#. Within the week it has escalated to having 0 thoughts (and not in a fun way) not want to do anything even projects that I’d been thrilled
im-a-ramblr · 2 years
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I posted 1,095 times in 2022
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#linked universe - 41 posts
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#. within the week it has escalated to having 0 thoughts (and not in a fun way) not want to do anything even projects that i’d been thrilled
My Top Posts in 2022:
The few Human/Real Dain AUs are wonderful but they all either end with him dead or just chilling in Del. And while this is fine, I think we need more ones that end in him in some kind of relationship with Jaslief. It can a poly or a QPR with one of them, or a poly QPR, but it needs to happen.
29 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Something that's been on my mind, on and off since I heard it.... Might try to pick it apart later
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32 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Mmmmm I crave Linked universe fics.
Please let me know if you have/know of any good fics where:
The Chain are paltonic soulmates. Either explicated expressed or just them acting like they are. what that last one means is ones that focus on the fact that these guys can understand each other in a way no one else can, because they've been through things no else can, both pre meeting up and during.
Outsider POV on The Chain. What do the random villagers, mail men, named background characters, or princesses think of them
The Chain reunighting post separation at the end of their adventures. Don't care if it's because of more magic ro because they've all died and are hugging it out in heaven
Very first Link, the the one before Sky, ( Ive always called him Link the Lionheart, but idk if that's his actual title) meeting/traveling with The Chain
83 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
So the LU boys are soulmates in the realist most platonic way possible. As such there should be an AU where they have red strings of fate. (Probs a diff color bc platonic but the point stands) This means they should have all many strings that are all tangled up whent hey first meet. It can also focus on angst where they just see a bunch of their soul strings fading into nothing after a few inches, rather than normal foot or two. But none of that is why I thought about it.
No I thought about it because I think about the boys plucking at their strings like instruments once they all met. So one of them gets sent into town for food (less conspicuous that way) and the whole time Wild, Wind and Hyrule have gathered together and are play 'Hot cross buns' on their soul strings to remind the poor guy to buy them sticky buns
96 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sits up: I don't think I ever told anyone I once had the thought of a team in an organization, refered to as a 'cell' whose big guy, aka the powerhouse's code name was the 'Mitochondrion'
124 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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abbynx · 3 years
La Squadra Housemate, College AU Part 1
Genre: Platonic
This has been in my drafts in like... forever and i got sick staring at it. Enjoy the culmination of my delirium induced by sleep depravity!
It was one of those days again. The empty feeling settling between your chest, as you resume to your daily activities, head on autopilot because that's just how repetitive your days were, just slaving away in your desk, be faced with things to do such as the essays, the math equations, essay analysis... The lessons and lectures were different everyday, and yet all the same. You didn't even cared to take a break anymore, knowing full-well of the works which awaits you so why delay it? It's not like your homemade snack will make you feel any better. 
Another term paper finished, time to pass it tomorrow and have the professor tear it in front of you just in case you had a minimal typographical error, before you resort to picking it up to see where the hell did you go wrong. It ached the first time, but as time goes by, you just simply move on and comply, hurting inside but what's the point of getting it all out? A waste time, that is. You've been over it and quite frankly, it was getting so excessively pointless. 
Setting the paper aside, you went to get a hold of another one of the work next in line with a sigh. Exhaustion lingers on with the emptiness within, powered by forced determination to finish everything within your plate and burn yourself out in the process. I mean, isn't this the way to success all of them have been saying? If you resume to do this and go through the route of life, then you'd end up walking everywhere with an IV tube up your arm. 
There was a knock at the door you didn't hear and acknowledged, until the person from the other side of the door lets himself in. 
 "Hey Y/N, I said Illuso made some overcooked crap downstairs. Get your ass down and take a break." Sorbet would usually leave upon relaying the message in mind, but he remained standing by the doorway anticipating for your response, an acknowledging nod would be enough to send him on his way but your unresponsiveness prevailed.
 "Y/N! How many times do we have to call you, huh?! Get your ass down or we'll eat without you!!!" Ghiaccio's shrill voice boomed from downstairs, prompting Sorbet to wince and lift a finger up to his ear to plug it up. 
 "Go ahead, I'll catch up later." Your recent attitude alone has gotten all of your housemates concerned but they let you be because days like these were inevitable amidst the hectic days in university, but it's been weeks since you let your works take a hold of your reigns. 
 "Oh no, you don't. you're not sneaking in the kitchen at three in the morning to eat cold pasta. Come on now, take a break for once." Sorbet approached you, hand on your shoulder. "It's been weeks since you took your sights off those damns books. Just eat, okay?" 
 "I don't know, Sorb's... I have things to do and get done-- you know that, right--?" 
 "I know and it's tiring. Come now, just take a break for a moment. I promise you'll feel better." 
 For a moment you contemplated and reconsidered rejecting his offer, seeing his point but you were in dire need to be responsive with your work. You took a deep heave of breathe, lifting your palm up to cup your forehead, thumb brushing over your temple pulsing with headache you've yet to soothe. He's right, you haven't eaten anything at the duration of the day, as you've barely left your study desk in your room.
 "Okay. Just wait a moment, I'll be there--" Sorbet interjects sharply by pulling you by the wrist before you can touch anything on your desk, knowing full-well you wouldn't leave it alone unless someone were to physically drag you off it.
 "Ah Y/N, good to see you out of your cave." Proscuitto remarks with slight scrutiny, setting a plate on your usual spot on the dinner table. 
 "What's taking you too long anyways? Are you--" Formaggio positions his hand above his crotch, making a jerking off motion, which warrants him a smack from Sorbet. 
 "They were studying, you perv." The dark haired housemate narrows his glare at Formaggio as he seats himself on his usual spot, beside his boyfriend Gelato.
 "Says the one who got caught jacking it off in the hallway." Illuso scoffs, leaning his back against his chair. 
 "Oh yeah?" Formaggio challenges, leaning on the dinner table, clenching on his fork. Before anything can escalate, Risotto clears his throat. 
 A small laugh slips from your lips as you pulled yourself a seat between Ghiaccio and Melone. For a moment you forgot about the paperwork waiting for you back in your room, but it can wait. It's not like they'll leave. Sorbet was right, a quick break or two will make you feel better. 
 Sorbet bit his lip to fight his anxiety back, his clammy hand hidden at the depths of his shallow pocket to feel around its content whilst Formaggio starts the game. Here's to hoping nothing too terrible happen. 
 "I'm passing this phone to someone with the shortest temper." Formaggio bites his bottom lip in front of his front camera, rubbing his chin before passing the phone to Ghiaccio. 
The cerulean blue haired narrows his gaze at the phone owner, before recording himself. "I'm passing this phone to someone who's too obsessed with themselves." 
 Illuso raises his brow at the current phone holder, a hand instinctively landing atop his chest, before he gets ahold of the phone and pressed record once again, "First of all, I'm not obsessed with myself and second, I'm passing this phone to someone who planted a fake positive pregnancy test in the bathroom for fun." 
 "It was for scientific purposes!" Melone exclaims, before claiming the phone. "I'm passing this phone to someone who dropped their cookie but instead of throwing it out, gave it to me and watched me eat it." The lilac head playfully tosses the phone back to its owner, in which he catches it just in time it hits the wall. 
 "Pfft, it's your fault you fell for it." Formaggio cackles. "I'm passing this phone to someone who belted out G10 in the shower when the lights blacked out." 
"You're never gonna let me live that down, aren’t you?" Pesci reaches for the phone with red in his cheeks. "I will be passing the phone to someone who's the sanest in this household—"
 "Oh shut it," Sorbet smacks Formaggio, before collecting the phone from Pesci's grasp. "I'm passing this phone to someone who thinks pineapple on pizza is superior." He rolls his eyes, before passing it to his boyfriend. 
 "Um, sir— it does taste great! You're lucky you're cute, otherwise I would've torn you apart." Gelato snatches the phone from his boyfriend before focusing on the camera. "I'm passing the phone to someone who doesn't know how to cross the road because they're scared." 
 "Ugh, rude!" You took the phone from the blond with a roll of your eyes. "I'm passing the phone to someone who left me on the other side of the busy highway to cross a busy road." 
