeed  as  well.  you  push  your  loved  ones  and  while  it  might  be  overbearing  at  times,  you  try  to  be  someone  who  lifts  up  the  people  around  them  to  their  own  level.  i  fear  one  day  you  might  burn  out.  you  might  finally  reach  where  you're  going  and  realize  you  never  appreciated  the  process.  what  happens  once  you  have  all  you've  wanted?  where  does  the  path  end?
tagged  by  :    @ofthepuzzle    ♡♡♡♡ tagging  :    @apricotheart, @rasungan, @aoiinome, @diceluck, @duoscuri, @iilahalzili, @kaigome, @llbertas, @neverwavers
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cupcakeinat0r · 7 months
Thinkin' abt DadBod!Miguel at the gym <3
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You'd been going to the gym routinely, or at least trying to. You decided to go after working up the courage and convincing yourself that this was just for fun. That your body was your temple, and you were tending to it, no matter how it looked <3
The first week wasn't so bad. After embarrassingly tripping on equipment or accidentally dropping weights here and there, it was alright! Though at times, it was still difficult to stay consistent, until one day, you saw him.
Over on the other side of the gym, curling some dumbbells (100s, mind you), was a total 6-foot, thick, hairy dream of a man. You first noticed his chiseled face adorned by fine lines, locks of black hair framing it. With each draw of the weights, his biceps bulged. Beads of sweat trickled down his bulky chest and wide shoulders. When your eyes wander downward, you're surprised to not find washboard abs.
Oh no, what you find instead excites you even more than any pack of abs could offer you.
Your mouth waters slightly to find that his tank top has ridden up slightly over his hefty belly, graciously allowing a peek at a happy trail, its path sadly blocked by some basketball shorts (his cute bubble butt and giant dick print made up for it tho).
Despite his low, breathy grunts and intense crimson gaze towards his own reflection, he was making it look easy. You thought about how easy it'd probably be for him to carry you bride-style and throw you onto a bed before spreading your legs with those enormous hands so he could feast until your eyes crossed. Or how it'd be effortless for him to hold you tightly with your legs wrapped around that stocky midsection of his while he bullied his-
"'scuse me, you waiting for this bench?" a deep voice snaps you out of a daydream. You see the man is now looking at you with what looks like a knowing smirk. Fuck, he noticed you staring.
"Oh! N-no, was just looking for the 10s!" You blurt, evoking a velvety chuckle and dashing smile from him.
"Right over there." He motions with his chin toward the weight rack where the 10s are obviously displayed. After you thanked him, He smiled and nodded back to you, turning back toward the mirror to do his last set.
The second week felt like no problem. Instead of dragging yourself to the gym, you looked forward to it, scanning for your new gym crush every time you entered.
You'd feel a lil surge of happiness when you do find him there, feeling brave enough to exchange smiles and sometimes even little waves from across the gym. One time, the older man made you swoon when he winked at you upon entering the gym. After seeing your cute reaction, this would be how he greeted you every time.
The third week came You're at the squat rack, feeling stronger than usual, so you opt to go the heaviest you've ever gone. Big mistake. By the third rep, you fail to get back up, panicking and legs shaking. Just when you feel yourself start to fall, you see a pair of hands dart toward the bar from behind you, lifting it with ease and allowing you to stand back up. The bar is re-racked and you turn to find gym bae.
"You okay?" he gently prompts, a worried look on his face.
"Yes, thank you... think I might've gone too heavy." you nervously chuckle. He does as well, seeing that you're alright.
"Next time you go for a PR, you need to ask for a spotter, hun." He gives you that dashing smile again, his hands on his love handles.
"Yeah, I probably should've," you lower your head in defeat, "I didn't bring anyone with me though."
"You could've asked me," He says matter of factly as if it should've been obvious that he should be the one to spot you. "I would've done it with no problem, mama." His pet names make your womanhood pulse.
You look back up at him, your lips curled into a shy smile.
"C'mon, let's try again." "No, no, mama, I got that, I'll put it away for you." "Keep your knees like this-theeeere you go. "Gimme one more, mama, just one more, you can do it." "Atta girl! Good job, mamita."
You learned that his name is Miguel. He'd become your designated spotter on leg days, the sensation of his larger frame against yours making you nervous in the best way.
Your favorite is when his tummy accidentally brushes against your back, and borderline, your ass, and if not his tummy, it'd be his prominent bulge (which isn't there bc he gets to spot the adorable girl with an amazing ass from the gym... totally not that).
On the Fourth week, Miguel would ask you if you wanted to be workout buddies altogether. Of course, you accept, in which he asks for your number so like that, he can text you when he's going and vice versa.
It's the fifth week, and you both have worked out together a couple times already. Miguel texted you in the morning asking if you'd like to join him, which you were totally down for.
You two started with lateral pull-downs. Once it was your turn, you sat on the machine and reached for the handle, pulling it as you began your set.
Anytime you felt like you wanted advice or correction, Miguel eagerly helped you.
His hands would stay on your waist, his warm breath tickling your ear. "Mhm, there you go, you're doin' so good, mama." He praises in almost a whisper.
If only he knew he was making the exercise only harder. As if that weren't enough, his finger would occasionally message your hip. Your bodies were so close that you were able to hear each satisfied hum from his lips, suggesting you were doing the exercise right.
"Good girl, that was better. You feel it now?" He says, letting go to let you off the machine.
"Yeah, thank you! When it comes to upper body, I'll need all the help I can get. I'm just glad I’m getting it from an upper-body master." You flirtatiously add, playfully poking at one of his biceps.
This makes him blush, but only for a moment before he returns with a cocky response, "Thanks, hun. I'm glad to be working out with a leg-day goddess."
Now it was your turn to blush, except you didn't have any smart comeback, boosting Miguel's ego.
"Listen, let me treat you to smoothie after this, yeah?" He says it more like a statement than a request, and you happily oblige.
What you were expecting was a simple, cheap smoothie from a spot you usually go to, but instead, you're met with a drive-thru menu listing shakes from $20 and up. Oh he got moneyyyy.
Miguel tells you to pick any that looks good to you. He orders for himself and you as well, parking the car once the two of you get the smoothies.
As he sips from the cup, you take the opportunity to subtly glance at his figure, his muscles, how his pecs sit beautifully on top of his soft belly, his thighs constrained by the confines of his gym shorts. You think how badly you wanna sit there, grinding on the print 'til there was a wet spot-
"Something on your mind, mama?" You look back at him, taking a few seconds to register his words.
You hastily look back down at your drink and shake your head, “Nothing… thank you so much for this, it’s delicious!”
then he grabs the shoulder of your chair to lean toward you, “Of course, mama, but I don’t think you’re being completely truthful with me, hm?”
You look at him, playfully shaking your head again, knowing full well you’ve been caught.
“What’s in that pretty lil head of yours, hm? dime.” He puts the smoothie into the cup holder to free his other hand, placing it on your thigh, and softly squeezes it. “Just say the word, and you’ll get anything you want.”
Your lips curl slyly as you think of a response.
“Well… we never did cardio.”
Now you were here in his car, being bounced on his fat dick on the passenger seat, holding onto his his big shoulders for dear life. You were basically his fleshlight at this point… with those big hands.