 "You were too slow, that's why. I'm passing the phone to someone who screamed at us for a solid minute, accusing that one of us stole his glasses whilst his glasses rested on his head." Risotto hands the phone to the person who has yet to receive the phone. 
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who burned the whole kitchen at three in the morning because they left to stove on to cook peanut butter because we ran out of peanut butter." Prosciutto hands you the phone.
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who was petting and cooing at a pile of laundry thinking it was a cat." You glared at Prosciutto, before passing the phone to Formaggio. 
 "What? It was finals and I barely got any sleep!" He whines, before sighing. "I'm passing the phone to someone who has been passed around like this phone." 
 A choked gasp pried itself away from your throat as soon as he hands you the phone with a grin. "Well I'm passing the phone to someone who accused me for taking their red lacey thong but it turns out we own the same product." 
 "Wow, you're bold, I like you." Melone chuckles, before taking the phone. "I'm passing the phone to someone who was hungover during finals and managed to pass." 
 "Pretty impressive if I do say so myself." Sorbet smirks at his achievement, proudly reaching for the phone. "I'm passing this phone to someone who faked smoking at a party to impress a girl." 
 "Well I don't smoke! I don't like how it tastes!" Pesci insists. "I'm passing the phone to someone who got out of the house with his shirt inside out and backwards and didn't realise it until he was going home." 
 "I'm passing this phone to someone who cried when I pranked him with a fake electric razor." Melone smirks as he passes the phone to Illuso. 
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who's first instinct to nonchalantly say 'Nice' before going back to his business after receiving a nude pic from his then girlfriend." Ilusso gives the phone to Ghiaccio.
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who doesn't pick their hair clumps in the bathroom after taking a bath, clogging the shower drain." 
 "Well, I'm passing the phone to someone who screamed at the professor after he said Venice." 
If it weren't for Illuso's quick response, the phone would've crashed against the wall and permanently putting it into a broken state. "Heh, okay then. I'm passing the phone to someone who has been with my man Gelato through thick and thin." 
 Sorbet gulps, his heart hammering in his chest as he reaches for the phone. His hand that has been hidden in his pocket since the very start of the game finally came out, with a small, black velvet box. Gelato glances at his longtime boyfriend, confused for a moment until the blond saw the little box resting within Sorbet's grasp. In shock, the blond's hands shot up to cover his lips and nose, his onyx gaze watering. Everyone in the room has their thoughts race rapidly with incoherent thoughts. 
 "I'm passing the phone to whom I want to marry and be with for the rest of my life, because without him I feel so empty and alone." Sorbet hands the phone to his longtime boyfriend, before taking a knee and opening the box. "Will you marry me?" 
 It would be a miracle Gelato would come to thank later as he didn't know he would still be able to respond despite being so deep in cloud nine. The entirety of the squad stood behind Sorbet at the edge of their seats, watching their carefully crafted plan unfold before them. 
 "Oh, yes. YES!" With the key word uttered, the once tensed room burst into excitement, jumping and screaming whilst the couple slipped on each others engagement rings before engulfing each other into a passionate embrace.
 "WHOOO YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING 'BOUT!" Formaggio cheers amidst the screams of excitement. 
 "Oh you guys, c'mere!" Sorbet caught you and Risotto's necks, before pulled in for a hug. Soon the others joined in for a group hug, almost squeezing the couple in the middle but it was all so worth it.
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utk-hlp · 4 years
Blockchain game evaluationThe virtual world on Ethereum Cryptovoxels - the expense logic behind 30 periods the property speculation
Cryptovoxels is a very noteworthy NFT concept blockchain video game. DappReview has always wished to spend some pencil and ink to dig into the gameplay. This article comes from Andrew Steinwold's 6,000-phrase long content. Andrew continues to be advocating this video game since June this past year, and has arranged a good example by investing in a lot of property. Now the price has enhanced by 30 periods, and his status is deeply hidden. In this article, Andrew analyzed and examined Cryptovoxels' success factors, future potential clients and their own investment logic from multiple dimensions.
Cryptovoxels is a rising star, and something day it'll be built into the most influential virtual world on Ethereum. Its developers are embarrassed and create it in a low-cost way, allowing the overall game to grow organically. This cautious and conservative development method isn't uncommon for industries which are in the early stages of development, like the current NFT industry. What is gratifying is that Cryptovoxels has found a spot of convergence between its items and the marketplace in the encrypted artwork community. The future "money scene" from the encrypted artwork community is difficult to imagine, and it is likely to business lead a new era in artwork history. If Cryptovoxels will keep its mission at heart and action on Decentraland (DCL), it will not be a wish to desire to the virtual world with the best valuation on Ethereum! In June 2019, I wrote a blog to speak about why I am optimistic about Cryptovoxels. There's a short paragraph in which I specifically analyzed whether Cryptovoxels is a potential investment possibility. In those days, I had fashioned compared the property in Cryptovoxel with Binance's BNB token. As you know, BNB has risen by 30,000%. So, now I am not scared to slap my encounter and say, I've long been bullish within the property inside Cryptovoxel, and I am still bullish now! Next, I'd like to talk more deeply together with you around a few of my applying for grants Cryptovoxels. Prolonged reading: Blockchain virtual world evaluation | We spent a day strolling inside Decentraland, admiring art, wool, pole dancing... Further reading: FundamentThe world's initial compliant property STO Cooperating with property giants, directing to Europe's 210 billion possible assets What is Cryptovoxels? Cryptovoxels (hereinafter known as Curriculum vitae) hopes to build a virtual world based on blockchain. Simply put, it is a totally open free sandbox video game. Players don't have any objective tasks and will do whatever they need in the overall game. For more video game information, you can browse: At the start of its founding, the founder of Cryptovoxels was Ben Nolan. He do have two brushes running a business projects. You know, it is not easy to create a virtual open world on Ethereum. Before Curriculum vitae went live, Decentraland (DCL) was the only real homogeneous project available on the market. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that CV was born from DCL. Because Ben Nolan worked in DCL for a period of time, I thought, this individual will need to have personally learned all about the advantages and drawbacks of DCL and applied each one of these lessons towards the development of CV. Until the release of CV, Ben did not quit his job, he has been using his free time to develop tasks. He knows perfectly that this is a completely new and challenging project that will not need a lot of expenditures, just go to the battle lightly. Many economic fathers waved banknotes at him, but he refused. To become able to create freely, he refused the problem of money. The benefit of this grassroots entrepreneurial approach is that he can maintain control of the entire project, and all key decisions are on his own. There is absolutely no huge team expenses, you don't need to pay office rent, Ben has worked out Cryptovoxels in his garage (known as Cryptovoxels garage) right after working. His fundraising design is quite smart, and the quantity of fundraising grows using the development of the system. In CV, there is an top limit on the number of plots (a total of 3026 in the original city), and he'll sell many of them every few weeks. At first it sold really slowly and the price was very cheap. Newly released land is frequently not sold. As increasingly more gamers join the overall game, every brand-new land is sold out each time it is put on the market. The amount of users has increased, and the demand for land has continued to increase. Ben increased the price of the land in a timely manner, which also produced his wallet increasingly more bulging. Knocking within the blackboard, because Ben only escalates the price based on user increments, in order to avoid the ridiculously high property price and prevent users from the marketplace. Judging from the existing sales situation, it is enough to help keep the project functioning for a lot more than two years. Further reading: US Securities Regulatory Commission | The former senator was accused from the SEC of illegally issuing "golden tokens" and purchasing sports cars with investors' money Extended reading: Driving in the blockchain world! Combining Defi, foreign media recognized the most fun Dapp race game "CryptoFast" Ethereum Dapp video game Cryptovoxels" data-medium-file="%E4%BB%A5%E5%A4%AA%E5%9D%8ADapp%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2Cryptovoxels-300x126.png" data- large-file="%E4%BB%A5%E5%A4%AA%E5%9D%8ADapp%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2Cryptovoxels-1024x431.png" launching="lazy" course="dimension- complete wp-image-51178 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=``%20viewBox='0%200%201999%20841'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src ="%E4%BB%A5%E5%A4%AA%E5%9D%8ADapp%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2Cryptovoxels.png" alt="Ethereum Dapp Game Cryptovoxels" width="1999" height ="841" data-pagespeed-url-hash="1473193984" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>One calendar year following the Ethereum Dapp video game CryptovoxelsCV went on the internet, Ben lastly resigned and all in to the development work Come. In the next half of 2019, Ben cleaned up an area as an office in his home in Auckland, New Zealand. He still has an attitude of splitting a penny into two. It wasn't until The month of january this year that Ben hired his first full-time employee, Marcus. Before that, the polished commander would just ask friends to help out at home when he was too busy. It's hard to believe that product development can still operate in this way. The general procedure ought to be to bring a white papers or PPT to attract a pie for investors, and then use the money came back from alms to lease an office, and then stuff a few employees into the house. However, the most amazing thing is that even today, Ben still hasn't lost his waistline for five buckets of grain. There were countless checks in front of Ben. Some of these external funds originated from personal funds, plus some belonged to venture capital institutions. As a result, none of them fell into Ben's eyes. He is committed to self-financing in order to maintain creative freedom and grow and income in the way he likes. For example, venture capital will encourage Ben to make some money on CV, allowing users to pay month to month fees for your platform. Fortunately, Ben insisted on this slow and steady growth method, also it paid off really early. Further reading: Bridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund | Dario: Economic recession is approaching, investors should choose gold "not Bitcoin" Prolonged reading: Legends | From the wandering journey of BitMEX exchange, go through the changes inside the worldwide "cryptocurrency supervision" policy Below, why don't we delve into many factors of Cryptovexels' success:
* Product-market fit * Defacto place for NFT artists (Defacto place for NFT artists) * Social space * Ease-of-use * Ease-to-build * Monetization product and market in good shape (Product-market Suit) This is of Product-market Suit is a product that can meet specific and large-scale needs on the market. Using the rapid development of the encryption/NFT marketplace, increasingly more users are starting to hold NFTs. They also urgently require a platform to make their NFTs arrive. Cryptovoxels has developed products that meet the needs of the marketplace and users. The desire to gather is etched in human being DNA, and folks developed the following known reasons for it:
* Self-display (Status signaling) *Enjoyment * Practicality (Tool) * Investment (Investment) Players display the collected NFT in the virtual world. Doesn't it fit the above factors? consider it:
* If you wish to display yourself, you can use the endless Curriculum vitae plot to envy others; * If you are a NFT collector, you can show your city house treasure NFT inside CV; * If you are a pragmatist, you can use your own property at will and create whatever you want on it; * If you are here simply for investment, additionally it is very good to place an order for others to buy your small items house. On this basis, a CV system can serve the entire NFT ecosystem. Additional reading: Trivial thingsNFT series <2> What is NFT? - The key towards the integration of blockchain and virtual reality is everything could be currency? The stage of NFT artists In fact, in the NFT community, the crypto art community is the one that embraces CV most enthusiastically. Every crypto performer expectations that his function can get the best opportunity to display. The buildings in CV have become intuitive. Customers can create a simple pavilion in a hour and place their very own NFT artworks inside it. This is furthermore a simple artwork exchange where various other users can buy you directly s work. The network aftereffect of encrypted art is within the verge. As increasingly more artists enter CV, increasingly more buyers will undoubtedly be brought in, and brand-new fluidity will continue steadily to emerge. These cryptographic artists are such as viral machines. They can always create wonderful pavilions in video games and post them on social media marketing. Once fans view it, they will come to join Curriculum vitae. As more users join, social contacts will happen, and some new dynamics will undoubtedly be born. The social space CV is also a social space: if you'd like, it's rather a 3D version of Facebook, where everyone no longer owns a personal homepage, but a bit of land. It is possible to put anything on it. People can also meet in this online world. For example, Gangam Artwork Clut, structured by user Conlan, is a collecting where people all around the globe who like encrypted artwork can participate. Gathering is a very magical make use of case, it could be extended to numerous vertical areas, and now there have been a lot of discussions about actually online exhibitions. As the number of users continues to increase, I could foresee that users of varied NFT projects will come together to discuss their collections: Axie users can gather in the Axie community, and Cryptokitty players can gather in the Cryptokitty community... Believe me, CV like a Public tools, users will always find new ways to play inside it. Further reading: Nike gets a US patent! Tokenize shoes within the Ethereum blockchain, and CryptoKicks realizes nonhomogeneous token NFT Ease of use Cryptovoxels is cross-platform. In the past, video gaming were restricted to a single platform. ONCE I was youthful, I couldn't play Call of Responsibility with my buddies because his video game console was PS3 and my house was Xbox 360 360. Lately, these games have only begun to become released on as many platforms as possible: PC, Xbox, PS, smart phones, etc.; cross-platform nature has permitted the explosive growth of game users. Those games with vast sums of users, such as for example "Fortress Night", "Minecraft", "Rocket League", etc., furthermore depend on cross-platform assistance to have success. CV could be logged inside via webpages, VR devices or even smartphones. Cross-platform login is of great advantage to projects which are just getting started. The net and smartphones on your own have opened the entranceway to most individuals on the planet. The user just needs to open the webpage, click "Enter the planet" using the mouse, and it is there. It's very easy to build issues online. In Dec 2017, the monthly active users of Minecraft arrived at 74 million. This is due to many factors, but multi-platform application and simple building things are the main reasons. Like Minecraft, CV is also available to everyone. Creating incredible works like the pursuing requires superb abilities, but most users can quickly build simple structures. Devil, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect" data-medium-file="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8 %96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-300x193.png" data-large-file="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93 %E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-1024x660 .png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51191 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201456%20939 '%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8% 96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB.png" alt="Devil, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect" width="1456" height="939" data-pagespeed-url-hash="2448424482" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Devil, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect Alotta Money, Artist: Virtual Entire world Architect" data-medium-file= "%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA% E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-300x215.png" data-large-file="%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6% 93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%E5%B8%AB-1024x734.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp -image-51192 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=``%20viewBox='0%200%201456%201044'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E8%97 %9D%E8%A1%93%E5%AE%B6%E8%99%9B%E6%93%AC%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89 %E5%B8%AB.png" alt="Alotta Money, Performer: Virtual Entire world Architect" width="1456" height="1044" data-pagespeed-url-hash="3384842422" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages. checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Alotta Money, Artist: Virtual Entire world Architect allows beginner users to rapidly start building items is a massive advantage, some platforms have surprisingly higher barriers to build, plus they don't need 3D modeling or encoding skills. Can take a detour. Probably the most sticky platforms/games for monetization often allow users to make profit some form. "Minecraft" allows users to have their very own servers, as server owners, they can sell digital items or members. Roblox goes a single action further, allowing one to create a complete video game on their system and make money according to their very own desires. Fortunately, because the style of Cryptovoxels is very open and connected to the worldwide financial system of Ethereum, it allows users to make money through in-game possessions. I have currently said that crypto artists can sell their NFT works directly online, but there are other ways to make money. The first sustainable profitable design developed by the Curriculum vitae team is the skin of the type. Cryptovoxels user MJMoonbow" data-medium-file="%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B6MJMoonbow-201x300.png" data-large-file="%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B6MJMoonbow.