You could feel his body now taut against yours, your tits bouncing relentlessly, his muscled, thick thighs below your ass, his balls slapping against your pussy lips, his bush tickling your clit, his pelvis pushing your ass up and his curved belly against your front side. It all was sending you into euphoria.
With you vigorously bouncing on his cock and his beautiful moaning, you fully let go. “Aw yes, Daddy,“ you mumbled without thinking.
In fact, you couldn’t think at all. All you knew was this fat cock and your pussy was memorizing all its veins and curves.
“Mmfuck baby, yea, say that again f’me”, he groaned through gritted teeth as he mercilessly bounced you down his painfully hard shaft.
“Please, Daddy, please!” You whined with your hands desperately seeking support on his big shoulders.
You can feel the sheet of sweat on his belly and on his thighs, which turned the smacking of your ass sound even more lewd.
“Fuck, say it again.” He growled, getting faster now.
“Mmmm, Daddy— Daddy, pleaseeee.”
“Louder, baby, c’mon—“
“Oh FUCK… you wanted cardio, baby, I’ll give you cardio… fuckin’ take it… coño.” Your panting became synchronized with every pound of his cock into your abused and bruised cunt, getting higher and higher in pitch, firing him up to go faster and harder.
“Gonna cum on this fat cock, right? Gonna cum f’me, mami?” He ordered, dropping octaves from his usual gentle tone with you.
“Mmmnn, Nnyesyyesyesyes—“ you babbled, the shakiness of your voice the result of the aggressive bouncing.
“Ah… carajo…” his cock accidentally slips out from your cunt, making you wince from the sudden empty sensation, “ungh!”
Holding up your ass, he takes a moment to admire the view, hissing from the sight of his angrily red cock and veins pulsing from your cunt sucking him in so deliciously. A ring of your cream erotically placed at the base of his length, just above his perfect bush. He guides his fat tip back to your dripping cunt using his thumb, pushing it back into your swollen folds.
He was back to ramming into your abused cunt in no time, chasing each others high’s.
“C’mon…fuck, c’mon, mama, you’re almost there…. Aw f-fuck… almost there…” he moans with his brows knitted and through a clenched jaw.
“Daddy I’m g’na— I’m cummingimcummingimcumming—“
“Aw, fuck, asi— asi mami— ah, ah…” Miguel holds back choked whines as he get closer, not allowing himself to let go until he knew you came first.
You speak in gibberish before crying into your climax, Miguel letting out a long, exasperated groan when he reaches his. You can feel his hot cum overfilling you, making you whine as it leaks down your thigh.
After draining himself completely, making sure every drop was in you, he gently pulls out, “Fuck… you did so good for me, mama… so good.”
Miguel lets you rest against his heaving chest and soft belly, rubbing your back as you caught your breath. You smiled a tired smile when you notice how hard Miguel is breathing as well, knowing you worked him out, too.
“You ok, mamita?” He plants a tender kiss on your shoulder, making a trail up your neck and finally to your forehead.
“Mhm,” you hum, you look up at him and are met with his plump, wet lips, tongues becoming entangled with each other as he groans into your mouth.
“I say… we do cardio like this every day.”
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A/n: Haiii, I hope u liked it <3 Love my man sm <3 None of my gym baes could ever compare to himmmmm😭😭😭
@angel-of-the-moons Ty Ty Ty my luv for planting the seed in my head <3
Want more DadBod!Miguel ? Here’s my master list, bae!!
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nouearth · 1 year
a lover's quarrel.
pairing ; dick grayson x m!reader. fandom: ; dc, nightwing. word count ; 589. genre; fluff. rating ; pg. warnings ; blue is dick's color, playful quarreling, stressed!dick.
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“okay, just gotta get my keys and-“ dick’s voice caught onto the draft when he entered the bathroom, lips parted as he was dumbstruck when your outfit met his eye. 
the fifth try at your necktie kept you alert, attentive to every loop and knot the mirror reflected back at you. the night has been stressful and you admitted to yourself that it was a conscious effort to drown out dick’s voice, especially when he’s been stressed and cranky ever since bruce called to have dinner with the two of you. though you couldn’t blame him. it’ll be your first time meeting bruce and from what dick has told—maybe even convinced—you of him, he seemed intimidating.
with one last tug, you broke out into a wide smile when the blue tartan necktie lied neatly on your chest, completing the rest of your outfit. you’ve never been too keen on dressing this formally, but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t think you looked good—handsome even.
“huh! what do you think?“ the tie swung with you when you turned towards your boyfriend, your hands gestured downwards the length of your figure where your gaze would follow and his does too. “don’t i look dashing? haven’t dressed like this since my friend’s funeral-“
“change your tie.” dick bluntly stated, an uncompromising tone that you’re set to deter.
 “what- no! why!” you turned back towards the mirror in disbelief, brows furrowed in frustration as you began adjusting your tie again, ignoring the approaching man occupying the space to your side.
“come on, we can’t meet bruce with matching ties!” 
“what are you talking about?” the roll of your eyes met the back of your eyelids as you had already convinced yourself dick was being dramatic again, but you were tongue-tied when your gaze landed on a familiar pattern. blue tartan. “oh- okay, well i started dressing up first! you saw me grab the tie!”
 “yet you finished last!” he grumbled, marching back into the bedroom. you heard his drawer opening, which prompted you to follow him—only after double-checking your dress-shirt is wrinkle free and your hair is up to satisfaction. “and i saw you with A TIE, not with THE TIE.”
“what’s the point in even gifting me this tie if i can’t wear it? and why did you buy me the same one you already have?!” you watched dick shuffle through his assortment of neckties as you leaned against the doorway, arms crossed. the sound of fabric swept over another filled the silence while dick began narrowing down different options, pondering.
“…because it’s cute to have matching ties.” amusing yet annoying, that was all you could say about this argument—if you could even call it that.
“then what’s the problem-“
“just not tonight, y/n.” turning back, dick squinted as he held several different neckties out towards you as if you were a ken doll, framing the accessory just beneath your chin so it would align with your actual tie.
“oh my god, then why don’t you change your tie?”
“blue looks great on me.”
“okay, well so do i?”
“washes you out a bit.” you scoffed. usually you’d fire back with a banter, but you’re much too annoyed to keep this going. instead, you neared closer to him only to fall back onto the bed with a composed sigh, arms sprawled out to open the space between your chest, expecting dick to change your tie for you.
“how about red?”
“dick, i swear to god-“
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works.
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soraviie · 1 year
Anguish similar to the one you wrote to jimin? Like a couple's fight, the silent treatment, etc
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━ type: jungkook x gn! reader   ━ navigation
━ about: angst!
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"Are you still sleeping on Taehyung's couch?"
The question is not posed out of any ill-intent, Jungkook knows Hoseok like the back of his palm — the man was not capable bearing any malice towards his little brother but all the same it irks him and because of it he snaps the reply like one would snap a twig annoyingly poking them in a side.
"Where else am I supposed to go? I can't just kick...them out of the home," he replies, pulling the cap lower so no one could see his eyes. These days he would prefer his face not be seen at all
"Home you two built," Hoseok reminds ever so helpfully and Jungkook hates, he hates how his heart clenches, how his resolve begins to crumble at the mere indirect mention of you.