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51193 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%20502%20751'%3E %3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B6MJMoonbow.png" alt="Cryptovoxels user MJMoonbow" width="502" height="751" data-pagespeed-url- hash="3101853363" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Cryptovoxels user MJMoonbow could make character skins and sell them within the open market. We furthermore see that users can rent property from other gamers . CV user Conlan developed a fascinating model to get several adjacent plots and use them to develop a core theme, just like a real estate designer. He added a row of plots inside Gangnam to create interesting themes that made the area very popular, and property prices rose accordingly. Following the popularity of Jiangnan Region became well-known, some users started to lease property in this area, which progressed into another method of making money. It is still too early to realize profitability within the Cryptovoxels system, but as it develops, we shall continue to discover different profitability experiments. Among the fascinating methods is the built-in video game on the Curriculum vitae system. Further reading: Which are the Defi coins well worth investing in? Analysis from the traditional financial "PE Proportion": SNX 3 times MKR 80 periods... Prolonged reading: Industry Unique VII "Evaluate and Prospect of Blockchain Games"-Lootex. Justine Lu2020 Taiwan Blockchain Illustration Games in the upcoming video game I believe that in the next phase of CV development, mini games will undoubtedly be embedded in the building. Once users may play a lot of video games on the planet, the features of Cryptovoxels will increase by many orders of magnitude. These video games will be simple initially, but as time goes by and the number of video games raises, the game's playability and complexness will increase. . There were discussions concerning the wish to develop a shooting game that allows users to shoot blocks and create a simple casino. If Decentraland is a guide on what could be built, then the video game of Bence Varga (a designer of the small video game in Decentraland) shows exactly what will come. The game in the Cryptovoxels game is coming soon" data-medium-file="%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%81%8A%E6%88% B2%E5%8D%B3%E5%B0%87%E4%BE%86%E8%87%A8-300x254.png" data-large-file="%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2% E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2%E5%8D%B3%E5%B0%87%E4%BE%86%E8%87%A8-1024x868. png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51194 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201204%201020' %3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2%E4%B8%AD%E7%9A%84%E9%81%8A%E6%88%B2 %E5%8D%B3%E5%B0%87%E4%BE%86%E8%87%A8.png" alt="Cryptovoxels video game in the overall game is coming soon" width="1204" height="1020" data- pagespeed-url-hash="2393568131" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>The video game in the Cryptovoxels video game is coming. To further illustrate, this general seemingly large video game is within the virtual world of Decentraland. On the LAND group. If my understanding is correct, Bence Varga has created a game engine that allows users to move their perspective in a perceptually wide world, but the actual "physical" area of the overall game is very small. Take note: The property sources of DCL have become expensive, and the reduced amount of physical area is of excellent significance towards the establishment of video games in DCL If this technologies is transplanted to Cryptovoxels, then the establishment of the game will undoubtedly be almost unlimited. What will the future of Cryptovoxels appear to be in the future? As the saying goes, "software is eating the planet", which also includes our physical world. It appears that each day more folks live, function and play inside a totally virtual environment. Many people can easily complete their work at home with only a computer, plus they can get daily entertainment, such as for example streaming media, by using only networked gadgets. Show, pay attention to the radio or play video games. These broader macro trends, like the rise of remote work and social acceptance of video games, are perfectly positioning platforms such as for example CV in order to obtain great value in the coming years. In my opinion, these platforms represent the first iteration from the virtual world. Virtual Entire world (Metaverse) 1.0 I believe how the missing ingredient in the real virtual world is the blockchain. Blockchains such as for example Ethereum can understand electronic scarcity and genuine digital asset (digital asset) ownership. The true ownership of assets makes people confident to get more time, money and energy within their interaction using the virtual economy and environment. Most importantly, in addition, it allows developers and users to instantly enter the Ethereum pre-established global financial system; because of these benefits, users and developers will invest more time and money to make a larger and more strong virtual economy body. This is actually the dawn of the real virtual world edition 1.0. I do not agree with the idea that the real virtual world could be in line with the existence of non-blockchain possessions, but that is another matter. Now that I've carefully explained all of the reasons why I am optimistic about Cryptovoxels, I'll further explain that I purchase specific Cryptovoxels. The lands for the plot. Private investment position is obviously, I am optimistic about Cryptovoxels for a long period. In the past year, I've slowly occupied advantageous terrain within the Cryptovoxels map. I have by no means sold a bit of property, and I worth the long-term worth of NFT and virtual world more than the tiny profit in front of me, and Cryptovoxels seems to be in a respected position in both markets. Andrew's investment position on Cryptovoxels" data-medium-file="%E5%9C%A8Cryptovoxels%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%8A%95%E8%B3%87%E5%80% 89%E4%BD%8D-300x235.png" data-large-file="%E5%9C%A8Cryptovoxels%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%8A%95%E8%B3%87% E5%80%89%E4%BD%8D-1024x803.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51196 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns= ''%20viewBox='0%200%201456%201142'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E5%9C%A8Cryptovoxels%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E6%8A %95%E8%B3%87%E5%80%89%E4%BD%8D.png" alt="Andrew's expense position on Cryptovoxels" width="1456" height="1142" data-pagespeed-url- hash="3902129925" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>Andrew's expense position on Cryptovoxels. Recalling my first investment in Curriculum vitae, I firmly thought that height was one of the game land Important parameters. For this reason, I started some adjacent plots near Frankfurt (the in-game area), because that has been the block with the best roof height in the overall game. In those days, no one will be so stupid to spend more than one ETH from Ben (the top developer). Company) Investing in a parcel, except me. My arrogant bidding for property at that time caused quite a few commotion at that time, but I've always believed in my own opinions. Now it is really good to check back on the entry price of 1ETH! You know, the price of land in Frankfurt has increased to between 30ETH and 200ETH (data from January/February 2020).
* Both the property on Simply no. 10 and No. 8 of Top notch Throughway were sold for 30 ETH * The property on Cash Road No. 2 is area of the Playa package well worth 500 ETH, but the solitary price of 200 ETH ought to be the most valuable in Cryptovoxels. Why can you say that? Initial, it contains the biggest number of adjacent plots; 2nd, additionally it is the plot bag with the best average height. On the list of 12 adjacent plots, 9 of them are more than 18! Although the other land packs have higher land areas, they're not next to each other and so are owned by different players. I also found that since all new gamers enter the overall game from the biggest market of the planet (the guts, marked using a red underline in the figure below), the property round the "middle" should be a lot of money. The biggest market of the planet on Cryptovoxels The Center" data-medium-file="%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF% 83-The-Center-300x214.png" data-large-file="%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%B8%AD%E5% BF%83-The-Center-1024x730.png" launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51197 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox ='0%200%201456%201038'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4 %B8%AD%E5%BF%83-The-Center.png" alt="The biggest market of the World on Cryptovoxels" width="1456" height="1038" data-pagespeed-url-hash="3175013551" onload ="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>The Middle of the planet on Cryptovoxels It isn't easy to choose the land round the middle of the planet. Since many of them have been sold to other gamers, I have to The secondary marketplace seeks to take over opportunities. In those days, I had fashioned four adjacent plots, three of which happened to be on the way to the delivery of new gamers. I am convinced that the popularity of these locations will increase. I invested 1-2.5 ETH on these 4 plots. Fortunately, recently, the price of land round the center of the planet has reached the amount of 29.5 ETH to 35 ETH.