He doesn't want to crumble. He wants to be right because he is right and Jungkook knows he won't care about right or wrong if he sees you; he won't care that you yelled at him, that you hurt him — he'll just grovel to have you back and frankly, a part of him is tired of grovelling.
Another part is even more tired of pretending he hates you. That there's a single possible bone in his body that ever could.
But pride is a funny thing and it's because of pride his back hurts like a bitch and he's snapped at more than just Hoseok in the span of just one short hour.
"That means jack-shit right now," he mutters venomously underneath his breath and after heaving a long, long sigh Hoseok leaves him be.
Waking up alone was easy, eating alone was easy, Jungkook's an idol, he's used to it. What's not easy is coming home, it's coming back home and feeling a sense of strangeness in his own front hallway. Bam, of course, is overjoyed, you — not so much.
In trying to avoid you, all the quicker Jungkook stumbles upon you — half leaned down over a boiling pot of soup, steam filling up the kitchen like a sauna.
"What are you doing here?" you ask nervously and Jungkook hates himself. He hates himself because his tone is harsh and his face is cold and none of it reflects what he actually feels inside.
"It's my home too," he scoffs thus prompting a chain reaction. More than once had the boys teased him about being in a hive mind, about having his own mirror in you because you're so similar which of course means the second he scoffs, you do the same and any lingering hopes of this home being warm once more are dashed into non-existence.
He finds the bed untouched. Seemingly you've decided to relocate yourself into the guest room and though he has all the right, Jungkook doesn't want to sleep in it without you. It was something intended for you both. He wonders whether you thought the same. Whatever the case may be, Jungkook settles himself on the couch, thinking of the positives. For one, it's much softer than Taeheyung's and two, he doesn't have to stare down one of his friend's weird statues in the middle of the night and be left wondering whether a demon is watching him sleep.
His home, however, is horrifyingly quiet.
And so is the apartment.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 8 months
Idk how to word prompts but like Ghost turning into a werewolf but he regresses as well from how stressed out he was all day from the full moon (maybe Gaz, Price or Roach see him?? Idk you decide) -🐯
You get a drabble :33
It's probably not perfect I wrote it at 5am
He growls at first. His body all sorts of different, scars and chopped fur after his transformation. A large majority of the scars due to Roba's "care". Or lack thereof. He was about the size of a Saint Bernard, but less fluffy. Just big, if not a little bigger than a saint Bernard.
Ghost is untrusting with everyone. Getting a scent helped though. He had to be reintroduced almost every time, unless he was feeling really small. His headspace could reflect on what size he was when he transformed, but not after that.
The full moon rapidly approaching had him in shambles. Prepping everything, foods, a change of clothes for after. Making sure everything was perfect... It wasn't even that big of a deal. Johnny just couldn't know.
Outside of food, and some wolf necessities, he was taking care of Soap. He purposefully got him regressed and hyper all day so he would sleep the whole night. Maybe he shouldn't have done it with sweets, but he did what he had to do. It worked, Soap was tuckered out and he was getting a full night's sleep.
Ghost was not. He was pulling his things outside, the food and a large dog bed. He didn't want to even be inside on the off chance that Soap would look for him.
It couldn't come fast enough. The full moon taking its rein over the night sky. It almost reflected blue off mirrors facing the moon.
Ghost simply blinked up at it, exhaustion taking him as he managed his painful transformation. A wolf, bigger than a saint Bernard but not by much. His size stunted slightly compared to other werewolves, he could blame his family for that. The lack of nutrients, safety, and pack bonding growing up was hard, mentally and physically.
He had those things now, except for the lack bonding... It was dangerous, but he wasn't going to let Soap know. He'd be upset.
The stress was catching up to him. All his worried about Soap learning about him.. they, too, managed to burrow into his head and stay there. Clouding it in fuzziness.
A whistle got his attention, ears perking up as his head whipped around. Gaz had a specific whistle, this was more like his. Price's was more generic.
"Cmere, boy." Gaz called to him, sitting on a crappy piece of lawn furniture as he beckoned him closer. He must be tracking the moon cycle. The last two times, it was Gaz who was there. Always with toys or games.
His tail wagged, suddenly pulled out of his upset mood. The fuzziness stayed, but it didn't feel hindering. More like freeing. Like a pup. Simon dashed up to Gaz, plopping his furry bottom on the ground next to him.
"good boy, you wanna play, si?" Gaz 100% used the tone people typically reserve for puppies. He hair couldn't help it, Simon was both adorable, and lacking his usual bite.
Simon eagerly agreed.
Play time laster far, far longer than it should have. Gaz's hands were gross with spit covered toys that he threw for Ghost. And Ghost was tuckered out. The rules were strict, which also got him sleepy. No barking, no yipping, no growling (unless it was playful). The barking could wake up Soap, his own rule to follow.
The dog bed was accompanied by the both of them. Gaz sitting down first then Simon joining, laying his big head on his lap while he still panted from the toys. It was all so good. For now, he forgot he was scared. The toys still caught his eyes, but then he averted them when the distraction got annoying.
"You did good, Si, sleep it off...." Gaz muttered to him as he pet the coarse fur throughout Ghost's body.
A wet snoot pressed against Gaz's cheek in a few seconds. He got a lap full of heavy, whiney wolf. He didn't want to sleep... He wanted pets, and cuddles, and Johnny... Soap wasn't an option, so he had to stick to the other two.
"I know, si..." Gaz wheezed out. He still hugged Simon even though he was too heavy for a lap dog... Lap wolf?
Loud whimpers came from him as he pressed his snoot up against Gaz's chin instead. Whining and huffing.
The affection was nice, if only it actually soothed the ache in his chest. He wanted Johnny to pet him, tell him he was good too.
It just wasn't in the cards.
Gaz softly stroked Ghost's fur until the whining stopped and he slumped against him instead. The dog bed grew more uncomfortable, but Gaz didn't dare leave. He kept a sad Ghost in his lap.
Whispered assurances got Ghost shifting so Gaz could breathe, then scratches behind the ear had him wagging his tail again. Happier, at least a little.
His head came to rest back on Gaz's thigh. Simon let himself breathe and just be a puppy for now, despite his big size. Gaz was there, that's all he could ask for. Someone to watch over him.
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
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Home At Last
Fandom: Real Person Fiction
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Henry Cavill x female!reader
Prompt: Henry returns home from filming and the first thing he wants is you
Word Count: 671
Warnings: est.relationship, oral sex, smut, mentions of quarantine
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Bo’s barking alerted you to the fact that Henry was home before you heard the tyres on the gravel driveway. You didn’t rush to finish dressing from your shower, remaining in your towel as you sauntered to the bedroom window and pulled the curtains to the side, looking down at the front of the house. Henry’s car came to a stop and he climbed out, quickly followed by Kal, who dashed for the front door, barking in reply to Bo as she howled behind the glass.
Turning away, you heard the door open and Henry’s low voice as he greeted Bo, who instantly ran out into the yard to join Kal, both of them barking and overjoyed to be reunited after so long apart. The quarantine had added even more time to the period of separation, and you doubted they would need long to wear themselves out running around the enclosed front part of the house.