* Recently sold Buffer Crossing 2 and 4 property for 29.5 ETH *Score Fork Simply no. 1 land was recently sold for 35 ETH. After several months of getting these "real fragrance" property, I made a decision to create a comparative analysis of the property valuation. It proved that my intuition was incredibly correct. The property with the bigger upper restrict of height mentioned above, and the property around the world middle, have the best value. Further reading: Could Bitcoin become a "safe-haven asset"? From the historical exploration of the American "abandonment of yellow metal" in the 1970s Extended reading: Long story | If economic crocodile Soros really wants to destroy "Bitcoin", exactly what will he do? Personal Investment Program To be able to realize the fantastic vision from the virtual world (Metaverse), We decided to open a new business and experience within the land. My goal is to successfully generate income in the virtual world in the next three years. I have to clarify that whenever I discuss virtual worlds, it could be any blockchain-based virtual world, including CV, Decentraland, Sandbox, Somnium Space, etc. The ultimate goal is a virtual world, so it doesn't matter what platform we use to achieve this goal. I have a solid feeling that these platforms will ultimately merge together, similar to the early internal systems slowly connected to form the web that connects the planet; I also want to say that whenever I discuss the virtual world When "revenue generating" business, I mean any video game or activity that generates profit a sustainable way. If a business can earn $100 per month, I believe this is a huge victory, because it means that a native and stable business design can operate well in a totally virtual economy. The trading marketplace activities are as of the publication of the article (February 2020). Using the increase in investing volume, the marketplace has broken out. The month to month trading volume in early 2020 has reached an astonishing USD 378k. Cryptovoxels monthly sales background, recorded on nonfungible.com on February 14, 2020" data-medium-file="%E6%9C%88%E5%BA%A6%E9%8A%B7%E5%94%AE%E6 %Advertisement%B7%E5%8F%B2%EF%BC%8C2020%E5%B9%B42%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%84%E6%96 %BCnonfungible.com_-300x58.png" data-large-file="%E6%9C%88%E5%BA%A6%E9%8A%B7%E5%94%AE%E6%AD%B7%E5%8F %B2%EF%BC%8C2020%E5%B9%B42%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%84%E6%96%BCnonfungible.com_-1024x198.png "launching="lazy" course="size-full wp-image-51201 lazy" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%201456%20281'% 3E%3C/svg%3E" data-src="%E6%9C%88%E5%BA%A6%E9%8A%B7%E5%94%AE%E6%Advertisement%B7%E5%8F%B2% EF%BC%8C2020%E5%B9%B42%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%84%E6%96%BCnonfungible.com_.png" alt="Cryptovoxels Month to month sales background, recorded on nonfungible.com on February 14, 2020" width="1456" height="281" data-pagespeed-url-hash="1395090730" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);" />Cryptovoxels regular monthly sales history, recorded on nonfungible.com on February 14, 2020. There are many high-volume land dealings. At the start of the year, quite a few notable deals include:
* 29.5ETH (worth USD 5,500 at the time of transaction) * 29.5ETH (worth USD 5,500 at the time of transaction) * 30ETH (worthy of USD 6,400 at the time of transaction) * 30ETH (worthy of USD 6,400 at the time of transaction) * 35ETH (worthy of USD 7,500 at the time of transaction) * 50ETH (worthy of USD 10,000 at the time of transaction) * 52ETH (worthy of USD 8,500 at the time of transaction) * 119ETH (worthy of USD 25,000 at the time of transaction) * 500ETH (worthy of USD 110,000 at the time of the deal) what else must be done? To make the future come true, you will find too many things to be done within an orderly manner. The CV team must also grow using the NFT marketplace and continue steadily to develop. The amount of users must be greatly enhanced from the existing 460. I am hoping that new users will never be frightened off from the property price, and that more property in original metropolitan areas can be created unexpectedly. CV must continue being a gathering place for NFT collectors and players. Different video games, users with various collections need to have space to meet up, gather and display their assets. If you can keep a Gods Unchained tournament in Curriculum vitae, or you can companion with Axies users and play against each other in real time, it'll be a pleasant surprise. CV especially must maintain the top position of NFT artwork. NFT artwork will certainly grow right into a massive industry, so that it can even match the traditional artwork market in the future, so it is necessary to continue steadily to encourage artists to create in CV. If each one of these things happen, CV will have a good possiblity to be a part of the vigorous development of the virtual world in the future. Nevertheless, we should bear in mind that we have been not even the first NFT players in the virtual world. Decentraland already has 3,500 users, while Curriculum vitae has only 460. We are still in an exceedingly early phase and there are still many things to do, but now it appears that both technologies and timing are the best time to form a genuine virtual world. DappReview: To be able to develop a blockchain version of "Second Life", "Minecraft", or the fantastic virtual world shown in "NUMBER 1 Player", several blockchain + video game practitioners are searching along, such as for example Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, etc. The project has continued in the past two years, and I believe that even more teams will sign up for this rank in the future. Ideals are beautiful, and reality is really skinny. According to the present completion and development progress of all products, it is not even close to a game with complete experience and rich playability, let alone those fantastic and distant tales. Practitioners need to think carefully about how to connect the street between reality and ideal. The writer of this content, Andrew, is undoubtedly an optimist. Of course, his ass may decide his mind. Can something that makes you make 30 times much less popular? From the perspective of DappReview, in line with the current situation from the Cryptovoxels development team and community, the overall game may end up in a hard-core and niche state. After all, for most gamers who do not create structures, What we perform is to go into the video game to visit a variety of artworks and structures. As for whether it's possible to make the video game increasingly more rich using the raise of UGC articles, we are conventional. Some readers who have finished scanning this article can also be struggling to help but want to buy some property and earn 30 periods because the author did. Please be sure to control your hands. First open the overall game web site, go set for a group, go to the Discord neighborhood to watch, and then make your financial commitment is not as well late. In the event that you enjoy it, you can buy everything. In the event that you just want to make money, make sure you understand what you are buying and become responsible for your own decisions. Further reading: Dapp ecology data PK inside January, Ethereum has a significant increase in the marketplace share of Defi and games, 83% of TRON are gambling and high-risk users
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aroceu · 8 years
writing meme 018
wow have i really done 18 memes on this blog already? anyway
nabbed from @memordes which really shouldn’t be a surprise 
1) How many works in progress to do you currently have in progress?
i don’t post wips, but in terms of actual wips i’ve been working on... my top priority is (obvs) a wip, which i want to finish by next month which is a problem when mental health has been getting in the way of everything
and then i have 6 that i started within the realm of ‘recent’ that i want to finish
but i really have a lot, as always (#Ne problems...)
2) Do you/would you write fan fiction?
3) Do you prefer real books or ebooks?
i don’t care either way, books are books! ebooks tend to be easier and more accessible for others, i do like the feeling of physically holding a book but that’s literally just because it’s a preference and because i like the feeling of physically owning/possessing books, which i know is not a shared experience.
4) When did you start writing?
man lmao i was asked this question last week... the first story i distinctly remember writing and enjoying writing was when i was 6y/o and was about me encountering aliens (i probably mentioned this in an earlier meme too), i really adored both writing and drawing at 7/8/9, at 10 i got really obsessed with books which led to me being really passionate about writing - there was a before-school club for creative writing and i kind of flaunted myself. also for our gifted program i would write stories for our longterm projects. (i got like a 12k thing and a 4k thing done, they were self-inserty and embarrassing but i was 9-10 so WHATEVER.) 11/12/13 i got super into it and so did a lot of my friends and then like when irl shit happened i just dissociated via writing so... lmao. it’s really just escalated over the years.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
lmao this sounds... well, anyway, it depends on the work. but tl;dr i have a bunch of different people i would send initial drafts to bc i trust them and bc what i write i feel like falls into their lines of interests
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
alone bitch
7) Favourite childhood book?
all my childhood books are my favorites tbh i usually don’t like contemporary/modern/adult shit but mostly because i have 0 attention span and they’re about topics i don’t care about; children’s books approach simplistic topics and usually explore them in complex ways. ANYWAY, children-children books my fav is the time garden by edward eager (who i always cite as my fav author)
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
both! honestly years ago i would’ve said publication but i’m like really disillusioned now to a) how the publishing industry works, b) what exactly i would like to get published (both in terms of content and quality), and c) after like years of anxiety and being such a pretentious ass re: publication it’s way more fulfilling for me now just to prioritize fun first, publication second. 
and also i’ve been published before
9) Pen and paper or computer?
both always, though i change a lot regarding how much energy or attention span i have (which these days is close to none so it’s really not like i’ve been writing much lately anyway...) also with the shit attention span my quality when i write longhand is <<<<<<<<<<<<< compared to when i’m on the computer because my brain sucks so i’m more inclined to digital screens these days anyway
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
yes, i take writing classes literally any opportunity i can lmao. elementary school, middle school, high school, 3 years of uni... which probably amounts to at least 10 over my life, not including required english courses lmao
also fun fact apparently one of my old english teachers (who was bad, anyway) after i had left middle school had apparently made the 13 year olds do nanowrimo; my brother had told me since he was that age at the time, though he didn’t have the teacher. anyway i was jealous but i also thought it was fucking hilarious because it’s kind of senseless to make 13 year olds write 50k in a month if they don’t make the initial choice or have that kind of dedication to
11) What inspires you to write?
a bunch of shit but mostly i just have a cool idea so i write it because my ideas are amazing and flawless and i am talented at executing them (Y)
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dydturktek · 5 years
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albinohare · 6 years
A voyage for 21st Century madmen? What drives the Golden Globe skippers
Helen Fretter went to the start of the Golden Globe Race to find out why 17 men and one woman have eschewed modern technology to race solo around the world for 300 days
PPL PHOTO AGENCY – COPYRIGHT FREE for editorial use only PHOTO CREDIT: Christophe Favreau/PPL/GGR Tel: +44(0)7768 395719 E.mail: [email protected] web: www.pplmedia.com ***2018 Golden Globe Race – Mark Sinclair (AUS) Lello 34 Coconut, passing through the Marina Rubicon ‘Gate’ off Lanzarote in the Canaries.