You unwrapped your hair from the towel, picking up a brush to run it through as loud footsteps came up the steps. Henry appeared, reflected in the mirror and you smiled at him through it, quickly getting rid of the tangles in your hair.
“There she is,” he murmured, drinking you in.
“I would have dressed up nice,” you replied, putting the brush down and turning to him. “But I had the feeling it would have been pointless.”
His brilliant grin revealed his pointed canines and you shuddered, barely having time to react as he approached, pulling you into his arms. “You smell amazing,” he groaned, grinding his lower half into you.
“I would hope so, I just showered.”
He chuckled, pulling back to rest his forehead against yours. Bo and Kal were still barking and his eyes flickered to the window in brief amusement. “I think they’re happy to see each other.”
“I know the feeling,” you whispered, pushing up onto tiptoes to initiate another kiss. Henry’s hands slid your ass, fingertips grazing underneath the towel to find your bare skin, groaning as you wiggled in his hold.
“Let me taste you,” he moaned, already dropping to his knees. You didn’t resist, lifting your leg when he slid his hand under your knee, propping it easily on his shoulder. The action lifted the towel, baring your freshly shaven pussy to his gaze and he groaned again, leaning forward without hesitation, flicking his tongue out to brush against your folds. “Oh, baby…”
Your fingers curled around the dresser behind you as his tongue delved deeper, finding the sink of your entrance, tracing it and teasing it until your head was flung back in a whine of need. Henry heard it, lapping and sucking eagerly at you, pushing you right to the very edge of losing control. You shuddered from head to toe, holding yourself up with one elbow on the wooden frame, feeling his hand sneak up around your thigh.
In one swift move, he was burying his tongue inside you properly, fucking it in and out, leaving you quivering and desperate to cum. When he pulled back only to attack your clit, sucking and tonguing the sensitive bud, you nearly slipped but his strong hold was your saving grace.
“H-Hen -” you panted, reaching down to slide your fingers through his dark curls.
He looked up, breathless and flushed. “What?” You jerked your head towards the bed, and he followed the movement, a smile spreading across his face. “Later,” he muttered, reaching for his belt with one hand, quickly freeing his cock. “There’s a perfectly good surface right here.”
You didn’t get a chance to question him, too pleasure-blind to think straight, and when he suddenly hoisted you up, perching your ass on the edge of the dresser, you squeaked. The sound broke away into a moan when his cockhead pressed into your cunt, splitting you open. You gasped and grabbed for his shoulders, clinging to him as he sank into you.
“There,” he hummed, nuzzling you into a hungry kiss. “Right where I belong.”
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caspianthegeek · 5 months
Nightingale May Prompt Two: Angels dining at the Ritz
The Bentley was not immune to the way Aziraphale’s hand traced over her dash as if in thank you as he climbed from the car at the Ritz. She hummed contentedly, ignoring the pleased humph from her demon as he hurried to the angel’s side. He had been excited tonight, her beloved, as he’d ushered the angel into the car. And Bentley was determined to find out why.
As she settled into her normal spot, she reached her senses to hear what was happening in the crowded restaurant. It was easy seeking out the two beloved auras. Yet so far, this meal seemed like any other. That was alright, she could wait.
A tug on her door forced her to hold them shut as she slammed the locks down.
“Damn it,” the man muttered. He was dressed in the dark hues her owner favored, but this shorter man was clearly not him. Brown hair snuck out from under his cap as he hurriedly dug into his bag and pulled out a lock-picking kit.
That simply would not do. Did he not know she had more important beings to focus on this evening? As the man tried to pick her locks she spared half of a thought to shifting them so they would be impossible to open as she tried to listen in on the angel at the table explaining something about Bookshop, her other beloved.
Perhaps the mention of Bookshop distracted her because a moment later the thief had her door open. With what would have been a sigh in a human, Bentley turned her radio up as loud as it would go.
Freddie’s voice blared through the car, causing the man to stumble backward. The words “I don't have no time for no monkey business” should echo in his head quite loudly if she’d got the volume correct. Bently primly shut her door and went back to her business. Crowley was pontificating about what wine to pair with dinner, that may be take a bit.
The thief hadn’t taken the hint and was back at the door again. She flicked her mirror, smacking him. This gave him at least a little pause where the deafening car radio-alarm had not, but a moment later he was back at it with the lock pick kit.
That was quite enough. Checking in on her two favorite breathing beings, Bentley confirmed they were still awaiting the main course and did some quick math. She knew every street in this town, and she had plenty of time. With a rev of her engine she threw the car door open.
Humans were not always the brightest, she reflected as the man greedily climbed into the seat. She wasn’t a monster and while she knew her regular passengers declined, humans did prefer seatbelts didn’t they?
If this one happened to tie the man’s hands down, there was no reason for him to touch her wheel as she pulled into traffic, already racing. Aziraphale had complained about doing a hundred miles per hour through central London, but he didn’t know that Bentley always slowed down just a smidgen for him. As she screeched to a halt in front of the police station and loosened the belt, the man scrambled from the car on his hands and knees.
A curious onlooker helped him to his feet as Bentley hurried back to her station, anxious to not miss anything important.
Crowley stood outside, arms crossed.
She had expected a brief lecture from the demon about driving unaccompanied. Instead, he leaned against her his lithe body pressed against the car door, “Didn’t hurt you, did he?”
Insulted, she revved her engine for a moment.
The demon chuckled as he rested a forehead against the cool glass of the window. “Good girl,” he whispered. She purred in response.
Aziraphale was not with him, she realized. With a quick check, she realized the angel was inside, feeling mildly worried.
Beyoncé’s voice rolled from her speakers “…put a ring on it…”
“Oi! Don’t you start getting involved,” the demon groaned. “I know, I will…eventually…”
Hopeless, that one was. She begrudgingly settled lower nestling into her spot once more.
“Don’t go judging me,” he grumbled. “Should get back though. You stay out of trouble.”
It was only half-heartedly that she let her senses fly once more, keeping a watch over her two beings. She daydreamed about what could be if they’d only allow it, she could have the angel visit her so much more often! In fact, she’d stopped paying attention at all by the time they returned.
That was until Crowley’s hands graced her wheel once more and she realized there, was, indeed a ring there. A piece of Aziraphale worn on her demon’s finger, clear as day to anyone who would notice.
If she was a bit joyful on the ride home, neither of them called her out on it.
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cho-aaacho · 1 year
(Flufftober 2023) Playing With Hair
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Main Masterlist I Archive of Our Own
Flufftober 2023 Masterlist I Prompts List
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Tags : Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Playing With Hair, Flufftober 2023, Reader is genderless
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(Flufftober 2023 Day 6)
The bathroom around Leon appeared as an ethereal mirage with a hazy fog of hot steam that distorted the mirror's reflection. His eyes, the color of beautiful marble blue, wandered on a journey across his face, uncovering small details on his face that refused to fade. Oh. Yes. Those eyes are precious gemstones.
For a few seconds, he caught himself in his magnetic pull, his finger gently tucked into his natural dirty-blond hair, as though worried they might transform into silver white. His fingertips grazed his lips, tracing their contours and feeling the warmth that emanated from them.
"Do I look that old?" His voice is a mere whisper. He turned his gaze from razor blades to the mirror, grappling with the question of his aging.
A rosy blush painted his cheek after hearing someone tease him about the subtle hints of grayish hair. Thirty years had arrived at his face, and yet the discovery of those silver threads had stirred a concern within him. He knew, deep down, that this was only a natural part of being human.
"How long will you stare at that mirror, Leon? Until your reflection talked to you?" A familiar voice chimed in. "You scare me sometimes."
"Oh, you... you want to use the bathroom?"
With a mischievous smile, you playfully shook your head, finding a cute expression on Leon's face. As you got closer to him, your gaze swept across his face, and your fingers gently swirled through his flowing hair and you smiled warmly. "Your hair is much longer than I remember."
Your voice is a gentle whisper. "Does your mission make your hair grow faster?"
He blew his hair away from his forehead with a sigh. "Uh, I don't know about that. But you were right; my hair is growing longer, and it starts to hurt my eyes sometimes."
You cup his cheeks, your eyes locking onto his, trying to find a mystery in his eyes. Later, a mischievous grin escaped your lips. "Dear Leon. Stay still; I'll help you."
You hop over to the sink, tugging playfully at his bathrobe until the gap between you is reduced to mere inches. His giggle filled the air, tickled by your cuteness.
With a delicate touch, you retrieve a bobby pin, deftly securing a few strands of his hair between your fingers; sometimes you pinch his cheek for a playful tease. The bathroom fills with his gentle hum as you proceed to trim his hair.
Leon, enthralled by your presence, finds himself caught in the romance of your beauty. His heart is beating with a hint of nervousness as your breath grazes his face, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that clouds his thoughts. He has the urge to steal a kiss, but he fears the consequences for his hair.
With a final touch, you announce, "Finish. Now, you're as fresh as a rookie, my dear."
He dashed to the mirror, where his reflection stared back at him. He's still the same man. The same hair color, but totally different haircuts. You are not an expert. But Leon knows one thing...
"You are so talented." He said that and placed a kiss on your jawline. "I don't need Chris to trim my hair, haha."
"Wait, Redfield, is your hairdresser? No wonder your hairstyles always look... weird."
He pouted. "I'm not weird, darling."
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princeofsinweek · 4 months
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Hello! I am so excited to be hosting a Prince of Sin Week this year. The goal is to get more content on the Princes and to celebrate the next book coming out in October! @afandomangel is running the account but I want to shout out @litnerdwrites and @cadiawrites for all of the support and great ideas. The encouragement to have this be a larger event has really helped!
Shoutout to @litnerdwrites for this idea to have both prompts for each day and a prince for each day that creators can choose from! We need your help for the second option of each day. For each day creators can choose to either write for that Prince and/or use the prompt. i.e. for 07/08 you can choose to create something for Pride, use the prompt to make something for Pride, or chose a different Prince and use the prompt for 07/08.
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07/07 Day 1: Prince Wrath/All Is Fair In Love and War
Featuring Prince Wrath’s sin, Wrath is the demon general of war and is a fierce warrior and strategist. "Acta non verba," meaning "actions, not words," is Wrath’s motto, and he lives by it. And don’t forget that “anger is his own personal aphrodisiac.” 😏
07/08 Day 2: Prince Pride/ Reflections and Ego
“I don’t simply look pretty. I am dashing.” Day two will feature Prince Pride. He loves to feed his ego and leads many to believe he is debauched, a drunkard, and a rake, but it is all an act. Though he does play the role so well that sometimes it doesn’t look like an act, leading to some of his struggles with those he cares for.In Emelia’s description of his throne room, it is described to have ornate mirrors everywhere to allow him to gaze upon himself whenever he likes. And as we learned from one of the other princes (Envy) the mirrors may not always be used just for his own reflection.😉
07/09 Day 3: Prince Envy/Games and RIddles
Prince Envy, oh Prince Envy, our prince loves a good game just as much as he loves to invoke his namesake sin in others. He often plays games with others, some dangerous enough to threaten his court. He is very cunning and ruthless, and he is not above trickery.  He is quite envious (hence his sin) and is a tad possessive as we saw in Throne of the Fallen with Camilla. 
07/10 Day 4: Prince Greed/All Bets Are Off
Prince Greed, like his brothers, enjoys games and tricks. He rules over his own gaming hell and enjoys placing wagers. He is also very calculating and ruthless, and Emelia describes him during an encounter as having a possessive hunger in his gaze. With his namesake sin, he is very greedy and can never get enough of things, power being one of them.  
07/11 Day 5: Prince Gluttony/Champagne Fountains
“He was a rake through and through. And he seemed adored for it.” Prince Gluttony overindulges in the things he enjoys: food, alcohol, debauchery, and hosting jaw-dropping parties to shock others, including the Reporter (Can’t wait for Throne of Secrets).  Gluttony is very suggestive and is often occupied in the selfish matters of his sin. Someone mentioned in the suggestions for prompts that he spends a lot of time with his partner. Our prince most likely does overindulge when it comes to his partner, time, gifts, food, attention, etc. 
07/12 Day 6: Prince Sloth/For Research
Like Gluttony, Sloth is often preoccupied in selfish matters of his sin. But unlike his brothers, he prefers to lounge around and read rather than engage in debauchery. He wears a mask of being a bashful, lazy book lover but he is also a very lethal warrior wielding a powerful weapon of his mind. He is very calculating and does not miss a detail. He takes his time studying until he has formulated a conclusion and course of action.  Sloth is very guarded and wary of others and often investigates others wanting to know everything about them from birth to the present day, including all potential lovers.  As for relationships Sloth has only had a few serious relationships and none have ended with tragedy or heartbreak. Sloth tries to avoid drama. 
07/13 Day 7: Prince Lust/Lover
The final day will feature Prince Lust’s sin. The Prince of Lust is known for toying with a person’s happiness and their carnal urges. He is quite the gossip and is very cunning. The prince is also a secret romantic despite his love for debauchery. Him being needy and romantic were a common suggestion for the prompts for Prince Lust.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
What about the plans we made?
Avenger! Loki x female reader
18+ | Implied sexy stuff, angst?
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“Darling, you look beautiful.”
You glanced up, looking into the mirror at Lokis reflection as he walked into the room. A smile spread across your face as your eyes met, his clearly burning with desire. Despite you and Lokis frequent hookups, you were yet to go on a date, something he insisted on changing once you both realised. He decided that you wouldn’t sleep together again until you went on a real date, something that seemed impossible with your busy schedules. It had been well over a week since you had shared a bed together so you were itching for this date, more so what would no doubt follow. You bit your lip, noticing how his eyes ran over your figure, lingering on certain areas before he met your gaze again. You wanted to pounce there and then. Completely abandon the date. You allowed your eyes the same privilege of giving him the once over, your smile falling when you realised that he was wearing his mission gear as opposed to a tuxedo that would have been a better match for your dress.
“You’re coming dressed like that?” You snorted, trying to hide the indifference in your tone. Was he really going on a mission right now?
“Y/n, I’m sorry” he began, walking closer towards you until he was standing behind you “it’s an emergency” he added, his hand finding your hip “I’ll be back before you know it” he continued, his hand moving up and down your body “we can’t let this gorgeous dress go to waste.” He smiled.
“Are you sure?” You answered, disguising your moan as a sigh; his hand on your body felt electric.