A voyage for madmen, so was the original Sunday Times Golden Globe Race deemed. When the first non-stop race around the world began in 1968 few thought a man could sail around the world alone. The common opinion was that the limits of human endurance would be reached long before 30,000 miles around the planet could be completed.
In some respects those early critics were tragically correct. Donald Crowhurst was famously driven beyond the edge of reason during the race, falsifying position reports before his presumed suicide. Bernard Moitessier felt the siren call of the sea so strongly he continued on alone, unable to return to western life or even his family. Six others failed, one – Nigel Tetley – after his yacht sank beneath him.
But one man and one yacht proved them wrong. Robin Knox-Johnston and Suhaili showed it could be done when he completed his solo circumnavigation in 312 days. 
Since then more than 200 people have sailed around the world alone, non-stop (for context, some 530 have gone into space, and 306 have summited K2).
From BOC Challenge and Vendée Globe competitors to record-breakers and record-seekers, pioneers of different ages and nationalities, sailing the wrong way round, or from start ports as various as Qingdao and Mumbai, solo sailors have pushed the limits of what a non-stop circumnavigation can be. No longer is there any question that it can be done: the current record time stands at a breathtaking 42 days, set by François Gabart in the 100ft trimaran Macif last winter.
Yachts have never been faster, communication equipment never more advanced, weather forecasting and routeing tools never more accurate. So why on earth would 18 souls bid to sail around the world with the same privations those nine original Golden Globe entrants had to endure? They will not be the first nor the fastest, so why voluntarily cut contact for months on end, place their faith in small, traditionally equipped yachts, and let their fates be determined by the wind, the waves, and their own mental fortitude?
The reasons are as varied as each of the 18 entrants. The premise of the 2018 Golden Globe race is a little extraordinary, and it has attracted a collection of unique and extraordinary characters.
© Christophe Favreau/PPL/GGR. The 2018 Golden Globe Race from Les Sables d’Olonne, France. Uku Randmaa (EST) Rustler 36 One and All leads Antoine Cousot (FRA) Biscay 36 MŽtier IntŽrim
The race was born out of a personal passion. Australian adventurer Don McIntyre finished 2nd in the 1990-91 BOC Challenge solo round the world race, but harked to sail around again in Knox-Johnston’s wake. As the 50th anniversary of Knox-Johnston’s return approached McIntyre started to plan how it could be done. Others showed an interest in joining him, and what started as a personal pilgrimage rapidly evolved into a full-blown race. McIntyre initially planned to take part, but the organisation required escalated until he sold his boat (to entrant Kevin Farebrother) and became race chairman instead.
Perhaps surprisingly, there was never any shortage of people willing to take part. At one stage the entry list was overflowing with 30 declarations of interest and another 15 on the waiting list. In the end, 18 became official entrants, 17 took the startline – the financial, practical and qualification demands of the race having seen all but the most determined away.
Among those 18 were numerous professional sailors, whose CVs include the Jester Challenge, OSTAR, Vendée Globe, BOC Challenge, superyacht events, the Whitbread Round the World Race, and many more.
But there was also a former firefighter, Kevin Farebrother, who admits that he ‘barely’ had the qualifying mileage under his belt; Palestinian currency trader Nabil Amra; 28-year-old Susie Goodall, taking part in her first ever solo race, and amateur yachtsmen for whom the event is a fantasy made reality.
© Christophe Favreau/PPL/GGR Abhilash Tomy (IND) Suhaili replica Thuriya is cheered by 35,000 people lining the river entrance
For Jean-Luc Van Den Heede the race is a chance to recreate a formative moment in his own life. “I followed [the 1966 Golden Globe] at the time – I was 23. I dreamt about this race.”
From watching those early pioneers, Van Den Heede went on to carve out a sailing career few could dream of. He has five circumnavigations to his name, four of them podium finishes (2nd and 3rd places) in both the Vendée Globe and BOC/Around Alone Race. Aged 73, he has absolutely nothing to prove and is gleefully doing this for the sheer fun of it.
“I didn’t want to sail again around the world, for me that was finished. Even if Matmut [his sponsor] gave me €10million I wouldn’t do the Vendée Globe again. I’ve done it twice, and now it’s a technological race, and less of an adventure,” he tells me.
Eager entrant
Yet when a friend mailed Heede details of the Golden Globe Race proposal in 2015, he was signed up within the week. Having raced at the leading edge of competition, will he not find it frustrating to be sailing round the world so slowly? “No,” he says, “it is because it is different that I want to do this.” 
At 73 years he considers that he might be “a little bit too old”, so says he’s taking part with an open mind. However, he is clearly not a competitor to be underestimated and after two weeks of racing was lying 3rd.
Australian Mark Sinclair is another sailor for whom a major draw is the sense of becoming part of maritime history. Sinclair’s diminutive orange Lello 34 Coconut carries a library that includes everything from Homer’s Odyssey to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Naomi James’ Alone Around the World, and of course, Knox-Johnston’s A World of My Own.
“I think it’s crazy to sail single-handed around the world without stopping – why would you do that? Why not stop at all those interesting places? But this is a re-enactment of Knox Johnston’s voyage: frame it like that with a sextant and a Walker trailing log and Nories tables, and it’s just so exciting.”
Sinclair sailed solo from Australia to New Zealand in his early 20s and dreamed of a circumnavigation, but a career and family life got in the way. “One of the problems of sailing around the world is you can put it off, and put it off…” he admits, “But this is the 50th anniversary of Knox-Johnston doing the first circumnavigation. It’s on a date – if you miss it, there’s not going to be another. So it’s a catalyst to action, and I just found it absolutely compelling.”
Others discovered the notion much more recently. Former firefighter and SAS soldier Kevin Farebrother only started sailing five years before he started the Golden Globe, and confirmed his entry after reading A World of My Own during an Everest expedition.
Dutchman Mark Slats is another adventurer for whom the Golden Globe is another personal challenge. Intensely driven and competitive, Slats interrupted his Golden Globe preparation to row the Atlantic, demolishing the solo world record time by five days and rowing relentlessly for 18 hours a day. 
He has set targets for the number of days he wants each ‘stage’ of the Golden Globe to take and says the thing he is most concerned about is losing motivation: “The hardest thing will be to not get lazy, every job can be done tomorrow.”
Slats uses some bizarre psychological tricks to keep driven – even listening to music he hates for hours on end during his Atlantic row so he could ‘reward’ himself with something better at the end of a watch.
He has already completed two solo circumnavigations and has ambitions of one day doing a Vendée. “I want to be competitive in this, I’m going to be racing the whole way,” he says. He is one of the early stage leaders.
As individual as each competitor is the way they’ve approached the preparation and modification of their yachts. Philippe Péché, a Breton whose career has included twice winning the Jules Verne Trophy, is sailing one of six Rustler 36s in the race, but his is branded in the famous orange livery of PRB. His Rustler 36 has hanked-on headsails, lightweight Karver blocks and similar to make the cruising design as lightweight as possible.
Mark Slats is a world record breaking ocean rower
Mark Slats is sailing another Rustler 36. He too has focussed on reducing weight, packing as minimally as he can with no treats or luxuries. Uniquely, Slats also has two rowlocks fitted to his yacht The Ohpen Maverick with an over-length oar designed to be rowed standing. Slats plans to row for up to 12 or 15 hours a day if needed, giving extra impetus through 100 miles or so of the Doldrums.
Jean-Luc Van Den Heede has modified his Rustler 36 by shortening his rig and increasing the roach on his mainsail. He believes being able to sail consistently, reducing the need to reef repeatedly, will pay off. He also wanted to reduce weight aloft for the Southern Ocean.