“I promise.” He assured, kissing your neck. You melted against him, your back flush against his chest as he continued kissing the exposed flesh before you spun in his grip, kissing his lips. “And when I get back, we can go on the date, then, I want this dress pooling around your ankles okay.” He nodded, breaking the kiss, prompting you to do the same. “Good girl.” He winked, his finger underneath your chin before he kissed you again.
You busied yourself with grabbing candles and other essentials for the rampant sex you’d end up having with Loki tonight. You spoke to Natasha occasionally, asking how the mission was going but she had no updates. You tried to find Bucky but he was gone too and so was Steve which led you to believe that perhaps this mission was more serious than you had previously thought. Eventually you sat in the comms room waiting for something, anything but no one radioed in.
“Maybe it’s a good thing, if the mission had gone wrong, someone would have said.” Natasha tried to console, sitting next to you.
“I don’t know Nat, something doesn’t feel right.” You replied, knitting your brows before the sound of the quinjet landing came into focus. You smiled, realising Loki was back before your eyes rounded hearing Steve shouting orders as he pushed through the rooftop door. “Somethings wrong, you quickly spoke, jumping to your feet and sprinting out of the room.
“We need medical and—” Steve began before you interrupted him.
“Where’s Loki?”
“Y/n, he’s—” he started before Bucky walked in behind him, supporting Loki who seemed to have lost a lot of blood judging by his taught pale face and the fact that he was practically clinging to Bucky.
“Loki!” You called, dashing towards him, holding him up too.
“Y—y/n.” He choked, falling to the ground as he saw you.
“Go get medical, now!” Steve ordered Bucky who was bending down to help Loki up.
“Loki, what happened?” You murmured, resting his head on your lap as your lip trembled. You looked up at Steve with a worried expression and that’s when you realised that he didn’t look much better. He had a cut on his forehead, his nose was bleeding and his eye was darkening.
“We were attacked, some kind of alien technology, Loki took the brunt of it.” He quickly explained before your attention was stolen by Loki coughing.
“Y—/n, y-you look be-beautiful.” Loki smiled, reaching up to touch your cheek, his hand falling.
“For our date.” You nodded, grabbing his hand and holding it against your cheek. “We have a date Loki, I’m wearing a dress for our date.” You sniffled as his eyes struggled to stay open. Where was the med team? “Loki” You called, tapping his cheek “eyes on me okay.”
“I’m s-sorry I’ve ruined” he mumbled, coughing blood “o-our date.”
“Loki!” You yelled this time, slapping his cheek as his eyes closed “what about the plans we made, Loki! Loki. Please, Loki.”
You felt him go limp, hand falling from your cheek as the med team finally arrived, quickly assessing Loki as they carried him into a bed. You stayed on the floor, dress covered in blood, his blood, as they tried their hardest to bring him back but you knew he was gone. Loki was gone. You didn’t know whether you were crying, screaming, shaking or dreaming but you felt yourself doubling over as a nauseating feeling overtook you. You felt sick, empty, hopeless as they carried him away. There was no point, he was gone. Loki was gone.
You didn’t know how you made it to the waiting room outside the medical bay but that’s where you were now, sitting in a cold chair and staring into space as you slowly rocked forward and backwards. You could feel Natasha’s hand on your back, maybe she helped you here. You imagined the date, what you’d be doing right now. Would you be eating? Talking? Playing footsie under the table like you did during morning meetings? This thought made you smile a little before a doctor approached you.
“I’m sorry—”
You tuned him out as he spoke, your world crashing down again as he confirmed what you already knew. Natasha pulled you into a tight hug as if her arms shielded you from this reality. You couldn’t hug her back, you couldn’t breathe. Suddenly the feeling of your blood soaked dress sticking to your body made you gag. You felt covered in him, drenched. You cried until you were silent.
“Where is he?!” Thor demanded as he stormed into the room. “Where is Loki?”
“Thor I—” Steve began as Thors gaze settled on you sitting in your now crimson dress.
“Y/n, where is Loki?” He asked calmly, too calmly as if it was a warning. You were silent in reply. “WHERE IS HE?”
“Dead!” You shrieked, bolting upright and pushing past him as you ran out.
“I’ll go.” Natasha assured, following after you.
You don’t know when or how you reached your room, only that you were now sitting on your bed in silence as Natasha opened your door.
“Come on, let’s get you out of this dress.” She gestured to the en suite bathroom.
“I can’t.” You whispered.
“I can’t” You began to cry “I want Loki.”
“Y/n” she sniffled, sitting next to you before pulling you into her arms “I know.”
“B-but she was a mere avenger when our paths crossed” Loki stressed “I barley even remember her name.” He scoffed.
“Y/n, soon to be Laufeyson but you died.” Mobius answered, more like a simple statement with his voice lacking empathy as he observed Loki looking at the pixilated screen. “She loved you, loves you Loki and if you help me I’ll help you get her back, all of it back.”
“S-she mourns me.” Loki stuttered, standing to his feet before stepping towards the screen and studying your face on the pixilated screen. He could see the hurt, the utter anguish in your familiar expression on your foreign face. He had to help, he needed you, he didn’t know why but he did. “Fine, I’ll help.” He decided.
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A/N: That’s so embarrassing for loki that he was bare saying good girl.Then next scene he’s all mash up and broken 😭🤣
@lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @lokilvrr @evelyn-kingsley @strangelockd @xorpsbane @lovingchoices14
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khozmoh · 9 months
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rate your muse's traits 0-10! repost and rate your muse's traits, then tag your followers.
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COMPASSION: 5/10 he can go either way, it really depends on his mood and the circumstances. he tries to be compassionate but when he's low on spoons or is already frustrated / upset then he's not likely to care about anyone else.
BITTERNESS: solid 8/10. he is extremely bitter about his lot in life, he always wishes that things were different, that he was happier, that his friends were safe, that his family was better off. he feels hard done by, and he is.
HAPPINESS: 2/10. he's happiest when he's with his family / friends but in general he's not a happy person. he does what he can to stimulate positive feelings but he just isn't a positive person.
POLITENESS: eh, 3/10 maybe a 4/10? largely dependent on circumstances / situation, if he's trying to be polite it's clumsy and very obviously doesn't come easy to him but at least that demonstrates sincerity.
CHIVALRY: 2/10, he's an asshole to everybody, he's crass and even when he's being kind it's kind of rude. like, he'll hold the elevator for someone but he'll give them the stink eye when they enter.
PRIDE: 6/10, he knows what he's good at and he owns it. he's confident in his abilities, he can be competitive especially if it's about things he's competent in but he has self-esteem issues so that hinders his pride a little bit.
HONESTY: 2/10, if there's one thing you can count on it's that cosmo lies. don't get me wrong, he can be brutally honest, but not if it's about himself, his feelings, vulnerabilities or experiences. he will argue that he's totally fine while bleeding out of his eyeballs.
BRAVERY: 7/10, he's so brave. he doesn't think he is but he is. the only reason this isn't higher is because his bravery is always at the cost of himself and he's very rarely brave enough to admit his true feelings to those he cares about.
RECKLESSNESS: 3/10, he's more on the careful side. he can be impulsive if the situation calls for it, but he's not needlessly reckless. he thinks things through, he plans, he strategizes. every risk he takes is calculated.
AMBITION: 5/10, he's not very ambitious. he wants to be good at things, he doesn't want to be great. he wants to be comfortable, stable, secure. he doesn't care about being number 1 or being the best.
LOYALTY: 10/10, he is loyal to a fault. he's managed to choose very good people to be loyal to, people who've never asked too much from him, people who care about his safety as much as he cares about theirs.
LOVE: 8/10, he keeps his love close to his chest but when he loves he does so deeply. he cherishes them, he devotes himself to them, in whatever way that might look like.
SENSE OF FAMILY: 10/10, there isn't a damn thing he wouldn't do for his dad or his brother. insult either of them and he will start throwing punches.
ATTRACTIVENESS: 4/10, he's so off-putting dude. his vibes are truly haunted mortuary on the corner of an abandoned, desolate street where even animals don't wander into. but if you get past that, he has pretty eyes and a hot bod.
AGILITY: 5/10, he's not as fast as he is strong. like, he'll catch a ball that's been thrown at him and catch a purse snatcher but he's not dodging projectile weapons or stopping a faster person from stealing his chips.
SEX DRIVE: 9/10, he's so horny all the time. he's touch starved, desperate for love / intimacy and will take it from one - night stands and hook - up buddies because he holds everyone at arms length and refuses to tell them he needs affection so it manifests as a slutty night life.
tagged by : @smallergcd <3 tagging : @70won, @wtfispatience ( mads ), @volatilehearted, @tr4umaborn ( scoot ), @loetise, @ask-alicelockwood, and you !
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takhalaa · 1 year
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𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋:  ❝  giving  in  to  temptations,  man  learned  to  distinguish  what  is  good  and  evil.  ❞   //  the  devil  arcana  represents  the  urge  to  do  selfish,  impulsive,  violent  things,  and  being  a  slave  to  ones'  own  impulse  and  feelings.  occasionally,  it  is  also  portrayed  as  a  symbol  of  temptation.  the  positive  aspect,  however,  represents  a  healthy  bond  or  commitment.  you  are  often  "devilish"  you  tend  to  be  greedy,  proud,  lustful,  or  otherwise  of  poor  character.  you  are  most  likely  to  go  for  an  antisocial  tendency,  often  not  caring  much  for  the  needs  or  well-being  of  others.
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑:  ❝  the  higher  you  fly  the  greater  the  fall.  ❞   //  the  tower  arcana  is  commonly  associated  to  overly  arrogant,  prejudiced  and  authoritarian  organization,  which  walk  to  their  own  ironic  demise.  furthermore,  it  is  also  more  generically  used  as  an  omen  of  doom  and  disaster.  you  can  be  arrogant,  and  typically  find  yourself  in  bad  situations.
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐑:  ❝  only  courage  in  the  face  of  doubt  can  lead  one  to  the  answer.  ❞   // emperor  symbolizes  the  desire  to  control  one's  surroundings,  and  its  appearance  could  suggest  that  one  is  trying  too  hard  to  achieve  this,  possibly  causing  trouble  for  others;  some  elements  in  life  are  just  not  controllable.  often  times,  you  are  troubled  by  something  very  personal,  and  doesn't  know  how  to  deal  with  it.
tagged by : nada tagging : @godrent, @tanabaa, @diceluck, @devildukem, @ofhardknoxxx, @ofthepuzzle, @soulconductor, @shacchou
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painonthebrain · 1 month
Whump/creative prompts based on my random interests - My Little Pony edition!
Celestia ☀️ - Burns / Weight of the crown / Regret / Apotheosis
Luna 🌙 - Banished / Solitude / Corruption / Night terrors
Cadence 🩵 - Love spell / Replaced / Rescue / Crystals
Twilight Sparkle 🌌 - Forced transformation / Research / Magical fatigue / Destiny
Rarity 💎 - Darling / Needles / Living mannequin / Reflection in the mirror
Rainbow Dash 🌈 - Defiant whumpee / Storm / Lightning strike / Fight
Pinkie Pie 🧁 - Games / Poisoned cake / Piñata / Laughing & crying
Fluttershy 🌻 - Pet whump / Wilderness / Hair pulling / Compliant whumpee
Applejack 🍎 - Overworked / Lies / Resilience / Grime
Discord ⁉️ - Crack whump / Torture for fun / Mind control / Illness
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losfacedevil · 1 year
Reassurance // J.M.K
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a/n ~ I clearly don’t know how to just blurb anymore, they all turn into full length things. I kind of hurt my own heart with this one, Josh is a hard one for me to kind of personify and characterize so I hope I’ve done him justice!  Prompts: “I like it when your face is all red.” & “I don’t want some random person, I want you.” Word Count 1.2K-ish
A night out was just what they needed and was exactly what was on the roster for the night. You puttered around the kitchen, cleaning up after the long forgotten lunch dishes while waiting for Josh to get ready. He usually took longer than you, changing his shirt a few times, deciding on which pair of sneakers to toss on all the while you were fully dressed in your favorite jeans and sheer sleeved top. 
“You always look dashing in that, sweet thing. I’ll be right out.” He had cooed, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before shooing you out of the room. You busied yourself washing the dishes, sleeves pushed up to your elbows to not get them wet as you performed the mundane task. 
It wasn’t until you heard the third pair of shoes hit the closet door that you thought to go check in on him, see if he was ready. You meandered down the hall the click of your heels the only sound dancing through the air. A soft rap of your knuckles sounding against the door before you pushed it opened and popped your head inside. 
Josh stood in front of the full length mirror, his eyes trained on the dusting of hair below his navel, his index finger and thumb pinching at the slightest bit of pudge around his midsection. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you watch him scrutinize himself, shifting slightly each way looking at the small fold of skin he held between his fingers. 
You knew he was hard on himself, always taking full pride in his appearance, always disappointed when he found something he thought to be a flaw. You walked over to him, hooking your chin over his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his middle, gently pulling his hand away from his stomach. 
Pressing a soft kiss to his cheek you began to fasten the buttons on the dress shirt he had chosen to wear. His gaze bore holes into your temple through the reflection in the mirror, his jaw clenching as you swept your fingers over the tender spot he had been pinching; a deep sigh heaving in his chest and slipping out his nose. 
“Gorgeous baby, what’s got you in a funk?” He leaned his head to the side, resting it against yours as you looked up and met his gaze in the mirrors reflection. His eyes told stories his mouth would never utter, knew his confidence bubble had popped somewhere through the day as self doubt crept about his gaze. 
You abandoned the fastening of his buttons in favor of wrapping your arms tightly around his midsection nuzzling your cheek against his as he looked everywhere but at you. He couldn’t help the heat that crept up his neck, causing the apples of his cheeks to become a blushed red; silently cursing his body for betraying what his mind was portraying. 
“Cmon gorgeous, smile for me, please?” You cooed, letting your fingers dance along his clothed sides, raising goosebumps on his arms at the gentle touch. A sarcastic smile spread across his lips, quickly falling as he rolled his eyes, a sneer now tugging at his upper lip. 
“A real smile baby, I like it when your face is all red. C’mon, show how me how pretty you are.” You giggled as you swayed both of you in place, the soft movements loosening up his tense muscles. Another sigh slipped past his nose as he tried to look at you, straining his eyes before settling on looking back into the reflection. 