Traditional aids
Mark Sinclair has kept his Lello 34 as authentic as possible, refurbishing original winches and engine and fitting a 40-year-old Aries wind vane. 
Abhilash Tomy went one step further – his Thuriya is a new build near-replica of Suhaili. 
Tomy, who was the first Indian sailor ever to circumnavigate the globe, wanted to build a boat in India but, according the rules, the only new build permitted was an Eric 32 – the original design of Suhaili (all other yachts must be production models, with at least 20 built and designed prior to 1988).
When he approached Knox-Johnston for advice, Sir Robin pointed out that it would be the slowest boat in the fleet. Undaunted, Tomy bought the plans for $200. “She’s the oldest design, from 1923, but the youngest boat,” he says.
Thuriya is actually a thing of loveliness, more spacious below than many of the more modern designs with beautiful woodwork on the gunwales and bowsprit. While Knox-Johnston was not always complimentary about Suhaili’s sailing capabilities, Abhilash seems fond of Thuriya.
“Upwind I don’t need to touch the tiller, she sails on her own. At 25 knots she starts moving. She likes it; I don’t have to shorten sails too much.
“The boat is in charge, she has a life of her own.”
Besides the restrictions to design, there are huge limitations on what each skipper may take. The banned list includes GPS, radar, AIS, chart plotters and electronic charts, electronic wind instruments, electric autopilots, electronic log, mobile phone, tablets, iPods, or any computer-based device, CD players, video cameras and digital cameras, satellite equipment of any kind, digital binoculars, pocket scientific calculators, electronic clocks or watches, watermakers, and materials including carbon fibre, Spectra, Kevlar, and rod rigging. 
For safety the boats may carry an AIS transponder that does not give access to GPS. For emergency use only, they also carry GPS units in sealed packages. If the seals are broken, or the skipper makes landfall to carry out repairs, then they are moved to the ‘Chichester’ division of the race.
Navigation is by sextant, and all celestial observations and calculations must be clearly recorded for verification.
Communication is limited to Ham radio, weekly satellite calls with the organisers, and very brief telegram-style messages – outgoing only. Weather bulletins are received by radio. 
Despite the drive for authenticity, curiously, engines are not sealed and competitors may carry up to 160 litres of fuel, buying them a few hundred miles of motoring through the lightest airs and at the compulsory film drops to handover their Super8 footage and stills photos.
© Christophe Favreau/PPL/GGR Traditional navigation equipment to be used by skippers in the GGR: Wind-up chronometer, sextant, paper charts, parallel ruler, protractor and trailing log
Provisioning and stowage was a huge challenge for all. Every skipper I spoke to was carrying a spare mainsail, a massive item to carry on such small yachts. Spares included replacement headsails, spinnaker poles, and windvane gear. Endless tools and repair kits have to be carried – Mark Sinclair explained how he had planned to convert Coconut’s saloon table into a work bench if needed, with vices, clamps and timber packed.
Sinclair estimated he also had some 1,000 cans of food on board. Provisioning choices varied with a mix of canned and vacuum-packed meals. With no watermakers on board skippers will need to catch their own water, limiting the usefulness of freeze-dried food. Susie Goodall even opted to go plastic-free with her provisions, using dozens of glass Kilner jars.
A transformative experience
Few of the skippers who set out on 1st July had any real idea how they will contend with nine or ten months with virtually no contact from other people.
As the youngest skipper, Susie Goodall, born in 1990, will never have known life without the internet, email or text messages. It’s likely that music on cassette tapes is as alien to her as the Super 8 cine film supplied to each boat. 
Goodall seemed brittle with nerves before the start, but it was hard to judge if she was nervous about the upcoming voyage, or more likely struggling to contend with the hundreds of people wanting to talk to her about the event in the final few days.
Mark Slatts thrives on utter isolation. Two days into his cross-Atlantic row he cut the wires on this GPS because he found the ‘miles to go’ countdown so intrusive. 
Mark Sinclair, who has sailed thousands of miles solo, was also looking forward to it. “Moby Dick’s got 600 pages, if I read two pages a day I’ll just get through it,” he jokes. 
“I spend most of my time sitting up in the cockpit watching the water go by, I find it hypnotic. 
“Sometimes I have to make a radio sched and it’s so invasive, I feel like it’s invading my space.”
But not everyone can cope: within a week of starting, Ertan Beskardes withdrew from the race. He explained on Facebook: “Not talking to my family regularly to share the daily experiences has sadly taken the joy and happiness from this experience. These feelings gradually got worse until nothing else mattered except to talk to them. This wasn’t an experience I was prepared for.”
Before the start Kevin Farebrother admitted he was nervous about his lack of experience. “And to be honest, the solitude for nine months. It could be too much, I don’t know – if I only last two weeks we’ll know it’s a problem?” he said presciently. 
In fact he retired after exactly two weeks, unable to adapt to sleep below decks. “For me it is like getting into the back seat of a moving car to sleep when no-one is at the wheel,” he said, as he retired from the race. 
Abhilash Tomy is another looking forward to the isolation. For him the bigger challenge is rejoining the modern world.“It’s always the return, coming back that’s harder. It’s painful integrating back into society.
“I found it very amusing last time. You see people having conversations – they’re talking a lot but they’re not communicating what they want to say.”
Tomy believes the race will be transformative for all the skippers. “They all will be changed, but to what degree, to what extent and in what direction is something that will be decided by their expectations of this race, and what experiences they have.”
We will have to wait some 300 days to find out.
  This article appeared in the September 2018 issue of Yachting World magazine – visit https://goldengloberace.com for latest updates on race places and retirements
The post A voyage for 21st Century madmen? What drives the Golden Globe skippers appeared first on Yachting World.
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im-a-ramblr · 2 years
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thelillykane · 8 years
I would love to hear your headcanons for Logan and Lillys relationship the early years. How did they start? How old? Did Lilly always cheat from the start? Was she ever in love with Logan as much as he was? Were they each others first? Thank you.
Sorry it took me so long to respond to this! I wish I had a good, none trash reason, but. Also I’m not really answering this in like a fic format because I cannot accomplish that rn, but maybe some other time. 
How did they start? How old? 
Okay, so canon kind of fucks this up in terms of in 1x04 Veronica tells Logan “I was twelve when you moved here”, which would mean that Logan didn’t meet Lilly/Duncan/Veronica or any of them until he was eleven. But then in 1x22 (iirc) Logan says that him and Duncan have been best friends since they were five, which means he’s known Lilly since she was six/seven. So it gives two conflicted timelines, but, for my purposes I always merge the two together. Rich families like the Kanes and the Echolls can realistically afford to travel places and attend the same fancy clubs or whatever the fuck (it doesn’t ever state in canon where Logan lived before he moved to Neptune, but I’ve always assumed it was LA) so in my mind the two families and their kids established a pre-existing relationship, which is why they eventually chose to move to Neptune. ANYWAY ALL THAT ASIDE I’ve read some fanfiction where the author has Logan and Lilly largely not get along until they’re in junior high, which is when Logan says they start dating in 1x12. But I think that’s bullshit. In what world would Logan Echolls meet Lilly Kane and not immediately love her? (also I mean just fucking LOOK at him when he’s watching the home videos of her in 1x04 like..he knew that girl he loved that girl, even then) 
So, in my mind, although Logan obviously bonds with Duncan and first, he always has a tangible connection with Lilly starting from when they first meet, which surprises Duncan because Lilly usually has no patience for his other friends. But Logan admires how reckless she is, even when she knows it’ll get her in massive amounts of trouble. And Logan has grown up so scared and so cautious because any little thing will set his Dad off and he feels essentially claustrophobic all the time and Lilly (and Duncan) helps him feel safe or some shit and he feels like he’s actually living or whatever when she’s with him and he thinks her parents – her Dad, mostly – are so cool and he essentially hero worships her for the first few years until he’s like eight. Lilly, for her part, likes Logan because he’s funny and seems to /get/ her like he’s unimpressed with some of her admittedly attention seeking childhood stunts, but he also doesn’t think she’s lame because she secretly likes the piano lessons her mother forces her into and the singing competitions she enrolls in. And they both understand what it’s like to have parents that make if feel a little like they’re suffocating all the time or like they’re not good enough somehow, even though they’re literally only kids. (Logan doesn’t tell her about his abuse but it’s just the general vibe). I do headcanon though that they both pretend to be wholly unimpressed whenever the other does something or says something, which drives Duncan crazy because he knows they’re friends and they communicate in like their own secret language half the time. (In the early years a lot of their activities are based off of driving Duncan crazy they love it) 
ROMANTICALLY, I think growing up they could kind of sense the other was going to be attractive and thought they were cute or whatever, but it definitely isn’t until they’re in middle school– Lilly’s in seventh grade and Logan’s in sixth (so like 13 ish and 12 ish) – and Logan basically lives at the Kane house with Duncan that they start to take notice and they’re like, oh, shit. 