You stuck your tongue out at him, revealing the pill shaped tongue ring you had slipped into your piercing earlier, one you knew he absolutely loved. He couldn’t help the giggle that danced up his throat, his resolve cracking fully as he leaned his head back against your shoulder. 
“There’s that smile! See now was that so hard? Look how fucking gorgeous you are.” Your hands returned to their previous venture of fastening his shirt buttons, leaving the top two open to display the tambourine necklace he always wore.  
The smile soon fell from his face, the voices in his head so much louder than yours in his ears. Your arms resumed their position held tightly around his middle, peppering feather light kisses to his neck as he fully relaxed into your touch. 
“Remember that when you find someone new.” His voice was barely a whisper, a confession he really wasn’t sure why he was breathing into the air. You ceased your attack on his neck, eyes finding his once more as you studied the look in his eyes. 
He was sad, disappointment playing across his features though you weren’t sure what exactly he was disappointed in. He tried to pull a smile across his lips, failing quickly as he dropped his eyes to the floor. 
“I see how you look at others when we’re out, glances that sometime last a little too long. How you’ll kind of take in all of them rather than just look at their face. It’s the quirk of your lips when you see someone you like that really gets me. It’s the same smile you once gave me and that, yeah that just tells me it’s only a matter of time.” 
Your expression dropped, eyes shining wet with tears as his confession tugged at your heart strings. It was the way he said it, how he was so fully confident that you were going to run off on him with someone you met one night; how a smile you saw as a polite gesture somehow became misconstrued in his mind.
You were shaking your head before your mind fully caught up to the thought process, hands planted firmly on his shoulders as you spun him to face you. He kept his eyes downcast, crossing his arms over his chest as if to protect himself from and imaginary heart break. 
“Josh, what? Where is this coming from?” Your hands found his face, tilting his head so he looked up at you, his eyes speaking more volumes than you could possibly hear. 
“Just forget I said anything, let’s just go and have a good night like we planned.” He plastered a sad smile across his lips, his hands finding purchase on your hips, pulling you closer to him. 
“No, no I’m not gonna just forget it. Where is this coming from? I can’t help you feel better if I don’t know what I’m doing to make you feel this way.” He shook his head, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“It’s not you, it’s me, sweet girl. It’s my mind telling me stories that aren’t true. It makes me believe I’m not good enough for you, I mean look at you, my pretty girl. You could have anyone you wanted and you chose me. I still can’t wrap my head around it.” 
You weren’t sure when the tears had slipped past your lids, or when exactly they had raced down your cheeks. You weren’t aware until Josh reached up, tracing his thumbs across your cheeks to wipe away the tears that fell. You never realized just how hard he was on himself. 
“I don't want some random person. I want you.” Your voice held nothing but love and adoration for the man standing in front of you. His soft hands danced across your cheeks, curling a finger under your chin and ran his thumb along your lips. A soft smile tugged at your lips as you pressed a soft kiss to the pad of his thumb. 
“It’s always you, don’t ever think otherwise, gorgeous.” A sigh slipped past his lips as he leaned forward, capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
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redheadspark · 2 years
Hey! Can i request oliver wood with dialogue “You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.” and prompt 7 please 💜
A/N - EEKKK! This is gonna be cute! Thank you for requesting, anon!
Dolled Up
Summary - Taking Oliver shopping for dress robes was always a hassle and an adventure
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Warnings - Just some cuteness with our Quidditch Captain
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"There we go! Let's take a look see,"
You were grinning from ear to ear in the back of the fitting room as the elder witch was getting the measurements on your boyfriend as he stood awkwardly on the small step in front of three mirrors. He was sporting a suit already, a crisp white shirt with a black jacket that fitted him just right and a skinny tie to wear with his Quidditch team colors. You could see him looking like a deer in the headlights as the elder witch was poking and adjusting the jacket on his shoulders with a flick of her wand and a chuckle on her lips. You giggled, Oliver glaring at you through the reflection of the mirror.
This was not his idea.
Oliver had a banquet and charity event to go to with Puddlemore United, needing to get both dress robes and a suit and jacket to wear. Oliver wasn't used to having anything fancy in his closet, he would wear mostly old practice clothes around the house or his training attire when he would go to and from practice. Of course he had nicer clothes. but nothing to this caliber. Thankfully, Puddlemore United was going to pay for his suit and dress robes since it was a major occasion for the Club, which lead to both you and Oliver in Diagon Alley and in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasion.
Much to the dismay of Oliver.
"Ah, you look like a striking young man," The elder witch said in glee as Oliver was looking at himself in the mirror, "Don't get a whole lot of quidditch players in here for new dress robes, must be an important occasion! Now, let me get the garment bag for this and we'll get your out of here before you know it, alright deary?"
Oliver nodded as the witch walked out of the room, closing the door behind her to leave the pair fo you alone. Oliver was still eyeing himself up and down as you took a few steps over to him.
"Don't say a word," He said to you before you could open your mouth. You playfully glared at him.
"What makes you think I was going to say anything?" You asked coyly, Oliver now watching you through the mirror reflection with a hint of annoyance there in his brown eyes.
"Because that look you have says it all!" He huffed, you giggled as he gestured to himself, "I don't wear this a lot, and it's fancy!"
"Very fancy!" You agreed.
"Too fancy! This costs more than our rent! Why can't we wear what we usually wear and not this getup?" Oliver asked in defeat as you rolled your eyes.
"Because it's a Gala event for your team, and I don't think showing up to a Gala in your sweats and weathered gloves is a good look to raise money," You advised him, walking over to stand next to him and drink in the sight of him. He did look rather handsome, the jacket barely snug on him and the tie hanging a bit loosely. But it did make him look more posh and more polished, not that he wasn't handsome before. He caught your eyes when you two were merely 3rd years in Charms class together and have been together ever since.
Oliver shifted the tie again, looking uneasy as you had to laugh, “You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
"Shove it," He grunted, about to push you when you caught his hand.
"You look perfect, Oliver. If only the twins were here to see you like this," You teased, Oliver smirking as he tightened his tie up a bit near his collar.
"Nah, this is just for the Gala...and maybe for you," He replied with a smirk, looking over at him to peck you on the cheek as you blushed, "Since I look rather dashing in this, according to you,"
"You do!" You agreed, "And think of it this way: you only have to wear it once in that night, being all prim and proper like the rest of them, and then I can strip if off of you piece by piece when you come home. And that is a promise, Oli."
A flushness was on Oliver's cheeks, almost looking like he was going to be lot for words as the elder witch came back in. You took a step away from Oliver, seeing him collet himself as she came in with the garment bag floating behind her in thin air.
"Ready to get back into your regular clothes?" The witch asked, Oliver nodded a bit fast as you smiled widely.
Both you and Oliver walked hand in hand, Oliver with the bag hook on his finger and thrown over his shoulder. There was a pep in his step, the promise you made to him after he had to endure the Gala was on the back of his mind.
The Gala went off without a hitch with you on his arm, and you fulfilled the promise with his suit ending up crumbled on the ground near your bed.
The End.
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January Prompt Session Part 2
Tagged: @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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