They’re totally obvious about it and 0% discreet too, so for the first few weeks there’s a lot of blatantly checking each other and making suggestive comments that really aren’t suggestive at all (they’ve always flirted but never like this. they make an olympic sport of this) but they’re quickly dissatisfied with just talking and theorizing so they decide ON THE STRICT BASIS THAT NEITHER DUNCAN NOR VERONICA FINDS OUT that they’ll start making out to see if they’re any good at it. essentially, their thinking is that they might as well start practicing like really practicing (because they’ve both kissed before like little pecks and closed mouth shit that doesn’t count) with someone they’re already comfortable with and they can try out different strategies and techniques and shit with each other and see what works and what turns them on and what doesn’t. 
during this time frame they’re also constantly planning games of truth and dare or spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven with the 09ers, so they can scope out any competition (they both want to be The Best in the field and they will be) and any potential future make out partners. these parties essentially turn into really elaborate “Logan and Lilly mock everybody secretly behind their backs” sessions and they realize kind of with alarm that they don’t like making out with anybody as much as they like making out with each other but they’re both kinda ?? about that so they don’t say anything they just keep making out and keep hosting unchaperoned make out events and eventually their make outs escalate to second base which escalates to third base (for Lilly anyway, Logan’s got great fingers and she’s human with eyes and he wanted to make sure he was good at that anyway. it worked out for her so much) and then they’re both drinking slushies spiked with some of his mom’s liquor and they’re watching charmed in the background (it’s a rerun, otherwise it would have their full undivided attention) and they’re really close to each other on the couch for no good reason and she keeps playing with his hair and he’s massaging her feet because they’re in his lap and why not and they just kind of look at each other after a bit of this and blurt at the same time: “We’re dating.” 
Were they each others first? 
Yes. They did it the summer before she started high school because they were stupidly worried about going to separate schools, even though up until the ages of 11 & 13 they used to go days or weeks or months without seeing each other. And, again, Logan essentially lived at the Kane residence, but it was still weird and they wanted to be close to each other and have something special between them. They manage to keep it a secret – even though Duncan probably knows or suspects at least – all summer and it isn’t until a few weeks before Halloween that Veronica finds out they’re sleeping together and almost loses her mind because she thinks they’re too young. 
Lilly, for her part, never planned on losing her virginity to Logan. She knew that they were in love and that age be damned they were close to taking that step, but despite being in love with him, she knew she wasn’t ready to only be with one person for the rest of her life and she knew that Logan was her one person, no matter what anyone said or thought of their relationship. So she was trying to a fabricate a scenario in which she could have sex with another person first, so it would mean less when she had it with him, but she couldn’t actually bring herself to go through with it. 
Did Lilly always cheat from the start? 
Well. I hate this particular question but.
No. In the beginning, even after they declared themselves dating, Logan and Lilly had a quasi-open relationship. Essentially, they continued to throw and participate in games with their friends that were designed for sexual activity, including kissing and going much, much further. This was designed so they could continue to not feel trapped in their relationship (which both of them were afraid of based off of their parents marriages) and because quite frankly because they got a real kick out of watching people like Pam and Kimmy and Duncan try and tongue people. (also, listen, my kids are bi but in the closet so this was a great non-obvious environment for them in which they got to freely kiss – and more! – the same sex and have ppl not think it was suspicious) 
Gradually, as they keep falling more in love, Lilly runs into a bit of a dilemma. She loves Logan and she knows in the future she’ll marry him and eventually convince him to have children but she’s fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and she wants to live too. Also, Logan begins to cares less about kissing or whatever with other people unless she really pushes for it (he no longer considers it that much fun) and while he still flirts with every one that moves it’s not the same, he’s ready for them to settle and move into this next stage and she’s not. And she’ll admit that she feels….obscenely jealous every time another girl looks at Logan or Logan smiles at any person that isn’t her for any reason whatsoever and she hates feeling that way because they’re young damnit she refuses to believe they have to be tied down and super committed anyway. She starts cheating, slowly, crossing-the-line flirting with people, she makes out with the tour guide in Venice when her family vacations there, she lets some boy mail her nude photographs and the thing is, she shares all of this with Logan. tells him the stories in detail and they look at the photos she gets mailed together and he has almost no reaction?? which is weird because she’s seen him tense like she’s tensing and she knows he’s feeling equally jealous and crazed like she is but on the surface he seems unphased and unbothered, which isn’t working for her. 
She sleeps with Weevil – she’s always seen him eyeing her – when her and Logan are broken up. It’s one of their shortest break ups ever, resolving itself within a couple of hours, but for some reason she doesn’t come clean about what she did. It, technically, wasn’t cheating, so he has no real right to know but that night she feels different and she’s convinced Logan is looking at her different but she doesn’t totally hate how powerful it makes her feel. The second, third, fourth, sixteenth time she sleeps with Weevil it’s behind Logan’s back. Logan knows (and Duncan knows, weirdly) but he doesn’t call her out on anything. 
When her and Logan break up next she’s been sleeping with Weevil pretty steadily for months – and Weevil makes her feel like she can walk on water, the fact that she has the leader of the biker gang so pathetic he tries to read her poetry. (she doesn’t like that side of him though, she only wants the fast paced rush that comes with fucking the leader of a gang who’s grandma cleans her boyfriends counters) – and it’s their first break up in a while that makes her feel like the world is ending. They break up on his terms (unrelated to any cheating suspicions though) and she goes home and sobs when it’s over which is unlike her because boys do not make Lilly Kane cry. For a solid month he doesn’t even speak to her, or Duncan, and barely to Dorkus, and the first time he does have a conversation with her she turns around and ends things ASAP with Weevil (which ends up being way harder than it should’ve been and he makes her go from feeling powerful to creeped out and uncomfortable pretty damn fast) even though it takes them about another month to get officially back together. 
She cheats again, after Weevil, obviously. But Weevil’s really the only one that made her feel icky, like she was doing something wrong and immoral, even though it was just sex (all of her affairs are just sex). Logically, she knows sleeping with Aaron is wrong and yikes, but she feels that rush the whole time she does it. 
*Also, tbf, Logan cheats on Lilly too as shown during “Lord of the Bling.” While his cheating pales significantly in comparison to sleeping with one of her parents it does happen (and Logan was 100% doing it to piss her off to and I don’t think Lilly was paying Logan much mind when she started sleeping with Aaron) 
Was she ever in love with Logan as much as he was?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, x761964632
There is no doubt in my mind she loved him as much as he loved her. In small amounts of screen time they had together on the screen they are ridiculous and infatuated with one another, equally. We see it from the way she took his advice about silly stuff and made it her own (like uses the vents to hide stuff in, she gets that idea from Logan, and then passes it off as her own because I think she’s keeping parts of him to herself), how he knows stuff about her that Duncan and Veronica don’t know (in 1x04 when they’re playing never have i ever and logan pushes the cup to lilly’s mouth to drink because he knows the answer), and, again, in 1x04 – which is the best Veronica Mars episode thank you very much – when Logan’s sleeping with his head in her lap and she’s kind of cradling his head like!! 
So, yes. She was a teenager and she was young and she was fabulous, impulsive, reckless, secretive, manipulative, thriving, caring, passionate, silly, enamored, etc., but none of this ever ever meant that she didn’t love him. 
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